Dokumendiregister | Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium |
Viit | 6-4/38-1 |
Registreeritud | 06.01.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 07.01.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 6 Rahvusvahelise koostöö korraldamine |
Sari | 6-4 Tervitus- ja tutvustuskirjad, kutsed üritustel osalemiseks |
Toimik | 6-4/2025 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union |
Vastutaja | Silver Tammik (Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium, Kantsleri valdkond, Strateegia ja teenuste juhtimise valdkond, EL ja rahvusvahelise koostöö osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Tähelepanu! Tegemist on välisvõrgust saabunud kirjaga. |
Tähelepanu! Tegemist on välisvõrgust saabunud kirjaga. |
Information clause in connection with the processing of personal data of persons participating in events related to the
presidency of the Republic of Poland in the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2025.
Information and contact details in personal data matters
Data Controller, Minister for the European Union, Aleje Ujazdowskie 1/3, 00-583, Warszawa, e-mail:
Data Protection Officer of the Minister for the European Union, Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Aleje Ujazdowskie
1/3, 00-583, Warszawa, e-mail: [email protected]
Information on personal data processing
The purpose of data processing is the implementation of the tasks of the Minister for the European Union with regard to
the initiation and coordination of own activities and those of other supreme and central public administration bodies
related to the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of Poland in the first half
of 2025, aimed at ensuring the adequate process of events related to the presidency, in particular:
• ensuring public security and order, including by verifying the identity of participants, ensuring access and attendance
control at the premises of facilities and during events,
• providing adequate logistics and organisational support for meeting participants, including transport, access to
airside restricted areas, accommodation,
• providing media support, technical and information services for the meetings,
• enabling the creation of an individual profile in the ICT system (accreditation system) linked to the e-mail address
and conducting a two-step verification by means of a telephone number.
The legal basis for personal data processing is:
1) Article 6(1)(e) of Regulation no. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the
protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data,
and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1, as amended, hereinafter the “GDPR”) - performing tasks
in the scope of exercising public authority by the Minister for the European Union concerning the initiation and
coordination of activities related to the performance of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the
Republic of Poland in conjunction with Article 13(4)(1) of the Act of 4 September 1997 on departments of
government administration (Journal of Laws of 2024, item 1370), in conjunction with §1(4) of the Regulation of the
Prime Minister of 18 December 2023 on the detailed scope of activities of the Minister for the European Union
(Journal of Laws item 2712), in conjunction with Articles 3-5 of the Act of 14 June 2024 on special solutions in
connection with the preparation and exercise by the Republic of Poland of the presidency of the Council of the
European Union in the first half of 2025 (Journal of Laws item 1006), in conjunction with the Resolution of the
Council of Ministers of 21 November 2023 on the adoption of the document entitled “Programme of Preparations of
the Republic of Poland for taking up and exercising the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the 1st
half of 2025”;
2) Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR - ensuring the security of events connected with the exercise of the presidency of the
Council of the European Union by the Republic of Poland in the first half of 2025, constituting a legitimate interest
pursued by public administration bodies in conjunction with Articles 3-5 of the Act of 14 June 2024 on special
solutions in connection with the preparation and exercise by the Republic of Poland of the presidency of the Council
of the European Union in the first half of 2025 (Journal of Laws item 1006), in conjunction with the Resolution of the
Council of Ministers of 21 November 2023 on the adoption of the document entitled “Programme of Preparations of
the Republic of Poland for taking up and exercising the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the 1st
half of 2025”;
3) Article 9(2)(g) of the GDPR - significant public interest in conjunction with Article 4(2)(1) of the Act of 19 July 2019
on Ensuring Accessibility for Persons with Special Needs (consolidated text, Journal of Laws of 2024, item 1411)
with regard to ensuring accessibility for persons with special needs during the organisation and logistics of events
connected with the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of Poland in the
first half of 2025;
4) Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR - legal obligations incumbent on the data controller arising from the provisions of the Act
of 14 July 1983 on the National Archive Repository and Archives (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 164, as amended)
and the internal acts issued thereunder which are binding on the controller.
Period of data processing
The personal data will be processed for a period from the date of entering the data in the accreditation form until 30 June
2025, except that, after this date, it will become the documentation and will subsequently be stored or deleted for a
period of 5 years in accordance with the obligations arising from the Act of 14 July 1983 on the National Archive
Repository and Archives and the internal acts issued thereunder, starting from 1 January 2026.
Information about the voluntary provision of the data and the consequences of failure to provide the data (Article 13
of the GDPR)
The provision of personal data is voluntary, although it is necessary to ensure the participation in events or participation
in the organisation of events held on the territory of the Republic of Poland by central and supreme public administration
bodies related to the presidency of the Republic of Poland in the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2025.
The consequence of failure to provide personal data will be the inability to participate in the events connected with the
presidency of the Republic of Poland in the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2025, resulting from the
impossibility of verifying the identity of a person to participate in those events and consequently the impossibility of
ensuring the overriding objective, i.e. the security of the event.
Source of data origin where the data is not collected from the data subject (Article 14 of the GDPR)
The source of the data will be the information provided to the controller by:
• a person designated to coordinate the delegation (Delegation Accreditation Officer) on behalf of the institution
sending its representatives as participants in the presidency events,
• a person designated to coordinate the event on behalf of the general or central public administration body
(accreditation coordinator) sending its representatives as participants in the presidency events.
Categories of relevant data where the data is not collected from the data subject (Article 14 of the GDPR)
The categories of data concerned to be transmitted in the ICT system (accreditation system) by the person designated to
coordinate the delegation (delegation coordinator, DAO) or the accreditation coordinator include information in the
scope of:
1. Names;
2. Surnames;
3. Citizenship;
4. Gender;
5. PESEL number, if applicable;
6. Date, place and country of birth, if applicable;
7. Father's name, if applicable;
8. Type, series, number and expiry date of the identity document;
9. Address of residence;
10. Name of the institution or organisation represented;
11. Role of a person participating in a delegation or at an event;
12. Places of accommodation during the stay in Poland;
13. Fact of payment for the accommodation by the participant;
14. Date, time, transport means and place of arrival in and departure from Poland and flight numbers;
15. Type of transport in the territory of Poland taking into account specific needs;
16. Registration number, make and model of the vehicle a person is driving in the territory of Poland;
17. Contact e-mail address and telephone number;
18. Portrait photograph (image);
19. The fact of possession of a weapon, indicating the permission of the Polish diplomatic mission;
20. Press ID card number and name of editorial office.
Personal data recipients
• The data will be entrusted to InCert G.I.E., with its registered office in Leudelange at: 15 rue Léon Laval, L-3372,
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Data Protection Officer: [email protected]), for the purpose of processing in respect of
persons taking part in official events connected with the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European
Union by the Republic of Poland, data consisting of:
1) Names;
2) Surnames;
3) Citizenship;
4) Gender;
5) PESEL number, if applicable;
6) Date, place and country of birth, if applicable;
7) Father’s name, if applicable;
8) Type, series, number and expiry date of the identity document;
9) Address of residence;
10) Name of the institution or organisation represented;
11) Role of a person in a delegation or at an event;
12) Places of accommodation during the stay in Poland;
13) Fact of payment for the accommodation by the participant;
14) Date, time, transport means and place of arrival in and departure from Poland and flight numbers;
15) Type of transport in the territory of Poland taking into account specific needs;
16) Registration number, make and model of the vehicle a person is driving in the territory of Poland;
17) Contact e-mail address and telephone number;
18) Portrait photograph;
19) The fact of possession of a weapon, indicating the permission of the Polish diplomatic mission;
20) Press ID card number and name of editorial office,
The above data shall be processed for the purpose of administration of the ICT system (accreditation system) in the
scope of IT and ICT support in connection with initiating and coordinating the activities of the Minister for the
European Union related to exercising of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of
Poland in the first half of 2025 and the performance of the obligations incumbent on the controller pursuant to the
provisions of law.
• The data will be entrusted to the Central IT Centre with its registered office in Warsaw at: Al. Jerozolimskie 132-
136, 02-305 Warszawa (DPO: [email protected]), for the purpose of processing in respect of persons taking part in
official events connected with the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of
Poland, data consisting of:
1) Names;
2) Surnames;
3) Citizenship;
4) Gender;
5) PESEL number, if applicable;
6) Date, place and country of birth, if applicable;
7) Father’s name, if applicable;
8) Type, series, number and expiry date of the identity document;
9) Address of residence;
10) Name of the institution or organisation represented;
11) Role of a person in a delegation or at an event;
12) Places of accommodation during the stay in Poland;
13) Fact of payment for the accommodation by the participant;
14) Date, time, transport means and place of arrival in and departure from Poland and flight numbers;
15) Type of transport in the territory of Poland taking into account specific needs;
16) Registration number, make and model of the vehicle a person is driving in the territory of Poland;
17) Contact e-mail address and telephone number;
18) Portrait photograph;
19) The fact of possession of a weapon, indicating the permission of the Polish diplomatic mission;
20) Press ID card number and name of editorial office,
The above data shall be processed for the purpose of administration of the ICT system (accreditation system) in the
scope of IT and ICT support in connection with initiating and coordinating the activities of the Minister for the
European Union related to exercising of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of
Poland in the first half of 2025 and the performance of the obligations incumbent on the controller pursuant to the
provisions of law.
• The data will be made available to the Chancellery of the Prime Minister with its registered office in Warsaw at: Al.
Jerozolimskie 1/3, 00-583 Warszawa (DPO: [email protected]), for the purpose of processing in respect of persons
taking part in official events connected with the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by
the Republic of Poland, data consisting of:
1) Names;
2) Surnames;
3) Citizenship;
4) Gender;
5) PESEL number, if applicable;
6) Date, place and country of birth, if applicable;
7) Father’s name, if applicable;
8) Type, series, number and expiry date of the identity document;
9) Address of residence;
10) Name of the institution or organisation represented;
11) Role of a person in a delegation or at an event;
12) Places of accommodation during the stay in Poland;
13) Fact of payment for the accommodation by the participant;
14) Date, time, transport means and place of arrival in and departure from Poland and flight numbers;
15) Type of transport in the territory of Poland taking into account specific needs;
16) Registration number, make and model of the vehicle a person is driving in the territory of Poland;
17) Contact e-mail address and telephone number;
18) Portrait photograph;
19) The fact of possession of a weapon, indicating the permission of the Polish diplomatic mission;
20) Press ID card number and name of editorial office,
The above data shall be processed for the purpose of administration of the ICT system (accreditation system) in the
scope of IT and ICT support in connection with initiating and coordinating the activities of the Minister for the
European Union related to exercising of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of
Poland in the first half of 2025 and the performance of the obligations incumbent on the controller pursuant to the
provisions of law.
• The data will be entrusted to the Government Administration Service Centre with its registered office in Warsaw
at: Powsińska 69/71, 02-903 Warszawa (DPO: [email protected]), for the purpose of processing in respect of
persons taking part in official events connected with the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European
Union by the Republic of Poland, data consisting of:
1) Names;
2) Surnames;
3) Citizenship;
4) Gender;
5) PESEL number, if applicable;
6) Date, place and country of birth, if applicable;
7) Father’s name, if applicable;
8) Type, series, number and expiry date of the identity document;
9) Address of residence;
10) Name of the institution or organisation represented;
11) Role of a person in a delegation or at an event;
12) Places of accommodation during the stay in Poland;
13) Fact of payment for the accommodation by the participant;
14) Date, time, transport means and place of arrival in and departure from Poland and flight numbers;
15) Type of transport in the territory of Poland taking into account specific needs;
16) Registration number, make and model of the vehicle a person is driving in the territory of Poland;
17) Contact e-mail address and telephone number;
18) Portrait photograph;
19) The fact of possession of a weapon, indicating the permission of the Polish diplomatic mission;
20) Press ID card number and name of editorial office,
The above data shall be processed for the purpose of enabling and performing tasks in the scope of organisation and
logistics of events related to the preparation and exercising of the presidency of the Council of the European Union
by the Republic of Poland in the first half of 2025 and for the purpose of administering the ICT system (accreditation
system) in the scope of IT and ICT support in relation to initiating and coordinating activities of the Minister for the
European Union related to the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of
Poland in the first half of 2025 and performing duties incumbent on the data controller pursuant to legal regulations.
• Personal data will be made available to other unnamed supreme and central public administration bodies for the
purpose of processing as regards persons participating in official events connected with the exercise of the
presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of Poland of the data consisting of:
1) Names;
2) Surnames;
3) Citizenship;
4) Gender;
5) PESEL number, if applicable;
6) Date, place and country of birth, if applicable;
7) Father’s name, if applicable;
8) Type, series, number and expiry date of the identity document;
9) Address of residence;
10) Name of the institution or organisation represented;
11) Role of a person participating in a delegation or at an event;
12) Places of accommodation during the stay in Poland;
13) Date, time, transport means and place of arrival in and departure from Poland and flight numbers;
14) Type of transport in the territory of Poland taking into account specific needs;
15) Registration number, make and model of the vehicle a person is driving in the territory of Poland;
16) Contact e-mail address and telephone number;
17) Portrait photograph;
18) Press ID card number and name of editorial office.
The above mentioned data will be processed in order to enable and perform the tasks of the supreme and central
public administration bodies in the scope of the organisation and logistics of events connected with the preparation
and exercise by the Republic of Poland of the presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of
• Personal data may be shared with public authorities and government bodies or other entities authorised by law or
performing tasks carried out for public interest or as part of exercising public authority.
Personal data will not be transferred to a third country / an international organisation.
Rights of the data subject:
You have the right to request the Personal Data Controller:
• to provide access to your personal data,
• to rectify your personal data,
• to restrict the processing of your personal data,
• to object to the processing of your personal data (applies to personal data processed under Article 6(1)(e) or (f).
The request for exercising of the aforementioned rights should be sent in writing to the personal data controller (the
address provided in the introduction, with the annotation: “Personal Data Protection”).
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.
Information on automated decision-making, including profiling
The personal data will not be subject to automated decision making, including profiling.
Practical information note
The European way of growth
A growth policy for a secure, resilient and globally competitive
European Union
Ice Kraków Congress Center, January 30-31, 2025
We would like to welcome you to Kraków for the conference "The European way of
growth: A growth policy for a secure, resilient and globally competitive European
Union" - on 30 and 31 of January 2025.
This Practical Information Note (PIN) contains logistical and technical information. Any
changes to this information will be communicated. We hope, it will help you make the
most of your time in Kraków and fully engage in the rich discussions and networking
opportunities offered during the event.
Please note that all updated information regarding the agenda, session descriptions,
workshop details, and speaker biographies will be available on the official conference
website (
of-growth/). We encourage you to visit the site regularly and stay informed about the
latest updates.
Host City
Kraków is a city known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and unique charm. Being one
of Poland’s oldest and most beautiful cities, it offers something for everyone - whether
you are passionate about history, art, nature, or simply enjoy the dynamic urban
As the capital of Poland until 1596, Kraków has long been at the heart of the country’s
political and cultural life. The Wawel Castle, located on a hill overlooking the city, is one
of Poland’s most iconic architectural landmarks. For centuries, it served as the
residence of Polish kings and now houses several museums, including the Royal
Chambers and Wawel Cathedral, and the State Rooms. The city’s name is derived from
the legendary King Krak, who, according to local tales, have killed a mythical dragon
and founded the city.
The heart of Kraków is in its Old Town (Stare Miasto), a UNESCO World Heritage site,
with the Main Market Square (Rynek Główny) at its core. Dating back to the 13th
century, it is one of the largest medieval town squares in Europe. The square features
the Cloth Hall (The Sukiennice), a Renaissance gem of architecture that once served as
a trade hub, now a lively gathering spot, filled with cafés, street performers, and
markets that energize the square throughout the year.
Kraków’s mix of history and culture with modernity, makes it the perfect host city for
the conference, where past achievements and challenges will be discussed in order to
shape the future of the European Union.
The ICE Kraków Congress Centre (ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17, 30-302 Kraków)
The ICE Kraków Congress Centre, located, at the heart of the city, has been a dynamic
hub for business and cultural meetings since 2014.
It hosts a wide range of events, from international congresses and conferences to
cultural performances, including concerts, operas, ballet, and theater shows.
Its glazed three-story foyer provides panoramic views of the Wawel Castle, the Vistula
River, and the Kazimierz district.
It is also accessible for persons with reduced mobility and vision impairments. The
more detailed information about its accessibility can be found here.
The importance of ICE Kraków on the international stage is evidenced by a number of
awards, including the Meetings Star Award (2015, 2016, 2021, 2022), the A'Design
Award (2015), The Plan Award (2015), and Gold Meetings Star (2019, 2020, 2021).
Notable events hosted at ICE Kraków include the Global Clean Air Summit and the
61st ICCA Congress.
All participants must register and obtain accreditation individually using the link:
Please, Go to the link: , create Your individual
account and then register using the individual code required to register for this
MFiPR (15).&7!:ax9bi)CL
We kindly request that you complete the registration process at your earliest
Registration platform will allow for registration until the 15th of January 2025.
On-site or late registration will not be available.
The registration form will include a request for you to declare which sessions and side
events you intend to join.
Please make sure that your personal details are correctly submitted as certain
information (e.g. your name) will appear on your identification badge.
Please note that only registered delegates will have access to the official meetings and
the Presidency venues.
After successful registration, you will receive a message with a personal code sent to
your phone number. This code will be used to obtain the electronic version of the ID
badge, which must be shown to the registration staff on-site in order to receive the
plastic ID badge granting access to the event.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:
During the registration, you will need to upload a photo that will be printed on your ID
badge. You can also use your device’s webcam to make a photo during registration.
The photo will be used for identification purposes, so it should be recent and show only
your face, similar to a passport photo.
The photo must be in .jpg, .png, or .gif format, with a maximum size of 5 MB. The
recommended resolution is 640x640 pixels. Files that are too large or have insufficient
resolution may be rejected.
All participants will receive a personalized badge at the beginning of the event.
Participants will receive only one badge for the whole event.
Please be careful to wear your badge in an interrupted manner, during the
conference and make sure that it is visible to others.
Please note that all participants are required to have their ID cards or passports to
confirm their identity, at the venue.
In case of loss of your badge, please report it immediately to the Presidency staff.
The validity of the lost badge will immediately be terminated and a new badge will be
Side Events
1. Workshops
Please note: Participation in the workshops is only possible after online registration.
On January 29th (one day before the conference begins), we will be hosting a series of
expert workshops as part of the side events.
These sessions will provide an opportunity for discussions on key topics, where
participants will be able to share insights, exchange knowledge, and engage with
specialists in the field.
• Gen AI in your research team (only in Polish, limited to 30 participants)
• Service Design workshop - a practical approach to public service design (only in
Polish, limited to 30 participants)
• Territorial Impact Assessment – strengthening cohesion, resilience, and
competitiveness! (only in English, limited to 40 participants).
2. Dinner in Stara Zajezdnia
The official dinner on 30 of January will take place at the Old Tram Depot restaurant
(Stara Zajezdnia). The depot was established in 1913, together with the launch of the
broad-gauge tram line in Kraków. With the expansion of the tram network, it was
decided to build a new depot in a new location, and the current depot gradually lost its
importance, falling into ruin. In the years 2010-2012, the facility was renovated to
house the restaurant and the brewery.
The hall is an example of wooden frame architecture with brick filling, popularly known
as Prussian wall, rare in Kraków. The Main Hall belongs to an architectural and
construction complex under legal protection, entered into the register of monuments
in 1985 and on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List and recognized
as a historical monument.
Participation in the dinner is available only to individuals who have indicated their
attendance, during the online registration process.
3. Guided tours
Please note: Participation in the guided tours is only possible after online
registration. We encourage you to register quickly as spots are limited.
• "Tracing the European Identity of Kraków" Exhibition Tour at Rynek
Podziemny (Main Market Square Underground Museum)
This exhibition offers a unique exploration
of the city's medieval past and highlights the
European identity of Kraków and its place in
European history.
- Group 1: 5:00-6:00 PM (Polish,
limited to 30 participants)
- Group 2: 5:30-6:30 PM (English,
limited to 30 participants)
Meeting point: 4:45 PM and 5:15 PM respectively at the main entrance of the Rynek
Underground Museum by Sukiennice (Cloth Hall).
The exhibition tour will cover approximately 1 hour. After the tour the group will be
guided to Stara Zajezdnia for dinner.
• Guided Tour of the Old Town (Stare Miasto)
Kraków's Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage site, known for its medieval layout
and stunning architecture.
- Group 1: 5:30 – 6:45 PM (English,
limited to 25 participants)
- Group 2: 5:45 – 7:00 PM (English,
limited to 25 participants)
- Group 3: 6:00 – 7:15 PM (Polish,
limited to 25 participants)
Meeting point: St. Mary's Church.
The walking tour will cover approximately 2-3 km and will end at Stara Zajezdnia for
• Guided Tour of Kazimierz (Kazimierz)
Kazimierz, the historic Jewish Quarter of Kraków, offers a rich blend of Jewish heritage
and modern cultural life.
- Group 1: 5:30 – 6:45 PM (English,
limited to 25 participants)
- Group 2: 5:45 – 7:00 PM (English,
limited to 25 participants)
- Group 3: 6:00 – 7:15 PM (Polish,
limited to 25 participants)
Meeting point: the main entrance of ICE Kraków. The tour will last approximately 1
hour, and it will end at Stara Zajezdnia for dinner. The walking tour will cover
approximately 2-3 km.
Below, we have listed a selection of recommended hotels located in the vicinity of the
ICE Kraków Congress Centre for your convenience.
Participants are kindly asked to make their own hotel reservations themselves.
4-star hotels:
• Park Inn by Radisson, ul. Monte Cassino 2,
• Q Hotel Plus Kraków, ul. Wygrana 6,
• Hilton Garden Inn Kraków, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 33
3-star hotels:
• Hotel Poleski, ul. Sandomierska 6,
• Benefis Boutique Hotel, ul. Barska 2.
2-star hotels:
• B&B Hotel Kraków Centrum, ul. Monte Cassino 1.
Transport to Kraków
Kraków is well-connected by various modes of transport, making it easily accessible
from different parts of Poland and Europe. Below are the most common ways to reach
the city.
• By Train:
Suggested trains booking link
• By Air:
o Kraków Airport,
o Katowice Airport
• Suggested transfer options from Kraków Airport:
o public bus (300, 209) – Directly from the airport to ICE Kraków (bus stop
Os. Podwawelskie)
o train (SKA1) – to Kraków Main Railway Station
o taxi
Local Transportation in Kraków
The best options to reach the event venue are:
• Free Public Transport:
Several bus and tram lines stop by ICE Kraków, including lines 300 and 209 that go
directly to the Airport.
Participants with an official conference ID, which will feature a special
sticker/hologram, will be able to use public transport in Kraków free of charge during
the event days.
• Taxi
iCar Taxi (+48 12 653 55 55), Mega Taxi (+48 12 196 25), Radio Taxi Wawel (+48 12
196 66)
Lunch will be provided on site for all participants as well as refreshments throughout
both days of the conference. If you have dietary requirements, please indicate these on
the online registration form.
Access to the meeting venue will be restricted. An internal security zone will be
established within the conference centre.
For security reasons, badges must be worn visibly during the entire official programme
and at all times. Access to the meeting venue will not be possible without a visibly worn
Internet access
A free Wi-Fi service will be available inside the conference centre. Access details will be
provided in the conference documentation packages.
The conference will be conducted in two working languages: Polish and English.
Interpretation will be available in English during the entire conference.
The ICE Krakow Congress Centre is accessible for people with special needs,
particularly those using wheelchairs and persons with other mobility impairments.
On-site assistants will be available to assist conference participants.
We will provide an induction loop system and interpretation services in Polish and
International Sign Language. Further details about the venue's accessibility can be
found here.
Other practical information
Emergency number: 112 (fire brigade, medical assistance, police)
Electricity: The voltage in Poland is 230V, 50 Hz.
Local time: Central European Summer Time Zone (CEST) – GMT +2:00
Country code: Poland +48
Currency: The official currency of Poland is the Polish Złoty (PLN). For official daily
exchange rates, please see the website of the National Bank of Poland:
Weather in Poland
Tap water: Polish tap water is regularly tested for quality and is safe to drink.
Smoking: Smoking is only allowed in the designated areas of the official meeting
spaces. Please note that smoking is not permitted within the ICE Kraków Congress
Contact information
Organisational issues
Piotr Strzęboszewski
Marlena Stępień
Tomasz Kula
contact persons for the programme of the event
Łukasz Gutowski
Agnieszka Bella
Magdalena Ochej-Łokuciejewska
contact persons for the logistics of the event
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Conference ‘The European way of growth: A growth policy for a secure, resilient and globally competitive European Union’ The conference ‘The European way of growth’ will discuss the effects to date and future challenges of cohesion policy, including its impact
on the security and socio-economic transformation of the European Union.
Cracow, ICE Kraków Congress Centre, January 30-31, 2025
Program First day – January 30, 2025
Host: Marcin Mańka
09:30 –
Keynote lecture
• Szymon Hołownia, Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (tbc).
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
10:00 –
• Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Poland,
• Paulina Hennig-Kloska, Minister of Climate and Environment, Poland,
• Aleksander Miszalski, Mayor of Krakow, Poland.
11:00 –
How does the Cohesion Policy build a strong Europe? Achievements and new challenges
13:00 –
14:15 –
Parallel sessions
accessibility and
Climate neutrality –
challenges for
competitiveness and
The social dimension
of the Cohesion Policy
and its transformation
Economic transition
Moderator: Krzysztof
Digital transition
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Moderator: Paweł
Engel, Deputy
Director of the Centre
for EU Transport
Projects (CUPT)
• Sofie Defour,
Climate &
Director of
Federation for
Transport and
(session organized by
the Ministry of
Climate and
Moderator: Krzysztof
Bolesta, Secretary of
State, Ministry of
Climate and
Environment, Poland
• Marcin
Chairman of
Moderator: Piotr
Stronkowski, Human
Capital Development
Expert, European
Training Foundation
• Manuela
Director for
Jobs and Skills,
• Piotr Krasuski,
Director of the
• Wolfgang
Münch, Deputy
Head of Unit,
General for
Regional and
Urban Policy,
• Michał
Member of the
Kozminski University
• Agnieszka
President of
the Council for
Corporate and
Public Affairs
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
• María del
Carmen Corral
Director of
Planning, TEN-
T and Logistics,
Ministry of
Ministry of
Mobility and
Mobility of
• Katrien D’Hert,
the Board,
Green Growth
Institute (tbc)
• Diego Pavía,
Officer, EIT
• Agata Stańda,
Member of the
Board, Solaris
Bus & Coach
sp. z o.o.
Department of
the European
Social Fund,
Ministry of
Funds and
Policy, Poland
• Anna Mlost,
Director of the
Office of the
Region, Poland
• Adam
Director of the
Department of
Regional and
at the
Office of the
• Łukasz
Member of the
• Mato Njavro,
Dean, Zagreb
School of
Economics and
• Andrea Emilio
Director, Dalle
Molle Institute
for Artificial
• Michal
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Director of
Logistics at the
Union Military
• Alan Lynch,
Head of
Division at
• Dionizy
Smoleń, expert
• Kurt
General, DG
• Brookfield
• Impact Clean
• Benedict
Director of the
unit in the
Ministry of
Labour and
• Jan Jakub
CEO of the
Studio for
Research and
Board of VIGO
Photonics S.A.
• Marina Ranga,
Expert of the
and member of
the Economic
for Europe
within the
• Sylvia Schwaag
President of
Policy Institute.
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
at PwC Poland
• Oksana Zikuna,
coordinator for
Funds for
at the
the Royal
Academy of
Professor at
University and
member of the
EC Expert
Group on the
impact of
research and
innovation on
the economy
and society.
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
19:00 –
Dinner (at Stara Zajezdnia Kraków)
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Second day – January 31, 2025
Host: Marcin Mańka
9:00 –
Opening of the second day of the conference
• Jan Szyszko, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Poland,
• Krzysztof Bolesta, Secretary of State at the Minister of Climate and Environment, Poland.
9:15 –
Territorial approach of development policies in the context of future challenges and global trends
11:00 –
11:30 –
Parallel sessions
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
of Cohesion
Policy – lessons
learned and
for the future
Director of the
Department for
Coordination of
EU Funds
Territorial dimension of
Cohesion Policy
Moderator: Michał
Olszewski, President of
the Warsaw Metropolis
Association, former
Deputy Mayor of the
City of Warsaw (2011–
Key-note speaker:
Wiktor Szydarowski,
Director of European
Grouping on Territorial
Green industrial policy
as a tool for building
(session organized by
the National Fund for
Protection and Water
Moderator: Radomir
• Marta Babicz,
Director of the
External Funds
Think Europe, do
Łukasz Cioch
• Soeren Bollmann,
Head of the
Centre and Training
• Karolina Kiwior,
Manager, GOPR
Non-tangible benefits
from the
implementation of
Cohesion Policy
(session organized by
the National
Federation of Polish
Moderator: Karolina
President of the
National Federation of
Polish NGOs.
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Ministry of
Funds and
Regional Policy,
• Alison
and Senior
and Public
cy (EPPC)
Cooperation (ESPON
• Thomas Kiwitt,
Verband Region
Stuttgart (ITI),
• Primož Kroflič,
Manager of the
Local Action
Group The
Diversity of the
(CLLD), Slovenia
National Fund
Protection &
• Brooke
Flanagan -
Climate and
Eurocities (tbc)
• Marcin Korolec,
Institute for
Bollmann, Head of
the Słubice-
Centre and Training
• Tomasz Stefański,
Deputy Mayor of
Słubice, Poland.
• Rafał Baliński,
Director of the
• Anna Drabarz,
Forum (EDF)
• Femke
General for
Justice and
Consumers (DG
• Carlos Mendez,
Co-director of
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
• Johannes
r, Senior
Expert in
Ministry of
• František
Kubeš, Head of
Department for
City of Brno
(ITI), Czech
• Jens Mennecke,
Lower Saxony
Ministry for
Federal and
Affairs and
Green Economy
• Jacek
Head of Unit;
• Mikel
Director for Fair
and Sustainable
Economy, Joint
Ministry of
Funds and
Regional Policy,
• Hynek Böhm,
University of
• Nils Chresten
Andersen, The
Municipality of
Centre (EPRC),
University of
Glasgow, UK,
• Anelia
Stefanova, CEE
• Thomas
Director for
Work, ECR.
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
and Water
• Emma
Director in
• Wolfgang
Münch, Deputy
Head of Unit
for Smart and
Growth, DG
• Agnes Reiner,
Deputy General
National Agency
for Territorial
(ANCT), France
• Olena Feleniuk,
Cabinet of
Ministers of
• Irene
University of
• Sławomir
Tokarski, DG
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
ation III
• Triin
Head of
Ministry of
• Bernard
Attaché in
• Nuno Romão,
Director of
Regional Policy
Unit, Cohesion
• Artur Szymczyk,
President of the
Board, Lublin
(ITI), Poland,
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Cabinet of
the Polish
Court of
• Małgorzata
Director of
Department of
Ministry of
Funds and
Regional Policy,
Summary panel
Reports from parallel panels from both days of the Conference (shadow reporters: Monika Bartosiewicz-Niziołek,
Stanisław Bienias, Bartosz Ledzion, Małgorzata Kachniarz, Karol Olejniczak, Michał Wolański - all tbc).
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Summary discussion - conclusions on challenges for Cohesion Policy (tbc).
15.30 Closing of the conference
• Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Poland,
• Paulina Hennig-Kloska, Minister of Climate and Environment, Poland.
15.40 Lunch
The conference will be accompanied by additional events not included in the agenda, e.g.:
• Exhibition of projects and their effects by selected beneficiaries “Deeply rooted in Cohesion” (at the ICE Kraków Congress
Centre, during both days of the conference),
• Training workshops – one-day workshops organized before the conference (January 29, 2025, from 10:00 to 17:00) for a limited
number of people. The workshops will be organized at the ICE Kraków Congress Centre:
a. Gen AI in your research team (only in Polish, limited to 30 participants)
b. Service Design workshop - a practical approach to public service design (only in Polish, limited to 30 participants)
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
c. Territorial Impact Assessment – strengthening cohesion, resilience, and competitiveness! (only in English, limited to 40
• City walking tours – January 30, after the end of the meeting, before dinner.
Information clause in connection with the processing of personal data of persons participating in events related to the
presidency of the Republic of Poland in the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2025.
Information and contact details in personal data matters
Data Controller, Minister for the European Union, Aleje Ujazdowskie 1/3, 00-583, Warszawa, e-mail:
Data Protection Officer of the Minister for the European Union, Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Aleje Ujazdowskie
1/3, 00-583, Warszawa, e-mail: [email protected]
Information on personal data processing
The purpose of data processing is the implementation of the tasks of the Minister for the European Union with regard to
the initiation and coordination of own activities and those of other supreme and central public administration bodies
related to the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of Poland in the first half
of 2025, aimed at ensuring the adequate process of events related to the presidency, in particular:
• ensuring public security and order, including by verifying the identity of participants, ensuring access and attendance
control at the premises of facilities and during events,
• providing adequate logistics and organisational support for meeting participants, including transport, access to
airside restricted areas, accommodation,
• providing media support, technical and information services for the meetings,
• enabling the creation of an individual profile in the ICT system (accreditation system) linked to the e-mail address
and conducting a two-step verification by means of a telephone number.
The legal basis for personal data processing is:
1) Article 6(1)(e) of Regulation no. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the
protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data,
and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1, as amended, hereinafter the “GDPR”) - performing tasks
in the scope of exercising public authority by the Minister for the European Union concerning the initiation and
coordination of activities related to the performance of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the
Republic of Poland in conjunction with Article 13(4)(1) of the Act of 4 September 1997 on departments of
government administration (Journal of Laws of 2024, item 1370), in conjunction with §1(4) of the Regulation of the
Prime Minister of 18 December 2023 on the detailed scope of activities of the Minister for the European Union
(Journal of Laws item 2712), in conjunction with Articles 3-5 of the Act of 14 June 2024 on special solutions in
connection with the preparation and exercise by the Republic of Poland of the presidency of the Council of the
European Union in the first half of 2025 (Journal of Laws item 1006), in conjunction with the Resolution of the
Council of Ministers of 21 November 2023 on the adoption of the document entitled “Programme of Preparations of
the Republic of Poland for taking up and exercising the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the 1st
half of 2025”;
2) Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR - ensuring the security of events connected with the exercise of the presidency of the
Council of the European Union by the Republic of Poland in the first half of 2025, constituting a legitimate interest
pursued by public administration bodies in conjunction with Articles 3-5 of the Act of 14 June 2024 on special
solutions in connection with the preparation and exercise by the Republic of Poland of the presidency of the Council
of the European Union in the first half of 2025 (Journal of Laws item 1006), in conjunction with the Resolution of the
Council of Ministers of 21 November 2023 on the adoption of the document entitled “Programme of Preparations of
the Republic of Poland for taking up and exercising the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the 1st
half of 2025”;
3) Article 9(2)(g) of the GDPR - significant public interest in conjunction with Article 4(2)(1) of the Act of 19 July 2019
on Ensuring Accessibility for Persons with Special Needs (consolidated text, Journal of Laws of 2024, item 1411)
with regard to ensuring accessibility for persons with special needs during the organisation and logistics of events
connected with the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of Poland in the
first half of 2025;
4) Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR - legal obligations incumbent on the data controller arising from the provisions of the Act
of 14 July 1983 on the National Archive Repository and Archives (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 164, as amended)
and the internal acts issued thereunder which are binding on the controller.
Period of data processing
The personal data will be processed for a period from the date of entering the data in the accreditation form until 30 June
2025, except that, after this date, it will become the documentation and will subsequently be stored or deleted for a
period of 5 years in accordance with the obligations arising from the Act of 14 July 1983 on the National Archive
Repository and Archives and the internal acts issued thereunder, starting from 1 January 2026.
Information about the voluntary provision of the data and the consequences of failure to provide the data (Article 13
of the GDPR)
The provision of personal data is voluntary, although it is necessary to ensure the participation in events or participation
in the organisation of events held on the territory of the Republic of Poland by central and supreme public administration
bodies related to the presidency of the Republic of Poland in the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2025.
The consequence of failure to provide personal data will be the inability to participate in the events connected with the
presidency of the Republic of Poland in the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2025, resulting from the
impossibility of verifying the identity of a person to participate in those events and consequently the impossibility of
ensuring the overriding objective, i.e. the security of the event.
Source of data origin where the data is not collected from the data subject (Article 14 of the GDPR)
The source of the data will be the information provided to the controller by:
• a person designated to coordinate the delegation (Delegation Accreditation Officer) on behalf of the institution
sending its representatives as participants in the presidency events,
• a person designated to coordinate the event on behalf of the general or central public administration body
(accreditation coordinator) sending its representatives as participants in the presidency events.
Categories of relevant data where the data is not collected from the data subject (Article 14 of the GDPR)
The categories of data concerned to be transmitted in the ICT system (accreditation system) by the person designated to
coordinate the delegation (delegation coordinator, DAO) or the accreditation coordinator include information in the
scope of:
1. Names;
2. Surnames;
3. Citizenship;
4. Gender;
5. PESEL number, if applicable;
6. Date, place and country of birth, if applicable;
7. Father's name, if applicable;
8. Type, series, number and expiry date of the identity document;
9. Address of residence;
10. Name of the institution or organisation represented;
11. Role of a person participating in a delegation or at an event;
12. Places of accommodation during the stay in Poland;
13. Fact of payment for the accommodation by the participant;
14. Date, time, transport means and place of arrival in and departure from Poland and flight numbers;
15. Type of transport in the territory of Poland taking into account specific needs;
16. Registration number, make and model of the vehicle a person is driving in the territory of Poland;
17. Contact e-mail address and telephone number;
18. Portrait photograph (image);
19. The fact of possession of a weapon, indicating the permission of the Polish diplomatic mission;
20. Press ID card number and name of editorial office.
Personal data recipients
• The data will be entrusted to InCert G.I.E., with its registered office in Leudelange at: 15 rue Léon Laval, L-3372,
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Data Protection Officer: [email protected]), for the purpose of processing in respect of
persons taking part in official events connected with the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European
Union by the Republic of Poland, data consisting of:
1) Names;
2) Surnames;
3) Citizenship;
4) Gender;
5) PESEL number, if applicable;
6) Date, place and country of birth, if applicable;
7) Father’s name, if applicable;
8) Type, series, number and expiry date of the identity document;
9) Address of residence;
10) Name of the institution or organisation represented;
11) Role of a person in a delegation or at an event;
12) Places of accommodation during the stay in Poland;
13) Fact of payment for the accommodation by the participant;
14) Date, time, transport means and place of arrival in and departure from Poland and flight numbers;
15) Type of transport in the territory of Poland taking into account specific needs;
16) Registration number, make and model of the vehicle a person is driving in the territory of Poland;
17) Contact e-mail address and telephone number;
18) Portrait photograph;
19) The fact of possession of a weapon, indicating the permission of the Polish diplomatic mission;
20) Press ID card number and name of editorial office,
The above data shall be processed for the purpose of administration of the ICT system (accreditation system) in the
scope of IT and ICT support in connection with initiating and coordinating the activities of the Minister for the
European Union related to exercising of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of
Poland in the first half of 2025 and the performance of the obligations incumbent on the controller pursuant to the
provisions of law.
• The data will be entrusted to the Central IT Centre with its registered office in Warsaw at: Al. Jerozolimskie 132-
136, 02-305 Warszawa (DPO: [email protected]), for the purpose of processing in respect of persons taking part in
official events connected with the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of
Poland, data consisting of:
1) Names;
2) Surnames;
3) Citizenship;
4) Gender;
5) PESEL number, if applicable;
6) Date, place and country of birth, if applicable;
7) Father’s name, if applicable;
8) Type, series, number and expiry date of the identity document;
9) Address of residence;
10) Name of the institution or organisation represented;
11) Role of a person in a delegation or at an event;
12) Places of accommodation during the stay in Poland;
13) Fact of payment for the accommodation by the participant;
14) Date, time, transport means and place of arrival in and departure from Poland and flight numbers;
15) Type of transport in the territory of Poland taking into account specific needs;
16) Registration number, make and model of the vehicle a person is driving in the territory of Poland;
17) Contact e-mail address and telephone number;
18) Portrait photograph;
19) The fact of possession of a weapon, indicating the permission of the Polish diplomatic mission;
20) Press ID card number and name of editorial office,
The above data shall be processed for the purpose of administration of the ICT system (accreditation system) in the
scope of IT and ICT support in connection with initiating and coordinating the activities of the Minister for the
European Union related to exercising of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of
Poland in the first half of 2025 and the performance of the obligations incumbent on the controller pursuant to the
provisions of law.
• The data will be made available to the Chancellery of the Prime Minister with its registered office in Warsaw at: Al.
Jerozolimskie 1/3, 00-583 Warszawa (DPO: [email protected]), for the purpose of processing in respect of persons
taking part in official events connected with the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by
the Republic of Poland, data consisting of:
1) Names;
2) Surnames;
3) Citizenship;
4) Gender;
5) PESEL number, if applicable;
6) Date, place and country of birth, if applicable;
7) Father’s name, if applicable;
8) Type, series, number and expiry date of the identity document;
9) Address of residence;
10) Name of the institution or organisation represented;
11) Role of a person in a delegation or at an event;
12) Places of accommodation during the stay in Poland;
13) Fact of payment for the accommodation by the participant;
14) Date, time, transport means and place of arrival in and departure from Poland and flight numbers;
15) Type of transport in the territory of Poland taking into account specific needs;
16) Registration number, make and model of the vehicle a person is driving in the territory of Poland;
17) Contact e-mail address and telephone number;
18) Portrait photograph;
19) The fact of possession of a weapon, indicating the permission of the Polish diplomatic mission;
20) Press ID card number and name of editorial office,
The above data shall be processed for the purpose of administration of the ICT system (accreditation system) in the
scope of IT and ICT support in connection with initiating and coordinating the activities of the Minister for the
European Union related to exercising of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of
Poland in the first half of 2025 and the performance of the obligations incumbent on the controller pursuant to the
provisions of law.
• The data will be entrusted to the Government Administration Service Centre with its registered office in Warsaw
at: Powsińska 69/71, 02-903 Warszawa (DPO: [email protected]), for the purpose of processing in respect of
persons taking part in official events connected with the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European
Union by the Republic of Poland, data consisting of:
1) Names;
2) Surnames;
3) Citizenship;
4) Gender;
5) PESEL number, if applicable;
6) Date, place and country of birth, if applicable;
7) Father’s name, if applicable;
8) Type, series, number and expiry date of the identity document;
9) Address of residence;
10) Name of the institution or organisation represented;
11) Role of a person in a delegation or at an event;
12) Places of accommodation during the stay in Poland;
13) Fact of payment for the accommodation by the participant;
14) Date, time, transport means and place of arrival in and departure from Poland and flight numbers;
15) Type of transport in the territory of Poland taking into account specific needs;
16) Registration number, make and model of the vehicle a person is driving in the territory of Poland;
17) Contact e-mail address and telephone number;
18) Portrait photograph;
19) The fact of possession of a weapon, indicating the permission of the Polish diplomatic mission;
20) Press ID card number and name of editorial office,
The above data shall be processed for the purpose of enabling and performing tasks in the scope of organisation and
logistics of events related to the preparation and exercising of the presidency of the Council of the European Union
by the Republic of Poland in the first half of 2025 and for the purpose of administering the ICT system (accreditation
system) in the scope of IT and ICT support in relation to initiating and coordinating activities of the Minister for the
European Union related to the exercise of the presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of
Poland in the first half of 2025 and performing duties incumbent on the data controller pursuant to legal regulations.
• Personal data will be made available to other unnamed supreme and central public administration bodies for the
purpose of processing as regards persons participating in official events connected with the exercise of the
presidency of the Council of the European Union by the Republic of Poland of the data consisting of:
1) Names;
2) Surnames;
3) Citizenship;
4) Gender;
5) PESEL number, if applicable;
6) Date, place and country of birth, if applicable;
7) Father’s name, if applicable;
8) Type, series, number and expiry date of the identity document;
9) Address of residence;
10) Name of the institution or organisation represented;
11) Role of a person participating in a delegation or at an event;
12) Places of accommodation during the stay in Poland;
13) Date, time, transport means and place of arrival in and departure from Poland and flight numbers;
14) Type of transport in the territory of Poland taking into account specific needs;
15) Registration number, make and model of the vehicle a person is driving in the territory of Poland;
16) Contact e-mail address and telephone number;
17) Portrait photograph;
18) Press ID card number and name of editorial office.
The above mentioned data will be processed in order to enable and perform the tasks of the supreme and central
public administration bodies in the scope of the organisation and logistics of events connected with the preparation
and exercise by the Republic of Poland of the presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of
• Personal data may be shared with public authorities and government bodies or other entities authorised by law or
performing tasks carried out for public interest or as part of exercising public authority.
Personal data will not be transferred to a third country / an international organisation.
Rights of the data subject:
You have the right to request the Personal Data Controller:
• to provide access to your personal data,
• to rectify your personal data,
• to restrict the processing of your personal data,
• to object to the processing of your personal data (applies to personal data processed under Article 6(1)(e) or (f).
The request for exercising of the aforementioned rights should be sent in writing to the personal data controller (the
address provided in the introduction, with the annotation: “Personal Data Protection”).
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.
Information on automated decision-making, including profiling
The personal data will not be subject to automated decision making, including profiling.
Practical information note
The European way of growth
A growth policy for a secure, resilient and globally competitive
European Union
Ice Kraków Congress Center, January 30-31, 2025
We would like to welcome you to Kraków for the conference "The European way of
growth: A growth policy for a secure, resilient and globally competitive European
Union" - on 30 and 31 of January 2025.
This Practical Information Note (PIN) contains logistical and technical information. Any
changes to this information will be communicated. We hope, it will help you make the
most of your time in Kraków and fully engage in the rich discussions and networking
opportunities offered during the event.
Please note that all updated information regarding the agenda, session descriptions,
workshop details, and speaker biographies will be available on the official conference
website (
of-growth/). We encourage you to visit the site regularly and stay informed about the
latest updates.
Host City
Kraków is a city known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and unique charm. Being one
of Poland’s oldest and most beautiful cities, it offers something for everyone - whether
you are passionate about history, art, nature, or simply enjoy the dynamic urban
As the capital of Poland until 1596, Kraków has long been at the heart of the country’s
political and cultural life. The Wawel Castle, located on a hill overlooking the city, is one
of Poland’s most iconic architectural landmarks. For centuries, it served as the
residence of Polish kings and now houses several museums, including the Royal
Chambers and Wawel Cathedral, and the State Rooms. The city’s name is derived from
the legendary King Krak, who, according to local tales, have killed a mythical dragon
and founded the city.
The heart of Kraków is in its Old Town (Stare Miasto), a UNESCO World Heritage site,
with the Main Market Square (Rynek Główny) at its core. Dating back to the 13th
century, it is one of the largest medieval town squares in Europe. The square features
the Cloth Hall (The Sukiennice), a Renaissance gem of architecture that once served as
a trade hub, now a lively gathering spot, filled with cafés, street performers, and
markets that energize the square throughout the year.
Kraków’s mix of history and culture with modernity, makes it the perfect host city for
the conference, where past achievements and challenges will be discussed in order to
shape the future of the European Union.
The ICE Kraków Congress Centre (ul. Marii Konopnickiej 17, 30-302 Kraków)
The ICE Kraków Congress Centre, located, at the heart of the city, has been a dynamic
hub for business and cultural meetings since 2014.
It hosts a wide range of events, from international congresses and conferences to
cultural performances, including concerts, operas, ballet, and theater shows.
Its glazed three-story foyer provides panoramic views of the Wawel Castle, the Vistula
River, and the Kazimierz district.
It is also accessible for persons with reduced mobility and vision impairments. The
more detailed information about its accessibility can be found here.
The importance of ICE Kraków on the international stage is evidenced by a number of
awards, including the Meetings Star Award (2015, 2016, 2021, 2022), the A'Design
Award (2015), The Plan Award (2015), and Gold Meetings Star (2019, 2020, 2021).
Notable events hosted at ICE Kraków include the Global Clean Air Summit and the
61st ICCA Congress.
All participants must register and obtain accreditation individually using the link:
Please, Go to the link: , create Your individual
account and then register using the individual code required to register for this
MFiPR (15).&7!:ax9bi)CL
We kindly request that you complete the registration process at your earliest
Registration platform will allow for registration until the 15th of January 2025.
On-site or late registration will not be available.
The registration form will include a request for you to declare which sessions and side
events you intend to join.
Please make sure that your personal details are correctly submitted as certain
information (e.g. your name) will appear on your identification badge.
Please note that only registered delegates will have access to the official meetings and
the Presidency venues.
After successful registration, you will receive a message with a personal code sent to
your phone number. This code will be used to obtain the electronic version of the ID
badge, which must be shown to the registration staff on-site in order to receive the
plastic ID badge granting access to the event.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:
During the registration, you will need to upload a photo that will be printed on your ID
badge. You can also use your device’s webcam to make a photo during registration.
The photo will be used for identification purposes, so it should be recent and show only
your face, similar to a passport photo.
The photo must be in .jpg, .png, or .gif format, with a maximum size of 5 MB. The
recommended resolution is 640x640 pixels. Files that are too large or have insufficient
resolution may be rejected.
All participants will receive a personalized badge at the beginning of the event.
Participants will receive only one badge for the whole event.
Please be careful to wear your badge in an interrupted manner, during the
conference and make sure that it is visible to others.
Please note that all participants are required to have their ID cards or passports to
confirm their identity, at the venue.
In case of loss of your badge, please report it immediately to the Presidency staff.
The validity of the lost badge will immediately be terminated and a new badge will be
Side Events
1. Workshops
Please note: Participation in the workshops is only possible after online registration.
On January 29th (one day before the conference begins), we will be hosting a series of
expert workshops as part of the side events.
These sessions will provide an opportunity for discussions on key topics, where
participants will be able to share insights, exchange knowledge, and engage with
specialists in the field.
• Gen AI in your research team (only in Polish, limited to 30 participants)
• Service Design workshop - a practical approach to public service design (only in
Polish, limited to 30 participants)
• Territorial Impact Assessment – strengthening cohesion, resilience, and
competitiveness! (only in English, limited to 40 participants).
2. Dinner in Stara Zajezdnia
The official dinner on 30 of January will take place at the Old Tram Depot restaurant
(Stara Zajezdnia). The depot was established in 1913, together with the launch of the
broad-gauge tram line in Kraków. With the expansion of the tram network, it was
decided to build a new depot in a new location, and the current depot gradually lost its
importance, falling into ruin. In the years 2010-2012, the facility was renovated to
house the restaurant and the brewery.
The hall is an example of wooden frame architecture with brick filling, popularly known
as Prussian wall, rare in Kraków. The Main Hall belongs to an architectural and
construction complex under legal protection, entered into the register of monuments
in 1985 and on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List and recognized
as a historical monument.
Participation in the dinner is available only to individuals who have indicated their
attendance, during the online registration process.
3. Guided tours
Please note: Participation in the guided tours is only possible after online
registration. We encourage you to register quickly as spots are limited.
• "Tracing the European Identity of Kraków" Exhibition Tour at Rynek
Podziemny (Main Market Square Underground Museum)
This exhibition offers a unique exploration
of the city's medieval past and highlights the
European identity of Kraków and its place in
European history.
- Group 1: 5:00-6:00 PM (Polish,
limited to 30 participants)
- Group 2: 5:30-6:30 PM (English,
limited to 30 participants)
Meeting point: 4:45 PM and 5:15 PM respectively at the main entrance of the Rynek
Underground Museum by Sukiennice (Cloth Hall).
The exhibition tour will cover approximately 1 hour. After the tour the group will be
guided to Stara Zajezdnia for dinner.
• Guided Tour of the Old Town (Stare Miasto)
Kraków's Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage site, known for its medieval layout
and stunning architecture.
- Group 1: 5:30 – 6:45 PM (English,
limited to 25 participants)
- Group 2: 5:45 – 7:00 PM (English,
limited to 25 participants)
- Group 3: 6:00 – 7:15 PM (Polish,
limited to 25 participants)
Meeting point: St. Mary's Church.
The walking tour will cover approximately 2-3 km and will end at Stara Zajezdnia for
• Guided Tour of Kazimierz (Kazimierz)
Kazimierz, the historic Jewish Quarter of Kraków, offers a rich blend of Jewish heritage
and modern cultural life.
- Group 1: 5:30 – 6:45 PM (English,
limited to 25 participants)
- Group 2: 5:45 – 7:00 PM (English,
limited to 25 participants)
- Group 3: 6:00 – 7:15 PM (Polish,
limited to 25 participants)
Meeting point: the main entrance of ICE Kraków. The tour will last approximately 1
hour, and it will end at Stara Zajezdnia for dinner. The walking tour will cover
approximately 2-3 km.
Below, we have listed a selection of recommended hotels located in the vicinity of the
ICE Kraków Congress Centre for your convenience.
Participants are kindly asked to make their own hotel reservations themselves.
4-star hotels:
• Park Inn by Radisson, ul. Monte Cassino 2,
• Q Hotel Plus Kraków, ul. Wygrana 6,
• Hilton Garden Inn Kraków, ul. Marii Konopnickiej 33
3-star hotels:
• Hotel Poleski, ul. Sandomierska 6,
• Benefis Boutique Hotel, ul. Barska 2.
2-star hotels:
• B&B Hotel Kraków Centrum, ul. Monte Cassino 1.
Transport to Kraków
Kraków is well-connected by various modes of transport, making it easily accessible
from different parts of Poland and Europe. Below are the most common ways to reach
the city.
• By Train:
Suggested trains booking link
• By Air:
o Kraków Airport,
o Katowice Airport
• Suggested transfer options from Kraków Airport:
o public bus (300, 209) – Directly from the airport to ICE Kraków (bus stop
Os. Podwawelskie)
o train (SKA1) – to Kraków Main Railway Station
o taxi
Local Transportation in Kraków
The best options to reach the event venue are:
• Free Public Transport:
Several bus and tram lines stop by ICE Kraków, including lines 300 and 209 that go
directly to the Airport.
Participants with an official conference ID, which will feature a special
sticker/hologram, will be able to use public transport in Kraków free of charge during
the event days.
• Taxi
iCar Taxi (+48 12 653 55 55), Mega Taxi (+48 12 196 25), Radio Taxi Wawel (+48 12
196 66)
Lunch will be provided on site for all participants as well as refreshments throughout
both days of the conference. If you have dietary requirements, please indicate these on
the online registration form.
Access to the meeting venue will be restricted. An internal security zone will be
established within the conference centre.
For security reasons, badges must be worn visibly during the entire official programme
and at all times. Access to the meeting venue will not be possible without a visibly worn
Internet access
A free Wi-Fi service will be available inside the conference centre. Access details will be
provided in the conference documentation packages.
The conference will be conducted in two working languages: Polish and English.
Interpretation will be available in English during the entire conference.
The ICE Krakow Congress Centre is accessible for people with special needs,
particularly those using wheelchairs and persons with other mobility impairments.
On-site assistants will be available to assist conference participants.
We will provide an induction loop system and interpretation services in Polish and
International Sign Language. Further details about the venue's accessibility can be
found here.
Other practical information
Emergency number: 112 (fire brigade, medical assistance, police)
Electricity: The voltage in Poland is 230V, 50 Hz.
Local time: Central European Summer Time Zone (CEST) – GMT +2:00
Country code: Poland +48
Currency: The official currency of Poland is the Polish Złoty (PLN). For official daily
exchange rates, please see the website of the National Bank of Poland:
Weather in Poland
Tap water: Polish tap water is regularly tested for quality and is safe to drink.
Smoking: Smoking is only allowed in the designated areas of the official meeting
spaces. Please note that smoking is not permitted within the ICE Kraków Congress
Contact information
Organisational issues
Piotr Strzęboszewski
Marlena Stępień
Tomasz Kula
contact persons for the programme of the event
Łukasz Gutowski
Agnieszka Bella
Magdalena Ochej-Łokuciejewska
contact persons for the logistics of the event
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Conference ‘The European way of growth: A growth policy for a secure, resilient and globally competitive European Union’ The conference ‘The European way of growth’ will discuss the effects to date and future challenges of cohesion policy, including its impact
on the security and socio-economic transformation of the European Union.
Cracow, ICE Kraków Congress Centre, January 30-31, 2025
Program First day – January 30, 2025
Host: Marcin Mańka
09:30 –
Keynote lecture
• Szymon Hołownia, Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (tbc).
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
10:00 –
• Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Poland,
• Paulina Hennig-Kloska, Minister of Climate and Environment, Poland,
• Aleksander Miszalski, Mayor of Krakow, Poland.
11:00 –
How does the Cohesion Policy build a strong Europe? Achievements and new challenges
13:00 –
14:15 –
Parallel sessions
accessibility and
Climate neutrality –
challenges for
competitiveness and
The social dimension
of the Cohesion Policy
and its transformation
Economic transition
Moderator: Krzysztof
Digital transition
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Moderator: Paweł
Engel, Deputy
Director of the Centre
for EU Transport
Projects (CUPT)
• Sofie Defour,
Climate &
Director of
Federation for
Transport and
(session organized by
the Ministry of
Climate and
Moderator: Krzysztof
Bolesta, Secretary of
State, Ministry of
Climate and
Environment, Poland
• Marcin
Chairman of
Moderator: Piotr
Stronkowski, Human
Capital Development
Expert, European
Training Foundation
• Manuela
Director for
Jobs and Skills,
• Piotr Krasuski,
Director of the
• Wolfgang
Münch, Deputy
Head of Unit,
General for
Regional and
Urban Policy,
• Michał
Member of the
Kozminski University
• Agnieszka
President of
the Council for
Corporate and
Public Affairs
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
• María del
Carmen Corral
Director of
Planning, TEN-
T and Logistics,
Ministry of
Ministry of
Mobility and
Mobility of
• Katrien D’Hert,
the Board,
Green Growth
Institute (tbc)
• Diego Pavía,
Officer, EIT
• Agata Stańda,
Member of the
Board, Solaris
Bus & Coach
sp. z o.o.
Department of
the European
Social Fund,
Ministry of
Funds and
Policy, Poland
• Anna Mlost,
Director of the
Office of the
Region, Poland
• Adam
Director of the
Department of
Regional and
at the
Office of the
• Łukasz
Member of the
• Mato Njavro,
Dean, Zagreb
School of
Economics and
• Andrea Emilio
Director, Dalle
Molle Institute
for Artificial
• Michal
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Director of
Logistics at the
Union Military
• Alan Lynch,
Head of
Division at
• Dionizy
Smoleń, expert
• Kurt
General, DG
• Brookfield
• Impact Clean
• Benedict
Director of the
unit in the
Ministry of
Labour and
• Jan Jakub
CEO of the
Studio for
Research and
Board of VIGO
Photonics S.A.
• Marina Ranga,
Expert of the
and member of
the Economic
for Europe
within the
• Sylvia Schwaag
President of
Policy Institute.
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
at PwC Poland
• Oksana Zikuna,
coordinator for
Funds for
at the
the Royal
Academy of
Professor at
University and
member of the
EC Expert
Group on the
impact of
research and
innovation on
the economy
and society.
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
19:00 –
Dinner (at Stara Zajezdnia Kraków)
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Second day – January 31, 2025
Host: Marcin Mańka
9:00 –
Opening of the second day of the conference
• Jan Szyszko, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Poland,
• Krzysztof Bolesta, Secretary of State at the Minister of Climate and Environment, Poland.
9:15 –
Territorial approach of development policies in the context of future challenges and global trends
11:00 –
11:30 –
Parallel sessions
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
of Cohesion
Policy – lessons
learned and
for the future
Director of the
Department for
Coordination of
EU Funds
Territorial dimension of
Cohesion Policy
Moderator: Michał
Olszewski, President of
the Warsaw Metropolis
Association, former
Deputy Mayor of the
City of Warsaw (2011–
Key-note speaker:
Wiktor Szydarowski,
Director of European
Grouping on Territorial
Green industrial policy
as a tool for building
(session organized by
the National Fund for
Protection and Water
Moderator: Radomir
• Marta Babicz,
Director of the
External Funds
Think Europe, do
Łukasz Cioch
• Soeren Bollmann,
Head of the
Centre and Training
• Karolina Kiwior,
Manager, GOPR
Non-tangible benefits
from the
implementation of
Cohesion Policy
(session organized by
the National
Federation of Polish
Moderator: Karolina
President of the
National Federation of
Polish NGOs.
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Ministry of
Funds and
Regional Policy,
• Alison
and Senior
and Public
cy (EPPC)
Cooperation (ESPON
• Thomas Kiwitt,
Verband Region
Stuttgart (ITI),
• Primož Kroflič,
Manager of the
Local Action
Group The
Diversity of the
(CLLD), Slovenia
National Fund
Protection &
• Brooke
Flanagan -
Climate and
Eurocities (tbc)
• Marcin Korolec,
Institute for
Bollmann, Head of
the Słubice-
Centre and Training
• Tomasz Stefański,
Deputy Mayor of
Słubice, Poland.
• Rafał Baliński,
Director of the
• Anna Drabarz,
Forum (EDF)
• Femke
General for
Justice and
Consumers (DG
• Carlos Mendez,
Co-director of
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
• Johannes
r, Senior
Expert in
Ministry of
• František
Kubeš, Head of
Department for
City of Brno
(ITI), Czech
• Jens Mennecke,
Lower Saxony
Ministry for
Federal and
Affairs and
Green Economy
• Jacek
Head of Unit;
• Mikel
Director for Fair
and Sustainable
Economy, Joint
Ministry of
Funds and
Regional Policy,
• Hynek Böhm,
University of
• Nils Chresten
Andersen, The
Municipality of
Centre (EPRC),
University of
Glasgow, UK,
• Anelia
Stefanova, CEE
• Thomas
Director for
Work, ECR.
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
and Water
• Emma
Director in
• Wolfgang
Münch, Deputy
Head of Unit
for Smart and
Growth, DG
• Agnes Reiner,
Deputy General
National Agency
for Territorial
(ANCT), France
• Olena Feleniuk,
Cabinet of
Ministers of
• Irene
University of
• Sławomir
Tokarski, DG
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
ation III
• Triin
Head of
Ministry of
• Bernard
Attaché in
• Nuno Romão,
Director of
Regional Policy
Unit, Cohesion
• Artur Szymczyk,
President of the
Board, Lublin
(ITI), Poland,
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Cabinet of
the Polish
Court of
• Małgorzata
Director of
Department of
Ministry of
Funds and
Regional Policy,
Summary panel
Reports from parallel panels from both days of the Conference (shadow reporters: Monika Bartosiewicz-Niziołek,
Stanisław Bienias, Bartosz Ledzion, Małgorzata Kachniarz, Karol Olejniczak, Michał Wolański - all tbc).
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
Summary discussion - conclusions on challenges for Cohesion Policy (tbc).
15.30 Closing of the conference
• Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz, Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Poland,
• Paulina Hennig-Kloska, Minister of Climate and Environment, Poland.
15.40 Lunch
The conference will be accompanied by additional events not included in the agenda, e.g.:
• Exhibition of projects and their effects by selected beneficiaries “Deeply rooted in Cohesion” (at the ICE Kraków Congress
Centre, during both days of the conference),
• Training workshops – one-day workshops organized before the conference (January 29, 2025, from 10:00 to 17:00) for a limited
number of people. The workshops will be organized at the ICE Kraków Congress Centre:
a. Gen AI in your research team (only in Polish, limited to 30 participants)
b. Service Design workshop - a practical approach to public service design (only in Polish, limited to 30 participants)
Polska Prezydencja w Radzie UE Polish presidency of the Council of the EU
Présidence polonaise du Conseil de l'UE
c. Territorial Impact Assessment – strengthening cohesion, resilience, and competitiveness! (only in English, limited to 40
• City walking tours – January 30, after the end of the meeting, before dinner.