Dokumendiregister | Transpordiamet |
Viit | 1.8-5/25/212-1 |
Registreeritud | 06.01.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 07.01.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 1.8 Rahvusvahelise koostöö korraldamine |
Sari | 1.8-5 Rahvusvaheline kirjavahetus lennundusohutuse küsimustes: ECAC, ICAO, EASA, Eurocontrol, State Letterid |
Toimik | 1.8-5/2025 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Euroopa Lennundusohutusamet |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Euroopa Lennundusohutusamet |
Vastutaja | Mari Toodu (Users, Tugiteenuste teenistus, Õigusosakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Notice of Proposed Amendment 2024-08 (A) in accordance with Article 6(1) of MB Decision 01-2022
TE.RPRO.00034-013 © European Union Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. ISO 9001 certified. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA intranet/internet. Page 1 of 37
An agency of the European Union
Enabling electronic personnel licensing in Europe RMT.0737
The purpose of this rulemaking activity is to establish the requirements for the introduction and implementation of personnel licences in electronic format (electronic personnel licences (EPLs)) within the EU regulatory framework. The objectives are to:
1. enable the issuance, display, validation, and verification of EU EPLs on self-contained mobile electronic visual display devices, in addition to the traditional physical format (e.g. paper or plastic cards). EPLs will be optional, but national competent authorities (NCAs) shall recognise personnel licences issued in electronic format not only by other EU Member States (MSs) but also by all ICAO Contracting States;
2. ensure the security, confidentiality, data protection, integrity, authentication and accessibility of EPLs;
3. ensure the interoperability of electronic personnel licence systems (EPLSYS) used by different NCAs and stakeholders;
4. incorporate ICAO Annex 1 Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) related to implementing an EPLSYS into the relevant EU aviation regulations.
To enable the introduction of personnel licences issued in electronic format and the EPLSYS, amendments are proposed to several regulations. The main topics addressed through the new or amended requirements and associated AMC and GM include:
— new definitions related to the introduction of EPLs;
— new authority requirements on the establishment of EPLSYS enabling authorities to generate, manage and verify such licences;
— new technical specifications for the issuance of EPLs and the establishment of an EPLSYS, based on the ISO/IEC 18013- 5:2021 International Standard and ICAO Doc 10190;
— new EASA Forms for EPLs;
— transitional measures related to the inclusion of medical certificate information in EPLs (for pilot and air traffic controller licences only), allowing authorities to start issuing EPLs while continuing to issue medical certificates in the traditional physical (paper) format;
— provisions permitting EPLs to include information on national privileges outside the scope of EU regulations (e.g. related to ‘Annex I aircraft’), issued in accordance with national legislation and valid only within the territory of the issuing MS;
— simplifications with regard to the current ICAO EPL format, removing the need to include the photograph of the holder, the script signature of the holder (except in the maintenance domain), and the seal or stamp of the issuing authority.
REGULATION(S) TO BE AMENDED — Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (aircrew); — Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 (air traffic controllers’
licences and certificates); — Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (continuing
airworthiness); — Commission Regulation (EU) No 2018/1976 (sailplanes); — Commission Regulation (EU) No 2018/395 (balloons).
ED DECISION(S) TO BE AMENDED ED Decisions that issue the acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) to support the application of those Regulations
NCAs, holders of a pilot licence, holders of an air traffic controller licence, holders of an aircraft maintenance licence; instructors;
examiners; training organisations; aircraft operators; maintenance organisations; aero-medical examiners and aero-medical centres.
Development Impact assessment(s) Consultation
By EASA with external support Light Public – NPA
RELATED DOCUMENTS / INFORMATION ToR RMT.0737, issued on 20.9.2022
PLANNING MILESTONES: Refer to the latest edition of EPAS Volume II.
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (A)
Table of contents
TE.RPRO.00034-013 © European Union Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. ISO 9001 certified. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA intranet/internet. Page 2 of 37
An agency of the European Union
Table of contents
1. About this NPA ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.1. How this regulatory material was developed .......................................................................... 3 1.2. How to comment on this NPA .................................................................................................. 3 1.3. The next steps .......................................................................................................................... 3
2. In summary — why and what ................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Why we need to act — issue/rationale .................................................................................... 5 2.2. Description of the issue ............................................................................................................ 5 2.3. Assessment of the issue ........................................................................................................... 5 2.4. Who is affected by the issue .................................................................................................... 5 2.5. How could the issue evolve ...................................................................................................... 6 2.6. What we want to achieve — objectives ................................................................................... 6 2.7. How we want to achieve it — overview of the proposed amendments .................................. 7
2.7.1. Amendments applicable to all domains within the RMT scope ........................................ 8 2.7.2. Specific proposed amendments to the existing requirements of Commission Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 (aircrew) .............................................................................................................. 14 2.7.3. Specific proposed amendments to existing requirements of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 (ATCO) ................................................................................................................... 15 2.7.4. Specific proposed amendments to existing requirements of Part-66 (Annex III to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (continuing airworthiness)) .................................... 17
3. What are the expected benefits and drawbacks of the proposed regulatory material ............ 22
4. Proposed regulatory material ................................................................................................. 25
5. Monitoring and evaluation ..................................................................................................... 26
6. Proposed actions to support implementation ........................................................................ 27
7. References ............................................................................................................................. 28
Appendix 1 — Details on the impact assessment .......................................................................... 29
1. Overview of the analysed options .......................................................................................... 29 2. Assessment of the options ..................................................................................................... 30 3. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 36
Appendix 2 — Quality of the NPA ................................................................................................. 37
1. The regulatory proposal is of technically good/high quality .................................................. 37 2. The text is clear, readable, and understandable .................................................................... 37 3. The regulatory proposal is well substantiated ....................................................................... 37 4. The regulatory proposal is fit for purpose (achieving the objectives set) .............................. 37 5. The regulatory proposal is proportionate to the size of the issue ......................................... 37 6. The regulatory proposal applies the ‘better regulation’ principles ....................................... 37 7. Any other comments on the quality of this document (please specify) ................................ 37
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (A)
1. About this NPA
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An agency of the European Union
1. About this NPA
1.1. How this regulatory material was developed
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) developed this Notice of Proposed Amendment
(NPA) in line with Regulation (EU) 2018/11391 (the ‘Basic Regulation’) and the Rulemaking Procedure2,
in the context of Rulemaking Task (RMT).0737. This task is included in Volume II of the European Plan
for Aviation Safety (EPAS) for 2023-20253 and its scope and overall timescales are defined in the
related Terms of Reference (ToR)4.
This regulatory proposal was developed by EASA with the support of rulemaking group (RMG).0737.
1.2. How to comment on this NPA
The NPA is hereby submitted to all interested parties for consultation in accordance with Article 115
of the Basic Regulation, and Article 6(1) of the Rulemaking Procedure.
Please submit your comments using exclusively the dedicated Comment-Response Tool (CRT)
available at
The deadline for the submission of comments is 19 March 2025.
1.3. The next steps
Following the consultation of the draft regulatory material, EASA will review with the support of
RMG.0737 all the comments received and will duly consider them in the subsequent phases of this
rulemaking activity.
Considering the above, EASA may issue an Opinion proposing amendments to the following
(a) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/20116 (aircrew);
1 Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2018 on common rules in the field of
civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency, and amending Regulations (EC) No 2111/2005, (EC) No 1008/2008, (EU) No 996/2010, (EU) No 376/2014 and Directives 2014/30/EU and 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 552/2004 and (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 (OJ L 212, 22.8.2018, p. 1) (
2 EASA is bound to follow a structured rulemaking process as required by Article 115(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139. Such a process has been adopted by the EASA Management Board (MB) and is referred to as the ‘Rulemaking Procedure’. See MB Decision No 01-2022 of 2 May 2022 on the procedure to be applied by EASA for the issuing of opinions, certification specifications and other detailed specifications, acceptable means of compliance and guidance material ('Rulemaking Procedure'), and repealing Management Board Decision No 18-2015 (EASA MB Decision No 01-2022 on the Rulemaking Procedure, repealing MB Decision 18-2015 (by written procedure) | EASA (
3 European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) 2023-2025 | EASA ( 4 ToR RMT.0737 - Enabling electronic personnel licensing in Europe | EASA ( 5 In case of technical problems, please send an email with a short description at [email protected]. 6 Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 of 3 November 2011 laying down technical requirements and administrative
procedures related to civil aviation aircrew pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 311, 25.11.2011, p. 1) (
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (A)
1. About this NPA
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(b) Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/3407 (air traffic controllers’ licences and certificates);
(c) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/20148 (continuing airworthiness);
(d) Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/19769 (sailplanes);
(e) Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/39510 (balloons).
The Opinion will be submitted to the European Commission which shall consider its content and
decide whether to issue amendments to the related Regulations.
When issuing the Opinion EASA will also provide feedback to the commentators and information to
the public on who engaged in the process and/or provided comments during the consultation of the
draft regulatory material, which comments were received, how such engagement and/or consultation
was used in rulemaking, and how the comments were considered. Further to the issuing of the
Opinion, EASA will issue Decisions with associated AMC and GM to support the application of the
above-mentioned Regulations.
7 Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 of 20 February 2015 laying down technical requirements and administrative
procedures relating to air traffic controllers' licences and certificates pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council, amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 and repealing Commission Regulation (EU) No 805/2011 (OJ L 63, 6.3.2015, p. 1) (
8 Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 of 26 November 2014 on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances, and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks (OJ L 362, 17.12.2014, p. 1) (
9 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 of 14 December 2018 laying down detailed rules for the operation of sailplanes pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 326, 20.12.2018, p. 64) (
10 Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395 of 13 March 2018 laying down detailed rules for the operation of balloons pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 71, 14.3.2018, p. 10) (
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (A)
2. In summary — why and what
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An agency of the European Union
2. In summary — why and what
2.1. Why we need to act — issue/rationale
Having regard to the adopted Amendment 178 to ICAO Annex 1 regarding the introduction of the
electronic personnel licence11, EASA needs to act to transpose these ICAO requirements into the EU
regulatory framework. Failing to do so may lead to difference with the ICAO SARPs and even difficulty
in accepting personnel licences issued in electronic format by other ICAO Contracting States in the EU.
The latter is due to the fact that the ICAO Annex 1 amendments set up an obligation for all ICAO
Contracting States to accept personnel licences issued in electronic format issued by other Contracting
States, although the issuance of personnel licences in electronic format remains a free choice. In order
to ensure transposition of ICAO standards and to promote level playing field across EU MSs, EASA
decided to take a regulatory action through RMT.0737.
2.2. Description of the issue
At present, the EU regulatory framework does not address the issuance and management of personnel
licences issued in electronic format. However, ICAO through the adoption of Amendment 178 to
Annex 1 has introduced provisions allowing ICAO Contracting States to introduce personnel licences
issued in electronic format and ensuring their recognition amongst all ICAO Contracting States.
2.3. Assessment of the issue
Amendment 178 to ICAO Annex 1 refers to the introduction of personnel licences issued in electronic
format. In the EU regulatory framework, personnel licences are regulated in three domains: aircrew
for pilot licences, continuing airworthiness for aircraft maintenance licences, and ATCO for (student)
air traffic controller licences.
Currently no EU MS issues personnel licences in electronic format in the aircrew domain, even though
there is a strong interest from some EU MSs, having regard to the pace of their digitalisation.
In the continuing airworthiness and ATCO domains, there are some individual initiatives from EU MSs
to issue personnel licences in electronic format in addition to the licence issued in physical format, but
they do not follow common standards. If not addressed in the future, the current situation may lead
to significant differences and a global lack of interoperability.
Considering the digitalisation and automation in the aviation, as well as interest of EU MSs to
introduce personnel licences issued in electronic format, as is the case in other transport domains (e.g.
electronic driving licences), there is a clear need for an EU regulatory framework which will enable
proper issuance and oversight of the personnel licences issued in electronic format by the EU MS
competent authorities.
2.4. Who is affected by the issue
Stakeholders affected are the NCAs of the EU MSs, holders of a pilot licence, holders of an ATCO
licence, holders of an aircraft maintenance licence, instructors, examiners, training organisations,
11 While ICAO Annex 1 uses the term ‘electronic personnel license’ (EPL), this NPA uses the term ‘personnel licence issued
in electronic format’.
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (A)
2. In summary — why and what
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aircraft operators, maintenance organisations, aero-medical examiners and aero-medical centres. The
stakeholders would be not equally affected. As the decision to introduce personnel licences issued in
electronic format is voluntary, the affected stakeholders would be mainly those of the EU MSs where
personnel licences will be issued in electronic format. Nevertheless, all other EU MSs have an
obligation to accept personnel licences issued in electronic format. Consequently, these EU MSs would
be affected, even though they have not (yet) issued personnel licences issued in electronic format.
2.5. How could the issue evolve
A lack of regulatory action to introduce licences issued in electronic format may result in:
— difference of the EU regulatory framework from ICAO Annex 1 SARPs as regards the personnel
licences issued in electronic format;
— difficulty for the RAMP inspectors to verify (third-country) personnel licences issued in
electronic format due to the lack of harmonised requirements regulating the issuance and
validation of the personnel licences issued in electronic format.
In addition to the above, if an EU MS decides to develop its own tools for issuing personnel licences
issued in electronic format (due to the lack of common EU requirements), this may lead to
proliferation/divergence of different tools. Consequently, it might result in lack of standardisation of
the personnel licences issued in electronic format across EU, and put at risk the interoperability
between the IT systems developed by different EU MSs.
2.6. What we want to achieve — objectives
The overall objectives of the EASA system are defined in Article 1 of the Basic Regulation. The
introduction of personnel licences issued in electronic format is a strategic priority outlined in the
EPAS, in line with the growing digitalisation of EU public services. It aligns with the EU strategy aimed
at modernising the administration of personnel licences, fostering interoperability of cross-border
systems among licensing authorities to facilitate the movement of aviation personnel, and enabling
digital interactions between licensing authorities and aviation personnel to enhance service quality.
Besides, personnel licences issued in electronic format contribute to the prevention of licence fraud
and forgery via enhanced security means to authenticate and control access to licences. Furthermore,
this regulatory proposal aims at introducing personnel licences issued in electronic format in the EU
regulatory framework, following the adoption of Amendment 178 to ICAO Annex 1 Personnel
The specific objectives of this proposal are to develop and establish the requirements for introducing
personnel licences issued in electronic format within the EU regulatory framework to:
(a) allow the issuance, display, validation and verification of EU personnel licences issued in
electronic format on self-contained mobile electronic visual display devices, as an alternative to
licences issued in physical format (licences printed on paper or other suitable materials,
including plastic cards). Personnel licences issued in electronic format will be an option available
to an EU MS to adopt in lieu of a licence issued in physical format, but EU MSs shall recognise
personnel licences issued in electronic format issued by all other ICAO Contracting States;
(b) ensure the security, confidentiality, data protection, integrity, authentication and accessibility
of personnel licences issued in electronic format; and
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (A)
2. In summary — why and what
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(c) ensure interoperability of the electronic personnel licence systems (EPLSYS) employed by
different NCAs and relevant stakeholders.
This RMT sets the stage for a competitive European market for digital solutions while granting
flexibility to EU MSs, allowing them to develop their own IT systems and tools to facilitate the
introduction of licences in electronic format.
Furthermore, EASA needs to embrace this topic by enabling personnel licences issued in electronic
format in three domains. Instead of having three different rulemaking tasks for each domain, EASA
considers that the issue can be addressed by applying a total system approach and initiating a single
RMT which encompasses the common standards for issuance and oversight of personnel licences
issued in electronic format across the three domains.
2.7. How we want to achieve it — overview of the proposed amendments
To achieve the aforementioned objectives, EASA shall undertake the following:
(a) Establish a standardised EASA form for personnel licences issued in electronic format, following
the ICAO Annex 1 SARPs. This EASA form will address the specific needs of the aviation sectors
within the scope of this RMT, including flight crew licences, ATCO licences, and aircraft
maintenance licences. The implementation of this EASA form will promote full recognition and
standardisation of personnel licences issued in electronic format among all EU MSs and aims to
encourage comprehensive acknowledgment and standardisation of EU personnel licences
issued in electronic format globally across ICAO Contracting States.
(b) Set requirements, functionalities and performance standards for the IT systems and related
infrastructure (EPLSYS) used for issuing, displaying and verifying personnel licences issued in
electronic format securely, accessibly, and in an interoperable way, while ensuring
confidentiality and data protection. These requirements should address how the EPLSYS
interacts with the existing national personnel licence systems (LICSYS) of EU MSs, including their
examiners and training organisations. Common standards for information security, access rights
and methods for verifying personnel licences issued in electronic format authenticity should be
outlined, enabling consistent implementation of the EPLSYS across all EU MSs.
(c) Define the roles and responsibilities of NCAs and, where relevant, examiners for issuing,
amending, renewing and overseeing personnel licences issued in electronic format.
(d) Develop domain-specific requirements for the implementation of the EPLSYS in various
personnel licensing domains (such as flight crew licences, ATCO licences, aircraft maintenance
licences), as needed.
(e) Permit each EU MS to develop IT systems and tools, based on the EASA form, for issuing
personnel licences in electronic format under their oversight. These systems and tools should
conform to common EU standards and specifications, promoting standardised and uniform
implementation of the EPLSYS across EU MSs. This approach will ensure interoperability of the
EPLSYS across different IT systems.
The following domain-specific regulations are proposed to be amended to make the introduction of
the licences issued in electronic format and the EPLSYS possible in the three domains:
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (A)
2. In summary — why and what
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(a) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (aircrew);
(b) Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 (sailplanes);
(c) Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395 (balloons).
(d) Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 (air traffic controllers’ licences and certificates);
Continuing airworthiness:
(e) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (continuing airworthiness).
2.7.1. Amendments applicable to all domains within the RMT scope Introduction of the personnel licence in electronic format
This NPA proposes to introduce the possibility to issue personnel licences in electronic format, as an
alternative to the traditional issuance of licences in physical format (paper, plastic card). This is in line
with ICAO Annex 1 Chapter 5.1.1, which now gives the possibility to issue personnel licences in physical
format (hard copy) or to issue personnel licences in electronic format.
In line with the amended ICAO provisions, personnel licences will therefore have to conform to one
of the following specifications:
(a) licences issued on first quality paper or other suitable material, including plastic cards; or
(b) personnel licences issued in electronic format on self-contained mobile visual electronic display
devices. New definitions regarding the introduction of the personnel licence in electronic format
This NPA proposes to include new definitions in each domain-specific regulation (Commission
Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (aircrew); Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 (ATCO) and
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (continuing airworthiness)): two new definitions regarding
the licence issued in physical format and the licence issued in electronic format, one new definition
regarding the electronic personnel licence system (EPLSYS), and one new definition regarding the
device on which the licence issued in electronic format is displayed.
This self-contained mobile electronic visual display device is normally a small portable device that can
easily be carried by a single individual. This device is designed to operate, transmit and receive
information without a wired connection and possesses local, non-removable or removable data
storage. The device includes a self-contained power source, display, and a means for the holder of the
portable computing device to interact with it.
This NPA also proposes to include a new definition regarding the licence in general (for all three
domain-specific regulations) and regarding the medical certificate (for the Aircrew Regulation and
ATCO Regulation). These new definitions are applicable for both the licence and medical certificate
issued in either electronic or physical format.
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (A)
2. In summary — why and what
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An agency of the European Union New EASA Forms for the personnel licences issued in electronic format
EASA will introduce three new EASA Forms for the personnel licences issued in electronic format (one
for each domain within the scope of this RMT) which will be part of the already existing Appendices
to each domain-specific regulation:
Aircrew: EASA Form 155 is the new format for a licence issued in electronic format; EASA Form 141 is
the already existing form for a licence issued in physical format.
ATCO: EASA Form 156 is the new format for a licence issued in electronic format; EASA Form 152 is
the already existing form for a licence issued in physical format.
Continuing airworthiness: EASA Form 206 is the new format for a licence issued in electronic format.
EASA Form 26 is the already existing form for a licence issued in physical format.
To transpose the ICAO standard requiring the competent authority to only issue each licence in one
of the two formats (physical or electronic), this NPA proposes to include in the Appendices of each
domain-specific regulation (where both electronic and physical formats are included) a requirement
that the competent authority shall issue a licence in only one of the two possible formats — physical
or electronic. EASA Forms for the licence issued in electronic format: differences v the ICAO Common
This NPA proposes to introduce the Common Form of the Electronic Personnel Licence as introduced
in ICAO Annex 1, Appendix 4. However, it proposes that certain items in the EASA Forms (EASA Forms
155, 156 and 206) differ, for the reasons explained below:
a. Item IVa: Photograph of holder
ICAO Annex 1, Appendix 4 (Common Form of the Electronic Personnel Licence) requires in item IVa a
photograph of the holder. This new requirement has no equivalent in ICAO Annex 1 for the traditional
licence issued in physical format.
Therefore, within the EU MSs, the aircrew licences, the aircraft maintenance licences and the (student)
ATCO licences issued in physical format do not contain a photograph of the holder. This means that
issuing competent authorities lack this information in their licence systems. While adding a
photograph to a licence issued in electronic format is technically feasible, it introduces certain
(a) While a photograph aids in identifying the licence holder, many ICAO Contracting States do not
view a licence as a valid identification document.
(b) With the increasing digitalisation of issuing competent authorities, online procedures are
common for licence applications. If a licence holder submits a photograph online, the
competent authority cannot guarantee its accuracy or authenticity. Requiring in-person
applications would be inconvenient for both competent authorities and licence holders.
(c) Technically, the photograph must meet certain specifications (size, format), making it
challenging for licence holders to ensure compliance.
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (A)
2. In summary — why and what
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With this NPA, the proposal is to not transpose this ICAO standard, and therefore not to include the
photograph of the holder in aircrew licences, aircraft maintenance licences and (student) ATCO
licences issued in electronic format.
b. Item V: Address of holder
ICAO Annex 1, Appendix 4 (Common Form of the Electronic Personnel Licence) requires in item V the
address of the holder if desired by State. This requirement is equivalent to the one in ICAO Annex 1
for the traditional licence issued in physical format in Chapter 5.2.1, item V. In both formats, such
information is optional.
Today, within the EU MSs, the address of the holder is required to be included in the aircraft
maintenance licence by Appendix VI to Annex III (Part-66) to Commission Regulation (EU) No
1321/2014 and to be included in the aircrew licence by Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA) to
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011. The address of the holder of the (student) ATCO is
optional in Appendix 1 to Annex II to Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340.
With this NPA, the proposal is:
(a) to remove the address of the holder of:
— an aircraft maintenance licence issued in physical format;
— a (student) ATCO licence issued in physical format, and
(b) to make the address of the holder an optional piece of information for an aircrew licence issued
in physical format.
The proposal under point (a) is based on assessment and evidence that the loss or theft of the holder’s
licence may result in undesired divulgation of private information, which could be used for ill-
intentioned purposes. Additionally, applicants for an aircraft maintenance licence or changes to their
licences are still required to provide an application form (EASA Form 19) which includes the address
of the applicant (refer to Appendix V to Part-66). Therefore, the competent authority issuing licences
will still collect and possess this information.
c. Item VII: Script signature of holder
ICAO Annex 1, Appendix 4 (Common Form of the Electronic Personnel Licence) requires in item VII the
script signature of the holder. This requirement is equivalent to the one in ICAO Annex 1 for the
traditional licence issued in physical format in Chapter 5.2.1, item VII.
The script signature of the licence holder has traditionally been added after the competent authority
completes the licence issuance procedure. Typically, licences issued in physical format are delivered
to holders by mail, allowing them to sign the licence in physical format upon receipt.
Introducing a requirement for competent authorities to verify the holder’s script signature before
issuing the licence in electronic format, especially in online procedures, seems impractical. Several
issues arise, such as:
(a) Scanned script signatures attached to online applications cannot be verified, making it
challenging for competent authorities to ensure script signature authenticity.
(b) In many countries, a scanned script signature lacks the automatic presumption of legal validity.
(c) In some countries, requesting a signature before having the document may be illegal.
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (A)
2. In summary — why and what
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(d) Electronic signatures are widely available, and their use is increasing.
(e) Concatenated signing steps (authority, holder) may complicate the issuance of licences.
The electronic signature of the officer issuing the licence, as required in item X of ICAO Annex 1,
Appendix 4 (Common Form of the Electronic Personnel Licence) secures and guarantees the
authenticity and integrity of licence data, excluding the holder’s script signature. According to ICAO
Annex 1, Chapter, the electronic signature of the issuing officer is required to conform to
recognised standards and have an appropriate level of security. In the European context, the
recognised standard would be provided by Regulation (EU) No 910/201412 (eIDAS Regulation) and the
appropriate level of security will be at least that of an advanced electronic signature.
Considering all the above, this NPA proposes to not transpose this ICAO standard for the aircrew
licence and (student) ATCO licence issued in electronic format, which means that the script signature
of the holder is not included in their licences.
In the case of aircraft maintenance licences issued in electronic format, the script signature of the
licence holder can be used for comparison with the signature that the licence holder has affixed on
maintenance release documents, including the EASA Form 1 for components and the aircraft
certificate of release to service (CRS). This ensures traceability on the maintenance performed and the
use of privileges granted with the issuance of an aircraft maintenance licence.
Today, this capability is already ensured by the presence of the holder’s script signature on licences
issued in physical format; hence the intention to maintain it for licences issued in electronic format.
Future evolutions on this matter will rely on the use, by all stakeholders, of electronic signatures for
maintenance release documents.
With this NPA it is also proposed that the script signature of the holder of the (student) ATCO on their
licence in physical format is not needed anymore, and to delete this requirement under item V of
Appendix 1 to Annex II to Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/340. This is done both to keep
consistency between licences issued in electronic format and in physical format, but also because a
script signature in a physical licence is not deemed necessary. With the added requirement for ATCOs
to be able to show a photographic-ID when requested, the ID will contain the required features for
identification of the individual. The licence itself is not suitable for this and therefore it is considered
sufficient to be able to confirm that the personal data of the licence matches the ID, and the ID is then
matched to the ATCO presenting the documents.
d. Item XI a: Seal or stamp of authority issuing the licence
ICAO Annex 1, Appendix 4 (Common Form of the Electronic Personnel Licence) requires in item XIa
the seal or stamp of the authority issuing the licence.
The seal or stamp of the competent authority is deemed an additional security feature in licences
issued in physical format, but it adds no extra functionality to licences in electronic format. The
presence of such seal or stamp of the competent authority does not bring value for identifying the
12 Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification
and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC (OJ L 257, 28.8.2014, p. 73) (
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2. In summary — why and what
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competent authority issuing the licence and proving the authenticity of the licence issued in electronic
format. The electronic signature of the officer issuing the licence already serves this purpose.
With this NPA, the proposal is to not transpose this ICAO standard, and therefore not to include the
seal or stamp of the authority issuing the licence in the aircrew licence, aircraft maintenance licence
and (student) ATCO licence issued in electronic format. New authority requirements regarding the introduction of the licence issued in electronic
New authority requirements in each domain-specific regulation are proposed to be added regarding
the licences issued in electronic format and the establishment of an electronic personnel licence
system (EPLSYS). These new authority requirements follow the structure of the requirements of
Chapter 5 (Specifications for Personnel Licences) in ICAO Annex 1.
Because each domain-specific regulation has its own regulatory structure, this NPA proposes to have
the same new requirements placed in the appropriate parts of each regulation.
These new authority requirements are to be found in:
(a) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (aircrew): point ARA.FCL.130;
(b) Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 (ATCO): point ATCO.AR.D.002;
(c) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (continuing airworthiness): Appendix VI to Annex III
These requirements contain the following:
The competent authority having issued a licence in electronic format shall ensure that all other
competent authorities are able to determine the licence, rating or certificate privileges and validity;
The authenticity, validity and content of a licence issued in electronic format shall be electronically
(a) online when an internet connection is available; or
(b) offline when no internet connection is available through a means that imposes no undue burden
on the competent authorities verifying the licence.
In the context of issuing licences in electronic format, the competent authority shall establish
procedures for the establishment and operation of an EPLSYS.
The EPLSYS shall ensure interoperability, security, confidentiality, data protection, authentication and
accessibility of the licence issued in electronic format.
Personnel licences issued in electronic format shall:
(a) be displayed on self-contained mobile electronic visual display devices;
(b) replicate the information contained in the competent authority electronic personnel licence
system records.
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An agency of the European Union Technical specifications for the licence issued in electronic format
The issuance of licences in electronic format requires a supporting EPLSYS that allows the generation,
display and verification of the licence. ICAO is developing the technical specifications of a generic
EPLSYS, which are based on the ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021 International Standard (ISO 18013-5). Once
finalised, they will be issued as ICAO Doc 10190 ‘EPL technical specifications for implementation and
verification’ (hereafter: ICAO Doc 10190).
This NPA proposes to introduce an AMC (EPLSYS AMC) to the applicable EU Regulations, in which ISO
18013-5 and ICAO Doc 10190 are referenced. An EPLSYS should be trustworthy and globally
interoperable across licensing competent authorities, not only within the EU MSs but within all ICAO
Contracting States. The EPLSYS should also ensure the security and accuracy of information by meeting
the technical specifications for the establishment and operation of an EPLSYS. Additionally, it should
safeguard the privacy of the licence holder.
Besides the above, the specifications for the implementation of an EPLSYS must provide flexibility to
support competent authorities in the selection of architectures that best meet their needs. Most
licensing competent authorities already make use of IT tools and applications to manage and issue the
licences in physical format, i.e. a licence system (LICSYS) based on different architectures and
technological solutions. Consequently, the EPLSYS specifications must allow the EPLSYS to be
independent from any specific architecture or technical solution, making its implementation possible
in the context of any existing LICSYS.
The proposed EPLSYS AMC is the same for aircrew licences, (student) ATCO licences and aircraft
maintenance licences issued in electronic format.
As each domain-specific regulation has its own regulatory structure, this NPA proposes to have such
AMC placed in different parts of the regulations. This AMC is linked to the following requirements:
(a) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (aircrew): point ARA.FCL.130;
(b) Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 (ATCO): point ATCO.AR.D.002;
(c) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (continuing airworthiness): Appendix VI to Annex III
The technical specifications included in the proposed EPLSYS AMC are aligned with the draft ICAO Doc
10190. However, in some cases this AMC introduces certain differences when a slightly different
solution is considered to have benefits. These cases are clearly identified in this AMC; for example,
the namespace has been changed from ‘int.icao.epl…’ to ‘int.easa.epl…’ to identify the namespaces
that are not in line with the draft ICAO Doc 10190. EASA is working with ICAO to achieve full alignment
between the two documents before they become applicable.
Finally, licences in electronic format will be subject to verification by inspectors from verifying
competent authorities other than the issuing competent authority, so inspectors not affiliated with
the issuing competent authority must be able to securely access and authenticate the licence in
electronic format. According to ICAO Annex 1, ICAO Contracting States can decide whether to
implement an EPLSYS or not, but they are obliged to accept licences issued in electronic format issued
by other States. At the same time, if a State decides to implement an EPLSYS, it will have to be
implemented in such a manner that it provides all the necessary means for other States to verify its
licences issued in electronic format.
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An agency of the European Union Transitional measures regarding the inclusion of the information of the medical certificate
in licences issued in electronic format (pilot licence and (student) ATCO licence only)
Section 5.3.6. of ICAO Annex 1 states that the electronic personnel licence ‘shall include, when
applicable, the current medical assessment with class, expiry date, and any medical limitations
deemed relevant by the Licencing Authority’.
Today, in the EU system the licence and the medical certificate are two separate types of documents
with significantly different processes and IT systems. Being mindful of the complexity associated with
the migration to an integrated system, the NPA proposes that competent authorities be allowed a
transition period of up to 10 years from the date of entry into force of this Regulation to include the
medical information in the licence issued in electronic format. During such transition period, the
medical certificate may remain in physical format in accordance with Part-MED and Part ATCO.MED.
A new Subtask 2 of RMT.0737 is considered by EASA in order to introduce the medical certificate
issued in electronic format into the licence issued in electronic format well in time before the end of
the transition period of 10 years.
2.7.2. Specific proposed amendments to the existing requirements of Commission Regulation (EU)
1178/2011 (aircrew)
a. Point ARA.FCL.200 Procedure for issue, revalidation or renewal of a licence, rating or
These requirements were originally written for the licence issued in physical format. This NPA
proposes different requirements for the licence issued in electronic format, as follows:
New points (d), (e), (g) and (h)
In the context of licences issued in electronic format, interactions between the parties involved should
be fully digital and paper processes should be largely eliminated. Processes should be faster and must
not be slower than today’s processes. Digital communication channels should be created and utilised.
Communication and data transfer should take place in real time wherever possible. Access rights for
the corresponding IT systems must therefore be specifically defined and regulated for each use case
(such as revalidation / renewal and the corresponding transmission of documentation).
To make communication and data transfer possible in real time, the new requirements state that
competent authorities shall develop appropriate procedures to grant examiners or evidence-based
training (EBT) managers access to the licensing system of the pilot’s competent authority for the
revalidation and renewal of a rating or certificate on a licence issued in electronic format (point (d))
and issuance of an additional rating or certificate on a licence issued in electronic format (point (e)).
The competent authorities shall also develop appropriate procedures to grant authorised personnel
access to the licensing system of the pilot’s competent authority to enter the new validity date of the
SEP or TMG class rating (point (g)) and the SE piston or turbine helicopter type rating (point (h)).
b. Addition of the new point ARA.FCL.221 Procedure for the update of a pilot licence issued in
electronic format
Point ARA.FCL.220 defines the requirements regarding the procedure for the re-issue of a pilot licence.
These requirements were originally written for the licence issued in physical format.
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To make clear that the procedure for the licence issued in electronic format is different, this NPA
proposes to introduce the new point ARA.FCL.221.
In conjunction with point ARA.FCL.220, this new point ensures that suitable update procedures apply
for licences in electronic format.
2.7.3. Specific proposed amendments to existing requirements of Commission Regulation (EU)
2015/340 (ATCO)
a. Adaptation of the licence definition
According to its definition, licence is a document issued and endorsed in accordance with the
provisions of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340. However, with the adoption of the licence issued
in electronic format, the current definition was adapted to suit both formats.
b. Addition of a requirement to carry a personal identification document (new point
Today holders of pilot licences or aircraft maintenance licences are required to carry a personal
identification document while exercising the privileges of their licence. For the (student) ATCO there
has been no such requirement. This means that an inspector is not able to confirm that the individual
that presents a licence is in fact the holder of said licence.
To streamline the domains and to rectify this issue, a new provision has been added which requires
(student) ATCOs to carry the licence, the medical certificate and a personal identification document,
while they exercise the privileges of the licence. This provision is based on point FCL.045 of
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (aircrew) and written to be as aligned as much as possible
with the other domains.
c. Amendment to point ATCO.A.020 Revocation and suspension of licences, ratings and
The text was amended to reflect that for all licences (issued in either physical or electronic format) the
procedures established for revocation are provided in ATCO.AR.D.005, and the other requirements
are only applicable to the licences issued in physical format.
d. Amendment to point ATCO.AR.D.001 Procedure for the issue, revalidation and renewal of
licences, ratings, endorsements and authorisations
These requirements were originally written for licence issued in physical format; the amendment
clarifies that only one licence format may be used (physical or electronic).
Furthermore, the new AMC2 ATCO.AR.D.001(a)(2) is added to facilitate the use of a temporary
procedure, allowing a controller to exercise a unit endorsement once it has been revalidated or
renewed, but before the electronic licence has been updated.
e. Addition of the new point ATCO.AR.D.002 Licence issued in electronic format and
establishment of an electronic personnel licence system
This new point regulates the establishment of an electronic personnel licence system, which includes
requirements on the issuance of a licence issued in electronic format as well as the ability to validate
such a licence issued in electronic format.
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Requirements on system access for other entities
The proposed amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (aircrew) in points
ARA.FCL.130 (i) – (j) and to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (continuing airworthiness) in
point 66.B.25 contain requirements for granting access to the licensing system for several entities; for
example, training organisations, examiners or other authorities. These requirements are not included
in the ATCO Regulation. While holders of a pilot licence or an aircraft maintenance licence are highly
mobile, this is not the case for ATCOs, and an ATCO wishing to obtain a unit endorsement in a new MS
must change the competent authority of their licence. This means that a licence interaction between,
for example, an examiner and a licence holder holding licences from different competent authorities
is extremely rare.
Adding requirements on data access increases the work required to implement an electronic
personnel licence system (EPLSYS) for ATCO licences issued in electronic format, and as these
requirements are not considered essential, they are not replicated in the ATCO Regulation. Should a
competent authority wish to establish access for, for example, training organisations or air navigation
service providers (ANSPs), they may still do so.
f. Provisions to allow temporary exercise of the privileges before the licence issued in electronic
format can be updated
AMC1 ATCO.AR.D.001(a) allows the competent authority to develop a procedure to enable a licence
holder to exercise the privileges of the licence before the licence has been issued. The proposed
amendments include an additional AMC (AMC1 ATCO.AR.D.001(a)(2)) to allow a similar provision to
apply when a licence issued in electronic format is used and a unit endorsement is issued, renewed or
revalidated. This is to allow the controller to exercise the privileges of the unit endorsement after the
controller has completed the last assessment but before the authority has updated the licence issued
in electronic format.
This is required as an assessor revalidating or renewing a unit endorsement can no longer enter the
new endorsement into the licence, creating a lag between the assessor completing the assessment
and the competent authority being able to update the licence issued in electronic format. Therefore,
competent authorities are given the option to develop a procedure which would allow the ATCO to
exercise the privileges of the unit endorsement, pending the update of the licence issued in electronic
g. Removing the option for additional variable field XIV from the ATCO licence format(s)
In fields XIII and XIV of the licence format for the (student) ATCO issued in electronic format there is
an option to enter ‘additional licensing information’. The rulemaking group did not identify any need
for such ‘additional information’.
Today, field XIV is sometimes used to enter the date of birth. This information is available on the
application form for the issue, revalidation or renewal within the competent authority, but there is no
requirement to insert this in the licence.
Since there has been no identified need for its use, it is proposed to remove field XIV. Field XIII can still
be used by the competent authority for additional input necessary for the (student) ATCOs, e.g.
radiotelephony certificate, etc. A removal would reduce the information that is printed on the licence
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and produce a more uniform licence format throughout the MSs. It would also reduce administrative
Field XIV is listed as ‘reserved’, to highlight that this data field will be empty. The intention is that this
field shall not be displayed on the licence issued in electronic format; it will only be existing in the
database in the event that a foreign (non-EU) licence issued in electronic format is audited and
provides data for this field.
h. Moving the language proficiency endorsement in the licence format(s) for the (student) ATCO
In the (student) ATCO licence the language proficiency endorsement is listed in field XIII, while all other
endorsements are listed in item XIIb. In the pilot licence, language proficiency endorsements are listed
in field XIII.
In February 2023 the EASA Committee, when discussing EASA Opinion No 06/2022 (the result of which
was Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/893), proposed to change the location of language proficiency
endorsement from item XIII to item XIIb. The decision taken was that this change will be proposed in
the context of the rulemaking activities for electronic personnel licences. In line with the above, it is
proposed to move the language proficiency endorsement from field XIII to field XIIb, in both the
licence issued in physical format and licence issued in electronic format. There are no changes to the
endorsement itself or how this is presented in the licence; the information is simply moved from one
field to another.
2.7.4. Specific proposed amendments to existing requirements of Part-66 (Annex III to Commission
Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (continuing airworthiness))
a. Point 66.A.10
Point 66.A.10 is proposed to be amended to clarify the actions to be taken depending on what the
application is made for (i.e. issuance of a new licence, change to a licence or validity renewal of a
licence issued in physical format).
The proposed requirements also refer only to Appendix V as regards the information which needs to
be provided by the applicant (including EASA Form 19).
Additionally, the provision allowing maintenance organisations (approved in accordance with Part-
145 or Part-CAO) to provide application documentation on behalf of the applicant is proposed to be
moved from point 66.A.40(b) and extended to all types of applications.
b. Points 66.A.40 and 66.B.120
Point 66.B.120 are proposed to be amended to apply only to licences issued in physical format.
As set out in point 66.A.40(a), the current process to renew the validity of aircraft maintenance
licences aims at verifying, every 5 years, that the records of the competent authority correspond to
what is written on the licence. This is to ensure that the licence holder does not use a licence
containing information that was not added by the competent authority.
However, the licences issued in electronic format, when updated by the holder, reflect the records of
the competent authority (as part of its licensing system).
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The information included in those records is supposed to be always accessible to the competent
authority and that it cannot be manipulated by an external entity without the authority being aware
or having granted an authorisation.
Therefore, the validity of licences issued in electronic format cannot not expire based on the reason
currently laid down in point 66.A.40(a).
Additionally, point 66.A.40 is proposed to be amended for clarity purposes (with point (c)(2) proposed
to be amended to reflect the specificity of licences issued in electronic format but still applying to
licences issued in physical format).
AMC1 66.A.40(c) is proposed to be added to complement point (c) and advise the holder on how to
ensure that the content of the licence is correct and that they have signed their licence or the script
signature inserted is correct.
c. Point 66.A.55
Point 66.A.55(a)(2) is proposed to be added to reflect a requirement already set out in Section VIII of
the aircraft maintenance licence in physical format (i.e. in EASA Form 26: ‘This licence shall be signed
by the holder and be accompanied by an identity document containing a photograph of the licence
Point 66.A.55(b) is proposed to be added to require the licence holder to report the loss of his or her
licence in physical format or of the device on which his or her licence was issued in electronic format.
Point 66.A.55(c) is proposed to be added to ensure that aircraft maintenance licence holders whose
licence in physical format has been limited, suspended, or revoked return their licence to the
competent authority that issued the licence.
Point 8 of Appendix VI to Part-66 is proposed to be moved to the new point 66.A.55(d) to concentrate
the requirements addressed to licence holders under Section A of Part-66.
d. Point 66.B.105
Today, pursuant to point 66.B.105(a)(i) of Annex III (Part-66) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, a
maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO)
may prepare aircraft maintenance licences on behalf of the competent authority when the competent
authority has authorised the organisation to do so.
The licence prepared is then to be provided to the competent authority for issuance to the applicant
as specified in point 66.B.105(c).
With this NPA, point 66.B.105 is proposed to be entirely deleted since:
— Point 66.B.105(a)(i) is proposed to be deleted, and, therefore, the possibility for maintenance
organisations to prepare aircraft maintenance licences is withdrawn from the Regulation.
This proposal is due to the introduction of licences issued in electronic format, whose nature
will trigger new concerns if such provision remains.
If maintenance organisations were authorised to prepare licences in electronic format, it would
require them to access the issuing authority’s server to enter information relevant to the
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In such cases, giving access in writing to maintenance organisations could create information
security risks (e.g. leakage of information, potential system vulnerabilities, others).
For consistency purposes, this possibility is also proposed to be removed for licences issued in
physical format.
Additionally, EASA has requested and received feedback from the MSs (through the RMG and
through meetings with the Advisory Bodies) on whether this provision was used in their national
All replying competent authorities indicated that they do not use this provision, hence have not
given authorisation to maintenance organisations to prepare licences on their behalf.
This information leads to believing that there should be no to low impact on maintenance
organisations, pending the comments that will be received during the consultation.
— Point 66.B.105(a)(ii) is proposed to be deleted, and, therefore, the explicit statement that
maintenance organisations approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Annex Vd (Part-
CAO) may issue recommendations on licence-related applications.
This proposal is due to the fact that Part-66 does not require any action from the competent
authority when such recommendations are received, and thus does not ensure that the
associated applications will be processed faster or in a different manner.
Additionally, it has been observed with a few competent authorities that this provision is not
used and that application documentation remains thoroughly reviewed even when a
recommendation was issued by a maintenance organisation.
Therefore, this provision is deemed ineffective and limited, and its deletion is proposed for
simplification purposes with seemingly no to low impact, pending the comments that will be
received during the consultation.
All related provisions are proposed to be deleted from Appendix V to Part-66 (EASA Form 19),
Appendix VI to Part-66 (points 6 and 7), Part-145, Part-CAO, as well as AMC 66.B.105.
e. Points 66.B.110(a), 66.B.115(a) and 66.B.120(a)
Points 66.B.110(a), 66.B.115(a) and 66.B.120(a) are proposed to be amended for clarity purposes and
to remove the notion of ‘issuance of the licence’ where applicable when the intended meaning is
— the production of a new licence in physical format with updated information to replace an
existing licence; or
— the amendment of a licence in electronic format with updated information.
The reason is that the word ‘reissue’ might be confused with the meaning intended in point 66.B.100
which is to render a new licence valid (with a new licence holder number, as referred to in point 1.4
of Appendix VI to Part-66) after the applicant has met the applicable requirements and provided his
or her application in accordance with Appendix V to Part-66.
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f. Point 66.B.500
Point 66.B.500(a)(9) is proposed to be added to require authorities to act upon licences whose content
has not been issued or amended by them (in such case, the wording remains generic and includes
licences issued in electronic format, should they also be subject to such risks).
This new proposed point is combined with the new proposed point 66.A.55(d) (moved from point 8 of
Appendix VI to Part-66).
Point 66.B.500(b) is proposed to be added, along with the associated AMC, to require competent
authorities to establish and implement a procedure for the revocation, suspension or limitation of
valid aircraft maintenance licences issued in electronic format.
Point 66.B.500(c) is proposed to be added to require actions from the competent authority once the
licence holder has reported the loss or theft of their current licence issued in physical format or of the
self-contained mobile electronic visual display device on which their licence was issued.
Those amendments will mitigate the risk of someone using a licence while it has been stolen, limited,
suspended, or revoked.
This new proposed point is combined with the new proposed point 66.A.55(b).
g. Appendix V to Part-66
Appendix V to Part-66 is proposed to be amended as follows:
— Point (a) of Appendix V is proposed to clearly account for any application format and thus not
restrict EASA Form 19 to physical documentation.
Part of the current content of point 66.A.10(a) is also proposed to be moved to point (a) of
Appendix V.
— The requirement to provide supporting documentation with any application is proposed to be
moved from point 66.A.10 to point (b) of Appendix V.
— EASA Form 19 is proposed to be amended for wording improvement and to account for licences
issued in electronic format, including a new field for the signature of the applicant, allowing the
signature to be reused for the issuance of the licence (in Section VII of EASA Form 206).
AMC1 Appendix V to Part-66 is proposed to be added to list some of the possibilities regarding the
means that an applicant can use to send an application related to the aircraft maintenance licence.
AMC1 Point 3.3 of Appendix VI to Part-66 is proposed to be added to completement Appendix V
regarding how the competent authority should acquire the script signature of the applicant before
issuing a licence in electronic format.
h. Points 2, 3, 5, 11 and 14 of Appendix VI to Part-66
Points 2, 3, 5, 11 and 14 of Appendix VI are proposed to be amended or deleted to reflect that aircraft
maintenance licences issued in physical format may not be issued only on paper but also using other
suitable material such as plastic cards (refer to the definition added with point (v) of Article 2) and to
remove obsolete provisions.
The proposed amendments aim to keep the same intent but make the wording more generic to
account for all possibilities.
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Where relevant, the previous requirements, worded as possible actions for competent authorities,
are proposed to be changed into acceptable means of compliance (AMC).
i. Information on the ‘place of birth’ in EASA Form 26 in Appendix VI to Part-66
Today, the information on the place of birth of the holder is required to be included in the aircraft
maintenance licence by Appendix VI to Annex III (Part-66) to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014.
This is an additional requirement to those of point 5.2.1 of ICAO Annex 1 on personnel licensing.
With this NPA, the place of birth of the holder is proposed to be removed from aircraft maintenance
licences that will be issued in either physical or electronic format.
This proposal is due to the introduction of licences issued in electronic format, whose mandatory
content will be based on the provisions of ICAO Annex 1, Appendix 4 (Common Form of the Electronic
Personnel Licence).
The ICAO Common Form does not include a field for the place of birth of the licence holder, therefore,
maintaining this information in licences in electronic format would require the addition of a new data
field and set.
Such addition would cause compatibility issues when third-country reading devices and applications,
pre-programmed for the number of data fields given by ICAO, would not be able to read aircraft
maintenance licences issued by MSs.
Moreover, the reading devices of each MS would require a different set-up depending on whether
they would be used for the inspection of aircraft maintenance licences or other types of licences which
do not contain the place of birth of the holder (e.g. ATCO licences, flight crew licences).
For consistency purposes, the removal of the place of birth from licences in electronic format is also
proposed to be applied to licences in physical format.
Nevertheless, knowing the place of birth of the licence holder might be useful for the competent
authority to identify them in specific situations. This information will still be collected by the
competent authority at the time of application for a licence, changes to it, or validity renewal for
licences in physical format (through EASA Form 19, refer to Appendix V to Part-66).
As regards the proposal to delete the address of the holder from aircraft maintenance licences, please
refer to point b. of Section
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3. What are the expected benefits and drawbacks of the proposed regulatory material
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3. What are the expected benefits and drawbacks of the proposed
regulatory material
Before the publication of ToR RMT.0737, an impact assessment (IA) was performed to define the best
regulatory approach to address the issues defined in Section 2.2. The results of this IA were presented
and discussed with the Advisory Bodies (MAB and SAB) in May-June 2022. Based on the feedback
provided, EASA concluded that the MSs are supportive of RMT.0737 with the objectives and the scope
presented in Sections 2.6 and 2.7 respectively.
This IA was performed using the experience gained in developing the dLAP13 project, cost-benefit
analysis conducted to assess the initial and recurrent costs for building an IT platform for
implementation of the EPL, and feedback from the Advisory Bodies.
Below is an extract of the regulatory options which were considered and analysed. A full overview of
all analysed options and their assessment is presented in Appendix 1.
Table 1: Analysed options
No Title Description
Option 0
No regulatory change
MSs continue issuing only paper version of licences. Issues remain at stake.
Option 1
Transposition of ICAO Annex 1 EPL into three personnel licence domains (pilot licence, Part-66 licence, ATCO licence) and establishment of common standards for EPL implementation.
In RMT.0737 EASA develops: a. a definition for a common single EU EPL, based on the proposed
ICAO Annex 1 amendments; b. common standards for the security, confidentiality, integrity,
authentication, accessibility of an EPL and common standards for the EPL to enable the functions of EPL issuance and oversight.
Regulating a common approach to the EPL in line with ICAO Annex 1 across the three affected domains and applying common principles to ensure confidentiality, integrity, authentication, accessibility and security of the licences. The EPL will be optional (supplementary to the paper pilot licence),, and the MSs could decide whether to apply the EPL or not. MSs under their own sovereignty develop and manage an IT EPL tool / infrastructure which would allow and ensure: a. issuance/amendment of an EPL format (e.g. via e-signature, seal,
etc); b. display in an electronic format (via QR code, available on a mobile
device); c. verification of the confidentially, integrity, authenticity, availability
and non-repudiation of an EPL. The requirements which the MSs need to comply with when developing such IT system would be part of RMT.0737.
13 In 2017, EASA initiated a project to digitalisation of pilot licences by launching a partnership Proof of Concept between
EASA and six national competent authorities (NCAs) for digital Licences for EU Aviation Pilots (dLAP).
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3. What are the expected benefits and drawbacks of the proposed regulatory material
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Under this option, EASA will not intervene at the level of development and implementation of the IT system.
The benefits and drawbacks of these options are presented in the table below. Table 2: Summary of the benefits and costs of the analysed options
Criteria Option 0 No regulatory change
Option 1 Transposition of ICAO Annex 1 EPL into the three affected domains and introduction of common standards for EPL implementation
Safety No impact Enhance safety as potential fraud can be minimised, and changes to the electronic personnel licences can be reflected in a timelier manner.
Social No impact No impact
Environmental No impact Overall positive impact due to the move from a paper to electronic document. No quantitative assessment is performed.
Economic Lack of digital interaction between licensing authority and EPL holders, leading to inefficiencies
• Flexibility for the MSs to decide, based on their budget, resources, maturity and interest in the digitalisation, the pace of development/ implementation of an IT EPL system, as the implementation of the EPL is optional. Furthermore, the impact can vary depending on the size and complexity of the aeronautical community that will be affected in the MS. The MSs have full autonomy to decide whether they will implement the EPL to all personnel, to a certain group (e.g. private pilot, commercial pilot, airline transport pilot, etc.) or to individual applicants.
• Enhanced efficiency by reducing the overall time required to issue a licence and by providing real-time authenticity verification.
• The common standards for the IT system for EPL implementation would ensure interoperability of the EPL.
• Facilitate standardisation and uniform presentation of the EPL across MSs due to the common standards applicable to all MSs.
• For EASA — one single RMT to introduce the EPL, instead of three individual tasks. One RMT would ensure a holistic and coordinated approach in developing changes for all domains in a coordinated and structured way. Risks related to the divergence in transposing ICAO Annex 1 amendments to the
EPL would be minimised.
• Potential economy of scale for the NCAs to commission an IT EPL tool for the EPL (e.g. price of the seal, the qualified or advanced signatures).
• By transposing the ICAO SARPs and its guidance, ramp inspectors would be faced with fewer differences between personnel licences issued in electronic format, which facilitates quick verification of personnel holding a valid licence for the type of aircraft they operate during ramp inspections performed on either MS carriers or third-party carriers.
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3. What are the expected benefits and drawbacks of the proposed regulatory material
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• The verification mechanism for electronic personnel licences will have minimal impact. MSs will need an electronic device if they wish to use electronic authenticity verification systems for an electronic personnel licence; otherwise, they will be able to use traditional means of verification.
Note: The costs for the development of the EPL IT system and its deployment depend on how the MS envisages to implement the EPL. Therefore, an assessment of such costs could not be provided.
Based on the above, it is concluded that the best regulatory option for RMT.0737 is Option 1
(introduction of the EPL across several domains (aircrew, ATCO, Part-66 maintenance) and
development of common standards for security, authentication, accessibility and interoperability of
an electronic pilot licence) to ensure a standardised approach to the issuance and oversight of the
EPL. The implementation of the EPL is left to the MSs to develop an IT tool for the EPL (based on their
interest/budget, etc), respecting the EU standards, subject to RMT.0737. This proposal is aimed at
introducing the EPL in a harmonised way to ensure total system approach. EASA’s role as a regulator
will involve setting robust (technical) requirements, through RMT.0737, for EPL display and
verification, while allowing market providers to develop IT solutions in accordance with common
(technical) standards.
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4. Proposed regulatory material
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4. Proposed regulatory material
Please refer to:
— NPA 2024-08 (B) ‘Proposed amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011’
— NPA 2024-08 (C) ‘Proposed amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340’ (air traffic
controllers’ licences and certificates)
— NPA 2024-08 (D) ‘Proposed amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014’
(continuing airworthiness)
— NPA 2024-08 (E) ‘Proposed amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1976’
— NPA 2024-08 (F) ‘Proposed amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395’ (balloons)
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5. Monitoring and evaluation
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5. Monitoring and evaluation
EASA will monitor the proposed regulatory material by following closely how many EU MSs have
decided to deploy personnel licences issued in electronic format in the three affected domains, and
what issues they face during and after the implementation. Furthermore, EASA will monitor through
the RAMP inspections how EU MSs validate personnel licences issued in electronic format from third
countries and what questions/issues they may face. As the information of such monitoring is mainly
of qualitative nature, no monitoring indicators are proposed at this stage. Feedback from the
implementation, as well as questions/issues, will be captured and discussed at regular meetings with
Advisory Bodies, RAMP meetings, etc.
The decision whether an evaluation will be necessary will be taken based also on the monitoring
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6. Proposed actions to support implementation
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6. Proposed actions to support implementation
EASA intends to provide focused communications for Advisory Body (AB) meetings (Technical Bodies
(TeBs) and Technical Committees (TECs)), after the amending Regulations and the associated AMC and
GM are published.
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7. References
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7. References
— State letter AN 12/1.1.25-20/112, 23 December 2020, Proposals for the amendment of Annex
1 regarding implementing an electronic personnel licensing system with the objective to
improving efficiency
— ICAO Annex I – Personnel licensing
— ICAO Doc 9303 – Machine Readable Travel Documents
— ICAO Doc 9379 – Manual of procedures for establishment and management of a State’s
personnel licensing system
— ICAO Doc 10190 – EPL technical specifications for implementation and verification
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Appendix 1 — Details on the impact assessment
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Appendix 1 — Details on the impact assessment
Before starting the RMT, an impact assessment was performed to identify different options for
implementation of the personnel licences in electronic format. The assessment provides answers to
two questions:
1. How could the personnel licences in electronic format be developed/implemented, considering
the experience gained during the dLAP project14?
2. What are the benefits and drawbacks of extending the scope of RMT.0737, initially planned only
for pilot licences to personnel licences in other domains (ATCO, maintenance)?
This is an overview of all analysed options for regulating personnel licences in electronic format
following the total system approach, providing answers to these questions.
The current analysis studied options for implementation of personnel licences in electronic format,
considering various perspectives (compliance with the Basic Regulation and EASA remit, technical and
legal/procurement aspects, political will, etc.). These aspects, especially on legal compliance with the
Basic Regulation, are deemed essential for decision-making. Therefore, the initial analysis uses these
criteria to filter options which are eligible for further analysis.
1. Overview of the analysed options
Option 0 is the baseline scenario. It is the ‘do nothing’ option which implies no change to the
regulatory framework.
Option 1.1 proposes the introduction of EU personnel licences in electronic format in the EU
regulatory framework. EU MSs develop and manage IT tool(s) for EPL implementation.
Option 1.2 envisages the introduction of EU pilot licences in electronic format in the EU regulatory
framework and the development of common requirements for the security of pilot licences in
electronic format. EU MSs develop and manage IT tool(s) for EPL implementation.
Option 1.3 proposes the transposition of ICAO Annex 1 SARPs into the EU regulatory framework
(without common requirements for the security of personnel licences in electronic format).
Option 1.4 proposes the transposition of ICAO Annex 1 SARPs into the EU regulatory framework. EASA
develops and manages one mandatory system for all EU MSs (‘one EU system for all’)
Option 1.5 proposes the development and management of an IT electronic personnel licence system
by EASA, and EU MSs are invited to join the system on a voluntary basis.
14 In 2017, EASA initiated a project on the digitalisation of pilot licences by launching a partnership Proof of Concept
between EASA and six NCAs for digital Licences for EU Aviation Pilots (dLAP).
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Appendix 1 — Details on the impact assessment
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2. Assessment of the options15
Table 1: Options for the development and implementation of an electronic pilot licence
Option Title Description Means of implementation
Advantages Disadvantages Retained
Option 0 No regulatory change
MS continue issuing only paper version of the EPL. Issues remain at stake.
- Lack of digital interaction between licensing authority and EPL holders, leading to inefficiencies
Option 1.1
Transposition of ICAO Annex 1 EPL into three personnel licence domains (pilot licence, Part-66 licence, ATCO licence) and establishment of common standards for EPL implementation
In RMT.0737 EASA develops: a. a definition for a common single EU EPL,
based on the proposed ICAO Annex 1 amendments;
b. common standards for the security, confidentiality, integrity, authentication, accessibility of an EPL and common standards for the EPL to enable the functions of EPL issuance and oversight.
Regulating a common approach to the EPL in line with ICAO Annex 1 across the three affected domains and applying common principles to ensure confidentiality, integrity, authentication, accessibility and security of the licences. The EPL will be optional, and the MSs could decide whether to apply the EPL or not. MSs under their own sovereignty develop and manage an IT EPL tool / infrastructure which would allow and ensure: a. issuance/amendment of an EPL format
(e.g. via e-signature, seal, etc.); b. display in an electronic format (via QR
code, available on a mobile device);
Amendment to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (aircrew); Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 (air traffic controllers’ licences and certificates); Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (continuing airworthiness); Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 (sailplanes); Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395
• Flexibility for the MSs to decide, based on their budget, resources, maturity, and interest in the digitalisation the pace of the development / implementation of an IT EPL system, as the implementation of the EPL is optional. Furthermore, the impact can vary depending on the size and complexity of the aeronautical community that will be affected in the MS. The MSs have full autonomy to decide whether they will implement the EPL to all personnel, to a certain group (e.g. private pilot, commercial pilot, airline transport pilot, etc.) or to individual applicants.
• Enhanced efficiency by reducing the overall time required to issue a licence and by providing real-time authenticity verification.
The verification mechanism for electronic personnel licences will have minimal impact. MSs will need an electronic device if they wish to use electronic authenticity verification systems for an electronic personnel licence; otherwise, they will be able to use traditional means of verification. Note: The costs for the development of the EPL IT system and its deployment depend on the how an MS envisages the EPL implementation. Therefore, an assessment of such costs could not be provided.
Yes, due to the positive impact and limited adverse effects
15 For the assessment, the abbreviation EPL (electronic personnel licence) is used which is the same as the use of the term ‘ personnel licence issued in electronic format’ throughout the NPA.
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Appendix 1 — Details on the impact assessment
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Option Title Description Means of implementation
Advantages Disadvantages Retained
c. verification of the confidentially, integrity, authenticity, availability and non- repudiation of an EPL.
The requirements which the MSs need to comply with when developing such IT system would be part of RMT.0737. The EPL will be optional (supplementary to the paper pilot licence) and the MS could decide
whether to apply the EPL or not. Under this option, EASA will not intervene at the level of development and implementation of the IT system.
(balloons), and to the associated AMC and GM to support the application of those Regulations.
• The common standards for the IT system for EPL implementation would ensure interoperability of the EPL.
• Facilitate standardisation and uniform presentation of the EPL across MSs due to the common standards applicable to all MSs.
• For EASA — one single RMT to introduce the EPL, instead of three individual tasks. One RMT would ensure a holistic and coordinated approach in developing changes for all domains in a coordinated and structured way. Risks related to the divergence in transposing ICAO Annex 1 amendments to the EPL would be minimised.
• Failing to integrate the other domains within the RMT.0737 may result in additional resources at a later stage for EASA to transpose ICAO Annex 1 amendments into the relevant domains.
• Potential economy of scale for the NCAs to commission an IT
EPL tool for the EPL (e.g. price of the seal, the qualified or advanced signatures).
• No dependency on REPIF timelines and quick implementation possible by MS
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Appendix 1 — Details on the impact assessment
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Option Title Description Means of implementation
Advantages Disadvantages Retained
• Full compliance with the current Basic Regulation.
Option 1.2
Introduction of EU electronic pilot licences in the EU regulatory framework and development of common requirements for the security of pilot licences in electronic format. MSs develop and manage IT tool(s) for EPL implementation
Same as for Option 1.1 but limited only to pilot licences.
Amendment to the Aircrew Regulation and the associated AMC and GM
• Same benefits as above but limited only for pilot licences.
There is still the necessity to transpose ICAO Annex 1 standards to the other domains: maintenance licences and ATCO licences. It is not worth initiating a RMT only for one domain, whereas there are others also affected and for which transposition of the ICAO standards is still necessary. Disproportionate one-off costs for the MSs depending on the population of affected personnel licences
No, due to the limited benefits compared to Option 1.1
Option 1.3
Transposition of ICAO Annex 1 EPL into the EU regulatory framework (without common requirements for security of personnel licences in electronic format)
In RMT.0737 EASA develops a regulatory framework on a common and unique EU EPL format (based on the ICAO Annex 1 EPL format). Apart from the pure transposition of the ICAO standards, this option envisages that the MSs would be left to decide themselves how to implement the EPL in their national context. Therefore, the option would open the possibility for a variety of solutions for EPL implementation which could hamper the
Changes in the Aircrew Regulation, the ATCO Regulation and the Continuing airworthiness Regulation and the associated AMC and GM
Small resources from EASA to develop the changes in the Aircrew Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011.
Proliferation of different tools/divergence which may have an adverse effect on the standardisation of the EPL. Very high risk/lack of interoperability between the IT systems for EPL implementation
No, due to the drawbacks
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Appendix 1 — Details on the impact assessment
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Option Title Description Means of implementation
Advantages Disadvantages Retained
standardised and uniform administration of the EPL by the MSs and cause interoperability issues.
Option 1.4
Transposition of ICAO Annex 1 SARPs into the EU regulatory framework. EASA develops and manages one mandatory system for all MSs (‘one EU-system for all’)
In this option, in addition to the transposition of the forthcoming ICAO Annex 1 changes, EASA would develop and manage (procured to a third party) an IT EPL tool which enables an electronic format of the EPL as a single system for all MSs. This tool will be unique and central for all MSs. The NCAs would need to integrate this tool into their licensing system to ensure interoperability. It would be possible for MSs to continue issuing a paper licence and/or an EPL. If a MS decides to issue an EPL, this would be possible only through the central single system, established and managed by EASA. The EPL will be supplementary to the paper pilot licence. In this option, EASA will take the responsibility for:
• the issuance of the EPL according to the EU EPL format;
• guaranteeing authenticity and security of all EPLs which will be issued via the EU single IT system. EASA will provide a unique EU EPL verification system (QR code) and consequently the issuance/verification of an EPL.
• maintaining the authenticity of the EPL and taking any responsibility in case of fraud in the EPL, malfunction
Changes in the Basic Regulation (TBC with MS/EC) to give mandate to EASA to develop/ manage an IT EPL system. Standards for the IT system for managing the EPL and further clarify responsibilities for EASA to manage the system, access of third parties, etc.
1 IT tool instead of several which will save resources in development/maintenance and might be easily interoperable with other systems. In financial terms, the costs for development of the REPIF could be lower comparing to other options: One-off cost ca 740 K EUR Recurrent costs ca 132 K EUR/year. Facilitate standardisation and uniform presentation of the EPL across MSs (however this benefit is relevant also for other options.)
No remit from the Basic Regulation for EASA to perform the assigned task. Unclear interest from all MSs to give a mandate to EASA for such task. No earmark funds yet to develop/host the IT tool. High liability and reputational risk if the information in EU IT EPL system is not updated/secure, etc. Limited internal competency in developing/hosting such tool. Reliance on the REPIF could delay the EPL project and delivered solution for the MS
No due to the shortcomings explained
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Option Title Description Means of implementation
Advantages Disadvantages Retained
of an IT system, hampering the completeness/correctness when displaying the EPL, etc.
It is not in the remit of EASA (Articles 62, 72 and 75 of the Basic Regulation) to perform such a task. Such a responsibility may be granted to EASA either: — through an amendment to the Basic
Regulation (subject to discussion with the European Commission and MSs); or
— transferred to EASA by MSs (subject to discussion with MSs and the European Commission).
If there is no interest from the European Commission/MSs to amend the Basic Regulation or transfer responsibilities on verification, this option is legally not feasible and may be discarded.
Discarded option and reasoning
Option Title Description Rationale for discarding
Option 1.5
EASA develops and manages an IT EPL system and MSs are invited to join the system on a voluntary basis
In this option, EASA develops and manages a central IT system
for the EPL. It could be an additional layer to that provided by Article 74 of the Basic Regulation regarding the REPIF. MSs on a voluntary basis conclude an agreement with EASA to procure to a third party the development/maintenance of a common EU IT system. The system would allow presentation of an EPL in a mobile device. EASA acts as a private actor to develop and host such system. In addition, it would be responsible for confidential, authenticated,
1. No clear remit in the Basic Regulation for EASA to perform the assigned task of
hosting an IT system for the EPL. 2. Unclear commitment/unclear number of MSs that are willing to join on a
voluntary basis the EU IT system for the EPL. 3. Risk of non-compliance with EU competition and state aid rules: EASA will act as
a private actor; therefore special attention needs to be paid to the funding of the tool and the price asked to MSs for the ‘service’. In addition, the risk of imposing technical entry barriers needs to be considered.
4. Centralising a small amount of data from MSs on a voluntary basis has no advantage for EASA.
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updated, complete and valid replication of information from the EPL. In this option, due to the voluntary nature of the agreement between EASA and MSs, there might be several MSs that wish to join the EU IT EPL system and some others that wish to have their own national IT system/platform and even some that would not have EPLs at all.
5. Evidence from the current practice in implementing the dLAP Proof of concept shows that not all MSs have interest in joining the system, which hampers the benefit of the option.
6. No earmark funds to develop/host the IT tool. 7. No (clear) benefit for EASA to develop/host this tool. 8. High political exposure and reputational risk if the information in the EU IT EPL
system is not updated/secure, etc. 9. Risk that the centralisation of tool (versus decentralised development by MSs)
may slow down the process of digitalisation. 10. Risk of proliferation of different IT tools, as some MSs may decide to join the EU
IT EPL system and others not.
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3. Conclusion
The optimal option for implementing RMT.0737, addressing the key questions, is determined to be
Option 1.1. This proposal aims to introduce personnel licences issued in electronic format in a
harmonised and coordinated manner across aviation personnel domains. EASA’s role as a regulator
will involve setting robust (technical) requirements through RMT.0737 for EPL display and verification,
while allowing market providers to develop IT solutions in accordance with common (technical)
standards. The lack of an integrated approach in transposing ICAO Annex 1 amendments could result
in certain domains relevant to personnel licences falling behind in terms of compliance and
interoperability. The implementation of the selected option would ensure transposition of the EPL
standards of ICAO Annex 1 into the EU regulatory framework, promote cross-border licensing
interoperability, facilitate personnel and business mobility, and enhance digital interactions in line
with the broader EU strategy for digital public interoperability.
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Appendix 2 — Quality of the NPA
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Appendix 2 — Quality of the NPA
To continuously improve the quality of its documents, EASA welcomes your feedback on the quality
of this document regarding the following aspects:
Please provide your feedback on the quality of this document as part of the other comments you have
on this NPA. We invite you to also provide a brief justification, especially when you disagree or strongly
disagree, so that we consider this for improvement. Your comments will be considered for internal
quality assurance and management purposes only and will not be published (e.g. as part of the CRD).
1. The regulatory proposal is of technically good/high quality
Please choose one of the options
Fully agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
2. The text is clear, readable, and understandable
Please choose one of the options
Fully agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
3. The regulatory proposal is well substantiated
Please choose one of the options
Fully agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
4. The regulatory proposal is fit for purpose (achieving the objectives set)
Please choose one of the options
Fully agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
5. The regulatory proposal is proportionate to the size of the issue
Please choose one of the options
Fully agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
6. The regulatory proposal applies the ‘better regulation’ principles[1]
Please choose one of the options
Fully agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
7. Any other comments on the quality of this document (please specify)
[1] For information and guidance, see:
− how_en
− how/better-regulation-guidelines-and-toolbox_en
European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Notice of Proposed Amendment 2024-08 (B) in accordance with Article 6(1) of MB Decision 01-2022
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An agency of the European Union
Proposed amendments to Commission Regulation (EU)
No 1178/2011 (aircrew)
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (B)
Table of contents
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Table of contents
Proposed regulatory material ......................................................................................................... 4
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (Aircrew) .................................................................... 4
Article 1 — Subject matter .................................................................................................................. 4 Article 2 — Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 4 Article 13 – Transitional measures regarding the inclusion of the information .................................. 5
ANNEX I (Part-FCL) ......................................................................................................................... 6
FCL.045 Obligation to carry and present documents ...................................................................... 6 FCL.070 Revocation, suspension and limitation of licences, ratings and certificates ...................... 6
AMC1 to Appendix 10 Revalidation and renewal of type ratings, and revalidation and renewal of IRs when combined with the revalidation or renewal of type ratings – EBT practical assessment .............................................. 6 GM1 to Appendix 10 — Revalidation and renewal of type ratings, and revalidation and renewal of IRs when combined with the revalidation or renewal of type ratings – EBT practical assessment .............................................. 7
ANNEX IV (Part-MED) ..................................................................................................................... 7
MED.A.046 Suspension or revocation of medical certificates ......................................................... 7
ANNEX VI (Part-ARA) ...................................................................................................................... 8
AMC1 ARA.GEN.210 Changes in the management system ........................................................................................... 8 ARA.GEN.360 Change of competent authority ................................................................................ 8 ARA.FCL.130 Licences issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system .................................................................................................................................. 8
AMC1 ARA.FCL.130 Licences issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
1. DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 10 2. ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 10 3. PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.1. Licensing system and electronic personnel licence system................................................................... 11 3.2. The data set for the licence issued in electronic format (EPLDS) .......................................................... 12 3.3. The term ‘licence’ and life cycles .......................................................................................................... 13 3.4. Verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format ........................... 18
4. EPLSYS ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 4.1. EPLSYS introduction .............................................................................................................................. 19 4.2. Data exchange phases ........................................................................................................................... 20 4.3. Chain of trust ......................................................................................................................................... 31 4.4. EPLAPP .................................................................................................................................................. 31 4.5. EPLRAP .................................................................................................................................................. 37
5. DATA MODEL ................................................................................................................................................. 40 5.1. EPLDS .................................................................................................................................................... 40 5.2. EPLDM ................................................................................................................................................... 41
6. IMPACT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN EPLSYS ........................................................................................ 55 6.1. Impact on the LICSYS when implementing an EPLSYS ........................................................................... 55 6.2. Impact on the issuing authority’s procedures when implementing an EPLSYS ..................................... 57
AMC1 ARA.FCL.130(h) Licences issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system ......................................................................................................................................................................... 57
ARA.FCL.200 Procedure for issue, revalidation or renewal of a licence, rating or certificate ....... 59 GM1 ARA.FCL.200(d) Procedure for issue, revalidation or renewal of a licence, rating or certificate ........................ 60 AMC1 ARA.FCL.215(d) Validity period ......................................................................................................................... 61 GM1 ARA.FCL.215(d) Validity period .......................................................................................................................... 61
ARA.FCL.220 Procedure for the re-issue of a pilot licence issued in physical format .................... 61 ARA.FCL.221 Procedure for the update of a pilot licence issued in electronic format .................. 62
APPENDICES TO ANNEX VI ................................................................................................................. 63 Appendix I to ANNEX VI (Part-ARA) — Flight crew licence — EASA Forms 141 and 155 .............. 63
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1. General requirements for the flight crew licence .................................................................................................. 63 2. Requirements for the flight crew licence issued in physical format ..................................................................... 63 3. Requirements for the flight crew licence issued in electronic format .................................................................. 68 AMC1 Point 1.2 of Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA) — Flight crew licence — EASA Forms 141 and 155 ................ 72 AMC1 Point 3.1 of Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA) — Flight crew licence — EASA Forms 141 and 155 ................ 73
1. RATING ENDORSEMENT IN FLIGHT CREW LICENCES ISSUED IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT ......... 73 2. ARCHETYPES ............................................................................................................................ 74
2.1. Archetypes for aeroplane and helicopter licences .......................................................... 74 2.2. Archetypes for sailplane licences .................................................................................... 74 2.3. Archetypes for balloon licences ...................................................................................... 74 3.1. Aircraft category taxonomy ............................................................................................. 75 3.2. Aeroplane licences ........................................................................................................... 75 3.2.1. Title taxonomy ................................................................................................................. 75 3.2.2. Rating taxonomy .............................................................................................................. 75 3.2.3. Endorsement methodology ............................................................................................. 79 3.3. Helicopter licences .......................................................................................................... 84 3.3.1. Title taxonomy ................................................................................................................. 84 3.3.2. Rating taxonomy .............................................................................................................. 84 3.3.3. Endorsement methodology ............................................................................................. 86 3.4. Sailplane licences ............................................................................................................. 90 3.4.1. Title taxonomy ................................................................................................................. 90 3.4.2. Rating taxonomy .............................................................................................................. 90 3.4.3. Endorsement methodology ............................................................................................. 92 3.5. Balloon licences ............................................................................................................... 94 3.5.1. Title taxonomy ................................................................................................................. 94 3.5.2. Rating taxonomy .............................................................................................................. 94 3.5.3. Endorsement methodology ............................................................................................. 96
GM1 Point 3.1 of Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA) — Flight crew licence — EASA Forms 141 and 155 .................. 98 AMC1 Point 3.2 of Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA) — Flight crew licence — EASA Forms 141 and 155 .............. 103 GM1 Point 3.4 of Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA) — Flight crew licence — EASA Forms 141 and 155 ................ 103 GM1 Point 3.6 Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA) — Flight crew licence — EASA Forms 141 and 155 ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
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Proposed regulatory material
The text of the amendment is arranged to show deleted, new or amended, and unchanged text as
— deleted text is struck through;
— new or amended text is highlighted in blue;
— an ellipsis ‘[…]’ indicates that the rest of the text is unchanged.
Where necessary, the rationale is provided in blue italics.
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (Aircrew) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 is amended as follows:
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1178/2011 of 3 November 2011
laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to civil aviation aircrew pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Article 1 — Subject matter 1. This Regulation lays down detailed rules for: [...] 2. Articles 11b, and 11c and 13 of this Regulation as well as Annex IV (Part-MED), Annex VI (Part-ARA), Annex VII (Part-ORA) and Annex VIII (Part-DTO) to this Regulation shall apply to pilot licences for balloons and sailplanes.
Article 2 — Definitions For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:
(26) ‘licence’ means a document issued in physical or electronic format and endorsed in accordance
with this Regulation and entitling its lawful holder to exercise the privileges of the associated
ratings and certificates contained therein;
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(27) ‘licence issued in electronic format’ means a licence issued on a self-contained mobile electronic
visual display device. A licence issued in electronic format may be referred to as an ‘electronic
personnel licence’;
(28) ‘licence issued in physical format’ means a licence issued on paper or other suitable material,
including plastic cards;
(29) ‘electronic personnel licence system’ means an integrated system comprised of the computer
hardware, network and communication facilities, computer software, validated data, users and
associated regulatory framework to enable the issuance of licences in electronic format and the
conduct of verification activities;
(30) ‘self-contained mobile electronic visual display device’ means a device such as a mobile phone,
tablet or other mobile device that enables the generation and verification of the authenticity
and validity of a licence issued in electronic format;
(31) ‘medical certificate’ means a document issued in either physical format or electronic format
containing the items specified in point ARA.MED.130 of Annex VI (Part-ARA), confirming
compliance with the medical requirements in Annex IV (Part-MED).
Article 13 – Transitional measures regarding the inclusion of the information regarding the medical certificate in licences issued in electronic format
By way of derogation from point ARA.FCL.130(g) of Annex VI (Part-ARA), Member States may decide
to not include in a licence issued in electronic format the mandatory information regarding the medical
certificate of the licence holder as required in Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA) until [date of entry
into force/applicability date + 10 years]. In that case, the holder of a licence issued in electronic format
shall hold a medical certificate issued in a physical format in accordance with Annex IV (Part-MED).
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FCL.045 Obligation to carry and present documents […]
(f) The holder of the flight crew licence issued in electronic format shall report to the competent
authority that issued his or her licence the loss or theft of the self-contained mobile electronic
visual display device on which the licence was generated.
FCL.070 Revocation, suspension and limitation of licences, ratings and certificates
(b) When the pilots haves his/her their licence or certificate limited, suspended or revoked, they
he/she shall in the case of a licence or certificate issued in physical format immediately return
the this licence or certificate to the competent authority.
AMC1 to Appendix 10 Revalidation and renewal of type ratings, and revalidation and renewal of IRs when combined with the revalidation or renewal of type ratings – EBT practical assessment
(c) In order for the EBT manager to delegate their signature in accordance with point 4(c)(2) of
Appendix 10 to another person to endorse the licence of the applicant, the following should
(1) the person signing endorsing the licence should be nominated,
(2) the person signing endorsing the licence should hold or have held an instructor
(3) the approved procedure for delegation of signature should include procedures to prevent
the person who received the delegation from signing the licence when the EBT
programme applicable to the validity period has not been completed.
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GM1 to Appendix 10 — Revalidation and renewal of type ratings, and revalidation and renewal of IRs when combined with the revalidation or renewal of type ratings – EBT practical assessment […]
(c) In accordance with the approved procedure in Appendix 10, 4. (c)(2), and as provided in AMC1
to Appendix 10 point (c), the EBT manager may nominate the EBT instructor who completed the
EBT module as the person to whom the signature endorsement of the examiner is delegated. A
stamp or electronic signature may exclusively be given from the EBT manager to the EBT
instructor, in order to document the delegation in a transparent and secure manner. Following
that process, EBT instructors on behalf of the EBT manager can endorse an applicant’s licence.
MED.A.046 Suspension or revocation of medical certificates
(a) A medical certificate may be suspended or revoked by the licensing authority.
(b) Upon suspension of the medical certificate issued in physical format, the holder shall return the
this medical certificate to the licensing authority on request of that authority.
(c) Upon revocation of the medical certificate issued in physical format, the holder shall
immediately return the this medical certificate to the licensing authority.
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(a) The establishment and operation of an electronic personnel licence system will inherently
introduce new risks within the management system (either safety management system,
information security management system, protection of personnel data or the integrated
management system). To address such new risks, the introduction of an electronic personnel
licence system should entail a comprehensive risk assessment, and the risks identified should be
adequately mitigated in each phase of the project.
(b) Such risk assessment should be an integral part of the competent authority’s process for the
management of changes.
ARA.GEN.360 Change of competent authority MC1 to Appendix 10 Re […]
(c) The receiving competent authority shall, without undue delay, reissue the licence and medical
certificate provided that it has received and processed all documents specified in point (a). Upon
the reissuance of the licence and medical certificate, the receiving competent authority shall
immediately request the licence holder to surrender to it the licence issued by the transferring
competent authority and the associated medical certificate, if issued in physical format.
(d) The receiving competent authority shall immediately notify the transferring competent
authority once it has reissued the licence and medical certificate to the licence holder and the
licence holder has surrendered the licence and medical certificate pursuant to point (c). Until
such a notification is received, the transferring competent authority remains responsible for the
licence and the medical certificate originally issued to that licence holder.
(e) In the case of a transfer of a licence issued in electronic format, the receiving competent
authority and the transferring competent authority shall coordinate the revocation and reissue.
ARA.FCL.130 Licences issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system
(a) The competent authority may decide to issue licences in electronic format to all licensed groups
of personnel, certain groups of personnel or certain individuals. For the same type of licence,
the same individual licence holder cannot hold both a licence issued in physical format and a
licence issued in electronic format.
(b) By way of derogation from point (a), the pilot is entitled to have a licence issued in electronic
format together with a document in physical format, issued in accordance with point
ARA.FCL.215, allowing the licence holder to exercise the privileges of the licence for a maximum
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period of 8 weeks after successful completion of the applicable examination(s), pending the
endorsement of the licence issued in electronic format.
(c) The competent authority having issued a licence in electronic format shall ensure that
authorised personnel can verify the authenticity and validity of the licence and are able to
determine its privileges and validity.
(d) The authenticity, validity and content of a licence issued in electronic format shall be
electronically verifiable:
(1) online when an internet connection is available; or
(2) offline when no internet connection is available through a means that imposes no undue
burden on the authorised personnel verifying the authenticity and validity of the licence.
(e) When the competent authority issues licences in electronic format, it shall establish and
implement procedures for the establishment and operation of an electronic personnel licence
(f) The electronic personnel licence system shall ensure interoperability, security, confidentiality,
data protection, authentication and accessibility of the licences issued in electronic format.
(g) A licence issued in electronic format shall include the current information on the medical
certificate with class, expiry date and any medical information deemed relevant by the
competent authority in accordance with Part-MED.
(h) The competent authority shall develop and apply an administrative procedure for the update of
the licence issued in electronic format, including its limitation, suspension or revocation.
(i) The competent authority shall, upon request, grant to other competent authorities, aircraft
operators established in the Union, training organisations established in the Union and
instructors and examiners subject to this Regulation read-only access in real time to the personal
or licensing data as defined in Appendix I to this Part, if the requesting competent authority,
aircraft operator, training organisation, instructor or examiner can provide evidence to the
competent authority concerned that it needs such access to fulfil a legal obligation regarding a
specific holder of a licence issued in electronic format. That access shall be granted only as
regards the personal or licensing data of the licence holder identified in that request.
(j) When holders of a licence issued in electronic format have reported the loss or theft of the self-
contained mobile electronic visual display device on which their licence was issued, the
competent authority shall invalidate this licence and generate a new licence on another device
declared by the holder and to which they have access.
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AMC1 ARA.FCL.130 Licences issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system
The following definitions apply to this Acceptable Means of Compliance.
‘Issuing authority’ means a competent authority with competence to issue licences, including licensing
authorities from third countries.
‘Mdoc’ means a document or application that resides on a self-contained mobile electronic visual
display device or requires such a device as part of the process to gain access to the document or
‘Verifying authority’ means a competent authority with competence to verify the validity and
authenticity of licences, including authorities from third countries with competence to verify the
validity and authenticity of licences.
API application programming interface
CSR certificate-signing request
EPL electronic personnel licence
EPLAPP application for a licence issued in electronic format
EPLDM electronic personnel licence data model
EPLDS data set for the licence issued in electronic format
EPLHD electronic personnel licence holder device
EPLRAP reading application for licences issued in electronic format
EPLRD electronic personnel licence reading device
EPLSYS electronic personnel licence system
FCL flight crew licence
HDPKIC holder device public key infrastructure certificate
IAPKIC issuing authority public key infrastructure certificate
IAS issuing authority server
JWT Java web token
LICSYS licensing system
MSO mobile security object
PKI public key infrastructure
RDPKIC reading device public key infrastructure certificate
TLS transport layer security
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URL uniform resource locator
Once an issuing competent authority has decided that one or several types of licence will be issued in
electronic format, it should decide on one of the following options:
(a) All the licences of that type will always be issued in electronic format.
(b) The two formats of the licence will be maintained (both physical format and electronic format).
(c) If option (b) is selected, it also needs to be decided whether the licence issued in electronic
format will be issued just for certain groups of personnel or specific individuals.
3.1. Licensing system and electronic personnel licence system
The licensing system (LICSYS) used by an issuing authority is not the electronic personnel licence
system (EPLSYS). The LICSYS and the EPLSYS are independent systems that share the source where the
information is stored: the issuing authority server (IAS) — see Figure 1.
Figure 1 — LICSYS and EPLSYS schema
(a) The LICSYS provides the tools that allow an issuing authority to manage the licence information
in accordance with its procedures for issuing, updating and invalidating the licence data. Only
data that has been validated in the national LICSYS and stored as valid licence information can
be used by the EPLSYS.
(b) The LICSYSs used by different issuing authorities might be different one from another: maybe
some issuing authorities use an existing market solution, and others have developed their own
LICSYS in accordance with their needs. Each LICSYS should work in accordance with the
requirements of the regulatory framework that applies to the issuing authority (such as EU
regulations, national regulations and national procedures established for the issuance, renewal,
revalidation, suspension and revocation of a licence).
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(c) The EPLSYS provides the means by which the licence data and the medical data stored in a server
of an issuing authority are converted to an mdoc and are transferred to the holder device
(d) The EPLSYS also provides the method by which external parties (inspectors or other parties, who
will be generally called ‘verifiers’) can get the licence information on an electronic personnel
licence reading device (EPLRD) and proceed with the verification the authenticity and validity of
the of the licence issued in electronic format. Both the EPLHD and the EPLRD will need the
installation of software that can process the licence information..
3.2. The data set for the licence issued in electronic format (EPLDS)
(a) Each type of licence issued in electronic format has a specific set of data defined in the
Appendices to each applicable Regulation, such as Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
(b) In contrast to licences issued in physical format, licences issued in electronic format share a
common structure, a common data set of information that is the same for all types of licences.
This common structure has been included in the affected regulations, and in this AMC it will be
referred to as the data set for the licence issued in electronic format (EPLDS).
(c) The EPLDS includes both the licence information of the licence issued in physical format and the
medical certificate information of the licence holder, if applicable, as certain types of licence
might not require a medical certificate) — see Figure 2.
(d) Generally, the EPLDS is composed of two subsets of data: a subset related to the licence data
issued in physical format and a subset related to the medical certificate — see Table 1. This
creates unavoidable differences between the licence issued in physical format and the licence
issued in electronic format.
Figure 2 — Data sources for the licence issued in electronic format
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(e) Some licences issued in physical format allow the endorsement of rating revalidations by writing
them down on the licence issued in physical format. The revalidation information is handwritten
and signed by an examiner. Therefore, revalidations, even though they are part of the licence
issued in physical format, are validated by a person in a different role: the examiner instead of
the officer who signs the issuance of the licence. This creates a third source of licence
information of licences issued in electronic format — see Figure 3.
3.3. The term ‘licence’ and life cycles
(a) A licence issued in electronic format should be seen as a representation of the licence
information of the licence issued in physical format and the medical certificate at a particular
moment in time. It will remain valid as long as the licence issued in physical format and the
medical certificate remain the same, but the moment one of these subsets of data varies, this
representation is no longer valid, and another licence issued in electronic format supersedes the
existing licence issued in electronic format. Therefore, licences issued in electronic format
should be considered something that works in a similar way to how medical certificates do. The
invalidation of a licence issued in electronic format does not equal the invalidation of a licence
issued in physical format or the invalidation of a medical certificate; it only means that the
information in that representation is no longer accurate.
(b) Both the licence issued in physical format and the licence issued in electronic format grant the
licence holder the right to make use of the privileges given by them, and it makes no difference
having one format or the other, but technically they are not the same because of the
particularities of the licence issued in electronic format.
3.3.1. Issuance of a licence
Referring to licences (either licences issued in electronic format or licences issued in physical format),
the issuance could be considered as the process by which the data of the document is validated by the
Table 1 — Information data set for each type of document
Figure 3 — Revalidations as a third data source
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issuing authority and the outcome is a valid licence being delivered to the licence holder. This process
contains two important actions:
(a) generation of the licence: action by which the licence data is inserted into a document
(independently of the format of the document, electronic or not);
(b) validation of data: action by which the licence data at a specific moment in time is rendered
valid by a signature that comes from the competent authority. Physical licence issuance process
When using licences issued in physical format, a simplification of the issuance process should be as
shown in Figure 4:
Figure 4 — Physical licence issuance process
(a) A licence applicant (or holder, if a previous licence has already been issued), fills out a licence
application and submits it to the issuing authority.
(b) The issuing authority officers process the application following the established procedures.
(c) The licence information is registered in the LICSYS and the licence is printed.
(d) The licence information is validated by an issuing authority officer’s signature.
(e) The licence is given to the applicant, who becomes a licence holder.
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An agency of the European Union Issuance process of the licence issued in electronic format
With an EPLSYS, the issuance process of a licence issued in electronic format would be as shown in
Figure 5:
Figure 5 — Issuance process of the licence issued in electronic format
(a) A licence applicant (or holder, if a previous licence has already been issued) completes a licence
application and submits it to the issuing authority.
(b) The issuing authority officers process the application following the established procedures.
(c) The licence data set information is registered in the EPLSYS. In order to be validated, it has to be
signed digitally by an officer of the issuing authority.
(d) Since the medical information is included in the licence issued in electronic format, it needs to
be available in the IAS. If it is not, it will be registered and validated by the medical assessor.
(e) Once validated, the licence data and the medical data set are stored in the IAS.
(f) The licence holder needs to install the application for the licence issued in electronic format
(EPLAPP) on the EPLHD and send a request for the generation of a licence issued in electronic
format to this specific device.
(g) The licence issued in electronic format is generated by the IAS and sent to the EPLHD.
(h) Once the licence issued in electronic format is received in the EPLHD, it is stored in the EPLAPP. Comparison of issuance processes
If the processes of issuance of the licence issued in physical format and of issuance of the licence issued
in electronic format are compared (see Figure 6), depending on the format of the licence, there are
significant differences that affect the concept of issuance:
Figure 6 — Comparison of issuance processes
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(a) Difference in the number of documents: The primary and most obvious difference is that,
outside the electronic world, two separate documents exist for some licences: for example, with
a flight crew licence, there are the licence issued in electronic format and the medical certificate.
Revalidations are considered part of the licence data set, although they might have a different
validator. With licences issued in electronic format, only one document exists, and parts of its
information are validated by people in different roles.
(b) Updating licence information: The licence information of the licence issued in electronic format
can be updated in response to changes in the licence issued in physical format data set or in the
medical certificate data set. Every time that there is a change, a new licence issued in electronic
format must be generated, so that the information it contains is valid and up to date. This entails
that in a licence issued in electronic format will be generated and delivered more frequently
than in a licence issued in physical format.
(c) Change of order in the actions of validation and generation: The licence issued in physical format
is generated (printed) and then validated by the officer’s signature (handwritten) whereas in an
EPLSYS the licence data of the licence issued in electronic format must first be validated by an
officer in the LICSYS (by an electronic signature) and then the mdoc is generated and finally
electronically signed by the issuing authority. Note that the signature of the mdoc is intended to
protect the mdoc information, not to validate the data it contains.
(d) Method of licence generation: A licence issued in physical format is generated when the issuing
authority decides to do so, by printing it, whereas with an EPLSYS the data verified by the issuing
authority is made available for generation of the licence in electronic format once the licence
holder sends a request from the EPLHD.
(e) The licence holder is in charge of generating the information on the licence issued in electronic
format: The licence issued in electronic format is linked to a specific self-contained mobile
electronic visual display device. When the licence in electronic format is generated, it contains
information about the device where it will be contained; therefore, the licence holder must have
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provided the information about the device prior to the generation of the licence in electronic
format, meaning that it is the licence holder who initiates the generation of the licence in
electronic format.
3.3.2. Suspension and revocation of a licence
(a) When a licence is generated in electronic format, the issuing authority should also generate a
public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate that represents the issuing authority, the issuing
authority PKI certificate (IAPKIC), and the licence issued in electronic format is signed with this
certificate. Further details of this process are provided in Section 4.2.1, but for now it should
suffice to be aware that the EPLDS of each licence issued in electronic format will be signed with
a unique IAPKIC that is specific for each licence issued in electronic format.
(b) A licence issued in electronic format should be considered a representation that reflects the
licence data set information and the medical data set information at a specific moment in time.
If any of this information changes, then the licence issued in electronic format must be
invalidated and a new licence in electronic format generated. The invalidation of a licence issued
in electronic format takes place by revoking the IAPKIC used to sign the EPLDS, but this
revocation of the IAPKIC must not be confused with the administrative act of revocation of a
licence or the revocation of a medical certificate, which would take away the privileges of the
licence holder. Therefore, in order to avoid confusion, the revocation of an IAPKIC will be
referred to in this AMC as ‘invalidation’, and the outcome is that the licence in electronic format
signed with this IAPKIC is invalidated.
(c) An actual revocation of the licence entails the invalidation of the licence issued in electronic
format, and no further generations of the licence are possible. This presents a completely
different situation.
(d) The electronic personnel licence data model (EPLDM) does not include the status of the licence,
so there is no way to indicate whether a licence issued in electronic format is valid, suspended
or revoked. A licence issued in electronic format provides only valid and up-to-date information.
(e) If a licence is suspended by an administrative act, the existing IAPKIC used to sign the licence
issued in electronic format shall be revoked and a new licence in electronic format generated
without information, or with only the medical information if it was valid. In an EPLSYS as defined
by ICAO, the difference between the revocation and the suspension would be noted because:
(1) In the case of revocation, no licence issued in electronic format exists and no new licence
issued in electronic format can be generated.
(2) In the case of suspension, the licence in electronic format can be generated, but it is
empty (no valid data is available), and new licences in electronic format can be generated.
When the suspension ends, a further generation of the licence in electronic format would
recover all the valid licence data.
(f) The revocation of a medical certificate will not revoke the licence data set; therefore, the
existing IAPKIC used to sign the licence issued in electronic format is revoked and a new licence
in electronic format without medical information is generated. In this case, there would be no
difference between the revocation or suspension of a medical certificate; the medical
information would not be displayed in the licence issued in electronic format just the same.
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3.4. Verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format
(a) The verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format consists
in verifying that the IAPKIC is still valid. When a licence issued in electronic format is invalidated,
so is the IAPKIC, and the IAPKIC is added to a certificate revocation list in the IAS. This means
that each licence issued in electronic format has a unique IAPKIC that is specific for each licence
issued in electronic format, and its validity is checked, verifying whether the IAPKIC is still valid.
(b) It is important to be aware that the verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued
in electronic format ensures that the information in the EPLDS has not been tampered with and
it remains as provided by the issuing authority. The verification process of the EPLSYS does not
check whether the ratings are still valid (it is possible that some ratings have an expiry date in
the past and the licence issued in electronic format is still valid). Therefore, verifiers will need to
look at the information provided and analyse whether the holder has the appropriate privileges
to perform whatever task the holder is performing, just as done with a licence issued in physical
(c) The verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format only
verifies that:
(1) the licence issued in electronic format is still valid (the IAPKIC with which it was signed is
not revoked); and
(2) the licence information of the licence issued in electronic format is as provided by the
issuing authority.
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4.1. EPLSYS introduction
(a) An EPLSYS is an integrated system comprised of computer hardware, network and
communication facilities, computer software, validated data, users, and rules and regulations to
enable the issuance of licences in electronic format and the conduct of oversight activities.
Figure 7 — EPLSYS interfaces
Error! Reference source not found. represents the three interfaces of the EPLSYS, accordance to ISO 18013-5, which are:
1. interface between the issuing authority and the licence holder;
2. interface between the licence holder and the licence verifier;
3. interface between the licence verifier and the competent authority.
ISO 18013-5 applies to interfaces 2 and 3 and considers interface 1 (the link between the
competent authority’s server and the licence holder) specific to each state.
(b) EPLSYS implementation requires that the issuing authority should develop an application for the
licence holder: the EPLAPP. This application should be installed in the EPLHD and should allow
the licence holder to connect with the IAS, receive and store the licence issued in electronic
format (interface 1) and allow the verification of the validity and authenticity of the licence by a
licence verifier that may use an EPLRD. This verification is done through interface 2 (offline
through a data exchange between devices) or interface 3 (online through a connection with the
(c) Competent authorities are entitled to decide the level they want to implement when verifying
licences issued in electronic format. This means that it is up to the competent authority to decide
whether or not it is necessary to provide the licence verifiers with a tool for the verification of
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the validity and authenticity of the licences issued in electronic format. This verification tool
consists of a second application that can be installed in an EPLRD, which allows engagement
with the EPLHD, can understand the information received from the EPLHD and permits
verification, both offline (interface 2) and online (interface 3). This application will be called the
reading application for licences issued in electronic format (EPLRAP).
(d) The implementation of an EPLSYS does not require the implementing competent authority to
develop the EPLRAP, but it does require the development of the verification tools necessary for
other verifying authorities to verify the validity and authenticity of the licences issued in
electronic format by the implementing competent authority. This means that the licences in
electronic format generated by the implementing competent authority should be able to be
verified by EPLRAPs of other verifying authorities both offline (interface 2) and online
(interface 3). The implementing competent authority may choose not to develop an EPLRAP, but
it needs to provide just the same the possibility for other states to verify its licences issued in
electronic format through device engagement and by connection to the IAS.
(e) If a competent authority does not develop an EPLRAP, there can only be a visual inspection of
licences issued in electronic format. Verification using the EPLRAP provides extra measures of
security that make it very difficult to tamper with the licence information of a licence issued in
electronic format.
(f) It is important that verifying authorities be aware that they will have to verify licences in
electronic format even if they do not implement them. Therefore, they might need an EPLRAP
even though they do not issue licences in electronic format.
(g) The EPLHD and EPLRD where the EPLSYS applications will be installed should provide for the
information security requirements.
4.2. Data exchange phases
There are the following phases of data exchange: licence issuance, initialisation, device engagement
and data retrieval — see Figure 8.
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Figure 8 — Data exchange phases
— Phase 0 — Licence issuance: This interaction is between the EPLHD and the IAS. In this phase a
licence in electronic format is generated and stored in the EPLHD.
— Phase 1 — Initialisation: The licence holder initiates the EPLHD for licence verification. This
phase is always initiated by the licence holder. A QR code that contains the information required
to set up and secure phases 2 and 3 is generated. The EPLHD gets ready for phase 2.
— Phase 2 — Device engagement: The EPLRD reads the QR code generated in phase 1 on the
EPLHD, and a message is transferred from the EPLHD to the EPLRD.
— Phase 3 — Data retrieval: The licence verifier selects the data retrieval mode and asks the
licence holder for consent to access the licence data of the licence issued in electronic format.
If consent is granted, this interaction depends on the methodology of the data retrieval: it can
be either between the EPLHD and the EPLRD or between the EPLRD and the IAS. The licence
information of the licence issued in electronic format is obtained in the EPLRD and verified.
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4.2.1. Phase 0: Licence generation
Figure 9 — Data validation
(a) Prior to the generation of the licence issued in electronic format, as explained in Section,
the data has been validated in the LICSYS and properly stored in the IAS — see Figure 9. At this
point, no generation of a licence in electronic format has occurred.
(b) The licence holder should have the EPLAPP installed on the EPLHD, and the EPLAPP must be
initialised (see Section 4.4.2). The reader should note that the initialisation of the EPLAPP is not
the same as the initialisation of ‘phase 1: device engagement’ when exchanging data.
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An agency of the European Union The mdoc of a licence issued in electronic format
(a) A licence issued in electronic format should follow the specification of an mdoc — see Figure 10.
Figure 10 — Mdoc data model
(b) The doctype and namespace are used to encapsulate the document type and the space in which
the data elements are defined.
(c) The document type for licences issued in electronic format should be ‘int.icao.epl.1’; the number
1 represents the version of the document type. The licence issued in electronic format has a
specific data model that might change with time; should this happen, the doctype version will
change. The EPLAPP should be ready to work and be updated with new versions of the EPLDM.
(d) Each namespace of the licence issued in electronic format, as defined in ICAO Doc 10190, is
related to one of the groups of information of the common form defined in ICAO Annex 1
(Appendix 4) and contains a list of data items in accordance with the licence or the medical
certificate data. Step 1: Device enrolment with the competent authority
To initiate the generation of a licence issued in electronic format, the EPLAPP must enrol the EPLHD
with the issuing authority through an interface provided by the issuing authority. This enrolment is
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done creating a PKI certificate-signing request (CSR) in the EPLHD and sending it to the IAS, as shown
in Figure 11:
Figure 11 — Step 1 of licence issuance in electronic format
(a) The EPLAPP generates a public/private key pair for the EPLHD, to be used only for this specific
licence issued in electronic format.
(b) The public key generated in (a) is included in a CSR.
(c) The licence holder’s digital identity and the CSR are sent to the IAS.
(d) The IAS issues and signs the holder device PKI certificate (HDPKIC). The HDPKIC represents the
EPLHD identity and will allow the licence issued in electronic format to be linked to the EPLHD
where the key pair was generated. This avoids the possibility that the licence issued in electronic
format can be cloned in another EPLHD.
(e) The HDPKIC is stored with the licence holder’s record in the IAS.
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Figure 12 — Step 2 of licence issuance in electronic format
(a) The EPLSYS in the IAS should search for any already existing licence of the same type issued in
electronic format for the holder (for example, a licence in electronic format was generated in
another EPLHD) — see Figure 12. If so, the existing licence in electronic format should be
invalidated before the new licence in electronic format is generated.
(b) The licence data set and the medical data set are obtained from where they are stored in the
IAS. The information must be processed as it is organised in the valid data model, putting every
piece of information in the corresponding namespace and data item. The EPLDS is obtained.
(c) The EPLDS and the HDPKIC are included in the mobile security object (MSO).
(d) ISO 18013-5 requires the use of two public/private key pairs in the mdoc: one for the EPLHD
(generated in step 1) and another one for the issuing authority. The authorities must generate
a unique key pair for each individual licence issued in electronic format.
(e) The IAPKIC, which is a PKI certificate containing the issuing authority public key, is generated,
and it is signed by the issuing authority.
(f) The MSO is signed with the private key of the IAPKIC.
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An agency of the European Union Step 3: Delivery of the licence issued in electronic format
(a) The mdoc is generated, including the IAPKIC, the information about the EPLDS and the MSO. The
mdoc is returned to the EPLHD — see Figure 13. The licence issued in electronic format is stored
in the EPLAPP and ready to be displayed and verified.
(b) The EPLAPP may encrypt the mdoc information using the HDPKIC, so the privacy of the licence
holder is protected.
4.2.2. Phase 1: Initialisation
(a) The initialisation consists of preparing the EPLHD for the next phase (device engagement). The
EPLSYS shall admit initialisation only using a QR code.
(b) The QR code contains the ‘engagement message’, which should follow the structure defined in
Section of ISO 180136-5 and contains information such as device retrieval technologies
(offline retrieval); server retrieval technologies (online retrieval); server retrieval token; and
protocol info.
(c) The licence holder will initiate the initialisation, actively requesting the EPLAPP to create the QR
code. Once it is generated, the EPLHD should open the connections to allow the request from
an EPLRD — see Figure 14.
4.2.3. Phase 2: Device engagement
(a) The verification of the authenticity and validity of the licences issued in electronic format is done
using wireless short-range peer-to-peer communication between the EPLHD and the EPLRD. The
devices exchange information in two phases, the device engagement being the first one of them
— see Figure 15. This phase determines the technical characteristics for the later retrieval phase:
(1) The EPLRD, using the EPLRAP, reads the code generated in the EPLAPP.
(2) The EPLRD opens the communications to start the next phase.
Figure 14 — Phase 1: Initialisation
Figure 13 — Step 3 of the generation of the licence issued in electronic format
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(b) During this phase, the engagement message is transferred from the EPLHD to the EPLRD by
means of a QR code containing the information required to set up and secure the data retrieval.
The information exchanged includes the capabilities of the EPLHD for the subsequent data
retrieval (technologies usable: Bluetooth low energy, Wi-Fi aware (optional) and online) and
parameters for a session initiation (cipher suites, keys). The message contains the security
information used to initiate device retrieval and the token used to initiate server retrieval.
Following transfer of the device engagement message, the information contained in the
message is used to hand off the retrieval of the licence issued in electronic format to a separate
channel (phase 3).
(c) The EPLRD may have an automatic timeout in case the engagement cannot be completed within
a certain time (not less than 30 seconds is recommended). The EPLHD may terminate the
engagement and the data retrieval at any time.
4.2.4. Phase 3: Data retrieval Step 1: Data retrieval request
Figure 16 — Phase 3, step 1: Data retrieval request
(a) Once the devices are engaged, the verifier will generate in the EPLRAP a data retrieval request
(see Figure 16), whereby the licence verifier notifies the holder of the licence which information
from the EPLDS is to be retrieved and which retrieval method will be used.
(b) The data retrieval request is received by the EPLHD, and the EPLAPP will proceed to verify the
validity of the data retrieval request.
(c) If the data retrieval request validation is successful, then the licence holder shall be able to
authorise the data retrieval or refuse it.
(d) When the licence holder receives a data retrieval request from a verifier, the EPLAPP must carry
out a few verification steps to assess whether the data retrieval request is valid, as follows:
(1) The EPLAPP gets the RDPKIC from the data retrieval request.
Figure 15 — Phase 2: Device engagement
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(2) The EPLAPP verifies that the RDPKIC is not expired and that it is signed with the verifier’s
(3) The EPLAPP verifies that the RDPKIC is not included in the PKI certificate revocation list of
the verifier’s authority (it would be so in case of a security key compromise, for instance).
(4) The EPLAPP verifies that the verifier’s IAPKIC is included in the trust list by following the
steps described in Section 11.1.12 of ICAO Doc 10190.
(e) If any of these checks fail, an appropriate error indication is displayed in the EPLAPP, and the
communication session should be terminated.
(f) If the validation of the data retrieval request is successful, the licence holder can proceed with
the authorisation of data retrieval. Step 2: Data retrieval
(a) The data retrieval methods available (see Figure 17) should be:
(1) device retrieval: the licence issued in electronic format is transferred from the EPLHD to
the EPLRD (offline);
(2) server retrieval: the licence issued in electronic format is transferred from the IAS to the
EPLRD (online).
(b) It is recommended that the first attempt at data retrieval be the device retrieval option and, if
unsuccessful, only then is the server retrieval attempted.
(c) The data retrieval works in a request/response type of communication. The EPLRAP sends a
request for data elements and the EPLAPP (or IAS) responds with the requested data. The
retrieval of data works in a session, and only those elements of the EPLDS that are requested by
the verifier are transmitted once the licence holder has approved the request.
(d) Licences issued in electronic format may have additional data elements that can be defined by
each issuing authority, and they might not be interoperable with reading devices from other
states. If the EPLHD cannot recognise a requested data element, it will be ignored and the EPLRD
might inform the licence verifier about the data elements that will not be returned.
(e) The data retrieval differs depending on the data retrieval option the licence verifier specifies in
the data retrieval request.
Figure 17 — Phase 3, step 2: Data retrieval
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Figure 18 — Phase 3, step 2: Device data retrieval
(a) Once the data retrieval request is authorised by the licence holder, the licence issued in
electronic format is transferred from the EPLHD to the EPLRD — see Figure 18.
(b) When an EPLRD receives the licence issued in electronic format from an EPLHD, the EPLRAP
verifies that:
(1) the IssuerSigned element contains the MSO;
(2) the MSO is signed by a non-expired IAPKIC and that the IAPKIC is included in the trust list
following the steps of Section of ICAO Doc 10190;
(3) the DeviceSigned element contains the HDPKIC;
(4) the HDPKIC is not included in the PKI certificate revocation list of the issuing authority.
(c) If any of those checks fail, an appropriate error indication is displayed by the EPLRAP and further
information exchange should be terminated.
(d) The data elements of the licence issued in electronic format should be returned in the
namespaces of the EPLDM defined in ICAO Doc 10190. The elements of the MSO should always
be returned as IssuerSigned elements; if they were returned in the DeviceSigned data, the
licence issued in electronic format should be considered invalid.
(e) The elements of the licence issued in electronic format should be verified to conform to the
encoding format and maximum size as defined in ICAO Doc 10190.
(f) In order to ensure the integrity of the data value for each data element, the reader application
should calculate the message digest for each data value using the digest algorithm specified in
the MSO. The structure of the MSO is described in Section ‘Signing method and structure
for MSO’ in ISO 18013-5.
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Figure 19 — Phase 3, step 2: Server data retrieval
(a) The licence information of the licence issued in electronic format is transferred from the IAS to
the EPLRD.
(b) Section of ISO 18013-5 contemplates two server retrieval options: web application
programming interface (API) and OpenID Connect. ICAO Doc 10190 limits the options to web
API. Therefore, both the EPLHD and the EPLRD must support web API retrieval, the structure of
which is defined in Section of ISO 18013-5. It includes three fields:
(1) Version, currently 1;
(2) Issuer uniform resource locator (URL), as defined in Section of ISO 18013-5;
(3) Server retrieval token.
(c) Secure retrieval of data of the licence issued in electronic format using server retrieval relies on
a well-designed server retrieval token. The token and a universal resource identifier (URI) for
accessing the issuing authority’s EPLSYS are sent from the EPLHD to the EPLRD — see Figure 19.
The EPLRD will use the token in response to the server retrieval request and does not need to
verify or understand it, but the issuing authority receiving the request should perform validation
of the authenticity and integrity of it. Each competent authority will be able to determine the
format of the server retrieval token; however, they should:
(1) be of a short duration;
(2) be used only once (single use);
(3) uniquely identify the licence holder;
(4) include consent for release of specific elements of the licence issued in electronic format;
(5) include digital device signature authenticating the licence holder.
(d) ISO 18013-5 supports transfer of the server retrieval token during both device engagement and
data retrieval, but ICAO Doc 10190 specifies that the server retrieval token must be sent in the
device engagement phase and not in the data retrieval phase.
(e) The EPLRD obtains the issuer URL contained in the device engagement message, to establish a
connection with the competent authority. The EPLRAP should verify the URL against the
distinguished name field in the IAPKIC in the ICAO master trust list, to ensure that the URL is not
spoofed. The communications between the EPLRD and the IAS should be secured using transport
layer security (TLS) with mutual authentication.
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(f) The issuing authority should validate the TLS PKI certificate presented by the EPLRD, and the
EPLRD should validate the TLS PKI certificate presented by the issuing authority.
(g) The token provides authorisation from the licence holders for the licence verifiers to access
licence data issued in electronic format. A valid token is required for server retrieval. If the
validation of the token fails, the competent authority should not return licence data issued in
electronic format to the EPLRD.
(h) The issuing competent authority should verify that the fields that are requested by the reader
have been approved for disclosure by the holder.
(i) The server response for Web API is described in Section of ISO 18013-5, and it
includes three fields:
(1) Version: always 1 as defined by ISO 18013-5;
(2) Documents: it will contain the licence issued in electronic format as a Java web token
(3) DocumentErrors: The EPLRAP should process error codes contained here.
(j) The Java simple object notation (JSON) web signature should be protected using a Java simple
object notation (JSON) web signature as specified in ISO 18013-5 Section 9.2.2. The EPLRD
should validate the JWS as described in ISO 18013-5 Section 9.3.2.
4.3. Chain of trust
(a) Both the EPLAPP and EPLRAP should download the latest EPL master trust list from ICAO to the
device where they have been installed, and should check the electronic signature of the trust
list to ensure its integrity.
(b) Each IAPKIC in the trust list will contain the URL distribution point value that points to the licence
holder’s and verifier’s PKI certificate revocation lists for that state. These lists should be
downloaded every 24 hours to the EPLHDs and EPLRDs to ensure that the revocation list is up to
date and available for the verification process.
(c) In order to construct a valid chain of trust, the steps indicated in Section of ICAO
Doc 10190 are followed.
The EPLAPP will be installed in the EPLHD and will allow an appropriate way to identify the licence
holder, generate and store one or several licences issued in electronic format, and synchronise the
existing licences information issued in electronic format in the application. It will also have some
functionalities that allow the licence holder to generate a one-time QR code that will allow
engagement with an EPLRD and the retrieval of licence data of the licences issued in electronic format.
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4.4.1. Downloading and installing the EPLAPP
(a) Each issuing authority will need to publish its national EPLAPP for at least Android and iOS
systems — see Figure 20.
(b) Once downloaded, the application will be installed like any market application for those
operating systems.
4.4.2. Initialising the EPLAPP
Figure 21 — EPLAPP initialisation
(a) Any instance of an EPLAPP installed on a new device will need to follow an initialisation process
— see Figure 21. The purpose of this process is to ensure the proper identification of the licence
holder and to link the new EPLHD to the licence holder. The process of initialisation requires an
internet connection to be available.
(b) The first time the licence holder signs in to an instance of an EPLAPP installed on a specific
EPLHD, the licence holder needs to be properly identified. If the licence holder is in possession
Figure 20 — EPLAPP operating systems
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of a digital certificate that already provides a digital identity, it can be used to log in to the
(c) When the licence holder does not possess a digital identity, the licence holder should present
themselves to the issuing authority, which, once the licence holder has been properly identified,
will create the digital identity of the licence holder and provide credentials to log in to the
(d) Issuing authorities could also consider the use of an approved vetting and proofing process that
can create digital credentials for the licence holder. This process can be established using a
method such as two-factor authentication using a username and password followed by a one-
time token.
(e) All issuing authorities will need to prepare the EPLAPP to identify the licence holder using the
EU Digital Identity Wallet of the holder and use it as the digital identity of the licence holder.
(f) Once the licence holder has logged in, the EPLAPP will verify the holder digital identity in the IAS
and link the instance of the EPLAPP to the licence holder.
(g) The EPLAPP will send a confirmation that the initialisation process has successfully finalised. In
the event of a failure, it will send a notification of any error that has occurred.
Once the initialisation process has successfully finalised, the EPLAPP will be available for use.
Otherwise, the EPLAPP will have all its functionalities blocked and no information will be able to
be seen or managed in the application.
4.4.3. Actions on the licence issued in electronic format
The EPLAPP needs to provide the licence holder with several actions to perform on the licence issued
in electronic format, such as:
(a) View licence issued in electronic format: The licence issued in electronic format has been
downloaded into a device and is ready to be used. Pressing the button leads the holder to view
the licence issued in electronic format.
(b) View licence issued in electronic format in accordance with ICAO format: The information in the
licence issued in electronic format should always be available in English. However, Member
States can use up to eight additional national languages.
(1) The EPLDM described in ICAO Doc 10190 allows the issuing authority to specify national
privileges for the licence issued in electronic format. These national privileges might not
follow a standardised taxonomy, might have very particular characteristics, might make
no sense outside the issuing state or might not be available in English, since the authority
is not obliged to translate them. Therefore, it could happen that an EPLRD from another
state is not able to read or process the information about the national ratings.
(2) For these reasons, the EPLAPP needs to provide a standardised display of the licence
issued in electronic format (that is, in English and lacking national privileges should they
not be understood by EPLRDs from other states), which is considered the ICAO format
and is compliant with ICAO specifications. Therefore, the EPLAPP must provide for each
type of licence the possibility of displaying the licence issued in electronic format in this
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ICAO format. The button in the EPLAPP that allows the generation of this format is
required to have the ICAO logo.
(c) Generate licence issued in electronic format: The Member State has made this type of licence
available as a licence issued in electronic format, but the licence issued in electronic format has
never been generated yet. Pressing this button will start the licence generation as described in
phase 0 (see Section 4.2.1).
(d) Update licence issued in electronic format: The licence issued in electronic format has been
downloaded to an EPLHD, but the EPLAPP detects that there have been changes in the EPLDS,
so the generation of a new licence in electronic format is required. The EPLAPP needs to indicate
to the licence holder that a new licence issued in electronic format should be generated.
It is important that the licence holder manually initiate the generation of the new licence in
electronic format, because it will be in the process of generation that the former licence issued
in electronic format will be invalidated. It could cause problems, especially for aircrew licences,
because if this licence were invalidated without the knowledge of the licence holder, and there
were a process of verification, the licence holder would not know that the stored new licence
issued in electronic format was no longer valid and might be in a situation where there would
be no option to update it. Therefore, the former licence in electronic format should be valid until
the new licence in electronic format is generated.
(e) Transfer licence issued in electronic format: The licence issued in electronic format has been
downloaded to another device. The licence holder can decide to transfer the licence to this
device, which will invalidate the licence issued in electronic format in the first device and
generate a new licence in electronic format in the current device.
4.4.4. Availability of the licence issued in electronic format
(a) There might be cases where the licence holder will not be able to request the generation of the
licence in electronic format in the EPLAPP. In these cases, an indication of ‘EPL not available’
should be shown to the licence holder.
(b) The message ‘EPL not available’ could be due to any of the following situations:
(1) The competent authority has decided not to use the electronic format for this particular
type of licence.
(2) The licence holder does not possess that type of licence.
(3) The licence holder possesses that type of licence, but the licence holder possesses a
physical version of the licence, so the licence in electronic format cannot be generated.
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4.4.5. List of licences
(a) This section contains a proposal for competent authorities about how the EPLAPP home page
could work, but Member States may decide on a different solution that best suits their purposes.
(b) Error! Reference source not found.’ proposes that the home page of EPLAPP contain the
identification data of the licence holder and a list of all the licences the licence holder has. Each
licence issued in electronic format is an independent entity, which might have been issued
subject to a different regulation, but, if the licence holder has five different licences, it will be
costly for the issuing authority to develop and maintain one independent EPLAPP for each type
of licence. The list of licences in this example allows all the types of licences to be listed in a
single application, and each type of licence has an associated action that depends on the status
of the licence.
Figure 22 — EPLAPP home page
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(c) If the EPLAPP uses such a list, the issuing authority will only be required to develop and maintain
a single EPLAPP.
(d) Every time the list is loaded, there will be a synchronisation of the licence information of each
type of licence, so the synchronisation date of each type of licence should be updated.
(e) When developing the EPLAPP, it should be taken into consideration that the application must
be able to function properly offline. If the EPLHD is online, the list of licences and available
actions can be synchronised as appropriate. If the EPLHD is not online, only the licences issued
in electronic format stored on this specific device will be listed.
4.4.6. Accessing a licence issued in electronic format
When a licence issued in electronic format is stored in an instance of the EPLAPP, the action ‘View EPL’
will be available. Pressing the button will lead to the licence information of the licence issued in
electronic format and the actions that can be taken on that specific licence issued in electronic format,
such as:
(a) Manual synchronisation: This action will not be available in offline mode. When selected, the
EPLAPP will look for any changes in the licence issued in electronic format and update the date
of last synchronisation. If necessary, the licence information of the licence issued in electronic
format will be updated by the generation of a new licence in electronic format.
(b) Deactivate the licence issued in electronic format: This action will allow the holder of the licence
issued in electronic format to deactivate it in the instance of the EPLAPP on which it is stored.
Therefore, the licence issued in electronic format will be invalidated.
When the licence holder decides to erase the licence issued in electronic format from an
instance of EPLAPP, such deletion:
(1) should delete all information, including log information, and any metadata that could
impart information about the erased licence in electronic format;
(2) should not require approval by the issuing authority;
(3) should be available to a licence holder via a request from the issuing authority.
Issuing authorities should consider making it possible to delete a licence in electronic format
from an EPLHD remotely, for security reasons (such as the EPLHD being stolen).
(c) Generate QR: When the licence must be verified by a licence verifier, the licence holder must
generate the QR that will allow the device engagement with the EPLRD. This action will allow
the generation of the QR code.
4.4.7. Background with moving image
As a security measure, licences issued in electronic format should have security features such as a
moving image that allow the verifiers to be certain they are not viewing a static image.
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4.4.8. Audit log
The EPLAPP should be capable of maintaining an audit log. The licence holder should be able to decide
whether to make use of this log or not. The audit log and related settings should be accessible only to
the licence holder.
The audit log will keep a record of all the transactions concerning the licence issued in electronic format
(sharing licence information of the licence holder with a verifier for the licence issued in electronic
format) and communication actions between the EPLHD and the competent authority.
(a) The EPLRAP will be installed on the EPLRD and will allow the staff of competent authorities to
retrieve data from a licence issued in electronic format (or directly from an IAS) and proceed
with the necessary verification of the data, such as the validity of the signature and the validity
of the EPLDM that has been retrieved.
(b) Member States that decide to develop an EPLRAP should follow the specifications of this AMC.
(c) The EPLRAP should only be installed on devices that belong to the verifying authority, and not
on the personal devices of the verifying authority staff. The competent authorities should
provide their staff with the tools required to fulfil their tasks.
4.5.1. EPLRAP functional requirements
The EPLRAP shall include at least the following functional requirements:
(a) It needs to be able to request, receive and verify the integrity and authenticity of a licence issued
in electronic format whether online connectivity is present or not for either the EPLHD or the
(b) A user of EPLRAP not associated with the issuing authority needs to be able to verify the integrity
and authenticity of a licence issued in electronic format.
(c) The reader needs to be enabled to confirm the link between the person presenting the licence
issued in electronic format and the licence holder.
(d) The interface between the licence issued in electronic format and the EPLRAP needs to support
the selective release of the licence data issued in electronic format to the reader.
4.5.2. Downloading and installing EPLRAP
(a) Each verifying authority can decide to develop its own EPLRAP in any operating system that best
suits the authority’s purposes. Unlike the EPLAPP, the verification application will be developed
to be used only by the verifying authority’s staff. Therefore, it can be developed in accordance
with the verifying authority’s requirements provided it complies with the specifications of this
(b) The ability to download the application should not be publicly available. The verifying authority
can install the EPLRAP on the devices of the staff who need to perform verification of the licence
issued in electronic format.
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4.5.3. Reading licence issued in electronic format with EPLRAP
(a) The home page of the EPLRAP will have the user’s basic information — see Figure 23. It does not
need to have personal data; the officer/inspector number or any other type of identification the
authority considers necessary should be enough.
(b) Under the person’s details, there should be an ‘Engage’ button that will activate the EPLRD
camera to read the QR code generated in the EPLAPP. Once the code is read, the EPLRAP will
manage the information from the QR code and proceed with the device engagement (see
Section 4.2.3).
(c) With the devices engaged, the licence verifier should send a request to the EPLHD, specifying
the data to be retrieved from the licence issued in electronic format. By default, the EPLRAP will
have the following requests available:
Figure 23 — EPLRAP home page
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(1) Inspection data retrieval: This request will contain the minimum data set necessary to
proceed with a ramp inspection, as defined by ICAO.
(2) Full licence data retrieval: This request will contain all the licence information of the
licence issued in electronic format.
(3) Customised data retrieval: This option will allow the licence verifier to choose which items
of the licence issued in electronic format to request to be retrieved from the licence issued
in electronic format.
(d) Once the set of data to be requested has been selected, the licence verifier needs to indicate
the data retrieval mode (device retrieval or server retrieval).
(e) With the selections defined, the EPLRAP will generate the data retrieval request and send it to
the EPLHD. Only if the licence holder authorises the data retrieval will the licence information of
the licence issued in electronic format be retrievable.
(f) The EPLRAP should display the licence information of the licence issued in electronic format in
accordance with the data dissemination option authorised by the licence holder.
4.5.4. Data retention
(a) The information should be kept only during the time necessary for the inspection and
accident/incident processes and be removed within 24 hours from the end of the verification
process. Appendix D to ICAO Doc 10190 specifies the policy on data retention in EPLRDs.
(b) If a verifying authority requires to keep data from the licence issued in electronic format, the
licence holder, who will be properly informed, should be notified and agree in writing.
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5.1. EPLDS
(a) All types of licences issued in electronic format should be compliant with the common EPLDS
that has been defined in the applicable Regulation. Table 2 lists how the licence data of the
licence issued in electronic format is structured, and has the following structure:
— Section: Defines a portion of a licence that contains specific data units that have a logical
relation with each other
— Data unit: Piece of licence data of the licence issued in electronic format that defines
specific information.
(b) However, not all the data units of the EPLDS are included in the MSO signed by the IAPKIC. In
the column ‘MSO’, those data units to be included in the MSO are specified. In addition, the
column ‘Presence’ determines which data units are mandatory (M), which ones are optional (O)
and which ones are mandatory as long as they are applicable (M*). For example, medical
limitations are mandatory if there are any, but are not mandatory if there are none or if a certain
type of licence does not require to have medical information associated with it.
Table 2 — EPLDS Section Data unit Data unit description MSO Presence
General I Name of state Yes M
II Title of licence Yes M
III Serial number of licence Yes M
Personnel information
IVa Photograph of holder Yes M
IVb Name of holder in full Yes M
IVc Date of birth Yes M
V Address of holder Yes M
VI Nationality of holder Yes M
VII Script signature of holder No M*
Issuing authority
VIII Authority and conditions under which the licence is issued
Yes M
IX Certification concerning validity and authorisation for holder to exercise privileges appropriate to the licence
Yes M
X Electronic signature of officer issuing the licence and the date and time of issue
XIa Seal or stamp of authority issuing the licence Yes M
XIb Date and time of last synchronisation with the server of the national competent authority
XIc Machine-readable code to retrieve authentication data
Rating XII Ratings Yes M
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Remarks XIII Remarks, i.e. special endorsements relating to limitations and endorsements on privileges, including endorsement of language proficiency, and other information required pursuant to Article 39 of the Chicago Convention
Yes M*
XIV Any other details desired by the state issuing the licence
Yes M*
Medical assessment
XVa Class (1, 2 or 3) Yes M*
XVb Expiry date Yes M*
XVc Special medical limitations Yes M*
XVd Other information associated with the medical assessment as determined by the medical authority
Yes M*
Additional supplementary information
XVIa Other information associated with the licence Yes M*
XVIb Other information associated with the licence Yes M*
XVIc Other information associated with the licence Yes M*
5.2. EPLDM
(a) The data model needs to be followed in order to guarantee the interoperability of licences issued
in electronic format around the world.
(b) The licence issued in electronic format will consist of an mdoc that is divided into several
namespaces, each one related to one of the sections of the EPLDS and composed of several
items that provide the licene information.
(c) The doctype for a licence issued in electronic format is int.icao.epl.X, where ‘X’ reflects the
version of the licence issued in electronic format. It is expected that the licence issued in
electronic format will be subject to changes due to amendments and new requirements that
may apply in the future. In the first version of the doctype, X = 1, and it will be increased with
future versions. Each namespace is directly related to a section of the EPLDS.
(d) Table 3 provides the namespaces.
Table 3 — Namespaces of the licence issued in electronic format
Namespace EPLDS section Data units
int.icao.epl.general.1 General Name of state, title of licence, serial
number of licence
int.icao.epl.personnel.1 Personnel information Photograph of holder, name of holder,
date of birth, address of holder,
nationality of holder, script signature of
int.icao.epl.authority.1 Issuing authority Name of authority, conditions under
which the licence is issued, certification
concerning validity and authorisation for
holder to exercise privileges, signature of
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the officer issuing the licence, seal of the
authority, date and time of last
synchronisation, machine-readable code
to retrieve authentication data
int.icao.epl.ratings.1 Ratings List of ratings of the licence
int.icao.epl.remarks.1 Remarks List of remarks
int.icao.epl.medical.1 Medical assessment Medical certificate class, expiry date,
medical limitations
int.icao.epl.additional.1 Additional supplementary
Any other relevant licence information
related to the licence
(e) The following sections of this AMC define how the information in each data unit should be
formalised in the EPLDM. A single data unit may be composed of one or more items; for example,
some data units have one item with the information in English and another item with the
information in national languages other than English, so the EPLDM can provide the means to
use up to eight languages in addition to English. All the information from the EPLDM in English
conforms to what is called the ICAO version, which is the one expected to be used by states
other than the issuing state.
(f) Each item will be determined by the following components:
(1) Its own identifier, which makes it possible to uniquely identify the item and allows a
verifier to select which items will be included in either the device retrieval request or the
server retrieval request as specified in Section 4.2.4.
(2) An encoding format that defines how the item is encoded. The concise data definition
language as defined in RFC 8610 is used where possible, and ISO 180136-5 Section 7.2.1
provides encoding formats for data retrieval for concise binary object representation and
Java simple object notation.
(3) A maximum size, which limits the size an item can have.
These components will be specified in the following subchapters of this AMC.
5.2.1. Namespace int.easa.epl.general.1
The namespace int.icao.epl.general.1 includes elements I, II and III of the EPLDS. This namespace has
been adapted into int.easa.epl.general.1 so that it allows the introduction of several titles in a licence
issued in electronic format, in contrast to int.icao.epl.general.1, which permits the incorporation of
only one title. Data unit I — name of state
The ‘name of state’ data unit provides the name of the issuing state. It is composed of the items in
Tables 4–6.
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Table 4 — state_fullname.english
Identifier state_fullname.english Presence M
Description Full name of state. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded basic Latin characters
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 128 B
Table 5 — state_fullname.national
Identifier state_fullname.national Presence O
Description Full name of state. Expressed in national language. ITF-8-encoded full Unicode
character set
Encoding format [*NationalStateName]
NationalStateName = {
language : tstr
state_fullname : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
state_fullname: 512 B
Table 6 — state_countrycode Identifier state_countrycode Presence M
Description 2-letter code of the issuing state as defined in ICAO Doc 9303 Part 3
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 2 B Data unit II — title of licence
List of titles linked to the licence, when applicable. This data unit is composed of the items in Tables 7
and 8.
Table 7 — title.english Identifier title.english Presence M
Description Title or titles of the licence, as defined in each regulation. Expressed in English. UTF-8-
encoded Latin characters
Encoding format [*EnglishLicenceTitle]
EnglishLicenceTitle = {
title : tstr
titleissuance: full-date
Maximum size Array length: 5
title: 1 024 B
titleissuance: 64 B
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Table 8 — title.national Identifier title.national Presence O
Description Title or titles of licence, as defined in each regulation. Expressed in national language.
UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalLicenceTitle]
NationalLicenceTitle = {
language : tstr
languagetitle: [*LanguageTitle]
Languagetitle = {
title : tstr
titleissuance: full-date
Maximum size Array length: 8
language: 3 B
Array length: 5
title: 1 024 B
titleissuance: 64 B Data unit III — serial number of the licence
This gives the serial number of the licence as defined by each applicable regulation. It is composed of
the items in Tables 9 and 10.
Table 9 — serial_number.english Identifier Serial_number.english Presence M
Description Serial number of the licence. UTF-8-encoded basic Latin characters
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 128 B
Table 10 — serial_number.national Identifier serial_number.national Presence O
Description Serial number of the licence. Expressed in national language. UTF-8-encoded full
Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalSerialNumber]
NationalSerialNumber = {
language : tstr
serial_number : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
Serial_number: 128 B
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5.2.2. Namespace int.easa.epl.personnel.1
The namespace int.icao.epl.general.1 includes data units IVa, IVb, IVc, V and VI of the EPLDS. This
namespace has been adapted because, unlike int.icao.epl.general.1, it does not include either the
picture (IVa) or the address (V) of the holder of the licence in electronic format.
The signature of the holder of the licence in electronic format (VII) is included in the personnel section
of the EPLDS but is not included in the MSO; therefore, it is not included in the EPLDM. Data unit IVb — name of the holder of the licence in electronic format
The ‘name of holder in full’ data unit provides the name of the licence holder. It is composed of the
items in Tables 11–14.
Table 11 — name.latin.primary Identifier name.latin.primary Presence M
Description Primary name of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. UTF-8-encoded
basic Latin characters
Restrictions and recommendations are defined in ICAO Doc 9303 Part 3.
If the national characters are not Latin-based, a transcription or transliteration into
Latin characters shall be provided.
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 512 B
Table 12 — name.latin.secondary Identifier name.latin.secondary Presence M
Description Secondary name of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. UTF-8-
encoded basic Latin characters.
Restrictions and recommendations are defined in ICAO Doc 9303 Part 3.
If the national characters are not Latin-based, a transcription or transliteration into
Latin characters shall be provided.
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 512 B
Table 13 — name.national.primary Identifier name.national.primary Presence O
Description Primary name of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. UTF-8-encoded
full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalNamePrimary]
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
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NationalNamePrimary = {
language : tstr
primary_name: tstr
primary_name: 1 024 B
Table 14 — name.national.secondary Identifier name.national.secondary Presence O
Description Secondary name of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. UTF-8-encoded
full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationaNameSecondary]
NationalNameSecondary= {
language : tstr
secondary_name : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
1 024 B Data unit IVc — date of birth
Table 15 — dob Identifier dob Presence M
Description Year, month and day on which the holder of the licence issued in electronic format was
Encoding format Full-date Maximum size 10 B Data unit VI – nationality of holder
Table 16 — nationality.english Identifier nationality.english Presence M
Description Nationality of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. Expressed in English.
UTF-8-encoded Latin characters
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 64 B
Table 17 – nationality.national Identifier nationality.national Presence O
Description Nationality of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. Expressed in
national language. UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
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Encoding format [*NationalNationality]
NationalNationality = {
language : tstr
nationality : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
nationality: 256 B
Table 18 — nationality.countrycode Identifier nationality.countrycode Presence O
Description Nationality of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format as 2-letter code as
defined in ICAO Doc 9303 Part 3
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 2 B
5.2.3. Namespace int.easa.epl.authority.1 Data unit VIII — authority and conditions under which the licence is issued
Table 19 — licensing.authority.latin Identifier licensing.authority.latin Presence M
Description Name of the licensing authority. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters.
Translation to English is recommended
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 256 B
Table 20 — licensing.authority.national Identifier licensing.authority.national Presence O
Description Name of the licensing authority. Expressed in national language(s). UTF-8 encoded
using full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalLicensingAuthority]
NationalLicensingAuthority = {
language : tstr
licensing_authority : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
512 B
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Table 21 — licensing.conditions.english Identifier licensing.conditions.english Presence M
Description Conditions under which the licence is issued. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin
characters. Translation to English is recommended.
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 256 B
Table 22 — licensing.authority.national Identifier licensing.authority.national Presence M
Description Name of the licensing authority in the national language/working language of the
licensing authority, UTF-8 encoded using full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalLicensingAuthority]
NationalLicensingAuthority = {
language : tstr
licensing_authority : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
512 B Data unit IX — certification concerning validity and authorisation for the holder to exercise
privileges appropriate to the licence
Table 23 — certification.english Identifier certification.english Presence M
Description Certification concerning validity and authorisation for the holder to exercise privileges
appropriate to the licence. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters.
Translation to English is recommended.
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 256 B
Table 24 — certification.national Identifier certification.national Presence O
Description Certification concerning validity and authorisation for the holder to exercise privileges
appropriate to the licence. Expressed in national language(s). UTF-8 encoded using the
full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalCertification]
NationalCertification = {
language : tstr
NationalCertification : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
512 B
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} Data unit X — electronic signature of officer issuing the licence and the date and time of
such issue
This data unit is not included in the MSO; therefore, it is not included in the EPLDM. Data unit XIa — seal or stamp of authority issuing the licence
This data unit is excluded from the MSO as per EASA specifications. Data unit XIb — date and time of last synchronisation with the server of the issuing
This data unit is not included in the MSO; therefore, it is not included in the EPLDM. Data unit XIc — machine-readable code to retrieve authentication data
This data unit is not included in the MSO; therefore, it is not included in the EPLDM.
5.2.4. Namespace int.easa.epl.ratings.1
(a) The namespace int.icao.epl.ratings.1 includes data unit XII of the EPLDS. This namespace has
been adapted because of the prevalence of personnel licences in the ICAO specifications, the
difficulty of linking remarks and the instrument rating (for pilot licences) to a certain class or
type rating.
(b) The list of ratings is provided by an array where each rating makes use of a row of the array, and
its particularities are provided as attributes of the rating. Table 25 provides a visual example for
the ratings array, where each column is an attribute of the rating.
Table 25 — EASA ratings array
Rating No archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_valid_until other1 other2
(c) The rating number is not an attribute; it has been added for comprehension purposes, reflecting
the fact that each rating of the licence makes use of a row of the array and that the number of
rows in the array is limited to 64.
(d) The meaning of each one of the attributes is as follows:
(1) archetype:
The archetype defines which kind of rating is being provided. It can be seen as a grouping
of ratings of the same nature. For example, an archetype ‘fcl_type’ can be defined to
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classify all the type ratings of a pilot licence (A320, A340, B737, etc). Therefore, the
archetype is a classification of the ratings by their nature.
(2) endorsement:
The endorsement attribute contains the code or value used to endorse a rating. Together
with the archetype value, the rating endorsed on the licence is completely identified,
because it is known what kind of rating is being endorsed and what its value is. Table 26
provides some examples of this with different types of licences.
Table 26 — Examples of archetypes and endorsements
Type of licence Archetype Endorsement
fcl_class_rating MEP(land)
fcl_type_rating A320
fcl_additional_rating Aerobatic
(3) valid_since:
The valid_since attribute specifies the date on which the endorsement starts to be valid.
This is, it can be the date when a rating was endorsed, revalidated or renewed.
(4) valid_until:
This is the date on which the rating endorsed ceases to be valid. It will have no value for
non-expiring ratings.
(5) ir_valid_until:
This is the date on which the instrument rating associated with the rating endorsed
expires, if applicable.
(6) other1:
The other1 column specifies other information associated with the rating, with a
preference for privileges linked to the rating that is being endorsed.
(7) other2:
The other2 column specifies other information associated with the rating, with a
preference for the limitations linked to the rating that is being endorsed.
(e) Each type of licence requires a certain degree of standardisation in both taxonomy and
methodology when endorsing ratings in licences issued in electronic format. The archetypes
available, as well as the taxonomy and methodology of endorsement are provided in AMC1 Point
3.1 of Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA).
(f) Therefore, the data model for ratings would be as in Table 27 and Table 28.
Table 27 — ratings.english Identifier ratings.english Presence M
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Description Ratings entered on or associated with the licence. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded
basic Latin characters
Encoding format [*Rating]
Rating = {
archetype : tstr
endorsement : tstr
valid_from : full-date
valid_until : full-date
ir_date : full-date
other_1 : tstr
other_2 : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 64
Table 28 — ratings.national Identifier ratings.national Presence O
Description Ratings entered on or associated with this licence. Expressed in national language /
working language. UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalRatings]
NationalRatings = {
language : tstr
Ratings : [*Rating]
Rating = {
archetype : tstr
endorsement : tstr
valid_from : full-date
valid_until : full-date
ir_date : full-date
other_1 : tstr
other_2 : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
language: 3 B
Ratings length: 64
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5.2.5. Namespace int.easa.epl.remarks.1
The namespace int.icao.epl.remarks.1 includes data units XIII and XIV of the EPLDS. This namespace
has been adapted into the namespace int.easa.epl.remarks.1 because, unlike int.icao.epl.remarks.1, it
does not include language proficiency. Section XIV has been developed to allow the endorsement of
national ratings. Data unit XIII – remarks
Data unit XIII – remarks is composed of the items in Tables 29 and 30.
Table 29 — remarks.english Identifier remarks.english Presence M*
Description Remarks. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 512 B
Table 30 — remarks.national Identifier remarks.national Presence O
Description Remarks. Expressed in national language(s). UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalRemarks]
NationalRemarks = {
language : tstr
remarks : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
remarks: 1 024 B Data unit XIV — state remarks
This section should specify any other remarks that the issuing authority considers necessary. It is
considered that all the remarks should be in Section XIII and this section could provide the national
ratings that the holder might have. It is composed of the items in Tables 31 and 32.
Table 31 — state_remarks.english Identifier State_remarks.english Presence M*
Description National ratings entered on or associated with the licence. Expressed in English. UTF-8-
encoded basic Latin characters
Encoding format [*NationalRating]
Maximum size Array length: 64
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NationalRating = {
archetype : tstr
endorsement : tstr
valid_from : full-date
valid_until : full-date
ir_date : full-date
other_1 : tstr
other_2 : tstr
Table 32 — state_remarks.national Identifier state_remarks.national Presence O
Description National ratings entered on or associated with this licence. Expressed in national
language / working language. UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalRatingsList]
NationalRatingsList = {
language : tstr
NationalRatings : [*NationalRating]
NationalRating = {
archetype : tstr
endorsement : tstr
valid_from : full-date
valid_until : full-date
ir_date : full-date
other_1 : tstr
other_2 : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
language: 3 B
National Ratings length:
5.2.6. Namespace int.icao.epl.medical.1
No changes from ICAO specifications.
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5.2.7. Namespace int.icao.epl.additional.1
No changes from ICAO specifications.
5.2.8. Namespace int.easa.epl.acronyms.1
This namespace has been included in order to facilitate comprehension for verifiers from third
countries who are not familiar with the taxonomy defined in the EU regulations and associated AMC
and GM. Data unit – acronyms list
Table 33 — acronyms.english Identifier acronyms.english Presence O
Description List of acronyms used in the licence with an explanatory description. Expressed in
English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters
Encoding format [*Acronym]
Acronym = {
code : tstr
description : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 25
code: 10 B
description: 256 B
Table 34 — acronyms.national Identifier Acronyms.english Presence O
Description List of acronyms used in the licence with an explanatory description. Expressed in
national language(s). UTF-8 encoded using the full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalAcronym]
NationalAcronym = {
language : tstr
acronyms : [*Acronym]
Acronym = {
code : tstr
description : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
Array length: 25
code: 10 B
description: 256 B
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6.1. Impact on the LICSYS when implementing an EPLSYS
(a) The LICSYS is independent from the EPLSYS, so there is no need for the LICSYS to use specific
technologies of follow any specific data model. The issuing authorities can make use of solutions
that best suit their purposes.
(b) However, prior to deciding any implementation of an EPLSYS, they should be aware of the
implications that it can have for their LICSYS and assess whether they are ready and willing to
proceed with the implementation.
6.1.1. Need to store the data as structured data
(a) The EPLSYS requires that all the information in the licence issued in physical format and medical
certificates be transferred to an mdoc that follows the EPLDM. Therefore, the information
should be stored in the LICSYS as structured data and thus contain all the information about the
EPLDS. For example, the licence holder’s date of birth is displayed in the licence issued in
electronic format, so the database of the LICSYS should have a specific field for this information
in order to use it to feed the information to the licence issued in electronic format. A more
problematic example could be the issuing authority officer’s electronic signature; usually LICSYSs
used for licences issued in physical format do not need to store this signature, because this
licence is signed once the licence has been printed and it is signed outside the LICSYS, but if an
EPLSYS is implemented, this signature is electronic and must be stored in the LICSYS.
(b) It is not necessary that the LICSYS follow the EPLDM, even though the information from the
LICSYS is transferred to the mdoc, because the issuing authority, when developing the EPLSYS,
can use a process that transforms the LICSYS data model into the EPLDM. A LICSYS with a data
model aligned with the EPLDM would facilitate the transfer of information between the two
systems, but it is not necessary.
(c) The competent authorities should take into consideration that the EPLDM might change with
time, so they should prepare their systems to be ready to work with different versions of the
6.1.2. Licence issuance format record
(a) If a competent authority decides to use both the physical format and the electronic format for
a type of licence, the LICSYS will need to keep a record of the format used for each licence that
has been issued in order to avoid the possibility that a licence in electronic format can be
generated when a licence in physical format exists and vice versa.
(b) The competent authority cannot issue the same type of licence in electronic and physical format
to the same individual.
6.1.3. Digital identification of the LICSYS users and traceability
(a) The EPLDS has information that comes from different data sources and is validated by people in
different roles in the issuing authority (officers, medical assessors, examiners).
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(b) The validation of the data is performed in the LICSYS and it will need to trace what information
is changed or validated, by whom and when. This requires a log of the actions performed by its
(c) Internal users of the issuing authority might have access by means of a username and a
password, but external users should be properly identified and access the LICSYS with at least
two-factor verification in order to guarantee a proper level of security when accessing the
(d) Alternative and superior verification procedures can be applied, as long as they provide at least
an equivalent level of security.
6.1.4. Need to use electronic signatures in order to validate the data
(a) The validation of the data is executed by the electronic signature of an issuing officer, an
examiner or a medical assessor, each one responsible for the pertinent subset of licence data of
the licence issued in electronic format. Therefore, the LICSYS must be able to operate with the
use of electronic signatures.
(b) The electronic signature of the issuing officer is required to conform to recognised standards
and have an appropriate level of security. In the EU context, the recognised standard is provided
by Regulation (EU) No 910/20141 (eIDAS Regulation), and the appropriate level of security is at
least an advanced signature.
(c) It is highly recommended that examiners and medical assessors also use electronic signatures,
but they could use other forms of electronic signatures. In this case, at least a two-factor
verification process or one that provides a higher level of security should be used.
6.1.5. Authorisation of access to data held by the issuing authority
(a) Without the implementation of an EPLSYS, the data on the IAS can be managed only by internal
users of the issuing authority, or possibly by a controlled number of external users within the
Member State.
(b) When licences issued in electronic format are used, the information in the IAS will be frequently
accessed by external users, either for the generation of licences issued in electronic format or
for its verification by verifiers and other verifying authorities from third countries.
(c) The EPLSYS will not work if this access is not permitted via web services that allow these external
users to access the data. However, granting external parties access to the IAS has an impact on
the security measures the issuing authority will have to implement.
6.1.6. Access to LYCSYS for examiners and medical assessors from other Member States
(a) Under the EU regulatory framework, a licence holder might be examined for a certain rating or
have a medical assessment in a Member State other than the Member State issuing the licence.
This information cannot be reflected in the licence issued in electronic format until it is received
1 Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification
and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC (OJ L 257, 28.8.2014, p. 73).
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and inserted in the LICSYS of the issuing authority, causing a detrimental effect on the holder of
a licence issued in electronic format.
(b) Third countries normally are not affected when using licences issued in electronic format, since
the general rule is that all examiners and medical assessors belong to the same issuing authority.
(c) The industry demands that the EPLSYS be at least as agile as the current LICSYS, so any issuing
authority that wants to implement an EPLSYS should be willing to provide the means for
examiners and medical assessors from other Member States to feed into their systems any new
information affecting one of their licences and transfer the information to the licence in
electronic format without unnecessary delays.
(d) Each issuing authority can decide how to grant this access to its LICSYS, but it will need to provide
appropriate means of identification and signing.
(e) If the issuing authority detects any irregularity in the data provided by an examiner or medical
assessor from another Member State, it should invalidate the licence issued in electronic format,
and a new licence in electronic format should be generated in accordance with the valid data.
6.1.7. Use of the issuing authority’s public key infrastructure certificate
(a) Licences issued in electronic format are automatically generated by the IAS when the licence
holder sends a request for its generation, and are electronically signed with the IAPKIC. Issuing
authorities willing to implement an EPLSYS also need to be willing to use the IAPKIC in
(b) In some Member States, the use of the IAPKIC may require the approval of the government or
some kind of national approval process.
6.2. Impact on the issuing authority’s procedures when implementing an EPLSYS
(a) An assessment of the impact on the issuing authority’s procedures caused by the
implementation of an EPLSYS should be carried out in order to identify which procedures should
be adapted.
(b) When an EPLSYS is implemented, the concepts of issuance, suspension and revocation of
licences should be reviewed because the introduction of electronic documents comes with
certain conventions within the digital world that challenge the standard practices with physical
AMC1 ARA.FCL.130(h) Licences issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system PROCEDURE FOR THE LIMITATION, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF A LICENCE ISSUED IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT
The procedure should describe the actions undertaken by the competent authority to ensure that the
limitation, suspension or revocation of a licence issued in electronic format is properly reflected in the
licence contained in the holder’s device application.
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Such actions should happen at the level of the electronic personnel licence system established by the
competent authority to:
— in cases of limitation, notify the holder and request that they generate a new instance of the
licence displaying only those categories, subcategories or ratings not subject to limitation;
— in cases of suspension or revocation, notify the holder and request that they update their
licence, thereby deleting the current instance of the licence contained in the application and
preventing the generation of new instances.
In cases of limitation or suspension of the licence, the procedure should include the generation of a
new instance of the licence on the date such limitation or suspension ends.
Alternatively, the competent authority may display a permanent indication regarding the applicable
limitation, suspension or revocation of the licence, without which the licence cannot be displayed by
the holder.
GM1 ARA.FCL.130(d) Licences issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system
(a) The verification described under this point allows the reader to confirm that the information in
the licence is authentic, meaning that it was issued by the competent authority mentioned in
the licence, and is valid, meaning that it contains the data that was applicable at the time it was
(b) Verifying the authenticity and validity of licences issued in electronic format may happen in two
(1) By using a reading device registered with the authority that issued the licence when an
internet connection is available. Alternatively, when no internet connection is available,
by using a reading device registered with the authority that issued the licence that is
linked with the list of the valid issuing authority public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates.
In such cases, verifying the authenticity and validity of the licence of the holder is done by
reading the machine-readable code included under field XIc of the licence.
The issuing authority PKI certificates are used to sign all licences in electronic format; they
attest to the authenticity and validity of the licences in real time, when the licence is
verified with internet connection available, or at the time they were downloaded from
the authority’s server, when the verification happens offline.
When it is expected that the verification will happen offline, the person authorised to
verify the authenticity and validity of licences on behalf of the competent authority can
ensure that they will be in possession of the most recent version of the list of the valid
issuing authority PKI certificates.
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(2) By reading the information contained in the licence of the holder when no internet
connection is available and the authorised person is not in possession of the list of the
valid issuing authority PKI certificates.
In such situations, the authorised person can compare the latest synchronisation date of
the licence with the current date.
Using the information available, it can be assessed whether the information in the licence
presented by the holder is up to date.
The person authorised to verify the authenticity and validity of licences can request
support in accessing information in the authority’s server if there is any suspicion that the
licence presented is outdated. The authorised person may also decide to verify the
authenticity and validity of the licence again when internet connection is available within
a reasonable time frame as defined in the competent authority’s administrative
The update status of a licence can also be indicated by a notification system developed by
the issuing authority stating that the latest update has not yet been manually triggered
by the licence holder and, thus, that the licence information is outdated.
ARA.FCL.200 Procedure for issue, revalidation or renewal of a licence, rating or certificate
(a) Issue of licences, associated ratings or certificates. The competent authority shall issue a pilot
licence and associated ratings or certificates, using only one of the two formats as established
in Appendix I to this Part.
If a pilot intends to fly outside Union territory on an aircraft registered in a Member State other
than the Member State that issued the flight crew licence, the competent authority shall:
(1) add the following remark on the flight crew licence under item XIII: ‘“This licence is
automatically validated as per the ICAO attachment to this licence’”; and
(2) make the ICAO attachment available to the pilot in physical or electronic format.
(b) Issue of instructor and examiner certificates. The competent authority shall issue an instructor
or examiner certificate as:
(1) an endorsement of the relevant privileges in the pilot licence as established in Appendix I
to this Part; or
(2) for licences issued in physical format only, a separate document, in a form and manner
specified by the competent authority.
(c) Endorsement of licences by examiners. Before specifically authorising an examiner to revalidate
or renew ratings or certificates, the competent authority shall develop appropriate procedures.
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(d) Revalidation and renewal of a rating or certificate on a licence issued in electronic format by an
examiner or an EBT manager. The competent authority shall develop appropriate procedures
when a rating or certificate associated with a licence issued in electronic format:
(1) is revalidated, to give the examiner or the EBT manager access to the licensing system of
the pilot’s competent authority to enter the new validity date of the rating or certificate;
(2) is renewed, to give the examiner or the EBT manager access to the licensing system of the
pilot’s competent authority to provide the documentation to the competent authority
and, if authorised to do so, enter the new validity date of the rating or certificate.
(e) Issuance of an additional rating or certificate on a licence issued in electronic format by an
examiner or an EBT manager. The competent authority shall develop appropriate procedures
when a rating or certificate associated with a licence issued in electronic format is issued, to give
the examiner or the EBT manager access to the licensing system of the applicant’s competent
authority to provide the documentation to the competent authority and, if authorised to do so,
enter the rating or certificate.
(d)(f) Endorsement of licence by instructors. Before specifically authorising certain instructors to
revalidate a SEP or TMG class rating, the competent authority shall develop appropriate
(g) Revalidation of a SEP or TMG class rating on a licence issued in electronic format. When a SEP
or TMG class rating endorsed on a licence issued in electronic format is revalidated, the
competent authority shall develop appropriate procedures to give access to authorised
personnel to enter the new validity date of the rating in the licensing system of the pilot’s
competent authority.
(h) Revalidation of a SEP or turbine helicopter type rating up to a maximum take-off mass of
3 175 kg on a licence issued in electronic format. When a SEP or turbine helicopter type rating
up to a maximum take-off mass of 3 175 kg endorsed on a licence issued in electronic format is
revalidated, the competent authority shall develop appropriate procedures to give access to
authorised personnel to enter the new validity date of the rating in the licensing system of the
pilot’s competent authority.
(e)(i) Instructors for FI(B) or FI(S) certificates: The competent authority shall develop appropriate
procedures for the conduct of the training flights under supervision specified in:
(1) points BFCL.315(a)(4)(ii) and BFCL.360(a)(2) of Annex III (Part-BFCL) to Regulation
(EU) 2018/395; and
(2) points SFCL.315(a)(7)(ii) and SFCL.360(a)(2) of Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976.
GM1 ARA.FCL.200(d) Procedure for issue, revalidation or renewal of a licence, rating or certificate In the event that the revalidation or renewal of a licence, rating or certificate is performed in
accordance with Appendix 10 to Part-FCL, the competent authority gives access to the licensing system
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for the described purposes to the person who has been delegated by the EBT manager in accordance
with Appendix 10 A (4) (c) (2).
AMC1 ARA.FCL.215(d) Validity period
(a) An examiner, an EBT manager or an instructor, as applicable, may enter a limited validity date
on a rating or a certificate of not more than 8 weeks after successful completion of the
examination(s), provided that all of the following applies:
(1) the applicant fulfils the relevant requirements and has successfully completed a
proficiency check, a skill test or an assessment of competence;
(2) the examiner, the EBT manager or the instructor is authorised to do so in the procedures
developed by the competent authority;
(3) the examiner, the EBT manager or the instructor provides documentation to the
competent authority about the successful completion of the applicable examination(s).
(b) In this case, the privilege(s) acquired by the licence or certificate holder should be shown in the
licence and can be exercised immediately.
(c) After the competent authority verifies the documentation provided by the examiner, the EBT
manager or the instructor, the competent authority should modify the rating or certificate in
the licensing system so that the licence reflects the regular validity period in accordance with
points FCL.740, FCL.940 and FCL.1025.
GM1 ARA.FCL.215(d) Validity period
(a) The competent authority may develop procedures as mentioned in point ARA.FCL.215(d) for
licences or certificates issued in physical format or for licences or certificates issued in electronic
(b) The procedure is needed to cover the time gap between the proficiency check, the skill test or
the assessment of competence and the update of the electronic personnel licence issued in
electronic format by the competent authority.
ARA.FCL.220 Procedure for the re-issue of a pilot licence issued in physical format
(a) In the case of a licence issued in physical format, tThe competent authority shall re-issue a
licence whenever necessary for administrative reasons and:
(1) after initial issue of a rating; or
(2) when paragraph XII of the licence established in Appendix I to this Part is completed and
no further spaces remain.
(b) Only valid ratings and certificates shall be transferred to the new licence document.
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ARA.FCL.221 Procedure for the update of a pilot licence issued in electronic format
(a) In the case of a licence issued in electronic format, the competent authority shall re-issue a
licence whenever necessary for administrative reasons and after the initial issue of a rating.
(b) Only valid ratings and certificates shall be transferred to the new licence. certificates
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Appendix I to ANNEX VI (Part-ARA) — Flight crew licence — EASA Forms 141 and 155
1. General requirements for the flight crew licence
1.1. The competent authority shall issue each flight crew licence in only one of the two following
(a) the physical format, referred to in point 2 of this Appendix; or
(b) the electronic format, referred to in point 3 of this Appendix.
1.2. When the competent authority uses both formats to issue flight crew licences, it shall establish
a procedure for changing from one format to the other.
1.3. Each licence holder shall have a unique licence holder number, established on the basis of a
national identifier and an alphanumeric designator.
1.4 The flight crew licence shall be issued in English and any language(s) determined by the
competent authority.
2. Requirements for the flight crew licence issued in physical format
2.1. The flight crew licence issued in physical format shall be issued in accordance with the format
and content of EASA Form 141.
2.2. The flight crew licence issued in physical format by a Member State in accordance with Annex I
(Part-FCL), Annex III (Part-BFCL) to Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395 and Annex III (Part-
SFCL) to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 shall conform to the following
(a) Content. The item number shown shall always be printed in association with the item heading.
Items I to XI are the ‘“permanent”’ items and items XII to XIV are the ‘“variable”’ items which
may appear on a separate or detachable part of the main form. Any separate or detachable part
shall be clearly identifiable as part of the licence.
(1) Permanent items:
(I) name of State of licence issue;
(II) title of licence;
(III) serial number of the licence commencing with the United Nations (UN) country
code of the State of licence issue and followed by ‘FCL’, ‘BFCL’ or ‘SFCL’, as
applicable, and a code of numbers and/or letters in Arabic numerals and in Latin
(IV) name of holder (in Latin script, even if the script of the national language(s) is other
than Latin);
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(IVa) date of birth;
(V) holder’s address, if required by the competent authority;
(VI) nationality of holder;
(VII) signature of holder;
(VIII) competent authority and, where necessary, conditions under which the licence was
(IX) certification of validity and authorisation for the privileges granted;
(X) signature of the officer issuing the licence and the date of such issue; and
(XI) seal or stamp of the competent authority.
(2) Variable items:
(XII) ratings, certificates and, in the case of balloons and sailplanes, privileges: class,
type, instructor certificates, etc., with dates of expiry, as applicable. Radio
telephony (R/T) privileges may appear on the licence or on a separate certificate;
(XIII) remarks: i.e. special endorsements relating to limitations and endorsements for
privileges, including endorsements of language proficiency, remarks on the
automatic validation of the licence, and ratings for Annex II aircraft, when used for
commercial air transportation; and
(XIV) any other details required by the competent authority (e.g. place of birth/place of
(b) Material. The First quality paper or other suitable material, including plastic cards, shall be used
will to prevent or readily show any alterations or erasures. Any entries or deletions to in the
form shall be clearly authorised by the competent authority.
(c) Language. Licences shall be written in the national language(s) and in English and such other
languages as the competent authority deems appropriate.
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Cover page
Competent Aauthority’s name and logo
(English and any language(s) determined by the competent authority)
(English only)
(English and any language(s) determined by the competent authority)
Issued in accordance with Part-FCL/Part- BFCL/Part-SFCL (non-applicable terms to be deleted)
This licence complies with ICAO standards, except for the LAPL and BIR privileges or when accompanied by an LAPL medical certificate
(English and any language(s) determined by the competent authority)
EASA Form 141 Issue 23
Requirements ‘"European Union"’ to be deleted for non- EU Member States The Ssize of each page shall be one-eighth A4
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Page 2
I Name of State of issue: Requirements: In bold type
III Licence number: The sSerial number of the licence will always commence with the UN country code of the State of the licence issue, followed by ‘“FCL.”’, ‘“BFCL.”’ or ‘“SFCL.”’, as applicable.
IV Last and first nName of holder in full:
IVa Date of birth: (see instructions) Standard date format is to be used, dd/mm/yyyy in full.
XIV Place of birth:
V Address of holder: Street, town, area, postal code
VI Nationality:
VII Signature of holder:
VIII Issuing cCompetent authority: E.g. This CPL(A) has been issued on the basis of an ATPL issued by ......... (third country) ……………
E.g. This CPL(A) has been issued on the basis of an ATPL issued by ......... (third country) ……………
X Signature of issuing officer and date of issue:
XI Seal or stamp of issuing competent authority:
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Page 3
II Title of the licence, date of initial issue and country code
Abbreviations used will be as those used in Part-FCL (e.g. PPL(H), ATPL(A), etc.), Part- BFCL and Part-SFCL
Standard format is to be used, dd/mm/yyyy in full.
IX Validity: The privileges of the licence shall be exercised only if the holder has a valid medical certificate for the required privilege. A document containing a photo shall be carried for the purposes of identification of the licence holder.
This document is not specified, but a passport would suffice when outside the State of licence issue.
XII Radiotelephony privileges: The holder of this licence has demonstrated competence to operate R/T equipment on board aircraft in ………………….. (specify the language(s))
XIII Remarks: Language Pproficiency: (language(s)/level/validity date)
All additional licensing information required and privileges established by ICAO, EC or EU Directives/Regulations to be entered here.
Language proficiency endorsement(s), level and validity date shall be included.
In the case of BIR: BIR not issued in accordance with ICAO standards.
In the case of LAPL: LAPL not issued in accordance with ICAO standards.
In the case of SPL, except for the cases referred to in Point (a) of Article 3b(2) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976: Privileges for aerobatic and sailplane cloud flying as well as for launching methods to be exercised in accordance with points SFCL.155, SFCL.200 and SFCL.215 of Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, as applicable.
Additional pages — Requirements:
Pages 1, 2, and 3 of the licence shall be in accordance with the format laid down in the model in this
point. The competent authority shall include additional customiszed pages containing tables which
shall contain at least the following information:
— Ratings, certificates, endorsements and privileges;
— Expiry dates of the ratings, the instructor and examiner certificate privileges;
— Dates of the test or check;
— Remarks and restrictions (operational limitations);
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— Fields for the examiner and/or instructor certificate number and signature, as applicable;
— Abbreviations.
These additional pages are intended for use by the competent authority, or by specifically authorised
instructors or examiners.
Initial issues of ratings or certificates shall be entered by the competent authority. Revalidation or
renewal of ratings or certificates may be entered by the competent authority or by specifically
authorised instructors or examiners.
Operational limitations shall be entered in ‘“Remarks and Restrictions”’ against the appropriate
restricted privilege, e.g. IR skill test taken with co-pilot, restricted instruction privileges to one 1 aircraft
Ratings that are not validated may be removed from the licence by the competent authority.
3. Requirements for the flight crew licence issued in electronic format
3.1. The flight crew licence issued in electronic format shall be issued in accordance with the format
and content of EASA Form 155 and replicate the information contained in the records of the
competent authority.
3.2. The flight crew licence issued in electronic format shall have the electronic signature of the
officer issuing the licence and the most recent date and time of issue.
3.3. The electronic signature shall be at least an advanced electronic signature issued in accordance
with Regulation (EU) No 910/2014.
3.4. The flight crew licence issued in electronic format shall include a feature identified with the
acronym ‘ICAO’ that allows it to display its contents in English.
3.5. The flight crew licence issued in electronic format shall contain suitable active security features
to differentiate it from a static image.
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The competent authority issuing the licence issued in electronic format shall insert information in EASA Form 155 as follows: — the authority shall determine the information to be inserted in the place of content between
brackets (‘[]’). When not applicable, such content shall be left blank,
— the content of EASA Form 155 that is not between brackets (‘[]’) shall be inserted as such,
— items IVa, V, VII and XIa shall be left blank,
— completing Sections XIV, XVIa, XVIb, XVIc and XVId is optional.
Content requirements Format requirements
[Name of Member State]
[Name of Member State] in bold type ‘EUROPEAN UNION’ to be deleted for non-EU Member States
FLIGHT CREW LICENCE Issued in accordance with Part-FCL/Part-BFCL/Part-SFCL
(non-applicable terms to be deleted)
All content in very bold type
III Licence No [Member State code]
The serial number of the licence ([XXXX]) shall be in Arabic numerals. The Member State code shall be the United Nations country code of the Member State of the competent authority that issues the licence, followed by ‘FCL.’, ‘BFCL.’ or ‘SFCL.’, as applicable.
IVb Name of holder in full: [Name]
[Name] in Latin script too if script of national language is other than Latin
IVc Date of birth of holder: [Date]
The date format shall be dd-mm-yyyy (day-month- year)
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VI Nationality of holder: [Nationality]
[Name of Competent Authority]
Certification concerning validity and authorisation for holder
to exercise privileges appropriate to the licence
X Electronic signature of officer issuing the licence: [Signature]
Date and time of such issue: [Date] [Time]
The date format shall be dd-mm-yyyy (day-month- year) [Time] in hh:nn:ss (hours:minutes:seconds).
24-hour format
XIb Date and time of last synchronisation with the server of the
issuing competent authority: [Date] [Time]
The date format shall be dd-mm-yyyy (day-month- year) [Time] in hh:nn:ss (hours:minutes:seconds).
24-hour format
XIc Machine-readable code to retrieve authentication data:
Rating(s) and certificate(s) with their expiry dates [Ratings endorsed on the licence]
[Ratings endorsed on the licence] shall be inserted in accordance with a documented taxonomy
Limitations and privileges
All additional licensing information required and privileges established by ICAO, EC or EU
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Other remarks, i.e. special endorsements relating to limitations and endorsements for privileges, including and
endorsement of language proficiency
Directives/Regulations to be entered here.
Language proficiency endorsement(s), level and validity date shall be included.
In the case of BIR: BIR not issued in accordance with ICAO standards.
In the case of LAPL: LAPL not issued in accordance with ICAO standards.
In the case of SPL, except for the cases referred to in point (a) of Article 3b(2) of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2018/1976: privileges for aerobatic and sailplane cloud flying and for launching methods to be exercised in accordance with points SFCL.155, SFCL.200 and SFCL.215 of Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, as
Any other details desired by the competent authority issuing
the licence (including national ratings)
XVa Medical class
Class 1, Class 2, Class LAPL
XVb Expiry date
dd-mm-yyyy (day-month- year)
Special medical limitation, if any
Other information associated with the medical certificate
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Other information associated with the licence as determined
by the issuing competent authority: [Text]
Other information associated with the licence as determined
by the issuing competent authority: [Text]
Other information associated with the licence as determined
by the issuing competent authority: [Text]
EASA Form 155 Issue 1
AMC1 Point 1.2 of Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA) — Flight crew licence — EASA Forms 141 and 155
The procedure should describe the triggering events, time and conditions associated with the format
change for a licence already issued by the authority.
Changing the format of a licence means either:
— generating a licence in electronic format to replace a licence in physical format for the same
holder; or
— producing a licence in physical format to replace a licence in electronic format for the same
The events triggering the change of format of a licence may include the strategy adopted by the
competent authority to issue licences in a specific format for one licence holder, a defined group of
licence holders or all licence holders.
Those events may also include any practical aspect justifying the use of one format rather than the
other. Such practical aspects could be related to the appropriate use of that licence by the licence
holder or the ability of the competent authority to issue licences as intended.
The time at which the format of a licence is changed should be predefined. It may be a date chosen by
the competent authority or be associated with any processing of the licence for other purposes, such
— the addition of a new rating or certificate in the licence;
— the endorsement of the licence with a new aircraft or system rating;
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— the removal of a limitation in the licence.
The conditions under which the format of a licence is changed should include:
— the withdrawal of the existing licence issued in physical format or the invalidation of the existing
licence in electronic format before the new licence is generated or produced, as applicable;
— the means through which the licence holder is notified of such change and can obtain the new
AMC1 Point 3.1 of Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA) — Flight crew licence — EASA Forms 141 and 155
Flight crew licences issued in electronic format need to be readable by verifying devices worldwide to
achieve interoperability.
For that purpose, a common information structure that any device can process should be established,
so that reading applications developed by other authorities other than the issuing authority will be
Therefore, licences issued in electronic format should be endorsed using a list of values specific to each
rating (hereinafter referred to as endorsements) being included in or endorsed on the licence.
In addition, as licences may contain more than one rating, an array is necessary to list all the applicable
The values and the array are defined and structured through the namespace int.easa.epl.ratings.1 in
AMC1 ARA.FCL.130, with the attributes shown in Table 1.
Table 35 — EASA endorsement array
Rating No archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_valid_until other1 other2
Note: The rating number is not part of the ratings array; it is presented to reflect the fact that each
rating makes use of a row and that the array is limited to 64 ratings.
For each endorsement, each column of the array contains information as defined in the list of values
set out in Parts 2 and 3 of this AMC.
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2.1. Archetypes for aeroplane and helicopter licences
All endorsements belong to an archetype, which can be seen as a grouping of endorsements with
similar characteristics and a common information type.
Table 36 — Archetypes for aeroplane endorsements
Archetype Description
fcl_instrument_rating Group of instrumental ratings that the pilot may have, except those as
instrument instructor and instrument examiner, which will be endorsed as
a privilege of the instructor or examiner endorsements
fcl_class_rating Group of class rating endorsements that the pilot may have
fcl_type_rating Group of type rating endorsements that the pilot may have
fcl_additional_rating Group of additional ratings that the pilot may have and that do not belong
to any other kind of rating
fcl_instructor_rating Group of instructor ratings
fcl_examiner_rating Group of examiner ratings
radiotelephony Group of radiotelephony ratings
language_proficiency Group of language proficiency ratings
2.2. Archetypes for sailplane licences
Table 37 — Archetypes for helicopter endorsements
Archetype Description
fcl_class_rating Group of class rating endorsements that the pilot may have
fcl_launch_method Group of launching methods for sailplanes
fcl_additional_rating Group of additional ratings that the pilot may have and that do not belong
to any other kind of rating
fcl_instructor_rating Group of instructor ratings
fcl_examiner_rating Group of examiner ratings
radiotelephony Group of radiotelephony ratings
2.3. Archetypes for balloon licences
Table 38 — Archetypes for balloon endorsements
Archetype Description
fcl_class_rating Group of class rating endorsements that the pilot may have
fcl_additional_rating Group of additional ratings that the pilot may have and that do not belong
to any other kind of rating
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fcl_instructor_rating Group of instructor ratings
fcl_examiner_rating Group of examiner ratings
radiotelephony Group of radiotelephony ratings
3.1. Aircraft category taxonomy
Table 5 — Aircraft category endorsements
Endorsement Description
A Aeroplane
H Helicopter
S Sailplane
B Balloon
As Airship
3.2. Aeroplane licences
3.2.1. Title taxonomy
Table 6 — Title endorsements for aeroplanes
Endorsement Description
LAPL(A) Light aircraft pilot licence
PPL(A) Private pilot licence
CPL(A) Commercial pilot licence
MPL(A) Multi-crew pilot licence
ATPL(A) Airline transport pilot licence
3.2.2. Rating taxonomy
Table 7 — Taxonomy for aeroplane endorsements Endorsement Description Standardised
IR(A) Instrument
IFR by day only
MPO only
This endorsement is to be used
when the instrument rating is not
linked to a type rating.
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Endorsement Description Standardised
BIR Basic
CCCC Class
Cruise relief COPI > FL200 only
Under supervision of instructor
Appendix 9 Part FCL B.6(h):
MPO only
The endorsement for a class of
aeroplane will be as given on the
EASA class and type rating
endorsement list as published in
its current version on EASA’s
Cruise relief COPI > FL200 only
Under supervision of instructor
Appendix 9 Part FCL B.6(h):
MPO only
Limited to airline XXXX
The endorsement for a type of
aeroplane will be as given on the
EASA class and type rating
endorsement list as published in
its current version on EASA’s
Aeroplanes only
TMG only
Aeroplanes only
TMG only
Banner towing FCL.805(d):
Aeroplanes only
TMG only
NIGHT Night rating
Wheels only
Skis only
Wheels and skis
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Endorsement Description Standardised
FTR Flight test
One single rating for flight test
rating. Category is specified as a
FI(A) Flight
IR SPIC and FSTD only
CRI(A) Class rating
TRI(A) Type rating
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Endorsement Description Standardised
FFS only
IRI(A) Instrument
MPL BP only
FSTD only
BP stands for ‘basic phase’.
Not to be used if the instructor is
SFI(A) Synthetic flight
MCC and MPL restrictions
MCCI(A) Multi-crew
STI(A) Synthetic
MI(A) Mountain
FTI(A) Flight test
SENIOR I(A) Senior
(CCCC1, CCCC2, etc.), TRI (TTTT1,
TTTT2, etc.)
Senior instructors can instruct
other instructors.
The privileges for senior
instructors indicate the
instruction of the type of
instructor that can be performed.
FE(A) Flight examiner
FIE(A) Flight
CRE(A) Class rating
CCCC1, CCCC2, etc.
CCCC1, CCCC2, etc. represents the
list of class ratings for which the
examiner has privileges.
TRE(A) Type rating
TTTT1, TTTT2, etc.
TTTT1, TTTT2, etc. represents the
list of type ratings for which the
examiner has privileges.
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Endorsement Description Standardised
IRE(A) Instrument
SFE(A) Synthetic flight
SENIOR E(A) Senior
CCCC2, etc.), TRE (TTTT1, TTTT2,
A senior examiner can perform
assessments on other examiners.
The privileges for senior
examiners indicate the
assessments of the type of
examiner that can be performed.
RT(A) Radiotelephony LAN1, LAN2, etc. LAN1, LAN2, etc. represents the
list of languages with which the
holder of the licence can use
LAN ISO 639-2
codes for
languages (3
Language proficiency levels:
Each language is listed as an
endorsement attribute, and the
proficiency level is specified in the
attribute ‘other_1’.
3.2.3. Endorsement methodology
Ratings shall be endorsed specifying their attributes as shown in Table 8.
Table 8 — Rating endorsement methodology for aeroplanes archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
IR(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
when IR is
not linked to
a class/type
CB IFR day only,
MPO only
Use if
BIR dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
CCCC dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy
Expiry date of
IR, only if
attribute is
not used
Cruise relief
COPI > FL200
only, under
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archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
linked to the
class rating
of instructor
only, MPO
if applicable,
go here
TTTT dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
Expiry date of
IR, only if
linked to the
type rating
attribute is
not used
Cruise relief
COPI > FL200
only, under
of instructor
only, MPO
if applicable,
go here
AEROBATIC dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
only, TMG
if applicable,
go here
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
only, TMG
if applicable,
go here
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
NIGHT dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
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archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
MOUNTAIN dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
Wheels only,
skis only,
wheels and
if applicable,
go here
FLIGHT TEST dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
This attribute
is not used
This attribute
is not used
CAT 1, CAT 2
As applicable
attribute is
not used
FI(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
CRI(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
TRI(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
FFS only
if applicable,
go here
IRI(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
MPL BP only
if applicable,
go here
SFI(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
MCC and
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Proposed regulatory material
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archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
or renewal,
as applicable
if applicable,
go here
MCCI(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
STI(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
MI(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
FTI(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
SENIOR I(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
CCCC2, etc.),
TTTT2, etc.)
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
FE(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (B)
Proposed regulatory material
TE.RPRO.00034-013 © European Union Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. ISO 9001 certified. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA intranet/internet. Page 83 of 103
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archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
or renewal,
as applicable
FIE(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
CRE(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
TRE(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
IRE(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
SFE(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
SENIOR E(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
CCCC2, etc.),
TTTT2, etc.)
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
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archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
RT(A) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
LAN3, etc.
ISO 639-2
codes for
languages (3
if applicable,
go here
ISO 639-2 codes
for languages (3
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
4, 5, 6
level as
attribute is
not used
3.3. Helicopter licences
3.3.1. Title taxonomy
Table 9 — Title endorsements for helicopters
Endorsement Description
LAPL(H) Light aircraft pilot licence
PPL(H) Private pilot licence
CPL(H) Commercial pilot licence
ATPL(H) Airline transport pilot licence
3.3.2. Rating taxonomy
Table 10 — Rating taxonomy for helicopters Endorsement Description Standardised
IR(H) Instrument
IFR by day only
IR restricted to COPI
BIR Basic
COPI only
The endorsement for a type of
aeroplane will be as given on the
EASA class and type rating
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endorsement list as published in its
current version on EASA’s website.
Banner towing
NIGHT Night rating
FTR(H) Flight test
CAT1, CAT2 Category is endorsed as a privilege.
FI(H) Flight
IR(H) SPIC and FSTD only
TRI(H) Type rating
FFS only
IRI(H) Instrument
FSTD only
SFI(H) Synthetic flight
MCCI(H) Multi-crew
STI(H) Synthetic
FTI(H) Flight test
SENIOR I(H) Senior
(TTTT1, TTTT2, etc.)
Senior instructors can instruct
other instructors.
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The privileges for senior
instructors indicate the instruction
of the type of instructor that can
be performed.
FE(H) Flight examiner
FIE(H) Flight
TRE(H) Type rating
IRE(H) Instrument
SFE(H) Synthetic flight
SENIOR E(H) Senior
TTTT2, etc.)
A senior examiner can perform
assessments on other examiners.
The privileges for the senior
examiner indicate the assessments
of the type of examiner that can be
RT(H) Radiotelephony LAN1, LAN2, etc. LAN1, LAN2, etc. represents the list
of languages with which the holder
of the licence can use
LAN ISO 639-2
codes for
languages (3
Language proficiency levels:
Each language is listed as an
endorsement attribute and the
proficiency level is specified in the
attribute ‘other_1’.
3.3.3. Endorsement methodology
Ratings shall be endorsed specifying its attributes as shown in Table 11.
Table 11 — Rating endorsement methodology for helicopters archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
IR(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
Date of
This attribute
is not used
when IR is
not linked to
a type rating
attribute is
not used
only, IR
restricted to
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (B)
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An agency of the European Union
or renewal,
as applicable
Use if
BIR dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
TTTT dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
Expiry date of
IR, only if
linked to the
type rating
attribute is
not used
COPI only
if applicable,
go here
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
NIGHT dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
MOUNTAIN dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
only, skis
only, wheels
and skis
if applicable,
go here
FTR(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Use as
attribute is
not used
FI(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (B)
Proposed regulatory material
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An agency of the European Union
or renewal,
as applicable
if applicable,
go here
TRI(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
FFS only
if applicable,
go here
IRI(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
SFI(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
MCC and
if applicable,
go here
MCCI(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
STI(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
FTI(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
SENIOR I(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
Date of
This attribute
is not used
if applicable,
go here
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (B)
Proposed regulatory material
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An agency of the European Union
or renewal,
as applicable
TTTT2, etc.)
Privileges, if
go here
FE(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
FIE(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
TRE(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
IRE(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
SFE(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
SENIOR E(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
TTTT2, etc.),
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (B)
Proposed regulatory material
TE.RPRO.00034-013 © European Union Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. ISO 9001 certified. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA intranet/internet. Page 90 of 103
An agency of the European Union
RT(H) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
LAN3, etc.
ISO 639-2
codes for
languages (3
if applicable,
go here
ISO 639-2
codes for
languages (3
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
This attribute
is not used
4, 5, 6
level as
attribute is
not used
3.4. Sailplane licences
3.4.1. Title taxonomy
Table 12 — Title taxonomy for sailplanes
Endorsement Description
SFCL Sailplane flight crew licence
3.4.2. Rating taxonomy
Table 13 — Rating taxonomy for sailplanes Endorsement Description Standardised
SPL Sailplane SFCL.150 (a)
TMG Touring motor
SFCL.150 (b)
CAR Car launching
AERO Aero launching
SELF Self-launching
Aerobatic basic
SFCL.200 (b)
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Endorsement Description Standardised
advanced flight
SFCL.200 (c)
towing with
SFCL.205 (b)
Banner towing
with TMG
SFCL.205 (c)
NIGHT Night rating SFCL.210
CLOUD Cloud flying
FI(S) Flight
SENIOR I(S) Senior
SFCL.315 (7)
Senior instructors can instruct
other instructors.
The privileges for senior
instructors indicate the instruction
of the type of instructor that can
be performed.
FE(S) Flight examiner SFCL.415 (a) → SPL
SFCL.415 (b) → TMG
SFCL.415 (c) (1) (i) → FI(SPL)
SFCL.415 (c) (1) (ii) → FI(TMG)
SENIOR E(S) Senior
A senior examiner can perform
assessments on other examiners.
The privileges for the senior
examiner indicate the assessments
of the type of examiner that can be
RT(S) Radiotelephony LAN1, LAN2, etc. LAN1, LAN2, etc. represents the list
of languages with which the holder
of the licence can use
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3.4.3. Endorsement methodology
Ratings shall be endorsed specifying its attributes as shown in Table 14.
Table 14 — Endorsement methodology for sailplanes archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
SPL dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
TMG dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
WINCH dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
CAR dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
AERO dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
SELF dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
BUNGEE dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
dd/mm/yyyy This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (B)
Proposed regulatory material
TE.RPRO.00034-013 © European Union Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. ISO 9001 certified. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA intranet/internet. Page 93 of 103
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archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
Date of
NIGHT dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
CLOUD dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
FI(S) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
SENIOR I(S) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (B)
Proposed regulatory material
TE.RPRO.00034-013 © European Union Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. ISO 9001 certified. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA intranet/internet. Page 94 of 103
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archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
FE(S) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
attribute is
not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
SENIOR E(S) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
Date of
attribute is
not used
Privileges, if
go here
if applicable,
go here
RT(S) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal,
as applicable
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
LAN3, etc.
ISO 639-2
codes for
languages (3
attribute is
not used
3.5. Balloon licences
3.5.1. Title taxonomy
Table 15 — Title taxonomy for balloons
Endorsement Description
BFCL Balloon flight crew licence
3.5.2. Rating taxonomy
Table 39 — Rating taxonomy for balloons Endorsement Description Standardised
HAB-A Class
Hot air balloon,
group A
HAB-B Class
Hot air balloon,
group B
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Endorsement Description Standardised
HAB-C Class
Hot air balloon,
group C
HAB-D Class
Hot air balloon,
group D
GAS Class
Gas balloon
Mixed balloon
HAS Class
Hot-air airship
TETHERED Tethered rating BFCL.200
NIGHT Night rating BFCL.210
FI(B) Flight
SENIOR I(B) Senior
FI(HAB-A, HAB-B, HAB-C, etc.),
Senior instructors can instruct
other instructors.
The privileges for senior
instructors indicate the instruction
of the type of instructor that can
be performed.
FE(B) Flight examiner HAB-A, HAB-B, HAB-C, HAB-D,
HAB-B, HAB-C, etc.),
Senior FEs (with privileges to test
other FEs) will have an ‘FE’
privilege endorsed.
BFCL.400 Balloon flight examiner
BFCL.415 FE(B) certificate –
Privileges and conditions
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Endorsement Description Standardised
SENIOR E(B) Senior
FE(HAB, HAS, MIXED, etc.),
HAB-B, etc.))
A senior examiner can perform
assessments on other examiners.
The privileges for the senior
examiner indicate the assessments
of the type of examiner that can be
RT(B) Radiotelephony LAN1, LAN2, etc. LAN1, LAN2, etc. represents the list
of languages with which the holder
of the licence can use
3.5.3. Endorsement methodology
Ratings shall be endorsed specifying their attributes as shown in Table 17.
Table 17 — Rating endorsement methodology for balloons archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
HAB-A dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
HAB-B dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
HAB-C dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
HAB-D dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
GAS dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
MIXED dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
HAS dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (B)
Proposed regulatory material
TE.RPRO.00034-013 © European Union Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. ISO 9001 certified. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA intranet/internet. Page 97 of 103
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archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
TETHERED dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
NIGHT dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
COMMERCIAL dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
FI(B) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal, as
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
Use if
go here
SENIOR I(B) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal, as
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
C, etc.),
Privileges, if
go here
go here
FE(B) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal, as
Date of expiry
attribute is
not used
AL, FI(B),
Use if
go here
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Proposed regulatory material
TE.RPRO.00034-013 © European Union Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. ISO 9001 certified. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA intranet/internet. Page 98 of 103
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archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
SENIOR E(B) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal, as
Date of expiry
attribute is
not used
Privileges, if
go here
go here
RT(B) dd/mm/yyyy
Date of
or renewal, as
This attribute
is not used
attribute is
not used
LAN3, etc.
ISO 639-2
codes for
languages (3
attribute is
not used
GM1 Point 3.1 of Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA) — Flight crew licence — EASA Forms 141 and 155 ELECTRONIC PERSONNEL LICENCE SYSTEM
(a) Implementing the electronic personnel licence system
(1) The issuance of electronic personnel licences by Member States is optional.
However, the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Doc 7300), Annex 1 ‘Personnel
licensing’, mentions the obligation for all ICAO States to recognise them.
(2) The electronic personnel licence system can be scalable to the needs of each Member
State, its service providers, licence holders and applicants.
An efficient electronic personnel licence system will be achieved through thoughtful
planning and implementation, ensuring that it meets not only requirements of the
Convention on International Civil Aviation (Doc 7300) and its Annexes, but also the
applicable national and European regulations.
(3) When implementing an electronic personnel licence system, Member States may also
take into consideration its integration with already existing licensing systems, including,
but not limited to:
(i) initial issuance of the licence;
(ii) licence conversion, limitation, suspension or revocation;
(iii) integration with the software used by the competent authority; and
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(iv) links to other IT frameworks required (e.g. other Member State entities,
organisations), when applicable.
(4) Prior to introducing the electronic personnel licence system, Member States may
consider the following aspects:
(i) Regulatory framework
Member States need to determine whether the current national regulatory
framework would allow the implementation of the electronic personnel licence
system regulations (e.g. privacy laws, relevant information technology regulations,
data protection). If not, Member States may need to amend their current national
regulations or introduce new regulations.
(ii) Risk analysis
The electronic personnel licence system will inherently be exposed to new risks. In
order to address new risks, the introduction of the system may be driven by the
results of a risk assessment in each phase of the project. A risk assessment could
be a part of the Member State’s integrated risk management that would allow the
identification and evaluation of common risks, as well as the development of an
action plan that addresses key risks and effective mitigation of those risks.
The electronic personnel licence system may be incorporated in the information
security management system of the competent authority or in a suitable
equivalent, which is used by the competent authority. Guidance on conducting risk
assessments is provided in the Safety Management Manual (ICAO Doc 9859).
(iii) Resources
Competent authorities need to ensure that they have sufficient resources to
introduce and maintain an electronic personnel licence system. This includes
financial resources, as well as human resources.
If a competent authority does not have qualified personnel to develop and
maintain the electronic personnel licence system, some of the work may be
A competent authority may invest time and resources not only in implementation,
but also in equipment and technology, the work environment, employees and
operating systems.
The competent authority may be prepared to invest in the systems and processes,
as well as to develop policies that provide optimal global interoperability and
performance of the electronic personnel licence system.
(iv) Service providers and licence holders
Competent authorities need to consider how the electronic personnel licence
system will affect their service providers, licence holders and applicants.
(5) It is recommended that the competent authority prepare a comprehensive project
initiation document defining the scope, the impact on the existing national licensing
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system and the electronic personnel licence system, and including a risk assessment and
other features.
(6) While developing the electronic personnel licence system, it is advisable to consider the
potential scalability of the system in terms of how the system could be applied to other
licensing or certification areas, in order to capitalise on the work involved and the know-
how developed by the Member State during the implementation of the electronic
personnel licence system.
(7) It is advisable to conduct a post-implementation analysis of the electronic personnel
licence system in order to capture the lessons learned and the benefits of the realisation
of the project.
(b) Features of the electronic personnel licence system
(1) The electronic personnel licence system typically consists of the following major parts:
(i) a server-based licence management system with a user interface management
(ii) (an) application(s) installed on (a) self-contained mobile electronic visual display
device(s); and
(iii) a system to support surveillance activities by the Member State’s own inspectors
and by inspectors from other competent authorities.
(2) The purpose of the application installed on a self-contained mobile electronic visual
display device is to provide the licence holder with a means to show the approved and
updated privileges conferred upon the individual by the competent authority.
Secure communication between the electronic personnel licence system of the
competent authority and the self-contained mobile electronic visual display device can
be via the internet or other electronic means as deemed appropriate by the issuing
competent authority.
(3) In addition, the electronic personnel licence system can enable authorised persons to
perform verification.
(c) Expected level of performance
Competent authorities intending to introduce an electronic personnel licence system may
ensure the following:
(1) a high degree of security, preventing forgery, data leaking and other security events;
(2) highly reliable delivery of the correct information, at the right time and to the right
(3) the ability to detect corrupted data and service interruptions, and to initiate timely
corrective actions;
(4) the ability of the electronic personnel licence system to be used for verification purposes
in circumstances where electronic access to the information is not possible; and
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(5) robust contingency arrangements to manage unexpected events; for example, in the
event of a primary component outage of the electronic personnel licence system within
the competent authority, a process to transfer to back-up systems in order to maintain
the availability of the data.
(d) Electronic personnel licence system elements
The electronic personnel licence system may include the following:
(1) infrastructure for processing, storage, network communications, security and other
enabling software and hardware;
(2) data access to provide secure licence information resource support for services related
to the electronic personnel licences, licence holders and persons authorised to verify the
authenticity and validity of the licences, and a comprehensive level of integration with
the regulatory information management system of the competent authority;
(3) a business application to provide services for the issue, conversion, limitation, revocation
or suspension of flight crew licences issued in electronic format, and for the display,
query, verification and record-keeping of the electronic personnel licences;
(4) a user-friendly interface that provides correct data to the right addresses when needed;
The system architecture of the electronic personnel licence system may be supported by security
controls in layers providing role-based access to data, as well as by operations and the
maintenance support functions.
The integration of these controls and functions may be aligned with relevant and appropriate
standards and specifications, as well as regulatory system integration standards and
requirements. It is recommended not to implement single points of failure in any of the layers.
(e) Compliance with the applicable national and EU regulations, including privacy and personal
data protection
The electronic personnel licence system is subject to compliance with the applicable national
and EU regulations, including the privacy and data protection laws.
In reviewing the privacy and data protection laws, Member States may consider the following:
(1) What is personal data?
(2) What personal data is collected and for what purposes?
(3) How is personal data retained?
(4) With whom will personal data be shared and for what purposes?
(5) How long is personal data retained?
(6) Is there any international transfer of personal data? Where? Under which legal basis?
(7) How can data subjects access, update, delete or correct their personal data?
(8) What steps are taken to ensure the security of personal data?
(9) Whom can data subjects contact to exercise their rights in accordance with national and
EU regulations on personal data protection?
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(10) What is the complaint process?
(f) Security specifications
(1) Member States intending to implement an electronic personnel licence system may
ensure a high degree of security to prevent forgery, data leaking and other security
events. Information security as well as compliance with the applicable national and EU
regulations concerning information security may be considered during all phases.
(2) The main areas of security risks may include:
(i) loss or inauthenticity of data (e.g. invalidity, spoofing);
(ii) network or device malware infection; and
(iii) protection of private data.
(3) A risk assessment may be performed by the competent authority in order to identify the
major risks associated with an electronic personnel licence system. In addition, it is
recommended that a register of identified risks be maintained to minimise the likelihood
that the competent authority will lose sight of its known risks.
(g) Training and supporting guidance material
(1) The development of training and supporting guidance material, appropriate to their roles
and responsibilities, are recommended for all personnel who may interact with the
electronic personnel licence system. Such personnel may include licence applicants and
holders, competent authority personnel, inspectors (both domestic and foreign) and
electronic personnel licence system personnel.
Possible training and guidance topics could include:
(i) the use of the electronic personnel licence system, including its features and
(ii) the online and offline verification of the authenticity and validity of the electronic
personnel licences, including the use of any tools or applications, as well as the
description of included features (e.g. active security features to differentiate it
from a static image);
(iii) contingency actions, including cases of loss of or damage to the self-contained
mobile electronic visual display device used for the electronic personnel licences;
(iv) any other training and guidance that a Member State may find to be necessary.
(2) In addition to the topics identified in point (1), it is recommended that personnel whose
responsibilities include verifying, adding, deleting, amending or approving amendments
to electronic personnel licence data also receive regularly updated training in the
following subjects:
(i) administration of the electronic personnel licence system, including record-
keeping, maintenance and troubleshooting;
(ii) security training and awareness; and
(iii) training in monitoring of emerging risks.
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AMC1 Point 3.2 of Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA) — Flight crew licence — EASA Forms 141 and 155
The electronic signatures in flight crew licences issued in electronic format should be affixed in
accordance with the specifications of Section 5.1.4 of AMC1 ARA.FCL.130.
GM1 Point 3.5 of Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA) — Flight crew licence — EASA Forms 141 and 155
Active security features include dedicated visual effects triggered by specific actions such as tilting the
device, shaking it or touching the screen.
Such visual effects typically cannot be replicated using images of the licence captured through a
screenshot or another device.
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Notice of Proposed Amendment 2024-08 (C) in accordance with Article 6 of MB Decision 01-2022
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Proposed amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340
(air traffic controllers’ licences and certificates)
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Table of contents
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Table of contents
Proposed regulatory material ......................................................................................................... 4
Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 (Air traffic controllers’ licences and certificates) ................. 4
Article 4 — Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 4 Article 12 – Transitional measures regarding the inclusion of the information regarding the medical certificate in licences issued in electronic format ................................................................. 5
ANNEX I (Part ATCO) ....................................................................................................................... 6
ATCO.A.005 Application for the issue of licences, ratings and endorsements ............................... 6 ATCO.A.017 Obligation to present documents ............................................................................... 6 ATCO.A.020 Revocation and suspension of licences, ratings and endorsements ........................... 6
ANNEX II (Part ATCO.AR) ................................................................................................................. 7
ATCO.AR.D.001 Procedure for the issue, revalidation and renewal of licences, ratings, endorsements and authorisations ................................................................................................... 7 AMC1 ATCO.AR.D.001(a)(2) Procedure for the issue, revalidation and renewal of licences, ratings, endorsements and authorisations ...................................................................................... 7 GM1 ATCO.AR.D.001(e) Procedure for the issue, revalidation and renewal of licences, ratings, endorsements and authorisations ................................................................................................... 8 ATCO.AR.D.002 Licences issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system ................................................................................................................ 8 AMC1 ATCO.AR.D.002 Licence issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system ................................................................................................................ 9
1. DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 2. ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 9 3. PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.1 Licensing system and electronic personnel licence system ......................................................................... 10 3.2 The data set for the licence issued in electronic format (EPLDS) ................................................................. 11 3.3 The term ‘licence’ and life cycles ................................................................................................................. 12 3.4. Verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format ................................. 18
4. EPLSYS ................................................................................................................................................................ 19 4.1. EPLSYS introduction .................................................................................................................................... 19 4.2. Data exchange phases................................................................................................................................. 20 4.3. Chain of trust .............................................................................................................................................. 31 4.4. EPLAPP ........................................................................................................................................................ 31 4.5. EPLRAP ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
5. DATA MODEL ...................................................................................................................................................... 40 5.1 EPLDS ........................................................................................................................................................... 40 5.2. EPLDM ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
6. IMPACT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN EPLSYS ............................................................................................ 55 6.1. Impact on the LICSYS when implementing an EPLSYS ................................................................................ 55 6.2. Impact on the issuing authority’s procedures when implementing an EPLSYS ........................................... 57
GM1 ATCO.AR.D.002(d) Licences issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system .............................................................................................................. 57 AMC1 ATCO.AR.D.002(h) Licences issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system .............................................................................................................. 58 ATCO.AR.D.003 Change of competent authority .......................................................................... 59 AMC1 ATCO.AR.B.010 Changes to the management system ........................................................ 59
ANNEX IV (Part ATCO.MED) .......................................................................................................... 60
ATCO.MED.A.046 Suspension or revocation of a medical certificate ........................................... 60
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APPENDIX 1 TO ANNEX II — Format for licence(Student) air controller licence — EASA Forms 152 and 156 60 AMC1 Point 1.2 of Appendix 1 to Annex II — (Student) air traffic controller licence ................... 69 AMC1 Point 3.1 of Appendix 1 to Annex II — (Student) air traffic controller licence ................... 70 1. Archetypes for (student) air traffic control licences ....................................................... 71 2. Title taxonomy ................................................................................................................ 71 3. Rating taxonomy ............................................................................................................. 71 4. Endorsement methodology ............................................................................................ 73 GM1 Point 3.1 of Appendix 1 to Annex II — (Student) air controller licence — EASA Forms 152 and 156 75 AMC1 Point 3.2 of Appendix 1 to Annex II — (Student) air controller licence — EASA Forms 152 and 156 80 GM1 Point 3.4 of Appendix 1 to Annex II — (Student) air controller licence — EASA Forms 152 and 156 80
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Proposed regulatory material
The text of the amendment is arranged to show deleted, new or amended, and unchanged text as
— deleted text is struck through;
— new or amended text is highlighted in blue;
— an ellipsis ‘[…]’ indicates that the rest of the text is unchanged.
Where necessary, the rationale is provided in blue italics.
Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 (Air traffic controllers’ licences and
Article 4 — Definitions For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:
(14) ‘licence’ means a document issued in physical or electronic format and endorsed in accordance
with this Regulation and entitling its lawful holder to exercise the privileges of the ratings and
endorsements contained therein;
(33) ‘licence issued in electronic format’ means a licence issued on a self-contained mobile electronic
visual display device. A licence issued in electronic format may be referred to as an ‘electronic
personnel licence’;
(34) ‘licence issued in physical format’ means a licence issued on paper or other suitable material,
including plastic cards;
(35) ‘electronic personnel licence system’ means an integrated system comprised of the computer
hardware, network and communication facilities, computer software, validated data, users and
associated regulatory framework to enable the issuance of licences in electronic format and the
conduct of verification activities;
(36) ‘self-contained mobile electronic visual display device’ means a device such as a mobile phone,
tablet or other mobile device that enables the generation and verification of the authenticity
and validity of a licence issued in electronic format;
(37) ‘medical certificate’ means a document issued in either physical or electronic format containing
the items specified in point ATCO.AR.F.005 of Annex II (Part ATCO.AR), confirming compliance
with the medical requirements in Annex IV (Part ATCO.MED).
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Article 12 – Transitional measures regarding the inclusion of the information regarding the medical certificate in licences issued in electronic format
1. By way of derogation from point ATCO.AR.D.002(g) of Annex II (Part ATCO.AR), Member States
may decide to not include in a licence issued in electronic format the mandatory information
regarding the medical certificate of the licence holder as required in Appendix 2 to Annex II (Part
ATCO.AR) until [date of entry into force/applicability date + 10 years]. In that case, the holder of
a licence issued in electronic format shall hold a medical certificate issued in physical format in
accordance with Annex IV (Part ATCO.MED).
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ATCO.A.005 Application for the issue of licences, ratings and endorsements
(c) The licence shall remain the property of the person to whom it is issued, unless it is revoked by
the competent authority. The licence holder shall sign the licence.
ATCO.A.017 Obligation to present documents
(a) A (student) air traffic controller shall without undue delay present his or her licence, medical
certificate, and a personal identification document (containing his or her photo) for inspection
upon request by an authorised representative of a competent authority.
(b) The holder of the (student) air traffic controller licence issued in electronic format shall report
to the competent authority that issued his or her licence the loss or theft of the self-contained
mobile electronic visual display device on which the licence was generated.
ATCO.A.020 Revocation and suspension of licences, ratings and endorsements
(a) Licences, ratings and endorsements may be suspended or revoked by the competent authority
according to ATCO.AR.D.005 when the licence holder does not comply with the requirements of
this Part.
(b) When the licence holders haves his/her their licence suspended or revoked, they he/she shall
immediately return the licence issued in physical format to the competent authority according
to the administrative procedures established by that authority.
(c) With the issue of the air traffic controller licence, the student air traffic controller licence is
revoked and shall, in case it is a licence issued in physical format, be returned to the competent
authority which is issuing the air traffic controller licence.
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ATCO.AR.D.001 Procedure for the issue, revalidation and renewal of licences, ratings, endorsements and authorisations
(a) The competent authority shall establish procedures for the application, issue and exchange of
licences, issue of ratings and endorsements, as well as the revalidation and renewal of
endorsements. These procedures may include:
(1) the issue of temporary OJTI authorisation and temporary assessor authorisation; and
(2) if applicable, the authorisation for assessors to revalidate and renew unit endorsements
in which case assessors shall submit all records, reports and any other information to the
competent authority as defined in such procedures.
(b) Upon receiving an application and, if relevant, any supporting documentation, the competent
authority shall verify the application completeness and whether the applicant meets the
requirements set out in Annex I.
(c) If the applicant meets the applicable requirements, the competent authority shall issue,
revalidate or renew, when appropriate, the relevant licence, rating(s) and endorsement(s) using
only one of the two formats for licences established in Appendix 1 of to Annex II. The temporary
OJTI authorisation referred to in point ATCO.C.025 and the temporary assessor authorisation
referred to in point ATCO.C.065 shall be issued as a separate document wherein the privileges
of the holder as well as the validity of the authorisation shall be specified.
(d) For the purpose of reducing unnecessary administrative burden, the competent authority may
establish procedures for establishing a unique date of validity for several endorsements. In any
case, the validity periods of the endorsements concerned shall not be extended.
(e) The competent authority shall replace the air traffic controller licence if necessary for
administrative reasons and when point (XIIa) of the licence issued in physical format is
completed and no further space remains. The date of the first issue of the ratings and rating
endorsements shall be transferred to the new licence.
AMC1 ATCO.AR.D.001(a)(2) Procedure for the issue, revalidation and renewal of licences, ratings, endorsements and authorisations
When licences issued in electronic format are used, the competent authority may develop procedures
to allow privileges to be exercised by the licence holder before the information in the electronic
personnel licence system has been updated following the issue, revalidation or renewal of a unit
endorsement. The period for application of this procedure should be a maximum of 8 weeks after
successful completion of the applicable examination(s) and assessment(s).
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GM1 ATCO.AR.D.001(e) Procedure for the issue, revalidation and renewal of licences, ratings, endorsements and authorisations ADMINISTRATIVE REASONS
For the purpose of issuing a new licence, administrative reasons may be the following but are not
limited to:
(a) loss of the licence issued in physical format or of the self-contained mobile electronic visual
display device;
(b) theft of the licence issued in physical format or of the self-contained mobile electronic visual
display device;
(c) significant damage leading to illegibility. ;
(d) replacement of the self-contained mobile electronic visual display device.
ATCO.AR.D.002 Licences issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system
(a) The competent authority may decide to issue licences in electronic format to all licensed groups
of personnel, certain groups of personnel or certain individuals. For the same type of licence,
the same individual licence holder cannot hold both a licence issued in physical format and a
licence issued in electronic format.
(b) By way of derogation from point (a), the (student) air traffic controller is entitled to have a
licence issued in electronic format together with a document in physical format, issued in
accordance with point ATCO.AR.D.001, allowing the licence holder to exercise the privileges of
the licence for a maximum period of 8 weeks after successful completion of the applicable
examination(s), pending the endorsement of the licence issued in electronic format.
(c) The competent authority having issued a licence in electronic format shall ensure that
authorised personnel can verify the authenticity and validity of the licence and are able to
determine its privileges.
(d) The authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format shall be electronically
(1) online when an internet connection is available; or
(2) offline when no internet connection is available through a means that imposes no undue
burden on the authorised personnel verifying the authenticity and validity of the licence.
(e) When the competent authority issues licences in electronic format, it shall establish and
implement procedures for the establishment and operation of an electronic personnel licence
(f) The electronic personnel licence system shall ensure interoperability, security, confidentiality,
data protection, authentication, and accessibility of the licences issued in electronic format.
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(g) A licence issued in electronic format shall include the current information on the medical
certificate with class, expiry date and any medical information deemed relevant by the
competent authority in accordance with Part ATCO.MED.
(h) The competent authority shall develop and apply an administrative procedure for the update of
the licence issued in electronic format, including its limitation, suspension or revocation.
(i) When holders of a licence issued in electronic format have reported the loss or theft of the self-
contained mobile electronic visual display device on which their licence was issued, the
competent authority shall invalidate this licence and generate a new licence licence on another
device declared by the holder and to which they have access.
AMC1 ATCO.AR.D.002 Licence issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system
The following definitions apply to this Acceptable Means of Compliance.
‘Issuing authority’ means a competent authority with competence to issue licences, including licensing
authorities from third countries.
‘Mdoc’ means a document or application that resides on a self-contained mobile electronic visual
display device or requires such a device as part of the process to gain access to the document or
‘Verifying authority’ means a competent authority with competence to verify the validity and
authenticity of licences, including authorities from third countries with competence to verify the
validity and authenticity of licences.
API application programming interface
CSR certificate-signing request
EPL electronic personnel licence
EPLAPP application for a licence issued in electronic format
EPLDM electronic personnel licence data model
EPLDS data set for the licence issued in electronic format
EPLHD electronic personnel licence holder device
EPLRAP reading application for licences issued in electronic format
EPLRD electronic personnel licence reading device
EPLSYS electronic personnel licence system
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HDPKIC holder device public key infrastructure certificate
IAPKIC issuing authority public key infrastructure certificate
IAS issuing authority server
JWT Java web token
LICSYS licensing system
MSO mobile security object
PKI public key infrastructure
RDPKIC reading device public key infrastructure certificate
TLS transport layer security
URL uniform resource locator
Once an issuing competent authority has decided that one or several types of licence will be issued in
electronic format, it should decide on one of the following options:
(a) All the licences of that type will always be issued in electronic format.
(b) The two formats of the licence will be maintained (both physical format and electronic format).
(c) If option (b) is selected, it also needs to be decided whether the licence issued in electronic
format will be issued just for certain groups of personnel or specific individuals.
3.1 Licensing system and electronic personnel licence system
The licensing system (LICSYS) used by an issuing authority is not the electronic personnel licence
system (EPLSYS). The LICSYS and the EPLSYS are independent systems that share the source where the
information is stored: the issuing authority server (IAS) — see Figure 1.
Figure 1 — LICSYS and EPLSYS schema
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(a) The LICSYS provides the tools that allow an issuing authority to manage the licence information
in accordance with its procedures for issuing, updating and invalidating the licence data. Only
data that has been validated in the national LICSYS and stored as valid licence information can
be used by the EPLSYS.
(b) The LICSYSs used by different issuing authorities might be different one from another: maybe
some issuing authorities use an existing market solution, and others have developed their own
LICSYS in accordance with their needs. Each LICSYS should work in accordance with the
requirements of the regulatory framework that applies to the issuing authority (such as EU
regulations, national regulations and national procedures established for the issuance, renewal,
revalidation, suspension and revocation of a licence).
(c) The EPLSYS provides the means by which the licence data and the medical data stored in a server
of an issuing authority are converted to an mdoc and are transferred to the holder device
(d) The EPLSYS also provides the method by which external parties (inspectors or other parties, who
will be generally called ‘verifiers’) can get the licence information on an electronic personnel
licence reading device (EPLRD) and proceed with the verification the authenticity and validity of
the of the licence issued in electronic format. Both the EPLHD and the EPLRD will need the
installation of software that can process the licence information..
3.2 The data set for the licence issued in electronic format (EPLDS)
(a) Each type of licence issued in electronic format has a specific set of data defined in the
Appendices to each applicable Regulation, such as Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 (air
traffic controllers’ licences and certificates).
(b) In contrast to licences issued in physical format, licences issued in electronic format share a
common structure, a common data set of information that is the same for all types of licences.
This common structure has been included in the affected regulations, and in this AMC it will be
referred to as the data set for the licence issued in electronic format (EPLDS).
(c) The EPLDS includes both the licence information of the licence issued in physical format and the
medical certificate information of the licence holder, if applicable, as certain types of licence
might not require a medical certificate) — see Figure 2.
Figure 2 — Data sources for the licence issued in electronic format
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(d) Generally, the EPLDS is composed of two subsets of data: a subset related to the licence data
issued in physical format and a subset related to the medical certificate — see Table 1. This
creates unavoidable differences between the licence issued in physical format and the licence
issued in electronic format.
(e) Some licences issued in physical format allow the endorsement of rating revalidations by writing
them down on the licence issued in physical format. The revalidation information is handwritten
and signed by an examiner. Therefore, revalidations, even though they are part of the licence
issued in physical format, are validated by a person in a different role: the examiner instead of
the officer who signs the issuance of the licence. This creates a third source of licence
information of licences issued in electronic format — see Figure 3.
3.3 The term ‘licence’ and life cycles
(a) A licence issued in electronic format should be seen as a representation of the licence
information of the licence issued in physical format and the medical certificate at a particular
moment in time. It will remain valid as long as the licence issued in physical format and the
medical certificate remain the same, but the moment one of these subsets of data varies, this
Table 1 — Information data set for each type of document
Figure 3 — Revalidations as a third data source
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representation is no longer valid, and another licence issued in electronic format supersedes the
existing licence issued in electronic format. Therefore, licences issued in electronic format
should be considered something that works in a similar way to how medical certificates do. The
invalidation of a licence issued in electronic format does not equal the invalidation of a licence
issued in physical format or the invalidation of a medical certificate; it only means that the
information in that representation is no longer accurate.
(b) Both the licence issued in physical format and the licence issued in electronic format grant the
licence holder the right to make use of the privileges given by them, and it makes no difference
having one format or the other, but technically they are not the same because of the
particularities of the licence issued in electronic format.
3.3.1 Issuance of a licence
Referring to licences (either licences issued in electronic format or licences issued in physical format),
the issuance could be considered as the process by which the data of the document is validated by the
issuing authority and the outcome is a valid licence being delivered to the licence holder. This process
contains two important actions:
(a) generation of the licence: action by which the licence data is inserted into a document
(independently of the format of the document, electronic or not);
(b) validation of data: action by which the licence data at a specific moment in time is rendered
valid by a signature that comes from the competent authority. Physical licence issuance process
When using licences issued in physical format, a simplification of the issuance process should be as
shown in Figure 4:
Figure 4 — Physical licence issuance process
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(a) A licence applicant (or holder, if a previous licence has already been issued), fills out a licence
application and submits it to the issuing authority.
(b) The issuing authority officers process the application following the established procedures.
(c) The licence information is registered in the LICSYS and the licence is printed.
(d) The licence information is validated by an issuing authority officer’s signature.
(e) The licence is given to the applicant, who becomes a licence holder. Issuance process of the licence issued in electronic format
With an EPLSYS, the issuance process of a licence issued in electronic format would be as shown in
Figure 5:
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Figure 5 — Issuance process of the licence issued in electronic format
(a) A licence applicant (or holder, if a previous licence has already been issued) completes a licence
application and submits it to the issuing authority.
(b) The issuing authority officers process the application following the established procedures.
(c) The licence data set information is registered in the EPLSYS. In order to be validated, it has to be
signed digitally by an officer of the issuing authority.
(d) Since the medical information is included in the licence issued in electronic format, it needs to
be available in the IAS. If it is not, it will be registered and validated by the medical assessor.
(e) Once validated, the licence data and the medical data set are stored in the IAS.
(f) The licence holder needs to install the application for the licence issued in electronic format
(EPLAPP) on the EPLHD and send a request for the generation of a licence issued in electronic
format to this specific device.
(g) The licence issued in electronic format is generated by the IAS and sent to the EPLHD.
(h) Once the licence issued in electronic format is received in the EPLHD, it is stored in the EPLAPP. Comparison of issuance processes
If the processes of issuance of the licence issued in physical format and of issuance of the licence issued
in electronic format are compared (see Figure 6), depending on the format of the licence, there are
significant differences that affect the concept of issuance:
Figure 6 — Comparison of issuance processes
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(a) Difference in the number of documents: The primary and most obvious difference is that,
outside the electronic world, two separate documents exist for some licences: for example, with
a flight crew licence, there are the licence issued in electronic format and the medical certificate.
Revalidations are considered part of the licence data set, although they might have a different
validator. With licences issued in electronic format, only one document exists, and parts of its
information are validated by people in different roles.
(b) Updating licence information: The licence information of the licence issued in electronic format
can be updated in response to changes in the licence issued in physical format data set or in the
medical certificate data set. Every time that there is a change, a new licence issued in electronic
format must be generated, so that the information it contains is valid and up to date. This entails
that in a licence issued in electronic format will be generated and delivered more frequently
than in a licence issued in physical format.
(c) Change of order in the actions of validation and generation: The licence issued in physical format
is generated (printed) and then validated by the officer’s signature (handwritten) whereas in an
EPLSYS the licence data of the licence issued in electronic format must first be validated by an
officer in the LICSYS (by an electronic signature) and then the mdoc is generated and finally
electronically signed by the issuing authority. Note that the signature of the mdoc is intended to
protect the mdoc information, not to validate the data it contains.
(d) Method of licence generation: A licence issued in physical format is generated when the issuing
authority decides to do so, by printing it, whereas with an EPLSYS the data verified by the issuing
authority is made available for generation of the licence in electronic format once the licence
holder sends a request from the EPLHD.
(e) The licence holder is in charge of generating the information on the licence issued in electronic
format: The licence issued in electronic format is linked to a specific self-contained mobile
electronic visual display device. When the licence in electronic format is generated, it contains
information about the device where it will be contained; therefore, the licence holder must have
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provided the information about the device prior to the generation of the licence in electronic
format, meaning that it is the licence holder who initiates the generation of the licence in
electronic format.
3.3.2. Suspension and revocation of a licence
(a) When a licence is generated in electronic format, the issuing authority should also generate a
public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate that represents the issuing authority, the issuing
authority PKI certificate (IAPKIC), and the licence issued in electronic format is signed with this
certificate. Further details of this process are provided in Section 0, but for now it should suffice
to be aware that the EPLDS of each licence issued in electronic format will be signed with a
unique IAPKIC that is specific for each licence issued in electronic format.
(b) A licence issued in electronic format should be considered a representation that reflects the
licence data set information and the medical data set information at a specific moment in time.
If any of this information changes, then the licence issued in electronic format must be
invalidated and a new licence in electronic format generated. The invalidation of a licence issued
in electronic format takes place by revoking the IAPKIC used to sign the EPLDS, but this
revocation of the IAPKIC must not be confused with the administrative act of revocation of a
licence or the revocation of a medical certificate, which would take away the privileges of the
licence holder. Therefore, in order to avoid confusion, the revocation of an IAPKIC will be
referred to in this AMC as ‘invalidation’, and the outcome is that the licence in electronic format
signed with this IAPKIC is invalidated.
(c) An actual revocation of the licence entails the invalidation of the licence issued in electronic
format, and no further generations of the licence are possible. This presents a completely
different situation.
(d) The electronic personnel licence data model (EPLDM) does not include the status of the licence,
so there is no way to indicate whether a licence issued in electronic format is valid, suspended
or revoked. A licence issued in electronic format provides only valid and up-to-date information.
(e) If a licence is suspended by an administrative act, the existing IAPKIC used to sign the licence
issued in electronic format shall be revoked and a new licence in electronic format generated
without information, or with only the medical information if it was valid. In an EPLSYS as defined
by ICAO, the difference between the revocation and the suspension would be noted because:
(1) In the case of revocation, no licence issued in electronic format exists and no new licence
issued in electronic format can be generated.
(2) In the case of suspension, the licence in electronic format can be generated, but it is
empty (no valid data is available), and new licences in electronic format can be generated.
When the suspension ends, a further generation of the licence in electronic format would
recover all the valid licence data.
(f) The revocation of a medical certificate will not revoke the licence data set; therefore, the
existing IAPKIC used to sign the licence issued in electronic format is revoked and a new licence
in electronic format without medical information is generated. In this case, there would be no
difference between the revocation or suspension of a medical certificate; the medical
information would not be displayed in the licence issued in electronic format just the same.
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3.4. Verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format
(a) The verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format consists
in verifying that the IAPKIC is still valid. When a licence issued in electronic format is invalidated,
so is the IAPKIC, and the IAPKIC is added to a certificate revocation list in the IAS. This means
that each licence issued in electronic format has a unique IAPKIC that is specific for each licence
issued in electronic format, and its validity is checked, verifying whether the IAPKIC is still valid.
(b) It is important to be aware that the verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued
in electronic format ensures that the information in the EPLDS has not been tampered with and
it remains as provided by the issuing authority. The verification process of the EPLSYS does not
check whether the ratings are still valid (it is possible that some ratings have an expiry date in
the past and the licence issued in electronic format is still valid). Therefore, verifiers will need to
look at the information provided and analyse whether the holder has the appropriate privileges
to perform whatever task the holder is performing, just as done with a licence issued in physical
(c) The verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format only
verifies that:
(1) the licence issued in electronic format is still valid (the IAPKIC with which it was signed is
not revoked); and
(2) the licence information of the licence issued in electronic format is as provided by the
issuing authority.
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4.1. EPLSYS introduction
(a) An EPLSYS is an integrated system comprised of computer hardware, network and
communication facilities, computer software, validated data, users, and rules and regulations to
enable the issuance of licences in electronic format and the conduct of oversight activities.
Figure 7 — EPLSYS interfaces
Error! Reference source not found. represents the three interfaces of the EPLSYS, accordance to ISO 18013-5, which are:
1. interface between the issuing authority and the licence holder;
2. interface between the licence holder and the licence verifier;
3. interface between the licence verifier and the competent authority.
ISO 18013-5 applies to interfaces 2 and 3 and considers interface 1 (the link between the
competent authority’s server and the licence holder) specific to each state.
(b) EPLSYS implementation requires that the issuing authority should develop an application for the
licence holder: the EPLAPP. This application should be installed in the EPLHD and should allow
the licence holder to connect with the IAS, receive and store the licence issued in electronic
format (interface 1) and allow the verification of the validity and authenticity of the licence by a
licence verifier that may use an EPLRD. This verification is done through interface 2 (offline
through a data exchange between devices) or interface 3 (online through a connection with the
(c) Competent authorities are entitled to decide the level they want to implement when verifying
licences issued in electronic format. This means that it is up to the competent authority to decide
whether or not it is necessary to provide the licence verifiers with a tool for the verification of
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the validity and authenticity of the licences issued in electronic format. This verification tool
consists of a second application that can be installed in an EPLRD, which allows engagement
with the EPLHD, can understand the information received from the EPLHD and permits
verification, both offline (interface 2) and online (interface 3). This application will be called the
reading application for licences issued in electronic format (EPLRAP).
(d) The implementation of an EPLSYS does not require the implementing competent authority to
develop the EPLRAP, but it does require the development of the verification tools necessary for
other verifying authorities to verify the validity and authenticity of the licences issued in
electronic format by the implementing competent authority. This means that the licences in
electronic format generated by the implementing competent authority should be able to be
verified by EPLRAPs of other verifying authorities both offline (interface 2) and online
(interface 3). The implementing competent authority may choose not to develop an EPLRAP, but
it needs to provide just the same the possibility for other states to verify its licences issued in
electronic format through device engagement and by connection to the IAS.
(e) If a competent authority does not develop an EPLRAP, there can only be a visual inspection of
licences issued in electronic format. Verification using the EPLRAP provides extra measures of
security that make it very difficult to tamper with the licence information of a licence issued in
electronic format.
(f) It is important that verifying authorities be aware that they will have to verify licences in
electronic format even if they do not implement them. Therefore, they might need an EPLRAP
even though they do not issue licences in electronic format.
(g) The EPLHD and EPLRD where the EPLSYS applications will be installed should provide for the
information security requirements.
4.2. Data exchange phases
There are the following phases of data exchange: licence issuance, initialisation, device engagement
and data retrieval — see Figure 8.
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Figure 8 — Data exchange phases
— Phase 0 — Licence issuance: This interaction is between the EPLHD and the IAS. In this phase a
licence in electronic format is generated and stored in the EPLHD.
— Phase 1 — Initialisation: The licence holder initiates the EPLHD for licence verification. This
phase is always initiated by the licence holder. A QR code that contains the information required
to set up and secure phases 2 and 3 is generated. The EPLHD gets ready for phase 2.
— Phase 2 — Device engagement: The EPLRD reads the QR code generated in phase 1 on the
EPLHD, and a message is transferred from the EPLHD to the EPLRD.
— Phase 3 — Data retrieval: The licence verifier selects the data retrieval mode and asks the
licence holder for consent to access the licence data of the licence issued in electronic format.
If consent is granted, this interaction depends on the methodology of the data retrieval: it can
be either between the EPLHD and the EPLRD or between the EPLRD and the IAS. The licence
information of the licence issued in electronic format is obtained in the EPLRD and verified.
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4.2.1. Phase 0: Licence generation
Figure 9 — Data validation
(a) Prior to the generation of the licence issued in electronic format, as explained in Section 0, the
data has been validated in the LICSYS and properly stored in the IAS — see Figure 9. At this point,
no generation of a licence in electronic format has occurred.
(b) The licence holder should have the EPLAPP installed on the EPLHD, and the EPLAPP must be
initialised (see Section 0). The reader should note that the initialisation of the EPLAPP is not the
same as the initialisation of ‘phase 1: device engagement’ when exchanging data.
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An agency of the European Union The mdoc of a licence issued in electronic format
(a) A licence issued in electronic format should follow the specification of an mdoc — see Figure 10.
Figure 10 — Mdoc data model
(b) The doctype and namespace are used to encapsulate the document type and the space in which
the data elements are defined.
(c) The document type for licences issued in electronic format should be ‘int.icao.epl.1’; the number
1 represents the version of the document type. The licence issued in electronic format has a
specific data model that might change with time; should this happen, the doctype version will
change. The EPLAPP should be ready to work and be updated with new versions of the EPLDM.
(d) Each namespace of the licence issued in electronic format, as defined in ICAO Doc 10190, is
related to one of the groups of information of the common form defined in ICAO Annex 1
(Appendix 4) and contains a list of data items in accordance with the licence or the medical
certificate data. Step 1: Device enrolment with the competent authority
To initiate the generation of a licence issued in electronic format, the EPLAPP must enrol the EPLHD
with the issuing authority through an interface provided by the issuing authority. This enrolment is
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done creating a PKI certificate-signing request (CSR) in the EPLHD and sending it to the IAS, as shown
in Figure 11:
Figure 11 — Step 1 of licence issuance in electronic format
(a) The EPLAPP generates a public/private key pair for the EPLHD, to be used only for this specific
licence issued in electronic format.
(b) The public key generated in (a) is included in a CSR.
(c) The licence holder’s digital identity and the CSR are sent to the IAS.
(d) The IAS issues and signs the holder device PKI certificate (HDPKIC). The HDPKIC represents the
EPLHD identity and will allow the licence issued in electronic format to be linked to the EPLHD
where the key pair was generated. This avoids the possibility that the licence issued in electronic
format can be cloned in another EPLHD.
(e) The HDPKIC is stored with the licence holder’s record in the IAS.
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Figure 12 — Step 2 of licence issuance in electronic format
(a) The EPLSYS in the IAS should search for any already existing licence of the same type issued in
electronic format for the holder (for example, a licence in electronic format was generated in
another EPLHD) — see Figure 12. If so, the existing licence in electronic format should be
invalidated before the new licence in electronic format is generated.
(b) The licence data set and the medical data set are obtained from where they are stored in the
IAS. The information must be processed as it is organised in the valid data model, putting every
piece of information in the corresponding namespace and data item. The EPLDS is obtained.
(c) The EPLDS and the HDPKIC are included in the mobile security object (MSO).
(d) ISO 18013-5 requires the use of two public/private key pairs in the mdoc: one for the EPLHD
(generated in step 1) and another one for the issuing authority. The authorities must generate
a unique key pair for each individual licence issued in electronic format.
(e) The IAPKIC, which is a PKI certificate containing the issuing authority public key, is generated,
and it is signed by the issuing authority.
(f) The MSO is signed with the private key of the IAPKIC.
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An agency of the European Union Step 3: Delivery of the licence issued in electronic format
(a) The mdoc is generated, including the IAPKIC, the information about the EPLDS and the MSO. The
mdoc is returned to the EPLHD — see Figure 13. The licence issued in electronic format is stored
in the EPLAPP and ready to be displayed and verified.
(b) The EPLAPP may encrypt the mdoc information using the HDPKIC, so the privacy of the licence
holder is protected.
4.2.2. Phase 1: Initialisation
(a) The initialisation consists of preparing the EPLHD for the next phase (device engagement). The
EPLSYS shall admit initialisation only using a QR code.
(b) The QR code contains the ‘engagement message’, which should follow the structure defined in
Section of ISO 180136-5 and contains information such as device retrieval technologies
(offline retrieval); server retrieval technologies (online retrieval); server retrieval token; and
protocol info.
(c) The licence holder will initiate the initialisation, actively requesting the EPLAPP to create the QR
code. Once it is generated, the EPLHD should open the connections to allow the request from
an EPLRD — see Figure 14.
4.2.3. Phase 2: Device engagement
(a) The verification of the authenticity and validity of the licences issued in electronic format is done
using wireless short-range peer-to-peer communication between the EPLHD and the EPLRD. The
devices exchange information in two phases, the device engagement being the first one of them
— see Figure 15. This phase determines the technical characteristics for the later retrieval phase:
(1) The EPLRD, using the EPLRAP, reads the code generated in the EPLAPP.
(2) The EPLRD opens the communications to start the next phase.
Figure 14 — Phase 1: Initialisation
Figure 13 — Step 3 of the generation of the licence issued in electronic format
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(b) During this phase, the engagement message is transferred from the EPLHD to the EPLRD by
means of a QR code containing the information required to set up and secure the data retrieval.
The information exchanged includes the capabilities of the EPLHD for the subsequent data
retrieval (technologies usable: Bluetooth low energy, Wi-Fi aware (optional) and online) and
parameters for a session initiation (cipher suites, keys). The message contains the security
information used to initiate device retrieval and the token used to initiate server retrieval.
Following transfer of the device engagement message, the information contained in the
message is used to hand off the retrieval of the licence issued in electronic format to a separate
channel (phase 3).
(c) The EPLRD may have an automatic timeout in case the engagement cannot be completed within
a certain time (not less than 30 seconds is recommended). The EPLHD may terminate the
engagement and the data retrieval at any time.
4.2.4. Phase 3: Data retrieval Step 1: Data retrieval request
Figure 16 — Phase 3, step 1: Data retrieval request
(a) Once the devices are engaged, the verifier will generate in the EPLRAP a data retrieval request
(see Figure 16), whereby the licence verifier notifies the holder of the licence which information
from the EPLDS is to be retrieved and which retrieval method will be used.
(b) The data retrieval request is received by the EPLHD, and the EPLAPP will proceed to verify the
validity of the data retrieval request.
(c) If the data retrieval request validation is successful, then the licence holder shall be able to
authorise the data retrieval or refuse it.
(d) When the licence holder receives a data retrieval request from a verifier, the EPLAPP must carry
out a few verification steps to assess whether the data retrieval request is valid, as follows:
(1) The EPLAPP gets the RDPKIC from the data retrieval request.
Figure 15 — Phase 2: Device engagement
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(2) The EPLAPP verifies that the RDPKIC is not expired and that it is signed with the verifier’s
(3) The EPLAPP verifies that the RDPKIC is not included in the PKI certificate revocation list of
the verifier’s authority (it would be so in case of a security key compromise, for instance).
(4) The EPLAPP verifies that the verifier’s IAPKIC is included in the trust list by following the
steps described in Section 11.1.12 of ICAO Doc 10190.
(e) If any of these checks fail, an appropriate error indication is displayed in the EPLAPP, and the
communication session should be terminated.
(f) If the validation of the data retrieval request is successful, the licence holder can proceed with
the authorisation of data retrieval. Step 2: Data retrieval
(a) The data retrieval methods available (see Figure 17) should be:
(1) device retrieval: the licence issued in electronic format is transferred from the EPLHD to
the EPLRD (offline);
(2) server retrieval: the licence issued in electronic format is transferred from the IAS to the
EPLRD (online).
(b) It is recommended that the first attempt at data retrieval be the device retrieval option and, if
unsuccessful, only then is the server retrieval attempted.
(c) The data retrieval works in a request/response type of communication. The EPLRAP sends a
request for data elements and the EPLAPP (or IAS) responds with the requested data. The
retrieval of data works in a session, and only those elements of the EPLDS that are requested by
the verifier are transmitted once the licence holder has approved the request.
(d) Licences issued in electronic format may have additional data elements that can be defined by
each issuing authority, and they might not be interoperable with reading devices from other
states. If the EPLHD cannot recognise a requested data element, it will be ignored and the EPLRD
might inform the licence verifier about the data elements that will not be returned.
(e) The data retrieval differs depending on the data retrieval option the licence verifier specifies in
the data retrieval request.
Figure 17 — Phase 3, step 2: Data retrieval
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Figure 18 — Phase 3, step 2: Device data retrieval
(a) Once the data retrieval request is authorised by the licence holder, the licence issued in
electronic format is transferred from the EPLHD to the EPLRD — see Figure 18.
(b) When an EPLRD receives the licence issued in electronic format from an EPLHD, the EPLRAP
verifies that:
(1) the IssuerSigned element contains the MSO;
(2) the MSO is signed by a non-expired IAPKIC and that the IAPKIC is included in the trust list
following the steps of Section of ICAO Doc 10190;
(3) the DeviceSigned element contains the HDPKIC;
(4) the HDPKIC is not included in the PKI certificate revocation list of the issuing authority.
(c) If any of those checks fail, an appropriate error indication is displayed by the EPLRAP and further
information exchange should be terminated.
(d) The data elements of the licence issued in electronic format should be returned in the
namespaces of the EPLDM defined in ICAO Doc 10190. The elements of the MSO should always
be returned as IssuerSigned elements; if they were returned in the DeviceSigned data, the
licence issued in electronic format should be considered invalid.
(e) The elements of the licence issued in electronic format should be verified to conform to the
encoding format and maximum size as defined in ICAO Doc 10190.
(f) In order to ensure the integrity of the data value for each data element, the reader application
should calculate the message digest for each data value using the digest algorithm specified in
the MSO. The structure of the MSO is described in Section ‘Signing method and structure
for MSO’ in ISO 18013-5.
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Figure 19 — Phase 3, step 2: Server data retrieval
(a) The licence information of the licence issued in electronic format is transferred from the IAS to
the EPLRD.
(b) Section of ISO 18013-5 contemplates two server retrieval options: web application
programming interface (API) and OpenID Connect. ICAO Doc 10190 limits the options to web
API. Therefore, both the EPLHD and the EPLRD must support web API retrieval, the structure of
which is defined in Section of ISO 18013-5. It includes three fields:
(1) Version, currently 1;
(2) Issuer uniform resource locator (URL), as defined in Section of ISO 18013-5;
(3) Server retrieval token.
(c) Secure retrieval of data of the licence issued in electronic format using server retrieval relies on
a well-designed server retrieval token. The token and a universal resource identifier (URI) for
accessing the issuing authority’s EPLSYS are sent from the EPLHD to the EPLRD — see Figure 19.
The EPLRD will use the token in response to the server retrieval request and does not need to
verify or understand it, but the issuing authority receiving the request should perform validation
of the authenticity and integrity of it. Each competent authority will be able to determine the
format of the server retrieval token; however, they should:
(1) be of a short duration;
(2) be used only once (single use);
(3) uniquely identify the licence holder;
(4) include consent for release of specific elements of the licence issued in electronic format;
(5) include digital device signature authenticating the licence holder.
(d) ISO 18013-5 supports transfer of the server retrieval token during both device engagement and
data retrieval, but ICAO Doc 10190 specifies that the server retrieval token must be sent in the
device engagement phase and not in the data retrieval phase.
(e) The EPLRD obtains the issuer URL contained in the device engagement message, to establish a
connection with the competent authority. The EPLRAP should verify the URL against the
distinguished name field in the IAPKIC in the ICAO master trust list, to ensure that the URL is not
spoofed. The communications between the EPLRD and the IAS should be secured using transport
layer security (TLS) with mutual authentication.
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(f) The issuing authority should validate the TLS PKI certificate presented by the EPLRD, and the
EPLRD should validate the TLS PKI certificate presented by the issuing authority.
(g) The token provides authorisation from the licence holders for the licence verifiers to access
licence data issued in electronic format. A valid token is required for server retrieval. If the
validation of the token fails, the competent authority should not return licence data issued in
electronic format to the EPLRD.
(h) The issuing competent authority should verify that the fields that are requested by the reader
have been approved for disclosure by the holder.
(i) The server response for Web API is described in Section of ISO 18013-5, and it
includes three fields:
(1) Version: always 1 as defined by ISO 18013-5;
(2) Documents: it will contain the licence issued in electronic format as a Java web token
(3) DocumentErrors: The EPLRAP should process error codes contained here.
(j) The Java simple object notation (JSON) web signature should be protected using a Java simple
object notation (JSON) web signature as specified in ISO 18013-5 Section 9.2.2. The EPLRD
should validate the JWS as described in ISO 18013-5 Section 9.3.2.
4.3. Chain of trust
(a) Both the EPLAPP and EPLRAP should download the latest EPL master trust list from ICAO to the
device where they have been installed, and should check the electronic signature of the trust
list to ensure its integrity.
(b) Each IAPKIC in the trust list will contain the URL distribution point value that points to the licence
holder’s and verifier’s PKI certificate revocation lists for that state. These lists should be
downloaded every 24 hours to the EPLHDs and EPLRDs to ensure that the revocation list is up to
date and available for the verification process.
(c) In order to construct a valid chain of trust, the steps indicated in Section of ICAO
Doc 10190 are followed.
The EPLAPP will be installed in the EPLHD and will allow an appropriate way to identify the licence
holder, generate and store one or several licences issued in electronic format, and synchronise the
existing licences information issued in electronic format in the application. It will also have some
functionalities that allow the licence holder to generate a one-time QR code that will allow
engagement with an EPLRD and the retrieval of licence data of the licences issued in electronic format.
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4.4.1. Downloading and installing the EPLAPP
(a) Each issuing authority will need to publish its national EPLAPP for at least Android and iOS
systems — see Figure 20.
(b) Once downloaded, the application will be installed like any market application for those
operating systems.
4.4.2. Initialising the EPLAPP
Figure 21 — EPLAPP initialisation
(a) Any instance of an EPLAPP installed on a new device will need to follow an initialisation process
— see Figure 21. The purpose of this process is to ensure the proper identification of the licence
holder and to link the new EPLHD to the licence holder. The process of initialisation requires an
internet connection to be available.
(b) The first time the licence holder signs in to an instance of an EPLAPP installed on a specific
EPLHD, the licence holder needs to be properly identified. If the licence holder is in possession
Figure 20 — EPLAPP operating systems
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of a digital certificate that already provides a digital identity, it can be used to log in to the
(c) When the licence holder does not possess a digital identity, the licence holder should present
themselves to the issuing authority, which, once the licence holder has been properly identified,
will create the digital identity of the licence holder and provide credentials to log in to the
(d) Issuing authorities could also consider the use of an approved vetting and proofing process that
can create digital credentials for the licence holder. This process can be established using a
method such as two-factor authentication using a username and password followed by a one-
time token.
(e) All issuing authorities will need to prepare the EPLAPP to identify the licence holder using the
EU Digital Identity Wallet of the holder and use it as the digital identity of the licence holder.
(f) Once the licence holder has logged in, the EPLAPP will verify the holder digital identity in the IAS
and link the instance of the EPLAPP to the licence holder.
(g) The EPLAPP will send a confirmation that the initialisation process has successfully finalised. In
the event of a failure, it will send a notification of any error that has occurred.
Once the initialisation process has successfully finalised, the EPLAPP will be available for use.
Otherwise, the EPLAPP will have all its functionalities blocked and no information will be able to
be seen or managed in the application.
4.4.3. Actions on the licence issued in electronic format
The EPLAPP needs to provide the licence holder with several actions to perform on the licence issued
in electronic format, such as:
(a) View licence issued in electronic format: The licence issued in electronic format has been
downloaded into a device and is ready to be used. Pressing the button leads the holder to view
the licence issued in electronic format.
(b) View licence issued in electronic format in accordance with ICAO format: The information in the
licence issued in electronic format should always be available in English. However, Member
States can use up to eight additional national languages.
(1) The EPLDM described in ICAO Doc 10190 allows the issuing authority to specify national
privileges for the licence issued in electronic format. These national privileges might not
follow a standardised taxonomy, might have very particular characteristics, might make
no sense outside the issuing state or might not be available in English, since the authority
is not obliged to translate them. Therefore, it could happen that an EPLRD from another
state is not able to read or process the information about the national ratings.
(2) For these reasons, the EPLAPP needs to provide a standardised display of the licence
issued in electronic format (that is, in English and lacking national privileges should they
not be understood by EPLRDs from other states), which is considered the ICAO format
and is compliant with ICAO specifications. Therefore, the EPLAPP must provide for each
type of licence the possibility of displaying the licence issued in electronic format in this
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ICAO format. The button in the EPLAPP that allows the generation of this format is
required to have the ICAO logo.
(c) Generate licence issued in electronic format: The Member State has made this type of licence
available as a licence issued in electronic format, but the licence issued in electronic format has
never been generated yet. Pressing this button will start the licence generation as described in
phase 0 (see Section 0).
(d) Update licence issued in electronic format: The licence issued in electronic format has been
downloaded to an EPLHD, but the EPLAPP detects that there have been changes in the EPLDS,
so the generation of a new licence in electronic format is required. The EPLAPP needs to indicate
to the licence holder that a new licence issued in electronic format should be generated.
It is important that the licence holder manually initiate the generation of the new licence in
electronic format, because it will be in the process of generation that the former licence issued
in electronic format will be invalidated. It could cause problems, especially for aircrew licences,
because if this licence were invalidated without the knowledge of the licence holder, and there
were a process of verification, the licence holder would not know that the stored new licence
issued in electronic format was no longer valid and might be in a situation where there would
be no option to update it. Therefore, the former licence in electronic format should be valid until
the new licence in electronic format is generated.
(e) Transfer licence issued in electronic format: The licence issued in electronic format has been
downloaded to another device. The licence holder can decide to transfer the licence to this
device, which will invalidate the licence issued in electronic format in the first device and
generate a new licence in electronic format in the current device.
4.4.4. Availability of the licence issued in electronic format
(a) There might be cases where the licence holder will not be able to request the generation of the
licence in electronic format in the EPLAPP. In these cases, an indication of ‘EPL not available’
should be shown to the licence holder.
(b) The message ‘EPL not available’ could be due to any of the following situations:
(1) The competent authority has decided not to use the electronic format for this particular
type of licence.
(2) The licence holder does not possess that type of licence.
(3) The licence holder possesses that type of licence, but the licence holder possesses a
physical version of the licence, so the licence in electronic format cannot be generated.
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4.4.5. List of licences
(a) This section contains a proposal for competent authorities about how the EPLAPP home page
could work, but Member States may decide on a different solution that best suits their purposes.
(b) Error! Reference source not found.’ proposes that the home page of EPLAPP contain the
identification data of the licence holder and a list of all the licences the licence holder has. Each
licence issued in electronic format is an independent entity, which might have been issued
subject to a different regulation, but, if the licence holder has five different licences, it will be
costly for the issuing authority to develop and maintain one independent EPLAPP for each type
of licence. The list of licences in this example allows all the types of licences to be listed in a
single application, and each type of licence has an associated action that depends on the status
of the licence.
Figure 22 — EPLAPP home page
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(c) If the EPLAPP uses such a list, the issuing authority will only be required to develop and maintain
a single EPLAPP.
(d) Every time the list is loaded, there will be a synchronisation of the licence information of each
type of licence, so the synchronisation date of each type of licence should be updated.
(e) When developing the EPLAPP, it should be taken into consideration that the application must
be able to function properly offline. If the EPLHD is online, the list of licences and available
actions can be synchronised as appropriate. If the EPLHD is not online, only the licences issued
in electronic format stored on this specific device will be listed.
4.4.6. Accessing a licence issued in electronic format
When a licence issued in electronic format is stored in an instance of the EPLAPP, the action ‘View EPL’
will be available. Pressing the button will lead to the licence information of the licence issued in
electronic format and the actions that can be taken on that specific licence issued in electronic format,
such as:
(a) Manual synchronisation: This action will not be available in offline mode. When selected, the
EPLAPP will look for any changes in the licence issued in electronic format and update the date
of last synchronisation. If necessary, the licence information of the licence issued in electronic
format will be updated by the generation of a new licence in electronic format.
(b) Deactivate the licence issued in electronic format: This action will allow the holder of the licence
issued in electronic format to deactivate it in the instance of the EPLAPP on which it is stored.
Therefore, the licence issued in electronic format will be invalidated.
When the licence holder decides to erase the licence issued in electronic format from an
instance of EPLAPP, such deletion:
(1) should delete all information, including log information, and any metadata that could
impart information about the erased licence in electronic format;
(2) should not require approval by the issuing authority;
(3) should be available to a licence holder via a request from the issuing authority.
Issuing authorities should consider making it possible to delete a licence in electronic format
from an EPLHD remotely, for security reasons (such as the EPLHD being stolen).
(c) Generate QR: When the licence must be verified by a licence verifier, the licence holder must
generate the QR that will allow the device engagement with the EPLRD. This action will allow
the generation of the QR code.
4.4.7. Background with moving image
As a security measure, licences issued in electronic format should have security features such as a
moving image that allow the verifiers to be certain they are not viewing a static image.
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4.4.8. Audit log
The EPLAPP should be capable of maintaining an audit log. The licence holder should be able to decide
whether to make use of this log or not. The audit log and related settings should be accessible only to
the licence holder.
The audit log will keep a record of all the transactions concerning the licence issued in electronic format
(sharing licence information of the licence holder with a verifier for the licence issued in electronic
format) and communication actions between the EPLHD and the competent authority.
(a) The EPLRAP will be installed on the EPLRD and will allow the staff of competent authorities to
retrieve data from a licence issued in electronic format (or directly from an IAS) and proceed
with the necessary verification of the data, such as the validity of the signature and the validity
of the EPLDM that has been retrieved.
(b) Member States that decide to develop an EPLRAP should follow the specifications of this AMC.
(c) The EPLRAP should only be installed on devices that belong to the verifying authority, and not
on the personal devices of the verifying authority staff. The competent authorities should
provide their staff with the tools required to fulfil their tasks.
4.5.1. EPLRAP functional requirements
The EPLRAP shall include at least the following functional requirements:
(a) It needs to be able to request, receive and verify the integrity and authenticity of a licence issued
in electronic format whether online connection is present or not for either the EPLHD or the
(b) A user of EPLRAP not associated with the issuing authority needs to be able to verify the integrity
and authenticity of a licence issued in electronic format.
(c) The reader needs to be enabled to confirm the link between the person presenting the licence
issued in electronic format and the licence holder.
(d) The interface between the licence issued in electronic format and the EPLRAP needs to support
the selective release of the licence data issued in electronic format to the reader.
4.5.2. Downloading and installing EPLRAP
(a) Each verifying authority can decide to develop its own EPLRAP in any operating system that best
suits the authority’s purposes. Unlike the EPLAPP, the verification application will be developed
to be used only by the verifying authority’s staff. Therefore, it can be developed in accordance
with the verifying authority’s requirements provided it complies with the specifications of this
(b) The ability to download the application should not be publicly available. The verifying authority
can install the EPLRAP on the devices of the staff who need to perform verification of the licence
issued in electronic format.
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4.5.3. Reading licence issued in electronic format with EPLRAP
(a) The home page of the EPLRAP will have the user’s basic information — see Figure 23. It does not
need to have personal data; the officer/inspector number or any other type of identification the
authority considers necessary should be enough.
(b) Under the person’s details, there should be an ‘Engage’ button that will activate the EPLRD
camera to read the QR code generated in the EPLAPP. Once the code is read, the EPLRAP will
manage the information from the QR code and proceed with the device engagement (see
Section 0).
(c) With the devices engaged, the licence verifier should send a request to the EPLHD, specifying
the data to be retrieved from the licence issued in electronic format. By default, the EPLRAP will
have the following requests available:
Figure 23 — EPLRAP home page
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(1) Inspection data retrieval: This request will contain the minimum data set necessary to
proceed with a ramp inspection, as defined by ICAO.
(2) Full licence data retrieval: This request will contain all the licence information of the
licence issued in electronic format.
(3) Customised data retrieval: This option will allow the licence verifier to choose which items
of the licence issued in electronic format to request to be retrieved from the licence issued
in electronic format.
(d) Once the set of data to be requested has been selected, the licence verifier needs to indicate
the data retrieval mode (device retrieval or server retrieval).
(e) With the selections defined, the EPLRAP will generate the data retrieval request and send it to
the EPLHD. Only if the licence holder authorises the data retrieval will the licence information of
the licence issued in electronic format be retrievable.
(f) The EPLRAP should display the licence information of the licence issued in electronic format in
accordance with the data dissemination option authorised by the licence holder.
4.5. Data retention
(a) The information should be kept only during the time necessary for the inspection and
accident/incident processes and be removed within 24 hours from the end of the verification
process. Appendix D to ICAO Doc 10190 specifies the policy on data retention in EPLRDs.
(b) If a verifying authority requires to keep data from the licence issued in electronic format, the
licence holder, who will be properly informed, should be notified and agree in writing.
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(a) All types of licences issued in electronic format should be compliant with the common EPLDS
that has been defined in the applicable Regulation. Table 2 lists how the licence data of the
licence issued in electronic format is structured, and has the following structure:
— Section: Defines a portion of a licence that contains specific data units that have a logical
relation with each other
— Data unit: Piece of licence data of the licence issued in electronic format that defines
specific information.
(b) However, not all the data units of the EPLDS are included in the MSO signed by the IAPKIC. In
the column ‘MSO’, those data units to be included in the MSO are specified. In addition, the
column ‘Presence’ determines which data units are mandatory (M), which ones are optional (O)
and which ones are mandatory as long as they are applicable (M*). For example, medical
limitations are mandatory if there are any, but are not mandatory if there are none or if a certain
type of licence does not require to have medical information associated with it.
Table 2 — EPLDS Section Data unit Data unit description MSO Presence
General I Name of state Yes M
II Title of licence Yes M
III Serial number of licence Yes M
Personnel information
IVa Photograph of holder Yes M
IVb Name of holder in full Yes M
IVc Date of birth Yes M
V Address of holder Yes M
VI Nationality of holder Yes M
VII Script signature of holder No M*
Issuing authority
VIII Authority and conditions under which the licence is issued
Yes M
IX Certification concerning validity and authorisation for holder to exercise privileges appropriate to the licence
Yes M
X Electronic signature of officer issuing the licence and the date and time of issue
XIa Seal or stamp of authority issuing the licence Yes M
XIb Date and time of last synchronisation with the server of the national competent authority
XIc Machine-readable code to retrieve authentication data
Rating XII Ratings Yes M
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Remarks XIII Remarks, i.e. special endorsements relating to limitations and endorsements on privileges, including endorsement of language proficiency, and other information required pursuant to Article 39 of the Chicago Convention
Yes M*
XIV Any other details desired by the state issuing the licence
Yes M*
Medical assessment
XVa Class (1, 2 or 3) Yes M*
XVb Expiry date Yes M*
XVc Special medical limitations Yes M*
XVd Other information associated with the medical assessment as determined by the medical authority
Yes M*
Additional supplementary information
XVIa Other information associated with the licence Yes M*
XVIb Other information associated with the licence Yes M*
XVIc Other information associated with the licence Yes M*
5.2. EPLDM
(a) The data model needs to be followed in order to guarantee the interoperability of licences issued
in electronic format around the world.
(b) The licence issued in electronic format will consist of an mdoc that is divided into several
namespaces, each one related to one of the sections of the EPLDS and composed of several
items that provide the licene information.
(c) The doctype for a licence issued in electronic format is int.icao.epl.X, where ‘X’ reflects the
version of the licence issued in electronic format. It is expected that the licence issued in
electronic format will be subject to changes due to amendments and new requirements that
may apply in the future. In the first version of the doctype, X = 1, and it will be increased with
future versions. Each namespace is directly related to a section of the EPLDS.
(d) Table 3 provides the namespaces.
Table 3 — Namespaces of the licence issued in electronic format
Namespace EPLDS section Data units
int.icao.epl.general.1 General Name of state, title of licence, serial
number of licence
int.icao.epl.personnel.1 Personnel information Photograph of holder, name of holder,
date of birth, address of holder,
nationality of holder, script signature of
int.icao.epl.authority.1 Issuing authority Name of authority, conditions under
which the licence is issued, certification
concerning validity and authorisation for
holder to exercise privileges, signature of
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the officer issuing the licence, seal of the
authority, date and time of last
synchronisation, machine-readable code
to retrieve authentication data
int.icao.epl.ratings.1 Ratings List of ratings of the licence
int.icao.epl.remarks.1 Remarks List of remarks
int.icao.epl.medical.1 Medical assessment Medical certificate class, expiry date,
medical limitations
int.icao.epl.additional.1 Additional supplementary
Any other relevant licence information
related to the licence
(e) The following sections of this AMC define how the information in each data unit should be
formalised in the EPLDM. A single data unit may be composed of one or more items; for example,
some data units have one item with the information in English and another item with the
information in national languages other than English, so the EPLDM can provide the means to
use up to eight languages in addition to English. All the information from the EPLDM in English
conforms to what is called the ICAO version, which is the one expected to be used by states
other than the issuing state.
(f) Each item will be determined by the following components:
(1) Its own identifier, which makes it possible to uniquely identify the item and allows a
verifier to select which items will be included in either the device retrieval request or the
server retrieval request as specified in Section 0.
(2) An encoding format that defines how the item is encoded. The concise data definition
language as defined in RFC 8610 is used where possible, and ISO 180136-5 Section 7.2.1
provides encoding formats for data retrieval for concise binary object representation and
Java simple object notation.
(3) A maximum size, which limits the size an item can have.
These components will be specified in the following subchapters of this AMC.
5.2.1. Namespace int.easa.epl.general.1
The namespace int.icao.epl.general.1 includes elements I, II and III of the EPLDS. This namespace has
been adapted into int.easa.epl.general.1 so that it allows the introduction of several titles in a licence
issued in electronic format, in contrast to int.icao.epl.general.1, which permits the incorporation of
only one title. Data unit I — name of state
The ‘name of state’ data unit provides the name of the issuing state. It is composed of the items in
Tables 4–6.
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Table 4 — state_fullname.english
Identifier state_fullname.english Presence M
Description Full name of state. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded basic Latin characters
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 128 B
Table 5 — state_fullname.national
Identifier state_fullname.national Presence O
Description Full name of state. Expressed in national language. ITF-8-encoded full Unicode
character set
Encoding format [*NationalStateName]
NationalStateName = {
language : tstr
state_fullname : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
state_fullname: 512 B
Table 6 — state_countrycode Identifier state_countrycode Presence M
Description 2-letter code of the issuing state as defined in ICAO Doc 9303 Part 3
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 2 B Data unit II — title of licence
List of titles linked to the licence, when applicable. This data unit is composed of the items in Tables 7
and 8.
Table 7 — title.english Identifier title.english Presence M
Description Title or titles of the licence, as defined in each regulation. Expressed in English. UTF-8-
encoded Latin characters
Encoding format [*EnglishLicenceTitle]
EnglishLicenceTitle = {
title : tstr
titleissuance: full-date
Maximum size Array length: 5
title: 1 024 B
titleissuance: 64 B
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Table 8 — title.national Identifier title.national Presence O
Description Title or titles of licence, as defined in each regulation. Expressed in national language.
UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalLicenceTitle]
NationalLicenceTitle = {
language : tstr
languagetitle: [*LanguageTitle]
Languagetitle = {
title : tstr
titleissuance: full-date
Maximum size Array length: 8
language: 3 B
Array length: 5
title: 1 024 B
titleissuance: 64 B Data unit III — serial number of the licence
This gives the serial number of the licence as defined by each applicable regulation. It is composed of
the items in Tables 9 and 10.
Table 9 — serial_number.english Identifier Serial_number.english Presence M
Description Serial number of the licence. UTF-8-encoded basic Latin characters
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 128 B
Table 10 — serial_number.national Identifier serial_number.national Presence O
Description Serial number of the licence. Expressed in national language. UTF-8-encoded full
Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalSerialNumber]
NationalSerialNumber = {
language : tstr
serial_number : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
Serial_number: 128 B
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5.2.2. Namespace int.easa.epl.personnel.1
The namespace int.icao.epl.general.1 includes data units IVa, IVb, IVc, V and VI of the EPLDS. This
namespace has been adapted because, unlike int.icao.epl.general.1, it does not include either the
picture (IVa) or the address (V) of the holder of the licence in electronic format.
The signature of the holder of the licence in electronic format (VII) is included in the personnel section
of the EPLDS but is not included in the MSO; therefore, it is not included in the EPLDM. Data unit IVb — name of the holder of the licence in electronic format
The ‘name of holder in full’ data unit provides the name of the licence holder. It is composed of the
items in Tables 11–14.
Table 11 — name.latin.primary Identifier name.latin.primary Presence M
Description Primary name of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. UTF-8-encoded
basic Latin characters
Restrictions and recommendations are defined in ICAO Doc 9303 Part 3.
If the national characters are not Latin-based, a transcription or transliteration into
Latin characters shall be provided.
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 512 B
Table 12 — name.latin.secondary Identifier name.latin.secondary Presence M
Description Secondary name of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. UTF-8-
encoded basic Latin characters.
Restrictions and recommendations are defined in ICAO Doc 9303 Part 3.
If the national characters are not Latin-based, a transcription or transliteration into
Latin characters shall be provided.
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 512 B
Table 13 — name.national.primary Identifier name.national.primary Presence O
Description Primary name of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. UTF-8-encoded
full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalNamePrimary]
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
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NationalNamePrimary = {
language : tstr
primary_name: tstr
primary_name: 1 024 B
Table 14 — name.national.secondary Identifier name.national.secondary Presence O
Description Secondary name of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. UTF-8-encoded
full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationaNameSecondary]
NationalNameSecondary= {
language : tstr
secondary_name : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
1 024 B Data unit IVc — date of birth
Table 15 — dob Identifier dob Presence M
Description Year, month and day on which the holder of the licence issued in electronic format was
Encoding format Full-date Maximum size 10 B Data unit VI – nationality of holder
Table 16 — nationality.english Identifier nationality.english Presence M
Description Nationality of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. Expressed in English.
UTF-8-encoded Latin characters
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 64 B
Table 17 – nationality.national Identifier nationality.national Presence O
Description Nationality of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. Expressed in
national language. UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
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Encoding format [*NationalNationality]
NationalNationality = {
language : tstr
nationality : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
nationality: 256 B
Table 18 — nationality.countrycode Identifier nationality.countrycode Presence O
Description Nationality of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format as 2-letter code as
defined in ICAO Doc 9303 Part 3
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 2 B
5.2.3. Namespace int.easa.epl.authority.1 Data unit VIII — authority and conditions under which the licence is issued
Table 19 — licensing.authority.latin Identifier licensing.authority.latin Presence M
Description Name of the licensing authority. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters.
Translation to English is recommended
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 256 B
Table 20 — licensing.authority.national Identifier licensing.authority.national Presence O
Description Name of the licensing authority. Expressed in national language(s). UTF-8 encoded
using full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalLicensingAuthority]
NationalLicensingAuthority = {
language : tstr
licensing_authority : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
512 B
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Table 21 — licensing.conditions.english Identifier licensing.conditions.english Presence M
Description Conditions under which the licence is issued. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin
characters. Translation to English is recommended.
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 256 B
Table 22 — licensing.authority.national Identifier licensing.authority.national Presence M
Description Name of the licensing authority in the national language/working language of the
licensing authority, UTF-8 encoded using full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalLicensingAuthority]
NationalLicensingAuthority = {
language : tstr
licensing_authority : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
512 B Data unit IX — certification concerning validity and authorisation for the holder to exercise privileges appropriate to the licence
Table 23 — certification.english Identifier certification.english Presence M
Description Certification concerning validity and authorisation for the holder to exercise privileges
appropriate to the licence. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters.
Translation to English is recommended.
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 256 B
Table 24 — certification.national Identifier certification.national Presence O
Description Certification concerning validity and authorisation for the holder to exercise privileges
appropriate to the licence. Expressed in national language(s). UTF-8 encoded using the
full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalCertification]
NationalCertification = {
language : tstr
NationalCertification : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
512 B
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} Data unit X — electronic signature of officer issuing the licence and the date and time of such issue
This data unit is not included in the MSO; therefore, it is not included in the EPLDM. Data unit XIa — seal or stamp of authority issuing the licence
This data unit is excluded from the MSO as per EASA specifications. Data unit XIb — date and time of last synchronisation with the server of the issuing authority
This data unit is not included in the MSO; therefore, it is not included in the EPLDM. Data unit XIc — machine-readable code to retrieve authentication data
This data unit is not included in the MSO; therefore, it is not included in the EPLDM.
5.2.4. Namespace int.easa.epl.ratings.1
(a) The namespace int.icao.epl.ratings.1 includes data unit XII of the EPLDS. This namespace has
been adapted because of the prevalence of personnel licences in the ICAO specifications, the
difficulty of linking remarks and the instrument rating (for pilot licences) to a certain class or
type rating.
(b) The list of ratings is provided by an array where each rating makes use of a row of the array, and
its particularities are provided as attributes of the rating. Table 25 provides a visual example for
the ratings array, where each column is an attribute of the rating.
Table 25 — EASA ratings array
Rating No archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_valid_until other1 other2
(c) The rating number is not an attribute; it has been added for comprehension purposes, reflecting
the fact that each rating of the licence makes use of a row of the array and that the number of
rows in the array is limited to 64.
(d) The meaning of each one of the attributes is as follows:
(1) archetype:
The archetype defines which kind of rating is being provided. It can be seen as a grouping
of ratings of the same nature. For example, an archetype ‘fcl_type’ can be defined to
classify all the type ratings of a pilot licence (A320, A340, B737, etc). Therefore, the
archetype is a classification of the ratings by their nature.
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(2) endorsement:
The endorsement attribute contains the code or value used to endorse a rating. Together
with the archetype value, the rating endorsed on the licence is completely identified,
because it is known what kind of rating is being endorsed and what its value is. Table 26
provides some examples of this with different types of licences.
Table 26 — Examples of archetypes and endorsements
Type of licence Archetype Endorsement
atc_rating ACP
atc_rating_endorsement ACP/OCN
atc_instructor OJTI
(3) valid_since:
The valid_since attribute specifies the date on which the endorsement starts to be valid.
This is, it can be the date when a rating was endorsed, revalidated or renewed.
(4) valid_until:
This is the date on which the rating endorsed ceases to be valid. It will have no value for
non-expiring ratings.
(5) ir_valid_until:
This is the date on which the instrument rating associated with the rating endorsed
expires, if applicable.
(6) other1:
The other1 column specifies other information associated with the rating, with a
preference for privileges linked to the rating that is being endorsed.
(7) other2:
The other2 column specifies other information associated with the rating, with a
preference for the limitations linked to the rating that is being endorsed.
(e) Each type of licence requires a certain degree of standardisation in both taxonomy and
methodology when endorsing ratings in licences issued in electronic format. The archetypes
available, as well as the taxonomy and methodology of endorsement are provided in AMC1 Point
3.1 of Appendix I to Annex VI (Part-ARA).
(f) Therefore, the data model for ratings would be as in Table 27 and Table 28.
Table 27 — ratings.english Identifier ratings.english Presence M
Description Ratings entered on or associated with the licence. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded
basic Latin characters
Encoding format [*Rating] Maximum size Array length: 64
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Rating = {
archetype : tstr
endorsement : tstr
valid_from : full-date
valid_until : full-date
ir_date : full-date
other_1 : tstr
other_2 : tstr
Table 28 — ratings.national Identifier ratings.national Presence O
Description Ratings entered on or associated with this licence. Expressed in national language /
working language. UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalRatings]
NationalRatings = {
language : tstr
Ratings : [*Rating]
Rating = {
archetype : tstr
endorsement : tstr
valid_from : full-date
valid_until : full-date
ir_date : full-date
other_1 : tstr
other_2 : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
language: 3 B
Ratings length: 64
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5.2.5. Namespace int.easa.epl.remarks.1
The namespace int.icao.epl.remarks.1 includes data units XIII and XIV of the EPLDS. This namespace
has been adapted into the namespace int.easa.epl.remarks.1 because, unlike int.icao.epl.remarks.1, it
does not include language proficiency. Section XIV has been developed to allow the endorsement of
national ratings. Data unit XIII – remarks
Data unit XIII – remarks is composed of the items in Tables 29 and 30.
Table 29 — remarks.english Identifier remarks.english Presence M*
Description Remarks. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 512 B
Table 30 — remarks.national Identifier remarks.national Presence O
Description Remarks. Expressed in national language(s). UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalRemarks]
NationalRemarks = {
language : tstr
remarks : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
remarks: 1 024 B Data unit XIV — state remarks
This section should specify any other remarks that the issuing authority considers necessary. It is
considered that all the remarks should be in Section XIII and this section could provide the national
ratings that the holder might have. It is composed of the items in Tables 31 and 32.
Table 31 — state_remarks.english Identifier State_remarks.english Presence M*
Description National ratings entered on or associated with the licence. Expressed in English. UTF-8-
encoded basic Latin characters
Encoding format [*NationalRating]
NationalRating = {
archetype : tstr
endorsement : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 64
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valid_from : full-date
valid_until : full-date
ir_date : full-date
other_1 : tstr
other_2 : tstr
Table 32 — state_remarks.national Identifier state_remarks.national Presence O
Description National ratings entered on or associated with this licence. Expressed in national
language / working language. UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalRatingsList]
NationalRatingsList = {
language : tstr
NationalRatings : [*NationalRating]
NationalRating = {
archetype : tstr
endorsement : tstr
valid_from : full-date
valid_until : full-date
ir_date : full-date
other_1 : tstr
other_2 : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
language: 3 B
National Ratings length:
5.2.6. Namespace int.icao.epl.medical.1
No changes from ICAO specifications.
5.2.7. Namespace int.icao.epl.additional.1
No changes from ICAO specifications.
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5.2.8. Namespace int.easa.epl.acronyms.1
This namespace has been included in order to facilitate comprehension for verifiers from third
countries who are not familiar with the taxonomy defined in the EU regulations and associated AMC
and GM. Data unit – acronyms list
Table 33 — acronyms.english Identifier acronyms.english Presence O
Description List of acronyms used in the licence with an explanatory description. Expressed in
English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters
Encoding format [*Acronym]
Acronym = {
code : tstr
description : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 25
code: 10 B
description: 256 B
Table 34 — acronyms.national Identifier Acronyms.english Presence O
Description List of acronyms used in the licence with an explanatory description. Expressed in
national language(s). UTF-8 encoded using the full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalAcronym]
NationalAcronym = {
language : tstr
acronyms : [*Acronym]
Acronym = {
code : tstr
description : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8
Language: 3 B
Array length: 25
code: 10 B
description: 256 B
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6.1. Impact on the LICSYS when implementing an EPLSYS
(a) The LICSYS is independent from the EPLSYS, so there is no need for the LICSYS to use specific
technologies of follow any specific data model. The issuing authorities can make use of solutions
that best suit their purposes.
(b) However, prior to deciding any implementation of an EPLSYS, they should be aware of the
implications that it can have for their LICSYS and assess whether they are ready and willing to
proceed with the implementation.
6.1.1. Need to store the data as structured data
(a) The EPLSYS requires that all the information in the licence issued in physical format and medical
certificates be transferred to an mdoc that follows the EPLDM. Therefore, the information
should be stored in the LICSYS as structured data and thus contain all the information about the
EPLDS. For example, the licence holder’s date of birth is displayed in the licence issued in
electronic format, so the database of the LICSYS should have a specific field for this information
in order to use it to feed the information to the licence issued in electronic format. A more
problematic example could be the issuing authority officer’s electronic signature; usually
LICSYSs used for licences issued in physical format do not need to store this signature, because
this licence is signed once the licence has been printed and it is signed outside the LICSYS, but
if an EPLSYS is implemented, this signature is electronic and must be stored in the LICSYS.
(b) It is not necessary that the LICSYS follow the EPLDM, even though the information from the
LICSYS is transferred to the mdoc, because the issuing authority, when developing the EPLSYS,
can use a process that transforms the LICSYS data model into the EPLDM. A LICSYS with a data
model aligned with the EPLDM would facilitate the transfer of information between the two
systems, but it is not necessary.
(c) The competent authorities should take into consideration that the EPLDM might change with
time, so they should prepare their systems to be ready to work with different versions of the
6.1.2. Licence issuance format record
(a) If a competent authority decides to use both the physical format and the electronic format for
a type of licence, the LICSYS will need to keep a record of the format used for each licence that
has been issued in order to avoid the possibility that a licence in electronic format can be
generated when a licence in physical format exists and vice versa.
(b) The competent authority cannot issue the same type of licence in electronic and physical format
to the same individual.
6.1.3. Digital identification of the LICSYS users and traceability
(a) The EPLDS has information that comes from different data sources and is validated by people
in different roles in the issuing authority (officers, medical assessors, examiners).
(b) The validation of the data is performed in the LICSYS and it will need to trace what information
is changed or validated, by whom and when. This requires a log of the actions performed by its
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(c) Internal users of the issuing authority might have access by means of a username and a
password, but external users should be properly identified and access the LICSYS with at least
two-factor verification in order to guarantee a proper level of security when accessing the
(d) Alternative and superior verification procedures can be applied, as long as they provide at least
an equivalent level of security.
6.1.4. Need to use electronic signatures in order to validate the data
(a) The validation of the data is executed by the electronic signature of an issuing officer, an
examiner or a medical assessor, each one responsible for the pertinent subset of licence data
of the licence issued in electronic format. Therefore, the LICSYS must be able to operate with
the use of electronic signatures.
(b) The electronic signature of the issuing officer is required to conform to recognised standards
and have an appropriate level of security. In the EU context, the recognised standard is provided
by Regulation (EU) No 910/20141 (eIDAS Regulation), and the appropriate level of security is at
least an advanced signature.
(c) It is highly recommended that examiners and medical assessors also use electronic signatures,
but they could use other forms of electronic signatures. In this case, at least a two-factor
verification process or one that provides a higher level of security should be used.
6.1.5. Authorisation of access to data held by the issuing authority
(a) Without the implementation of an EPLSYS, the data on the IAS can be managed only by internal
users of the issuing authority, or possibly by a controlled number of external users within the
Member State.
(b) When licences issued in electronic format are used, the information in the IAS will be frequently
accessed by external users, either for the generation of licences issued in electronic format or
for its verification by verifiers and other verifying authorities from third countries.
(c) The EPLSYS will not work if this access is not permitted via web services that allow these external
users to access the data. However, granting external parties access to the IAS has an impact on
the security measures the issuing authority will have to implement.
6.1.6. Access to LYCSYS for examiners and medical assessors from other Member States
(a) Under the EU regulatory framework, a licence holder might be examined for a certain rating or
have a medical assessment in a Member State other than the Member State issuing the licence.
This information cannot be reflected in the licence issued in electronic format until it is received
and inserted in the LICSYS of the issuing authority, causing a detrimental effect on the holder of
a licence issued in electronic format.
(b) Third countries normally are not affected when using licences issued in electronic format, since
the general rule is that all examiners and medical assessors belong to the same issuing authority.
1 Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification
and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC (OJ L 257, 28.8.2014, p. 73).
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(c) The industry demands that the EPLSYS be at least as agile as the current LICSYS, so any issuing
authority that wants to implement an EPLSYS should be willing to provide the means for
examiners and medical assessors from other Member States to feed into their systems any new
information affecting one of their licences and transfer the information to the licence in
electronic format without unnecessary delays.
(d) Each issuing authority can decide how to grant this access to its LICSYS, but it will need to
provide appropriate means of identification and signing.
(e) If the issuing authority detects any irregularity in the data provided by an examiner or medical
assessor from another Member State, it should invalidate the licence issued in electronic
format, and a new licence in electronic format should be generated in accordance with the valid
6.1.7. Use of the issuing authority’s public key infrastructure certificate
(a) Licences issued in electronic format are automatically generated by the IAS when the licence
holder sends a request for its generation, and are electronically signed with the IAPKIC. Issuing
authorities willing to implement an EPLSYS also need to be willing to use the IAPKIC in
(b) In some Member States, the use of the IAPKIC may require the approval of the government or
some kind of national approval process.
6.2. Impact on the issuing authority’s procedures when implementing an EPLSYS
(a) An assessment of the impact on the issuing authority’s procedures caused by the
implementation of an EPLSYS should be carried out in order to identify which procedures should
be adapted.
(b) When an EPLSYS is implemented, the concepts of issuance, suspension and revocation of
licences should be reviewed because the introduction of electronic documents comes with
certain conventions within the digital world that challenge the standard practices with physical
GM1 ATCO.AR.D.002(d) Licences issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system
(a) The verification described under this point allows the reader to confirm that the information in
the licence is authentic, meaning that it was issued by the competent authority mentioned in
the licence, and is valid, meaning that it contains the data that was applicable at the time it was
(b) Verifying the authenticity and validity of licences issued in electronic format may happen in two
(1) By using a reading device registered with the authority that issued the licence when an
internet connection is available. Alternatively, when no internet connection is available,
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by using a reading device registered with the authority that issued the licence that is
linked with the list of the valid issuing authority public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates.
In such cases, verifying the authenticity and validity of the licence of the holder is done
by reading the machine-readable code included under field XIc of the licence.
The issuing authority PKI certificates are used to sign all licences in electronic format; they
attest to the authenticity and validity of the licences in real time, when the licence is
verified with internet connection available or at the time they were downloaded from
the authority’s server when the verification happens offline.
When it is expected that the verification will happen offline, the person authorised to
verify the authenticity and validity of licences on behalf of the competent authority can
ensure that they will be in possession of the most recent version of the list of the valid
issuing authority PKI certificates.
(2) By reading the information contained in the licence of the holder when no internet
connection is available and the authorised person is not in possession of the list of the
valid issuing authority PKI certificates.
In such situations, the authorised person can compare the latest synchronisation date of
the licence with the current date.
Using the information available, it can be assessed whether the information in the licence
presented by the holder is up to date.
The person authorised to verify the authenticity and validity of licences can request
support in accessing information in the authority’s server if there is any doubt that the
licence presented is outdated. The authorised person may also decide to verify the
authenticity and validity of the licence again when internet connection is available within
a reasonable time frame as defined in the competent authority’s administrative
The update status of a licence can also be indicated by a notification system developed
by the issuing authority stating that the latest update has not yet been manually triggered
by the licence holder and, thus, that the licence information is outdated.
AMC1 ATCO.AR.D.002(h) Licences issued in electronic format and establishment of an electronic personnel licence system
The procedure should describe the actions undertaken by the competent authority to ensure that the
limitation, suspension or revocation of a licence issued in electronic format is properly reflected in the
licence contained in the holder’s device application.
Such actions should happen at the level of the electronic personnel licence system established by the
competent authority to:
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— in cases of limitation, notify the holder and request that they generate a new instance of the
licence displaying only those categories, subcategories or ratings not subject to limitation;
— in cases of suspension or revocation, notify the holder and request that they update their
licence, hereby deleting the current instance of the licence contained in the application and
preventing the generation of new instances.
In cases of limitation or suspension of the licence, the procedure should include the generation of a
new instance of the licence on the date such limitation or suspension ends.
Alternatively, the competent authority may display a permanent indication regarding the applicable
limitation, suspension or revocation of the licence without which the licence cannot be displayed by
the holder.
ATCO.AR.D.003 Change of competent authority
(c) The receiving competent authority shall, without undue delay, exchange the licence and
medical certificate provided that it has received and processed all documents specified in point
(a). Upon the exchange of the licence and medical certificate, the receiving competent authority
shall immediately request the licence holder to surrender to it the licence issued by the
transferring competent authority and the associated medical certificate, if issued in a physical
(f) In the case of a transfer of a licence issued in electronic format, the receiving competent
authority and the transferring competent authority shall coordinate the revocation and reissue.
AMC1 ATCO.AR.B.010 Changes to the management system
(a) The electronic personnel licence system will inherently introduce new risks within the
management system (either safety management system, information security management
system or the integrated management system). To address such new risks, the introduction of
an electronic personnel licence system should entail a comprehensive risk assessment, and the
risks identified should be adequately mitigated in each phase of the project.
(b) Such risk assessment should be an integral part of the competent authority’s process for the
management of changes.
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ATCO.MED.A.046 Suspension or revocation of a medical certificate
(a) Upon revocation of the medical certificate issued in physical format, the holder shall
immediately return the this medical certificate to the licensing authority.
(b) Upon suspension of the medical certificate issued in physical format, the holder shall return the
this medical certificate to the licensing authority on request of the authority.
APPENDIX 1 TO ANNEX II — Format for licence(Student) air controller licence — EASA Forms 152 and 156
1. General requirements for the (student) air controller licence
1.1. The competent authority shall issue each (student) air traffic controller licence in only one of
the following two formats:
(a) the physical format, referred to in point 2 of this Appendix, or;
(b) the electronic format, referred to in point 3 of this Appendix.
1.2. When the competent authority uses both formats to issue (student) air traffic controller
licences, it shall establish a procedure for changing from one format to the other.
1.3. Each licence holder shall have a unique licence holder number, established on the basis of a
national identifier and an alpha-numeric designator.
1.4 The (student) air traffic controller licence shall be issued in English and any language(s)
determined by the competent authority).
2. Requirements for the (student) air traffic controller licence issued in physical format
2.1. The (student) air traffic controller licence issued in physical format shall be issued in accordance
with the format and content of EASA Form 152.
2.2. The (student) air traffic controller licence issued in physical format in accordance with this
Regulation shall conform to the following specifications:
(a) Content. The item number shall always be printed in association with the item heading. Items I
to XI are the ‘permanent’ items, and items XII to XIV are the ‘variable’ items which may appear
on a separate or detachable part of the main form as prescribed below. Any separate or
detachable part shall be clearly identifiable as part of the licence.
1. Permanent items:
(I) name of State of licence issue;
(II) title of licence;
(III) serial number of the licence with the United Nations (UN) country code of the State
of licence issue and followed by ‘(Student) ATCO Licence’ and a code of numbers
and/or letters in Arabic numerals and in Latin script;
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(IV) name of holder in full (in Latin script, even if the script of the national language(s)
is other than Latin);
(IVa) date of birth;
(V) holder's address, if required by the competent authority reserved;
(VI) nationality of holder;
(VII) signature of holder - reserved;
(VIII) competent authority;
(IX) certification of validity and authorisation for the privileges granted, including the
dates when they were first issued;
(X) signature of officer issuing the licence and the date of such issue;
(XI) seal or stamp of the competent authority.
2. Variable items:
(XII) ratings and endorsements (unit endorsements and licence endorsements,
including language proficiency endorsements) with expiry dates (only for
(XIII) remarks: language proficiency endorsements; and
(XIV) any other details required by the competent authority.
(b) The licence shall be accompanied by a valid medical certificate, except when only STDI privileges
are exercised.
(c) Material. First quality paper and/or other suitable material, including plastic cards, shall be used
to prevent or readily show any alterations or erasures. Any entries or deletions in the form will
be clearly authorised by the competent authority.
(d) Language. Licences shall be written in English and, if required by Member States, in national
language(s) and other languages as deemed appropriate.
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Cover page
Competent authority’s name and logo
(English and any language(s) determined by the competent authority)
(English only)
[English and any language(s) determined by the competent authority]
Issued in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340
This licence complies with ICAO Standards
[English and any language(s) determined by the competent authority]
EASA Form 152 Issue 23
Requirements (1) ‘European Union’ to be ’deleted for non-EU Member States. Size of each page shall be one eighth A4.
(1) Requirements:
The pages referring to the instructions on how the (Student) ATCO Licence has to be filled in are
intended for use by the competent authority or the assessor specifically authorised to revalidate or
renew the unit endorsements. Initial issues of ratings, rating endorsements, language endorsements,
instructor and/or assessor endorsement will always be entered by the competent authority.
Revalidation or renewal of unit endorsements will be entered by the competent authority or by the
authorised assessors.
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Page 2
Name of State of issue:
Requirements: In bold type
II Title of licence: In very bold type
III Serial number of the licence: The serial number of the licence, in Arabic numerals, will always start with the UN country code of the State of the licence issue, followed by ‘(Student) ATCO Licence’
IV Name of the holder in full: In Latin script also if script of national language is other than Latin
IVa Date of birth: dd-mm-yyyy Standard date format is to be used, i.e. day/month/year in full (e.g., 31.01.2010)
V RESERVED Holder’s address, if desired by the competent authority: Street, town, area, postal code
VI Nationality of holder: Indicated by the UN country code of the State
VII RESERVED Signature of holder:
VIII Competent Aauthority:
X Signature of officer issuing the licence and date of issue
XI Seal or stamp of issuing competent authority
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Page 3
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Page 4 XIIa Unit endorsements with expiry dates The holder is entitled to exercise the privileges of the following rating(s) and rating endorsement(s) at the air traffic service unit(s) for which current unit endorsement(s) is (are) held as detailed below, only if the holder fulfils the requirements in ATCO.A.015:
Unit (ICAO indicator)
Sector/ Position
Rating/ Endorsement
Expiry date
Signature/stamp of the authority or licence number and signature of the assessor
Note: Field XIIa is not applicable for a Student ATCO Licence.
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XIIb Licence endorsements:
The holder is entitled to exercise the privileges of the
following endorsement(s)
OJTI /STDI /Assessor endorsement
Expiry date
Language proficiency
endorsement(s): [language(s)/level]
Expiry date
Requirements: N/A
XIII REMARKS: Language proficiency endorsement(s): [language(s)/level/expiry date]
Language proficiency endorsement(s), level and expiry date shall be included. All additional licensing information to be entered here.
3. Requirements for the (student) air traffic controller licence issued in electronic format
3.1. The (student) air traffic controller licence issued in electronic format shall be issued in
accordance with the format and content of EASA Form 156 and replicate the information
contained in the records of the competent authority.
3.2. The (student) air traffic controller licence issued in electronic format shall have the electronic
signature of the officer issuing the licence and the most recent date and time of issue.
3.3. The electronic signature shall be at least an advanced signature issued in accordance with
Regulation (EU) No 910/2014.
3.4. The (student) air traffic controller licence issued in electronic format shall include a feature
identified with the acronym ‘ICAO’ that allows it to display its contents in English.
3.5. The (student) air traffic controller licence issued in electronic format shall contain suitable active
security features to differentiate it from a static image.
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The competent authority issuing the licence in electronic format shall insert information in EASA Form 156 as follows:
— The competent authority shall determine the information to be inserted in the place of content between brackets (‘[]’). When not applicable, it shall insert the words ‘Not applicable’.
— The content of EASA Form 156 which is not between brackets (‘[]’) shall be inserted as such.
— IVa, V, VII and XIa shall be left blank.
— Completing Sections XVIa, XVIb, XVIc and XVIc is optional.
Content requirements Format requirements
European Union (*)
[Name of Member State]
[Name of Member State] in bold type
Issued in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340
All content in very bold type
III Licence No [Member State code]
The Member State code shall be the United Nations country code of the Member State of the competent authority that issues the licence, followed by ‘(Student) ATCO Licence’ The serial number of the licence ([XXXX]) shall be in Arabic numerals.
IVb Name of holder in full: [Name]
[Name] in Latin script also if script of national language is other than Latin
IVc Date of birth of holder: [Date]
The date format shall be: dd-mm-yyyy (day-month- year)
VI Nationality of holder: [Nationality]
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[Name of Competent Authority]
Certification of validity and authorisation for the privileges granted, including the dates when they were first issued
Rating and rating endorsement with their date of first issue. The date of issue of a rating and/or rating endorsement shall be the date of successful completion of the training relevant to that rating and/or rating endorsement.
X Electronic signature of officer issuing the licence: [Signature]
Date and time of such issue: [Date] [Time]
[Date] in dd-mm-yyyy format (day-month-year) [Time] in hh:nn:ss (hours:minutes:seconds) 24-hour format
XIb Date and time of last synchronisation with the server of the
issuing competent authority: [Date] [Time]
[Date] in dd-mm-yyyy format (day-month-year) [Time] in hh:nn:ss (hours:minutes:seconds) 24-hour format
XIc Machine-readable code to retrieve authentication data:
XII Rating(s) and endorsement(s) with their expiry dates
Unit (ICAO indicator), sector/position, rating, rating/licence endorsement(s), expiry date Ratings and endorsements on the licence shall be inserted in accordance with a documented taxonomy.
XIII Reserved Text in italics
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XIV Reserved Text in italics
XVa Medical Class Class 3
XVb Expire date
dd-mm-yyyy (day-month- year)
Special medical limitation, if any
XVd Other information associated with the medical certificate
Other information associated with the licence as determined
by the issuing competent authority: [Text]
Other information associated with the licence as determined
by the issuing competent authority: [Text]
Other information associated with the licence as determined
by the issuing competent authority: [Text]
EASA Form 156 Issue 1
AMC1 Point 1.2 of Appendix 1 to Annex II — (Student) air traffic controller licence
The procedure should describe the triggering events, time and conditions associated with the format
change for a licence already issued by the authority.
Changing the format of a licence means either:
— generating a licence in electronic format to replace a licence in physical format for the same
holder; or
— producing a licence in physical format to replace a licence in electronic format for the same
The events triggering the change of format of a licence may include the strategy adopted by the
competent authority to issue licences in a specific format for one licence holder, a defined group of
licence holders, or all licence holders.
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Those events may also include any practical aspect justifying the use of one format rather than the
other. Such practical aspects could be related to the appropriate use of that licence by the licence
holder or the ability of the competent authority to issue licences as intended.
The time at which the format of a licence is changed should be predefined. It may be a date chosen
by the competent authority or be associated with any processing of the licence for other purposes,
such as:
— the addition of a new rating, rating endorsement or endorsements in the licence;
— the issuance of the licence in physical format due to administrative reasons.
The conditions under which the format of a licence is changed should include:
— the withdrawal of the existing licence issued in physical format or the invalidation of the existing
licence in electronic format before the new licence is generated or produced, as applicable;
— the means through which the licence holder is notified of such change and can obtain the new
AMC1 Point 3.1 of Appendix 1 to Annex II — (Student) air traffic controller licence
(Student) air traffic controller licences issued in electronic format need to be readable by verifying
devices worldwide to achieve interoperability.
For that purpose, a common information structure that any device can process should be established,
so that reading applications developed by other authorities other than the issuing authority will be
Therefore, licences issued in electronic format should be endorsed using a list of values specific to the
rating or endorsement (hereinafter referred to as endorsements) being included in or endorsed on
the licence.
In addition, as licences may contain more than one rating or endorsement, an array is necessary to list
all the applicable endorsements.
The values and the array are defined and structured through the namespace ‘int.easa.epl.ratings.1’ in
AMC1 ATCO.AR.D.002, with the attributes shown in Table 1.
Table 35 — EASA endorsement array
Rating # archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_valid_until other1 other2
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Note: The rating number (#) is not part of the array but is presented to reflect that each rating makes
use of a row and that the array is limited to 64 ratings or endorsements.
For each rating and endorsement, each column of the array contains information as defined in the list
of values set out in Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this AMC.
1. Archetypes for (student) air traffic control licences
All ratings and endorsements belong to an archetype, which can be seen as a grouping of
endorsements with similar characteristics and a common information type.
Table 2 — ATCO archetypes
Archetype Description
atc_rating Group of ATC rating
atc_rating_endorsement Group of ATC rating endorsements
atc_unit_endorsement Group of ATC unit endorsements
atc_instructor Group of instructor ratings
atc_assessor Group of assessor ratings
radiotelephony Group of radiotelephony ratings
language_proficiency Group of language proficiency ratings
2. Title taxonomy
Table 3 — Titles taxonomy for (student) air traffic control licences
Endorsement Description
SATCO Student air traffic controller licence
ATCO Air traffic controller licence
3. Rating taxonomy
Table 4 — Ratings taxonomy for (student) air traffic control licences
Description Standardised
ADV Aerodrome control
Article 8
ADC Aerodrome control ATCO.B.010
APP Approach control
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APS Approach control
ACP Area control
ACS Area control
Aerodrome control
Precision approach
Surveillance radar
Oceanic control ATCO.B.015
Oceanic control ATCO.B.015
XXXX: ICAO location
YYYYY: sector or
position code as
defined by the
Member State (if
OJTI On-the-job training
STDI Synthetic training
device instructor
Assessor ATCO.C.045
AAA ISO code
RT Radiotelephony Appendix 1 to Annex II — Format for
Level number of
language proficiency
Accepted values: 4, 5 and 6
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4. Endorsement methodology
Ratings shall be endorsed specifying their attributes as shown in Table 5.
Table 36 — Ratings endorsement methodology for (student) air traffic control licences
archetype endorseme
valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
atc_rating ADV dd/mm/yyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
atc_rating ADC dd/mm/yyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
atc_rating APP dd/mm/yyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
atc_rating APS dd/mm/yyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
atc_rating ACP dd/mm/yyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
atc_rating ACS dd/mm/yyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
ADC/SUR dd/mm/yyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
APS/PAR dd/mm/yyy
attribute is
not used
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
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Date of first
APS/SRA dd/mm/yyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
ACP/OCN dd/mm/yyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
ACS/OCN dd/mm/yyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
One row for
each unit
Here the
or position
codes are
attribute is
not used
Date of
is not
Here the
rating and
with the
unit are
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
Date of
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
Date of
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
Assessor This
attribute is
not used
Date of
is not
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
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RT(A) dd/mm/yyy
Date of
or renewal,
Date of
expiring as
is not
ISO 639-2
codes for
(3 letters)
go here.
ISO 639-2
codes for
languages (3
Date of
or renewal,
Date of
is not
level as
attribute is
not used
GM1 Point 3.1 of Appendix 1 to Annex II — (Student) air controller licence — EASA Forms 152 and 156
(a) Implementing the electronic personnel licence system
(1) The issuance of electronic personnel licences by Member States is optional.
However, the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Doc 7300), Annex 1 – Personnel
Licensing mentions the obligation for all ICAO States to recognise them.
(2) The electronic personnel licence system can be scalable to the needs of each Member
State, its service providers, licence holders and applicants.
An efficient electronic personnel licence system will be achieved through thoughtful
planning and implementation, ensuring that it meets not only requirements of the
Convention on International Civil Aviation (Doc 7300) and its Annexes, but also the
applicable national and European regulations.
(3) When implementing an electronic personnel licence system, Member States may also
take into consideration its integration with already existing licensing systems, including,
but not limited to:
(i) initial issuance of the licence;
(ii) licence conversion, suspension or revocation;
(iii) integration with the software used by the competent authority; and
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(iv) links to other IT frameworks required (e.g. other Member State entities,
organisations), when applicable.
(4) Prior to introducing the electronic personnel licence system, Member States may
consider the following aspects:
(i) Regulatory framework
Member States need to determine whether the current national regulatory
framework would allow the implementation of the electronic personnel licence
system regulations (e.g. privacy laws, relevant information technology regulations,
data protection). If not, Member States may need to amend their current national
regulations or introduce new regulations.
(ii) Risk analysis
The electronic personnel licence system will inherently be exposed to new risks. In
order to address new risks, the introduction of the system may be driven by the
results of a risk assessment in each phase of the project. A risk assessment could
be a part of the Member State’s integrated risk management that would allow the
identification and evaluation of common risks, as well as the development of an
action plan that addresses key risks and effective mitigation of those risks.
The electronic personnel licence system may be incorporated in the information
security management system of the competent authority or in a suitable
equivalent, which is used by the competent authority. Guidance on conducting risk
assessments is provided in the Safety Management Manual (ICAO Doc 9859).
(iii) Resources
Competent authorities need to ensure that they have sufficient resources to
introduce and maintain an electronic personnel licence system. This includes
financial resources, as well as human resources.
If the competent authority does not have qualified personnel to develop and
maintain the electronic personnel licence system, some of the work may be
A competent authority may invest time and resources not only in implementation,
but also in equipment and technology, the work environment, employees and
operating systems.
The competent authority may be prepared to invest in the systems and processes,
as well as to develop policies that provide optimal global interoperability and
performance of the electronic personnel licence system.
(iv) Service providers and licence holders
Competent authorities need to consider how the electronic personnel licence
system will affect their service providers, licence holders and applicants.
(5) It is recommended that the competent authority prepare a comprehensive project
initiation document defining the scope, the impact on the existing national licensing
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system, a risk assessment, the electronic personnel licence system features and other
(6) While developing the electronic personnel licence system, it is advisable to consider the
potential scalability of the system in terms of how the system could be applied to other
licensing or certification areas, in order to capitalise on the work involved and the know-
how developed by the Member State during the implementation of the electronic
personnel licence system.
(7) It is advisable to conduct a post-implementation analysis of the electronic personnel
licence system in order to capture the lessons learned and the benefits of the realisation
of the project.
(b) Features of the electronic personnel licence system
(1) The electronic personnel licence system typically consists of the following major parts:
(i) a server-based licence management system with a user interface management
(ii) (an) application(s) installed on (a) self-contained mobile electronic visual display
device(s); and
(iii) a system to support surveillance activities by the Member State’s own inspectors
and by inspectors from other competent authorities.
(2) The purpose of the application installed on a self-contained mobile electronic visual
display device is to provide the licence holder with a means to show the approved and
updated privileges conferred upon the individual by the competent authority.
Secure communication between the electronic personnel licensing system of the
competent authority and the self-contained mobile electronic visual display device can
be via internet or other electronic means as deemed appropriate by the issuing
competent authority.
(3) In addition, the electronic personnel licence system can enable authorised persons to
perform verification.
(c) Expected level of performance
Competent authorities intending to introduce an electronic personnel licence system may
ensure the following:
(1) a high degree of security preventing forgery, data leaking and other security events;
(2) a highly reliable delivery of the correct information, at the right time and to the right
(3) the ability to detect corrupted data and service interruptions, and to initiate timely
corrective actions;
(4) the ability of the electronic personnel licence system to be used for verification purposes
in circumstances where electronic access to the information is not possible; and
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(5) robust contingency arrangements to manage unexpected events; for example, in the
event of a primary component outage of the electronic personnel licence system within
the competent authority, a process to transfer to back-up systems in order to maintain
the availability of the data.
(d) Electronic personnel licence system elements
The electronic personnel licence system may include the following:
(1) infrastructure for processing, storage, network communications, security and other
enabling software and hardware;
(2) data access to provide secure licence information resource support for services related
to the electronic personnel licences, licence holders and persons authorised to verify the
authenticity and validity of the licences as well as a comprehensive level of integration
with the regulatory information management system of the competent authority;
(3) a business application to provide services for the issue, conversion, suspension, limitation
or revocation of (student) air traffic controller licences issued in electronic format, and
for the display, query, verification and record-keeping of the electronic personnel
(4) a user-friendly interface which provides correct data to the right addresses when needed.
The system architecture of the electronic personnel licence system may be supported by
security controls in layers providing role-based access to data, as well as by operations and the
maintenance support functions.
The integration of these controls and functions may be aligned with relevant and appropriate
standards and specifications, as well as regulatory system integration standards and
requirements. It is recommended not to implement single points of failure in any of the layers.
(e) Compliance with the applicable national and EU regulations, including privacy and personal
data protection
The electronic personnel licence system is subject to compliance with the applicable national
and EU regulations, including the privacy and data protection laws.
In reviewing the privacy and data protection laws, Member States may consider the following:
(1) What is personal data?
(2) What personal data is collected and for what purposes?
(3) How is personal data retained?
(4) With whom will personal data be shared and for what purposes?
(5) How long is personal data retained?
(6) Is there any international transfer of personal data? Where? Under which legal basis?
(7) How can data subjects access, update, delete or correct their personal data?
(8) What steps are taken to ensure the security of personal data?
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(9) Whom can data subjects contact to exercise their rights in accordance with national and
EU regulations on personal data protection?
(10) What is the complaint process?
(f) Security specifications
(1) Member States intending to implement an electronic personnel licence system may
ensure a high degree of security to prevent forgery, data leaking and other security
events. Information security as well as compliance with the applicable national and EU
regulations concerning information security may be considered during all phases.
(2) The main areas of security risks may include:
(i) loss or inauthenticity of data (e.g. invalidity, spoofing);
(ii) network or device malware infection; and
(iii) protection of private data.
(3) A risk assessment may be performed by the competent authority in order to identify the
major risks associated with an electronic personnel licence system. In addition, it is
recommended that a register of identified risks be maintained to minimise the likelihood
that the competent authority will lose sight of its known risks.
(g) Training and supporting guidance material
(1) The development of training and supporting guidance material, appropriate to their roles
and responsibilities, are recommended for all personnel who may interact with the
electronic personnel licence system. Such personnel may include licence applicants and
holders, competent authority personnel, inspectors (both domestic and foreign) and
electronic personnel licence system personnel.
Possible training and guidance topics could include:
(i) the use of the electronic personnel licence system, including its features and
(ii) the online and offline verification of the authenticity and validity of the electronic
personnel licences, including the use of any tools or applications, as well as the
description of included features (e.g. active security features to differentiate it
from a static image);
(iii) contingency actions, including cases of loss of or damage to the self-contained
mobile electronic visual display device used for the electronic personnel licences;
(iv) any other training and guidance that a Member State may find to be necessary.
(2) In addition to the topics identified in point (1), it is recommended that personnel whose
responsibilities include verifying, adding, deleting, amending or approving amendments
to electronic personnel licence data also receive regularly updated training in the
following subjects:
(i) administration of the electronic personnel licence system, including record-
keeping, maintenance and troubleshooting;
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(ii) security training and awareness; and
(iii) training in monitoring of emerging risks.
AMC1 Point 3.2 of Appendix 1 to Annex II — (Student) air controller licence — EASA Forms 152 and 156
The electronic signatures in licences issued in electronic format should be affixed in accordance with
the specifications of Section 5.1.4 of AMC1 ATCO.AR.D.002.
GM1 Point 3.5 of Appendix 1 to Annex II — (Student) air controller licence — EASA Forms 152 and 156
Active security features include dedicated visual effects triggered by specific actions such as tilting the
device, shaking it, or touching the screen.
Such visual effects typically cannot be replicated using images of the licence captured through a
screenshot or another device.
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Notice of Proposed Amendment 2024-08 (D) in accordance with Article 6 of MB Decision 01-2022
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Proposed amendments to Commission Regulation (EU)
No 1321/2014 (continuing airworthiness)
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (D)
Table of contents
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Table of contents
Proposed regulatory material ......................................................................................................... 4
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1321/2014 ................................................................................ 4 Article 2 Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 4
Annex II (Part-145) .............................................................................................................................. 5 AMC1 145.A.30(e) Personnel requirements .................................................................................... 5 AMC1 145.A.70(a) Maintenance organisation exposition (MOE) ................................................... 5 Appendix II to AMC2 145.B.310(c) — EASA Form 6 ........................................................................ 5
Annex III (Part-66) ............................................................................................................................... 6 GM 66.1(a) Competent authority .................................................................................................... 6 66.A.10 Application.......................................................................................................................... 6 66.A.40 Continued validity of the aircraft maintenance licence ..................................................... 7
GM1 66.A.40(a) Continued validity of the aircraft maintenance licence ...................................................................... 8 AMC1 66.A.40(c) Continued validity of the aircraft maintenance licence .................................................................... 8
66.A.55 Evidence of qualificationLicence handling and reporting by the holder ............................ 8 66.B.20 Record-keeping ................................................................................................................... 9
GM1 66.B.20(b) Record-keeping .................................................................................................................................. 9 66.B.25 Mutual exchange Sharing of information and licensing data ............................................. 9
AMC1 66.B.25(c) Sharing of information and data ..................................................................................................... 10 66.B.100 Procedure for the issue of an aircraft maintenance licence by the competent authority 10 66.B.105 Procedure for the issue of an aircraft maintenance licence via a maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO) ............. 10
AMC 66.B.105 Procedure for the issue of an aircraft maintenance licence via the Part-145 approved maintenance organisation ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
66.B.110 Procedure for the change of an aircraft maintenance licence to include an additional basic category or subcategory ....................................................................................................... 11
AMC1 66.B.110 Procedure for the change of an aircraft maintenance licence to include an additional basic category or subcategory ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
66.B.115 Procedure for the change of an aircraft maintenance licence to include an aircraft rating or to remove limitations...................................................................................................... 12 66.B.120 Procedure for the validity renewal of an aircraft maintenance licence validity issued in physical format .............................................................................................................................. 12
AMC1 66.B.120 Procedure for the validity renewal of an aircraft maintenance licence validity issued in physical format ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
66.B.500 Revocation, suspension, or limitation of the aircraft maintenance licence ................... 13 GM1 66.B.500(a) Revocation, suspension, or limitation of the aircraft maintenance licence ................................... 14 AMC1 66.B.500(b) Revocation, suspension, or limitation of the aircraft maintenance licence ................................. 14 GM1 66.B.500(c) Revocation, suspension, or limitation of the aircraft maintenance licence .................................... 15
Appendix V — Application information Form — EASA Form 19 ................................................... 16 AMC1 Appendix V to Part-66 — Application information — EASA Form 19 .............................................................. 18 GM1 Appendix V to Part-66 — Application information — EASA Form 19 ................................................................ 18
Appendix VI — Aircraft Mmaintenance Llicence referred to in Annex III (Part-66) — EASA Forms 26 and 206 ..................................................................................................................................... 19
GM1 Point 1.1 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 ...................... 26 AMC1 Point 1.2 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 .................... 26 AMC1 Point 1.3 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 .................... 27 AMC1 Point 2.1 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 .................... 27 AMC1 Point 3.1 and Point 3.2 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 GM1 Point 3.1 and Point 3.2 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 63 AMC1 Point 3.3 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 .................... 67
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AMC2 Point 3.3 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 .................... 67 GM1 Point 3.4 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 ...................... 74 GM1 Point 3.5 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 ...................... 74 GM1 Point 3.7 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 ...................... 74
Annex Vd (Part-CAO) ......................................................................................................................... 76 AMC1 CAO.A.025 Combined airworthiness exposition (CAE) ....................................................... 76
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Proposed regulatory material The text of the amendment is arranged to show deleted, new or amended, and unchanged text as
— deleted text is struck through;
— new or amended text is highlighted in blue;
— an ellipsis ‘[…]’ indicates that the rest of the text is unchanged.
Draft regulation (draft EASA opinion) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 is amended as follows:
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) NO 1321/2014 of 26 November 2014
on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances, and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks
Article 2 Definitions […] (u) […]
(v) ‘licence’ means a document in physical or electronic format issued in accordance with this
Regulation and entitling its lawful holder to exercise the privileges associated with the
categories and ratings contained therein;
(w) ‘licence issued in physical format’ means a licence issued on paper or other suitable material, including plastic cards;
(x) ‘licence issued in electronic format’ means a licence issued on a self-contained mobile electronic visual display device. A licence issued in electronic format may be referred to as an ‘electronic personnel licence’;
(y) ‘self-contained mobile electronic visual display device’ means a device such as a mobile phone, tablet, or other mobile device which enables the generation and verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format;
(z) ‘electronic personnel licence system’ means an integrated system comprised of the computer hardware, network and communication facilities, computer software, validated data, users, and the associated regulatory framework to enable the issuance of licences in electronic format and the conduct of verification activities.
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AMC1 145.A.30(e) Personnel requirements
A record should be kept of each individual’s qualifications and competency assessment (refer also to point 145.A.55(d)). This should include access to data and copies of all documents that attest to their qualifications, such as a licence and/or any authorisation held, as applicable.
AMC1 145.A.70(a) Maintenance organisation exposition (MOE)
3.21 Procedure for the issue of a recommendation to the competent authority for the issue of a Part- 66 licence in accordance with point 66.B.105 (limited to the case where the competent authority for the Part-145 approval and for the Part-66 licence is the same).
3.22 Management system record-keeping
Appendix II to AMC2 145.B.310(c) — EASA Form 6
Part 3: Compliance with 145.A.70 Maintenance organisation exposition (MOE)
Please either tick () the box if satisfied with compliance, or cross (X) if not satisfied with compliance and specify the reference of the Part 4 finding, or enter 'N/A' where an item is not applicable, or 'N/R' when applicable but not reviewed.
3.21 Procedure for the issue of a recommendation to the competent authority for the issue of a Part-66 licence in accordance with 66.B.105 (limited to the case where the competent authority for the Part-145 approval and for the Part-66 licence is the same)
3.21 3.22
Management system record-keeping
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GM 66.1(a) Competent authority CHANGE OF COMPETENT AUTHORITY (a) The licence holder is expected to notify the competent authority that issued their current
licence before applying to another authority for a new licence. Subsequently:
— For licences issued in physical format, the licence holder is expected to return their current licence to the issuing competent authority once it has been revoked. Following that, the competent authority to which the same person has applied may issue a new licence.
— For licences issued in electronic format, the licence holder and both competent authorities may convene on a date at which the licence issued by the previous authority is revoked and replaced by a new licence issued by the authority to which the person has applied.
(b) The competent authorities may arrange the transfer of records and the processing associated with the revocation and issuance of licences such that the period during which the applicant does not hold a licence is as short as possible.
(c) The change of competent authority is typically subject to exchanges of information between the authorities involved regarding the licence for which the change is being requested by the holder.
66.A.10 Application (a) An application for the issuance of an aircraft maintenance licence or change to such licence shall
be made to the competent authority referred to in point 66.1 by providing the information required by on an EASA Form 19 (see Appendix V to this Annex (Part-66) in a manner established by the competent authority and submitted thereto.
(b) An application for the change to of an aircraft maintenance licence shall be made to the competent authority of the Member State that issued the aircraft maintenance licence referred to in point 66.1:
(1) by providing the information required by Appendix V to this Annex (Part-66), and
(2) for licences issued in physical format, by submitting the current licence to such competent authority.
(c) An application for the renewal of validity of an aircraft maintenance licence issued in physical format shall be made to the competent authority referred to in point 66.1:
(1) by providing the information required by Appendix V to this Annex (Part-66), and
(2) by submitting the current licence to such competent authority.
(d) An application for the issuance, change, or renewal of validity of an aircraft maintenance licence shall be made by either:
(1) the applicant, or
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(2) the maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO) that has a procedure in its exposition whereby it may submit the necessary documentation on behalf of the applicant.
(c) In addition to the documents required in points 66.A.10(a), 66.A.10(b) and 66.B.105, as appropriate, the applicant for additional basic categories or subcategories to an aircraft maintenance licence shall submit his/her current original aircraft maintenance licence to the competent authority together with the EASA Form 19.
(d) Where the applicant for change of the basic categories qualifies for such change via the procedure referred to in point 66.B.100 in a Member State other than the Member State which issued the license, the application shall be sent to the competent authority referred to in point 66.1.
(e) Where the applicant for change of the basic categories qualifies for such change via the procedure referred to in point 66.B.105 in a Member State other than the Member State which issued the license, the maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part- 145) shall send the aircraft maintenance licence together with the EASA Form 19 to the competent authority referred to in point 66.1 for stamp and signature of the change or reissue of the licence, as appropriate.
(f) Each application shall be supported by documentation to demonstrate compliance with the applicable theoretical knowledge, practical training and experience requirements at the time of application.
66.A.40 Continued validity of the aircraft maintenance licence (a) The validity of aircraft maintenance licences issued in physical format shall end become invalid
5 years after its their last issue issuance or last change. It shall be renewed for 5 years by the competent authority, provided that:, unless the holder submits his/her aircraft maintenance licence to the competent authority that issued it, in order to verify that
(1) an application for the validity renewal of the licence is submitted in accordance with point 66.A.10, and
(2) the competent authority finds that the information contained in the licence is the same as that contained in the competent authority records referred to in point 66.B.20, pursuant to point 66.B.120.
(b) The holder of an aircraft maintenance licence shall complete the relevant parts of EASA Form 19 (see Appendix V) and submit it with the holder's copy of the licence to the competent authority that issued the original aircraft maintenance licence, unless the holder works in a maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Annex Vd (Part- CAO) that has a procedure in its exposition whereby such organisation may submit the necessary documentation on behalf of the aircraft maintenance licence holder.
(c)(b) Any certification privilege based upon an aircraft maintenance licence becomes invalid as soon as the aircraft maintenance licence is invalid.
(d)(c) The aircraft maintenance licence is only valid (i) when all the following conditions are met:
(1) it was issued and/or changed by the competent authority, and (ii) when
(2) it includes the script signature of the holder has signed the document,
(3) it has not been revoked, suspended, or surrendered.
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GM1 66.A.40(a) Continued validity of the aircraft maintenance licence VALIDITY OF AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCES ISSUED IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT The content of aircraft maintenance licences issued in electronic format is considered to be only modifiable through the licensing system and records of the competent authority referred to in point 66.B.20, such that the authority will always be either at the origin of or aware of any change to those licences.
Therefore, the validity of those licences can be ensured without the need for the holder to send their licence for review by the competent authority and does not need to expire every 5 years. Hence, point 66.A.40(a) does not apply in such a case.
AMC1 66.A.40(c) Continued validity of the aircraft maintenance licence CONTENT VERIFICATION AND SIGNATURE OF THE AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCE BY THE HOLDER Before exercising any of the privileges granted with the issuance or change of their aircraft maintenance licence, the licence holder should:
— for all licences, ensure that its content matches the information provided with the application made in accordance with point 66.A.10;
— for licences issued in physical format, sign their licence under Section VII;
— for licences issued in electronic format, ensure that the script signature inserted under Section VII is correct.
The licence holder should report to the competent authority any content identified as incorrect for correction.
66.A.55 Evidence of qualificationLicence handling and reporting by the holder (a) Upon request by an authorised person, Ppersonnel exercising certification privileges as well as
support staff shall produce their licence, as evidence of qualification, within 24 hours upon request by an authorised person the following documents within 24 hours:
(1) their aircraft maintenance licence, as evidence of qualification;
(2) an identity document containing a photograph of the licence holder.
(b) The holder of the aircraft maintenance licence shall report to the competent authority that issued their licence the loss or theft of:
(1) their licence issued in physical format, or
(2) the device on which their licence was issued in electronic format.
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(c) For aircraft maintenance licences issued in physical format, when the competent authority has revoked, suspended, or limited the licence pursuant to point 66.B.500, their holder shall return it to this authority.
(d) The holder of an aircraft maintenance licence issued in physical format shall keep it in a good condition and ensure that no unauthorised entries are made.
66.B.20 Record-keeping (a) The competent authority shall establish a system of record-keeping that allows adequate
traceability of the process to issue, revalidate, change, limit, suspend, or revoke each aircraft maintenance licence and renew the validity of those issued in physical format.
(b) These records shall include for each aircraft maintenance licence:
1. the application for the issuance, change, or renewal of an aircraft maintenance licence or change to that licence, including all supporting documentation;
2. a copy of the aircraft maintenance licence including any changes the licensing data of the holder used to issue or change the licence;
GM1 66.B.20(b) Record-keeping LICENSING DATA OF AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCE HOLDERS The licensing data of aircraft maintenance licence holders includes all the data used to issue or change a licence, including personal data, and inserted in:
— Sections III to XIII of EASA Form 26, referred to in point 2.1 of Appendix VI to Annex III (Part-66), including the licence validity date;
— Sections III to XIII and XVIa to XVIc of EASA Form 206, referred to in point 3.3 of Appendix VI to Annex III (Part-66).
66.B.25 Mutual exchange Sharing of information and licensing data
(c) When the competent authority issues aircraft maintenance licences in electronic format, it shall establish and implement a procedure to grant and revoke real-time read-only access to the licensing data of a licence holder, as defined in Appendix VI to this Annex (Part-66), as follows:
(1) such access shall be granted to a maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO), as applicable; and
(2) such access shall be granted only for the licensing data of those licence holders of the organisation specified in point 66.B.25(c)(1), subject to the organisation having provided satisfactory evidence of its need to access such data.
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AMC1 66.B.25(c) Sharing of information and data SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE OF NEED PROVIDED BY THE MAINTENANCE ORGANISATION The maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Annex Vd (Part- CAO) should provide evidence that the licence holder is working for that organisation, through:
— a valid contract of employment, or
— a valid agreement or contract between the employer of the licence holder and the maintenance organisation, or
— any other document acceptable to the competent authority.
66.B.100 Procedure for the issue of an aircraft maintenance licence by the competent authority
(a) Upon receipt On receipt of EASA Form 19 and any supporting documentation, the competent authority shall verify the completeness of the application for the issuance of an aircraft maintenance licence made in accordance with point 66.A.10 EASA Form 19 for completeness and ensure that the experience claimed meets the requirement of this Annex (Part-66).
(c) When having verified the identity and date of birth of the applicant and being satisfied that the applicant meets the standards of knowledge and experience required by this Annex (Part-66), the competent authority shall issue the relevant aircraft maintenance licence to the applicant in compliance with the applicable requirements of Appendix VI to this Annex (Part-66).
The same information shall be kept on competent authority records.
66.B.105 Procedure for the issue of an aircraft maintenance licence via a maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO) (a) A maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145) or Annex Vd (Part-
CAO), when authorised to carry out this activity by the competent authority, may (i) prepare the aircraft maintenance licence on behalf of the competent authority or (ii) make recommendations to the competent authority regarding the application from an individual for a aircraft maintenance licence so that the competent authority may prepare and issue such licence.
(b) Maintenance organisations referred to in point (a) shall ensure compliance with points 66.B.100(a) and (b).
(c) In all cases, the aircraft maintenance licence can only be issued to the applicant by the competent authority.
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AMC 66.B.105 Procedure for the issue of an aircraft maintenance licence via the Part-145 approved maintenance organisation 1. The maintenance organisation approved under Part-145 should include the procedure in the
organisation’s exposition (Chapter 3.21), and this procedure should be audited by the competent authority at least once in each 12-month period. This procedure should include a limitation stating that it is only applicable to the case where the competent authority for the Part-145 approval and for the Part-66 licence is the same.
2. The Part-145 organisation should check that the experience records have been properly countersigned.
3. The maintenance organisation approved under Part-145 may keep the experience record of applicants in a different form from that of application EASA Form 19 but such different form or manner should be acceptable to the competent authority.
66.B.110 Procedure for the change of an aircraft maintenance licence to include an additional basic category or subcategory
(a) For aircraft maintenance licences issued in:
(1) physical format, Aat the completion of the procedures specified in points 66.B.100 or 66.B.105, the competent authority shall endorse include the additional basic category, subcategory or, for category B2L, system rating(s) on the aircraft maintenance licence by stamp and signature or shall reissue the licence in the licence by either:
(i) amending, signing, and stamping the current licence; or
(ii) producing, signing, and stamping a new licence including the changes and which shall replace the licence submitted by the holder with their application;
(2) electronic format, at the completion of the procedure specified in point 66.B.100, the competent authority shall update the licence to include the additional basic category, subcategory or, for category B2L, system rating(s).
AMC1 66.B.110 Procedure for the change of an aircraft maintenance licence to include an additional basic category or subcategory
In the case of computer-generated licences, the licence should be reissued.
When the conditions set in the rule for extending a B2L licence to include the B2 category are met, the B2L licence should be replaced by or updated to a B2 licence.
The B2L licence replaced by a B2 licence should be retained by the competent authority.
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66.B.115 Procedure for the change of an aircraft maintenance licence to include an aircraft rating or to remove limitations
(a) For aircraft maintenance licences issued in:
(1) physical format, Oon receipt of a satisfactory application in accordance with point 66.A.10 EASA Form 19 and any supporting documentation demonstrating compliance with the requirements of the applicable rating together with the accompanying aircraft maintenance licence, the competent authority shall either endorse the licence with the applicable aircraft rating or remove the applicable limitations in accordance with point 66.A.50 by:
(i)1. endorse the applicant's aircraft maintenance licence with the applicable aircraft rating amending, signing, and stamping the current licence; or
(ii)2. reissue the said licence to include the applicable aircraft rating producing, signing, and stamping a new licence including the changes and which shall replace the licence submitted by the holder with their application.
3. remove the applicable limitations in accordance with point 66.A.50.
The competent authority record system shall be changed accordingly.
(2) electronic format, on receipt of a satisfactory application in accordance with point 66.A.10, the competent authority shall endorse the licence with the applicable aircraft rating or remove the applicable limitations in accordance with point 66.A.50 by updating the licence to include the changes.
66.B.120 Procedure for the validity renewal of an aircraft maintenance licence validity issued in physical format (a) For aircraft maintenance licences issued in physical format, Tthe competent authority shall
compare the holder's aircraft maintenance licence with the competent authority records referred to in point 66.B.20 and verify any pending revocation, suspension or change action pursuant to point 66.B.500(a). If the information matches documents are identical and no action is pending pursuant to point 66.B.500 is pending, the holder's copy validity of the licence shall be renewed for 5 years and the file endorsed accordingly by either:
(1) amending, signing, and stamping the current licence; or
(2) producing, signing, and stamping a new licence including the new validity date and which shall replace the licence submitted by the holder with their application.
(b) Following comparison pursuant to point 66.B.120(a), If the when an aircraft maintenance licence is found to be different from the competent authority records referred to in point 66.B.20 are different from the aircraft maintenance licence held by the licence holder, the competent authority shall:
(1). the competent authority shall investigate the reasons for such differences and may choose not to renew the aircraft maintenance licence;.
(2). the competent authority shall inform the licence holder and any known maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex I (Part-M) Subpart F, Annex II (Part-145) or Annex Vd (Part-CAO) that may be directly affected by such fact;.
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(3). the competent authority shall, if necessary, take action in accordance with point 66.B.500(a) to revoke, suspend, limit, or change the licence in question.
AMC1 66.B.120 Procedure for the validity renewal of an aircraft maintenance licence validity issued in physical format REPLACEMENT OF RENEWED AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCES AND CONTINUED VALIDITY OF THE CERTIFICATION PRIVILEGES
(a) The competent authority should not carry out any investigation to ensure that the licence holder is in current maintenance practice as this is not a condition for the renewal of a licence issued in physical format. Ensuring the continued validity of the certification privileges is a matter for the approved Part-145 / M.A. Subpart F / Part-CAO maintenance organisation or the certifying staff in accordance with M.A.801(b)1.
(b) For the purpose of ensuring the continued validity of the certification privileges, the competent authority may, when periodically reviewing the organisations in accordance with 145.B.305, M.B.604 or CAO.B.055, or during on-the-spot checks, request the licence holder to provide documentary evidence of compliance with 66.A.20(b) when exercising certification privileges.
66.B.500 Revocation, suspension, or limitation of the aircraft maintenance licence (a) The competent authority shall suspend, limit or revoke, suspend, or limit the aircraft
maintenance licence where it has identified a safety issue or if it has clear evidence that the person has carried out or been involved in one or more of the following activities:
(1). obtaining the aircraft maintenance licence and/or the certification privileges by
falsification of documentary evidence;
(2). failing to carry out requested maintenance combined with failure to report such fact to
the organisation or person who requested the maintenance;
(3). failing to carry out required maintenance resulting from own inspection combined with
failure to report such fact to the organisation or person for whom the maintenance was
intended to be carried out;
(4). negligent maintenance;
(5). falsification of the maintenance record;
(6). issuing a certificate of release to service knowing that the maintenance specified on the
certificate of release to service has not been carried out or without verifying that such
maintenance has been carried out;
(7). carrying out maintenance or issuing a certificate of release to service when adversely
affected by alcohol or drugs;
(8). issuing certificate of release to service while not in compliance with this Regulation.;
(9) making unauthorised entries in the aircraft maintenance licence.
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(b) When the competent authority has issued valid aircraft maintenance licences in electronic format, it shall establish and implement a procedure for the revocation, suspension, or limitation of such licences.
(c) When the holder of an aircraft maintenance licence has reported the loss or theft of:
(1) their current licence issued in physical format, the competent authority shall revoke it and issue a new licence to the holder on the basis of the records mentioned in point 66.B.20; or
(2) the self-contained mobile electronic visual display device on which their licence was issued, the competent authority shall invalidate this licence and generate a new licence on another device declared by the holder and to which they have access.
GM1 66.B.500(a) Revocation, suspension, or limitation of the aircraft maintenance licence AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCES IN PHYSICAL FORMAT SUBJECT TO LIMITATION OR SUSPENSION (a) When the competent authority has limited an aircraft maintenance licence issued in physical
format, it may either:
(1) amend the current licence by clearly indicating the limitations and return it to the holder, or
(2) replace the current licence with a new one to include only the categories, sub-categories, or ratings that are not subject to limitations.
Subsequently, the competent authority can amend or replace the licence including the limitations on the date on which they end.
(b) When the competent authority has suspended an aircraft maintenance licence issued in physical format, it may either return the same licence to the holder or replace it with a new one on the date such suspension ends.
AMC1 66.B.500(b) Revocation, suspension, or limitation of the aircraft maintenance licence PROCEDURE FOR THE REVOCATION, SUSPENSION, OR LIMITATION OF AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCES ISSUED IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT The procedure should describe the actions undertaken by the competent authority to ensure that the revocation, suspension, or limitation of a licence processed in its licensing system is properly reflected in the licence contained in the holder’s personal device application.
Such actions should happen at the level of the electronic personnel licence system established by the competent authority to:
— In cases of limitation, notify the holder and request that they generate a new instance of the licence displaying only those categories, subcategories, or ratings not subject to limitation;
— In cases of suspension or revocation, notify the holder and request that they update their licence, thereby deleting the current instance of the licence contained in the application and preventing the generation of new instances.
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In cases of limitation or suspension of the licence, the procedure should include the generation of a new instance of the licence on the date such limitation or suspension ends.
Alternatively, the competent authority may display a permanent indication regarding the applicable limitation, suspension, or revocation of the licence without which the licence cannot be displayed by the holder.
GM1 66.B.500(c) Revocation, suspension, or limitation of the aircraft maintenance licence VOLUNTARY CHANGE OF DEVICE BY THE HOLDER OF AN AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCE ISSUED IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT Where a licence holder notifies the competent authority that they wish to change the device on which their licence can be accessed, and in the absence of a system enabling the holder to make this change autonomously, the authority may carry out the actions required by point 66.B.500(d)(2).
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Appendix V — Application information Form — EASA Form 19
(a) Any application for the issuance, change, or renewal of the validity of an aircraft maintenance licence shall be made in a manner established by the competent authority and in accordance with the content of EASA Form 19.
(b) Each application shall be supported by documentation to demonstrate compliance with the applicable theoretical knowledge, practical training, and experience requirements at the time of application.
1. This Appendix contains an example of the form used for applying for the aircraft maintenance licence referred to in Annex III (Part-66).
2. The competent authority of the Member State may modify the EASA Form 19 only to include additional information necessary to support the case where the national requirements permit or require the aircraft maintenance licence issued in accordance with Annex III (Part-66) to be used outside the requirements of this Regulation.
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Tel: ……………………………………………………………………….. E-mail: …………………………………………………………………….
Nationality: …………………………………………………………... Date and Place of Birth: ………………………………………….
PART-66 AML DETAILS (if applicable):
Licence No: …………………………………………………………………. Date of Issue: …………………………………………………….
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Maintenance Organisation Approval Reference: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Tel: …………………………………………………………………………….. Fax: ……………………………………………………………………
APPLICATION FOR: (Tick relevant boxes)
Initial Issuance of a new AML
Amendment of Change to an AML
Validity Rrenewal of an AML (applies only to licences issued in physical format)
(Sub)categories Aeroplane Turbine Aeroplane Piston Helicopter Turbine Helicopter Piston
L (see below)
Avionics See system ratings below Piston engine non-pressurised aeroplanes of MTOM of 2t and below Complex motor-powered aircraft Aircraft other than complex motor-powered aircraft System ratings for B2L licence: 1. autoflight 2. instruments 3. com/nav
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4. surveillance 5. airframe systems
L-licence subcategories: L1C: Composite sailplanes L1: Sailplanes L2C: Composite powered sailplanes and composite ELA1 aeroplanes L2: Powered sailplanes and ELA1 aeroplanes L3H: Hot-air balloons L3G: Gas balloons L4H: Gas balloons L4H: Hot-air airships L4G: ELA2 gas airships L5: Gas airship other than ELA2
Type endorsements/Rating endorsement/Limitation removal (if applicable): …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
I wish to apply for initial the issuance of /amendment of a change to / the validity renewal of a Part-66 AML, as indicated, and confirm that the information and supporting documentation provided contained in this form was are correct at the time of application.
I herewith confirm that:
1. I am not holding any Part-66 AML issued in another Member State;
2. I have not applied for any Part-66 AML in another Member State; and
3. I never had a Part-66 AML issued in another Member State which was revoked or suspended in any other Member State.
I also understand that any incorrect information could disqualify me from holding a Part-66 AML.
Date: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Signature of the applicant:
I wish to claim the following credits (if applicable): ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Experience credits for Part-147 training ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Examination credits for equivalent exam certificates ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Please enclose all relevant certificates
Recommendation (if applicable): It is hereby certified that the applicant has met the relevant Part-66 maintenance knowledge and experience requirements and it is recommended that the competent authority grants or endorses the Part-66 AML.
Signed: .............................................................. Name: ..................................................................................
Position: ........................................................... Date: ....................................................................................
EASA Form 19 Issue 56
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AMC1 Appendix V to Part-66 — Application information — EASA Form 19
The competent authority should define, implement, and communicate about the means through which an applicant can apply for the issuance, change, or renewal of the validity of an aircraft maintenance licence, including applications:
— using documentation in physical format;
— using an online platform allowing the upload of supporting documentation;
— using other practical means deemed appropriate by the competent authority.
GM1 Appendix V to Part-66 — Application information — EASA Form 19 ADDITION OF REQUIRED INFORMATION BY THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY The competent authority may complement the content of EASA Form 19 to include additional information when it requires the aircraft maintenance licence issued in accordance with this Annex (Part-66) to be used outside the scope of this Regulation.
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Appendix VI — Aircraft Mmaintenance Llicence referred to in Annex III (Part-66) — EASA Forms 26 and 206
1. General requirements for the aircraft maintenance licence
1.1. The competent authority shall issue each aircraft maintenance licence in only one of the following formats:
(a) the physical format, referred to in point 2 of this Appendix; or
(b) the electronic format, referred to in point 3 of this Appendix.
1.2. When the competent authority uses both formats to issue aircraft maintenance licences, it shall establish a procedure for changing from one format to the other.
3.1.3. The document may be filled in either The aircraft maintenance licence shall be issued at least in English or, irrespective of whether the competent authority decides to use other languages. In the latter case, a second copy in English shall be attached to the document for any licence holder who needs to use the licence outside that Member State to ensure understanding for the purpose of mutual recognition.
4.1.4. Each licence holder shall have a unique licence holder number, established on the basis of:
— the country code of the Member State of the competent authority issuing the licence, a national identifier and
— a serial number an alpha-numeric designator.
6. The document shall be prepared by the competent authority. However, it may also be prepared by any maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145), where the competent authority agrees to this and the preparation takes place in accordance with a procedure laid down in the maintenance organisation exposition referred to in point 145.A.70 of Annex II (Part-145). In all cases, the competent authority shall issue the document.
7. The preparation of any change to an existing aircraft maintenance licence shall be carried out by the competent authority. However, it may also be prepared by any maintenance organisation approved in accordance with Annex II (Part-145), where the competent authority agrees to this and the preparation takes place in accordance with a procedure laid down in the maintenance organisation exposition referred to in point 145.A.70 of Annex II (Part-145). In all cases, the competent authority shall change the document.
9. The aircraft maintenance licence issued in accordance with Annex III (Part-66) shall be recognised in all Member States and it is not required to exchange the document when working in another Member State.
10.1.5. When the competent authority chooses to include national privileges covered by national law and outside the scope of Annex III (Part-66), these shall be included in Section XIV of the aircraft maintenance licence.The Annex to EASA Form 26 is optional and may only be used to include national privileges, where such privileges are covered by national law outside the scope of Annex III (Part-66).
1.6. When the aircraft maintenance licence is not endorsed with ratings, Section XII of the aircraft maintenance licence shall state ‘No ratings’.
13.1.7. The limitations referred to in point 66.A.50 and included in tThe aircraft maintenance licence shall be clearly indicate that the limitations are formulated as exclusions from the certification privileges. If there are no limitations applicable, the LIMITATIONS page shall state ‘No limitations’.
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2. Requirements for the aircraft maintenance licence issued in physical format
1.2.1. The aircraft maintenance licence shall be issued in accordance with the content of EASA Form 26. An example of the aircraft maintenance licence referred to in Annex III (Part-66) can be found on the following pages.
2.2.2. The aircraft maintenance licence shall be produced such document shall be printed in the standardised form shown but may be reduced in size to allow it being generated by computer. When the size is reduced, care shall be taken to ensure that sufficient space is available in those places where official seals or stamps are required. Computer-generated documents need not have all the boxes incorporated when any such box remains blank, so long as the document can clearly be recognised as an aircraft maintenance licence issued in accordance with Annex III (Part-66).
5. The document may have the pages in a different order to the one of this and needs not have some or any divider lines as long as the information contained is positioned in such a manner that each page lay-out can clearly be identified with the format of the example of the aircraft maintenance licence contained herein.
8. The holder of the aircraft maintenance licence shall keep it in good condition and shall ensure that no unauthorised entries are made. Failure to comply with this rule may invalidate the license or lead to the holder not being permitted to hold any certification privilege. It may also result in prosecution under national law.
11. With regard to the aircraft type rating page of the aircraft maintenance licence, the competent authority may decide not to issue this page until the first aircraft type rating needs to be endorsed and may need to issue more than one aircraft type rating page depending on the number of type ratings to be listed.
12. Notwithstanding point 11, each page issued shall be in the format of this example and contain the specified information for that page.
14.2.3. Where a pre-printer format is used for issuing the aircraft maintenance licence, any When the aircraft maintenance licence is issued in accordance with the format of EASA Form 26, any box in Section IX of the licence that is associated with a category, or subcategory or type rating box which does is not contain a rating entry included in the licence shall be marked to show that the rating that such category or subcategory is not held by the holder.
2.4. If there are no applicable limitations pursuant to point 66.A.50, Section XIII of the licence shall state ‘No limitations’.
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IVa. Full name of holder:
IVb. Date and place of birth:
V. Address of holder
VI. Nationality of holder:
VII. Signature of holder:
EASA FORM 26 Issue 67 III. Licence No:
The privileges of this licence holder are prescribed by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and, in particular, Annex III (Part- 66) thereto. This licence, when endorsed with an aircraft rating, meets the intent of ICAO Annex 1.
This licence shall contain the script signature of the licence be signed by the holder and be accompanied by an identity document containing a photograph of the licence holder.
The Endorsement inclusion of any categories on the page(s) entitled 'Part-66 CATEGORIES' only, does not permit the holder to issue a certificate of release to service for an aircraft.
This licence, when endorsed with an aircraft rating, meets the intent of ICAO Annex 1.
The privileges of this licence holder are prescribed by Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and, in particular, Annex III (Part-66) thereto.
This licence remains valid until the date specified on the limitation page unless previously suspended or revoked.
The privileges of this licence may not be exercised unless in the preceding two 2 year period, the holder had has either had six 6 months of maintenance experience in accordance with the privileges granted by the licence, or met the provisions for the issue of the appropriate privileges.
Aeroplanes Turbine n/a n/a n/a n/a
Aeroplanes Piston n/a n/a n/a n/a
Helicopters Turbine n/a n/a n/a n/a
Helicopters Piston n/a n/a n/a n/a
Avionics n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Complex motor-powered aircraft
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Aircraft other than complex motor-powered aircraft
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Sailplanes, powered sailplanes, ELA1 aeroplanes, balloons and airships
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Piston engine non pressurised aeroplanes of 2 000 kg MTOM and below
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
X. Signature of issuing officer & date:
XI. Seal or stamp of issuing authority:
III. Licence No: III. Licence No:
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Annex to EASA FORM 26 XIV. INFORMATION ON NATIONAL PRIVILEGES outside the scope of Part-66, in accordance with [National Legislation] (Vvalid only in [Member State])
Official Stamp & Date
III. Licence No:
EASA Form 26 Issue 57
(*) Delete for non-EU Member States.
3. Requirements for the aircraft maintenance licence issued in electronic format
3.1. The competent authority shall establish and implement procedures for the set-up and operation of an electronic personnel licence system.
3.2. The electronic personnel licence system shall ensure the interoperability, security, confidentiality, data protection, authentication, and accessibility of the aircraft maintenance licence issued in electronic format.
3.3. The aircraft maintenance licence shall be issued in accordance with the content and format requirements of EASA Form 206 and replicate the information contained in the records of the competent authority.
3.4. The aircraft maintenance licence shall include a feature identified with the acronym ‘ICAO’ that allows it to display its contents in English.
3.5. The aircraft maintenance licence shall contain suitable active security features to differentiate it from a static image.
3.6. With regard to aircraft maintenance licence categories, the competent authority shall specify, in Section XII of the licence, only those categories and subcategories included in the licence of the holder.
3.7. The authenticity, validity, and content of the aircraft maintenance licence shall be electronically verifiable:
(a) online when an internet connection is available, or
(b) offline when no internet connection is available, through a means that imposes no undue burden on the competent authorities verifying the licence.
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3.8. The electronic signature contained in Section X of the aircraft maintenance licence shall comply with the requirements applicable to qualified electronic signatures, as determined by Regulation (EU) No 910/2014.
The competent authority issuing the licence shall insert information in EASA Form 206 as follows:
— The competent authority shall determine the information to be inserted in the place of content between brackets (‘[]’). When optional and not applicable, it shall insert the words ‘Not applicable’.
— The competent authority shall insert the content that is not between brackets, or, for Section XIII, the content between quotation marks (‘’) that applies.
— Sections IVa, V, and XIa shall be left blank.
— Completing Sections XIV, XVIa, XVIb, and XVIc is optional.
Content requirements Format requirements
I European Union (*)
[Name of Member State]
[Name of Member State] shall be inserted in bold
II Part-66
All content shall be inserted in bold
III Licence No. [Member State code].66.[XXXX]
[Member State code] shall be the United Nations country code of the Member State of the competent authority issuing the licence [XXXX] shall be a serial number inserted using Arabic numerals
IVb Name of holder in full: [Name]
[Name] shall also be inserted in Latin script when the script of the national language is not Latin
IVc Date of birth of holder: [Date]
[Date] shall be inserted using the dd-mm-yyyy format (day-month- year)
VI Nationality of holder: [Nationality]
VII Script signature of holder: [Signature]
[Signature] shall be inserted as an image of the script signature of the holder
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[Name of Competent Authority]
The privileges of this licence holder are prescribed by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and, in particular, Annex III (Part-66) thereto. This licence, when endorsed with an aircraft rating, meets the intent of ICAO Annex 1. This licence shall contain the script signature of the licence holder and be accompanied by an identity document containing a photograph of the holder.
The inclusion of categories in Section XII under 'Part-66 CATEGORIES' does not permit the holder to issue a certificate of release to service for an aircraft.
This licence remains valid unless previously suspended or revoked. The privileges of this licence may not be exercised unless in the preceding 2-year period, the holder has either had 6 months of maintenance experience in accordance with the privileges granted by the licence, or met the provisions for the issue of the appropriate privileges.
X Electronic signature of officer issuing the licence:
[Name] [Date] [Time]
[Name] shall also be inserted in Latin script when the script of the national language is not Latin [Date] shall be inserted using the dd-mm-yyyy format (day-month- year) [Time] shall be inserted using the hh:nn:ss and 24 hour format (hours:minutes:seconds)
XIb Date and time of last synchronisation with the server of the
competent authority: [Date] [Time]
[Date] shall be inserted using the dd-mm-yyyy format (day-month- year) [Time] shall be inserted using the hh:nn:ss and 24 hour format (hours:minutes:seconds)
XIc Machine-readable code to retrieve authentication data:
[Machine-readable code]
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[Categories included in the licence]
[Ratings endorsed on the licence]
[Categories included in the licence] and [Ratings endorsed on the licence] shall be inserted in accordance with a documented taxonomy
As applicable:
— ‘Limitations are listed in Section XII of the licence’, or
— ‘No limitations’.
INFORMATION ON NATIONAL PRIVILEGES outside the scope of Part-66, in accordance with [National Legislation] (valid only in
[Name of Member State])
XVa Reserved
XVb Reserved
XVc Reserved
XVd Reserved
XVIa Other information associated with the licence as determined by
the competent authority: [Text]
XVIb Other information associated with the licence as determined by
the competent authority: [Text]
XVIc Other information associated with the licence as determined by
the competent authority: [Text]
EASA Form 206 Issue 1
(*) Delete for non-EU Member States.
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GM1 Point 1.1 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 ISSUANCE OF AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCES IN PHYSICAL OR ELECTRONIC FORMAT The competent authority may decide to issue aircraft maintenance licences in physical format or in electronic format either to:
— certain licence holders based on criteria or conditions it has defined, or
— certain groups of licence holders based on criteria or conditions it has defined, or
— all licence holders.
The same person cannot hold an aircraft maintenance licence issued both in physical format and in electronic format at the same time.
AMC1 Point 1.2 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 PROCEDURE FOR CHANGING FROM ONE LICENCE FORMAT TO ANOTHER The procedure should describe the triggering events, time, and conditions associated with the format change for a licence already issued by the authority.
Changing the format of a licence means either:
— generating a licence in electronic format to replace a licence in physical format for the same holder, or
— producing a licence in physical format to replace a licence in electronic format for the same holder.
The events triggering the change of format of a licence may include the strategy adopted by the competent authority to issue licences in a specific format for one licence holder, a defined group of licence holders or all licence holders.
Those events may also include any practical aspect justifying the use of one format rather than the other. Such practical aspects could be related to the appropriate use of that licence by the licence holder or the ability of the competent authority to issue licences as intended.
The time at which the format of a licence is changed should be predefined. It may be a date chosen by the competent authority or be associated with any processing of the licence for other purposes, such as:
— the inclusion of a new category or subcategory in the licence,
— the endorsement of the licence with a new aircraft or system rating,
— the removal of a limitation in the licence,
— the validity renewal of the licence in physical format 5 years after it was issued.
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The conditions under which the format of a licence is changed should include:
— the withdrawal of the current licence issued in physical format or the invalidation of the current licence in electronic format before the new licence is generated or produced, as applicable;
— The means through which the licence holder is notified of such change and can obtain the new licence.
AMC1 Point 1.3 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 LANGUAGES USED TO ISSUE AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCES When the competent authority produces aircraft maintenance licences using one or more languages other than English, including the official language of its Member State, it should include the English translation in the same licence.
Alternatively, when there is not enough space to include the required English translation, a copy of the licence in English should be attached to it.
AMC1 Point 2.1 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 ARRANGEMENT OF THE CONTENT OF AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCES ISSUED IN PHYSICAL FORMAT (a) The content of aircraft maintenance licences issued in physical format may be arranged in a
different order from that of EASA Form 26.
(b) When the aircraft maintenance licence is produced using paper, the competent authority may need to issue as many pages relating to Section XII of the licence as necessary depending on the number of aircraft or system ratings to be listed.
(c) The aircraft maintenance licence does not need to contain any divider lines, as long as the information is positioned in such a manner that each page layout can clearly be identified as corresponding to the format of EASA Form 26.
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AMC1 Point 3.1 and Point 3.2 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 ELECTRONIC PERSONNEL LICENCE SYSTEM 1. DEFINITIONS
The following definitions apply to this Acceptable Means of Compliance.
‘Issuing authority’ means a competent authority with competence to issue aircraft maintenance licences.
‘Mdoc’ means a document or application that resides on a self-contained mobile electronic visual display device or requires such a device as part of the process to gain access to the document or application.
‘Verifying authority’ means a competent authority with competence to verify the content, validity, and authenticity of aircraft maintenance licences.
AML aircraft maintenance licence
CSR certificate signing request
EPL / EPLs electronic personnel licence
EPLAPP Application for a licence issued in electronic format
EPLDM electronic personnel licence data model
EPLDS EPL data set
EPLHD electronic personnel licence holder’s device
EPLRAP EPL reading application
EPLRD electronic personnel licence reading device
EPLSYS electronic personnel licence system
HDPKIC holder device public key infrastructure certificate
IAPKIC issuing authority public key infrastructure certificate
IAS issuing authority server
JWT Java web token
LICSYS licensing system
MSO mobile security object
PKI public key infrastructure
RDPKIC reading device public key infrastructure certificate
TLS transport layer security
URL universal resource identifier
3.1. Licensing system and electronic personnel licence system
The licensing system (LICSYS) used by an issuing authority is not the electronic personnel licence system (EPLSYS). The LICSYS and the EPLSYS are independent systems that share the source where the information is stored: the issuing authority server (IAS) — see Figure 1.
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Figure 1 — LICSYS and EPLSYS schema
(a) The LICSYS provides the tools that allow an issuing authority to manage the licence information in accordance with its procedures for issuing, updating, and invalidating the licence data. Only data that has been validated in the national LICSYS and stored as valid licence information can be used by the EPLSYS.
(b) The LICSYSs used by different issuing authorities might be different one from another: maybe some issuing authorities use an existing market solution, and others have developed their own LICSYS in accordance with their needs. Each LICSYS should work in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory framework that applies to the issuing authority (such as EU regulations, national regulations, and national procedures established for the issuance, renewal, revalidation, suspension, and revocation of a licence).
(c) The EPLSYS provides the means by which the licence data stored in a server of an issuing authority are converted to an Mdoc and are transferred to the holder device (EPLHD).
(d) The EPLSYS also provides the method by which external parties (inspectors or other parties, who will be generally called ‘verifiers’) can get the licence information on an electronic personnel licence reading device (EPLRD) and proceed with the verification the authenticity and validity of the of the licence issued in electronic format. Both the EPLHD and the EPLRD will need the installation of software that can process the licence information.
3.2. The data set for the licence issued in electronic format (EPLDS)
(a) Each type of licence issued in electronic format for aircrew, maintenance personnel or (student) air traffic controllers has a specific set of data defined in the Appendices to each applicable Regulation, such as Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (aircrew); Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 (air traffic controllers’ licences and certificates) or Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (continuing airworthiness).
(b) In contrast to licences issued in physical format, licences issued in electronic format share a common structure, a common data set of information that is the same for all types of licences. This common structure has been included in the affected regulations, and in this AMC it will be referred to as the data set for the licence issued in electronic format (EPLDS).
(c) The EPLDS contains licence information consistent with that used for licences issued in physical format — see Figure 2.
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Figure 2 — First data source for the licence issued in electronic format
(d) Generally, the EPLDS is composed of one subset of data, similar to that used for the issuance and change of licences in physical format — see Table 1.
Table 1 — Information data set for each type of document
(e) Licences issued in physical format allow the inclusion of additional basic categories and aircraft ratings as well as the removal or addition of limitations. Such changes are added to the current licence or implemented by producing a new licence and signed by the responsible officer of the issuing authority (who can be different from the one who signed the issuance of the licence). In the case of licences issued in electronic format, this can be considered as a second source of information — see Figure 3.
Figure 3 — Changes to a licence as a second data source
3.3. The term ‘licence’ and life cycles
A licence issued in electronic format contains a representation of the licence information at a particular moment in time. It will remain valid as long as the licence information remains the same, but the moment one of these subsets of data varies, this representation is no longer valid, and a new version of the licence issued in electronic format supersedes the current one.
Therefore, the invalidation of a licence issued in electronic format may not mean the suspension or revocation of the licence; it only means that the information in that representation is no longer accurate.
3.3.1. Issuance of a licence
Referring to licences (any format), the issuance could be considered as the process by which the document data of is validated by the issuing authority and the outcome is a valid licence being delivered to the licence holder. This process contains two important actions:
(a) production or generation of the licence: action by which the licence data is inserted into a document (independently of the format of the document);
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(b) validation of data: action by which the licence data at a specific moment in time is rendered valid by a signature that comes from the issuing authority. Physical licence issuance process
The process for issuing licences in physical format could be represented as in Figure 4:
Figure 4 — Physical licence issuance process
(a) A licence applicant (or holder if a licence has already been issued), fills out a licence application and submits it to the issuing authority in accordance with point 66.A.10.
(b) The issuing authority officers process the application following the established procedures.
(c) The licence information is registered in the LICSYS and the licence is produced.
(d) The licence information is validated by an issuing authority officer’s signature.
(e) The licence is provided to the applicant. Issuance process of the licence issued in electronic format
The process for issuing licences in electronic format could be represented as in Figure 5:
Figure 5 — Issuance process of the licence issued in electronic format
(a) A licence applicant (or holder if a licence has already been issued) completes a licence application and submits it to the issuing authority in accordance with point 66.A.10.
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(b) The issuing authority officers process the application following the established procedures.
(c) The licence data set information is registered in the EPLSYS. In order to be validated, it has to be signed digitally by an officer of the issuing authority.
(d) The licence holder needs to install the application for the licence issued in electronic format (EPLAPP) on the EPLHD and send a request for the generation of a licence issued in electronic format to this specific device.
(e) The licence issued in electronic format is generated by the IAS and sent to the EPLHD.
(f) Once the licence issued in electronic format is received in the EPLHD, it is stored in the EPLAPP. Comparison of issuance processes
The processes for issuing licences in physical and electronic format are compared through Figure 6:
Figure 6 — Comparison of issuance processes
(a) Changes to licence information are considered part of the licence data set, although they might have a different validator (i.e. issuing authority officer).
(b) The information of a licence issued in electronic format can be updated in response to changes in the data set. Every time that there is a change, an updated licence issued in electronic format should be generated, so that the information it contains is valid and up to date. This entails that a licence issued in electronic format will be generated and delivered more frequently than in a licence issued in physical format.
(c) The licence issued in physical format is produced and then validated by the officer’s signature whereas, with an EPLSYS, the information of a licence in electronic format should first be validated by an officer in the LICSYS (by an electronic signature) before the Mdoc is generated and finally electronically signed by the issuing authority. The signature of the Mdoc is intended to protect the Mdoc information, not to validate the data it contains.
(d) A licence issued in physical format is produced when the issuing authority decides to do so, whereas, with an EPLSYS, the information verified by the issuing authority is used to generate the licence in electronic format (first issue or update) once the licence holder sends a request from the EPLHD.
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(e) The licence holder is in charge of generating the information on the licence issued in electronic format The licence issued in electronic format is linked to a specific self-contained mobile electronic visual display device. When the licence in electronic format is generated, it contains information about the device where it will be contained; therefore, the licence holder should have provided the information about the device prior to the generation of the licence in electronic format, meaning that it is the licence holder who initiates the generation of the licence in electronic format.
3.3.2. Suspension and revocation of a licence
(a) When a licence in electronic format is generated, the issuing authority should also generate a public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate that represents the issuing authority and the issuing authority PKI certificate (IAPKIC) with which the licence issued in electronic format is signed. The EPLDS of each licence issued in electronic format will be signed with a unique IAPKIC that is specific for each licence issued in electronic format.
Further details of this process are provided in Section 4.2.
(b) A licence issued in electronic format should be considered a representation that reflects the licence data set information at a specific moment in time. If any of this information changes, then the licence issued in electronic format should be invalidated and an updated licence in electronic format generated. The invalidation of a licence issued in electronic format takes place by revoking the IAPKIC used to sign the EPLDS, but this revocation of the IAPKIC should not be confused with the administrative act of revocation of a licence, which removes the privileges of the licence holder. Therefore, in order to avoid confusion, the revocation of an IAPKIC will be referred to in this AMC as ‘invalidation’, and the outcome is that the licence in electronic format signed with this IAPKIC is invalidated.
(c) An actual revocation of the licence entails the invalidation of the licence issued in electronic format, with no further generations of the licence being possible.
(d) The electronic personnel licence data model (EPLDM) does not include the status of the licence, therefore does not indicate whether a licence issued in electronic format is valid, suspended, or revoked.
(e) If a licence is suspended by an administrative act, the existing IAPKIC used to sign the licence issued in electronic format should be revoked and a new licence in electronic format generated without information. In an EPLSYS as defined by ICAO, the difference between the revocation and the suspension would be noted because:
(1) In the case of revocation, no licence issued in electronic format exists and no new licence issued in electronic format can be generated.
(2) In the case of suspension, the licence in electronic format can be generated, but it is empty (no valid data is available), and new licences in electronic format can be generated. When the suspension ends, a further generation of the licence in electronic format would recover all the valid licence data.
3.4. Verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format
(a) The verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format consists in verifying that the IAPKIC is still valid. When a licence issued in electronic format is invalidated, so is the IAPKIC, and the IAPKIC is added to a certificate revocation list in the IAS. This means that each licence issued in electronic format has a unique IAPKIC that is specific for each licence issued in electronic format, and its validity is checked, verifying whether the IAPKIC is still valid.
(b) The verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format ensures that the information in the EPLDS has not been tampered with and it remains as provided by
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the issuing authority. Verifiers will still need to look at the information provided and assess whether the holder has the appropriate privileges to perform whatever task the holder is performing, as done with a licence issued in physical format.
(c) The verification of the authenticity and validity of a licence issued in electronic format only verifies that:
(1) the licence issued in electronic format is still valid (the IAPKIC with which it was signed is not revoked); and
(2) the licence information of the licence issued in electronic format is as provided by the issuing authority.
4.1. EPLSYS introduction
(a) An EPLSYS is an integrated system comprised of computer hardware, network and communication facilities, computer software, validated data, users, and rules to enable the issuance of licences in electronic format and the conduct of oversight activities.
Figure 7 — EPLSYS interfaces
Error! Reference source not found. represents the three interfaces of the EPLSYS, accordance to ISO 18013-5, which are:
(1) interface between the issuing authority and the licence holder;
(2) interface between the licence holder and the licence verifier;
(3) interface between the licence verifier and the issuing authority.
ISO 18013-5 applies to interfaces 2 and 3 and considers interface 1 (the link between the issuing authority’s server and the licence holder) specific to each state.
(b) EPLSYS implementation requires that the issuing authority should develop an application for the licence holder: the EPLAPP. This application should be installed in the EPLHD and should allow the licence holder to connect with the IAS, receive and store the licence issued in electronic format (interface 1) and allow the verification of the validity and authenticity of the licence by a licence verifier that may use an EPLRD. This verification is done through interface 2 (offline through a data exchange between devices) or interface 3 (online through a connection with the IAS).
(c) Competent authorities are entitled to decide the level they want to implement when verifying licences issued in electronic format. This means that it is up to the issuing authority to decide
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whether or not it is necessary to provide the licence verifiers with a tool for the verification of the validity and authenticity of the licences issued in electronic format. This verification tool consists of a second application that can be installed in an EPLRD, which allows engagement with the EPLHD, can understand the information received from the EPLHD and permits verification, both offline (interface 2) and online (interface 3). This application will be called the reading application for licences issued in electronic format (EPLRAP).
(d) The implementation of an EPLSYS does not require the implementing issuing authority to develop the EPLRAP, but it does require the development of the verification tools necessary for other verifying authorities to verify the validity and authenticity of the licences issued in electronic format by the implementing issuing authority. This means that the licences in electronic format generated by the implementing issuing authority should be able to be verified by EPLRAPs of other verifying authorities both offline (interface 2) and online (interface 3). The implementing issuing authority may choose not to develop an EPLRAP, but it needs to provide just the same the possibility for other states to verify its licences issued in electronic format through device engagement and by connection to the IAS.
(e) If an issuing authority does not develop an EPLRAP, there can only be a visual inspection of licences issued in electronic format. Verification using the EPLRAP provides extra measures of security that make it very difficult to tamper with the licence information of a licence issued in electronic format.
(f) It is important that verifying authorities be aware that they will have to verify licences in electronic format even if they do not implement them. Therefore, they might need an EPLRAP even though they do not issue licences in electronic format.
(g) The EPLHD and EPLRD where the EPLSYS applications will be installed should provide for the information security requirements.
4.2. Data exchange phases
There are the following phases of data exchange: licence issuance, initialisation, device engagement and data retrieval — see Figure 8.
Figure 8 — Data exchange phases
— Phase 0 — Licence issuance: This interaction is between the EPLHD and the IAS. In this phase a licence in electronic format is generated and stored in the EPLHD.
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— Phase 1 — Initialisation: The licence holder initiates the EPLHD for licence verification. This phase is always initiated by the licence holder. A QR code that contains the information required to set up and secure phases 2 and 3 is generated. The EPLHD gets ready for phase 2.
— Phase 2 — Device engagement: The EPLRD reads the QR code generated in phase 1 on the EPLHD, and a message is transferred from the EPLHD to the EPLRD.
— Phase 3 — Data retrieval: The licence verifier selects the data retrieval mode and asks the licence holder for consent to access the licence data of the licence issued in electronic format. If consent is granted, this interaction depends on the methodology of the data retrieval: it can be either between the EPLHD and the EPLRD or between the EPLRD and the IAS. The licence information of the licence issued in electronic format is obtained in the EPLRD and verified.
4.2.1. Phase 0: Licence generation
Figure 9 — Data validation
(a) Prior to the generation of the licence issued in electronic format, as explained in Section 0, the data has been validated in the LICSYS and properly stored in the IAS — see Figure 9. At this point, no generation of a licence in electronic format has occurred.
(b) The licence holder should have the EPLAPP installed on the EPLHD, and the EPLAPP should be initialised (see Section 0). The reader should note that the initialisation of the EPLAPP is not the same as the initialisation of ‘phase 1: device engagement’ when exchanging data.
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An agency of the European Union The Mdoc of a licence issued in electronic format
(a) A licence issued in electronic format should follow the specification of an Mdoc — see Figure 10.
Figure 10 — Mdoc data model
(b) The doctype and namespace are used to encapsulate the document type and the space in which the data elements are defined.
(c) The document type for licences issued in electronic format should be ‘int.icao.epl.1’; the number 1 represents the version of the document type. The licence issued in electronic format has a specific data model that might change with time; should this happen, the doctype version will change. The EPLAPP should be ready to work and be updated with new versions of the EPLDM.
(d) Each namespace of the licence issued in electronic format, as defined in ICAO Doc 10190, is related to one of the groups of information of the common form defined in ICAO Annex 1 (Appendix 4) and contains a list of data items in accordance with the licence data. Step 1: Device enrolment with the issuing authority
To initiate the generation of a licence issued in electronic format, the EPLAPP should enrol the EPLHD with the issuing authority through an interface provided by the issuing authority. This enrolment is done creating a PKI certificate-signing request (CSR) in the EPLHD and sending it to the IAS, as shown in Figure 11:
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Figure 11 — Step 1 of licence issuance in electronic format
(a) The EPLAPP generates a public/private key pair for the EPLHD, to be used only for this specific licence issued in electronic format.
(b) The public key generated in (a) is included in a CSR.
(c) The licence holder’s digital identity and the CSR are sent to the IAS.
(d) The IAS issues and signs the holder device PKI certificate (HDPKIC). The HDPKIC represents the EPLHD identity and will allow the licence issued in electronic format to be linked to the EPLHD where the key pair was generated. This avoids the possibility that the licence issued in electronic format can be cloned in another EPLHD.
(e) The HDPKIC is stored with the licence holder’s record in the IAS. Step 2: Mobile security object generation
Figure 12 — Step 2 of licence issuance in electronic format
(a) The EPLSYS in the IAS should search for any already existing licence of the same type issued in electronic format for the holder (for example, a licence in electronic format was generated in another EPLHD) — see Figure 12. If so, the existing licence in electronic format should be invalidated before the new licence in electronic format is generated.
(b) The licence data set is obtained from where it is stored in the IAS. The information should be processed as it is organised in the valid data model, putting every piece of information in the corresponding namespace and data item. The EPLDS is obtained.
(c) The EPLDS and the HDPKIC are included in the mobile security object (MSO).
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(d) ISO 18013-5 requires the use of two public/private key pairs in the Mdoc: one for the EPLHD (generated in step 1) and another one for the issuing authority. The authorities should generate a unique key pair for each individual licence issued in electronic format.
(e) The IAPKIC, which is a PKI certificate containing the issuing authority public key, is generated, and it is signed by the issuing authority.
(f) The MSO is signed with the private key of the IAPKIC. Step 3: Delivery of the licence issued in electronic format
Figure 13 — Step 3 of the generation of the licence issued in electronic format
(a) The Mdoc is generated, including the IAPKIC, the information about the EPLDS and the MSO. The Mdoc is returned to the EPLHD — see Figure 13. The licence issued in electronic format is stored in the EPLAPP and ready to be displayed and verified.
(b) The EPLAPP may encrypt the Mdoc information using the HDPKIC, so the privacy of the licence holder is protected.
4.2.2. Phase 1: Initialisation
(a) The initialisation consists of preparing the EPLHD for the next phase (device engagement). The EPLSYS shall admit initialisation only using a QR code.
(b) The QR code contains the ‘engagement message’, which should follow the structure defined in Section of ISO 180136-5 and contains information such as device retrieval technologies (offline retrieval); server retrieval technologies (online retrieval); server retrieval token; and protocol info.
(c) The licence holder will initiate the initialisation, actively requesting the EPLAPP to create the QR code. Once it is generated, the EPLHD should open the connections to allow the request from an EPLRD — see Figure 14.
Figure 14 — Phase 1: Initialisation
4.2.3. Phase 2: Device engagement
(a) The verification of the authenticity and validity of the licences issued in electronic format is done using wireless short-range peer-to-peer communication between the EPLHD and the EPLRD. The devices exchange information in two phases, the device engagement being the first
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one of them — see Figure 15. This phase determines the technical characteristics for the later retrieval phase:
(1) The EPLRD, using the EPLRAP, reads the code generated in the EPLAPP.
(2) The EPLRD opens the communications to start the next phase.
Figure 15 — Phase 2: Device engagement
(b) During this phase, the engagement message is transferred from the EPLHD to the EPLRD by means of a QR code containing the information required to set up and secure the data retrieval. The information exchanged includes the capabilities of the EPLHD for the subsequent data retrieval (technologies usable: Bluetooth low energy, Wi-Fi aware (optional) and online) and parameters for a session initiation (cipher suites, keys). The message contains the security information used to initiate device retrieval and the token used to initiate server retrieval. Following transfer of the device engagement message, the information contained in the message is used to hand off the retrieval of the licence issued in electronic format to a separate channel (phase 3).
(c) The EPLRD may have an automatic timeout in case the engagement cannot be completed within a certain time (not less than 30 seconds is recommended). The EPLHD may terminate the engagement and the data retrieval at any time.
4.2.4. Phase 3: Data retrieval Step 1: Data retrieval request
Figure 16 — Phase 3, step 1: Data retrieval request
(a) Once the devices are engaged, the verifier will generate in the EPLRAP a data retrieval request (see Figure 16), whereby the licence verifier notifies the holder of the licence which information from the EPLDS is to be retrieved and which retrieval method will be used.
(b) The data retrieval request is received by the EPLHD, and the EPLAPP will proceed to verify the validity of the data retrieval request.
(c) If the data retrieval request validation is successful, then the licence holder shall be able to authorise the data retrieval or refuse it.
(d) When the licence holder receives a data retrieval request from a verifier, the EPLAPP should carry out a few verification steps to assess whether the data retrieval request is valid, as follows:
(1) The EPLAPP gets the RDPKIC from the data retrieval request.
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(2) The EPLAPP verifies that the RDPKIC is not expired and that it is signed with the verifier’s IAPKIC.
(3) The EPLAPP verifies that the RDPKIC is not included in the PKI certificate revocation list of the verifier’s authority (it would be so in case of a security key compromise, for instance).
(4) The EPLAPP verifies that the verifier’s IAPKIC is included in the trust list by following the steps described in Section 11.1.12 of ICAO Doc 10190.
(e) If any of these checks fail, an appropriate error indication is displayed in the EPLAPP, and the communication session should be terminated.
(f) If the validation of the data retrieval request is successful, the licence holder can proceed with the authorisation of data retrieval. Step 2: Data retrieval
Figure 17 — Phase 3, step 2: Data retrieval
(a) The data retrieval methods available (see Figure 17) should be:
(1) device retrieval: the licence issued in electronic format is transferred from the EPLHD to the EPLRD (offline);
(2) server retrieval: the licence issued in electronic format is transferred from the IAS to the EPLRD (online).
(b) It is recommended that the first attempt at data retrieval be the device retrieval option and, if unsuccessful, only then is the server retrieval attempted.
(c) The data retrieval works in a request/response type of communication. The EPLRAP sends a request for data elements and the EPLAPP (or IAS) responds with the requested data. The retrieval of data works in a session, and only those elements of the EPLDS that are requested by the verifier are transmitted once the licence holder has approved the request.
(d) Licences issued in electronic format may have additional data elements that can be defined by each issuing authority, and they might not be interoperable with reading devices from other states. If the EPLHD cannot recognise a requested data element, it will be ignored and the EPLRD might inform the licence verifier about the data elements that will not be returned.
(e) The data retrieval differs depending on the data retrieval option the licence verifier specifies in the data retrieval request.
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Figure 18 — Phase 3, step 2: Device data retrieval
(a) Once the data retrieval request is authorised by the licence holder, the licence issued in electronic format is transferred from the EPLHD to the EPLRD — see Figure 18.
(b) When an EPLRD receives the licence issued in electronic format from an EPLHD, the EPLRAP verifies that:
(1) the IssuerSigned element contains the MSO;
(2) the MSO is signed by a non-expired IAPKIC and that the IAPKIC is included in the trust list following the steps of Section of ICAO Doc 10190;
(3) the DeviceSigned element contains the HDPKIC;
(4) the HDPKIC is not included in the PKI certificate revocation list of the issuing authority.
(c) If any of those checks fail, an appropriate error indication is displayed by the EPLRAP and further information exchange should be terminated.
(d) The data elements of the licence issued in electronic format should be returned in the namespaces of the EPLDM defined in ICAO Doc 10190. The elements of the MSO should always be returned as IssuerSigned elements; if they were returned in the DeviceSigned data, the licence issued in electronic format should be considered invalid.
(e) The elements of the licence issued in electronic format should be verified to conform to the encoding format and maximum size as defined in ICAO Doc 10190.
(f) In order to ensure the integrity of the data value for each data element, the reader application should calculate the message digest for each data value using the digest algorithm specified in the MSO. The structure of the MSO is described in Section ‘Signing method and structure for MSO’ in ISO 18013-5. Server retrieval
Figure 19 — Phase 3, step 2: Server data retrieval
(a) The licence information of the licence issued in electronic format is transferred from the IAS to the EPLRD.
(b) Section of ISO 18013-5 contemplates two server retrieval options: web application programming interface (API) and OpenID Connect. ICAO Doc 10190 limits the options to web
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API. Therefore, both the EPLHD and the EPLRD should support web API retrieval, the structure of which is defined in Section of ISO 18013-5. It includes three fields:
(1) Version, currently 1;
(2) Issuer uniform resource locator (URL), as defined in Section of ISO 18013-5;
(3) Server retrieval token.
(c) Secure retrieval of data of the licence issued in electronic format using server retrieval relies on a well-designed server retrieval token. The token and a universal resource identifier (URI) for accessing the issuing authority’s EPLSYS are sent from the EPLHD to the EPLRD — see Figure 19. The EPLRD will use the token in response to the server retrieval request and does not need to verify or understand it, but the issuing authority receiving the request should perform validation of the authenticity and integrity of it. Each issuing authority will be able to determine the format of the server retrieval token; however, they should:
(1) be of a short duration;
(2) be used only once (single use);
(3) uniquely identify the licence holder;
(4) include consent for release of specific elements of the licence issued in electronic format;
(5) include digital device signature authenticating the licence holder.
(d) ISO 18013-5 supports transfer of the server retrieval token during both device engagement and data retrieval, but ICAO Doc 10190 specifies that the server retrieval token should be sent in the device engagement phase and not in the data retrieval phase.
(e) The EPLRD obtains the issuer URL contained in the device engagement message, to establish a connection with the issuing authority. The EPLRAP should verify the URL against the distinguished name field in the IAPKIC in the ICAO master trust list, to ensure that the URL is not spoofed. The communications between the EPLRD and the IAS should be secured using transport layer security (TLS) with mutual authentication.
(f) The issuing authority should validate the TLS PKI certificate presented by the EPLRD, and the EPLRD should validate the TLS PKI certificate presented by the issuing authority.
(g) The token provides authorisation from the licence holders for the licence verifiers to access licence data issued in electronic format. A valid token is required for server retrieval. If the validation of the token fails, the issuing authority should not return licence data issued in electronic format to the EPLRD.
(h) The issuing authority should verify that the fields that are requested by the reader have been approved for disclosure by the holder.
(i) The server response for Web API is described in Section of ISO 18013-5, and it includes three fields:
(1) Version: always 1 as defined by ISO 18013-5;
(2) Documents: it will contain the licence issued in electronic format as a Java web token (JWT);
(3) DocumentErrors: The EPLRAP should process error codes contained here.
(j) The Java simple object notation (JSON) web signature should be protected using a Java simple object notation (JSON) web signature as specified in ISO 18013-5 Section 9.2.2. The EPLRD should validate the JWS as described in ISO 18013-5 Section 9.3.2.
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4.3. Chain of trust
(a) Both the EPLAPP and EPLRAP should download the latest EPL master trust list from ICAO to the device where they have been installed and should check the electronic signature of the trust list to ensure its integrity.
(b) Each IAPKIC in the trust list will contain the URL distribution point value that points to the licence holder’s and verifier’s PKI certificate revocation lists for that state. These lists should be downloaded every 24 hours to the EPLHDs and EPLRDs to ensure that the revocation list is up to date and available for the verification process.
(c) In order to construct a valid chain of trust, the steps indicated in Section of ICAO Doc 10190 should be followed.
The EPLAPP will be installed in the EPLHD and will allow an appropriate way to identify the licence holder, generate and store one or several licences issued in electronic format, and synchronise the existing licences information issued in electronic format in the application. It will also have some functionalities that allow the licence holder to generate a one-time QR code that will allow engagement with an EPLRD and the retrieval of licence data of the licences issued in electronic format.
4.4.1. Downloading and installing the EPLAPP
Figure 20 — EPLAPP operating systems
(a) Each issuing authority should publish its national EPLAPP for at least Android and iOS systems — see Figure 20.
(b) Once downloaded, the application should be installed like any market application for those operating systems.
4.4.2. Initialising the EPLAPP
Figure 21 — EPLAPP initialisation
(a) Any instance of an EPLAPP installed on a new device will need to follow an initialisation process — see Figure 21. The purpose of this process is to ensure the proper identification of the licence holder and to link the new EPLHD to the licence holder. The process of initialisation requires an internet connection to be available.
(b) The first time the licence holder signs in to an instance of an EPLAPP installed on a specific EPLHD, the licence holder needs to be properly identified. If the licence holder is in possession
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of a digital certificate that already provides a digital identity, it can be used to log in to the EPLAPP.
(c) When the licence holder does not possess a digital identity, the licence holder should present themselves to the issuing authority, which, once the licence holder has been properly identified, will create the digital identity of the licence holder and provide credentials to log in to the EPLAPP.
(d) Issuing authorities could also consider the use of an approved vetting and proofing process that can create digital credentials for the licence holder. This process can be established using a method such as two-factor authentication using a username and password followed by a one- time token.
(e) All issuing authorities will need to prepare the EPLAPP to identify the licence holder using the EU Digital Identity Wallet of the holder and use it as the digital identity of the licence holder.
(f) Once the licence holder has logged in, the EPLAPP will verify the holder digital identity in the IAS and link the instance of the EPLAPP to the licence holder.
(g) The EPLAPP will send a confirmation that the initialisation process has successfully finalised. In the event of a failure, it will send a notification of any error that has occurred.
Once the initialisation process has successfully finalised, the EPLAPP will be available for use. Otherwise, the EPLAPP will have all its functionalities blocked and no information will be able to be seen or managed in the application.
4.4.3. Actions on the licence issued in electronic format
The EPLAPP should provide the licence holder with several actions to perform on the licence issued in electronic format, such as:
(a) Viewing the licence issued in electronic format: the licence issued in electronic format has been downloaded into a device and is ready to be used. Pressing the button leads the holder to view the licence issued in electronic format.
The information in the licence issued in electronic format is always available in English. However, Member States can use up to eight additional national languages.
(1) The EPLDM described in ICAO Doc 10190 allows the issuing authority to specify national privileges for the licence issued in electronic format. These national privileges might not follow a standardised taxonomy or might not be available in English. Therefore, it could happen that an EPLRD from another state is not able to read or process the information related to the national ratings.
(2) For these reasons, the EPLAPP needs to provide a standardised display of the licence issued in electronic format (that is, in English and lacking national privileges should they not be understood by EPLRDs from other states), which is considered the ICAO format and is compliant with ICAO specifications. Therefore, the EPLAPP provides for each type of licence the possibility of displaying the licence issued in electronic format in this ICAO format. The button in the EPLAPP that allows the generation of this format is required to display the ICAO logo.
(b) Generating a licence issued in electronic format: The Member State has made this type of licence available as a licence issued in electronic format, but the licence issued in electronic format has never been generated yet. Pressing this button will start the licence generation as described in phase 0 (see Section 0).
(c) Updating a licence issued in electronic format: The licence issued in electronic format has been downloaded to an EPLHD, but the EPLAPP detects that there have been changes in the EPLDS,
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so the generation of a new licence in electronic format is required. The EPLAPP needs to indicate to the licence holder that a new licence issued in electronic format should be generated.
It is important that the licence holder manually initiates the generation of the updated licence in electronic format, since this action will also invalidate the former licence issued in electronic format. Therefore, the former licence in electronic format should be valid until the new licence in electronic format is generated.
(d) Transferring the licence issued in electronic format: The licence issued in electronic format has been downloaded to another device. The licence holder can decide to transfer the licence to this device, which will invalidate the licence issued in electronic format in the first device and generate a new licence in electronic format in the current device.
4.4.4. Availability of the licence issued in electronic format
(a) There might be cases where the licence holder will not be able to request the generation of the licence in electronic format in the EPLAPP. In these cases, an indication of ‘EPL not available’ should be shown to the licence holder.
(b) The message ‘EPL not available’ could be due to any of the following situations:
(1) The issuing authority has decided not to use the electronic format for this particular licence.
(2) The licence holder does not hold an aircraft maintenance licence.
(3) The licence holder holds an aircraft maintenance licence in physical format, therefore a licence in electronic format cannot be generated.
4.4.5. List of licences
Figure 22 — EPLAPP home page
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(a) This section features a proposed design of the EPLAPP home page for competent authorities, although a different solution that better suits their purposes may be chosen.
(b) Error! Reference source not found.’ proposes that the home page of EPLAPP contains the identification data of the licence holder and a list of all the licences held by the holder. Each licence issued in electronic format is an independent entity, which might have been issued subject to a different EU regulation, but it would be costly for the issuing authority to develop and maintain one independent EPLAPP for each type of licence. The list of licences in this example allows all the types of licences to be listed in a single application, and each type of licence has an associated action depending on the status of the licence.
(c) If the EPLAPP uses such a list, the issuing authority will only be required to develop and maintain a single EPLAPP.
(d) Every time the list is loaded, there will be a synchronisation of the licence information of each type of licence, so the synchronisation date of each type of licence should be updated.
(e) When developing the EPLAPP, it should be taken into consideration that the application needs to be able to function properly offline. If the EPLHD is online, the list of licences and available actions can be synchronised as appropriate. If the EPLHD is not online, only the licences issued in electronic format stored on this specific device will be listed.
4.4.6. Accessing a licence issued in electronic format
When a licence issued in electronic format is stored in an instance of the EPLAPP, the action ‘View EPL’ will be available. Pressing the button will lead to the licence information of the licence issued in electronic format and the actions that can be taken on that specific licence issued in electronic format, such as:
(a) Manual synchronization
This action will not be available in offline mode. When selected, the EPLAPP will look for any changes in the licence issued in electronic format and update the date of last synchronisation. If necessary, the licence information of the licence issued in electronic format will be updated by the generation of a new licence in electronic format.
(b) Deactivation of the licence issued in electronic format
This action will allow the holder of the licence issued in electronic format to deactivate it in the instance of the EPLAPP on which it is stored. Therefore, the licence issued in electronic format will be invalidated.
When the licence holder decides to erase the licence issued in electronic format from an instance of the EPLAPP, such deletion:
(1) should delete all information, including log information, and any metadata that could impart information about the erased licence in electronic format;
(2) should not require approval by the issuing authority;
(3) should be available to a licence holder via a request from the issuing authority.
Issuing authorities should consider making it possible to delete a licence in electronic format from an EPLHD remotely, for security reasons (such as the EPLHD being stolen).
(c) Generation of a QR code
When the licence is verified by a licence verifier, the licence holder should generate the QR code that will allow the device engagement with the EPLRD. This action will allow the generation of the QR code.
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4.4.7. Licence active security features
As a security measure, licences issued in electronic format have security features such as a moving image that allow the verifiers to be certain they are not viewing a static image.
4.4.8. Audit log
The EPLAPP should be capable of maintaining an audit log. The licence holder should be able to decide whether to make use of this log or not. The audit log and related settings should be accessible only to the licence holder.
The audit log will keep a record of all the transactions concerning the licence issued in electronic format (sharing licence information of the licence holder with a verifier for the licence issued in electronic format) and communication actions between the EPLHD and the issuing authority.
(a) The EPLRAP will be installed on the EPLRD and will allow the staff of competent authorities to retrieve data from a licence issued in electronic format (or directly from an IAS) and proceed with the necessary verification of the data, such as the validity of the signature and the validity of the EPLDM that has been retrieved.
(b) Member States that decide to develop an EPLRAP should follow the specifications of this AMC.
(c) The EPLRAP should only be installed on devices that belong to the verifying authority, and not on the personal devices of the verifying authority staff. The competent authorities should provide their staff with the tools required to fulfil their tasks.
4.5.1. EPLRAP functional requirements
The EPLRAP should include at least the following functional requirements:
(a) It needs to be able to request, receive and verify the integrity and authenticity of a licence issued in electronic format whether online connectivity is present or not for either the EPLHD or the EPLRD.
(b) A user of EPLRAP not associated with the issuing authority needs to be able to verify the integrity and authenticity of a licence issued in electronic format.
(c) The reader needs to be enabled to confirm the link between the person presenting the licence issued in electronic format and the licence holder.
(d) The interface between the licence issued in electronic format and the EPLRAP should support the selective release of the licence data issued in electronic format to the reader.
4.5.2. Downloading and installing EPLRAP
(a) Each verifying authority can decide to develop its own EPLRAP in any operating system that best suits the authority’s purposes. Unlike the EPLAPP, the verification application will be developed to be used only by the verifying authority’s staff. Therefore, it can be developed in accordance with the verifying authority’s requirements.
(b) The application should not be publicly available. The verifying authority can install the EPLRAP on the devices of the staff who need to perform verification of the licence issued in electronic format.
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4.5.3. Reading a licence issued in electronic format with EPLRAP
Figure 23 — EPLRAP home page
(a) The home page of the EPLRAP will have the user’s basic information — see Figure 23. It does not need to have personal data; the officer/inspector number or any other type of identification the authority considers necessary should be enough.
(b) Under the person’s details, there should be an ‘Engage’ button that will activate the EPLRD camera to read the QR code generated in the EPLAPP. Once the code is read, the EPLRAP will manage the information from the QR code and proceed with the device engagement (see Section 0).
(c) With the devices engaged, the licence verifier should send a request to the EPLHD, specifying the data to be retrieved from the licence issued in electronic format. By default, the EPLRAP will have the following requests available:
(1) Full licence data retrieval: this request should contain all the licence information of the licence issued in electronic format.
(2) Customised data retrieval: this option should allow the licence verifier to choose which items of the licence issued in electronic format to request to be retrieved from the licence issued in electronic format.
(d) Once the set of data to be requested has been selected, the licence verifier needs to indicate the data retrieval mode (device retrieval or server retrieval).
(e) With the selections defined, the EPLRAP will generate the data retrieval request and send it to the EPLHD. Only if the licence holder authorises the data retrieval will the licence information of the licence issued in electronic format be retrievable.
(f) The EPLRAP should display the licence information of the licence issued in electronic format in accordance with the data dissemination option authorised by the licence holder.
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4.5.4. Data retention
(a) The information should be kept only during the time necessary for the inspection and accident/incident processes and be removed within 24 hours from the end of the verification process. Appendix D to ICAO Doc 10190 specifies the policy on data retention in EPLRDs.
(b) If a verifying authority requires to keep data from the licence issued in electronic format, the licence holder, who will be properly informed, should be notified and agree in writing.
5.1. EPLDS
(a) All types of licences issued in electronic format should be compliant with the common EPLDS that has been defined in the applicable Regulation. Table 2 lists how the aircraft maintenance licence data of the licence issued in electronic format is structured, and has the following structure:
— Section: Defines a portion of a licence that contains specific data units that have a logical relation with each other
— Data unit: Piece of licensing data of the licence issued in electronic format that defines specific information.
(b) However, not all the data units of the EPLDS are included in the MSO signed by the IAPKIC. In the column ‘MSO’, those data units to be included in the MSO are specified. In addition, the column ‘Presence’ determines which data units are mandatory (M), optional (O), and mandatory as long as they are applicable (M*).
Table 2 — EPLDS Section Data unit Data unit description MSO Presence
General I Name of Member State Yes M
II Title of licence Yes M
III Licence number Yes M
Personnel information
IVa Yes M
IVb Name of holder in full Yes M
IVc Date of birth Yes M
V Yes M
VI Nationality of holder Yes M
VII Script signature of holder No M
Issuing authority
VIII Authority and conditions under which the licence is issued
Yes M
IX Certification concerning validity and authorisation for holder to exercise privileges appropriate to the licence
Yes M
X Electronic signature of officer issuing the licence and the date and time of issue
XIa No M
XIb Date and time of last synchronisation with the server of the competent authority
XIc Machine-readable code to retrieve authentication data
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Rating XII Part-66 categories and ratings Yes M
Remarks XIII Part-66 limitations Yes M*
XIV Information on National Privileges outside the scope of Part-66, in accordance with national legislation
Yes M*
Medical assessment
XVa Reserved Yes
XVb Reserved Yes
XVc Reserved Yes
XVd Reserved Yes
Additional supplementary information
XVIa Other information associated with the licence Yes M*
XVIb Other information associated with the licence Yes M*
XVIc Other information associated with the licence Yes M*
5.2. EPLDM
(a) The data model should be followed in order to guarantee the interoperability of licences issued in electronic format around the world.
(b) The licence issued in electronic format consists of an Mdoc that is divided into several namespaces, each one related to one of the sections of the EPLDS and composed of several items that provide the licence information.
(c) The doctype for a licence issued in electronic format is int.icao.epl.X, where ‘X’ reflects the version of the licence issued in electronic format. It is expected that the licence issued in electronic format will be subject to changes due to amendments and new requirements that may apply in the future. In the first version of the doctype, X = 1, and it will be increased with future versions. Each namespace is directly related to a section of the EPLDS.
(d) Table 3 provides the namespaces.
Table 3 — Namespaces of the licence issued in electronic format
Namespace EPLDS section Data units
int.icao.epl.general.1 General Name of Member State, title of licence,
licence number
int.icao.epl.personnel.1 Personnel information Name of holder, date of birth, nationality
of holder, script signature of holder
int.icao.epl.authority.1 Issuing authority Name of authority, conditions under
which the licence is issued, certification
concerning validity and authorisation for
holder to exercise privileges, signature of
the officer issuing the licence, seal of the
authority, date and time of last
synchronisation, machine-readable code
to retrieve authentication data
int.icao.epl.ratings.1 Ratings List of ratings of the licence (includes Part-
66 ratings and categories)
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int.icao.epl.remarks.1 Remarks List of remarks (includes Part-66
limitations and national privileges outside
the scope of Part-66)
int.icao.epl.medical.1 Medical assessment Not applicable
int.icao.epl.additional.1 Additional supplementary
Any other relevant licence information
related to the licence
(e) The following sections of this AMC define how the information in each data unit should be formalised in the EPLDM. A single data unit may be composed of one or more items; for example, some data units have one item with the information in English and another item with the information in national languages other than English, so the EPLDM can provide the means to use up to eight languages in addition to English. All the information from the EPLDM in English conforms to what is called the ICAO version, which is the one expected to be used by authorities other than the issuing authority.
(f) Each item will be determined by the following components:
(1) Its own identifier, which makes it possible to uniquely identify the item and allows a verifier to select which items will be included in either the device retrieval request or the server retrieval request as specified in Section 0.
(2) An encoding format that defines how the item is encoded. The concise data definition language as defined in RFC 8610 is used where possible, and ISO 180136-5 Section 7.2.1 provides encoding formats for data retrieval for concise binary object representation and Java simple object notation.
(3) A maximum size, which limits the size an item can have.
These components are specified in the following sections of this AMC.
5.2.1. Namespace int.easa.epl.general.1
The namespace int.icao.epl.general.1 includes elements I, II and III of the EPLDS. This namespace has been adapted into int.easa.epl.general.1 so that it allows the introduction of several titles in a licence issued in electronic format, in contrast to int.icao.epl.general.1, which permits the incorporation of only one title. Data unit I — name of the Member State
The ‘name of state’ data unit provides the name of the issuing state. It is composed of the items in Tables 4–6.
Table 4 — state_fullname.english Identifier state_fullname.english Presence M
Description Full name of Member State. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded basic Latin characters
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 128 B
Table 5 — state_fullname.national Identifier state_fullname.national Presence O
Description Full name of Member State. Expressed in national language. ITF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalStateName] Maximum size Array length: 8
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NationalStateName = { language : tstr state_fullname : tstr }
Language: 3 B state_fullname: 512 B
Table 6 — state_countrycode Identifier state_countrycode Presence M
Description 2-letter code of the issuing state as defined in ICAO Doc 9303 Part 3
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 2 B Data unit II — title of the licence
List of titles linked to the licence, when applicable. This data unit is composed of the items in Tables 7 and 8.
Table 7 — title.english Identifier title.english Presence M
Description Title of the licence. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters
Encoding format [*EnglishLicenceTitle] EnglishLicenceTitle = { title : tstr titleissuance: full-date }
Maximum size Array length: 5 title: 1 024 B titleissuance: 64 B
Table 8 — title.national Identifier title.national Presence O
Description Title of the licence. Expressed in national language. UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalLicenceTitle] NationalLicenceTitle = { language : tstr languagetitle: [*LanguageTitle] } Languagetitle = { title : tstr titleissuance: full-date }
Maximum size Array length: 8 language: 3 B languagetitle: Array length: 5 title: 1 024 B titleissuance: 64 B Data unit III — licence number
The licence number is composed of the items in Tables 9 and 10.
Table 9 — serial_number.english Identifier Serial_number.english Presence M
Description Serial number of the licence. UTF-8-encoded basic Latin characters
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 128 B
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Table 10 — serial_number.national Identifier serial_number.national Presence O
Description Serial number of the licence. Expressed in national language. UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalSerialNumber] NationalSerialNumber = { language : tstr serial_number : tstr }
Maximum size Array length: 8 Language: 3 B Serial_number: 128 B
5.2.2. Namespace int.easa.epl.personnel.1
The namespace int.icao.epl.general.1 includes data units IVa, IVb, IVc, V and VI of the EPLDS. This namespace has been adapted because, unlike int.icao.epl.general.1, it does not include either the picture (IVa) or the address (V) of the holder of the licence in electronic format.
The signature of the holder of the licence in electronic format (VII) is included in the personnel section of the EPLDS but is not included in the MSO; therefore, it is not included in the EPLDM. Data unit IVb — name of the holder of the licence in electronic format
The ‘name of holder in full’ data unit provides the name of the licence holder. It is composed of the items in Tables 11–14.
Table 11 — name.latin.primary Identifier name.latin.primary Presence M
Description Primary name of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. UTF-8-encoded basic Latin characters Restrictions and recommendations are defined in ICAO Doc 9303 Part 3. If the national characters are not Latin-based, a transcription or transliteration into Latin characters should be provided.
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 512 B
Table 12 — name.latin.secondary Identifier name.latin.secondary Presence M
Description Secondary name of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. UTF-8- encoded basic Latin characters. Restrictions and recommendations are defined in ICAO Doc 9303 Part 3. If the national characters are not Latin-based, a transcription or transliteration into Latin characters should be provided.
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 512 B
Table 13 — name.national.primary Identifier name.national.primary Presence O
Description Primary name of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalNamePrimary] NationalNamePrimary = { language : tstr primary_name: tstr }
Maximum size Array length: 8 Language: 3 B primary_name: 1 024 B
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Table 14 — name.national.secondary Identifier name.national.secondary Presence O
Description Secondary name of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. UTF-8- encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationaNameSecondary] NationalNameSecondary= { language : tstr secondary_name : tstr }
Maximum size Array length: 8 Language: 3 B secondary_name: 1 024 B Data unit IVc — date of birth
Table 15 — dob Identifier dob Presence M
Description Year, month, and day on which the holder of the licence issued in electronic format was born
Encoding format Full-date Maximum size 10 B Data unit VI – nationality of holder
Table 16 — nationality.english Identifier nationality.english Presence M
Description Nationality of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 64 B
Table 17 – nationality.national Identifier nationality.national Presence O
Description Nationality of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format. Expressed in national language. UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalNationality] NationalNationality = { language : tstr nationality : tstr }
Maximum size Array length: 8 Language: 3 B nationality: 256 B
Table 18 — nationality.countrycode Identifier nationality.countrycode Presence O
Description Nationality of the holder of the licence issued in electronic format as 2-letter code as defined in ICAO Doc 9303 Part 3
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 2 B
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5.2.3. Namespace int.easa.epl.authority.1 Data unit VIII — authority and conditions under which the licence is issued
Table 19 — licensing.authority.latin Identifier licensing.authority.latin Presence M
Description Name of the licensing authority. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters. Translation to English is recommended
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 256 B
Table 20 — licensing.authority.national Identifier licensing.authority.national Presence O
Description Name of the licensing authority. Expressed in national language(s). UTF-8 encoded using full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalLicensingAuthority] NationalLicensingAuthority = { language : tstr licensing_authority : tstr }
Maximum size Array length: 8 Language: 3 B Licensing_authority: 512 B
Table 21 — licensing.conditions.english Identifier licensing.conditions.english Presence M
Description Conditions under which the licence is issued. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters. Translation to English is recommended.
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 256 B
Table 22 — licensing.authority.national Identifier licensing.authority.national Presence M
Description Name of the licensing authority in the national language/working language of the licensing authority, UTF-8 encoded using full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalLicensingAuthority] NationalLicensingAuthority = { language : tstr licensing_authority : tstr }
Maximum size Array length: 8 Language: 3 B Licensing_conditions: 512 B Data unit IX — certification concerning validity and authorisation for the holder to exercise privileges appropriate to the licence
Table 23 — certification.english Identifier certification.english Presence M
Description Certification concerning validity and authorisation for the holder to exercise privileges appropriate to the licence. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters. Translation to English is recommended.
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 256 B
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Table 24 — certification.national Identifier certification.national Presence O
Description Certification concerning validity and authorisation for the holder to exercise privileges appropriate to the licence. Expressed in national language(s). UTF-8 encoded using the full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalCertification] NationalCertification = { language : tstr NationalCertification : tstr }
Maximum size Array length: 8 Language: 3 B nationalcertification: 512 B Data unit X — electronic signature of officer issuing the licence and the date and time of such issue
This data unit is not included in the MSO; therefore, it is not included in the EPLDM. Data unit XIa — seal or stamp of authority issuing the licence
This data unit is excluded from the MSO. Data unit XIb — date and time of last synchronisation with the server of the issuing authority
This data unit is not included in the MSO; therefore, it is not included in the EPLDM. Data unit XIc — machine-readable code to retrieve authentication data
This data unit is not included in the MSO; therefore, it is not included in the EPLDM.
5.2.4. Namespace int.easa.epl.ratings.1
(a) The namespace int.icao.epl.ratings.1 includes data unit XII of the EPLDS. This namespace is adapted to allow the inclusion of subcategories in the aircraft maintenance licence.
(b) The list of ratings is provided by an array where each rating makes use of a row of the array, and its particularities are provided as attributes of the rating. Table 25 provides a visual example for the ratings array, where each column is an attribute of the rating.
(c) The rating number is not an attribute; it has been added for comprehension purposes, reflecting the fact that each rating of the licence makes use of a row of the array and that the number of rows in the array is limited to 64.
(d) The definition of each one of the attributes is as follows:
(1) Archetype:
The archetype defines which kind of rating is included. It corresponds to a classification of those ratings depending on their nature.
(2) Endorsement:
The endorsement attribute contains the code or value used to endorse a rating. Together with the archetype value, the rating endorsed on the licence is completely identified, because it is known what kind of rating is being endorsed and what its value is.
(3) valid_since:
The valid_since attribute specifies the date on which the endorsement starts to be valid. This is, it can be the date when a rating was endorsed, revalidated or renewed.
(4) valid_until:
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This is the date on which the rating endorsed ceases to be valid. It will have no value for non-expiring ratings (not applicable to aircraft maintenance licences).
(5) ir_date:
This is the date on which the instrument rating associated with the rating endorsed expires, if applicable (not applicable to aircraft maintenance licences).
(6) other1:
The other1 column specifies other information associated with the rating, with a preference for privileges linked to the rating that is being endorsed or, in the case of an AML, the category or subcategory to which the rating is linked.
(7) other2:
The other2 column specifies other information associated with the rating, with a preference for the limitations linked to the rating that is being endorsed.
(e) Each type of licence requires a certain degree of standardisation in both taxonomy and methodology when endorsing ratings in licences issued in electronic format. The archetypes available, as well as the taxonomy and methodology of endorsement are provided in AMC2 Point 3.3 of Appendix VI to Part-66.
(f) Therefore, the data model for ratings would be as in Table 27 and Table 28.
Table 25 — ratings.english Identifier ratings.english Presence M
Description Ratings entered on or associated with the licence. Expressed in English. UTF-8- encoded basic Latin characters
Encoding format [*Rating] Rating = { archetype : tstr endorsement : tstr valid_from : full-date valid_until : full-date ir_date : full-date other_1 : tstr other_2 : tstr }
Maximum size Array length: 64
Table 26 — ratings.national Identifier ratings.national Presence O
Description Ratings entered on or associated with this licence. Expressed in national language / working language. UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalRatings] NationalRatings = { language : tstr Ratings : [*Rating] } Rating = { archetype : tstr endorsement : tstr valid_from : full-date valid_until : full-date
Maximum size Array length: 8 language: 3 B Ratings length: 64
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ir_date : full-date other_1 : tstr other_2 : tstr }
5.2.5. Namespace int.easa.epl.remarks.1
The namespace int.icao.epl.remarks.1 includes data units XIII and XIV of the EPLDS. This namespace has been adapted into the namespace int.easa.epl.remarks.1 and allows the inclusion of national ratings for information to the holder. Data unit XIII – remarks
Data unit XIII – remarks is composed of the items in Tables 27 and 28.
Table 257 — remarks.english Identifier remarks.english Presence M*
Description Remarks. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters
Encoding format tstr Maximum size 512 B
Table 28 — remarks.national Identifier remarks.national Presence O
Description Remarks. Expressed in national language(s). UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalRemarks] NationalRemarks = { language : tstr remarks : tstr }
Maximum size Array length: 8 Language: 3 B remarks: 1 024 B Data unit XIV — state remarks
This section may be used to include the national ratings that the holder might have. It is composed of the items in Tables 29 and 30.
Table 29 — state_remarks.english Identifier State_remarks.english Presence M*
Description National ratings entered on or associated with the licence. Expressed in English. UTF- 8-encoded basic Latin characters
Encoding format [*NationalRating] NationalRating = { archetype : tstr endorsement : tstr valid_from : full-date valid_until : full-date ir_date : full-date other_1 : tstr other_2 : tstr }
Maximum size Array length: 64
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Table 260 — state_remarks.national Identifier state_remarks.national Presence O
Description National ratings entered on or associated with this licence. Expressed in national language / working language. UTF-8-encoded full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalRatingsList] NationalRatingsList = { language : tstr NationalRatings : [*NationalRating] } NationalRating = { archetype : tstr endorsement : tstr valid_from : full-date valid_until : full-date ir_date : full-date other_1 : tstr other_2 : tstr }
Maximum size Array length: 8 language: 3 B National Ratings length: 64
5.2.6. Namespace int.icao.epl.medical.1
Not applicable to the aircraft maintenance licence.
5.2.7. Namespace int.icao.epl.additional.1
No changes from ICAO specifications.
5.2.8. Namespace int.easa.epl.acronyms.1
This namespace has been included in order to facilitate comprehension for verifiers from third countries who are not familiar with the taxonomy defined in the EU regulations and associated AMC and GM. Data unit – acronyms list
Table 31 — acronyms.english Identifier acronyms.english Presence O
Description List of acronyms used in the licence with an explanatory description. Expressed in English. UTF-8-encoded Latin characters
Encoding format [*Acronym] Acronym = { code : tstr description : tstr }
Maximum size Array length: 25 code: 10 B description: 256 B
Table 32 — acronyms.national Identifier Acronyms.english Presence O
Description List of acronyms used in the licence with an explanatory description. Expressed in national language(s). UTF-8 encoded using the full Unicode character set
Encoding format [*NationalAcronym] NationalAcronym = { language : tstr
Maximum size Array length: 8 Language: 3 B Array length: 25
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acronyms : [*Acronym] } Acronym = { code : tstr description : tstr }
code: 10 B description: 256 B
6.1. Impact on the LICSYS when implementing an EPLSYS
(a) The LICSYS is independent from the EPLSYS, so there is no need for the LICSYS to use specific technologies or follow any specific data model. The issuing authorities can make use of solutions that best suit their purposes.
(b) However, prior to deciding any implementation of an EPLSYS, they should be aware of the implications that it can have for their LICSYS and assess whether they are ready and willing to proceed with the implementation.
6.1.1. Need to store the data as structured data
(a) The EPLSYS requires that all the information in the licence issued in physical format be transferred to an Mdoc that follows the EPLDM. Therefore, the information should be stored in the LICSYS as structured data and thus contain all the information about the EPLDS. For example, the licence holder’s date of birth is displayed in the licence issued in electronic format, so the database of the LICSYS should have a specific field for this information in order to use it to feed the information to the licence issued in electronic format. A more problematic example could be the issuing authority officer’s electronic signature; usually LICSYSs used for licences issued in physical format do not need to store this signature, because this licence is signed once the licence has been produced and it is signed outside the LICSYS, but if an EPLSYS is implemented, this signature is electronic and should be stored in the LICSYS.
(b) It is not necessary that the LICSYS follow the EPLDM, even though the information from the LICSYS is transferred to the Mdoc, because the issuing authority, when developing the EPLSYS, can use a process that transforms the LICSYS data model into the EPLDM. A LICSYS with a data model aligned with the EPLDM would facilitate the transfer of information between the two systems, but it is not necessary.
(c) The competent authorities should take into consideration that the EPLDM might change with time, so they should prepare their systems to be ready to work with different versions of the EPLDM.
6.1.2. Licence issuance format record
(a) If an issuing authority decides to use both the physical format and the electronic format for the aircraft maintenance licence, the LICSYS will need to keep a record of the format used for each licence that has been issued in order to avoid the possibility that a licence in electronic format can be generated when a licence in physical format exists and vice versa.
(b) The issuing authority cannot issue the same licence in electronic and physical format to the same individual.
6.1.3. Digital identification of the LICSYS users and traceability
(a) The EPLDS has information that comes from different data sources and is validated by people in different roles in the issuing authority (officers).
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(b) The validation of the data is performed in the LICSYS and it will need to trace what information is changed or validated, by whom and when. This requires a log of the actions performed by its users.
(c) Internal users of the issuing authority might have access by means of a username and a password, but external users should be properly identified and access the LICSYS with at least two-factor verification in order to guarantee a proper level of security when accessing the LICSYS.
(d) Alternative and superior verification procedures can be applied, as long as they provide at least an equivalent level of security.
6.1.4. Need to use electronic signatures in order to validate the data
(a) The validation of the data is executed by the electronic signature of an issuing officer, responsible for the pertinent subset of licence data of the licence issued in electronic format. Therefore, the LICSYS should be able to operate with the use of electronic signatures.
(b) The electronic signature of the issuing officer is required to conform to recognised standards and have an appropriate level of security. In the EU context, the recognised standard is provided by Regulation (EU) No 910/20141 (eIDAS Regulation), and the appropriate level of security is at least an advanced signature.
6.1.5. Authorisation of access to data held by the issuing authority
(a) Without the implementation of an EPLSYS, the data on the IAS can be managed only by internal users of the issuing authority, or possibly by a controlled number of external users within the Member State.
(b) When licences issued in electronic format are used, the information in the IAS will be frequently accessed by external users, either for the generation of licences issued in electronic format or for its verification by organisations, verifiers, and other verifying authorities from third countries.
(c) The EPLSYS will not work if this access is not permitted via web services that allow these external users to access the data. However, granting external parties access to the IAS has an impact on the security measures the issuing authority will have to implement.
6.1.6. Use of the issuing authority’s public key infrastructure certificate
(a) Licences issued in electronic format are automatically generated by the IAS when the licence holder sends a request for its generation, and are electronically signed with the IAPKIC. Issuing authorities willing to implement an EPLSYS also need to be willing to use the IAPKIC in automation.
(b) In some Member States, the use of the IAPKIC may require the approval of the government or some kind of national approval process.
6.2. Impact on the issuing authority’s procedures when implementing an EPLSYS
(a) An assessment of the impact on the issuing authority’s procedures caused by the implementation of an EPLSYS should be carried out in order to identify which procedures should be adapted.
1 Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification
and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC (OJ L 257, 28.8.2014, p. 73).
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(b) When an EPLSYS is implemented, the concepts of issuance, suspension and revocation of licences should be reviewed because the introduction of electronic documents comes with certain conventions within the digital world that challenge the standard practices with physical documents.
GM1 Point 3.1 and Point 3.2 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 ELECTRONIC PERSONNEL LICENCE SYSTEM
(a) Implementing the electronic personnel licence system
(1) The issuance of electronic personnel licences by the competent authority is optional.
However, the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Doc 7300), Annex 1 – ‘Personnel licensing’ mentions the obligation for all ICAO States to recognise them.
(2) The electronic personnel licence system can be scalable to the needs of each competent authority, its service providers, licence holders, and applicants.
An efficient electronic personnel licence system will be achieved through thoughtful planning and implementation, ensuring that it meets not only requirements of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Doc 7300) and its Annexes, but also the applicable national and European regulations.
(3) When implementing an electronic personnel licence system, the competent authority may also take into consideration its integration with already existing licensing systems, including, but not limited to:
(i) initial issuance of the licence;
(ii) licence conversion, limitation, revocation, or suspension;
(iii) integration with the software used by the competent authority; and
(iv) links to other IT frameworks required (e.g. other Member State entities, organisations), when applicable.
(4) Prior to introducing the electronic personnel licence system, the competent authority may consider the following aspects:
(i) Regulatory framework
The competent authority is expected to determine whether the current national regulatory framework would allow the implementation of the electronic personnel licence system regulations (e.g. privacy laws, relevant information technology regulations, data protection). If not, the Member State of the competent authority may need to amend its current national regulations or introduce new regulations.
(ii) Risk analysis
The electronic personnel licence system will inherently be exposed to new risks.
In order to address new risks, the introduction of the system may be driven by the results of a risk assessment in each phase of the project. A risk assessment could be a part of the competent authority’s integrated risk management that would allow the identification and evaluation of common risks, as well as the development of an action plan that addresses key risks and effective mitigations of those risks.
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The electronic personnel licence system may be incorporated in the information security management system of the competent authority or in a suitable equivalent, which is used by the competent authority. Guidance on conducting risk assessment is provided in the Safety Management Manual (Doc 9859).
(iii) Resources.
The competent authority is expected to ensure that it has sufficient resources to introduce and maintain an electronic personnel licence system. This includes financial resources, as well as human resources.
If the competent authority does not have qualified personnel to develop and maintain its electronic personnel licence system, some of the work may be outsourced.
The competent authority may invest time and resources not only in implementation, but also in equipment and technology, the work environment, employees, and operating systems.
The competent authority may be prepared to invest in the systems and processes as well as to develop policies that provide optimal global interoperability and performance of the electronic personnel licence system.
(iv) Service providers and licence holders.
The competent authority is expected to consider how the electronic personnel licence system will affect its service providers, licence holders, and applicants.
(5) It is recommended that the competent authority prepares a comprehensive project initiation document defining the scope, the impact on the existing national licensing system, a risk assessment, the electronic personnel licence system features, and other elements.
(6) While developing the electronic personnel licence system, it is advisable to consider the potential scalability of the system in terms of how the system could be applied to other licensing or certification areas, in order to capitalise on the work involved and the know- how developed by the competent authority during the implementation of the electronic personnel licence system.
(7) It is advisable to conduct a post-implementation analysis of the electronic personnel licence system in order to capture the lessons learned and the benefits of the realisation of the project.
(b) Features of the electronic personnel licence system
(1) The electronic personnel licence system typically consists of the following major parts:
(i) a server-based licence management system with a user interface management system;
(ii) an application(s) installed on a self-contained mobile electronic visual display device(s); and
(iii) a system to support surveillance activities by the competent authority’s own inspectors and by inspectors from other authorities, as suitable.
(2) The purpose of the application installed on a self-contained mobile electronic visual display device is to provide the licence holder with a means to show the approved and updated privileges conferred upon the individual by the competent authority.
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Secure communication between the electronic personnel licence system of the competent authority and the self-contained mobile electronic visual display device can be via the internet or other electronic means as deemed appropriate by the competent authority.
(3) In addition, the electronic personnel licence system can enable authorised persons to perform verification.
(c) Expected level of performance
The competent authority intending to introduce an electronic personnel licence system may ensure the following:
(1) a high degree of security preventing forgery, data leaks and other security events;
(2) highly reliable delivery of the correct information, at the right time and to the right person;
(3) the ability to detect corrupted data and service interruptions, and to initiate timely corrective actions;
(4) the ability of the electronic personnel licence system to be used for verification purposes in circumstances where electronic access to the information is not possible; and
(5) robust contingency arrangements to manage unexpected events; for example, in the event of a primary component outage of the electronic personnel licence system within the competent authority, a process to transfer to back-up systems in order to maintain the availability of the data.
(d) Electronic personnel licence system elements
The electronic personnel licence system may include the following:
(1) infrastructure for processing, storage, network communications, security and other enabling software and hardware;
(2) data access to provide secure licence information resource support for services related to the electronic personnel licences, licence holders and persons authorised to verify the authenticity, validity, and content of the licences, as well as a comprehensive level of integration with the regulatory information management system of the competent authority;
(3) a business application to provide services for the issue, revocation, suspension, or limitation of aircraft maintenance licences issued in electronic format, and for the display, query, verification, and record-keeping of the electronic personnel licences;
(4) a user-friendly interface that provides correct data to the right addresses when needed;
The system architecture of the electronic personnel licence system may be supported with security controls in layers providing role-based access to data, as well as operations and maintenance support functions.
The integration of these controls and functions may be aligned with relevant and appropriate standards and specifications, as well as regulatory system integration standards and requirements. It is recommended not to implement single points of failure in any of the layers.
(e) Compliance with the applicable national and EU regulations, including privacy and personal data protection
The electronic personnel licence system is subject to compliance with the applicable national and EU regulations, including the privacy and data protection laws.
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In reviewing the privacy and data protection laws, Member States may consider the following:
(1) What is personal data?
(2) What personal data is collected and for what purposes?
(3) How is personal data retained?
(4) With whom will personal data be shared and for what purposes?
(5) How long is personal data retained?
(6) Is there any international transfer of personal data? Where? Under which legal basis?
(7) How can data subjects access, update, delete, or correct their personal data?
(8) What steps are taken to ensure the security of personal data?
(9) Whom can data subjects contact to exercise their rights in accordance with national and EU regulations on personal data protection?
(10) What is the complaint process?
(f) Security specifications
(1) The competent authority intending to implement an electronic personnel licence system may consider ensuring a high degree of security to prevent forgery, data leaking and other security events.
Information security as well as compliance with the applicable national and EU regulations concerning information security may be considered during all phases.
(2) The main areas of security risks may include:
(i) loss or inauthenticity of data (e.g. invalidity, spoofing),
(ii) network or device malware infection, and
(iii) protection of private data.
(3) A risk assessment may be performed by the competent authority in order to identify the major risks associated with an electronic personnel licence system.
In addition, it is recommended that a register of identified risks be maintained to minimise the likelihood that the competent authority will lose sight of its known risks.
(g) Training and supporting guidance material
(1) The development of training and supporting guidance material, as appropriate to their roles and responsibilities, is recommended for all personnel who may interact with the electronic personnel licence system. Such personnel may include licence applicants and holders, competent authority personnel, inspectors (both domestic and foreign) and electronic personnel licence system maintenance personnel.
Possible training and guidance topics could include:
(i) the use of the electronic personnel licence system, including its features and capabilities;
(ii) the online and offline verification of the authenticity, validity, and content of the electronic personnel licences, including the use of any tools or applications, as well as the description of included features (e.g. active security features to differentiate it from a static image);
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(iii) contingency actions, including cases of loss of or damage to the self-contained mobile electronic visual display device used for the electronic personnel licences;
(iv) any other training and guidance that a competent authority may find to be necessary.
(2) In addition to the topics identified in point (1), it is recommended that personnel whose responsibilities include verifying, adding, deleting, amending, or approving amendments to the licensing data of electronic personnel licences also receive regularly updated training in the following subjects:
(i) administration of the electronic personnel licence system, including record- keeping, maintenance, and troubleshooting;
(ii) security training and awareness; and
(iii) training in monitoring of emerging risks.
AMC1 Point 3.3 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 SCRIPT SIGNATURE OF THE HOLDER IN AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCES IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT The competent authority should acquire the script signature of the applicant for the issuance or change of an aircraft maintenance licence, as required under Section VII, through appropriate and efficient means.
Such means should be integrated with the application process defined in point 66.A.10 and Appendix V to Part-66 by requiring the applicant to either:
— sign in the appropriate field of the application documentation in physical format, as defined by the competent authority; or
— draw their signature in a dedicated field before submitting their application electronically; or
— provide or upload an image of their script signature through an online platform or other means deemed acceptable by the competent authority.
AMC2 Point 3.3 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 TAXONOMY FOR ENDORSEMENTS IN AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCES ISSUED IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT
Aircraft maintenance licences issued in electronic format need to be readable by verifying devices worldwide to achieve interoperability.
For that purpose, a common information structure that any device can process should be established, so that reading applications developed by other authorities other than the issuing authority will be effective.
Therefore, licences issued in electronic format should be endorsed using a list of values specific to each category, subcategory, or rating (hereinafter referred to as endorsements) being included or endorsed in Section XII of the licence.
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In addition, as licences may contain more than one category, subcategory, or rating, an array is necessary to list all the applicable endorsements.
The values and the array are defined and structured through the namespace ‘int.easa.epl.ratings.1’ in Section 4.2.4 of AMC1 Point 3.1 and Point 3.2 of Appendix VI to Part-66, with the attributes in Table 1.
Table 27 – EASA endorsement array
Endorsement No archetype endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_valid_until other1 other2
Note: The endorsement number is not part of the array but is presented to reflect the fact that each endorsement makes use of a row and that the array is limited to 64 endorsements.
For each endorsement, each column of the array contains information as defined in the list of values set out in Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this AMC.
1. Archetypes for the aircraft maintenance licence
All endorsements belong to an archetype, which can be seen as a grouping of endorsements with
similar characteristics and a common information type.
Table 2 – AML archetypes
Archetype Description
aml_category This archetype groups the categories and subcategories that can be included in the
aircraft maintenance licence as defined in point 66.A.3.
This archetype groups all the endorsements of aircraft ratings as defined in
point 66.A.45, including aircraft type ratings as listed in Appendix I to AMC to
Annex III (Part-66).
aml_system_rating This archetype groups all the system ratings associated with category B2L as defined
in point 66.A.3(d).
This archetype is available only for information purposes.
It groups all the national ratings granted by a competent authority that are under
national legislation and outside the scope of Commission Regulation (EU)
No 1321/2014 (Part-66).
2. Title taxonomy
Table 3 – Aircraft maintenance licence title taxonomy
Endorsement Description
Part-66 AML Part-66
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3. Endorsements taxonomy
Table 4 – Endorsements taxonomy for aircraft maintenance licences
Endorsement Description Standardised
A Category A This attribute is not used This category cannot be
included without the
inclusion of at least one of
its subcategories
A1 Aeroplanes Turbine This attribute is not used
A2 Aeroplanes Piston This attribute is not used
A3 Helicopters Turbine This attribute is not used
A4 Helicopters Piston This attribute is not used
B1 Category B1 This attribute is not used This category cannot be
included without the
inclusion of at least one of
its subcategories
B1.1 Aeroplanes Turbine This attribute is not used
B1.2 Aeroplanes Piston This attribute is not used
B1.3 Helicopters Turbine This attribute is not used
B1.4 Helicopters Piston This attribute is not used
B2 Category B2 This attribute is not used 66.A.3(c)
B2L All aircraft other than
those in Group 1 as set
out in point 66.A.5(1)
This attribute is not used 66.A.3(d)
B3 Piston-engine non-
pressurised aeroplanes of
2000 kg MTOM and below
This attribute is not used 66.A.3(e)
C Aeroplanes and
- Complex motor-powered
aircraft, or
- Aircraft other than complex
motor-powered aircraft
L Category L This attribute is not used This category cannot be
included without the
inclusion of at least one of
its subcategories
L1C Composite sailplanes This attribute is not used
L1 Sailplanes This attribute is not used
L2C Composite powered
sailplanes and composite
ELA1 aeroplanes
This attribute is not used
L2 Powered sailplanes and
ELA1 aeroplanes
This attribute is not used
L3H Hot-air balloons This attribute is not used
L3G Gas balloons This attribute is not used
L4H Hot-air airships This attribute is not used
L4G ELA2 gas airships This attribute is not used
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4. Endorsement methodology
Endorsements on aircraft maintenance licences should be made by specifying the values in Table 5.
Table 5 — Rating endorsement methodology for aircraft maintenance licences
Archetype Endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
aml_category A
Not to be
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
Category A
to be
aml_category A1 dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category A2 dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category A3 dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category A4 dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
Endorsement Description Standardised
L5 Gas airships other than
This attribute is not used
TTTT Aircraft rating This attribute is not used 66.A.45(a)
YYYY System rating This attribute is not used 66.A.3(d)
XXXX National rating This attribute is not used Point 1.5 of Appendix VI to
The endorsement of
national ratings is done as
determined by each
competent authority.
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (D)
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Archetype Endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
aml_category B1
Not to be
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
Category B1
to be
aml_category B1.1 dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category B1.2 dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category B1.3 dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category B1.4 dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category B2
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
Category B2
to be
aml_category B2L
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category B3
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
Category B3
to be
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Archetype Endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
aml_category C
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
- Complex
aircraft, or
- Aircraft
other than
Category C
to be
aml_category L
Not to be
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
Category L
to be
aml_category L1C dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category L1 dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category L2C dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category L2 dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category L3H dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (D)
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Archetype Endorsement valid_since valid_until ir_date other_1 other_2
aml_category L3G dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category L4H dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category L4G dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
aml_category L5 dd/mm/yyyy
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
to be
One row for
each aircraft
rating: type,
subgroup, or
full group
rating or as
specified for
B3 category
and L
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
category or
to the
rating goes
for the
rating to be
One row for
each system
Date of first
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
for the
rating to be
One row for
each national
As determined
by the
attribute is
not used
attribute is
not used
by the
by the
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (D)
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GM1 Point 3.4 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 FEATURES TO DISPLAY THE CONTENTS OF AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCES ISSUED IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT IN ENGLISH Any feature to display the contents of the licence in English is meant to be usable by the licence holder or reader to switch from any of the languages the licence includes to English and, therefore, to be easily identifiable, in part through the recognition of the ICAO acronym.
When the information in the licence is already displayed in English, the same feature could be used to revert to any other language included in the licence.
When English is the only language used to issue the licence, the ICAO acronym is still expected to appear on the licence.
GM1 Point 3.5 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 ACTIVE SECURITY FEATURES OF AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCES ISSUED IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT Active security features include dedicated visual effects triggered by specific actions such as tilting the device, shaking it, or touching the screen.
Such visual effects typically cannot be replicated using images of the licence captured through a screenshot or another device.
GM1 Point 3.7 of Appendix VI to Part-66 – Aircraft maintenance licence — EASA Forms 26 and 206 VERIFICATION OF THE AUTHENTICITY, VALIDITY, AND CONTENT OF AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE LICENCES ISSUED IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT (a) The verification described under this point allows the reader to confirm that the licence is
authentic, meaning that it was issued by the competent authority mentioned in the licence, and is valid, meaning that its content is not outdated and displays the current holder’s licensing data.
(b) Verifying the authenticity and validity of licences issued in electronic format may happen in two ways:
(1) By using a reading device registered with the authority that issued the licence to read the machine-readable code included under Section XIc of the licence.
Such a device can be used when it is connected to the internet or if it was previously linked with the issuing authority’s list of valid public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates.
The issuing authority’s PKI certificates are used to sign all licences in electronic format; they attest to the authenticity and validity of the licences in real time when the licence is verified with internet connectivity available or at the time they were downloaded from the authority’s server when the verification happens offline.
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When it is expected that the verification will happen offline, the person authorised to verify the authenticity, validity, and content of licences on behalf of the competent authority can ensure that they will be in possession of the most recent version of the list of the valid issuing authority’s PKI certificates.
(2) By only reading the information contained in the licence of the holder when no internet connectivity is available and the authorised person is not in possession of the list of the valid issuing authority’s PKI certificates.
In such situations, the authorised person can compare the latest synchronisation date of the licence with the current date.
Using the information available, it can be assessed whether the information in the licence presented by the holder is up to date.
The person authorised to verify the authenticity, validity, and content of licences can request support in accessing information in the authority’s server if there is any suspicion that the licence displays outdated content.
The authorised person may also decide to verify the authenticity, validity, and content of the licence again when or where internet connectivity is available within the 24-hour timeframe mentioned under point 66.A.55.
The update status of a licence may also be indicated by a notification system developed by the issuing authority stating that the latest update has not yet been manually triggered by the licence holder and, thus, that the content of the licence may be outdated.
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AMC1 CAO.A.025 Combined airworthiness exposition (CAE)
Chapter Description Implementing rule reference
B.13 Procedure for the issue of a recommendation to the competent authority for the issue of a Part-66 licence in accordance with point 66.B.105 (limited to the cases where the competent authority for the Part-CAO approval and for the Part-66 licence is the same).
European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Notice of Proposed Amendment 2024-08 (E) in accordance with Article 6(1) of MB Decision 01-2022
TE.RPRO.00034-013 © European Union Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. ISO 9001 certified. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA intranet/internet. Page 1 of 3
An agency of the European Union
Proposed amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1976
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (E)
Table of contents
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Table of contents
Proposed regulatory material ......................................................................................................... 3
Commission Regulation (EU) No 2018/1976 (Sailplanes) ................................................................. 3
GM1 Article 1 Subject matter and scope ......................................................................................... 3 SFCL.070 Limitation, suspension and or revocation of licences, privileges, ratings and certificates 3
European Union Aviation Safety Agency NPA 2024-08 (E)
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Proposed regulatory material
The text of the amendment is arranged to show deleted, new or amended, and unchanged text as
— deleted text is struck through;
— new or amended text is highlighted in blue;
— an ellipsis ‘[…]’ indicates that the rest of the text is unchanged.
Where necessary, the rationale is provided in blue italics.
Commission Regulation (EU) No 2018/1976 (Sailplanes)
GM1 Article 1 Subject matter and scope Whenever licences are mentioned in this Regulation without further precision, these are either
licences issued in physical format or licences issued in electronic format.
SFCL.070 Limitation, suspension and or revocation of licences, privileges, ratings and certificates
[…] (b) SPL holders shall in the case of a licence or certificate issued in physical format immediately
return the licence or certificate issued in physical format to the competent authority if their licence, privilege, rating or certificate issued in physical format has been limited, suspended or revoked.
European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Notice of Proposed Amendment 2024-08 (F) in accordance with Article 6(1) of MB Decision 01-2022
TE.RPRO.00034-013 © European Union Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved. ISO 9001 certified. Proprietary document. Copies are not controlled. Confirm revision status through the EASA intranet/internet. Page 1 of 3
An agency of the European Union
Proposed amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/395
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Table of contents
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An agency of the European Union
Table of contents
Proposed regulatory material ......................................................................................................... 3
Commission Regulation (EU) No 2018/395 (Balloons) ..................................................................... 3
GM1 Article 1 Subject matter and scope ......................................................................................... 3 BFCL.070 Limitation, suspension or revocation of licences, privileges, ratings and certificates ..... 3
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Proposed regulatory material
The text of the amendment is arranged to show deleted, new or amended, and unchanged text as
— deleted text is struck through;
— new or amended text is highlighted in blue;
— an ellipsis ‘[…]’ indicates that the rest of the text is unchanged.
Where necessary, the rationale is provided in blue italics.
Commission Regulation (EU) No 2018/395 (Balloons) […]
GM1 Article 1 Subject matter and scope Whenever licences are mentioned in this Regulation without further precision, these are either
licences issued in physical format or licences issued in electronic format.
BFCL.070 Limitation, suspension or revocation of licences, privileges, ratings and certificates
[…] (b) BPL holders shall in case of a licence or certificate issued in physical format immediately return
the licence or certificate issued in physical format to the competent authority if their licence, privilege, rating or certificate issued in physical format has been limited, suspended or revoked.