Dokumendiregister | Transpordiamet |
Viit | 1.8-5/25/768-1 |
Registreeritud | 14.01.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 15.01.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 1.8 Rahvusvahelise koostöö korraldamine |
Sari | 1.8-5 Rahvusvaheline kirjavahetus lennundusohutuse küsimustes: ECAC, ICAO, EASA, Eurocontrol, State Letterid |
Toimik | 1.8-5/2025 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Euroopa Lennundusohutusamet |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Euroopa Lennundusohutusamet |
Vastutaja | Mari Toodu (Users, Tugiteenuste teenistus, Õigusosakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
European Union Aviation Safety Agency
NPA 2024-108 (RMT.0196)
Focused consultation
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RMT.0196 Update of the flight simulation training device requirements
This NPA proposes the draft AMCs and GMs associated to the amendments to the Regulation (EU) 1178/2011, Part ARA, Subpart GEN, Part ARA, Subpart FSTD and Part ORA, Subpart FSTD as a result of the RMT.0196. The objective of the RMT.0196, work package 2 is to ensure that flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) better facilitate current and future training needs by applying a new approach to the classification of their capabilities and introducing the ‘task-to-tool’ concept for aeroplanes and helicopters in type rating training and operator recurrent training, as applicable. To address this objective, with NPA 2020-15 EASA proposed a draft regulatory material which was subject to extensive revision and re-drafting as a result of the received comments. In the course of 2023-2024, EASA organised several consultations on the revised draft amendments to Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 and associated AMC/GM to Part-FCL and Part ORA, Subpart ATO. In September 2024, EASA consulted the new draft CS-FSTD. This NPA 2024-108 presents the final draft package of AMC/GM to support the changes to Subpart ARA.FSTD and Part ORA.FSTD to Regulation (EU) 1178/2011. These amendments will be discussed at the focused consultation workshop which takes place on 9 -11 December 2024 with the EASA Advisory Bodies and the invited stakeholders. This NPA considers the comments received to NPA 2020-15 and NPA 2017-13 related to the FSTD inspector competencies framework with the related comments. Please submit your comments to the NPA 2024-108 via email to [email protected] with the subject
‘Comments on NPA 2024-108 (RMT.0196 Subtask 2)’ by using the attached ‘comment sheet’ by 31 January
ED DECISIONS TO BE AMENDED/ISSUED ED Decisions that issue the AMC/GM to support the application of those Regulations: — ED Decision 2012/006/R - AMC & GM to Part-ORA
| EASA ( — ED Decision 2012/007/R - AMC & GM to Part-ORA
| EASA (
AFFECTED STAKEHOLDERS Member States and national competent authorities (NCAs), air operators, ATOs, DTOs, organisations operating FSTD, training device manufactures, pilots, instructors, flight examiners, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
Development Impact assessment Consultation
By EASA with external support Detailed
NPA — focused
RELATED DOCUMENTS / INFORMATION — ToR RMT.0196 - Update of flight simulation training devices requirements | EASA ( — NPA 2020-15 - Update of the flight simulation training device requirements | EASA ( — NPA 2017-13 - Update of flight simulation training devices requirements | EASA (
PLANNING MILESTONES: According to the latest edition of the EPAS Volume II.
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Focused consultation
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on proposed amendments to Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and
Guidance Material (GM) associated to Part ARA.GEN, Part ARA.FSTD and Part ORA.FSTD to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
NOTE: The enclosed amendments to Part ARA, Subpart FSTD and Part ORA, Subpart FSTD to Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 in this NPA are introduced only for information. They were consulted in several workshops in 2023 and 2024 with the Advisory Bodies and are not subject to this NPA/focused consultation. Please note that these amendments are currently undergoing a legal review by EASA and their contents have not been subjected to linguistic/editorial review. The subject to the current focused consultation with the NPA 2024-108 is only the associated AMC and GM to the amendments to Regulation (EU) 1178/2011, Part ARA, Subpart GEN , Part ARA, Subpart FSTD and Part ORA, Subpart FSTD. Please provide comments only to these AMC/GM by 31 January 2025 by using the using the attached ‘comment sheet and sending email [email protected] with the subject ‘Comments on NPA 2024- 108 (RMT.0196 Subtask 2)’.
This document has not been subjected to linguistic/editorial review.
The AMCs and GMs shows deleted text, new or amended text as follows:
— deleted text is struck through;
— new or amended text is highlighted in blue;
— an ellipsis ‘[…]’ indicates that the rest of the text is unchanged.
Below each amendment, there is a box explaining the rationale for the proposed change.
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Focused consultation
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Draft amendments
Amendments to Regulation (EU) 1178/2011
Article 2 — Definitions […] (20o) ‘Group of aircraft’ in the context of FSTD means aircraft that have similar handling and
operational characteristics.
GM2 Article 2 Definitions GROUP OF AIRCRFT When Part ARA, Subpart FSTD and Part ORA, Subpart FSTD refer to group of aircraft, it can be by defined by: (1) aircraft category: aeroplane, helicopter, tilt-rotor, eVTOL, airship (2) engine configurations: single-engine piston, multi-engine piston, twin turboprop, twin-engine turbine, twinjet, trijet, etc. (3) wake-turbulence categories: lightweight, medium-weight, heavyweight. The following are some examples of how the group of aircraft can be displayed in the FSTD qualification certificate and other documents which refer to group of aircraft in Part ARA, Subpart FSTD and Part ORA, Subpart FSTD for the simulated aircraft: Aeroplanes: (a) lightweight single-engine piston aeroplane
(b) lightweight multi-engine piston aeroplane
(c) medium-weight twin turboprop aeroplane
(d) medium-weight twinjet aeroplane
(e) heavyweight trijet aeroplane
Helicopters: (a) lightweight single-engine piston helicopter
(b) lightweight single-engine turbine helicopter
(c) lightweight twin-engine turbine helicopter
(d) medium-weight multi-engine turbine helicopter
eVTOL: (a) lightweight, four electric engines with fans
(b) lightweight, 12 electric engines with ducted fans and thrust vectoring
(c) lightweight, 36 electric engine, combination of vertical lift and forward propulsion
Rationale: The GM is developed to provide clarifications on the use of the term “group of aircraft” in Part ARA. FSTD and ORA.FSTD.
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AMC2 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) Management system QUALIFICATION AND TRAINING - INSPECTORS […] (2) Additional qualification criteria:
(vi) for qualification of FSTD inspectors, the competent authority should develop a training programme to prepare the inspectors to perform their tasks and to demonstrate competencies as appropriate to their role. Technical FSTD inspector should hold a qualification as defined in point (a)(1) of AMC2 ARA.FSTD.100(a);(b);(c). FSTD flight inspector should hold a qualification as defined in point (a)(2) of AMC2 ARA.FSTD.100(a);(b);(c). […]
(a) Qualification
(1) FSTD inspectors should have knowledge and experience relevant for the FSTD domain in the following areas: flight mechanics and aerodynamics, image generation systems, electronics/avionics, computer programming, aircraft systems and structures, methods of simulation, flight training and methods, flight operations and methods.
(2) When designing the training programme for qualification of an FSTD inspector, it is recommended that the FSTD inspectors acquire the following competencies which can be demonstrated through following observable behaviors:
FSTD inspectors’ competencies
Description of the competency
Observable behaviour in FSTD domain
Theoretical knowledge
Basic knowledge and understanding of flight simulation
Demonstrates the appropriate level of understanding of the following FSTD features/systems and their integration:
— motion-cueing system; — hardware (e.g. architecture, real/simulated parts, interface, host); — visual (e.g. image generation, projectors, optics, collimated/direct projection); — software (e.g. basics, re-hosted/retargeted avionics, binary- and loadable-software aircraft part solutions) and configuration control processes; — databases (e.g. types and correlation); — flight controls/control loading (e.g. passive/active, reversible/non-reversible);
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— sound-cueing system (e.g. limitations, subjective/objective); — modelling of aircraft performance and handling characteristics; — validation data and validation data roadmaps; and — aeroplane system modelling and data package types.
Regulatory knowledge
Understanding and application of regulation and procedures
Demonstrates the appropriate level of understanding and application of the following: — concept and basis of applicable primary reference documents; — all applicable regulations (e.g. Regulation (EU) No 2018/1139, Annex VI (Part-ARA)/Annex VII (Part-ORA) to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011; — internal work instructions; — guidance material on industry best practices (e.g. RAeS, ARINC, and ICAO publications1).
Teamwork skills Leading and management of the oversight process
Demonstrates appropriate teamwork ability in the following: — oversight preparation; — organising evaluation/audit processes and resources; — briefing and debriefing; and — task allocation.
FSTD operations Knowledge of FSTD acceptance process and operations
Demonstrates the appropriate level of understanding and application of the following: — acceptance and testing processes; — additional equipment (at FSTD qualification level or FCS, as applicable); — modifications of FSTD; — maintenance; — performance metrics.
FSTD usage Knowledge of FSTD use in pilot training
Demonstrates the appropriate level of understanding of the following: — FSTD as part of an approved training course; — credits vs different FSTD qualification levels (for legacy FSTD); — FSTD training, testing and checking considerations; — air operations and flight crew implications for FSTDs.
FSTD evaluation Understanding and application of FSTD evaluation components
Demonstrates the appropriate level of understanding and balanced application of the following: — QTG/objective testing; — functional/subjective testing; — engineering judgement; — proportionate decision-making; — additional training considerations; and — categorisation of findings, non-compliances of FSTD.
Management system
FSTD qualification certificate holder’s CMS manual assessment and auditing
Demonstrates the appropriate level of understanding and application of the following: — assessment of the management system (compliance monitoring system (CMS), safety management system (SMS), organisation management system); — auditing techniques; and — what is expected from the FSTD operator’s processes.
(b) Initial training of FSTD inspectors
1 Royal Aeronautical Society, Aeronautical Radio Incorporated, and International Civil Aviation Organization, respectively.
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(1) In order to ensure that FSTD inspectors are competent in the domains they will be working on, the competent authorities should take into account the following principles in the initial training of the FSTD inspectors:
(i) the training details (e.g. on objective testing, functions and subjective testing) should be
differentiated between aircraft categories (e.g. aeroplane, rotorcraft, VTOL) ;
(ii) additional competency is required when evaluating specific areas related to special
training considerations such as PBN, UPRT, full stall, HUGS, EVS, helicopter special scenarios,
(iii) the number of audits/evaluations in which the trainee should participate as an observer
and as a trainee team member under supervision before acting as a full audit/evaluation
team member. The total number of audits/evaluations as a trainee should be determined
based on the trainee’s development progress.
(iv) the training under supervision should incorporate hands-on evaluation training in FSTD.
(2) Any appropriate training methods such as lectures or self-study may be used. It is recommended that the trainers of FSTD inspectors have extensive experience in their areas of instruction and adequate pedagogic skills.
(3) Guidance on the training topics is provided in Table 1 below. The purpose of each training topic is to establish a certain level of competency, which the inspectors need in order to perform their tasks.
Table 1 — Indicative list of training topics relevant for the FSTD inspectors, performing FSTD
evaluations and/or audits of organisations operating FSTD
Area of training Key learning points
(a) International aviation safety and regulation environment
(1) Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation and ICAO Annexes and Documents; (2) European Union (EU) regulations; and (3) EASA AMC/GM
(b) Applicable primary reference documents (PRDs)
(1) History and generation of PRDs; and (2) Notable differences between different PRDs.
(c) CS-FSTD (1) Structure; (2) Main contents; (3) Definitions of FSTD type/levels or FSTD with FCS, as applicable; and (4) FSTD interim qualification.
(d) FSTD cueing (1) Human aspects; (2) Human self-motion perception; (3) Technology and ways to create and combine cues in FSTDs; (4) Positive and negative transfer of training.
(e) Computing and real-time simulation
(1) History; (2) Limitations; (3) Simulation loop; (4) Host computer; (5) Nodes; and (6) Latency/transport delay.
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Area of training Key learning points
(f) FSTD common hardware solutions
(1) Computer architecture; and (2) Control loading systems.
(g) Visual system (1) History of visual systems; (2) Different projection types; (3) Image generation; (4) Visual-database creation; (5) Visual-system geometry; (6) Requirements for different FSTD qualification levels or for FSTD with FCS, as applicable; (7) Objective visual tests.
(h) Motion system
(1) Degrees of freedom; (2) Generation of motion cues; (3) Limitations; (4) Motion algorithms; (5) Fast Fourier-transformation; and (6) Power spectral density.
(i) Avionics simulation
(1) For generic FSTDs, acceptable system characteristics as in CS-23, CS-25, CS-27, and CS-29; (2) Reference documents for avionics (e.g. aircraft flight manual (AFM), flight crew operating
manual (FCOM), data package); (3) Concept of re-hosting; (4) Use of real avionics boxes; (5) Use of simulated avionics; (6) Pros and cons of different solutions; (7) Simsoft (Aeronautical Radio Incorporated (ARINC) 610); (8) Control system operation.
(j) Navigation systems and their simulation
(1) Principles of common navigation systems operation (e.g. INS, VOR, , DME, ILS, GNSS, etc.); (2) Principles of common interfaces of different generations (e.g. GNSS, FMS, integrated
avionics suites, etc.); (3) Simulation of navigation data; (4) Performance-based navigation (PBN) procedures and required equipment.
(k) Flight operations in different aircraft
(1) Theoretical parts of pilot type course (e.g. computer-based training ) of at least two different aircraft types (e.g. turboprop and jet);
(2) Flight training to gain understanding of instrument flight rules (IFR) procedures and multi-engine handling (note: not necessarily targeted for a pilot licence).
(l) Simulation of aerodynamics and engines
(1) Simulation loop; (2) Limits of models; (3) Upset simulation and exceedance of simulated envelope; and (4) Aircraft stability and associated provisions of CS-23, CS-25, CS-27, and CS-29.
(m) Validation data
(1) Data gathering; (2) Validation data roadmap (VDR) concept, approval and management of updates; (3) Data package; (4) Data acceptance; (5) Operational suitability data (OSD); (6) CS-SIMD; (7) Proof of match; (8) Use of engineering data; (9) Alternative engine/avionics data; and (10) Concepts of generic data and footprints.
(n) Qualification test guide (QTG)
(1) History of QTG testing; (2) Text part of QTG; (3) Master QTG (MQTG) and its revisions; (4) Concept of validation;
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Area of training Key learning points
(5) Tolerances; (6) QTG testing process; (7) Integrated testing; (8) Differences between automatic and manual testing; (9) Exercises; (10) Typical problems; (11) Use of open- and closed-loop controllers; and (12) Purpose of each individual QTG test.
(o) Functions and subjective testing
(1) Requirements; (2) Methods for effective testing; (3) Team cooperation; (4) Reference documents (e.g. AFM, FCOM, POH etc.); (5) Malfunctions testing; (6) What to expect from generic FSTDs i.e. characteristics of different aircraft classes; (7) Purpose and testing methods of each individual test required by CS-FSTD; and (8) Additional training considerations (e.g. UPRT and stall recovery, RNP AR, HUGS, etc.).
(p) FSTD evaluation, qualification, and their processes
(1) Initial, recurrent and special evaluations; (2) Documentation; (3) Dossier; (4) How to keep evaluation as objective as possible; (5) Team cooperation; (6) Conducting all the phases of the evaluation and qualification processes; (7) Classification and management of findings; (8) Content, language and form of the certificate and evaluation report; (9) Maintaining the FSTD qualification; and (10) Updates and upgrades.
(q) Training, testing and checking credits
(1) Overview of credits granted by Annex I (Part-FCL) to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and Subpart FC of Annex III (Part-ORO) to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 ;
(2) OSD reports.
(r) Internal organisational procedures and work instructions of the competent authority
(1) Applicable processes; (2) Use of documents.
(s) Soft skills (1) Communication skills; (2) Conflict management; (3) Teamwork; (4) Time management; and (5) Human factors (HF).
(t) Ability to exercise proper judgement
(1) Justification of findings (i.e. always based on evidence and documentation, such as requirements, or on operator manuals (OMs), but not on personal preferences);
(2) Engineering judgement; and (3) Examples of different kind of problems that can be encountered, as well as findings of
different levels and basis for their classification.
(u) Expectations of FSTD OMs
(1) Requirements concerning FSTD OMs, (2) Ways of presenting a process (e.g. text, checklists or flow process charts indicating when,
how, and by whom something is performed).
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Area of training Key learning points
(v) Auditing process and general auditing methods and procedures
(a) Concept and definitions of process, audit and inspection (please refer to GM3 ORA.GEN.200(a)(6));
(b) ’General’ auditing procedures and methods; e.g. preparation, conduction (interviewing, documentations practices, etc.), reporting, follow-up and closure of an audit; and
(w) Understanding the operation, management and maintenance of FSTD
(1) QTG management process: (i) annual test plan; (ii) approval of results; (iii) actions in case of failed test; (iv) MQTG and its revisions; (v) subjective testing process; (vi) functions testing process; (vii) annual test plan; (viii) used documentation; (ix) contents of fly-out vs PRDs;
(2) Reliability analysis: (i) measured indicators; (ii) targets for indicators;
(3) Personnel training: initial and recurrent training; (4) Safety instructions for personnel and users; (5) Preventive maintenance:
(i) program contents; and (ii) revisions to the programme as needs for change are identified;
(6) Configuration control system: (i) management of software, hardware and database changes (e.g. planning,
specification, development, acceptance, documentation); (ii) practices to test the integrity of an FSTD; and (iii) software backups;
(7) Defect rectification (i.e. ’snag’ handling): (i) how users can report defects; (ii) how users are notified of open defects; and (iii) prioritisation of defects;
(8) Spare parts and tools management: (i) management of spares; (ii) how disconnected parts are managed; and (iii) calibration and checks of applicable tools;
(9) Document control and logs: (i) archiving of documents; (ii) retention periods; (iii) management of document versions (e.g. manuals, logs, instructions, etc.); and (iv) applicable logs;
(10) Compliance monitoring: (i) monitoring of regulatory updates; (ii) planning; (iii) internal audits; (iv) internal inspections; (v) auditors; (vi) management of findings; (vii) root cause analysis; (viii) measurement of effectiveness and continuous improvement; and (ix) reporting to the competent authority; and
(11) Safety management system (SMS): (i) recognition and management of risks;
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Area of training Key learning points
(ii) mitigation of negative training;
(iii) cooperation between the organisation operating the FSTD and the users.
(c) Continuing competence and recurrent training for FSTD inspectors
(1) In order to ensure an acceptable level of practical experience and the retention of the appropriate skills, the inspectors should have recent experience of FSTD evaluations and audits. If needed, refreshment training should be provided before acting as a full team member. The competent authority should ensure that the inspectors remain competent in oversight activities, and recurrent training should be focused on that aspect as well.
(2) The recurrent training should concentrate at least on the following areas:
(i) areas where an FSTD inspector needs improvement;
(ii) new FSTD and aircraft technologies;
(iii) changes to rules affecting the FSTD domain.
(3) Some or all of the below-presented methods may be used for recurrent training:
(i) in-house training;
(ii) self-study (professional literature and/or magazines);
(iii) web-based training courses;
(iv) participation in FSTD conferences.
(d) Documentation to be kept as records in support of training of FSTD inspectors include the training programme developed by the authority for qualification of FSTD inspectors, the records of performed initial and recurrent training of the inspectors and any amendments to these documents.
Rationale: The amendment to the AMC2 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) and the new GM4 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) are developed based on the NPA 2017-13 proposal for qualification and training of FSTD inspectors. The rationale is that the current rules are not detailed enough regarding the qualification of FSTD inspectors and required competency. Considering the comments to the NPA 2017-13 and the need to clarify the expected qualification and scope of initial and recurrent training for the FSTD inspectors, it is suggested that: 1. the AMC2 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) introduces a new point (a)(2)(vi) to address specifically the criteria for qualification of the FSTD inspectors and in particular those for the FSTD technical inspector (TI) and the FSTD flight inspector (FI). The qualification to these inspectors is already defined in AMC ARA.FSTD.100(a);(b);(c) and therefore a reference to this point is made. In addition, the amended AMC2 ARA.GEN.200(a)(2) clarifies the obligation for the competent authorities to develop a training programme for the FSTD inspectors to prepare them to perform their tasks and to demonstrate competencies as appropriate to their role. 2. new GM4 ARA.FSTD.200(a)(2) clarifies the expected competencies which the FSTD inspectors should demonstrate and the scope of the initial and recurrent training for the FSTD inspectors. The GM is developed based on the feedback to NPA 2017-13, where several stakeholders voiced the need that provisions for FSTD inspector qualification and training are proportionate to the competent authorities’ resources. Hence, EASA proposes that the competency framework for the FSTD inspectors is defined only at GM level, providing guidance and recommendation to the qualification/scope of the training for the inspectors. The GM is also aimed at enabling standardisation of FSTD inspectors across the competent authorities.
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ARA.FSTD.100 Initial eEvaluation procedure RMT.0196
(a) Upon receiving an application for an FSTD qualification certificate , the competent authority shall:
(1) evaluate whether the FSTD submitted for initial evaluation or for upgrading complies against with the applicable qualification basis by conducting objective, functions and subjective tests;
(2) assess the FSTD in those areas that are essential to completing the flight crew member training, testing and checking process, as applicable;
(3) assess whether the chosen validation data is suitable to support each objective test;
(3) conduct objective, subjective and functions tests in accordance with the qualification basis, and review the results of such tests to establish the qualification test guide (QTG); and
(4) review the equipment specification list (ESL) for compliance with the applicable requirements;
(4)(5) verify if the organisation operating the FSTD is in compliance with the applicable requirements. This does not apply to the initial evaluation of basic instrument training devices (BITDs).
(b) The competent authority shall perform the tasks points (1), (2) and (4) of point (a) in case of recurrent evaluation of FSTD.
(c) In case of a major modification to an FSTD, the competent authority shall perform those tasks from the ones listed in point (a) which it deems relevant, taking into consideration the nature of the modification.
(d) The competent authority shall provide a report and notify the organisation operating the FSTD about the results of the evaluation.
(e) If, during an evaluation or by any other means, evidence is found by the competent authority, that the FSTD is not performing in accordance with its qualification basis or the ESL contains inaccurate information about the FSTD, the competent authority shall raise an item, record it and communicate it to the organisation operating the FSTD in writing. The competent authority shall, unless the nature of the item requires the application of enforcement measures in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.135(b), do all the following:
(1) grant the organisation a corrective action implementation period appropriate to the nature of the item that in any case shall not be more than 30 days. At the end of this period, and subject to the nature of the item, the competent authority may extend the
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implementation period subject to a satisfactory corrective action plan agreed by the competent authority; and
(2) assess if the corrective action plan proposed by the organisation addresses the item;
(3) assess if the implementation of the corrective action plan addresses the item.
(b) The competent authority shall only approve the QTG after completion of the initial evaluation of the FSTD and when all discrepancies in the QTG have been addressed to the satisfaction of the competent authority. The QTG resulting from the initial evaluation procedure shall be the master QTG (MQTG), which shall be the basis for the FSTD qualification and subsequent recurrent FSTD evaluations.
(f) The QTG resulting from the initial evaluation shall be approved by the competent authority only after all items have been addressed to the satisfaction of the competent authority. After such approval, it shall be referred to as the master qualification test guide (Master QTG) and shall be the basis for the FSTD qualification and recurrent FSTD evaluations.
(g) The competent authority shall qualify the FSTD only after having validated that, in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.120(d), additional equipment of the FSTD, if applicable, has no adverse effect on the training capability of the FSTD.
(c)(h) Qualification basis and special conditions.
(1) The competent authority may prescribe special conditions for the FSTD qualification basis when the requirements of point ORA.FSTD.210(a) are met and when it is demonstrated that the special conditions ensure an equivalent level of safety to that established in the applicable certification specification.
AMC21 ARA.FSTD.100(a);(b);(c) Evaluation procedure RMT.0196
GENERAL (a) During initial and recurrent FSTD evaluations it should be necessary for the competent authority
should to conduct an appropriate sample of the objective, functions and subjective tests described in Part-ORA and detailed in the CS-FSTD(A) and CS-FSTD(H), as applicable PRD. There may be occasions when all tests cannot be completed – for example during recurrent evaluations on a convertible FSTD – but arrangements should be made for all tests be completed within a reasonable time.
(b) The competent authority should review an appropriate sample of results of the objective, functions and subjective tests conducted by the organisation operating the FSTD in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.105 (a)(2) and (3). Following an evaluation, it is possible that a number of defects are identified. Generally, these defects should be rectified and the competent authority notified of such action within 30 days. Serious defects, which affect flight crew training, testing and checking, could result in an immediate downgrading of the qualification level I. If any defect remains unattended without good reason for a period greater than 30 days, subsequent downgrading may occur or the FSTD qualification could be revoked.
(c) For the evaluation of an FSTD the standard form as mentioned in AMC51 ARA.FSTD.100(ad)(1) should be used.
Rationale: The new AMC1 ARA.FSTD.100(a);(b);(c) is based on the AMC2 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1). The title of the AMC is changed to cover all evaluation procedures which are in the scope of ARA.FSTD.100.
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The changes in point (a) relates to the amended scope of ARA.FSTD.100 to include any evaluation procedures. The authority should always do a sample of objective, functions and subjective tests, but based on the type of evaluation its scope could be changed (for example, in case of an FSTD modification and depending on the nature of the modification, the sample could be limited to functions and subjective tests only). Therefore, the wording “appropriate sample of objective, functions and subjective tests” is used. Point (b) addresses that the authority reviews the results of the tests performed by the organisation operating the FSTD. The text which is proposed to be deleted is now in the hard law ARA.FSTD.100(e). The term “downgrading” is not used anymore due to introduced changes in point ARA.FSTD.130.
AMC42 ARA.FSTD.100(a);(b);(c) Initial Eevaluation procedure RMT.0196
COMPOSITION OF THE EVALUATION TEAM (a) The competent authority should appoint a technical team to evaluate an FSTD in accordance
with a structured routine in accordance with a structured routine to gain or maintain a qualification level. The team should normally consist of at least the following personnel:
(1) A technical FSTD inspector of the competent authority, or an accredited inspector from another competent authority, qualified in all aspects of flight simulation hardware, software and methods of simulation with an aviation engineering degree or equivalent computer modelling or, exceptionally, a person designated by the competent authority with equivalent qualifications, and
(2) One of the following:
(i) a flight inspector of the competent authority, or an accredited inspector from another competent authority, who is qualified in flight crew training procedures and holds a valid type rating on the aeroplane/helicopter (or for flight navigation procedures trainer (FNPT) and basic instrument training device (BITD), class rated on the class of aeroplane/type of helicopter) being simulated; or
(ii) a flight inspector of the competent authority who is qualified in flight crew training procedures, assisted by a type rating instructor holding a valid type rating on the aeroplane/helicopter (or for FNPT and BITD, class rated on the class of aeroplane/type of helicopter) being simulated; or, exceptionally,
(iii) a person designated by the competent authority who is qualified in flight crew training procedures and holds a valid type rating on the aeroplane/helicopter (or for FNPT and BITD, class rated on the class of aeroplane/type of helicopter) being simulated and sufficiently experienced to assist the technical team. This person should fly out at least part of the functions and subjective test profiles.
An FSTD flight Inspector who holds or has held an instructor certificate and:
(i) holds or has held a type/class rating on the aircraft being simulated; or
(ii) is assisted by a person from the organisation operating the FSTD as referred in point (a) to AMC1 ORA.FSTD.100(a) to support the evaluation team.
(3) Where a designee is used as a substitute for one of the competent authority’s inspectors, the other person shall be a properly qualified inspector of the competent authority or an accredited inspector from another Member State’s competent authority.
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(b) The FSTD technical Inspector and/or the FSTD flight inspector may be staff of the competent authority performing the evaluation or accredited inspector(s) from another competent authority or exceptionally, person(s) designated by the competent authority with equivalent qualifications to each inspector as referred in point (a). Where a designee is used as a substitute for one of the competent authority’s inspectors, the other person shall be a properly qualified inspector of the competent authority or an accredited inspector from another competent authority.
(c) In case an FSTD inspector has not participated in an FSTD evaluation in the last three years, such inspector should undergo recency training. (b) For a flight training device (FTD) level 1 and FNPT Type I, one suitably qualified inspector may
combine the functions in (a)(1) and (a)(2).
(c) For a BITD this team should consist of an inspector from a competent authority and one from another competent authority, including the manufacturer’s competent authority, if applicable.
(d) Additionally, the following persons should be present:
(1) for a full flight simulator (FFS), FTD and FNPT a type or class rated instructor from the ATO operating an FSTD or from the main FSTD user;
(2) for all types, sufficient FSTD support staff to assist with the running of tests and operation of the instructor’s station.
(d) On a case by case basis for recurrent evaluations, the competent authority may reduce the evaluation team to one inspector provided that all of the following applies:
(1) this composition is not being used prior to the second recurrent evaluation;
(2) such an evaluation is followed by an evaluation with a full competent authority evaluation team;
(3) the inspector satisfies the criteria for both positions as referred in point (a)(1) and (2);
(4) no major modification has been implemented since the preceding evaluation performed by the competent authority;
(5) no relocation of the FSTD has taken place since the last evaluation;
(6) a system is established enabling the competent authority to monitor and analyse the status of the FSTD on a continuous basis;
(7) the FSTD hardware and software has been working reliably for the previous years. This should be reflected in the number and kind of discrepancies (technical log entries) and the results of the compliance monitoring system audits.
(e) In the case of a BITD, the recurrent evaluation may be conducted by one suitably qualified flight inspector only.
The proposed AMC2 ARA.FSTD.100(a);(b);(c) is based on AMC4 ARA.FSTD.100(a). The changes in the composition of the evaluation team are not content wise related, but are aimed at simplifying the text, making it future proof for any FSTD (References to the FSTD types are deleted as they do not exist
according to the new CS-FSTD).
Point (a) is re-drafted based on the existing requirements (point (a)(1), (2)) for qualification of the technical and
flight inspector. As regards the technical inspectors, it is added that the person has an aviation engineering degree
or equivalent. The reasoning for the addition is that it clarifies the expected qualification of the inspector.
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For the flight inspector, the re-drafted requirements are the same as the current ones. The person should hold/held
an instructor certificate and either holds or has held a type/class rating on the aircraft being simulated or is assisted
by a pilot with class or type rating on the aircraft simulated with sufficient knowledge and flying experience to
support the evaluation team.
In the new point (b), first sentence is developed based on existing point (a) to specify FSTD technical inspector
and/or the FSTD flight inspector may be staff of the authority, another authority or in exceptional cases person(s)
designated by the competent authority. The second sentence in point (b) is the same as the former point (a)(3).
The existing point (b) is deleted with the rationale that such provision was applicable only for FTD1 and FNPT I and
since in the new framework there is no differentiation of FSTD type/level, it is considered obsolete. However, for
legacy FSTD and for FSTD which will be qualified under the new CS-FSTD, the possibility to perform an evaluation
with a reduced team is envisaged in the new point (d).
The new point (c) is developed to ensure that the FSTD inspectors involved in evaluations of FSTD maintain their
expertise and experience and if they have not been involved in the FSTD evaluations in the last three years, they
need to undergo recency training to regain their expertise. The training is exhaustively addressed in GM4
The new point (d) is developed based on AMC2 ARA.FSTD.120. It is moved here to align with the scope of point ARA.FSTD.100 . The intention is that the new AMC2 ARA.FSTD.100(a);(b);(c) introduces all possible scenarios for composition of an evaluation team for any evaluation procedure. The content of the new point (d) follows the conditions established in point (b) of the former AMC2 ARA.FSTD.120 with the following change: the evaluation team can be reduced to one inspector (technical or flight inspector), provided that the inspector satisfies the criteria for both positions. It is not considered necessary to specify that a person from the organisation operating the FSTD assists the evaluation, because such provision already is established in the new AMC1 ORA.FSDT.100(a).
The existing point (c) is deleted, because there are not new BITD which will be qualified under the new CS-FSTD.
The existing point (d) is deleted, as it refers to obligations for the organisation operating the FSTD and is moved to AMC1 ORA.FSDT.100(a).
A new point (e) is based on point (c) of AMC2 ARA.FSTD.120.
AMC31 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1) Initial eEvaluation procedure
(a) The main focus of objective testing is the QTG. Well in advance of the evaluation date, the aircraft manufacturer and the competent authority should agree on the content and acceptability of the validation tests contained in the QTG data package. This will ensure that the content of the QTG is acceptable to the competent authority and avoid time being wasted during the initial qualification. The acceptability of all tests depends upon their content, accuracy, completeness and recency of the results.
(ba) Much of the time allocated to objective tests depends upon the speed of the automatic and manual systems set up to run each test and whether or not special equipment is required. The competent authority should not necessarily warn the organisation operating an FSTD of the sample validations tests which should be run on the day of the evaluation, unless special equipment is required.
(cb) The FSTD cannot be used for subjective tests while part of the QTG is being run. Therefore, sufficient time (at least 8 consecutive hours) should be set aside for the examination and running of the QTG.
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(dc) The subjective tests for the evaluation can be found in CS-FSTD(A) or CS-FSTD(H) the applicable PRD, and a suggested subjective test profile is described in AMC12 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(31) and GM1 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1). Essentially, Depending on the simulated configurations and complexity of the FSTD and simulated aircraft, at least 1 working day should be required for the subjective test routine, which effectively denies use of the FSTD for any other purpose.
(ed) To ensure adequate coverage of subjective and objective tests and to allow for cost effective rectification and re-test before departure of the inspection team, adequate time (up to approximately 3 consecutive days) should be dedicated to an initial evaluation of an FSTD.
The title and the numbering of the existing AMC3 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1) is changed to align with the title of point ARA.FSTD.100.
Point (a) is deleted as it is moved to AMC2 ORA.FSTD.200, point (d) as its intention is related to an obligation of an organisation operating the FSTD.
References in the amended point (c) are updated. The addition that at least 1 working day is required for the subjective test routine is made to acknowledge that the time needed is strongly based on the device (e.g. if it has multiple configurations, simulated engines or aircraft types, complexity of the aircraft).
The AMC establishes the timeline only for the initial evaluation. For recurrent evaluation, the timeline is already established in AMC1 ARA.FSTD.120.
AMC1 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1) Evaluation procedure RMT.0196
ASSESSMENT PROCESS LEADING TO THE ISSUE OF AN FSTD QUALIFICATION (a) FSTDs require evaluation leading to qualification. The required process should be accomplished
in two distinct steps. First, a check should be made to determine whether or not the FSTD complies with the applicable requirements. When making this check, the competent authority should ensure that accountability for the issue of an FSTD qualification is clearly defined. In all cases an individual department manager of the competent authority should be appointed under whose personal responsibility the issue of an FSTD qualification is to be considered. The second step should be the grant (or refusal) of an FSTD qualification.
(b) When checking compliance with the applicable requirements, the competent authority should ensure that the following steps are taken:
(1) Once an FSTD is contracted to be built, the organisation that is to operate the FSTD should ensure that the regulatory standard upon which the FSTD will eventually be qualified against is acceptable to the competent authority. This should be the current applicable version of CS-FSTD(A) or CS-FSTD(H) at the time of application.
(2) A written application for an FSTD qualification should be submitted, in a format according to ORA.FSTD.200, at least 3 months before the date of intended operation. However, the qualification test guide (QTG) may be submitted later, but not less than 30 days before the date of intended evaluation. The application form should be printed in English and any other language(s) of the competent authority's choosing.
(31) An individual should be nominated by the department manager of the competent authority to oversee, and become the focal point for, all aspects of the FSTD qualification process, and to coordinate all necessary activity. The nominated person should be
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responsible to the department manager for confirming that all appropriate evaluations/inspections are made.
(42) The ability of the applicant to secure, in compliance with the applicable requirements and certification specifications, the safe and reliable operation and proper maintenance of the FSTD should be assessed.
(53) The applicant's proposed compliance monitoring management system should be scrutinised with particular regard to the allocated resources. Care should be taken to verify that the system is comprehensive and likely to be effective.
(64) The competent authority should inform the applicant of its final decision concerning the qualification within 14 days of completion of the evaluation process irrespective of any temporary qualification issued.
(75) On completion of the evaluation process, the application, together with a written recommendation and evidence of the result of all evaluations or assessments, should be presented to the nominated person responsible for FSTD qualification. The presentation should be made by the person with overall responsibility, nominated in accordance with (b)(31).
(86) The department manager of the competent authority should only issue an FSTD qualification certificate if he/she is completely satisfied that all requirements have been met. If he/she is not satisfied, the applicant should be informed in writing of the improvements that are required in order to satisfy the competent authority.
(97) If an application for an FSTD qualification is refused, the applicant should be informed of such rights of appeal as exist under national regulations.
The text in point (b)(1) and (2) is moved to AMC2 ORA.FSTD.200 as it is a requirement for the FSTD operator. Reference to temporary qualification in point (b)(4) is deleted due to lack of such possibility in the hard law.
AMC12 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(31) Initial eEvaluation procedure RMT.0196
FUNCTIONS AND SUBJECTIVE TESTS – SUGGESTED TEST ROUTINE (a) During initial and recurrent evaluations of an FSTD, the competent authority should conduct a
series of functions and subjective tests that together with the objective tests complete the comparison of the FSTD with the aircraft, the class of aeroplane or type of helicopter type/variant/group of aircraft.
(b) Functions tests verify the acceptability of the simulated aircraft systems and their integration. Subjective tests verify the fitness of the FSTD in relation to training, checking and testing tasks.
(c) The FSTD should provide adequate flexibility to permit the accomplishment of the desired and required tasks while maintaining an adequate perception by the flight crew that they are operating in a real aircraft environment. Additionally, the instructor operating station (IOS) should not present an unnecessary distraction from observing the activities of the flight crew whilst providing adequate facilities for the tasks.
(d) It is important that both the competent authority and the organisation operating an FSTD understand what to expect from the routine of FSTD functions and subjective tests. The competent authority should perform sampling of the functions and subjective tests that are applicable to the device. Part of the subjective tests routine for an FSTD should involve an
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uninterrupted fly-out (except for FTD level 1) comparable with the duration of typical training sessions in addition to assessment of flight freeze and repositioning. An example of such a profile is to be found under points (f) and (g) (for BITD point (h)). and a flight where the FSTD controls such as flight freeze and repositioning are used. Examples of test profile which may be performed as part of the uninterrupted fly-out are provided in GM1 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1). The evaluator(s) should brief the planned flight contents and working methods to the persons participating on the evaluation.
(e) The competent authorities, and organisations operating FSTD, who are unfamiliar with the evaluation process should contact the Agency or the competent authority of another Member State with adequate expertise in this field.
(f) Typical test profile for an FSTD aeroplane:
(g) Typical test profile for an FSTD helicopter:
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(h) Typical subjective test profile for BITDs (approximately 2 hours) - items and altitudes, as
(1) instrument departure, climb performance,
(2) level-off at 4 000 ft,
(3) fail engine (if applicable),
(4) engine out climb to 6 000 ft (if applicable),
(5) engine out cruise performance (if applicable), restart engine,
(6) all engine cruise performance with different power settings,
(7) descent to 2 000 ft,
(8) all engine performance with different configurations, followed by instrument landing system (ILS) approach,
(9) all engine go-around,
(10) non-precision approach,
(11) go-around with engine failure (if applicable),
(12) engine out ILS approach (if applicable),
(13) go-around engine out (if applicable),
(14) non-precision approach engine out (if applicable), followed by go-around,
(15) restart engine (if applicable),
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(16) climb to 4 000 ft,
(17) manoeuvring,
(18) normal turns left and right,
(19) steep turns left and right,
(20) acceleration and deceleration within operational range,
(21) approaching to stall in different configurations,
(22) recovery from spiral dive,
(23) auto flight performance (if applicable),
(24) system malfunctions,
(25) approach.
The title and the numbering of the AMC are changed to align to the hard law amendments.
In point (a) there are changes to align with the definition of group of aircraft (proposed with the amendments in the hard law).
Point (b) is deleted, as the definitions of functions and subjective tests are given in the CS-FSTD. It is assumed that there is no need to reinstate their purpose in the AMC.
Point (d) is revised to improve clarity and readability. The competent authority performs sampling of the functions and subjective tests that are applicable to each device. The duration of the uninterrupted fly-outs is proposed to be at the discretion of the authority and not necessarily comparable with the duration of typical training sessions. With the proposed change the focus on the evaluation can be targeted on functions and subjective tests which are deemed necessary, based on the performance of the FSTD and raised items in the past.
Point (e) is deleted due to: (1) Subpart Part ARA.FSTD is not the appropriate place to specify a requirement for the organisation operating the FSTD; (2) if a need to contact the competent authority arises, the organisation needs to approach their authority first and then upon the competent authority’s decision, it may revert to EASA for assistance.
Further it is suggested that the existing typical test profiles for FSTD aeroplane and helicopter are moved in GM (a new GM1 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1)). The reasoning is that such profiles are indicative, and the operator/authority may define different ones, considering the specificities of each FSTD and the performance of the aircraft simulated.
Points(f) and (g) are moved to GM1 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1).
Point (h) is deleted with the rationale that BITD do not exist anymore as type of FSTD according to the CS-FSTD. As regards the recurrent evaluation of already qualified FSTD, the authority should follow AMC1 ARA.FSTD.120 which allows that the profiles are adjusted to the FSTD.
GM1 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1) Evaluation procedure
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The interrupted fly-out may be most efficiently performed by preparing a flight test profile. An example of such profiles is provided below and should be adapted for each FSTD.
(a) Typical test profile for an FSTD aeroplane:
(b) Typical test profile for an FSTD helicopter:
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It is proposed that the existing typical test profiles for FSTD aeroplane and helicopter are provided in GM with the reasoning that such profiles are indicative, and the operator/authority may define different ones, considering the specificities of each FSTD and the performance of the aircraft simulated.
AMC51 ARA.FSTD.100(ad)(1) Initial Eevaluation procedure RMT.0196
[competent authority] FSTD EVALUATION REPORT
[Member State] FSTD code (if applicable): EASA FSTD code (if applicable): Aircraft type and variant: Class of aeroplane / type of helicopter: Engine fit(s) simulated: Contents
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1. Flight simulation training device (FSTD) characteristics 2. Evaluation details 3. Supplementary information 4. Training, testing and checking considerations 5. Classification of items 6. Results 7. Evaluation team The conclusions presented are those of the evaluation team. The competent authority reserves the right to change these after internal review.
1. Flight simulation training device (FSTD)
(a) Organisation operating the FSTD:
(b) FSTD Location:
(c) FSTD Identification (Member State FSTD code / EASA FSTD Code):
(d) FSTD Manufacturer and FSTD Identification serial number:
(e) First entry into service (month/year):
(f) Visual system (manufacturer and type):
(g) Motion system (manufacturer and type) :
(h) Aircraft type and variant:
(i) Engine fit(s):
(k) Engine instrumentation: Flight instrumentation:
2. Evaluation details
(a) Date of evaluation:
(b) Date of previous evaluation:
(c) Type of evaluation: initial recurrent special
(d) FSTD Qualification Level recommended: FFS A B C D AG BG CG DG SC FTD 1 2 3 FNPT I II III MCC BITD
Technical criteria primary reference document:
Validation data roadmap (VDR) ID-No.:
3. Supplementary information
Company representative(s) (FSTD operator, Main FSTD user)
FSTD seats available
Visual databases used during evaluation
4. Training, testing and checking considerations
DH ft
DH ft
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CAT III RVR m (lowest minimum)
DH ft
Type rating
Proficiency checks
Autocoupled approach
Autoland/Roll out guidance
Windshear warning system/predictive windshear
ETOPS capability
5. Classification of items
UNACCEPTABLE An item that fails to comply with the required standard and, therefore, affects the level of qualification or the qualification itself. If these items will not be corrected or clarified within a given time limit, the (competent authority) should have to vary, limit, suspend or revoke the FSTD qualification.
RESERVATION An item where compliance with the required standard is not clearly proven and the issue will be reserved for a later decision. Resolution of these items will require either: 1. a competent authority policy ruling; or
2. additional substantiation.
UNSERVICEABILITY A device that is temporarily inoperative or performing below its nominal level.
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An item that prevents the full usage of the FSTD according to the training, testing and checking considerations due to the unusable devices, systems or parts thereof.
RECOMMENDATION FOR IMPROVEMENT An item that meets the required standard, but where considerable improvement is strongly recommended.
COMMENT Self-explanatory
Period of Rectification As set out in AMC2 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1) point (b): Following an evaluation, it is possible that a number of defects are identified. Generally, these defects should be rectified and the competent authority notified of such action within 30 days. Serious defects, which affect flight crew training, testing and checking, could result in an immediate downgrading of the qualification level, or if any defect remains unattended without good reason for a period greater than 30 days, subsequent downgrading may occur or the FSTD qualification could be revoked.
6. Results
6.1 Subjective/Functional
A Unacceptable
B Reservation
C Unserviceability
D Restriction
E Recommendation for improvement
F Comment
6.2 Objective
A Unacceptable
B Reservation
E Recommendation for improvement
F Comment
7. Evaluation Team
Name Position Organisation Signature
Technical Inspector or person designated by the competent authority
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Flight Inspector or person designated by the competent authority
[FSTD User]
[Organisation operating the FSTD]
Signed: ……………………………………………………………. For the competent authority
Logo of the Competent Authority
[competent authority] FSTD EVALUATION REPORT
Date of the report Report issue number FSTD Operator [Competent Authority] FSTD identification code: Aeroplane/Helicopter type and variant or group of aircraft (only for legacy FSTD): Engine fit(s) simulated:
Contents 1. Flight simulation training device (FSTD) characteristics 2. Evaluation details
3. Supplementary information 4. FSTD qualification 5. Classification of items 6. Results
7. Evaluation team The conclusions presented are those of the evaluation team. The competent authority reserves the right to change these after internal review.
1. Flight simulation training device (FSTD)
(a) Organisation operating the FSTD:
(b) FSTD Location:
(c) (Competent Authority) FSTD Identification code:
(d) FSTD Manufacturer and FSTD Identification serial number:
(e) First entry into service (month/year):
(f) Visual system (manufacturer and type):
(g) Motion system (manufacturer and type) :
(h) Engine instrumentation: Flight instrumentation:
2. Evaluation details
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(a) Date of evaluation: (b) Date of previous evaluation:
(c) Type of evaluation: initial recurrent special
(d) Technical criteria primary reference document:
(e) Validation data roadmap (VDR) ID-No.:
3. Supplementary information
(a) Evaluation Team
Name Position Organisation
Technical Inspector
Flight Inspector
Supporting instructor, when applicable
Support Staff
(b) Visual databases used during evaluation:
(c) Software Load Reference used during evaluation:
(d) ESL Revision No and date:
(e) Other:
4. FSTD Qualification
(a) FSTD Qualification Level (recommended) (only in case of legacy FSTD):
(b) FSTD qualified for MCC training (recommended):
(c) FSTD qualified for UPRT (approach to stall or full/post stall) (recommended):
(d) Recommended limitations:
FCS recommended
Simulated aircraft
1. − Flight Deck Layout And Structure (FDK)
2. − Flight Control Forces And Hardware (CLH)
3. − Flight Control Systems Operation (CLO)
4. − Aircraft Systems (SYS)
5. − Performance And Handling On Ground (GND)
6. − Performance And Handling In Ground Effect (IGE)
7. − Performance And Handling Out Of Ground Effect (OGE)
8. − Sound Cueing (SND)
9. − Vibration Cueing (VIB)
10. − Motion Cueing (MTN)
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11. − Visual Cueing (VIS)
12. − Navigation (NAV)
13. − Atmosphere And Weather (ATM)
14. − Operating Sites And Terrain (OST)
5. Classification of items During the FSTD evaluation, various identified issues may necessitate operator resolution. It is crucial to differentiate between two distinct categories when managing these items: severity A and severity B. Item severity A Items falling into this category are identified by the evaluation team as one of the following:
(a) a simulation feature, system, subsystem, component or part that fails to comply with the qualification basis, which may affect the FCS, ESL or the FSTD qualification and training, testing and checking and/or potentially lead to a negative transfer of training;
(b) non-compliance with the qualification basis, such as objective test results being out of tolerance.
If a limitation is to be added to the qualification certificate, it should be entered as ‘Item severity A’ with the word 'Limitation: ' preceding the item description. Item severity B Items categorised as severity B by the evaluation team are simulation features, systems, subsystems, components, or parts that are temporarily inoperative or operating below their nominal level. However, the overall serviceability of the FSTD is demonstrated by the organisation. Observation Issues where compliance with the required standard is not clearly proven and therefore require a subsequent assessment by the FSTD organisation. Following the outcome of each assessment, an ‘Observation’ may be promoted to ‘Item’. Period of Rectification
The status of each 'Item' and 'Observation' should be notified to the competent authority within the period specified in point (1) to point ARA.FSTD.100(e). Failure to address or clarify the “Item” may result in an enforcement measure by the competent authority in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.135.
6. Results
6.1 Item severity A
6.2 Item severity B
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6.3 Observation
7. Evaluation team, designated by the competent authority
-Signed ................................................................. For the competent authority
A new evaluation report template is proposed to accommodate the FCS concept (where applicable). The report is proposed to be used as a template for any evaluation procedure.
Major changes in the evaluation report: classification of the items raised by the competent authority. The classification is simplified significantly in comparison to the existing one, calling for 3 possible options: (1) severity item A; (2) severity item B and (3) observations. The AMC provides description of each category. Furthermore, GM is developed to support better understanding of the classification. The simplified proposal considers the comments from NPA 2020-15 mainly on the need to refine the number of the categories and the scope of each “category of item”. It is expected that new classification would support better standardisation of FSTD items among the authorities due to the limited possible number of categories and clarity how to use them.
2.the report involves references to ESL, FSTD with FCS (where applicable) and clarifies that an authority may raise an item in case of non-compliance of the FSTD which affects the FCS, ESL or the FSTD qualification.
Having regard to comments in the NPA 2020-15, there is a request to add in this AMC a clarification whether a limitation in the evaluation report results in a limitation being entered in the FSTD certificate. The rulemaking group does not accept the proposal with the reasoning that it is at competent authority’s discretion to decide how to address such situations on a case-by-case basis.
GM1 ARA.FSTD.100(d) Evaluation procedure GUIDANCE ON CLASSIFICATION OF ITEMS When classifying items severity A, the following should be considered. This list is not exhaustive and items severity A need to be classified on a case-by-case basis:
(a) identified items which affect adversely training, testing and checking or may lead to a negative
transfer of training;
(b) subjective tests that deviate from the aircraft behaviour and have impact on training, testing,
checking or potentially lead to negative training if the device is used in such condition;
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(c) one or several QTG is/are out of tolerance;
(d) check for the relevant systems has failed;
(e) recurring, systemic or critical defects.
When classifying items severity B, the following should be considered. This list is not exhaustive and items severity B need to be classified on a case-by-case basis:
a) simulation features, systems, subsystems, components, or parts that are temporarily inoperative,
unusable or operating below their nominal level;
b) limited use of simulation features, systems, subsystems, components, or parts is possible.
For item severity B the overall serviceability of the FSTD is demonstrated by the organisation .
The GM is developed to provide guidance on the criteria when classifying items with severity A or B. It has been decided that providing examples of items severity A or items severity B may be inconclusive, therefore instead of providing examples, the GM guides on the criteria and the impact to support the competent authorities in distinguishing between these categories.
GM1 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1) Initial evaluation procedure ED Decision 2012/006/R
INITIAL EVALUATION A useful explanation of how the validation tests should be run is contained in the ‘RAeS Aeroplane Flight Simulator Evaluation Handbook’ (February 1995 or as amended) produced in support of the ICAO Doc 9625, ‘Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulators’.
Rationale: The GM is deleted as it is covered in the CS-FSTD.
GM1 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(3) Initial evaluation procedure ED Decision 2012/006/R
GENERAL A useful explanation of functions and subjective tests and an example of subjective test routine checklist may be found in the ‘RAeS Airplane Flight Simulator Evaluation Handbook’ Volume II (February 1995 or as amended) produced in support of ICAO Doc 9625, ‘Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulators’.
Rationale: The GM is deleted as it is covered in the CS-FSTD.
ARA.FSTD.110 Issue of an FSTD qualification certificate RMT.0196
(a) After completion of an evaluation of the FSTD and when satisfied that the FSTD meets the
applicable qualification basis in accordance with ORA.FSTD.210 and that the organisation operating it
meets the applicable requirements to maintain the qualification of the FSTD in accordance with
ORA.FSTD.100, tThe competent authority shall issue the FSTD qualification certificate of unlimited
duration, using the form as established in Appendix IV to this Part only after having completed the
evaluation of the FSTD in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.100 and having verified that:
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(a) the organisation operating the FSTD meets the applicable requirements of Part-ORA;
(b) the FSTD meets the applicable qualification basis in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.210.
AMC1 ARA.FSTD.110 Issue of an FSTD qualification certificate RMT.0196
BASIC INSTRUMENT TRAINING DEVICE (BITD) (a) The competent authority should only grant a BITD qualification for the BITD model to a BITD
manufacturer following satisfactory completion of an evaluation.
(b) This qualification should be valid for all serial numbers of this model without further technical evaluation.
(c) The BITD model should be clearly identified by a BITD model number. A running serial number should follow the BITD model identification number.
(d) The competent authority should establish and maintain a list of all BITD qualifications it has issued, containing the number of the BITD model with a reference to the hardware and software configuration.
Rationale: The existing text for the issuance of the BITD certificate is deleted as BITD does not exist in the CS- FSTD.
ARA ARA.FSTD.115 Interim FSTD qualification RMT.0196
(a) In the case of the introduction of new aircraft programmes, when compliance with the requirements established in this Subpart for FSTD qualification is not possible, the competent authority may issue an interim FSTD qualification level.
(b) For full flight simulators (FFS) an interim qualification level shall only be granted at level A, B or C.
(c)(b) This interim qualification level shall be remain valid no longer than until final qualification level can be issued and, n any case, shall not exceed 3 years.
AMC1 ARA.FSTD.115 Interim FSTD qualification RMT.0196
NEW AIRCRAFT PROGRAMME FFS / FTD QUALIFICATION – ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (a) Aircraft manufacturers’ final data for performance, handling qualities, systems or avionics are seldom available until well after a new or derivative aircraft has entered service. Because it is often necessary to begin flight crew training and certification several months prior to the entry of the first aircraft into service, it may be necessary to use aircraft manufacturer-provided preliminary data for interim qualification of FSTDs. This is consistent with the possible interim approval of operational suitability data (OSD) relative to FFS in the type certification process under Part-21. (b) In recognition of the sequence of events that should occur and the time required for final data to become available, the competent authority may accept the use of certain partially validated preliminary aircraft and systems data, and early release (‘red label’) avionics in order to permit the necessary programme schedule for training, certification and service introduction.
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(c) Organisations seeking qualification based on preliminary data should, however, consult the competent authority as soon as it is known that special arrangements will be necessary, or as soon as it is clear that preliminary data will need to be used for FSTD qualification. Aircraft and FSTD manufacturers should also be made aware of the needs and agree on the data plan and FSTD qualification plan. There should be periodic meetings to keep the interested parties informed of the project’s status. (d) The precise procedure to be followed to gain competent authority acceptance to use preliminary data should vary from case to case and between aircraft manufacturers. Each aircraft manufacturer’s new aircraft development and test programme is designed to suit the needs of the particular project and may not contain the same events or sequence of events as another manufacturer’s programme or even the same manufacturer’s programme for a different aircraft. Hence, there cannot be a prescribed invariable procedure for acceptance to use preliminary data. Instead there should be a statement describing the final sequence of events, data sources, and validation procedures agreed by the FSTD operator, the aircraft manufacturer, the FSTD manufacturer and the competent authority. The approval by the Agency of the definition of scope of the aircraft validation source data to support the objective qualification as part of the OSD can also be an interim approval in case of preliminary data. The preliminary data to be used should be based on this interim approval. (e) There should be assurance that the preliminary data are the manufacturer’s best representation of the aircraft and reasonable certainty that final data will not deviate to a large degree from these preliminary, but refined, estimates. First of all there should be an interim approval of OSD relative to flight simulators in the type certification process under Part-21. Furthermore, the data derived from these predictive or preliminary techniques should be validated by available sources including, at least, the following:
(1) Manufacturer’s engineering report. Such reports explain the predictive method used and illustrate past successes of the method on similar projects. For example, the manufacturer could show the application of the method to an earlier aircraft model or predict the characteristics of an earlier model and compare the results to final data for that model. (2) Early flight tests results. Such data will often be derived from aircraft certification tests, and should be used to maximum advantage for early FSTD validation. Certain critical tests, which would normally be done early in the aircraft certification programme, should be included to validate essential pilot training and certification manoeuvres. These include cases in which a pilot is expected to cope with an aircraft failure mode, including engine failures. The early data available will, however, depend on the aircraft manufacturer’s flight test programme design and may not be the same in each case. However it is expected that the flight test programme of the aircraft manufacturer includes provisions for generation of very early flight tests results for FSTD validation.
(fd) The use of preliminary data is not indefinite. The aircraft manufacturer’s final data should be available within 6 months after the aircraft’s first ‘service entry’ or as agreed by the competent authority, the organisation and the aircraft manufacturer, but usually not later than 1 year. When an organisation applies for an interim qualification using preliminary data, the organisation and the competent authority should agree upon the update programme. This should normally specify that the final data update will be installed in the FSTD within a period of 6 months following the final data release but not later than two years unless special conditions exist, and a different schedule agreed. The FSTD performance and handling validation would then be based on data derived from flight tests. Initial aircraft systems data should be updated after engineering tests. Final aircraft systems data should also be used for FSTD programming and validation. In case the final validation data are not implemented in the subject FSTD within 36 months from its initial qualification, the competent authority should act in accordance with ARA.FSTD.135 (b) (2). (g) FSTD avionics should stay essentially in step with aircraft avionics (hardware and software) updates. The permitted time lapse between aircraft and FSTD updates is not a fixed time but should
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be minimal. It may depend on the magnitude of the update and whether the QTG and pilot training and certification are affected. Permitted differences in aircraft and FSTD avionics versions and the resulting effects on FSTD qualification should be agreed between the organisation and the competent authority. Consultation with the FSTD manufacturer is desirable throughout the agreement of the qualification process. (h) The following describes an example of the design data and sources which might be used in the development of an interim qualification plan:
(1) The plan should consist of the development of a QTG based upon a mix of flight test and engineering simulation data. For data collected from specific aircraft flight tests or other flights, the required designed model and data changes necessary to support an acceptable proof of match (POM) should be generated by the aircraft manufacturer. (2) In order that the two sets of data are properly validated, the aircraft manufacturer should compare their simulation model responses against the flight test data, when driven by the same control inputs and subjected to the same atmospheric conditions as were recorded in the flight test. The model responses should result from a simulation where the following systems are run in an integrated fashion and are consistent with the design data released to the FSTD manufacturer:
(i) propulsion, (ii) aerodynamics, (iii) mass properties, (iv) flight controls, (v) stability augmentation, (vi) brakes and landing gear.
(ie) For the qualification of FSTD of new aircraft types, it may be beneficial that the services of a suitably qualified test pilot are used for the purpose of assessing handling qualities and performance evaluation.
Rationale: The AMC is revised to align with CS-FSTD and foreseen changes in CS-SIMD. The purpose of the AMC is to establishes the process that the authority follows in case they issue an interim qualification. All other existing points in the AMC which are proposed to be deleted as taken out either because they are covered in the CS-FSTD, Subpart C or that they refer to Part-21 requirements and are not relevant for this AMC. The first sentence of point (c) is moved to point (e) of AMC2 ORA.FSTD.200, because it refers to requirement for the organisation operating the FSTD and relates to the application process for qualification.
GM1 ARA.FSTD.115 Interim FSTD qualification ED Decision 2012/006/R
NEW AIRCRAFT FFS/FTD QUALIFICATION – ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (a) A description of aircraft manufacturer-provided data needed for flight simulator modelling and
validation is to be found in the IATA Document Flight Simulator Design and Performance Data Requirements (Edition 6 2000 or as amended).
(b) The proof of match should meet the relevant tolerances in AMC1 CS-FSTD(A).300 respectively AMC1 CS-FSTD(H).300.
Rationale: The GM is deleted as it is covered in the CS-FSTD.
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ARA.FSTD.120 Continuation of an FSTD qualification RMT.0196
(b) The competent authority shall conduct recurrent evaluations of the FSTD in accordance with
the procedures detailed in point ARA.FSTD.100. Those evaluations shall take place:
(1) every year, in the case of a full flight simulator (FFS), flight training device (FTD) or flight and
navigation procedures trainer (FNPT). The start for each recurrent 12-month period is the
end of the month of the initial qualification unless another date is agreed between the
competent authority and the organisation operating the FSTD. Each FSTD recurrent
evaluation shall take place within a period of 60 days before and 30 days after the start
of each recurrent 12-month period;.
(2) every 3 years, in the case of a BITD.
AMC1 ARA.FSTD.120 Continuation of an FSTD qualification RMT.0196
GENERAL (a) Objective Testing. During recurrent evaluations, the competent authority should seek evidence
of the successful running and analysis of the QTG between evaluations. The competent authority should select a number of tests to be run during the evaluation, including those that may be cause for concern. Adequate notification would be given when special equipment is required for the test.
(b) Essentially the time taken to run the objective tests depends upon the need for special equipment, if any, and the test system, and the FSTD cannot be used for subjective tests or other functions whilst testing is in progress.
(c) For a modern FSTD incorporating an automatic test system, 2 hours would normally be required. FSTDs that rely upon manual testing may require a longer period of time.
(d) Functions and Ssubjective Testing. Essentially the same subjective test routine should be flown as per the profile described in AMC1 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(3) with a selection of the subjective tests taken from CS-FSTD(A) or CS-FSTD(H), as appropriate. A functions and subjective test profile should be flown to sample a selection of the subjective tests, as appropriate, based on the past performance of the device, and the applicable PRD as appropriate. Examples of test profile which may be performed as part of the uninterrupted fly-out are provided in GM1 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1).
(e) Normally, the time taken for recurrent subjective testing is about 4 hours approximately 6 hours, and the FSTD should not perform other functions during this time. If a secondary configuration (e.g. second Engine or Avionics fit) is to be tested, the required time should be increased as appropriate.
(f) To ensure adequate coverage of functions and subjective tests and objective tests during a recurrent evaluation, a total of 8 hours should be allocated. However, it should be remembered that any FSTD deficiency that arises during the evaluation could necessitate the extension of the evaluation period duration of the testing.
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The amendment in point (a) is aligned with point (a)(2) of ORA.FSTD.105 where the organisation not only runs the QTG, but also analyses the results. Amendments in point (d) clarify that the selection of the subjective tests is appropriate to each device based on the performance of the FSTD. This change is aligned with the proposed amendments for sampling the functions and subjective testing in the initial evaluation. In point (e) the timing is adjusted based on the existing practice for recurrent subjective testing. For example, in the last years it has been evidenced that the subjective testing requires more time than 4 hours in order to allow performing UPRT, PBN approach capabilities. This change, however, does not affect the total number of hours for the recurrent evaluation which remain unchanged. Point (f) introduces an editorial change.
AMC2 ARA.FSTD.120 Continuation of an FSTD qualification RMT.0196
COMPOSITION OF THE EVALUATION TEAM (a) The composition of the evaluation team for a recurrent evaluation should be the same as for
the initial evaluation (see AMC4 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1).
On a case-by-case basis (except for BITD), when a specific FSTD in operation by a specific organisation is being evaluated, the competent authority may reduce the evaluation team to:
(1) the competent authority’s flight inspector; and
(2) a type rated instructor (or class rated instructor for FNPT) from a main FSTD user.
(b) Evaluations with a reduced evaluation team in line with (a) may only take place if:
(1) this composition is not being used prior to the second recurrent evaluation;
(2) such an evaluation is followed by an evaluation with a full competent authority evaluation team;
(3) the competent authority’s flight inspector performs some spot checks in the area of objective testing;
(4) no major change or upgrading has been applied since the directly preceding evaluation;
(5) no relocation of the FSTD has taken place since the last evaluation;
(6) a system is established enabling the competent authority to monitor and analyse the status of the FSTD on a continuous basis; and
(7) the FSTD hardware and software has been working reliably for the previous years. This should be reflected in the number and kind of discrepancies (technical log entries) and the results of the compliance monitoring system audits.
(c) In the case of a BITD, the recurrent evaluation may be conducted by one suitably qualified flight inspector only, in conjunction with the inspection of any ATO, using the BITD.
The AMC is deleted as its content is integrated into AMC2 ARA.FSTD.100(a);(b);(c).
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ARA.FSTD.130 Changes Modifications RMT.0196
(a) Upon receiving an application for an approval of a major modification of the FSTD, the competent authority shall verify the compliance of that major modification with its qualification basis. If deemed necessary by the competent authority, such verification may include a special evaluation of the FSTD. When satisfied that the major modification of the FSTD is in compliance with its qualification basis, the competent authority shall approve the modification, unless the organisation is acting in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.110(b)(2).
(b) Upon application by an organisation operating the FSTD, the competent authority may approve procedure for that organisation to implement major modifications, provided that:
(1) the procedure complies with point ORA.FSTD.110(b)(2);
(2) during the preceding 36 months, the organisation operating that FSTD has demonstrated that it has managed changes in accordance with point ORA.GEN.200(a)(3).
(c) When the competent authority detects a non-compliance of a major modification with the qualification basis, it shall act in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.100(e).
(d) Where a modification of an FSTD requires use of a qualification basis different from the original qualification basis, the competent authority shall document the qualification of such changes and the certification specification used.
(a) Upon receipt of an application for any changes to the FSTD according to point ORA.FSTD.110 qualification certificate, the competent authority shall comply with the applicable elements of the initial evaluation procedure requirements as described in ARA.FSTD.100 (a) and (b).
(b) The competent authority may complete a special evaluation following major changes or when an FSTD appears not to be performing at its initial qualification level
(c) The competent authority shall always conduct a special evaluation before granting a higher level of qualification to the FSTD.
AMC1 ARA.FSTD.130 Changes Modifications RMT.0196
GENERAL (a) The organisation operating an FSTD who wishes to modify, upgrade, de-activate or relocate its FSTD should notify the competent authority. When considering applications for a change modification of an the existing FSTD qualification level, the competent authority should ensure that accountability for the change modification is clearly defined. (b) An individual department manager member of the competent authority should be appointed
under whose personal authority an FSTD qualification may be changed modified.
(c) The written application for a change, including appropriate extracts from the qualification test guide indicating proposed amendments should be submitted in a format and manner as specified by the competent authority. This application should be submitted no later than 30 days before the date of intended change, unless otherwise agreed with the competent authority.
(dc) On receipt of an application for a change modification of the existing an FSTD qualification level, the competent authority should conduct such evaluations and inspections as are necessary to ensure that the full implications of the request have been addressed by the organisation operating the FSTD.
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(ed) During the processing of a change modification request, the continued adequacy of the compliance monitoring management system should be reviewed.
(fe) When the request has been considered and examined, the competent authority should decide on the depth of inspection of the FSTD that is required.
(gf) The department manager appointed inspector, if satisfied that the organisation operating the FSTD remains competent and the qualification level of the FSTD can be maintained, should issue a revised FSTD qualification documentation certificate, as appropriate.
(hg) The competent authority should inform the organisation operating the FSTD of its decision within 30 days of receipt of all documentation where no evaluation is required, or within 14 days of any subsequent evaluation.
(i) Such documentation includes the appropriate extracts from the QTG amended, when necessary, to the competent authority’s satisfaction.
The title of the AMC is aligned with the title of the point ARA.FSTD.130. The first sentence in point (a) is moved to Subpart ORA.FSTD (point ORA.FSTD.110 for modification, relocation, etc) and to ORA.FSTD.105(d) for de-activation/re-activation)) as it relates to obligation of the organisation operating the FSTD. The term “change of FSTD” is replaced with the term “modification of FSTD” to align with the proposed changes in the hard law. Point (c) is moved to AMC1 ORA.FSTD.110, point (a) as it is relevant for the organisation operating the FSTD. In point (d), the reference to compliance monitoring system is replaced with the management system with the rationale that some major FSTD modifications may have impact on training, testing, checking and the continued adequacy with the safety management system should be also reviewed (not only with the compliance monitoring). The existing point (i) is moved to AMC1 ORA.FSTD.110, point (a) as it is relevant for the organisation operating the FSTD.
AMC2 ARA.FSTD.130 Modifications EVALUATION CONSIDERATIONS FOR FSTD MODIFICATIONS (a) In order to determine the need for a special evaluation, the competent authority should
(1) the nature of the modification, its complexity and the risk associated;
(2) performance of the organisation operating the FSTD.
(b) The competent authority should consider the following factors when deciding on the scope and
schedule of a special evaluation:
(1) FSTD changes should be assessed using applicable PRD;
(2) the impact of the changes to the ESL;
(3) The impact of changes to the MQTG, such as:
(i) updated validation data in the validation data roadmap;
(ii) updated validation tests and tolerances ;
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(iii) updated statements of justification.
(c) In case an FSTD has an assigned FCS and there is a modification which changes that FCS, an
evaluation in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.100 (a) should be conducted to assess the FSTD
using the applicable PRD at the time of application for the modified FCS. Before re-issuing an
FSTD qualification certificate with the modified FCS the competent authority should inform the
applicant about the result of the evaluation.
The new AMC provides clarifications to support an authority to decide whether a special evaluation is necessary. Not every major modification would require a special evaluation. It is proposed in point (a) that the authority decides on the need for a special evaluation based on the nature of the modification, the complexity and the risks associated and the performance of the organisation operating the FSDT. Once authority decides to perform a special evaluation, point (b) establishes criteria/factors which should be considered when defining the scope of the special evaluation. Point (c) tackles the case where an FSTD with assigned FCS would be evaluated for its “true” FCS due to a modification which changes the FCS (e.g. change of a fidelity level for a particular feature). In such case, an evaluation should assess all features of the FCS using the applicable PRD at the time of the application for the modification. The reason to use a qualification basis different from the original PRD is that it is not possible to evaluate such changes using the original qualification basis (specifications for FCS are introduced only with CS-FSTD). Furthermore, it is clarified that the modification should lead to assessment of all features due to several reasons: (1) the impact of the modification of one feature in the FCS should be evaluated in relation to all features; (2) equity and fairness of FSTDs with assigned FCS vs FSTDs which obtain FCS after being evaluated.
GM1 ARA.FSTD.130 Modifications SPECIAL EVALUATION CONSIDERATIONS FOR FSTD WITH FCS AIRCRAFT SIMULATION (a) The aircraft simulation group of FSTD simulation features comprises, amongst others,
‘Performance And Handling On Ground’, ‘Performance And Handling In Ground Effect’,
‘Performance and Handing Out Of Ground Effect’ as well as ‘Flight Control Forces And
Hardware’ and ‘Flight Control Systems Operation’ features. Changes to these feature fidelity
levels usually directly affect handling and performance qualities and will result in updates to the
QTG that may justify an in-depth special evaluation covering objective as well as subjective
(b) Aircraft simulation also includes the features ‘Flight Deck Layout And Structure’ as well as
‘Aircraft Systems’. Changes in these feature fidelity levels certainly require subjective testing
but may still require updates to the QTG documentation for general requirements and
statements of justification, even if there are no objective validation tests affected.
CUEING SIMULATION (c) The cueing simulation FSTD group of features comprises ‘Visual Cueing’, ‘Motion Cueing’, ‘Vibration
Cueing’ and ‘Sound Cueing’. Changes to all these cueing systems feature fidelity levels will likely impact
the QTG general and objective testing requirements and will require both objective and subjective
testing at the discretion of the competent authority. Some visual cueing feature updates may comprise
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mirror replacement and/or projector replacements for which the competent authority may not
require a special evaluation unless the FCS is affected.
ENVIRONMENT SIMULATION (d) The environment simulation FSTD group of features comprises ‘Navigation’, ‘Atmosphere And
Weather’ as well as ‘Operating Sites And Terrain’. Changes to these feature fidelity levels will probably
only require functional and subjective evaluation.
This new GM gives guidance on cases where a special evaluation is recommended for FSTD with FCS.
GM1 ARA.FSTD.130 Changes ED Decision 2012/006/R
QUALIFICATION OF NEW TECHNOLOGY OR SYSTEMS Where an update to an FSTD involves a change of technology or the addition of a new system or equipment that is not covered by the qualification basis used for the existing qualification, an evaluation of such changes may not be possible using this original qualification basis. For these cases, the specific changes can be qualified by using newer Certification Specifications, new AMCs or alternative means of compliance, that apply to these changes, without affecting the overall qualification of the FSTD. This approach should be documented.
This GM is suggested to be deleted as this point is moved to AMC ORA.FSTD.210 as it explains the relevant qualification basis that an organisation operating the FSTD should follow in case of a modification of FSTD where it is not possible to use the original qualification basis.
ARA.FSTD.135 Findings and corrective actions – FSTD qualification certificate – limitation, suspension, revocation
(a) The competent authority shall limit, suspend or revoke, as applicable, an FSTD qualification certificate in accordance with ARA.GEN.350 in, but not limited to, the following circumstances: (a1) obtaining the FSTD qualification certificate by falsification of submitted documentary evidence; (b) the organisation operating the FSTD can no longer demonstrate that the FSTD complies with its qualification basis; or (c) (2) the organisation operating the FSTD no longer complies with the applicable requirements of Part-ORA. (b) The competent authority shall limit, suspend or revoke, as applicable, an FSTD qualification certificate after raising an item in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.100 (e) and detecting that: (1) the FSTD fails to comply with its qualification basis and the non-compliance adversely affects
training, testing or checking;
(2) an organisation operating FSTD fails to submit an acceptable corrective action plan to address item(s) raised during an evaluation or by any other means, or to perform the corrective action to the satisfaction and within the period agreed by the competent authority in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.100(e).
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AMC1 ARA.FSTD.135 Findings and corrective actions – FSTD qualification certificate– limitation, suspension, revocation
GENERAL (a) The competent authority's inspection and monitoring process should confirm the competent
authority's continued confidence in the effectiveness of the compliance monitoring management system of the organisation operating an FSTD, and its ability to maintain an adequate standard.
(b) If the competent authority is not satisfied, the organisation operating an FSTD should be informed in writing of the details of the conduct of its operation which are causing the competent authority concern. The competent authority should require corrective action to be taken within a specified period (see AMC2 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1) point (b)).
(cb) In the event that an organisation operating an FSTD fails, in spite of warning and advice, to satisfy the competent authority's concerns, a final written notification warning should, whenever possible, be given to the organisation together with a firm date by which specified action to satisfy the competent authority should be taken. It should be made clear that failure to comply may result in enforced limitation, or suspension or revocation of the FSTD's qualification.
(dc) Circumstances may, however, preclude recourse to the process described under (a) to (c). In such cases tThe competent authority has the duty to preserve quality of training, testing and checking which is of paramount importance and therefore the competent authority may immediately limit, or suspend or revoke any FSTD qualification which it has issued.
(d) The competent authority should record enforcement measures it has applied.
The title of the AMC is changed to align with the hard law provision point ARA.FSTD.135. In point (a) reference to the organisation’s management system is added instead of compliance monitoring as correct a gap. The competent authority's inspection and monitoring process should confirm the continued confidence in the effectiveness of the organisation’s management system as a whole and not only the compliance monitoring system. Point (b) is deleted as it is a provision envisaged in point ARA.FSTD.100(e). In points (c) and (d) are minor editorial changes. A new point (e) is introduced to specify the obligation of the authority to keep a record of the applied enforcement measures.
AMC 2 ARA.FSTD.135 Findings and corrective actions – FSTD qualification certificate– limitation, suspension, revocation
SUSPENSION AND LIMITATION (a) When a decision has been taken to suspend, or limit, an FSTD qualification certificate, the
organisation operating an FSTD should be informed immediately by the quickest available means.
(b) In the event of full suspension of an FSTD qualification certificate, the organisation operating an FSTD should be instructed that the FSTD concerned cannot be used for any credited training,
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testing or checking. The "quickest available means" will in most situations mean the use of a facsimile or email message.
(c) This should be followed by a formal letter giving notice of suspension, or limitation, restating the requirement to cease operations as applicable, and also setting out the conditions on which suspension may be lifted.
(d) If it becomes apparent to the competent authority is notified by the organisation operating the FSTD about the cessation of that the all FSTD operations have ceased over a period in excess of 6 months, the competent authority should consider opening the warning process described in AMC1 ARA.FSTD.135 points (ab) to (d).
(e) The FSTD qualification certificate should not remain suspended indefinitely. Further steps may be taken by the organisation operating an FSTD to reinstate the FSTD qualification or, in default, should be taken by the competent authority to revoke the FSTD qualification certificate. Should an organisation operating an FSTD wish to dispute the suspension of its FSTD's qualification certificate, it should be informed of such rights of appeal as exist under national regulations. If an appeal is lodged, the FSTD qualification may remain suspended until the appeal process is complete.
(f) Suspension of an FSTD qualification certificate may be lifted on appeal or if the organisation operating an FSTD restores the FSTD to its previously acceptable standard.
(g) In neither case should operations be permitted to restart until it has been demonstrated that the cause of the suspension or limitation has been rectified. The competent authority may require a special evaluation depending on the severity of the problem.
(h) The competent authority should issue a formal notice of the lifting of suspension before the organisation operating an FSTD is permitted to resume use of an FSTD.
The title of the AMC is changed to align with the hard law provision point ARA.FSTD.135. The amendments in point (d) clarify the scenario when an authority initiates the process for taking an enforcement measure due to cessation of the FSTD operation for a period over 6 months. This scenario, however, is not relevant when the FSTD is deactivated for a longer period of time.
AMC3 ARA.FSTD.135 Findings and corrective actions – FSTD qualification certificate– limitation, suspension, revocation
REVOCATION (a) The competent authority should give the organisation operating an FSTD notice that it intends
to revoke the FSTD qualification followed by a formal letter of revocation.
(b) Should an organisation operating an FSTD wish to dispute this revocation, it should be informed of such rights of appeal as exist under applicable regulations. Once revoked, there can be no further activities under the terms of the FSTD qualification.
The title of the AMC is changed to align with the hard law provision point ARA.FSTD.135.
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Appendix IV to ANNEX VI (Part-ARA) – Flight simulation training device qualification certificate
EASA Form 145 shall be used for the FSTD qualification certificate. This document shall contain the FSTD Specification including any limitation(s) and special authorisation(s) or approval(s) as appropriate to the FSTD concerned. The qualification certificate shall be printed in English and in any other language(s) determined by the competent authority.
Convertible FSTDs shall have a separate qualification certificate for each aircraft type. Different engine and equipment fit on one FSTD shall not require separate qualification certificates. All qualification certificates shall carry a serial number prefixed by a code in letters, which shall be specific to that FSTD. The letter code shall be specific to the competent authority of issue.
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European Union (*)
[Competent Authority]
Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and subject to the conditions specified below, the [competent authority] hereby certifies that
has satisfied the qualification requirements in accordance with the applicable primary reference
document and Part-ORA, subject to the conditions of the attached FSTD specifications.
This qualification certificate shall remain valid subject to the FSTD and the holder of the qualification
certificate remaining in compliance with the applicable requirements of Part-ORA, unless it has been
surrendered, superseded, suspended or revoked.
Date of initial issue: ………. Revision: Date of revision: For the [competent authority] Signature: ……… (*) ‘European Union' to be deleted for non-EU Member States or EASA EASA Form 145 Issue 2 – page 1/2
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A. Primary reference document (PRD)
B. (for legacy FSTD only)
FSTD type and level
Group of aircraft/Type/Type and variant
C. Additional capabilities:
D. Limitations:
E. Remarks:
Simulated aircraft
1. Flight Deck Layout And Structure (FDK)
2. Flight Control Forces And Hardware (CLH)
3. Flight Control Systems Operation (CLO)
4. Aircraft Systems (SYS)
5. Performance And Handling On Ground (GND)
6. Performance And Handling In Ground Effect (IGE)
7. Performance And Handling Out Of Ground Effect (OGE)
8. Sound Cueing (SND)
9. Vibration Cueing (VIB)
10. Motion Cueing (MTN)
11. Visual Cueing (VIS)
12. Navigation (NAV)
13. Atmosphere And Weather (ATM)
14. Operating Sites And Terrain (OST)
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Instructions for the issue of the FSTD qualification certificate
(a) EASA Form 145 shall be used for the FSTD qualification certificate.
This document shall contain the FSTD Specification, FCS where applicable, including any limitation(s)
as appropriate to the FSTD concerned.
(b) The qualification certificate shall be printed in English and in any other language(s) determined by
the competent authority.
(c) Separate qualification certificates shall be issued for:
(1) each combination of flight deck and platform in case of major interchangeable
(2) each flight deck to be used as an FSTD in case of major interchangeable assemblies. The
FSTD qualification certificate shall specify the serial number of the flight deck.
(d) The identification of each flight deck and platform shall be established by using serial number
placards and each flight deck and platform combination shall have a qualification certificate with a
single FSTD serial number which contains the identification/serial number of the flight deck and
(e) Different engine fit and alternate thrust ratings on one FSTD shall not require separate qualification
certificates as long as the FCS is not changed.
(f) Different equipment, such as avionics fits, included in one FSTD shall not require separate
qualification certificates. However, major differences in avionics may result in aircraft variants, which
may require separate software loads. In such cases, separate FSTD qualification certificates shall be
(g) The FSTD indicated on the qualification certificate shall carry a serial number prefixed by a code in
letters. The letter code shall be specific to the competent authority of issue.
(h) In the table ‘FSTD Specification’, FSTD shall be defined by the PRD which is defined in the Master
QTG and indicate any limitations to the FSTD, if applicable. In case of a legacy FSTD, the FSTD
specification table shall specify:
(1) the FSTD type and level and
(2) the simulated aircraft type or type and variant or group of aircraft (e.g aircraft category,
engine configuration, wake-turbulence category, as applicable).
(i) The competent authority shall specify in the table ‘FSTD Specification’ under ‘Additional capabilities’ that an FSTD with FCS is qualified for MCC when: (1) the FSTD meets the requirements for MCC as specified in the applicable PRD; and (2) the FSTD has an FCS which is equal or higher than:
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(j) The competent authority shall specify, in the table ‘FSTD Specification’ under ‘Additional capabilities’, that an aeroplane FSTD is qualified for UPRT when:
(1) in case of a legacy FSTD, the FSTD meets all the technical requirements for UPRT in the CS- FSTD(A) issue 2 or CS-FSTD; (2) in case of an FSTD with FCS: (i) the FSTD meets the requirements in point (j)(1); and (ii) the FSTD has an FCS which is equal or higher than:
In case the FSTD is qualified for UPRT, the qualification certificate shall specify whether it is ‘approach to stall’ or ‘full/post stall’ capable in the table ‘FSTD Specification’ in the corresponding cell related to ‘Additional capabilities’.
(l) In the table ‘FSTD capability signature’, the FSTD shall be defined by its FCS, unless it is a legacy FSTD. In case of an FSTD which falls under point 2(a)(i)(A) and point 2(a)(ii)(A) of Article 10b of this Regulation, the table ‘FSTD capability signature’ shall be filled in with the assigned FCS according to Appendix IX to Annex VI (Part-ARA).
(m) Completion of the qualification certificate for FSTDs with an FCS:
(1) When the FSTD qualification process validates the FCS declared in the application, the relevant FSTD feature fidelity level codes (N, G, R or S) shall be entered on the FSTD qualification certificate in the ‘Fidelity level’ column of the ‘FSTD Capability Signature (FCS)’ table for each feature in turn.
(2) Where an FCS feature is either not applicable or not available for the FSTD being qualified, the code ‘N’ shall be entered into the fidelity level box.
1 . F
lig h
t D
ec k
La yo
u t
A n
d S
tr u
ct u
2 . F
lig h
t C
o n
tr o
l F o
rc e
A n
d H
ar d
w ar
3 . F
lig h
t C
o n
tr o
Sy st
e m
s O
p er
at io
4 . A
ir cr
af t
Sy st
em s
5 . P
er fo
rm an
ce A
n d
H an
d lin
g O
n G
ro u
n d
6 . P
er fo
rm an
ce A
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H an
d lin
g In
G ro
u n
Ef fe
7 . P
er fo
rm an
ce A
n d
H an
d lin
g O
u t
O f
G ro
u n
Ef fe
8 . S
o u
n d
C u
ei n
9 . V
ib ra
ti o
n C
u e
in g
1 0
. M o
ti o
n C
u ei
n g
1 1
. V is
u al
C u
ei n
1 2
. N av
ig at
io n
1 3
. A tm
o sp
h er
e A
n d
W ea
th er
1 4
. O p
er at
in g
Si te
s A
n d
Te rr
ai n
FSTD aeroplane
FSTD helicopters
1 . F
lig h
t D
ec k
La yo
u t
A n
d S
tr u
ct u
2 . F
lig h
t C
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tr o
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A n
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w ar
3 . F
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tr o
Sy st
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at io
4 . A
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Sy st
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5 . P
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H an
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6 . P
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H an
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Ef fe
7 . P
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H an
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Ef fe
8 . S
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C u
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9 . V
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1 0
. M o
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1 1
. V is
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C u
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1 2
. N av
ig at
io n
1 3
. A tm
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e A
n d
W ea
th er
1 4
. O p
er at
in g
Si te
s A
n d
Te rr
ai n
FSTD aeroplane
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(3) Where the FSTD feature “Aircraft Systems” reflects different aircraft systems which are at different fidelity levels, the highest fidelity level should be entered and marked with an asterisk (*). The simulated aircraft systems and the related fidelity level shall be specified on the equipment specification list (ESL). In this case, the following statement shall be made in the “remarks” column: ‘Not all aircraft systems are simulated and/or are at the same fidelity level. Please refer to ESL’.
(4) Where the FSTD feature “Flight Control Forces And Hardware” reflects flight controls which are at different fidelity levels, the highest fidelity level should be entered and marked with an asterisk (*). The simulated flight control forces and hardware and the related fidelity level shall be specified on the equipment specification list (ESL). In this case, the following statement shall be made in the “remarks” column: ‘Not all Flight Control Forces and Hardware are simulated and/or are at the same fidelity level. Please refer to ESL’.
(5) In case of an interim qualification in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.115, the qualification certificate shall indicate the fidelity level and “interim” in the column ‘Fidelity Level’ for the applicable features in the table ‘FSTD Capability Signature’.
(6) For the applicable FSTD features, simulated aircraft shall be entered on the FSTD qualification certificate in the ‘simulated aircraft’ column of the ‘FSTD Capability Signature (FCS)’. The simulated aircraft shall be specified as follows:
i. In case the fidelity level is ‘S’ in any of the aircraft simulation features (1-
7) and/or the cueing features (sound and vibration), an aircraft type and
variant (make, model and series) shall be specified in the “Simulated
aircraft” column.
ii. In case the fidelity level is ‘R’ in any of the aircraft simulation features (1-
7) and/or the cueing features (sound and vibration), an aircraft type
(make and model) shall be specified in the “Simulated aircraft” column.
iii. In case the fidelity level is ‘G’ in any of the aircraft simulation features (1-
7) and/or the cueing features (sound and vibration), a group of aircraft
shall be specified in the “Simulated aircraft” column by indicating:
A. Aircraft category: aeroplane, helicopter, tilt-rotor, eVTOL, airship;
B. Engine configuration; and
C. Wake-turbulence category for the features where it is applicable.
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ORA.FSTD.100 General RMT.0196
(a) The applicant for an FSTD qualification shall demonstrate to the competent authority that it has established a management system in accordance with Subpart GEN, Section II of this Part ORA.GEN Section II. This demonstration shall ensure that the applicant has, directly or through contract, the capability to maintain the performance, functions and other characteristics specified for the FSTD’s qualification level and to control the installations of the FSTD.
(b) If the applicant is the holder of a qualification certificate issued in accordance with this Part, the FSTD specifications shall be detailed:
(1) in the terms of the ATO certificate; or
(2) in the case of an AOC holder, in the training manual.
(b) The organisation operating the FSTD shall provide the competent authority with documentation demonstrating how it complies with the requirements established in this Regulation. Such documentation shall include a procedure describing how the equipment specification list (ESL) is established and maintained.
(c) In case the organisation operating the FSTD is notified by the competent authority of a non- compliance of the FSTD with its qualification basis in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.100(e), the organisation shall:
(1) define a corrective action plan addressing all items, and in case of recurring, systemic or critical items identify the root cause of the non-compliance(s);
(2) within the period specified in point ARA.FSTD.100(e)(1), submit the corrective action plan which shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the competent authority and within a period agreed with that authority;
(3) after the corrective action plan has been implemented, inform the competent authority by sending the associated evidence.
(d) Every year the organisation operating the FSTD shall provide the competent authority with FSTD metrics to demonstrate the FSTD performance, use and other characteristics.
AMC2 ORA.FSTD.100 General ED Decision 2012/007/R
COMPLIANCE MONITORING PROGRAMME – ORGANISATIONs OPERATING FSTDs One acceptable means of measuring FSTD performance is contained in ARINC report 433-1 (December 14th, 2007 or as amended) Standard Measurements for Flight Simulation Quality.
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The AMC is proposed to be deleted as there is a new GM providing indicative list of FSTD performance metrics.
AMC32 ORA.FSTD.100 General RMT.0196
COMPLIANCE MONITORING PROGRAMME – ORGANISATIONS OPERATING BASIC INSTRUMENT TRAINING DEVICES (BITDs) (a) The compliance monitoring programme together with a statement acknowledging completion
of a periodic review by the accountable manager should include the following:
(1) a maintenance facility that provides suitable BITD hardware and software test and maintenance capability;
(2) a recording system in the form of a technical log in which defects, deferred defects and development work are listed, interpreted, actioned and reviewed within a specified time scale; and
(3) planned routine maintenance of the BITD and periodic running of the qualification test guide (QTG) with adequate manning to cover BITD operating periods and routine maintenance work.
(b) A planned audit schedule and a periodic review should be used to verify that corrective action was carried out and that it was effective. The auditor should have adequate knowledge of BITDs.
Re-numbering following the deletion of previous AMC.
GM3 ORA.FSTD.100 General RMT.0196
The following material provides guidance on what is expected by the competent authorities to support the discussion during the preliminary briefing, which is a first step of any initial or recurrent evaluation of an FSTD carried out by a competent authority.
This document has been developed as well to standardise working methods throughout Member States and to develop effective CM spot checks to satisfy the applicable requirements and therefore to ensure the highest standards of training are attained.
The organisation operating the FSTD should provide to the competent authority at least 7 days prior to the date of the planned evaluation:
(1) the dossier for initial evaluation, referred in point (c),
(2) the dossier for recurrent evaluation, referred in point (d).
(b) Document form
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Different document forms can be considered. Nevertheless, it appears that the best solution is a dossier, which includes all the information required by the competent authority to perform an evaluation.
(c) Contents of the dossier for an initial evaluation:
(1) type of FSTD and qualification level or FCS, as applicable requested;
(2) evaluation agenda: including date of evaluation, name of people involved for the competent authority, contact details for the FSTD operator, schedules for the subjective flight profile, QTG rerun;
(3) FSTD identification and detailed technical specification including, type of FSTD, manufacturer, registration number, date of entry into service, host computer, visual system, motion system, type of IOS, simulated version(s), standards of all the aircraft computers, if applicable. Manuals needed for an evaluation (e.g. flight manuals, system manuals, acceptance test manual, IOS user manual etc. – if applicable) could already be provided as part of the dossier in an electronic format;
(4) planned modifications;
(5) subjective open defect(s);
(6) airport visual databases including for each visual scene, name of the airport, IATA and ICAO codes, type of visual scene (specific or generic), additional capabilities (e.g. snow model, WGS 84 compliance, enhanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS)); and
(7) QTG status: the list should include for each QTG test available the status of the tests following the FSTD operator and competent authority reviews.
(d) Contents of the dossier for a recurrent evaluation:
(1) type of FSTD and qualification level or FCS, as applicable requested;
(2) evaluation agenda, including date of evaluation, name of people involved for the competent authority, contact details for the operator, schedules for the subjective flight profile, QTG rerun and QTG review;
(3) FSTD identification, including type of FSTD, manufacturer, registration number, date of entry into service, host computer, visual system, motion system, type of IOS, simulated version(s), standards of all the aircraft computers, if applicable;
(4) status of items raised during the last evaluation and date of closure;
(5) reliability data: training hours month by month during the past year, numbers of complaints mentioned in the technical log, training hours lost, availability rate;
(6) operational data: a list of FSTD users over the previous 12 months should be provided, with number of training hours;
(7) failure tabulation including categorisation of failures (by ATA chapter and Pareto diagram, ARINC classification);
(8) details of main failures leading to training interruption or multiple occurrences of some failures;
(9) hardware and/or software updates or changes since last evaluation and planned hardware and/or software updates or changes;
(10) subjective open defect(s);
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(11) airport visual databases including for each visual scene, name of the airport, ATA and ICAO codes, type of visual scene (specific or generic), additional capabilities (snow model, WGS 84 compliance, EGPWS);
(12) QTG status: the list should include for each QTG test available, the date of run during the past year, any comment, and the status of the tests; and
13) results of scheduled internal audits and additional quality inspections (if any) since last evaluation and a summary of actions taken.
The GM refers to the management system of the organisation operating the FSTD an therefore the title of the GM is corrected.
In point (a) a new paragraph is added to clarify the expected timing for delivery of the dossier for the initial and recurrent evaluation. The proposed period is based on the existing industry practice.
Minor changes to introduce FSTD with FCS which will be available after the issuance of the CS-FSTD.
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.100(a) General PERSONNEL IN SUPPORT OF AN INITIAL, RECURRENT, SPECIAL EVALUATION The following persons from the organisation operating the FSTD should be present to support the
(a) a pilot with appropriate class or type rating on the aircraft simulated and with sufficient
knowledge and flying experience on such aircraft, acceptable to the competent authority. For
initial evaluation, the pilot should have current flying experience on the aircraft simulated; and
(b) FSTD support staff to assist with the running of tests and operation of the instructor’s station.
The new AMC is developed based on AMC4 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1) and AMC2 ARA.FSTD.120, point (a) to
specify the obligation for the organisation operating the FSTD to provide personnel in support of initial
and recurrent evaluations. That obligation is transferred to the new AMC ORA.FSTD.100(a).
The competence of personnel in support of an evaluation in point (a) is open to holders of a pilot
licence with a rating on the type or group of aircraft simulated who have sufficient knowledge and
flying experience on that aircraft, acceptable by the authority. In comparison to the existing AMC
which requires only type or class rating instructor as currently, the proposal allows more flexibility and
opportunities for the organisations operating the FSTD to find appropriate personnel in support of the
evaluation. For initial evaluation, it is considered that the pilot should have current flying experience
due to the nature of this evaluation.
Point (b) follows the current requirement in AMC4 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1)(d)(2) and AMC2 ARA.FSTD.120,
point (a) and is proposed to be inserted here as it establishes requirement for the organisation
operating the FSTD.
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The procedure for the equipment specification list (ESL) should be part of the organisation management system and include at the least the following:
(a) the position(s) of person(s) in the organisation operating the FSTD responsible for developing and maintaining the ESL;
(b) the method(s) for verification and validation of entries in the ESL to comply with the requirements in point ORA.FSTD.120;
(c) the internal process for modifications in ESL, including the configuration control management of the organisation;
(d) the notification process to the competent authorities in case of a major modification which affects the ESL in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.110;
(e) how the organisation operating the FSTD ensures that ESL is displayed and accessible for all FSTD users and authorities as referred in point ORA.FSTD.115;
(f) documentation and record keeping of the ESL in accordance with ORA.FSTD.240.
The new AMC is established to clarify the minimum content of the procedure for ESL that the
organisation operating the FSTD has to develop and maintain. All organisations operating the FSTD
(including legacy FSTD) shall develop such procedure, based on point ORA.FSTD.100. Therefore, the
AMC is expected to support them in establishing compliance with this point.
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.100(c) General CORRECTIVE-ACTION PLAN AND IMPLEMENTATION (a) The corrective action plan should address the items raised by the competent authority following an evaluation and should include the correction of the item, root cause analysis where relevant, corrective and preventive action(s), as well as the time schedule to implement them. (b) Depending on the items raised, the organisation may need to take immediate corrective action. (c) The corrective action plan should be signed by the person nominated by the organisation
operating the FSTD in accordance with ORA.GEN.210(b) or his/her delegate.
The new AMC clarifies the process and the timelines that an organisation operating the FSTD should
follow when an authority raises an item. The deadline proposed in point (a)(2) in the AMC is based on
the current period for rectification of an item as referred in the existing AMC2 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1),
point (b).
GM1 ORA.FSTD.100 (c) General GENERAL
(a) Preventive action is the action to eliminate the cause of a potential item or other undesirable potential situation.
(b) Corrective action is the action to eliminate or mitigate the root cause(s) and prevent
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recurrence of an existing detected non-compliance or other undesirable condition or situation.
(c) Correction is the action to eliminate a detected non-compliance. ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS
(a) Proper determination of the root cause is crucial for defining effective corrective actions to prevent reoccurrence of the item on the FSTD.
(b) It is important that the analysis does not primarily focus on establishing who or what caused the non-compliance (item), but on why it was caused. Establishing the root cause(s) of a non-compliance often requires an overarching view of the circumstances that led to it, to identify all possible systematic and contributing factors (human factors, regulatory, organizational, technical factors, etc.) in addition to the direct factors.
(c) A narrow focus on single events or failures, or the use of a simple, linear model, such as a fault tree, to identify the chain of events that led to the non-compliance, may not properly reflect the complexity of the issue, and therefore, there is a risk that important factors that must be considered to prevent reoccurrence will be ignored. Such an inappropriate or partial root cause analysis often leads to applying ‘quick fixes’ that only address the symptoms of the non-compliance. A peer review of the results of the root cause analysis may increase its reliability and objectivity.
(d) The analysis should consider whether the item equally affects other FSTD operated by the organisation.
Rationale: The new GM defines the terms “preventive action”, “corrective action” and “root cause analysis” which are used in the AMC ORA.FSTD.100(c).
(a) FSTD performance should be measured by recording the following:
(1) Scheduled training time
The time the FSTD is scheduled to deliver training. The information should be available
month by month per user.
(2) Support time
The support time is the addition of the following times:
— Maintenance: preventive and corrective;
— Engineering: development, improvement of the FSTD;
— Regulatory: authority evaluation, QTG rerun, self-evaluation, fly-out;
— Configuration: change of configuration, time between two FSTD sessions;
— Out of service: scheduled out of service because of major update or closure of the
training centre.
(3) FSTD utilisation, which is calculated as follows:
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(scheduled training time)/(length of the year*24h - support time – FSTD down time) * 100
(4) Average FSTD Quality Rating (Instructor and/or Crew)- Rating Scale of 1 to 5
1 = Unsatisfactory: No training completed
2 = Poor: Some training completed
3 = Acceptable: All training completed, many workarounds and or many interrupts
4 = Good: All training completed, few workarounds and or few interrupts
5 = Excellent: All training completed, no workarounds and no interrupts
(5) FSTD failure time during scheduled training time
This time is measured by the FSTD support team. This metric takes into account FSTD-
specific failures only. Failure time during crew breaks should be recorded.
(6) FSTD downtime during scheduled training time
This time is measured by the FSTD support team. This metric takes into account all events
that could affect the availability of the FSTD (e.g. FSTD failure time, installation issue
(electric, air conditioning), users’ wrong input). Downtime during crew breaks should be
(7) Number of interrupts during scheduled training time
An interrupt is considered an event that suspends a flight crew’s (or other users’) FSTD
(8) Number of discrepancies raised by FSTD users
(9) FSTD availability, which is calculated as follows:
(scheduled training time - FSTD down time) / (scheduled training time) * 100
(10) FSTD reliability is calculated as follows:
(scheduled training time - FSTD failure time) / (scheduled training time) * 100
Rationale: This GM establishes an indicative list of FSTD performance metrics which an organisation operating the FSTD may use when establishing compliance with point ORA.FSTD.100(d). The proposed metrics are set up as GM and not as AMC due to a wide variety of FSTDs and organisations (complex/non- complex). Instead of defining such metrics as AMC, the intention is that the organisation uses the proposed list of metrics in the GM and may tailor them according to their needs and available information. These metrics have been defined based on industry best practice.
ORA.FSTD.105 Maintaining the FSTD qualification RMT.0196
(a) In order to maintain the qualification of the FSTD, an FSTD qualification certificate holder shall run the complete set of tests contained within the master qualification test guide (MQTG) and functions and subjective tests progressively over a 12-month period.
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(b) The results shall be dated, marked as analysed and evaluated, and retained in accordance with ORA.FSTD.240, in order to demonstrate that the FSTD standards are being maintained.
(c) A configuration control system shall be established to ensure the continued integrity of the hardware and software of the qualified FSTD.
(a) The organisation operating the FSTD shall perform all the following to maintain the FSTD qualification:
(1) maintain the FSTD in a condition that it consistently performs according to the qualification
basis, including conducting functional pre-flight checks within the preceding 24 hours of
using the FSTD for training, testing or checking.
(2) conduct the complete set of objective tests contained in the Master Qualification Test Guide
(MQTG), progressively over a 12-month cycle. Results from these tests shall be dated, marked
as analysed and evaluated and retained in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.240 in order to
demonstrate that the FSTD standards are being maintained.
(3) conduct the complete set of functions and subjective tests contained in the Master
Qualification Test Guide (MQTG) progressively over a 24-month cycle. The results of each fly-
out shall:
(i) be accompanied by a declaration that the FSTD has been tested; and
(ii) demonstrate that the FSTD standards are being maintained; and
(iii) retained in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.240.
(4) preserve the integrity of the FSTD’s hardware and software, establish and maintain a
configuration control system, including database management.
(b) In case of a non-compliance identified during the tests referred to in points (a)(2) and (3), the
organisation shall implement corrective actions to address the non-compliance which shall be
retained in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.240.
(c) If an organisation plans to remove an FSTD from active status for prolonged periods, the
organisation shall:
(1) notify the competent authority; and
(2) establish suitable controls for the period during which the FSTD is inactive.
The organisation shall agree with the competent authority a plan for the de-activation, storage and
re-activation to ensure that the FSTD can be restored to active status at its original qualification.
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.105(a)(1) Maintaining the FSTD qualification
(a) To ensure that the FSTD is maintained to the standard of the qualification basis, the organisation operating the FSTD should:
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(1) establish a schedule of routine maintenance, ensuring that all components are inspected and where applicable tested to meet the qualification basis; (2) provide training for maintenance personnel, relevant to their assigned tasks, for the ongoing maintenance of the FSTD, including areas critical to maintaining qualification basis; (3) ensure that a current technical log listing defects, deferred defects and their status is displayed and accessible to all FSTD users.
(b)To ensure the optimal condition of the FSTD and readiness for the day’s training, the organisation operating the FSTD should:
(1) assign specific individuals responsible for conducting daily pre-flight checks; (2) verify that all systems start correctly and perform any necessary calibration procedures to ensure accuracy and reliability; (3) ensure that all critical systems of the FSTD are fully operational and capable of supporting the training scenarios planned for the day. This consolidated check covers visual displays, motion systems, flight controls, instrumentation, avionics, and software systems; (4) verify that the correct configuration (hardware and software) is set for the intended training; (5) ensure all emergency systems, including communication systems and safety equipment, are operational; (6) maintain a detailed record of all daily pre-flight checks performed on the FSTD to ensure accountability, traceability, and compliance; including the date, time, the individual conducting the check, specific configuration checked, and any discrepancies found; (7) address all identified discrepancies, affecting training, unless otherwise deferred, before the device is used, and document the resolution of these issues; (8) provide appropriate training to the personnel to perform the work; (9) provide initial and refresher safety training to the personnel.
Rationale: The new AMC is developed following the entire revision of point ORA.FSTD.105. The major rationale is that the new CS-FSTD is intended only for the initial FSTD qualification, while Subpart ORA.FSTD outlines the process for maintaining the device in accordance with the applicable qualification basis. Therefore, all newly developed AMC to point ORA.FSTD.115 aim at providing clarifications how to ensure FSTD maintenance. Point (a) to this AMC outlines the activities that the organisation operating the FSTD should follow in order to maintain the FSTD in a condition that it consistently performs according to the qualification basis. It proposes that the organisation defines a schedule of routine maintenance, provide training to the maintenance personnel for ongoing maintenance and maintains a log of defects identified during the use of the FSTD. In addition, the proposal specifies that the organisation operating the FSTD should inform the users of FSTD defects and their status, ensuring traceability and accountability. Point (b) is developed based on the existing requirements in the CS-FSTD(A)/CS-FSTD(H) related to the functional pre-flight checks. As these requirements are not anymore foreseen in the new CS- FSTD, they have been integrated into this AMC. The AMC specifies tasks the organisation operating the FSTD should follow in order to perform the pre-flight checks within the preceding 24 hours of using the FSTD. These tasks have been defined based on the existing practice for performing the pre- flight check.
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AMC1 ORA.FSTD.105(a)(2) Maintaining the FSTD qualification.
(a) To conduct the objective tests of the FSTD as per the Master Qualification Test Guide (MQTG) over a 12-month period starting from the end of the month of the initial qualification unless another date is agreed with the competent authority, the organisation operating the FSTD should: (1) develop and document a detailed testing plan that aligns with the MQTG, objective tests, and specifying timelines, responsibilities; (2) divide the objective tests defined in the MQTG into four equal parts, ensuring that each part represents an equivalent sampling of the entire MQTG document. Conduct these tests in a quarterly schedule, ensuring that all tests are completed over the previous 12 months; (3) implement tools and/or methods to assess the FSTDs performance and identify potential discrepancies during the objective testing.
(b)To ensure that results from the objective tests are appropriately analysed, evaluated and documented, the organisation operating the FSTD should:
(1) define and implement standard documentation practices for recording test results; (2) establish a periodic review to assess the completeness and accuracy of the test records and result analysis.
Rationale: The new AMC outlines how the organisation should organise the planning, conducting, assessing and documenting the results of the objective testing established in point ORA.FSTD.105(a)(2). In point (a) is clarified the start of the 12- month period for conducting the objective tests in the MQTG and the tasks for the organisation to perform these tests. Point (b) defines the means how to analyse, evaluate and document the objective results. The AMC is developed based on the existing practice and standards in the CS-FSTD(A)/CS-FSTD(H) how to perform the objective tests which do not exist anymore in new CS-FSTD and therefore are integrated in point ORA.FSTD.105 and the related AMC/GM.
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.105(a)(3) Maintaining the FSTD qualification QUALIFICATION TEST GUIDE (QTG) PERIODIC TESTING – FUNCTIONS AND SUBJECTIVE TESTS (a) To conduct the functions and subjective tests of the FSTD over 24-month period, starting from the end of the month of the initial qualification unless another date is agreed with the competent authority, the organisation operating the FSTD should: (1) develop and document a detailed testing plan that aligns with the MQTG functions and subjective (F&S) tests, and specifying timelines, responsibilities; (2) determine which tests are applicable to each FSTD and perform these tests. (Note: Further guidance on typical test profiles which are part of the functions and subjective tests is provided in GM1 ARA.FSTD.100 (a)(1)); (3) divide the F&S tests described in the MQTG into four equal parts, ensuring that each part represents an equivalent sampling of the F&S tests. Conduct a quarter of the tests every 6-months, ensuring that all tests are completed over the course of 24 months. The areas to be tested in each fly- out should be selected so that no area is left untested over the 24-month period; (4) implement tools and/or methods to assess the FSTDs performance and identify potential discrepancies during the functions and subjective testing.
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(b) The organisation operating the FSTD should use aircraft flight manuals, pilot operating handbooks and checklists (normal, abnormal and emergency) that correspond to the FSTD to support the functions and subjective testing. These may be documents of the real aircraft. In case the FSTD does not correspond to a real aircraft (e.g. FSTD has generic fidelity level(s)), a manual/handbook should be created by the organisation operating the FSTD with details for operating procedures and description of the aircraft systems, including any limitations to support the training use.
Rationale: The new AMC outlines how the organisation should organise the planning, conducting, assessing and documenting the results of the functions and subjective testing established in point ORA.FSTD.105(a)(3). Similarly to the objective tests, the AMC clarifies the start of the 24- month period for conducting the F&S tests in the MQTG and the tasks for the organisation to perform these tests. The AMC is developed based on the existing practice and standards how to conduct the F&S tests. Furthermore, according to the new CS-FSTD, the organisation operating the FSTD is responsible to determine what F&S tests are applicable to the FSTD. Therefore, point (a)(2) is established to specifies it. In point (a)(3), the AMC defines how F&S tests should be conducted progressively over a 24-month cycle. The intention is to divide them into four equal parts, ensuring that all tests are completed over the course of 24 months. Point (a)(4) similarly to AMC1 ORA.FSTD.105(a)(2) specifies that the organisation should assess the performance during the F&S and identify any discrepancies. Point (b) is developed to indicate what documentation an organisation can use to support running the F&S tests. In case of real aircraft, it may use existing aircraft manuals, handbooks or checklists to support the F&S tests. In case the FSTD does not correspond to a real aircraft, the organisation should develop such manual, handbook.
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.105(a)(4) Maintaining the FSTD qualification
(a) To preserve the integrity of the FSTDs hardware and software, the configuration control system should:
(1) implement a process that includes the assessment of potential impact of a modification to the FSTDs;
(2) track changes in hardware and software, ensuring all modifications are documented and validated; (3) provide traceability of the modifications performed on an FSTD, to cover hardware, software, firmware and installed databases.
(b) The FSTD, where applicable, should be maintained in a configuration that accurately represents the aircraft being simulated. This may be a specific aircraft tail number or may be a representation of a common standard.
(c) The FSTD operator should establish a process for maintaining, updating, and validating all installed databases for each qualification certificate held, and should:
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(1) identify and assess all databases relevant to FSTD capabilities, including visual model databases, navigational aids, declination, terrain, obstacles, terrain awareness warning systems, FMS/GNSS navigation database and other navigation related aircraft databases; (2) specify the required frequency of updates for each system and where applicable adhere to frequency of updates for those databases which have specific update requirements stated by the database supplier; (3) maintain configuration control records for each database update; (4) perform validation checks to confirm the functionality of the FSTD following database updates. (d) When the FSTD ‘Navigation (NAV)’ feature has a fidelity level S, the navigational data shall be maintained up-to-date as per the aircraft update cycle. (e) When the FSTD ‘Navigation (NAV)’ feature has a fidelity level R, the navigational data, navigation databases and the instrument charts used for the training tasks should be synchronised with the same cycle date as the navigational data. These databases should be updated on a 3-month cycle at maximum. (f) When the FSTD ‘Navigation (NAV)’ feature has a fidelity level G, the navigation databases and the instrument charts used for the training tasks should be synchronised with the same cycle date as the navigational data. (g)The organisation operating legacy FSTD should follow the applicable PRD for the frequency of the updates of the database systems.
Rationale: The new AMC is developed to provide clarifications how an organisation operating the FSTD establishes and maintains a configuration control system, including database management. Point (a) defines the tasks of the organisation operating the FSTD as part of a configuration control system. Point (b) is based on point (a) of the existing AMC1 ORA.FTD.110. The latter is moved here as it refers to configuration control requirements. Point (c) defines the tasks of the organisation operating the FSTD as part of the process for database management. Points (d), (e), (f) determine the frequency for updates of navigation database for FSTD which have FSTD ‘Navigation’ (NAV) feature at fidelity level S, R or G. The rationale for adding them in this AMC is that such standards will not be described in the CS-FSTD, and it has been decided to integrate these requirements in Subpart ORA.FSTD. Point (g) clarifies that the legacy FSTD follows the applicable PRD as regards the frequency of the updates of the database systems.
ORA.FSTD.110 Management of Mmodifications RMT.0196
(a) A modification of the FSTD affecting any of the following shall be considered a major modification and shall be implemented in accordance with point (b):
(1) the FSTD qualification certificate; (2) any modification to the FSTD qualification, affecting training, testing or checking.
(b) An organisation operating the FSTD shall implement a major modification of an FSTD only if: (1) it obtains approval of the modification by the competent authority according to point ARA.FSTD.130(a); or
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(2) it is managing the modification in accordance with a procedure approved by the competent authority in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.130(b). The procedure shall include: (i) scope of each major modification;
(ii) management of the modification; (iii) notification to the competent authority.
(c) In case of major modification of the FSTD, the organisation operating the FSTD shall do all of the following: (1) prepare and evaluate any modification, including all applicable objective, functions and subjective tests, to determine the impact on the original qualification criteria; (2) apply for a prior approval and submit the documentation related to the activities specified in point (c)(1) and any other relevant documentation to the competent authority, unless the organisation operating the FSTD is entitled to act in accordance with point (b)(2); (3) manage any modifications to the FSTD in compliance with its organisation management system; (4) declare to the competent authority that the FSTD complies with its qualification basis when the modification is implemented.
(a)(d) The holder of An organisation operating the an FSTD qualification certificate shall establish and maintain a system to identify, assess and incorporate any modifications into the FSTDs it operates, especially:
(1) any aircraft modifications that are essential for training, testing and checking whether or not enforced by an airworthiness directive; and
(2) any modification of an FSTD, including modifications affecting the FCS, qualification certificate, equipment specification list (ESL), Master QTG, FSTD hardware and/or software including motion and visual system, handling, performance and systems operations; and, motion and/or visual systems, when
(3) modification of the FSTD essential for training, testing and checking, as in the case of data revisions.
(b) Modifications of the FSTD hardware and software that affect handling, performance and systems operation or any major modifications of the motion or visual system shall be evaluated to determine the impact on the original qualification criteria. The organisation shall prepare amendments for any affected validation tests. The organisation shall test the FSTD to the new criteria.
(c) The organisation shall inform the competent authority in advance of any major changes to determine if the tests carried out are satisfactory. The competent authority shall determine if a special evaluation of the FSTD is necessary prior to returning it to training following the modification.
(e) The organisation operating the FSTD shall validate:
(1) any modification to the Master QTG and in case of major modifications inform the competent authority;
(2) any modification to the equipment specification list (ESL) and in case of a major modification which affects the ESL, submit the updated ESL to the competent authority.
(f) In case of a modification to the FSTD which is managed in accordance with point (b)(2) and which affects the qualification certificate, the organisation operating the FSTD shall apply to the competent authority to issue a new qualification certificate.
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AMC1 ORA.FSTD.110 Modifications RMT.0196
GENERAL (a) The written application for a modification, including appropriate extracts from the qualification
test guide, if applicable, and/or ESL as amended, when necessary, or any other supporting documents indicating proposed amendments should be submitted in a format and manner as specified by the competent authority. This application should be submitted no later than 30 days before the date of intended change, unless otherwise agreed with the competent authority.
(a) The FSTD, where applicable, should be maintained in a configuration that accurately represents the aircraft being simulated. This may be a specific aircraft tail number or may be a representation of a common standard.
(bc) Users of the device should always establish a differences list for any device they intend to use, and to identify how any differences should be covered in training. In order to ensure each device is maintained in the appropriate configuration, the organisation operating an FSTD should have a system that ensures that all relevant airworthiness directives (ADs) are introduced where applicable on affected FSTDs.
(cd) ADs from both the State of Design of the aircraft, the State/EASA where the FSTD is qualified and the State where the FSTD is located should be monitored. ADs from the State of Design of an aircraft are usually automatically applicable, unless specifically varied by the aircraft’s State of Registry.
(de) Where appropriate, ADs issued by States where users of the device have aircraft registered should also be monitored. In addition to ADs, the FSTD operator should also put in place processes that ensure all aircraft modifications are reviewed for any effect on training, testing and checking. This can be achieved by reviewing the aircraft manufacturer’s service bulletins and may require a specific link to the aircraft manufacturer to be developed. In practice this link is often established through aircraft operators who use the device.
(e) Organisations operating FSTDs should notify the competent authority of major changes.
(f) This does not imply that the competent authority will always wish to directly evaluate the change. The competent authority should be mindful of the potential burden placed on the organisation by a special evaluation and should always consider that burden when deciding if such an evaluation is necessary.
(gf) The organisation operating the FSTDs should have an internal acceptance process for modifications, to be used when implementing all modifications, even if the competent authority has made a decision to carry out an evaluation.
New point (a) is developed based on AMC1 ARA.FSTD.130, point (c) which is moved here as it refers to requirement relevant for the organisation operating the FSTD. It is slightly amended to include reference to ESL which may be attached to the application form when a major modification affects the ESL. The existing point (a) is deleted as it is moved to AMC1 ORA.FSTD.105(a)(4) as it relates to a configuration control requirement. In point (d) clarification is added that the airworthiness directives (ADs) where the FSTD is qualified should equally be considered in addition to the AD from the State of the Design of the aircraft and the State where the FSTD is located. Point (e) is deleted as it already stated in point ORA.FSTD.110(b).
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Point (f) is deleted as it becomes obsolete, considering the exhaustive AMC2 ARA.FSTD.130 which defines the criteria for the competent authority to decide on a special evaluation.
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.110(a) Modifications
RELOCATION OF FSTD When an FSTD is moved, the organisation should inform the competent authority before the planned activity along with a schedule of related events. Prior to returning the FSTD to service at the new location, the organisation should perform at least one third of the objective tests, and functions and subjective tests to ensure that the FSTD performance meets its original qualification basis. A copy of the test documentation should be retained together with the FSTD records for review by the competent authority.
The new AMC is based on the existing requirement in point (c) to ORA.FSTD.230. The proposal is to delete the requirement from the hard law (point ORA.FSTD.230(c) and integrate it as AMC with the rationale that the new point ORA.FSTD.110 treats relocation of FSTD as a major modification and describes the process to be followed. The AMC proposes that the organisation operating the FSTD should perform certain portion of tests prior to returning the FSTD to service at the new locations to ensure that the FSTD meets the original qualification basis. This is considered as a clarification to the process for relocation of FSTD and therefore it is proposed at AMC level.
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.110(b)(2) Modifications
(a) When an organisation operating the FSTD implements a major modification in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.110 (b)(2), it should clearly define lines of responsibility for the implementation of the modification.
(b) The procedure as referred in point ORA.FSTD.110 (b)(2) should be part of the organisation management system and meet at the least the following:
(1) the modification without prior approval should be part of the configuration control management of the organisation;
(2) the depth of the acceptance tests should be adapted to the nature of the modification and the impact on the qualified FSTD;
(3) assigned personnel for internal acceptance of the modification should be suitably trained and qualified, in accordance with criteria established by the organisation;
(4) the competent authority should be informed of the modification with the letter of compliance as referred in AMC1 ORA.FSTD.110(c)(4).
(5) the modification should be accurately documented and archived in accordance with ORA.FSTD.240 and be available on request by the competent authority.
(c) The procedure should have a clear scope of a major modification. If the organisation wishes to extend the scope of the modification subject to the procedure as referred in point ORA.FSTD.110(b)(2), the procedure should be amended accordingly to reflect the activity related to that modification.
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The proposed amendments in the hard law allow that an organisation operating the FSTD implements a major modification without a prior approval, provided that it manages such modification based on the procedure approved by the competent authority.
The new AMC provide details on the content of the procedure which an organisation operating the FSTD should follow if a major modification of FSTD is managed in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.110 (b)(2).
GM1 ORA.FSTD.110(b)(2) Modifications QUALIFICATION OF ASSIGNED PERSONNEL FOR ACCEPTANANCE OF A MAJOR MODIFICATION WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL (a) The personnel assigned to perform internal acceptance of a major modification without prior approval performed in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.105 ORA.FSTD.110 (b)(2) should possess the following qualification: (1) knowledge and relevant experience in the areas appropriate to their role and in the areas impacted by the modification; (2) proven record of managing similar major modifications to the scope and complexity of the modification being undertaken; (3) experience in verification of modifications, including test reports, engineering analysis, QTG tests, calibration records. (4) experience in validation of modifications, including pilot evaluations, subject matter expert assessments, validation reports. (b) The organisation operating the FSTD should ensure that the personnel assigned to perform a major modification without prior approval undergo appropriate training to remain current with technological advancements and regulatory requirements.
The GM is intended to support the organisation operating the FSTD to determine the necessary training and qualification of the assigned personnel to do internal acceptance of a major modification without prior approval. It is based on the industry best practice.
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.110(c)(4) Modifications LETTER OF COMPLIANCE TO THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY (a) An organisation operating the FSTD should submit to the competent authority a letter of
compliance in case of a major modification to an FSTD performed in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.110(b).
(b) The letter of compliance should be sent when a modification is implemented and not later than 3 days after acceptance tests have been performed.
(Date) …………………………
FSTD ID number
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Scope of the major modification: ……….
Date of modification completion:
The modification is implemented based on:
approval by the competent authority (point ORA.FSTD.110(b)(1)
procedure approved by the competent authority (point ORA.FSTD.110(b)(2)
The FSTD has been assessed by the following evaluation team:
(Name)…………………………… Pilot’s Licence Nr and credentials: ……………………………
(Name)…………………………… FSTD technical specialist’s credentials……………………………
The organisation operating the FSTD declares that the major modification has been performed according to the applicable requirements. The tests performed demonstrate that following the modification, the FSTD complies with its qualification basis and applicable requirements, and that the modification has no negative impact on the use of the FSTD.
A change of the current FSTD qualification certificate is necessary: YES NO
The ESL has been updated based on the modification YES NO
The corresponding documentation to the modification is attached.
(Additional comments as required) ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………..
Name and signature of the FSTD compliance manager or delegate
After a major modification is implemented, the organisation operating the FSTDs shall declare to the competent authority that the FSTD complies with its qualification basis (ORA.FSTD.110(b)(4). To support this declaration, the AMC provides a letter of compliance that the modification is performed according to the applicable requirements and the FSTD compliance with the qualification basis.
The letter of compliance should be provided by the organisation operating the FSTD, regardless of the way they implement the modification (after obtaining an approval by the competent
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authority (ORA.FSTD.110(b)(1) or based on the procedure approved by the competent authority (ORA.FSTD.110(b)(2)).
GM1 ORA.FSTD.110 Modifications RMT.0196
EXAMPLES OF MAJOR MODIFICATIONS The following are examples of modifications that should be considered as major. This list is not exhaustive and modifications need to be classified on a case-by-case basis:
(a) any change that affects the QTG;
(b) introduction of new standards of equipment such as flight management and guidance computer (FMGC) and updated aerodynamic data packages;
(c) re-hosting of the FSTD software;
(d) introduction of features that model new training scenarios; e.g. airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS), EGPWS;
(e) aircraft modifications that could affect the FSTD qualification; and
(f) FSTD hardware or software modifications that could affect the handling qualities, performance or system representation.
(a) Any change affecting the FSTD Capability Signature (FCS);
(b) Any change which affects the handling of the simulated aircraft;
(c) Any change which affects the performance of the simulated aircraft;
(d) Any QTG test result which has changed because of tuning or change to the aerodynamic model;
(e) Any change to systems operation of the simulated aircraft;
(f) any modifications of the visual system which may affect the QTG results, such as the display
hardware, mounting bracketry, replacement mylar or mirrors, projector model changes or
image generator hardware/software changes;
(g) New design features on the aircraft (e.g. installation of a HUD);
(h) New Avionics features;
(i) Additional Options for a different engine (types / ratings);
(j) Updated Validation Data Roadmap (VDR);
(k) Any change in the ESL which affects training, testing and checking;
(l) Additional functionality on the aircraft or aircraft operations that require additional validation
of the source data (e.g. auto-brakes with RTO; going from no auto-land capability to an auto-
land capability);
(m) New equipment (e.g. use of EVS, NVG);
(n) An extension of the training envelope that requires new validation source data, or extension of
its scope (e.g. UPRT, stall training, Helicopter External Sling Load Operations);
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(o) Integration of new host computer(s);
(p) IOS Hardware / Software updates;
(q) Integration of new technology in the visual or motion, controls or vibration systems;
(r) Relocation and any de-activation/re-activation of an FSTD.
EXAMPLES OF MINOR MODIFICATIONS The following are examples of modifications that should be considered as non-major. This list is not exhaustive and modifications need to be classified on a case-by-case basis: (a) Navigation Databases (incl. FMS, Ground station, RDB, GPS Almanac);
(b) Terrain and Obstacle Databases;
(c) Updating, addition or removal of visual models;
(d) Control Loading Tuning when necessary to comply with MQTG baseline;
(e) Motion and Vibration Tuning when necessary to comply with the MQTG baseline;
(f) Cosmetic / Text changes to the MQTG;
(g) Lesson plans;
(h) Debriefing stations.
The GM is developed to provide examples and illustrate the distinction between major and minor modifications of an FSTD. The list is not exhaustive, and modifications need to be classified on a case- by-case basis.
ORA.FSTD.115 Installations RMT.0196
(a) The holder of an organisation operating the FSTD qualification certificate shall ensure that:
(1) the FSTD is housed in a suitable environment that supports safe and reliable operation;
(2) all FSTD occupants and maintenance personnel are briefed on FSTD safety to ensure that they are aware of all safety equipment and procedures in the FSTD in case of an emergency; and
(3) the FSTD and its installations comply with the local regulations for health and safety. ;
(4) the qualification certificate and the equipment specification list (ESL) are displayed and accessible for all FSTD users and authorities.
(b) The assessment of FSTD safety features, such as emergency stops and emergency lighting, shall be part of the organisation management system and checked at least annually and recorded to ensure safe operations.
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.115 Installations RMT.0196
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(a) Introduction
(1) This AMC identifies those elements that are expected to be addressed, as a minimum, to ensure that the FSTD installation provides a safe environment for the users and operators of the FSTD under all circumstances.
(b) Expected elements
(1) Adequate fire/smoke detection, warning and suppression arrangements should be provided to ensure safety passage of personnel from the FSTD of the users and the organisation operating the FSTD.
(2) Adequate protection should be provided against electrical, mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic hazards, including those arising from the control loading and motion systems, to ensure maximum safety of all persons in the vicinity of and inside the FSTD.
(3) Other areas that should be addressed include the following:
(i) a two-way communication system that remains operational in the event of a total power and network failure;
(ii) emergency lighting of FSTD and building;
(iii) escape exits and escape routes properly identified and that remain visible in low- visibility conditions (power failure, smoke, etc.);
(iv) occupant restraints (seats, seat belts etc.);
(v) external warning of motion and access ramp or stairs activity;
(vi) danger area markings;
(vii) guard rails and gates;
(viii) motion and control loading emergency stop power-off controls accessible from either pilot or instructor seats;
(ix) motion and control loading cutoff accessible from both pilot seats and the instructor seat;
(ixx) a manual or automatic electrical power isolation switch.
(xi) alternative emergency egress method.
Point (b)(1) is amended to provide clarity that the warning and suppression arrangements should be provided to ensure safety of the FSTD users and the organisation operating the FSTD. Point (b)(2) includes a light change to stress the concept that the protection is both inside and in the simulator hall.
In point (b3) there are several light amendments in the existing text to support the safe operation (e.g. the network failure includes VoIP, data and phone network; proposal to have stop button outside in the vicinity of FSTD for promptly stop of the device, alternative emergency egress method, etc).
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.115(a)(4) Installations (a) The organisation operating the FSTD should display the following documents in proximity of the FSTD either in hard copy or electronic copy:
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(1) the FSTD qualification certificate; (2) the equipment specification list (ESL); (3) a list of open defects of that FSTD; (4) a form for the FSTD users to file any issues identified during the use of the FSTD. (b) The documents should be easily accessible by FSTD users and the authorities.
A new AMC is proposed to specify how and where the FSTD certificate and the ESL should be displayed and accessible. In addition, it specifies that the list of open defects should be in the proximity of the device and the means for the users to file any issues after they use the FSTD.
GM1 ORA.FSTD.115 Installations RMT.0196
GENERAL (a) The intent of ORA.FSTD.115 is to establish that the organisation operating an FSTD has all the
necessary procedures in place to ensure that the FSTD installation remains in compliance with all requirements affecting the safety of the device and its users.
(b) Based on experience, the competent authority should pay particular attention to the quality of safety briefings on the FSTD provided to users and instructors, and to the execution of regular checks on the FSTD safety features. The organisation operating the FSTD should provide users and instructors with safety instructions specific for each device.
(c) It is recognised that certain checks, such as that of the emergency stop, can have adverse impact on the FSTD if carried out in full.
(d) It is acceptable to develop a procedure that protects elements of the device by shutting them down in advance, in a more controlled manner, provided it can be shown that the procedure still demonstrates the whole device can be shut down by the operation of a single emergency stop button, when required.
A new sentence is proposed in point (b) to ensure that the organisation operating the FSTD provides to users and instructors safety instructions specific for each FSTD.
The following items can be considered for attention:
(a) The access ramp or stairs:
(i) is equipped with a back-up system to ensure operations during a building power
(ii) has a safety interlock that inhibit the motion system in case the ramp is extended;
(iii) is inhibited in case the motion system is operating or is not in the rest position;
(b) is possible to evacuate from the FSTD also in case of:
(i) the main exit door is unusable;
(ii) the access ramp or stairs are unusable;
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(c) Escape route marks (both from access ramp and emergency ladder) are correctly placed on
the floor and walls;
(d) Protection devices covering protruding parts and sharp edges;
(e) A monitoring system to detect invisible molecules generated during pre-combustion stages
of incipient fire inside and around the FSTD area;
(f) The fire/smoke alarm of the building is also replicated or audible from inside the FSTD;
(g) Emergency exits (opening outwards) are duly placed and identified and equipped with push
(h) Emergency ways are free of obstacles;
(i) First aid kits are duly placed, identified and include the instructions for use;
(j) The above listed safety features and equipment are properly reported on the facility map
posted within each building;
(k) There are not unusual temperatures, humidity and noises;
(l) The floors are intact and clean (no holes, leakages, irregularities, wrongly positioned cables or
pipes or dirt that can endanger personnel);
(m) The restricted areas (e.g.. computer rooms, hydraulic room, pneumatic room, equipment
room, Warehouse and labs) are identified to prevent unauthorized access;
(n) the peculiarities of each operating site (e.g. flooding, earthquake, proximity to Airports SID
and STAR, railway);
(o) any aspect of novelty (e.g. new technology, new operations, new kind of installations),
complexity or criticality that could impact the organisation or the training delivered in the
FSTD by the users.
A new GM is proposed to outline items which can be considered for safety operation of the FSTD.
ORA.FSTD.120 Additional eEquipment specification list RMT.0196
(a) The organisation operating the FSTDs shall develop and maintain for each FSTD qualification certificate an equipment specification list (ESL).
(b) The ESL shall include accurate and comprehensive information regarding the FSTD qualification and basis, installed equipment, capabilities and specifications and shall be designed to allow all the following: (1) assessment of the suitability of the FSTD for its intended use; (2) evaluations of the FSTD in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.100;
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(3) maintaining the FSTD qualification in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.105.
(c) The organisation operating the FSTD shall validate and verify whether the information in the ESL as referred in point (b) is accurate and comprehensive.
(d) The organisation operating the FSTD shall add, to the FSTD, additional equipment for which qualification is not required only if, after an assessment, it concludes that such equipment does not adversely affect the training. Where additional equipment has been added to the FSTD, even though not required for qualification, it shall be assessed by the competent authority to ensure that it does not adversely affect the quality of training.
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.120 Equipment specification list GENERAL (a) The ESL is a document, prepared and issued by the organisation operating the FSTD for each
FSTD qualification certificate, including legacy FSTD, except BITD in accordance with article 10b,
point 4 of the current regulation.
(b) The FSTD qualification basis, the FSTD Capability Signature (FCS) and the Equipment
specification list (ESL) together establish the suitability of the device to support a training
(c) The ESL defines the complete configuration of the FSTD in terms of aircraft make, model, series,
engines, avionics, flight controls systems, flight instruments, radio communications, navigation
systems, electronic flight bag, and any other installed equipment.
(d) The ESL is a summary of the capabilities and technical details of the FSTD and provides
information to FSTD users (ATOs, AOC holders, examiners, others). When developing the
training programme in accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL) to current Regulation or Annex III
(Part-ORO) to Commission Regulation (EU) 965/2012, the FSTD user is responsible for
determining overall adequacy of the FSTD in accordance with ORA.ATO.135 and ORO.FC.145 in
achieving the training objectives. The ESL should be sufficiently detailed to allow the FSTD users
to determine the suitability of the FSTD for training, testing and checking, and to establish a
differences list where necessary.
(e) The organisation operating the FSTD should verify and validate each entry (equipment,
capabilities and specifications) in the ESL and understand that each entry is a declaration that
the feature / capability has been fully tested and complies with its qualification basis:
(1) during the acceptance testing prior to the initial evaluation in accordance with the
management system of the organisation; and
(2) on an ongoing basis in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.105.
(f) The organisation operating the FSTD should establish a process to both verify and validate that the
ESL is correct and accurately represents the FSTD.
(g) The organisation operating the FSTD should update the ESL to accurately represent the installed equipment, capabilities and specifications at all times. The ESL should be subject to management of modifications in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.110.
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(h) Database revisions, should not be included in the ESL (such as Visual database/models, regular AIRAC-28 cycle updates to FMS, GPS, RNP AR, obstacle, terrain database etc.) since these are considered as minor updates. However, some database details which are relevant to the users of the device should be sufficiently described in the ESL (i.e. type of database, name and coverage area). (i) For each entry made in the ESL, any associated limitation should be stated together with that
The new AMC is dedicated to provide general clarifications to the ESL. The key points are:
- each FSTD certificate should be accompanied by ESL, including legacy FSTD, expect BITD;
- the ESL is the main document which specifies the complete configuration of the FSTD, the equipment, specifications, capabilities;
- the ESL, together with the FSTD certificate establish the suitability of the device to support a training program.
- the FSTD users should use the ESL as a main tool to determine the overall adequacy of the FSTD for training, testing, checking.
-the organisation operating the FSTD should verify and validate each entry (equipment, capabilities and specifications) in the ESL;
- ESL should be made available to the FSTD users and authorities;
- the organisation operating the FSTD should update the ESL to accurately represent the installed equipment, capabilities and specifications at all times;
-the ESL should be subject to management of modifications in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.110;
- database revisions, should not be included in the ESL (such as Visual database/models, regular AIRAC- 28 cycle updates to FMS, GPS, RNP AR, obstacle, terrain database etc.) since these are considered as minor updates;
- ESL may indicate limitations of the FSTD related to relevant feature.
For existing FSTD which will be kept as “legacy” FSTD, it is assumed that the ESL would specify much better and clearly the equipment, capabilities of the FSTD used in the training, testing, checking. ESL for legacy FSTD would provide transparency of the FSTD to the user and the authorities, as some of these FSTD may get an assigned FCS and in this case the ESL would ensure that the users/authorities have a clear picture of the FSTD capabilities/limitations.
For existing FSTD which may be moved to the FCS framework and new FSTD which will be qualified under the new CS-FSTD, the ESL would visualise the equipment, specifications, capabilities which supports the fidelity level. The ESL would play a very significant role as some FSTDs may have the same fidelity, but not the same capabilities. In this case the ESL will provide details information to support the users and the authorities to understand the particular capabilities of each FSTD.
AMC2 ORA.FSTD.120 Equipment specification list ESL template
Equipment specification list (ESL) Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
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The following information is a summary of FSTD capabilities and provides information to FSTD users (ATOs, AOC holders, examiners, others) to allow them to determine the FSTD suitability for its use in
training, testing, checking in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.120. When developing the training programme in accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 or
Annex III (Part-ORO) to Commission Regulation (EU) 965/2012, the FSTD user is responsible for determining overall usability of the FSTD in accordance with ORA.ATO.135 and ORO.FC.145 in
achieving the training objectives.
Section 1: Organisation operating the FSTD information
Operator name:
City / State:
Post code / ZIP:
FSTD Location:
Section 2: FSTD information
FSTD Capability Signature: (XXXXXXXXXXXXXX) Type / Level (if Legacy only)
FSTD serial number:
Operator’s FSTD ID:
Primary Reference Document:
Secondary Reference Document:
FSTD manufacturer:
Date of manufacture:
Validation Data Roadmap:
1: Flight Deck Layout and Structure (FDK) (S, R, G or N. Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
2: Flight Control Forces And Hardware (CLH) (S, R, G or N. Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
3: Flight Control Systems Operation (CLO) (S, R, G or N. Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
4: Aircraft Systems (SYS) (S, R, G or N. Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
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5: Performance And Handling On Ground (GND) (S, R, G or N. Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
6: Performance And Handling In Ground Effect (IGE)
(S, R, G or N. Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
7: Performance And Handling Out Of Ground Effect (OGE)
(S, R, G or N. Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
8: Sound cueing (SND) (S, R, G or N. Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
9: Vibration Cueing (VIB) (S, R, G or N. Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
10: Motion Cueing (MTN) (S, R, G. N Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
11: Visual Cueing (VIS) (S, R, G. N Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
12: Navigation (NAV) (S, R, G or N. Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
13: Atmosphere And Weather (ATM) (S, R, G or N. Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
14: Operating Sites And Terrain (OST) (S, R, G or N. Leave blank for legacy FSTD)
Section 3: Miscellaneous
[The organisation operating the FSTD] declares that the information contained in this document
complies with the configuration of the FSTD and that all information in this ESL is accurate and
comprehensive regarding the FSTD equipment, capabilities and specifications.
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Name, date and signature of the person of the organisation operating the FSTDs nominated in
accordance with ORA.GEN.210(b) or his/her delegate:
Section 4: [FSTD ID]: [ESL Revision date], [ESL revision number]:
Name and signature of the FSTD compliance manager or delegate:
The new AMC outlines the ESL template. The design of the template is purposely kept with blank boxes in order to allow that the information is accommodated for any FSTD (legacy FSTD without FCS or FSTD with FCS).
The template is organised by FSTD features with the rationale that in case of FSTD with FCS, the ESL will enable easy visualization of the equipment which supports the FSTD feature level. In case of legacy FSTD, the FCS of the FSTD will not be specified.
It is proposed that ESL also includes the FCS, with the rationale that this would be the link between the QC and ESL.
The ESL should indicate the FSTD qualification by specifying the FSTD FCS (in case of FSTD with FCS) or the FSTD type/level (in case of legacy FSTD). The ESL should specify the fidelity level (S, R, G, N) for each feature unless it is a legacy FSTD in which case the respective box should be left blank. The features are described in the CS-FSTD.
The template of the ESL provides only the structure which the organisation should follow. It cannot provide complete list of all possible equipment, specifications which FSTD could have due to a wide variety of FSTD. Therefore, the several GMs provide examples of ESL filled in for FSTD and expected level of depth and granularity. It is responsibility of the organisation operating the FSTD to organise the presentation of the FSTD equipment/specifications/capabilities in the ESL in order to enable the FSTD users to assess the suitability of the device for training, testing and checking.
Instructions how to complete the ESL template are provide in the AMC below.
AMC3 ORA.FSTD.120 Equipment specification list INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF THE ESL (a) The ESL should be designed to provide all relevant information about the FSTD equipment,
capabilities and specifications which might be of use to FSTD users needing to conduct their
own assessment prior to considering use of the device.
(b) The ESL should indicate the FSTD qualification by specifying the FSTD FCS (in case of FSTD with
FCS) or the FSTD type/level (in case of legacy FSTD). The ESL should specify the fidelity level (S,
R, G, N) for each feature unless it is a legacy FSTD in which case the respective box should be
left blank. The features are described in the CS-FSTD.
(c) Information about aircraft make/model, version/revision of the equipment under each feature
should be included if relevant for the applicable feature.
(d) The ESL should only include entries for those features or capabilities which exist. i.e. it is not
necessary to enter a capability, followed by the word – ‘No’ or ‘N/A’.
(e) The organisation operating the FSTD should describe:
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(1) In section 1, Information about the organisation operating the FSTD and the actual
location of the device.
(2) In section 2. “FSTD information” the FCS should be displayed, along with the details
which are included in the template in AMC 2 ORA.FSTD.120. For FSTD compliant
with MCC requirements, the MCC capability should be indicated in this section.
(3) In section 2.1 “Flight Deck Layout and Structure (FDK)”, a summary of the device,
the aircraft type/make/model/class, arrangement of equipment etc. The ESL
should describe the flight deck and specify if elements which are touchscreen
representation of an instrument or a control panel are included.
(4) In section 2.2 “Flight Control Forces And Hardware (CLH)”, the installed primary and
other flight controls equipment, e.g. type of input device, haptic feedback, active
or passive flight controls, reversible or irreversible controls. Where applicable it
should provide information about aircraft make/model, version/revision of the
equipment. In case of FSTD with FCS, some flight controls forces and hardware may
be at different fidelity level or are not installed. In this case, the highest fidelity level
is appended with an asterisk (e.g. S*), as indicated in the FSTD qualification
certificate. The fidelity of each flight control should be described to enable the FSTD
user to determine the suitability for training, testing and checking.
(5) In section 2.3 “Flight Control Systems Operation (CLO)”, installed primary and other
flight controls equipment, such as FBW version, conventional flight controls
linkage, surface position for aeroplanes, blade angles for helicopters, flight control
system operation modes and logics, flight and manoeuvre envelope protection
functions, flight controls data revision as applicable.
(6) In section 2.4 “Aircraft Systems (SYS)”, all installed aircraft systems. A list of
installed aircraft systems is required for legacy FSTD and for FSTD with FCS. Some
aircraft systems may be at different fidelity level or are not installed. In this case,
the highest fidelity level is appended with an asterisk (e.g. S*), as indicated in the
FSTD qualification certificate. Each system not meeting the highest fidelity level,
should be clearly declared at their actual fidelity level as part of the description of
the system, to enable the FSTD user to determine the suitability for training, testing
and checking. The information can be structured according to the applicable ATA
chapters if deemed beneficial.
i.The inclusion of ‘revision’ or ‘part numbers’ for each system may be
entered, where that information is needed to allow the user to identify
differences to be trained. This is of particular importance when known
issues with aircraft systems (on the aircraft being simulated) had been
resolved and published with reference to that revision or part number.
ii.The OEM reference documentation refers to any Aircraft Flight Manual (e.g.
AFM, RFM, Pilot’s Operating Handbook, FCOM, etc.). This should be included
when the aircraft being simulated has some features modelled, which are
based on such documentation which may be a revision(s) which does not
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reflect the most recent aircraft documentation. This could be of particular
importance if the aircraft being simulated is modelled on a specific tail
iii.Approach capabilities should be declared here. It is essential that all
applicable equipment and any features necessary to support each approach
capability have been validated, prior to inclusion on this list. E.g. Visual
scene content, FMS capabilities, installed Aircraft Equipment, Terrain
Databases (validity and coverage), Terrain feedback, and Ground Navaids.
iv.If an approach capability has a lowered minima declared, due to the use of
some special equipment, that equipment should also be specified in support
of the declaration (e.g. CAT III RVR 75m- No DH because of
v.If any approach capability is limited to a specific Airport/Approach, that
limitation should be included here. E.g. RNP AR “Limited to VNKT RNP Z RWY
02 (AR)”.
vi.If an approach capability is declared without any known limitation, it is
assumed to mean that the capability can be demonstrated and used at all
operating sites without restriction. This should be substantiated by
appropriate sample testing described in the organisation’s management
vii. in addition to 'approach capabilities', any additional PBN capabilities can be mentioned here (e.g. ‘Oceanic L1 RNP 4’) if supporting features and equipment have been validated to support those capabilities.
(7) In section 2.5 “Performance And Handling On Ground (GND)”, the source of the
ground model, data / revision, attributes where applicable. In this section ZFW /
MTOW / MLW, Runway Contaminants etc. could be mentioned.
(8) In section 2.6 “Performance And Handling In Ground Effect (IGE)”, the source of the
aerodynamic model, data / revision, attributes where applicable. Crosswind and
tailwind limits can be specified here detailing any specifics regarding the simulation
differences to the aircraft being simulated in order to inform the user.
(9) In section 2.7 “Performance And Handling Out Of Ground Effect (OGE)”, the source
of the aerodynamic model, data / revision, attributes where applicable. The ESL
should specify under this feature whether the FSTD is approved for approach to
stall or full/post stall and any information relating to UPRT specifics which would
be useful for the user.
(10) In section 2.8 “Sound Cueing (SND)”, the source of the model (aircraft type),
data/revision where applicable and a basic hardware description.
(11) In section 2.9 “Vibration Cueing (VIB)”, the source of the model, data/revision and
degrees of freedom if a separate vibration platform/seat is installed.
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(12) In section 2.10 “Motion Cueing (MTN)”, the technology used, the revision of the
model data, degrees of freedom, motion type and stroke length, as applicable.
(13) In section 2.11 “Visual Cueing (VIS)”, the display type (e.g. collimated film,
Collimated mirror, 10 ft Dome, etc.), field of view, projector technology, and any
other attributes of the visual system or specific features necessary to inform the
user. Contents of the visual databases / models should not be included here (See
OST below).
(14) In section 2.12 “Navigation (NAV)”, refers to the simulation of the Ground Station
Data / Radio Navaids Database and any GPS almanacs. The coverage area and the
update frequency should be stated here along with any known limitations to the
use of the FSTD. e.g. “Navaid coverage only accurate within 25nm of specified
airport model”. Refer to the CS-FSTD (or applicable PRD) for further details. Note:
Any charts associated with Navaids which are not kept up to date, should be
annotated with the text “For training use only”.
(15) In section 2.13 “Atmosphere And Weather (ATM)”, all environment related
capabilities of the device, useful to the users of the device should be mentioned.
Paying attention to any peculiarities of the FSTD. Specifics regarding the Icing model
should be summarised here based on the statement of justification (or SOC for
Legacy) described in the MQTG.
(16) In section 2.14 “Operating Sites And Terrain (OST)“, relates to the contents of
installed visual scenes (aka visual databases, visual models, real-world airports
etc.). The installed Class 1 scenes used to support the qualification of the FSTD
should be defined here, along with information on the Class 2 and Class 3 scenes as
i. Visual database revision numbers should not be included on the ESL. The ESL
should not require a new revision when a visual database is replaced or
ii. The addition of a new Visual database should only warrant an update to the
ESL if a new capability is being declared. This would generally be a Class 3
visual database which would used to support a specific training scenario.
iii. Addition of IOS repositions to specific locations to enable training does not
require a new ESL revision to be produced. (e.g. addition of Oil Rig, LVTO
Apron/Gate etc.)
(17) In section 3. “Miscellaneous”, any other information useful to the users of the
device can be mentioned here which is not tied to any of the above features.
i. The ‘Malfunction document’ revision is mentioned here to ensure that all
users are using the most up to date document. If a system is in place which
necessitates this revision being updated at a rate which makes this result in
regular updates to the ESL, it should be omitted, but an alternative method
of keeping all users informed should be employed. A similar approach could
be taken to the mention of IOS user manuals or similar.
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(f) In some cases, a single capability is supported by equipment which would be defined under
multiple features (e.g. RNP AR, which is described by a combination of 'operating site and
terrain', 'aircraft systems' and navigation). The ESL entry for such capabilities should specify, for
each affected feature, the equipment which validates the capability (e.g. for RNP-AR; the
validated visual database / terrain model, the capability of the GPS simulation and TAWS, and
the validated FMS database). A capability should only be entered in the ESL, when all elements
required to support the capability have been validated by the organisation operating the FSTD.
Entry of such a capability on the ESL is a declaration that such validated has been completed.
(g) In case additional equipment is installed for which qualification is not sought, such equipment
may be listed in the ESL provided that it is clearly indicated:
(1) as additional equipment as referred in point ORA.FSTD.120(d); and
(2) it is not part of the FSTD qualification.
(h) The ESL should be signed by the person of the organisation operating the FSTDs nominated in
accordance with ORA.GEN.210(b) or his/her delegate.
The AMC provides instructions how to complete the ESL and the level of granularity and details. The examples below encompasses variety of FSTD for aeroplanes, helicopters, for legacy FSTD, FSTD with FCS, features which may have elements are different fidelity level and asterisk is used, etc.
They have been developed to support the organisation operating the FSTD to understand how to complete an ESL.
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GM1 ORA.FSTD.120 Equipment specification list EXAMPLE OF ESL FOR LEGACY FFS(H) FSTD
Equipment specification list (ESL)
Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
Section 1: Organisation operating the FSTDs information
Operator name: Your Organisation
Address: Principal place of business address
City / State: Principal place of business address
Country: Principal place of business address
Post code / ZIP: Principal place of business address
FSTD Location: (Address where FSTD is located)
Section 2: FSTD information
Type / Level (Legacy): HELICOPTER FFS Level D
FSTD serial number: CDB-1234
Operator’s FSTD ID: FFS #4
Primary Reference Document: CS-FSTD(H) initial issue
FSTD manufacturer: Manufacturer (TDM)
Date of manufacture: dd-mm-yyyy
Validation Data Roadmap: X12345 Ver.X.X dd-mmm-yyyy
Multi-Crew Cooperation (MCC): Yes
1: Flight Deck Layout and Structure (FDK)
Feature summary: Full scale replica of AW139 (NVG Cockpit), fully enclosed cockpit with onboard IOS (FFS Level D)
Aircraft type /make/model/class: Leonardo AW139
Avionics: Honeywell Primus Epic SW V. 7.4
Other: Night Vision Goggle (NVG) compatible displays / lighting / visual system
Non-Simulated Area: Fully Enclosed Cockpit, Pilot x 2, Instructor x 1, Observer x1, Observer Jumpseat x1
2: Flight Control Forces And Hardware (CLH)
Feature Summary: Tactile replication of all flight controls as per AW139 with 4-axis autopilot
Primary Controls As per aircraft AW139 (Active flight controls)
Secondary Controls As per aircraft AW139 (Active flight controls)
Engine Controls As per aircraft AW139
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3: Flight Control Systems Operation (CLO)
Feature Summary: Replication of all flight controls as per AW139 with 4-axis autopilot
Controls system: 4-Axis Dual Digital Automatic Flight Control System (DAFCS) with Autotrim Function
4: Aircraft Systems (SYS)
Feature Summary All systems of AW139 fully replicated
AFM (RFM) reference: AW139 Rotorcraft Flight Manual Rev.xx Date:xx 'Honeywell Primus 701 (Terrain, WX & ARA), RFM supplement X'
Engine: 2 x Pratt & Whitney PT6C-67C Turboshafts with FADEC
Autopilot: 4 channels AFCS with SAR modes
Flight Director: V-Bar / X-Bar Selectable via APM Changeout
Communications: ACP / RMU modelled by TDM with 8.33kHz spacing
GPS: Dual CMA 4024 GPS w/ SBAS
FMS: 2 x Honeywell SW NZ 7.01
FMS Database Europe/MEA regional FMS Database coverage.
WX radar: Honeywell Primus 701 (Terrain, WX & ARA)
TAWS: EGPWC MkXXII: European Database Only
Pressurisation: As per Aircraft
Brakes: Steel brakes modelled by OEM
Hydraulics: As per Aircraft
Icing: AW139 Full Ice Protection System (FIPS)
Standby instrumentation: BF Goodrich 501-1860-0601
Transponder: Mode-S; ADS-B
VOR: As per aircraft
NDB: Circling approach validated at KTEB to KJFK 04
Markers: As per aircraft
Floatation devices Modelled as per Aircraft
Approach Capabilities:
ILS CAT I: Yes – 550m – 200ft DH
LVP / LVTO: 150m
5: Performance & Handling - On Ground (GND)
Model: TDM Ground Model; Version 1.0
MTOW 15,430 lb
Fuel Capacity: 3611 lbs
6: Performance & Handling - In Ground Effect (IGE)
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Model: OEM Aero Model Ver. 2.1
Max. Demonstrated X-Wind: Offshore Operations, both in PC2e and Cat A, is 20 kts as maximum lateral wind component
Wind Surface Friction: Effect modelled – xwind 70% on surface
7: Performance & Handling - Out Of Ground Effect (OGE)
Model: OEM Aero Model Ver. 2.1
8: Sound Cueing (SND)
Aircraft sound source data: Leonardo Sound gathering Date:xx
Manufacturer: Crown Amplifier / JBL Speaker, 10 Channel Directional Sound system
9: Vibration Cueing (VIB)
Platform: 3 DOF Vibration Platform, Electric
10: Motion Cueing (MTN)
Manufacturer/model: MOOG Inc.; Gen.2
Type / Stroke 6-DOF Electric / 60”
11: Visual Cueing (VIS)
Visual display type: Direct Projection 10’ Dome
Field of View: FOV: 220º x 65º
Projectors: Barco SIM7Q – LcoS (8 projectors)
NVIS: NVIS compatible visual projectors – NVIS scenes selectable via IOS (NV Goggles not provided)
Visual Ground Segment (VGS): LSZH 28
Features: Controllable traffic included for TCAS events, randomised traffic and take-off / landing scenarios.
Features: Various moving Ground Traffic models; including runway incursion events and dynamic Emergency Vehicle scenario on Touchdown.
Cockpit display feature: Load lifting / Hoist camera simulated and displayed on cockpit display unit.
12: Navigation (NAV)
Ground Station Data Navaids: Jeppesen provided data; Accurate within 25nm of LSZH, EDDF, LFPO, EIDW
Update schedule Updated on AIRAC-28 day cycle
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13: Atmosphere And Weather (ATM)
Model: TDM Generic Weather Model Rev.35a
Wind Control: Surface, intermediate, upper selectable. Backs/Veers realistically with hemisphere.
Pressure: hPa / inHg selectable
Temperature: ºC / ºF selectable.
Weather presets: EASA, FAA selectable
Clouds: FEW, SCT, BKN, OVC, Cirrus. 3 adjustable layers.
Storms: TDM Storm Models 1-8
Predictive Windshear: WXR capable
Turbulence types: Linked to Surface and Upper Wind selections Cobblestone, Rough Air, Wake Turbulence scenarios
Precipitation: Rain, Hail, Snow, Ice
Icing: Selectable via IOS, Fully Iced = 196 lbs
Runway Contaminants: Dry, Patchy, Wet, Standing Water, Ice Patches, Full Ice on Runway. (Stopping distance is linked to contaminant selection)
Other Contaminants: Brownout, Whiteout, Downwash, Blowing snow, Blowing Sand
Microburst: Scenarios Modelled
W/S scenarios T/O and Landing; Severe is non-survivable; Moderate is survivable; No Windshear Warning System / No PWS installed
14: Operating Sites And Terrain (OST)
Visual Scenes:
Class 1; LSZH – EGKK - EDDF
Class 2: See operator for full list of available visual databases
Class 3: All special training scenarios requiring class 3 visual scenes are listed below.
Winter scenes: Visual capable: see operator visual database list for full list.
VFR Navigation: EIDW, EGLC (50nm radius), EIWF (25nm radius)
Airborne Radar Approach (ARA): OMAA Oil Rig ‘Charlie’ N24.5467, E054.2441
HEMS: KJFK Medical Scenario at UMH N40.7415, W073.9845
Police Chase Scenario: KJFK Newark Area N40.7583, W074.1562
Sloped T/O landing: EIDW Phoenix Park Monument N 53.3566, W006.3285
Confined Area: KJFK New York Dockside N40.7554, W074.0067
Ship landing: OMDB Ship name ‘Sea Rose‘ >10nm OMDB
Rig landing: OMAA Oil Rig ‘Charlie’ N24.5467, E054.2441
Elevated platform landing: OMDB Burj Al Arab N25.1413, E055.1852
3D Ocean: OMDB – 150 Nm radius
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Section 3: Miscellaneous
Occupancy Pilot x 2, 1x Instructor, 1 Observer, 1 Jumpseat.
Malfunction reference document: AW139 Malfunctions_Rev.xx dd-mmm-yyyy
Instructor operating station: Onboard, 2 Touchscreens, 1 Tablet. Debriefing station available with playback.
Computer system: Host: Quantum bit power 5200
Lesson plans available
Snapshot: FMS Save/Recall available
Fire Detection / Suppression: 1 x Fire Extinguisher Building fire flashing alarm
Emergency Egress: 2 x Motion/CL OFF 1 x Emerg. Power OFF
Manual Drawbridge Override
Kick-out panel Escape ladder
[The organisation operating the FSTD] declares that the information contained in this document
complies with the configuration of the FSTD and that all information in this ESL is accurate and
comprehensive regarding the FSTD equipment, capabilities and specifications.
Name, date and signature of the person of the organisation operating the FSTDs nominated in
accordance with ORA.GEN.210(b) or his/her delegate:
Section 4: ESL-EU-9999, dd-mmm-YYYY, Rev.x.x
Name and signature of the FSTD compliance manager or delegate:
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GM2 ORA.FSTD.120 Equipment specification list ESL EXAMPLE FOR FSTD WITH FCS
Equipment specification list (ESL)
Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
1: Flight Deck Layout and Structure (FDK) S
Feature summary: Physical full scale replica of A320-200 enclosed cockpit with onboard IOS
Aircraft type / variant Airbus A320-CEO Airbus STD 2.0.0
Notes CB Panel aft of Copilot is mounted on a moveable bulkhead which also includes an aircraft jumpseat. This can be rotated into a ‘stowed’ position perpendicular to the normal position to allow greater visibility to the observer(s).
Section 1: Organisation operating the FSTDs information
Operator name: Your Organisation
Address: Principal place of business address
City / State: Principal place of business address
Country: Principal place of business address
Post code / ZIP: Principal place of business address
FSTD Location: Address where FSTD is located
Section 2: FSTD information
FSTD Capability Signature: S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
FSTD serial number: 123456
Operator’s FSTD ID: A320FFS1
Primary Reference Document: CS-FSTD
Secondary Reference Document: n/a
FSTD manufacturer: Manufacturer x
Date of manufacture: dd-mm-yyyy
Validation Data Roadmap: VDR Rev xxx.xx Dated: dd-mm-yyyy
Limitations: Standby Altimeter displays in metres only
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2: Flight Control Forces And Hardware (CLH) S
Feature summary: Tactile replication of all flight controls as per A320-200
Primary Controls: As per Airbus A320-200
Secondary Controls: As per Airbus A320-200
Engine Controls: Airbus A320 Thrust lever assembly (replica)
Reversible controls (Yes/No) : No
3: Flight Control Systems Operation (CLO) S
Feature summary: A320-200 FBW EFCS
ELAC: Thales Standard, STD L98H, S/W: 3945129110 (Rehost)
SEC: Thales Standard, STD 126, P/N B372CAM0104 (Rehost)
FCDC: Litef Standard, STD 59, P/N 115370-1521, LITEF (Simulated)
FAC: THALES, AA05, P/N C13206AA00 (Simulated)
SFCC DIEHL AEROSPACE (software simulation), STD 11, 200301E00000308 (Simulated)
Brakes: Airbus BSCU V5.6 Carbon Brakes
4: Aircraft Systems (SYS) S
Feature summary: All systems of A320-200 fully replicated
OEM reference documentation: A320 Aeroplane Flight Manual Rev.xx dd-mm-yyyy A320 FCOM Rev.xx dd-mm-yyyy
Primary Engine Type / Thrust: CFM56-5B4 (A320-214) 27,000 lbf (120 kN)
Alternate Engine Type /Thrust: IAE V2527-A5 (A320-232) 24,800 lbf (110 kN)
Avionics Std/Rev: A320-200 STD 2.0.0
Autopilot: FCU: Simulated THALES EMM, level/Std. 4, reference P/N C12850AC03
MCDU: Honeywell, level/Std. V800, ref.C19266EA01 (Simulated)
FMS: FMGC Thales Release 1A CFM: STD S7APC16; P/N C13208AA05.
IAE: STD S7API15; P/N C13208BA00
FMS Databases: Worldwide AB42xxxx; User NavDB loaded on request.
Display Management Computer: EIS2 Standard STD13.2, P/N SXT4EXEESAX1320, Thales (Rehost)
Flight Warning Computer: FWC STD H2-F9D (Simulated)
Cockpit Display Units: A320 STD 2.0.0 Display Units (Simulated)
System Data Acquisition Concentrator: STD H2-E4, P/N 350E5500206, Airbus (Simulated)
Inertial Reference System: BLOCK III BE04, OPS S/W Std, L4.4, Honeywell (Simulated)
GPS: MMR GLU 925 -430, Std.x.x, Rockwell Collins (Simulated)
Communications: A320 ACP/RMP (Simulated by TDM Ver. Xxx)
WX radar / PWS: Honeywell WXR / PWS (Simulated by TDM Ver. Xxx)
TAWS: EGPWS Honeywell MKV-A, P/N 69000942-151 (Simulated)
EFB Class: Class 2 - available on request
Air Data System: Replica A320-200 (Simulated by TDM Ver. Xxx)
Pressurisation: Replica A320-200 (Simulated by TDM Ver. Xxx)
Landing Gear: Crane Enhanced LGCIU, P/N 80-178-03- 88013 (Simulated by TDM)
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Brakes: Airbus BSCU V5.6 Carbon brakes (modelled by OEM)
Hydraulics: Replica A320-200 (Simulated by TDM Ver. Xxx)
Standby instrumentation: Thales ISIS V2 Replica of EA01, P/N C16786EA01 (Simulated)
Limitations: Standby Altimeter displays in metres only
De-icing systems: Replica A320-200 (Simulated by TDM Ver. Xxx)
Transponder / TCAS: (TCAS II 7.1) Honeywell T3TCAS STD 2 (ADS-B selectable) (Simulated)
Approach Capabilities:
ILS CAT I: Yes – 550m – 200ft DH
ILS CAT II: Yes – 300m – 100ft DH
ILS CAT III (lowest minimum): Yes - 75m - No DH
LVP / LVTO: 125m EDDF DEP: U-S-S11-R-S28-S-RWY18
GLS: Yes – as per A320-200
SLS: Yes – as per A320-200
RNP AR: RNP AR capable to RNP AR 0.1 minima as per A320-214
Limited to VNKT RNP Z RWY 02 (AR)
5: Performance And Handling On Ground (GND) S
Model: Training device manufacturer (TDM) Ground Model, Version 4.1.0
ZFW / MTOW / MLW 60,500 kg (133,380 lbs) 78,000 kg (171,961 lbs) 66,000 kg (145,505 lbs)
Runway Contaminants: wet, patchy wet, standing water, ice, patchy ice, (stopping distance automatically affected)
6: Performance And Handling In Ground Effect (IGE) S
Model: A320 Aerodynamic Model (NFL 5.6)
Max. Demonstrated X-Wind: 38 knots (gust included) @ 10m AGL
Max tailwind: 15 knots
Wind Surface Friction: Effect modelled – xwind 70% on surface
Long Flare: Yes - Driven by Malfunction
Bounced Landing: Yes
7: Performance And Handling Out Of Ground Effect (OGE) S
OGE Model: A320 Aerodynamic Model (NFL 5.6)
UPRT: Full/Post Stall; Dynamic and Static scenarios available;
Automatic Stall Entry feature available; Crash limits +2.5G / -3G
8: Sound Cueing (SND) S
Aircraft sound source data: Airbus A320-214 (CFM) sound package OEM Ver.x.x Airbus A320-232 (IAE) sound package OEM Ver.x.x
Manufacturer: Directional 11 channel sound system
Hardware: Crown Amplifier / JBL Speakers
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9: Vibration Cueing (VIB) S
Model: Vibration cues replicated based on Airbus A320-200 data package OEM Ver.x.x
10: Motion Cueing (MTN) S
Model TDM Motion model Ver. x.x
Manufacturer MOOG Inc. Gen.2 EMM
Type / Stroke: 6-DOF Electric / 54”
11: Visual Cueing (VIS) S
Visual display type: Collimated film mirror
Field of View: 200º x 40º (+15º / -25º)
Projectors: Panasonic - LCoS Laser
Features: Various airborne traffic included for TCAS events and randomised traffic (ADS-B selectable)
Features: Various moving Ground Traffic models; including runway incursion events and dynamic Emergency Vehicle scenario on Touchdown.
12: Navigation (NAV) S
Ground Station Data Navaids: All Worldwide NAVAIDS associated with Runway lengths above 1000m available
Update schedule: Updated on AIRAC-28 day cycle
13: Atmosphere And Weather (ATM) S
Wind Control: Surface, intermediate, upper selectable. Backs/Veers automatically with hemisphere.
Pressure: hPa / inHg selectable
Temperature: ºC / ºF selectable
Weather presets: EASA, FAA presets available
Clouds: FEW, SCT, BKN, OVC. 3 adjustable layers.
Storms: TDM Storm Models
Predictive Windshear: Scenarios available
Windshear scenarios (Non-Predictive): T/O and Landing at all airports Severe is non-survivable; Moderate is survivable
Turbulence types: Linked to Surface and Upper Wind selections Cobblestone, Rough Air, Wake Turbulence scenarios
Volcanic ash: Malfunction driven scenario available
Precipitation: Rain, Hail, Snow, Ice, blowing snow, blowing sand
Engine Cowl Ice Modelled Fan Blade Vibrations modelled – shedding above 80% N1 Wing Ice – 200lbs at 100% Total Ice weight at 100%: 460lbs. OEM Model IC45xx.3
Microburst: Microburst modelled at all airports
14: Operating Sites And Terrain (OST) S
Visual Scenes: Class 1; LSZH – EGKK - EDDF
Class 2; See operator for full list of available visual databases and their capabilities features.
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Class 3; VNKT
Winter scenes: Visual capable: see operator visual database list for full list.
VFR Navigation (Geo-specific content): LSZH – EGKK - EDDF
Section 3: Miscellaneous
Occupancy: Pilot x 2, 1x Instructor, 1 Observer, 1 Jumpseat.
Malfunction reference document: A320_Malfunctions_Rev.xx
Computer system: Host: Quantum bit power 5200
Lesson plans: Available
Smoke: 5 min Arm period; 7 min Run period; 10 Minute extract period
Snapshot: FMS Save/Recall only
Fire Detection / Suppression: 1 x Fire Extinguisher Building Alarm Aural repeater
Emergency Egress: 2 x Motion/CL OFF 1 x Emerg. Power OFF
Manual Drawbridge Override Kick out panel and Escape Rope fitted
[The organisation operating the FSTD] declares that the information contained in this document
complies with the configuration of the FSTD and that all information in this ESL is accurate and
comprehensive regarding the FSTD equipment, capabilities and specifications.
Name, date and signature of the person of the organisation operating the FSTDs nominated in
accordance with ORA.GEN.210(b) or his/her delegate:
Section 4: ESL-EU-9999, dd-mmm-YYYY, Rev.x.x
Name and signature of the FSTD compliance manager or delegate:
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GM3 ORA.FSTD.120 Equipment specification list ESL EXAMPLE FOR FSTD (FNPTII) WITH FCS
Equipment specification list (ESL)
Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
1: Flight Deck Layout and Structure (FDK) G
Feature Summary Fixed base Multi-Engine Piston training device with partially enclosed cockpit
Aircraft type / variant: Generic MEP Wake Turbulence Category: Light
2: Flight Control Forces And Hardware (CLH) G
Primary Controls Dual Control with dynamic force feedback based on IAS and Environment
Secondary Controls Replica of GA7 pitch trim wheel
Engine Control Representative of GA7 throttle assembly (Throttle, RPM, Mix)
Reversible controls Yes
Flaps Touchscreen control characteristic of GA7 flap lever
3: Flight Control Systems Operation (CLO) G
Feature Summary Systems operation based on a Grumman GA7
Section 1: Organisation operating the FSTDs information
Operator name: Your Organisation
Address: Principal place of business address
City / State: Principal place of business address
Country: Principal place of business address
Post code / ZIP: Principal place of business address
FSTD Location: Address where FSTD is located
Section 2: FSTD information
FSTD Capability Signature: G G G G G G G G N N G R G G
FSTD serial number: 123456
Primary Reference Document: CS-FSTD
FSTD manufacturer: Manufacturer x
Date of manufacture: dd-mm-yyyy
Validation Data Roadmap: Rev xxx.xx Dated: dd-mm-yyyy
Limitations: None
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Flight controls type: Conventional Mechanical (reversible) controls with mechanical trim on all 3 axes
Steering: Nosewheel steering only
Brakes: Steel Brakes
4: Aircraft Systems (SYS) G
Engine Type / Thrust: Analog instruments representative of (2) Lycoming O-360-A1G6 engines 180 hp (134 kW)
Instruments: DUAL Conventional Analog instruments for MEP Class, characteristic of GA7.
Autopilot: 3-axis MEP
Communications Communications system characteristic of GA7.
Anti-icing / De-icing: Anti-ice system characteristic of GA7.
Approach Capabilities:
ILS CAT I: Yes – 550m – 200ft DH
Circling approach: Yes
5: Performance And Handling On Ground (GND) G
Model: TDM Ground Model, Version 1.0 Empty weight: 2,569 lb (1,165 kg) Gross weight: 3,800 lb (1,724 kg)
6: Performance And Handling In Ground Effect (IGE) G
Model: TDM Aero model Rev x.x Date dd-mmm-yyyy
Crosswind limits: Max. demonstrated 15 KIAS
7: Performance And Handling Out Of Ground Effect (OGE) G
TDM Aero model Rev x.x Date dd-mmm-yyyy Wake turbulence category light. Low wing configuration Maximum speed: 168 KIAS (VNE188 KIAS) Service ceiling: 17,400 ft (5,300 m)). Engines located on wings, contra-rotating propellers.
8: Sound Cueing (SND) G
Sound Characteristic of MEP class
9: Vibration Cueing (VIB) N
10: Motion Cueing (MTN) N
11: Visual Cueing (VIS) G
Visual Display Type: Direct projection
Field of View: FOV: 50º x 35º FOV
Projectors 2x Panasonic - LCoS
Capabilities: Day, Dusk, Night; Runway contaminants Dry, Wet.
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12: Navigation (NAV) R
Ground Station Data Navaids: Accurate within 25nm range of EIDW, EICK, EIWF, EDDM and EDDK
Update schedule Manually updated from AIP every 3 months
13: Atmosphere And Weather (ATM) G
Wind Control: Surface, intermediate
Pressure: hPa / inHg selectable
Temperature: ºC / ºF selectable.
Weather presets: EASA
Clouds: FEW, SCT, BKN, OVC. 1 adjustable layer
Icing Wing and Body Ice modelled
14: Operating Sites And Terrain (OST) G
VFR: 1:500000 Validated 25nm radius of EIDW
Section 3: Miscellaneous
Malfunction reference document: Generic_Malfunctions_Rev.xx
Computer system: Host: Quantum bit power 5200
Occupancy: Pilot x 2, 1x Instructor, Device located in fully enclosed and darkened area with offboard IOS
Instructor Operating Station 2 touchscreen IOS
[The organisation operating the FSTD] declares that the information contained in this document
complies with the configuration of the FSTD and that all information in this ESL is accurate and
comprehensive regarding the FSTD equipment, capabilities and specifications.
Name, date and signature of the person of the organisation operating the FSTDs nominated in
accordance with ORA.GEN.210(b) or his/her delegate:
Section 4: ESL-EU-9999, dd-mmm-YYYY, Rev.x.x
Name and signature of the FSTD compliance manager or delegate:
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GM4 ORA.FSTD.120 Equipment specification list ESL EXAMPLE FOR FLAT PANEL FSTD WITH FCS
Equipment specification list (ESL)
Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
1: Flight Deck Layout and Structure (FDK) R
Feature Summary: Flat Panel (Touchscreen) without tactile controls or switches placed in an open classroom
Aircraft type / Variant B737-800
Section 1: Organisation operating the FSTDs information
Operator name: Your Organisation
Address: Principal place of business address
City / State: Principal place of business address
Country: Principal place of business address
Post code / ZIP: Principal place of business address
FSTD Location: Address where FSTD is located
Section 2: FSTD information
FSTD Capability Signature: R N R S* N G G N N N N R G G
FSTD serial number: 123456
Operator’s FSTD ID: 737FTD1
Primary Reference Document: CS-FSTD
FSTD manufacturer: Manufacturer x
Date of manufacture: dd-mm-yyyy
Validation Data Roadmap: VDR Rev xxx.xx Dated: dd-mm-yyyy
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2: Flight Control Forces And Hardware (CLH) N
3: Flight Control Systems Operation (CLO) R
Feature Summary: Representative of B737-800
4: Aircraft Systems (SYS) S*
Feature Summary: All specific systems are mentioned below. The generic systems are marked below with an asterisk (*)
AFM (RFM) reference: B737 Aeroplane Flight Manual Rev.xx dd-mm-yyyy
Primary Engine Type / Thrust: CFM 56-7B (27K) 27,000 lbf (120 kN)
Common Display System: Honeywell, Block point xx, simulated (re-targeted)
Autopilot: Honeywell SP300 (-7 FCC, -710 software)
CDU: Simulated Honeywell, level/Std. V800, ref.C19266EA01
FMS: Dual FMC, General Electrics, Load 10.8A, simulated (re-targeted)
GPS: Rockwell Collins GLU-925 multimode receiver (MMR)
ACARS: Allied Signal Avionics (software AMU)
EGPWS: Honeywell (hardware)
RAAS (*Generic) *Generic RAAS callouts provided
Approach Capabilities:
ILS CAT I: Yes – 550m – 200ft DH
ILS CAT II: Yes – 300m – 100ft DH
ILS CAT III (lowest minimum): Yes - 75m - No DH
LVP / LVTO: 125m EDDF DEP: U-S-S11-R-S28-S-RWY18
RNP AR: RNP AR capable to RNP AR 0.1 minima as per B737
Limited to VNKT RNP Z RWY 02 (AR)
5: Performance And Handling On Ground (GND) N
6: Performance And Handling In Ground Effect (IGE) G
Model: B727 Aerodynamic Model
7: Performance And Handling - Out Of Ground Effect (OGE)
Model: B737 Aerodynamic Model
8: Sound Cueing (SND) N
9: Vibration Cueing (VIB) N
10: Motion Cueing (MTN) N
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11: Visual Cueing (VIS) N
12: Navigation (NAV) R
Ground Station Data Navaids: All Worldwide NAVAIDS associated with Runway lengths above 1000m available
Update schedule Updated on AIRAC-28 day cycle
13: Atmosphere And Weather (ATM) G
Wind Control: Surface, intermediate
Pressure: hPa / inHg selectable
Temperature: ºC / ºF selectable
Weather presets: ICAO, EASA, FAA presets available
Storms: TDM Storm Models 1-8
Predictive Windshear: Scenarios available
14: Operating Sites And Terrain (OST) R
Note: The FSTD is not fitted with a visual system. The approach capabilities were validated to the extent that the aircraft system behaviour can be partially trained.
Section 3: Miscellaneous
Malfunction reference document: B737_Malfunctions_Rev.xx dd-mmm-yyyy
Computer system: Host: Quantum bit power 5200
Occupancy Pilot x 2, 1x Instructor (Structure floor mounted in classroom environment)
Instructor Operating Station 2 touchscreens + 1 remote tablet
[The organisation operating the FSTD] declares that the information contained in this document
complies with the configuration of the FSTD and that all information in this ESL is accurate and
comprehensive regarding the FSTD equipment, capabilities and specifications.
Name, date and signature of the person of the organisation operating the FSTDs nominated in
accordance with ORA.GEN.210(b) or his/her delegate:
Section 4: ESL-EU-9999, dd-mmm-YYYY, Rev.x.x
Name and signature of the FSTD compliance manager or delegate:
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Equipment specification list (ESL)
Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
1: Flight Deck Layout and Structure (FDK) R
Feature Summary Flat panel training device with some tactile controls and panels
Aircraft type / variant: Airbus A320-CEO Airbus STD 1.9
Section 1: Organisation operating the FSTDs information
Operator name: Your Organisation
Address: Principal place of business address
City / State: Principal place of business address
Country: Principal place of business address
Post code / ZIP: Principal place of business address
FSTD Location: Address where FSTD is located
Section 2: FSTD information
FSTD Capability Signature: R R* G S* S S R R G R R S G R
FSTD serial number: 123456
Operator’s FSTD ID: A320FTD1
Primary Reference Document: CS-FSTD
Secondary Reference Document: xxx
FSTD manufacturer: Manufacturer x
Date of manufacture: dd-mm-yyyy
Validation Data Roadmap: VDR Rev xxx.xx Dated: dd-mm-yyyy
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2: Flight Control Forces And Hardware (CLH) R*
Feature Summary
* Not all systems meet the ‘Representative’ fidelity level. Those which do not, are marked below with an asterisk, and the level of fidelity. (e.g. *Generic) - All panel controls are touchscreen representations, unless ‘Tactile’ is stated
Primary Controls: Tactile Sidestick Representative of A320 with Spring feedback * (Generic) Rudder is Touchscreen input, Graphical based on A320 pedals
Limitations: Flight controls are only to be used for short transitions to autoflight due to lack of hardware on some flight controls Operation in Alternate or Direct Law is not allowed
Secondary Controls Pitch Trim: Replica of A320 pitch trim, tactile control with Force feedback Rudder Trim and Speed brakes/Spoilers: Touchscreen input, Graphic based on A320 panel
Engine Control Touchscreen input, Graphical based on A320 thrust levers
Reversible controls No
3: Flight Control Systems Operation (CLO) S
Feature Summary As per A320-214
Flight controls type: A320-214 FBW, sEFCS 6.0, Rehosted
ELAC: Thales Standard, STD L98H, S/W: 3945129110 (Simulated)
SEC: Thales Standard, STD 126, P/N B372CAM0104 (simulated)
FCDC: Litef Standard, STD 59, P/N 115370-1521, LITEF (simulated)
FAC: THALES, AA05, P/N C13206AA00 (simulated)
SFCC DIEHL AEROSPACE (software simulation), STD 11, 200301E00000308 (simulated)
Brakes: Airbus BSCU V5.6 Carbon Brakes
4: Aircraft Systems (SYS) S*
Feature Summary
* Not all systems meet the ‘Specific’ fidelity level. Those which do not, are marked below with an asterisk, and the level of fidelity. (e.g. *Representative) - All panel controls are touchscreen representations, unless ‘Tactile’ is stated
AFM (RFM) reference: A320 Aeroplane Flight Manual Rev.xx dd-mm-yyyy
Primary Engine Type / Thrust: CFM56-5B4, level/Std. 5BTF3 27,000 lbf (120 kN)
Avionics Std/Rev: Simulated version of EIS2 (Rehost) Standard STD1.3.2, P/N SXT4EXEESAX1320, Thales Avionics
Autopilot: Tactile FCU: Simulated THALES EMM, level/Std. 4, reference P/N C12850AC03
MCDU: Tactile MCDU: Simulated Honeywell, level/Std. V800, ref.C19266EA01
FMS: Tactile replica of FMGC Thales Release 1A
Release 1A STD S7APC16; P/N C13208AA05.
Flight Warning Computer: FWC Simulated version of STD H2-F9D P/N 350E053021818 Airbus France, (EADS Software Package)
Cockpit Display Units: (*Representative) *Flat screen representation of Display Units (EDU)
System Data Acquisition Concentrator: Simulated version of STD H2-E4, P/N 350E5500206, Airbus France
Inertial Reference System: Simulated version of BLOCK III BE04, OPS S/W Std, L4.4, P/N HG2030BE04, Honeywell
GPS: Simulated version of MMR GLU 925 -430, P/N 822-1821-430, Rockwell Collins
Communications (*Representative) *Touchscreen Panels: Representative of A320 ACP/RMP
no communication possible.
WX radar: (*Generic) * Generic WXR
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TAWS: Simulated version of EGPWS Honeywell MKV-A, P/N 69000942-151
Air Data System: (*Representative) *Representative of A320
Pressurisation: Replica of A320-214
Landing Gear: Simulated version of Crane Enhanced LGCIU, P/N 80-178-03- 88013
Brakes: (*Generic) *Generic brake simulation
Hydraulics: Replica A320-214 Simulated by TDM (ver. Xxx)
APU: Simulated version of GTCP 131-9A, P/N 3800708-1 AMDTSS19, HONEYWELL GARRETT
Standby instrumentation: Thales ISIS V2 Replica of EA01, P/N C16786EA01, Simulated.
De-icing systems: Replica A320-214 Simulated by TDM (ver. Xxx)
Transponder / TCAS: (TCAS II 7.1) Simulated version of Honeywell T3TCAS STD 2, P/N 940-0351-001 (No ADS-B)
Approach Capabilities:
ILS CAT I: Yes (no visual system)
ILS CAT II: Yes (no visual system)
ILS CAT III : Yes (no visual system)
PBN: RNP APCH; LNAV; LNAV/VNAV; AR (no visual system)
RNP AR: Yes Limited to VNKT RNP Z RWY 02 (AR)
5: Performance And Handling On Ground (GND) N
6: Performance And Handling In Ground Effect (IGE) G
Model: TDM IGE Model, Version 1.0
7: Performance And Handling Out Of Ground Effect (OGE)
OGE Model A320 Aerodynamic Model (NFL 5.6)
8: Sound Cueing (SND) N
9: Vibration Cueing (VIB) N
10: Motion Cueing (MTN) N
11: Visual Cueing (VIS) N
12: Navigation (NAV) R
Ground Station Data Navaids: Accurate within range of LZSH, LOWI, EIDW, EICK, EIWF, VNKT
Update Schedule Updated on AIRAC-28 day cycle
13: Atmosphere And Weather (ATM) G
Wind Control: Surface, intermediate, upper selectable. Backs/Veers with hemisphere.
Pressure: hPa / inHg selectable
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Temperature: ºC / ºF selectable. Temperature compensation modelled for APV BaroVNAV
Weather presets: EASA, FAA presets available
Predictive Windshear: Scenarios available
14: Operating Sites And Terrain (OST) R
Note: The FSTD is not fitted with a visual system. The approach capabilities were validated to the extent of the declared aircraft system ..
Section 3: Miscellaneous
Malfunction reference document: A320_Malfunctions_Rev.xx
Computer system: Host: Quantum bit power 5200
Snapshot: FMS Save/Recall only
Occupancy: Pilot x 2, 1x Instructor, Device located in dedicated room with open seating.
Instructor Operating Station 2 touchscreen IOS + 1 remote IOS tablet
[The organisation operating the FSTD] declares that the information contained in this document
complies with the configuration of the FSTD and that all information in this ESL is accurate and
comprehensive regarding the FSTD equipment, capabilities and specifications.
Name, date and signature of the person of the organisation operating the FSTDs nominated in
accordance with ORA.GEN.210(b) or his/her delegate:
Section 4: ESL-EU-9999, dd-mmm-YYYY, Rev.x.x
Name and signature of the FSTD compliance manager or delegate:
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ORA.FSTD.200 Application for FSTD qualification RMT.0196
(a) The application for an FSTD qualification certificate shall be made by the organisation operating the FSTD in a form and manner established by the competent authority. It shall include:
(1a) in the case of basic instrument training devices (BITDs), by the BITD manufacturer initial application form together with:
(1) a table of chosen validation data, specifying unique data source for each objective test; and
(2) an equipment specification list (ESL).
(2b) in all other cases, by the organisation intending to operate the FSTD a declaration that the organisation operating the FSTD has performed all required objective tests of the FSTD and that it meets the criteria in the applicable qualification basis together with the qualification test guide, including validation data roadmap and the engineering report; and
(c) a declaration indicating that:
(1) all objective tests, functions and subjective tests have been completed as well as general requirements for the requested FCS have been met; and
(2) the FSTD complies with the applicable requirements and with the simulated aircraft as appropriate for each FSTD feature.
(b) Applicants for an initial qualification shall provide the competent authority with documentation demonstrating how they will comply with the requirements established in this Regulation. Such documentation shall include the procedure established to ensure compliance with and ORA.FSTD.230.
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.200 Application for FSTD qualification RMT.0196
LETTER OF APPLICATION FOR INITIAL QUALIFICATION OF AN FSTD; EXCEPT BASIC INSTRUMENT TRAINING DEVICE (BITD) A sample of letter of application is provided overleaf. Part A Initial application form
To be submitted not less than 3 months prior to requested qualification date (Date) (Office – Competent Authority) (Address) ……………………………………………………… (City) ……………………………………………………………. (Country) ………………………………………………………
Type of FSTD Aircraft
Type/class Qualification Level Sought
Full Flight Simulator FFS
A B C D Sp./Cat
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Flight Training Device FTD
1 2 3
Flight and Navigation Procedures Trainer FNPT
Interim Qualification Level requested: YES/NO
Simulated aircraft
1. Flight Deck Layout And Structure (FDK)
2. Flight Control Forces And Hardware (CLH)
3. Flight Control Systems Operation (CLO)
4. Aircraft Systems (SYS)
5. Performance And Handling On Ground (GND)
6. Performance And Handling In Ground Effect (IGE)
7. Performance And Handling Out Of Ground Effect (OGE)
8. Sound Cueing (SND)
9. Vibration Cueing (VIB)
10. Motion Cueing (MTN)
11. Visual Cueing (VIS)
12. Navigation (NAV)
13. Atmosphere And Weather (ATM)
14. Operating Sites And Terrain (OST)
To whom it may concern, Dear, <Name of Applicant> requests the evaluation of its flight simulation training device <operator’s identification of the FSTD> for qualification. The FSTD has been manufactured by <FSTD manufacturer’s name> FSTD with its and is equipped with a<visual system and manufacturer’s name, if applicable> visual system and <motion system and manufacturer’s name, if applicable> motion system.
The QTG was/will be run on <date(s)> at <place>.
General Type/variant /group of aircraft
Aeroplane Interim
Helicopter MCC
other (e.g. VTOL) UPRT (please indicate whether it is ‘approach to stall’ or ‘full/post stall’)
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Evaluation is requested for the following configurations and engine fits as applicable: e.g. 767 PW/GE and 757RR 1.....…....... 2.....…....... 3.....….......
Evaluation is requested for the following: (list all configurations, avionics, engine fits as applicable)
3 Dates requested are: <date(s)> and the FSTD will be located at <place>.
The objective tests of the QTG will be submitted by <date> and in any event not less than 30 days before the requested evaluation date unless otherwise agreed with the competent authority. Part B of the application, including the QTG, the validation data roadmap and the engineering report will be submitted within the period specified in point (g) to ACM2 ORA.FSTD.200. Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Additional information and comments
Signed ………………………………………………………………….. Print name: ………………….. Position/appointment held: ………………….. Email address: ………………….. Telephone number: …………………..
Name of the FSTD compliance manager or delegate
Part B - Declaration that the organisation operating the FSTD has performed all required objective tests and that it meets the criteria in the applicable qualification basis (To be completed with attached QTG results)
(Date) ………………………… We have completed all objective tests of the FSTD and declare that it meets all applicable requirements except as noted below. The following QTG tests still have to be provided:
Tests Comments
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The following tests still need to be completed:
Test ID Comment
(Add boxes as required) It is expected that they will be completed and submitted 3 weeks prior to the evaluation date.
For the following tests which deviate from the requirements, we provide the following rationale:
Test ID Comment
Signed ………………………………………………………………….. Print name: ………………….. Position/appointment held: ………………….. E-mail address: ………………….. Telephone number: …………………..
Name of the FSTD compliance manager or delegate
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Part C - Declaration indicating that all objective tests, functions and subjective test have been completed as well as general requirements for the requested FCS have been met and the FSTD complies with the simulated aircraft as appropriate for each FSTD feature To be completed not less than 7 days prior to initial evaluation
(Date) …………………………
The FSTD has been assessed by the following evaluation team: (Name) …………………………………………………… Qualification ………………………………………………………………………. (Name) …………………………………………………… Qualification ………………………………………………………………………. (Name) …………………………………………………… Qualification ………………………………………………………………………. (Name) …………………………………………………… Pilot’s Licence Nr ……………………………………………………………….. (Name) …………………………………………………… Flight Engineer’s Licence Nr (if applicable) ………………………….
Name Pilot’s Licence Nr and credentials (class/ type ratings, hours on class/type, instructor qualification) FSTD technical specialist’s credentials
FFS/FTD: This team attests that the <type of FSTD> conforms to the aeroplane flight deck/helicopter cockpit configuration of <name of aircraft operator (if applicable), type of aeroplane/helicopter> aeroplane/helicopter within the requirements for <type of FSTD and level> and that the simulated systems and subsystems function equivalently to those in that aeroplane/helicopter. The pilot of this evaluation team has also assessed the performance and the flying qualities of the FSTD and finds that it represents the designated aeroplane/helicopter.
FNPT: This team attest(s) that the <type of FSTD> represents the flight deck or cockpit environment of a <aeroplane/helicopter or class of aeroplane/type of helicopter> within the requirements for <type of FSTD and level> and that the simulated systems appear to function as in the class of aeroplane/type of helicopter. The pilot of this evaluation team has also assessed the performance and the flying qualities of the FSTD and finds that it represents the designated class of aeroplane/type of helicopter.
The organisations operating the FSTD declares that the FSTD complies with all the applicable requirements of CS-FSTD for the requested FCS as presented in the application Part A. This is evidenced by:
1. all the objective tests in the QTG are performed; and 2. all the functions and subjective tests in the QTG are performed.
If applicable, for the following objective, functions and subjective tests which deviate from the requirements, we provide the following rationale:
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Deviations/ discrepancies
(Additional comments as required) ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………..
Additional information as required
Signed …………………………………………………………………..
Name of the FSTD compliance manager or delegate
The AMC proposes the template for the application of newly qualified FSTD. It has been updated to comply with the FCS framework and the new CS-FSTD.
AMC2 ORA.FSTD.200 Application for FSTD qualification RMT.0196
(a) Once an FSTD is contracted to be built, the organisation that is to operate the FSTD should
ensure that the regulatory standard upon which the FSTD will eventually be qualified against
is acceptable to the competent authority. This should be the current applicable version of CS-
FSTD at the time of application.
(b) The application form should be printed in English and any other language(s) of the competent
authority's choosing.
(c) The initial application form (Part A of the application), together with the documents as referred
in point ORA.FSTD.200(a) should be submitted to the competent authority ideally six months,
but not later than three months before the requested evaluation date.
(d) Well in advance of the requested evaluation date, the organisation operating the FSTD should
submit to the competent authority the validation material which should be used for the
qualification test guide. This will ensure that the content of the QTG is acceptable to the
competent authority and avoid time being wasted during the initial qualification. The
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acceptability of all tests depends upon their content, accuracy, completeness and recency of
the results.
(e) Organisations operating the FSTD who seek a qualification based on preliminary data should
consult their competent authority as soon as it is known that special arrangements will be
necessary, or as soon as it is clear that preliminary data will need to be used for FSTD
(f) In case the FSTD has additional equipment for which qualification is not sought, the
organisation operating the FSTD may specify such equipment in the equipment specification
list (ESL) indicating that it is not part of the requested qualification. When doing so, the
organisation operating the FSTD should inform the competent authority of such equipment
with the application form and provide the results of the assessment performed in accordance
with point ORA.FSTD.120(d).
(g) Part B of the application form, together the documents referred in point ORA.FSTD.200(b)
should be submitted by a date agreed with the competent authority, but not less than 30 days
before the requested evaluation date. Deficiencies should be addressed prior to the start of
the on-site evaluation. Should this not be possible, the organisation should provide a
rectification plan, including a timeline, to be agreed with the competent authority.
(h) The declaration as referred in to point ORA.FSTD.200(c) (Part C of the application form) should
be completed and submitted to the competent authority not less than seven days prior to
initial evaluation.
(i) Prior to completion of the initial evaluation process, the organisation operating the FSTD
should ensure that:
1) each objective test in the QTG is marked as verified, dated and signed; and
2) functions and subjective tests in the QTG are marked as completed, dated and signed; and
3) the statements of justification are marked as verified, dated and signed.
Point (a) is an existing text from point (b)(1) to AMC1 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1) which is moved here as it establishes requirements to the organisation and is linked with the application form. The text in point (b) is based on the existing requirements in AMC1 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1), point (b)(2). Deadlines established in points (c) and (g) are based on the ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1), point (b)(2). Point (d) is based on AMC3 ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1), point (a). It is moved as it establishes a requirement to the organisation operating the FSTD. A slight change from the existing wording is proposed. Instead of agreement between the authority and the aircraft manufacturer on the content and acceptability of the validation tests in the QTG, the agreement should be between the organisation operating the FSTD and the competent authority. The organisation is responsible for applying for the qualification of the FSTD and therefore it takes responsibility on the acceptability of the validation tests in the QTG. The data may come from another data provider than the aircraft manufacturer and therefore this part of the sentence is replaced with a proposal that the organisation operating the FSTD submits to the authority the validation material which will be used for the QTG. Point (e) is based on point (c) of AMC1 ARA.FSTD.115 according to which it is possible that a preliminary validation data in the application process and the organisation operating the FSTD should consult the competent authority about this arrangement. Point (f) allows that the organisation operating the FSTD describes additional equipment for which qualification is not sought in the ESL and informs the authority of such equipment with Part-A of the application and provides the results of the assessment performed in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.120(d). The deadlines specified in points (g) and (h) follow the existing practice and are not changed.
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Point (i) is developed due to an existing gap in the requirements that the organisation should provide to the competent authority QTG where the objective, functions and subjective tests are verified, as applicable, dated and signed. This requirement is similar to the obligation of the organisation operating the FSTD to conduct the objective, functions and subject tests are part of the FSTD maintenance (point ORA.FSTD.105). It was found out that such requirement for the initial qualification of the FSTD was missing and therefore it is clarified in point (i).
GM1 ORA.FSTD.200 Application for FSTD qualification RMT.0196
SUBMISSION OF QTG The organisation operating the FSTD may decide to accomplish the objective tests while the FSTD is
at the manufacturer’s facility. Tests at the manufacturer’s facility should be accomplished at the latest
practical time prior to disassembly and shipment. The organisation operating the FSTD should then
validate FSTD performance at the final location by repeating at least one third of the objective tests in
the QTG and submitting those tests to the competent authority. The QTG should be clearly annotated
to indicate when and where each test was accomplished.
This new GM includes text from CS-FSTD(A) regarding the possibility to run objective tests in factory
and then validate the FSTD performance by repeating at least one third of the objective tests on site.
(1) Recent experience during initial qualification of some FFSs has required acceptance of increasing numbers of footprint tests. This is particularly true for FFSs of smaller or older aircraft types, where there may be a lack of aircraft flight test data. However, the large number of footprint tests offered in some QTGs has given rise to concern.
(2) This guidance is applicable to FFS aeroplane, FTD aeroplane, FFS helicopter and FTD helicopter qualifications.
(b) Terminology
(1) Footprint test - footprint test data are derived from a subjective assessment carried out on the actual FSTD requiring qualification. The assessment and validation of these data are carried out by a pilot appointed by the competent authority. The resulting data are the footprint validation data for the FSTD concerned.
(c) Recommendation
(1) It is permitted to use footprint data where flight test data is not available. Only when all other alternative possible sources of data have been thoroughly reviewed without success may a footprint test be acceptable, subject to a case-by-case review with the competent authorities concerned, and taking into consideration the level of qualification sought for the FSTD.
(2) Footprint test data should be:
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(i) constructed with initial conditions and FFS set up in the appropriate configuration (e.g. correct engine rating) for the required validation data;
(ii) a manoeuvre representative of the particular aircraft being simulated;
(iii) manually flown out by a type rated pilot who has current experience on type* and is deemed acceptable by the competent authority**;
(iv) constructed from validation data obtained from the footprint test manoeuvre and transformed into an automatic test;
(v) an automatic test run as a fully integrated test with pilot control inputs; and
(vi) automatically run for the initial qualification and recurrent evaluations.
* In this context, ‘current’ refers to the pilot experience on the aircraft and not to the Part-FCL standards.
** The same pilot should sign off the complete test as being fully representative.
(3) A clear rationale should be included in the QTG for each footprint test. These rationales should be added to and clearly recorded within the validation data roadmap (VDR) in accordance with and as defined in Appendix 2 to AMC1-CS-FSTD(A).300.
(4) Where the number of footprint tests is deemed by the competent authority to be excessive, the maximum level of qualification may be affected. The competent authority should review each area of validation test data where the use of footprint tests as the basis for the validation data is proposed. Consideration should be given to the extent to which footprint tests are used in any given area.
For example, it would be unacceptable if all or the vast majority of takeoff tests were proposed as footprint tests, with little or no flight test data being presented. It should be recognised, therefore, that it may be necessary for new flight test data to be gathered if the use of footprint tests becomes excessive, not just overall, but also in specific areas.
(5) For recurrent evaluation purposes an essential match is to be expected. Validation tests using footprint data which do not provide an essential match should be justified to the satisfaction of the competent authority.
The competent authority should be consulted at the point of definition of the aircraft data for qualification prior to the procurement of the device if footprint tests need to be used.
This GM is proposed to be deleted with the rationale this information is covered by the new CS-FSTD,
Subpart C.
ORA.FSTD.210 Qualification basis RMT.0196
(a) The qualification basis for the issuance of an FSTD qualification certificate shall consist of:
(1) the applicable Certification Specifications established by the Agency that are effective on the date of the application for the initial qualification;
(2) the aircraft validation data defined by the mandatory part of the operational suitability data as approved under Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, if applicable; and
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(3) any special conditions prescribed by the competent authority if the related Certification Specifications do not contain adequate or appropriate standards for the FSTD because the FSTD has novel or different features to those upon which the applicable Certification Specifications are based.
(b) The qualification basis shall be applicable for future recurrent qualifications evaluations of the FSTD, unless it is re-categorised a modification of the FSTD requires the use of a different qualification basis.
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.210(b) Qualification basis
Where a modification of an FSTD involves a change of technology or an addition of a new system or
equipment that is not covered by the qualification basis used for the initial qualification, and an
evaluation of such changes is not possible using the original qualification basis, the particular changes
may be verified by using newer certification specifications that apply to these changes.
The new AMC clarifies which qualification basis an organisation operating the FSTD should follow in
case of a major change of technology or a new system or equipment that is not covered by the
qualification basis.
The AMC is based on the GM1 ARA.FSTD.130. The text from this former GM is deleted and moved to
this AMC in order to establish an acceptable means of compliance when a different qualification basis
is used for a modification of an FSTD. It would allow use of a different from the original qualification
basis for a modification to an FSTD which involves a change of technology or an addition of a new
system or equipment that is not covered by the qualification basis used and that newer qualification
basis will apply to that modification.
ORA.FSTD.225 Duration and continued validity RMT.0196
(c) A BITD qualification shall remain valid subject to regular evaluation for compliance with the applicable qualification basis by the competent authority in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.120 of Annex VI.’. (dc) Upon surrender or revocation, the FSTD qualification certificate shall be returned to the competent authority.
AMC2 ORA.FSTD.225(b) Duration and continued validity
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(a) For the purpose of extending the recurrent evaluation period of an FSTD, the organisation that
operates the FSTD should provide the following to the competent authority:
(4) the FSTD performance evaluation metrics developed in accordance with AMC2 ORA.FSTD.100 point ORA.FSTD.100(d) for the previous 2 years;
(d) The organisation operating the FSTD should address identified items in accordance with point
The AMC is new proposed with RMT.0587 (pending publication with EASA ED Decision), following the
publication of the latest amendments to the Aircrew Regulation (Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2024/2076). A change in the AMC point (a)(4) is necessary to update the reference to
point ORA.FSTD.100(d) which are introduced with the RMT.0196.
Point (d) is added following the proposed change in the hard law (point ORA.FSTD.100(c)), making it
possible to request the organisation operating the FSTD to treat any non-compliances (items)
identified during the EEP tasks. . The treatment of the items should follow the standard process of
defining a corrective action plan and its implementing to the satisfaction of the competent authority.
This process is proposed to be formalised in a new point (c) to ORA.FSTD.100.
GM1 ORA.FSTD.225(b) Duration and continued validity
An effective compliance monitoring function is necessary to support the implementation of the
extended evaluation period. It is essential that an appropriate level of independence be maintained,
and the tasks referred to in point ORA.FSTD.225(b) should not be undertaken by a person that, within
the previous 12-month recurrent period, was involved in the tasks referred to in point
ORA.FSTD.105(b) (a)(2) and (3) and for the relevant FSTD being evaluated.
The GM is new proposed with RMT.0587 (pending publication with EASA ED Decision), following the
publication of the latest amendments to the Aircrew Regulation (Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2024/2076). A change in the GM is necessary to make the right reference to the hard
law which is introduced with the RMT.0196.
GM1 ORA.FSTD.225(b)(3) Duration and continued validity
Logo and Name of FSTD Operator
Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD)
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Evaluation Report - EEP
FSTD Operator FSTD Identification Aeroplane/Helicopter type and variant or group of aircraft (only for legacy FSTD) Engine fit simulated Date of the report Report Issue number Table of Contents
1. Flight simulation training device 2. FSTD qualification 3. Evaluation details 4. Supplementary information 5. Discrepancies/items 6. Assigned person(s) for EEP
1. Flight Simulator Training Device FSTD Location
FSTD Manufacturer and FSTD Identification serial number
Visual system
Motion system
Engine Instrumentation
Flight instrumentation
Validation Data Roadmap ID No
Technical criteria primary reference document
2. FSTD qualification FSTD qualification level (only in
case of legacy)
Additional Qualifications
MCC yes/no
UPRT No/Full Stall/Approach to stall
Simulated aircraft
1. − Flight Deck Layout And Structure (FDK)
2. − Flight Control Forces And Hardware (CLH)
3. − Flight Control Systems Operation (CLO)
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4. − Aircraft Systems (SYS)
5. − Performance And Handling On Ground (GND)
6. − Performance And Handling In Ground Effect (IGE)
7. − Performance And Handling Out Of Ground Effect (OGE)
8. − Sound Cueing (SND)
9. − Vibration Cueing (VIB)
10. − Motion Cueing (MTN)
11. − Visual Cueing (VIS)
12. − Navigation (NAV)
13. − Atmosphere And Weather (ATM)
14. − Operating Sites And Terrain (OST)
3. Evaluation details
ESL revision
Software Load Revision Number
Assigned person(s) for EEP
Technical FSTD expert
Flight crew training expert
Supporting Pilot
4. Supplementary information Visual databases used
Malfunctions used
Abnormal and emergency procedures
Description of continuous flight
5. Results During the FSTD evaluation, various identified issues may necessitate operator resolution. It is crucial to differentiate between two distinct categories when managing these items: severity A and severity B. Item severity A Items falling into this category are identified by the evaluation team as one of the following:
(a) a simulation feature, system, subsystem, component or part that fails to comply with the qualification basis, which may affect the FCS, ESL or the FSTD qualification and training, testing and checking and/or potentially lead to a negative transfer of training;
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(b) Non-compliance with the qualification basis, such as objective test results being out of tolerance.
Item severity B Items categorised as severity B by the evaluation team are simulation features, systems, subsystems, components, or parts that are temporarily inoperative or operating below their nominal level. However, the overall serviceability of the FSTD is demonstrated by the organisation. Observation Issues where compliance with the required standard is not clearly proven and therefore require a subsequent assessment by the FSTD organisation. Following the outcome of each assessment, an ‘Observation’ may be promoted to ‘Item’.
6. Assigned person(s) for EEP
Name Position Organisation Signature/e-signature
Technical FSTD expert
Flight crew training expert
Supporting pilot
The new GM1 ORA.FSTD.225(b)(3) provides a template for an evaluation report which may be used
by the organisation operating the FSTD. The template proposes classification of the items, similarly to
the classification of items by the competent authority.
The text was consulted with the FSTD focal points from national competent authorities of the Member States on 10 June 2024. No changes were proposed as a result of this consultation.
ORA.FSTD.230 Changes to the qualified FSTD RMT.0196
(a) The holder of an FSTD qualification certificate shall inform the competent authority of any proposed changes to the FSTD, such as:
(1) major modifications;
(2) relocation of the FSTD; and
(3) any de-activation of the FSTD.
(b) In case of an upgrade of the FSTD qualification level, the organisation shall apply to the competent authority for an upgrade evaluation. The organisation shall run all validation tests for the requested qualification level. Results from previous evaluations shall not be used to validate FSTD performance for the current upgrade.
(c) When an FSTD is moved to a new location, the organisation shall inform the competent authority before the planned activity along with a schedule of related events.
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Prior to returning the FSTD to service at the new location, the organisation shall perform at least one third of the objective tests, and functions and subjective tests to ensure that the FSTD performance meets its original qualification standard. A copy of the test documentation shall be retained together with the FSTD records for review by the competent authority.
The competent authority may perform an evaluation of the FSTD after relocation. The
evaluation shall be in accordance with the original qualification basis of the FSTD.
(d) If an organisation plans to remove an FSTD from active status for prolonged periods, the competent authority shall be notified and suitable controls established for the period during which the FSTD is inactive.
The organisation shall agree with the competent authority a plan for the de-activation, any storage and re-activation to ensure that the FSTD can be restored to active status at its original qualification level.
AMC1 ORA.FSTD.230(b) Changes to the qualified FSTD ED Decision 2012/007/R
UPDATING AND UPGRADING EXISTING FSTDs (a) An update is a result of a change to the existing device where it retains its existing qualification
level. The change may be certified through a recurrent inspection or an extra inspection if deemed necessary by the competent authority according to the applicable requirements in effect at the time of initial qualification.
(b) If such a change to an existing device would imply that the performance of the device could no longer meet the requirements at the time of initial qualification, but that the result of the change would, in the opinion of the competent authority, clearly mean an improvement to the performance and training capabilities of the device altogether, then the competent authority might accept the proposed change as an update while allowing the device to retain its original qualification level.
(c) An upgrade is defined as the raising of the qualification level of a device, or an increase in training credits, which can only be achieved by undergoing an initial qualification according to the latest applicable requirements.
(d) As long as the qualification level of the device does not change, all changes made to the device should be considered to be updates pending approval by the competent authority.
(e) An upgrade, and consequent initial qualification according to the latest applicable requirements, is only applicable when the organisation requests another qualification level (recategorisation) for the FSTD.
This AMC is outdated with the FCS framework, and therefore proposed to be deleted. The process for
modification of FSTD is outlines in point ORA.FSTD.110 and the associated AMC/GM.
Overview of few amendments to Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 (RMT.0196 Update of FSTD requirements)
This document presents an extract of few amendments in Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (Aircrew
Regulation) proposed in the context of RMT.0196. These amendments are result of comments raised
during the focused consultations with the Advisory Bodies in June 2023, March, June and September 2024
and the consequent discussions and conclusions.
EASA would like to inform the Advisory Bodies about these latest amendments.
The table below summarizes these latest amendments with reference to the legal provision and the
description of the change. An overview of these changes will be provided at the focused consultation
with the Advisory Bodies on 9 -11 December 2024.
An excerpt of these few proposed amendments to the Aircrew Regulation is attached with rationale of
the changes.
Legal provision in Aircrew Regulation
Latest amendments to the hard law changes after the focused consultation in June 2023
Article 10b New point (3) is developed to define the cases of FSTD qualified to multiple FSTD qualification types and levels (e.g. FTD2/FNPTII). This point is added as a result of the focused consultation in March 2024.
Point (4) is amended to establish a deadline for the Member States to organise their systems to issue FSTD qualification certificates according to the new format, laid down in Part ARA.FSTD. This amendment is introduced based on the comments from some MS that after a certain moment all MS should exchange the FSTD certificates to enable harmonisation and better standardisation.
In Point (5) the obligation for the organisation operating the FSTD to provide the ESL at the request of the competent authority is removed following comments and conclusions that this might be more restrictive than the provided opportunity for submission of the ESL not later than 1 year after the application of the new amendments.
FCL.036 Based on the comments from the stakeholders in September 2024 on the need to clarify how to treat newly qualified FSTD with interim qualification, the equivalence to FFS interim level C is established.
ARA.FSTD.100 New point (e) is proposed to due to comments and conclusions that the rules shall specify the obligations of the authority in case of detected non- compliance of an FSTD with its qualification basis or when the equipment specification list (ESL) contains inaccurate information about FSTD.
ARA.FSTD.135 The provision is restructured, based on the comments from the Advisory Bodies and conclusions that the rule should clarify how the authority reacts in
case of non-compliance of the organisation operating the FSTD and in case of non-compliance of the FSTD. Therefore, the point ARA.FSTD.135 is split in two points (a) and (b), addressing: enforcement measures when the organisation operating the FSTD is not in compliance with the requirements (point a) and enforcement measures in case of non-compliance of an FSTD (point b).
Appendix IV to ANNEX VI (Part-ARA) – Flight simulation training device qualification certificate
Following the comments from the focused consultations in March and September 2024:
- a new row “Additional capabilities” is added in the FSTD template to identify whether the FSTD has MCC, UPRT qualification. The reason to add it in the QC is that MCC/UPRT is an additional capability of the FSTD which should be granted in the qualification process by the authority.
- it is indicated that FSTD feature “Flight Controls Forces & Hardware”, similarly to the feature “Aircraft systems” may be marked with an asterisk (*) in the QC.
- For FSTD with interim qualification, it is proposed that when the certificate indicates the fidelity level, the wording “interim” should be added in the column ‘Fidelity Level’ for the applicable features in the table ‘FSTD Capability Signature’.
- The instructions are amended to established to provide clarity how to describe an FSTD with G fidelity level. The provision is aimed at establishing a standard approach in describing such FSTDs.
ORA.FSTD.100 New point (d) is established to request the organisation operating FSTD to provide information on the FSTD performance, use and other characteristics. Such requirement already exists in AMC2 ORA.FSTD.100. It is proposed to move it in the hard law to ensure legal clarity and certainty.
ORA.FSTD.105 The whole provision is redrafted to address the feedback from the Advisory Bodies during consultations in March and September 2024.
Considering the feedback from the Advisory bodies during the workshop on the draft CS-FSTD in September 2024, EASA proposes that functions and subjective tests contained in the Master Qualification Test Guide (MQTG) are conducted progressively over a 24-month cycle, e.g. different from the cycle proposed for the objective tests.
Following questions from stakeholders, a legal obligation for the organisation
operating FSTD is established to address non-compliance identified during the
conduct of the tests by taking corrective actions(s) and keep records of them
in its system.
ORA.FSTD.200 The text of the proposed provision is re-drafted after the focused consultation in September 2024 with the Advisory Bodies to align with the new CS-FSTD, mainly regarding the certification specifications for the validation data roadmap, the engineering report and the validation data.
ORA.FSTD.230 After review of the hard law amendments, it is proposed that the entire point ORA.FSTD.235 is deleted, as the changes proposed in ORA.FSTD.110 are considered comprehensive for the management of modification of FSTD. Therefore, this point is deemed redundant.
The current point (d) is moved in ORA.FSTD.105 as it refers to obligation of the organisation how to ensure continuation of the FSTD qualification in case of de-activation/re-activation of the FSTD.
Article 10b – Flight simulation training devices […]
2. From [Reference to start of application of FCS framework and new FSTD QC template], Member
States and EASA shall, when re-issuing FSTD qualification certificates in accordance with the
requirements of Annex VI (Part-ARA) for FSTDs which were qualified in accordance with certification
specifications other than CS-FSTD, do the following:
(a) upon application by the certificate holder, complete the section ‘FSTD capability signature
(FCS)’ of the certificate with:
(i) in the case of full flight simulators (FFS) which were qualified in accordance with JAR-
STD 1A amendment 3 or JAR-STD 1H initial issue or later, and in the case of flight
training devices level 2 (FTD 2) and level 3 (FTD 3) which were qualified in accordance
with JAR-STD 2A initial issue or JAR-STD 2H initial issue or later, and in case of flight
and navigation procedure trainers (FNPT) which were qualified in accordance with JAR‐
STD 3A change 1 or JAR-STD 3H initial issue or later:
(A) an assigned FCS in accordance with Appendix IX to Annex VI (Part-ARA); or
(B) the FCS, after an evaluation of the FSTD in accordance with CS-FSTD; or
(ii) in the case of FFS, FTD 2 and FTD 3, and FNPT, other than those specified in point (a)(i):
(A) an assigned FCS in accordance with Appendix IX to Annex VI (Part-ARA), after an
evaluation of the FSTD in accordance with the certification specifications
referred to in point (a)(i), as applicable; or
(B) the FCS, after an evaluation of the FSTD in accordance with CS-FSTD; or
(iii) in the case of flight training devices level 1 (FTD 1), the FCS, after an evaluation of the
FSTD in accordance with CS-FSTD; or
(iv) in any case where an FSTD has been qualified using special conditions in accordance
with point ARA.FSTD.100(h)(1) of Annex VI (Part-ARA), the FCS, after an evaluation of
the FSTD; or
(b) in all other cases:
(i) re-issue the FSTD qualification certificate without completing the section ‘FSTD capability
signature (FCS)’;
(ii) when re-issuing FSTD qualification certificates for a BITD, include the FSTD Specifications
specified in Appendix IV to Annex VI (Part-ARA), as applicable until [Reference to the
day before start of application of the FCS framework / new template].
(c) before re-issuing an FSTD qualification certificate with an FCS in accordance with point (a),
inform the applicant about the result of the re-evaluation.
3. When acting in accordance with point 2(a) in cases where an FSTD is qualified to multiple FSTD
qualification types and levels, Member States and EASA shall merge those FSTD qualification
certificates into a single FSTD qualification certificate with one FSTD capability signature (FCS). In
such cases Member States and EASA shall do the following:
(a) In case an FSTD meets the qualification basis as referred in point 2(a)(i), the Member State and
EASA shall:
(i) take the highest fidelity level for each feature, resulting from a comparison of the assigned
FCS for each qualification; or
(ii) in case where the FSTD certificate holder applies for an FCS, determine the FCS after an
evaluation of the FSTD.
(b) In case an FSTD does not meet the qualification basis as referred to in point 2(a)(i) for each
qualification certificate, Member State and EASA shall issue the FSTD qualification certificate with
an FCS that is determined in accordance with points (ii) to (iv) of point 2(a), as applicable.
4. Member States and EASA shall exchange, not later than [Reference to start of application of FCS
framework + 18 months], the existing FSTD qualification certificates with certificates complying
with the format laid down in Appendix IV to Annex VI (Part-ARA) after having received and
(a) the equipment specification list (ESL) and
(b) a statement confirming that the organisation has established compliance with Part-ORA,
Subpart FSTD, as amended with [Reference to amending Regulation].
When exchanging the existing FSTD qualification certificates in accordance with this point, Member
States and EASA shall act in accordance with point 2. When the Member State and EASA issue the
FSTD qualification certificate in accordance with the format laid down in Appendix IV to Annex VI
(Part-ARA), the equipment specification list developed for that FSTD certificate shall become part
of the FSTD qualification.
5. From [Reference to start of application of FCS framework and new FSTD QC template], holders of
FSTD qualification certificates shall, for each FSTD qualification certificate other than BITD, develop
an equipment specification list (ESL) and submit it to the competent authority, together with a
statement confirming that the organisation has established compliance with Part-ORA, Subpart
FSTD, as amended by [Reference to amending Regulation], in any of the following cases:
(a) when applying for the re-issue of the certificate in accordance with the requirements of
Annex VII (Part-ORA);
(b) when the FSTD is intended to be used for the conduct of training in accordance with Annex I
(Part-FCL) or the requirements of Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, in accordance
with a new or amended training programme;
(c) in any case, no later than [Reference to start of application of FCS framework + 1 year].
6. A basic instrument training devices (BITD) qualification certificate shall remain valid subject to
recurrent evaluations which shall be conducted by the competent authority every 3 years.
After the focused consultations in 2023/2024:
Point 3 is introduced as a result of the comments from the Advisory Bodies (March 2024) that the rules do not clarify how
to treat FSTDs qualified to multiple different FSTD types and qualification levels in the context of FCS framework. For such
FSTDs (e.g. FNPT II MCC/FTD2), there are two possible options:
• Option 1: stay legacy with both qualification certificates and continue "business as usual", without any change to
their current use/credits.
• Option 2: on voluntary basis, such FSTDs can be moved to FCS framework, while having a single FCS. The FCS would
be determined based on their PRD. In cases where the FSTD meet the qualification basis, as referred in point 2(a)(i)
(threshold PRD, they can get assigned FCS by merging the assigned FCS for each qualification and taking the highest
fidelity level for each feature. In case, the FSTD does not meet the threshold PRD, they can be evaluated to get an
FCS or assigned FCS if the FSTD is modified to meet the threshold PRD. It is also possible that the FSTD gets an
assigned FCS (because it meets the threshold PRD), however the organisation operating FSTD requests an
evaluation and the FSTD gets an FCS.
In Point (4) amendments are proposed after the comments from Member States that that the rule should clarify when the competent authorities are expected to exchange the FSTD certificates with certificates according to the new format, laid down in (Appendix IV to Annex VI (Part-ARA)). Part ARA.FSTD. This amendment is introduced based on the comments that after a certain moment all MS shall exchange the FSTD certificates in order to enable harmonisation and better standardisation. The proposal is that all existing FSTD certificates are exchanged with the certificates according to the new format not later than 18 months after the applicability of the rule. The rationale is: (1) the competent authorities would not be required to maintain for an indefinite time two qualification templates (the new one and the former one); (2) the timing is defined considering the latest deadline for the organisations to provide ESL (12 months after rules are applicable) plus 6 months more for the competent authorities to re-issue the FSTD certificates in accordance with the new format. Furthermore, it is proposed that Member States exchange the existing FSTD qualification certificates with certificates complying with the new format only after receiving and reviewing the equipment specification list (ESL) for each FSTD certificate and a statement that the organisation has established compliance with the relevant changes in Subpart ORA.FSTD. The ESL will become part of the FSTD qualification only after the Member State re-issues the FSTD qualification certificate in accordance with the new format. By adding such provision, it is clarified that it is considered incompatible that an FSTD would have an ESL supported by the FSTD certificate which follows the former FSTD format. The ESL will be “activated” as part of the FSTD qualification once the authority issues the FSTD qualification certificate according to the new format, as both documents form the FSTD qualification.
Point 5 introduces the requirement for the organisation operating the FSTD to develop and submit to the competent
authority an equipment specification list (ESL) for each FSTD, together with a statement confirming that the organisation
has established compliance with the amended rules in Subpart ORA.FSTD. This is a key requirement with regard to the
existing FSTD as ESL is considered an integral part of the FSTD qualification. All cases under which the organisation operating
the FSTD needs to submit the ESL are exhaustively mentioned in points 5(a)-(c).
- In scenario 5(a), the operator shall submit ESL when it applies for re-issuance of the qualification certificate;
- In scenario 5(b), the operator submits the ESL to substantiate the suitability of the FSTD for the new/amended
training programme.
- Scenario 5(c) covers all other cases where operator shall provide ESL within an administrative deadline. The
rationale is that within a certain period all FSTD, except BITD shall have ESL.
In this point, a scenario to provide ESL at the request of the competent authority is deleted based on the comments and
conclusions that it might be more restrictive than the provided opportunity for submission of the ESL not later than 1 year
after the application of the new amendments.
FCL.036 Use of FSTDs for training, testing and checking RMT.0196
When requirements of this Annex (Part-FCL) refer to FSTD types and levels, applicants shall be entitled to
comply with these requirements by using FSTDs whose qualification certificate includes an FCS, provided
that all the following applies:
(a) for each feature, the FCS indicates a fidelity level which is equal to or higher than the equivalent determined in the tables below:
(1) for aeroplanes:
FSTD type and level reference
Equivalent FCS
1 . F
lig h
t D
ec k
La yo
u t
A n
d S
tr u
ct u
2 . F
lig h
t C
o n
tr o
l F o
rc e
s A
n d
H ar
d w
ar e
3 . F
lig h
t C
o n
tr o
l S ys
te m
s O
p e
ra ti
o n
4 . A
ir cr
af t
Sy st
em s
5 . P
er fo
rm an
ce A
n d
H an
d lin
g O
n G
ro u
n d
6 . P
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rm an
ce A
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H an
d lin
g In
G ro
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Ef fe
7 . P
er fo
rm an
ce A
n d
H an
d lin
g O
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O f
G ro
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Ef fe
8 . S
o u
n d
C u
ei n
9 . V
ib ra
ti o
n C
u e
in g
1 0
. M o
ti o
n C
u e
in g
1 1
. V is
u al
C u
ei n
1 2
. N av
ig at
io n
1 3
. A tm
o sp
h er
e A
n d
W ea
th er
1 4
. O p
er at
in g
Si te
s A
n d
T er
ra in
FSTD qualified to
an equivalent standard to
level B
FFS level C S S S S S S S R R S R S S S
(2) for helicopters:
FFS interim level C
S inte rim
S inte rim
S inte rim
S interi
S interi
S interi
S interi
S interi
S interi
S interi
FFS level D S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
FSTD type and level reference
Equivalent FCS
1 . F
lig h
t D
ec k
La yo
u t
A n
d S
tr u
ct u
2 . F
lig h
t C
o n
tr o
l F o
rc e
s A
n d
H ar
d w
ar e
3 . F
lig h
t C
o n
tr o
ls S
ys te
m s
O p
er at
io n
4 . A
ir cr
af t
Sy st
em s
5 . P
er fo
rm an
ce A
n d
H an
d lin
g O
n G
ro u
n d
6 . P
er fo
rm an
ce A
n d
H an
d lin
g In
G ro
u n
Ef fe
7 . P
er fo
rm an
ce A
n d
H an
d lin
g O
u t
o f
G ro
u n
Ef fe
8 . S
o u
n d
C u
ei n
9 . V
ib ra
ti o
n C
u e
in g
1 0
. M o
ti o
n C
u ei
n g
1 1
. V is
u al
C u
ei n
1 2
. N av
ig at
io n
1 3
. A tm
o sp
h er
e A
n d
W ea
th er
1 4
. O p
er at
in g
Si te
s A
n d
T er
ra in
FFS level C S S S S S S S R R S R S S R
FFS level D S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
(b) the FSTDs have:
(1) tactile hardware;
(2) primary flight controls whose forces change according to different flight conditions for exercises involving manual flight, except in the case of FSTDs whose FCS is below the equivalent of an FNPT II;
(3) in the case of use for MCC training, all the systems, the instrumentation and the indicators required in CS-FSTD for the purpose of MCC training.
Based on the comments from the stakeholders in September 2024 on the need to clarify how to treat newly
qualified FSTD with interim qualification, the equivalence to FFS interim level C is established exclusively due to
the presence of a single reference to such FSTD type and level in point FCL. 730.A.
ARA.FSTD.100 Initial eEvaluation procedure RMT.0196
(a) Upon receiving an application for an FSTD qualification certificate , the competent authority shall:
(1) evaluate whether the FSTD submitted for initial evaluation or for upgrading complies against with the applicable qualification basis, by conducting objective, functions and subjective tests;
(2) assess the FSTD in those areas that are essential to completing the flight crew member training, testing and checking process, as applicable;
(3) assess whether the chosen validation data is suitable to support each objective test;
(3) conduct objective, subjective and functions tests in accordance with the qualification basis, and review the results of such tests to establish the qualification test guide (QTG); and
(4) review the equipment specification list (ESL) for compliance with the applicable requirements;
(4)(5) verify if the organisation operating the FSTD is in compliance with the applicable requirements. This does not apply to the initial evaluation of basic instrument training devices (BITDs).
(b) The competent authority shall perform the tasks under points (1), (2) and (4) of point (a) in case of recurrent evaluation of FSTD.
(c) In case of a major modification to an FSTD, the competent authority shall perform those tasks from the ones listed in point (a) which it deems relevant, taking into consideration the nature of the modification.
(d) The competent authority shall provide a report and notify the organisation that operates the FSTD about the results of the evaluation.
(e) If, during an evaluation or by any other means, evidence is found by the competent authority that the FSTD is not performing in accordance with its qualification basis, or that the ESL contains inaccurate information about the FSTD, the competent authority shall raise an item, record it and communicate it to the organisation that operates the FSTD in writing. The competent authority shall, unless the nature of the item requires the application of enforcement measures in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.135(b), do all the following:
(1) grant the organisation a corrective action implementation period appropriate to the nature of the item that in any case shall not be more than 30 days. At the end of this period, and subject to the nature of the item, the competent authority may extend the implementation period subject to a satisfactory corrective action plan agreed by the competent authority;
(2) assess if the corrective action plan proposed by the organisation addresses the item;
(3) assess if the implementation of the corrective action plan addresses the item.
(b) The competent authority shall only approve the QTG after completion of the initial evaluation of the FSTD and when all discrepancies in the QTG have been addressed to the satisfaction of the competent authority. The QTG resulting from the initial evaluation procedure shall be the master QTG (MQTG), which shall be the basis for the FSTD qualification and subsequent recurrent FSTD evaluations.
(f) The QTG resulting from the initial evaluation shall be approved by the competent authority only after all items have been addressed to the satisfaction of the competent authority. After such approval, it shall be referred to as the master qualification test guide (Master QTG) and shall be the basis for the FSTD qualification and recurrent FSTD evaluations.
(g) The competent authority shall qualify the FSTD only after having validated that, in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.120(d), additional equipment of the FSTD, if applicable, has no adverse effect on the training capability of the FSTD.
(c)(h) Qualification basis and special conditions.
(1) The competent authority may prescribe special conditions for the FSTD qualification basis when the requirements of point ORA.FSTD.210(a) are met and when it is demonstrated that the special conditions ensure an equivalent level of safety to that established in the applicable certification specification.
Based on the comments from the focused consultations:
New point (e) is proposed to due to comments and conclusions that the rules shall specify the obligations of the authority
in case of detected non-compliance of an FSTD with its qualification basis or when the equipment specification list (ESL)
contains inaccurate information about FSTD. In such situations, the competent authority shall raise a non-compliance (item),
record it and communicate it to the organisation operating FSTD, giving an opportunity to correct it within a defined period.
The proposed 30 days period (point (e)(1)) is based on the current practice (AMC1 ARA.FSTD.135 and AMC2
ARA.FSTD.100(a)(1) point (b)). The rationale to create this new point is to ensure an alignment with the new point
ORA.FSTD.100 (c), but also to fill the gap in the rules regarding the possibility for the authority to raise an item after an
evaluation of FSTD and request an organisation to take corrective actions. Such concept currently exists only in the AMC to
ARA.FSTD.100, however, considering the comments, it is proposed to escalate it to the hard law to ensure legal certainty.
The proposed text follows the concept of point ARA.GEN.350(d) when an authority raises a finding due to non-compliance
of the organisation with the applicable requirements.
ARA.FSTD.135 Findings and corrective actions – FSTD qualification certificate – limitation, suspension, revocation
(a) The competent authority shall limit, suspend or revoke, as applicable, an FSTD qualification certificate
in accordance with ARA.GEN.350 in, but not limited to, the following circumstances:
(a1) obtaining the FSTD qualification certificate by falsification of submitted documentary evidence;
(b) the organisation operating the FSTD can no longer demonstrate that the FSTD complies with its
qualification basis; or
(c) (2) the organisation operating the FSTD no longer complies with the applicable requirements of Part-
(b) The competent authority shall limit, suspend or revoke, as applicable, an FSTD qualification
certificate after raising an item in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.100 (e) and detecting that:
(1) the FSTD fails to comply with its qualification basis and the non-compliance adversely affects training, testing or checking;
(2) an organisation operating FSTD fails to submit an acceptable corrective action plan to address
item(s) raised during an evaluation or by any other means, or to perform the corrective action to the
satisfaction and within the period agreed by the competent authority in accordance with point
The title of point ARA.FSTD.135 has been changed to reflect the content of the provision.
The provision is restructured, based on the comments from the Advisory Bodies and conclusions that the rule should clarify how the authority reacts in case of non-compliance of the organisation operating the FSTD and in case of non-compliance of the FSTD. Therefore, the point ARA.FSTD.135 is split in two points (a) and (b), addressing:
(1) enforcement measures when the organisation operating the FSTD is not in compliance with the requirements (point a) and
(2) enforcement measures in case of non-compliance of an FSTD (point b).
The point (a) states circumstances where the authority shall limit, suspend or revoke an FSTD certificate when the organisation operating FSTD does not comply with the applicable requirements. The points (a), (c) are existing ones, becoming (1) and (2). Under the circumstances, mentioned in (a)(1) and (2), the authority follows process established in ARA.GEN.350 and limits, suspends or revokes, as applicable.
The point (b) states circumstances where the authority shall limit, suspend or revoke an FSTD certificate when there is an item of the FSTD raised by the authority following the process in ARA.FSTD.100(e) and detecting that:
(1) FSTD fails to comply with its qualification basis and that non-compliance adversely affecting the use of the FSTD (similar to former point (c) of that provision). The intention is that there should be evidence of non-compliance of the FSTD that negatively affects the training, testing, checking.
(2) an FSTD non-compliance(item) is not addressed, either because the organisation fails to submit an acceptable corrective action plan or has not implement the corrective action plan to the satisfaction to the authority and within a period agreed.
Appendix IV to ANNEX VI (Part-ARA) – Flight simulation training device qualification certificate
EASA Form 145 shall be used for the FSTD qualification certificate. This document shall contain the FSTD
Specification including any limitation(s) and special authorisation(s) or approval(s) as appropriate to the
FSTD concerned. The qualification certificate shall be printed in English and in any other language(s)
determined by the competent authority.
Convertible FSTDs shall have a separate qualification certificate for each aircraft type. Different engine
and equipment fit on one FSTD shall not require separate qualification certificates. All qualification
certificates shall carry a serial number prefixed by a code in letters, which shall be specific to that FSTD.
The letter code shall be specific to the competent authority of issue.
European Union (*)
[Competent Authority]
Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and subject to the conditions specified below,
the [competent authority] hereby certifies that
located at
operated by
has satisfied the qualification requirements in accordance with the applicable primary reference
document and Part-ORA, subject to the conditions of the attached FSTD specifications.
This qualification certificate shall remain valid subject to the FSTD and the holder of the qualification
certificate remaining in compliance with the applicable requirements of Part-ORA, unless it has been
surrendered, superseded, suspended or revoked.
Date of initial issue: ……….
Date of revision:
For the [competent authority]
Signature: ………
(*) ‘European Union' to be deleted for non-EU Member States or EASA
EASA Form 145 Issue 2 – page 1/2
A. Primary reference document (PRD)
B. (for legacy FSTD only)
FSTD type and level
Group of aircraft/Type/Type and variant
C. Additional capabilities:
D. Limitations:
E. Remarks:
1. Flight Deck Layout And Structure (FDK)
2. Flight Control Forces And Hardware (CLH)
3. Flight Control Systems Operation (CLO)
4. Aircraft Systems (SYS)
5. Performance And Handling On Ground (GND)
6. Performance And Handling In Ground Effect (IGE)
7. Performance And Handling Out Of Ground Effect (OGE)
8. Sound Cueing (SND)
9. Vibration Cueing (VIB)
10. Motion Cueing (MTN)
11. Visual Cueing (VIS)
12. Navigation (NAV)
13. Atmosphere And Weather (ATM)
14. Operating Sites And Terrain (OST)
EASA Form 145 Issue 2 – page 2/2
Instructions for the issue of the FSTD qualification certificate
(a) EASA Form 145 shall be used for the FSTD qualification certificate.
This document shall contain the FSTD Specification, FCS where applicable, including any limitation(s) as
appropriate to the FSTD concerned.
(b) The qualification certificate shall be printed in English and in any other language(s) determined by the
competent authority.
(c) Separate qualification certificates shall be issued for:
(1) each combination of flight deck and platform in case of major interchangeable assemblies;
(2) each flight deck to be used as an FSTD in case of major interchangeable assemblies. The
FSTD qualification certificate shall specify the serial number of the flight deck.
(d) The identification of each flight deck and platform shall be established by using serial number placards
and each flight deck and platform combination shall have a qualification certificate with a single FSTD
serial number which contains the identification/serial number of the flight deck and platform.
(e) Different engine fit and alternate thrust ratings on one FSTD shall not require separate qualification
certificates as long as the FCS is not changed.
(f) Different equipment, such as avionics fits, included in one FSTD shall not require separate qualification
certificates. However, major differences in avionics may result in aircraft variants, which may require
separate software loads. In such cases, separate FSTD qualification certificates shall be issued.
(g) The FSTD indicated on the qualification certificate shall carry a serial number prefixed by a code in
letters. The letter code shall be specific to the competent authority of issue.
(h) In the table ‘FSTD Specification’, FSTD shall be defined by the PRD which is defined in the Master QTG
and indicate any limitations to the FSTD, if applicable. In case of a legacy FSTD, the FSTD specification table
shall specify:
(1) the FSTD type and level and
(2) the simulated aircraft type or type and variant or group of aircraft (e.g aircraft category, engine
configuration, wake-turbulence category, as applicable).
(i) The competent authority shall specify in the table ‘FSTD Specification’ under ‘Additional capabilities’ that an FSTD with FCS is qualified for MCC when: (1) the FSTD meets the requirements for MCC as specified in the applicable PRD; and
(2) the FSTD has an FCS which is equal or higher than:
(j) The competent authority shall specify, in the table ‘FSTD Specification’ under ‘Additional capabilities’, that an aeroplane FSTD is qualified for UPRT when:
(1) in case of a legacy FSTD, the FSTD meets all the technical requirements for UPRT in the CS- FSTD(A) issue 2 or CS-FSTD; (2) in case of an FSTD with FCS: (i) the FSTD meets the requirements in point (j)(1); and (ii) the FSTD has an FCS which is equal or higher than:
In case the FSTD is qualified for UPRT, the qualification certificate shall specify whether it is ‘approach to stall’ or ‘full/post stall’ capable in the table ‘FSTD Specification’ in the corresponding cell related to ‘Additional capabilities’.
(l) In the table ‘FSTD capability signature’, the FSTD shall be defined by its FCS, unless it is a legacy FSTD. In case of an FSTD which falls under point 2(a)(i)(A) and point 2(a)(ii)(A) of Article 10b of this Regulation, the table ‘FSTD capability signature’ shall be filled in with the assigned FCS according to Appendix IX to Annex VI (Part-ARA).
(m) Completion of the qualification certificate for FSTDs with an FCS:
(1) When the FSTD qualification process validates the FCS declared in the application, the relevant FSTD feature fidelity level codes (N, G, R or S) shall be entered on the FSTD
1 . F
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t D
ec k
La yo
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A n
d S
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ct u
2 . F
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tr o
l F o
rc e
A n
d H
ar d
w ar
3 . F
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t C
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tr o
Sy st
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s O
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at io
4 . A
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af t
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5 . P
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ce A
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n G
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6 . P
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rm an
ce A
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H an
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Ef fe
7 . P
er fo
rm an
ce A
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H an
d lin
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O f
G ro
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Ef fe
8 . S
o u
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C u
ei n
9 . V
ib ra
ti o
n C
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in g
1 0
. M o
ti o
n C
u ei
n g
1 1
. V is
u al
C u
ei n
1 2
. N av
ig at
io n
1 3
. A tm
o sp
h er
e A
n d
W ea
th er
1 4
. O p
er at
in g
Si te
s A
n d
Te rr
ai n
FSTD aeroplane
FSTD helicopters
1 . F
lig h
t D
ec k
La yo
u t
A n
d S
tr u
ct u
2 . F
lig h
t C
o n
tr o
l F o
rc e
A n
d H
ar d
w ar
3 . F
lig h
t C
o n
tr o
Sy st
e m
s O
p er
at io
4 . A
ir cr
af t
Sy st
em s
5 . P
er fo
rm an
ce A
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H an
d lin
g O
n G
ro u
n d
6 . P
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rm an
ce A
n d
H an
d lin
g In
G ro
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Ef fe
7 . P
er fo
rm an
ce A
n d
H an
d lin
g O
u t
O f
G ro
u n
Ef fe
8 . S
o u
n d
C u
e in
9 . V
ib ra
ti o
n C
u e
in g
1 0
. M o
ti o
n C
u e
in g
1 1
. V is
u al
C u
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1 2
. N av
ig at
io n
1 3
. A tm
o sp
h er
e A
n d
W ea
th er
1 4
. O p
er at
in g
Si te
s A
n d
Te rr
ai n
FSTD aeroplane
qualification certificate in the ‘Fidelity level’ column of the ‘FSTD Capability Signature (FCS)’ table for each feature in turn.
(2) Where an FCS feature is either not applicable or not available for the FSTD being qualified, the code ‘N’ shall be entered into the fidelity level box.
(3) Where the FSTD feature “Aircraft Systems” reflects different aircraft systems which are at different fidelity levels, the highest fidelity level should be entered and marked with an asterisk (*). The simulated aircraft systems and the related fidelity level shall be specified on the equipment specification list (ESL). In this case, the following statement shall be made in the “remarks” column: ‘Not all aircraft systems are simulated and/or are at the same fidelity level. Please refer to ESL’.
(4) Where the FSTD feature “Flight Control Forces And Hardware” reflects flight controls which are at different fidelity levels, the highest fidelity level should be entered and marked with an asterisk (*). The simulated flight control forces and hardware and the related fidelity level shall be specified on the equipment specification list (ESL). In this case, the following statement shall be made in the “remarks” column: ‘Not all Flight Control Forces and Hardware are simulated and/or are at the same fidelity level. Please refer to ESL’.
(5) In case of an interim qualification in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.115, the qualification certificate shall indicate the fidelity level and “interim” in the column ‘Fidelity Level’ for the applicable features in the table ‘FSTD Capability Signature’.
(6) For the applicable FSTD features, simulated aircraft shall be entered on the FSTD qualification certificate in the ‘simulated aircraft’ column of the ‘FSTD Capability Signature (FCS)’. The simulated aircraft shall be specified as follows:
i. In case the fidelity level is ‘S’ in any of the aircraft simulation features (1-7)
and/or the cueing features (sound and vibration), an aircraft type and variant
(make, model and series) shall be specified in the “Simulated aircraft”
ii. In case the fidelity level is ‘R’ in any of the aircraft simulation features (1-7)
and/or the cueing features (sound and vibration), an aircraft type (make and
model) shall be specified in the “Simulated aircraft” column.
iii. In case the fidelity level is ‘G’ in any of the aircraft simulation features (1-7)
and/or the cueing features (sound and vibration), a group of aircraft shall be
specified in the “Simulated aircraft” column by indicating:
A. Aircraft category: aeroplane, helicopter, tilt-rotor, eVTOL, airship; and
B. Engine configuration; and
C. Wake-turbulence category for the features where it is applicable.
Update from the focused consultations in March 2024 and September 2024
• A new row “Additional capabilities” is added in the FSTD template to identify whether the FSTD has MCC, UPRT qualification. The reason to add it in the QC is that MCC/UPRT is an additional capability of the FSTD which should be granted in the qualification process by the authority.
• In the instructions how to complete the certificate, it is clarified that:
o in order an FSTD with FCS to be qualified for MCC, it shall meet the requirements for MCC as specified in the applicable PRD and has an FCS which is equal or high to the FCS for FNPT II MCC in accordance with point FCL.036(a)(1) for aeroplanes and point FCL.036(a)(2) for helicopters.
o in order an FSTD with FCS to be qualified for UPRT, it shall:
• meets all the technical requirements for UPRT in the CS-FSTD(A) issue 2 or CS-FSTD;
• the equivalent FCS for FFS level C in accordance with point FCL.036(a)(1).
• The FSTD feature “Flight Controls Forces & Hardware”, similarly to the feature “Aircraft systems” may be marked with an asterisk (*) in the QC. The reason is that flight controls may be at different fidelity levels and thus the certificate shall reflect the highest fidelity level, however with the asterisk to pay attention that simulated flight control forces and hardware and the related fidelity level shall be specified on the equipment specification list (ESL).
• For FSTD with interim qualification, it is proposed that when the certificate indicates the fidelity level, the wording “interim” should be added in the column ‘Fidelity Level’ for the applicable features in the table ‘FSTD Capability Signature’
• The instructions are amended to established to provide clarity how to describe an FSTD with G fidelity level. The provision is aimed at establishing a standard approach in describing such FSTDs.
ORA.FSTD.100 General RMT.0196
(a) The applicant for an FSTD qualification shall demonstrate to the competent authority that it has established a management system in accordance with Subpart GEN, Section II of this Part ORA.GEN Section II. This demonstration shall ensure that the applicant has, directly or through contract, the capability to maintain the performance, functions and other characteristics specified for the FSTD’s qualification level and to control the installations of the FSTD.
(b) If the applicant is the holder of a qualification certificate issued in accordance with this Part, the FSTD specifications shall be detailed:
(1) in the terms of the ATO certificate; or
(2) in the case of an AOC holder, in the training manual.
(b) The organisation operating the FSTD shall provide the competent authority with documentation demonstrating how it complies with the requirements established in this Regulation. Such documentation shall include a procedure describing how the equipment specification list (ESL) is established and maintained.
(c) In case the organisation operating the FSTD is notified by the competent authority of a non-compliance of the FSTD with its qualification basis in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.100(e), the organisation shall:
(1) define a corrective action plan addressing all items, and in case of recurring, systemic or critical items identify the root cause of the non-compliance(s);
(2) within the period specified in point ARA.FSTD.100(e)(1), submit the corrective action plan which shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the competent authority and within a period agreed with that authority;
(3) after the corrective action plan has been implemented, inform the competent authority by sending the associated evidence.
(d) Every year the organisation operating the FSTD shall provide the competent authority with FSTD
metrics to demonstrate the FSTD performance, use and other characteristics.
New point (d) is established to request the organisation operating FSTD to provide information on the FSTD performance,
use and other characteristics. Such requirement already exists in AMC2 ORA.FSTD.100. It is proposed to move it in the hard
law to ensure legal clarity and certainty. In addition, it follows the implementation of the risk-based oversight by the
authorities by allowing them to receive annual information on the FSTD performance which will support developing of the
oversight programme.
ORA.FSTD.105 Maintaining the FSTD qualification RMT.0196
(a) In order to maintain the qualification of the FSTD, an FSTD qualification certificate holder shall run the complete set of tests contained within the master qualification test guide (MQTG) and functions and subjective tests progressively over a 12-month period.
(b) The results shall be dated, marked as analysed and evaluated, and retained in accordance with ORA.FSTD.240, in order to demonstrate that the FSTD standards are being maintained.
(c) A configuration control system shall be established to ensure the continued integrity of the hardware and software of the qualified FSTD.
(a) The organisation operating the FSTD shall perform all the following to maintain the FSTD qualification:
(1) maintain the FSTD in a condition that it consistently performs according to the qualification
basis, including conducting functional pre-flight checks within the preceding 24 hours of using
the FSTD for training, testing or checking.
(2) conduct the complete set of objective tests contained in the Master Qualification Test Guide
(MQTG), progressively over a 12-month cycle. Results from these tests shall be evaluated, dated,
marked as analysed and retained in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.240 in order to demonstrate
that the FSTD standards are being maintained.
(3) conduct the complete set of functions and subjective tests contained in the Master Qualification
Test Guide (MQTG) progressively over a 24-month cycle. The results of each fly-out shall:
(i) be accompanied by a declaration that the FSTD has been tested;
(ii) demonstrate that the FSTD standards are being maintained; and
(iii) be retained in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.240.
(4) preserve the integrity of the hardware and software of the FSTD and establish and maintain a
configuration control system, including database management.
(b) In case of a non-compliance identified during the tests referred to in points (a)(2) and (3), the organisation shall implement corrective actions to address the non-compliance which shall be retained in accordance with point ORA.FSTD.240.
(c) If an organisation plans to remove an FSTD from active status for prolonged periods, the organisation shall:
(1) notify the competent authority; and
(2) establish suitable controls for the period during which the FSTD is inactive.
The organisation shall agree with the competent authority a plan for the de-activation, storage and re-activation to ensure that the FSTD can be restored to active status at its original qualification.
The whole provision is redrafted to address the feedback from the Advisory Bodies during consultations in March and
September 2024. Point (a) specifies the main objective when maintaining the FSTD, e.g. that FSTD performs consistently
according to the qualification basis. In addition, it specifies that the organisation shall perform pre-flight checks within the
preceding 24 hours of using the FSTD. Such obligation was currently under CS-FSTD(A) issue 2/CS-FSTD(H) and was moved
in this point, because CS-FSTD does/should not define the obligations of the organisations operating FSTD.
The current text in point ORA.FSTD.105 (a) and (b) are moved to point (a)(2).
Considering the feedback from the Advisory bodies during the workshop on the draft CS-FSTD in September 2024, EASA
proposes that functions and subjective tests (F&S tests) contained in the Master Qualification Test Guide (MQTG) are
conducted progressively over a 24-month cycle, e.g. different from the cycle proposed for the objective tests. The proposed
change is justified by the fact that currently such tests are done with a frequency which has been evidenced to be
unproductive (4 flyouts over a 12-month cycle) and has been deemed to add minimal value to both the operator and the
competent authority. The number of such tests performed on a quarterly basis have shown to lead to unnecessary FSTD
resource utilisation. In addition to the different frequency, the process to mark and evaluate the results of the functions and
subjective tests is strengthened with the rationale to provide value for the organisation, operating the FSTD. In this sense, it
is proposed that the results of the fly out shall be accompanied by a declaration that the FSTD has been tested to
demonstrate that the FSTD standards are being maintained.
The current point (c) becomes point (a)(4), clarifying to the obligation of the organisation to establish and maintain database
management as part of the configuration management process.
Following questions from stakeholders, a legal obligation for the organisation operating FSTD is established to address non-
compliance identified during the conduct of the tests by taking corrective actions(s) and keep records of them in its system.
This obligation is established to provide legal clarity.
The new point (c) is based on ORA.FSTD.230(d) which is moved here as it refers to obligation of the organisation how to
ensure continuation of the FSTD qualification in case of de-activation/re-activation of the FSTD.
ORA.FSTD.200 Application for FSTD qualification
(a) The application for an FSTD qualification certificate shall be made by the organisation operating the FSTD in a form and manner established by the competent authority. It shall include:
(1a) in the case of basic instrument training devices (BITDs), by the BITD manufacturer the initial application form together with:
(1) a table of chosen validation data, specifying the unique data source for each objective test; and
(2) an equipment specification list (ESL);
(2b) in all other cases, by the organisation intending to operate the FSTD a declaration that the organisation operating the FSTD has performed all required objective tests of the FSTD and that it meets the criteria in the applicable qualification basis together with the qualification test guide, including validation data roadmap and the engineering report; and
(c) a declaration indicating that:
(1) all objective tests, functions and subjective test have been completed as well as general requirements for the requested FCS have been met; and
(2) the FSTD complies with the applicable requirements and with the simulated aircraft as appropriate for each FSTD feature.
(b) Applicants for an initial qualification shall provide the competent authority with documentation demonstrating how they will comply with the requirements established in this Regulation. Such documentation shall include the procedure established to ensure compliance with ORA.GEN.130 and ORA.FSTD.230.
The whole point ORA.FSTD.200 is revised to clarify the application form and attached documents in support of each application phase, following the FCS concept. The proposal follows the current practice of application form in 3 parts:
Part A , specified under point (a) which is the initial application form, together with the specified documents (a)(1) and (2). Considering the comments from the stakeholders, the point is changed to clarify that the organisation operating the FSTD shall provide only a table of chosen validation data and not the entire validation data roadmap. The intention is to request such summary (matrix) of the validation data which is used for each objective tests with initial application form.
Part B which is specified in point (b) requiring a declaration that the organisation performed all objective tests, together with the QTG, VDR and engineering report;
Part C, specified under point (c) is a declaration that all objective, functions and subjective tests are completed and FSTD complies with the simulated aircraft type or a group of aircraft as appropriate for each feature.
The text of the proposed provision is re-drafted after the focused consultation in September 2024 with the Advisory Bodies to align with the new (draft) CS-FSTD, mainly regarding the certification specifications for the validation data roadmap, the engineering report and the validation data. According to the new CS-FSTD, validation data, validation data roadmap (VDR) and engineering report (ER) will be is required for every newly qualified FSTD.
ORA.FSTD.230 Changes to the qualified FSTD RMT.0196
(a) The holder of an FSTD qualification certificate shall inform the competent authority of any proposed changes to the FSTD, such as:
(1) major modifications;
(2) relocation of the FSTD; and
(3) any de-activation of the FSTD.
(b) In case of an upgrade of the FSTD qualification level, the organisation shall apply to the competent authority for an upgrade evaluation. The organisation shall run all validation tests for the requested qualification level. Results from previous evaluations shall not be used to validate FSTD performance for the current upgrade.
(c) When an FSTD is moved to a new location, the organisation shall inform the competent authority before the planned activity along with a schedule of related events.
Prior to returning the FSTD to service at the new location, the organisation shall perform at least one third of the objective tests, and functions and subjective tests to ensure that the FSTD performance meets its original qualification standard. A copy of the test documentation shall be retained together with the FSTD records for review by the competent authority.
The competent authority may perform an evaluation of the FSTD after relocation. The evaluation
shall be in accordance with the original qualification basis of the FSTD.
(d) If an organisation plans to remove an FSTD from active status for prolonged periods, the competent authority shall be notified and suitable controls established for the period during which the FSTD is inactive.
The organisation shall agree with the competent authority a plan for the de-activation, any storage and re-activation to ensure that the FSTD can be restored to active status at its original qualification level.
After review of the hard law amendments, it is proposed that the entire point ORA.FSTD.235 is deleted, as the changes proposed in ORA.FSTD.110 are considered comprehensive for the management of modification of FSTD. Therefore, this point is deemed redundant.
The current point (a) is deleted as it becomes repetitive in the context of the new proposals in point ORA.FSTD.110. According to proposed ORA.FSTD.110(a) a change to the FSTD qualification certificate is a major modification and this includes also relocation, de-activation of the FSTD.
The current point (b) is deleted as the term “upgrade” of FSTD became useless in the context of the FCS framework.
Point (c) is proposed to be deleted in the hard law. The rationale is that relocation of FSTD is a major modification and point ORA.FSTD.100 sets up the framework for managing such modifications. In case of relocation of the FSTD, the organisation shall apply to the competent authority and performs the relocation after obtaining approval, unless it is entitled to manage the modification in accordance with a procedure approved by the competent authority in accordance with point ARA.FSTD.130(b). The current text that the organisation to perform at least one first of the objective, functions and subjective tests is foreseen in the supporting AMC to this point.
The possibility in the current point (c) that the competent authority may perform an evaluation of the FSTD after relocation is foreseen in point ARA.FSTD.125. The same point ARA.FSTD.125 also envisages that the evaluation shall be in accordance with the original qualification basis of the FSTD.
The current point (d) is moved in ORA.FSTD.105 as it refers to obligation of the organisation how to ensure continuation of the FSTD qualification in case of de-activation/re-activation of the FSTD.