Dokumendiregister | Riigikohus |
Viit | 7-8/24-594-1 |
Registreeritud | 12.12.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 13.12.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 7 Juhtimine |
Sari | 7-8 Riigikohtu esimehe kirjavahetus välisriikide kõrgemate kohtute ja rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega |
Toimik | 7-8/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Constitutional Court of Hungary |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Constitutional Court of Hungary |
Vastutaja | Karin Leichter-Tammisto (Riigikohus, Juhtkond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
",OF HUNGARY. ţ,}_ i'?\j\- .'łł;''ţĘĺÖi',*'"
lnternational Conference to Commemorate the 35th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
"LÍfe Cycles in the operatÍon of Constitutional Courts - Challenges and Responses"
23 )anuary fihursday) 2025 Parliament of Hungary
Chamber of the Upper House
Draft program
09:00-09:40 09:00-09:10 09:10-09:20
09:20-09:30 09:30-09:40
09:40- ĺ 0:20
10:20-10:40 Coffee break
10:40- 1 2:00
Welcome speeches Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary Gbc) Lászlő Kövéĺ President of the National Assembly of Hungary Viktor orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary lmre Juhász, President of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
Keynote speech Gianni Buquicchio President Emeritus, Special
Representative of the Venice Commission of the Council
of Europe (tbc)
Section I
The establishment of constitutiona constitutional courts in the function
courts, the role of ng of legal systems,
relations with legal traditions (historic constitutions),
development of the roles of constitutional courts
moderator: lstván Stumpf former member of the
Constitutional Court of Hungary, professor of law,
Széchenyi lstván University, Győr
1 1:00-1 1:20
1 2:00- ĺ 3:00 Lunch
I 3:00- 14:00
.^ OF HUNGARY^ :' j':
' 'í..lţĺ\' lÇ''ł;ţ3;''|--6;ŕ:l"
Snežana Marković (tbc)
President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia
Lee J. Strang ProfessoĘ University of Toledo College of Law
Ľuboš Szigeti Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic
Attila Horváth Member of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
Section ll Effects of accession to the European Union on
constitutional adjudication, roles of constitutional courts
in the European sphere, current challenges of fundamental law protection
moderator: Miklós Lévay former Member of Constitutional Court of Hungary, professor of law, Eötvos Loránd
' University, Budapest
Pavlina Panova President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria
Lászlő Trócsányi Rector, professor of law, Károli Gáspár University of the
Reformed Church, former Member of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
':: ł|. ,iirta w
"{*1"" .t:.i'/'".Ąţłgţ;çţ:;"
Péter PaczoIay Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, former President of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
ĺ 4:00- 14:20 Coffee break
Section lll Recent challenges in the practice of constitutional courts:
the impact of exceptional or emergency situations on fundamental law protection; effects of artificial intelligence and digitalisation on the protection of fundamental rights moderator: Réka Varga
Vice President of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
José Joäo Abrantes President of the Portuguese Constitutional Court,
professor of law, NOVA University Lisbon
Gheorghe Stan Member of the Constitutional Court of Romania
15:00-15:10 Closing remarks
Réka Varga Vice President of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
From: Hungary CC35 <[email protected]>
Sent: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 11:46:30 +0000
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Invitation letter from Mr. Imre JuhĂĄsz, President of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
I hope this message finds you well.
I am honored to send you an invitation letter from Mr. Imre Juhász, President of the Constitutional Court of Hungary, regarding the International Conference to commemorate the 35th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Constitutional Court of Hungary. Please find attached the draft program for your consideration.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could confirm the letter has been well received and forward these documents to the Honorable Chief Justice of your Esteemed Court.
Should you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. I remain at your disposal.
Thank you for your kind collaboration.
Warm regards, István
MANNO István
Chief of Protocol
COURT OF HUNGARY 1015 Budapest, Donáti u. 35-45. ...................................... | |
E-mail: Web: | +36
30 436 6800 [email protected] |
| ||
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",OF HUNGARY. ţ,}_ i'?\j\- .'łł;''ţĘĺÖi',*'"
lnternational Conference to Commemorate the 35th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
"LÍfe Cycles in the operatÍon of Constitutional Courts - Challenges and Responses"
23 )anuary fihursday) 2025 Parliament of Hungary
Chamber of the Upper House
Draft program
09:00-09:40 09:00-09:10 09:10-09:20
09:20-09:30 09:30-09:40
09:40- ĺ 0:20
10:20-10:40 Coffee break
10:40- 1 2:00
Welcome speeches Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary Gbc) Lászlő Kövéĺ President of the National Assembly of Hungary Viktor orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary lmre Juhász, President of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
Keynote speech Gianni Buquicchio President Emeritus, Special
Representative of the Venice Commission of the Council
of Europe (tbc)
Section I
The establishment of constitutiona constitutional courts in the function
courts, the role of ng of legal systems,
relations with legal traditions (historic constitutions),
development of the roles of constitutional courts
moderator: lstván Stumpf former member of the
Constitutional Court of Hungary, professor of law,
Széchenyi lstván University, Győr
1 1:00-1 1:20
1 2:00- ĺ 3:00 Lunch
I 3:00- 14:00
.^ OF HUNGARY^ :' j':
' 'í..lţĺ\' lÇ''ł;ţ3;''|--6;ŕ:l"
Snežana Marković (tbc)
President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia
Lee J. Strang ProfessoĘ University of Toledo College of Law
Ľuboš Szigeti Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic
Attila Horváth Member of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
Section ll Effects of accession to the European Union on
constitutional adjudication, roles of constitutional courts
in the European sphere, current challenges of fundamental law protection
moderator: Miklós Lévay former Member of Constitutional Court of Hungary, professor of law, Eötvos Loránd
' University, Budapest
Pavlina Panova President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria
Lászlő Trócsányi Rector, professor of law, Károli Gáspár University of the
Reformed Church, former Member of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
':: ł|. ,iirta w
"{*1"" .t:.i'/'".Ąţłgţ;çţ:;"
Péter PaczoIay Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, former President of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
ĺ 4:00- 14:20 Coffee break
Section lll Recent challenges in the practice of constitutional courts:
the impact of exceptional or emergency situations on fundamental law protection; effects of artificial intelligence and digitalisation on the protection of fundamental rights moderator: Réka Varga
Vice President of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
José Joäo Abrantes President of the Portuguese Constitutional Court,
professor of law, NOVA University Lisbon
Gheorghe Stan Member of the Constitutional Court of Romania
15:00-15:10 Closing remarks
Réka Varga Vice President of the Constitutional Court of Hungary
ł&In ę9
dr. iur.Villu Köve Chief Justice The Supreme Court of Estonia
in Europe
Budapest, 9 December 2024
Dear Mr. Chief Justice,
The constitutional court of Hungary is organising an international conference in
Budapest on 23 January 2025, commemorating the 35th anniversary of the
establĺshment of the Constitutional Court'
The conference will provide an opportunity for a forum for mutual discussions' since
its establishment, the constitutional court of Hungary has contributed to the
protection of fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law' The international
conference will provide an opportunity to review and assess the developments and
achievements of the constitutional court of Hungary, as well as to exchange thoughts
on the challenges that may have an impact on the protection of fundamental rights
and the future of constitutional adjudication and constitutional courts
The international conference will address three main topics. The first section will focus
on the role of constitutional courts in the functioning of legal systems' within this
panel, we will analyse the establishment of constitutional courts, how constitutional
courts reached back to constitutional traditions (in Hun9ary to the historical
constitution), and what role they played in consolidating the legal system'
rn the next section, we wiil examine the prace of constitutional adjudication in Europe,
with a particular focus on the impact of accession to the European Union on
constitutional adjudication and on tńe trends in the protection of fundamental rights
The third section will examine the most recent challenges: the impact of exceptional or
emergency situations (such as the pandemic), artificial intelligence, digitalisation on the
protežtioń of fundamental rights and the practice of constitutional courts'
The conference will also provide an opportunity to identify trends that have already
emerged and those that are rikery to arise. prease find attached the draft program of
coNsŤrTuTloNAL coURŤ H-lol5 BUDAPEsT, DoruÁrl U.35-45. I tsss nuoneEsT, P'o. BoX773'
PHoNE: +36 I 4aa 3loO FAX: +36 I 212 117O Wvvt,v.HUNCONCOU RT.H U
the conference
The international conference will bring together mainly presidents and judges of
partner constitutional courts to share their views on the above-mentioned topĺcs. We
plan to publish the presentations in a special issue of the Hungarian Constitutional
Court's scientific journal, the Constitutional Court Review (ln Hungarian:
Al kotmá nybíróság i Szemle).
I believe that the lectures and ideas presented at the conference will contribute to the
development of constĺtutional jurĺsprudence and to the further strengthening of
relations between constitutional courts.
Dear Mľ. Chief Justice,
l hereby respectfully invĺte Your Excellency (or your designated representative) and
another member of The Supreme Court of Estonia to attend the international
conference. The Conference will take place at the Chamber of the Upper House of the
Parliament of Hungary.
I am convinced that the discussions and exchanges of views at the conference will
contribute to the further development of constitutionalism and the protection of
human rights.
I sincerely hope that Your Excellency will accept my invitation and we will be able to
welcome you personally at the lnternational Conference.
I would greatly appreciate receiving your confirmation at your earliest convenience, if
possible not later than 30 December 2024.
Yours sincerely,
ł&In ę9
dr. iur.Villu Köve Chief Justice The Supreme Court of Estonia
in Europe
Budapest, 9 December 2024
Dear Mr. Chief Justice,
The constitutional court of Hungary is organising an international conference in
Budapest on 23 January 2025, commemorating the 35th anniversary of the
establĺshment of the Constitutional Court'
The conference will provide an opportunity for a forum for mutual discussions' since
its establishment, the constitutional court of Hungary has contributed to the
protection of fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law' The international
conference will provide an opportunity to review and assess the developments and
achievements of the constitutional court of Hungary, as well as to exchange thoughts
on the challenges that may have an impact on the protection of fundamental rights
and the future of constitutional adjudication and constitutional courts
The international conference will address three main topics. The first section will focus
on the role of constitutional courts in the functioning of legal systems' within this
panel, we will analyse the establishment of constitutional courts, how constitutional
courts reached back to constitutional traditions (in Hun9ary to the historical
constitution), and what role they played in consolidating the legal system'
rn the next section, we wiil examine the prace of constitutional adjudication in Europe,
with a particular focus on the impact of accession to the European Union on
constitutional adjudication and on tńe trends in the protection of fundamental rights
The third section will examine the most recent challenges: the impact of exceptional or
emergency situations (such as the pandemic), artificial intelligence, digitalisation on the
protežtioń of fundamental rights and the practice of constitutional courts'
The conference will also provide an opportunity to identify trends that have already
emerged and those that are rikery to arise. prease find attached the draft program of
coNsŤrTuTloNAL coURŤ H-lol5 BUDAPEsT, DoruÁrl U.35-45. I tsss nuoneEsT, P'o. BoX773'
PHoNE: +36 I 4aa 3loO FAX: +36 I 212 117O Wvvt,v.HUNCONCOU RT.H U
the conference
The international conference will bring together mainly presidents and judges of
partner constitutional courts to share their views on the above-mentioned topĺcs. We
plan to publish the presentations in a special issue of the Hungarian Constitutional
Court's scientific journal, the Constitutional Court Review (ln Hungarian:
Al kotmá nybíróság i Szemle).
I believe that the lectures and ideas presented at the conference will contribute to the
development of constĺtutional jurĺsprudence and to the further strengthening of
relations between constitutional courts.
Dear Mľ. Chief Justice,
l hereby respectfully invĺte Your Excellency (or your designated representative) and
another member of The Supreme Court of Estonia to attend the international
conference. The Conference will take place at the Chamber of the Upper House of the
Parliament of Hungary.
I am convinced that the discussions and exchanges of views at the conference will
contribute to the further development of constitutionalism and the protection of
human rights.
I sincerely hope that Your Excellency will accept my invitation and we will be able to
welcome you personally at the lnternational Conference.
I would greatly appreciate receiving your confirmation at your earliest convenience, if
possible not later than 30 December 2024.
Yours sincerely,