Dokumendiregister | Terviseamet |
Viit | 11.3-3/24/13089-2 |
Registreeritud | 23.12.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 24.12.2024 |
Liik | Väljaminev dokument |
Funktsioon | 11.3 Meditsiiniseadmete alane koostöö Euroopa komisjoni, sõsarasutuste, ministeeriumide ja teiste ametite/inspektsioonidega |
Sari | 11.3-3 Üldine kirjavahetus (Koostöö riigiasutustega (ministeeriumid, ametid, inspektsioonid, jms) |
Toimik | 11.3-3/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Malta Medicines Authority |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Malta Medicines Authority |
Vastutaja | Karl Kalev Türk (TA, Peadirektori asetäitja (1) vastutusvaldkond, Meditsiiniseadmete osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
From: "Meditsiiniseadmed (Medical Devices)" <[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, 23 Dec 2024 08:25:35 +0000
To: Catania Julia at Medicines Authority <[email protected]>
Subject: Vs: Query regarding procedure of procurement of medical devices
Dear Julia Catania,
Thank you for your enquiry.
As the competent authority for medical devices, we do not have direct contact with hospitals regarding procurement. Furthermore, to our knowledge, there is no centralised hospital procurement system in Estonia that manages the procurement of medical devices. However, we can share the contact details of three of the largest hospitals in Estonia, which might have the resources or interest to engage with the project/request you are proposing.
Please note that we have not approached these hospitals on this matter. In other words, you would be their first point of contact regarding this topic.
North Estonia Medical Centre (Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla),, contact [email protected]
Tartu University Hospital (Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum),, contact [email protected]
East Tallinn Central Hospital (Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla),, contact [email protected]
Wishing you a joyful and peaceful holiday season.
Best regards,
Karl Kalev Türk
Chief Specialist
Department of Medical Devices
Phone +372 5648 5663
[email protected] | [email protected]
Republic of Estonia Terviseamet | Health Board +372 794 3500 [email protected] Paldiski mnt 81, 10614 Tallinn Estonia |
This e-mail is confidential and meant for use by the person named in the letterhead. Any use in any way or copying of it by a person not marked as the addressee thereof is prohibited. If you have got this e-mail by mistake, please notify of it the sender without delay and delete the received e-mail together with all its attachments.
Saatja: Catania Julia at Medicines Authority <[email protected]>
Saatmisaeg: neljapäev, 19. detsember 2024 09:58
Adressaat: 'MS Medical Devices Vigilance' <[email protected]>; 'medicaldevicesvigilance' <[email protected]>; 'Espagne' <[email protected]>; 'Roumanie' <[email protected]>; 'Autriche' <[email protected]>; 'Bulgarie' <[email protected]>; 'Bulgarie 2' <[email protected]>; 'Allemagne' <[email protected]>; 'Danemark' <[email protected]>; 'Grèce' <[email protected]>; 'Belgique' <[email protected]>; 'Finlande' <[email protected]>; 'Croatie' <[email protected]>; 'Irelande' <[email protected]>; 'Pays-Bas' <[email protected]>; 'Portugal' <[email protected]>; 'Slovénie' <[email protected]>; 'Suède' <[email protected]>; 'Liechtenstein' <[email protected]>; 'Islande' <[email protected]>; 'Chypre' <[email protected]>; 'Norvège' <[email protected]>; '' <[email protected]>; 'Italie' <[email protected]>; 'Tchéquie' <[email protected]>; 'Slovaquie' <[email protected]>; 'Suisse' <[email protected]>; Meditsiiniseadmed (Medical Devices) <[email protected]>; 'Turquie' <[email protected]>; 'Pologne' <[email protected]>; 'Lituanie' <[email protected]>; 'Lettonie' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>; '' <[email protected]>; '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Koopia: Grech Louise 1 at Medicines Authority <[email protected]>; Farrugia Karen at Medicines Authority <[email protected]>; Gatt David 2 at Medicines Authority <[email protected]>; Medical Devices Vigilance at Medicines Authority <[email protected]>
Teema: Query regarding procedure of procurement of medical devices
Tähelepanu! Tegemist on väljastpoolt asutust saabunud kirjaga. Tundmatu saatja korral palume linke ja faile mitte avada. |
Dear colleagues,
The Malta Medicines Authority (MMA) was contacted by our health institution regarding the procedure of procurement of medical devices followed at the main hospitals of other EU member states.
Kindly forward any contact details of representatives with whom we can liaise with regarding the matter.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
With Best Regards,
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Kiri | 23.12.2024 | 1 | 11.3-3/24/13089-1 | Sissetulev dokument | ta | Malta Medicines Authority |