Annual Action Plan
Programme Name:
Supporting Social Inclusion (SSIP)
Programme Operator:
Ministry of Culture
Swiss Support Measure Partner:
Bern University of Applied Sciences
Action Plan for the period:
The present Action Plan covers the period from the beginning of the Agreement until 31.12.2025.
Kick-off meetings for joint planning and development have taken place in all components.
These kick-off meetings have shown the need for a general introduction to transcultural competences as a common basis. Based on this, specific workshops are planned, tailored to the respective activities.
In all components, we will start with online workshops. This format enables a broad participation at a lower cost and enable exchange, in order to have a good basis for a more targeted exchange in more elaborate study trips or expert exchange in the following years.
Programme Component 1:
Cultural and linguistic integration
Programme Component Operator:
Ministry of Culture
Summary of the activities to be implemented during the period:
The first activities of this component aim at facilitating the ongoing work of the Integration Foundation (IF) as well as the National Library (RaRa) in the domain of cultural and linguistic integration with online workshops on the specific topics identified together in the kick-off meeting.
(1) The first workshop will provide a common frame for all stakeholders, providing theoretical insights, methods, and best practices on trans-cultural competencies.
(2) The second workshop will feature experts of the National Library and its network as well as on Swiss libraries. They will focus on their experiences on integration and media literacy projects, especially targeting migrant adults, particularly those affected by misinformation and disinformation.
(3) The third workshop focuses on digital tools in multicultural contexts, highlighting Swiss experiences and best practices. It will address challenges by exploring our experiences and evaluating them critically, providing valuable first-hand insights for the stakeholders at and around IF.
(4) The fourth workshop aligns with one of IF’s key priorities: establishing a voluntary system for integration, discussing best practices and challenges in a similar manner as in the second workshop.
(5) The fifth workshop will establish a dialogue between IF and Swiss experts on peer-to-peer formats in (national) language learning.
(6) IF outsources integration services throughout Estonia via tenders. Within the framework of the SSIP, they require insights on designing and tendering these services, understanding their life cycles, and exploring evaluation methods based on the experiences of Swiss partners, with a particular focus on best practices.
The general time frame of the activity
Start date and end date of the activity during the period
Kick-off workshop with Swiss Partner and Estonian
1,5 hrs.
2nd October 2024
Workshop preparation and development of Action Plan by Prof. Dr. Eveline Amman Dula and Aron Korozs
Trans-Cultural Competencies: Theoretical Insights and Best Practices
Approx. 2 hrs
Second Half of January 2025
Expertise of the Institute for Social and Cultural Diversity
Prof. Dr. Eveline Ammann Dula & Aron Korozs
Integration, Libraries, Media Literacy: Experiences from Swiss Libraries
Approx. 2 hrs
February 2025
Workshop with experts from the field: Multimondo or Livrechange
Digital Tools for Integration for Multicultural Contexts: Swiss Experiences and Challenges
Approx. 2 hrs
February 2025/March 2025
Workshop with experts from the field using digital tools for integration: Swiss Red Cross
Establishing and Managing a System of Volunteers: Best Practices and Challenges from a Swiss Perspective
Approx. 2 hrs
March 2025
Workshop with experts from the field, working with volunteers for facilitating integration: HEKS
Peer-to-Peer Language Learning: Insights from Swiss Experts
Approx. 2 hrs
April 2025
Workshop with experts from the field, using peer-to-peer learning (FemmesTisch/Männertisch or Primano)
Designing and Evaluating Social and Cultural Integration Services
Approx. 2 hrs
May 2025/June 2025
Workshop with experts in integration on a collective level
(Prof. Simone Gäumann)
Online Planning Workshop for the Action Plan 2025-2026
Approx. 1,5 hrs.
September 2025
with Aron Korozs and Prof. Dr. Eveline Ammann Dula
Programme Component 2:
Strengthening the social- and child protection services
Programme Component Operator:
Ministry of Social Affairs
Summary of the activities to be implemented during the period:
In this component, we foresee a study trip of Estonian experts to Switzerland focusing on six themes currently relevant in their work:
1. Overall understanding of the child protection system in Switzerland. Specifically:
a. What is the national, cantonal and local frameworks for the training, quality, and professional system of child protection workers (how is it regulated, what aspects are mandated by legislation, what is mandatory, what is voluntary, who is responsible, and what roles do institutions have at different levels—e.g., funding, ensuring training opportunities, etc.)?
b. How is basic training (higher and vocational education) linked to further training and the professional system? How are competency models utilized? Is there a formal or informal career model for child protection workers?
2. Curriculum development with a special focus on practical education of social and care workers to ensure they are well-prepared for their respective fields.
Another focus should be on innovative educational tools and methods in practical training (e.g. virtual reality, one-on-one coaching, supervision). This thematic block should extend beyond tertiary education (with students) to include the ongoing professional further education of practitioners (in the Swiss context “certificate, master or diploma of advanced studies – CAS, MAS, DAS”), particularly in the field of child protection. Additionally, harmonizing child protection legislation with the relevant training/CAS curricula should be a key focus here.
3. Developing curricula to equip students and practitioners with the skills needed to work effectively with diverse user groups, particularly migrants.
4. Improving access of refugees and migrants to vocational training and jobs in the social sector (social work, care work), with a special focus on professional language immersion (preparation classes. diploma recognition etc.)
5. Social sector employers and Social Work Associations and other organisations providing support systems for social workers (e.g. supervision, peer-led or other supportive measures) and maintaining as well as monitoring employee well-being.
6. Self-care in the social sector and its thematization at the workplace and within the framework of basic training (higher and vocational education) and further education (management training).
In alignment with these themes, the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) will design a comprehensive program involving various educational and training institutions, practitioners, and professional associations for a duration of 3-4 days.
The general time frame of the activity
Start date and end date of the activity during the period
Kick-off workshop
1,5 hrs.
Aron Korozs, Prof. Matthias von Bergen
Planning session study trip
1,5 hrs.
End of January 2025
Aron Korozs, Prof. Matthias von Bergen
Study Trip: Insights from Curriculum Development and Social Workers’ Associations in Switzerland
3-4 days
April/May 2025
6 experts from Estonia
Aron Korozs, Prof. Matthias von Bergen
Retrospective and evaluation of study trip
1,5 hrs.
Shortly after study trip
Aron Korozs, Prof. Matthias von Bergen
Planning workshop 2026
2 hrs.
September 2025
Aron Korozs, Prof. Dr. Matthias von Bergen
Programme Component 3:
Increasing multicultural competence in the education sector
Programme Component Operator:
Ministry of Education and Research
Summary of the activities to be implemented during the period:
In the first kick-off workshop in September 2024, five online workshops have been planned to take place between February and June 2025 with the aim of accompanying the start of the program and at the same time introducing stakeholders into the Swiss context. The following five priorities have been jointly identified:
1) We will start the first online workshop with contextualization and introduction to the Swiss context, specifically focusing on multiculturalism and diversity within the education sector. In this session, we will identify and discuss key parallels and differences so that we can build on these in the following years of the SSIP.
2) Additionally, we will explore the so-called formal “10th grade” and “bridge” programmes (Brückenangebote), targeting students who have completed their compulsory education but have not yet secured a place in a vocational training or higher secondary school. For students who are new to Switzerland, these programs often include intensive language courses and other support. Within the framework of SSIP, we suggest focusing on programmes especially targeting migrantised students.
3) In the third workshop, we will focus on the practical implementation of diversity and multiculturalism as well as their challenges and opportunities in a focus school, an aligned day school and school social work.
4) We will subsequently delve into the formal education sector, first highlighting the role, concepts and practices of Universities of Teacher Education (PHs) regarding diversity in teacher education, further Training as well as research.
5) The final activity will offer an in-depth look at diversity education for university personnel. This segment is designed to showcase best practices and strategies for equipping university staff with the skills and knowledge necessary to support a diverse student body effectively.
The program, in close collaboration with the Institute of Social and Cultural Diversity, is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how multiculturalism and diversity are addressed across different educational levels in Switzerland. By starting and concluding with the Institute’s expertise, we ensure a cohesive and well-rounded approach. The structure is thoughtfully crafted, beginning with essential contextualization and progressively delving into practical implications and programs.
In September, the experiences from these workshops will be reflected upon and used develop the action plan for the following year.
The general time frame of the activity
Start date and end date of the activity during the period
Kick-off workshop with Swiss Partner and Estonian
1,5 hrs.
25. September 2024
Workshop preparation and development of Action Plan by Dr. Luise Menzi and Aron Korózs
Introduction to Multiculturalism and Diversity in Switzerland
Approx. 2 hours
February 2025
Online workshop, experts: Prof. Dr. Eveline Ammann Dula, Aron Korózs, Institute of Social and Cultural Diversity, Bern University of Applied Science
Navigating Transition and Diversity in Switzerland
Approx. 2 hrs.
March 2025
Online workshop and exchange; practitioners from the “10th grade” programme “BVS Praxis und Integration (BPI)” of BFF Bern
and the Brückenangebot HEKS Kick Burgdorf
Diversity in Schools in Switzerland: Perspectives from Teachers and School Social Workers
Approx. 2 hrs.
March 2025
Online workshop and exchange; representatives from a school, “day school” and from school social work
Diversity in Teacher Training: Education, Research, Further Training and Curriculum Development in Switzerland
Approx. 2 hrs.
April 2025
Online workshop and exchange; experts of the University of Teacher Education Berne and/or Northwestern University of Teacher Education (PH Bern and/or FHNW)
Best Practices in Diversity Education for University Personnel: Unlearning Racism at the BFH
Approx. 2 hrs.
Early June 2025
Online workshop, experts: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Duttweiler and Prof. Dr. Annina Tischhauser, Institute of Social and Cultural Diversity, Bern University of Applied Science
Online Planning Workshop for the Action Plan 2025-2026
Approx. 1,5 hrs.
September 2025
with Aron Korózs (BFH) and Dr. Luise Menzi (BFH)
Programme Component 4:
Strengthening civil society through social innovation
Programme Component Operator:
Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Estonia
Summary of the activities to be implemented during the period:
During the first of year, the programme should focus on developing a common understanding and definition of "social innovation", discussing key criteria of "socially innovative" practice especially within the context of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and setting up key criteria for the upcoming years with regard to possible project exchanges, study trips and the forthcoming manual of the National Foundation of Civil Society (NFCS). Another key focus of the NFCS is the organisation of Hackathons, which is thus also a focus topic of the First Action Plan of the present component. Therefore, we suggest two online workshops:
1) The first workshop will involve an exchange on Swiss experiences in organising Hackathons with experts from the BFH.
2) The second dialogue workshop will provide an overview of support mechanisms provided by state actors to civil society especially within the context of social innovation. Experts from both Estonia and Switzerland will discuss concepts, criteria, and impact measurement, and inductively establish a common working definition and criteria for selecting best practices in the upcoming SSIP years. This dialogue will already highlight projects that are considered innovative in both national contexts. A follow-up meeting could be organised in 2026.
Local partners of the NFCS will be involved in both events. It is recommended that the number of participants does not exceed 35.
The general time frame of the activity
Start date and end date of the activity during the period
Kick-off workshop with Swiss Partner and Estonian
1,5 hrs.
30. September 2024
Workshop preparation and development of Action Plan by Dr. Claske Dijkema and Aron Korozs
Hackathons (4SocialGood): Experiences from the Swiss Perspective
Approx. 2 hrs
January 2025
Prof. Dr. Debra Hevenstone (BFH) and Prof. Dr. Oliver Hümbelin (BFH), project managers of the Hack4SocialGodd
Expert Workshop “Social Innovation and Civil Society in Estonia and Switzerland”
Approx. 2 hrs
March 2025
experts tbd
Online Planning Workshop for the Action Plan 2025-2026
Approx. 1,5 hrs.
September 2025
with Aron Korozs and Dr. Claske Dijkema
1) budget