Dokumendiregister | Päästeamet |
Viit | 1.3-1/322 |
Registreeritud | 17.01.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 20.01.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 1.3 Väliskoostöö |
Sari | 1.3-1 Rahvusvahelise koostööga seotud kirjavahetus |
Toimik | 1.3-1 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | European Commission DG ECHO - European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | European Commission DG ECHO - European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations |
Vastutaja | Ketlin Tammsalu (põhivaldkond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË - Tel. +32 22991111
Prevention and Preparedness Capacity Building
TUESDAY 4 FEBRUARY 2025, 12:30 – 15:15 CET
12:30 Welcome
Erwan Marteil, Head of Unit, B.3 Prevention and Preparedness Capacity Building, DG ECHO,
European Commission
Overview of Track 1 grants
Cristina Brailescu, Team Leader, DG ECHO B.3 Prevention and Preparedness Capacity Building
Overview of the call for proposals: call document and recommendations for a good
Christian Aagaard, Call Coordinator, and Juan Francisco Galvan Montero, Planning and Programming
Officer, DG ECHO B3
Application process: online platform and application form
Vladlena Doroshenko Salatenko, Call Coordinator, DG ECHO B.3
Questions & answers –
13:45 Wellbeing break
13:55 Overview of the progress during the 2024 Technical Assistance Financing Facility (TAFF) Christian Aagaard, Call Coordinator, DG ECHO B3
Overview of the 2025 TAFF call for Expression of Interest, including process and form
Zuzana Stanton-Geddes, Sr. Disaster Risk Management Specialist, World Bank; and Cristina Otano, Sr.
Operations Officer, Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)
Questions & answers –
14:55 Regional civil protection programme in the Eastern Partnership countries (PPRD East 4):
Overview of the invitation to submit a proposal & Application process
Paule Gailiunaite, Desk Officer Civil Protection Cooperation, C.1 Southeast Europe, Eastern
Neighbourhood and Central Asia, DG ECHO
Questions & answers –
Concluding remarks
The livestream link is also published on the Knowledge Network page.
The Track 1 call for proposals is published here:
Funding & Tenders Portal
Knowledge Network page
The TAFF call for expression of interest is published here:
Knowledge Network Page
More information about PPRD East programme can be found here:
PPRD East 3 Knowledge Network page
Questions to the speakers can be asked via
Dear Directors-General,
Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached an invitation and practical information regarding an information day to be organised online on 4 February 2025 from 12:30 to 15:30, on the Technical Assistance for
Disaster Risk Management “Track 1” (UCPM-2025-TRACK 1) call for proposals, call for expression of interest for the Technical Assistance Financing Facility (TAFF), and restricted invitation to submit a proposal for the Programme in the Eastern Partnership countries (PPRD East 4).
Best regards,
The Prevention and Preparedness Programme team
European Commission
DG ECHO - European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
Unit B.3 - Prevention and Preparedness Capacity Building
Blog |
YouTube |
Flickr |
| Facebook
| Instagram
The Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network connects civil protection and disaster risk management communities,
sharing knowledge and growing collective strength in prevention of, preparedness for and response to disasters.
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË - Tel. +32 22991111
Prevention and Preparedness Capacity Building
TUESDAY 4 FEBRUARY 2025, 12:30 – 15:15 CET
12:30 Welcome
Erwan Marteil, Head of Unit, B.3 Prevention and Preparedness Capacity Building, DG ECHO,
European Commission
Overview of Track 1 grants
Cristina Brailescu, Team Leader, DG ECHO B.3 Prevention and Preparedness Capacity Building
Overview of the call for proposals: call document and recommendations for a good
Christian Aagaard, Call Coordinator, and Juan Francisco Galvan Montero, Planning and Programming
Officer, DG ECHO B3
Application process: online platform and application form
Vladlena Doroshenko Salatenko, Call Coordinator, DG ECHO B.3
Questions & answers –
13:45 Wellbeing break
13:55 Overview of the progress during the 2024 Technical Assistance Financing Facility (TAFF) Christian Aagaard, Call Coordinator, DG ECHO B3
Overview of the 2025 TAFF call for Expression of Interest, including process and form
Zuzana Stanton-Geddes, Sr. Disaster Risk Management Specialist, World Bank; and Cristina Otano, Sr.
Operations Officer, Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)
Questions & answers –
14:55 Regional civil protection programme in the Eastern Partnership countries (PPRD East 4):
Overview of the invitation to submit a proposal & Application process
Paule Gailiunaite, Desk Officer Civil Protection Cooperation, C.1 Southeast Europe, Eastern
Neighbourhood and Central Asia, DG ECHO
Questions & answers –
Concluding remarks
The livestream link is also published on the Knowledge Network page.
The Track 1 call for proposals is published here:
Funding & Tenders Portal
Knowledge Network page
The TAFF call for expression of interest is published here:
Knowledge Network Page
More information about PPRD East programme can be found here:
PPRD East 3 Knowledge Network page
Questions to the speakers can be asked via
List of awarded Track 1 projects 2024
Project acronym Project full title Coordinator organisation Coordinator
Total Grant (EUR)
Start date
End date
LV-DLD-2 Preparation to implement National disaster damage and loss database
(DLD) in Latvia
CENTRS (Information Centre of the Ministry of
the Interior)
LV € 134,632.32 01/11/2024 31/10/2025 The project aims to finalise preparations for the National disaster damage and loss database (DLD) implementation in Latvia by
building upon the existing feasibility studies: preparing a DLD development roadmap and update DLD technical specification.
RESIL-POL Strengthening social resilience, developing crisis communication and
educating safe behaviour in Poland
Government Centre for Security PL € 373,716.22 01/12/2024 30/11/2026 The project focuses on creating strategies and reforms in the field of crisis management communication, strengthening inter-
institutional cooperation, social education, and building a knowledge base on hazards. The main goal is to enhance societal
resilience to threats. Within the project, activities such as developing a Crisis Communication Strategy, establishing a Hazard
Knowledge Base, crafting a societal communication strategy, and organising meetings and training sessions for representatives of
institutions related to societal security are planned. The project will provide concrete solutions and tools to support society in
preparing for various crisis situations through education and access to information.
VOLCAN Volcanic Disaster Risk Management for the Canary Islands AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE
National Research Council)
ES € 633,457.00 01/01/2025 31/12/2026 The aim of this project is to provide support disaster risk management authorities in updating the Special Plan for Civil Protection
and Volcanic Risk Emergency in the Canary Islands (PEVOLCA). The project coordinator, in collaboration with the Canarian
Government and its main disaster risk management bodies (Civil Protection, First Responders, local governments and municipalities)
will provide the basis to undertake a full revision of the existing PEVOLCA. The plan was initially approved in 2010 and revised in
2018, and it needs to be adapted based on the experience gained during the management of the La Palma eruption in 2021. This
will contribute to improving the preparation, reaction and resilience of the local communities and authorities to future eruptions.
The projects builds on the previous UCPM projects VeTOOLS and EVE. The VOLCAN project will take a multi-risk perspective, and will
develop new risk reduction policies, public awareness raising and training programs for disaster risk management.
THEMIS Strategic framework for raising public awareness and training programmes
for disaster risk management in the tourism sector
EL € 299,266.75 01/01/2025 31/12/2026 The project will develop comprehensive guidelines for raising awareness campaigns aimed at educating and preparing the tourist
community for effective disaster risk management, in Greece. The significance of targeting the tourist population in this project is
paramount, particularly within the context of Greece's unique environmental and geographical challenges. Greece, with its diverse
topography, experiences a range of disasters including forest fires, earthquakes, floods, and even the potential risk of tsunamis.
Given the country's status as a popular tourist destination, welcoming visitors year-round, the safety and well-being of tourists
become integral considerations in disaster resilience efforts. Tourists (including elderly, handicapped and families that need special
attention and care), often unfamiliar with local hazards and emergency procedures, represent a particularly vulnerable demographic
group during disasters. Therefore, by equipping tourists with the necessary awareness, preparedness, and response strategies, our
project not only enhances the safety of visitors to Greece but also contributes to the overall resilience of the region.
SCOR-DRM Strategic coordination for enhancing the institutional and technical
capacity of organizations with responsibilities in Disaster Risk Management
of Interior)
RO € 460,623.46 01/01/2025 31/12/2026 The project will sets out and implement a strategic coordination process at the level of the Ministry of Interior's Department for
Emergency Situations (DSU), with the organisations involved in disaster risk management. The project aims to develop a unitary
approach and a common understanding of processes when dealing and working with procedures and legislation in the area of
disaster risk management. Also, gaps will be better identified and proposals for adjustments be made, as the inter-institutional
interaction will provide more knowledge, experience and best practices. Furthermore, a strategic coordination process will
strengthen the national disaster risk management framework, with analysis, better procedures and proposals for legal provision and
guidelines that will enhance the institutional and technical capacity of the organisations involved. The procedural improvements and
the guidelines developed for the processes' implementation will enhance the response capacity of the Department for Emergency
Situations for future risks and emergency situations.
SMarAI Spanish Maritime Risk Disaster Tool Management. AI advanced data
(SASEMAR) (Maritime Safety and Rescue
ES € 710,773.00 01/04/2025 31/03/2027 SMarAI aims to improve the maritime safety intervention capabilities in case of disaster at sea, through the development of an
operational platform based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to allocate operational resources more effectively, thus helping the decision-
making process. The SMarAI technical framework will consist of three key elements: 1) Data integration and analysis for training,
testing and validating AI algorithms in the estimation of risk disaster. 2) Risk analysis including hazards, exposure and
vulnerabilities, and definition of the suitable AI algorithms. 3) AI Operational Platform for end-users, integrated in a viewer where
the AI models are applied to the selected data to achieve real-time risk forecasting and mapping. The proposed framework aims to
strengthen the technological capabilities of Member States to anticipate and withstand the effects of future major disasters at sea.
PPM MNE Risk Management Prevention and Preparedness Measures of Montenegro MINISTARSTVO UNUTRASNJIH POSLOVA
(Ministry of Interior)
ME € 424,113.83 01/01/2025 30/06/2026 This project will develop priority prevention and preparedness measures to further strengthen the capacity of society as a whole as
well as of national institutions in Montenegro to address various types of disasters, as identified in the National Risk Assessment
(NRA) of Montenegro. The resulting reports will be used to gain additional financial support for disaster risk reduction measures.
They will further define gender-responsive measures and key actions in the area of risk reduction, risk awareness, resilience and risk
culture. The PPM MNE document and accompanied measures will further strengthen multi-sectoral cooperation in the country as
well as cross-border and trans-national crisis prevention. The document will, among other things, define competent authorities in
charge of each specific measure, implementation timeline, budget sources, measure prioritisation etc. Additionally, according to
identified high-impact low-probability risks in NRA, Montenegro will report on measures to manage these risks as well.
List of awarded Track 1 projects 2024
Project acronym Project full title Coordinator organisation Coordinator
Total Grant (EUR)
Start date
End date
INVEST for DRM Enabling new INVESTments for Disaster Risk Management in Croatia MINISTRY OF INTERIOR HR € 615,173.03 01/01/2025 31/12/2026 This project aims to improve the effectiveness of the current civil protection system for preventing and preparing for natural and
human - induced disasters as well as to ensure that Croatian civil protection system becomes more resilient to disasters and crises
with an emphasis on promoting green transition and new technologies. The project will prepare project proposals and technical
documentation for investments in disaster risk management, including green transition. These efforts aim to increase investments
for disaster risk management and climate resilience in civil protection in Croatia. With the creation of a Guideline on Sustainable
New Technologies in Disaster Risk Management, the project aims to equip the Civil Protection Directorate employees with sufficient
knowledge on new sustainable technologies, enabling them to identify options for improvement within their own operations. With
educational activities, the project will ensure Civil Protection Directorate employees are well-versed in the use of new sustainable
technologies and applicable green principles which will help them in the process of preparing EU project proposals.
CZ € 164,855.96 01/01/2025 30/06/2026 The project aims to improve the understanding of wildfire risk factors and vulnerabilities in the Czech Republic, and to strengthen
the collaboration and coordination among stakeholders involved in wildfire risk management. The project will analyse existing
wildfire early detection technologies and systems, with a view to a potential development of such a system in the Czech Republic. It
will also asses the technical, operational, financial and environmental feasibility. Forest management and environment
protectionactors will be consulted. The project will carry out a pilot study. Other outputs will include dissemination of findings, best
practices and lessons learnt through workshops, conferences and articles in professional magazines.
SCENEX-B Scenario and exercise bank platform FORSVARET OG FORSVARSMINISTERIETS
STYRELSER (Organisation of the Danish Armed
DK € 421,158.00 01/02/2025 31/01/2027 The scenario- and exercise bank (SCENEX-B) is an add-on to Denmark's National Risk Profile and aims to strengthen scenario-
building capabilities and accelerate Denmark's implementation of Disaster Resilience Goal 1: anticipate. The scenario- and exercise
bank will be housed on an online platform featuring a relative risk matrix, where all scenarios are presented. Each scenario will be
supplemented with sector-coded injects that can serve as inspiration for development of exercises, cross-sectoral coordination of
preparedness planning etc. The platform will also include e-learning materials regarding how to use the platform and will be further
supplemented by a guide in scenario development, which will be based on experiences from the Danish Emergency Management
Agency’s (DEMA) and the advising authorities' work creating the scenarios featured on the platform.
3IDRM Innovative, Integrated and Innovative Disaster Risk Management in
Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und
Katastrophenhilfe (BBK) (Federal Office of Civil
Protection and Disaster Assistance)
DE € 512,286.00 01/04/2025 31/03/2027 This project will contribute to implementing the recent German Disaster Resilience Strategy. The strategy defines 49 measures, many
of which are not limited to the roles and responsibilities of one specific authority. This applies especially to cross-sectoral issues such
as integrated collection and analysis of data, the inclusion of vulnerable groups in the disaster risk management system, or the use
and awareness of innovative technologies. This project will focus on such measures and will look at innovative, integrated and
inclusive approaches to 1) Improve the understanding of disasters by consolidating damage and loss data on major events in
Germany in the past 20 years through an integrative approach pooling official and open sources as well as participatory
contributions. 2) Enhance inclusive government services by identifying current gaps and defining clear recommendations on how to
empower vulnerable groups in the national disaster risk management system. 3) Facilitate mutual learning/training and exchange of
experiences on innovative approaches and technologies through study visits and exchange seminars and among various
stakeholders engaged in disaster risk management from civil-society, science, private sector and the media/culture/education
I-SIVAC Interconnection of the Interministerial Information System for victims of
terrorist attacks and disasters
MINISTERE DE LA JUSTICE (Ministry of Justice) FR € 649,055.58 06/01/2025 05/01/2027 The main objective of the "Interconnection of SIVAC" or I-SIVAC project is to improve the Interministerial Information System for
Victims of Attacks and Disasters (SIVAC tool) so that it can provide ministries and other stakeholders involved in responding to a
major crisis with the essential information and functionalities they need to succeed in their missions. More especially, I-SIVAC will
achieve: 1) The interconnections between SIVAC and other partner applications to collect, update and distribute data relating to
victims and their relatives; 2) The provision, for each player, of an interface for consulting and managing the data, as well as a
shared global view of the major crisis. With this project, the SIVAC tool will be able to fulfill its interministerial mission of
enumerating, helping to identify, monitoring and supporting victims as well as their relatives, during and following the major crisis of
all kinds occurring in France or abroad, including acts of terrorism with many or few victims.
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË – Tel. +32 22991111
OPERATIONS (ECHO) Strategy and Policy
Prevention and Preparedness Capacity building
Brussels, ECHO.B.3
Addressees: Directors-General for Civil Protection of the Member and Participating States to
the Union Civil Protection Mechanism; Members of the Civil Protection
Committee; Member States’ Permanent Representations and Participating
States’ Permanent Missions to the EU; Contact points for civil protection for
Georgia and Kosovo*; Marine Pollution Contact Points of the Member and
Participating States to the Union Civil Protection Mechanism; National Training
Coordinators the Member and Participating States to the Union Civil Protection
Mechanism; Coordinators of ongoing and past Track 1 projects; Disaster
Prevention Expert Group; Members of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge
Network Board; Members of the Early Warning Expert Group
Copy to: Council Secretariat; EFTA Secretariat
Subject: Invitation to an information day on the Technical Assistance for
Disaster Risk Management “Track 1” (UCPM-2025-TRACK 1) call for
proposals, call for expression of interest for the Technical Assistance
Financing Facility (TAFF), and restricted invitation to submit a
proposal for the Programme in the Eastern Partnership countries
(PPRD East 4)
Remarks: The information day will take place on:
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
12:30 – 15:30 (CET)
Dear Directors-General,
Dear Colleagues,
The aim of the information day is to familiarise civil protection authorities and other
national authorities with disaster risk management responsibilities with three recently
launched capacity building opportunities:
1. The Technical Assistance for Disaster Risk Management “Track 1” (UCPM-
2025-TRACK 1) call for proposals, which was published on 14 January 2025.
This funding instrument provides financial support (with a rate of EU co-
financing of 95%) to the national disaster risk management authorities of Member
States and other participating states in the Union Civil Protection Mechanism for
the development of strategic activities (including feasibility studies, proposals,
policies and plans) which can leverage investments for greater disaster risk
management impact.
The Track 1 call for proposals was published on the Commission’s Funding &
tender opportunities portal, and information about the call is also available on the
Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network website.
2. The Technical Assistance Financing Facility (TAFF), for which a new call for
expression of interest was launched on 14 January 2025. The full information
package for TAFF was shared through a separate note. The call for expressions of
interest is published on the UCP Knowledge Network website.
3. The Regional civil protection programme in the Eastern Partnership
countries (PPRD East 4), for which a restricted invitation to submit proposals is
shared with the EU Member States on 15 January 2025 with the opening date for
proposal submission starting on 30 January 2025 via the Funding & Tenders
The agenda and other practical details on the live streaming event will be published on
the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network website. Participants will be able to ask
questions via a dedicated session on
I would be grateful if you could circulate this information within your organisation and to
all potentially interested stakeholders.
For any further queries, please contact: ECHO-CP-P&[email protected].
Yours faithfully,
Head of Unit
Enclosure: Agenda of the information day
List of Track 1 grants awarded during 2024
Electronically signed
Electronically signed on 14/01/2025 16:14 (UTC+01) in accordance with Article 11 of Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2121
Saatja: <[email protected]>
Saadetud: 17.01.2025 11:07
Koopia: <[email protected]>
Teema: Information day, 4 February 2025: Track 1 call for proposals, TAFF call for expression
of interest and PPRD East 4 restricted invitation to submit a proposal
Manused: image001.gif; image002.png; corr slip_2025 Track 1 Info day.pdf; Agenda Track 1
info day 2025_10 Jan.pdf; List of awarded Track 1 projects 2024.pdf
TÄHELEPANU! Tegemist on väljastpoolt asutust saabunud kirjaga. Tundmatu saatja korral palume linke ja faile mitte avada!
Dear Directors-General, Dear Colleagues, Please find attached an invitation and practical information regarding an information day to be organised online on 4 February 2025 from 12:30 to 15:30, on the Technical Assistance for Disaster Risk Management “Track 1” (UCPM-2025-TRACK 1) call for proposals, call for expression of interest for the Technical Assistance Financing Facility (TAFF), and restricted invitation to submit a proposal for the Programme in the Eastern Partnership countries (PPRD East 4). Best regards, The Prevention and Preparedness Programme team
European Commission DG ECHO - European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Unit B.3 - Prevention and Preparedness Capacity Building Blog | YouTube | Flickr | X | Facebook | Instagram
The Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network connects civil protection and disaster risk management communities, sharing knowledge and growing collective strength in prevention of, preparedness for and response to disasters.
List of awarded Track 1 projects 2024
Project acronym Project full title Coordinator organisation Coordinator
Total Grant (EUR)
Start date
End date
LV-DLD-2 Preparation to implement National disaster damage and loss database
(DLD) in Latvia
CENTRS (Information Centre of the Ministry of
the Interior)
LV € 134,632.32 01/11/2024 31/10/2025 The project aims to finalise preparations for the National disaster damage and loss database (DLD) implementation in Latvia by
building upon the existing feasibility studies: preparing a DLD development roadmap and update DLD technical specification.
RESIL-POL Strengthening social resilience, developing crisis communication and
educating safe behaviour in Poland
Government Centre for Security PL € 373,716.22 01/12/2024 30/11/2026 The project focuses on creating strategies and reforms in the field of crisis management communication, strengthening inter-
institutional cooperation, social education, and building a knowledge base on hazards. The main goal is to enhance societal
resilience to threats. Within the project, activities such as developing a Crisis Communication Strategy, establishing a Hazard
Knowledge Base, crafting a societal communication strategy, and organising meetings and training sessions for representatives of
institutions related to societal security are planned. The project will provide concrete solutions and tools to support society in
preparing for various crisis situations through education and access to information.
VOLCAN Volcanic Disaster Risk Management for the Canary Islands AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE
National Research Council)
ES € 633,457.00 01/01/2025 31/12/2026 The aim of this project is to provide support disaster risk management authorities in updating the Special Plan for Civil Protection
and Volcanic Risk Emergency in the Canary Islands (PEVOLCA). The project coordinator, in collaboration with the Canarian
Government and its main disaster risk management bodies (Civil Protection, First Responders, local governments and municipalities)
will provide the basis to undertake a full revision of the existing PEVOLCA. The plan was initially approved in 2010 and revised in
2018, and it needs to be adapted based on the experience gained during the management of the La Palma eruption in 2021. This
will contribute to improving the preparation, reaction and resilience of the local communities and authorities to future eruptions.
The projects builds on the previous UCPM projects VeTOOLS and EVE. The VOLCAN project will take a multi-risk perspective, and will
develop new risk reduction policies, public awareness raising and training programs for disaster risk management.
THEMIS Strategic framework for raising public awareness and training programmes
for disaster risk management in the tourism sector
EL € 299,266.75 01/01/2025 31/12/2026 The project will develop comprehensive guidelines for raising awareness campaigns aimed at educating and preparing the tourist
community for effective disaster risk management, in Greece. The significance of targeting the tourist population in this project is
paramount, particularly within the context of Greece's unique environmental and geographical challenges. Greece, with its diverse
topography, experiences a range of disasters including forest fires, earthquakes, floods, and even the potential risk of tsunamis.
Given the country's status as a popular tourist destination, welcoming visitors year-round, the safety and well-being of tourists
become integral considerations in disaster resilience efforts. Tourists (including elderly, handicapped and families that need special
attention and care), often unfamiliar with local hazards and emergency procedures, represent a particularly vulnerable demographic
group during disasters. Therefore, by equipping tourists with the necessary awareness, preparedness, and response strategies, our
project not only enhances the safety of visitors to Greece but also contributes to the overall resilience of the region.
SCOR-DRM Strategic coordination for enhancing the institutional and technical
capacity of organizations with responsibilities in Disaster Risk Management
of Interior)
RO € 460,623.46 01/01/2025 31/12/2026 The project will sets out and implement a strategic coordination process at the level of the Ministry of Interior's Department for
Emergency Situations (DSU), with the organisations involved in disaster risk management. The project aims to develop a unitary
approach and a common understanding of processes when dealing and working with procedures and legislation in the area of
disaster risk management. Also, gaps will be better identified and proposals for adjustments be made, as the inter-institutional
interaction will provide more knowledge, experience and best practices. Furthermore, a strategic coordination process will
strengthen the national disaster risk management framework, with analysis, better procedures and proposals for legal provision and
guidelines that will enhance the institutional and technical capacity of the organisations involved. The procedural improvements and
the guidelines developed for the processes' implementation will enhance the response capacity of the Department for Emergency
Situations for future risks and emergency situations.
SMarAI Spanish Maritime Risk Disaster Tool Management. AI advanced data
(SASEMAR) (Maritime Safety and Rescue
ES € 710,773.00 01/04/2025 31/03/2027 SMarAI aims to improve the maritime safety intervention capabilities in case of disaster at sea, through the development of an
operational platform based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to allocate operational resources more effectively, thus helping the decision-
making process. The SMarAI technical framework will consist of three key elements: 1) Data integration and analysis for training,
testing and validating AI algorithms in the estimation of risk disaster. 2) Risk analysis including hazards, exposure and
vulnerabilities, and definition of the suitable AI algorithms. 3) AI Operational Platform for end-users, integrated in a viewer where
the AI models are applied to the selected data to achieve real-time risk forecasting and mapping. The proposed framework aims to
strengthen the technological capabilities of Member States to anticipate and withstand the effects of future major disasters at sea.
PPM MNE Risk Management Prevention and Preparedness Measures of Montenegro MINISTARSTVO UNUTRASNJIH POSLOVA
(Ministry of Interior)
ME € 424,113.83 01/01/2025 30/06/2026 This project will develop priority prevention and preparedness measures to further strengthen the capacity of society as a whole as
well as of national institutions in Montenegro to address various types of disasters, as identified in the National Risk Assessment
(NRA) of Montenegro. The resulting reports will be used to gain additional financial support for disaster risk reduction measures.
They will further define gender-responsive measures and key actions in the area of risk reduction, risk awareness, resilience and risk
culture. The PPM MNE document and accompanied measures will further strengthen multi-sectoral cooperation in the country as
well as cross-border and trans-national crisis prevention. The document will, among other things, define competent authorities in
charge of each specific measure, implementation timeline, budget sources, measure prioritisation etc. Additionally, according to
identified high-impact low-probability risks in NRA, Montenegro will report on measures to manage these risks as well.
List of awarded Track 1 projects 2024
Project acronym Project full title Coordinator organisation Coordinator
Total Grant (EUR)
Start date
End date
INVEST for DRM Enabling new INVESTments for Disaster Risk Management in Croatia MINISTRY OF INTERIOR HR € 615,173.03 01/01/2025 31/12/2026 This project aims to improve the effectiveness of the current civil protection system for preventing and preparing for natural and
human - induced disasters as well as to ensure that Croatian civil protection system becomes more resilient to disasters and crises
with an emphasis on promoting green transition and new technologies. The project will prepare project proposals and technical
documentation for investments in disaster risk management, including green transition. These efforts aim to increase investments
for disaster risk management and climate resilience in civil protection in Croatia. With the creation of a Guideline on Sustainable
New Technologies in Disaster Risk Management, the project aims to equip the Civil Protection Directorate employees with sufficient
knowledge on new sustainable technologies, enabling them to identify options for improvement within their own operations. With
educational activities, the project will ensure Civil Protection Directorate employees are well-versed in the use of new sustainable
technologies and applicable green principles which will help them in the process of preparing EU project proposals.
CZ € 164,855.96 01/01/2025 30/06/2026 The project aims to improve the understanding of wildfire risk factors and vulnerabilities in the Czech Republic, and to strengthen
the collaboration and coordination among stakeholders involved in wildfire risk management. The project will analyse existing
wildfire early detection technologies and systems, with a view to a potential development of such a system in the Czech Republic. It
will also asses the technical, operational, financial and environmental feasibility. Forest management and environment
protectionactors will be consulted. The project will carry out a pilot study. Other outputs will include dissemination of findings, best
practices and lessons learnt through workshops, conferences and articles in professional magazines.
SCENEX-B Scenario and exercise bank platform FORSVARET OG FORSVARSMINISTERIETS
STYRELSER (Organisation of the Danish Armed
DK € 421,158.00 01/02/2025 31/01/2027 The scenario- and exercise bank (SCENEX-B) is an add-on to Denmark's National Risk Profile and aims to strengthen scenario-
building capabilities and accelerate Denmark's implementation of Disaster Resilience Goal 1: anticipate. The scenario- and exercise
bank will be housed on an online platform featuring a relative risk matrix, where all scenarios are presented. Each scenario will be
supplemented with sector-coded injects that can serve as inspiration for development of exercises, cross-sectoral coordination of
preparedness planning etc. The platform will also include e-learning materials regarding how to use the platform and will be further
supplemented by a guide in scenario development, which will be based on experiences from the Danish Emergency Management
Agency’s (DEMA) and the advising authorities' work creating the scenarios featured on the platform.
3IDRM Innovative, Integrated and Innovative Disaster Risk Management in
Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und
Katastrophenhilfe (BBK) (Federal Office of Civil
Protection and Disaster Assistance)
DE € 512,286.00 01/04/2025 31/03/2027 This project will contribute to implementing the recent German Disaster Resilience Strategy. The strategy defines 49 measures, many
of which are not limited to the roles and responsibilities of one specific authority. This applies especially to cross-sectoral issues such
as integrated collection and analysis of data, the inclusion of vulnerable groups in the disaster risk management system, or the use
and awareness of innovative technologies. This project will focus on such measures and will look at innovative, integrated and
inclusive approaches to 1) Improve the understanding of disasters by consolidating damage and loss data on major events in
Germany in the past 20 years through an integrative approach pooling official and open sources as well as participatory
contributions. 2) Enhance inclusive government services by identifying current gaps and defining clear recommendations on how to
empower vulnerable groups in the national disaster risk management system. 3) Facilitate mutual learning/training and exchange of
experiences on innovative approaches and technologies through study visits and exchange seminars and among various
stakeholders engaged in disaster risk management from civil-society, science, private sector and the media/culture/education
I-SIVAC Interconnection of the Interministerial Information System for victims of
terrorist attacks and disasters
MINISTERE DE LA JUSTICE (Ministry of Justice) FR € 649,055.58 06/01/2025 05/01/2027 The main objective of the "Interconnection of SIVAC" or I-SIVAC project is to improve the Interministerial Information System for
Victims of Attacks and Disasters (SIVAC tool) so that it can provide ministries and other stakeholders involved in responding to a
major crisis with the essential information and functionalities they need to succeed in their missions. More especially, I-SIVAC will
achieve: 1) The interconnections between SIVAC and other partner applications to collect, update and distribute data relating to
victims and their relatives; 2) The provision, for each player, of an interface for consulting and managing the data, as well as a
shared global view of the major crisis. With this project, the SIVAC tool will be able to fulfill its interministerial mission of
enumerating, helping to identify, monitoring and supporting victims as well as their relatives, during and following the major crisis of
all kinds occurring in France or abroad, including acts of terrorism with many or few victims.
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË – Tel. +32 22991111
OPERATIONS (ECHO) Strategy and Policy
Prevention and Preparedness Capacity building
Brussels, ECHO.B.3
Addressees: Directors-General for Civil Protection of the Member and Participating States to
the Union Civil Protection Mechanism; Members of the Civil Protection
Committee; Member States’ Permanent Representations and Participating
States’ Permanent Missions to the EU; Contact points for civil protection for
Georgia and Kosovo*; Marine Pollution Contact Points of the Member and
Participating States to the Union Civil Protection Mechanism; National Training
Coordinators the Member and Participating States to the Union Civil Protection
Mechanism; Coordinators of ongoing and past Track 1 projects; Disaster
Prevention Expert Group; Members of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge
Network Board; Members of the Early Warning Expert Group
Copy to: Council Secretariat; EFTA Secretariat
Subject: Invitation to an information day on the Technical Assistance for
Disaster Risk Management “Track 1” (UCPM-2025-TRACK 1) call for
proposals, call for expression of interest for the Technical Assistance
Financing Facility (TAFF), and restricted invitation to submit a
proposal for the Programme in the Eastern Partnership countries
(PPRD East 4)
Remarks: The information day will take place on:
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
12:30 – 15:30 (CET)
Dear Directors-General,
Dear Colleagues,
The aim of the information day is to familiarise civil protection authorities and other
national authorities with disaster risk management responsibilities with three recently
launched capacity building opportunities:
1. The Technical Assistance for Disaster Risk Management “Track 1” (UCPM-
2025-TRACK 1) call for proposals, which was published on 14 January 2025.
This funding instrument provides financial support (with a rate of EU co-
financing of 95%) to the national disaster risk management authorities of Member
States and other participating states in the Union Civil Protection Mechanism for
the development of strategic activities (including feasibility studies, proposals,
policies and plans) which can leverage investments for greater disaster risk
management impact.
The Track 1 call for proposals was published on the Commission’s Funding &
tender opportunities portal, and information about the call is also available on the
Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network website.
2. The Technical Assistance Financing Facility (TAFF), for which a new call for
expression of interest was launched on 14 January 2025. The full information
package for TAFF was shared through a separate note. The call for expressions of
interest is published on the UCP Knowledge Network website.
3. The Regional civil protection programme in the Eastern Partnership
countries (PPRD East 4), for which a restricted invitation to submit proposals is
shared with the EU Member States on 15 January 2025 with the opening date for
proposal submission starting on 30 January 2025 via the Funding & Tenders
The agenda and other practical details on the live streaming event will be published on
the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network website. Participants will be able to ask
questions via a dedicated session on
I would be grateful if you could circulate this information within your organisation and to
all potentially interested stakeholders.
For any further queries, please contact: ECHO-CP-P&[email protected].
Yours faithfully,
Head of Unit
Enclosure: Agenda of the information day
List of Track 1 grants awarded during 2024
Electronically signed
Electronically signed on 14/01/2025 16:14 (UTC+01) in accordance with Article 11 of Commission Decision (EU) 2021/2121
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