Dokumendiregister | Justiitsministeerium |
Viit | 7-2/6951 |
Registreeritud | 23.10.2023 |
Sünkroonitud | 26.03.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 7 EL otsustusprotsessis osalemine ja rahvusvaheline koostöö |
Sari | 7-2 Rahvusvahelise koostöö korraldamisega seotud kirjavahetus (Arhiiviväärtuslik) |
Toimik | 7-2/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Eesti alaline esindus Euroopa Liidu juures |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Eesti alaline esindus Euroopa Liidu juures |
Vastutaja | Kadi Karus (Justiitsministeerium, Kantsleri vastutusvaldkond, Õiguspoliitika valdkond, Õiguspoliitika osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Sent: Fri, 20 Oct 2023 14:29:04 +0000
To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Cc: ENTCHEVA Katerina <[email protected]>; PETRI Carl Gosta <[email protected]>; BRECZEWSKI Nicolas M <[email protected]>; "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: Digitalisation of Judicial cooperation Committee - designation of members
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please find enclosed a letter for the attention of the Ambassador.
Kind regards,
Secretariat JUST A1
European Commission
Unit A1 - Digital Transition & Judicial Training
Rue Luxembourg 40
B-1049 Brussels
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË – Tel. +32 22991111 Office: LX40 01/058 – Tel. direct line +32 229-74128
The Director-General
H.E. Ambassador
Mr Aivo Orav
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Estonia to the European
Subject: Digitalisation of Judicial cooperation Committee – designation
of members
Dear Ambassador,
On 28 June 2023 the European Parliament and the Council of EU reached a political
agreement (1) on the Proposal for a Regulation on digitalisation of judicial cooperation and
access to justice in civil, commercial and criminal matters (2). The final adoption of the
Regulation is expected to take place by December 2023.
According to the political agreement, the Commission is mandated to establish, by means
of implementing acts, the decentralised IT system and the European electronic access point
which will be used for the communication pursuant to the 24 underlying legal acts in civil,
commercial and criminal matters listed in an Annex to the Regulation. The scope of the
implementing act and the procedure for its adoption are explained in the Annex to this
After the entry into force of the Regulation, a corresponding committee will be established
and included in the comitology register.
A total number of 24 implementing acts divided in 4 batches must be adopted in 5 years
starting from the entry into force of the Regulation. This means that the work on adopting
the digitalisation of judicial cooperation and access to justice in cross-border civil, commercial and
criminal matters, and amending certain acts in the field of judicial cooperation, COM/2021/759 final.
the implementing acts for the different batches and the corresponding IT implementation
will overlap and will therefore require significant resources and commitment not only on
the part of the Commission but also on the part of Member States. In view of this ambitious
timeline agreed by the co-legislators and in order to meet the legal obligations of the
Regulation, we have started to prepare for this considerable task already now.
Therefore, we would appreciate if your Member State nominates the members of the
committee to be established under the Regulation as soon as possible after receiving this
letter, but not later than 15 January 2024. I hereby kindly invite you to transmit this
request to your relevant national authorities to nominate your members of the committee.
Each Member State may appoint two members of the committee – one with legal expertise
and one with technical expertise.
Please note that due to the wide range of issues in the area of civil, commercial and criminal
law alongside with the technical issues that would need to be decided upon by the
committee, the Commission is planning to organise subgroups reflecting the topic that
would be included in the agenda of the meetings. Therefore, the committee members
should be accompanied by experts with sufficient expertise in the issues falling under the
scope of the underlying EU legal acts listed in the Annexes to the Regulation. The role of
these experts would be to assist the designated committee members within their areas of
The first meeting of the committee is planned for 5 March 2024 as an in-person meeting
in Brussels.
In addition to the meeting on 5 March, for 2024 we have planned the following meetings:
15-17 April (online meeting on criminal law instruments); 7 and 8 May (online meeting
on civil law instruments); 5 – 7 June (online meeting on criminal law instruments); 27 and
28 June (online meeting on civil law instruments); 24 – 26 July (online meeting on criminal
law instruments); 9 and 10 September (online meeting on civil law instruments); 30
September – 4 October (online meeting on civil and criminal law instruments).
Your authorities should please send their reply to [email protected],
providing the full identification and contact details of the committee members of your
choice. Under this mailbox we can also provide any additional information required by
your national authorities.
Lastly, please be informed that due to the large number of meetings (approximately 60
meetings for the next 5 years) we are planning to organise the online committee meetings
through Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams is intended to be the platform where a common
space for sharing documents and discussion will be established in order to enhance the
collaborative work of the committee. We will appreciate if together with the notification
of the committee members you could inform us expressly in case you have objections to
the use of Microsoft Teams. Otherwise, we assume that you agree.
I thank you in advance for your support on this important initiative.
Yours faithfully,
Enclosure: Annex explaining the scope of the implementing act and the procedure of
its adoption
c.c.: Staudenmayer, Dirk, KOIT, Haldi, FRANCO, Sveva, TERRONE, Anna,
ANNEX: Scope and procedure for adoption of the implementing acts
The implementing acts should set out the following:
(a) the technical specifications on the methods of communication by electronic means
for the purposes of the decentralised IT system;
(b) the technical specifications for communication protocols;
(c) the information security objectives and relevant technical measures ensuring
minimum information security standards and a high level of cybersecurity for the
processing and communication of information within the decentralised IT system;
(d) the minimum availability objectives and possible related technical requirements
for the services provided by the decentralised IT system;
(e) digital procedural standards as defined in Article 3(9) of Regulation
(EU) 2022/850;
(f) an implementation timetable laying down, inter alia, the dates of the availability of
the reference implementation software, referred to in Article 12 of this Regulation,
its installation by the competent authorities, and, where relevant, completion of the
adjustments to national IT systems necessary for ensuring compliance with the
requirements referred to in points (a) to (e) of this paragraph; and
(g) the technical specifications for the European electronic access point, including the
means used for the electronic identification of the user at the assurance level high
as defined in Article 8(2)(c) of Regulation (EU) 910/2014 and the retention period
for storing information and documents.
A comitology procedure will be used for this purpose, according to Article 16 of the
political agreement on the Regulation, which states that:
(a) The Commission shall be assisted by a committee. That committee shall be a
committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011.
(b) Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No
182/2011 shall apply.
Electronically signed on 16/10/2023 17:46 (UTC+02) in accordance with Article 11 of Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2121
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË – Tel. +32 22991111 Office: LX40 01/058 – Tel. direct line +32 229-74128
The Director-General
H.E. Ambassador
Mr Aivo Orav
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Estonia to the European
Subject: Digitalisation of Judicial cooperation Committee – designation
of members
Dear Ambassador,
On 28 June 2023 the European Parliament and the Council of EU reached a political
agreement (1) on the Proposal for a Regulation on digitalisation of judicial cooperation and
access to justice in civil, commercial and criminal matters (2). The final adoption of the
Regulation is expected to take place by December 2023.
According to the political agreement, the Commission is mandated to establish, by means
of implementing acts, the decentralised IT system and the European electronic access point
which will be used for the communication pursuant to the 24 underlying legal acts in civil,
commercial and criminal matters listed in an Annex to the Regulation. The scope of the
implementing act and the procedure for its adoption are explained in the Annex to this
After the entry into force of the Regulation, a corresponding committee will be established
and included in the comitology register.
A total number of 24 implementing acts divided in 4 batches must be adopted in 5 years
starting from the entry into force of the Regulation. This means that the work on adopting
the digitalisation of judicial cooperation and access to justice in cross-border civil, commercial and
criminal matters, and amending certain acts in the field of judicial cooperation, COM/2021/759 final.
the implementing acts for the different batches and the corresponding IT implementation
will overlap and will therefore require significant resources and commitment not only on
the part of the Commission but also on the part of Member States. In view of this ambitious
timeline agreed by the co-legislators and in order to meet the legal obligations of the
Regulation, we have started to prepare for this considerable task already now.
Therefore, we would appreciate if your Member State nominates the members of the
committee to be established under the Regulation as soon as possible after receiving this
letter, but not later than 15 January 2024. I hereby kindly invite you to transmit this
request to your relevant national authorities to nominate your members of the committee.
Each Member State may appoint two members of the committee – one with legal expertise
and one with technical expertise.
Please note that due to the wide range of issues in the area of civil, commercial and criminal
law alongside with the technical issues that would need to be decided upon by the
committee, the Commission is planning to organise subgroups reflecting the topic that
would be included in the agenda of the meetings. Therefore, the committee members
should be accompanied by experts with sufficient expertise in the issues falling under the
scope of the underlying EU legal acts listed in the Annexes to the Regulation. The role of
these experts would be to assist the designated committee members within their areas of
The first meeting of the committee is planned for 5 March 2024 as an in-person meeting
in Brussels.
In addition to the meeting on 5 March, for 2024 we have planned the following meetings:
15-17 April (online meeting on criminal law instruments); 7 and 8 May (online meeting
on civil law instruments); 5 – 7 June (online meeting on criminal law instruments); 27 and
28 June (online meeting on civil law instruments); 24 – 26 July (online meeting on criminal
law instruments); 9 and 10 September (online meeting on civil law instruments); 30
September – 4 October (online meeting on civil and criminal law instruments).
Your authorities should please send their reply to [email protected],
providing the full identification and contact details of the committee members of your
choice. Under this mailbox we can also provide any additional information required by
your national authorities.
Lastly, please be informed that due to the large number of meetings (approximately 60
meetings for the next 5 years) we are planning to organise the online committee meetings
through Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams is intended to be the platform where a common
space for sharing documents and discussion will be established in order to enhance the
collaborative work of the committee. We will appreciate if together with the notification
of the committee members you could inform us expressly in case you have objections to
the use of Microsoft Teams. Otherwise, we assume that you agree.
I thank you in advance for your support on this important initiative.
Yours faithfully,
Enclosure: Annex explaining the scope of the implementing act and the procedure of
its adoption
c.c.: Staudenmayer, Dirk, KOIT, Haldi, FRANCO, Sveva, TERRONE, Anna,
ANNEX: Scope and procedure for adoption of the implementing acts
The implementing acts should set out the following:
(a) the technical specifications on the methods of communication by electronic means
for the purposes of the decentralised IT system;
(b) the technical specifications for communication protocols;
(c) the information security objectives and relevant technical measures ensuring
minimum information security standards and a high level of cybersecurity for the
processing and communication of information within the decentralised IT system;
(d) the minimum availability objectives and possible related technical requirements
for the services provided by the decentralised IT system;
(e) digital procedural standards as defined in Article 3(9) of Regulation
(EU) 2022/850;
(f) an implementation timetable laying down, inter alia, the dates of the availability of
the reference implementation software, referred to in Article 12 of this Regulation,
its installation by the competent authorities, and, where relevant, completion of the
adjustments to national IT systems necessary for ensuring compliance with the
requirements referred to in points (a) to (e) of this paragraph; and
(g) the technical specifications for the European electronic access point, including the
means used for the electronic identification of the user at the assurance level high
as defined in Article 8(2)(c) of Regulation (EU) 910/2014 and the retention period
for storing information and documents.
A comitology procedure will be used for this purpose, according to Article 16 of the
political agreement on the Regulation, which states that:
(a) The Commission shall be assisted by a committee. That committee shall be a
committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011.
(b) Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No
182/2011 shall apply.
Electronically signed on 16/10/2023 17:46 (UTC+02) in accordance with Article 11 of Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2121
Saatja: Webdesktop <[email protected]>
Saadetud: 23.10.2023 10:10
Adressaat: <"JM info Shared MB">
Koopia: <"[email protected]">
Teema: Webdesktop: Esindajate nimetamine - Digitalisation of Judicial cooperation
Manused: 985.pdf; 985-edastamismeil.msg
Edastame Justiitskoostöö digitaliseerimise komitee soovi nimetada Eesti esindaja. Esitamise
tähtaeg oli a.s.a.p, aga mitte hiljem kui 15.01.2024 aadressile [email protected]
Reg. number: 14-4/985
Reg. kuupäev: 20.10.2023
Sisu: Esindajate nimetamine - Digitalisation of Judicial cooperation Committee
(Justiitskoostöö digitaliseerimise komitee)
Raili Lillemets
Eesti alaline esindus Euroopa Liidu juures
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Kontaktisiku nimetamine | 01.02.2024 | 55 | 7-2/6951 | Väljaminev kiri | jm | Eesti alaline esindus Euroopa Liidu juures |