Dokumendiregister | Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium |
Viit | 24.4-6/17-0524/1432 |
Registreeritud | 05.03.2021 |
Sünkroonitud | 26.03.2024 |
Liik | Leping |
Funktsioon | 24.4/S Väliskoostööprojektide koordineerimine |
Sari | 24.4-6/S Mitmepoolse / piiriülese koostöö dokumendid (Arhiiviväärtuslik) |
Toimik | 24.4-6/17-0524 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | |
Vastutaja | Tanel Tomson |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
PROJEKTILEPING nr ___________
Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium, registrikood 70003158, asukoht Suur-
Ameerika 1, 10122 Tallinn, mida esindab ettevõtlus- ja infotehnoloogiaminister Andres Sutt,
kes tegutseb põhimääruse alusel (edaspidi ka Programmioperaator),
Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus, registrikood 90006006, asukoht Lasnamäe 2, 11412
Tallinn, mida esindab juhatuse liige Sigrid Harjo, kes tegutseb põhikirja alusel (edaspidi
Programmi elluviija),
Kaitseministeerium, registrikood 70004502, asukoht Sakala 1, 15094 Tallinn, mida esindab
kaitseminister Kalle Laanet, kes tegutseb põhimääruse alusel (edaspidi Projekti elluviija),
edaspidi eraldi Pool ja koos Pooled,
arvestades, et Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (edaspidi MKM) on Vabariigi
Valitsuse 05.07.2018. a määruse nr 55 „Aastatel 2014–2021 Euroopa Majanduspiirkonna
finantsmehhanismist ja Norra finantsmehhanismist vahendite taotlemise ja kasutamise
tingimused ja kord“ § 2 lõike 1 punkti 1 alusel programmi „Konkurentsivõime“ (edaspidi
„Green ICT“) Programmioperaator,
arvestades, et Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus (edaspidi EAS) täidab Norra
finantsmehhanismist 2014–2021 ja riigieelarvest rahastatava programmi „Green ICT“ elluviija
ülesandeid MKMi ja EASi vahel 16.10.2018. a sõlmitud lepingu nr 24.4-6/17-0524/8622
arvestades, et 25.02.2021. a kiitis Programmioperaator programmi koostöökomisjoni
protokollilise otsusega heaks Projekti elluviija projekti „Open Cyber Range“,
sõlmivad käesoleva projektilepingu (edaspidi Leping) järgnevas:
1.1. Lepingu eesmärgiks on reguleerida Poolte õigusi ja kohustusi Eesti-Norra
koostööprogrammi „Green ICT“ vahenditest kaasrahastatud projekti „Open Cyber Range“
(edaspidi Projekt) elluviimisel.
1.2. Projekti eelarve on kokku 3 331 765 eurot, sh 2 832 000 eurot rahastatakse Norra
finantsmehhanismist 2014–2021 ja 499 765 eurot Eesti riigi kaasfinantseeringust.
1.3. Programmioperaator eraldab Projekti elluviijale projekti teostamiseks programmi „Green
ICT“ vahenditest toetust maksimaalselt summas 3 331 765 eurot, kattes sellega Projekti
abikõlblikud kulud 100% ulatuses, sh 85% ulatuses Norra finantsmehhanismist ja 15%
ulatuses Eesti riigi kaasfinantseeringust.
1.4. Kui Projekti elluviija kasutab projekti teostamisel partnereid, on Projekti partneri kulude
hüvitamisel toetuse määr 100% üksnes eeldusel, et Projekti partneri tegevus Projektis on
mittemajandusliku iseloomuga, mistõttu ei loeta makstavat toetust riigiabiks.
1.5. Projekti abikõlblikkuse perioodi alguskuupäev on 01.03.2021.
1.6. Projekti abikõlblikkuse perioodi lõppkuupäev on 29.02.2024.
1.7. Poolte esindajad Lepingu täitmisega seotud küsimustes on:
1.7.1. Programmioperaator – väliskoostöö valdkonna juht Tanel Tomson, tel. 639 7642,
e-post [email protected].
1.7.2. Programmi elluviija – koordinaator Anari Lilleoja (edaspidi kontaktisik), tel. 524
6477, e-post [email protected].
1.7.3. Projekti elluviija – Projekti teostamise eest vastutav isik, küberpoliitika osakonna
juhataja, Andri Rebane, tel. 717 0140, e-post [email protected].
1.8. Poolte esindajate muutumisest teavitatakse Pooli e-posti teel.
2.1 Lepingu täitmisel juhindutakse Vabariigi Valitsuse 05.07.2018. a määruse nr 55 „Aastatel
2014–2021 Euroopa Majanduspiirkonna finantsmehhanismist ja Norra
finantsmehhanismist vahendite taotlemise ja kasutamise tingimused ja kord“ §-s 4
määratletud õigusraamistikust ja muudest alljärgnevatest dokumentidest (edaspidi Lepingu
dokumendid), kusjuures Lepingu dokumentide vahel vastuolude esinemisel on nende
pädevusjärjekord kõige tähtsamast alates järgmine:
2.1.1. Euroopa Liidu ja Norra Kuningriigi vahel 28.05.2016. a sõlmitud leping Norra
finantsmehhanismi kohta aastateks 2014–2021;
2.1.2. Norra Välisministeeriumi poolt 23.09.2016 vastu võetud „Norra finantsmehhanismi
rakendusmäärus“ (edaspidi rakendusmäärus)1;
2.1.3. Eesti Vabariigi ja Norra Kuningriigi vahel 09.05.2017 sõlmitud Norra
finantsmehhanismi rakendamist aastatel 2014–2021 käsitlev vastastikuse mõistmise
2.1.4. Eesti Vabariigi Rahandusministeeriumi ja Norra Kuningriigi vahel 26.04.2018 sõlmitud
programmileping ning selle lisad;
2.1.5. Vabariigi Valitsuse 05.07.2018 määrus nr 55 „Aastatel 2014–2021 Euroopa
Majanduspiirkonna finantsmehhanismist ja Norra finantsmehhanismist vahendite
taotlemise ja kasutamise tingimused ja kord“;
2.1.6. Leping koos lisadega;
2.1.7. Programmioperaatori poolt kokku kutsutud programmi koostöökomisjoni 25.02.2021
protokolliline otsus Projekti elluviija esitatud taotluse programmi „Green ICT“
eesmärkidele vastavaks tunnistamise kohta (Lepingu Lisa 1);
2.1.8. Projekti elluviija poolt 22.12.2020 esitatud taotlus koos eelarvega (Lepingu Lisa 2).
2.2. Viide Lepingule hõlmab ka viidet Lepingu dokumentidele, kui Lepingu konkreetsest
punkti sõnastusest või sisust ei tulene teisiti.
2.3. Lepingu dokumentides reguleerimata küsimustes lähtutakse Eesti Vabariigis kehtivatest
3.1. Projekti elluviija on õigustatud:
3.1.1. saama kontaktisikult tehnilist abi (informatsiooni- ja nõuandeteenused), mis on seotud
Lepinguliste kohustuste täitmisega. Kontaktisikuga on võimalik ühendust saada telefoni
või e-posti teel;
3.1.2. tegema Projekti eelarves muudatusi, mis on väiksemad kui 20% Projekti eelarves (vt
Lepingu Lisa 2) konkreetsele tegevusele ettenähtud eelarverea mahust, tingimusel, et
toetuse summa ei suurene ning Projektis ettenähtud eesmärgid ja tegevused ei muutu.
3.2. Projekti elluviija on kohustatud:
3.2.1. viima Projekti ellu taotluses, taotluse programmi eesmärkidele vastavaks tunnistamise
otsuses ning Lepingus fikseeritud tähtaegade ja tingimuste kohaselt;
3.2.2. kasutama toetust vastavuses taotluse, taotluse programmi eesmärkidele vastavaks
tunnistamise otsuse, Lepingu ja Lepingu dokumentidega;
3.2.3. tagama, et Projekti raames tehtud kulud vastavad rakendusmääruses sätestatud kulude
abikõlblikkuse tingimustele;
3.2.4. maksma toetuse tagasi tagasinõudmise otsuses näidatud summas ja tähtpäevaks;
3.2.5. vastama Programmioperaatori ja Programmi elluviija poolt esitatud küsimustele
Projekti elluviija, Projekti partnerite ja Projekti teostamise kohta;
3.2.6. esitama Programmi elluviijale tähtaegselt kogu nõutud informatsiooni ja
3.2.7. tagama, et Projekti elluviija eelarves on olemas Projekti abikõlblike kulude
hüvitamiseks vajalik Eesti riigi kaasfinantseeringu summa;
3.2.8. tagama, et Projekti elluviija ja partnerite raamatupidamises on toetatava Projekti kulud
ja neid kajastavad kulu- ja maksedokumendid muudest Projekti elluviija ja partnerite
kuludest ning kulu- ja maksedokumentidest selgelt eristatavad eraldiseisva
raamatupidamissüsteemiga või -koodidega ning vastavad üldtunnustatud
3.2.9. säilitama taotluse, toetuse ja Projekti teostamisega seonduvat
originaaldokumentatsiooni vähemalt 28. veebruarini 2031. a;
3.2.10. võimaldama järelevalvet teostavale isikule juurdepääsu Projekti teostamisega seotud
ruumidesse ja territooriumidele, mida Projekti elluviija või partner omab, rendib või mis
tahes muul moel kasutab;
3.2.11. osutama auditi ja järelevalve kiireks läbiviimiseks viivitamatut ja igakülgset abi ning
andma kontrollija käsutusse kõik soovitud andmed ja dokumendid 3 (kolme) tööpäeva
jooksul arvates vastava teate saamisest;
3.2.12. viivitamata kirjalikult informeerima Programmioperaatorit kõigist esitatud andmetes
toimunud muudatustest või asjaoludest, mis mõjutavad või võivad mõjutada Projekti
elluviija ja/või partneri kohustuste täitmist, sealhulgas nime, aadressi ja seaduslike või
volitatud esindajate muutumisest, ümberkujundamisest, pankrotimenetluse alustamisest
või likvideerija määramisest, tegevuse lõpetamisest ka siis, kui eelnimetatud
muudatused on registreeritud äriregistris või avalikustatud massiteabevahendite kaudu;
3.2.13. viivitamata Programmioperaatorit kirjalikult informeerima Projekti teostamise käigus
ilmnenud Projekti negatiivse tulemuse suurest tõenäosusest või vältimatusest ning
Projekti edasise jätkamise kaheldavast otstarbekusest;
3.2.14. tagama Projekti kulude vastavuse kohalduvate õigusaktide ja Lepingu dokumentide
nõuetele ning täitma kõiki asjakohaseid kohalikke, siseriiklikke ja Euroopa Liidu
3.2.15. tagama, et Projekti elluviija ja partneri raamatupidamise sise-eeskirjad ja auditeerimise
kord võimaldavad Projekti kohta deklareeritud kulude ja tulude otsest võrdlust vastavate
raamatupidamisaruannete ja tõendavate dokumentidega;
3.2.16. toetuse kasutamisel näitama kooskõlas rakendusmääruse lisas 32 sätestatud
tingimustega avalikkusele, et tegemist on Norra finantsmehhanismidest rahastatud
Projektiga, sh: koostama kommunikatsiooniplaani, rakendama kommunikatsiooniplaanis
kirjeldatud tegevusi ning andma finantsvahearuannetes ülevaate
kommunikatsioonitegevustest; korraldama projekti tutvustamiseks vähemalt kolm teavitamisüritust; lisama Projekti elluviija veebilehele info projekti elluviimise ja toetuse saamise
kohta ning Norway Grants logod (logod on kättesaadavad FMO kodulehel;
3.2.17. Projekti elluviija ja partner peavad Projekti raames kaupu või teenuseid ostes järgima
oma asukohamaa riigi riigihangete regulatsioonis ja EL direktiivides hankijale
sätestatud kohustusi;
3.2.18. teostama kõik Projekti raames tehtud kulude maksed Projekti elluviija või partneri
3.2.19. esitama Projekti vahefinantsaruanded e-toetuste infosüsteemis hiljemalt järgnevateks
kuupäevadeks: 31.07.2021 (kulud 01.03.2021–30.06.2021); 30.11.2021 (kulud 01.07.2021–31.10.2021); 31.03.2022 (kulud 01.11.2021–28.02.2022); 31.07.2022 (kulud 01.03.2022–30.06.2022); 30.11.2022 (kulud 01.07.2022–31.10.2022); 31.03.2023 (kulud 01.11.2022–28.02.2023); 31.07.2023 (kulud 01.03.2023–30.06.2023); 30.11.2023 (kulud 01.07.2023–31.10.2023); 31.03.2024 (kulud 01.11.2023–29.02.2024);
3.2.20. esitama Projekti lõpparuande ja maksetaotluse e-toetuste infosüsteemi hiljemalt
3.2.21. taotlema Programmioperaatorilt kontaktisiku kaudu Lepingu muutmist, kui soovitakse
muuta: Projekti tegevusi, mille tulemusena suureneb ühe või mitme eelarverea
maksumus kokku rohkem kui 20%; Projekti partnereid; Projekti toetuse summa jagunemist Projekti elluviija/partnerite lõikes, juhul kui
vähemalt ühe Projekti elluviija/partneri toetuse summa suureneb; Projekti tegevuste elluviimise alguskuupäeva; Projekti tegevuste elluviimise lõppkuupäeva; Projekti eesmärke mõjutavaid tegevusi või muud Lepingus toodut.
3.2.22. tagama partnerluslepingust ning muudest asjakohastest allikatest tulenevate kohustuste
täitmise Projekti partnerite poolt ning vastutama partneri poolsete rikkumiste eest.
3.3. Kulude abikõlblikkus
3.3.1. Kulude abikõlblikkuse osas lähtutakse rakendusmääruse 8. peatükis sätestatust.
3.3.2. Abikõlblikud on kulud, mis on põhjendatud, mõistlikud, õigusaktidega kooskõlas ja
otseselt vajalikud toetatavate tegevuste elluviimiseks ja Projekti eesmärkide
saavutamiseks. Projekti kulud peavad olema kooskõlas säästlikkuse, tulemuslikkuse ja
tõhususe põhimõtetega.
3.3.3. Abikõlblikud on järgmised kulud: Projekti heaks tööle määratud isikute töötasu ja puhkusehüvitis ning seadusest
tulenevad maksud ja maksed. Töötasud peavad olema kooskõlas Projekti
elluviija ja partneri asutusesisese palgatasemega vastavasisulise töö eest. Töötaja
puhkusehüvitis on abikõlblik proportsionaalselt Projekti heaks töötatud ajaga; võlaõigusliku lepingu alusel makstav tasu, mida maksustatakse sarnaselt
töötasuga ning tasult makstavad riiklikud maksud; Projektis osalevate töötajate välislähetuse päevaraha vastavalt kehtivale
seadusandlusele; Projektis osalevate töötajate välislähetuse sõidu- ja majutuskulu vastavalt
reisikulu standardiseeritud ühikuhindadele järgmistel tingimustel: sõidukulu standardiseeritud ühikuhind marsruudil Eesti-Norra-Eesti või Norra-
Eesti-Norra on 285 eurot ühe reisija kohta; majutuskulu standardiseeritud ühikuhind on 135 eurot/öö ühe reisija kohta ning
Eestis 100 eurot/öö ühe reisija kohta (põhjendatud juhtudel hüvitatakse
majutuskulu lisaks üks öö enne ja üks öö pärast sihtriigis ettenähtud ürituse,
kohtumise või muu sündmuse toimumist, kui Projekti elluviija esitab
vahefinantsaruandes sellekohase põhjenduse); sõidu- ja majutuskulude tekkimise tõendamiseks esitab Projekti elluviija
vahefinantsaruandes kokkuvõtte toimunud välislähetusest, sh info reisi
toimumisaja, osalejate, eesmärgi, tegevuste ja saavutatud tulemuse kohta; Projekti elluviija ei pea kulu tõendamiseks esitama kulu- ja maksedokumente
(arved, maksekorraldused, pardakaardid, transpordivahendi piletid, kütusetšekid
6 vajadusel on Projekti elluviija kohustatud esitama täiendavaid dokumente või
andma lisaselgitusi reisi programmi, osalejate jms kohta; uute või kasutatud seadmete puhul üksnes see osa kulumist, mis vastab Projekti
kestusele ja tegelikule Projekti eesmärkidel kasutuse määrale; tarbekaupade ja tarvikute kulu, tingimusel et need on eristatavad ja Projektile
eraldatud; muude Projekti elluviija poolt Projekti elluviimise eesmärgil sõlmitud
lepingutega kaasnevad kulud, tingimusel et sõlmimine vastab kohaldatavatele
riigihanke ja Lepingu tingimustele; kaudsed kulud kuni 15% otsestest personalikuludest (punkt; välispartneri kulude tõendamiseks piisab, kui Projekti elluviija esitab
välispartneri asukoha riigis tegutseva sõltumatu ja sertifitseeritud audiitori poolt
kinnitatud aruande, millest nähtub, et partneri poolt on Projektis tehtud kulud
vastavalt Lepingus sätestatud tingimustele, kohalikule seadusandlusele ja
üldtunnustatud raamatupidamistavale.
3.3.4. Mitteabikõlblikud on järgmised kulud: intress võlalt, võla teenindamise tasud ja viivised; finantstehingute tasud ja muud finantskulud; eraldised kahjumi või võimalike tulevaste kohustuste katmiseks; valuutakursi muutuste kahjum; kinnisasja ostmise kulu; kulud, mis kaetakse muudest allikatest; trahvid, rahalised karistused ja kohtuvaidluste kulud; ülemäärased või põhjendamatud kulud.
3.3.5. Kulud on abikõlblikud alates Projekti abikõlblikkuse perioodi alguskuupäevast kuni
Projekti abikõlblikkuse perioodi lõppkuupäevani. Kulud loetakse tekkinuks, kui kulu
aluseks olev arve on esitatud, tasutud ning töö tehakse, kaup saadakse kätte või teenus
osutatakse Projekti abikõlblikkuse perioodil. Erandina võib kulud lugeda abikõlblikeks,
kui arve on esitatud abikõlblikkuse perioodi viimasel kuul ning tasutud 30
kalendripäeva jooksul abikõlblikkuse perioodi lõppkuupäevast ja kulude tekkimise
aluseks olevad tegevused toimusid Projekti abikõlblikkuse perioodil.
3.3.6 Kõik abikõlblikud otsekulud peavad olema läbipaistvad ja dokumentaalselt tõendatud
vastavate kuludokumentidega ning olema tasutud Projekti elluviija ja/või partneri
4.1. Programmi elluviija on õigustatud:
4.1.1. teostama igal ajaperioodil tööpäeviti kohapealset kontrolli ja/või auditit toetuse ja/või
kaasfinantseeringu kasutamist kajastavate kulu- ja maksedokumentide ja teostatud
tööde osas;
4.1.2. kontrollima toetuse ning kaasfinantseeringu kasutamist;
4.1.3. kontrollima Projekti elluviija ja/või partneri(te) tegevust Lepingust tulenevate
kohustuste täitmisel;
4.1.4. nõudma Projekti tegevuste ja kulude kohta mistahes täiendavate andmete ja
dokumentide esitamist.
4.2. Programmioperaator on õigustatud:
4.2.1. keelduma Lepingu muutmisest juhul, kui soovitav muudatus mõjutab oluliselt Projekti
eesmärke ja mõju;
4.2.2. ütlema Lepingu üles ja/või lõpetama toetuse väljamaksmise ning nõudma toetuse osalist
või täielikku tagastamist, kui esineb vähemalt üks järgmistest asjaoludest: ilmneb asjaolu, mille korral taotlust ei oleks programmi eesmärkidega vastavaks
tunnistatud; Projekti elluviija ja/või partner rikuvad Lepingust tulenevat kohustust, mh
kasutavad toetust mitteabikõlblike kulude hüvitamiseks, ei kasuta toetust ettenähtud
tingimustel või ei järgi Projekti elluviimise tähtaegu; Projekti elluviija ja/või partner rikuvad neile asjakohasest seadusest tulenevat
kohustust; Projekti elluviija avaldust Lepingu muutmise kohta ei rahuldata ja Projekti elluviijal
ei ole toetuse kasutamist ettenähtud tingimustel võimalik jätkata; Norra välisministeerium nõuab toetuse tagasi; partnerlusleping öeldakse üles, mistõttu ei ole võimalik Projekti esitatud mahus ellu
viia; Projekti elluviija esitab avalduse toetusest loobumise kohta;
4.2.3. otsustama Projekti programmi eesmärkidega vastavaks tunnistamise otsuse kehtetuks
tunnistamise ja Lepingu lõpetamise 20 tööpäeva jooksul alates toetusest loobumise
avalduse saamisest.
4.3. Programmi elluviija on kohustatud:
4.3.1. kontrollima Projekti vahefinantsaruandeid ning koheselt informeerima
Programmioperaatorit võimalikest rikkumistest;
4.3.2. heaks kiitma või tagasi lükkama Projekti elluviija esitatud aruanded ja maksetaotluse
20 tööpäeva jooksul nende laekumisest ning viivitamata teavitama Projekti elluviijat
aruannete ja väljamakse taotluse heakskiitmise või tagasi lükkamise otsusest;
4.3.3. hoidma konfidentsiaalsena informatsiooni, mis on teatavaks saanud toetuse taotluse
menetlemise käigus, v.a õigusaktides sätestatud juhtudel, kui on lubatud
konfidentsiaalsuse kohustusest kõrvale kalduda.
4.4. Programmioperaator on kohustatud:
4.4.1. esitama Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskusele taotluse toetuse väljamaksmiseks Projekti
elluviijale peale Projekti vastava perioodi aruande ja maksetaotluse kinnitamist
Programmi elluviija poolt, kui Programmioperaatoril ja Programmi elluviijal ei ole
pretensioone finantseeritavate tegevuste ning tehtud kulude asjakohasuse kohta;
4.4.2. teavitama Projekti elluviijat toetuse kasutamist reguleerivates dokumentides tehtud
4.4.3. tegema pärast Lepingu sõlmimist oma veebilehel kättesaadavaks järgmise
informatsiooni: Projekti elluviija ja partneri(te) nimi, Projekti nimi, Projekti kestus,
toetuse summa, Projekti kogumaht;
4.4.4. hoidma konfidentsiaalsena informatsiooni, mis on teatavaks saanud toetuse taotluse
menetlemise käigus, v.a õigusaktides sätestatud juhtudel, kui on lubatud
konfidentsiaalsuse kohustusest kõrvale kalduda.
4.5. Toetuse tagasinõudmisel:
4.5.1. lähtutakse perioodi 2014–2020 struktuuritoetuse seaduse §-s 45 sätestatud
finantskorrektsiooni alustest ja Vabariigi Valitsuse 1. septembri 2014. a määrusest
nr 143 „Perioodi 2014–2020 struktuuritoetusest hüvitatavate kulude abikõlblikuks
lugemise, toetuse maksmise ning finantskorrektsioonide tegemise tingimused ja kord”;
4.5.2. tuleb Projekti elluviijal tagasinõutav toetus tagasi maksta 60 päeva jooksul pärast
toetuse tagasinõudmise otsuse teatavaks tegemist.
5.1. Leping jõustub selle allkirjastamisest ja kehtib kuni Poolte poolt kõigi oma kohustuste
nõuetekohase täitmiseni.
5.2. Lepingut võib muuta Poolte kirjalikul kokkuleppel. Muudatused jõustuvad pärast
allakirjutamist mõlema Poole poolt või Poolte poolt määratud tähtajal.
5.3. Kõik Lepingust tulenevad erimeelsused püütakse lahendada läbirääkimiste teel. Juhul, kui
läbirääkimised ei anna tulemusi, lahendatakse vaidlus õigusaktidega sätestatud korras.
5.4. Lepingus reguleerimata küsimustes juhinduvad Pooled Eesti Vabariigis kehtivatest
õigusaktidest ning Lepingu punktis 2 nimetatud Lepingu dokumentidest vastavalt nende
Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium
Registrikood 70003158
Suur-Ameerika 1
10122 Tallinn
Telefon 625 6342
E-post [email protected]
Andres Sutt
Programmi elluviija:
Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus
Registrikood 90006006
Lasnamäe 2
11412 Tallinn
Telefon 627 9700
E-post [email protected]
Sigrid Harjo
Projekti elluviija:
Registrikood 70004502
Sakala 1
15094 Tallinn
Telefon 717 0022
E-post [email protected]
Kalle Laanet
Annex I
Pre-defined project
Project title: Open Cyber Range (OCR)1
Project Promoter: Estonian Ministry of Defence
Project Partner(s): Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech),
Foundation CR14 (CR14)
Donor project partner(s): Norwegian University of Science and
Total maximum eligible project cost: 3 331 765€
Project grant rate: 100%
Project grant amount: 3 331 765€
Estimated duration: 36 months
Challenges in the cybersecurity education and training and introducing new technologies:
Challenge 1: Security of ICT products starts from the design of the product, the education of
cybersecurity is already incorporated to curricula of computer sciences via different courses like
1 Refer to the terms and acronyms sections at the end of the document
Open Cyber Range is a virtual environment that is used for cybersecurity training and
cybertechnology development. It provides tools that help strengthen the stability, security and
performance of cyberinfrastructures and IT systems leading to secure and trustworthy products
and well-educated personnel.
Cyber Ranges function like shooting or kinetic ranges, facilitating training and exercises. Thus,
IT professionals employed by various organizations train, develop and test Cyber Range
technologies to ensure consistent operations and readiness for real world threats.
Main objectives of this project are to create a platform for (new) cybersecurity companies to
develop, test and validate their innovative products, create a launch pad for new products to
emerge to the market, promote security thinking in private sector and educate better workforce
for the private companies.
The platform will include tools and products that are not part of standard cloud service
(automation tools, simulations, red and blue team tools, situational awareness, hybrid systems
etc.), thus there is added value to SME-s to develop and test the products in OCR – faster setup
of testing and validation environment, reduced initial cost for the environment, community
support from academia and government, mentors and test-clients from other SME-s, government
and academia etc.
“Secure Programming Techniques”. However, OCR supports cybersecurity education and training
by enabling creation of interactive courses and exercises, where the skill of students can be tested
in live environments with monitoring and scoring when needed.
For this OCR solution library will contain learning materials, pre-built environments and ethical
hacking tools for both defensive and offensive activities to simulate real life situations. All this can
be implemented in a course or a training to provide imminent feedback for the students of their
progress, work effectiveness and overall competence in cybersecurity.
This measure will support educating a smarter and security-minded workforce that will contribute
to creating sustainable, secure and quality solutions for the industry. Companies and start-ups are
encouraged to develop and introduce new content to the education and training curriculum to
promote their services for wider audience.
Development of new product and services are not supported by the programme, rather a facility
will be provided to SME-s to create, develop, test and validate their products and services.
Target group: industry, universities and other academic institutions.
Challenge 2: Most sophisticated cyberattacks in the world are being conducted against critical
information infrastructure (Stuxnet, Energetic Bear etc.), these attacks might cause widespread
blackouts, interruptions in water supply, heating and other services that modern world depends on.
Under the OCR project capabilities will be developed to simulate wide range of networks and
environments where experts can model and apply different security measures (prepare and prevent),
allow red teams (also known as white hat hackers) to penetrate their simulated environments (detect
and response) and rehearse their cybersecurity procedures (mitigate, recover and cooperate) to
provide comprehensive critical information infrastructure protection. Enterprise own networks can
be virtualized and simulated to create more realistic environment.
Concepts like IoT and Industry 4.0 are covered by this challenge, OCR will provide tools and
measures to support new technology and companies to emerge that support creating secure and
innovative solutions for billions of interconnected devices and production lines.
Target group: critical information infrastructure companies, start-ups
Challenge 3: Academic and industry researchers create vast amount of tools, applications and other
pieces of software (artefacts) that need to be experimented, validated and tested throughout their
development cycle. OCR will provide a solution library of simulated networks and environments
that can be used for these purposes. Also these same artefacts can be later, when they reach enough
maturity, added to the solution library for other OCR participants to use and develop.
Organizations can provide expertise of students, researchers, developers and testers through OCR
for industry to experiment, validate and test new technologies. Using the new technologies for
educational means will give additional feedback to the producer and rises the quality of ICT
Also industry partners that provide stress-testing, pen-testing and red team services can be used for
assuring security of the newly created technologies. Developing these types of services listed is not
part of the project, however using these services on OCR will enable higher efficiency on making
sure the products and services developed are better and more secure than their competitors.
Target group: industry, start-ups and academic institutions
Challenge 4: Academic organizations and industry will be able to introduce ready to deploy
software and technologies to the OCR solution library that will allow them to rapidly create
enterprise environments to pilot and demonstrate the capabilities of their products.
This measure differentiates from the measure 2 as these products will be ready for deployment in
production systems and are considered to be mature enough to deploy in activities where the
product itself assures the quality of activity, for example the product is used for educational
purposes and measuring the skill of a student.
For this measure the OCR participant will build (part of) their enterprise on OCR to evaluate if the
product will meet their needs in an enterprise-like environment, e.g. the product is scaling up for
the use, is compliant with industry standards or other enterprise specific elements, conditions and
To achieve this template environments and commonly used artefacts (virtual machines, scripts,
scenarios, etc.) will be developed in the project and provided to the OCR users. This enables to
rapidly deploy common environments that SME-s need to customize based on their or their
customer needs.
Target group: industry and start-ups
Activities to be funded in the project
First initial operating environment will be created, this includes hardware, software and
security equipment to operate the OCR capability, as well as civil works to install and set
up the OCR for the next activities;
Secondly project specific support elements will be developed, this includes specifications
for API-s, security and data protection requirements, documentation guidelines, KPIs,
OCR collaboration tools, define common scenario language, how hybrid solutions can be
added (e.g. 5G, IoT, ICS systems) etc:
Third activity will be research, development and implementation of the OCR environment,
including management system, digital library, simulations, monitoring, scoring and
evaluation, feedback module, social aspect module and potential federation with other
similar capabilities. This activity includes also security testing of the environment.
The last activity will provide actual content within the OCR environment for the customers
to use and reuse, this includes sample software, virtual machines, attack simulations,
scenarios, test environments and other artifacts. Also a testing facility will be created to
test, experiment and validate new solutions. Some custom malicious content will be created
that can be used in OCR environment.
Expected outcomes and effect on the target group:
Expanded capabilities for education and training, by moving from static class courses
to dynamic training and exercises that can simulate the enterprise network. Training
capability will be supported by partners for OCR.
Innovation, by allowing industry and academia to share newly created software and tools
through Solution Library for fast delivery and testing in OCR community and participants.
Better security, by allowing students and trusted third party pen-testers and red teams to
evaluate the solutions used in an enterprise network on a safe environment.
Cost effectiveness, by providing tools and solutions that are not part of traditional
enterprise network, like Internet simulation, user simulation, virtual equipment etc and
would be otherwise expensive to use.
Faster delivery, by providing pre-packaged, pre-configured and easy-to-deploy tools and
software that can be installed in simulated enterprise network.
Intensified cooperation, by binding similar minded users to OCR community that share
common goals for better and secure solutions both from developer and user side.
For the first three years the predictions to involve SME-s are moderate (as indicated 15), as the
initial operating capability will be achieved in 2020 and first SME-s can be engaged in 2021, but
they are able to use just a subset of planned services/capabilities until the full operating capability
has been achieved. When more capabilities come online also more SME-s can be engaged to meet
their requirements. After the full operating capability has been achieved it is foreseen that up to 10
SME-s could operate simultaneously.
In early 2019 Estonian MoD supported a cybersecurity accelerator CyberNorth2 that was a joint
project between Estonian Defence Industry Association and Estonian private investors to support
new start-ups in cybersecurity. Out of this programme 8 start-ups emerged (with their financial
body established in Estonia) that would have benefitted from OCR capabilities while developing
their products and services.
However, it is noteworthy that not all of these ventures succeed and it is estimated that there is
about 50% success rate for start-up companies to survive the first year and find enough customers
or investors to keep their business running.
There are no changes planned in the legislation to execute the OCR project, Estonian government
has necessary support measures to successfully execute the project, these include ability to agree
on cooperation and governance models for OCR, operate an existing support system for emerging
companies (Start-Up Estonia), ability to issue special start-up visas for emerging companies etc.
Key performance indicators:
No Core Indicator Name Additional description Indicator
(by 2022)
1. Number of SMEs
Number of SMEs supported to test new
products/services/processes in the Open
Cyber Range
2. Number of new
New products developed and introduced to the
cybersecurity training and exercise
services (that include developing
threat actors, scenarios, indicators,
vulnerabilities, custom malware etc.
that can be sold separately as a
cybersecurity products (that include
components of innovative
technologies in fields like Industry
4.0, ICS, IoT, 5G, AI and other
emerging technology topics) etc.
Baselines for these services and products
come from different security standards and
frameworks, e.g.:
NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework
MITRE ATT&CK Framework
MITRE STIX 2.0 (https://oasis-
3. Number of professional
staff trained
Staff that has participated on the cybersecurity
trainings and exercises that have been
developed in the OCR format.
For the OCR project there is no single beneficiary, previous experience has shown that a Cyber
Range is a capability that can fully utilized only by very large entities (for example US military),
for smaller nations, universities and private sector it is feasible to share a common capability for
cost effectiveness and knowledge transfer. Thus a common project promoter is needed who will be
responsible for engaging partners, leading the project and promoting the capability. A vast amount
of knowledge, procedures and also technology can be transferred from the Estonian Cyber Range
for the benefit of the OCR project.
Estonia has operated the Cyber Range since 2012 and altogether about 10M€ has been invested to
existing capability, however this capability is now and in the future for government-to-government
activities while OCR will be open for wider audience. On the existing Cyber Range world’s largest
multinational cybersecurity exercises take place – Locked Shields and Cyber Coalition providing
training capabilities for more than thousand trainees simultaneously.
The current funding of the Estonian Cyber Range covers the governmental requirements for
training and experimentation, however making the capability available for industry and academia
requires a dedicated environment with modified toolset to meet their requirements.
The main funding gaps lie in:
1. Creating an underlying physical and logical environment based on the COTS technology
that will provide environment for the OCR to operate;
2. Developing both technical and procedural OCR specific concepts, methods, rules of
engagements and tools to support resolving the challenges mentioned in the beginning of
the document;
3. Researching and developing OCR specific tools e.g. automation of the deployment,
providing situational awareness, simulation of user activity and Internet, sanitation and
integrity of the environment etc.;
4. Creating sample scenarios, trainings, exercises, test and experimentation environments to
support participants introducing their ideas, concepts and products to the OCR and to
provide overview of the OCR capabilities;
5. Integration and/or federation with other Cyber Range, Cyber Lab and/or relevant
capabilities (non-enterprise environments such as ICS, IoT, medical equipment, legacy
systems etc.) from OCR will benefit.
Cooperation between Estonia and Norway
Estonian MoD will be responsible for the execution of the project, while some of the responsibilities
of project management will be shared with organizations governed by the MoD, these include
Foundation CR143 and Estonian Defence Investments Agency4.
Bilateral dimension is executed in the development of the OCR project while Estonian and
Norwegian counterparts conduct common R&D to develop OCR components, develop common
tools, promote the capability in both countries etc. NTNU has also involved local municipality to
the project to find common interest.
Within the OCR project NTNU will provide the knowledge and experience from operating their
academic Cyber Range, also NTNU has specific strengths in cybersecurity disciplines that are not
covered on Estonian side, more specifically social aspects, feedback loop and evaluation.
Estonian MoD, TalTech and NTNU had preliminary meetings in May 2018 to define project scope
and there are 18 Work Packages defined to be executed in the next three years. In almost all of
these Work Packages all participants are included while the lead of the Work Packages will be
shared based on the best knowledge of the topic between participants. The content of Work
Packages and exact responsibilities shall be reviewed once the project is agreed, overall it is
foreseen that the partner costs are divided 50:50 during the project execution.
Estonian MoD and NTNU have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in May 2018
regarding co-operation on cyber defence exercises, training, development and research activities
and OCR project will be formalized as one of the co-operation activity under this MoU. Dedicated
contract (technical agreement) will be signed to define participant responsibilities, work shares,
financial aspects etc.
Intellectual Property Rights model considered for this project foresees sharing the intellectual
property as much as possible between project partners.
Link to national policies and strategies
Estonia has issued its third cybersecurity strategy5 in early 2019, among other topics a commitment
to develop the OCR platform is described in activity area 2.1 (Supporting and promoting
cybersecurity R&D and research-based enterprise), allowing to offer solutions to sectoral (start-up)
companies and universities for carrying out R&D activities, testing and products and training.
This is supported by other activities under the support for innovation generation and export
potential, but also ensuring an environment conducive to the inception and development of start-
ups and leveraging productive cooperation between private sector, state and academia. The OCR
project checks out all three priority categories.
In Estonian MoD a cybersecurity policy has been introduced6 in 2017 that includes Cyber Ranges
(National, NATO, Open and Classified) as part of the core capability to support cybersecurity
capability development, training and exercises, not just in the governance area of MoD, but nation-
wide as this is the only governmental Cyber Range capability operated in Estonia. Also the
3 Operator of the Cyber Range
4 Responsible for public tenders in governance area of MoD
6 In Estonian, currently under review, will be updated by the end of 2020
cybersecurity policy include cybersecurity knowledge transfer and export from MoD to rest of the
nation, allies and partners.
MoD’s policy is also to promote Estonian defence industry that includes a cyber-cluster, companies
included to this cluster are not defence companies per se, rather they are providing dual-use
solutions that the Defence Forces have adopted (for example these include cybersecurity of
autonomous vehicles). Same channels can be used to promote SME-s using OCR capabilities once
their products and services are mature.
Measures and expected deliverables:
Measure 1 (30%): procure and set up the initial operational capability of the OCR environment
based on the COTS products that forms the core of the OCR (computing, storage, networking etc.).
This measure will deliver the baseline upon OCR specific research, tools etc. will be applied.
Measure 2 (10%): develop and implement OCR specific requirements such as specifications for
APIs, minimal security requirements, requirements for federating technical capabilities, guidelines
for documentation, KPIs etc.
Measure 3 (30%): research and develop automation tools for activity deployment, testing
capability of the deployed activities, simulation services to support activities, situational awareness
tools for different use cases, sanitation technology to clean the OCR between activities, integrity
platform to detect unauthorized changes etc.
Measure 4 (10%): populate OCR library with sample software, virtual machines, attack
simulations, scenarios, trainings, exercises, test environments and other artefacts, document the use
of forenamed items. This is a prerequisite for SMEs to be able to utilize the OCR, an initial set of
the library will be populated by the project participants, and however SMEs are encouraged to
contribute to this library while using the OCR capability they are not included in the development
period of the OCR.
Measure 5 (10%): develop connections and make available additional external capabilities that
supplement OCR capabilities and support OCR activities, this is achieved through integration
and/or federation of other capabilities, this might include public cloud services for additional
computing power, specialized Cyber Ranges/Labs for specific task (ICS, IoT etc.)
Measure 6 (10%): project management costs to cover one full time project manager for the
duration of the project and other project management related costs.
Operations and Maintenance:
The initial operations will be supported by the Estonian Ministry of Defence in co-operation with
project partners. During the project period when the capability and its operations mature, an
operations and maintenance model will be developed to support the capability after the project
period, this will include manning, financial provisions etc.
Estonian Ministry of Defence is planning to support the OCR capability with manning throughout
and beyond the project lifecycle through the Foundation CR14. To maintain the hardware and
software a business model will be created to charge SMEs for the use of capability, this allows also
to operate the capability for users that have a sustainable business model themselves. Alternatives
include requesting financing from national budget and opening the concept for wider sponsoring
model from larger enterprises.
Risk overview:
1. Operational requirements change throughout the implementation of the OCR that leads to
difficulty to support requested requirements.
a. Probability: Likely;
b. Impact: Moderate;
c. Response: Contracts with universities will be implemented in a way that allows
changing the necessary requirements if needed.
2. Procurements for hardware and/or software fail or will be delayed that leads to difficulty
to support requested activities.
a. Probability: Unlikely;
b. Impact: Major;
c. Response: Existing solutions from current Cyber Range capability will be provided
in a smaller scale until procurements have succeeded.
3. Universities are not able to deliver requested functionalities for OCR that leads to limited
a. Probability: Possible;
b. Impact: Major;
c. Response: Funding model will be changed to outsource the missing functionalities
to industry. This can be achieved while universities find the partners to deliver the
functionalities or project promoter will launch a public tender.
4. Lack of interest from industry that leads to underuse of the OCR capability.
a. Probability: Possible;
b. Impact: Moderate;
c. Response: Engage additional entities (Start-up Estonia, start-up accelerators etc.)
to promote the capability, promote capability in conferences, meetups, seminars
etc. Provide additional operational support from governmental agencies (e.g.
datasets that can be used only on OCR to solve specific problems).
Terms and acronyms
Abbreviation Content
API Application Programming Interface
Activity Event conducted on the OCR, this includes trainings, exercises, testing,
evaluation, validation and other similar activities.
By-products produced during the development of software, trainings, exercises
etc., e.g., use cases, class diagrams, and other Unified Modelling Language
models, requirements and design documents
COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf
ICS Industrial Control System
ICT Information and communications technology
IoT Internet-of-Things
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
KPI Key Performance Indicator
Library An environment to store, document and make available items used in OCR
Abbreviation Content
OCR Open Cyber Range
SME Small and medium-sized enterprises
5.1 Template for the PDP cost (budget)
Project title:
Project Promoter:
Total project cost:
Project grant rate:
Project duration:
Number of
Unit price (€)
Total cost (€)
(a) x (b) Type of expenditure Comments/additional information
OCR Project Manager Month 36,00 5 352,00 192 672,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a 1 FTE
Travel costs Travels 36,00 1 000,00 36 000,00 Travel and subsistence
allowances for staff - Reg.
Art. 8.3.1.b
4 travels per year for three people (project manager + any
other function supporting the efforts)
ICT equipment for OCR Project Manager Kit 1,00 3 000,00 3 000,00 Cost of new or second hand
equipment - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.c
& Art. 8.3.2
ICT quipment includes computer and smartphone with
software and licenses required to implement the project
Communication costs Month 36,00 30,00 1 080,00 Costs of consumables and
supplies - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.e Mobile and landline costs, includes mobile data
OCR identity development Days 800,00 25,00 20 000,00
Costs entailed by other
contracts awarded by PP for
the purpose of carrying out
the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
OCR visual identity development, this includes wireframe for
the website, presentation background, roll-up design etc. All
those include logo, colorschema, fonts etc.
OCR website and connectivity to the OCR Days 800,00 60,00 48 000,00
Costs entailed by other
contracts awarded by PP for
the purpose of carrying out
the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
OCR website to promote the capability and connect users to
the OCR capability
OCR Framework development Days 1 200,00 20,00 24 000,00
Costs entailed by other
contracts awarded by PP for
the purpose of carrying out
the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
OCR Framework includes legal status, ruleset, business
model, contractual relationships with academia, start-ups
and enterprises etc.
Other costs 1,00 14 013,00 14 013,00
Costs arising directly from
requirements imposed by the
project contract - Reg. Art.
Publicity, translation, memorabilia, etc
338 765,00
WP1 - Servers Kit 1,00 300 000,00 300 000,00 Cost of new or second hand
equipment - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.c
& Art. 8.3.2
Consists of Dell or Cisco servers, either raw computing or
with some storage
WP1 - Fast data storage Kit 1,00 350 000,00 350 000,00 Cost of new or second hand
equipment - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.c
& Art. 8.3.2
Prefered solution is EMC XtremeIO that has proven its
capability in the Estonian Cyber Range setup or equivalent
solution, for activity use in live environments
WP1 - Slow data storage Kit 1,00 100 000,00 100 000,00 Cost of new or second hand
equipment - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.c
& Art. 8.3.2
Slow data storage is used for storing virtual machines,
templates, configurations, scenarios etc for on-demand use
WP1 - Networking equipment Kit 1,00 150 000,00 150 000,00 Cost of new or second hand
equipment - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.c
& Art. 8.3.2
Routers, switches, cables etc needed to connect OCR
together and to the Internet
WP1 - Civil works Days 800,00 50,00 40 000,00
Costs entailed by other
contracts awarded by PP for
the purpose of carrying out
the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
Any work (installation, initial setup etc.) or additional
datacenter small equipment (PDU-s, rack blinds, cabling or
cabling accessories, KVM, monitoring tools etc.) needed to
set up the OCR environment
WP1 - Security equipment Kit 1,00 120 000,00 120 000,00 Cost of new or second hand
equipment - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.c
& Art. 8.3.2
E.g. IPS or any other hardwar/software needed to enhance
security of the OCR
1 060 000,00
Development on technical requirements to achive initial operational
capability Month 12,00 8 000,00 96 000,00
Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
No specific WP - general work to be done under the project -
develop and implement OCR specific requirements such as
specifications for APIs, minimal security requirements,
requirements for federating technical capabilities,
guidelines for documentation, KPIs, evaluate existing
capabilities (market research), analyse solutions (e.g.
proprietary vs open source) etc.
WP2 - Scenario Language Development Month 3,00 8 000,00 24 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
The goal is to develop language to define scenarios at an
abstract level. Compilers and generator will follow and
allow the automatic generation of low level artifacts
WP5 - Language Development for Digital Library Month 4,00 8 000,00 32 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
The goal is to develop language to define artefacts to be
stored in Digital Library
WP17 - Collaboration tools on OCR Month 12,00 8 000,00 96 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Tools to run and operate activities on the OCR – chat, wiki,
project management tools etc.
WP18 - Hybrid systems related to the OCR Month 40,00 8 000,00 320 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Develop connections and make available additional external
capabilities that supplement OCR capabilities and support
OCR activities, this is achieved through integration and/or
federation of other capabilities, this might include public
cloud services for additional computing power, specialized
Cyber Ranges/Labs for specific task (ICS, IoT etc.)
This activity will be broken down to smaller parts during the
project development, currently 3 different hybrid systems
are foreseen
568 000,00
WP3 - Management system (VMWare) Month 6,00 6 500,00 39 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Middleware to operate the OCR, in case of Estonian CR vLM
is used on top of VMware, in case of Norway OpenStack is
used. This includes also support systems like git,
chef/puppet, etc.
This also includes potential sanitization and integrity tools
WP4 - Management system (OpenStack) Month 6,00 9 000,00 54 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Middleware to operate the OCR, in case of Estonian CR vLM
is used on top of VMware, in case of Norway OpenStack is
used. This includes also support systems like git,
chef/puppet, etc.
This also includes potential sanitization and integrity tools
WP6 - Digital Library development Month 12,00 8 000,00 96 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Component to store and organize artifacts for re-use –
scenarios, virtual machines, test cases, configurations etc,
creating marketplace
WP8 - User Simulation Month 12,00 8 000,00 96 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
3 types of simulation:
1. Simulate a core part of Internet for OCR use (BGP, DNS,
NTP etc servers „on 6 continents“)
2. User agents for several operating systems to simulate
user behavior (e.g. standard user, admin)
3. Capability to insert noise between any system on OCR
WP9 – Traffic simulation/generation Month 12,00 8 000,00 96 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
In general traffic collection and distribution capability, but
also storing console events, snapshots, screenshots and
video from virtual machines, playback capability
WP10 - Activity Monitoring Month 12,00 8 000,00 96 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
In general traffic collection and distribution capability, but
also storing console events, snapshots, screenshots and
video from virtual machines, playback capability
WP11 - Situational awareness Month 12,00 8 000,00 96 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Different views for teams (red, blue, green, white) with
distinct data about exercise or training environment
WP12 - Scoring and evalution module Month 12,00 8 000,00 96 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Technics and procedures to gather information from OCR in
order to evaluate and score the activities
WP13 - Feedback module Month 12,00 8 000,00 96 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Planning tool with feedback from technical environment,
lessons identified and lessons learned
WP14 - Social aspect module Month 12,00 8 000,00 96 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Evaluation social aspect in OCR, e.g. behavioral analysis
connected to OCR activities
WP15 - Federation of Cyber Ranges Month 6,00 8 000,00 48 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Federating EE (OCR) and NO Ranges – connectivity,
command and control, information sharing, resource sharing
Outsourced - Security testing and validation of the OCR capability Days 100,00 1 200,00 120 000,00
Costs entailed by other
contracts awarded by PP for
the purpose of carrying out
the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
Security testing of the hardware and software environment
set up during the project, security testing is conducted in
multiple iterations
1 029 000,00
Output / Activity 4 - Populating OCR with content
WP7 - Populating the digital library Month 24,00 8 000,00 192 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
This includes research and development on content
Populate OCR library with sample software, virtual
machines, attack simulations, scenarios, trainings, exercises,
test environments and other artifacts, document the use of
forenamed items in a way that they are reusable by the
OCR users
This might be broken down into subprojects during the
WP16 - Testing facility Month 12,00 8 000,00 96 000,00 Cost of staff assigned to the
project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Technics and procedures to test, experiment and evaluate
new software and solutions in X number of different
configurations; possible tiered sertification system for
software that has gone through the testing
Custom malicious content for the Digital Library Days 30,00 1 600,00 48 000,00
Costs entailed by other
contracts awarded by PP for
the purpose of carrying out
the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
Malicious content is usually in a form of exerciseware that
differs from actual malware in the ways of built in security
measures (e.g. Works only in dedicated environments and
on specific conditions)
336 000,00
3 331 765,00
3 331 765,00
338 765,00
2 993 000,00
Output / Activity 3 - Research and development on OCR tools
Total project management cost (€):
Total 1.4:
Total 1.5:
Total 1:
2. INDIRECT COSTS - Reg. Art. 8.5
Total 2:
Legend: EST price is 6 500€/per month, for NOR it is 9 000€/per month, combined price is calculated as 8 000€/per month.
36 months
Open Cyber Range
Estonian Ministry of Defence
3 331 765 €
Total 1.2:
1. DIRECT EXPENDITURES - Reg. Art. 8.2 & Art. 8.3
Project management
Total 1.1:
Output / Activity 1 - Initial hardware and software environment
Total output related cost (€):
Output / Activity 2 - Project support development
Total 1.3: