Dokumendiregister | Siseministeerium |
Viit | 14-13.5/75-2 |
Registreeritud | 19.12.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 20.12.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 14 Euroopa Liidu toetusmeetmete väljatöötamine, rakendamine ja järelevalve teostamine |
Sari | 14-13.5 Piirihalduse ja viisapoliitika rahastu 2021–2027 |
Toimik | 14-13.5 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | European Commission Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs Directorate E – HOME Affairs Funds E.3 – North, West and Central Europe (II) |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | European Commission Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs Directorate E – HOME Affairs Funds E.3 – North, West and Central Europe (II) |
Vastutaja | Aivi Kuivonen (kantsleri juhtimisala, varade asekantsleri valdkond, välisvahendite osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË – Tel. +32 22991111
Directorate E – HOME Affairs Funds
E.3 – North, West and Central Europe (II)
Brussels HOME.E.1/MGM
Mr Tarmo Miilits
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of the Interior
Pikk 61, 15065 Tallinn,
Subject: Notification letter - Your proposal for the Specific Action “Promoting
innovation in border checks and/or border surveillance by taking up
research results – INNO” – BMVI/2024/SA/1.1.5.
Dear Mr Miilits,
I have the pleasure to inform you that your application “Piloting of Multi-Layer Counter-
UAS position” (ref. BMVI/2024/SA/1.1.5/001) has been selected, with the following
1. You are invited to describe in your future Annual Performance Reports (1) how this
specific action complements the activities carried out under the programme funded
by the Border Management and Visa Policy Instrument (BMVI) in the 2021-2027
programming period (including those under Specific Action BMVI/2021-
2022/SA/1.2.1/003 for the “Establishment of mobile autonomous remote
surveillance capability”).
2. You are invited to clarify how the activities under this specific action fit with your
national capability development plan.
3. You are encouraged to present the project under this application to other interested
Member States and Frontex and to reflect on its use in joint operations.
Please liaise with the responsible country desk officer in DG HOME, before the submission
of the new version of your programme incorporating the specific action, to inform about
the implementation of these recommendations, as well as to discuss the adjustment of the
(1) Section 1.5 of the template for the report, established in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)
2023/168 of 25 January 2023.
programme output and results indicators (2) and the arrangements for the transmission of
data (3).
Funding for the specific action as set out in Annex 1 of this letter will be added to your
programme 2021EE65BVPR001 via an amendment. Annex 1 also gives you general
guidance on which sections of the programme will need to be adjusted to incorporate the
specific action.
Annex 2 provides information on the distribution of the additional allocation per year.
The Commission services will make the necessary changes in SFC to enable the generation
of Appendix 3 - Thematic facility in the programme template in line with the information
on the specific action as set out in Annex 1.
The specific action must be implemented by the Member States in accordance with the
BMVI Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2021/1148) and the Common Provisions Regulation
(Regulation (EU) 2021/1060).
Yours sincerely,
Doede Ackers
Head of Unit
c.c.: Ms Aivi KUIVONEN, Adviser, Foreign Financing Department Direct,
Mr Andrea GIANNETTO, [email protected].
Enclosures: Annex 1 – Model Appendix 3 including information on the allocated
funding and general guidance
Annex 2 - Total distribution of the additional allocation per year – for
(2) Attention should be paid to output indicator O.1.1, which as explained in the Indicators’ guidance
(Ares(2022)2447428 of 01/04/2022) covers also items of equipment purchased for border surveillance
(3) The code that should be used, in Table 2 of Annex VI to Regulation (EU) 2021/1148, is 013: deployment
or other follow-up of research projects.
Annex 1 – Model Appendix 3 - and general guidance
The below table is the model of the Appendix 3 that will be included in your BMVI
programme. It will be generated in SFC by the desk officer for your country who will be
in touch with you regarding this.
Appendix 3 - to the BMVI programme of Estonia
Procedure reference: C(2022)8993 – 12.12.2022
Specific objective Modality
Type of
Union contribution (4)
SO 1 Specific Action Will not be
filled in SFC 4 476 494.70
Will not be
filled in SFC
assistance - flat
rate (Art. 36(5)
Will not be filled in
Will not be
filled in SFC 268 589.68
Will not be
filled in SFC
Description of the action:
This specific action focuses on promoting the uptake (validation, piloting in real
environment, procurement and/or deployment) of new technologies and methods for
border management, especially those coming from Union-funded research and innovation
projects on border management.
It aims to test innovative technological solutions at the EU external border through the
establishment of a counter-drone position, capable of detecting and intercepting flying
objects near the Russian border, which will consist of a stationary position (mast equipped
with sensors/jammers) and a container equipped with hard kill solution.
Once the Appendix 3 becomes available and the Thematic Facility proposal has been
accepted by you in SFC, you will have the opportunity to create a new programme version
to include the information and data related to the specific action, i.e.:
1. a brief reference to the specific action(s) (i.e., the reference number(s) of the
project) in the narrative description of the relevant Specific Objective (SO).
2. the adjusted output and result indicators (Section 2.1.2, Tables 1 and 2 of the
relevant SO); where needed you should revise the performance methodology paper
to align its content with the indicators as amended.
3. the additional amount linked to the specific action(s) broken down by type of
intervention (Section 2.1.3, Table 3 of the relevant SO).
(4) Please note that the amount of Union contribution and Technical Assistance may differ by a few cents
when 2 or more specific actions are included in the programme at the same time. The values in the
respective notification letters are presented with only two decimals, which may lead to slight
discrepancies with the automatic calculation of the amount in SFC.
4. the additional amount linked to Technical Assistance broken down by type of
intervention (Section 2.2.2, Table 4).
5. the Union contribution and national contribution to the specific action under the
relevant SO in Table 6 (the Union contribution to the Technical Assistance will be
added automatically).
As indicated in guidance note HOME-Funds/2023/12 (5), Member States must submit a
“reasoned request for an amendment of a programme” in accordance with Article 24(1)
CPR. To this end, when sending the new programme version, the Member States are
invited to add a short document in SFC providing an overview of the changes introduced
and their expected impact on the programme’s specific objectives.
(5) Ares(2023)2447967 – 04/04/2023
Annex 2 - Total distribution of the additional allocation per year
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Amount of
per year in
EUR (will be
added to the
allocation in
Table 5 by the
desk officer in
SFC prior to
4 745 084.38
Electronically signed on 18/12/2024 18:05 (UTC+01) in accordance with Article 11 of Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2121
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Vabariigi Valitsuse protokollilise otsuse „„Piirihalduse ja viisapoliitika rahastu rakenduskava 2021-2027 versiooni 4.0" kinnitamine“ eelnõu esitamine | 10.02.2025 | 1 | 1-6/3100-1 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Riigikantselei istungiosakond |
Vabariigi Valitsuse protokollilise otsuse "Piirihalduse ja viisapoliitika rahastu rakenduskava 2021-2027 versiooni 4.0 kinnitamine" eelnõu kooskõlastamine | 27.01.2025 | 1 | 1-6/3095-1 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Rahandusministeerium |
Submission of the application to the call BMVI/2024/SA/1.1.5 | 10.09.2024 | 1 | 14-13.5/75-1 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | European Commission |