Dokumendiregister | Transpordiamet |
Viit | 3.2-4/22/1741-1 |
Registreeritud | 29.07.2022 |
Sünkroonitud | 20.05.2024 |
Liik | Üldleping |
Funktsioon | 3.2 Lepingute haldamine |
Sari | 3.2-4 Üldlepingud |
Toimik | 3.2-4 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | |
Vastutaja | Ants-Kristjan Masing (Transpordiamet, Users, Liikuvuse korraldamise teenistus, Liikluse juhtimise osakond, Veeliikluse juhtimise üksus) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Name of contracting authority: Estonian Transport Administration
Name of public procurement: Procurement of AIS/VDES base stations
Type of procurement procedure: Open procedure
Reference number: 249678
RA Annex 1 The technical specifications
1 General
1.1 Any reference by the purchaser in this document to the source, process, standard, trademark,
patent, type, origin or method of manufacture shall be construed as supplemented by the
words "or equivalent".
1.2 The vessel traffic management (VTM) system of the Traffic Management Department
(TMD) of the Transport Administration (TRAM) uses a network of AIS base stations. They
transmit AIS messages from ships to the VTM system for vessel traffic monitoring and the
Gulf of Finland Reporting (GoFREP) system developed by Saab AB and Cybernetica AS,
as well as to various stakeholders, including the HELCOM regional server, EMSA SSN, the
Police and Border Guard (PPA), Estonian Navy etc.
1.3 The network of TRAM AIS base stations consists of eight AIS base stations that provide
coverage for the AIS signal in the Gulf of Finland. These base stations are connected to the
central servers of the VTM centre via a communication interface. The base station equipment
is located in masts approximately 50 meters above the ground. In addition to the above, five
(5) AIS base stations have been installed to ensure AIS coverage of Western coastline of
Estonia, including Liivi Bay and Väinameri at Ruhnu, Torgu, Tõstamaa, Undva and
Orisaare, the antennas are located at a height of about 100 meters. Every base station in
location is connected to the server of the VTM center via communication interface.
2 General requirements
2.1 AIS/VDES base stations and their components must be designed for continuous operation
2.2 The tenderer shall submit type approval/statement of conformity documents of the base
stations issued by an international competent organization and that applies to the clauses
applicable to the AIS base stations in the following standards:
Domain Standards Document of conformity
AIS IEC 62320-1:2015 Type approval
document/statement of
AIS ITU-R M.1084-5 / ITU-R M. 1371-5:2014 Type approval
document/statement of
2.3 The tenderer shall provide documentation in accordance with the table below regarding the
international standards, requirements and recommendations applicable to VDES base
Domain Standard Document of conformity
AIS/VDES: IEC 62320-2:2016 (where relevant to base
stations) / IEC62320-3:2015 (where relevant
to base stations)
Statement of conformity
VDES/ASM IEC PAS 63343_2021 (where relevant for
base stations) / ITU-R M.2092-1 (02/2022)
Type approval or Statement of
Conformity by manufacturer
AIS/VDES RED Directive 2014/53/EU EU-Type Examination (Module
B) Certificate
AIS/VDES REACH and RoHS / EU regulation Statement of Conformity by
2.4 The manufacturer must present a EU Declaration of Conformity for the base stations. The
EU declaration of conformity (DoC) is a mandatory document that manufacturer or his
authorized representative need to sign to declare that his products comply with the EU
requirements. By signing the DoC the manufacturer or his authorized representative take full
responsibility for product compliance with the applicable EU law.
3 Electrical requirements
3.1 Power supplies
3.1.1 All power supplies must be protected against overload and overvoltage in the event of a
fault, such as a short in the supply circuit or components.
3.1.2 The base station shall support the mains power remote controlling.
3.2 Self-diagnostics
3.2.1 The base station must detect and warn when overheating occurs.
3.3 Safety requirements
3.3.1 The base station must comply with the safety requirements set out in the relevant
publications of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
3.3.2 All metal parts that do not have electrical functions must be earthed.
4 Mechanical requirements
4.1 General
4.1.1 Base stations must be designed and constructed in such a way as to allow easy access to
the components in need of the maintenance.
4.2 Labels
4.2.1 Labels used for identification, warnings, etc. must be in English and in accordance with
the instructions and drawings.
4.2.2 Warning labels must be clearly distinguishable, in black on a yellow background and
designed in accordance with European standards.
4.2.3 Each base station component e.g. power supply, modules, etc. must have labels.
4.2.4 Each label must contain at least the following information:
name of the system component, type- and serial-number and modification information.
4.2.5 All cables and cable entries and outlets must have labels in accordance with instructions
and drawings.
4.3 Finishing
4.3.1 All equipment must be properly finished in accordance with good commercial practice.
5 Software Requirements
5.1 All software that is controlled by the base station control software under normal operating
conditions shall have the following characteristics:
control of the data exchange and its inputs and outputs;
Incorrect data must never confuse the system. Such data must be discarded immediately;
6 Environmental requirements
6.1 The AIS/VDES base station shall be capable of operating at least in the following conditions
without loss of reliability or equipment damage:
a temperature range of at least -20 ° C to + 55 ° C (at least -55 ° C to + 85 ° C during
transport and storage);
relative humidity of at least 95%.
6.2 AIS/VDES base stations antennas installations must have lightning protection.
7 Presets
7.1 Base station shall automatically return to preset normal operation state after a power or other
8 Functional requirements:
sending and receiving all AIS and ASM messages
simultaneous support for AIS1 (87B), AIS2 (88B), ASM1 (2027), ASM2 (2028) channels
and use of AIS secure communication mode
support for all VDE.ter channels: lower leg VDE1-A (1024-1026, 1084-1086) and upper
leg VDE1-B (2024-2026, 2084-2086)
built-in Software Defined Radio (SDR)
VDL Signal Information Message (VSI) message support, VDL analysis support
Frame summary of AIS reception (FSR) support
AMRD support (Autonomous Maritime Radio Device)
FATDMA and RATDMA time slot allocation support
AIS secure communication mode (AIS), which allows encrypted communication
embedded WEB server
built-in Base Station Controller (BSC)
internal storage device for storing data
built-in NTP server functionality
simultaneous support for multiple GNSS systems
self-surveyed position
remote software upgrade support
user display on front
AIS AtoN support
9 Technical requirements:
supply voltage inputs: AC 100-240V, 50 / 60Hz
the frequency band 156-163 MHz
channel bandwidth: 25 kHz (AIS, ASM), 50 kHz and 100 kHz (VDE)
output power: AIS low 1W, AIS high 12.5W, ASM and VDE variable (fixed values )
between 1 and 12.5W
bit rate (Tx / Rx): 9.6 kbps (AIS), 19.2 kbps (ASM), 307.2 kbps (VDE max. bit rate)
Receiver sensitivity equal to or better than –118 dBm (AIS), 115 dBm (ASM) (20% PER)
at least two (2) Ethernet ports of 1000 Mbit / s, one Supervisor Ethernet port
TCP protocol support
one (1) Rx/Tx N-Female socket for connecting VHF antenna (both Rx and Tx signals must
use one socket and one antenna)
GNSS receiver with at least 50 channels
GNSS support for at least GPS, BeiDou, Glonass and Galileo systems
TNC-Female GNSS antenna socket with, 5V @ 40mA supply
GNSS receiver sensitivity better than -167 dBm
an external GNSS antenna must be included in the base station kit
meant to be installed in a 19 "wide rack / equipment cabinet and have a maximum height
of 2U
10 Built-in Test Equipment (BITE)
10.1 General
10.1.1 AIS/VDES base station shall have a BITE for fault detection and isolation.
10.1.2 BITE must not cause false alarms or system malfunctions. BITE must constantly check the
status of its work to ensure the accuracy of the output data.
10.2 Warnings and alarms
10.2.1 BITE must provide warnings and alarms according to the criticality of the problems. It
must be possible to change the settings for warnings and alarms.
11 Control and Monitoring System (CMS)
11.1 AIS/VDES base stations shall have a control and monitoring system (CMS).
11.2 The interface of the control and monitoring system must be available on-site and / or over
the network.
11.3 The CMS must be able to perform the following tasks:
monitoring the general condition of the system
system recovery
setting parameters
system reconfiguration
tabular and graphical display of AIS spatial data (location reports)
VDL image (busy, reserved) and free timeslot allocation in time frame
11.4 The failure of the CMS shall not cause the AIS/VDES base station to fail completely.
11.5 The CMS shall not generate false control commands or generate false system status
messages during events caused by:
line disturbances
current fluctuations
power outages
11.6 The CMS shall be able to manage multiple signals simultaneously and control commands
without loss of information.
11.7 Attempts to perform prohibited operations / configurations shall be automatically aborted.
11.8 All data must be available according to the current system configuration.
11.9 Changes to the system parameters are made via the CMS.
12 Reliability
12.1 The average Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of a AIS/VDES base station shall be at
least 100,000 hours.
12.2 The AIS/VDES base station shall have a availability of at least 99.8%. Up to 0.2% of the
operating time can be spent on maintenance work at a AIS/VDES base station.
12.3 The Mean Time To Repair (MTTR, including troubleshooting, unit replacement, and system
recovery) must be defined by manufacturer.
13 Abbreviations
AC Alternating Current
AIS Automatic Identification System
AMRD Autonomous Maritime Radio Device
ASM Application Specific Messages
ASO Data Communication in Public Administration (State Network)
AtoN Aids to Navigation
BITE Built-in Test Equipment
BSC Base Station Controller
CMS Control and Monitoring System
DC Direct Current
DoC Declaration of Conformity
EMSA European Maritime Safety Agency
EU European Union
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
FATDMA Fixed Access Time Division Multiple Access
FSR Frame Summary of AIS reception
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GoFREP Gulf of Finland Reporting
GPS Global Positioning System
HELCOM Helsinki Commission
IALA International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
ITU International Telecommunication Union
MTBF Mean Time between Failures
MTTR Mean Time to Repair
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NTP Network Time Protocol
PAS Publicly Available Specification
PER Packet Error Rate
PPA Estonian Police and Border Guard Board
RATDMA Random Access Time Division Multiple Access
REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
RED Radio Equipment Directive
RIKS State Infocommunication Foundation
RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances
Rx Receive
SAT Site Acceptance Test
SDR Software Defined Radio
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SSN SafeSeaNet
STANAG NATO Standardization Agreement
TAT Turnaround Time
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TMD Traffic Management Department
Tx Transmit
UDP User Datagram Protocol
TRAM Estonian Transport Administration
VDES VHF Data Exchange System
VDL VHF Data Link
VHF Very High Frequency
VPN Virtual Private Network
VSI VDL Signal Information
VSP Variable System Parameter
VTM Vessel Traffic Management
VTS Vessel Traffic Service
Koostatud 02.06.2022 10:30:33 1 / 1 4479968/general-info
Viitenumber: 249678 Hankija: Transpordiamet (70001490) Hange: AIS/VDES baasjaamade ostmine Pakkumus: 376619 Ettevõtja: Saab AB (556036-0793), roll: peapakkuja
Pakkumuse maksumust hinnatakse - Ilma maksudeta
1. AIS/VDES baasjaamade koos GPS antennidega (sh tarnimine) maksumus AIS/VDES baasjaamade ostmine koos GPS antennidega (sh tarnimine hankijale) peab sisaldama kõiki kulutusi, mis on vajalikud hankelepingu täitmiseks vastavalt riigihanke alusdokumentides kehtestatud tingimustele.
Tüüp ja hindamismeetod: Maksumus, vähim on parim
Osakaal: 100%
Hindamismetoodika kirjeldus: Madalaima väärtusega pakkumus saab maksimaalse arvu punkte. Teised pakkumused saavad punkte proportsionaalselt vähem ja arvutatakse valemiga: "madalaim väärtus" / "pakkumuse väärtus" * "osakaal".
Kogus Ühik Ühiku hind Maksumus KM% Maksumus KM-ga Märkused
15 EUR 19900,000 298500,000 20 358200,000
Pakkumuse maksumus kokku Maksumus kokku KM-ta: 298500,000
Maksumus kokku KM-ga: 358200,000
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Kiri | 21.08.2024 | 2 | 3.2-7/24/14460-1 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | Saab AB (publ) TransponderTech |
Kiri | 03.06.2024 | 2 | 3.2-7/24/8532-2 🔒 | Valjaminev kiri | transpordiamet | Saab AB (publ) TransponderTech |
Kiri | 16.05.2024 | 5 | 3.2-7/24/8532-1 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | Saab AB (publ) TransponderTech |
Kiri | 16.08.2022 | 644 | 1.3-5/22/18241-1 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | Saab AB |