Dokumendiregister | Päästeamet |
Viit | 1.3-1/287 |
Registreeritud | 14.01.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 15.01.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 1.3 Väliskoostöö |
Sari | 1.3-1 Rahvusvahelise koostööga seotud kirjavahetus |
Toimik | 1.3-1 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Chancellery of the Prime Minister Republic of Poland, Civil Society Department |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Chancellery of the Prime Minister Republic of Poland, Civil Society Department |
Vastutaja | Ketlin Tammsalu (põhivaldkond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Phone number: + 48 22 694 75 29 Address: Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3, E-mail address: [email protected] 00-583 Warsaw, Poland Website:
Civil Society Department Warsaw, 14.01.2025. Director
Łukasz Jachimowicz
Mr Margo Klaos
Director General
Directorate of the Estonian Rescue Board
Estonian Rescue Board
Dear Sir,
Within the framework of the presidency of Poland of the European Union Council in the first
half of 2025, coming at a time of uncertainty and concern, the Polish Government decided to
focus on activities strengthening European security in all its dimensions: external, internal,
information, economic, energy, food, and health.
The Minister for Civil Society, member of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland,
decided to undertake a new initiative within the framework of European cooperation, aiming
at strengthening and highlighting the role of civil society in building preparedness and
resilience to crises. This important role has already been pointed out in Chapter 4 of the
Report commissioned by the European Commission ‘Safer Together: Strengthening Europe's
Civilian and Military Preparedness and Readiness’, by Sauli Niinistö, published on October 30th,
2024. It will be further explored by authors of the special opinion by the European Economic
and Social Committee that is being prepared on request of the Polish Government for the
presidency proceedings. In order to make impact, the expert work must be completed (and
challenged) by bringing this key topic into practical discussion and exchange between
practitioners on decision-making level.
Taking into account the above facts, I am pleased to invite you to participate in the High-
Level Meeting on Civil Society and Crisis Preparedness, which will take place on February
4th and 5th, 2025, in Warsaw, Poland.
Phone number: + 48 22 694 75 29 Address: Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3, E-mail address: [email protected] 00-583 Warsaw, Poland Website:
The purpose of this meeting is to bring together public administration senior officials from EU
Member States to exchange experiences and identify key challenges in cooperation between
public administration and civil society organizations (CSOs) in times of crisis. This initiative, first
time bringing together representatives of Member States on the social dimension of the
internal security topic, represents a corner-stone for launching a multi-sectoral debate at
European level on ‘Civil Society as a Crisis Readiness Factor in the Present EU’.
(for more information please check: )
The event will gather 2 delegates by each country: a representative of government
administration of the EU Member States, at the decision-making level, responsible for the
cooperation with civil society and civil society organisations during crisis situations1 and a
representative of government administration specializing in inter-sectoral/inter-
ministerial/international coordination of civil protection and crisis management.
The proceedings will be conducted in English. Attached, you will find the draft agenda for
the meeting.
Upon the confirmation of the name, position and email address of Your Institution’s
representative, a separate email will be sent with the link to the official Polish Presidency
Accreditation Platform along information about logistics.
10 days before the meeting, an analytical document will be shared, presenting results of the
initial survey, that was circulated to EU MS earlier in summer 2024. Based on information
shared by each Member State through the survey, a mapping of relevant structures in EU MS
has been prepared and will be shared with meeting participants.
1 For countries where there is no particular structure responsible for dialogue with civil society it can be a representative of government administration with expertise in the area of cooperation with NGO during crisis situations such as migration crisis/natural disasters/energy crisis.
Phone number: + 48 22 694 75 29 Address: Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3, E-mail address: [email protected] 00-583 Warsaw, Poland Website:
In order to prepare meeting discussions, we would like to ask to share insights into your
country’s institutional and administrative structures related to cooperation with civil society
within the resilience building and crisis preparedness context, possibly with examples of good
practices or relevant experiences. We expect 4-5-minute interventions by each of counties.
Please confirm the participation as soon as possible on both email addresses at:
[email protected] and cc [email protected] , in order to receive the link to
the presidency accreditation platform. Note, that for security reasons, the accreditation
platform, will admit registration of delegates only by January 22nd, 2025.
For any additional logistical details, please contact Ms. Marta Radosz at
[email protected] and cc [email protected].
We do look forward to welcoming You personally or your Institution’s representative to this
important meeting and to engaging in fruitful discussions that will help shape our shared
response to crisis challenges in the European Union.
Yours sincerely,
Łukasz Jachimowicz
Saatja: Radosz Marta <[email protected]>
Saadetud: 14.01.2025 15:17
Adressaat: Margo Klaos <[email protected]>; Päästeamet <[email protected]>
Teema: High-Level Meeting on Civil Society and Crisis Preparedness, February 4th and 5th,
2025, Warsaw
Manused: AGENDA High-Level Meeting - CSO as Resilience Factor . Warsaw. February 4-
5.2025rev2.docx; Mr M. Klaos.pdf
TÄHELEPANU! Tegemist on väljastpoolt asutust saabunud kirjaga. Tundmatu saatja korral palume linke ja faile mitte avada!
Good Morning! Please find in attachment agenda and invitation to the High-Level Meeting on Civil Society and Crisis Preparedness, which will take place on February 4th and 5th, 2025, in Warsaw, Poland. We look forward to hearing from You! Kind Regards! Marta Radosz Counsellor Civil Society Department Chancellery of The Prime Minister Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3 Warsaw Poland Mob. +48 783 929 701 MARTA RADOSZ radca Wydział Programowania, Dialogu Obywatelskiego i Partycypacji
Departament Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego
+48 22 694 62 02 , 783 929 701
Al.Ujazdowskie 1/3, 00-583 Warszawa
RODO - Informacja dotycząca przetwarzania danych osobowych znajduje się w Biuletynie Informacji Publicznej Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów. Ta wiadomość jest przeznaczona do wyłącznego użytku jej adresata. Jeśli otrzymali Pań stwo tę wiadomość przez pomył kę, prosimy o bezzwł oczne skontaktowanie się z nadawcą oraz jej usunięcie. Jeśli nie są Pań stwo adresatem tej wiadomości, to jej wykorzystanie, w szczególności poprzez rozpowszechnianie, dystrybucję, powielanie, publikację wiadomości lub zawartych w niej informacji i/lub dokumentów, jest zabronione.
Phone number: + 48 22 694 75 29 Address: Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3, E-mail address: [email protected] 00-583 Warsaw, Poland Website:
Civil Society Department Warsaw, 14.01.2025. Director
Łukasz Jachimowicz
Mr Margo Klaos
Director General
Directorate of the Estonian Rescue Board
Estonian Rescue Board
Dear Sir,
Within the framework of the presidency of Poland of the European Union Council in the first
half of 2025, coming at a time of uncertainty and concern, the Polish Government decided to
focus on activities strengthening European security in all its dimensions: external, internal,
information, economic, energy, food, and health.
The Minister for Civil Society, member of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland,
decided to undertake a new initiative within the framework of European cooperation, aiming
at strengthening and highlighting the role of civil society in building preparedness and
resilience to crises. This important role has already been pointed out in Chapter 4 of the
Report commissioned by the European Commission ‘Safer Together: Strengthening Europe's
Civilian and Military Preparedness and Readiness’, by Sauli Niinistö, published on October 30th,
2024. It will be further explored by authors of the special opinion by the European Economic
and Social Committee that is being prepared on request of the Polish Government for the
presidency proceedings. In order to make impact, the expert work must be completed (and
challenged) by bringing this key topic into practical discussion and exchange between
practitioners on decision-making level.
Taking into account the above facts, I am pleased to invite you to participate in the High-
Level Meeting on Civil Society and Crisis Preparedness, which will take place on February
4th and 5th, 2025, in Warsaw, Poland.
Phone number: + 48 22 694 75 29 Address: Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3, E-mail address: [email protected] 00-583 Warsaw, Poland Website:
The purpose of this meeting is to bring together public administration senior officials from EU
Member States to exchange experiences and identify key challenges in cooperation between
public administration and civil society organizations (CSOs) in times of crisis. This initiative, first
time bringing together representatives of Member States on the social dimension of the
internal security topic, represents a corner-stone for launching a multi-sectoral debate at
European level on ‘Civil Society as a Crisis Readiness Factor in the Present EU’.
(for more information please check: )
The event will gather 2 delegates by each country: a representative of government
administration of the EU Member States, at the decision-making level, responsible for the
cooperation with civil society and civil society organisations during crisis situations1 and a
representative of government administration specializing in inter-sectoral/inter-
ministerial/international coordination of civil protection and crisis management.
The proceedings will be conducted in English. Attached, you will find the draft agenda for
the meeting.
Upon the confirmation of the name, position and email address of Your Institution’s
representative, a separate email will be sent with the link to the official Polish Presidency
Accreditation Platform along information about logistics.
10 days before the meeting, an analytical document will be shared, presenting results of the
initial survey, that was circulated to EU MS earlier in summer 2024. Based on information
shared by each Member State through the survey, a mapping of relevant structures in EU MS
has been prepared and will be shared with meeting participants.
1 For countries where there is no particular structure responsible for dialogue with civil society it can be a representative of government administration with expertise in the area of cooperation with NGO during crisis situations such as migration crisis/natural disasters/energy crisis.
Phone number: + 48 22 694 75 29 Address: Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3, E-mail address: [email protected] 00-583 Warsaw, Poland Website:
In order to prepare meeting discussions, we would like to ask to share insights into your
country’s institutional and administrative structures related to cooperation with civil society
within the resilience building and crisis preparedness context, possibly with examples of good
practices or relevant experiences. We expect 4-5-minute interventions by each of counties.
Please confirm the participation as soon as possible on both email addresses at:
[email protected] and cc [email protected] , in order to receive the link to
the presidency accreditation platform. Note, that for security reasons, the accreditation
platform, will admit registration of delegates only by January 22nd, 2025.
For any additional logistical details, please contact Ms. Marta Radosz at
[email protected] and cc [email protected].
We do look forward to welcoming You personally or your Institution’s representative to this
important meeting and to engaging in fruitful discussions that will help shape our shared
response to crisis challenges in the European Union.
Yours sincerely,
Łukasz Jachimowicz