Dokumendiregister | Riigikohus |
Viit | 7-8/24-309-2 |
Registreeritud | 30.07.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 31.07.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 7 Juhtimine |
Sari | 7-8 Riigikohtu esimehe kirjavahetus välisriikide kõrgemate kohtute ja rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega |
Toimik | 7-8/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania |
Vastutaja | Karin Leichter-Tammisto (Riigikohus, Juhtkond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
From: Karin Leichter-Tammisto <[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 10:36:06 +0000
To: Marelle Mänd <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Letter from Mrs.Holta Zacaj, President of Constitutional Court of Albania
From: cecc <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2024 4:43 PM
To: protokoll <[email protected]>; mboeckel <[email protected]>; Clemence Joly <[email protected]>; greffegeneral <[email protected]>; mginepro <[email protected]>; gabinete presidencia <[email protected]>; Maarten Denys <[email protected]>; Ustavni sud <[email protected]>; Ksenija Podgornik <[email protected]>; ufficio cerimoniale <[email protected]>; inter dept <[email protected]>; R Huppmann <[email protected]>; armlaw <[email protected]>; ustavni sud <[email protected]>; direktion <[email protected]>; tcc <[email protected]>; relatii externe <[email protected]>; mail <[email protected]>; viviane probst <[email protected]>; president <[email protected]>; g vihrogonova <[email protected]>; protocol <[email protected]>; predsednicka <[email protected]>; Karin Leichter-Tammisto <[email protected]>; Pavel Dvorak <[email protected]>; info <[email protected]>; tconstitucional <[email protected]>; voorz-pres <[email protected]>; bernadette renauld <[email protected]>; geraldine bierwart <[email protected]>; Vesna Mijic <[email protected]>; Barbara Vogt <[email protected]>; jantunes <[email protected]>; g lomtadze <[email protected]>; emjavanadze <[email protected]>; gabinete presidente <[email protected]>; tiesa <[email protected]>; praesident <[email protected]>; mtomas <[email protected]>; alramos <[email protected]>; info <[email protected]>; dmtylka <[email protected]>; protocol <[email protected]>; caroline petillon <[email protected]>; relations-exterieures <[email protected]>; v georgiev <[email protected]>; Dominik Tylka <[email protected]>; botond bitskey <[email protected]>; Rebecca Murphy <[email protected]>; Protocol Austria <[email protected]>; vita viluniene <[email protected]>; intrel <[email protected]>; Bruckmüller <[email protected]>; sabina mirzayeva <[email protected]>; Bruno Carotti <[email protected]>; Marika Laizāne-Jurkāne <[email protected]>; HRN-President <[email protected]>; Aleksandar Lazov <[email protected]>; Andrea Nagyová <[email protected]>; Mária Siegfriedová <[email protected]>; Angela Kiss-Mate <[email protected]>; Molnár Zoltán <[email protected]>; Rouziere Gwendoline <[email protected]>; Tigran Simonyan <[email protected]>; A. Fopma, Hoge Raad <[email protected]>; Göttinger Vlastimil <[email protected]>; kelkhazzar <[email protected]>; Bojan Jović <[email protected]>; danijela lubarda <[email protected]>; cristina titirisca <[email protected]>; secretariat <[email protected]>; Pihler Lidija <[email protected]>; Joana Riquito <[email protected]>; Daniele Chanson <[email protected]>; Oisin Mag Fhogartaigh <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Letter from Mrs.Holta Zacaj, President of Constitutional Court of Albania
Dear colleagues,
We hope this message finds you all well!
This is our first e-mail for the new Presidency of CECC from the CECC Team of Constitutional Court of Albania. We are delighted to coordinate all the activities of the CECC during the next 3 years and we really feel grateful for any contribution and cooperation with all of you during this period. This e-mail address will be the principal address for any official communication.
We are sharing with you a letter from the President of the Constitutional Court of Albania, Madam Holta Zaçaj, which anticipates future meetings and the Voting Protocol which is related to the date of the organization of the meeting circle of president hereby. We kindly ask you to return preferably by September 15th, 2024.
We would be pleased if you could forward these documents to the honorable Presidents/Chief Justices of your esteemed Constitutional/Supreme Courts.
Thank you very much for your contribution which has made such a meaningful difference and helpful cooperation.
Warm greetings from Tirana.
Informacioni i trasmetuar në përmbajtje të këtij mesazhi është i destinuar vetëm për individin ose për institucionin të cilit i është nisur, mund të përmbajë materiale konfidenciale dhe / ose të privilegjuara vetëm për marrësin. Çdo rishikim, trasmetim, shpërndarje apo kryerje e ndonjë veprimi tjetër të ngjashëm me këto, nga personat apo nga subjekte të tjera të ndryshme nga marrësi i synuar, është i ndaluar. Nëse merrni gabimisht këtë mesazh, ju lutem kontaktoni urgjentisht dërguesin e tij dhe fshini çdo material të trasmetuar në kompjuterin tuaj. Ne nuk pranojmë asnjë detyrim lidhur me dëmtimin apo humbjen e shkaktuar nga programe të dëmshme apo nga viruse, përveç rastit të neglizhencës së plotë, apo sjelljes së gabuar dhe të qëllimshme.
The information transmitted in the content of this message is intended only for the individual or the institution to whom it is addressed, may contain confidential and/or privileged material for the recipient only. each review, transmission, distribution or performance of any other action similar to these, by persons or by entities other than the intended recipient, is prohibited. If you receive this message in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete any transmitted material on your computer. We do not accept no liability related to damage or loss caused by harmful programs or viruses, except in the event of gross negligence, or willful misconduct
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Vastus kutsele | 20.01.2025 | 1 | 7-8/25-309-5 | Väljaminev kiri | riigikohus | Constitutional Court of Albania |
Pöördumine | 09.12.2024 | 1 | 7-8/24-309-4 | Sissetulev kiri | riigikohus | Constitutional Court of Albania |
Pöördumine | 09.12.2024 | 1 | 7-8/24-309-4 | Sissetulev kiri | riigikohus | Constitutional Court of Albania |
Vastus pöördumisele | 31.07.2024 | 1 | 7-8/24-309-3 | Väljaminev kiri | riigikohus | Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania |