Dokumendiregister | Transpordiamet |
Viit | 17.1-2/22/1827-2 |
Registreeritud | 18.03.2022 |
Sünkroonitud | 21.06.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 17.1 Meresõiduohutus |
Sari | 17.1-2 Kirjavahetus ja dokumendid klassifikatsiooniühingute tegevusest koos lisamaterjalidega (LR, ABS, RS, GL, DNV, BV, RINA) |
Toimik | 17.1-2/2022 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Lloyd’s Register Global Technology Centre |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Lloyd’s Register Global Technology Centre |
Vastutaja | Agnes Pilv (Transpordiamet, Users, Ohutuse ja järelevalve teenistus, Laevanduse ohutuse ja järelevalve osakond, Laevade järelevalve üksus) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
I Application
This Agreement delegates authority and sets forlh the conditions for cooperation between the Transport Administration of the Republic of Estonia (hereinafter refered to as "the Adrninistration,,) and LLOYD'S REGISTER GROUP LIMITED (trereinafter refened to as "the RO") with respect to the perfonnance of statutory certification and services on behalf of the Administration, as outlined inthe Code for Recognized Organizations (RO Code, IMO Resolutions MSC.349(92) and MEPC.237(65)), and with Regulation (EC) No 391/2009 and Dilective 2009lI5;EC of the irr.op"u' Palliament and of the Council, as amended.
2 Purpose
The purpose of this Agreement is to delegate authority to the RO to perform statutory certification and services on ships registered in Estonia and classed by the RO, unless indicated otherwise, and to define the scope, terms, conditions and requirements of tlat delegation.
3 General conditions
3 ' 1 Statutoly cerlification and services comprise the assessment of Estonian registered ships including newbuildings and ships flagging in to the Estonian register and,lor ship manigement companies, in ordet to detelrnine the cornpliance of such ships and/or companies witir the ap-plicable r.equir.ements of the intemational conventions, codes, circulars and instructions, relevutri iu law and national legislation, interpretations and cilculars, as arnended (hereinafter refened to as ,'applicable insttuments") and the issuance of, or in supporl of the issuance of, relevant certificates as well as the extension of the validity of the certificates and documents as set out in the Appendix hereto,
3.2In oldel fol the RO to be considered for authorization under the Estonian flag and in order. for the Ro to maintain any authorization according to the present Agreement, the RO shall be r-ecognised by the European Community in accordance with Re ;ulation pc; No. 39112009 and at all times be in compliance with this regulation.
3'3 The Ro shall have established a quality management system complying with the provisions of theRo Code and make it available upon request for the Administration foi supervision functions as requi'ed in the article 11(1) of Regulation (EC) No. 3g1l2o0g.
3'4In so far as the statutorycertification ancl services coveredbythis Agreement ar.e concerared, the RO agrees to cooperate with Port State control authorities to facilitate ihe rectification of reported deficiencies or other discrepancies on behalf of the Administration when so requested, and report to the Adrninistration.
3 '5 Statutory services rendered and statutory certificates issued by the Ro will be accepted as services Iendered by oI certificates issued by the Adminirtration provided that the RO maintains compliance with the provisions of the Agreement.
4 The execution of functions under authorizatiron
4.1 Functions in accordance with general authorization:
' 1 the RO is hereby authorized to carry out statutory certification and services on behalf of the Administration with respect to ships, registered in Estonia, and/or companies responsible for operating such ships, to the extent specified in the Appendix to this Agreement and to require repairs to ships in accordance with applicable instruments;
'2 surueys shall be canied out in accordance with applicable instruments and, where applicable, the Survey Guidelines under the Harmorrized System of Suryey and Certificatio" iHsscl,2019 (Resolution A.1 140(31)), as may be amended; and
'3 the Ro and others acting on its behalf are authorized to take relevant control measures in, s.l,T'd; frJ:ll'."'t":lH"i"#$ffi;.fl;;il ith the particulars of the ship's certificates or the
.4 Where, in a matter within the RO,s sco condition of a ship, its equipment or. o respects does not conespond substantiall the condition of the ship is found to be s to the ship or persons on board or presents an unreasonable threat to the marine environment
concemed shall ation immediatelv. and the ROr will u to ensure rr.".r.u.r, y the owner or an rectify the defects;
'5 If such corrective actions are not taken, the Ro shall withdraw the relevant certificates andnotify the Adrninistration irnmediately. If the ship is in a foreign port, the appropriate authorities of the Port State shall also be notified without delay. in ti'e went that deficiencies
prove to be beyond the scope of the authorization set out in the Appendix, r concerned shall inforrn the Administration immediately, *h"r.rrpon th; shall determine what further action the RO shall take on behalf of the
4.2 Functions in accordance with special (additional) author.ization
Authorizations for services outside the scope of the Appendix to this Agreement will be dealt with asmutually agreed on a case-by-case basis.
4.3 Relationship between the Ro's statutory and other related activities
The Ro and its staff shall not engage in any activities that may conflict with their independence ofjudgement and integrity in relation to their rtutot-y certification and services. The RO and its staff L
responsible for carrying out the statutoly certification and seryices shall not be the designer, manufacturer, supplier, installer', purchaser, owner, user or maintainer of the item subject tq the statutory cerlification and services, nor the authorized representative of any of these parties. The RO shall not be substantially dependent on a single commercial enterprise for its revenue.
5 Legal basis of the functions under authorization
5.1 Acts, regulations and supplernentary provisiorLs
This Agreement is made pursuant to the Estonian legislation and in compliance with the applicable instruments,
5.2 Interpretations
While interpretations of the applicable instruments, as well as the deter:rnination of equivalents or the acceptance of substitutes to the requirements of the applicable instruments are the prerogative of the Administration, the Ro will cooperate in their establishmenr as necessary and shall decide on interpretations and equivalents within the framework of the Agreement and according to the following hierarchy of rules and guidance: a) Estonian law; b) resolutions, circulars and other statutory documents issued by the IMo; c) regulations, interpretations and other communications issuedby the European Union; d) plocedures, procedural requirements, unified requirements and unified interpretations issued by IACS; e) orders, regulations, intetpretations and circulars, etc. issued by the Administration.
5.3 Deviations, exemptions and equivalent solutions
Exernptions and deviatiols fi'om, and equivalents to, the requirements of the applicable instruments are the prerogative of the Administration and must be approved by the Ad^ministration prior to issuance' In instances where, temporarily, the requjrements oi an appticable instrument cannot be met under particular circumstances, proposals for such measures or ..rppl.-"ntary equipment as rnay be available to permit the ship to proceed to a suitable porl where permanent repairs or rectifications can be effected or replacement equipment fitted u." io be acceptable to the RO and agreed by the Administration.
6 Reporting to the Administration
6.1 Procedures for reporting in the case ofgeneral authorization
The RO shall establish lelevant plocedules for reporting to the Administration in the case of general autholization, in accordance with the requirements of thi Agreement and the additional requirements of the Administlation' Information required undel this section may be reported electronically to the Administration via the Ro's online survey status a rd certification system.
6.2 Procedures for reporting in the case of special authorization
The RO shall establish relevant procedures for reporting to the Administration in the case of special authorization, in accordance with the requirements of the Agreement and the additional requirements of the Adrninistration accompanying each specjal authorization. Information required under this section may be reported electronically to the Administration via the RO's online suryey status and cerlification system.
6.3 Reporting on classification of ships (assignmerrt of class, changes and withdrawals, as applicable), and reporling of cases where a ship did not in all respects remain fit to pro".ed to sea without danger to the ship or persons on board, or presenting unreasonable threat of harm to the environment, ihe pleferred line of cotnmunication is by e-mail: [email protected] and telephone number for on- duty (2417) (+312) 620 s770.
6,4 Othel reporting:
' 1 whenever a request for classifrcation of a ship to which statutory requirements apply, that will be or has been registered in Estonia is received, the RO shall immediately infolm the Adrninistration;
.2 the RO shall notify the Administration immediately upon becoming aware of a situation involving a major deficiency or serious safety-related issue thai would normally be considered sufficient to detain a ship from proceeding to sea pending conection;
'3 the Ro shall notify the Administration irnmediately upon becoming aware of a situation aboard a ship or within a company responsible for operating such ships involving a major non-conformity, as defined in the revised Guidelines on the implementation of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code by Adrninistrations (resoiution A.111g(30), as may be amended);
.4 the above notifications shall contain the name of the company or ship, the IMO number, the official number, if applicable, the company identification number and a description of the major non-conformity, deficiency or issue;
.5 the Ro shall inform the Administration, as soon as possible, of any dangerous occurrences, accidents, machinery or structulal breakdowns, or failures, which relate to the scooe of statutory certification and services as defined in the RO Code, that they are aware oi o1 u ship;
.6 the RO shall repofi to the Adrninistration in writing, if applicable, of any ships removed from the RO's list of classed/certified ships for rvhich the RO has performed statutory certification and services' The repoft should contain a clescription of the reason(s) for removal from class, and this should be made within thirty (30) days of the removal decision becoming effective; ano
'7 in cases on of the ship from one RO to another, the gainingorganizat dayr;) from the issuance of the certificates, advrse th!Adrninist ation of the date of issue of the certificates and confirm the date, place and action taken to satisfy each overdue survey, overdue recommendation and overdue condition of class.
7 Development of rules and/or regulations - Infrrrmation
7'1 Coopelation in connection with the development of rules and/or regulations - liaison meetings
The Ro shall allow participation in the development and review of its rules, procedures and/or regulations, specifically in the review process prior to finalization, by representatives of the Adrninistration. The Administration should notify the RO on the occasion that it decides to participate in the process.
T.2Exchange of rules and/or regulations and infor:mation:
' I the Administration will provide the Ro with all necessary documentation for the purpose of the RO's provision of statutory cerlification and services, and notify the RO of any adiitions, deletions or revisions thereto in advance of their effective date and specify whether the Administration's standards go beyond convention requirements in any respect;
'2 ll be granted accesrs upon request to all plans and documents includins
ll*"IlTr1',fJ;.f,-'oections on the basis of which certificates arel
.3 the RO should provide ft"" .l""tronic access to the latest editions of its rules and,lor regulations applicable to ships under the scope of authorization in the Appendix and listing of ships in its class and communicate the new rules and regulations to the Administration as early as pr.acticable; and
,4 the RO and the Adrninistration, r'ecogni:zing the irnportance of technical liaison, agree to cooperate towards this end and maintain an effective dialosue.
7.3 Langtage and fonn
The RO shall establish, publish and system atically maintain its rules andlor regulations printed and/orin the electronic environment, an up-to-date version of which shall be piovided in the English language, for the design, construction and certification of ships and their associated essential engineering systens,
8 Other conditions
8.l Remuneration
Unless agreed otherwise, remuneration for statutory cerlification and selices carried out by the RO on behalf of the Adrninistlation will be chalged by the RO directly to the party requestrng such services.
8.2 Rules for adrninistrative proceedings While the RO is performing the administrative functions on behalf of the Administration, the relevant legislation of the Administrative Procedure Act and of the Maritime Safety Act is to be followed (www,riigiteataja. ee),
8,3 Confidentiality
.1 The RO, it's officers, employees or agents agree to rnaintain as confidential and not to disclose to any third party any information derived from the Administration in connection with the services provided without the consent of the Administration except to the extent that it is reasonably necessary to enable the i{O to carry out the services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Unless provided otherwise in this Agreement, the Administration agrees to maintain as confidential and not to disclose to any third parly any inforrnation derived from the Ro in connection with the control functions exercised by the Administration in accordance with the tenns of this Agreement.
'2 The RO and its officers, employees ernd agents shall, when acting on behalf of the Administration, be subject to the general provisions of Estonian law on confidentiality, of the Personal Data Protection Act and of Regulation (EC) No,20161679 ofthe European Parliament and of the Council. Howevet, a y document or other inforrnation may be released by the RO if required by applicable legislation, court order or legal proceedings.
8.4 Liability and financial responsibility:
If a liability arising out of any marine casualty is finally and definitively imposed on the Administration by a court of law togethel with a requirement to compensate the injured parties:
' 1 for loss or damage to property or personal injury or death which is proved in that couft of law to have been caused by a wilful act or omission or gross neglig"n". by the RO, its bodies, officers, employees, agents or others who act on behalf of the RO underihis Agreement, the Administration is, on behalf of the Governrnent of Estonia, entitled to financial compensation from the RO to the extent that the said loss, damage, injury or death is, as decided by that courl, caused by the ROI
'2 court of law to have been caused bv anv its bodies, officers, employees, ug"rrt, o, reement, the Administration is, on behalf
financial cornpensation from the RO to the extent that the said personal injury or death is, as decided by that court, caused by the RO up to but not exceeding an amount of €5 rnillion; or
,3 for loss or darnage to properly, which is proved in a court of law, to have been caused by any negligent or reckless act or omission by the RO, its bodies, officers, employees, ug.rrt, o. others who act on behalf of the Ro undel this Agreernent, the Adrninistration is, on b"hulf of the Govetnment of Estonia, entitled to a financial compensation from the RO to the extent that the said loss or damage is, as decided by that court, caused by the RO up to but not exceeding an amount of €2.5 million.
'4 neither parly shall be liable to the othel frrr any special, indirect or consequential losses or damages resulting from or arising out of services performed under this Agreement, including without lirnitation loss of profit, loss of production, loss of contract, loss of use, businesl interruption or any other special, indirect or consequential losses suffered or incurred bv anv party howsoever caused.
if the Administration is summoned or is expected to be summoned to answer for such liability as mentioned above in this Alticle, the RO shall be informed without undue delay. The Administration shall, for information puryroses, send all claims, documents and other relevant material to the RO. The RO shall be entitled to provide support and/or participate in the defence of such claim, if the RO, in its sole discretion, deems it necessary or appropriate. If the Administration fails to plead all available defensive measures then the RO shall not be required to indemnify the Administration in accordance with sub-clauses .1, .2 and,.3 above.
the Administration shall not enter into any commitment or agreement, which involves acceptance of such liability as mentioned in sub-clauses . 1, .2, and.3 above, without the prior. written consent of the RO.
while acting for the Administration under this Agreement, the RO shall be free to create contracts dilectly with its clients and such contracts may contain the RO's normal contractual conditions for limiting its legal liability; and
in the context of this Agreement, a professional indemnity or professional liability insurance is to be effected by the RO.
8.5 Entry into force
This Agreement enters into force a day after eachpafiy has signed and notified the other in writins of duly signing it.
8.6 Terrnination
' 1 The Administration is entitled to withdraw or suspend its authorization to the RO, if the latter substantially or repeatedly fails to fulfil the obligations of this Agreement;
.2 before a withdrawal or suspension, the Administration shall give the RO an opportunity to respond in time to the alleged poor perfonrnance and, if necessary, to undertake the necessary preventive and remedial action to ensure full compliance;
.3 this Agreement may be terminated by either parly by giving the other pafiy I2months written notice;
'4 if this Agreement is bleached substantially or repeatedly by one of the parties, the other parly will notify the violatingpafiy of its breach in writing stating the reasons to give the notified party an opportunity to remedy the breach. The latter shall infonn the former within 30 days about the steps it intends to take, and remedy the breach within 90 days, failing which the notifying parly has the right to terminate the Agreement immediately;
'5 in the event that the EU Commission withdraws recognition of the RO in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No. 391/2009 as amended, the Administration may imrnediately terminate this Agreement in wliting without notice. The Administration and the RO asree upon the consequences of the withdrawal as soon as reasonably practicable;
'6 if the EU Commission decides to withdraw the recognition of the RO, the RO is not allowed to issue any certificate to Estonian ships or to renew such a cerlificate; however, certificates issued or renewed before the withdrawal remain valid.
8.7 Breach of agreement
if this Agreement is breached by one of the pafties, the other party will notify the violating party of its breach in writing stating the reasons to allow the notified party the opporrqnity to remedy ttre Ureactr within 90 days at the latest, failing which the notifying nary has the right to terminate theAgr.eement immediately. The latter shall inform the formel within 30 days about the steps it intends to take and remedy the bleach without undue delay.
8.8 Settlement of disputes
The Agreement shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with Estonian law. Any dispute arising in connection with this Agreement which cannot be settled by private negotiations between the parties shall be settled finally by Harju County Courl according to Estonian law.
In the performance of celtification services hereunder, the RO, its officers, employees and others acting on its behalf are entitled to all the protections of law and the same defences and/or counterclaims as would be available to the Administration and its own staff surveyors or employees as if the latter had conducted the statutory certification seryices in question.
8.9 Surveyors and use of service suppliers
.1 The RO shall perform statutory certification and services by the use of only exclusive surveyors and auditors, being persons solely employed by the RO, duly qualified,irained and authorized to execute all duties and activities incumbent upon their Lmployer, within their level of work responsibility;
however, if the RO finds in exceptional and duly justified cases that its own exclusive surueyor is not available, the RO shall infurm the Administration who may then nominate an exclusive surveyor of another RO;
in accordance with applicable instruments, the RO may choose ro oursource any seruice that affects conformity to requirements or to accept work of a third parly appro,r.i Uy the RO. The Ro shall ensure that it fully controls the performance of such services through its quality management system. For the pupose of accountability to the Administration, the work performed by the subcontracted organization or service supplier constitutes the work of the RO; and
while still rernaining lesponsible for the certification on behalf of the Administration, the RO may subcontract radio surveys to non-exclusive surveyors in accordance with this Agreement.
8.10 Amendrnents
Amendments to this Agreement and the Appendix will become effective only after consultation and written agreement between the Adrninistration and the RO.
9 Specification of the authorization from the Administration to the RO is attached to this Agreement as set out in the Appendix hereto.
10 The Administrationrs supervision of duties delegated to the RO
The Administration shall be entitled to satisfy itself that the RO is performing its services in compliance with the Agreement by establishing, or parlicipating in, as applicable, an RO oversight programme for the putpose of supervising the duties delegated to the RO under this Agreement by audits, inspections, supplementary surveys, vertical contract audits or other monitoring activities. For the purpose of this paragraph:
.1 the Administration shall, upon request, have access to the documentation of the quality management system of the RO;
.2 the Administration shall, upon request, have access to the internal instructions, circulars and guidelines of the RO;
.3 the Administration shall, upon request, have access to the RO's documentation relevant to the Administlation's fl eet;
,4 the RO shall fully cooperate with the Administration's inspection and verification procedures; .5 the RO shall keep the infonnation and statistics appropriately on cases such as, but not limited
to, damage and casualties relevant to the Administration's fleet; ,6 the RO shall keep the infonnation and statistics of port State control detentions and
deficiencies allocated to the responsibility of the RO; and .7 the Adrninistration rnay report to the Commission of the European Union and the Member
States of the European Union on the Estonian monitorins of the RO.
THIS AGREEMENT COMMENCES ON the date indicated in point 8.5 of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorized by the pafties, have signed this Agreernent.
Fol the Lloyd's Register Group Limited
71 Fenchurch Street London EC3M 4BS UK
Business Director for Marine and Offshore
For the Transport Administration of the Republic of Estonia Yalge 4 Tallinn 11413 Estonia info @transpordiamet. ee
Safety and Supewision Division
OA /.'l'
The Ro is hereby authorized as listed below to carty out stafutory certificationr and services andrequire repairs on behalf of the Administration in accordance with the applicable instruments.
The following three types of authorization apply as noted:
F: Full perform plan review, approve and inspect materials and equipment and carryout suryeys, inspections and audits, and issue and,lor revoke necessary irrt"rlm and full-termcertificates.
P: Partial Author review, cany out surveys, inspections and audits, and possiblyissue interim ce dance to be provided by the Administration and full-termcerlificate is to b stration).
L: Limited Authorization to account for other special categolies not covered by the above, such ascas e-b y-cas e authorization or geo graphical lirnitati c ns.
ternational convention, code or national legislation, shall be issued in a rssued in an electronic format according to Fat.szcr. c.3g/rev.2, as
Type of Authorizution
I SOLAS CONVENTION 1974 AND PROTOCOL 1978/1988, AS AMENDED Approval of drawings, calculations, specifications, manuals, materials and equipment
1.1 Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate Stability documentation F Initial survey and issuance ofcertificate F Renewal, annual and intermediate survey and renewal/endorsement of certifi cate
Exemption certificate L I,2 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
Initial sulvey and issuance of cer-tificate D
Renewal, annual and intermediate sur-vey and renewal/endorsement of certifi cate
Exemption certificate T
1,3 Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate Initial survey and issuance of cerlificate F' Renewal, annual and intermediate sur.vey and renewal/endolsement of cer1ifi cate
Exemption cerlificate L 1,4 Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
Initial sulvey and issuance of cefiificate F Renewal survey and renewal of cerlificate F Exemption cerlificate L
1.5 Grain loading Declaration Approval of dlawings, calculations, specifications and manuals
Issuance of the declaration F r.6 Document of Compliance with the Special Requirements
for Ships carrying Dangerous Goods Initial survey and issuance of cerlificate F Renewal, annual and intermediate survey and renewal/endorsement o f certific ate
Exemption cerlificate L t.7 Cargo Securing Manual
Approval of drawings, calculations, specifications, manual F 1.8 CARRIAGE OF LIQUEFIED GASES IN BULK 1.8.1 Certificate of ships built prior to 31 October 1976, EGC
Code Initial survey and issuance of cerlificate F Renewal, annual and intennediate survey and renewal/endorsement of certifi cate Exernption cerlificate
1.8.2 certificate for ships built on or after 31 o.tob.. 1976 bu before 1 July 1986, GC Code tnrlrat sulvey and lssuance of cerlificate F
L 1.8.3
renewal/endorsement of cer1ifi cate E*"-ptio.r"".tffi
survey and F
^ T C-
1.9.1 Lertlrtcate lor ships built belbre I .Iulv l9R6- RCH Cnrl Initial survey and issuance of certificate Renewal, an'r. renewal/endorsernent of certi fi cate
Exemption certificate L 1.9.2 rnrernarronar certiticate tbr ships built on or after 1 July
1986, IBC Code
renewal/endorsement o f certifi cate Exemption."rtffi
survey and
Iligh Speed Craft Safetv Certificafe HSC Cnrtp 1oo1
F nI.
L 1.10
rnnlal survey and tssuance ol'certificale F Kenewal, annual and intermediate survey and renewal/endorsement of certifi cate EXetnptlon cetttl lcale
L 1.11 rtrgn speed uratt Sat'etv Certificate. HSC Code 2000
F Initial survey and issuance of certificate r(enewal, annual and rntermediate survey and renewal/endorsement of certifi cate Exernption c"rtift
L t.t2
L nrual vellltcatron and rssuance of' certificate L
Periodical verification and endorsenrent .rf ncrrifi T L
r L
T ]J
L I2
Interirn verification and issuance of interirn cerlificate L Initial verification and issuance of ceftif,rcate L Periodical verification and endorsement of certificate L Renewal velification and renewal of cerlificate L
1.15 Agreement concerning specific stability requirements for Ro-Ro passenger ships undertaking regular scheduled international voyages between or to or from designated ports in north-west Europe and the Baltic Sea, STOCKHOLM AGREEMENT Approval of calculations and issuance of Letter of Comoliance
1.16 Polar Ship Certificate, POLAR Code Initial survey and issuance of cerlificate F Renewal, annual, periodical and intermediate survey and renewal/endorsement of cefiifi c ate
2 MARPOL Convention 1973178. as amended Approval of drawings, calculations, specifications, manuals, materials and equipment
2.7 International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate Initial sulvey and issuance of certificate F Renewal, arurual and intermediate survev and renewal/endorsement of cer1ifi cate
Exemption cerlificate L 2.2 International Pollution Prevention Certificate for
Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk Initial survey and issuance of certificate F Renewal, annual and intelmediate survey and renewal/endorsement o f certifi cate
Exemption cefiificate L 2.3 Approval of Damage Stabilitv
Approval of drawings, calculations, specifications, manuals F 2.4 International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
Initial survey and issuance of cerlificate F Renewal, annual and intermediate survey and renewal/endorsement of certifi cate
Exernption cerlificate L 2.5 International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
Initial survey and issuance of certificate n -c
Renewal, annual and intermediate survey and renewal/endorsement of ceft ifi cate
Exemption cerlificate L 2.6 Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
Initial survey and issuance of certificate F 2.7 International Energy Efficiency Certificate
Initial survey and issuance of cerlif,rcate F
2.8 Statement of Compliance - Fruel Oil Consumption
Reportins IMO Data Collection System for Fuel Oil Consumption
Ships: Issuance of Confirmation of Cornpliance - SEEMP Part II Issuance of the Statement of Compliance
Consumption Reporting Submission of the leporled data to the IMO database
- Fuel
PREVENTING COLLISIONS A% Aporoval of drawings, calculations, specifications, rnanuab F
4 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION AND TONNAGE MEASURE,MENT OF SHIPS ,1969 Measuretnent of ships and calculation F
Issuance of International Tonnage Cerlificate (1969)
Alternatively a cerlificate of tonnage measulement according
to legulations previously applied
J ILO CONVENTIONS 5.1 ILO conventions on Accommodatio@
Apploval of drawings and specifications F
Initial survey and suwey rePoft F
5.2 ILO Careo Gear Convention, No. L52
Survey and issuance of certihcates F
f,.J Maritime Labour C onvention, 2A0 6 Ml,crzllf) Approval of drawings and specifrcatlenq L Interim verification and issuance of certificate L
Initial velification and issuance of r:erlificate L
Periodical verification and endorsement of cerlificate L
Renewal verification and renewal of certificate L
Initial survey and survey repoll L
Approval of dlawings, calculations q44 Jpg{figgqgrl! nr
Approval of intact stabilitY F
Initial survey and issuance of cerlificate F
n*e,wul and arurual survey, renewal/endorsement of certifrcate
Exemption cerlificate L
CODE FOR THE C(M EQUIPMENT OF MOBILE OFFSHORE DRILLING UNITS, 1979,1989 and 2009 Approval of drawings, sp"cifi"ations and calculations includins stabilit Initial survey and issuanc" of c"rtif,rcat"-- Renewal, annual sulvey, len"*ayffi
tion cerlificate
CODE OF SAFETY FOR- DYNAMICALLY SUPPORTED CRAFT Construction and Equi t Certificate Initial survey and issuance of ."rtif.ut" Renewal, annual and -t@ renewal/endorsement of cer1ifi cate: Exemption cerlificate
special Purpose Ship sur*@ Res.A534(13) Initial survey and issuance olcertincate Renewal, periodic r.,ru"y u.r.l ffi certificate Exemption cerlificate Special Pu Ship Safety Certificate, SpS Code 2004 Initial survey and issuance of certif,icate Renewal, periodic suryey u"a ffi certificate Exemption certificate
I Purpose Ship Safety Certificat", SpS CoO" ZOOS Initial survey and i.suun." ot"", Renewal, per-iodic survey u"a ffi celtificate Exernption cerlificate
INTERNATIONAL CONVEM CONTROL AND MANAGEMBNT OF SHIPS' tsALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS. 2OO4 International Ballast Water Ma ent Certificate Approval of draw , specifications and calculations Initial survey and issuanc" oflh" *-rtifi.rt" Renewal and annual ,,.r-"y,-ffi certificate Exemptions certificate
11.1 International Anti-Foulins Systems Certificate Approval of dlawings, specifications and calculations tr
Initial survey and issuance of certi.ficate F Endorsement of the cerlificate F Declaration on Anti-Fouling System Approval of drawings, specifications and calculations F Initial survey and issuance of declzrration F
t2 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR SAFE CONTAINERS, CSC 1972 Testing, inspection and approval o.[ containers F
13 HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND RECYCLING OF SHIPS,2()Og (HKSRC 2OO9) Internat onal Certificate on Inventory of Hazardous Materials F Internat onal Ready for Recycling Cenificate F
I4 REGULATION (EU) No. 125712013 ON SHIP RECYCLING Cerlificate on Inventory of Hazardous Materials F Ready fol Recycling Certificate F
Fol the Lloyd's Registel Group Lirnited
71 Fenchurch Street London EC3M 48S UK
Business Dilectol for Maline and Offshore
Date: .,3,3..e4
For the Transport Administration of the Republic of Estonia Valge 4 Tallinn II4I3 Estonia info@tlanspordiamet. ee
Marek Rauk Director Safety and Supervision Division
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Kiri | 20.06.2024 | 4 | 17.1-2/24/10833-4 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | Lloyd’s Register, Flag State section |
Kiri | 20.06.2024 | 4 | 17.1-2/24/10833-3 | Valjaminev kiri | transpordiamet | LR Flag State Department |
Kiri | 19.06.2024 | 5 | 17.1-2/24/10833-2 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | LR Flag State Department |
Kiri | 19.06.2024 | 2 | 17.1-2/24/10833-1 | Valjaminev kiri | transpordiamet | Lloyd's Register Group Limited, F. S. D. |
Kiri | 26.01.2022 | 877 | 17.1-2/22/1827-1 🔒 | Valjaminev kiri | transpordiamet | Lloyd’s Register Global Technology Centre |