Dokumendiregister | Justiitsministeerium |
Viit | 21-4/25/622-1 |
Registreeritud | 20.01.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 21.01.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 21 Digiarengu korraldamine |
Sari | 21-4 Elektroonilise side koostööalane kirjavahetus rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega |
Toimik | 21-4/2025 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | ITSO |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | ITSO |
Vastutaja | Tõnu Nirk (Justiits- ja Digiministeerium, Kantsleri vastutusvaldkond, Digitaristu- ja küberturvalisuse osakond, Sideturgude talitus) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
- Kick-off meeting, January 28h, 2025 -
1. Opening Remarks by the ITSO DG and WG Chair
2. Presentation of the AP-41 Ad Hoc Working Group
3. Review of the Terms of References
4. Proposal on WG composition
5. Working methodology, leadership and ToRs coordinators
6. Calendar of meetings
7. AOB
8. Closing remarks
- 1 -
Contribution of the AP-41-WG WG Chairman 15 January 2025
The WG was established by the 41ST Assembly of Parties (AP-41) to develop a comprehensive
report with strategic recommendations for consideration at the next Assembly of Parties. The focus
will be on ensuring the resilience of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
(ITSO) and safeguarding the Common Heritage
Building on the work initiated by the AP-40 Ad Hoc Working Groups 1 and 2, and in light of
recent developments in the satellite industry, it is proposed to develop measures aimed at shaping
a stronger, more effective, and responsive ITSO. These measures should ensure that ITSO remains
closely aligned with the evolving interests of all Parties and the future strategic direction of the
Organization. This process will involve consultations with all relevant stakeholders, including but
not limited to ITSO, Notifying Administrations, Intelsat, ITU, and the Parties, to ensure
comprehensive input and alignment with industry and regulatory advancements.
The WG will be reporting to the IAC on the progress and to the next AP. In order to ensure that
the Working Group provides its report on time, below is a proposed methodology.
Participation in the Working Group will be open to all Parties, ensuring inclusivity and broad
representation. To facilitate the work of the WG it is suggested that there is a core representation
with representatives from different ITSO regions (the number of representatives per region to be
agreed during the first meeting of the WG in January 2025).
The WG shall be led by a chairperson designated by the AP-41 (Abdouramane El Hadjar from the
Party of Cameroon).
Two rapporteurs will be nominated by the first meeting of the WG. The rapporteurs will assist the
Chair in preparing summary minutes of the WG meeting as well as preparing documents and
finalizing the WG Report.
- 2 -
All WG meetings shall be conducted in virtual mode.
WG meetings will be held approximately every other month.
The ITSO Secretariat will send invitations together with the link for the meeting at least two
weeks before the date of the meeting.
All meetings shall be conducted in English only.
The drafting work will be done by correspondence in order to save time during the WG meetings.
The list of the ToRs can be found in attachment 1.
We propose to group the ToR into related issues and to designate Coordinators and Vice
Coordinators for the Terms of Reference, according to the proposal from Attachment 2. The WG
shall designate Coordinators and Vice Coordinators of each ToR grouping during the first meeting
of the WG.
The Coordinator of a ToR shall be available and responsible to initiate a discussion document of
that specific ToR based on contributions from members of the WG, ITSO Parties, and ITSO
The contributions shall be submitted to the ITSO Secretariat with copies to Coordinators of the
ToR and to the Regional Vice Chairs; see attachment 3.
The ITSO Secretariat shall post all updated documents in Word format available for download on
the ITSO website under “About Us/Governance and Groups/Working Group/AP-41 Ad Hoc WG”.
The meeting will be primarily for the review and approval of the draft documents initiated by
Coordinators of different ToR.
The WG shall generally work on a consensus basis.
If members of the WG do not agree on a particular text, alternative options may be developed
and/or the text shall be kept in square brackets and be discussed at high level (IAC or AP-42).
All the documents to be reviewed by the WG meeting shall be made available to all members at
least one week before the meeting. Nevertheless, if the meeting agrees, a specific
document/proposal may be discussed within a regular meeting even if it has been
circulated/submitted less than a week before the meeting.
- 3 -
In case the WG wishes to seek information from or respond to any other group under ITSO, it shall
be done by liaison statement.
The Chair, assisted by the two rapporteurs of the WG and the ITSO Secretariat, will compile all
documents from Coordinators of the ToR and the compiled and approved document will be
presented to the IAC and AP-42.
- 4 -
Attachment 1: Terms of Reference for the Working Group
- 5 -
Attachment 2: Terms of Reference and Coordinators
ToR 1
Consider the circumstances, expertise and experience of ITSO, to
include a focus on strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in the
formulation of recommendations for a more successful ITSO, while
including mechanisms to ensure the company provides the minimum
required funding for ITSO.
ToR 3
Review and make recommendations on possible way to improve the
PSA for better collaboration between Intelsat or any other operator and
ToR 5
Identify and make recommendations on the various issues that may
arise in connection with specific decisions that could be undertaken by
Intelsat or any other operator which have a direct impact on the
Common Heritage such as bankruptcy, mergers, change of ownership,
Region TBD/
Person TBD
ToR 2
Taking into consideration recommendations of WG1 and WG2
approved by the AP-41, consider and make recommendations to
enhance the collaboration between ITSO and the Notifying
Administrations that supports the implementation of Article XII (c) of
the ITSO Agreement.
ToR 4
Assess the processes and mechanisms for the assignment and
management of the Common Heritage, ensure its protection and make
appropriate recommendations for closer alignment between the work
of ITSO and the Notifying Administrations.
ToR 6
Identify the circumstances under which unused Common Heritage
orbital locations could be suppressed and make recommendations for
re-assignment to other operators.
Region TBD/
Person TBD
- 6 -
ToR 7
Recommend mechanisms of transferring the non-exploited CH to
another company that has undertaken to comply with PSA obligations,
taking into account the ITSO Agreement.
ToR 8
Recommend mechanisms to fill gaps that could lead to a replacement
of suppressed CH filing by new filings from other Administrations
other than the NAs of the CH.
ToR 9
Further consider and make recommendations on the proposal that was
submitted by Region D to AP-40 to have one NA per region.
Region TBD/
Person TBD
Attachment 3: Regional Vice Chairs
Mr. Douglas May
representative of the Party of the United States
(Region A, The Americas)
Dr. Bianca Lins
representative of the Party of Liechtenstein
(Region B, Western Europe)
Mr. Tomasz Pińciurek
representative of the Party of Poland
(Region C, Eastern Europe & Northern Asia)
Dr. Zolana João
representative of the Party of Angola
(Region D, Africa)
Mr. Nedal Al Samara
representative of the Party of Jordan
(Region E, Asia and Australasia)
Contribution of the AP-41-WG Director General 15 January 2025
The Ad Hoc Working Group was established by the 41st Assembly of Parties (AP-41) in October
2024. The Assembly also decided that the Ad Hoc Working Group should be chaired by the Party
of Cameroon, by Mr. Abdouramane El Hadjar, and AP-41 approved the terms of reference of the
Working Group contained in attachment 1.
The goal of the AP-41 Ad Hoc WG is to develop a comprehensive report with strategic
recommendations for consideration at the next Assembly of Parties. The focus will be on ensuring
the resilience of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO) and
safeguarding the Common Heritage.
Building on the work initiated by the AP-40 Ad Hoc Working Groups 1 and 2, and in light of
recent developments in the satellite industry, it is proposed to develop measures aimed at shaping
a stronger, more effective, and responsive ITSO. These measures should ensure that ITSO remains
closely aligned with the evolving interests of all Parties and the future strategic direction of the
Organization. This process will involve consultations with all relevant stakeholders, including but
not limited to ITSO, Notifying Administrations, Intelsat, ITU, and the Parties, to ensure
comprehensive input and alignment with industry and regulatory advancements.
The Terms of Reference of the WG was approved by AP-41 and it is contained in attachment 1.
Participation in the Working Group will be open to all Parties, ensuring inclusivity and broad
representation. The WG composition was not addressed at AP-41. The Director General proposes
to follow the same approach of the AP-40 Working Groups 1 and 2 with a core representation of
a number of regional representatives, the Notifying Administrations, the Regional Vice Chairs or
their substitutes and the Director General. Due to the different number of countries per region,
rather than having a fixed number of 3 representatives per Region, the Director General proposes
that the group is composed of:
Region A: 3 representatives
Region B: 3 representatives
Region C: 2 representatives
Region D: 4 representatives
Region E: 3 representatives
The Director General proposes that the Regional Vice Chairs coordinate the membership of their
regions, taking into account their availability, and inform the ITSO Secretariat by February 5th
2025 the names and contact details of the representatives from their regions. In addition to the core
representatives, all ITSO Parties can participate in the WG.
a) The meetings of WG1 shall be conducted remotely, with the support of ITSO Secretariat.
The Director General proposes to have 4 to 6 meetings between January and November
2025 with the possibility of adapting the schedule contained in item 5 of this document in
accordance with the WG activity.
b) The meetings will be conducted exclusively in English language.
c) The drafting work will be carried out by correspondence.
d) The Director General proposes to group the ToR into related issues and to designate
Coordinators and Vice Coordinators for the Terms of Reference, according to the proposal
from Attachment 2. The WG shall designate Coordinators and Vice Coordinators of each
ToR grouping during the first meeting of the WG.
e) Each coordinator shall initiate discussion documents on the specific Terms of Reference,
based on the contributions submitted by the members of the Working Group, Regional
Vice Chairs, ITSO Secretariat or any ITSO Party. The contributions shall be submitted to
the ITSO Secretariat with copies to Coordinators of the ToR and to the Regional Vice
Chairs, see Attachment 3.
f) The ITSO Secretariat shall post all updated documents in Word format available for
download on the ITSO website under “About Us/Governance and Groups/Working
Group/AP-41 Ad Hoc WG”.
g) The working documents will be reviewed and approved during the WG meetings, on a
consensus basis. In case of lack of consensus on a particular text, alternative options may
be developed and/or the respective text shall be kept in brackets and presented as such at
IAC and/or AP-42.
h) The agenda and the documents of each meeting shall be circulated to all members at least
one week before the meeting. Nevertheless, if the meeting agrees, a specific
document/proposal may be discussed within a regular meeting even if it has been
circulated/submitted less than a week before the meeting.
i) In case of additional information needed/required from any other ITSO structure, the
Working Group may rely on liaison statements.
j) The Chair, assisted by the two rapporteurs of the WG and the ITSO Secretariat, shall
compile all documents from Coordinators of the ToR and the compiled and approved
document shall be presented to IAC and AP-42.
January 28th – WG Kick off meeting
March 25th – WG meeting 2
May 20th – WG meeting 3
June 24th – WG meeting 4
Sep 9th – WG meeting 5
Nov 4th – WG meeting 6
Interim Report
Tentative Dates for IAC-26 and AP-42 (still pending confirmation)
March 2026 – IAC-26 Meeting
September/October 2026 – AP-42 Meeting
Attachment 1: Terms of Reference for the Working Group
Attachment 2: Terms of Reference and Their Coordinators
ToR 1
Consider the circumstances, expertise and experience of ITSO, to
include a focus on strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in the
formulation of recommendations for a more successful ITSO, while
including mechanisms to ensure the company provides the minimum
required funding for ITSO.
ToR 3
Review and make recommendations on possible way to improve the
PSA for better collaboration between Intelsat or any other operator and
ToR 5
Identify and make recommendations on the various issues that may
arise in connection with specific decisions that could be undertaken by
Intelsat or any other operator which have a direct impact on the
Common Heritage such as bankruptcy, mergers, change of ownership,
Region TBD/
Person TBD
ToR 2
Taking into consideration recommendations of WG1 and WG2
approved by the AP-41, consider and make recommendations to
enhance the collaboration between ITSO and the Notifying
Administrations that supports the implementation of Article XII (c) of
the ITSO Agreement.
ToR 4
Assess the processes and mechanisms for the assignment and
management of the Common Heritage, ensure its protection and make
appropriate recommendations for closer alignment between the work
of ITSO and the Notifying Administrations.
ToR 6
Identify the circumstances under which unused Common Heritage
orbital locations could be suppressed and make recommendations for
re-assignment to other operators.
Region TBD/
Person TBD
ToR 7
Recommend mechanisms of transferring the non-exploited CH to
another company that has undertaken to comply with PSA obligations,
taking into account the ITSO Agreement.
ToR 8
Recommend mechanisms to fill gaps that could lead to a replacement
of suppressed CH filing by new filings from other Administrations
other than the NAs of the CH.
ToR 9
Further consider and make recommendations on the proposal that was
submitted by Region D to AP-40 to have one NA per region.
Region TBD/
Person TBD
Attachment 3: Regional Vice Chairs
Mr. Douglas May
representative of the Party of the United States
(Region A, The Americas)
Dr. Bianca Lins
representative of the Party of Liechtenstein
(Region B, Western Europe)
Mr. Tomasz Pińciurek
representative of the Party of Poland
(Region C, Eastern Europe & Northern Asia)
Dr. Zolana João
representative of the Party of Angola
(Region D, Africa)
Mr. Nedal Al Samara
representative of the Party of Jordan
(Region E, Asia and Australasia)
Edastame kuuluvuselt.
Heade soovidega
Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium
From: ITSO <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2025 2:03 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Reminder: AP-41 Working Group Kickoff Meeting
Tegemist on välisvõrgust saabunud kirjaga. |
Tegemist on välisvõrgust saabunud kirjaga. |
- Kick-off meeting, January 28h, 2025 -
1. Opening Remarks by the ITSO DG and WG Chair
2. Presentation of the AP-41 Ad Hoc Working Group
3. Review of the Terms of References
4. Proposal on WG composition
5. Working methodology, leadership and ToRs coordinators
6. Calendar of meetings
7. AOB
8. Closing remarks
- 1 -
Contribution of the AP-41-WG WG Chairman 15 January 2025
The WG was established by the 41ST Assembly of Parties (AP-41) to develop a comprehensive
report with strategic recommendations for consideration at the next Assembly of Parties. The focus
will be on ensuring the resilience of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
(ITSO) and safeguarding the Common Heritage
Building on the work initiated by the AP-40 Ad Hoc Working Groups 1 and 2, and in light of
recent developments in the satellite industry, it is proposed to develop measures aimed at shaping
a stronger, more effective, and responsive ITSO. These measures should ensure that ITSO remains
closely aligned with the evolving interests of all Parties and the future strategic direction of the
Organization. This process will involve consultations with all relevant stakeholders, including but
not limited to ITSO, Notifying Administrations, Intelsat, ITU, and the Parties, to ensure
comprehensive input and alignment with industry and regulatory advancements.
The WG will be reporting to the IAC on the progress and to the next AP. In order to ensure that
the Working Group provides its report on time, below is a proposed methodology.
Participation in the Working Group will be open to all Parties, ensuring inclusivity and broad
representation. To facilitate the work of the WG it is suggested that there is a core representation
with representatives from different ITSO regions (the number of representatives per region to be
agreed during the first meeting of the WG in January 2025).
The WG shall be led by a chairperson designated by the AP-41 (Abdouramane El Hadjar from the
Party of Cameroon).
Two rapporteurs will be nominated by the first meeting of the WG. The rapporteurs will assist the
Chair in preparing summary minutes of the WG meeting as well as preparing documents and
finalizing the WG Report.
- 2 -
All WG meetings shall be conducted in virtual mode.
WG meetings will be held approximately every other month.
The ITSO Secretariat will send invitations together with the link for the meeting at least two
weeks before the date of the meeting.
All meetings shall be conducted in English only.
The drafting work will be done by correspondence in order to save time during the WG meetings.
The list of the ToRs can be found in attachment 1.
We propose to group the ToR into related issues and to designate Coordinators and Vice
Coordinators for the Terms of Reference, according to the proposal from Attachment 2. The WG
shall designate Coordinators and Vice Coordinators of each ToR grouping during the first meeting
of the WG.
The Coordinator of a ToR shall be available and responsible to initiate a discussion document of
that specific ToR based on contributions from members of the WG, ITSO Parties, and ITSO
The contributions shall be submitted to the ITSO Secretariat with copies to Coordinators of the
ToR and to the Regional Vice Chairs; see attachment 3.
The ITSO Secretariat shall post all updated documents in Word format available for download on
the ITSO website under “About Us/Governance and Groups/Working Group/AP-41 Ad Hoc WG”.
The meeting will be primarily for the review and approval of the draft documents initiated by
Coordinators of different ToR.
The WG shall generally work on a consensus basis.
If members of the WG do not agree on a particular text, alternative options may be developed
and/or the text shall be kept in square brackets and be discussed at high level (IAC or AP-42).
All the documents to be reviewed by the WG meeting shall be made available to all members at
least one week before the meeting. Nevertheless, if the meeting agrees, a specific
document/proposal may be discussed within a regular meeting even if it has been
circulated/submitted less than a week before the meeting.
- 3 -
In case the WG wishes to seek information from or respond to any other group under ITSO, it shall
be done by liaison statement.
The Chair, assisted by the two rapporteurs of the WG and the ITSO Secretariat, will compile all
documents from Coordinators of the ToR and the compiled and approved document will be
presented to the IAC and AP-42.
- 4 -
Attachment 1: Terms of Reference for the Working Group
- 5 -
Attachment 2: Terms of Reference and Coordinators
ToR 1
Consider the circumstances, expertise and experience of ITSO, to
include a focus on strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in the
formulation of recommendations for a more successful ITSO, while
including mechanisms to ensure the company provides the minimum
required funding for ITSO.
ToR 3
Review and make recommendations on possible way to improve the
PSA for better collaboration between Intelsat or any other operator and
ToR 5
Identify and make recommendations on the various issues that may
arise in connection with specific decisions that could be undertaken by
Intelsat or any other operator which have a direct impact on the
Common Heritage such as bankruptcy, mergers, change of ownership,
Region TBD/
Person TBD
ToR 2
Taking into consideration recommendations of WG1 and WG2
approved by the AP-41, consider and make recommendations to
enhance the collaboration between ITSO and the Notifying
Administrations that supports the implementation of Article XII (c) of
the ITSO Agreement.
ToR 4
Assess the processes and mechanisms for the assignment and
management of the Common Heritage, ensure its protection and make
appropriate recommendations for closer alignment between the work
of ITSO and the Notifying Administrations.
ToR 6
Identify the circumstances under which unused Common Heritage
orbital locations could be suppressed and make recommendations for
re-assignment to other operators.
Region TBD/
Person TBD
- 6 -
ToR 7
Recommend mechanisms of transferring the non-exploited CH to
another company that has undertaken to comply with PSA obligations,
taking into account the ITSO Agreement.
ToR 8
Recommend mechanisms to fill gaps that could lead to a replacement
of suppressed CH filing by new filings from other Administrations
other than the NAs of the CH.
ToR 9
Further consider and make recommendations on the proposal that was
submitted by Region D to AP-40 to have one NA per region.
Region TBD/
Person TBD
Attachment 3: Regional Vice Chairs
Mr. Douglas May
representative of the Party of the United States
(Region A, The Americas)
Dr. Bianca Lins
representative of the Party of Liechtenstein
(Region B, Western Europe)
Mr. Tomasz Pińciurek
representative of the Party of Poland
(Region C, Eastern Europe & Northern Asia)
Dr. Zolana João
representative of the Party of Angola
(Region D, Africa)
Mr. Nedal Al Samara
representative of the Party of Jordan
(Region E, Asia and Australasia)
Contribution of the AP-41-WG Director General 15 January 2025
The Ad Hoc Working Group was established by the 41st Assembly of Parties (AP-41) in October
2024. The Assembly also decided that the Ad Hoc Working Group should be chaired by the Party
of Cameroon, by Mr. Abdouramane El Hadjar, and AP-41 approved the terms of reference of the
Working Group contained in attachment 1.
The goal of the AP-41 Ad Hoc WG is to develop a comprehensive report with strategic
recommendations for consideration at the next Assembly of Parties. The focus will be on ensuring
the resilience of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO) and
safeguarding the Common Heritage.
Building on the work initiated by the AP-40 Ad Hoc Working Groups 1 and 2, and in light of
recent developments in the satellite industry, it is proposed to develop measures aimed at shaping
a stronger, more effective, and responsive ITSO. These measures should ensure that ITSO remains
closely aligned with the evolving interests of all Parties and the future strategic direction of the
Organization. This process will involve consultations with all relevant stakeholders, including but
not limited to ITSO, Notifying Administrations, Intelsat, ITU, and the Parties, to ensure
comprehensive input and alignment with industry and regulatory advancements.
The Terms of Reference of the WG was approved by AP-41 and it is contained in attachment 1.
Participation in the Working Group will be open to all Parties, ensuring inclusivity and broad
representation. The WG composition was not addressed at AP-41. The Director General proposes
to follow the same approach of the AP-40 Working Groups 1 and 2 with a core representation of
a number of regional representatives, the Notifying Administrations, the Regional Vice Chairs or
their substitutes and the Director General. Due to the different number of countries per region,
rather than having a fixed number of 3 representatives per Region, the Director General proposes
that the group is composed of:
Region A: 3 representatives
Region B: 3 representatives
Region C: 2 representatives
Region D: 4 representatives
Region E: 3 representatives
The Director General proposes that the Regional Vice Chairs coordinate the membership of their
regions, taking into account their availability, and inform the ITSO Secretariat by February 5th
2025 the names and contact details of the representatives from their regions. In addition to the core
representatives, all ITSO Parties can participate in the WG.
a) The meetings of WG1 shall be conducted remotely, with the support of ITSO Secretariat.
The Director General proposes to have 4 to 6 meetings between January and November
2025 with the possibility of adapting the schedule contained in item 5 of this document in
accordance with the WG activity.
b) The meetings will be conducted exclusively in English language.
c) The drafting work will be carried out by correspondence.
d) The Director General proposes to group the ToR into related issues and to designate
Coordinators and Vice Coordinators for the Terms of Reference, according to the proposal
from Attachment 2. The WG shall designate Coordinators and Vice Coordinators of each
ToR grouping during the first meeting of the WG.
e) Each coordinator shall initiate discussion documents on the specific Terms of Reference,
based on the contributions submitted by the members of the Working Group, Regional
Vice Chairs, ITSO Secretariat or any ITSO Party. The contributions shall be submitted to
the ITSO Secretariat with copies to Coordinators of the ToR and to the Regional Vice
Chairs, see Attachment 3.
f) The ITSO Secretariat shall post all updated documents in Word format available for
download on the ITSO website under “About Us/Governance and Groups/Working
Group/AP-41 Ad Hoc WG”.
g) The working documents will be reviewed and approved during the WG meetings, on a
consensus basis. In case of lack of consensus on a particular text, alternative options may
be developed and/or the respective text shall be kept in brackets and presented as such at
IAC and/or AP-42.
h) The agenda and the documents of each meeting shall be circulated to all members at least
one week before the meeting. Nevertheless, if the meeting agrees, a specific
document/proposal may be discussed within a regular meeting even if it has been
circulated/submitted less than a week before the meeting.
i) In case of additional information needed/required from any other ITSO structure, the
Working Group may rely on liaison statements.
j) The Chair, assisted by the two rapporteurs of the WG and the ITSO Secretariat, shall
compile all documents from Coordinators of the ToR and the compiled and approved
document shall be presented to IAC and AP-42.
January 28th – WG Kick off meeting
March 25th – WG meeting 2
May 20th – WG meeting 3
June 24th – WG meeting 4
Sep 9th – WG meeting 5
Nov 4th – WG meeting 6
Interim Report
Tentative Dates for IAC-26 and AP-42 (still pending confirmation)
March 2026 – IAC-26 Meeting
September/October 2026 – AP-42 Meeting
Attachment 1: Terms of Reference for the Working Group
Attachment 2: Terms of Reference and Their Coordinators
ToR 1
Consider the circumstances, expertise and experience of ITSO, to
include a focus on strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in the
formulation of recommendations for a more successful ITSO, while
including mechanisms to ensure the company provides the minimum
required funding for ITSO.
ToR 3
Review and make recommendations on possible way to improve the
PSA for better collaboration between Intelsat or any other operator and
ToR 5
Identify and make recommendations on the various issues that may
arise in connection with specific decisions that could be undertaken by
Intelsat or any other operator which have a direct impact on the
Common Heritage such as bankruptcy, mergers, change of ownership,
Region TBD/
Person TBD
ToR 2
Taking into consideration recommendations of WG1 and WG2
approved by the AP-41, consider and make recommendations to
enhance the collaboration between ITSO and the Notifying
Administrations that supports the implementation of Article XII (c) of
the ITSO Agreement.
ToR 4
Assess the processes and mechanisms for the assignment and
management of the Common Heritage, ensure its protection and make
appropriate recommendations for closer alignment between the work
of ITSO and the Notifying Administrations.
ToR 6
Identify the circumstances under which unused Common Heritage
orbital locations could be suppressed and make recommendations for
re-assignment to other operators.
Region TBD/
Person TBD
ToR 7
Recommend mechanisms of transferring the non-exploited CH to
another company that has undertaken to comply with PSA obligations,
taking into account the ITSO Agreement.
ToR 8
Recommend mechanisms to fill gaps that could lead to a replacement
of suppressed CH filing by new filings from other Administrations
other than the NAs of the CH.
ToR 9
Further consider and make recommendations on the proposal that was
submitted by Region D to AP-40 to have one NA per region.
Region TBD/
Person TBD
Attachment 3: Regional Vice Chairs
Mr. Douglas May
representative of the Party of the United States
(Region A, The Americas)
Dr. Bianca Lins
representative of the Party of Liechtenstein
(Region B, Western Europe)
Mr. Tomasz Pińciurek
representative of the Party of Poland
(Region C, Eastern Europe & Northern Asia)
Dr. Zolana João
representative of the Party of Angola
(Region D, Africa)
Mr. Nedal Al Samara
representative of the Party of Jordan
(Region E, Asia and Australasia)