Dokumendiregister | Terviseamet |
Viit | 8-2/25/450-1 |
Registreeritud | 17.01.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 20.01.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev dokument |
Funktsioon | 8 Nakkushaiguste seire, ennetuse ja tõrje korraldamine |
Sari | 8-2 Nakkushaiguste epidemioloogiaalane riigiväline kirjavahetus |
Toimik | 8.1-2/2025 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | ECDC Courses |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | ECDC Courses |
Vastutaja | Kärt Sõber (TA, Peadirektori asetäitja (1) vastutusvaldkond, Nakkushaiguste epidemioloogia osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Tähelepanu! Tegemist on väljastpoolt asutust saabunud kirjaga. Tundmatu saatja korral palume linke ja faile mitte avada. |
To: National Focal Points for Public Health Training (Members and Alternates)
Cc: National Coordinators (Members and Alternates)
Cc: Vicky Lefevre, Head of Unit Public Health Functions, ECDC
Cc: Adam Roth, Head of Section Public Health Training, ECDC
Cc: Jeanine Pommier, Group Leader Continuous Professional Development, ECDC
Dear National Focal Points for Public Health Training,
As agreed during our last meeting, we are starting to send you quarterly updates on the training activities planned by ECDC.
These updates will be made available on our shared site (ECON-National Focal Points for Public Health Training) in this folder:
Quarterly updates on training activities
Here is a link to the first update for Q1 2025: Q1
2025_ECDC training activities planned.xlsx
This includes for each activity: topic areas, objectives, audience, format, and the NFP network (e.g. Microbiology) who will be asked to nominate participants (when applicable).
Please note that you can use the filter in the ‘Delivery 2025’ column to see activities planned later during the year. However information about activities planned in Q2-Q4 are tentative and will be updated later on.
We hope that you will find these quarterly updates useful and we will check with you at our next meeting in March if you would like us to make further adjustments.
Kind regards,
Jeanine Pommier, Group Leader Continuous Professional Development
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