Dokumendiregister | Päästeamet |
Viit | 1.3-1/309 |
Registreeritud | 15.01.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 16.01.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 1.3 Väliskoostöö |
Sari | 1.3-1 Rahvusvahelise koostööga seotud kirjavahetus |
Toimik | 1.3-1 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | European Commission Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | European Commission Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations |
Vastutaja | Ketlin Tammsalu (põhivaldkond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Appendix I – Indicative Logical Framework Matrix
Results chain:
Main expected results
(maximum 10)
(at least one indicator per expected
Targets by the end of the
programme (2030)
Sources of data
(1 per indicator) Assumptions
To increase the resilience
to natural and human-
induced disasters in the
Eastern Partnership
a) Level of improvement of
procedures in place in the Eastern
Partnership countries for disaster risk
management and cross-border/UCPM
a) Based on
PPRD East 3
a) Additional targets have
been met and existing ones
have improved in each of
the countries
by Partner
Countries and
Reports and Peer-
on civil protection
with Partner
Not applicable
Strengthened capacities
of Partner Countries to
prevent, prepare for,
respond to and recover
from natural and human-
induced disasters
a) Extent to which laws, secondary
legislation, strategies and procedures
of Partner Countries are approximated
with the EU requirements
b) Level of institutional capacities for
preparing, preventing, responding and
recovering, as well as level of
cooperation on national and regional
a) The
and legal
framework in
the field of
civil protection
b) Baseline as
outlined in the
reports of
PPRD East 3
a) The institutional and
legal framework of Partner
Countries in the field of
civil protection is
increasingly aligned to the
EU requirements and
UCPM standards
b) Higher level of
institutional capacities in
the areas of prevention,
preparedness, response and
by Partner
Countries and
commitment to
engage and
prioritise the
Political will to
cooperation in
civil protection
Political stability
within countries,
absence of
Adequate human
and financial
Further integration of
new Participating States
into the UCPM and
increased capacity in
other Eastern Partnership
countries to potentially
join the UCPM
a) Extent of improved understanding
and knowledge of the UCPM and its
b) Extent to which relevant staff have
benefitted from
a, b) Baseline
to be set at the
inception of
the programme
a, b) Targets to be
developed at the inception
of the programme
ct reports
commitment from
Partner Countries
necessary human,
financial and
material resources
Willingness to
participate and/or
join UCPM
Increased Partner
Countries participation in
and cooperation with the
UCPM, including
regional and cross-border
a) Number of times assistance
provided among Eastern Partnership
countries or with other beneficiaries in
actual emergencies (per year)
channelled through UCPM (this
depends on whether disasters happen
or not)
b) Number of times that Eastern
Partnership countries activates the
UCPM in justified circumstances or
use it to channel international
assistance to Participating States
a) Baseline to
be set at the
inception of
the programme
b) Baseline to
be set at the
inception of
the programme
a, b) Targets to be set at the
inception phase of the
UCPM reports
commitment from
Partner Countries
necessary human,
financial and
material resources
Commitment to
cooperation in
preparedness and
related to
outcome 1
a) Improved national
legal and institutional
a1) Extent of
comprehensive risk
assessment and risk
management planning on
national and/or sub-
national level, including
local communities, civil
society organisations,
volunteers as well as
cross-cutting issues
a2) Improved risk
prevention and
preparedness measures,
institutionalised multi-
hazard early warning
system, contingency and
emergency planning,
public awareness and
risk communication, as
well as innovation and
knowledge services
b) Enhanced knowledge
and capacities for
emergency response,
cy coordination in line
with EU practices and
international standards
c) Enhanced planning
and preparedness for
disaster recovery and
reconstruction on local,
a) Existence of
reviewed/developed/updated legal and
institutional framework
a1) Number of risk assessments and
risk management capabilities in
a2) Number of road maps, guidelines,
and procedures developed/improved
and in use
a3) Number of hazards for which the
action led to the establishment of
procedures and coverage for
monitoring, detection and early action
(previously uncovered at a national
b) Number of response capacities,
which are developed/upgraded
according to internationally
recognised standards (e.g.
Medium/Heavy Search and Rescue
b1) Extent to which Host Nation
Support (HNS) procedures are
c) ‘Build-back better’ tools and
d) Number of people who have been
trained (number of gender trainings);
number of training curriculum
d1) Number of table-top exercises at
national level
a) 3
a1) 4
a2) emergency
plans: 6; SOPs
for EWS: 4
a3) Baseline to
be set at the
b) 3
b1) 1
c) 0
d) Baseline to
be set at the
d1) Pilot areas
to be defined
during the
e) Baseline to
be set at the
f) Training
and expertise
is available in
the region
a) Target to be set at the
inception of the
programme based on
countries current needs but
technical assistance should
be provided for at least 2
a1) Target to be set at the
inception of the
programme based on
countries current needs but
technical assistance should
be provided in five
countries for at least 3
a2) Target to be set at the
inception of the
programme based on
countries current needs but
technical assistance should
be provided in five
b) At least one module
gaining INSARAG
classification during
er HNS procedures in at
least 2 countries
c) Technical assistance to
be provided in at least
three countries
Official gazette of
Partner Countries
Reports from
governments and
sustainability and
durability to the
projects by
making available
the necessary
human, financial
and material
Willingness to
engage and
improve legal and
framework and
practices and to
ensure inter-
willingness to
engage and
develop their
regional and national
d) Strengthened local
training capacities and civil protection actors
e) Strengthened network
of civil protection
volunteers at national
and regional level
f) National capacities for
Disaster Risk
Assessment and
production of Disaster
Loss Data are
e) A functioning system of training
and supporting volunteers
f) Extent to which relevant staff have
benefitted from training/received
technical assistance
d)Target to be set at the
inception of the
e) Target to be set at the
inception phase
f) Staff have participated
in/benefitted from
workshops, study visits,
technical assistance and
expert advice
related to
outcome 2
a) Increased awareness
and use (quantitative and
qualitative) of UCPM
tools and services
available to Partner
b) Strengthened network
and exchanges between
new and aspiring
Participating States in the
Eastern Partnership
region and EU Member
States of the UCPM
a1) Number of registrations of
response teams, technical equipment
and other resources in the Common
Emergency Communication and
Information System (CECIS) and into
the European Civil Protection Pool
(ECPP), as well as reporting on
Article 6 and participation in the
Expert Groups (for Participating
a2) Participation in projects, exercises,
trainings, and other tools available
under the UCPM (for Participating
States and non-Participating States)
b) Number of training, workshops,
exchange of experts visits
a1) Baseline to
be set at
phase of
a2) Baseline to
be set at
phase of
b) Based on
PRRD East 3
a, b) Target to be set at
inception phase of
documents from
the governments
or domestic civil
ERCC reports
e reports
sustainability and
durability to the
projects by
making available
the necessary
human, financial
and material
The adequate staff
following the
training and
workshops and
participating in
related to
a) Strengthened
institutional and
operational coordination
between the UCPM and
Partner Countries in the
areas of prevention,
preparedness, response
and recovery
b) Improved national
frameworks in each
Partner Country on
requesting and receiving
assistance through the
UCPM, as well as
coordination on national
and regional level (in the
case of transboundary
c) Enhanced cross-border
and sub-regional
cooperation among
Eastern Partnership
countries, including
transboundary risk
assessment and response
a, b, c) Number of times assistance is
provided among Partner Countries or
with other beneficiaries in
actual emergencies channelled
through the UCPM
a, b, c) Number of
updated/developed procedures/emerge
ncy response plans/protocols and
guidelines in place for requesting
and offering assistance incl. Host
nation Support (HNS)
a1) Number of exchange of experts
visits, workshops, trainings
b) Extent to which beneficiary
specific recommendations for inter-
institutional coordination mechanisms
are further developed
c) Number of joint regional and full-
scale exercises
c) Existence of multi-sectoral and
cross-border emergency plans in line
with the EU and international
a, b, c)
Baseline to be
set at the
inception of
the programme
based on
PPRD East 3
final report
and the results
of the other
a1) Based on
PPRD East 3
a2) Baseline to
be set at the
inception of
the programme
based on
b) Baseline to
be set at the
inception of
the programme
c) 2
c) No updated
cross border
response plans
in line with
EU and
a, b) Target to be set at the
inception of the
c) 1 regional and full-scale
c) At least 1 Cross border
emergency response plan
developed in line with EU
and international standards
ERCC reports
Reports from civil
authorities of
Lessons learned
from practical
exercises and
actual disasters
Evidence on
among the partner
countries and the
UCPM (ERCC) in real life
Dear Colleagues,
The European Commission has the pleasure to inform your authorities about the launch of the call for proposals for regional civil protection programme in the Eastern Partnership countries (PPRD East 4). The submission of proposals will be available on the Funding & Tenders Portal starting on 30 January 2025. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 29 April 2025.
Please facilitate the transmission of this email, together with documents explaining the procedure of the application, to relevant persons in charge of a potential application.
In addition, we would like to inform that the PPRD East 4 programme will be presented at the information day on 4 February 2025. The agenda and other practical details on the live streaming event will be published on the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network website.
Thank you very much for your attention in advance.
With kind regards,
European Commission
DG ECHO - Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
Unit C.1 - Southeast Europe, Eastern Neighbourhood and Central Asia
E-mail: [email protected]
Appendix I – Indicative Logical Framework Matrix
Results chain:
Main expected results
(maximum 10)
(at least one indicator per expected
Targets by the end of the
programme (2030)
Sources of data
(1 per indicator) Assumptions
To increase the resilience
to natural and human-
induced disasters in the
Eastern Partnership
a) Level of improvement of
procedures in place in the Eastern
Partnership countries for disaster risk
management and cross-border/UCPM
a) Based on
PPRD East 3
a) Additional targets have
been met and existing ones
have improved in each of
the countries
by Partner
Countries and
Reports and Peer-
on civil protection
with Partner
Not applicable
Strengthened capacities
of Partner Countries to
prevent, prepare for,
respond to and recover
from natural and human-
induced disasters
a) Extent to which laws, secondary
legislation, strategies and procedures
of Partner Countries are approximated
with the EU requirements
b) Level of institutional capacities for
preparing, preventing, responding and
recovering, as well as level of
cooperation on national and regional
a) The
and legal
framework in
the field of
civil protection
b) Baseline as
outlined in the
reports of
PPRD East 3
a) The institutional and
legal framework of Partner
Countries in the field of
civil protection is
increasingly aligned to the
EU requirements and
UCPM standards
b) Higher level of
institutional capacities in
the areas of prevention,
preparedness, response and
by Partner
Countries and
commitment to
engage and
prioritise the
Political will to
cooperation in
civil protection
Political stability
within countries,
absence of
Adequate human
and financial
Further integration of
new Participating States
into the UCPM and
increased capacity in
other Eastern Partnership
countries to potentially
join the UCPM
a) Extent of improved understanding
and knowledge of the UCPM and its
b) Extent to which relevant staff have
benefitted from
a, b) Baseline
to be set at the
inception of
the programme
a, b) Targets to be
developed at the inception
of the programme
ct reports
commitment from
Partner Countries
necessary human,
financial and
material resources
Willingness to
participate and/or
join UCPM
Increased Partner
Countries participation in
and cooperation with the
UCPM, including
regional and cross-border
a) Number of times assistance
provided among Eastern Partnership
countries or with other beneficiaries in
actual emergencies (per year)
channelled through UCPM (this
depends on whether disasters happen
or not)
b) Number of times that Eastern
Partnership countries activates the
UCPM in justified circumstances or
use it to channel international
assistance to Participating States
a) Baseline to
be set at the
inception of
the programme
b) Baseline to
be set at the
inception of
the programme
a, b) Targets to be set at the
inception phase of the
UCPM reports
commitment from
Partner Countries
necessary human,
financial and
material resources
Commitment to
cooperation in
preparedness and
related to
outcome 1
a) Improved national
legal and institutional
a1) Extent of
comprehensive risk
assessment and risk
management planning on
national and/or sub-
national level, including
local communities, civil
society organisations,
volunteers as well as
cross-cutting issues
a2) Improved risk
prevention and
preparedness measures,
institutionalised multi-
hazard early warning
system, contingency and
emergency planning,
public awareness and
risk communication, as
well as innovation and
knowledge services
b) Enhanced knowledge
and capacities for
emergency response,
cy coordination in line
with EU practices and
international standards
c) Enhanced planning
and preparedness for
disaster recovery and
reconstruction on local,
a) Existence of
reviewed/developed/updated legal and
institutional framework
a1) Number of risk assessments and
risk management capabilities in
a2) Number of road maps, guidelines,
and procedures developed/improved
and in use
a3) Number of hazards for which the
action led to the establishment of
procedures and coverage for
monitoring, detection and early action
(previously uncovered at a national
b) Number of response capacities,
which are developed/upgraded
according to internationally
recognised standards (e.g.
Medium/Heavy Search and Rescue
b1) Extent to which Host Nation
Support (HNS) procedures are
c) ‘Build-back better’ tools and
d) Number of people who have been
trained (number of gender trainings);
number of training curriculum
d1) Number of table-top exercises at
national level
a) 3
a1) 4
a2) emergency
plans: 6; SOPs
for EWS: 4
a3) Baseline to
be set at the
b) 3
b1) 1
c) 0
d) Baseline to
be set at the
d1) Pilot areas
to be defined
during the
e) Baseline to
be set at the
f) Training
and expertise
is available in
the region
a) Target to be set at the
inception of the
programme based on
countries current needs but
technical assistance should
be provided for at least 2
a1) Target to be set at the
inception of the
programme based on
countries current needs but
technical assistance should
be provided in five
countries for at least 3
a2) Target to be set at the
inception of the
programme based on
countries current needs but
technical assistance should
be provided in five
b) At least one module
gaining INSARAG
classification during
er HNS procedures in at
least 2 countries
c) Technical assistance to
be provided in at least
three countries
Official gazette of
Partner Countries
Reports from
governments and
sustainability and
durability to the
projects by
making available
the necessary
human, financial
and material
Willingness to
engage and
improve legal and
framework and
practices and to
ensure inter-
willingness to
engage and
develop their
regional and national
d) Strengthened local
training capacities and civil protection actors
e) Strengthened network
of civil protection
volunteers at national
and regional level
f) National capacities for
Disaster Risk
Assessment and
production of Disaster
Loss Data are
e) A functioning system of training
and supporting volunteers
f) Extent to which relevant staff have
benefitted from training/received
technical assistance
d)Target to be set at the
inception of the
e) Target to be set at the
inception phase
f) Staff have participated
in/benefitted from
workshops, study visits,
technical assistance and
expert advice
related to
outcome 2
a) Increased awareness
and use (quantitative and
qualitative) of UCPM
tools and services
available to Partner
b) Strengthened network
and exchanges between
new and aspiring
Participating States in the
Eastern Partnership
region and EU Member
States of the UCPM
a1) Number of registrations of
response teams, technical equipment
and other resources in the Common
Emergency Communication and
Information System (CECIS) and into
the European Civil Protection Pool
(ECPP), as well as reporting on
Article 6 and participation in the
Expert Groups (for Participating
a2) Participation in projects, exercises,
trainings, and other tools available
under the UCPM (for Participating
States and non-Participating States)
b) Number of training, workshops,
exchange of experts visits
a1) Baseline to
be set at
phase of
a2) Baseline to
be set at
phase of
b) Based on
PRRD East 3
a, b) Target to be set at
inception phase of
documents from
the governments
or domestic civil
ERCC reports
e reports
sustainability and
durability to the
projects by
making available
the necessary
human, financial
and material
The adequate staff
following the
training and
workshops and
participating in
related to
a) Strengthened
institutional and
operational coordination
between the UCPM and
Partner Countries in the
areas of prevention,
preparedness, response
and recovery
b) Improved national
frameworks in each
Partner Country on
requesting and receiving
assistance through the
UCPM, as well as
coordination on national
and regional level (in the
case of transboundary
c) Enhanced cross-border
and sub-regional
cooperation among
Eastern Partnership
countries, including
transboundary risk
assessment and response
a, b, c) Number of times assistance is
provided among Partner Countries or
with other beneficiaries in
actual emergencies channelled
through the UCPM
a, b, c) Number of
updated/developed procedures/emerge
ncy response plans/protocols and
guidelines in place for requesting
and offering assistance incl. Host
nation Support (HNS)
a1) Number of exchange of experts
visits, workshops, trainings
b) Extent to which beneficiary
specific recommendations for inter-
institutional coordination mechanisms
are further developed
c) Number of joint regional and full-
scale exercises
c) Existence of multi-sectoral and
cross-border emergency plans in line
with the EU and international
a, b, c)
Baseline to be
set at the
inception of
the programme
based on
PPRD East 3
final report
and the results
of the other
a1) Based on
PPRD East 3
a2) Baseline to
be set at the
inception of
the programme
based on
b) Baseline to
be set at the
inception of
the programme
c) 2
c) No updated
cross border
response plans
in line with
EU and
a, b) Target to be set at the
inception of the
c) 1 regional and full-scale
c) At least 1 Cross border
emergency response plan
developed in line with EU
and international standards
ERCC reports
Reports from civil
authorities of
Lessons learned
from practical
exercises and
actual disasters
Evidence on
among the partner
countries and the
UCPM (ERCC) in real life
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM)
Invitation to submit a proposal
Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
Version 1.0 15 January 2025
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Version Publication
Date Change Page
1.0 15.01.2025 ▪ Initial version
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
0. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5
1. Background ............................................................................................................................... 7
Context ................................................................................................................................... 9
National Civil Protection Authorities ............................................................................................ 10
Lessons Learned ...................................................................................................................... 10
Links with the relevant initiatives ............................................................................................... 11
Intervention Logic .................................................................................................................... 12
Cross-cutting principles ............................................................................................................ 13
Programme Management .......................................................................................................... 13
2. Objectives — Specific objectives — Expected impact – Activities that can be funded .......................... 15
UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4-IBA — Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human- induced Disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries (PPRD East 4) ........................................ 15
Objective ................................................................................................................................ 15
Specific objectives ................................................................................................................... 15
Expected results ...................................................................................................................... 15
Activities that can be funded ..................................................................................................... 17
3. Available budget ....................................................................................................................... 20
4. Timetable and deadlines ............................................................................................................ 20
5. Admissibility and documents ...................................................................................................... 21
6. Eligibility .................................................................................................................................. 22
Eligible participants (eligible countries) ....................................................................................... 22
Specific cases and definitions .................................................................................................... 22
Consortium composition ........................................................................................................... 23
Eligible activities ...................................................................................................................... 23
Geographic location (target countries) ........................................................................................ 24
7. Financial and operational capacity and exclusion ........................................................................... 25
Financial capacity .................................................................................................................... 25
Operational capacity ................................................................................................................ 25
Exclusion ................................................................................................................................ 26
8. Evaluation and award procedure ................................................................................................. 27
9. Award criteria ........................................................................................................................... 29
EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
ECHO.C – Neighbourhood, Middle East, South-West and Central Asia ECHO.C.1 – Southeast Europe and Eastern Neighbourhood and Central Asia
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
10. Legal and financial set-up of the Grant Agreements ..................................................................... 32
Starting date and programme duration ....................................................................................... 32
Milestones and deliverables ....................................................................................................... 32
Form of grant, funding rate and maximum grant amount .............................................................. 34
Budget categories and cost eligibility rules .................................................................................. 34
Reporting and payment arrangements ........................................................................................ 35
Prefinancing guarantees ........................................................................................................... 36
Certificates ............................................................................................................................. 36
Liability regime for recoveries ................................................................................................... 36
Provisions concerning the programme implementation ................................................................. 36
Other specificities .................................................................................................................... 37
Non-compliance and breach of contract ...................................................................................... 37
11. How to submit an application .................................................................................................... 38
12. Help ...................................................................................................................................... 39
13. Important .............................................................................................................................. 40
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
0. Introduction
This is an invitation to submit a proposal for EU action grant in the field of civil
protection under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM).
The regulatory framework for this EU Funding Programme is set out in:
− Regulation 2024/2509 (EU Financial Regulation1)
− Regulation 2021/947 (Neighbourhood, Development and International
Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe2)
− the UCPM Decision 1313/20133.
The invitation is launched in accordance with the 2024 Annual Action Plan for
Governance and EU Related reforms4 and will be managed by the European
Commission, Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and
Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO).
The call covers the following programme:
− UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 — Prevention, Preparedness and Response to
natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership
countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
We invite you to read the call documentation carefully, and in particular this Call
document, the Model Grant Agreement, the EU Funding & Tenders Portal Online
Manual and the EU Grants AGA — Annotated Grant Agreement.
These documents provide clarifications and answers to questions you may have when
preparing your application:
− the Call document outlines the:
− background, objectives, specific objectives, expected results and the
activities that can be funded (sections 1 and 2)
− timetable and available budget (sections 3 and 4)
− admissibility and eligibility conditions (including mandatory documents;
sections 5 and 6)
− criteria for financial and operational capacity and exclusion (section 7)
− evaluation and award procedure (section 8)
− award criteria (section 9)
− legal and financial set-up of the Grant Agreements (section 10)
1 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2024/2509 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September
2024 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (recast) (‘EU Financial Regulation’) (OJ L, 2024/2509, 26.9.2024).
2 Regulation (EU) 2021/947 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 June 2021 establishing
the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe, (OJ L
209, 14.6.2021, p. 1–78). 3 Decision No 1313/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on a
Union Civil Protection Mechanism (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 924). 4 Commission Implementing Decision C(2024)5375 on the financing of the annual action plan in favour of
the NDICI Neighbourhood East Region for 2024.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
− how to submit an application (section 11)
− the Online Manual outlines the:
− procedures to register and submit proposals online via the EU Funding
& Tenders Portal (‘Portal’)
− recommendations for the preparation of the application
− the AGA — Annotated Grant Agreement contains:
− detailed annotations on all the provisions in the Grant Agreement you
will have to sign in order to obtain the grant (including cost eligibility,
payment schedule, accessory obligations, etc).
You are also encouraged to consult previous PPRD East programmes (PPRD East 1,
PPRD East 2 and PPRD East 3).
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
1. Background
The programme for Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-
induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries (PPRD East) was initiated in
2010 under the Eastern Partnership (EaP) initiative. It aimed to strengthen disaster
risk reduction and crisis management in the EaP countries, to promote regional
cooperation and bring Partner Countries in cooperation with the Union Civil Protection
Mechanism (UCPM)5.
The UCPM, established in 2001, has become a comprehensive framework for
cooperation in disaster management in Europe and beyond. The overall objective of
the UCPM is to strengthen the cooperation in the field of civil protection, to facilitate
coordination, and to improve the effectiveness of the system for preventing,
preparing for, and responding to natural and human-induced disasters. Currently, 37
EU Member States and Participating States, are participating in the UCPM6.
The programmes of PPRD East 1 (2010-2014) and PPRD East 2 (2014-2019) were
directly linked with the “Eastern Partnership – 20 deliverables for 2020”, which
highlighted the importance of capacity building in crisis management. In line with the
“Recovery, resilience and reform: post 2020 Eastern Partnership priorities”, the PPRD
East 3 significantly enhanced Partner Countries‘ preparedness, prevention and
response to natural and human-induced disasters through capacity building activities.
The three phases of PPRD East have been transformative, significantly aiding Partner
Countries in their efforts to align national legislation with EU acquis and adopt best
practices in civil protection. These phases have facilitated important institutional
changes and fostered closer ties between the EU and Partner Countries by creating a
unique platform for both policy and technical dialogue, supported by extensive
capacity building. In addition, cooperation between Partner Countries and the UCPM
has been notably strengthened, with Ukraine joining as a Participating State in 2023
and the Republic of Moldova7 in 2024. While PPRD East is a regional program, it has
maintained the flexibility to accommodate the differing needs and priorities of each
Partner Country.
The overall aim of this invitation to submit a proposal is to identify and finance a
programme of PPRD East 4. The beneficiary countries are: Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine8.
The new programme of PPRD East will continue capacity building in the Partner
Countries to enhance resilience, deepen the engagements on local, national and
regional level and consolidate recommendations identified under the previous phase.
As per the results of PPRD East 3, continuous efforts should be focused on:
1. assisting and facilitating the development and/or update of National Disaster
Risk Assessment, ensuring the integration of cross-cutting issues;
2. reinforcing risk assessments integration in national and local emergency
planning to specific and/or multi-hazards;
5 The UCPM legal base is the Decision No 1313/2013/EU. 6 In light of Article 28(1a) of Decision No 1313/2013/EU, where reference is made to Member States, it
shall be understood as including Participating States as defined in Article 4(12) of Decision No 1313/2013/EU.
7 Hereinafter referred to as Moldova. 8 In line with the Council Conclusions of 12 October 2020 and in light of Belarus’s involvement in the
Russian military aggression against Ukraine, recognised in the European Council Conclusions of February 2022, the EU has stopped engaging with representatives of Belarus public bodies and state- owned enterprises. Should there be a change of the context this may be reconsidered.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
3. operationalising and institutionalising early warning systems, broadening the
scope of hazards, enhancing interinstitutional coordination for impact-based
4. enhancing training capacities and training curriculums;
5. strengthening interagency coordination and cooperation for requesting and
receiving international assistance, including Host Nation Support guidelines;
6. increasing networks between national authorities and civil society
The programme is also expected to place emphasis on innovation/knowledge transfer
and Disaster Risk Reduction, providing more systematic and integrated disaster
prevention and preparedness for quicker recovery. The new elements of the
programme include disaster recovery focusing on capacity building and technical
guidance for preparedness for disaster reconstruction as well as facilitating the link
between relief, rehabilitation and development. Moreover, the programme should
focus on the integration of new and aspiring Participating States of the UCPM into the
The programme should take into account cross-cutting issues specified below. It
should also focus on improving civil protection capacities in line with the Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the EU Disaster Resilience
PPRD East 4 will be the last phase of the action. With 15 years of programme
implementation, the fourth phase of the programme shall focus on phasing out and
ensuring sustainability of the results after the end of the programme. The following
principles should be at the centre of these efforts:
1. Building upon recommendations from previous PPRD East phases:
where applicable, ensuring continuity and follow up to already developed
resources and capacities, taking lessons learned from previous programme,
addressing challenges previously encountered and avoiding duplication of
2. Enhancing ownership and sustainability of programme: ensuring that
developed capacities and cooperation structures at local, national and regional
level respond to the needs of the beneficiaries and are further integrated into
the relevant national structures in order to ensure sustainability of the results
after the end of the programme.
3. Address country specific needs while maintaining regional approach:
the programme should be flexible and tailored to address the needs and
priorities of each Partner Country and identify cross-border/sub-regional and
regional cooperation opportunities.
4. Alignment with the UCPM and other disaster risk management
initiatives in the region (in addition to the EU acquis, where
applicable): the Union Disaster Resilience Goals, the Article 6.1 report
recommendations on disaster risk management9, mirroring programme
activities to bring countries closer to the UCPM and creating synergies with
initiatives funded by EU/UCPM and/or implemented by the international
9 Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on progress on implementation
of Article 6 of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism COM(2024)130 final.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
community (UN, World Bank, EIB, NATO, INGOs, bilateral cooperation with EU
Member States) and ensuring complementarity and coherence.
5. Result-oriented approach: placing focus on outcome-oriented rather than
output-oriented project planning. A robust results framework should form the
basis for adequate and timely monitoring and evaluation of the programme.
Particular emphasis should be paid to the applicants’ choice of indicators.
The targeted region is characterised by a highly complex disaster profile. Despite their
large geographical coverage, the targeted countries can be characterised by their
considerably similar exposure to natural and human-induced disaster risks, ranging
from earthquakes, floods, landslides, forest and ground fires, heat and cold waves.
Environmental, industrial, and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN)
risks are serious.
Strengthening resilience which includes enhancing capacities to prevent, prepare and
respond to disasters across the entire region is one of the post 2020 Eastern
Partnership priorities10. The EaP countries recognise the need to further enhance
disaster management system. They have embarked into a process of capacity
building at all phases of disaster management, involving various stakeholders at local
and national level. Emergency planning, comprehensive disaster risk assessments and
methodology, inter-agency coordination and early warning systems have been
improved, with the support of previous PPRD East programme. These efforts have
contributed to the gradual and ongoing shift from overtly response-based civil
protection approach to prevention and preparedness one.
Nonetheless, capacities of the national authorities in the Partner Countries to
effectively manage disasters vary significantly. Lack of financial, human or technical
resources as well as inadequate capacities and expertise have often been cited as
obstacles to concrete implementation of a sound disaster risk management.
The instructional, legislative and financial arrangements for comprehensive and
gender-inclusive disaster risk management should be strengthened, taking into
account climate change impacts. Adaptation to climate change, although closely
related, is still not implemented in synergy and full coordination with disaster risk
management policies.
It is also necessary to strengthen inclusion of gender and vulnerable groups into the
disaster risk management process at both national and local levels, involving various
stakeholders and national agencies (volunteers, civil society organisations, etc.). Civil
protection education/training and volunteerism should be improved and further
institutionalised. Procedures for requesting and receiving international assistance
should be further developed and enshrined in the legislation. Effective disaster
recovery is another element of importance that requires capacity development.
Most of the countries have established cross-border cooperation agreements with
their neighbours regarding mutual assistance in case of major disasters, however in
some cases actual contacts need to be developed/better maintained and frameworks
for cooperation and international assistance in disasters should be strengthened.
In addition, Partner Countries cooperation with the UCPM is at different stages. Efforts
should be dedicated for the integration of Moldova and Ukraine into the UCPM, as well
10 Commission Joint Staff Working Document SWD(2021)186 on Recovery, resilience and reform: post
2020 Eastern Partnership priorities.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
as for Georgia, as a potential Participating State of the UCPM. Throughout the EaP
region, Moldova and Ukraine, as well as Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia are
particularly exposed to high transboundary risk in case of a disaster. These different
layers of cooperation need to be further enhanced and implemented in practice for an
efficient coordination in the region, with the UCPM, the EU Member States and other
international actors.
National Civil Protection Authorities
In Armenia, the newly created Ministry of Internal Affairs has taken the responsibility
of civil protection and disaster risk management. It incorporates the Rescue Service
of Armenia. The Ministry is undergoing major reforms, including in the Rescue
Azerbaijan has assigned Ministry of Emergency Situations with a wide range of
powers and responsibilities confirmed by large financial support from the state
In Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, the corresponding responsibilities are under the
jurisdiction of the Ministries of Internal Affairs. In Georgia, the strategic and
coordination functions (including the situation room) remain under the Prime
Minister’s office.
The capacities of the national authorities in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
can be characterised as advanced yet still unevenly distributed at national, regional,
and local levels. Generally, limited resources create deficiencies of emergency assets
for daily operations. However, it is worth noting that, given the ongoing war in
Ukraine with its direct cascading effects in Moldova, the two countries have
experienced non-negligeable advancements in the area of civil protection over the last
approximately 2.5 years.
Lessons Learned
The proposed action should build on the findings and lessons learnt from previously
implemented PPRD East programmes.
The previous PPRD East actions have enhanced legal and institutional frameworks to
improve disaster risk management and supported institutional coordination among all
actors to a varying extent. To note, not all Partner Countries are facing the same level
of difficulties or have the same needs and not all countries aspire to reach the same
level of cooperation with the UCPM, or with each other. National ownership has been
strong but varied throughout the implementation of the PPRD East programmes. It is
therefore important to ensure a high-level of commitment for a successful
implementation of PPRD East 4.
In addition, the recruitment of a local coordinator in each Partner Country during
PPRD East 3 has significantly facilitated communication and collaboration between the
programme team and national stakeholders.
Throughout phase 3 of PPRD East, adaptability and flexibility have been identified as
crucial for success, enabling relevant solutions and effective programme
implementation in view of changing circumstances (e.g. COVID-19) and challenges
(e.g. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine).
The regional approach has been highlighted to be of great importance for the
assessment of cross-border risks, regional risk prioritisation and development of
similar national methodologies to enable the comparison of risks and exchange of
experts. Regional activities (such as trainings, table-top and full-scale exercises
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
conducted) provided a unique platform for dialogue on technical level and
operationalisation of programme outputs.
Furthermore, in order to ensure continuity and sustainability of the programme, it is
advised that national civil protection services undertake close cooperation with the
UCPM, particularly regarding policy alignment, thus ensuring an endurable
implementation of the action. The aforementioned sustainability and long-term
availability of the programme’s results could be made available and accessed as
needed via the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network (UCPKN) online platform.
Links with the relevant initiatives
To avoid duplication of activities, the action should pursue synergies and attempt to
connect with other Commission-funded initiatives in the region. Efforts should already
be made in the proposal design phase to avoid an isolated programme
implementation. As part of their initial needs assessment, every proposal should
include a mapping of relevant past and present initiatives in the target countries,
especially if the initiatives received EU/UCPM funding. In cases in which relevant
initiatives exist, applicants should explain how they will pursue synergies with ongoing
initiatives or incorporate existing results from past initiatives into their programme
Coordination and complementarities with similar regional or bilateral initiatives
through regular exchanges and the common anchoring to the UCPM are encouraged.
Those include:
- Ongoing Prevention and Preparedness projects in civil protection11;
- Multi-country mapping study on disaster risks and gaps: The applicants are
encouraged to build upon the comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk
landscape and capabilities/capacities of the countries in the targeted regions to
respond to disasters. The analysis will provide evidence on where the main
national, cross-border, regional risks, and gaps are in addressing those risks;
- On Site Technical Assistance: The overall objective of this programme is to
provide civil protection technical support to DG ECHO and contribute to a
smooth implementation of the civil protection cooperation programmes and
enhance their regional impact in the beneficiary countries. In the framework of
this action, ad hoc technical assistance is provided where the main national
authorities, participants and stakeholders meet obstacles and difficulties;
- Peer Review on disaster risk management system was carried out under the
UCPM in Moldova12. The proposals are invited to take into account the
recommendations from this Peer Review;
- Exchange of Experts programme which gives civil protection experts the
opportunity to share experiences, gain valuable knowledge and strengthen
operational skills by a system of exchange. Thus, this programme makes a
significant contribution to the ongoing development of the UCPM and builds
capacity in the field of civil protection;
- Other EU-funded bilateral projects in the Partner Countries complementing DG
ECHO-funded actions;
11 Prevention and Preparedness Projects in Civil Protection - European Commission ( 12 Peer Review programme - European Commission (
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
- Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network (UCPKN): Proposals are invited to
use the UCPKN tools and activities to strengthen their dissemination and
engagement efforts. At the time of publication of this call, the UCPKN online
platform provides all UCPM-funded projects with a dedicated working space
with features enabling communication and dissemination, as well as
collaborative interaction with other users of the platform (discussion fora).
With time, additional features may be developed, including based on needs
identified by programme consortia during implementation stage.
Good practices can be drawn also from other regional programmes managed by DG
ECHO in the European Neighbourhood, namely the ongoing regional programmes for
Capacity for Risk Management of Earthquakes and Health Emergencies in Türkiye and
the Western Balkans (IPA CARE)13 and Prevention, Preparedness, Response to natural
and man-made Disasters in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (PPRD Med)14.
Coordination with current and upcoming EU programmes and programmes of other
donors and partners (EU Member States, the OSCE, the US, the UN) will be sought
throughout the programme implementation.
Intervention Logic
Within the UCPM, the activities open to neighbouring countries include training,
exchange of experts, meetings, conferences, exercises, modules exercises, prevention
and preparedness projects. However, the demand from the neighbourhood countries
exceeds the offer.
In light of the above, the PPRD East 4 will be complementary to DG ECHO’s support
as it will allow a more regional and sub-regional focus including:
- provision of activities mirroring the activities of the UCPM, where the demand
of Partner Countries exceeds the offer by the UCPM or where activities shall be
tailor-made to the needs in the Eastern Neighbourhood;
- provision of technical support in understanding the financial components of the
Mechanism (e.g. calls for proposals for single- and multi-country grants, full-
scale exercises, etc.);
- provision of support beyond the scope of the activities traditionally offered to
neighbourhood countries, but in line with the UCPM principles and approaches;
- organisation of (sub)regional activities.
The phase 4 of the PPRD East programme is aimed at supporting policy development
in the broader area of disaster risks management to improve the countries’ capacity
to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from natural and human-induced
hazards. In addition, the programme aims to complement DG ECHO’s efforts in
integrating the recent and potential Participating States of the UCPM into the
Mechanism. Lastly, the programme should have a high level of flexibility in order to
correspond to the changing needs and political situations in Partner Countries.
The programme will remain the platform for exchange and support on policy dialogue
within the institutional EaP architecture. Moreover, the platform should increase its
role as catalyser for synergies and partnerships with other actors present in the
region (e.g. the UN, the World Bank, etc.), in order to ensure consistency of EU
funding opportunities.
13 14
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Phase 4 of the programme is also intended to ensure that the results are sustainable
over time, and that durable cooperation links are established.
Cross-cutting principles
Cooperation with the Eastern Neighbourhood aims not only to prevent, prepare for,
respond to, and recover from disasters in the Partner Countries, but also to contribute
to social and political stability.
The applicants should address and integrate relevant cross-cutting issues. Proposals
are therefore invited to highlight their contribution to the Commission’s horizontal
commitments such as: resilience and conflict sensitivity, good governance and
human rights; environmental sustainability; the reduction of climate impacts
associated with programme implementation as well as the broader concept of
greening in civil protection; the promotion of gender balance and equality in
programme implementation; as well as the consideration of needs and perspectives of
vulnerable groups and persons with disabilities15.
Disaster Risk Reduction should be the central principle of the action, in full coherence
with the Sendai Framework: to prevent, prepare for and respond to disasters as well
as to better adapt to climate change. The Sendai Framework stresses the importance
of mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into all policies and sectors as well as the of
the preservation of ecosystems. The action should therefore focus on the
development of early warning systems and community-based planning to prepare for
potential hazards and disasters, national and community-level training and
strengthening of legislative frameworks that foster Disaster Risk Reduction.
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction also emphasises the role of
vulnerable groups (including women, children, youth, elderly persons or persons with
disabilities) and advocates for resilient communities and an inclusive and all-of-
society disaster risk management. To this effect, awareness and understanding of
cultural specificities and differences will be considered throughout this action.
Programme Management
A Steering Committee (SC) will be established with the participation of the
Contracting Authority (DG ECHO) as well as the implementing consortium and the
beneficiary countries. The EU Delegations should be invited to the Steering
Committee as observers. The Steering Committee should meet at least once a year
and receive updates from the programme expert team regarding the implementation
of the programme and provide feedback. It will advise on the programme’s progress,
discuss the scheduled activities, and review results related to the activities completed.
The implementing consortium will prepare the agenda, supporting documents and the
minutes of the SC meetings and further distribute these documents to all SC
members. The Implementing consortium will submit these documents as part of its
reports to DG ECHO.
The EU Delegations in the Partner Countries will receive regular updates on the
progress of the Programme and will have the opportunity to provide comments and
input. The Delegations could also rely on the expertise of the Programme team, in
close collaboration with the Programme Manager of the Action.
15 Guidelines on integrating cross-cutting issues into Disaster Risk Management can be found in PPRD East
3 page on Knowledge Network: Prevention Preparedness and Response to natural and man-made disasters | UCP Knowledge Network (
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
National Programme Coordinators and Thematic Focal Points shall be appointed and
specific guidelines for these roles should be developed to ensure smooth cooperation.
National Programme Coordinators will be the main national interlocutors for the
programme expert team and will be directly involved in the implementation and
overall monitoring of the programme in their respective countries. Thematic Focal
Points will ensure continuous cooperation between the programme expert team and
Partner Countries’ institutions in specific thematic areas by coordinating all sectors
concerned (e.g. Disaster Risk Assessment, Host Nation Support, etc.). In order to
ensure involvement of all relevant sectors and actors, national multistakeholder
mechanism(s) shall be established to share information.
The working language of the programme is English. Translation/interpretation into the
national languages of the countries where the programme is implemented in should
be foreseen for relevant documents and when necessary for meetings.
For the indicative logical framework including general/specific objectives, outcomes,
outputs, indicators, sources of verification and assumptions please refer to Appendix
I. The general objective, specific objectives and expected results are pre-defined. The
proposal must define specific indicators, activities and deliverables that contribute to
the achievement of all specific objectives and the general objective. All components of
the proposed logical framework (overall objective, specific objectives, results,
activities, and indicators) should be linked through a logical, result-driven chain and
should demonstrate how the proposed action will contribute to achieving specific
objective 1, 2 and 3.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
2. Objectives — Specific objectives — Expected impact – Activities that can
be funded
UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4-IBA — Prevention, Preparedness and Response to
natural and human-induced Disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries
(PPRD East 4)
The general objective of the PPRD East 4 programme is to increase the resilience to
natural and human-induced disasters in the EaP countries.
Specific objectives
The specific objectives are to:
- Strengthen the capabilities of Partner Countries to prevent, prepare for,
respond to and recover from natural and human-induced disasters, and to
further enhance their disaster risk management governance;
- Support the further integration into the UCPM of the new Participating States,
as well as the countries eligible to join the UCPM;
- Increase Partner Countries participation in and cooperation with the UCPM,
including regional and cross-border cooperation.
Expected results
Related to Specific Objective 1: Strengthen the capabilities of Partner Countries to
prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from natural and human-induced
disasters, and to further enhance their disaster risk management governance
• Improved national legal and institutional framework on disaster risk
management and aligned to the EU acquis, building on the progress of phase
three and the other EU-funded projects, and ensuring the mainstreaming of
cross-cutting issues. This entails:
- Comprehensive risk assessment and risk management planning at
national and/or sub-national level, private sector and critical entities,
including local communities, civil society organisations, volunteers as
well as cross-cutting issues;
- Risk prevention and preparedness measures, including institutionalised
multi-hazard early warning systems, disaster loss data collection,
contingency and emergency planning, public awareness and risk
communication, innovation and knowledge services, nature-based
solutions and comprehensive prevention and preparedness action plans
and synergies between climate change adaptation and disaster risk
- Strengthened capabilities to monitor, detect, forecast and assess the
impacts of natural and anthropogenic hazards using early warning and
information systems;
- Strengthened risk assessment methodologies considering cross-border,
high impact low probability and emerging risks and considering multi-
sectorial elements and areas such as climate change and geopolitical
- Strengthened cross-sectorial disaster risk management by considering
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
other areas such as critical infrastructure;
- Enhanced mapping and identification of capacity gaps to fill and
understanding of the causes (lack of technology, of knowledge, of
funding, of human resources) to allow targeted policies and
- Clearer distribution of tasks among relevant authorities and
organisations, in relation to the above-mentioned topics;
- Strengthened cooperation with the private sector, research and
academia, civil society organisations and the public should be further
promoted to favour the adoption of a whole-of-society approach.
• Enhanced knowledge and capacities for emergency response, including
interministerial/interagency coordination and in line with EU practices and
international standards (e.g. INSARAG standards, quality requirements for
assets in the European Civil Protection Pool, Host Nation Support, etc.);
increased interoperability of capacities with UCPM Member and Participating
• Enhanced planning and preparedness for disaster recovery and reconstruction
on local, regional and national level, in line with build-back better principles,
and the improvement of disaster loss data collection;
• Civil protection actors are better trained in the entire disaster risk
management cycle; national training programmes and capacities are
strengthened as well as interlinked with UCPM training; a needs-driven and
training-of-trainers approach is pursued; ability to participate in regional and
international training and exercises, including leading, organising, and hosting
them, is increased;
• Strengthened network of civil protection national and regional volunteers;
Related to Specific Objective 2: Support the further integration into the UCPM of the
new Participating States, as well as the increased capacity in other Eastern
Partnership countries to potentially join the UCPM
• Increased awareness and use (quantitative and qualitative) of the UCPM tools
and the services available to Partner Countries; among the tools, the reporting
exercise to the Commission under Article 6.1 and the participation in the
Disaster Prevention Expert Group which contribute to the provision of policy
recommendations and the sharing of good practices;
• Strengthened network and exchanges between UCPM Member
States/Participating States and new integrated countries into the Mechanism.
Related to Specific Objective 3: Increase Partner Countries participation in and
cooperation with the UCPM, including regional and cross-border cooperation
• Strengthened institutional and operational coordination between the
Emergency Response Coordination Centre and Partner Countries;
• Improved national frameworks in each Partner Country on requesting and
receiving assistance through the UCPM, as well as interinstitutional
coordination on national and regional level (in the case of transboundary
• Enhanced cross-border and sub-regional cooperation among Eastern
Partnership countries, including transboundary risk assessment and response
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Activities that can be funded
The choice and design of the PPRD East 4 activities should be aligned with the
principles and approaches underpinning the UCPM and, to the extent possible, mirror
the tools and support provided under the UCPM, without duplicating efforts.
Related to all Specific Objectives (1, 2, 3)
In order to develop a sound ownership of the proposed programme and to tailor the
programme according to Partner Countries’ needs, the action will commence with the
inception period (9 months16). This period will allow for stakeholder mapping and
identification of the current needs and priorities in each Partner Country as well as
discussion and review of proposed activities with Partner Countries. They will then be
submitted for endorsement by the Steering Committee (SC) and validated by DG
During the inception phase, on site visits to the Eastern Partnership countries will be
organised, with the expected additional support of the expert involved in the On Site
Technical Assistance. Activities validated at the end of inception phase by the SC will
be implemented throughout the remaining duration of the programme.
In addition, all activities should be coherent and must demonstrate contribution to the
objectives of the Action. Activities should have tangible outputs/outcomes with
relevant objectively verifiable indicators and clearly show complementarity with other
existing programmes mentioned above in the sub-section on Links with relevant
Any purchase of small-scale equipment should clearly contribute to the achievement
of the objectives of the programme and shall not exceed the 20% of the total value of
the Action and should be handed over to the final beneficiaries by the end of the
programme implementation.
Related to Specific Objective 1: Strengthen the capabilities of Partner Countries to
prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from natural and human-induced
disasters, and to further enhance their disaster risk management governance
• Technical assistance missions on the basis of needs assessment building on
the PPRD East 3 programme recommendations and/or specific demands by the
Partner Countries’ authorities inter alia covering legislative, regulatory,
management and technical needs. Cross-cutting issues in disaster risk
management should be reflected during needs assessment;
• Based on PPRD East 3 results, continue providing technical and expert support
on standardised operational procedures, forecast, early warning systems,
damage/need assessment, disaster loss data collection, risk assessment,
emergency communication tools and international assistance, including how to
use the most readily available technology and tools. Science use for decision-
making is encouraged;
• Mapping of needs with regard to Early Warning Systems and Public Warning
capabilities and recommendations to address these in a comprehensive
16 This 9-month period might be adapted to the circumstances if approved by the SC.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
• Technical assistance to support the disaster management authorities in
translating scientific information deriving from national, European or global
early warning systems to operational activities;
• Preparation of investment plans to increase disaster risk management
• Public risk awareness and preparedness campaigns;
• Operational Recommendations for integration of selected actions into national
disaster risk management governance;
• Expert support on evaluation and improvement of legislation in disaster risk
• National table top exercises, risk based mapping of existing response
capacities and identification of gaps in relation to the quality requirements set
by the EU. Multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder approach is encouraged;
• Technical assistance including for developing multi-hazards disaster recovery
framework to better manage pre- and post-disaster planning and operations.
This also includes development of solutions to integrate lessons learnt into
existing structures and processes;
• Mentoring, workshops and training courses for managers, experts and
volunteers. The training should be targeted based on national needs and
complement, when necessary, the courses offered by the UCPM Training
Programme (e.g. Union Civil Protection Introduction Course and the
Operational Management Course). Integration of cross-cutting issues in
disaster risk management is encouraged;
• Support to strengthen national training programmes and curricula;
• Support to incorporate and strengthen existing volunteer-based organisations
within the national and local civil protection system. Support in integrating
them within legal framework of the Partner Country.
Related to Specific Objective 2: Support the further integration into the UCPM of the
new Participating States, as well as the increased capacity in other Eastern
Partnership countries to potentially join the UCPM
• Meetings and workshops on UCPM tools and opportunities for collaborations;
• Technical assistance for civil protection experts in Partner Countries to develop
capacities in preparing quality proposals for call for proposals of UCPM grants;
• Training, mentoring and workshops mirroring the courses available under the
UCPM Training Programme (conducted only in English language);
• Participation in the Disaster Prevention Expert Group and other related
• Exchange of Experts programme to other EU Member/Participating States of
the UCPM;
• Technical support for the reporting to the Commission on the Disaster risk
Management under Article 6.1;
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
• Trainings on the use of the Early Warning and Information Systems and of the
ARISTOTLE Scientific Partnership for natural hazards in order to acquire
complementary support in detection and monitoring activities.
Related to Specific Objective 3: Increase Partner Countries participation in and
cooperation with the UCPM, including regional and cross-border cooperation
• Meetings, workshops and conferences: Organise events promoting regional
and international cooperation, involving to the extent possible UCPM Member
and Participating States;
• Study visits to other Eastern Partnership or UCPM Member States/Participating
States; exchange programme to go on an exchange mission or invite civil
protection expert(s);
• Develop procedures for requesting and receiving international assistance
through UCPM, as well as facilitate operationalisation of the procedures on a
national level;
• Exercises: At least one joint regional table-top and joint full-scale exercise
involving the EaP beneficiary countries at the end of the programme, following
relevant national table-top exercises. The regional full-scale exercise should
test the quality of the response capacities and their operability and efficiency
in a real-life situation. The exercise should include the following topics:
activation of the UCPM; EU Civil Protection Team, deployment of modules
and/or other response capacities; national operational structures, Host Nation
Support Guidelines; Observers and Evaluation Programmes;
• Technical assistance in developing transboundary disaster risk assessments
and response plans, as well as facilitating the institutionalisation and
operationalisation of these measures.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
3. Available budget
The estimated available call budget is EUR 5 000 000. The Commission envisages to
sign one Grant Agreement.
The Commission reserves the right not to award all available funds depending on the
proposals received and the results of the evaluation.
4. Timetable and deadlines
Timetable and deadlines (indicative)
Call opening: 30 January 2025
Deadline for submission: 29 April 2025 – 17:00:00 CET (Brussels)
Evaluation: May-June 2025
Information on evaluation results: June-July 2025
GA signature: October-November 2025
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
5. Admissibility and documents
Proposals must be submitted before the call deadline (see timetable section 4).
Proposals must be submitted electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal
Electronic Submission System (accessible via the link in the invitation letter). Paper
submissions are NOT possible.
Proposals (including annexes and supporting documents) must be submitted using
the forms provided inside the Submission System ( NOT the documents available
on the Topic page — they are only for information).
Proposals must be complete and contain all the requested information and all
required annexes and supporting documents:
− Application Form Part A — contains administrative information about the
participants (future coordinator, beneficiaries and affiliated entities) and the
summarised budget for the programme (to be filled in directly online)
− Application Form Part B — contains the technical description of the programme
(template to be downloaded from the Portal Submission System, completed,
assembled and re-uploaded)
− mandatory annexes and supporting documents (templates to be downloaded
from the Portal Submission System, completed, assembled and re-uploaded):
− detailed budget table (template available in the Submission System)
– CVs (standard) of core programme team
– list of previous projects/programmes (key projects for the last 4 years)
(template available in Part B)
– Letter of support from the competent national civil protection authority:
not applicable to national civil protection authorities themselves.
Please note that the amounts entered into the summarised budget table (filled in
directly online) must correspond to the amounts calculated in the detailed budget
table. In case of discrepancies, the amounts in the online summarised budget table
will prevail.
At proposal submission, you will have to confirm that you have the mandate to act
for all applicants. Moreover, you will have to confirm that the information in the
application is correct and complete and that all participants comply with the
conditions for receiving EU funding (especially eligibility, financial and operational
capacity, exclusion, etc). Before signing the grant, each beneficiary and affiliated
entity will have to confirm this again by signing a declaration of honour (DoH).
Proposals without full support will be rejected.
Your application must be readable, accessible and printable (please check
carefully the layout of the documents uploaded).
Proposals are limited to maximum 60 pages (Part B). Evaluators will not consider
any additional pages.
You may be asked at a later stage for further documents (for legal entity validation,
financial capacity check, bank account validation, etc).
For more information about the submission process (including IT aspects), consult
the Online Manual.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
6. Eligibility
Eligible participants (eligible countries)
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
− be national and/or sub-national civil protection authorities (or relevant
competent authorities or entities)
− be established only in one of the EU Member States or Participating States
(including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)) according to the
Regulation 2021/947.
Beneficiaries and affiliated entities must register in the Participant Register — before
submitting the proposal — and will have to be validated by the Central Validation
Service (REA Validation). For the validation, they will be requested to upload
documents showing legal status and origin.
Other entities may participate in other consortium roles, such as associated partners,
subcontractors, third parties giving in-kind contributions, etc (see section 13).
Specific cases and definitions
Natural persons — Natural persons are NOT eligible (with the exception of self-
employed persons, i.e. sole traders, where the company does not have legal
personality separate from that of the natural person).
International organisations — International organisations are NOT eligible. The rules
on eligible countries do not apply to them.
Entities without legal personality — Entities which do not have legal personality under
their national law may exceptionally participate, provided that their representatives
have the capacity to undertake legal obligations on their behalf, and offer guarantees
for the protection of the EU financial interests equivalent to that offered by legal
Associations and interest groupings — Entities composed of members may participate
as ‘sole beneficiaries’ or ‘beneficiaries without legal personality’18. Please note that
if the action will be implemented by the members, they should also participate (either
as beneficiaries or as affiliated entities, otherwise their costs will NOT be eligible).
Countries currently negotiating association agreements — Beneficiaries from countries
with ongoing negotiations for participation in the programme (see list of participating
countries above) may participate in the call and can sign grants if the negotiations are
concluded before grant signature and if the association covers the call (i.e. is
retroactive and covers both the part of the programme and the year when the call
was launched).
EU restrictive measures — Special rules apply for entities subject to EU restrictive
measures under Article 29 of the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) and Article 215
of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU)19. Such entities are not eligible to
participate in any capacity, including as beneficiaries, affiliated entities, associated
partners, subcontractors or recipients of financial support to third parties (if any).
17 See Article 200(2)(c) EU Financial Regulation 2024/2509. 18 For the definitions, see Articles 190(2) and 200(2)(c) EU Financial Regulation 2024/2509. 19 Please note that the EU Official Journal contains the official list and, in case of conflict, its content
prevails over that of the EU Sanctions Map.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
EU conditionality measures — Special rules apply for entities subject to measures
adopted on the basis of EU Regulation 2020/209220. Such entities are not eligible to
participate in any funded role (beneficiaries, affiliated entities, subcontractors,
recipients of financial support to third parties, etc.). Currently such measures are in
place for Hungarian public interest trusts established under the Hungarian Act IX of
2021 or any entity they maintain (see Council Implementing Decision (EU)
2022/2506, as of 16 December 2022).
For more information, see Rules for Legal Entity Validation, LEAR Appointment and
Financial Capacity Assessment.
Consortium composition
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least two national or sub-
national civil protection authorities (or relevant competent authorities or entities)
coming from a minimum of two different EU Member States.
Reminder: Only entities from EU Member States are eligible.
The proposal needs to show that a meaningful contribution to the programme is made
by all of the beneficiaries participating in the consortium, which ensure that the
minimum eligibility criteria are met, and to demonstrate that activities and results will
be developed jointly in partnership. All the proposals, regardless of the composition of
the consortium, must demonstrate relevance and added value for the UCPM.
In order to ensure a strong focus on the results it is strongly recommended that the
composition of the consortium be very targeted and that the number of consortium
members does not exceed 5 entities.
Eligible activities
Applications will only be considered eligible if their content corresponds wholly (or at
least in part) to the programme description for which they are submitted.
Eligible activities are the ones set out in section 2 above.
Activities should take place in the EaP countries stipulated in the background section.
They may also take place in other countries (EU Members States and UCPM
Participating States if it is relevant and duly justified).
All actions under this grant should be for the benefit of the EaP countries. The results
of the programme shall be transferred to the target institutions/final beneficiaries of
the action, at the latest when the final report is submitted to DG ECHO.
Programmes must comply with EU policy interests and priorities (such as
environment, social, security, industrial and trade policy, etc). Programmes must also
respect EU values and European Commission policy regarding reputational matters
(e.g. activities involving capacity building, policy support, awareness raising,
communication, dissemination, etc).
The following activities are not considered as eligible for funding under this invitation:
− Online platforms: To avoid duplication with the UCPKN online platform,
proposed action should make use of the existing features and tools available
20 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2092 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December
2020 on a general regime of conditionality for the protection of the Union budget (OJ L 325, 20.12.2022, p. 94).
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
on the platform for their programme activities. If relevant, outputs and
activities should be linked to the UCPKN platform and shall not replicate or
foresee the development of similar online platforms. It is possible that some
programme outputs may be selected to become integrated into the UCPKN
online platform.
− Activities which consist exclusively or primarily in capital expenditure, e.g.
buildings, vehicles.
− Works.
Financial support to third parties is not allowed.
Geographic location (target countries)
Proposals must relate to activities taking place in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia,
Moldova and Ukraine21.
21 In line with the Council Conclusions of 12 October 2020 and in light of Belarus’s involvement in the
Russian military aggression against Ukraine, recognised in the European Council Conclusions of
February 2022, the EU has stopped engaging with representatives of Belarus public bodies and state- owned enterprises. Should there be a change of the context this may be reconsidered.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
7. Financial and operational capacity and exclusion
Financial capacity
Applicants must have stable and sufficient resources to successfully implement
the programme and contribute their share. Organisations participating in several
projects must have sufficient capacity to implement all projects.
The financial capacity check will be carried out on the basis of the documents you will
be requested to upload in the Participant Register during grant preparation (e.g. profit
and loss account and balance sheet, business plan, audit report produced by an
approved external auditor, certifying the accounts for the last closed financial year,
etc). The analysis will be based on neutral financial indicators, but will also take into
account other aspects, such as dependency on EU funding and deficit and revenue in
previous years.
The check will normally be done for all beneficiaries, except:
− public bodies (entities established as public body under national law, including
local, regional or national authorities) or international organisations
− if the individual requested grant amount is not more than EUR 60 000.
If needed, it may also be done for affiliated entities.
If we consider that your financial capacity is not satisfactory, we may require:
− further information
− an enhanced financial responsibility regime, i.e. joint and several responsibility
for all beneficiaries or joint and several liability of affiliated entities (see below,
section 10)
− prefinancing paid in instalments
− (one or more) prefinancing guarantees (see below, section 10)
− propose no prefinancing
− request that you are replaced or, if needed, reject the entire proposal.
For more information, see Rules for Legal Entity Validation, LEAR Appointment and
Financial Capacity Assessment.
Operational capacity
Applicants must have the know-how, qualifications and resources to successfully
implement the programme and contribute their share (including sufficient experience
in programmes of comparable size and nature).
This capacity will be assessed together with the ‘Quality’ award criterion, on the basis
of the competence and experience of the applicants and their programme teams,
including operational resources (human, technical and other) or, exceptionally, the
measures proposed to obtain it by the time the task implementation starts.
If the evaluation of the award criterion is positive, the applicants are considered to
have sufficient operational capacity.
Applicants will have to show their capacity via the following information:
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
− general profiles (qualifications and experiences) of the staff responsible for
managing and implementing the programme
− description of the consortium participants
− list of previous projects/programmes (key projects for the last 4 years)
(template available in Part B)
It is suggested that profiles listed below are included in the team responsible for
managing and implementing the action. Evidence will consist of CVs of the key staff
responsible for the implementation of the action. Each CV should indicate the
intended function in the programme implementation and percentage of expected
engagement. Proficiency in English is required for all roles. The team should be
- Programme Manager: Extensive experience in project/programme
management for programmes of similar size and coverage, with experience in
cooperating closely with different stakeholders, including public
administrations, civil society, private sector and scientific communities;
Experience in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the UCPM.
- Senior Civil Protection Experts with experience in respective areas covered
by the programme activities (e.g. disaster risk reduction and assessment,
contingency/emergency planning, early warning); Experience in international
disaster risk management cooperation or multi-national programmes/projects
in the field of civil protection.
- Senior Training & Exercises Experts: extensive experience in UCPM
trainings and exercises. Experience in designing, organising and evaluating
civil protection training activities and exercises; Recruitment of experts from
various Member States/Participating States is encouraged to further promote
synergies between UCPM and Partner Countries and increase EU added value.
- Evaluation and Monitoring Expert: The expert should ensure adequate and
timely monitoring and evaluation of the overall programme.
- Communications Expert: The expert should be fluent in English and Russian,
has excellent communication skills and have good knowledge about the UCPM.
Additional supporting documents may be requested, if needed to confirm the
operational capacity of any applicant.
Public bodies, Member State organisations and international organisations are
exempted from the operational capacity check.
Applicants which are subject to an EU exclusion decision or in one of the following
exclusion situations that bar them from receiving EU funding can NOT participate22:
− bankruptcy, winding up, affairs administered by the courts, arrangement with
creditors, suspended business activities or other similar procedures (including
procedures for persons with unlimited liability for the applicant’s debts)
− in breach of social security or tax obligations (including if done by persons with
unlimited liability for the applicant’s debts)
22 See Articles 138 and 143 of EU Financial Regulation 2024/2509.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
− guilty of grave professional misconduct23 (including if done by persons having
powers of representation, decision-making or control, beneficial owners or
persons who are essential for the award/implementation of the grant)
− committed fraud, corruption, links to a criminal organisation, money
laundering, terrorism-related crimes (including terrorism financing), child
labour or human trafficking (including if done by persons having powers of
representation, decision-making or control, beneficial owners or persons who
are essential for the award/implementation of the grant)
− shown significant deficiencies in complying with main obligations under an EU
procurement contract, grant agreement, prize, expert contract, or similar
(including if done by persons having powers of representation,
decision-making or control, beneficial owners or persons who are essential for
the award/implementation of the grant)
− guilty of irregularities within the meaning of Article 1(2) of EU Regulation
2988/95 (including if done by persons having powers of representation,
decision-making or control, beneficial owners or persons who are essential for
the award/implementation of the grant)
− created under a different jurisdiction with the intent to circumvent fiscal, social
or other legal obligations in the country of origin or created another entity with
this purpose (including if done by persons having powers of representation,
decision-making or control, beneficial owners or persons who are essential for
the award/implementation of the grant)
− intentionally and without proper justification resisted24 an investigation, check
or audit carried out by an EU authorising officer (or their representative or
auditor), OLAF, the EPPO, or the European Court of Auditors.
Applicants will also be rejected if it turns out that25:
− during the award procedure they misrepresented information required as a
condition for participating or failed to supply that information
− they were previously involved in the preparation of the call and this entails a
distortion of competition that cannot be remedied otherwise (conflict of
23 ‘Professional misconduct’ includes, in particular, the following: violation of ethical standards of the
profession; wrongful conduct with impact on professional credibility; breach of generally accepted professional ethical standards; false declarations/misrepresentation of information; participation in a cartel or other agreement distorting competition; violation of IPR; attempting to influence decision- making processes by taking advantage, through misrepresentation, of a conflict of interests, or to obtain confidential information from public authorities to gain an advantage; incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence or similar activities contrary to the EU values where negatively affecting or risking to affect the performance of a legal commitment.
24 ‘Resisting an investigation, check or audit’ means carrying out actions with the goal or effect of preventing, hindering or delaying the conduct of any of the activities needed to perform the investigation, check or audit, such as refusing to grant the necessary access to its premises or any other areas used for business purposes, concealing or refusing to disclose information or providing false information.
25 See Article 143 EU Financial Regulation 2024/2509.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
8. Evaluation and award procedure
The proposals will have to follow the standard submission and evaluation
procedure (one-stage submission + one-step evaluation).
An evaluation committee will assess all applications. Proposals will first be checked
for formal requirements (admissibility, and eligibility, see sections 5 and 6). Proposals
found admissible and eligible will be evaluated against the operational capacity and
award criteria (see sections 7 and 9) and then ranked according to their scores.
For proposals with the same score (within a budget envelope) a priority order will be
determined according to the following approach:
Successively for every group of ex aequo proposals, starting with the highest
scored group, and continuing in descending order:
1) Programme focusing on a theme/activities that is not otherwise covered by
higher ranked programme will be considered to have the highest priority.
2) The ex aequo proposals will be prioritised according to the scores they have
been awarded for the award criterion ‘Relevance’. When these scores are
equal, priority will be based on their scores for the criterion ‘Impact’. When
these scores are equal, priority will be based on their scores for the criterion
3) If this does not allow to determine the priority, a further prioritisation can be
done by considering the overall programme portfolio and the creation of
positive synergies between other programmes/projects, or other factors
related to the objectives of the call. These factors will be documented in the
panel report.
All proposals will be informed about the evaluation result (evaluation result letter).
Successful proposals will be invited for grant preparation; the other ones will be put
on the reserve list or rejected.
No commitment for funding — Invitation to grant preparation does NOT constitute
a formal commitment for funding. We will still need to make various legal checks
before grant award: legal entity validation, financial capacity, exclusion check, etc.
Grant preparation will involve a dialogue in order to fine-tune technical or financial
aspects of the programme and may require extra information from your side. It may
also include adjustments to the proposal to address recommendations of the
evaluation committee or other concerns. Full compliance will be a pre-condition for
signing the grant.
If you believe that the evaluation procedure was flawed, you can submit a complaint
(following the deadlines and procedures set out in the evaluation result letter). Please
note that notifications which have not been opened within 10 days after sending will
be considered to have been accessed and that deadlines will be counted from
opening/access (see also Funding & Tenders Portal Terms and Conditions). Please
also be aware that for complaints submitted electronically, there may be character
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
9. Award criteria
The award criteria facilitate the evaluation of proposals in relation to the set
objectives and priorities. They enable the selection of proposals which the Contracting
Authority can be confident will comply with its objectives and priorities.
The award criteria for this call are as follows:
1. Relevance (min. 15 / max. 30 points):
The criterion refers to the contribution of the proposed action to the achievement of
the general and specific objectives of the action (section 2); the extent to which the
proposed action balances between regional and specific national needs of the Eastern
Partnership countries; coherence with ongoing initiatives in the region and the
relevance of the proposed action to the UCPM in general (section 1).
For all specific objectives:
- Extend to which the proposed action takes into account the needs and the
specific situation in each Eastern Partnership countries, as well as cross-
border, regional, cross-cutting issues and climate change impacts.
- Extent to which the proposed action addresses lessons learnt identified in
previous PPRD East programmes, including as concerns regional cooperation
and cooperation with the UCPM;
- Extend to which the proposed action takes into consideration the broad policy
context and relevant existing initiatives in the region;
- Extend to which the proposed action complements ongoing initiatives and
programmes in the region in the area of civil protection.
For the activities related to the specific objective 1:
- Extent to which the proposed action contributes to enhance the national
prevention, preparedness, response and recovery measures;
- The proposed action plans/guidelines for developing risk assessments are in
line with the Guidelines for disaster Management26, Sendai Framework
priorities and the EU good practices, and facilitate development of regionally
harmonised methodology;
- Extent to which the proposed action takes into account current disaster risk
management governance structures in the selected Partner Countries,
addresses its potential areas for improvement focusing on interinstitutional
and multi-stakeholder coordination, early warning systems, climate change
adaptation, risk and post-disaster assessment;
- Extent to which the proposed action follows the needs-based and training of
trainers approach;
- Effectiveness and sustainability of proposed cooperation structures involving
non-civil protection actors, including volunteers.
For the activities related to the specific objective 2:
26 SEC(2010) 1626 final
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
- Extent to which the proposed action takes into account the current needs and
gaps of each (aspiring) Participating State to further integrate into the
- Extend to which the proposed action is improving the operational cooperation
with UCPM and its tools.
For the activities related to the specific objective 3:
- Extend to which the proposed action is promoting the local, national and
regional inter-ministerial/interagency cooperation;
- Extend to which the proposed action is promoting synergies with other
initiatives/actions and relevant actors in the region and with the EU;
- Extend to which the proposed action is improving the operational cooperation
with UCPM and its tools;
- The proposed action includes at least one regional table-top and full-scale
2. Quality (min. 20 / max. 40 points):
This criterion will evaluate:
- Quality of the proposed logical framework matrix with particular emphasis on
the choice of indicators. Outcome-oriented approach instead of focusing on
- Adequacy and quality of the implementation structure/methodology and
resources deployed in relation to the objectives envisaged (particularly in
terms of cost-effectiveness);
- Clarity of the budget requested to carry out the action, as indicated in the
budget (Application Form Part A);
- If the planning of the action is reasonably developed, if monitoring and quality
control measures (e.g. Logical Framework Matrix, mitigation measures,
reporting) are in place and if the organisation of the action is well adapted to
its nature and objectives. Demonstration on how monitoring and evaluation
will be ensured based on the results framework. Risk management plan is
elaborated and addresses most relevant risks to be faced during the
programme implementation.
3. Impact (min. 15 / max. 30 points):
This criterion will evaluate the proposed action in terms of:
- Actions enhance ownership of the programme outputs at national and regional
- Outcomes respond to the needs of the beneficiaries and are used by the
targeted groups of beneficiaries. Outcomes can also be maintained after the
end of the programme;
- Full involvement of concerned stakeholders in the activities of the action to
ensure long-term impact and transferability of expected results.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Maximum points: 100 points.
Individual thresholds per criterion: 15/30, 20/40 and 15/30 points.
Overall threshold: 65 points. The overall threshold is not the result of the addition of
the minimum pass scores per award criteria.
A decision to reject an application can be based on the following grounds:
- the application was submitted after the closing date;
- the application is incomplete or otherwise non-compliant with the stated
administrative conditions or in any other way does not comply with the eligibility
criteria as set out the call for proposals.
Proposals that pass the individual thresholds AND the overall threshold will be
considered for funding — within the limits of the available budget (i.e. up to the
budget ceiling). Other proposals will be rejected.
Award criteria Minimum pass score
Maximum score
Relevance 15 30
Quality 20 40
Impact 15 30
Overall (pass) scores 65 100
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
10. Legal and financial set-up of the Grant Agreements
If you pass evaluation, your programme will be invited for grant preparation, where
you will be asked to prepare the Grant Agreement together with the EU Programme
This Grant Agreement will set the framework for your grant and its terms and
conditions, in particular concerning deliverables, reporting and payments.
The Model Grant Agreement that will be used (and all other relevant templates and
guidance documents) can be found on Portal Reference Documents.
Starting date and programme duration
The programme starting date and duration will be fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data
Sheet, point 1). Normally the starting date will be after grant signature. A retroactive
starting date can be granted exceptionally for duly justified reasons — but never
earlier than the proposal submission date.
Programme duration: the initial duration of the programme cannot exceed 48
Extensions are possible, if duly justified and through an amendment.
Milestones and deliverables
The milestones and deliverables for the programme will be managed through the
Portal Grant Management System and will be reflected in Annex 1 of the Grant
The following deliverables are mandatory:
Name of report Content Time of submission
Inception Report Analysis of existing
situation and work plan for
the programme. The work
plan shall include a time
schedule with milestones
and specific outputs, as
well as estimated
resources for successful
implementation of the
No later than 9 months
after the start of
Visibility plan and
communication plan
Clear strategy for
communication activities.
Plan for ensuring visibility
(in compliance with
guidelines) throughout the
programme duration.
No later than 9 months
after the start of
It could be part of the
Inception report.
12-month Technical
In line with Periodic Report No later than 3 months
after the end of each 12-
month implementation
12-month Financial In line with Detailed Cost No later than 3 months
after the end of each 12-
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Reports Reporting Table month implementation
Draft Final Report Covers the full period of
Description of
achievements, results and
impacts. Shall also include
problems encountered and
Includes a summary to be
published on the UCPKN
programme website when
An analysis of the
contribution of the
programme to the results
should be provided as part
of the report (focus on
outcome and results, and
potential impact, not only
on activities). The report
contains a two-page annex
per country (for
distribution to Delegations
of concerned countries).
No later than 1 month
before the end of the
implementation period.
Final Report Covers the full period of
Description of
achievements, results and
impacts. Shall also include
problems encountered and
Includes a summary to be
published on the UCPKN
programme website when
An analysis of the
contribution of the
programme to the results
should be provided as part
of the report (focus on
outcome and results, and
potential impact, not only
on activities). The report
contains a two-page annex
per country (for
distribution to Delegations
of concerned countries).
Within 60 days after
receiving comments on the
draft final report from the
Programme Manager.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Form of grant, funding rate and maximum grant amount
The grant parameters (maximum grant amount, funding rate, total eligible costs, etc)
will be fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data Sheet, point 3 and art 5).
The programme budget (requested grant amount): EUR 5 000 000.
The grant awarded may be lower than the amount requested.
The grant will be a budget-based mixed actual cost grant (actual costs, with unit cost
and flat-rate elements). This means that it will reimburse ONLY certain types of costs
(eligible costs) and costs that were actually incurred for your programme (NOT the
budgeted costs). For unit costs and flat-rates, you can charge the amounts calculated
as explained in the Grant Agreement (see art 6 and Annex 2 and 2a).
The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate fixed in the Grant Agreement
Grants may NOT produce a profit (i.e. surplus of revenues + EU grant over costs).
For-profit organisations must declare their revenues and, if there is a profit, we will
deduct this from the final grant amount (see art 22.3).
Moreover, please be aware that the final grant amount may be reduced in case of
non-compliance with the Grant Agreement (e.g. improper implementation, breach of
obligations, etc).
Budget categories and cost eligibility rules
The budget categories and cost eligibility rules are fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data
Sheet, point 3, art 6 and Annex 2).
Budget categories for this call:
− A. Personnel costs
− A.1 Employees, A.2 Natural persons under direct contract, A.3 Seconded
− A.4 SME owners and natural person beneficiaries
− B. Subcontracting costs
− C. Purchase costs
− C.1 Travel and subsistence
− C.2 Equipment
− C.3 Other goods, works and services
− E. Indirect costs
Specific cost eligibility conditions for this call:
− personnel costs:
− SME owner/natural person unit cost 27
: Yes
− volunteers unit cost 28
: No
27 Commission Decision of 20 October 2020 authorising the use of unit costs for the personnel costs of
the owners of small and medium-sized enterprises and beneficiaries that are natural persons not receiving a salary for the work carried out by themselves under an action or work programme (C(2020)7115).
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
− travel and subsistence unit cost 29
: Yes30
− equipment costs: depreciation + full cost for listed equipment
− indirect cost flat-rate: 7% of the eligible direct costs (categories A-D, except
volunteers costs and exempted specific cost categories, if any)
− VAT: VAT is NOT eligible
− other:
− in-kind contributions for free are allowed, but cost-neutral, i.e. they cannot
be declared as cost
− programme websites: communication costs for presenting the programme
on the participants’ websites or social media accounts are eligible; costs
for separate programme websites are not eligible
− other ineligible costs: No
Reporting and payment arrangements
The reporting and payment arrangements are fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data
Sheet, point 4 and art 21 and 22).
After grant signature, the implementing consortium will normally receive a
prefinancing corresponding to 20% of the maximum grant amount to start working
on the programme (exceptionally less or no prefinancing). The prefinancing will be
paid 30 days from entry into force financial guarantee (if required) — whichever is the
There will be one or more additional prefinancing payments linked to a
prefinancing report. In addition, you are expected to submit progress reports linked to
payments (see milestones and deliverables section).
Payment of the balance: At the end of the programme, we will calculate your final
grant amount. If the total of earlier payments is higher than the final grant amount,
we will ask you (your coordinator) to pay back the difference (recovery).
All payments will be made to the coordinator.
Please be aware that payments will be automatically lowered if you or one of your
consortium members has outstanding debts towards the EU (granting authority or
other EU bodies). Such debts will be offset by us — in line with the conditions set out
in the Grant Agreement (see art 22).
Please also note that you are responsible for keeping records on all the work done
and the costs declared.
Prefinancing guarantees
28 Commission Decision of 10 April 2019 authorising the use of unit costs for declaring personnel costs for
the work carried out by volunteers under an action or a work programme (C(2019)2646). 29 Commission Decision of 12 January 2021 authorising the use of unit costs for travel, accommodation
and subsistence costs under an action or work programme under the 2021-2027 multi-annual financial framework (C(2021)35).
30 See EU Grants AGA — Annotated Grant Agreement, art 6 on eligible costs: travel and subsistence costs
must be declared using the unit cost according to Annex 2a of the grant agreement. If a particular instance of travel, accommodation or subsistence in the action is not covered by one of the unit costs mentioned in Decision C(2021)35 the actual costs may be used.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
If a prefinancing guarantee is required, it will be fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data
Sheet, point 4). The amount will be set during grant preparation and it will normally
be equal or lower than the prefinancing for your grant.
The guarantee should be in euro and issued by an approved bank/financial institution
established in an EU Member State. If you are established in a non-EU country and
would like to provide a guarantee from a bank/financial institution in your country,
please contact us (this may be exceptionally accepted, if it offers equivalent security).
Amounts blocked in bank accounts will NOT be accepted as financial guarantees.
Prefinancing guarantees are normally requested from the coordinator, for the
consortium. They must be provided during grant preparation, in time to make the
prefinancing (scanned copy via Portal AND original by post).
If agreed with us, the bank guarantee may be replaced by a guarantee from a third
The guarantee will be released at the end of the grant, in accordance with the
conditions laid down in the Grant Agreement (art 23).
Depending on the type of action, size of grant amount and type of beneficiaries, you
may be requested to submit different certificates. The types, schedules and
thresholds for each certificate are fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data Sheet, point 4
and art 24).
A CFS must be provided for each beneficiary and affiliated entity when the requested
EU contribution at interim or final payment is EUR 325 000 or more.
Liability regime for recoveries
The liability regime for recoveries will be fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data Sheet,
point 4.4 and art 22).
For beneficiaries, it is one of the following:
− limited joint and several liability with individual ceilings — each beneficiary up
to their maximum grant amount
− unconditional joint and several liability — each beneficiary up to the maximum
grant amount for the action
− individual financial responsibility — each beneficiary only for their own debts.
In addition, the granting authority may require joint and several liability of affiliated
entities (with their beneficiary).
Provisions concerning the programme implementation
Security rules: see Model Grant Agreement (art 13 and Annex 5)
IPR rules: see Model Grant Agreement (art 16 and Annex 5):
− rights of use on results: Yes
Communication, dissemination and visibility of funding: see Model Grant Agreement
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
(art 17 and Annex 5):
− additional communication and dissemination activities: Yes
− limited communication and visibility to protect persons involved: Yes
− visibility in field operations outside the EU: Yes
Specific rules for carrying out the action: see Model Grant Agreement (art 18 and
Annex 5):
− zero tolerance: Yes
− transfer of assets at the end of the action: Yes
− EU restrictive measures: Yes
Other specificities
Consortium agreement: Yes
Non-compliance and breach of contract
The Grant Agreement (chapter 5) provides for the measures we may take in case of
breach of contract (and other non-compliance issues).
For more information, see AGA — Annotated Grant Agreement.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
11. How to submit an application
All proposals must be submitted directly online via the Funding & Tenders Portal
Electronic Submission System. Paper applications are NOT accepted.
Submission is a 2-step process:
a) create a user account and register your organisation
To use the Submission System (the only way to apply), all participants need to create
an EU Login user account.
Once you have an EULogin account, you can register your organisation in the
Participant Register. When your registration is finalised, you will receive a 9-digit
participant identification code (PIC).
b) submit the proposal
Access the Electronic Submission System through the following hyperlink:
Submit your proposal in 3 parts, as follows:
− Part A includes administrative information about the applicant organisations
(future coordinator, beneficiaries, affiliated entities and associated partners)
and the summarised budget for the proposal. Fill it in directly online
− Part B (description of the action) covers the technical content of the proposal.
Download the mandatory word template from the Submission System, fill it in
and upload it as a PDF file
− Annexes (see section 5). Upload them as PDF file (single or multiple
depending on the slots). Excel upload is sometimes possible, depending on the
file type.
The proposal must keep to the page limits (see section 5); excess pages will be
disregarded. Additional information on the technical content of the proposal could be
included as Annexes.
Documents must be uploaded to the right category in the Submission System,
otherwise the proposal may be considered incomplete and thus inadmissible.
The proposal must be submitted before the call deadline (see section 4). After this
deadline, the system is closed and proposals can no longer be submitted.
Once the proposal is submitted, you will receive a confirmation e-mail (with date
and time of your application). If you do not receive this confirmation e-mail, it means
your proposal has NOT been submitted. If you believe this is due to a fault in the
Submission System, you should immediately file a complaint via the IT Helpdesk
webform, explaining the circumstances and attaching a copy of the proposal (and, if
possible, screenshots to show what happened).
Details on processes and procedures are described in the Online Manual. The Online
Manual also contains the links to FAQs and detailed instructions regarding the Portal
Electronic Exchange System.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
12. Help
As far as possible, please try to find the answers you need yourself, in this and
the other documentation (we have limited resources for handling direct enquiries):
− Online Manual
− Portal FAQ (for general questions).
Please also consult the Topic page regularly, since we will use it to publish call
updates. (For invitations, we will contact you directly in case of a call update).
For individual questions on the Portal Submission System, please contact the IT
Non-IT related questions should be sent to the following email address: ECHO-CP-
− send your questions at the latest 7 days before the submission deadline (see
section 4)
− indicate clearly the reference of the call and topic to which your question
relates (see cover page).
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
13. Important
• Don’t wait until the end — Complete your application sufficiently in advance of the deadline to avoid any last minute technical problems. Problems due to last
minute submissions (e.g. congestion, etc) will be entirely at your risk. Call deadlines can NOT be extended.
• Consult the Portal Topic page regularly. We will use it to publish updates and additional information on the call (call and topic updates).
• Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Exchange System — By submitting the
application, all participants accept to use the electronic exchange system in
accordance with the Portal Terms & Conditions.
• Registration — Before submitting the application, all beneficiaries, affiliated entities and associated partners must be registered in the Participant Register. The
participant identification code (PIC) (one per participant) is mandatory for the Application Form.
• Consortium roles — When setting up your consortium, you should think of organisations that help you reach objectives and solve problems.
The roles should be attributed according to the level of participation in the project.
Main participants should participate as beneficiaries or affiliated entities; other entities can participate as associated partners, subcontractors, third parties giving in-kind contributions. Associated partners and third parties giving in-kind contributions should bear their own costs (they will not become formal recipients of
EU funding). Subcontracting should normally constitute a limited part and must be performed by third parties (not by one of the beneficiaries/affiliated entities). Subcontracting going beyond 30% of the total eligible costs must be justified in the application.
• Coordinator — In multi-beneficiary grants, the beneficiaries participate as consortium (group of beneficiaries). They will have to choose a coordinator, who will take care of the project management and coordination and will represent the consortium towards the granting authority. In mono-beneficiary grants, the single beneficiary will automatically be coordinator.
• Affiliated entities — Applicants may participate with affiliated entities (i.e. entities linked to a beneficiary which participate in the action with similar rights and obligations as the beneficiaries, but do not sign the grant and therefore do not become beneficiaries themselves). They will get a part of the grant money and must therefore comply with all the call conditions and be validated (just like
beneficiaries); but they do not count towards the minimum eligibility criteria for consortium composition (if any). If affiliated entities participate in your project, please do not forget to provide documents demonstrating their affiliation link to
your organisation as part of your application.
• Associated partners — Applicants may participate with associated partners (i.e. partner organisations which participate in the action but without the right to get grant money). They participate without funding and therefore do not need to be validated.
• Consortium agreement — For practical and legal reasons it is recommended to set up internal arrangements that allow you to deal with exceptional or unforeseen circumstances (in all cases, even if not mandatory under the Grant Agreement). The consortium agreement also gives you the possibility to redistribute the grant money according to your own consortium-internal principles and parameters (for
instance, one beneficiary can reattribute its grant money to another beneficiary). The consortium agreement thus allows you to customise the EU grant to the needs inside your consortium and can also help to protect you in case of disputes.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
• Balanced project budget— Grant applications must ensure a balanced project budget and sufficient other resources to implement the project successfully (e.g.
own contributions, income generated by the action, financial contributions from third parties, etc). You may be requested to lower your estimated costs, if they are ineligible (including excessive).
• Completed/ongoing projects — Proposals for projects that have already been completed will be rejected; proposals for projects that have already started will be
assessed on a case-by-case basis (in this case, no costs can be reimbursed for activities that took place before the project starting date/proposal submission).
• No-profit rule — Grants may NOT give a profit (i.e. surplus of revenues + EU grant over costs). This will be checked by us at the end of the project.
• No cumulation of funding/no double funding — It is strictly prohibited to cumulate funding from the EU budget (except under ‘EU Synergies actions’). Outside such Synergies actions, any given action may receive only ONE grant from the EU budget and cost items may under NO circumstances be declared under two EU grants; projects must be designed as different actions, clearly delineated and
separated for each grant (without overlaps).
• Combination with EU operating grants — Combination with EU operating grants is possible, if the project remains outside the operating grant work programme and you make sure that cost items are clearly separated in your
accounting and NOT declared twice (see AGA — Annotated Grant Agreement, art 6.2.E).
• Multiple proposals — Applicants may submit more than one proposal for different
projects under the same call (and be awarded funding for them).
Organisations may participate in several proposals.
BUT: if there are several proposals for very similar projects, only one application will be accepted and evaluated; the applicants will be asked to withdraw the others (or they will be rejected).
• Resubmission — Proposals may be changed and re-submitted until the deadline
for submission.
• Rejection — By submitting the application, all applicants accept the call conditions set out in this this Call document (and the documents it refers to). Proposals that do not comply with all the call conditions will be rejected. This applies also to applicants: All applicants need to fulfil the criteria; if any one of them doesn’t, they
must be replaced or the entire proposal will be rejected.
• Cancellation — There may be circumstances which may require the cancellation of the call. In this case, you will be informed via a call or topic update. Please note that cancellations are without entitlement to compensation.
• Language — You can submit your proposal in any official EU language (project abstract/summary should however always be in English). For reasons of efficiency, we strongly advise you to use English for the entire application. If you need the call documentation in another official EU language, please submit a request within 10 days after call publication (for the contact information, see section 12).
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
• Transparency — In accordance with Article 38 of the EU Financial Regulation, information about EU grants awarded is published each year on the Europa website.
This includes:
− beneficiary names
− beneficiary addresses
− the purpose for which the grant was awarded
− the maximum amount awarded.
The publication can exceptionally be waived (on reasoned and duly substantiated request), if there is a risk that the disclosure could jeopardise your rights and freedoms under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights or harm your commercial interests.
• Data protection — The submission of a proposal under this call involves the
collection, use and processing of personal data. This data will be processed in accordance with the applicable legal framework. It will be processed solely for the purpose of evaluating your proposal, subsequent management of your grant and, if needed, programme monitoring, evaluation and communication. Details are explained in the Funding & Tenders Portal Privacy Statement.
Electronically signed on 17/12/2024 17:13 (UTC+01) in accordance with Article 11 of Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2121
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË – Tel. +32 22991111
OPERATIONS (ECHO) Neighbourhood, Middle East, South-West and Central Asia
The Director
Brussels ECHO.C/AP
Addressees: Directors-General for Civil Protection of the EU Member States of
the Union Civil Protection Mechanism
Members of the Civil Protection Committee of the EU Member States
Subject: Invitation to submit proposals for the regional programme
“Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-
induced Disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4
(PPRD East 4)” (UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4-IBA)
Dear Directors-General,
Dear Members of the Civil Protection Committee,
I have the pleasure to inform you that the Commission is launching an invitation to submit
proposals for the regional programme “Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and
human-induced Disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)”.
Please find enclosed the call document, which provides detailed guidance and conditions for
awarding grants, as well as related documents for application.
The PPRD East 4 will aim to increase the resilience of the Eastern Partnership countries to
natural and human-induced disasters, including capacity-building to reinforce their alignment
with EU standards and practices, facilitating integration and participation in the Union Civil
Protection Mechanism (UCPM) and enhancing regional cooperation. PPRD East 4 will build
on the results of the PPRD East 3 programme that finished in September 2024. The duration
of the action is four years and the budget allocated amounts to EUR 5 000 000.
The opening date for the submission of proposals in the Funding & Tenders Portal is 30
January 2025. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 29 April 2025 17:00:00
(Brussels time).
Yours sincerely,
Enclosure: Invitation to submit a proposal PPRD East 4
Appendix I – Indicative Logical Framework Matrix PPRD East 4
Electronically signed
Electronically signed on 17/12/2024 17:13 (UTC+01) in accordance with Article 11 of Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2121
Saatja: <[email protected]>
Saadetud: 15.01.2025 12:51
Adressaat: <[email protected]>
Teema: Invitation to submit proposals for the action “Prevention, Preparedness and Response to
natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries - phase 4” (UCPM-
Manused: image001.jpg; Letter_Invitation to submit a proposal (IBA)_PPRD East 4.pdf;
Invitation to submit a proposal_PPRD East 4.pdf; Appendix I - Indicative Logframework_PPRD
East 4.pdf
TÄHELEPANU! Tegemist on väljastpoolt asutust saabunud kirjaga. Tundmatu saatja korral palume linke ja faile mitte avada!
Dear Colleagues, The European Commission has the pleasure to inform your authorities about the launch of the call for proposals for regional civil protection programme in the Eastern Partnership countries (PPRD East 4). The submission of proposals will be available on the Funding & Tenders Portal starting on 30 January 2025. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 29 April 2025. Please facilitate the transmission of this email, together with documents explaining the procedure of the application, to relevant persons in charge of a potential application. In addition, we would like to inform that the PPRD East 4 programme will be presented at the information day on 4 February 2025. The agenda and other practical details on the live streaming event will be published on the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network website. Thank you very much for your attention in advance. With kind regards, ECHO CP EAST Team
European Commission DG ECHO - Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
Unit C.1 - Southeast Europe, Eastern Neighbourhood and Central Asia E-mail: [email protected]
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM)
Invitation to submit a proposal
Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
Version 1.0 15 January 2025
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Version Publication
Date Change Page
1.0 15.01.2025 ▪ Initial version
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
0. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5
1. Background ............................................................................................................................... 7
Context ................................................................................................................................... 9
National Civil Protection Authorities ............................................................................................ 10
Lessons Learned ...................................................................................................................... 10
Links with the relevant initiatives ............................................................................................... 11
Intervention Logic .................................................................................................................... 12
Cross-cutting principles ............................................................................................................ 13
Programme Management .......................................................................................................... 13
2. Objectives — Specific objectives — Expected impact – Activities that can be funded .......................... 15
UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4-IBA — Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human- induced Disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries (PPRD East 4) ........................................ 15
Objective ................................................................................................................................ 15
Specific objectives ................................................................................................................... 15
Expected results ...................................................................................................................... 15
Activities that can be funded ..................................................................................................... 17
3. Available budget ....................................................................................................................... 20
4. Timetable and deadlines ............................................................................................................ 20
5. Admissibility and documents ...................................................................................................... 21
6. Eligibility .................................................................................................................................. 22
Eligible participants (eligible countries) ....................................................................................... 22
Specific cases and definitions .................................................................................................... 22
Consortium composition ........................................................................................................... 23
Eligible activities ...................................................................................................................... 23
Geographic location (target countries) ........................................................................................ 24
7. Financial and operational capacity and exclusion ........................................................................... 25
Financial capacity .................................................................................................................... 25
Operational capacity ................................................................................................................ 25
Exclusion ................................................................................................................................ 26
8. Evaluation and award procedure ................................................................................................. 27
9. Award criteria ........................................................................................................................... 29
EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
ECHO.C – Neighbourhood, Middle East, South-West and Central Asia ECHO.C.1 – Southeast Europe and Eastern Neighbourhood and Central Asia
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
10. Legal and financial set-up of the Grant Agreements ..................................................................... 32
Starting date and programme duration ....................................................................................... 32
Milestones and deliverables ....................................................................................................... 32
Form of grant, funding rate and maximum grant amount .............................................................. 34
Budget categories and cost eligibility rules .................................................................................. 34
Reporting and payment arrangements ........................................................................................ 35
Prefinancing guarantees ........................................................................................................... 36
Certificates ............................................................................................................................. 36
Liability regime for recoveries ................................................................................................... 36
Provisions concerning the programme implementation ................................................................. 36
Other specificities .................................................................................................................... 37
Non-compliance and breach of contract ...................................................................................... 37
11. How to submit an application .................................................................................................... 38
12. Help ...................................................................................................................................... 39
13. Important .............................................................................................................................. 40
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
0. Introduction
This is an invitation to submit a proposal for EU action grant in the field of civil
protection under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM).
The regulatory framework for this EU Funding Programme is set out in:
− Regulation 2024/2509 (EU Financial Regulation1)
− Regulation 2021/947 (Neighbourhood, Development and International
Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe2)
− the UCPM Decision 1313/20133.
The invitation is launched in accordance with the 2024 Annual Action Plan for
Governance and EU Related reforms4 and will be managed by the European
Commission, Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and
Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO).
The call covers the following programme:
− UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 — Prevention, Preparedness and Response to
natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership
countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
We invite you to read the call documentation carefully, and in particular this Call
document, the Model Grant Agreement, the EU Funding & Tenders Portal Online
Manual and the EU Grants AGA — Annotated Grant Agreement.
These documents provide clarifications and answers to questions you may have when
preparing your application:
− the Call document outlines the:
− background, objectives, specific objectives, expected results and the
activities that can be funded (sections 1 and 2)
− timetable and available budget (sections 3 and 4)
− admissibility and eligibility conditions (including mandatory documents;
sections 5 and 6)
− criteria for financial and operational capacity and exclusion (section 7)
− evaluation and award procedure (section 8)
− award criteria (section 9)
− legal and financial set-up of the Grant Agreements (section 10)
1 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2024/2509 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September
2024 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (recast) (‘EU Financial Regulation’) (OJ L, 2024/2509, 26.9.2024).
2 Regulation (EU) 2021/947 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 June 2021 establishing
the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe, (OJ L
209, 14.6.2021, p. 1–78). 3 Decision No 1313/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 on a
Union Civil Protection Mechanism (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 924). 4 Commission Implementing Decision C(2024)5375 on the financing of the annual action plan in favour of
the NDICI Neighbourhood East Region for 2024.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
− how to submit an application (section 11)
− the Online Manual outlines the:
− procedures to register and submit proposals online via the EU Funding
& Tenders Portal (‘Portal’)
− recommendations for the preparation of the application
− the AGA — Annotated Grant Agreement contains:
− detailed annotations on all the provisions in the Grant Agreement you
will have to sign in order to obtain the grant (including cost eligibility,
payment schedule, accessory obligations, etc).
You are also encouraged to consult previous PPRD East programmes (PPRD East 1,
PPRD East 2 and PPRD East 3).
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
1. Background
The programme for Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-
induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries (PPRD East) was initiated in
2010 under the Eastern Partnership (EaP) initiative. It aimed to strengthen disaster
risk reduction and crisis management in the EaP countries, to promote regional
cooperation and bring Partner Countries in cooperation with the Union Civil Protection
Mechanism (UCPM)5.
The UCPM, established in 2001, has become a comprehensive framework for
cooperation in disaster management in Europe and beyond. The overall objective of
the UCPM is to strengthen the cooperation in the field of civil protection, to facilitate
coordination, and to improve the effectiveness of the system for preventing,
preparing for, and responding to natural and human-induced disasters. Currently, 37
EU Member States and Participating States, are participating in the UCPM6.
The programmes of PPRD East 1 (2010-2014) and PPRD East 2 (2014-2019) were
directly linked with the “Eastern Partnership – 20 deliverables for 2020”, which
highlighted the importance of capacity building in crisis management. In line with the
“Recovery, resilience and reform: post 2020 Eastern Partnership priorities”, the PPRD
East 3 significantly enhanced Partner Countries‘ preparedness, prevention and
response to natural and human-induced disasters through capacity building activities.
The three phases of PPRD East have been transformative, significantly aiding Partner
Countries in their efforts to align national legislation with EU acquis and adopt best
practices in civil protection. These phases have facilitated important institutional
changes and fostered closer ties between the EU and Partner Countries by creating a
unique platform for both policy and technical dialogue, supported by extensive
capacity building. In addition, cooperation between Partner Countries and the UCPM
has been notably strengthened, with Ukraine joining as a Participating State in 2023
and the Republic of Moldova7 in 2024. While PPRD East is a regional program, it has
maintained the flexibility to accommodate the differing needs and priorities of each
Partner Country.
The overall aim of this invitation to submit a proposal is to identify and finance a
programme of PPRD East 4. The beneficiary countries are: Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine8.
The new programme of PPRD East will continue capacity building in the Partner
Countries to enhance resilience, deepen the engagements on local, national and
regional level and consolidate recommendations identified under the previous phase.
As per the results of PPRD East 3, continuous efforts should be focused on:
1. assisting and facilitating the development and/or update of National Disaster
Risk Assessment, ensuring the integration of cross-cutting issues;
2. reinforcing risk assessments integration in national and local emergency
planning to specific and/or multi-hazards;
5 The UCPM legal base is the Decision No 1313/2013/EU. 6 In light of Article 28(1a) of Decision No 1313/2013/EU, where reference is made to Member States, it
shall be understood as including Participating States as defined in Article 4(12) of Decision No 1313/2013/EU.
7 Hereinafter referred to as Moldova. 8 In line with the Council Conclusions of 12 October 2020 and in light of Belarus’s involvement in the
Russian military aggression against Ukraine, recognised in the European Council Conclusions of February 2022, the EU has stopped engaging with representatives of Belarus public bodies and state- owned enterprises. Should there be a change of the context this may be reconsidered.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
3. operationalising and institutionalising early warning systems, broadening the
scope of hazards, enhancing interinstitutional coordination for impact-based
4. enhancing training capacities and training curriculums;
5. strengthening interagency coordination and cooperation for requesting and
receiving international assistance, including Host Nation Support guidelines;
6. increasing networks between national authorities and civil society
The programme is also expected to place emphasis on innovation/knowledge transfer
and Disaster Risk Reduction, providing more systematic and integrated disaster
prevention and preparedness for quicker recovery. The new elements of the
programme include disaster recovery focusing on capacity building and technical
guidance for preparedness for disaster reconstruction as well as facilitating the link
between relief, rehabilitation and development. Moreover, the programme should
focus on the integration of new and aspiring Participating States of the UCPM into the
The programme should take into account cross-cutting issues specified below. It
should also focus on improving civil protection capacities in line with the Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the EU Disaster Resilience
PPRD East 4 will be the last phase of the action. With 15 years of programme
implementation, the fourth phase of the programme shall focus on phasing out and
ensuring sustainability of the results after the end of the programme. The following
principles should be at the centre of these efforts:
1. Building upon recommendations from previous PPRD East phases:
where applicable, ensuring continuity and follow up to already developed
resources and capacities, taking lessons learned from previous programme,
addressing challenges previously encountered and avoiding duplication of
2. Enhancing ownership and sustainability of programme: ensuring that
developed capacities and cooperation structures at local, national and regional
level respond to the needs of the beneficiaries and are further integrated into
the relevant national structures in order to ensure sustainability of the results
after the end of the programme.
3. Address country specific needs while maintaining regional approach:
the programme should be flexible and tailored to address the needs and
priorities of each Partner Country and identify cross-border/sub-regional and
regional cooperation opportunities.
4. Alignment with the UCPM and other disaster risk management
initiatives in the region (in addition to the EU acquis, where
applicable): the Union Disaster Resilience Goals, the Article 6.1 report
recommendations on disaster risk management9, mirroring programme
activities to bring countries closer to the UCPM and creating synergies with
initiatives funded by EU/UCPM and/or implemented by the international
9 Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on progress on implementation
of Article 6 of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism COM(2024)130 final.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
community (UN, World Bank, EIB, NATO, INGOs, bilateral cooperation with EU
Member States) and ensuring complementarity and coherence.
5. Result-oriented approach: placing focus on outcome-oriented rather than
output-oriented project planning. A robust results framework should form the
basis for adequate and timely monitoring and evaluation of the programme.
Particular emphasis should be paid to the applicants’ choice of indicators.
The targeted region is characterised by a highly complex disaster profile. Despite their
large geographical coverage, the targeted countries can be characterised by their
considerably similar exposure to natural and human-induced disaster risks, ranging
from earthquakes, floods, landslides, forest and ground fires, heat and cold waves.
Environmental, industrial, and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN)
risks are serious.
Strengthening resilience which includes enhancing capacities to prevent, prepare and
respond to disasters across the entire region is one of the post 2020 Eastern
Partnership priorities10. The EaP countries recognise the need to further enhance
disaster management system. They have embarked into a process of capacity
building at all phases of disaster management, involving various stakeholders at local
and national level. Emergency planning, comprehensive disaster risk assessments and
methodology, inter-agency coordination and early warning systems have been
improved, with the support of previous PPRD East programme. These efforts have
contributed to the gradual and ongoing shift from overtly response-based civil
protection approach to prevention and preparedness one.
Nonetheless, capacities of the national authorities in the Partner Countries to
effectively manage disasters vary significantly. Lack of financial, human or technical
resources as well as inadequate capacities and expertise have often been cited as
obstacles to concrete implementation of a sound disaster risk management.
The instructional, legislative and financial arrangements for comprehensive and
gender-inclusive disaster risk management should be strengthened, taking into
account climate change impacts. Adaptation to climate change, although closely
related, is still not implemented in synergy and full coordination with disaster risk
management policies.
It is also necessary to strengthen inclusion of gender and vulnerable groups into the
disaster risk management process at both national and local levels, involving various
stakeholders and national agencies (volunteers, civil society organisations, etc.). Civil
protection education/training and volunteerism should be improved and further
institutionalised. Procedures for requesting and receiving international assistance
should be further developed and enshrined in the legislation. Effective disaster
recovery is another element of importance that requires capacity development.
Most of the countries have established cross-border cooperation agreements with
their neighbours regarding mutual assistance in case of major disasters, however in
some cases actual contacts need to be developed/better maintained and frameworks
for cooperation and international assistance in disasters should be strengthened.
In addition, Partner Countries cooperation with the UCPM is at different stages. Efforts
should be dedicated for the integration of Moldova and Ukraine into the UCPM, as well
10 Commission Joint Staff Working Document SWD(2021)186 on Recovery, resilience and reform: post
2020 Eastern Partnership priorities.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
as for Georgia, as a potential Participating State of the UCPM. Throughout the EaP
region, Moldova and Ukraine, as well as Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia are
particularly exposed to high transboundary risk in case of a disaster. These different
layers of cooperation need to be further enhanced and implemented in practice for an
efficient coordination in the region, with the UCPM, the EU Member States and other
international actors.
National Civil Protection Authorities
In Armenia, the newly created Ministry of Internal Affairs has taken the responsibility
of civil protection and disaster risk management. It incorporates the Rescue Service
of Armenia. The Ministry is undergoing major reforms, including in the Rescue
Azerbaijan has assigned Ministry of Emergency Situations with a wide range of
powers and responsibilities confirmed by large financial support from the state
In Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, the corresponding responsibilities are under the
jurisdiction of the Ministries of Internal Affairs. In Georgia, the strategic and
coordination functions (including the situation room) remain under the Prime
Minister’s office.
The capacities of the national authorities in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
can be characterised as advanced yet still unevenly distributed at national, regional,
and local levels. Generally, limited resources create deficiencies of emergency assets
for daily operations. However, it is worth noting that, given the ongoing war in
Ukraine with its direct cascading effects in Moldova, the two countries have
experienced non-negligeable advancements in the area of civil protection over the last
approximately 2.5 years.
Lessons Learned
The proposed action should build on the findings and lessons learnt from previously
implemented PPRD East programmes.
The previous PPRD East actions have enhanced legal and institutional frameworks to
improve disaster risk management and supported institutional coordination among all
actors to a varying extent. To note, not all Partner Countries are facing the same level
of difficulties or have the same needs and not all countries aspire to reach the same
level of cooperation with the UCPM, or with each other. National ownership has been
strong but varied throughout the implementation of the PPRD East programmes. It is
therefore important to ensure a high-level of commitment for a successful
implementation of PPRD East 4.
In addition, the recruitment of a local coordinator in each Partner Country during
PPRD East 3 has significantly facilitated communication and collaboration between the
programme team and national stakeholders.
Throughout phase 3 of PPRD East, adaptability and flexibility have been identified as
crucial for success, enabling relevant solutions and effective programme
implementation in view of changing circumstances (e.g. COVID-19) and challenges
(e.g. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine).
The regional approach has been highlighted to be of great importance for the
assessment of cross-border risks, regional risk prioritisation and development of
similar national methodologies to enable the comparison of risks and exchange of
experts. Regional activities (such as trainings, table-top and full-scale exercises
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
conducted) provided a unique platform for dialogue on technical level and
operationalisation of programme outputs.
Furthermore, in order to ensure continuity and sustainability of the programme, it is
advised that national civil protection services undertake close cooperation with the
UCPM, particularly regarding policy alignment, thus ensuring an endurable
implementation of the action. The aforementioned sustainability and long-term
availability of the programme’s results could be made available and accessed as
needed via the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network (UCPKN) online platform.
Links with the relevant initiatives
To avoid duplication of activities, the action should pursue synergies and attempt to
connect with other Commission-funded initiatives in the region. Efforts should already
be made in the proposal design phase to avoid an isolated programme
implementation. As part of their initial needs assessment, every proposal should
include a mapping of relevant past and present initiatives in the target countries,
especially if the initiatives received EU/UCPM funding. In cases in which relevant
initiatives exist, applicants should explain how they will pursue synergies with ongoing
initiatives or incorporate existing results from past initiatives into their programme
Coordination and complementarities with similar regional or bilateral initiatives
through regular exchanges and the common anchoring to the UCPM are encouraged.
Those include:
- Ongoing Prevention and Preparedness projects in civil protection11;
- Multi-country mapping study on disaster risks and gaps: The applicants are
encouraged to build upon the comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk
landscape and capabilities/capacities of the countries in the targeted regions to
respond to disasters. The analysis will provide evidence on where the main
national, cross-border, regional risks, and gaps are in addressing those risks;
- On Site Technical Assistance: The overall objective of this programme is to
provide civil protection technical support to DG ECHO and contribute to a
smooth implementation of the civil protection cooperation programmes and
enhance their regional impact in the beneficiary countries. In the framework of
this action, ad hoc technical assistance is provided where the main national
authorities, participants and stakeholders meet obstacles and difficulties;
- Peer Review on disaster risk management system was carried out under the
UCPM in Moldova12. The proposals are invited to take into account the
recommendations from this Peer Review;
- Exchange of Experts programme which gives civil protection experts the
opportunity to share experiences, gain valuable knowledge and strengthen
operational skills by a system of exchange. Thus, this programme makes a
significant contribution to the ongoing development of the UCPM and builds
capacity in the field of civil protection;
- Other EU-funded bilateral projects in the Partner Countries complementing DG
ECHO-funded actions;
11 Prevention and Preparedness Projects in Civil Protection - European Commission ( 12 Peer Review programme - European Commission (
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
- Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network (UCPKN): Proposals are invited to
use the UCPKN tools and activities to strengthen their dissemination and
engagement efforts. At the time of publication of this call, the UCPKN online
platform provides all UCPM-funded projects with a dedicated working space
with features enabling communication and dissemination, as well as
collaborative interaction with other users of the platform (discussion fora).
With time, additional features may be developed, including based on needs
identified by programme consortia during implementation stage.
Good practices can be drawn also from other regional programmes managed by DG
ECHO in the European Neighbourhood, namely the ongoing regional programmes for
Capacity for Risk Management of Earthquakes and Health Emergencies in Türkiye and
the Western Balkans (IPA CARE)13 and Prevention, Preparedness, Response to natural
and man-made Disasters in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (PPRD Med)14.
Coordination with current and upcoming EU programmes and programmes of other
donors and partners (EU Member States, the OSCE, the US, the UN) will be sought
throughout the programme implementation.
Intervention Logic
Within the UCPM, the activities open to neighbouring countries include training,
exchange of experts, meetings, conferences, exercises, modules exercises, prevention
and preparedness projects. However, the demand from the neighbourhood countries
exceeds the offer.
In light of the above, the PPRD East 4 will be complementary to DG ECHO’s support
as it will allow a more regional and sub-regional focus including:
- provision of activities mirroring the activities of the UCPM, where the demand
of Partner Countries exceeds the offer by the UCPM or where activities shall be
tailor-made to the needs in the Eastern Neighbourhood;
- provision of technical support in understanding the financial components of the
Mechanism (e.g. calls for proposals for single- and multi-country grants, full-
scale exercises, etc.);
- provision of support beyond the scope of the activities traditionally offered to
neighbourhood countries, but in line with the UCPM principles and approaches;
- organisation of (sub)regional activities.
The phase 4 of the PPRD East programme is aimed at supporting policy development
in the broader area of disaster risks management to improve the countries’ capacity
to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from natural and human-induced
hazards. In addition, the programme aims to complement DG ECHO’s efforts in
integrating the recent and potential Participating States of the UCPM into the
Mechanism. Lastly, the programme should have a high level of flexibility in order to
correspond to the changing needs and political situations in Partner Countries.
The programme will remain the platform for exchange and support on policy dialogue
within the institutional EaP architecture. Moreover, the platform should increase its
role as catalyser for synergies and partnerships with other actors present in the
region (e.g. the UN, the World Bank, etc.), in order to ensure consistency of EU
funding opportunities.
13 14
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Phase 4 of the programme is also intended to ensure that the results are sustainable
over time, and that durable cooperation links are established.
Cross-cutting principles
Cooperation with the Eastern Neighbourhood aims not only to prevent, prepare for,
respond to, and recover from disasters in the Partner Countries, but also to contribute
to social and political stability.
The applicants should address and integrate relevant cross-cutting issues. Proposals
are therefore invited to highlight their contribution to the Commission’s horizontal
commitments such as: resilience and conflict sensitivity, good governance and
human rights; environmental sustainability; the reduction of climate impacts
associated with programme implementation as well as the broader concept of
greening in civil protection; the promotion of gender balance and equality in
programme implementation; as well as the consideration of needs and perspectives of
vulnerable groups and persons with disabilities15.
Disaster Risk Reduction should be the central principle of the action, in full coherence
with the Sendai Framework: to prevent, prepare for and respond to disasters as well
as to better adapt to climate change. The Sendai Framework stresses the importance
of mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into all policies and sectors as well as the of
the preservation of ecosystems. The action should therefore focus on the
development of early warning systems and community-based planning to prepare for
potential hazards and disasters, national and community-level training and
strengthening of legislative frameworks that foster Disaster Risk Reduction.
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction also emphasises the role of
vulnerable groups (including women, children, youth, elderly persons or persons with
disabilities) and advocates for resilient communities and an inclusive and all-of-
society disaster risk management. To this effect, awareness and understanding of
cultural specificities and differences will be considered throughout this action.
Programme Management
A Steering Committee (SC) will be established with the participation of the
Contracting Authority (DG ECHO) as well as the implementing consortium and the
beneficiary countries. The EU Delegations should be invited to the Steering
Committee as observers. The Steering Committee should meet at least once a year
and receive updates from the programme expert team regarding the implementation
of the programme and provide feedback. It will advise on the programme’s progress,
discuss the scheduled activities, and review results related to the activities completed.
The implementing consortium will prepare the agenda, supporting documents and the
minutes of the SC meetings and further distribute these documents to all SC
members. The Implementing consortium will submit these documents as part of its
reports to DG ECHO.
The EU Delegations in the Partner Countries will receive regular updates on the
progress of the Programme and will have the opportunity to provide comments and
input. The Delegations could also rely on the expertise of the Programme team, in
close collaboration with the Programme Manager of the Action.
15 Guidelines on integrating cross-cutting issues into Disaster Risk Management can be found in PPRD East
3 page on Knowledge Network: Prevention Preparedness and Response to natural and man-made disasters | UCP Knowledge Network (
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
National Programme Coordinators and Thematic Focal Points shall be appointed and
specific guidelines for these roles should be developed to ensure smooth cooperation.
National Programme Coordinators will be the main national interlocutors for the
programme expert team and will be directly involved in the implementation and
overall monitoring of the programme in their respective countries. Thematic Focal
Points will ensure continuous cooperation between the programme expert team and
Partner Countries’ institutions in specific thematic areas by coordinating all sectors
concerned (e.g. Disaster Risk Assessment, Host Nation Support, etc.). In order to
ensure involvement of all relevant sectors and actors, national multistakeholder
mechanism(s) shall be established to share information.
The working language of the programme is English. Translation/interpretation into the
national languages of the countries where the programme is implemented in should
be foreseen for relevant documents and when necessary for meetings.
For the indicative logical framework including general/specific objectives, outcomes,
outputs, indicators, sources of verification and assumptions please refer to Appendix
I. The general objective, specific objectives and expected results are pre-defined. The
proposal must define specific indicators, activities and deliverables that contribute to
the achievement of all specific objectives and the general objective. All components of
the proposed logical framework (overall objective, specific objectives, results,
activities, and indicators) should be linked through a logical, result-driven chain and
should demonstrate how the proposed action will contribute to achieving specific
objective 1, 2 and 3.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
2. Objectives — Specific objectives — Expected impact – Activities that can
be funded
UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4-IBA — Prevention, Preparedness and Response to
natural and human-induced Disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries
(PPRD East 4)
The general objective of the PPRD East 4 programme is to increase the resilience to
natural and human-induced disasters in the EaP countries.
Specific objectives
The specific objectives are to:
- Strengthen the capabilities of Partner Countries to prevent, prepare for,
respond to and recover from natural and human-induced disasters, and to
further enhance their disaster risk management governance;
- Support the further integration into the UCPM of the new Participating States,
as well as the countries eligible to join the UCPM;
- Increase Partner Countries participation in and cooperation with the UCPM,
including regional and cross-border cooperation.
Expected results
Related to Specific Objective 1: Strengthen the capabilities of Partner Countries to
prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from natural and human-induced
disasters, and to further enhance their disaster risk management governance
• Improved national legal and institutional framework on disaster risk
management and aligned to the EU acquis, building on the progress of phase
three and the other EU-funded projects, and ensuring the mainstreaming of
cross-cutting issues. This entails:
- Comprehensive risk assessment and risk management planning at
national and/or sub-national level, private sector and critical entities,
including local communities, civil society organisations, volunteers as
well as cross-cutting issues;
- Risk prevention and preparedness measures, including institutionalised
multi-hazard early warning systems, disaster loss data collection,
contingency and emergency planning, public awareness and risk
communication, innovation and knowledge services, nature-based
solutions and comprehensive prevention and preparedness action plans
and synergies between climate change adaptation and disaster risk
- Strengthened capabilities to monitor, detect, forecast and assess the
impacts of natural and anthropogenic hazards using early warning and
information systems;
- Strengthened risk assessment methodologies considering cross-border,
high impact low probability and emerging risks and considering multi-
sectorial elements and areas such as climate change and geopolitical
- Strengthened cross-sectorial disaster risk management by considering
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
other areas such as critical infrastructure;
- Enhanced mapping and identification of capacity gaps to fill and
understanding of the causes (lack of technology, of knowledge, of
funding, of human resources) to allow targeted policies and
- Clearer distribution of tasks among relevant authorities and
organisations, in relation to the above-mentioned topics;
- Strengthened cooperation with the private sector, research and
academia, civil society organisations and the public should be further
promoted to favour the adoption of a whole-of-society approach.
• Enhanced knowledge and capacities for emergency response, including
interministerial/interagency coordination and in line with EU practices and
international standards (e.g. INSARAG standards, quality requirements for
assets in the European Civil Protection Pool, Host Nation Support, etc.);
increased interoperability of capacities with UCPM Member and Participating
• Enhanced planning and preparedness for disaster recovery and reconstruction
on local, regional and national level, in line with build-back better principles,
and the improvement of disaster loss data collection;
• Civil protection actors are better trained in the entire disaster risk
management cycle; national training programmes and capacities are
strengthened as well as interlinked with UCPM training; a needs-driven and
training-of-trainers approach is pursued; ability to participate in regional and
international training and exercises, including leading, organising, and hosting
them, is increased;
• Strengthened network of civil protection national and regional volunteers;
Related to Specific Objective 2: Support the further integration into the UCPM of the
new Participating States, as well as the increased capacity in other Eastern
Partnership countries to potentially join the UCPM
• Increased awareness and use (quantitative and qualitative) of the UCPM tools
and the services available to Partner Countries; among the tools, the reporting
exercise to the Commission under Article 6.1 and the participation in the
Disaster Prevention Expert Group which contribute to the provision of policy
recommendations and the sharing of good practices;
• Strengthened network and exchanges between UCPM Member
States/Participating States and new integrated countries into the Mechanism.
Related to Specific Objective 3: Increase Partner Countries participation in and
cooperation with the UCPM, including regional and cross-border cooperation
• Strengthened institutional and operational coordination between the
Emergency Response Coordination Centre and Partner Countries;
• Improved national frameworks in each Partner Country on requesting and
receiving assistance through the UCPM, as well as interinstitutional
coordination on national and regional level (in the case of transboundary
• Enhanced cross-border and sub-regional cooperation among Eastern
Partnership countries, including transboundary risk assessment and response
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Activities that can be funded
The choice and design of the PPRD East 4 activities should be aligned with the
principles and approaches underpinning the UCPM and, to the extent possible, mirror
the tools and support provided under the UCPM, without duplicating efforts.
Related to all Specific Objectives (1, 2, 3)
In order to develop a sound ownership of the proposed programme and to tailor the
programme according to Partner Countries’ needs, the action will commence with the
inception period (9 months16). This period will allow for stakeholder mapping and
identification of the current needs and priorities in each Partner Country as well as
discussion and review of proposed activities with Partner Countries. They will then be
submitted for endorsement by the Steering Committee (SC) and validated by DG
During the inception phase, on site visits to the Eastern Partnership countries will be
organised, with the expected additional support of the expert involved in the On Site
Technical Assistance. Activities validated at the end of inception phase by the SC will
be implemented throughout the remaining duration of the programme.
In addition, all activities should be coherent and must demonstrate contribution to the
objectives of the Action. Activities should have tangible outputs/outcomes with
relevant objectively verifiable indicators and clearly show complementarity with other
existing programmes mentioned above in the sub-section on Links with relevant
Any purchase of small-scale equipment should clearly contribute to the achievement
of the objectives of the programme and shall not exceed the 20% of the total value of
the Action and should be handed over to the final beneficiaries by the end of the
programme implementation.
Related to Specific Objective 1: Strengthen the capabilities of Partner Countries to
prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from natural and human-induced
disasters, and to further enhance their disaster risk management governance
• Technical assistance missions on the basis of needs assessment building on
the PPRD East 3 programme recommendations and/or specific demands by the
Partner Countries’ authorities inter alia covering legislative, regulatory,
management and technical needs. Cross-cutting issues in disaster risk
management should be reflected during needs assessment;
• Based on PPRD East 3 results, continue providing technical and expert support
on standardised operational procedures, forecast, early warning systems,
damage/need assessment, disaster loss data collection, risk assessment,
emergency communication tools and international assistance, including how to
use the most readily available technology and tools. Science use for decision-
making is encouraged;
• Mapping of needs with regard to Early Warning Systems and Public Warning
capabilities and recommendations to address these in a comprehensive
16 This 9-month period might be adapted to the circumstances if approved by the SC.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
• Technical assistance to support the disaster management authorities in
translating scientific information deriving from national, European or global
early warning systems to operational activities;
• Preparation of investment plans to increase disaster risk management
• Public risk awareness and preparedness campaigns;
• Operational Recommendations for integration of selected actions into national
disaster risk management governance;
• Expert support on evaluation and improvement of legislation in disaster risk
• National table top exercises, risk based mapping of existing response
capacities and identification of gaps in relation to the quality requirements set
by the EU. Multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder approach is encouraged;
• Technical assistance including for developing multi-hazards disaster recovery
framework to better manage pre- and post-disaster planning and operations.
This also includes development of solutions to integrate lessons learnt into
existing structures and processes;
• Mentoring, workshops and training courses for managers, experts and
volunteers. The training should be targeted based on national needs and
complement, when necessary, the courses offered by the UCPM Training
Programme (e.g. Union Civil Protection Introduction Course and the
Operational Management Course). Integration of cross-cutting issues in
disaster risk management is encouraged;
• Support to strengthen national training programmes and curricula;
• Support to incorporate and strengthen existing volunteer-based organisations
within the national and local civil protection system. Support in integrating
them within legal framework of the Partner Country.
Related to Specific Objective 2: Support the further integration into the UCPM of the
new Participating States, as well as the increased capacity in other Eastern
Partnership countries to potentially join the UCPM
• Meetings and workshops on UCPM tools and opportunities for collaborations;
• Technical assistance for civil protection experts in Partner Countries to develop
capacities in preparing quality proposals for call for proposals of UCPM grants;
• Training, mentoring and workshops mirroring the courses available under the
UCPM Training Programme (conducted only in English language);
• Participation in the Disaster Prevention Expert Group and other related
• Exchange of Experts programme to other EU Member/Participating States of
the UCPM;
• Technical support for the reporting to the Commission on the Disaster risk
Management under Article 6.1;
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
• Trainings on the use of the Early Warning and Information Systems and of the
ARISTOTLE Scientific Partnership for natural hazards in order to acquire
complementary support in detection and monitoring activities.
Related to Specific Objective 3: Increase Partner Countries participation in and
cooperation with the UCPM, including regional and cross-border cooperation
• Meetings, workshops and conferences: Organise events promoting regional
and international cooperation, involving to the extent possible UCPM Member
and Participating States;
• Study visits to other Eastern Partnership or UCPM Member States/Participating
States; exchange programme to go on an exchange mission or invite civil
protection expert(s);
• Develop procedures for requesting and receiving international assistance
through UCPM, as well as facilitate operationalisation of the procedures on a
national level;
• Exercises: At least one joint regional table-top and joint full-scale exercise
involving the EaP beneficiary countries at the end of the programme, following
relevant national table-top exercises. The regional full-scale exercise should
test the quality of the response capacities and their operability and efficiency
in a real-life situation. The exercise should include the following topics:
activation of the UCPM; EU Civil Protection Team, deployment of modules
and/or other response capacities; national operational structures, Host Nation
Support Guidelines; Observers and Evaluation Programmes;
• Technical assistance in developing transboundary disaster risk assessments
and response plans, as well as facilitating the institutionalisation and
operationalisation of these measures.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
3. Available budget
The estimated available call budget is EUR 5 000 000. The Commission envisages to
sign one Grant Agreement.
The Commission reserves the right not to award all available funds depending on the
proposals received and the results of the evaluation.
4. Timetable and deadlines
Timetable and deadlines (indicative)
Call opening: 30 January 2025
Deadline for submission: 29 April 2025 – 17:00:00 CET (Brussels)
Evaluation: May-June 2025
Information on evaluation results: June-July 2025
GA signature: October-November 2025
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
5. Admissibility and documents
Proposals must be submitted before the call deadline (see timetable section 4).
Proposals must be submitted electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal
Electronic Submission System (accessible via the link in the invitation letter). Paper
submissions are NOT possible.
Proposals (including annexes and supporting documents) must be submitted using
the forms provided inside the Submission System ( NOT the documents available
on the Topic page — they are only for information).
Proposals must be complete and contain all the requested information and all
required annexes and supporting documents:
− Application Form Part A — contains administrative information about the
participants (future coordinator, beneficiaries and affiliated entities) and the
summarised budget for the programme (to be filled in directly online)
− Application Form Part B — contains the technical description of the programme
(template to be downloaded from the Portal Submission System, completed,
assembled and re-uploaded)
− mandatory annexes and supporting documents (templates to be downloaded
from the Portal Submission System, completed, assembled and re-uploaded):
− detailed budget table (template available in the Submission System)
– CVs (standard) of core programme team
– list of previous projects/programmes (key projects for the last 4 years)
(template available in Part B)
– Letter of support from the competent national civil protection authority:
not applicable to national civil protection authorities themselves.
Please note that the amounts entered into the summarised budget table (filled in
directly online) must correspond to the amounts calculated in the detailed budget
table. In case of discrepancies, the amounts in the online summarised budget table
will prevail.
At proposal submission, you will have to confirm that you have the mandate to act
for all applicants. Moreover, you will have to confirm that the information in the
application is correct and complete and that all participants comply with the
conditions for receiving EU funding (especially eligibility, financial and operational
capacity, exclusion, etc). Before signing the grant, each beneficiary and affiliated
entity will have to confirm this again by signing a declaration of honour (DoH).
Proposals without full support will be rejected.
Your application must be readable, accessible and printable (please check
carefully the layout of the documents uploaded).
Proposals are limited to maximum 60 pages (Part B). Evaluators will not consider
any additional pages.
You may be asked at a later stage for further documents (for legal entity validation,
financial capacity check, bank account validation, etc).
For more information about the submission process (including IT aspects), consult
the Online Manual.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
6. Eligibility
Eligible participants (eligible countries)
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
− be national and/or sub-national civil protection authorities (or relevant
competent authorities or entities)
− be established only in one of the EU Member States or Participating States
(including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)) according to the
Regulation 2021/947.
Beneficiaries and affiliated entities must register in the Participant Register — before
submitting the proposal — and will have to be validated by the Central Validation
Service (REA Validation). For the validation, they will be requested to upload
documents showing legal status and origin.
Other entities may participate in other consortium roles, such as associated partners,
subcontractors, third parties giving in-kind contributions, etc (see section 13).
Specific cases and definitions
Natural persons — Natural persons are NOT eligible (with the exception of self-
employed persons, i.e. sole traders, where the company does not have legal
personality separate from that of the natural person).
International organisations — International organisations are NOT eligible. The rules
on eligible countries do not apply to them.
Entities without legal personality — Entities which do not have legal personality under
their national law may exceptionally participate, provided that their representatives
have the capacity to undertake legal obligations on their behalf, and offer guarantees
for the protection of the EU financial interests equivalent to that offered by legal
Associations and interest groupings — Entities composed of members may participate
as ‘sole beneficiaries’ or ‘beneficiaries without legal personality’18. Please note that
if the action will be implemented by the members, they should also participate (either
as beneficiaries or as affiliated entities, otherwise their costs will NOT be eligible).
Countries currently negotiating association agreements — Beneficiaries from countries
with ongoing negotiations for participation in the programme (see list of participating
countries above) may participate in the call and can sign grants if the negotiations are
concluded before grant signature and if the association covers the call (i.e. is
retroactive and covers both the part of the programme and the year when the call
was launched).
EU restrictive measures — Special rules apply for entities subject to EU restrictive
measures under Article 29 of the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) and Article 215
of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU)19. Such entities are not eligible to
participate in any capacity, including as beneficiaries, affiliated entities, associated
partners, subcontractors or recipients of financial support to third parties (if any).
17 See Article 200(2)(c) EU Financial Regulation 2024/2509. 18 For the definitions, see Articles 190(2) and 200(2)(c) EU Financial Regulation 2024/2509. 19 Please note that the EU Official Journal contains the official list and, in case of conflict, its content
prevails over that of the EU Sanctions Map.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
EU conditionality measures — Special rules apply for entities subject to measures
adopted on the basis of EU Regulation 2020/209220. Such entities are not eligible to
participate in any funded role (beneficiaries, affiliated entities, subcontractors,
recipients of financial support to third parties, etc.). Currently such measures are in
place for Hungarian public interest trusts established under the Hungarian Act IX of
2021 or any entity they maintain (see Council Implementing Decision (EU)
2022/2506, as of 16 December 2022).
For more information, see Rules for Legal Entity Validation, LEAR Appointment and
Financial Capacity Assessment.
Consortium composition
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least two national or sub-
national civil protection authorities (or relevant competent authorities or entities)
coming from a minimum of two different EU Member States.
Reminder: Only entities from EU Member States are eligible.
The proposal needs to show that a meaningful contribution to the programme is made
by all of the beneficiaries participating in the consortium, which ensure that the
minimum eligibility criteria are met, and to demonstrate that activities and results will
be developed jointly in partnership. All the proposals, regardless of the composition of
the consortium, must demonstrate relevance and added value for the UCPM.
In order to ensure a strong focus on the results it is strongly recommended that the
composition of the consortium be very targeted and that the number of consortium
members does not exceed 5 entities.
Eligible activities
Applications will only be considered eligible if their content corresponds wholly (or at
least in part) to the programme description for which they are submitted.
Eligible activities are the ones set out in section 2 above.
Activities should take place in the EaP countries stipulated in the background section.
They may also take place in other countries (EU Members States and UCPM
Participating States if it is relevant and duly justified).
All actions under this grant should be for the benefit of the EaP countries. The results
of the programme shall be transferred to the target institutions/final beneficiaries of
the action, at the latest when the final report is submitted to DG ECHO.
Programmes must comply with EU policy interests and priorities (such as
environment, social, security, industrial and trade policy, etc). Programmes must also
respect EU values and European Commission policy regarding reputational matters
(e.g. activities involving capacity building, policy support, awareness raising,
communication, dissemination, etc).
The following activities are not considered as eligible for funding under this invitation:
− Online platforms: To avoid duplication with the UCPKN online platform,
proposed action should make use of the existing features and tools available
20 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2092 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December
2020 on a general regime of conditionality for the protection of the Union budget (OJ L 325, 20.12.2022, p. 94).
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
on the platform for their programme activities. If relevant, outputs and
activities should be linked to the UCPKN platform and shall not replicate or
foresee the development of similar online platforms. It is possible that some
programme outputs may be selected to become integrated into the UCPKN
online platform.
− Activities which consist exclusively or primarily in capital expenditure, e.g.
buildings, vehicles.
− Works.
Financial support to third parties is not allowed.
Geographic location (target countries)
Proposals must relate to activities taking place in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia,
Moldova and Ukraine21.
21 In line with the Council Conclusions of 12 October 2020 and in light of Belarus’s involvement in the
Russian military aggression against Ukraine, recognised in the European Council Conclusions of
February 2022, the EU has stopped engaging with representatives of Belarus public bodies and state- owned enterprises. Should there be a change of the context this may be reconsidered.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
7. Financial and operational capacity and exclusion
Financial capacity
Applicants must have stable and sufficient resources to successfully implement
the programme and contribute their share. Organisations participating in several
projects must have sufficient capacity to implement all projects.
The financial capacity check will be carried out on the basis of the documents you will
be requested to upload in the Participant Register during grant preparation (e.g. profit
and loss account and balance sheet, business plan, audit report produced by an
approved external auditor, certifying the accounts for the last closed financial year,
etc). The analysis will be based on neutral financial indicators, but will also take into
account other aspects, such as dependency on EU funding and deficit and revenue in
previous years.
The check will normally be done for all beneficiaries, except:
− public bodies (entities established as public body under national law, including
local, regional or national authorities) or international organisations
− if the individual requested grant amount is not more than EUR 60 000.
If needed, it may also be done for affiliated entities.
If we consider that your financial capacity is not satisfactory, we may require:
− further information
− an enhanced financial responsibility regime, i.e. joint and several responsibility
for all beneficiaries or joint and several liability of affiliated entities (see below,
section 10)
− prefinancing paid in instalments
− (one or more) prefinancing guarantees (see below, section 10)
− propose no prefinancing
− request that you are replaced or, if needed, reject the entire proposal.
For more information, see Rules for Legal Entity Validation, LEAR Appointment and
Financial Capacity Assessment.
Operational capacity
Applicants must have the know-how, qualifications and resources to successfully
implement the programme and contribute their share (including sufficient experience
in programmes of comparable size and nature).
This capacity will be assessed together with the ‘Quality’ award criterion, on the basis
of the competence and experience of the applicants and their programme teams,
including operational resources (human, technical and other) or, exceptionally, the
measures proposed to obtain it by the time the task implementation starts.
If the evaluation of the award criterion is positive, the applicants are considered to
have sufficient operational capacity.
Applicants will have to show their capacity via the following information:
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
− general profiles (qualifications and experiences) of the staff responsible for
managing and implementing the programme
− description of the consortium participants
− list of previous projects/programmes (key projects for the last 4 years)
(template available in Part B)
It is suggested that profiles listed below are included in the team responsible for
managing and implementing the action. Evidence will consist of CVs of the key staff
responsible for the implementation of the action. Each CV should indicate the
intended function in the programme implementation and percentage of expected
engagement. Proficiency in English is required for all roles. The team should be
- Programme Manager: Extensive experience in project/programme
management for programmes of similar size and coverage, with experience in
cooperating closely with different stakeholders, including public
administrations, civil society, private sector and scientific communities;
Experience in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the UCPM.
- Senior Civil Protection Experts with experience in respective areas covered
by the programme activities (e.g. disaster risk reduction and assessment,
contingency/emergency planning, early warning); Experience in international
disaster risk management cooperation or multi-national programmes/projects
in the field of civil protection.
- Senior Training & Exercises Experts: extensive experience in UCPM
trainings and exercises. Experience in designing, organising and evaluating
civil protection training activities and exercises; Recruitment of experts from
various Member States/Participating States is encouraged to further promote
synergies between UCPM and Partner Countries and increase EU added value.
- Evaluation and Monitoring Expert: The expert should ensure adequate and
timely monitoring and evaluation of the overall programme.
- Communications Expert: The expert should be fluent in English and Russian,
has excellent communication skills and have good knowledge about the UCPM.
Additional supporting documents may be requested, if needed to confirm the
operational capacity of any applicant.
Public bodies, Member State organisations and international organisations are
exempted from the operational capacity check.
Applicants which are subject to an EU exclusion decision or in one of the following
exclusion situations that bar them from receiving EU funding can NOT participate22:
− bankruptcy, winding up, affairs administered by the courts, arrangement with
creditors, suspended business activities or other similar procedures (including
procedures for persons with unlimited liability for the applicant’s debts)
− in breach of social security or tax obligations (including if done by persons with
unlimited liability for the applicant’s debts)
22 See Articles 138 and 143 of EU Financial Regulation 2024/2509.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
− guilty of grave professional misconduct23 (including if done by persons having
powers of representation, decision-making or control, beneficial owners or
persons who are essential for the award/implementation of the grant)
− committed fraud, corruption, links to a criminal organisation, money
laundering, terrorism-related crimes (including terrorism financing), child
labour or human trafficking (including if done by persons having powers of
representation, decision-making or control, beneficial owners or persons who
are essential for the award/implementation of the grant)
− shown significant deficiencies in complying with main obligations under an EU
procurement contract, grant agreement, prize, expert contract, or similar
(including if done by persons having powers of representation,
decision-making or control, beneficial owners or persons who are essential for
the award/implementation of the grant)
− guilty of irregularities within the meaning of Article 1(2) of EU Regulation
2988/95 (including if done by persons having powers of representation,
decision-making or control, beneficial owners or persons who are essential for
the award/implementation of the grant)
− created under a different jurisdiction with the intent to circumvent fiscal, social
or other legal obligations in the country of origin or created another entity with
this purpose (including if done by persons having powers of representation,
decision-making or control, beneficial owners or persons who are essential for
the award/implementation of the grant)
− intentionally and without proper justification resisted24 an investigation, check
or audit carried out by an EU authorising officer (or their representative or
auditor), OLAF, the EPPO, or the European Court of Auditors.
Applicants will also be rejected if it turns out that25:
− during the award procedure they misrepresented information required as a
condition for participating or failed to supply that information
− they were previously involved in the preparation of the call and this entails a
distortion of competition that cannot be remedied otherwise (conflict of
23 ‘Professional misconduct’ includes, in particular, the following: violation of ethical standards of the
profession; wrongful conduct with impact on professional credibility; breach of generally accepted professional ethical standards; false declarations/misrepresentation of information; participation in a cartel or other agreement distorting competition; violation of IPR; attempting to influence decision- making processes by taking advantage, through misrepresentation, of a conflict of interests, or to obtain confidential information from public authorities to gain an advantage; incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence or similar activities contrary to the EU values where negatively affecting or risking to affect the performance of a legal commitment.
24 ‘Resisting an investigation, check or audit’ means carrying out actions with the goal or effect of preventing, hindering or delaying the conduct of any of the activities needed to perform the investigation, check or audit, such as refusing to grant the necessary access to its premises or any other areas used for business purposes, concealing or refusing to disclose information or providing false information.
25 See Article 143 EU Financial Regulation 2024/2509.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
8. Evaluation and award procedure
The proposals will have to follow the standard submission and evaluation
procedure (one-stage submission + one-step evaluation).
An evaluation committee will assess all applications. Proposals will first be checked
for formal requirements (admissibility, and eligibility, see sections 5 and 6). Proposals
found admissible and eligible will be evaluated against the operational capacity and
award criteria (see sections 7 and 9) and then ranked according to their scores.
For proposals with the same score (within a budget envelope) a priority order will be
determined according to the following approach:
Successively for every group of ex aequo proposals, starting with the highest
scored group, and continuing in descending order:
1) Programme focusing on a theme/activities that is not otherwise covered by
higher ranked programme will be considered to have the highest priority.
2) The ex aequo proposals will be prioritised according to the scores they have
been awarded for the award criterion ‘Relevance’. When these scores are
equal, priority will be based on their scores for the criterion ‘Impact’. When
these scores are equal, priority will be based on their scores for the criterion
3) If this does not allow to determine the priority, a further prioritisation can be
done by considering the overall programme portfolio and the creation of
positive synergies between other programmes/projects, or other factors
related to the objectives of the call. These factors will be documented in the
panel report.
All proposals will be informed about the evaluation result (evaluation result letter).
Successful proposals will be invited for grant preparation; the other ones will be put
on the reserve list or rejected.
No commitment for funding — Invitation to grant preparation does NOT constitute
a formal commitment for funding. We will still need to make various legal checks
before grant award: legal entity validation, financial capacity, exclusion check, etc.
Grant preparation will involve a dialogue in order to fine-tune technical or financial
aspects of the programme and may require extra information from your side. It may
also include adjustments to the proposal to address recommendations of the
evaluation committee or other concerns. Full compliance will be a pre-condition for
signing the grant.
If you believe that the evaluation procedure was flawed, you can submit a complaint
(following the deadlines and procedures set out in the evaluation result letter). Please
note that notifications which have not been opened within 10 days after sending will
be considered to have been accessed and that deadlines will be counted from
opening/access (see also Funding & Tenders Portal Terms and Conditions). Please
also be aware that for complaints submitted electronically, there may be character
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
9. Award criteria
The award criteria facilitate the evaluation of proposals in relation to the set
objectives and priorities. They enable the selection of proposals which the Contracting
Authority can be confident will comply with its objectives and priorities.
The award criteria for this call are as follows:
1. Relevance (min. 15 / max. 30 points):
The criterion refers to the contribution of the proposed action to the achievement of
the general and specific objectives of the action (section 2); the extent to which the
proposed action balances between regional and specific national needs of the Eastern
Partnership countries; coherence with ongoing initiatives in the region and the
relevance of the proposed action to the UCPM in general (section 1).
For all specific objectives:
- Extend to which the proposed action takes into account the needs and the
specific situation in each Eastern Partnership countries, as well as cross-
border, regional, cross-cutting issues and climate change impacts.
- Extent to which the proposed action addresses lessons learnt identified in
previous PPRD East programmes, including as concerns regional cooperation
and cooperation with the UCPM;
- Extend to which the proposed action takes into consideration the broad policy
context and relevant existing initiatives in the region;
- Extend to which the proposed action complements ongoing initiatives and
programmes in the region in the area of civil protection.
For the activities related to the specific objective 1:
- Extent to which the proposed action contributes to enhance the national
prevention, preparedness, response and recovery measures;
- The proposed action plans/guidelines for developing risk assessments are in
line with the Guidelines for disaster Management26, Sendai Framework
priorities and the EU good practices, and facilitate development of regionally
harmonised methodology;
- Extent to which the proposed action takes into account current disaster risk
management governance structures in the selected Partner Countries,
addresses its potential areas for improvement focusing on interinstitutional
and multi-stakeholder coordination, early warning systems, climate change
adaptation, risk and post-disaster assessment;
- Extent to which the proposed action follows the needs-based and training of
trainers approach;
- Effectiveness and sustainability of proposed cooperation structures involving
non-civil protection actors, including volunteers.
For the activities related to the specific objective 2:
26 SEC(2010) 1626 final
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
- Extent to which the proposed action takes into account the current needs and
gaps of each (aspiring) Participating State to further integrate into the
- Extend to which the proposed action is improving the operational cooperation
with UCPM and its tools.
For the activities related to the specific objective 3:
- Extend to which the proposed action is promoting the local, national and
regional inter-ministerial/interagency cooperation;
- Extend to which the proposed action is promoting synergies with other
initiatives/actions and relevant actors in the region and with the EU;
- Extend to which the proposed action is improving the operational cooperation
with UCPM and its tools;
- The proposed action includes at least one regional table-top and full-scale
2. Quality (min. 20 / max. 40 points):
This criterion will evaluate:
- Quality of the proposed logical framework matrix with particular emphasis on
the choice of indicators. Outcome-oriented approach instead of focusing on
- Adequacy and quality of the implementation structure/methodology and
resources deployed in relation to the objectives envisaged (particularly in
terms of cost-effectiveness);
- Clarity of the budget requested to carry out the action, as indicated in the
budget (Application Form Part A);
- If the planning of the action is reasonably developed, if monitoring and quality
control measures (e.g. Logical Framework Matrix, mitigation measures,
reporting) are in place and if the organisation of the action is well adapted to
its nature and objectives. Demonstration on how monitoring and evaluation
will be ensured based on the results framework. Risk management plan is
elaborated and addresses most relevant risks to be faced during the
programme implementation.
3. Impact (min. 15 / max. 30 points):
This criterion will evaluate the proposed action in terms of:
- Actions enhance ownership of the programme outputs at national and regional
- Outcomes respond to the needs of the beneficiaries and are used by the
targeted groups of beneficiaries. Outcomes can also be maintained after the
end of the programme;
- Full involvement of concerned stakeholders in the activities of the action to
ensure long-term impact and transferability of expected results.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Maximum points: 100 points.
Individual thresholds per criterion: 15/30, 20/40 and 15/30 points.
Overall threshold: 65 points. The overall threshold is not the result of the addition of
the minimum pass scores per award criteria.
A decision to reject an application can be based on the following grounds:
- the application was submitted after the closing date;
- the application is incomplete or otherwise non-compliant with the stated
administrative conditions or in any other way does not comply with the eligibility
criteria as set out the call for proposals.
Proposals that pass the individual thresholds AND the overall threshold will be
considered for funding — within the limits of the available budget (i.e. up to the
budget ceiling). Other proposals will be rejected.
Award criteria Minimum pass score
Maximum score
Relevance 15 30
Quality 20 40
Impact 15 30
Overall (pass) scores 65 100
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
10. Legal and financial set-up of the Grant Agreements
If you pass evaluation, your programme will be invited for grant preparation, where
you will be asked to prepare the Grant Agreement together with the EU Programme
This Grant Agreement will set the framework for your grant and its terms and
conditions, in particular concerning deliverables, reporting and payments.
The Model Grant Agreement that will be used (and all other relevant templates and
guidance documents) can be found on Portal Reference Documents.
Starting date and programme duration
The programme starting date and duration will be fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data
Sheet, point 1). Normally the starting date will be after grant signature. A retroactive
starting date can be granted exceptionally for duly justified reasons — but never
earlier than the proposal submission date.
Programme duration: the initial duration of the programme cannot exceed 48
Extensions are possible, if duly justified and through an amendment.
Milestones and deliverables
The milestones and deliverables for the programme will be managed through the
Portal Grant Management System and will be reflected in Annex 1 of the Grant
The following deliverables are mandatory:
Name of report Content Time of submission
Inception Report Analysis of existing
situation and work plan for
the programme. The work
plan shall include a time
schedule with milestones
and specific outputs, as
well as estimated
resources for successful
implementation of the
No later than 9 months
after the start of
Visibility plan and
communication plan
Clear strategy for
communication activities.
Plan for ensuring visibility
(in compliance with
guidelines) throughout the
programme duration.
No later than 9 months
after the start of
It could be part of the
Inception report.
12-month Technical
In line with Periodic Report No later than 3 months
after the end of each 12-
month implementation
12-month Financial In line with Detailed Cost No later than 3 months
after the end of each 12-
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Reports Reporting Table month implementation
Draft Final Report Covers the full period of
Description of
achievements, results and
impacts. Shall also include
problems encountered and
Includes a summary to be
published on the UCPKN
programme website when
An analysis of the
contribution of the
programme to the results
should be provided as part
of the report (focus on
outcome and results, and
potential impact, not only
on activities). The report
contains a two-page annex
per country (for
distribution to Delegations
of concerned countries).
No later than 1 month
before the end of the
implementation period.
Final Report Covers the full period of
Description of
achievements, results and
impacts. Shall also include
problems encountered and
Includes a summary to be
published on the UCPKN
programme website when
An analysis of the
contribution of the
programme to the results
should be provided as part
of the report (focus on
outcome and results, and
potential impact, not only
on activities). The report
contains a two-page annex
per country (for
distribution to Delegations
of concerned countries).
Within 60 days after
receiving comments on the
draft final report from the
Programme Manager.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
Form of grant, funding rate and maximum grant amount
The grant parameters (maximum grant amount, funding rate, total eligible costs, etc)
will be fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data Sheet, point 3 and art 5).
The programme budget (requested grant amount): EUR 5 000 000.
The grant awarded may be lower than the amount requested.
The grant will be a budget-based mixed actual cost grant (actual costs, with unit cost
and flat-rate elements). This means that it will reimburse ONLY certain types of costs
(eligible costs) and costs that were actually incurred for your programme (NOT the
budgeted costs). For unit costs and flat-rates, you can charge the amounts calculated
as explained in the Grant Agreement (see art 6 and Annex 2 and 2a).
The costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate fixed in the Grant Agreement
Grants may NOT produce a profit (i.e. surplus of revenues + EU grant over costs).
For-profit organisations must declare their revenues and, if there is a profit, we will
deduct this from the final grant amount (see art 22.3).
Moreover, please be aware that the final grant amount may be reduced in case of
non-compliance with the Grant Agreement (e.g. improper implementation, breach of
obligations, etc).
Budget categories and cost eligibility rules
The budget categories and cost eligibility rules are fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data
Sheet, point 3, art 6 and Annex 2).
Budget categories for this call:
− A. Personnel costs
− A.1 Employees, A.2 Natural persons under direct contract, A.3 Seconded
− A.4 SME owners and natural person beneficiaries
− B. Subcontracting costs
− C. Purchase costs
− C.1 Travel and subsistence
− C.2 Equipment
− C.3 Other goods, works and services
− E. Indirect costs
Specific cost eligibility conditions for this call:
− personnel costs:
− SME owner/natural person unit cost 27
: Yes
− volunteers unit cost 28
: No
27 Commission Decision of 20 October 2020 authorising the use of unit costs for the personnel costs of
the owners of small and medium-sized enterprises and beneficiaries that are natural persons not receiving a salary for the work carried out by themselves under an action or work programme (C(2020)7115).
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
− travel and subsistence unit cost 29
: Yes30
− equipment costs: depreciation + full cost for listed equipment
− indirect cost flat-rate: 7% of the eligible direct costs (categories A-D, except
volunteers costs and exempted specific cost categories, if any)
− VAT: VAT is NOT eligible
− other:
− in-kind contributions for free are allowed, but cost-neutral, i.e. they cannot
be declared as cost
− programme websites: communication costs for presenting the programme
on the participants’ websites or social media accounts are eligible; costs
for separate programme websites are not eligible
− other ineligible costs: No
Reporting and payment arrangements
The reporting and payment arrangements are fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data
Sheet, point 4 and art 21 and 22).
After grant signature, the implementing consortium will normally receive a
prefinancing corresponding to 20% of the maximum grant amount to start working
on the programme (exceptionally less or no prefinancing). The prefinancing will be
paid 30 days from entry into force financial guarantee (if required) — whichever is the
There will be one or more additional prefinancing payments linked to a
prefinancing report. In addition, you are expected to submit progress reports linked to
payments (see milestones and deliverables section).
Payment of the balance: At the end of the programme, we will calculate your final
grant amount. If the total of earlier payments is higher than the final grant amount,
we will ask you (your coordinator) to pay back the difference (recovery).
All payments will be made to the coordinator.
Please be aware that payments will be automatically lowered if you or one of your
consortium members has outstanding debts towards the EU (granting authority or
other EU bodies). Such debts will be offset by us — in line with the conditions set out
in the Grant Agreement (see art 22).
Please also note that you are responsible for keeping records on all the work done
and the costs declared.
Prefinancing guarantees
28 Commission Decision of 10 April 2019 authorising the use of unit costs for declaring personnel costs for
the work carried out by volunteers under an action or a work programme (C(2019)2646). 29 Commission Decision of 12 January 2021 authorising the use of unit costs for travel, accommodation
and subsistence costs under an action or work programme under the 2021-2027 multi-annual financial framework (C(2021)35).
30 See EU Grants AGA — Annotated Grant Agreement, art 6 on eligible costs: travel and subsistence costs
must be declared using the unit cost according to Annex 2a of the grant agreement. If a particular instance of travel, accommodation or subsistence in the action is not covered by one of the unit costs mentioned in Decision C(2021)35 the actual costs may be used.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
If a prefinancing guarantee is required, it will be fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data
Sheet, point 4). The amount will be set during grant preparation and it will normally
be equal or lower than the prefinancing for your grant.
The guarantee should be in euro and issued by an approved bank/financial institution
established in an EU Member State. If you are established in a non-EU country and
would like to provide a guarantee from a bank/financial institution in your country,
please contact us (this may be exceptionally accepted, if it offers equivalent security).
Amounts blocked in bank accounts will NOT be accepted as financial guarantees.
Prefinancing guarantees are normally requested from the coordinator, for the
consortium. They must be provided during grant preparation, in time to make the
prefinancing (scanned copy via Portal AND original by post).
If agreed with us, the bank guarantee may be replaced by a guarantee from a third
The guarantee will be released at the end of the grant, in accordance with the
conditions laid down in the Grant Agreement (art 23).
Depending on the type of action, size of grant amount and type of beneficiaries, you
may be requested to submit different certificates. The types, schedules and
thresholds for each certificate are fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data Sheet, point 4
and art 24).
A CFS must be provided for each beneficiary and affiliated entity when the requested
EU contribution at interim or final payment is EUR 325 000 or more.
Liability regime for recoveries
The liability regime for recoveries will be fixed in the Grant Agreement (Data Sheet,
point 4.4 and art 22).
For beneficiaries, it is one of the following:
− limited joint and several liability with individual ceilings — each beneficiary up
to their maximum grant amount
− unconditional joint and several liability — each beneficiary up to the maximum
grant amount for the action
− individual financial responsibility — each beneficiary only for their own debts.
In addition, the granting authority may require joint and several liability of affiliated
entities (with their beneficiary).
Provisions concerning the programme implementation
Security rules: see Model Grant Agreement (art 13 and Annex 5)
IPR rules: see Model Grant Agreement (art 16 and Annex 5):
− rights of use on results: Yes
Communication, dissemination and visibility of funding: see Model Grant Agreement
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
(art 17 and Annex 5):
− additional communication and dissemination activities: Yes
− limited communication and visibility to protect persons involved: Yes
− visibility in field operations outside the EU: Yes
Specific rules for carrying out the action: see Model Grant Agreement (art 18 and
Annex 5):
− zero tolerance: Yes
− transfer of assets at the end of the action: Yes
− EU restrictive measures: Yes
Other specificities
Consortium agreement: Yes
Non-compliance and breach of contract
The Grant Agreement (chapter 5) provides for the measures we may take in case of
breach of contract (and other non-compliance issues).
For more information, see AGA — Annotated Grant Agreement.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
11. How to submit an application
All proposals must be submitted directly online via the Funding & Tenders Portal
Electronic Submission System. Paper applications are NOT accepted.
Submission is a 2-step process:
a) create a user account and register your organisation
To use the Submission System (the only way to apply), all participants need to create
an EU Login user account.
Once you have an EULogin account, you can register your organisation in the
Participant Register. When your registration is finalised, you will receive a 9-digit
participant identification code (PIC).
b) submit the proposal
Access the Electronic Submission System through the following hyperlink:
Submit your proposal in 3 parts, as follows:
− Part A includes administrative information about the applicant organisations
(future coordinator, beneficiaries, affiliated entities and associated partners)
and the summarised budget for the proposal. Fill it in directly online
− Part B (description of the action) covers the technical content of the proposal.
Download the mandatory word template from the Submission System, fill it in
and upload it as a PDF file
− Annexes (see section 5). Upload them as PDF file (single or multiple
depending on the slots). Excel upload is sometimes possible, depending on the
file type.
The proposal must keep to the page limits (see section 5); excess pages will be
disregarded. Additional information on the technical content of the proposal could be
included as Annexes.
Documents must be uploaded to the right category in the Submission System,
otherwise the proposal may be considered incomplete and thus inadmissible.
The proposal must be submitted before the call deadline (see section 4). After this
deadline, the system is closed and proposals can no longer be submitted.
Once the proposal is submitted, you will receive a confirmation e-mail (with date
and time of your application). If you do not receive this confirmation e-mail, it means
your proposal has NOT been submitted. If you believe this is due to a fault in the
Submission System, you should immediately file a complaint via the IT Helpdesk
webform, explaining the circumstances and attaching a copy of the proposal (and, if
possible, screenshots to show what happened).
Details on processes and procedures are described in the Online Manual. The Online
Manual also contains the links to FAQs and detailed instructions regarding the Portal
Electronic Exchange System.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
12. Help
As far as possible, please try to find the answers you need yourself, in this and
the other documentation (we have limited resources for handling direct enquiries):
− Online Manual
− Portal FAQ (for general questions).
Please also consult the Topic page regularly, since we will use it to publish call
updates. (For invitations, we will contact you directly in case of a call update).
For individual questions on the Portal Submission System, please contact the IT
Non-IT related questions should be sent to the following email address: ECHO-CP-
− send your questions at the latest 7 days before the submission deadline (see
section 4)
− indicate clearly the reference of the call and topic to which your question
relates (see cover page).
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
13. Important
• Don’t wait until the end — Complete your application sufficiently in advance of the deadline to avoid any last minute technical problems. Problems due to last
minute submissions (e.g. congestion, etc) will be entirely at your risk. Call deadlines can NOT be extended.
• Consult the Portal Topic page regularly. We will use it to publish updates and additional information on the call (call and topic updates).
• Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Exchange System — By submitting the
application, all participants accept to use the electronic exchange system in
accordance with the Portal Terms & Conditions.
• Registration — Before submitting the application, all beneficiaries, affiliated entities and associated partners must be registered in the Participant Register. The
participant identification code (PIC) (one per participant) is mandatory for the Application Form.
• Consortium roles — When setting up your consortium, you should think of organisations that help you reach objectives and solve problems.
The roles should be attributed according to the level of participation in the project.
Main participants should participate as beneficiaries or affiliated entities; other entities can participate as associated partners, subcontractors, third parties giving in-kind contributions. Associated partners and third parties giving in-kind contributions should bear their own costs (they will not become formal recipients of
EU funding). Subcontracting should normally constitute a limited part and must be performed by third parties (not by one of the beneficiaries/affiliated entities). Subcontracting going beyond 30% of the total eligible costs must be justified in the application.
• Coordinator — In multi-beneficiary grants, the beneficiaries participate as consortium (group of beneficiaries). They will have to choose a coordinator, who will take care of the project management and coordination and will represent the consortium towards the granting authority. In mono-beneficiary grants, the single beneficiary will automatically be coordinator.
• Affiliated entities — Applicants may participate with affiliated entities (i.e. entities linked to a beneficiary which participate in the action with similar rights and obligations as the beneficiaries, but do not sign the grant and therefore do not become beneficiaries themselves). They will get a part of the grant money and must therefore comply with all the call conditions and be validated (just like
beneficiaries); but they do not count towards the minimum eligibility criteria for consortium composition (if any). If affiliated entities participate in your project, please do not forget to provide documents demonstrating their affiliation link to
your organisation as part of your application.
• Associated partners — Applicants may participate with associated partners (i.e. partner organisations which participate in the action but without the right to get grant money). They participate without funding and therefore do not need to be validated.
• Consortium agreement — For practical and legal reasons it is recommended to set up internal arrangements that allow you to deal with exceptional or unforeseen circumstances (in all cases, even if not mandatory under the Grant Agreement). The consortium agreement also gives you the possibility to redistribute the grant money according to your own consortium-internal principles and parameters (for
instance, one beneficiary can reattribute its grant money to another beneficiary). The consortium agreement thus allows you to customise the EU grant to the needs inside your consortium and can also help to protect you in case of disputes.
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
• Balanced project budget— Grant applications must ensure a balanced project budget and sufficient other resources to implement the project successfully (e.g.
own contributions, income generated by the action, financial contributions from third parties, etc). You may be requested to lower your estimated costs, if they are ineligible (including excessive).
• Completed/ongoing projects — Proposals for projects that have already been completed will be rejected; proposals for projects that have already started will be
assessed on a case-by-case basis (in this case, no costs can be reimbursed for activities that took place before the project starting date/proposal submission).
• No-profit rule — Grants may NOT give a profit (i.e. surplus of revenues + EU grant over costs). This will be checked by us at the end of the project.
• No cumulation of funding/no double funding — It is strictly prohibited to cumulate funding from the EU budget (except under ‘EU Synergies actions’). Outside such Synergies actions, any given action may receive only ONE grant from the EU budget and cost items may under NO circumstances be declared under two EU grants; projects must be designed as different actions, clearly delineated and
separated for each grant (without overlaps).
• Combination with EU operating grants — Combination with EU operating grants is possible, if the project remains outside the operating grant work programme and you make sure that cost items are clearly separated in your
accounting and NOT declared twice (see AGA — Annotated Grant Agreement, art 6.2.E).
• Multiple proposals — Applicants may submit more than one proposal for different
projects under the same call (and be awarded funding for them).
Organisations may participate in several proposals.
BUT: if there are several proposals for very similar projects, only one application will be accepted and evaluated; the applicants will be asked to withdraw the others (or they will be rejected).
• Resubmission — Proposals may be changed and re-submitted until the deadline
for submission.
• Rejection — By submitting the application, all applicants accept the call conditions set out in this this Call document (and the documents it refers to). Proposals that do not comply with all the call conditions will be rejected. This applies also to applicants: All applicants need to fulfil the criteria; if any one of them doesn’t, they
must be replaced or the entire proposal will be rejected.
• Cancellation — There may be circumstances which may require the cancellation of the call. In this case, you will be informed via a call or topic update. Please note that cancellations are without entitlement to compensation.
• Language — You can submit your proposal in any official EU language (project abstract/summary should however always be in English). For reasons of efficiency, we strongly advise you to use English for the entire application. If you need the call documentation in another official EU language, please submit a request within 10 days after call publication (for the contact information, see section 12).
Call: UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4 – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-induced disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)
EU Grants: Call document (UCPM): V1.0 – 15.01.2025
• Transparency — In accordance with Article 38 of the EU Financial Regulation, information about EU grants awarded is published each year on the Europa website.
This includes:
− beneficiary names
− beneficiary addresses
− the purpose for which the grant was awarded
− the maximum amount awarded.
The publication can exceptionally be waived (on reasoned and duly substantiated request), if there is a risk that the disclosure could jeopardise your rights and freedoms under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights or harm your commercial interests.
• Data protection — The submission of a proposal under this call involves the
collection, use and processing of personal data. This data will be processed in accordance with the applicable legal framework. It will be processed solely for the purpose of evaluating your proposal, subsequent management of your grant and, if needed, programme monitoring, evaluation and communication. Details are explained in the Funding & Tenders Portal Privacy Statement.
Electronically signed on 17/12/2024 17:13 (UTC+01) in accordance with Article 11 of Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2121
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË – Tel. +32 22991111
OPERATIONS (ECHO) Neighbourhood, Middle East, South-West and Central Asia
The Director
Brussels ECHO.C/AP
Addressees: Directors-General for Civil Protection of the EU Member States of
the Union Civil Protection Mechanism
Members of the Civil Protection Committee of the EU Member States
Subject: Invitation to submit proposals for the regional programme
“Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and human-
induced Disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4
(PPRD East 4)” (UCPM-2025-PPRDEAST4-IBA)
Dear Directors-General,
Dear Members of the Civil Protection Committee,
I have the pleasure to inform you that the Commission is launching an invitation to submit
proposals for the regional programme “Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural and
human-induced Disasters in the Eastern Partnership countries – phase 4 (PPRD East 4)”.
Please find enclosed the call document, which provides detailed guidance and conditions for
awarding grants, as well as related documents for application.
The PPRD East 4 will aim to increase the resilience of the Eastern Partnership countries to
natural and human-induced disasters, including capacity-building to reinforce their alignment
with EU standards and practices, facilitating integration and participation in the Union Civil
Protection Mechanism (UCPM) and enhancing regional cooperation. PPRD East 4 will build
on the results of the PPRD East 3 programme that finished in September 2024. The duration
of the action is four years and the budget allocated amounts to EUR 5 000 000.
The opening date for the submission of proposals in the Funding & Tenders Portal is 30
January 2025. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 29 April 2025 17:00:00
(Brussels time).
Yours sincerely,
Enclosure: Invitation to submit a proposal PPRD East 4
Appendix I – Indicative Logical Framework Matrix PPRD East 4
Electronically signed
Electronically signed on 17/12/2024 17:13 (UTC+01) in accordance with Article 11 of Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2121