Dokumendiregister | Transpordiamet |
Viit | 1.8-4/24/21243-1 |
Registreeritud | 12.12.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 13.12.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 1.8 Rahvusvahelise koostöö korraldamine |
Sari | 1.8-4 Kirjavahetus rahvusvaheliste merendusorganisatsioonidega: IMO; PIANC; IALA; IHO |
Toimik | 1.8-4/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities |
Vastutaja | Kert Süsmalainen (Users, Merendusteenistus, Laevateede ja sadamate osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Circular Letter IGO-2024/01
22 August 2024
Subject: Announcement of the General Assembly of the International Organization for Marine Aids to
Navigation To: Member States, Associate Members and Affiliate Members
Dear Member States and members of the Organization,
The French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs has informed the Secretariat that they, in their capacity as depositary for the Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation, received the 30th instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession on the 24 May 2024. The Convention therefore enters into force today.
IALA’s Transition Council met this afternoon and as required by the Convention, took the decision to convene the first General Assembly of the new organization (IGO) from 18 February to 21 February 2025. It will be preceded by a Word-Wide Academy seminar on 17 February. At the invitation of the Republic of Singapore, the General Assembly and the seminar will take place at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore.
In accordance with the transitional arrangements of the Convention, the General Regulations of the IALA association (NGO Regulations) will be used for the preparation of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly is open to Member States, Associate Members and Affiliate Members.
The opening session of the General Assembly will take place at 10.30 a.m. on Tuesday 18 February 2025. This will be preceded by an informal meeting of the Heads of Delegation at 9.30 a.m.
The provisional agenda is at Annex 1.
During the General Assembly simultaneous interpretation will be provided from and into Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
General Assembly preparation timelines
The following timelines will apply:
a. 23 August 2024:
• Member States are invited to submit proposals they wish to discuss at the General Assembly. Closing
Date: 17 October 2024.
• Member States are invited to nominate candidates for President and Vice President, and to nominate
for Council.
Closing Date: 17 December 2024.
b. 18 October 2024:
• Circulation of the submitted proposals, together with those prepared by the Council.
• Member States are invited to forward comments on proposals submitted under a.
Closing Date: 17 December 2024.
• Member States are invited to nominate candidates for the position of Secretary-General.
Closing Date: 17 January 2025.
Nominations for Secretary-General will be notified to Member States as soon as they are received.
c. 18 December 2024:
• Circulation of all final papers including the provisional agenda.
• Circulation of all candidates for President, Vice President and the Council.
d. 18 January 2024:
• Final list of candidates for Secretary-General available.
Member State Document Submissions
Member States should now prepare and submit proposals for discussion, nominate candidacies for President, Vice President and the Council, and communicate any comments, observations or suggestions they may have as soon as possible and, in any case not later than the Closing Date set out above to enable translation and circulation.
A template for papers to the General Assembly can be found on the website https://www.iala-
Candidacies for the Presidency or Vice Presidency should include the name of the Member State and a statement outlining the credentials of the Member State. A standard form for candidacies to Presidency or Vice Presidency is at Annex 2.
Nominations for Council election should include the name of the Member State, credentials of the Member State for a position on the Council and credentials of the person who would represent the Member State on Council. A standard credentials form for candidates to the Council is at Annex 3.
The information set out in Annexes 2 and 3 can be used on letter head, or any official format Member States may require.
All submissions and correspondence regarding the General Assembly should preferably be sent by e-mail addressed to [email protected], by the dedicated point of contacts for the Member State.
Credentials will be required for the Head of Delegation of Member States and for alternates, if any.
Credentials are to be issued by the Head of State, Head of Government or Minister of Foreign Affairs or any other person or authority specifically authorized for that purpose. Where credentials are issued by a person or authority under specific authorization, such credentials should expressly state that authorization to issue the credentials has been conferred upon the person issuing the credentials by one of the above-mentioned State officials.
A document containing a model letter of credentials is available on the docs/general-assembly/meetings/
Credentials should be communicated to the Secretary-General in advance of the opening of the General Assembly, and preferably no later than 1 February 2025. Original credentials will be collected at the registration desk.
Registration and Security
Member States are also required to register the names of all delegates, alternates, advisors and other persons designated by Member States to attend the General Assembly.
All other IALA Members and observers are also required to register prior to the General Assembly opening date with details about their representatives
Please use the IALA website to register: international-organization-for-marine-aids-to-navigation/
Before being admitted to the General Assembly all delegates will be required to prove their identity with a passport or identity card.
Seminar on Safety of navigation
It is planned to host a World-Wide Academy seminar on Safety of Navigation in the afternoon of 17 February 2025. All delegates are invited to attend. Please register to the event online using the following link:
Further information
An invitation from the CEO of Singapore Maritime and Port Authority with a list of hotels close to the venue is attached as Annex 4.
If you have any questions about general arrangements do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Lorraine Mbong at [email protected].
I look much forward to seeing you in Singapore.
Sincerely yours,
Annex 1
In accordance with the Transitional Arrangements of the Convention, the General Regulations of the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities should be used mutatis mutandis to arrange the first General Assembly of the new IGO. The elements of the agenda covered by the draft IGO General Regulations Article 3.15 and the initial decisions needed for the new IGO have also be taken into consideration.
Provisional Agenda:
(a) Adoption of the agenda
(b) Approval of the General Regulations and Financial Regulations
(c) Election of the President and the Vice President
(d) Report of the Secretary‐General
(e) Election of the Council
(f) Election of the Secretary‐General
(g) Establishment and termination of Committees and subsidiary bodies and review and approval of their
Terms of Reference
(h) Review and approval of the financial arrangements
(i) Approval of the overall policy and the strategic vision
(j) Approval of standards
(k) Decision on Associate membership
(l) Consideration of reports and proposals received from Member States, the Council or the Secretary-
(m) “Singapore” Declaration on the new IGO
(n) Any other business
Annex 2
Dear Secretary-General,
In accordance with Article 7.7 (a) of the Convention and the General Regulations of the association mutatis mutandis (applying Article 4.1 of the General Regulations of the Organization), I have the honour to inform you that I have been authorized to present ... [name of the Member State] as a candidate for election as [President/Vice President] of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation in February 2025.
The attached statement outlines .. [Member State’s] .. credentials for this position.
[Full name and title]
Annex 3
Dear Secretary-General,
In accordance with Article 7.7 (d) of the Convention and Article 3.5 of the General Regulations of the association mutatis mutandis, I have the honour to inform you that I have been authorized to present ... [name of the Member State], as a candidate for election to the Council of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation in February 2025.
The attached statement sets out .. [Member State’s] .. credentials for a position on the Council.
Should ...[Member State]... be elected it will be represented at Council meetings by
... [full name and title] ...
... [contact details] ...
A statement setting out [his/her] credentials to represent …[Member State] is attached.
[Full name and title]
Dear Member States and dear members,
Attached you will find the circular letter 2024-01 of 23 August 2024 with an invitation to attend the General Assembly of IALA and details needed for registration, credentials etc.
Please note that credentials can be issued on your own format.
The letter also specifies certain important deadlines:
Closing Date: 17 December 2024.
Closing Date: 17 December 2024.
Closing Date: 17 January 2025.
Should you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact Lorraine Mbong at [email protected]
Circular Letter IGO-2024/01
22 August 2024
Subject: Announcement of the General Assembly of the International Organization for Marine Aids to
Navigation To: Member States, Associate Members and Affiliate Members
Dear Member States and members of the Organization,
The French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs has informed the Secretariat that they, in their capacity as depositary for the Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation, received the 30th instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession on the 24 May 2024. The Convention therefore enters into force today.
IALA’s Transition Council met this afternoon and as required by the Convention, took the decision to convene the first General Assembly of the new organization (IGO) from 18 February to 21 February 2025. It will be preceded by a Word-Wide Academy seminar on 17 February. At the invitation of the Republic of Singapore, the General Assembly and the seminar will take place at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore.
In accordance with the transitional arrangements of the Convention, the General Regulations of the IALA association (NGO Regulations) will be used for the preparation of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly is open to Member States, Associate Members and Affiliate Members.
The opening session of the General Assembly will take place at 10.30 a.m. on Tuesday 18 February 2025. This will be preceded by an informal meeting of the Heads of Delegation at 9.30 a.m.
The provisional agenda is at Annex 1.
During the General Assembly simultaneous interpretation will be provided from and into Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
General Assembly preparation timelines
The following timelines will apply:
a. 23 August 2024:
• Member States are invited to submit proposals they wish to discuss at the General Assembly. Closing
Date: 17 October 2024.
• Member States are invited to nominate candidates for President and Vice President, and to nominate
for Council.
Closing Date: 17 December 2024.
b. 18 October 2024:
• Circulation of the submitted proposals, together with those prepared by the Council.
• Member States are invited to forward comments on proposals submitted under a.
Closing Date: 17 December 2024.
• Member States are invited to nominate candidates for the position of Secretary-General.
Closing Date: 17 January 2025.
Nominations for Secretary-General will be notified to Member States as soon as they are received.
c. 18 December 2024:
• Circulation of all final papers including the provisional agenda.
• Circulation of all candidates for President, Vice President and the Council.
d. 18 January 2024:
• Final list of candidates for Secretary-General available.
Member State Document Submissions
Member States should now prepare and submit proposals for discussion, nominate candidacies for President, Vice President and the Council, and communicate any comments, observations or suggestions they may have as soon as possible and, in any case not later than the Closing Date set out above to enable translation and circulation.
A template for papers to the General Assembly can be found on the website https://www.iala-
Candidacies for the Presidency or Vice Presidency should include the name of the Member State and a statement outlining the credentials of the Member State. A standard form for candidacies to Presidency or Vice Presidency is at Annex 2.
Nominations for Council election should include the name of the Member State, credentials of the Member State for a position on the Council and credentials of the person who would represent the Member State on Council. A standard credentials form for candidates to the Council is at Annex 3.
The information set out in Annexes 2 and 3 can be used on letter head, or any official format Member States may require.
All submissions and correspondence regarding the General Assembly should preferably be sent by e-mail addressed to [email protected], by the dedicated point of contacts for the Member State.
Credentials will be required for the Head of Delegation of Member States and for alternates, if any.
Credentials are to be issued by the Head of State, Head of Government or Minister of Foreign Affairs or any other person or authority specifically authorized for that purpose. Where credentials are issued by a person or authority under specific authorization, such credentials should expressly state that authorization to issue the credentials has been conferred upon the person issuing the credentials by one of the above-mentioned State officials.
A document containing a model letter of credentials is available on the docs/general-assembly/meetings/
Credentials should be communicated to the Secretary-General in advance of the opening of the General Assembly, and preferably no later than 1 February 2025. Original credentials will be collected at the registration desk.
Registration and Security
Member States are also required to register the names of all delegates, alternates, advisors and other persons designated by Member States to attend the General Assembly.
All other IALA Members and observers are also required to register prior to the General Assembly opening date with details about their representatives
Please use the IALA website to register: international-organization-for-marine-aids-to-navigation/
Before being admitted to the General Assembly all delegates will be required to prove their identity with a passport or identity card.
Seminar on Safety of navigation
It is planned to host a World-Wide Academy seminar on Safety of Navigation in the afternoon of 17 February 2025. All delegates are invited to attend. Please register to the event online using the following link:
Further information
An invitation from the CEO of Singapore Maritime and Port Authority with a list of hotels close to the venue is attached as Annex 4.
If you have any questions about general arrangements do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Lorraine Mbong at [email protected].
I look much forward to seeing you in Singapore.
Sincerely yours,
Annex 1
In accordance with the Transitional Arrangements of the Convention, the General Regulations of the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities should be used mutatis mutandis to arrange the first General Assembly of the new IGO. The elements of the agenda covered by the draft IGO General Regulations Article 3.15 and the initial decisions needed for the new IGO have also be taken into consideration.
Provisional Agenda:
(a) Adoption of the agenda
(b) Approval of the General Regulations and Financial Regulations
(c) Election of the President and the Vice President
(d) Report of the Secretary‐General
(e) Election of the Council
(f) Election of the Secretary‐General
(g) Establishment and termination of Committees and subsidiary bodies and review and approval of their
Terms of Reference
(h) Review and approval of the financial arrangements
(i) Approval of the overall policy and the strategic vision
(j) Approval of standards
(k) Decision on Associate membership
(l) Consideration of reports and proposals received from Member States, the Council or the Secretary-
(m) “Singapore” Declaration on the new IGO
(n) Any other business
Annex 2
Dear Secretary-General,
In accordance with Article 7.7 (a) of the Convention and the General Regulations of the association mutatis mutandis (applying Article 4.1 of the General Regulations of the Organization), I have the honour to inform you that I have been authorized to present ... [name of the Member State] as a candidate for election as [President/Vice President] of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation in February 2025.
The attached statement outlines .. [Member State’s] .. credentials for this position.
[Full name and title]
Annex 3
Dear Secretary-General,
In accordance with Article 7.7 (d) of the Convention and Article 3.5 of the General Regulations of the association mutatis mutandis, I have the honour to inform you that I have been authorized to present ... [name of the Member State], as a candidate for election to the Council of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation in February 2025.
The attached statement sets out .. [Member State’s] .. credentials for a position on the Council.
Should ...[Member State]... be elected it will be represented at Council meetings by
... [full name and title] ...
... [contact details] ...
A statement setting out [his/her] credentials to represent …[Member State] is attached.
[Full name and title]