Annex IV
Mandate EE-ETA
I, the undersigned,
Mr Kaido Padar, Director General,
Estonian Transport Administration (ETA)
Public Law Body
Registration No 70001490
Valge 4, 11413 Tallinn, Estonia
VAT No EE100915493,
hereinafter referred to as "the beneficiary",
for the purposes of the signature and the implementation of the grant agreement number MOVE/B4/SUB/2020-123/SI2.852232 for the Action entitled "Implementation of a Coordination mechanism to federate the National Access Points established under the ITS Directive (2010/40/EU)" with the European Commission (hereinafter referred to as "the grant agreement")
hereby mandate:
Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt)
Public Body
Brüderstraße 53, 51427 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
VAT No DE 121979420
represented by Dr. Kirstine Lamers, Head of Administration (hereinafter referred to as "the coordinator”)
1. to sign in my name and on my behalf the grant agreement and its possible subsequent amendments with the European Commission,
2. to act on behalf of the beneficiary in compliance with the grant agreement.
I hereby confirm that the beneficiary accepts all terms and conditions of the grant agreement and, in particular, all provisions affecting the coordinator and the other beneficiaries. In particular, I acknowledge that, by virtue of this mandate, the coordinator alone is entitled to receive funds from the Commission and distribute the amounts corresponding to the beneficiary's participation in the action.
I hereby accept that the beneficiary will do everything in its power to help the coordinator fulfil its obligations under the grant agreement, and in particular, to provide to the coordinator, on its request, whatever documents or information may be required.
I hereby declare that the beneficiary agrees that the provisions of the grant agreement, including this mandate, shall take precedence over any other agreement between the beneficiary and the coordinator which may have an effect on the implementation of the grant agreement.
This mandate shall be annexed to the grant agreement and shall form an integral part thereof.
Mr Kaido Padar, Director General
Done at Tallinn Date