Dokumendiregister | Transpordiamet |
Viit | 7.2-4/24/13560-3 |
Registreeritud | 30.08.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 02.09.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 7.2 Detail-, eri- ja maakonnaplaneeringute kooskõlastamine |
Sari | 7.2-4 Projektid, detailplaneeringud ja muud dokumendid ehitustegevuse kohta veeteedel ja navigatsioonimärkide vahetus läheduses |
Toimik | 7.2-4/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Kliimaministeerium |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Kliimaministeerium |
Vastutaja | Pärtel Keskküla (Users, Merendusteenistus, Laevateede ja sadamate osakond, Laevateede üksus) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Environment State Bureau of the Republic of Latvia
Rūpniecības iela 23, Rīga, LV-1045, Latvia, phone +371 67321173, e-mail [email protected],
23.08.2024 No. 5-05/1004/2024
To the points of contact of Espoo Convention as
per the enclosed send list
Regarding supplementary notification of the environmental impact assessment for activity
listed in the Appendix I of the Espoo Convention – the offshore wind park ELWIND (Latvia)
The Environment State Bureau (hereinafter – the Bureau), acting as a Point of Contact
regarding Notification in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention on Environmental Impact
Assessment in a Transboundary Context (hereinafter – the Espoo Convention) of Latvia and the
competent authority on the environmental impact assessment (hereinafter – the EIA) in Latvia,
hereby notifies your country regarding changes of the area of the development project “The
offshore wind park ELWIND (Latvia)” (hereinafter – the ELWIND (Latvia) project).
On 12 July 2023, by letter No. 5-05/873/2023, the Bureau notified Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden regarding the ELWIND (Latvia) project in
accordance with Article 3 of the Espoo Convention. Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Poland and
Sweden indicated wish to participate in the EIA procedure of the ELWIND (Latvia) project as an
affected country. Germany and Lithuania indicated that both do not intend to participate in the EIA
of the ELWIND (Latvia) project as affected countries. However, Lithuania was interested in
receiving information about the progress of the project and it`s EIA.
On 31 July 2024 by letter No. 15-2/2024/9 “Application for changes of the project research
area” (hereinafter – the Application) the developer of the ELWIND (Latvia) project
Investment and Development Agency of Latvia submitted application to the Bureau regarding
changes in the project research area. According to the Application, the project research area is
redirected within the sea area E4 area Research area for wind park development
further from the B3 area Investigation area of nature values (code E4 and B3 corresponds to the
areas defined in Maritime Spatial Plan of Latvia 2030). The new coordinates of the project
research area please find in the Attachment 1 of this letter. Other parameters of the project, incl.
total area, are the same as included in the first notification.
According to the national legislation the Bureau issued decision No. 5-02-1/42/2024 on 15
August 2024 as the amendments to the initial decision about necessity of the EIA (No. 5-02-
1/4/2023 on 17 May 2023) regarding changes of the ELWIND (Latvia) project area and
requirement to organize (to repeat) initial public participation process according to the Article 15
of Law “On Environment Impact Assessment”.
We draw your attention that this supplementary notification refers only to the changes of
initially provided information of the ELWIND (Latvia) project area. All submitted comments and
proposals for the scope of the ELWIND (Latvia) project received in the earlier phase of the
transboundary consultation process will be considered in the EIA as well as comments and
proposals submitted in response to this supplementary notification.
Referring to Article 3.3. of the Espoo Convention Latvia kindly asks a Point of Contact of
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden to respond until 26 October
2023, at the latest and:
- acknowledge the receipt of the supplementary notification.
- provide comments concerning the scope for the EIA of the ELWIND (Latvia) project
on your territory considering described changes of the project area.
- submit any comments you might receive from the public in your country.
In addition, we kindly ask Point of Contact of Germany and Lithuania indicate, whether your
country intends to participate in the EIA procedure of the ELWIND (Latvia) project considering
described changes of the project area.
Response to this notification shall be sent to the Environment State Bureau of the Republic
of Latvia (e-mail: [email protected]).
1. ELWIND (Latvia) area – 5 p.
2. Latvian Maritime spatial plan – 1 p.
Yours sincerely,
Indra Kramzaka (signature*) Deputy Director of Environment State Bureau of the Republic of
*Document is sign with secure electronical signature and contains time stamp
Ilze Lielvalode, phone: +371 67770813
e-mail: [email protected]
Vineta Maskava, phone: +371 67770807
e-mail: [email protected]
Send list of the points of contact of the Espoo Convention
Ms. Birgit PARMAS
Ministry of Climate
Suur-Ameerika 1
Telephone: +372 626 2974
Fax: +372 626 2801
E-mail: [email protected]
Ms. Maria Birkholm SØNDERMARK
Environmental Protection Agency
Ministry of the Environment
Tolderlundsvej 5
DK-5000 Odense C
Telephone: +45 21 30 96 28
E-mail: [email protected]
Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
Latokartanonkaari 11
Telephone: +358 295 251 000
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Ms. Isabel LANG
Federal Ministry for the Environment,
Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection
Division G I 2
Stresemannstraße 128-130
D-10117 BERLIN
Telephone: +49 30 18305 6437
E-mail: [email protected]
Federal Ministry for the Environment,
Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection
Division G I 2
Stresemannstraße 128-130
D-10117 BERLIN
Telephone: +49 30 18305 6431
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Vitalijus AUGLYS
Head of the Pollution Prevention Policy Group
Ministry of Environment
Jaksto 4, LT-01105 VILNIUS
Telephone: +370 686 46087
E-mail: [email protected]
Senior Adviser of Pollution Prevention Policy Group
Ministry of Environment
Jaksto 4, LT-01105 VILNIUS
Telephone: +370 645 89487
E-mail: [email protected]
Deputy Director
Department of Environmental Impact Assessment
General Directorate for Environmental Protection
Av. Jerozolimskie 136
02-305 Warsaw, POLAND
Telephone: +48 22 120 29 53
E-mail: [email protected]
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Planning and Compliance Department
SE- 108 54 Stockholm
Telephone: +46 10 698 10 00
E-mail: [email protected]
c/o EIA:
Environmental Planning and Compliance Department
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
SE- 108 54 Stockholm
Telephone: +46 10 698 17 69
E-mail: [email protected]
Attachment 1
Information regarding changes of the area of the development project “The offshore wind park
ELWIND (Latvia)” research area
On 31 July 2024 by letter No. 15-2/2024/9 “Application for changes of the project research
area” the developer of the ELWIND (Latvia) project
Investment and Development Agency of Latvia submitted application to the Environment State
Bureau regarding changes in the project research area.
FID Y X Lat Long
0 324588,32 308866,58 57,025 20,851
1 324560,15 308863,79 57,025 20,851
2 324531,92 308861,78 57,025 20,851
3 324503,65 308860,58 57,024 20,851
4 324475,35 308860,18 57,024 20,851
5 324447,05 308860,58 57,024 20,851
6 324418,77 308861,78 57,024 20,851
7 324390,54 308863,79 57,023 20,851
8 324388,72 308863,94 57,023 20,851
9 323510,90 308940,27 57,015 20,853
10 323484,56 308942,92 57,015 20,853
11 323456,49 308946,51 57,015 20,853
12 323428,53 308950,90 57,015 20,853
13 323400,71 308956,08 57,014 20,853
14 323373,04 308962,04 57,014 20,853
15 323345,55 308968,78 57,014 20,854
16 323318,27 308976,30 57,014 20,854
17 323291,21 308984,59 57,014 20,854
18 323264,39 308993,64 57,013 20,854
19 323237,84 309003,44 57,013 20,854
20 323211,58 309013,99 57,013 20,854
21 323187,17 309024,59 57,013 20,855
22 322423,85 309368,09 57,006 20,861
23 322422,31 309368,78 57,006 20,861
24 322396,69 309380,80 57,006 20,861
25 322371,42 309393,54 57,005 20,861
26 322346,52 309406,99 57,005 20,861
27 322345,53 309407,56 57,005 20,861
28 322322,01 309421,14 57,005 20,862
29 322297,91 309435,98 57,005 20,862
30 322274,24 309451,50 57,005 20,862
31 322251,01 309467,68 57,004 20,863
32 322228,26 309484,51 57,004 20,863
33 322205,99 309501,97 57,004 20,863
34 322200,97 309506,05 57,004 20,863
35 322068,66 309614,31 57,003 20,865
36 322064,51 309617,41 57,003 20,865
37 319746,07 308579,25 56,982 20,850
38 323516,95 297680,77 57,011 20,668
39 336174,41 301085,46 57,126 20,714
40 343413,04 311315,76 57,195 20,877
41 342968,30 311552,85 57,191 20,881
42 342941,51 311567,13 57,191 20,882
43 342420,39 311729,98 57,186 20,885
44 342412,34 311732,54 57,186 20,885
45 342385,53 311741,59 57,186 20,885
46 342359,69 311751,12 57,186 20,885
47 340395,50 311695,35 57,168 20,886
48 340374,79 311676,05 57,168 20,885
49 340353,55 311657,35 57,168 20,885
50 340331,78 311639,27 57,167 20,885
51 340309,51 311621,80 57,167 20,884
52 340303,56 311617,30 57,167 20,884
53 339998,23 311388,31 57,164 20,881
54 339981,43 311375,97 57,164 20,881
55 339958,21 311359,80 57,164 20,880
56 339934,54 311344,28 57,164 20,880
57 339910,44 311329,44 57,164 20,880
58 339885,93 311315,29 57,163 20,880
59 339861,03 311301,84 57,163 20,879
60 339835,75 311289,10 57,163 20,879
61 339810,13 311277,08 57,163 20,879
62 339784,18 311265,79 57,162 20,879
63 339757,92 311255,23 57,162 20,879
64 339731,37 311245,43 57,162 20,879
65 339704,56 311236,38 57,162 20,878
66 339677,49 311228,09 57,161 20,878
67 339650,21 311220,57 57,161 20,878
68 339622,72 311213,83 57,161 20,878
69 339595,06 311207,87 57,161 20,878
70 339567,23 311202,69 57,160 20,878
71 339539,27 311198,30 57,160 20,878
72 339511,20 311194,71 57,160 20,878
73 339483,04 311191,91 57,160 20,878
74 339454,81 311189,91 57,159 20,878
75 339426,53 311188,71 57,159 20,878
76 339398,23 311188,31 57,159 20,878
77 339369,93 311188,71 57,159 20,878
78 339341,66 311189,91 57,158 20,878
79 339313,43 311191,91 57,158 20,878
80 339287,80 311194,42 57,158 20,878
81 338944,31 311232,59 57,155 20,879
82 338941,77 311232,87 57,155 20,879
83 338930,70 311234,19 57,155 20,879
84 338354,22 311306,25 57,150 20,881
85 337926,90 311329,99 57,146 20,881
86 337296,08 311071,93 57,140 20,878
87 337277,13 311064,40 57,140 20,877
88 337250,58 311054,60 57,140 20,877
89 337223,77 311045,55 57,139 20,877
90 337196,71 311037,26 57,139 20,877
91 337169,42 311029,74 57,139 20,877
92 337141,94 311023,00 57,139 20,877
93 337114,27 311017,04 57,138 20,877
94 337086,45 311011,86 57,138 20,877
95 337058,49 311007,47 57,138 20,877
96 337030,41 311003,88 57,138 20,877
97 337027,88 311003,59 57,138 20,877
98 336340,89 310927,26 57,131 20,876
99 336315,26 310924,75 57,131 20,876
100 336287,03 310922,75 57,131 20,876
101 336258,76 310921,54 57,131 20,876
102 336230,46 310921,14 57,130 20,876
103 336202,16 310921,54 57,130 20,876
104 336173,88 310922,75 57,130 20,876
105 336145,65 310924,75 57,130 20,876
106 336117,49 310927,55 57,129 20,876
107 336089,42 310931,14 57,129 20,876
108 336061,46 310935,53 57,129 20,876
109 336033,63 310940,71 57,129 20,876
110 336005,97 310946,67 57,128 20,877
111 335978,48 310953,41 57,128 20,877
112 335972,80 310954,91 57,128 20,877
113 335955,42 310959,54 57,128 20,877
114 335033,48 311165,12 57,120 20,881
115 331674,92 311153,26 57,090 20,883
116 330365,90 311148,63 57,078 20,884
117 330363,61 311146,98 57,078 20,884
118 330340,39 311130,80 57,078 20,884
119 330316,72 311115,29 57,077 20,884
120 330292,62 311100,45 57,077 20,883
121 330268,11 311086,30 57,077 20,883
122 330243,21 311072,84 57,077 20,883
123 330217,94 311060,10 57,077 20,883
124 330192,31 311048,08 57,076 20,883
125 330166,36 311036,79 57,076 20,882
126 330140,10 311026,24 57,076 20,882
127 330113,55 311016,43 57,076 20,882
128 330086,74 311007,38 57,075 20,882
129 330059,68 310999,10 57,075 20,882
130 330032,39 310991,58 57,075 20,882
131 330004,90 310984,83 57,075 20,882
132 329991,75 310981,90 57,074 20,882
133 328595,27 310679,95 57,062 20,878
134 327786,18 310477,68 57,054 20,875
135 327626,80 310332,79 57,053 20,873
136 327266,38 309841,31 57,050 20,865
137 327263,97 309838,04 57,050 20,865
138 327246,82 309815,52 57,049 20,864
139 327229,04 309793,51 57,049 20,864
140 327210,65 309772,00 57,049 20,864
141 327191,65 309751,02 57,049 20,863
142 327172,07 309730,59 57,049 20,863
143 327151,91 309710,72 57,048 20,863
144 327131,21 309691,42 57,048 20,863
145 327109,96 309672,73 57,048 20,862
146 327104,70 309668,36 57,048 20,862
147 327088,20 309654,64 57,048 20,862
148 327065,93 309637,17 57,048 20,862
149 327043,17 309620,34 57,047 20,861
150 327019,95 309604,16 57,047 20,861
151 326996,28 309588,65 57,047 20,861
152 326972,18 309573,81 57,047 20,861
153 326947,67 309559,66 57,047 20,861
154 326922,77 309546,21 57,046 20,860
155 326897,50 309533,46 57,046 20,860
156 326876,63 309523,61 57,046 20,860
157 325960,65 309103,78 57,038 20,854
158 325955,89 309101,62 57,037 20,854
159 325929,94 309090,33 57,037 20,854
160 325903,68 309079,77 57,037 20,853
161 325877,13 309069,97 57,037 20,853
162 325850,32 309060,92 57,037 20,853
163 325823,26 309052,63 57,036 20,853
164 325795,97 309045,11 57,036 20,853
165 325768,48 309038,37 57,036 20,853
166 325740,82 309032,41 57,036 20,853
167 325712,99 309027,23 57,035 20,853
168 325685,41 309022,90 57,035 20,853
169 324616,58 308870,21 57,025 20,851
170 324588,32 308866,58 57,025 20,851
Suur-Ameerika 1 / Tallinn 10122 / 626 2802/ [email protected] /
Registrikood 70001231
Vastavalt nimekirjale
29.08.2024 nr 6-3/24/4009-2
Läti ELWIND meretuulepargi projekti täiendav piiriülene
Läti teavitas 12. juulil 2023 piiriülese keskkonnamõju hindamise konventsiooni (Espoo konventsiooni)
alusel Eestit ELWIND meretuulepargi projektist. Kliimaministeerium korraldas Läti saadetud materjalide
avalikustamise1. Eesti avaldas soovi osaleda projekti piiriülese keskkonnamõju hindamise menetluses2.
Nüüd on Läti saatnud Eestile täiendava piiriülese keskkonnamõju hindamise teate seoses ELWIND
meretuulepargi projekti uuringuala muudatustega. Muudatusi on selgitatud kirjale lisatud Läti saadetud
ingliskeelsetes materjalides: piiriülese keskkonnamõju hindamise teade, informatsioonidokument (uued
koordinaadid) ning Läti mereala planeeringu kaart. Ülejäänud projekti parameetrid (sealhulgas ala pindala)
ei ole muutunud.
Läti on selgitanud, et täiendav piiriülene teavitus puudutab vaid muudatusi projekti uuringualas ning ka
varasemalt esitatud ettepanekuid käsitletakse keskkonnamõju hindamise menetluses. Kui Teil on
ettepanekuid või kommentaare seoses Läti ELWIND meretuulepargi projekti uuringuala muudatustega,
palume need saata 8. oktoobriks 2024 Kliimaministeeriumi e-posti aadressil [email protected].
(allkirjastatud digitaalselt)
Antti Tooming
Elurikkuse ja keskkonnakaitse asekantsler
1. piiriülese keskkonnamõju hindamise teade
2. informatsioonidokument
3. Läti mereala planeeringu kaart
1 Kliimaministeeriumi 31.07.2023 kiri nr 6-3/23/3225-3. 2 Kliimaministeeriumi 06.09.2023 kiri nr 6-3/23/3225-11 (sealhulgas edastati Lätile avalikustamise käigus laekunud
ettepanekutega kirjad).
Rainer Persidski, 626 2973
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Kooskõlastus | 27.08.2024 | 2 | 7.2-4/24/13560-2 | Valjaminev kiri | transpordiamet | Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet |
Kiri | 02.08.2024 | 3 | 7.2-4/24/13560-1 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet |
Kiri | 28.03.2024 | 4 | 7.2-4/24/5362-1 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet |
Kiri | 29.09.2023 | 185 | 7.2-4/23/18297-2 | Valjaminev kiri | transpordiamet | Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet |
ELWIND hoonestusloa taotlusele arvamuse küsimine | 24.08.2023 | 221 | 7.2-4/23/18297-1 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet |