Dokumendiregister | Sotsiaalministeerium |
Viit | 2-6.3/1390-1 |
Registreeritud | 19.04.2021 |
Sünkroonitud | 23.03.2024 |
Liik | Väljaminev kiri |
Funktsioon | 2 Välisabi ja struktuuritoetuste rakendamine |
Sari | 2-6.3 Norra / EMP finantsinstrument 2014-2021 |
Toimik | 2-6.3/17268 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskus, Kultuuriministeerium |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskus, Kultuuriministeerium |
Vastutaja | Ülar Vaadumäe (Sotsiaalministeerium, Kantsleri vastutusvaldkond, e-teenuste asekantsleri vastutusvaldkond, Nutika arengu toetamise osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Suur-Ameerika 1 / 10122 Tallinn / 626 9301 / [email protected] / / registrikood 70001952
Martin Karro Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskus [email protected]
Meie 19.04.2021 nr 2-6.3/1390-1
Avatud taotlusvooru "Muinsuskaitsealad ajaloolistes linnakeskustes" hindamiskomisjoni otsused ja rahastamiseks kinnitatud projektitaotlused
Lugupeetud Martin Karro Palume Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskusel kui Euroopa Majanduspiirkonna ja Norra toetuste 2014– 2021 programmi „Kohalik areng ja vaesuse vähendamine“ rakendusüksusel langetada toetuse rahuldamise otsused avatud taotlusvooru „Muinsuskaitsealad ajaloolistes linnakeskustes“ raames laekunud projektitaotluste suhtes, mille on kinnitanud 25. märtsil 2021. aastal kohtunud taotlusvooru hindamiskomisjon. Palun rakendusüksusel võtta rahastusotsuse langetamisel arvesse, et taotlejad täiendaksid eelnevalt oma projektikirjeldusi ja eelarveid hindamiskomisjoni viidatud tingimustel, mis kajastuvad täpsemalt hindamiskomisjoni protokollis (lisatud). Lugupidamisega (allkirjastatud digitaalselt) Kristiina Hunt nutika arengu toetamise osakonna juhataja Lisa: Minutes of the SC meeting (March 25 2021)_FINAL Ülar Vaadumäe 626 9249 [email protected]
EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021
Programme: Local Development and Poverty Reduction
Selection Committee meeting March 25, 2021
Open call for proposals
„Historic old town centres with cultural heritage protection areas“
Overview Project max duration: 30 months
Call amount: € 2,859,647
Project grant size: € 200,000 – 500,000
Project grant rate: 80%
Eligible applicants: all entities, public or private, commercial or non-commercial, or non-governmental organisation, established as a legal person in Estonia who own a building inside the heritage conservation area of Haapsalu, Kuressaare, Lihula, Paide, Pärnu, Rakvere, Viljandi, Valga or Võru.
SGS is financed from the EEA Grants FM
Eligible activities and criteria of the call for proposals:
Activities related to the restoration and taking into public use of the buildings located at heritage conservation areas of small towns
Activities must include the restoration of a complete building, meaning both exterior and interior. Additions to existing buildings are eligible if they contribute to maximising the use of the existing building.
Preference is given to the buildings that are located at the area where the architectural competition “Great Public Space” was held or at an adjacent property
Housing (private, municipal, social etc) is not eligible as a function of the restored building.
Targets (cumulative for the open call): at least 5 VET schools and/or sustainable renovation centres have co-operated
with cultural heritage revitalisation projects*;
at least 7 local municipalities have participated as partners or promoters in the restoration projects.
* The financed project promoters will participate in the pre-defined project of the National Heritage Board and Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage “Historic town centres revitalised through heritage-based local development” and establish conditions for carrying out training activities at their restored object.
Number Expected programme results Indicator Baseline
value Baseline
year Target value
Outcome 1 Historic town centres
revitalised through heritage-based local
Number of cultural heritage
buildings revitalised
0 N/A 7
Evaluation criteria of the open call No Criterion Points % 1 Project quality 30 30,00%
Competence and performance of the applicant and partner 5 Activity plan and time schedule, risks 5
Sustainability of the project 5 Financial capability of the applicant 5
Quality of the budget 6 Rate of co-financing 4
2 The building, its impact in the urban environment and impact of the function on the heritage conservation area 30 30,00%
Location of the building in the urban environment 10 Cultural value of the building 5
Impact of the planned use of the building on the heritage conservation area 15
3 Share of public use of and access to the building 20 20,00% Share of public use of the building 15
Access to the building 5 4 Pre-project rate of use and technical condition of the building 10 10,00% 5 Participation of partners in planning and implementing the project 10 10,00%
Projects received within deadline:
Altogether 29 project proposals were submitted by deadline 5 proposals have already been or will be rejected for reasons
of administrative or eligibility criteria
Total grant amount applied for is approx. 11 MEUR, while the total grant available is 2,86 MEUR
Evaluation of independent experts Evaluator 1: Ms Helen Haab, School of Natural Sciences and Health
(SNSH), Research coordinator, Tallinn University;
Evaluator 2: Ms Maris Mändel, PhD, Head of Architectural conservation in-service training courses, Estonian Academy of Arts.
There were no project applications where the difference between the scores given by the two experts was over 30%, therefore no third evaluation was necessary (point 20.5), all under 20%
There was 1 project applications that received under 40% of the total score, leading to an automatic negative decision (point 20.6)
Ranking list of experts (1-6)
Project Applicant Grant applied Average
Renovation of the spirits barn of the Lihula manor into community handicraft centre and heritage protection information centre (Linnuse road 1, Lihula city)
Lääneranna Municipality 500 000,00 89,5
2 Renovation of a historical building (timber) at Kesk str 19, Valga Valga Municipality 399 984,00 89,0
3 Renovation of Kuressaare port storehouse (Veski str 9, Kuressaare)
Kuressaare Port Storehouse Ltd 500 000,00 88,0
4 Holistic lifestyle centre (Tolli str 4, Kuressaare) Holisticum Ltd 500 000,00 87,5
Development of a community centre for NGO Paide unit of Information Centre for Sustainable Renovation
NGO Paide unit of Information Centre for Sustainable Renovation 399 768,00 85,5
Development of an historic inn into a guest house and remote workplace (F. R. Kreutzwaldi str 52, Võru)
Freinhold House Ltd 354 383,77 85,0
Ranking list of experts (7-12) Project Applicant Grant applied Average
7 Development of the museum of Mr Evald Okas into a year-round art centre
NGO Museum of Mr Evald Okas 500 000,00 83,5
8 Puppet theatre. Renovation of a building at Lossi str 3, Viljandi Viljandi City Government 500 000,00 81,5
9 Renovation of a building at Uus str 2, Pärnu into a Town Hall Courtyard Music House Pärnu City Government 500 000,00 81,5
10 Renovation of a historic Valga city school at Kesk str 22, Valga Valga Municipality 479 924,00 81,0
Renovation of Rakvere city mound windmill into a visitor centre (Vallimäe road 2, Rakvere) ANETO Development Ltd 452 778,00 78,0
Renovation of the Rehbinder House into a public visitor centre with an permanent exhibition and museum of historic Estonian furniture (Tallinna str 5, Rakvere)
Foundation Museums of Virumaa 458 095,20 74,5
Ranking list of experts (13-19) Project Applicant Grant applied Average
13 Renovation of a building at Kauba str 1, Kuressaare Kauba One Ltd 406 859,12 71,0 14 Renovation of a building at Supeluse str 1, Pärnu STAT Ltd 500 000,00 69,5
15 Renovation of Viljandi Aeroplane Factory as a public cooperation centre (Hariduse str 12a, Viljandi linn)
NGO Viljandi Aeroplane Factory 528 311,84 69,0
16 Restoration of Pärnu Eliisabet Church (Nikolai str 22, Pärnu).
Pärnu Eliisabet Congregation of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheral Church 500 000,00 67,5
17 Renovation and activation of Pärnu cultural heritage monument (Ranna boulevard 3, Pärnu)
TRANSCOM ASSETS Ltd 458 990,00 66,5
Renovation of a building at Kreutzwaldi str 36, Võru for the public community use Edepol Ltd 499 424,57 65,5
Renovation of Arensburg hotel and reconstruction of a historic courtyard. Providing new spa, cultural and culinary experiences to the public Arens Assets Ltd 426 220,38 63,0
Ranking list of experts (20-26) Project Applicant Grant applied Average
Turning Kuressaare Postal House into a multifunctional community house
Postal House Ltd 500 000,00 62,0
Renovation and rebuilding of a commercial and a residential building at Tartu str 24/24A, Viljandi
Aasa Guesthouse Ltd 500 000,00 61,0
Renovation of a building situated along the Pärnu city moat into a cafe-wine shop (Sadama str 5, Pärnu)
Kauni Knittings Ltd 296 994,34 59,0
23 Renovation of a building situated at Valga central square for public use (Sepa str 4, Valga) Rediver Ltd 500 000,00 56,0
24 Renovation and extension of a commercial building at Ehte str 2, Haapsalu Rent Ltd 424 502,40 56,0
25 HouseofExperience (F. R. Kreutzwaldi str 39, Võru) Argeliste Ltd 274 720,00 55,5
26 Competence and development centre for creative education (Lossi str 30, Viljandi)
Classroom Ltd 217 375,00 38,0
APPLIED: 11 050 018,78 € AVAILABLE: 2 859 647,00 €
Selection Committee members
Voting members
Ms Liina Jänes – adviser to the Cultural Heritage Department, Ministry of Culture;
Ms Ms Nele Rent – member of the Estonian National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS); Mr Siim Raie – head of the Estonian National Heritage Board.
The representatives of the Donor Programme Partner Riksantikvaren and Financial Mechanism Committee as well as Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and State Shared Service Centre (National Focal Point and Programme Operator Implementing Agency).
Evaluators Ms Helen Haab, Ms Maris Mändel
Selection Committee tasks The goal to confirm the list of project applications suggested to be financed and the list of project applications not to be financed and forward its decision to the Programme Operator Implementing Agency (i.e. State Shared Service Centre) for formal decision making.
The tasks review the ranking list of project applications resulting from the
mathematical average of individual expert evaluation scores; confirm the list of project applications suggested to be financed and the
list of project applications not to be financed; modify the ranking list of the project applications or propose only partial
financing of projects in justified cases based on transparent criteria recorded in the minutes of the committee meeting.
After the Selection Committee
Chairman of the Selection Committee and the PO will sign the minutes of the meeting, where decisions are laid down in a transparent and accountable manner describing which project proposals shall be awarded a grant and which proposals will be rejected.
PO Implementing Agency will cast a decision to award a grant or decline awarding a grant based on the written recommendation of the Selection Committee.
Discussion and decisions
Aitäh! Takk!
Ülar Vaadumäe ([email protected])