Dokumendiregister | Justiitsministeerium |
Viit | 7-2/8896 |
Registreeritud | 19.12.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 20.12.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 7 EL otsustusprotsessis osalemine ja rahvusvaheline koostöö |
Sari | 7-2 Rahvusvahelise koostöö korraldamisega seotud kirjavahetus (Arhiiviväärtuslik) |
Toimik | 7-2/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | ELI Secretariat |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | ELI Secretariat |
Vastutaja | Kristin Kaur (Justiitsministeerium, Kantsleri vastutusvaldkond, Üldosakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Tähelepanu! Tegemist on välisvõrgust saabunud kirjaga. |
Dear Minister Pakosta,
I am pleased to share with you a letter from the European Law Institute (ELI) President, Prof Dr Pascal Pichonnaz, and Vice-Presidents, Anne Birgitte Gammeljord and Sir Geoffrey Vos, on the occasion of the publication of the ELI-Mount Scopus European Standards on Judicial Independence.
This significant milestone underlines ELI’s commitment to fostering robust dialogue on judicial independence, a topic of paramount importance in contemporary legal systems. To further this discourse, the ELI Presidency invites you and your network to participate in a series of webinars commencing on 15 January 2025, where ELI Standards will be a focal point of discussion.
We trust that the Standards will resonate with your work and interests, and we hope that you and your team will join these conversations.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Kind regards
Tomasz Dudek
Tomasz Dudek Senior Project Officer European Law Institute Schottenring 16/175 First Floor, Lifts 3 or 4 1010 Vienna, Austria P: +43 1 4277 22111 |
The European Law Institute AISBL/IVZW | Reg No 0837 276 779
Rue Ducale 1 Hertogstraat – KVAB
Bruxelles 1000 – BELGIUM
ELI President and Vices
Schottenring 16/175 | 1010 Vienna | Austria [email protected] P +43-1-4277-221 12
F +43-1-4277-9221
Vienna, 18 December 2024
Dear Minister Pakosta
On behalf of the European Law Institute (ELI), an entirely independent non-profit organisation established to
provide practical guidance in relation to European legal development, we write to draw your attention to the
recently published ELI-Mount Scopus European Standards on Judicial Independence, available here.
The ELI-Mount Scopus European Standards on Judicial Independence provide comprehensive guidelines to assess
and promote judicial independence across Europe. Designed for judges, civil society, and public authorities, these
Standards draw on constitutional principles, international law, and judicial practices in liberal democracies. They
aim to safeguard judicial independence, ensure impartial courts, and foster a political and cultural environment
that upholds democracy and the rule of law. Applicable to stable democracies and nations facing democratic
challenges, the Standards serve as a reference to shield judicial decisions from political interference and reinforce
the judiciary’s role in ensuring fair trials, protecting human rights, and maintaining efficient legal systems.
Rooted in the values of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and EU Treaties, the 38 Standards,
accompanied by commentaries, cover various areas, from the foundations of judicial independence, judicial
governance, appointments and promotion, to ethical standards, and judicial discipline. They strike a crucial
balance between independence and accountability, ensuring that while courts are shielded from external
pressures, they remain transparent and uphold the integrity of the legal system.
The Standards were developed under the leadership of Project Reporters, Prof Dr Shimon Shetreet, Prof Dr Sophie
Turenne, Prof Leah Wortham and Prof Dr Fryderyk Zoll, in cooperation with experts from across Europe working
in academia, practice and policy-making.
We are also pleased to invite you on this occasion to a series of three webinars, which will commence on
15 January 2025 from 12:30 to 14:00 CET. The first such event will be dedicated to the Foundations of Judicial
Independence. To register for the webinar, which is free of charge, please click here. Webinar II, on Judicial
Governance and Judicial Appointments and Promotion, will take place on 29 January 2025 from 12:30–14:00 CET,
register here, and Webinar III, on Ethical Standards and Judicial Discipline, will take place on 12 February 2025
from 12:30 to 14:00 CET, register here. Please feel free to circulate among your networks.
Should you wish to schedule a one to one meeting with us and Project Co-Reporters, or should you have any
further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ELI Secretariat.
Yours sincerely
Prof Dr Pascal Pichonnaz Anne Birgitte Gammeljord Sir Geoffrey Vos
ELI President First ELI Vice-President Second ELI Vice-President
The European Law Institute AISBL/IVZW | Reg No 0837 276 779
Rue Ducale 1 Hertogstraat – KVAB
Bruxelles 1000 – BELGIUM
ELI President and Vices
Schottenring 16/175 | 1010 Vienna | Austria [email protected] P +43-1-4277-221 12
F +43-1-4277-9221
Vienna, 18 December 2024
Dear Minister Pakosta
On behalf of the European Law Institute (ELI), an entirely independent non-profit organisation established to
provide practical guidance in relation to European legal development, we write to draw your attention to the
recently published ELI-Mount Scopus European Standards on Judicial Independence, available here.
The ELI-Mount Scopus European Standards on Judicial Independence provide comprehensive guidelines to assess
and promote judicial independence across Europe. Designed for judges, civil society, and public authorities, these
Standards draw on constitutional principles, international law, and judicial practices in liberal democracies. They
aim to safeguard judicial independence, ensure impartial courts, and foster a political and cultural environment
that upholds democracy and the rule of law. Applicable to stable democracies and nations facing democratic
challenges, the Standards serve as a reference to shield judicial decisions from political interference and reinforce
the judiciary’s role in ensuring fair trials, protecting human rights, and maintaining efficient legal systems.
Rooted in the values of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and EU Treaties, the 38 Standards,
accompanied by commentaries, cover various areas, from the foundations of judicial independence, judicial
governance, appointments and promotion, to ethical standards, and judicial discipline. They strike a crucial
balance between independence and accountability, ensuring that while courts are shielded from external
pressures, they remain transparent and uphold the integrity of the legal system.
The Standards were developed under the leadership of Project Reporters, Prof Dr Shimon Shetreet, Prof Dr Sophie
Turenne, Prof Leah Wortham and Prof Dr Fryderyk Zoll, in cooperation with experts from across Europe working
in academia, practice and policy-making.
We are also pleased to invite you on this occasion to a series of three webinars, which will commence on
15 January 2025 from 12:30 to 14:00 CET. The first such event will be dedicated to the Foundations of Judicial
Independence. To register for the webinar, which is free of charge, please click here. Webinar II, on Judicial
Governance and Judicial Appointments and Promotion, will take place on 29 January 2025 from 12:30–14:00 CET,
register here, and Webinar III, on Ethical Standards and Judicial Discipline, will take place on 12 February 2025
from 12:30 to 14:00 CET, register here. Please feel free to circulate among your networks.
Should you wish to schedule a one to one meeting with us and Project Co-Reporters, or should you have any
further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ELI Secretariat.
Yours sincerely
Prof Dr Pascal Pichonnaz Anne Birgitte Gammeljord Sir Geoffrey Vos
ELI President First ELI Vice-President Second ELI Vice-President