Dokumendiregister | Kultuuriministeerium |
Viit | 9-5/1435-1 |
Registreeritud | 11.12.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 12.12.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 9 Välisesinduste ning rahvusvahelise koostöö korraldamine |
Sari | 9-5 Kirjavahetus Rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega (Euroopa Nõukogu, UNESCO jms) |
Toimik | 9-5/2024 Kirjavahetus Rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega (Euroopa Nõukogu, UNESCO jms) |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | The Secretariat of the 1970 Convention |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | The Secretariat of the 1970 Convention |
Vastutaja | Kadri Jauram (KULTUURIMINISTEERIUM, Kommunikatsiooni - ja rahvusvahelise koostöö osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 7, Place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France
T: +33 (0)1 45 68 16 93
To the States Parties of the 1970 Convention 4 December 2024
Culture Sector The Assistant Director-General Ref.: CLT/CEM/MHM/24/9653
Subject: Voluntary contributions to the 1970 Convention Fund
Madam/Sir, On behalf of the Director-General, l would like to invite your country to make an annual voluntary contribution to the 1970 Convention Fund. This call for contributions is in accordance with the resolution of the Third Meeting of States Parties to the 1970 Convention in 2015 (Resolution 3.MSP 10), where the States Parties declared themselves in favour of the creation of a specific Fund for the 1970 Convention to support the Secretariat with additional financial resources, which would enable it to respond favourably to the actions linked to the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property, such as capacity-building, awareness-raising, inventory and database work and the monitoring of auctions. Furthermore, the Meeting of States Parties, through Resolution 7.MSP 14 adopted at its Seventh Meeting in 2023, “call[ed] upon the States Parties to make annual voluntary contributions, equivalent to at least 1% of their contribution to the UNESCO Regular Programme, so that the fund is adequately and sustainably resourced to ensure the implementation of the 1970 Convention”. Following these decisions, I encourage all States Parties to consider making voluntary contributions to the Fund of the 1970 Convention. Your contributions will be vital to ensure the continued effectiveness and sustainability of UNESCO’s action under the 1970 Convention and allow us to provide further support to States Parties. Attached to this letter you will find an overview of what a voluntary contribution of 1% represents per State Party. Kindly note that payments should be made only by bank transfer to the following account, specifying the reference “Fund of 1970 Convention”: For payments in US dollars to this bank account: Account Holder: UNESCO Bank: Citibank, N.A. Branch: 940-New York Bank’s address: 111 Wall Street, New York, NY, 10043, USA Account number: 36378785 SWIFT: CITIUS33 ABA: 021000089
1/3Assessed contributions to UNESCO’s Regular Budget in 2024
Confirmation of the 1% amount for each State Party to the 1970 Convention
2024 assessment
2024 assessed
contribution to the
regular budget
1% amount for 2024
Member States % in USD in USD
1 Afghanistan AF 0,006 20 563 206
2 Albania AL 0,008 27 418 274
3 Algeria DZ 0,110 376 995 3 770
4 Angola AO 0,010 34 272 343
5 Argentina AR 0,724 2 481 311 24 813
6 Armenia AM 0,007 23 991 240
7 Australia AU 2,126 7 286 279 72 863
8 Austria AT 0,684 2 344 222 23 442
9 Azerbaijan AZ 0,030 102 817 1 028
10 Bahamas BS 0,019 65 117 651
11 Bahrain BH 0,054 185 070 1 851
12 Bangladesh BD 0,010 34 272 343
13 Barbados BB 0,008 27 418 274
14 Belarus BY 0,041 140 516 1 405
15 Belgium BE 0,834 2 858 305 28 583
16 Belize BZ 0,001 3 427 34
17 Benin BJ 0,005 17 136 171
18 Bhutan BT 0,001 3 427 34
19 Bolivia, Plurinational State of BO 0,019 65 117 651
20 Bosnia and Herzegovina BA 0,012 41 127 411
21 Botswana BW 0,015 51 408 514
22 Brazil BR 2,028 6 950 411 69 504
23 Bulgaria BG 0,056 191 925 1 919
24 Burkina Faso BF 0,004 13 709 137
25 Cambodia KH 0,007 23 991 240
26 Cameroon CM 0,013 44 554 446
27 Canada CA 2,647 9 071 863 90 719
28 Central African Republic CF 0,001 3 427 34
29 Chad TD 0,003 10 282 103
30 Chile CL 0,423 1 449 716 14 497
31 China CN 15,364 52 655 875 526 559
32 Colombia CO 0,248 849 952 8 500
33 Comoros KM 0,001 3 427 34
34 Costa Rica CR 0,070 239 906 2 399
35 Côte d'Ivoire CI 0,022 75 399 754
36 Croatia HR 0,092 315 305 3 153
37 Cuba CU 0,096 329 014 3 290
38 Cyprus CY 0,036 123 380 1 234
39 Czechia CZ 0,343 1 175 538 11 755
40 Democratic People's Republic of Korea KP 0,005 17 136 171
41 Democratic Republic of the Congo CD 0,010 34 272 343
42 Denmark DK 0,557 1 908 964 19 090
43 Djibouti DJ 0,001 3 427 34
44 Dominican Republic DO 0,068 233 051 2 331
45 Ecuador EC 0,078 267 324 2 673
46 Egypt EG 0,140 479 812 4 798
47 El Salvador SV 0,013 44 554 446
48 Equatorial Guinea GQ 0,012 41 127 411
49 Estonia EE 0,044 150 798 1 508
2024 assessment
2024 assessed
contribution to the
regular budget
1% amount for 2024
Member States % in USD in USD
50 Eswatini SZ 0,002 6 854 69
51 Ethiopia ET 0,010 34 272 343
52 Finland FI 0,420 1 439 434 14 394
53 France FR 4,349 14 904 999 149 050
54 Gabon GA 0,013 44 554 446
55 Gambia GM 0,001 3 427 34
56 Georgia GE 0,008 27 418 274
57 Germany DE 6,155 21 094 566 210 946
58 Ghana GH 0,024 82 254 823
59 Greece GR 0,327 1 120 702 11 207
60 Grenada GD 0,001 3 427 34
61 Guatemala GT 0,041 140 516 1 405
62 Guinea GN 0,003 10 282 103
63 Haiti HT 0,006 20 563 206
64 Honduras HN 0,009 30 845 308
65 Hungary HU 0,230 788 262 7 883
66 Iceland IS 0,036 123 380 1 234
67 India IN 1,052 3 605 440 36 054
68 Iran, Islamic Republic of IR 0,374 1 281 782 12 818
69 Iraq IQ 0,129 442 112 4 421
70 Italy IT 3,212 11 008 245 110 082
71 Japan JP 8,091 27 729 672 277 297
72 Jordan JO 0,022 75 399 754
73 Kazakhstan KZ 0,134 459 248 4 592
74 Kenya KE 0,030 102 817 1 028
75 Kuwait KW 0,236 808 825 8 088
76 Kyrgyzstan KG 0,002 6 854 69
77 Lao People's Democratic Republic LA 0,007 23 991 240
78 Latvia LV 0,050 171 361 1 714
79 Lebanon LB 0,036 123 380 1 234
80 Lesotho LS 0,001 3 427 34
81 Libya LY 0,018 61 690 617
82 Lithuania LT 0,078 267 324 2 673
83 Luxembourg LU 0,069 236 479 2 365
84 Madagascar MG 0,004 13 709 137
85 Malawi MW 0,002 6 854 69
86 Mali ML 0,005 17 136 171
87 Malta MT 0,019 65 117 651
88 Mauritania MR 0,002 6 854 69
89 Mauritius MU 0,019 65 117 651
90 Mexico MX 1,230 4 215 486 42 155
91 Monaco MC 0,011 37 700 377
92 Mongolia MN 0,004 13 709 137
93 Montenegro ME 0,004 13 709 137
94 Morocco MA 0,055 188 497 1 885
95 Myanmar MM 0,010 34 272 343
96 Nepal NP 0,010 34 272 343
97 Netherlands NL 1,387 4 753 560 47 536
98 New Zealand NZ 0,311 1 065 867 10 659
99 Nicaragua NI 0,005 17 136 171
100 Niger NE 0,003 10 282 103
101 Nigeria NG 0,183 627 182 6 272
102 North Macedonia MK 0,007 23 991 240
103 Norway NO 0,684 2 344 222 23 442
2024 assessment
2024 assessed
contribution to the
regular budget
1% amount for 2024
Member States % in USD in USD
104 Oman OM 0,112 383 849 3 838
105 Pakistan PK 0,115 394 131 3 941
106 Panama PA 0,091 311 877 3 119
107 Paraguay PY 0,026 89 108 891
108 Peru PE 0,164 562 065 5 621
109 Poland PL 0,843 2 889 150 28 892
110 Portugal PT 0,356 1 220 092 12 201
111 Qatar QA 0,271 928 778 9 288
112 Republic of Korea KR 2,593 8 886 793 88 868
113 Republic of Moldova MD 0,005 17 136 171
114 Romania RO 0,314 1 076 149 10 761
115 Russian Federation RU 1,880 6 443 182 64 432
116 Rwanda RW 0,003 10 282 103
117 Sao Tome and Principe ST 0,001 3 427 34
118 Saudi Arabia SA 1,193 4 088 679 40 887
119 Senegal SN 0,007 23 991 240
120 Serbia RS 0,032 109 671 1 097
121 Seychelles SC 0,002 6 854 69
122 Slovakia SK 0,156 534 647 5 346
123 Slovenia SI 0,080 274 178 2 742
124 South Africa ZA 0,246 843 097 8 431
125 Spain ES 2,149 7 365 105 73 651
126 Sri Lanka LK 0,045 154 225 1 542
127 State of Palestine PS 0,011 37 700 377
128 Sweden SE 0,877 3 005 676 30 057
129 Switzerland CH 1,142 3 913 890 39 139
130 Syrian Arab Republic SY 0,009 30 845 308
131 Tajikistan TJ 0,003 10 282 103
132 Togo TG 0,002 6 854 69
133 Tunisia TN 0,019 65 117 651
134 Türkiye TR 0,851 2 916 568 29 166
135 Turkmenistan TM 0,034 116 526 1 165
136 Ukraine UA 0,056 191 925 1 919
137 United Arab Emirates AE 0,640 2 193 424 21 934
138 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
GB 4,407 15 103 778 151 038
139 United Republic of Tanzania TZ 0,010 34 272 343
140 United States of America US 22,000 75 398 936 753 989
141 Uruguay UY 0,093 318 732 3 187
142 Uzbekistan UZ 0,027 92 535 925
143 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of VE 0,176 603 192 6 032
144 Viet Nam VN 0,094 322 159 3 222
145 Yemen YE 0,008 27 418 274
146 Zambia ZM 0,008 27 418 274
147 Zimbabwe ZW 0,007 23 991 240
TOTAL 97,395 333 794 524 3 337 947
Palun see kiri registreerida UNESCO kirjavahetuse kausta.
From: Delegation of Estonia/Délégation d'Estonie <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, December 9, 2024 5:43 PM
To: Kadri Jauram <[email protected]>; Margit Siim <[email protected]>; [email protected]
Subject: Fw: Voluntary contributions to the Fund of the 1970 Convention // Contributions volontaires au Fonds de la Convention de 1970 (ref. 9653)
Oodatud on vabatahtlikud osamaksed 1970. a konventsiooni fondi.
From: Convention de 1970 <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, December 9, 2024 15:28
To: Convention de 1970 <[email protected]>
Cc: Delegation of Afghanistan/Délégation d'Afghanistan <[email protected]>; Delegation of Albania/Délégation d'Albanie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Algeria/Délégation d'Algérie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Angola/Délégation d'Angola <[email protected]>; Delegation of Argentina/Délégation d'Argentine <[email protected]>; Delegation of Armenia/Délégation d'Arménie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Australia/Délégation de Australie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Austria/Délégation d'Autriche <[email protected]>; Delegation of Azerbaijan/Délégation d'Azerbaïdjan <[email protected]>; Delegation of Bahamas/Délégation de Bahamas <[email protected]>; Delegation of Bahrain/Délégation de Bahreïn <[email protected]>; Delegation of Bangladesh/Délégation du Bangladesh <[email protected]>; Delegation of Barbados/Delegation de Barbades <[email protected]>; Delegation of Belgium/Délégation de Belgique <[email protected]>; Delegation of Belarus/Délégation de Bélarus <[email protected]>; Delegation of Belize/Délégation de Belize <[email protected]>; Delegation of Benin/Délégation du Bénin <[email protected]>; Delegation of Bhutan/Delegation de Bhoutan <[email protected]>; Delegation of Bolivia/Délégation de Bolivie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina/Délégation de Bosnie-Herzégovine <[email protected]>; Delegation of Botswana/Delegation du Botswana <[email protected]>; Delegation of Brazil/Délégation du Brésil <[email protected]>; Delegation of Bulgaria/Délégation de Bulgarie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Burkina Faso/Délégation du Burkina Faso <[email protected]>; Delegation of Cambodia/Délégation du Cambodge <[email protected]>; Delegation of Cameroon/Délégation de Cameroun <[email protected]>; Delegation of Canada/Délégation du Canada <[email protected]>; Delegation of Central Afr.Rep/Délégation de Rép. centrafr. <[email protected]>; Delegation of Chad/Délégation du Tchad <[email protected]>; Delegation of Chile/Délégation du Chili <[email protected]>; Delegation of China/Délégation de Chine <[email protected]>; Delegation of Colombia/Délégation de Colombie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Costa Rica/Délégation de Costa Rica <[email protected]>; Delegation of Côte d'Ivoire/Délégation de Côte d'Ivoire <[email protected]>; Delegation of Croatia/Délégation de Croatie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Cuba/Délégation de Cuba <[email protected]>; Delegation of Cyprus/Délégation de Chypre <[email protected]>; Delegation of the Czech Republic/ Délégation de la République tchèque <[email protected]>; Delegation of Korea PDR/Délégation de Corée RPD <[email protected]>; Delegation of Democratic Republic of the Congo/Délégation de la République démocratique du Congo <[email protected]>; Delegation of Denmark/Délégation de Danemark <[email protected]>; Delegation of Djibouti/Délégation de Djibouti <[email protected]>; Delegation of the Dominican Republic/Délégation de la République dominicaine <[email protected]>; Delegation of Ecuador/Délégation d'Équateur <[email protected]>; Delegation of Egypt/Délégation d'Égypte <[email protected]>; Delegation of El Salvador/Délégation d'El Salvador <[email protected]>; Delegation of Equatorial Guinea/Délégation de Guinée équatoriale <[email protected]>; Delegation of Estonia/Délégation d'Estonie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Ethiopia/Délégation d'Éthiopie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Finland/Délégation de Finlande <[email protected]>; Delegation of France/Délégation de France <[email protected]>; Delegation of Gabon/Délégation du Gabon <[email protected]>; Delegation of Gambia/Délégation de Gambie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Georgia/Delegation de Géorgie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Germany/Délégation d'Allemagne <[email protected]>; Delegation of Ghana/Delegation de Ghana <[email protected]>; Delegation of Greece/Délégation de la Grèce <[email protected]>; Delegation of Grenada/Délégation de Grenade <[email protected]>; Delegation of Guatemala/Délégation de Guatemala <[email protected]>; Delegation of Guinea / Délégation de Guinée <[email protected]>; Delegation of Haiti/Delegation de Haïti <[email protected]>; Delegation of Honduras/Délégation de Honduras <[email protected]>; Delegation of Hungary/Délégation de Hongrie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Iceland/Délégation d'Islande <[email protected]>; Delegation of India/Délégation de l'Inde <[email protected]>; Delegation of Iran/Délégation de Iran <[email protected]>; Delegation of Irak/Délégation de Iraq <[email protected]>; Delegation of Italy/Délégation de l'Italie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Japan Délégation du Japon <[email protected]>; Delegation of Jordan/Délégation de Jordanie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Kazakhstan/Délégation de Kazakhstan <[email protected]>; Delegation of Kuwait/Délégation du Koweït <[email protected]>; Delegation of Kyrgyzstan/Delegation du Kirghizistan <[email protected]>; Delegation of Lao, PDR/Délégation de Laos, RDP <[email protected]>; Delegation of Latvia/Delegation de Lettonie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Lebanon/Délégation du Liban <[email protected]>; Delegation of Lesotho/Delegation de Lesotho <[email protected]>; Delegation of Libya/Délégation de la Libye <[email protected]>; Delegation of Lithuania/Délégation de Lituanie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Luxembourg/Délégation de Luxembourg <[email protected]>; Delegation of Madagascar/Délégation de Madagascar <[email protected]>; Delegation of Mali/Délégation du Mali <[email protected]>; Delegation of Mauritania/Délégation de Mauritanie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Mauritius/Délégation de Maurice <[email protected]>; Delegation of Mexico/Délégation du Mexique <[email protected]>; Delegation of Monaco/Délégation de Monaco <[email protected]>; Delegation of Mongolia/Délégation de Mongolie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Montenegro/Délégation de Monténégro <[email protected]>; Delegation of Morocco/Délégation du Maroc <[email protected]>; Delegation of Myanmar/Délégation de Myanmar <[email protected]>; Delegation of Nepal/Délégation de Népal <[email protected]>; Delegation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands/Délégation du Royaume des Pays-Bas <[email protected]>; Delegation of New Zealand/Délégation de Nouvelle-Zélande <[email protected]>; Delegation of Nicaragua/Délégation de Nicaragua <[email protected]>; Delegation of Niger/Délégation du Niger <[email protected]>; Delegation of Nigeria/Délégation du Nigeria <[email protected]>; Delegation of Norway/Délégation de Norvège <[email protected]>; Delegation of Oman/Délégation de Oman <[email protected]>; Delegation of Pakistan/Délégation du Pakistan <[email protected]>; Delegation of the State of Palestine/Délégation de l'état de Palestine <[email protected]>; Delegation of Panama/Délégation de Panama <[email protected]>; Delegation of Paraguay/Delegation de Paraguay <[email protected]>; Delegation of Peru/Délégation de Pérou <[email protected]>; Delegation of Poland/Délégation de Pologne <[email protected]>; Delegation of Portugal/Délégation du Portugal <[email protected]>; Delegation of Qatar/Délégation de Qatar <[email protected]>; Delegation of the Republic of Korea / Délégation de la République de Corée <[email protected]>; Delegation of the Republic of Moldova/Delegation de la République de Moldova <[email protected]>; Delegation of Romania/Délégation de Roumanie <[email protected]>; Delegation of the Russian Federation/Délégation de la Fédération de Russie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Rwanda/Delegation de Rwanda <[email protected]>; Delegation of Saudi Arabia/Délégation d'Arabie saoudite <[email protected]>; Delegation of Senegal/Délégation de Sénégal <[email protected]>; Delegation of Serbia/Délégation de Serbie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Seychelles/Délégation de Seychelles <[email protected]>; Delegation of Slovak Republic/Délégation de République slovaque <[email protected]>; Delegation of Slovenia/Délégation de Slovénie <[email protected]>; Delegation of South Africa/Délégation de Afrique du Sud <[email protected]>; Delegation of Spain/Délégation d'Espagne <[email protected]>; Delegation of Sri Lanka/Délégation de Sri Lanka <[email protected]>; Delegation of the Kingdom of Eswatini/Delegation le Royaume d’Eswatini <[email protected]>; Delegation of Sweden/Délégation de Suède <[email protected]>; Delegation of Switzerland/Délégation de Suisse <[email protected]>; Delegation of Syria/Délégation de Syrie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Tadjikistan/Délégation du Tadjikistan <[email protected]>; Delegation of Tunisia/Délégation de Tunisie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Türkiye Délégation de Türkiye <[email protected]>; Delegation of Ukraine/Délégation de l'Ukraine <[email protected]>; Delegation of United Arab Emirates/Délégation des Émirats arabes unis <[email protected]>; Delegation of United Kingdom/Délégation du Royaume-Uni <[email protected]>; Delegation of Tanzania/Délégation de Tanzanie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Uruguay/Délégation de Uruguay <[email protected]>; Delegation of Uzbekistan/Délégation de Ouzbékistan <[email protected]>; Delegation of Venezuela/Délégation de Venezuela <[email protected]>; Delegation of Vietnam/Delegation de Vietnam <[email protected]>; Delegation of Yemen/Délégation de Yémen <[email protected]>; Delegation of Zambia/Delegation de Zambie <[email protected]>; Delegation of Zimbabwe/Délégation de Zimbabwe <[email protected]>; malawi <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; Delegation of Togo/Délégation du Togo <[email protected]>; Delegation of Comoros/Délégation des Comores <[email protected]>; Delegation of the Republic of North Macedonia Délégation de la République de Macédoine du Nord <[email protected]>; Delegation of United States of America/Délégation des Etats-Unis d'Amérique <[email protected]>; NAC contact - Natcom, Sao Tome And Principe <[email protected]>; Delegation of Malta/Délégation de Malte <[email protected]>; Delegation of Kenya/Délégation de Kenya <[email protected]>
Subject: Voluntary contributions to the Fund of the 1970 Convention // Contributions volontaires au Fonds de la Convention de 1970 (ref. 9653)
French version below/Version française ci-dessous
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please find attached a letter from Ernesto Ottone R., Assistant Director-General for Culture at UNESCO, addressed to States Parties to the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property.
Best regards,
The Secretariat of the 1970 Convention
Madame, Monsieur,
Veuillez trouver ci-joint une lettre de la part de Monsieur Ernesto Ottone R., Sous-Directeur général pour la Culture à l’UNESCO, à l’attention des Etats parties à la Convention de 1970 concernant les mesures à prendre pour interdire et empêcher l'importation, l'exportation et le transfert de propriété illicites des biens culturels.
Bien cordialement,
Le Secrétariat de la Convention de 1970
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 7, Place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France
T: +33 (0)1 45 68 16 93
To the States Parties of the 1970 Convention 4 December 2024
Culture Sector The Assistant Director-General Ref.: CLT/CEM/MHM/24/9653
Subject: Voluntary contributions to the 1970 Convention Fund
Madam/Sir, On behalf of the Director-General, l would like to invite your country to make an annual voluntary contribution to the 1970 Convention Fund. This call for contributions is in accordance with the resolution of the Third Meeting of States Parties to the 1970 Convention in 2015 (Resolution 3.MSP 10), where the States Parties declared themselves in favour of the creation of a specific Fund for the 1970 Convention to support the Secretariat with additional financial resources, which would enable it to respond favourably to the actions linked to the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property, such as capacity-building, awareness-raising, inventory and database work and the monitoring of auctions. Furthermore, the Meeting of States Parties, through Resolution 7.MSP 14 adopted at its Seventh Meeting in 2023, “call[ed] upon the States Parties to make annual voluntary contributions, equivalent to at least 1% of their contribution to the UNESCO Regular Programme, so that the fund is adequately and sustainably resourced to ensure the implementation of the 1970 Convention”. Following these decisions, I encourage all States Parties to consider making voluntary contributions to the Fund of the 1970 Convention. Your contributions will be vital to ensure the continued effectiveness and sustainability of UNESCO’s action under the 1970 Convention and allow us to provide further support to States Parties. Attached to this letter you will find an overview of what a voluntary contribution of 1% represents per State Party. Kindly note that payments should be made only by bank transfer to the following account, specifying the reference “Fund of 1970 Convention”: For payments in US dollars to this bank account: Account Holder: UNESCO Bank: Citibank, N.A. Branch: 940-New York Bank’s address: 111 Wall Street, New York, NY, 10043, USA Account number: 36378785 SWIFT: CITIUS33 ABA: 021000089
1/3Assessed contributions to UNESCO’s Regular Budget in 2024
Confirmation of the 1% amount for each State Party to the 1970 Convention
2024 assessment
2024 assessed
contribution to the
regular budget
1% amount for 2024
Member States % in USD in USD
1 Afghanistan AF 0,006 20 563 206
2 Albania AL 0,008 27 418 274
3 Algeria DZ 0,110 376 995 3 770
4 Angola AO 0,010 34 272 343
5 Argentina AR 0,724 2 481 311 24 813
6 Armenia AM 0,007 23 991 240
7 Australia AU 2,126 7 286 279 72 863
8 Austria AT 0,684 2 344 222 23 442
9 Azerbaijan AZ 0,030 102 817 1 028
10 Bahamas BS 0,019 65 117 651
11 Bahrain BH 0,054 185 070 1 851
12 Bangladesh BD 0,010 34 272 343
13 Barbados BB 0,008 27 418 274
14 Belarus BY 0,041 140 516 1 405
15 Belgium BE 0,834 2 858 305 28 583
16 Belize BZ 0,001 3 427 34
17 Benin BJ 0,005 17 136 171
18 Bhutan BT 0,001 3 427 34
19 Bolivia, Plurinational State of BO 0,019 65 117 651
20 Bosnia and Herzegovina BA 0,012 41 127 411
21 Botswana BW 0,015 51 408 514
22 Brazil BR 2,028 6 950 411 69 504
23 Bulgaria BG 0,056 191 925 1 919
24 Burkina Faso BF 0,004 13 709 137
25 Cambodia KH 0,007 23 991 240
26 Cameroon CM 0,013 44 554 446
27 Canada CA 2,647 9 071 863 90 719
28 Central African Republic CF 0,001 3 427 34
29 Chad TD 0,003 10 282 103
30 Chile CL 0,423 1 449 716 14 497
31 China CN 15,364 52 655 875 526 559
32 Colombia CO 0,248 849 952 8 500
33 Comoros KM 0,001 3 427 34
34 Costa Rica CR 0,070 239 906 2 399
35 Côte d'Ivoire CI 0,022 75 399 754
36 Croatia HR 0,092 315 305 3 153
37 Cuba CU 0,096 329 014 3 290
38 Cyprus CY 0,036 123 380 1 234
39 Czechia CZ 0,343 1 175 538 11 755
40 Democratic People's Republic of Korea KP 0,005 17 136 171
41 Democratic Republic of the Congo CD 0,010 34 272 343
42 Denmark DK 0,557 1 908 964 19 090
43 Djibouti DJ 0,001 3 427 34
44 Dominican Republic DO 0,068 233 051 2 331
45 Ecuador EC 0,078 267 324 2 673
46 Egypt EG 0,140 479 812 4 798
47 El Salvador SV 0,013 44 554 446
48 Equatorial Guinea GQ 0,012 41 127 411
49 Estonia EE 0,044 150 798 1 508
2024 assessment
2024 assessed
contribution to the
regular budget
1% amount for 2024
Member States % in USD in USD
50 Eswatini SZ 0,002 6 854 69
51 Ethiopia ET 0,010 34 272 343
52 Finland FI 0,420 1 439 434 14 394
53 France FR 4,349 14 904 999 149 050
54 Gabon GA 0,013 44 554 446
55 Gambia GM 0,001 3 427 34
56 Georgia GE 0,008 27 418 274
57 Germany DE 6,155 21 094 566 210 946
58 Ghana GH 0,024 82 254 823
59 Greece GR 0,327 1 120 702 11 207
60 Grenada GD 0,001 3 427 34
61 Guatemala GT 0,041 140 516 1 405
62 Guinea GN 0,003 10 282 103
63 Haiti HT 0,006 20 563 206
64 Honduras HN 0,009 30 845 308
65 Hungary HU 0,230 788 262 7 883
66 Iceland IS 0,036 123 380 1 234
67 India IN 1,052 3 605 440 36 054
68 Iran, Islamic Republic of IR 0,374 1 281 782 12 818
69 Iraq IQ 0,129 442 112 4 421
70 Italy IT 3,212 11 008 245 110 082
71 Japan JP 8,091 27 729 672 277 297
72 Jordan JO 0,022 75 399 754
73 Kazakhstan KZ 0,134 459 248 4 592
74 Kenya KE 0,030 102 817 1 028
75 Kuwait KW 0,236 808 825 8 088
76 Kyrgyzstan KG 0,002 6 854 69
77 Lao People's Democratic Republic LA 0,007 23 991 240
78 Latvia LV 0,050 171 361 1 714
79 Lebanon LB 0,036 123 380 1 234
80 Lesotho LS 0,001 3 427 34
81 Libya LY 0,018 61 690 617
82 Lithuania LT 0,078 267 324 2 673
83 Luxembourg LU 0,069 236 479 2 365
84 Madagascar MG 0,004 13 709 137
85 Malawi MW 0,002 6 854 69
86 Mali ML 0,005 17 136 171
87 Malta MT 0,019 65 117 651
88 Mauritania MR 0,002 6 854 69
89 Mauritius MU 0,019 65 117 651
90 Mexico MX 1,230 4 215 486 42 155
91 Monaco MC 0,011 37 700 377
92 Mongolia MN 0,004 13 709 137
93 Montenegro ME 0,004 13 709 137
94 Morocco MA 0,055 188 497 1 885
95 Myanmar MM 0,010 34 272 343
96 Nepal NP 0,010 34 272 343
97 Netherlands NL 1,387 4 753 560 47 536
98 New Zealand NZ 0,311 1 065 867 10 659
99 Nicaragua NI 0,005 17 136 171
100 Niger NE 0,003 10 282 103
101 Nigeria NG 0,183 627 182 6 272
102 North Macedonia MK 0,007 23 991 240
103 Norway NO 0,684 2 344 222 23 442
2024 assessment
2024 assessed
contribution to the
regular budget
1% amount for 2024
Member States % in USD in USD
104 Oman OM 0,112 383 849 3 838
105 Pakistan PK 0,115 394 131 3 941
106 Panama PA 0,091 311 877 3 119
107 Paraguay PY 0,026 89 108 891
108 Peru PE 0,164 562 065 5 621
109 Poland PL 0,843 2 889 150 28 892
110 Portugal PT 0,356 1 220 092 12 201
111 Qatar QA 0,271 928 778 9 288
112 Republic of Korea KR 2,593 8 886 793 88 868
113 Republic of Moldova MD 0,005 17 136 171
114 Romania RO 0,314 1 076 149 10 761
115 Russian Federation RU 1,880 6 443 182 64 432
116 Rwanda RW 0,003 10 282 103
117 Sao Tome and Principe ST 0,001 3 427 34
118 Saudi Arabia SA 1,193 4 088 679 40 887
119 Senegal SN 0,007 23 991 240
120 Serbia RS 0,032 109 671 1 097
121 Seychelles SC 0,002 6 854 69
122 Slovakia SK 0,156 534 647 5 346
123 Slovenia SI 0,080 274 178 2 742
124 South Africa ZA 0,246 843 097 8 431
125 Spain ES 2,149 7 365 105 73 651
126 Sri Lanka LK 0,045 154 225 1 542
127 State of Palestine PS 0,011 37 700 377
128 Sweden SE 0,877 3 005 676 30 057
129 Switzerland CH 1,142 3 913 890 39 139
130 Syrian Arab Republic SY 0,009 30 845 308
131 Tajikistan TJ 0,003 10 282 103
132 Togo TG 0,002 6 854 69
133 Tunisia TN 0,019 65 117 651
134 Türkiye TR 0,851 2 916 568 29 166
135 Turkmenistan TM 0,034 116 526 1 165
136 Ukraine UA 0,056 191 925 1 919
137 United Arab Emirates AE 0,640 2 193 424 21 934
138 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
GB 4,407 15 103 778 151 038
139 United Republic of Tanzania TZ 0,010 34 272 343
140 United States of America US 22,000 75 398 936 753 989
141 Uruguay UY 0,093 318 732 3 187
142 Uzbekistan UZ 0,027 92 535 925
143 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of VE 0,176 603 192 6 032
144 Viet Nam VN 0,094 322 159 3 222
145 Yemen YE 0,008 27 418 274
146 Zambia ZM 0,008 27 418 274
147 Zimbabwe ZW 0,007 23 991 240
TOTAL 97,395 333 794 524 3 337 947