Dokumendiregister | Kultuuriministeerium |
Viit | 9-5/1456-2 |
Registreeritud | 16.12.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 17.12.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 9 Välisesinduste ning rahvusvahelise koostöö korraldamine |
Sari | 9-5 Kirjavahetus Rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega (Euroopa Nõukogu, UNESCO jms) |
Toimik | 9-5/2024 Kirjavahetus Rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega (Euroopa Nõukogu, UNESCO jms) |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Anti Doping Fund |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Anti Doping Fund |
Vastutaja | Kaarel Nestor (KULTUURIMINISTEERIUM, Spordiosakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Secretariat of the International Convention against Doping in Sport – #Win4Real & #UnitedbyValues
Section for the Elimination of Doping In Sport
Social and Human Sciences Sector
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Please be vigilant on its sender and content.
: Cet e-mail est externe à l'UNESCO.
Soyez vigilant sur son expéditeur et contenu.
Suur-Karja 23 / 15076 Tallinn, Estonia / + 372 628 2222 / [email protected] / / Registration No 70000941
16.12.2024 No 9-5/1456-1
Ms Gabriela Ramos
Assistant Director General
Sector for Social and Human Sciences
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
7, Place de Fontenoy
7532 Paris SP
Ministry of Culture
23, Suur-Karja Str
15076 Tallinn
Ref.: Contribution in favour of the Fund for the the Elimination of Doping in Sport on
behalf of Ukraine
Dear Ms Ramos
Over the past three years, Ukraine has endured an unjustified war of aggression by the Russian
Federation. This war has claimed the lives of hundreds of Ukrainian athletes defending their
country, while many others have been forced to flee. Despite these immense challenges,
Ukrainians have strived to maintain their daily lives and work, including their efforts to combat
doping in sports. Several nations, including the three Baltic States and their respective National
Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs), have supported Ukraine and its NADO in this crucial fight.
Remarkably, even amidst the war, Ukraine has reformed its anti-doping system to uphold the
principles of fair sport.
To reaffirm our commitment to the fight against doping and to express solidarity with our
Ukrainian colleagues, the three Baltic States—Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania—have decided to
make a collective contribution to the Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport on Ukraine's
behalf. These contributions will be made in three equal parts by Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
However, we urge that they be recognized as a contribution from Ukraine.
Yours sincerely,
Heidy Purga
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Contribution to the Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport | 16.12.2024 | 1 | 9-5/1456-1 | Väljaminev kiri | kum | UNESCO Antidoping Team |