Dokumendiregister | Rahandusministeerium |
Viit | 7-1.1/370-1 |
Registreeritud | 23.01.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 24.01.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Sari | 7-1.1 Raha- ja kapitalituru dokumendid (tehingukinnitused, maksekorraldused jne) ja kirjavahetus |
Toimik | 7-1.1/2025 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | State Street Bank International GmbH |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | State Street Bank International GmbH |
Vastutaja | Kaja Kannerma (Rahandusministeerium, Kantsleri vastutusvaldkond, Eelarvepoliitika valdkond, Riigikassa osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
State Street Bank International GmbH, Solmsstr, 83, 60486 Frankfurt
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Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Estonia MS Ulle Mathiesen State Treasury Department Suur-Ameerika 1 10122 Tallinn ESTLAND
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Estonia
State Street Bank International GmbH
Postfach 20 19 16
80019 Mönchen
Brienner Strasse 59
80333 Mönchen
Statement of Securities as ot
Fund/Account 0139
31.12.2024 Created
(c) = Restricted shares (f) = Original face value
ISIN Security Name Rate Maturity date Par Value/Shares % Value in EUR
XS1 1 67203881 PROVINCE OF QUEBEC SR UNSECURED REGS 01/25 0.875 0.875 15.01 .25
EUR 14,000,000.00+ RATE 99.93300 % 13,990,620.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS1 189263400 NORDEA BANK ABP REGSO2/25 1.125 1.125 12.02.25
EUR 10,100,000.00+ RATE99.77500% 10,077,275.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
BE0000337460 BELGIUM KINGDOM SR UNSECURED 144A REGS 06/26 1 1.000 22.06.26
EUR 15,000,000.00+ RATE 98.27300 % 14,740,950.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
FR0013154044 FRANCE (G0VT OF) B0NDS 144A REGS 05/36 1.25 1.250 25.05.36
EUR 8,600,000.00+ RATE 81.21600% 6,984,576.00+ EUR Euroclear Held on trust-custody basis
FR0013200813 FRANCE (GOVT 0F) BONDS 144AREGS 11/26 0.25 0.250 25.11.26
EUR 26,000,000.00+ RATE 96.30310 % 25,038,806.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
Special Remarks: (a(=Open buy(s) (dl = Pledged
(b)=Open seII(s) (eI = Blocked for proxy voting
Ali dates have the format or
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State Street Bank International GmbH
80019 Mönchen
Brienner Strasse 59
STATE STREET 80333 Mönchen
Fund/Account 0139 Page 2/9
ISIN Security Name Rate Maturity date Par Value/Shares % Value in EUR
XS1551045039 NEDER WATERSCHAPSBANK SR UNSECURED REGS 01/27 0.625 0.625 18.01.27
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 96.68471 % 48,342,355.00+ EUR Eu rocl ear HeId on trust-custody basis
NLOO1 2171458 NETHERLANDS GOVERNMENT BONDS 144A REGS 07/27 0.75 0.750 15.07.27
EUR 3,400,000.00+ RATE 96.65200 % 3,286,168.00+ EUR Euroelear HeId on trust-custody basis
FR0013250560 FRANCE (GOVT OF) BONDS 144A REGS 05/27 1 1.000 25.05.27
EUR 35,000,000.00+ RATE 96.95300 % 33,933,550.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2021 173922 LANDWIRTSCH. RENTENBANK GOVT GUARANT REGS 12/29 0.05 0.050 18.12.29
EUR 20,000,000.00+ RATE 88.69139 % 17,738,279.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
FR0013451507 FRANCE (GOVT OF) BONDS 144AREGS 11/290.00000 0.010 25.11.29
EUR 4,000,000.00+ RATE 87.96500 % 3,518,600.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
BE0000349580 BELGIUM KINGDOM SR UNSECURED 144A REGS 06/30 0 0.100 22.06.30
EUR 4,000,000.00+ RATE 87.71200% 3,508,480.00+ EU R Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
BE0000350596 BELGIUM KINGDOM SR UNSECURED 144A REGS 06/40 0 0.400 22.06.40
EUR 6,200,000.00+ RATE 65.36600 % 4,052,692.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
Spectal Remarks: (a)=Open buy(s) (b)=Open sellis) (c)=Restricted shares (d)=Pledged (e)BIocked for proxy voting (f)=Original face value
AlI dates have the format or
Postfach 20 19 16
State Street Bank International GmbH
80019 Mönchen
Brienner Strasse 59
STATE STREET 80333 Mjnchen
Fund/Account 0139 Page 3/9
ISIN Security Name Rate Maturity date Par Value/Shares % Value in EUR
F14000306758 FINNISH GOVERNMENT SR UNSECURED 144A REGS 04/34 1 1.125 15.04.34
EUR 3,000,000.00+ RATE 86.44450 % 2,593,335.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
NLOO1 2818504 NETHERLANDS G0VERNMENT BONDS 144A REGS 07/28 0.75 0.750 15.07.28
EUR 20,000,000.00+ RATE 95.12900 % 19,025,800.00+ EUR Euroclear HeIcI on trust-custody basis
FR0013341682 FRANCE (GOVT OF) BONDS 144A REGS 11/280.75 0.750 25.11.28
EUR 3,000,000.00+ RATE 93.39300 % 2,801,790.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
FROO1400FYQ4 FRANCE (GOVT OF) BONDS 144A REGS 09/26 2.5 2.500 24.09.26
EUR 6,000,000.00+ RATE 100.39400 % 6,023,640.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
AT0000A33SH3 REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA SR UNSECURED 144A REGS 05/29 2 2.900 23.05.29
EUR 15,000,000.00+ RATE 102.17437 % 15,326,156.25+ EUR Euroolear HeId on trust-custody basis
FROO1400H7V7 FRANCE (GOVT 0F) BONDS 144A REGS 05/33 3 3.000 25.05.33
EUR 10,000,000.00+ RATE 99.46500 % 9,946,500.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
NLOO1 5001 XZ6 NETHERLANDS GOVERNMENT BONDS 144A REGS 07/34 2.5 2.500 15.07.34
EUR 35,000,000.00+ RATE 99.26200 % 34,741,700.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
Special Remarks: (a)=Open buy(s) (b)=Open seII(s) (c)=Restricted shares (d)=Pledged (e)=Blocked for proxy voting (f)=Original face value
Ali dates have the format or
Postfach 20 19 16
State Street Bank International GmbH
80019 Mönchen
Brienner Strasse 59
STATE STREET 80333 Mönchen
Fund/Account 0139 Page 4/9
ISIN Security Name Rate Maturity date Par Value/Shares % Value in EUR
BE0000362716 BELGIUM KINGDOM SR UNSECURED 144A REGS 10/29 2 2.700 22.10.29
EUR 4,000,000.00+ RATE 100.94700 % 4,037,880.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2827726550 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN AB 04/25 ZCP 0.000 22.04.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 96.69764 % 48,348,820.50+ EU R Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2862925851 CREDIT AGRICOLE SA 01/25 ZCP 0.000 02.01 .25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 98.27744% 49,138,721.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2911718422 MITSUBISHI UFJ TRUST AND BKNG 01/25ZCP 0.000 31.01.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 98.861 69 % 49,430,845.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2912335978 BGL BNP PARIBAS 02/25 ZCP 0.000 28.02.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 98.66330% 49,331,652.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2913251224 MUFG BANK LTD. 03/25 ZCP 0.000 03.03.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 98.64997 % 49,324,987.50+ EU R Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
BE6354570036 SUMITOMO MITSUI BANKING CORPOR 03/25 ZCP 0.000 27.03,25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE98.41171 % 49,205,858.50+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
Special Remarks: (a) = Open buy(s) (b) = Open seiI(s) (ci = Restricted shares (dl = Pledged (ei = Blocked for proxy votiny (f) = OriginaI face value
Ali dates have the format or
Postfach 20 19 16
State Street Bank international GmbH
80019 MCinchen
Brienner Strasse 59
STATE STREET 80333 Mönchen
Fund/Account 0139 Page 5 / 9
SIN Security Name Rate Maturity date Par Value/Shares % Value in EUR
FR0128562784 UNEDIC SA 06/25 ZCP 0.000 25.06.25
EUR 30,000,000.00+ RATE 97.93813 % 29,38 1,439.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
FR0128460377 UNEDIC SA 03/25 ZCP 0.000 14.03.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 98.70006 % 49,350,032.50+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS292041 1878 NORDEA BANK ABP 05/25 ZCP 0.000 12.05.25
EUR 75,000,000.00+ RATE 98.26166% 73,696,251.75+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2921380676 C(TIBANK, NA TREAS.LDN 03/25 ZCP 0.000 14.03.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 98.69598 % 49,347,990.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
BE6357347648 KBC BANK NV 01/25ZCP 0.000 31.01.25
EUR 100,000,000.00+ RATE 99.75175% 99,751,757.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2898886754 NEDER WATERSCHAPSBANK SR UNSECURED REGS 09/27 2.5 2.500 13.09.27
EUR 9,669,000.00+ RATE 100.27034 % 9,695,139.17+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
BE6355561240 KBC BANK NV 01/25ZCP 0.000 07.01.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 98.89783 % 49,448,919.50+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
Special Remarks: (a)=Open buy(sl (b)=open sell(s) (ci=Restricted shares (dl = Pledged (ei = Bocked for proxy voting (f 1 = Original face value
Ali dates have the format or
Postfach 20 19 16
State Street Bank International GmbH
80019 Mönchen
Brienner Strasse 59
STATE STREET 80333 Mönchen
Fund/Account 0139 Page 6/9
ISIN Security Name Rate Maturity date Par Value/Shares % Value in EUR
XS2948748103 NORINCHUKIN BANK LDN 02/25 ZCP 0.000 26.02.25
EUR 20,000,000.00+ RATE 99.17486 % 19,834,973.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2949376094 MITSUBISHI UFJ TRUST AND BKNG 04/25 ZCP 0.000 25.04.25
EUR 20,000,000.00+ RATE 98.79004 % 19,758,008.40+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2949466671 DZ PRIVATBANK S.A. 08/25ZCP 0.000 25.08.25
EUR 35,000,000.00+ RATE 98.05187% 34,318,155.55+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
FR0128916188 AGENCE CENTRALE ORGANISMES SEC 02/25 ZCP 0.000 03.02.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 99.47081 % 49,735,407.50+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2957379568 AGENCE CENTRALE ORGANISMES SEC 02/25 ZCP 0.000 05.02.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 99.70865 % 49,854,325.50+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2962835505 SUMITOMO TRUST AND BANKING 02/25ZCP 0.000 13.02.25
EUR 67,000,000.00+ RATE 99.63216 % 66,753,550.55+ EU R Euroclear Hed on trust-custody basis
XS2962965203 SUMITOMO TRUST AND BANKING 01/25 ZCP 0.000 22.01 .25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 99.6493 1 % 49,824,658.50+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
Special Remarks: (a)=Open buy(s) lbl=Open selI(s) (c)=Restricted shares (dl = Pledged (eI = Blocked for proxy voting (fi = Original face value
Ah dates have the format or
Postfach 20 19 16
State Street Bank nternationaI GmbH
80019 Mönchen
Brienner Strasse 59
STATE STREET 80333 Mnchen
Fund/Account 0139 Page 7 / 9
ISIN Security Name Rate Maturity date Par Value/Shares % Value in EUR
BE6356628246 SUMITOMO MITSUI BANKING CORPOR 02/25 ZCP 0.000 12.02.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 99.48258 % 49,741,290.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2936663348 SUMITOMO TRUST AND BANKING 02/25 ZCP 0.000 07.02.25
EUR 55,000,000.00+ RATE 99.20382% 54,562,101.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2944837306 MITSUBISHI UFJ TRUST AND BKNG 02/25ZCP 0.000 18.02.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 99.21148% 49,605,744.50+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2944831796 WELLS FARGO BANK NT PLC 04/25 ZCP 0.000 22.04.25
EUR 40,000,000.00+ RATE 98.73319 % 39,493,279.20+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
BE6356560530 SUMITOMO MITSUI BANKING CORPOR 03/25 ZCP 0.000 18.03.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 99.01316 % 49,506,584.50+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2948051094 MIZUHO BANK LTD 04/25ZCP 0.000 01.04.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 98.95930 % 49,479,652.50+ EU R Euroclear HeId on trustcustody basis
XS2947971730 MITSUBISHI UFJ TRUST AND BKNG 04/25 ZCP 0.000 22.04.25
EUR 50,000,000.00+ RATE 98.77388 % 49,386,943.50+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
Speciai Remarks: (a)=Open buy(s) (b)=Open seil(s) (c)=Restricted shares (d)=Piedged (e)=Blocked for proxy voting (f)=Originai face value
Ali dates have the format or
Postfach 20 19 16
State Street Bank International GmbH
80019 Munchen
Brienner Strasse 59
STATE STREET 80333 Munchen
Fund/Account 0139 Page 8/9
ISIN Security Name Rate Maturity date Par Value/Shares % Value in EUR
AT0000A2VB47 REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA SR tJNSECURED 144A REGS 10/28 0 0.010 20.10.28
EUR 15,600,000.00+ RATE 91.60905% 14,291,012.58+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2540993685 BNG BANK NV SR UNSECURED REGS 10/27 2.75 2.750 04.10.27
EUR 105,000,000.00+ RATE 101.03665 % 106,088,482.50+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
NLOO1 5031 501 NETHERLANDS GOVERNMENT BONDS 144AREGSO1/270.00000 0.010 15.01.27
EUR 10,000,000.00+ RATE 95.89219 % 9,589,219.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
DE000A3E5LU1 KFW GOVT GUARANT REGS 11/280.0000 0.010 09.11.28
EUR 5,000,000.00 + RATE 91.33117 % 4,566,558.75 +
EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
XS2156510021 SVENSKA HANDELSBANKEN AB REGSO4/25 1 1.000 15.04.25
EUR 20,000,000.00+ RATE 99.39700 % 19,879,400.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
DE000A289F29 KFW GOVT GUARANT REGS 12/27 0.0000 0.010 15.12.27
EUR 10,000,000.00+ RATE 93.57384 % 9,357,384.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
NL0015000B11 NETHERLANDS GOVERNMENT BONDS 144AREGSO1/380.00000 0.010 15.01.38
EUR 15,000,000.00+ RATE 70.31100% 10,546,650.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust—custody basis
Special Remarks: (ai=Open buy(s) (b)=Open seII(s) (c)Restricted shares (di = Pledged (ei = Blocked for proxy voting (f) = Original face value
Ali dates have the format or
Postfach 20 19 16
State Street Bank International GmbH
80019 MCinchen
Brienner Strasse 59
STATE STREET 80333 Mönchen
Fund/Account 0139 Page 9/9
ISIN Security Name Rate Maturity date Par Value/Shares % Value in EUR
SH 802,000.000+ RATE EUR 12.56150 10,074,323.00+ EU R Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
BE0000335449 BELGIUM KINGDOM SR UNSECURED 144A REGS 06/31 1 1.000 22.06.31
EUR 31,000,000.00+ RATE 90.27500 % 27,985,250.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
BE0000324336 BELGIUM KINGDOM SR UNSECURED 144A REGS 03/26 4 4.500 28.03.26
EUR 15,000,000.00+ RATE 102.69000 % 15,403,500.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
BE0000291 972 BELGIUM KINGDOM SR UNSECURED REGS 03/28 5.5 5.500 28.03.28
EUR 2,000,000.00+ RATE 109.67120 % 2,193,424.00+ EUR Euroclear HeId on trust-custody basis
Positions: 58 Total Value in EUR 1,796,991,443.70+
You are kindly requested to check the positions immediately and to contact our internal audit department at your earliest convenience if discrepancies should be found. We would like to point out that the positions wiII be considered approved if the bank has not received a written objection within a period of exclusion of 6 weeks from the day this Statement of deposited Securities has been sent.
Statement issued unsigned
Special Remarks: (a)=Open buy(s) (b)=Open seII(s) (c)=Restricted shares (d)=Pledged (e)=Blocked for proxy voting (f)=Original face value
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