Dokumendiregister | Terviseamet |
Viit | 8.1-2/24/12342-2 |
Registreeritud | 10.12.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 11.12.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev dokument |
Funktsioon | 8.1 Nakkushaiguste seire, ennetuse ja tõrje korraldamine |
Sari | 8.1-2 Nakkushaiguste epidemioloogiaalane riigiväline kirjavahetus |
Toimik | 8.1-2/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | EUHTF |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | EUHTF |
Vastutaja | Kärt Sõber (TA, Peadirektori asetäitja (1) vastutusvaldkond, Nakkushaiguste epidemioloogia osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Tähelepanu! Tegemist on väljastpoolt asutust saabunud kirjaga. Tundmatu saatja korral palume linke ja faile mitte avada. |
Dear colleagues,
May we please gentle remind you about the call for expression of interest to join the EU Health Task Force (EUHTF) Advisory Group for 2025 and 2026.
May we please ask that you kindly express your interest or that you propose an expert from your country with a profile in line with the enclosed ToR to join the EUHTF Advisory Group, by responding to the below email by Wednesday 18 December 2024. To include as wide a representation from EU/EEA MS as possible, we would encourage candidates from those MS that have not yet participated.
Please do not hesitate to contact the ECDC Coordination Team at [email protected] should there be anything unclear or you wish to receive any further details.
Thanks and kind regards,
ECDC Coordination Team
Classified as ECDC NORMAL
To: National Focal Points for Preparedness and Response
Cc: National Coordinators
Dear colleagues,
As you may be aware, a permanent EUHTF Advisory Group was established in early 2024. This Advisory Group provides advice on operational, administrative and technical matters related to the functioning of the EUHTF. The EUHTF Advisory Group meets approximately every six months. Please see enclosed the terms of reference (ToR) of the EUHTF Advisory Group and a concept note for the EUHTF.
As indicated in the ToR, the EUHTF Advisory Group is composed of the ECDC Coordination Team, representatives from six EU/EEA Member States (MS), representatives from European Commission Directorates-General (DG ECHO, DG HERA, DG RTD, DG SANTE), a representative from the GOARN Operational Support Team, an observer from the European Medicines Agency (EMA), observers from the WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe), and observers from other international and non-profit organisations. MS membership of the EUHTF Advisory Group is assigned on a rotational basis for two years. Two MS members were nominated and selected for 2024 and will continue for 2025. Four new MS members are requested to join the EUHTF Advisory Group for 2025 and 2026.
May we please ask that you kindly express your interest or that you propose an expert from your country with a profile in line with the enclosed ToR to join the EUHTF Advisory Group, by responding to this email by Wednesday 18 December 2024.
The EUHTF Advisory Group currently includes MS representatives from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. To include as wide a representation from EU/EEA MS as possible, we would request only candidates from those MS that have not yet participated.
Each candidate is kindly requested to provide us with a brief description of their current position and their experience in emergency preparedness and support to response operations, including field deployments.
Following receipt of expressions of interest, all EU/EEA MS National Focal Points for Preparedness and Response will be asked to vote and select the four new MS candidates for the EUHTF Advisory Group.
Please do not hesitate to contact the ECDC Coordination Team at [email protected] should there be anything unclear or should you wish to receive any further details.
Yours sincerely,
Vicky Lefevre and Thomas Hofmann, on behalf of ECDC Coordination Team
Confidentiality Notice
If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are hereby kindly requested, to, consecutively, refrain from disclosing its content to any third party, delete it and inform its sender of the erroneous transmittal.
November 2024
EU Health Task Force
Summary concept note
Background The COVID-19 pandemic revealed shortcomings in the European Union (EU) mechanisms for managing public
health threats, including a lack of readily available resources for timely deployment to emergency settings.
Following the initial lessons learnt from COVID-19 and previous events, the reinforced role for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), according to its new mandate1 includes the establishment
of an EU Health Task Force (EUHTF) to provide operational outbreak response and crisis preparedness support to EU/EEA countries as well as supporting wider global health security. The ECDC is establishing and
coordinating the EUHTF, with the support and collaboration of the EU/EEA countries, the European Commission (EC) and EU partners.
Scope and applicability
The EUHTF will support EU/EEA countries, EU accession countries, potential candidate countries, and European
Neighbourhood Policy countries, third countries and international organisations for:
• Timely emergency response during outbreaks and crises related to communicable diseases or diseases of unknown origin including remote support and rapid in-country field deployment, support
for outbreak investigations and response, identification of preparedness gaps, provision of science- based recommendations, support for operational and outbreak-related research and provision of
guidance, protocols, resources, and tools.
• Strengthening countries emergency preparedness including the development, testing and updating of preparedness protocols and plans, assessment of preparedness gaps through self-
assessments and external evaluation of country preparedness and response planning, simulation
exercises (SIMEX), in-and-after action reviews (IAR/AAR), tailored capacity-building activities and trainings.
The EUHTF will work in coordination with the EC (e.g. DG SANTE, ECHO, HERA, RTD), WHO, and the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), as well as other international organisations on ad hoc basis.
EUHTF Coordination Team, Expert Pools and Enhanced Emergency Capacity
The EUHTF is composed of a permanent EUHTF ECDC Coordination Team, three EUHTF Expert Pools and an EUHTF Enhanced Emergency Capacity.
The ECDC Coordination Team coordinates all EUHTF activities and manages the EUHTF procedures,
working modalities, objectives, tasks and annual work planning. It supports the EUHTF routine operations and is involved in the technical work of the EUHTF, coordinates deployments including receiving requests for
1 (Regulation (EU) 2022/2370 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 November 2022 amending Regulation (EC) No 851/2004 establishing a European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
support and taking decisions on accepting requests, conducts readiness and preparedness work, manages
communications and coordination with partners.
The EUHTF Expert Pools are composed of three different pools of experts:
• ECDC Expert Pool: Public health experts in ECDC, who volunteer as member of a pool following
an open call.
• ECDC Fellowship Pool: Fellows during their 2-year placement in the ECDC Fellowship Programme
(EPIET, EUPHEM and EPIET-associated programmes).
• External Expert Pool: Public health experts in EU/EEA countries, contributing on a voluntary basis
(including alumni of the ECDC Fellowship Programme).
The experts of the EUHTF Expert Pools support assignments of the EUHTF. When the EUHTF receives a request
for support, the ECDC Coordination Team assembles a Response Team to fulfil such a request. The Response
Team may include experts from ECDC, external experts, or ECDC Fellows, who are selected on the basis of their skills, experience and availability after expressing interest towards the specific EUHTF assignment.
Furthermore, experts will engage in a community of knowledge and practice by participating in training sessions and simulation exercises offered by the ECDC Coordination Team.
In the event of a declaration of a public health emergency, the EUHTF receives a request by either the EC or
the EU/EEA countries to activate the EUHTF Enhanced Emergency Capacity leveraging to the maximum extent all the resources available within to the EUHTF to facilitate response. The EUHTF Enhanced Emergency
Capacity is coordinated by the EC and ECDC.
The National Focal Points (NFPs) for Preparedness and Response will serve as EUHTF counterparts in the
EU/EEA countries to exchange information and offer support as needed in strengthening emergency preparedness and response.
As per ECDC regular governance mechanisms, and on behalf of the EUHTF, the ECDC Coordination Team will
report annually to the ECDC Advisory Board about the scientific quality of its work, and to the ECDC Management Board to seek approval for the EUHTF workplan and budget. In both bodies, both EU/EEA
countries and the EC are represented.
Advisory body - the EUHTF Advisory Group The EUHTF Advisory Group advises the ECDC Coordination Team on operational, administrative and technical
decisions, including setting annual work plan priorities, and assists in identifying opportunities for international collaboration.
It is formed by the ECDC Coordination Team, six selected EU/EEA country representatives (rotating
every two years), four EC representatives (from DG SANTE, DG ECHO, DG HERA, and DG RTD), one representative from the European Medicine Agency (EMA), one representative from GOARN, one
representative from WHO-EURO, one representative from the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and one representative from an NGO.
The EUHTF Advisory Group was convened for the first time in January 2024, taking over from the Ad Hoc
EUHTF Working Group, which operated in 2023 to support the ECDC Coordination Team during the first year of the EUHTF. The EUHTF Advisory Group meets twice per year. Ad hoc consultations are also expected. In
addition, the ECDC Coordination Team remains in close contact with the EUHTF Advisory Group and the EUHTF Expert Pools via regular teleconferences and through additional EUHTF communication channels, to provide
updates on ongoing deployments, outbreaks, and to inform about any newly developed protocols, resources or tools.
EUHTF Advisory Group terms of reference – November 2024
EU Health Task Force Advisory Group
Terms of Reference
The amended ECDC mandate included the creation of an EU Health Task Force (EUHTF). The EUHTF
is established and coordinated by ECDC in cooperation with the EU/EEA Member States, the European
Commission and international organisations. Upon request, the EUHTF provides timely support to
EU/EEA Member States, partner countries and international organisations in strengthening countries’
emergency preparedness and responding to emergencies during outbreaks of infectious diseases or of
unknown origin as well as other crises with a cascading risk of infectious disease.
The EUHTF is composed of a permanent EUHTF ECDC Coordination Team, three EUHTF Expert
Pools (ECDC Expert Pool, ECDC Fellowship Pool, External Expert Pool) and an EUHTF
Enhanced Emergency Capacity. The EUHTF Coordination Team is a permanent entity in ECDC
coordinating the EUHTF activities. The EUHTF Expert Pools are composed of experts from ECDC, fellows
during their 2-year placement in the ECDC Fellowship Programme (i.e., EPIET and EUPHEM, EPIET-
associated Programmes (EAP)), and external experts. These experts are identified based on their
competencies, qualifications, experience and availability to deploy or provide remote support through
the EUHTF. The EUHTF Enhanced Emergency Capacity is activated by ECDC and the European
Commission in case of large-scale outbreaks, and draws resources from all EUHTF capacities.
ECDC, in efforts to establish the EUHTF, engaged over the course of its first year of operation (2023)
with the Ad Hoc EUHTF Working Group to support and advise on the establishment of the EUHTF terms
of reference, functioning and working arrangements. The Ad Hoc EUHTF Working Group was dissolved
after one year of operation, handing over its responsibilities to the EUHTF Advisory Group, which is
operating on a permanent basis since January 2024. Member States membership of the EUHTF Advisory
Group is for two years, on a rotational basis.
The EUHTF Advisory Group is formed by:
The ECDC Coordination Team
• Head of Unit – Public Health Functions (HoU PHF)
• Head of Section - Emergency Preparedness and Response Support (HoS EPRS)
EUHTF Advisory Group terms of reference – November 2024
• Team members from EPR Readiness and Support Group
Six Member State representatives
Two members remaining from 2024, and four newly appointed members nominated by the Member
State national focal points for Preparedness and Response.
Appointed representatives from European Commission DG:
• Birgit Snoeren, DG ECHO
• Isabella Panunzi, DG HERA
• Evelyn Depoortere, DG RTD
• Laura Gillini, DG SANTE
Appointed representative from the GOARN Operational Support Team (OST):
• Gianluca Loi
Appointed representative from European Medicines Agency (EMA)
• Manuela Mura
Appointed representative from WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe):
• Oleg Storozhenko
• Adela Paez (as an alternate)
Appointed representative from the European Public Health Association (EUPHA):
• Ricardo Mexia, National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Portugal
Appointed representative from NGO:
• Panu Saaristo, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Europe
The purpose of the Advisory Group is to support and advise ECDC on operational, administrative and
technical decisions for the routine management of the EUHTF:
• Priority areas of work and annual work planning
• EUHTF working modalities including requests for assistance and mobilisation of the EUHTF
• Engagement with and mobilisation of expertise from the EUHTF Expert Pools
• Review of protocols, resources and tools
• Evaluation on the process, procedures and functioning of the EUHTF to advise on revisions, to
ensure continuous learning and improvement
• Opportunities for EUHTF assignments in Member States, in collaboration with the European
Commission and international partners
• Advice on ongoing communication/awareness campaigns related to the EUHTF.
In relation to the support the Advisory Group will provide, ECDC will consider all advice reserving the
right to make final decisions.
EUHTF Advisory Group terms of reference – November 2024
The Advisory Group will be convened in Quarter 1 of 2025 and will meet, virtually or in person, on at
least two occasions per year, approximately every six months. It will also be consulted ad hoc as
required (see table below).
Planned meetings Tentative dates (will be confirmed in
January 2025) Format and location
First meeting (2025) of the
Advisory Group
Quarter 1
2025 (to be
In person (currently preferred option) or online
meeting – to be decided. Handover to new rotation
of EUHTF Advisory Group members
Second meeting (2025) of
the Advisory Group and
EUHTF Annual Meeting
Quarter 4 2025 (to
be confirmed)
Two back-to-back in person meetings, with the
members of the EUHTF Advisory Group and with
representatives from all EU/EEA MS together with
relevant EUHTF stakeholders.
First meeting (2026) of the
Advisory Group
Quarter 1
2026 (to be
In person (currently preferred option) or online
meeting – to be decided. Handover to new rotation
of EUHTF Advisory Group members
Second meeting (2026) of
the Advisory Group and
EUHTF Annual Meeting
Quarter 4 2026 (to
be confirmed)
Two back-to-back in person meetings, with the
members of the EUHTF Advisory Group and with
representatives from all EU/EEA MS together with
relevant EUHTF stakeholders.
Consultations with the
Advisory Group As necessary
Consultations through virtual meetings or email
Role of the Members of the EUHTF Advisory Group
ECDC Coordination Team:
• Ensure that the EUHTF Advisory Group members meet according to the agreed meeting plan
and remain informed on key developments regarding the operation of the EUHTF
• Prepare and share relevant references for consultation with adequate time for the EUHTF
Advisory Group members to review and provide input.
Member State representatives:
• Assist in promoting the EUHTF amongst stakeholders in Member States and identifying
opportunities for EUHTF assignments
• Support review and improvement of procedures for identifying, selecting and assigning experts
to EUHTF External Expert Pool and assignments
• Advise on priority areas for EUHTF work including scope, expert profiles and activities for
• Advise and support on the development of protocols, resources and tools
• Advise on Member State experts’ training needs.
EUHTF Advisory Group terms of reference – November 2024
European Commission and European Union agency representatives:
• DG SANTE: Support EUHTF advocacy, implementation of EUHTF activities and identification of
EUHTF assignments. Support collaboration with other relevant DGs (e.g., NEAR, INPTA).
Support timely exchange with Working Groups of the Health Security Committee, as relevant
• DG ECHO: Support routine EUHTF integration into DG ECHO emergency response mechanisms
(e.g., UCPM/ERCC, EHRC). Collaborate in development and implementation of Service Level
Agreements and other procedures to ensure logistical support and safety/security of EUHTF
deployed experts. Ensure access to DG ECHO trainings where possible and relevant
• DG RTD: Support and collaborate in implementing EUHTF tasks related to research, ensuring
collaboration with the EU framework programmes for research and innovation where possible.
Facilitate links with relevant stakeholders such as academia and research networks
• DG HERA: Support for continued identification of areas for HERA and EUHTF collaboration,
including in relation to operational research, training/capacity building activities and for any
EUHTF work related to medical countermeasures and to other related areas of HERA’s work
• EMA: Support identification and promotion of areas for EUHTF and EMA Emergency Task Force
collaboration and information sharing, where relevant. Provide technical advice, in particular
on operational research, following experience of the EMA Emergency Task Force.
GOARN, WHO EURO representatives:
• Support the ongoing collaboration with and integration of the EUHTF into global health
emergency alert and response teams
• Assist in ensuring EUHTF teams are trained to and operate following common standards, are
interoperable and rapidly deployable.
• Support the identification of approaches to reach public health professionals in Europe
• Support the identification and promotion of areas for EUHTF collaboration and assignments
• Advice on available trainings of interest
NGO representative:
• Provide expert advice on the operation of the EUHTF, particularly on the operation of
emergency alert and response teams
• Support the identification and promotion of areas for EUHTF collaboration and assignments
• Advice on available trainings of interest
• Facilitate liaison with partners in the field during EUHTF operations.
November 2024
EU Health Task Force
Summary concept note
Background The COVID-19 pandemic revealed shortcomings in the European Union (EU) mechanisms for managing public
health threats, including a lack of readily available resources for timely deployment to emergency settings.
Following the initial lessons learnt from COVID-19 and previous events, the reinforced role for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), according to its new mandate1 includes the establishment
of an EU Health Task Force (EUHTF) to provide operational outbreak response and crisis preparedness support to EU/EEA countries as well as supporting wider global health security. The ECDC is establishing and
coordinating the EUHTF, with the support and collaboration of the EU/EEA countries, the European Commission (EC) and EU partners.
Scope and applicability
The EUHTF will support EU/EEA countries, EU accession countries, potential candidate countries, and European
Neighbourhood Policy countries, third countries and international organisations for:
• Timely emergency response during outbreaks and crises related to communicable diseases or diseases of unknown origin including remote support and rapid in-country field deployment, support
for outbreak investigations and response, identification of preparedness gaps, provision of science- based recommendations, support for operational and outbreak-related research and provision of
guidance, protocols, resources, and tools.
• Strengthening countries emergency preparedness including the development, testing and updating of preparedness protocols and plans, assessment of preparedness gaps through self-
assessments and external evaluation of country preparedness and response planning, simulation
exercises (SIMEX), in-and-after action reviews (IAR/AAR), tailored capacity-building activities and trainings.
The EUHTF will work in coordination with the EC (e.g. DG SANTE, ECHO, HERA, RTD), WHO, and the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), as well as other international organisations on ad hoc basis.
EUHTF Coordination Team, Expert Pools and Enhanced Emergency Capacity
The EUHTF is composed of a permanent EUHTF ECDC Coordination Team, three EUHTF Expert Pools and an EUHTF Enhanced Emergency Capacity.
The ECDC Coordination Team coordinates all EUHTF activities and manages the EUHTF procedures,
working modalities, objectives, tasks and annual work planning. It supports the EUHTF routine operations and is involved in the technical work of the EUHTF, coordinates deployments including receiving requests for
1 (Regulation (EU) 2022/2370 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 November 2022 amending Regulation (EC) No 851/2004 establishing a European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
support and taking decisions on accepting requests, conducts readiness and preparedness work, manages
communications and coordination with partners.
The EUHTF Expert Pools are composed of three different pools of experts:
• ECDC Expert Pool: Public health experts in ECDC, who volunteer as member of a pool following
an open call.
• ECDC Fellowship Pool: Fellows during their 2-year placement in the ECDC Fellowship Programme
(EPIET, EUPHEM and EPIET-associated programmes).
• External Expert Pool: Public health experts in EU/EEA countries, contributing on a voluntary basis
(including alumni of the ECDC Fellowship Programme).
The experts of the EUHTF Expert Pools support assignments of the EUHTF. When the EUHTF receives a request
for support, the ECDC Coordination Team assembles a Response Team to fulfil such a request. The Response
Team may include experts from ECDC, external experts, or ECDC Fellows, who are selected on the basis of their skills, experience and availability after expressing interest towards the specific EUHTF assignment.
Furthermore, experts will engage in a community of knowledge and practice by participating in training sessions and simulation exercises offered by the ECDC Coordination Team.
In the event of a declaration of a public health emergency, the EUHTF receives a request by either the EC or
the EU/EEA countries to activate the EUHTF Enhanced Emergency Capacity leveraging to the maximum extent all the resources available within to the EUHTF to facilitate response. The EUHTF Enhanced Emergency
Capacity is coordinated by the EC and ECDC.
The National Focal Points (NFPs) for Preparedness and Response will serve as EUHTF counterparts in the
EU/EEA countries to exchange information and offer support as needed in strengthening emergency preparedness and response.
As per ECDC regular governance mechanisms, and on behalf of the EUHTF, the ECDC Coordination Team will
report annually to the ECDC Advisory Board about the scientific quality of its work, and to the ECDC Management Board to seek approval for the EUHTF workplan and budget. In both bodies, both EU/EEA
countries and the EC are represented.
Advisory body - the EUHTF Advisory Group The EUHTF Advisory Group advises the ECDC Coordination Team on operational, administrative and technical
decisions, including setting annual work plan priorities, and assists in identifying opportunities for international collaboration.
It is formed by the ECDC Coordination Team, six selected EU/EEA country representatives (rotating
every two years), four EC representatives (from DG SANTE, DG ECHO, DG HERA, and DG RTD), one representative from the European Medicine Agency (EMA), one representative from GOARN, one
representative from WHO-EURO, one representative from the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and one representative from an NGO.
The EUHTF Advisory Group was convened for the first time in January 2024, taking over from the Ad Hoc
EUHTF Working Group, which operated in 2023 to support the ECDC Coordination Team during the first year of the EUHTF. The EUHTF Advisory Group meets twice per year. Ad hoc consultations are also expected. In
addition, the ECDC Coordination Team remains in close contact with the EUHTF Advisory Group and the EUHTF Expert Pools via regular teleconferences and through additional EUHTF communication channels, to provide
updates on ongoing deployments, outbreaks, and to inform about any newly developed protocols, resources or tools.
EUHTF Advisory Group terms of reference – November 2024
EU Health Task Force Advisory Group
Terms of Reference
The amended ECDC mandate included the creation of an EU Health Task Force (EUHTF). The EUHTF
is established and coordinated by ECDC in cooperation with the EU/EEA Member States, the European
Commission and international organisations. Upon request, the EUHTF provides timely support to
EU/EEA Member States, partner countries and international organisations in strengthening countries’
emergency preparedness and responding to emergencies during outbreaks of infectious diseases or of
unknown origin as well as other crises with a cascading risk of infectious disease.
The EUHTF is composed of a permanent EUHTF ECDC Coordination Team, three EUHTF Expert
Pools (ECDC Expert Pool, ECDC Fellowship Pool, External Expert Pool) and an EUHTF
Enhanced Emergency Capacity. The EUHTF Coordination Team is a permanent entity in ECDC
coordinating the EUHTF activities. The EUHTF Expert Pools are composed of experts from ECDC, fellows
during their 2-year placement in the ECDC Fellowship Programme (i.e., EPIET and EUPHEM, EPIET-
associated Programmes (EAP)), and external experts. These experts are identified based on their
competencies, qualifications, experience and availability to deploy or provide remote support through
the EUHTF. The EUHTF Enhanced Emergency Capacity is activated by ECDC and the European
Commission in case of large-scale outbreaks, and draws resources from all EUHTF capacities.
ECDC, in efforts to establish the EUHTF, engaged over the course of its first year of operation (2023)
with the Ad Hoc EUHTF Working Group to support and advise on the establishment of the EUHTF terms
of reference, functioning and working arrangements. The Ad Hoc EUHTF Working Group was dissolved
after one year of operation, handing over its responsibilities to the EUHTF Advisory Group, which is
operating on a permanent basis since January 2024. Member States membership of the EUHTF Advisory
Group is for two years, on a rotational basis.
The EUHTF Advisory Group is formed by:
The ECDC Coordination Team
• Head of Unit – Public Health Functions (HoU PHF)
• Head of Section - Emergency Preparedness and Response Support (HoS EPRS)
EUHTF Advisory Group terms of reference – November 2024
• Team members from EPR Readiness and Support Group
Six Member State representatives
Two members remaining from 2024, and four newly appointed members nominated by the Member
State national focal points for Preparedness and Response.
Appointed representatives from European Commission DG:
• Birgit Snoeren, DG ECHO
• Isabella Panunzi, DG HERA
• Evelyn Depoortere, DG RTD
• Laura Gillini, DG SANTE
Appointed representative from the GOARN Operational Support Team (OST):
• Gianluca Loi
Appointed representative from European Medicines Agency (EMA)
• Manuela Mura
Appointed representative from WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe):
• Oleg Storozhenko
• Adela Paez (as an alternate)
Appointed representative from the European Public Health Association (EUPHA):
• Ricardo Mexia, National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Portugal
Appointed representative from NGO:
• Panu Saaristo, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Europe
The purpose of the Advisory Group is to support and advise ECDC on operational, administrative and
technical decisions for the routine management of the EUHTF:
• Priority areas of work and annual work planning
• EUHTF working modalities including requests for assistance and mobilisation of the EUHTF
• Engagement with and mobilisation of expertise from the EUHTF Expert Pools
• Review of protocols, resources and tools
• Evaluation on the process, procedures and functioning of the EUHTF to advise on revisions, to
ensure continuous learning and improvement
• Opportunities for EUHTF assignments in Member States, in collaboration with the European
Commission and international partners
• Advice on ongoing communication/awareness campaigns related to the EUHTF.
In relation to the support the Advisory Group will provide, ECDC will consider all advice reserving the
right to make final decisions.
EUHTF Advisory Group terms of reference – November 2024
The Advisory Group will be convened in Quarter 1 of 2025 and will meet, virtually or in person, on at
least two occasions per year, approximately every six months. It will also be consulted ad hoc as
required (see table below).
Planned meetings Tentative dates (will be confirmed in
January 2025) Format and location
First meeting (2025) of the
Advisory Group
Quarter 1
2025 (to be
In person (currently preferred option) or online
meeting – to be decided. Handover to new rotation
of EUHTF Advisory Group members
Second meeting (2025) of
the Advisory Group and
EUHTF Annual Meeting
Quarter 4 2025 (to
be confirmed)
Two back-to-back in person meetings, with the
members of the EUHTF Advisory Group and with
representatives from all EU/EEA MS together with
relevant EUHTF stakeholders.
First meeting (2026) of the
Advisory Group
Quarter 1
2026 (to be
In person (currently preferred option) or online
meeting – to be decided. Handover to new rotation
of EUHTF Advisory Group members
Second meeting (2026) of
the Advisory Group and
EUHTF Annual Meeting
Quarter 4 2026 (to
be confirmed)
Two back-to-back in person meetings, with the
members of the EUHTF Advisory Group and with
representatives from all EU/EEA MS together with
relevant EUHTF stakeholders.
Consultations with the
Advisory Group As necessary
Consultations through virtual meetings or email
Role of the Members of the EUHTF Advisory Group
ECDC Coordination Team:
• Ensure that the EUHTF Advisory Group members meet according to the agreed meeting plan
and remain informed on key developments regarding the operation of the EUHTF
• Prepare and share relevant references for consultation with adequate time for the EUHTF
Advisory Group members to review and provide input.
Member State representatives:
• Assist in promoting the EUHTF amongst stakeholders in Member States and identifying
opportunities for EUHTF assignments
• Support review and improvement of procedures for identifying, selecting and assigning experts
to EUHTF External Expert Pool and assignments
• Advise on priority areas for EUHTF work including scope, expert profiles and activities for
• Advise and support on the development of protocols, resources and tools
• Advise on Member State experts’ training needs.
EUHTF Advisory Group terms of reference – November 2024
European Commission and European Union agency representatives:
• DG SANTE: Support EUHTF advocacy, implementation of EUHTF activities and identification of
EUHTF assignments. Support collaboration with other relevant DGs (e.g., NEAR, INPTA).
Support timely exchange with Working Groups of the Health Security Committee, as relevant
• DG ECHO: Support routine EUHTF integration into DG ECHO emergency response mechanisms
(e.g., UCPM/ERCC, EHRC). Collaborate in development and implementation of Service Level
Agreements and other procedures to ensure logistical support and safety/security of EUHTF
deployed experts. Ensure access to DG ECHO trainings where possible and relevant
• DG RTD: Support and collaborate in implementing EUHTF tasks related to research, ensuring
collaboration with the EU framework programmes for research and innovation where possible.
Facilitate links with relevant stakeholders such as academia and research networks
• DG HERA: Support for continued identification of areas for HERA and EUHTF collaboration,
including in relation to operational research, training/capacity building activities and for any
EUHTF work related to medical countermeasures and to other related areas of HERA’s work
• EMA: Support identification and promotion of areas for EUHTF and EMA Emergency Task Force
collaboration and information sharing, where relevant. Provide technical advice, in particular
on operational research, following experience of the EMA Emergency Task Force.
GOARN, WHO EURO representatives:
• Support the ongoing collaboration with and integration of the EUHTF into global health
emergency alert and response teams
• Assist in ensuring EUHTF teams are trained to and operate following common standards, are
interoperable and rapidly deployable.
• Support the identification of approaches to reach public health professionals in Europe
• Support the identification and promotion of areas for EUHTF collaboration and assignments
• Advice on available trainings of interest
NGO representative:
• Provide expert advice on the operation of the EUHTF, particularly on the operation of
emergency alert and response teams
• Support the identification and promotion of areas for EUHTF collaboration and assignments
• Advice on available trainings of interest
• Facilitate liaison with partners in the field during EUHTF operations.
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |