Dokumendiregister | Kultuuriministeerium |
Viit | 9-8/19-1 |
Registreeritud | 07.01.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 08.01.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 9 Välisesinduste ning rahvusvahelise koostöö korraldamine |
Sari | 9-8 Kirjavahetus Ida-Euroopa riikide ja Venemaaga |
Toimik | 9-8/2025 Kirjavahetus Ida-Euroopa riikide ja Venemaaga |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Ministry of youth and sports of Ukraine |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Ministry of youth and sports of Ukraine |
Vastutaja | Kaarel Nestor (KULTUURIMINISTEERIUM, Spordiosakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
_________________________________________________ № _______ від ___________ 20__ р.
Minister of Culture of the Republic of Estonia Ms. Heidy PURGA
Dear colleague,
Allow me to convey my utmost respect and, on behalf of the Ukrainian sports community extend the heartfelt gratitude for your support of Ukraine during this challenging time for our nation.
The war has become an immense challenge to the sphere of sports and physical culture in Ukraine. The russian forces are deliberately destroying Ukraine's civilian infrastructure, including sports facilities. Despite this, the Ukrainian sports community remains steadfast in its resistance to russian aggression. Thousands of athletes have already taken up arms to defend the territorial integrity of our nation. Tragically, more than 500 have made the ultimate sacrifice.
In such difficult times, every gesture of support from our international partners holds profound significance. Your initiative to contribute on Ukraine’s behalf to the UNESCO Fund for the Elimination of Doping in Sport stands as a powerful symbol of solidarity. It reflects not only a commitment to the shared values of fairness and integrity in sports but also a deep connection with the Ukrainian people.
This contribution serves as a testament to genuine friendship and a reminder that we are not alone in our fight for freedom and our future. It maintains Ukraine’s engagement in the world anti-doping movement, even under the most adverse conditions, and demonstrates the unity and determination of the global anti-doping community.
вул. Еспланадна, 42, м. Київ, 01601, тел. (044) 289-03-66, 289-12-64
E-mail: [email protected], web-site:
код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 38649881
UKRAINE Esplanadna str., 42, Kyiv, 01601,
phone (044) 289-03-66, 289-12-64
E-mail: [email protected], web-site:
код згідно з ЄДРПОУ 38649881
From the bottom of our hearts, we are deeply grateful for this profound act of support and look forward to your continued solidarity with the Ukrainian sports movement. Your generosity and encouragement inspire us and strengthen our resolve to persevere, even in the darkest of times.
Sincerely yours,
Matvii BIDNYI Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine