Dokumendiregister | Justiitsministeerium |
Viit | 4-1/8833 |
Registreeritud | 17.12.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 18.12.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 4 Finantstegevus |
Sari | 4-1 Finantsplaneerimise, eelarve ja majandusarvestusega seotud kirjavahetus |
Toimik | 4-1/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Välisministeerium |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Välisministeerium |
Vastutaja | Laidi Surva (Justiitsministeerium, Kantsleri vastutusvaldkond, Kriminaalpoliitika valdkond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK, The Hague, The Netherlands │ [email protected]
Subject: Assessed Contributions for 2025
The International Criminal Court presents its compliments to all relevant Diplomatic Missions
of the States Parties and, with reference to the Court’s budget for 2025, has the honour to inform
them of the following.
In accordance with regulation 5.5 of the Financial Regulations and Rules of the International
Criminal Court, after the Assembly of States Parties has adopted the budget and determined the
amount of the Working Capital Fund and/or the Contingency Fund, States Parties must be
informed of their commitments and requested to remit their contributions and advances.
On 6 December 2024, the Assembly of States Parties adopted resolution ICC-ASP/23/Res.6,
approving the amount of €190,968,300 for the programme budget appropriations to be assessed
for contributions by all States Parties and the amount of €3,585,100 for the Host State Loan to be
assessed for contributions by those States Parties which did not opt for the full amount of the
one-time payment in respect of the costs of the permanent premises. In addition, the Assembly
of States Parties decided that, on a one-time basis, the amount of €928,100 of the total budget
appropriations approved by the Assembly for the year 2025, comprising non-recurrent costs,
will be financed using the anticipated 2023 cash surplus arising from the payment of outstanding
contributions and will therefore not be assessed for contributions from States Parties.
Furthermore, in accordance with section G of the resolution, the anticipated cash surplus from
2023 will exceptionally be used to replenish the Contingency Fund in 2025.
Section F of resolution ICC-ASP/23/Res.6 states that the Working Capital Fund for each year will
be established in the amount of one-twelfth of the approved budget appropriations for the
previous year and that the Court may only use the surplus funds and funds received from the
payment of outstanding contributions to reach the established level of the Working Capital
Section B of resolution ICC-ASP/23/Res.6 decides that, for 2025, the contributions of States
Parties should be provisionally assessed, based on the agreed scale of assessment published in
the report of the United Nations Committee on Contributions, reference A/79/11, in the absence
of the approved scale for 2025, and adjusted in accordance with the principles on which the scale
is based. The final assessments will be based on the scale adopted by the United Nations General
Assembly at its 79th session for its regular budget, applied for 2025, and adjusted in accordance
with the principles on which that scale is based. Adjustments to the current assessment will be
made should the final United Nations scale of assessment differ from the provisional scale.
Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK, The Hague, The Netherlands │ [email protected]
Accordingly, the Court wishes to inform the Governments of all States Parties that the
assessment letters for 2025 are now available online at:
As the Court needs to receive funds on a regular basis in order to plan its operations and meet
its financial commitments in a timely manner, the assistance of the Diplomatic Missions in
ensuring that payments of outstanding amounts are received by the Court at the earliest
possible time would be highly appreciated.
The “Assessed Contributions 2025” annex is attached to this note.
The International Criminal Court avails itself of this opportunity to renew to all Diplomatic
Missions of the States Parties the assurances of its highest consideration.
The Hague, 11 December 2024
Assessed Contributions 2025
125 States Parties
ICC Scale of Contribution to Total
Assessment Programme Budget Contributions for
2025 (%) 3
(excl. Host State Loan) 5
Period 2025 6
1 Afghanistan * 0.0100 706 19,097 19,803
2 Albania 0.0211 - 40,294 40,294
3 Andorra 0.0085 - 16,232 16,232
4 Antigua and Barbuda 0.0042 186 8,021 8,207
5 Argentina 1.0356 - 1,977,668 1,977,668
6 Armenia 0.0148 28,263 28,263
7 Australia 4.3114 - 8,233,407 8,233,407
8 Austria 1.3230 113,387 2,526,511 2,639,898
9 Bangladesh * 0.0100 893 19,097 19,990
10 Barbados 0.0148 - 28,263 28,263
11 Belgium 1.6337 141,803 3,119,849 3,261,652
12 Belize 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
13 Benin * 0.0100 430 19,097 19,527
14 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 0.0380 - 72,568 72,568
15 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.0296 - 56,527 56,527
16 Botswana 0.0275 2,269 52,516 54,785
17 Brazil 2.9821 416,882 5,694,866 6,111,748
18 Bulgaria 0.1501 6,679 286,643 293,322
19 Burkina Faso * 0.0100 165 19,097 19,262
20 Cabo Verde 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
21 Cambodia * 0.0100 441 19,097 19,538
22 Canada 5.3745 - 10,263,591 10,263,591
23 Central African Republic * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
24 Chad * 0.0100 154 19,097 19,251
25 Chile 0.7904 - 1,509,413 1,509,413
26 Colombia 0.4163 - 795,001 795,001
27 Comoros * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
28 Congo 0.0106 706 20,243 20,949
29 Cook Islands 1
0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
30 Costa Rica 0.1331 - 254,179 254,179
31 Côte d'Ivoire 0.0507 1,563 96,821 98,384
32 Croatia 0.1860 17,901 355,201 373,102
33 Cyprus 0.0740 - 141,317 141,317
34 Czech Republic 0.7270 - 1,388,340 1,388,340
35 Democratic Republic of the Congo * 0.0100 32 19,097 19,129
36 Denmark 1.1222 - 2,143,046 2,143,046
37 Djibouti * 0.0042 143 8,021 8,164
38 Dominica 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
39 Dominican Republic 0.1458 6,392 278,432 284,824
40 Ecuador 0.1374 - 262,390 262,390
41 El Salvador 0.0275 - 52,516 52,516
42 Estonia 0.0951 - 181,611 181,611
43 Fiji 0.0063 430 12,031 12,461
44 Finland 0.8158 - 1,557,919 1,557,919
45 France 8.1537 794,694 15,570,982 16,365,676
46 Gabon 0.0232 1,793 44,305 46,098
47 Gambia * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
48 Georgia 0.0190 - 36,284 36,284
49 Germany 12.0297 - 22,972,914 22,972,914
50 Ghana 0.0528 1,986 100,831 102,817
51 Greece 0.5918 - 1,130,150 1,130,150
52 Grenada 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
53 Guatemala 0.0972 3,836 185,621 189,457
54 Guinea * 0.0084 143 16,041 16,184
55 Guyana 0.0232 143 44,305 44,448
56 Honduras 0.0211 1,136 40,294 41,430
57 Hungary 0.4713 5,589 900,034 905,623
58 Iceland 0.0740 - 141,317 141,317
59 Ireland 0.9975 - 1,904,909 1,904,909
60 Italy 5.9451 - 11,353,256 11,353,256
61 Japan 14.6462 1,538,944 27,969,599 29,508,543
62 Jordan 0.0444 - 84,790 84,790
63 Kenya 0.0782 1,850 149,337 151,187
64 Kiribati * 0.0021 - 4,010 4,010
65 Latvia 0.1057 - 201,853 201,853
66 Lesotho * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
67 Liberia * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
68 Liechtenstein 0.0190 - 36,284 36,284
69 Lithuania 0.1712 - 326,938 326,938
70 Luxembourg 0.1543 - 294,664 294,664
71 Madagascar * 0.0084 430 16,041 16,471
72 Malawi * 0.0063 287 12,031 12,318
73 Maldives 0.0085 143 16,232 16,375
74 Mali * 0.0100 574 19,097 19,671
75 Malta 0.0423 - 80,780 80,780
76 Marshall Islands 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
77 Mauritius 0.0211 - 40,294 40,294
78 Mexico 2.4030 - 4,588,968 4,588,968
79 Mongolia 0.0085 - 16,232 16,232
80 Montenegro 0.0085 - 16,232 16,232
81 Namibia 0.0148 - 28,263 28,263
82 Nauru 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
83 Netherlands 2.7433 - 5,238,833 5,238,833
84 New Zealand 0.6383 35,952 1,218,951 1,254,903
States Parties
Contribution to
Host State Loan 4
Page 1 of 2
Assessed Contributions 2025
125 States Parties
ICC Scale of Contribution to Total
Assessment Programme Budget Contributions for
2025 (%) 3
(excl. Host State Loan) 5
Period 2025 6
States Parties
Contribution to
Host State Loan 4
85 Niger * 0.0084 287 16,041 16,328
86 Nigeria 0.3170 12,785 605,370 618,155
87 North Macedonia 0.0169 1,136 32,274 33,410
88 Norway 1.3801 120,916 2,635,554 2,756,470
89 Panama 0.1818 749 347,180 347,929
90 Paraguay 0.0486 1,423 92,811 94,234
91 Peru 0.3064 16,621 585,127 601,748
92 Poland 1.7563 - 3,353,976 3,353,976
93 Portugal 0.6932 - 1,323,792 1,323,792
94 Republic of Korea 4.9645 230,628 9,480,621 9,711,249
95 Republic of Moldova 0.0127 - 24,253 24,253
96 Romania 0.7566 - 1,444,866 1,444,866
97 Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
98 Saint Lucia 0.0042 143 8,021 8,164
99 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
100 Samoa 0.0021 - 4,010 4,010
101 San Marino 0.0042 - 8,021 8,021
102 Senegal * 0.0100 850 19,097 19,947
103 Serbia 0.0845 - 161,368 161,368
104 Seychelles 0.0042 143 8,021 8,164
105 Sierra Leone * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
106 Slovakia 0.3149 - 601,359 601,359
107 Slovenia 0.1627 - 310,705 310,705
108 South Africa 0.5305 - 1,013,087 1,013,087
109 Spain 4.0050 - 7,648,280 7,648,280
110 State of Palestine 2 0.0116 706 22,152 22,858
111 Suriname 0.0042 441 8,021 8,462
112 Sweden 1.7373 - 3,317,692 3,317,692
113 Switzerland 2.1747 - 4,152,988 4,152,988
114 Tajikistan 0.0063 430 12,031 12,461
115 Timor-Leste * 0.0021 - 4,010 4,010
116 Trinidad and Tobago 0.0697 - 133,105 133,105
117 Tunisia 0.0380 5,112 72,568 77,680
118 Uganda * 0.0100 850 19,097 19,947
119 Ukraine 0.1564 - 298,674 298,674
120 United Kingdom 8.4348 - 16,107,794 16,107,794
121 United Republic of Tanzania * 0.0100 893 19,097 19,990
122 Uruguay 0.1670 - 318,917 318,917
123 Vanuatu * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
124 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 0.1458 89,087 278,432 367,519
125 Zambia * 0.0100 850 19,097 19,947
Rounding difference 0.0003 (16) 580 564
Total 100.0000 3,584,984 190,968,300 194,553,284
All amounts are in Euro
*) Least Developed Countries (hCps://
1) Cook Islands: not menEoned on the United NaEons scale of assessment; rate of 0.001 (UN floor rate) is applied on the basis of year 2008 approval
by the ICC Legal Advisory Services.
2) State of Palestine: assessed on the basis of the United Nations notional rate of assessment (U.N. G.A. CoC report A/79/11, para. 151-152)
3) Rates are based on the provisional scale of assessment proposed by United Nations for its regular budget, with suitable adjustments to take into account the
differences in membership between UN and ICC; adjustments to the current assessment will be made should the final United Nations scale of assessment differ
from the provisional scale; the ICC scale of assessment has been reviewed for application of the maximum assessment rates of 22 per cent for the largest
contributors and 0.01 per cent for the Least Developed Countries (ICC RS Art.117; U.N. G.A. CoC report A/79/11; ICC-ASP/23/Res.6, Sect. B).
4) Includes interest and capital repayments for 2024, taking account of one-time payments, and excludes the €143 loan share payable for the period
by Burundi (withdrawn State).
5) ICC-ASP/23/Res.6 Sect. A, para. 4
6) The above table does not include i) any outstanding balances of assessed contributions and advances at 31 December 2024 and ii) assessed
contributions to the permanent premises by States Parties that joined the Court after 2015.
7) Working Capital Fund in 2025: a) the Court may only use surplus funds and funds received from the payment of outstanding contributions to reach
the established level (ICC-ASP/23/Res.6 Sect. F, para. 4); b) refunds of WCF advances, if any, will be due to States Parties after the WCF balance reaches the
established level.
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Reg. number: 18-1/103
Reg. kuupäev: 16.12.2024
Sisu: Rahvusvahelise Kriminaalkohtu liikmemaksu tasumise kutse
Välisministeerium edastab ICC 2025 liikmemaksu arve koos palvega teha ülekanne eurodes. Täname ette arve tähtaegse tasumise eest.
Mai Hion
VäM JUR osakond
[email protected]
*** TÄHELEPANU *** See e-kiri (kaasa arvatud manused) on mõeldud ainult e-kirja adressaatidele ning võib sisaldada ametialaseks kasutamiseks ettenähtud teavet. Teavet ei tohi ilma saatja selgelt väljendatud loata edasi saata ega mistahes viisil kõrvalistele isikutele avaldada. Juhul, kui Te olete saanud käesoleva e-kirja eksituse tõttu, palun teavitage sellest kohe saatjat ning kustutage e-kiri oma arvutist.
*** ATTENTION *** This e-mail and its attachments may contain official information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, delete this e-mail and destroy any copies. Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be unlawful.
Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK, The Hague, The Netherlands │ [email protected]
Subject: Assessed Contributions for 2025
The International Criminal Court presents its compliments to all relevant Diplomatic Missions
of the States Parties and, with reference to the Court’s budget for 2025, has the honour to inform
them of the following.
In accordance with regulation 5.5 of the Financial Regulations and Rules of the International
Criminal Court, after the Assembly of States Parties has adopted the budget and determined the
amount of the Working Capital Fund and/or the Contingency Fund, States Parties must be
informed of their commitments and requested to remit their contributions and advances.
On 6 December 2024, the Assembly of States Parties adopted resolution ICC-ASP/23/Res.6,
approving the amount of €190,968,300 for the programme budget appropriations to be assessed
for contributions by all States Parties and the amount of €3,585,100 for the Host State Loan to be
assessed for contributions by those States Parties which did not opt for the full amount of the
one-time payment in respect of the costs of the permanent premises. In addition, the Assembly
of States Parties decided that, on a one-time basis, the amount of €928,100 of the total budget
appropriations approved by the Assembly for the year 2025, comprising non-recurrent costs,
will be financed using the anticipated 2023 cash surplus arising from the payment of outstanding
contributions and will therefore not be assessed for contributions from States Parties.
Furthermore, in accordance with section G of the resolution, the anticipated cash surplus from
2023 will exceptionally be used to replenish the Contingency Fund in 2025.
Section F of resolution ICC-ASP/23/Res.6 states that the Working Capital Fund for each year will
be established in the amount of one-twelfth of the approved budget appropriations for the
previous year and that the Court may only use the surplus funds and funds received from the
payment of outstanding contributions to reach the established level of the Working Capital
Section B of resolution ICC-ASP/23/Res.6 decides that, for 2025, the contributions of States
Parties should be provisionally assessed, based on the agreed scale of assessment published in
the report of the United Nations Committee on Contributions, reference A/79/11, in the absence
of the approved scale for 2025, and adjusted in accordance with the principles on which the scale
is based. The final assessments will be based on the scale adopted by the United Nations General
Assembly at its 79th session for its regular budget, applied for 2025, and adjusted in accordance
with the principles on which that scale is based. Adjustments to the current assessment will be
made should the final United Nations scale of assessment differ from the provisional scale.
Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK, The Hague, The Netherlands │ [email protected]
Accordingly, the Court wishes to inform the Governments of all States Parties that the
assessment letters for 2025 are now available online at:
As the Court needs to receive funds on a regular basis in order to plan its operations and meet
its financial commitments in a timely manner, the assistance of the Diplomatic Missions in
ensuring that payments of outstanding amounts are received by the Court at the earliest
possible time would be highly appreciated.
The “Assessed Contributions 2025” annex is attached to this note.
The International Criminal Court avails itself of this opportunity to renew to all Diplomatic
Missions of the States Parties the assurances of its highest consideration.
The Hague, 11 December 2024
Assessed Contributions 2025
125 States Parties
ICC Scale of Contribution to Total
Assessment Programme Budget Contributions for
2025 (%) 3
(excl. Host State Loan) 5
Period 2025 6
1 Afghanistan * 0.0100 706 19,097 19,803
2 Albania 0.0211 - 40,294 40,294
3 Andorra 0.0085 - 16,232 16,232
4 Antigua and Barbuda 0.0042 186 8,021 8,207
5 Argentina 1.0356 - 1,977,668 1,977,668
6 Armenia 0.0148 28,263 28,263
7 Australia 4.3114 - 8,233,407 8,233,407
8 Austria 1.3230 113,387 2,526,511 2,639,898
9 Bangladesh * 0.0100 893 19,097 19,990
10 Barbados 0.0148 - 28,263 28,263
11 Belgium 1.6337 141,803 3,119,849 3,261,652
12 Belize 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
13 Benin * 0.0100 430 19,097 19,527
14 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 0.0380 - 72,568 72,568
15 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.0296 - 56,527 56,527
16 Botswana 0.0275 2,269 52,516 54,785
17 Brazil 2.9821 416,882 5,694,866 6,111,748
18 Bulgaria 0.1501 6,679 286,643 293,322
19 Burkina Faso * 0.0100 165 19,097 19,262
20 Cabo Verde 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
21 Cambodia * 0.0100 441 19,097 19,538
22 Canada 5.3745 - 10,263,591 10,263,591
23 Central African Republic * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
24 Chad * 0.0100 154 19,097 19,251
25 Chile 0.7904 - 1,509,413 1,509,413
26 Colombia 0.4163 - 795,001 795,001
27 Comoros * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
28 Congo 0.0106 706 20,243 20,949
29 Cook Islands 1
0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
30 Costa Rica 0.1331 - 254,179 254,179
31 Côte d'Ivoire 0.0507 1,563 96,821 98,384
32 Croatia 0.1860 17,901 355,201 373,102
33 Cyprus 0.0740 - 141,317 141,317
34 Czech Republic 0.7270 - 1,388,340 1,388,340
35 Democratic Republic of the Congo * 0.0100 32 19,097 19,129
36 Denmark 1.1222 - 2,143,046 2,143,046
37 Djibouti * 0.0042 143 8,021 8,164
38 Dominica 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
39 Dominican Republic 0.1458 6,392 278,432 284,824
40 Ecuador 0.1374 - 262,390 262,390
41 El Salvador 0.0275 - 52,516 52,516
42 Estonia 0.0951 - 181,611 181,611
43 Fiji 0.0063 430 12,031 12,461
44 Finland 0.8158 - 1,557,919 1,557,919
45 France 8.1537 794,694 15,570,982 16,365,676
46 Gabon 0.0232 1,793 44,305 46,098
47 Gambia * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
48 Georgia 0.0190 - 36,284 36,284
49 Germany 12.0297 - 22,972,914 22,972,914
50 Ghana 0.0528 1,986 100,831 102,817
51 Greece 0.5918 - 1,130,150 1,130,150
52 Grenada 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
53 Guatemala 0.0972 3,836 185,621 189,457
54 Guinea * 0.0084 143 16,041 16,184
55 Guyana 0.0232 143 44,305 44,448
56 Honduras 0.0211 1,136 40,294 41,430
57 Hungary 0.4713 5,589 900,034 905,623
58 Iceland 0.0740 - 141,317 141,317
59 Ireland 0.9975 - 1,904,909 1,904,909
60 Italy 5.9451 - 11,353,256 11,353,256
61 Japan 14.6462 1,538,944 27,969,599 29,508,543
62 Jordan 0.0444 - 84,790 84,790
63 Kenya 0.0782 1,850 149,337 151,187
64 Kiribati * 0.0021 - 4,010 4,010
65 Latvia 0.1057 - 201,853 201,853
66 Lesotho * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
67 Liberia * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
68 Liechtenstein 0.0190 - 36,284 36,284
69 Lithuania 0.1712 - 326,938 326,938
70 Luxembourg 0.1543 - 294,664 294,664
71 Madagascar * 0.0084 430 16,041 16,471
72 Malawi * 0.0063 287 12,031 12,318
73 Maldives 0.0085 143 16,232 16,375
74 Mali * 0.0100 574 19,097 19,671
75 Malta 0.0423 - 80,780 80,780
76 Marshall Islands 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
77 Mauritius 0.0211 - 40,294 40,294
78 Mexico 2.4030 - 4,588,968 4,588,968
79 Mongolia 0.0085 - 16,232 16,232
80 Montenegro 0.0085 - 16,232 16,232
81 Namibia 0.0148 - 28,263 28,263
82 Nauru 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
83 Netherlands 2.7433 - 5,238,833 5,238,833
84 New Zealand 0.6383 35,952 1,218,951 1,254,903
States Parties
Contribution to
Host State Loan 4
Page 1 of 2
Assessed Contributions 2025
125 States Parties
ICC Scale of Contribution to Total
Assessment Programme Budget Contributions for
2025 (%) 3
(excl. Host State Loan) 5
Period 2025 6
States Parties
Contribution to
Host State Loan 4
85 Niger * 0.0084 287 16,041 16,328
86 Nigeria 0.3170 12,785 605,370 618,155
87 North Macedonia 0.0169 1,136 32,274 33,410
88 Norway 1.3801 120,916 2,635,554 2,756,470
89 Panama 0.1818 749 347,180 347,929
90 Paraguay 0.0486 1,423 92,811 94,234
91 Peru 0.3064 16,621 585,127 601,748
92 Poland 1.7563 - 3,353,976 3,353,976
93 Portugal 0.6932 - 1,323,792 1,323,792
94 Republic of Korea 4.9645 230,628 9,480,621 9,711,249
95 Republic of Moldova 0.0127 - 24,253 24,253
96 Romania 0.7566 - 1,444,866 1,444,866
97 Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
98 Saint Lucia 0.0042 143 8,021 8,164
99 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
100 Samoa 0.0021 - 4,010 4,010
101 San Marino 0.0042 - 8,021 8,021
102 Senegal * 0.0100 850 19,097 19,947
103 Serbia 0.0845 - 161,368 161,368
104 Seychelles 0.0042 143 8,021 8,164
105 Sierra Leone * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
106 Slovakia 0.3149 - 601,359 601,359
107 Slovenia 0.1627 - 310,705 310,705
108 South Africa 0.5305 - 1,013,087 1,013,087
109 Spain 4.0050 - 7,648,280 7,648,280
110 State of Palestine 2 0.0116 706 22,152 22,858
111 Suriname 0.0042 441 8,021 8,462
112 Sweden 1.7373 - 3,317,692 3,317,692
113 Switzerland 2.1747 - 4,152,988 4,152,988
114 Tajikistan 0.0063 430 12,031 12,461
115 Timor-Leste * 0.0021 - 4,010 4,010
116 Trinidad and Tobago 0.0697 - 133,105 133,105
117 Tunisia 0.0380 5,112 72,568 77,680
118 Uganda * 0.0100 850 19,097 19,947
119 Ukraine 0.1564 - 298,674 298,674
120 United Kingdom 8.4348 - 16,107,794 16,107,794
121 United Republic of Tanzania * 0.0100 893 19,097 19,990
122 Uruguay 0.1670 - 318,917 318,917
123 Vanuatu * 0.0021 143 4,010 4,153
124 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 0.1458 89,087 278,432 367,519
125 Zambia * 0.0100 850 19,097 19,947
Rounding difference 0.0003 (16) 580 564
Total 100.0000 3,584,984 190,968,300 194,553,284
All amounts are in Euro
*) Least Developed Countries (hCps://
1) Cook Islands: not menEoned on the United NaEons scale of assessment; rate of 0.001 (UN floor rate) is applied on the basis of year 2008 approval
by the ICC Legal Advisory Services.
2) State of Palestine: assessed on the basis of the United Nations notional rate of assessment (U.N. G.A. CoC report A/79/11, para. 151-152)
3) Rates are based on the provisional scale of assessment proposed by United Nations for its regular budget, with suitable adjustments to take into account the
differences in membership between UN and ICC; adjustments to the current assessment will be made should the final United Nations scale of assessment differ
from the provisional scale; the ICC scale of assessment has been reviewed for application of the maximum assessment rates of 22 per cent for the largest
contributors and 0.01 per cent for the Least Developed Countries (ICC RS Art.117; U.N. G.A. CoC report A/79/11; ICC-ASP/23/Res.6, Sect. B).
4) Includes interest and capital repayments for 2024, taking account of one-time payments, and excludes the €143 loan share payable for the period
by Burundi (withdrawn State).
5) ICC-ASP/23/Res.6 Sect. A, para. 4
6) The above table does not include i) any outstanding balances of assessed contributions and advances at 31 December 2024 and ii) assessed
contributions to the permanent premises by States Parties that joined the Court after 2015.
7) Working Capital Fund in 2025: a) the Court may only use surplus funds and funds received from the payment of outstanding contributions to reach
the established level (ICC-ASP/23/Res.6 Sect. F, para. 4); b) refunds of WCF advances, if any, will be due to States Parties after the WCF balance reaches the
established level.
Page 2 of 2
Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK, The Hague, The Netherlands – Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK, La Haye, Pays Bas.
││[email protected]
State Party: Estonia
The Hague, 11 December 2024
Rate Amount Total outstanding for prior years €0 Assessed Programme Budget 2025 - Host State Loan €0 Assessed Programme Budget 2025 (excl. H Loan) 0.0951% €181,611 Total amount due €181,611
The Court kindly requests to transfer the payment of contributions in Euros to the
following bank account:
Bank name: ABN AMRO
Bank address: Coolsingel 119, 3000 DD Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Account holder: International Criminal Court
Account number:
IBAN: NL65 ABNA 0538 4524 04
Payment reference: Estonia Contribution
In accordance with regulation 5.6 of the Financial Regulations and Rules of the Court, assessed
contributions and advances are due and payable in full within 30 days of receipt of the present
The status of contributions is published on a regular basis on the States Parties’ website at the following
link: To set up the website account, please
contact Contributions Unit at: [email protected].
Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK, The Hague, The Netherlands │ [email protected]
Subject: Assessed Contributions for 2025
The International Criminal Court presents its compliments to all relevant Diplomatic Missions
of the States Parties and has the honour to refer to the Court’s assessment letter dated
11 December 2024.
The Court wishes to seek the support of the Diplomatic Missions in its efforts to mitigate the
potential risks in the event that financial sanctions are imposed on the Court, its elected officials,
its personnel or its operations. The possible consequences of sanctions could include the Court’s
inability to receive payments in US dollars or via US intermediary banks.
The Court therefore kindly requests the support of the Diplomatic Missions in making the
payment of the assessed contributions for 2025 in euros, without using US intermediary banks,
to the following bank account:
Bank name: ABN AMRO
Bank address: Coolsingel 119, 3000 DD Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Account holder: International Criminal Court
Account number:
IBAN: NL65 ABNA 0538 4524 04
Payment reference: <States Party name> Contribution
The International Criminal Court avails itself of this opportunity to renew to all Diplomatic
Missions of the States Parties the assurances of its highest consideration.
The Hague, 13 December 2024
Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK, The Hague, The Netherlands – Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK, La Haye, Pays Bas.
││[email protected]
State Party: Estonia
The Hague, 11 December 2024
Rate Amount Total outstanding for prior years €0 Assessed Programme Budget 2025 - Host State Loan €0 Assessed Programme Budget 2025 (excl. H Loan) 0.0951% €181,611 Total amount due €181,611
The Court kindly requests to transfer the payment of contributions in Euros to the
following bank account:
Bank name: ABN AMRO
Bank address: Coolsingel 119, 3000 DD Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Account holder: International Criminal Court
Account number:
IBAN: NL65 ABNA 0538 4524 04
Payment reference: Estonia Contribution
In accordance with regulation 5.6 of the Financial Regulations and Rules of the Court, assessed
contributions and advances are due and payable in full within 30 days of receipt of the present
The status of contributions is published on a regular basis on the States Parties’ website at the following
link: To set up the website account, please
contact Contributions Unit at: [email protected].
Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK, The Hague, The Netherlands │ [email protected]
Subject: Assessed Contributions for 2025
The International Criminal Court presents its compliments to all relevant Diplomatic Missions
of the States Parties and has the honour to refer to the Court’s assessment letter dated
11 December 2024.
The Court wishes to seek the support of the Diplomatic Missions in its efforts to mitigate the
potential risks in the event that financial sanctions are imposed on the Court, its elected officials,
its personnel or its operations. The possible consequences of sanctions could include the Court’s
inability to receive payments in US dollars or via US intermediary banks.
The Court therefore kindly requests the support of the Diplomatic Missions in making the
payment of the assessed contributions for 2025 in euros, without using US intermediary banks,
to the following bank account:
Bank name: ABN AMRO
Bank address: Coolsingel 119, 3000 DD Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Account holder: International Criminal Court
Account number:
IBAN: NL65 ABNA 0538 4524 04
Payment reference: <States Party name> Contribution
The International Criminal Court avails itself of this opportunity to renew to all Diplomatic
Missions of the States Parties the assurances of its highest consideration.
The Hague, 13 December 2024