Dokumendiregister | Sotsiaalministeerium |
Viit | 1.4-2/3266-1 |
Registreeritud | 20.12.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 23.12.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 1.4 EL otsustusprotsess ja rahvusvaheline koostöö |
Sari | 1.4-2 Rahvusvahelise koostöö korraldamisega seotud kirjavahetus (Arhiiviväärtuslik) |
Toimik | 1.4-2/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | EURO Nutrition |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | EURO Nutrition |
Vastutaja | Helen Sõber (Sotsiaalministeerium, Kantsleri vastutusvaldkond, Euroopa Liidu ja väliskoostöö osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Tähelepanu! Tegemist on välisvõrgust saabunud kirjaga. |
Tähelepanu! Tegemist on välisvõrgust saabunud kirjaga. |
Message sent on behalf of Dr Gauden Galea, Strategic Advisor to the Regional Director on NCDs and Innovation
Please see the attached correspondence sent from the World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe. One or more attachments may be included.
Veuillez vous référer à la correspondance ci-jointe du Bureau régional de l'Europe de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé. Une ou plusieurs annexes peuvent être jointes.
Mit der Bitte um Kenntnisnahme der beiliegenden Korrespondenz (eine oder mehrere Anlagen), Weltgesundheitsorganisation, Regionalbüro für Europa.
См. прикрепленные письма от Европейского регионального бюро Всемирной организации здравоохранения (один или несколько прикрепленных файлов).
Special Initiative on NCDs and Innovation
WHO Regional Office for Europe
UN City
Marmorvej 51
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
UN City, Marmorvej 51 Tel.: +45 45 33 70 00 Email: [email protected] DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark
Fax: +45 45 33 70 01 Website:
Date: 11 December 2024
Ms Helen Sõber
European Union Affairs and International Co-
operation Department
Ministry of Social Affairs
Suur-Ameerika 1
10122 Tallinn
Head office:
UN City, Marmorvej 51, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Tel.: +45 45 33 70 00; Fax: +45 45 33 70 01
Email: [email protected] Website:
Our reference: Notre référence: Unser Zeichen: См. наш номер:
Your reference: Votre référence: Ihr Zeichen: На Ваш номер:
Dear Ms Sõber,
Nomination for WHO/Europe Regional Technical Consultation on Advancing the Global
Implementation Research Agenda for Noncommunicable Diseases
We are pleased to inform you that the Special Initiative on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) and
Innovation (SNI) of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, in collaboration with the Department of
Noncommunicable Diseases, Rehabilitation and Disability, and the Alliance for Health Policy and
Systems Research, WHO headquarters, is organizing a Regional Technical Consultation on
Advancing the Global Implementation Research Agenda for NCDs.
Implementation research is defined as the systematic approach to understanding and addressing
barriers to the effective and quality implementation of health interventions, strategies and policies. It
is highlighted in the WHO Implementation Roadmap 2023–2030 for the Global Action Plan for the
Prevention and Control of NCDs 2013–2020 and offers a real opportunity to accelerate progress
towards achieving the NCD global targets. The WHO Technical Advisory Group on NCD-related
Research and Innovation has recommended that an update be developed for the WHO’s global
research agenda for NCDs, with a renewed focus on implementation research. In response, WHO
commenced the global update exercise to define global implementation research priorities for NCDs
to support the adoption and implementation of NCD interventions.
The update of the research agenda includes a review of relevant literature and conducting a survey and
series of consultations with relevant stakeholders at global, regional and country levels throughout
2024 and 2025.
The WHO/Europe Regional Technical Consultation, which will be held online on 5 February 2025,
is a part of this broader global effort, aiming to encourage the WHO European Region to develop its
own specific research priorities, which at the same time will inform global ones. The consultation will
focus on identifying priority themes for implementation research on NCDs. The finalized global
research agenda and, therefore, the consultation will not cover research areas, such as discovery
science and NCD epidemiology.
Key objectives of the consultation include:
– 2 –
• discussing strategies for strengthening policy-relevant, system-level research for the equitable,
effective and quality delivery of NCD services;
• facilitating the integration of NCD research into policy and practice and advocating for the
adoption of locally relevant evidence;
• promoting implementation research on NCDs to inform regional and country-specific research
priority setting; and
• exploring approaches to build research capacity on NCDs.
We kindly invite you to nominate four country representatives to participate in the consultation,
including (one representative from each bullet below):
• a national NCD focal point;
• researchers involved with health systems and implementation research on NCDs;
• policy-makers, health system planners and NCD services implementers at the national or sub-
national level; and
• civil society organizations.
Nominees should have experience and knowledge in one or more of the following topics as they
relate to NCDs: health policy and systems research, primary health care, universal health coverage,
health system strengthening, social and commercial determinants of health, public health, political
science, international/public health law, governance, and human rights.
Kindly provide the names, official positions and titles, and email addresses of the proposed nominees
who will join the Regional Technical Consultation. We request this information at your earliest
convenience and no later than 8 January 2025.
To facilitate the nomination process, we kindly request that your response be addressed to Dr Kremlin
Wickramasinghe, Regional Adviser for Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, Special Initiative on
NCDs and Innovation ([email protected]), with a copy to Alena Tokareva, Consultant,
Special Initiative on NCDs and Innovation ([email protected]).
We look forward to receiving your nominations.
Sincerely yours,
Copy for information to:
Ms Agne Nettan-Sepp, Head, European Union Affairs and International Co-operation Department, Ministry of
Social Affairs, Suur-Ameerika 1, 10129 Tallinn, Estonia
H.E. Ms Riia Salsa-Audiffren, Ambassador Representative of the Republic of Estonia, Permanent Mission of
the Republic of Estonia to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva, Chemin
du Petit-Saconnex 28A, CH-1209 Genève, Switzerland
H.E. Mr Andre Pung, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Republic of Estonia,
Frederiksgade 19, 4th floor, 1265 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Ms Kristina Köhler, Liaison Officer, WHO Country Office, Estonia, Paldiski Road 81, 10617 Tallinn, Estonia
Dr Gauden Galea
Strategic Advisor to the Regional Director
Special Initiative on NCDs and Innovation
WHO Regional Office for Europe
– 3 –
UN City, Marmorvej 51 Tel.: +45 45 33 70 00 Email: [email protected] DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark
Fax: +45 45 33 70 01 Website:
Date: 11 December 2024
Ms Helen Sõber
European Union Affairs and International Co-
operation Department
Ministry of Social Affairs
Suur-Ameerika 1
10122 Tallinn
Head office:
UN City, Marmorvej 51, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Tel.: +45 45 33 70 00; Fax: +45 45 33 70 01
Email: [email protected] Website:
Our reference: Notre référence: Unser Zeichen: См. наш номер:
Your reference: Votre référence: Ihr Zeichen: На Ваш номер:
Dear Ms Sõber,
Nomination for WHO/Europe Regional Technical Consultation on Advancing the Global
Implementation Research Agenda for Noncommunicable Diseases
We are pleased to inform you that the Special Initiative on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) and
Innovation (SNI) of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, in collaboration with the Department of
Noncommunicable Diseases, Rehabilitation and Disability, and the Alliance for Health Policy and
Systems Research, WHO headquarters, is organizing a Regional Technical Consultation on
Advancing the Global Implementation Research Agenda for NCDs.
Implementation research is defined as the systematic approach to understanding and addressing
barriers to the effective and quality implementation of health interventions, strategies and policies. It
is highlighted in the WHO Implementation Roadmap 2023–2030 for the Global Action Plan for the
Prevention and Control of NCDs 2013–2020 and offers a real opportunity to accelerate progress
towards achieving the NCD global targets. The WHO Technical Advisory Group on NCD-related
Research and Innovation has recommended that an update be developed for the WHO’s global
research agenda for NCDs, with a renewed focus on implementation research. In response, WHO
commenced the global update exercise to define global implementation research priorities for NCDs
to support the adoption and implementation of NCD interventions.
The update of the research agenda includes a review of relevant literature and conducting a survey and
series of consultations with relevant stakeholders at global, regional and country levels throughout
2024 and 2025.
The WHO/Europe Regional Technical Consultation, which will be held online on 5 February 2025,
is a part of this broader global effort, aiming to encourage the WHO European Region to develop its
own specific research priorities, which at the same time will inform global ones. The consultation will
focus on identifying priority themes for implementation research on NCDs. The finalized global
research agenda and, therefore, the consultation will not cover research areas, such as discovery
science and NCD epidemiology.
Key objectives of the consultation include:
– 2 –
• discussing strategies for strengthening policy-relevant, system-level research for the equitable,
effective and quality delivery of NCD services;
• facilitating the integration of NCD research into policy and practice and advocating for the
adoption of locally relevant evidence;
• promoting implementation research on NCDs to inform regional and country-specific research
priority setting; and
• exploring approaches to build research capacity on NCDs.
We kindly invite you to nominate four country representatives to participate in the consultation,
including (one representative from each bullet below):
• a national NCD focal point;
• researchers involved with health systems and implementation research on NCDs;
• policy-makers, health system planners and NCD services implementers at the national or sub-
national level; and
• civil society organizations.
Nominees should have experience and knowledge in one or more of the following topics as they
relate to NCDs: health policy and systems research, primary health care, universal health coverage,
health system strengthening, social and commercial determinants of health, public health, political
science, international/public health law, governance, and human rights.
Kindly provide the names, official positions and titles, and email addresses of the proposed nominees
who will join the Regional Technical Consultation. We request this information at your earliest
convenience and no later than 8 January 2025.
To facilitate the nomination process, we kindly request that your response be addressed to Dr Kremlin
Wickramasinghe, Regional Adviser for Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, Special Initiative on
NCDs and Innovation ([email protected]), with a copy to Alena Tokareva, Consultant,
Special Initiative on NCDs and Innovation ([email protected]).
We look forward to receiving your nominations.
Sincerely yours,
Copy for information to:
Ms Agne Nettan-Sepp, Head, European Union Affairs and International Co-operation Department, Ministry of
Social Affairs, Suur-Ameerika 1, 10129 Tallinn, Estonia
H.E. Ms Riia Salsa-Audiffren, Ambassador Representative of the Republic of Estonia, Permanent Mission of
the Republic of Estonia to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva, Chemin
du Petit-Saconnex 28A, CH-1209 Genève, Switzerland
H.E. Mr Andre Pung, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of the Republic of Estonia,
Frederiksgade 19, 4th floor, 1265 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Ms Kristina Köhler, Liaison Officer, WHO Country Office, Estonia, Paldiski Road 81, 10617 Tallinn, Estonia
Dr Gauden Galea
Strategic Advisor to the Regional Director
Special Initiative on NCDs and Innovation
WHO Regional Office for Europe
– 3 –