Dokumendiregister | Transpordiamet |
Viit | 17.1-2/22/1803-2 |
Registreeritud | 23.03.2022 |
Sünkroonitud | 21.06.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 17.1 Meresõiduohutus |
Sari | 17.1-2 Kirjavahetus ja dokumendid klassifikatsiooniühingute tegevusest koos lisamaterjalidega (LR, ABS, RS, GL, DNV, BV, RINA) |
Toimik | 17.1-2/2022 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | American Bureau of Shipping |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | American Bureau of Shipping |
Vastutaja | Agnes Pilv (Transpordiamet, Users, Ohutuse ja järelevalve teenistus, Laevanduse ohutuse ja järelevalve osakond, Laevade järelevalve üksus) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
14 March 202?.
Transport Administration of the Republlic of Estonia Attn: Mrs. Agnes Pilv Valge 4 Tallinn 11413 Estonia
Subject: RO Agreement between the Transport Administration of the Republic of Estonia and American Bureau of Shipping
Dear Madam,
Enclosed please find one original copy of the revision to the RO Agreement between the Transport Administration of the Republic of Estonia and the American Bureau of Shipping, endorsed by our chairman, Mr. C. Wiernicki.
ABS would like to inform your Administration of the following:
A. ABS accepts para 8.3.2 based on the Administration's acknowledgement when commenting on the draft Agreement that disclosure of the following information proposed earlier by ABS is not subject to the conditions of confidentiality as they are imperative requirements and prevail over the agreement on the basis of EU and Estonian law:
1. at the time of disclosure, documents which are published or othenrvise generally available to the public
2. to the extent that disclosure is reasonably necessary for the RO to carry out statutory services in accordance with this Agreement
3. the status of completion of survey and certificate status on the RO's website
4. disclosure as specified by IACS PR.3, "Transparency of Classification and Statutory Information"
5. documents required to be disclosed by judicial order, governmental order or regulation, by subpoena or by direction of a governmental agency with subpoena power
6. information required to be disclosed by the European commission
7. documents which are demonstrated to be in its possession at the time of disclosure and which was not acquired directly or indirectly from the Administration or the RO respectively
8. documents viewed by a flag Administration during their oversight program of RO.
B. ABS officially records its obligations that to a country (other than the Administration) which may amend or change its national law or regulation that directly controls the Ro such that the Ro cannot perform some oiall of its obligations under this Agreement consistent with controlling law or regulation, the RO will not be liable to the Administration or to any third person for any damages, actual or consequential, for failure to perform any of the obligations under this Agreement".
We look forward to continuing a fruitfulworking relationship with the Estonian Flag Administration.
Christopher Perrocco Senior Principal Surveyor Regulatory Affairs - Europe