Dokumendiregister | Sotsiaalministeerium |
Viit | 1.4-2/244-1 |
Registreeritud | 28.01.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 29.01.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 1.4 EL otsustusprotsess ja rahvusvaheline koostöö |
Sari | 1.4-2 Rahvusvahelise koostöö korraldamisega seotud kirjavahetus (Arhiiviväärtuslik) |
Toimik | 1.4-2/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | EV alaline esindus EL juures |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | EV alaline esindus EL juures |
Vastutaja | Agne Nettan-Sepp (Sotsiaalministeerium, Kantsleri vastutusvaldkond, Euroopa Liidu ja väliskoostöö osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
1 (1)
Helsinki, 27 January 2025 SMG/kg
P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 | Fax +358 9 68618210 |
For the attention of the Permanent Representations of the Member States to the European Union
Per email only
Subject: ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 (final)
Your Excellency,
At its meeting from 12 to 13 December 2024, the Management Board of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) adopted the final ECHA Single Programming Document
I am pleased to submit to you the above-mentioned document.
The final Single Programming Document 2025-2027 also be published on ECHA’s website (
Should you, or your services, have any queries related to the documents, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Sharon McGuinness
Executive Director
Encl: Final ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027
Cc.: Sofia Zisi, Chair of the ECHA Management Board
Tähelepanu! Tegemist on välisvõrgust saabunud kirjaga. |
Parimate soovidega
Tiiu Noobel
Eesti Vabariigi alaline esindus EL juures
Rue Guimard 11/13, 1040 Brüssel
Tel: + 32 2227 4337,
From: Esindus EL
juures üldaadress <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 11:14 AM
To: Tiiu Noobel <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: D_2025_0064 ECHA Single Programming Document for 2025-2027
From: ECHA EO <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 10:59 AM
To: ECHA EO <[email protected]>
Cc: ECHA Management Board <[email protected]>; MCGUINNESS Sharon <[email protected]>; Sofia Zisi <[email protected]>
Subject: D_2025_0064 ECHA Single Programming Document for 2025-2027
Your Excellency
Please find attached a letter from Dr Sharon McGuinness, Executive Director of the European Chemicals Agency, with corresponding annex.
Best regards
Governance, Strategy and Relations secretariat
Katri Gerkman Management Assistant Governance, Strategy and Relations Unit (E1)
EMAS Registered ISO 9001:2015 certified ISO 14001:2015 certified |
The above represents the opinion of the author and is not an official position of the European Chemicals Agency. This email, including any files attached to it, is intended for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this message in error, please notify the author as soon as possible and delete the message. |
1 (1)
Helsinki, 27 January 2025 SMG/kg
P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 | Fax +358 9 68618210 |
For the attention of the Permanent Representations of the Member States to the European Union
Per email only
Subject: ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 (final)
Your Excellency,
At its meeting from 12 to 13 December 2024, the Management Board of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) adopted the final ECHA Single Programming Document
I am pleased to submit to you the above-mentioned document.
The final Single Programming Document 2025-2027 also be published on ECHA’s website (
Should you, or your services, have any queries related to the documents, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Sharon McGuinness
Executive Director
Encl: Final ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027
Cc.: Sofia Zisi, Chair of the ECHA Management Board
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 0
Single Programming Document
2025 – 2027
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 1
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027
Helsinki, 13 December 2024
Doc: MB/32/2024 final
Reference: ECHA-25-R-01-EN
ISBN: 978-92-9468-467-7 ISSN: 2467-4532
Cat. Number: ED-01-25-001-EN-N
DOI: 10.2823/1867512 Publ. date: January 2025
Language: EN
© European Chemicals Agency, 2025
Cover page © European Chemicals Agency
If you have questions or comments in relation to this document, please send them (quote the reference and issue date) using the information request form. The information request form can be
accessed via the Contact ECHA page at:
European Chemicals Agency
Mailing address: P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland
Visiting address: Telakkakatu 6, 00121 Helsinki, Finland
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 2
Table of Contents
Foreword .......................................................................................................................... 4 List of Acronyms .............................................................................................................. 5 Strategy Statement .......................................................................................................... 8 I General context ........................................................................................................... 10 II Multi-annual programming (2025–2028) ................................................................... 15 1. Multiannual Work Programme 2025–2028 ............................................................... 15 2. Human and financial resource outlook 2025-2028 ................................................... 25
2.1 Overview of the past and current situation ................................................................................. 25
2.2 Outlook for the years 2025-2028 .............................................................................................. 25
2.3 Resource programming for the years 2025-2028 ........................................................................ 26
2.4 Negative priorities/decrease of existing tasks ............................................................................. 29
2.5 Strategy for efficiency gains..................................................................................................... 29
III Work Programme ...................................................................................................... 31 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 31 1. REACH/CLP ................................................................................................................ 32
1.1 Dossier preparation ................................................................................................................... 32
1.2 Dossier submission and processing .............................................................................................. 33
1.3 Identification and prioritisation of (groups of) substances ................................................................ 35
1.4 Evaluation ................................................................................................................................ 37
1.5 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................ 39
1.6 Restrictions .............................................................................................................................. 42
1.7 Classification and Labelling ......................................................................................................... 44
1.8 Data management ..................................................................................................................... 46
1.9 Making data publicly available ..................................................................................................... 48
1.10 Promotion of alternatives to animal testing .................................................................................. 49
2. Biocides ...................................................................................................................... 51 3. Environmental Policy .................................................................................................. 55 4. Other tasks, including tasks under grant, cooperation and service-level agreement .. 61 5. Governance and enablers ........................................................................................... 65 Annexes ......................................................................................................................... 76
Annex I: Organisation ..................................................................................................................... 77
A. Organisation chart of the Agency (Staff in place as at 31/12/2024) .................................................... 77
B. Overview of regulatory tasks of the Agency .................................................................................... 78
Annex II: Resource allocation per activity ........................................................................................... 86
Annex III: Financial resources .......................................................................................................... 87
Annex IV: Human resources - quantitative ........................................................................................ 102
Annex V: Human resources - qualitative ............................................................................................ 110
Annex VI: Environment management ............................................................................................... 117
Annex VII: Building policy ............................................................................................................... 118
Annex VIII: Privileges and immunities .............................................................................................. 119
Annex IX: Evaluations and audits ..................................................................................................... 120
Annex X: ...................................................................................................................................... 121
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 3
A. ECHA Integrated Management System and Framework .................................................................... 121
B. Anti-Fraud Strategy .................................................................................................................... 123
Annex XI: Plan for grant, contribution or service-level agreements ........................................................ 125
Annex XII: Strategy for cooperation with third countries and/or international organisations ...................... 127
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 4
We are pleased to present our Single Programming Document for the years 2025-2027, as well as the
detailed annual work programme for 2025.
This is the second year for implementation of our current strategy statement 2024-2028. Our vision, chemical safety through science, collaboration and knowledge, has informed the actions presented here
and will continue to guide us as we deliver our strategy over the next four years. At the core of implementing our strategic goals is our legal mandate and the protection of health and the environment
through our work on chemical safety. We will continue to implement our legal mandate by providing transparent, independent and high-quality scientific opinions and decisions, by collaborating with our EU
institutional partners and Member States as well as industry and NGO stakeholders and by sharing and
advancing knowledge and understanding on chemical safety.
In the coming period, we will implement in full the tasks that have been assigned to us in relation to
drinking water, batteries, serious cross-border threats to health, and industrial emissions. We also anticipate that the One Substance, One Assessment legislation package will be agreed, and planning for
implementation will commence once this is in place. Following the revision of the CLP regulation, we
expect to see proposals from the Member States, and the Commission, on the new hazard classifications.
Further to the review of the Integrated Regulatory Strategy (IRS), our focus will be on maintaining our knowledge about the chemicals in our databases and to deliver risk management for (groups of)
substances. In switching focus to delivering risk management outcomes, we will need to collaborate
closely with Member States and the Commission. We will also need to consider risk management options outside of REACH and CLP and look to measures that can be achieved under our new legislative
In delivering scientific opinions and decisions, ECHA relies not just on the expertise of our staff but also
the expertise and experience of the members in our committees and working groups. Ensuring these bodies are sustainable and fully resourced continues to be an important focus of our collaborative efforts
with the Commission, Member States and other stakeholders. To support our committees, we will deliver
opportunities for learning to committee members and Member States.
As the EU’s chemicals agency, ECHA recognises that our role is delivered in collaboration with many
others. One of the many groups that we engage with are the other EU Agencies – EFSA, EMA, ECDC and EEA. We anticipate increased co-operation and engagement with these agencies in the coming years as
we implement the One Substance, One Assessment legislation proposal and the One Health Joint
Framework for Action.
Finally, we will take account of the findings of the organisational review completed in 2024 to ensure that ECHA is structured and working to deliver current and future tasks. We also anticipate proposals for
a revised REACH Regulation and an ECHA Basic Regulation from the Commission in the coming period. For ECHA, the Basic Regulation is necessary for several reasons – the consolidation of our current and
future mandate, the continuity of our scientific committees and the simplification of our resourcing
conditions (financial and people). ECHA will work closely with the Commission to provide our input and support the development and implementation of both the Basic Regulation and REACH Regulation
Sofia Zisi Sharon McGuinness
Chair of the Management Board Executive Director
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 5
List of Acronyms
Acronym Description
AD Administrator
APCRA Accelerating the Pace of
Chemical Risk Assessment
ARN Assessment of regulatory needs
AST Assistant
BAT Best Available Technique
coordinated BPR enforcement project)
BPC Biocidal Products Committee
BPR Biocidal Products Regulation
BPRS BPR Subgroup of the Forum
BREF Best Available Techniques Reference documents
C&L Classification and labelling
CA Contract agent
CAD Chemical Agents Directive
CCH Compliance check
CDPC Common Data Platform for Chemicals
Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union
Chesar Chemical Safety Assessment and Reporting tool
CLH Harmonised classification and
Classification, labelling and packaging (and the respective Regulation)
CMR Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reprotoxic substances
Carcinogens, Mutagens and
Reprotoxic substances Directive 2004/37/EC, CMD until 9 March 2022)
CMS Chemical Management System
COM European Commission
CoRAP Community rolling action plan
Chemicals Strategy for
Sustainability of the Commission
Acronym Description
Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and
Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry,
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Directorate General for Neighbourhood and
Enlargement Negotiations
DNA Designated national authorities
DWD Drinking Water Directive
EAP Environmental Action
ECHA European Chemicals Agency
ECDC European Centre for Disease
Prevention and Control
ED Endocrine disruptors
EEA European Environment Agency
EFSA European Food Safety Authority
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EIPPCB European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau
ELV Directive on end-of-life
EMA European Medicines Agency
EMAS Eco-Management and Audit
European Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing
EQS Environmental Quality Standards Directives
ESPR Ecodesign for Sustainable
Products Regulation
EU European Union
EUAN EU Agencies Network
EUCLEF European Union Chemicals
Legislation Finder
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 6
Acronym Description
EUON European Union Observatory
for Nanomaterials
EUSES European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances
Forum Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement
FRA Final regulatory action
GFC Global Framework on Chemicals
GHG Greenhouse gases
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
HelpNet Network of national BPR, CLP
and REACH helpdesks
HR Human resources
IARC International Agency for
Research on Cancer
ICT Information communications technology
IED Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU
IMS Integrated Management System
IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance
IRS Integrated Regulatory Strategy
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
IUCLID International Uniform Chemical
Information Database
JEAP Joint Evaluation Action Plan
MB Management Board
MFF Multiannual financial
MSC Member State Committee
MSCA Member State competent
NAMs New Approach Methodologies
NEA National Enforcement Authority
NGO Non-governmental organization
NPS Net Promoter Score
OECD Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development
OEL Occupational exposure limit
Acronym Description
OSOA One Substance, One
PACT/ ACT Public activities coordination tool
PARC Partnership for the Assessment of Risks of Chemicals
PCN Poison Centre Notifications
PFAS Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
Rotterdam Convention on the
prior informed consent procedure (and the respective Regulation)
PMT Persistent, mobile and toxic
POPs EU Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation
PPP Plant protection products
QSAR Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship
RAC Committee for Risk
Registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (and the respective
REACH-IT Dossier submission tool
coordinated REACH enforcement project)
R4BP 3 Register for Biocidal Products
(version 3)
RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive
SCBTH Serious Cross-Border Threats
to Health Regulation
Database for information on Substances of Concern In
SEAC Committee for Socio-economic Analysis
SLA Service Level Agreement
SME Small and medium-sized enterprises
SNE Seconded National Expert
SPD Single Programming Document
SSbD Safe and sustainable by design framework
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 7
Acronym Description
SVHC Substances of very high
TA Temporary agent
UN GHS United Nations Globally
Harmonised System of
Acronym Description
Classification and Labelling of
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
WHO World Health Organization
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 8
Strategy Statement
Our Legal Basis
Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (CLP)
Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)
EU Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Regulation
EU Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Regulation
Waste Framework Directive (SCIP database)
Drinking Water Directive (DWD)
8th Environmental Action Programme (EAP)
Regulation on Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health (SCBTH)
Batteries Regulation
Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (Council adoption on 16 December 2024, entry
into force pending publication in the Official Journal)
Tasks under grant, cooperation, service level and other agreements
EU Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON)
EU Chemicals Legislation Finder (EUCLEF)
Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs)
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) – support to accession countries
Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC)
Our Mandate
• Carry out technical, scientific, and administrative tasks related to the implementation of the EU’s chemicals legislation and policy
• Provide transparent, independent and high-quality scientific opinions and decisions, which shall serve as the basis for the drafting and adoption of Union measures
• Collaborate and partner with EU bodies and Institutions, Member State authorities, as well as third countries and international organisations
• Provide tools, advice, and support to industry, with a particular focus on small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs), in fulfilling their duties under chemical legislation
• Ensure that relevant, reliable, and objective information is available for the public and
interested parties
Our purpose
• We protect health and the environment through our work for chemical safety
Our Vision
• Chemical safety through science, collaboration and knowledge
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 9
Our Values
• Integrity - We earn trust by being accountable and delivering our mandate in a fair,
consistent, and independent manner. We uphold the highest professional, financial,
governance, and ethical standards.
• Transparency – We make our opinions and decisions in an open, understandable and accessible way. We communicate clearly, courteously, and respectfully. We are open to
engaging and embracing diverse perspectives and are inclusive in how we work. We welcome
• Collaboration – We work closely with our EU and Member State partners and institutions to
deliver our shared goals and priorities. We consult and cooperate with stakeholders. We listen,
engage, and consult with each other.
• Innovation - We continuously review and respond to changing circumstances. We analyse and use data and best available evidence to inform and deliver our mandate. We exploit
synergies and are open to adapting operations using new technologies and ways of working.
Our Goals
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 10
I General context
As the agency responsible for implementing EU chemical legislation, we remain committed to advancing chemical safety across Europe and protecting health and the environment. Our work is focussed on
implementation of our legal mandate and delivery of our strategic goals. Nonetheless, we recognise that EU policies will continue to evolve, for example, the European Commission’s focus on reducing
administrative burden and fostering competitiveness, while maintaining a high standard of protection of health and the environment. As we navigate this period, we also recognise the need for effective
collaboration with the Commission, Member States and other stakeholders to meet the increasing demands of our expanded legal mandate. We are focused on ensuring that our preparations for new
tasks and ongoing efforts align with the EU’s vision for a safe and sustainable future for generations to
We anticipate proposals for a revised REACH Regulation and an ECHA Basic Regulation from the
Commission in the coming period. ECHA will work closely with the Commission to provide input and support the development and implementation of both the Basic Regulation and REACH Regulation
proposals. In addition, the Commission’s Clean Industrial Deal and the Chemicals Industry Package may
also have an impact on our work in the coming years.
It is within this context, and the below facts that ECHA has prepared the 2025-2028 multiannual plan as
well as specific plans for 2025 and 2026.
One aspect that is clear is that the implementation of existing legislation will be a major focus. In addition,
there will also be a focus on the simplification and reduction of administrative burden and increasing competitiveness. More directly in relation to ECHA’s legal mandate, we know that simplifying REACH and
clarifying Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) will be on the future agenda. However, at this
stage, we do not know the extent to which these will impact how ECHA delivers its legal mandate.
From discussions with the Heads of Chemicals Authorities, we have got an outline of the plans and challenges in the Member States. It seems that there are no short-to-medium plans by Member States
to substantially increase the development of dossiers (Harmonised classification and labelling (CLH), restrictions, Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)). Those Member States who have been active will likely
remain active, but others do not appear to be in a position to start or significantly increase their
involvement. Member States are also facing resource gaps as well as competence gaps, particularly in relation to new areas (e.g., endocrine disruptors). Nominations of experts to the Committees are also
unlikely to increase in the short to medium term.
Internally, we need to balance the implementation of our new Strategy Statement for the period 2024-
2028 while also delivering on our legal mandate and tasks. We have completed reviews of two of the key programmes under our previous strategy (2018-2023), namely, the Integrated Regulatory Strategy
(IRS) and the Joint Evaluation Action Plan (JEAP) and now need to implement the recommendations
New tasks have been assigned to the agency to bring coherence and synergies between EU chemicals
regulations and to support our central role in chemical safety. We must prepare for these new tasks, which may come with or without resources. Even when resources are provided, these are not available
until the starting date of implementation, so we still need to use existing resources to initiate preparations for implementation. As we receive more and more single tasks, either through new legislation or
cooperation and/or service-level-agreements (SLAs), the workload involved is substantial across the organisation when these are taken as a whole. In addition, delivering on our extended mandate requires
a focus on collaboration with Member States, other Agencies and key stakeholders. The One Substance, One Assessment (OSOA) ambition and the One Health framework provide new opportunities to increase
such collaboration and build an organisation considering the optimisation of resources.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 11
As mentioned above, Member States do not appear to be in a position to substantially increase submission of dossiers on CLH/Restrictions/BPR. The Commission’s plans for requests to ECHA to prepare
dossiers on restrictions, in line with the restriction roadmap, are not yet known. Therefore, anticipating
workload remains a challenge. Similarly, predicting fee income from registrations and applications for
authorisation also remains a challenge.
Within ECHA, we need to increase competence and capacity across the secretariat as well as the committees. Relevant areas of competence development include new hazard classes in CLP as well as
sustainability, life cycle analysis, and waste aspects particularly relevant for new tasks under Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS), batteries etc. As competence development is a key topic for
Member States too, we need to consider how we can enhance synergies and opportunities for shared
learning and shared burden.
Finally, as a chemicals agency, ECHA has over the years developed significant levels of competence and
invested heavily in digital technologies in delivering our mandate. All new tasks, and particularly the Common Data Platform for Chemicals (CDPC), come with increasing demands on our digital capabilities
and offerings. We also need to ensure the digital tools used for existing tasks are kept up to date with technology and the demands of ever-increasing amounts of data. We need, therefore, to invest for the
future now if we are to keep up with new technologies such as AI and the demands of stakeholders and
duty holders.
With these in mind, ECHA has developed its multiannual plan for 2025-2028 and its draft outcomes for 2026. We have also reviewed and revised the outputs, indicators and targets for the 2025 work
programme. In setting out the programme, several areas are particularly worth noting in more detail.
The work and capacity of our committees, especially our scientific Committees (Committee for Risk
Assessment (RAC) and Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC)), will continue to drive specific actions and objectives over the coming period. Delivering transparent, independent, and high-quality
opinions remains a key output. We know that capacity in our Committees is decreasing as some Member States are unable to nominate two members. We also know their workload is increasing as new tasks
arise (new hazards under CLH, Drinking Water Directive, etc.); and dossiers become more complex, particularly when they involve groups of substances and multiple uses. The opinions and decisions
coming from our committees also need to be scientifically and legally robust so that the Commission can
use them as basis for its decision making. While we await the Basic Regulation to provide more long- term solutions, we will continue to engage with Member States about increasing the numbers of members
and experts; investigate ways to encourage all members to contribute (e.g. through rapporteur payments for new tasks); build capacity of Committee members so they have the competence and
knowledge to deliver on new areas (e.g., Endocrine disruptors (ED) and Persistent, mobile and toxic
(PMT) hazard classification, life cycle analysis, etc.).
Integrated Regulatory Strategy (IRS)
Following the review completed earlier in 2024, several new objectives have been developed, in
conjunction with the Commission and Member States, to ensure that IRS meets current and future
challenges. Key drivers for the IRS in the future include the need to maintain good knowledge about the chemicals in our databases and switch the focus to deliver risk management outcomes for (groups of)
substances. These outcomes can be REACH and CLP based (CLH, substances of very high concern (SVHC) identification, or restrictions), but with our increasing mandate, we can also now start to explore how
risk management can be delivered under new legislation. We also recognise that in switching the focus toward risk management, we need collaboration with Member States and the Commission to meet this
ambition and that our committees are also ready.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 12
Joint Evaluation Action Plan (JEAP)
The JEAP has also been reviewed in 2024 in conjunction with the Member States and the Commission.
The main action from the JEAP, namely, to complete 20% of all dossiers registered by 2027 has already
been achieved by 2023. While this is good news, the focus in the past years on completing compliance check (CCH) decisions has meant that other areas under evaluation, such as concluding follow-up
decisions and checking testing proposals now have backlogs. As data generated under earlier CCH decisions is now coming back in, there is a need to focus on Follow-up decisions. We will also need to
address the increasing numbers of testing proposals that await our review. This will mean the workload in evaluation will be rebalanced away from CCH only to address Follow-up and testing proposals. While
we will continue to get cases for evaluation from the IRS, we will also investigate how to address other types of cases, including dossiers with information that has been submitted separately by one of more
registrants (also known as ‘opt-outs’). This will support a level playing field among registrants.
The delivery of the workplan for the Forum on Enforcement is a key priority, and the delivery of specific
REACH and Biocide Enforcement Projects (REF and BEF), as well as training of inspectors remains important. In addition, we will explore with the Forum ways to increase enforcement activity, including
the use of pilot projects in all or some Member States. Commitment from Member States to the work of the Forum and to enforcement, in general, needs to remain high if we are to support a level playing field.
An area of focus worth noting is the need to enhance engagement with National Enforcement Authorities (NEAs) as we move to increase efforts on Follow-up to CCH. We will need NEAs to be ready to take
enforcement action on evaluation cases when requested. We also need NEAs and national authorities to
support communication efforts on the outcomes of enforcement projects and Forum work.
Data and IT
Over the years, the complexity of ECHA’s IT and data systems has increased resulting in multiple IT tools that are highly customised and not always integrated. Data has also become more numerous and
fragmented as we have increased our mandate. Most of the new tasks will require either modification of existing systems or building new ones. The EU requirements for information security and cybersecurity
are also increasing. In addition, new IT approaches as well as advanced technologies are now available. To continue our focus on digitalised operations, ECHA must invest in new technologies to meet the
increasing demands of stakeholders as well as staff. Work has already begun on transforming our
business and IT/data systems to meet existing and new tasks, for example, we are already working on developing the systems needed for the Drinking Water Directive (DWD) by 2026. The IT system and
business processes for DWD are being developed as capability modules that can be reused in other Agency processes down the line. In the coming years, this work will continue. An ongoing challenge in
the transformation of the data and IT capabilities is the need for upfront focussed investment to be available to deliver the ambition required. We have prepared a 5-year IT plan, outlining the longer-term
IT development priorities, as well as providing a more detailed explanation of the specific plan for 2025. The IT plan will be updated annually and will replace the IT master plan, which has primarily focused on
one year at the time.
Preparation for new legislation
In the past few years, ECHA has already included in its mandate new tasks deriving from new legislation
such as Drinking Water, Batteries, Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health (SCBTH), and most recently, Industrial Emissions. We also know that further tasks will come during 2025-2026 under the One
Substance, One Assessment package (Data Regulation, POPs in waste, Medical Devices, RoHS) as well as Packaging and Packaging Waste (adopted by the Council on 16 December 2024, entry into force
pending publication in the Official Journal), Water protection, Toys, and End of Life Vehicles (ELV). In addition, there are further new tasks linked to the revision of existing mandates, for example,
introduction of the ex-ante SME verification as well as potential requests from the Commission to prepare
CLH dossiers. Overall, this work covers about 12 new tasks, with an additional 47 people to be onboarded
over the next 2-3 years.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 13
While ECHA welcomes the opportunity to deliver the EU goals in relation to these new tasks, there are still several dependencies and challenges anticipated. Firstly, not all tasks come with resources, and even
those that do bring resources, these are not available to ECHA until the legislation is to be implemented.
This presents a challenge if we are to be ready. The new tasks bring additional complexities and work. For example, existing systems and processes may not always be suitable for new task without
modification. The number of stakeholders that ECHA must engage with at the EU, Member State, Industry and NGO levels will increase. The workload and skills needed in RAC and SEAC will also increase, putting
pressure on members who are already fully engaged in meeting existing tasks. In the coming years, ECHA will develop and implement onboarding plans for new tasks and commence delivery of the first
outputs anticipated (e.g. DWD notifications, scoping studies under Batteries, etc.). We will also work with the Committees to establish Working Groups and training opportunities, so the members are ready
when tasks arrive. To enable ECHA to deliver on these new tasks, adequate resources, as well as
appropriate transitional periods, are needed. Furthermore, ECHA’s Basic Regulation is also urgently needed to facilitate the extension of ECHA’s mandate, including the necessary expansion of the capacity
of the committees to be able to keep pace with the increased output demands.
Communication and engagement
In all the work ECHA carries out, the need for constant communication and engagement is high. We have established a Communications Strategy as well as a stakeholder approach to support the delivery of our
strategic goal. In our communication and engagement, we target efforts to the needs and requirements for each group – EU Institutions, Member State Authorities, Industry, groups representing the
environment, the public and workers. In order to maximise efficiency and impact, we need to collaborate
with our stakeholders and increase public confidence. That is why we rely on multipliers such as the Member State Communicators’ Network and the accredited stakeholders to collaborate with us to
increase awareness on the work carried out in relation to chemical safety. We aim to continue our engagement with the Member State Heads of Chemicals Authorities and close out the remaining bilaterals
with Member States. We will work closely with other EU agencies, such as EFSA, EMA, EEA, and ECDC, as we deliver our mandate and also the objectives of OSOA and One Health Framework for Action. We
will engage with industry to ensure that the tools and services we provide are aligned with their needs and expectations. In this regard, we will continue developing and implementing mechanisms and actions
to better understand SME requirements and support them in meeting their regulatory requirements.
Through our accredited stakeholder group, we will continue working with groups representing the environment, the public and workers to understand their needs and provide support. To be able to
monitor progress in our work in this area, we will launch a stakeholder benchmark exercise.
Leading on chemical knowledge and expertise
Our new strategy puts science in the frame, both in its vision as well as the strategic goal to lead on chemical knowledge and expertise. As a chemicals agency, ECHA needs to be proactive in informing and
implementing new scientific and technical thinking. The overall aim of this goal is to increase transparency and articulation of scientific and technical work that is ongoing or needed to deliver our
core tasks as well as EU policy. We have already published a report on key areas of regulatory challenge
and will continue to build on this work to inform the academic community and PARC. We will also continue our efforts on the promotion of alternatives to animal testing. The focus for the next years is to continue
our work on NAMs, in close collaboration with EU agencies and the Commission, as well as with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). We will continue to support PARC.
We will also continue to support the Commission in a range of areas to enhance engagement and synergies at international level, for example, through the IPA agreements, the OECD, the United Nations
Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (UN GHS) and the Global Framework on Chemicals. We will also develop and implement a governance model on science within
ECHA to have a clear roadmap on priority areas (e.g., socioeconomics, chemistry, hazard assessment),
as well as build capacity together with Member States and Committees, and communicate with NGOs,
industry and academia.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 14
Capacity and Competence Building
ECHA recognises that it needs to invest in capacity and competence building not only for its own staff
but also for those involved in its Committees and Working Groups. To implement the strategic goal to
invest in people and organisational excellence, ECHA has developed a People and Organisational strategy that aims to attract the best candidates and train and develop staff to meet new tasks and challenges.
While ECHA does not have external training within its mandate, it still needs to invest in external capacity building so that current and future needs are met. The Heads of Chemicals Authorities are open to
increase Member States/ECHA collaboration and for ECHA to provide more opportunities for learning. In setting out actions on capacity building in the coming period, ECHA has adopted a balanced approach
that aims to deliver opportunities for learning internally (staff and Committees) as well as externally to
Member States without significant increases in resource allocation.
The inherent uncertainty in estimating ECHA’s fee income, which depends on market behaviour and the strategies of individual companies, continues to pose challenges. While, for 2025, ECHA’s resources
reflect a limited increase stemming from adopted legal mandates, ECHA has included the potential increased resourcing in 2026 linked to pending legislations. As noted above, existing resources are still
needed to prepare for implementation in advance of new resources’ arrival. Existing resources are also needed to deliver on existing tasks and support efforts on business and IT transformation. We will
continue to monitor overall resource levels over the coming years. We will implement recommendations arising from the organisational review completed in 2024, with the aim to streamline our structures and
ways of working. We will continue to explore ways to enhance the capacity of our Committees, for
example, through use of Working Groups and experts.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 15
II Multi-annual programming (2025–2028)
The multi-annual Work Programme outlines the main actions needed to put ECHA’s strategy into practice. The actions below are those identified by the Agency to deliver our vision, strategic goals and priorities
over the strategy period until 2028. Also included is a reference to the activities in the annual work
programme, where the actions are implemented.
1. Multiannual Work Programme 2025–2028
Goal: Be a trusted chemicals agency
Delivering our legal mandate using independent expertise and robust data
Priority Actions to achieve the priority
[1] Deliver
transparent, independent, and
high-quality scientific
advice, opinions, and decisions as required
under our legal
• Engage with Member States to ensure they understand their
obligations as EU Member States to fully resource scientific
committees with the necessary expertise and experience (Activity
1.4; 1.5; 1.6; 1.7; 2; 3; 4)
• Ensure opinions and background documents are scientifically and
legally robust (Activity 1.2; 1.4; 1.5; 1.6; 1.7; 2; 3; 4)
• Implement and, where necessary, adapt processes and structures to ensure the consistency, quality and timeliness of the output and
workability of the scientific committees, and effective use of
members’ expertise (Activity 1.4; 1.5; 1.6; 1.7; 2; 3; 4)
• Engage actively with institutional partners (e.g., EFSA) to further
align on scientific assessments and opinion making (Activity 1.3;
1.7; 1.10; 2; 4; 5)
• Implement consistently policies related to independence and transparency and ensure that committee members understand
them and meet their obligations (Activity 5)
• Foster cross-committee collaboration and learning to enhance
scientific expertise and experience (Activity 1.3; 2)
• Develop methodologies for assessment (e.g., hazard and risk) and
analysis (e.g., socio-economic; alternatives) supporting the
implementation of chemicals legislation (Activity 3)
• Support capacity building/training for the Committee members in
relation to new legislation or new scientific topics (e.g., EDs, PMTs,
NAMs) (Activity 1.4; 1.5; 1.6; 1.7; 2; 3; 4)
• Support the implementation of the restrictions roadmap and develop investigation reports and restrictions dossiers as requested
by the Commission (Activity 1.6)
• Support Member States and the Commission to accelerate the
Biocides Review Programme (Activity 2)
[2] Enhance decision and policy making
through optimal use of data, knowledge,
and competence.
• Develop and implement a consistent and robust approach for scientific and regulatory data management which facilitates smooth
integration of new tasks within ECHA’s portfolio and supports data
interoperability (Activity 1.8)
• Implement the Data governance and elaborate a Data strategy in
view of readiness for the development of the Common Data Platform including the operability between existing and future
databases (Activity 1.8; 3)
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 16
• Improve and extend the accessibility of tools used to search,
extract, analyse, and report data (Activity 1.8)
• Develop and deploy ECHA’s new Data availability system, ECHA
CHEM, with a focus on stability, and reliability while simplifying the use of the data and serving as the basis for the future Common
Data Platform on chemicals (Activity 1.7; 1.8; 1.9)
• Maximise the potential of the data held in the Agency for use in
delivery of wider EU goals on chemicals and environmental
sustainability, for example, ESPR and SSbD (Activity 1.8; 1.9; 3)
• Improve the regulatory processes in terms of efficiency and impact
and enhance interlinkages, for example, Registration and
Evaluation (Activity 1.1; 1.2; 1.4)
• Co-operate with institutional partners including other EU Agencies, in particular EFSA, EMA, and EEA, identifying synergies in the areas
of data and scientific and technical competences (Activity 1.3; 2;
3; 5)
[3] Facilitate the
prioritisation and coordination of
regulatory actions on
substances and groups of substances
with the Commission, EU agencies and
Member State
• Implement the Integrated Regulatory Strategy in line with the
review undertaken with Commission, Member States, and
stakeholders in 2024 (Activity 1.3)
• Support the Commission and Member States to identify (groups of) substances that require risk management through shortlisting
(groups of) substances considered as good candidates for CLH,
restriction, or other risk management options (Activity 1.3)
• Maintain knowledge on ECHA's chemical database by systematically
screening all substances above 100 tonnes (new registrations or tonnage upgrades) and priority 10- 100 tonnes substances (e.g.,
with high aggregated tonnage), concluding and updating ARNs when information available and performing compliance check for
potentially non-compliant dossiers (Activity 1.3; 1.4)
• Co-operate with the Commission, Member States and ENVI
agencies to further enhance prioritisation and coordination of actions across regulations, in particular, in the framework of the
One Substance, One Assessment Expert Group (Activity 1.3; 3)
• Implement recommendations from the Joint Evaluation Action Plan
review and adapt evaluation actions accordingly (Activity 1.4)
• Focus on the conclusion of follow-up of dossiers after decisions on
compliance checks (Activity 1.4)
• Use and develop, where necessary, tools and processes to identify
and address non-compliance (Activity 1.4; 5)
• Work with the Forum on Enforcement to ensure that quicker action
can be taken by national enforcement authorities (Activity 5)
Goal: Respond to emerging challenges and changes in our legal landscape
Getting ready for new tasks; informing EU chemical and environmental policy
Priority Actions to achieve the priority
[4] Implement new
legal requirements using existing and
new synergies and experience as
• Articulate ECHA's needs, in the context of the Multiannual Financial
Framework (MFF), for resources, expertise, systems, and
processes to meet the assigned legal requirements (Activity 5)
• Develop and roll-out implementation plans for new legislative mandates (e.g., Data Regulation, Packaging, Water) or future
Union acts which will be adopted in 2025-2028 (Activity 3)
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 17
• Engage and co-operate with other EU Agencies (EFSA, EMA, and
EEA) as necessary, and in particular on implementation of requirements related to One Substance, One Assessment (Activity
1.3; 3)
• Ensure tools, procedures and guidance are prepared and in place to
support receiving applications as of end of 2026 under article 11 of
the Drinking Water Directive (DWD) (Activity 3)
• Deliver scoping studies to the Commission under the Batteries and
Packaging and Packaging Waste legislation (Activity 3)
• Enhance and adapt IT tools to efficiently implement the wider legal
mandate. Focus on modularity, re-usability and ease of use
(Activity 5)
[5] Work with
relevant EU agencies
and bodies to deliver Chemical Strategy for
Sustainability (CSS) actions and
• Enhance the collaboration with relevant EU Agencies and relevant actors involved in regulations implementation on cross-cutting
topics (e.g., endocrine disruptors, PMTs, NAMs) to ensure
consistent and transparent approaches for delivery of our legal
mandates (Activity 1.3; 1.4; 2)
• Co-operate with EFSA and EMA to further advance the implementation of the basis and mechanisms for alignment of
evaluation of common substances under the REACH, BPR, DWD,
food safety, and medicine legislation (Activity 1.3; 1.7; 2; 3)
• Co-operate with the relevant agencies and Commission services for preparation and implementation of the provisions under the
legislative package on One Substance, One Assessment, in
particular development and building of the Common Data Platform
and the related governance (Activity 3)
• Support assessment of progress under the 8th Environmental
Action Programme (EAP) (Activity 3)
[6] Provide scientific and technical advice
on chemicals to EU
policy makers.
• Provide data analysis services of high quality in support of EU
policy development and implementation (Activity 1.8)
• Support the Commission and Member States in contributing to the
safe handling of hazardous substances by non-EU importing
countries (Activity 3)
• Provide technical input and support the Commission’s evaluation of
the BPR (Activity 2)
• Provide support and advice to EU policy and decision makers on chemical legislation as it progresses through the decision-making
process (Activity 3)
Goal: Communicate and Engage
Collaborating with stakeholders and partners; strengthening public confidence
Priority Actions to achieve the priority
[7] Deepen our network of
engagement with EU institutions and
agencies and Member
• Hold regular engagement with EU Commission, European
Parliament, and Council (Activity 5)
• Ensure adequate Brussels presence to enhance institutional
engagements (Activity 5)
• Organise regular Heads of Chemicals Authorities meetings and
bilateral engagement activities with Member States (Activity 5)
• Keep the regular contacts and exchanges with other EU agencies,
with a focus on the ENVI agencies (EFSA, ECDC, EEA, EMA), via bilaterals and in the context of the Agencies network and the One
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 18
Substance, One Assessment and One health initiatives (Activity 5)
• Keep agreements with other agencies under review to add new areas of cooperation as well as ensure consistency and effective
collaboration on existing and new mandates. (Activity 5)
• Engage and co-operate with ENVI Agencies to implement the
strategic objectives of the One Health Framework for Action
(Activity 1.3)
• Align on priorities, messages, and build synergies via the regular
Member States Communicators’ Network (Activity 5)
[8] Collaborate and
provide tools, advice, and support to
• Introduce and adopt user-centric design processes and methods to
digital tool development (Activity 5)
• Reduce administrative burden for industry by working towards a
single industry portal for companies having to submit data to ECHA, and simplify the tasks they need to comply with (Activity
• Develop and implement a mechanism to better understand the needs of SMEs so that ECHA’s actions meet those needs (Activity
• Continue to engage and consult with industry user groups for IT
tools (Activity 1.1; 1.2; 2)
• Continue/further improve the efficient and streamlined processing
of all regulatory submissions, for the benefit of all companies, and
SMEs in particular (Activity 1.2)
• Provide opportunities for engagement with companies and their
stakeholder representatives, and in particular with those who may be working with ECHA for the first time due to new legal mandates
(Activity 5)
[9] Promote
awareness and
understanding of ECHA's work to
stakeholders representing
workers, the public
and the environment.
• Publish the next five-year report on the operation of REACH/CLP (due 2026) and follow up as necessary on actions arising (Activity
• Implement ECHA’s communications strategy and stakeholders’
engagement approach (Activity 5)
• Provide opportunities for enhanced engagement with stakeholder
representative groups (Activity 5)
Goal: Lead on chemical knowledge and expertise
Advancing knowledge and understanding on chemical safety
Priority Actions to achieve the priority
[10] Contribute
proactively to expanding scientific
and technical competence and
knowledge on
chemical safety.
• Develop and implement a governance model on science within
ECHA (Activity 5)
• Support PARC and other relevant research activities and in
conjunction with other EU regulatory agencies when relevant
(Activity 4)
• Update and promote ECHA’s report on key areas of regulatory
challenge, which identifies regulatory research needs (Activity 1.4)
• Contribute to relevant scientific meetings and symposia and
organise science-related events as necessary (Activity 5)
• Implement options for enhancing capacity building amongst
Member State stakeholders (Activity 5)
[11] Promote the • Organise and support meetings with relevant stakeholders and
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 19
development and use
of alternative methods for the
assessment of hazards and risks of
academia to increase the understanding and use of NAMs for
regulatory purposes (Activity 1.10)
• Engage actively at EU, OECD, and international level to support
NAMs development, in the context of EPAA, APCRA, and the development of the roadmap for phasing out animal testing
(Activity 1.10)
• Enhance collaboration with EFSA and EMA to support the
development of harmonised approaches for reducing the need for
animal testing (Activity 1.10)
• Publish the report on the use of alternative methods under REACH
(Activity 1.10)
• Develop further and integrate predictive models to support
prioritisation and scientific decision making (Activity 1.10)
[12] Support the
Commission to enhance engagement
and synergies at
international level.
• Implement the updated Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
(IPA) agreement (Activity 4)
• Contribute to the OECD chemicals programme, with focus on priority areas for EU/ECHA, such as test guidelines and validation,
harmonised methods and formats, and IT tools (Activity 1.1)
• Co-operate and collaborate with international regulatory agencies
and Commission services to advance knowledge and expertise on chemical management in the context of the UN GHS and the Global
Framework on Chemicals (GFC) (Activity 1.7)
• Update the agreements with international partners to ensure
consistent and effective collaboration (Activity 5)
Goal: Invest in people and organisational excellence
Working together to achieve our vision
Priority Actions to achieve the priority
[13] Develop and
empower our people
for success.
• Implement the People and Organisational Strategy for the period
2024-2028 (Activity 5)
• Embed organisational values and behaviours in our ways of
working with each other and with our stakeholders (Activity 5)
• Ensure, through our competence mapping and opportunities for
learning and development of staff, that the Agency has sufficient skills and knowledge available for current and future tasks (Activity
• Enhance leadership capability to manage the organisation as it
expands its legal mandate and delivers its new strategy (Activity 5)
• Implement the organisation’s Wellbeing Action Plan, in conjunction
with the Joint Committee for Health and Wellbeing (Activity 5)
[14] Create optimal
ways of working for
the Agency, its bodies, its people,
and the environment.
• Complete and implement actions arising from the organisational
review (Activity 5)
• Implement the organisation’s Environmental Work Programme to
sustain environmentally-friendly work practices (Activity 5)
• Implement the organisation’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan to
sustain a diverse and inclusive work environment (Activity 5)
• Implement and meet quality standards, goals, and targets (Activity
[15] Adopt an IT
delivery model that is
• Develop, keep updated, and implement the rolling 5-year IT plan
(Activity 5)
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 20
streamlined, modular,
interoperable, cloud based and
• Introduce and leverage modern technologies such as Public Cloud
and Artificial intelligence (Activity 5)
• Follow and enhance the value-based agile IT governance (Activity
• Implement the target IT architecture focusing on the capabilities
needed by the new tasks and aiming to high modularity,
reusability, and interoperability (Activity 5)
• Ensure the compliance with cybersecurity and information security
regulations (Activity 5)
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 21
The figure below shows the flow of actions from strategic priorities, through strategy outcomes to
overall impact contributing to the implementation of EU Policy.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 22
This section presents the approach to assessing progress in the implementation of ECHA's Strategy
Statement 2024-2028.
A mid-term review is currently foreseen for 2026. The expected approach will be to consider quantitative
data (focusing on a subset of SPD indicators and additional ad-hoc indicators as needed), with an assessment of progress in implementing the strategic actions for each goal and priority, as well as a
further qualitative assessment to be conducted internally and with feedback from the Management
A list of indicators linked to specific outcomes is presented below. The list largely relies on existing indicators from the annual work programme. To provide better visibility to multi-annual progress,
additional indicators have been envisaged, that will require an ad-hoc analysis effort. The lists below will
continue to be reviewed on an annual basis and will be updated as the strategy evolves.
Overall Strategy Outcomes 2024-2028
Outcome Potential indicators for assessing progress
Co-ordinated and prioritised
regulatory actions on chemicals between the
Commission, Member States and ECHA.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered: • Number of new substances added to Registry of Intention
(SVHC, CLH, Restrictions) originating from ARNs
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Satisfaction among Commission and Member State authorities on ECHA's support to coordination and prioritisation of
regulatory actions
Increased numbers of substances covered by
hazard identification or risk management outputs
delivered for the decision- making process under
relevant regulatory areas.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work programme indicators will be considered:
• Number of compliance check decisions concluded in the follow- up to dossier evaluation
• Number of new and updated entries published in the Candidate List
• Number of opinions on biocidal active substances [approval & renewal] finalised and submitted to the Commission
• Number of opinions on Union authorisation [approval &
renewal] of biocidal products finalised and submitted to the Commission
• Number of RAC opinions on OELs completed and provided to the Commission
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Number of substances classified • Number of substances for which occupational exposure limits
are set
• Number of substances added to PACT/ACT
Transparent, independent
and high-quality opinions
and decisions developed that contribute to the
implementation of EU legislation and policy.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered:
• Number of RAC and SEAC opinions adopted on applications for authorisation (number of uses) and submitted to the
Commission • Number of RAC and SEAC opinions on restriction proposals
delivered to the Commission • Number of RAC opinions on proposals for harmonised
classification and labelling adopted
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 23
• Number of opinions on applications for authorisation submitted to the Commission requiring further consideration by
• Number of opinions on restrictions submitted to the
Commission requiring further consideration by committees (Art 77 (3)(c)
• Number of requests from the Commission for a BPC opinion [pursuant to Article 75(1)(g)] to revise earlier adopted opinions
• Percentage of Scientific Committee (RAC and SEAC) membership positions filled
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Total number of opinions submitted to the Commission
accepted without further consideration • Positive feedback from institutions on ECHA opinions
• Number of appeals upheld against ECHA decisions
• Numbers of comments received in consultations on opinions
Data that is reliable,
findable, accessible, interoperable, shared,
secure and reusable.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered: • Percentage of satisfaction of ECHA CHEM users
• Number of data products identified • Number of data provision and analysis requests
• Number of personal data breaches reported, as per legal
requirements, to the European Data Protection Supervisor
Regulatory processes and IT
tools streamlined and interoperable with high
levels of user satisfaction
and use.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered: • Percentage of administrative tooling modernised
• Number of high impact security incidents
• Percentage of internal IT user satisfaction • Percentage of availability of key systems
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Positive feedback in line with Net Promotor Score (NPS)
• Number of legacy IT systems decommissioned
Stakeholders proactively
engaged, involved, and satisfied with ECHA
supports, tools and services.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered: • Number of high-level meetings conducted with Member States
and European Union institutions • Number of industry user group meetings held
• Total number of Helpdesk queries received
• Total number of Helpdesk queries received on IT tools • Number of access to documents requests received and
concluded • Number of legal appeals on ECHA decisions (REACH+BPR)
• Positive feedback from User satisfaction score based on regular NPS data collection
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Percentage of stakeholders’ satisfaction with ECHA, from
various stakeholder groups
SME supports being easily
accessible, used, and levels
of satisfaction increased.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered:
• Number of SME dedicated dialogues held
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 24
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered: • Positive feedback from SMEs on our enhanced SME support
approach • Number of SME contacts received through dedicated support
ECHA’s contribution to broader EU chemical and
environmental policy goals
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following data will be considered.
• Number of requests received in relation to legislation outside
ECHA’s mandate • Stakeholder feedback on ECHA’s contribution to broader EU
chemical and environmental policy goals • Number of OECD meetings attended and supported
• Number of courtesy or business visits organised with international organisations and third countries (excluding IPA
and OECD)
Use of alternative and non- animal methods increased.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work programme indicators will be considered:
• Number of NAM projects initiated/completed • Number of Member States NAMs cases supported
• Number of scientific publications related to the use and
promotion of NAMs
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Positive feedback from ECHA stakeholders
An organisation that values
its people and puts in place the processes, systems and
tools to help them work, learn and succeed.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered: • Percentage of staff participating in biannual staff satisfaction
survey • Percentage turnover rate of Temporary Agents (TA)
• Percentage turnover rate of Contract Agents (CA)
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Increased ratio of underrepresented genders at both support and management levels
• Number of successful career enhancement/ internal mobility opportunities, including management level posts
• No (serious) gaps in assessment in annual internal control
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 25
2. Human and financial resource outlook 2025-2028
2.1 Overview of the past and current situation
ECHA’s portfolio of regulatory tasks has continued to grow steadily, and this trend is expected to continue, with new tasks likely to be allocated within the timeframe of this Single Programming
Document. The work and resource programming for 2025 and beyond continues to focus on ECHA’s regulatory actions in core areas under REACH, CLP, as well as biocidal active substances approval and
Union authorisations. In parallel, the tasks that are proposed to be allocated to ECHA under the ‘Environmental policy’ title will significantly broaden ECHA’s areas of work in coming years. While
uncertainties remain as to the timing and impact of many legislative changes, the Single Programming Document provides an overview of the continued scientific-technical support related to anticipated
legislative processes as well as future re-attribution of tasks to EU Agencies, the Data Regulation, and
other non-legislative actions.
In terms of ECHA’s overall financing, the inherent uncertainty in estimating ECHA’s fee income, which
depends on market behaviour and the strategies of individual companies, continues to pose challenges. In addition, ECHA’s planning assumption related to fee indexation in 2025 is dependent on the adoption
of the amended Fee Regulations under REACH and BPR under consideration by the Commission. In terms of staff population, the Agency has a stable basis to implement its allocated tasks, while new tasks
delegated to ECHA need to be accompanied by sufficient resources to ensure effective implementation and delivery of the EU’s chemicals policy. In addition, ECHA’s RAC and SEAC Committees, on which ECHA
is dependent, are at maximum capacity; however, additional flexibility will be required to ensure their
Despite ECHA’s commitment to deliver on its widening legal mandate and tasks, the challenges of
unpredictable fee financing and segregated budgeting arrangements impact effective Work Programme implementation. The proposed ECHA Basic Regulation, which aims to consolidate the current and
expanding number of ECHA tasks, simplify its governance, and ensure the sustainability of its funding model - enabling ECHA to deliver its legal mandate and implement its Work Programme more efficiently
- is awaited.
2.2 Outlook for the years 2025-2028
The overall workload for ECHA is expected to increase as a result of tasks under our existing legal mandate and the implementation of further legislative changes or obligations. In line with our Strategy
Statement 2024-2028, ECHA will be seeking to work closely with the Commission and Member States to facilitate prioritisation of regulatory action on substances and groups of substances so that, together, we
can address these challenges in a concerted and coherent way.
In this Single Programming Document, ECHA includes the financial and staffing estimates only for those
new tasks for which the legislative process has progressed sufficiently to allow for coherent planning based on the legislative financial statements accompanying the Commission proposals. ECHA is not
currently seeking an increase in budget contributions or staff resources for 2025-2028, except when
linked to the widening mandate; however, this approach is contingent on the level of EU contributions
and fee income remaining at the projected level, as adjusted for inflation.
While, for 2025, ECHA’s resources reflect a limited increase stemming from adopted legal mandates (namely the Drinking Water Directive, the Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health, and one post related
to the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation revision), ECHA notes the potential increased
resourcing in 2026 linked to pending legislations, as follows:
• Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation revision (adopted by the Council on 16 December 2024, pending publication in the Official Journal)
• End-of-Life-Vehicle (ELV) Directive revision
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 26
• Toys Safety Regulation • POP Regulation revision
• Medical Devices Regulation revision
• Restriction of Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) Directive revision
• Regulation establishing a common data platform on chemicals.
In estimating resources for new tasks, certain assumptions were made. For example, the initial proposal
discussed with ECHA would remain largely unchanged. However, the Commission on occasion made further changes before the proposal was published. Furthermore, as the proposal goes through the co-
decision process, tasks are revised, expanded, and new ones are added. To optimise ECHA’s chances to be operational in time, it needs to start investing resources in advance of the legislative effective date
to plan its preparations and implement the necessary preparatory steps. This pre-investment of
resources has implications for ECHA’s core tasks. ECHA generally sets a 30% overhead in its calculations. However, this overhead includes IT as well as general administrative and governance needs. Given the
fact that all new tasks have a high dependency on IT tools and systems, this approach needs to be reviewed, as it may underestimate overall resource requirements. At the same time, it is important that
all new tasks include realistic transitional periods that allow ECHA to onboard its tasks once the new
resources are allocated.
2.3 Resource programming for the years 2025-2028
The detailed data for the resource programming is provided in Annexes II-V.
The total fees and charges are currently estimated at c. EUR 33-34 million per year during 2025-2028, taking account of the estimates developed internally, based on historical averages, and the planned
indexation on REACH Registration fees (19.5%) with an entry into force as of 1 April 2025. The REACH balancing subsidy for 2025 is based on the latest Commission’s Draft EU budget, totalling EUR 76.3
million. For 2026, the balancing EU contribution (EUR 77.2 million) is based on the current MFF (2021- 2027) levels. In addition, the total of the EFTA contribution and the bank interest is estimated to be c.
EUR 3.0 million annually.
ECHA’s BPR activities are funded by fee income and the balancing EU contribution. The inherent
uncertainty continues with respect to the budgeted revenue from fees and charges, which is based on estimated dossier application volumes. For 2025, the fee income is presently estimated at c. EUR 6.3
million. The indicated available EU contribution, based on the Commission’s Draft Budget, is c. EUR 8.0 million. For 2026, the required balancing EU contribution (EUR 8.1 million) is based on the current MFF
(2021-2027) levels. In addition, the total of the EFTA contribution (including Switzerland’s direct
contribution to Biocides activities) and the bank interest is estimated to be c. EUR 0.7 million annually.
Environmental Policy
This budget area covers PIC, POPs, Waste Framework Directive, Drinking Water Directive, 8th Environmental Action Programme, Batteries Regulation, and Industrial Emissions Directive, as adopted.
The possible resourcing stemming from the adoption of the Water Framework, Groundwater and Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) Directives, the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
(adopted by the Council on 16 December 2024, entry into force pending publication in the Official Journal), the End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) Directive, the Regulation establishing a common data platform
on chemicals, and revision of the POP and Medical Devices Regulation, and RoHS Directive have also been included. It is to be noted that the resourcing of the latter is subject to the formal adoption of the
respective tasks by the EU Parliament and the Council. Nevertheless, the Commission decided to
frontload one TA post (EUR 0.16 million) for accelerating the work on the Packaging and Packaging Waste
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 27
task (entry into force expected in early 2025) and this has been incorporated in 2025 figures and onwards. The planned subsidy is within the Commission’s Draft EU budget for 2025, totalling EUR 10.5
million. For 2026, the balancing EU contribution totalling c. EUR 19.0 million takes account of the current
MFF (2021-2027) as well as the new legislative proposals planned to be adopted. In addition, the total of the EFTA contribution and bank interest are estimated to be c. EUR 0.4 million for 2025, and increasing
to c. EUR 0.7 million in 2026.
The total expenditure in 2025 is foreseen to total EUR 112.0 million, that is 6% above the 2024 level.
The needs for staff-related expenditure (Title 1) in 2025 total EUR 76.8 million, representing a 7% increase compared to 2024 and is aligned with the latest information received. The estimated Title 1
need for 2026 totals EUR 77.4 million, that is, 1% above the 2025 levels. The proportionally allocated
amount of the common infrastructure (Title 2) expenditure totals EUR 15.8 million for 2025 and EUR 15.7 million for 2026. The operational expenditure (Title 3) for 2025 and 2026 amounts to c. EUR 19.3
and EUR 20.5 million, respectively.
The total expenditure in 2025 is foreseen to total EUR 15.1 million, that is 7% above the 2024 actuals level. The needs for staff-related expenditure (Title 1) total EUR 10.1 million, representing a 9% increase
compared to 2024. The estimated Title 1 need for 2026 totals EUR 10.2 million, that is, 1% above the 2025 levels. The proportionally allocated amount of the common infrastructure (Title 2) expenditure
totals EUR 2.2 million for 2025 and EUR 2.1 million for 2026. The operational expenditure (Title 4) for
2025 and 2026 amounts to c. EUR 2.8 and EUR 3.0 million, respectively.
Environmental Policy
This budget area covers PIC, POPs, Waste Framework Directive, Drinking Water Directive, 8th Environmental Action Programme, Batteries Regulation, and Industrial Emissions Directive, as adopted.
The possible resourcing stemming from the adoption of the Water Framework, Groundwater and Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) Directives, the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
(adopted by the Council on 16 December 2024, entry into force pending publication in the Official Journal), the End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) Directive, the Regulation establishing a common data platform
on chemicals and revision of the POP and Medical Devices Regulation, and RoHS Directive have also been
included. It is to be noted, that resourcing of the latter is subject to the formal adoption of the respective
tasks by the EU Parliament and the Council.
The total expenditure in 2025 is foreseen to total EUR 10.9 million, that is EUR 5.2 million (92%) above the 2024 level. This increase is principally comprised of EUR 1.2 million increase in staff-related
expenditure and an increase of c. EUR 4.0 million in Title 5 (Operational expenditure) related to the
expected financing for the tasks pending adoption, as explained above.
The needs for 2025 staff-related expenditure (Title 1) total EUR 3.9 million, representing a EUR 1.2 million (44%) increase compared to 2024. This is mainly due to an increase in staff on the payroll for
the Industrial Emissions Directive, Drinking Water Directive, and Packaging and Packaging Waste
regulation. The estimated Title 1 need for 2026 totals c. EUR 4.0 million. The proportionally allocated amount of the common infrastructure (Title 2) expenditure totals EUR 1.2 million for both 2025 and
2026. The operational expenditure (Title 5) for 2025 amounts to c. EUR 5.9 million and for 2026 it
amounts to c. EUR 14.6 million, out of which EUR 12.6 million is related to the tasks pending adoption.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 28
Staffing / Human resources
It is anticipated that ECHA’s overall staff population remains relatively stable, apart from the staffing
under ‘Environmental policy’. While, for 2025, ECHA’s resources reflect a limited increase stemming from
adopted legal mandates, ECHA has included the potential increased resourcing in 2026 linked to pending
legislations in Annex IV (ref. Section 2.2 above).
Evolution of resources outlook 2025-2026 Posts for 2025 Posts for 2026
DWD +3 +1 +1
POP* +2
Water Directives* +7 +4
Packaging and packaging waste legislation +1
RoHs Directive* +4 +3
ELV Directive* +1
Data regulation* +9 +10
Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health +1
TOTAL +4 +2 +24 +17
*pending adoption
This is primarily linked to the potential adoption of the legislative proposals under the "One Substance,
One Assessment" legislative package, which would potentially result in further new tasks to ECHA. In the period of this Programming Document, ECHA will continue to implement proactive human resource
(HR) management practices, in line with its People and Organisational Strategy 2024-2028. ECHA will also continue to cooperate closely with the Commission services and the EU Agencies Network (EUAN)
in areas of people management that are of common interest. To deliver its chemicals mandate, ECHA has developed significant levels of competence and invested heavily in digital technologies. All adopted
and potential new tasks, and particularly the potential European Common Data Platform for Chemicals,1
come with increasing demands on our digital capabilities and offerings. We need, therefore, to invest for the future now if we are to keep up with new technologies such as AI and the demands of stakeholders
and duty holders.
ECHA will continue its work on developing competences needed for existing and new tasks entrusted to
the Agency and applying a flexible deployment of its staff to ensure delivery under the different pieces of legislation. ECHA recognises that it needs to invest in capacity and competence building for its own
staff and, also, for those involved in its Committees and Working Groups. To implement the strategic goal to ‘invest in people and organisational excellence’, ECHA’s People and Organisational strategy aims
to attract the best candidates and develop and motivate its staff to meet new tasks and challenges. While
ECHA does not presently contain external training within its mandate, it also recognises the need to invest in external capacity building to meet current and future needs. There is evidence that there is an
openness for increased Member States/ECHA collaboration and a desire for ECHA to provide more opportunities for professional development. In setting out actions on capacity building in the coming
period, ECHA will adopt a balanced approach that aims to deliver opportunities for shared learning internally (staff and Committees) and externally to Member States, without significant increases in
resource allocation.
ECHA engages operational interims principally for the verification of company size and completeness of
registration dossiers under REACH. It is planned to continue to reduce the dependency on interim support
in these areas by 2027. A small number of interims are also budgeted to cater for potential absences and/or peak workload periods. This approach does not apply to interims engaged to provide services
under delegated tasks or grant agreements (for example, EUCLEF), for which specific Contribution
Agreements are in place.
1 Available at:
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 29
2.4 Negative priorities/decrease of existing tasks
The purpose of this section, which is required by the Commission’s guidelines for the drafting of the
Single Programming Document, is to highlight those activities that have been deprioritised, or reduced, due to inadequate resources and ability to effectively deliver. However, despite ECHA’s best efforts to
deliver on its widening legal mandate and tasks, the challenges inherent in our resourcing structure
mean that we may not be in a position to deliver to the fullest extent possible several activities, namely:
• Provision of updated guidance, advice and support in response to changing and new regulatory and science information.
• Limited development of some existing applications (example: Case management, REACH-IT, R4BP 3, Interact portal) due to the need to prioritise the modernization and transformation of the
regulatory IT tools, prepare for new tasks and further development of the new dissemination
solution ECHA CHEM. • Longer development schedule for the industry portal due to identified IT priorities and the
resulting extended transformation period for existing tools. Existing submission tools will continue to be maintained.
• Minimal maintenance of certain tools (examples: SCIP and EUCLEF). The future development of these initiatives will depend on potential legislative changes, which may provide the necessary
support for further advancement. • Over the next few years, a reduction in workload and need for ECHA support to Expert Groups
may materialise, as the implementation of the new CLP hazard classes progresses via harmonised
classification and not via SVHC route. Initially the subgroups will support this transition by giving expert advice to Member States developing CLH proposals upon request.
• Reduced intensity in activities under identification and prioritisation of substances due to the milestones already achieved (in screening high volume substances) and new objectives set for
Integrated Regulatory Strategy. • Decreased number of opinions that can be delivered on authorisation applications due to limited
committee capacity and increased restrictions activity. • Limited support and guidance for registrants in relation to company risk management via
exposure scenarios in Safety Data Sheets.
2.5 Strategy for efficiency gains
ECHA is taking the following actions to ensure that it is maximising the use and efficiency of our available
Organisational review
ECHA’s organisational review, which commenced in 2024, will inform the Agency on how best to organise
structurally directorates and units to deliver on existing, new and future tasks, and leverage synergies. In addition, we aim to identify ways of working that can increase our capacity, streamline areas of
duplication and embrace adaptive resource allocation and flexibility measures based on needs and
evolving factors.
Capacity and competence of Committees
We will continue to explore ways to enhance the capacity and competency of our Committees, for example, examining the potential of creating pools of experts to support Committee members and the
increased use of Working Groups. We also hope to increase capacity-building for both Member States and SMEs, however, as noted above, extensive capacity-building will not be possible given other priorities
and resource constraints in the short to medium term.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 30
IT and Business transformation
ECHA is an Agency focussed on chemical safety through the implementation of EU policy and legislation.
However, we are also an Agency with a high delivery of digital tools and supports. Digital and business
transformation needs to be resourced fully to ensure we can meet current and future demands. By re- shaping the portfolio of its IT enterprise architecture and solutions, ECHA aims at achieving efficiency
gains in the definition, implementation, and use of IT products. In addition, to improve usability of ECHA's IT tools and streamline the work of the different user groups, we remain committed to invest in user-
centricity and user experience as part of the IT development process.
Integrated Management System Strategy and Framework
ECHA’s Integrated Management System Strategy and Framework is designed to enable the achievement
of ECHA’s strategic goals and priorities by ensuring a flexible and performance-based governance,
adapted to the Agency’s operational structure. By implementing the framework, ECHA’s processes are intended to be effective and efficient by design through a critical consideration of the level of controls
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 31
III Work Programme
Executive Summary
Our annual work programme translates and implements our Strategy Statement, as outlined in the multi-
annual work programme above.
The Integrated Regulatory Strategy was reviewed with the stakeholders in 2024. Our focus will be on
maintaining robust knowledge of chemicals in our databases and supporting the delivery of risk management outcomes for (groups of) substances. We will also explore synergies with the new
legislation within ECHA’s remit and strengthen relationships with our sister agencies to support delivering consistent outcomes, in relation to the evaluation of substances which are also regulated under their
The focus of the evaluation work will shift to assessing the information coming back from registrants in response to compliance check decisions (‘follow up’), while continuing to select dossiers for compliance
check. We will continue to promote alternatives to animal testing, assuming an active role in supporting
policy developments and research.
Our activities in relation to risk management, such as harmonised classification, authorisation and restriction, will continue to take account of the experience in dealing with groups of substances. Our
work on harmonised classifications will take account of the new hazard classes introduced in the CLP Regulation in 2024. The restriction dossier on Chromium VI substances is expected to be published in
2025 and may ultimately lead to reducing the burden on the authorisation of these substances.
Ensuring that ECHA's bodies function well remains a high priority for us in 2025, particularly considering the increasing workload of our scientific committees. Together with the Commission and the Member
States, we will continue to promote the need to have committees that are fully resourced and members
who are competent and active.
We remain committed to delivering our obligations under the Biocidal Products Regulation. In 2025, we will continue our efforts to progress the evaluation of active substances in the Review Programme,
including by providing support to the Member States for delivering their evaluation dossiers. On Union authorisations we anticipate a continued increase of the workload. In 2025 we intend to produce an
analysis on the functioning of the Biocidal Products Regulation, in support of the evaluation of the
regulation by the Commission.
Regarding environmental policy, the implementation of existing and new tasks, as well as preparations
for the ones where legislation is pending, will also continue, as will the implementation of ECHA's other
tasks, including those under grant, cooperation and service-level agreements.
Our IT systems are critical to managing the vast amounts of data we process, and we remain committed to enhancing our digital tools to support both existing and new tasks. The transformation and adaptation
of our data management, IT systems and business processes will continue. IT tools will be developed to support the transparent sharing of information between companies, Member States and the Agency. We
will continue to prepare tools and processes for handling regulatory dossiers under new tasks, with a
focus on the user experience of duty holders.
In addition to our processes and systems, in 2025, we will continue to maintain a strong focus on our
people by implementing year 2 of our People and Organisational Strategy and the recommendations arising from the organisational review completed in 2024. We will continue to promote wellbeing, health
and safety at work and take further actions to meet EU equality and diversity goals. We will also continue
to take the necessary steps to meet EU environmental and quality goals and targets.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 32
1.1 Dossier preparation
ECHA supports companies to access and remain on the European Union (EU) single market. Through the
inquiry and data sharing process, we help companies share their data across the EU, thereby reducing registration costs and avoiding unnecessary testing. It develops and provides IT tools (e.g., IUCLID,
Chesar, EUSES) for preparing and submitting dossiers required under the EU’s chemicals legislation. The harmonised submission of information, both in structure and in content, provides efficiencies to ECHA’s
other activities which rely on the information.
In 2025, ECHA will continue to deliver the inquiry process and will take decisions on data sharing
requests. IT tools will be maintained and will support the transparent sharing of information between
companies, Member States and the Agency.
Objective 1: Companies supported on inquiries and data sharing
Expected results
• Companies registering the same substance can connect, via the inquiry process, and share data
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Inquiries and disputes on data sharing are handled in line with legal requirements and timelines.
Number of inquiries received 4835 4800 5000 estimate
Percentage of data sharing disputes handled within legal
n/a n/a 100 target
Objective 2: Harmonised IT tools available to support the transparent sharing of harmonised data between industry and regulatory authorities
Expected results
• The use of IUCLID and Chesar Platform supports companies in effectively complying with regulatory
requirements under EU chemicals regulation. • Harmonised data formats support transparency and enhance EU competitiveness.
• A growing number of regulatory systems in the OECD member countries use IUCLID.
• The information submitted to authorities is harmonised, both in structure and in content, which enables more efficient processing and analysis of the data and increases its impact on regulatory
activities and decisions.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
IUCLID and Chesar are updated to incorporate existing, new and changing
regulatory requirements.
Timeline for release of version 1.0 of Chesar Platform for
REACH and Biocides
n/a n/a Q2 target
Promotion of IUCLID as the international harmonised format for chemical data continued.
Number of regulatory processes maintained in IUCLID
n/a n/a 55 target
IUCLID progressively updated to
support the needs of OECD and international partners.
expert group meetings attended and supported
n/a n/a 2 estimate
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 33
Scientific contribution made to development of the OECD harmonised test guidelines relevant for the EU
information requirements.
Number of test guidelines supported
n/a n/a 2 estimate
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 7 595 644 6 435 918 5 879 712
Human resources (FTE) 29 24 24
1.2 Dossier submission and processing
This activity covers the timely processing of all dossiers submitted by industry to ECHA under REACH and CLP, except those submitted for poison centres. It also includes the development and maintenance
of the corresponding IT solutions providing a clear and simple way for companies to fulfil their legal
obligations in terms of submission of information to the Agency.
In 2025, the focus will be on ensuring that the access to market continues to be fast and predictable. At the same time, the data provided in the dossiers should serve as a robust starting point for regulatory
identification and prioritisation as well as for the publication of non-confidential information. ECHA will
continue to prepare its tools and processes for handling regulatory dossiers under new tasks, with a
focus on the user experience of duty holders.
Objective 1: Access to market for duty holders is streamlined and predictable
Expected results
• Dossiers are timely processed, and companies know the information to be provided to fulfil their
regulatory obligations regarding submissions. • Information submitted to authorities is structured in content and format to effectively support the
subsequent processes.
• Companies active in the innovation of new chemicals or processes get their PPORD exemptions granted where appropriate.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
PPORD notifications processed, and
data analysed to identify and monitor innovation and new chemicals trends.
Number of PPORD
notifications received and processed
235 240 240 estimate
The verification of the size of SME companies continues and the time lag
between submission and beginning of the verification is further reduced.
Time lag between submission and beginning of SME verification process
n/a n/a 2 years target
Number of verifications of SME Registrants’ size
decisions issued
416 400 400 target
Ongoing work on the implementation of the ex-ante SME verification process,
including updates of guidance and tools, before it is launched by mid- 2026.
Timeline for having
implementation plan for ex- ante SME verification process in place
n/a n/a Q1 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 34
Registrations invalidated as necessary. Corresponding tools and processes for invalidation of registrations developed
further for different circumstances,
such as to facilitate compliance of registrations with Article 50(3) and the implementation of EU sanctions, etc.
Number of
decisions issued
n/a 150 150 estimate
Classification and labelling (C&L) notifications processed.
Number of C&L notifications received
43 933 35 000 35 000 estimate
Registration dossiers processed.
Number of REACH registration dossiers received (initial & updates)
13 749 15 000 15 000 estimate
Percentage of REACH registration dossiers handled within legal deadline
n/a n/a 100 target
Percentage of registration dossiers verified with manual
completeness check
n/a n/a 30 estimate
Number of update requests following completeness check
n/a n/a 900 estimate
Number of confidentiality
request decisions issued n/a n/a 100 target
Number of registration
invoices issued n/a n/a 5 500 estimate
Positive registration decisions issued. Number of positive
registration decisions issued n/a n/a 14 000 estimate
Negative registration decisions issued. Number of negative
registration decisions issued n/a n/a 120 estimate
New substances registered.
Number of new substances
registered - (i.e. first time on the EEA market above 1tpa)
n/a n/a 350 estimate
High tonnage substances registered. Number of substances registered for the first time
above 100tpa
n/a n/a 50 estimate
Objective 2: Submission activities are user-focussed, streamlined and adaptable
Expected results
• Submission systems are built for new submission types needed for new tasks, with a focus on interoperability, maximise the use of new technology and the efficient integration of any new
regulatory processes as well as to reduce the administrative and financial burdens on duty holders, in particular, small and medium-sized enterprises (SME).
• Users’ experience in performing submission related activities is further aligned.
• Onboarding of new users and new regulatory processes is rapid and cost-effective.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 35
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
ECHA’s solution for new submission
types (with focus on DWD).
Timeline for finalising new
submission solution for DWD n/a n/a Q2 target
Engagement actions with users of the ECHA’s submission systems.
Number of Workshops/Meetings organised with users of the ECHA’s submission systems
n/a n/a 2 target
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 8 375 567 8 597 854 11 504 671
Human resources (FTE) 34 36 36
1.3 Identification and prioritisation of (groups of) substances
Identification and prioritisation of substances and groups of substances is a central part of ECHA's strategy. The Integrated Regulatory Strategy (IRS) has been reviewed with the stakeholders in 2024 in
light of the new ECHA strategic plan and emerging priorities. It aims, together with the Commission and Member States, to identify and facilitate prioritisation and co-ordination of regulatory actions for (groups
of) substances under different legislation.
In 2025, we will initiate implementation of the objectives agreed during 2024 with the Commission and
the Member States. Our focus will be on maintaining good knowledge on the chemicals in our databases and supporting the delivery of risk management outcomes for (groups of) substances. We will also
explore synergies with the new legislation within ECHA’s remit and will strengthen the relationship with
our sister agencies to support delivering consistent outcomes.
Objective 1: Prioritisation of regulatory actions on (groups of) substances is coordinated
with the Commission and Member States
Expected results
• The Commission and Member States are supported to identify (groups of) substances that require
risk management through shortlisting (groups of) substances considered as good candidates for CLH, SVHC identification, and restriction.
• ECHA, the Commission and Member State national authorities take coordinated risk management actions to protect human health and the environment.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Shortlists of (groups of) substances provided to support the Commission
and Member States bringing forward candidates for CLH, SVHC
identification, and restriction.
Number of groups of
substances provided as candidates for CLH and restriction
n/a n/a 5 target
Number of new substances added to the Registry of
Intention (SVHC, CLH,
Restrictions) originating from ARNs
n/a n/a 15 estimate
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 36
Objective 2: Good knowledge on ECHA's chemical database is maintained
Expected results
• Knowledge on ECHA's chemical database is maintained, by screening substances above 100 tonnes
(new registrations or tonnage upgrades) and prioritising for data generation or risk management as appropriate.
• Transparency and predictability of regulatory activities is ensured by disseminating the outcome of assessments and the progress made in addressing particular (groups of) substances. This will
enable industry to be proactive and make informed decisions on chemicals in their portfolio.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Project to systematically screen all
substances registered above 100 tonnes after 2018 (tonnage upgrades and new registrations) commenced.
Number of substances above 100 tonnes screened
n/a n/a 100 target
ARNs concluded when information from compliance checks becomes available, to inform on the need (or not) for the
anticipated risk management.
Percentage of relevant ARNs concluded and update published to the website
n/a n/a 100 target
Objective 3: Co-operation and transparency on authorities' activities is further enhanced
Expected results
• Support is provided for alignment of authorities’ views on risk management options through e.g.
pilot projects on restrictions, optimising the collaboration between authorities (e.g., through RiME+) as well as use of the respective tools (e.g., ACT).
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Plans and priorities for ongoing and
future work between Member States, ECHA and the Commission shared through RiME+ and other mechanisms
(Heads of Chemicals Authorities).
Number of RiME+ meetings organised
n/a n/a 4 estimate
Targeted support to Member States on
e.g. pilot projects on restrictions and related to RiME+ discussions (e.g. on technical questions related to grouping and read-across).
Number of requests for
support from Member States in the context of RiME+ discussions addressed
n/a n/a 5 estimate
ACT and its integrated tracking list further developed to facilitate sharing
of priorities and co-operation among authorities.
Timeline for the update of ACT n/a n/a Q4 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 37
Objective 4: Collaboration with ENVI agencies is further enhanced under the One Substance, One Assessment and One health initiatives
Expected results
• Engage actively with other EU Agencies, in particular EFSA, EMA and EEA, to further enhance
prioritisation and coordination of actions across regulations, in particular, in the framework of the
One Substance, One Assessment; identify synergies in the areas of data and scientific and technical competences; further align on scientific assessments and opinion making.
• Co-operate with EFSA and EMA to support alignment of evaluation of common substances under the REACH, BPR, DWD, food safety and medicine legislation.
• Engage and co-operate, with ENVI Agencies to implement the strategic objectives of the One Health Framework for Action.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Collaboration with EFSA and EMA in the framework of One Substance, One Assessment continued.
Number of bilateral
governance meetings on OSOA to review and align approaches for common
substances and cross cutting topics
n/a n/a 6 estimate
One Health framework of action supported.
Number of projects related to
One Health framework under the leadership of ECHA initiated
n/a n/a 2 target
Pilots on prioritising actions on common substances across different
legislations initiated, considering the synergies between the existing and new tasks within ECHA’s mandate.
Number of pilot projects on
prioritising actions on
common substances across different legislations initiated to improve consistency of regulatory outputs
n/a n/a 1 estimate
Support to EFSA mandate to assess exposure to plasticizers in food contact
materials provided.
Timeline for support to EFSA provided in line with the
relevant Commission mandate
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 12 739 439 10 351 761 10 046 669
Human resources (FTE) 55 44 40
1.4 Evaluation
Evaluation is a joint activity of ECHA and the Member States (through their Competent Authorities and the Member States Committee), to ensure that industry complies with their obligations to be compliant
and provide the necessary data in their registration dossiers. It is also aimed at identifying substances that need further regulatory action to ensure safe use. The Evaluation activity, as a whole, is a key
building block for accelerating data generation, intensifying identification of substances and groups of
substances, accelerating regulatory action on them, and ensuring a level playing field.
2 Title VI of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 38
In 2025, dossier evaluation outputs and focus will be aligned with the overall prioritisation plan mentioned above under 1.3. The focus of the evaluation work will be shifted to assessing the information
coming back from registrants in response to compliance check decisions (‘follow up’). We will also start
selecting dossiers for compliance check from several sources, instead of relying only on the grouping and screening as the source for new compliance checks. Substance Evaluation is expected to continue as is.
Audit follow ups on testing proposals will be implemented.
Objective 1: Dossier evaluation is impactful, efficient and scientifically and legally robust
Expected results
• The protection and compliance levels in the EU increase as hazard data generated on chemicals and on the groups they belong to and companies are required to update their dossiers.
• Data generated can be used by companies to improve risk management, to decide to substitute,
or market a substance as a substitute for a more hazardous alternative and/or to support innovation programs looking for alternatives.
• Information generated can be used for the further prioritisation of regulatory actions to better protect human health and environment.
• Knowledge generated is used by Member States and the Commission to identify and propose the appropriate risk management measure.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Evaluation targets and indicators
delivered in line with legal
requirements and the recommendations from the Joint Evaluation Action Plan (JEAP).
Number of compliance checks concluded: draft decisions or no action
301 250 200 target
Number of final decisions on
compliance checks n/a 250 200 estimate
Number of compliance check
decisions concluded in the follow-up to dossier evaluation n/a 250
200 target
Number of testing proposals
draft decisions issued 50 target
National enforcement authorities informed in case of non-compliance with the decision and follow-up
decisions drafted where appropriate.
Percentage of Failure to Respond notifications communicated to NEAs
without delay
n/a n/a 100 target
Updated recommendations and regulatory advice provided to
registrants stemming from evaluation report published and communicated.
Timeline for publication of
Article 54 report n/a Q1 Q1 target
Targeted study audits requested in
case a concern about compliance with principles of Good Laboratory Practice is identified by ECHA or a Member
Number of study audits requested
n/a n/a <5 estimate
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 39
Objective 2: Substance Evaluation by Member States becomes more efficient and effective
Expected results
• The annual list of substances requiring substance evaluation (the Community rolling action plan)
provides clarity to stakeholders for which substance(s) and specific concern(s) additional hazard information needs to be generated.
• Substance evaluations are concluded promptly by Member State competent authorities to enable the initiation of appropriate regulatory risk management measures ensuring the safe use of the
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Updates of the Community rolling
action plan (CoRAP) proposed to the Member State Committee (MSC) for substances where substance evaluation is the most appropriate tool to
generate further hazard information.
Timeline for publication of CoRAP
n/a n/a Q2 target
Member States advised and supported in achieving substance evaluation
conclusions as fast as possible.
Number of substance evaluation final decisions
6 10 10 estimate
Support provided to Member States to adopt the appropriate regulatory risk
management measures and initiatives.
Timeline for providing status update to Member States related to substance
n/a n/a Q4 target
Substance evaluation cases currently
opened reduced further.
Percentage of open substance
evaluation cases n/a n/a 5 target
Substance evaluation cases concluded.
Number of substances for
which a conclusion was reached in substance evaluation
26 25 25 estimate
Resources 2023
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 16 617 743 16 909 217 18 515 992
Human resources (FTE) 91 92 92
1.5 Authorisation
Based on proposals prepared by Member States or the secretariat on request of the Commission, ECHA identifies SVHCs and places them on the Candidate List. From that list ECHA, taking into account the
opinion of the Member State Committee, recommends priority substances for inclusion in the REACH
authorisation list.
ECHA's Risk Assessment and Socio-economic Analysis Committees (RAC and SEAC) provide scientific opinions on companies’ applications for authorisation, including the risks, the benefits and the availability
3 Title VII of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 40
of suitable alternatives and possibilities to substitute. The opinions are provided to the Commission which
decides whether to grant or refuse an authorisation for using the substance in the EU.
In 2025, ECHA will continue to meet the legal obligations to identify substances of concern and place
them onto the candidate list and to recommend priority substances for inclusion on the authorisation list. The secretariat will also support the work of ECHA’s two scientific and technical committees, RAC and
SEAC, and facilitate the timely adoption of opinions on applications for authorisation.
We will also support the Commission as necessary to address follow-up actions in relation to the court
decision on chromates.
Objective 1: Substances of very high concern identified, recommendations for inclusion in Annex XIV and applications for authorisation progressed
Expected results
• Inclusion of substances in the candidate list incentivises reduction of their use and replacement by
safer alternatives or technologies. • Increased research and development for safer alternatives or technologies by companies spurring
• Improved understanding of what are considered as safer alternatives.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Substances of very high concern identified and included in the Candidate List.
Number of new and updated entries published in the Candidate List
11 15 15 estimate
Applications for authorisation processed and progressed in line with agreed approach.
Number of applications for
authorisation and review reports submitted to ECHA (number of uses)
102 <60 <60 estimate
Number of applications for authorisation and review
reports for which opinion- making is initiated and progressed (number of uses)
n/a n/a 40 target
12th recommendation for substances to be included in Annex XIV submitted to the Commission and published on ECHA website within the legal
Timeline for submission of 12th Annex XIV recommendation to the Commission and publication
on the website
n/a n/a Q4 target
Objective 2: Opinions of the Committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and Socio-Economic
Analysis (SEAC) are timely and fit-for purpose
Expected results
• The European Commission’s decision-making on granting or refusing an authorisation enabled by
providing scientifically and legally robust opinions and decisions. • Authorisation opinions and decisions lead to proper control of the risks to workers, consumers and
the environment and a gradual replacement of SVHCs. • Support provided to the European Commission and RAC/SEAC to further improve the
implementation of the authorisation process.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 41
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Opinions on applications for
authorisation delivered to Commission.
Number of RAC and SEAC
opinions adopted on applications for authorisation
and review reports (number of uses) and submitted to the Commission
58 40 35 target
Percentage of opinions on applications for authorisation and review reports submitted
to the Commission within legal deadline
n/a n/a 100 target
Number of opinions on applications for authorisation and review reports submitted
to the Commission requiring further consideration by committees
n/a n/a 144 estimate
Participation in workshops and network meetings facilitated as necessary, to develop methodologies and enhance
the capacity of Member States and companies to carry out analysis of alternatives and socio-economic
analysis with view of finding viable alternatives.
Number of meetings on
analysis of alternatives and socio-economic analysis organised / attended
n/a n/a 1 target
Objective 3: Commission supported in their decision-making tasks
Expected results
• ECHA supports the Commission with the necessary scientific and technical inputs and advice, on request, in the decision-making phase of the authorisation process.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Generic and case-specific support provided to Commission in the decision-making phase of the
authorisation process.
Number of comitology
meetings on applications for authorisation and review reports where support is
provided to Commission decision making
n/a n/a 4 estimate
Resources 2023
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 5 549 010 6 205 080 6 240 745
Human resources (FTE) 26 31 30
4 The Commission requested ECHA, in view of a related Court decision, to prioritise in 2024 producing addenda to 14 opinions previously
submitted. As a result, ECHA can process fewer new opinions on applications for authorisation in 2024 to be delivered in 2025 (target 35 instead of 40).
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 42
1.6 Restrictions
Member States or the ECHA secretariat (at the request of the Commission) develop dossiers for restrictions proposals and ECHA’s Risk Assessment and Socio-economic Analysis Committees (RAC and
SEAC) provide scientific opinions on the restriction proposals, with scientific and administrative support from ECHA staff. The opinions address the effectiveness, practicality and monitorability of proposals
(Annex XV criteria) to address the identified risks as well as the availability of alternatives and socio- economic aspects, enabling the Commission to consider these when deciding whether, and how, to
restrict substances in the EU. The Commission can also ask the ECHA secretariat to develop investigation
reports, preceding any restriction proposal requests.
In 2025, ECHA will continue to investigate the need for restrictions and develop restriction dossiers upon
request of the European Commission and analyse the need to restrict the use in articles for substances subject to authorisation (based on REACH article 69(2)). The restriction dossier on Chromium VI
substances is to be published in 2025 and may ultimately lead to reducing the burden on the authorisation of these substances. We will also support the work of our two scientific and technical
committees, RAC and SEAC, and facilitate the timely adoption of opinions for restriction proposals.
Objective 1: Commission supported in the implementation of the Restrictions Roadmap
Expected results
• Scientific and legally robust restriction dossiers for individual substances or groups of substances
are developed by ECHA (based on Article 68(1)) upon request of the Commission. • Investigation reports on the need for restriction of individual substances, groups of substances or
particular uses prepared upon request of the Commission. • The need to restrict the use in articles for substances, subject to authorisation (based on Article
69(2)) are analysed and findings documented as necessary in screening reports. • Dossiers developed by the ECHA secretariat provide the Committees with a fit-for-purpose basis
for developing their opinions. • Stakeholders have the opportunity to provide targeted and relevant contributions to the
development of the restriction dossier during calls for evidence and/or consultation steps in the
restriction dossier preparation process. • Member States are supported by ECHA in the development of fit-for-purpose restriction dossiers.
• The consistent approach to dossier preparation by ECHA and Member States ensures consistent and targeted decision making and increased legal certainty for companies.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Based on request of the European
Commission, Annex XV dossiers proposing restrictions and investigation reports prepared.
Number of restriction dossiers and investigation reports developed
8 5
1 target
Screening reports for substances under Article 69(2) prepared.
Number of screening reports for substances under Article 69(2) prepared
3 target
Support provided to Member States during their preparation of restriction dossiers notified in Registry of
Number of dossiers on which
support is provided to Member States in their preparation of restriction
n/a n/a 2 estimate
5 Title VIII of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 43
Objective 2: Opinions of the Committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and Socio-Economic
Analysis (SEAC) are timely, robust and fit-for-purpose
Expected results
• Committee opinions delivered that allow the Commission, together with the Member States, to take well-informed decisions on the proposed restrictions, and thereby to implement the objectives of
EU chemicals policy.
• The Committee’s opinion making is facilitated by adequate stakeholder involvement, independence of committee members and adherence to consistent approaches and methodologies.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
estimat e
Opinions on restrictions delivered to the Commission.
Number of RAC and SEAC opinions on restriction
proposals delivered to the Commission
5 1 0 target
Percentage of opinions on restrictions submitted to the Commission adopted within
legal deadline
n/a n/a 100 target
Number of opinions on
restrictions submitted to the Commission requiring further consideration by committees
(Art 77 (3)(c)
n/a n/a 0 estimate
Contribution provided to the
development of methodologies related to socio-economic analysis, including the valuation of various health and environmental endpoints in
collaboration with the OECD and in line with the Commission’s Better Regulation guidelines.
Number of contributions provided to the development of methodologies related to
socio-economic analysis and analysis of alternatives
n/a n/a 2 target
Objective 3: Commission supported in their decision-making tasks
Expected results
• ECHA supports the Commission with the necessary scientific and technical inputs and advice, on request, in the decision-making phase of the restriction process.
• ECHA develops reports requested by the Commission. • ECHA supports the Commission in the implementation of the Annex XVII restriction entries.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Case-specific support provided to Commission in the decision-making phase of the restriction process.
Number of restriction opinions on which support is provided to Commission in decision
n/a 4 4 estimate
General and specific guidance to aid the implementation of Annex XVII
restriction entries delivered to the Commission.
Number of reports related to Annex XVII entries (e.g.
guidelines) delivered to the Commission
n/a 1 1 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 44
General and specific technical support to aid the implementation of Annex XVII restriction entries delivered to the
Number of Annex XVII entries where implementation support
is provided to the Commission
n/a 1 1 target
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 6 137 817 5 681 846 6 427 136
Human resources (FTE) 29 28 31
1.7 Classification and Labelling
The CLP Regulation governs the classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals. Classification and labelling is an important instrument in chemicals regulation for ensuring safe use and the protection of
human health and the environment. The harmonisation sets one EU standard for the classification, labelling and packaging across all uses within the EU single market. It applies to substances registered
under REACH, but also active substances used in biocidal products and plant protection products. The CLP Regulation also requires suppliers of hazardous chemical products to provide national poison centres
information for emergency health response.
In 2025, the focus will be on the implementation of legislative changes to CLP including addition of new hazard classes. This determines the need to execute activities to ensure smooth implementation together
with the relevant actors. In addition, the Commission has requested ECHA’s support in bringing these new hazard classes to the United Nations Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of
Chemicals (UN GHS) level as well as to contribute to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
project to pilot the implementation of GHS in four African countries.
Objective 1: Opinions of the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) are timely and fit-for
Expected results
• The Commission, together with the Member States, can take well-informed, and timely decisions on the harmonised classifications, and thereby implement the objectives of EU chemicals policy.
• The members of the Risk Assessment Committee have a complete and robust basis for developing opinions for the Commission’s decision-making process, with effective and efficient support during
the dossier preparation and committee process.
• Stakeholders are in a position to provide targeted and relevant contributions to the further development of the proposals during the public consultations and when specifically asked for by
ECHA or RAC in respect of additional information or clarification needs. • The harmonised approach ensures a level playing field and increased legal certainty for companies,
supporting innovation while increasing human health and environment protection.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
CLH dossiers, including individual and groups of industrial chemicals, PPP and
biocides from the outcome of identification and prioritisation processed in line with legal
Number of proposals for
harmonised classification and labelling received and progressed
45 50 50 estimate
6 Regulation (EC) 1272/2008
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 45
requirements. Number of RAC opinions on proposals for harmonised classification and labelling
42 50 50 estimate
Objective 2: Member States, Commission services and duty holders supported to fulfil their legal obligations
Expected results
• Guidance and tools for industry and authorities support an efficient and effective implementation
of the CLP Regulation, including on grouping for CLH purposes. • ECHA’s expertise effectively supports the EU’s work in implementing UN GHS in the EU and
promoting it globally.
• The protection of commercial interests and availability of information for professional users and consumers are ensured through consistent decision making by ECHA on the use of alternative
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Support provided to Member States
during their preparation of CLH dossiers.
Timeline for providing support
to Member States during their preparation of CLH dossiers
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Guidance made available and updated as necessary.
Number of CLP guidance documents updated
n/a n/a 1 target
Decisions made on requests to use an
alternative chemical name in line with
legal requirements.
Percentage of decisions issued
(Art 24 CLP) and sent in line
with the legal deadlines
n/a n/a 100 target
Scientific and technical support provided to the Commission in the context of the further development of the UN GHS.
Timeline for providing support to the Commission in the context of UN GHS
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Scientific and technical support provided to the Commission in the implementation of the revisions of the
CLP regulation and the UNEP-GHS project in African countries.
Timeline for providing support to the Commission in the
context of UNEP-GHS project
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Objective 3: Up-to-date information on the classifications for chemicals, both harmonised and non-harmonised, publicly available
Expected results
• Harmonised classification and self-classification information made available in the C&L inventory,
which supports classification by companies and safe use throughout the supply chain.
• The list of both harmonised and self-made classifications by companies is a point of reference at global level to access information about hazards of substances in commerce.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
New C&L inventory is operational and delivers reliable and up-to-date information about classification and
labelling to its customers.
Percentage of satisfaction of users of C&L inventory
n/a n/a Bench mark
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 46
Number of workshops organised to inform stakeholders/users about new
C&L Inventory
n/a n/a 1-2 estimate
Objective 4: Structured, high quality and consistent information for the EU poison centre scheme available across Europe
Expected results
• Companies and Member States can efficiently fulfil their obligations related to EU Poison Centres
for the purposes of emergency health responses. • The use of a unique formula identifier (UFI) printed on the label further helps consumers and
Member States to rapidly find precise information to speed up emergency health responses in
poisoning cases.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Notification portal maintained.
Number of Poison Centre notifications received
4.4 million
2 to 3 million
3-4 million
Percentage of notifications processed and made available to Appointed Bodies and
Poison Centres
n/a n/a 100 target
Support provided to companies and
Member States.
Number of Helpdesk replies
provided to Appointed bodies and Poison centres
n/a n/a 50 estimate
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 6 399 609 5 995 311 6 077 028
Human resources (FTE) 33 32 32
1.8 Data management
ECHA develops, operates and supports data management activities and tools so that data can be made available, exchanged, processed and used efficiently in the execution of regulatory processes within
ECHA and when collaborating with others. Through its data services it also develops methods to analyse
and report chemical data to support policy decisions, impact assessments and development of indicators. ECHA provides data analysis services to support European Commission and Member State competent
authorities to further develop legislation.
In 2025, ECHA will continue strengthening data management by: continue implementing the data
governance; review the reporting needs across organisation to optimise the service; develop a new
chemical identifier data management system supporting both existing and new regulatory processes.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 47
Objective 1: Regulatory processes performed by relevant actors based on robust data systems and processes.
Expected results
• Data management improves the execution of regulatory processes and the overall effectiveness of
ECHA, contributing to a faster and more predictable decision-making process.
• Improved confidence in ECHA tools in general and a more wide-spread shift to incorporating these tools into regulatory process work.
• Increased use of common data formats and platforms enhances data flows across actors and legislations, achieving better connected regulatory processes which is at the core of the one-
substance-one-assessment approach.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Data governance to support regulatory data consistency, coherence,
transparency and reporting across regulations progressively matured. Data products identified through the
data catalogue.
Number of data products identified
n/a n/a 50 estimate
Internal reporting service reviewed and optimized, considering the new
available technologies.
Timeline for completion of internal reporting service
n/a n/a Q4 target
New chemical identifiers data
management system developed, and
implementation commenced to increase efficiency and effectiveness across new
and existing regulatory processes.
Timeline for release of first component of the chemical
identifiers data management system
n/a n/a Q2 target
Case management capabilities further
developed to increase efficiency of existing regulatory processes.
Timeline for first release of
new case management system applicable to the DWD process
n/a n/a Q3 target
Interact Portal maintained with due consideration of process and users’ requirements.
Number of meetings held with stakeholders in relation to Interact
n/a n/a 2 estimate
Data analysis services completed upon request from EU institutions or Member
Number of data provision and analysis requests
n/a n/a 50 estimate
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est. 7
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) n/a
n/a 7 425 402
Human resources (FTE) n/a
n/a 21
7 Starting from 2025, the activities 1.8 Data management and 1.9 Making data publicly available, were separated, while previously they were
included in a single activity.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 48
1.9 Making data publicly available
ECHA operates the world’s largest public databases of chemicals with a usage of almost 50 million views per year. This platform includes the published data on chemicals from the REACH, CLP, BPR, PIC, POPs,
WFD and Chemical Agents Directive / Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reprotoxic substances (CAD/CMR) legislations, as well as from more than 50 additional pieces of legislation via the European Union
chemicals legislation finder (EUCLEF).
In 2025, ECHA will continue to further integrate data in ECHA CHEM, following its launch in 2024, with a
focus on information on the regulatory status of substances and their classification and labelling information. ECHA will ensure public communication on the planned changes and the corresponding
timetable. The work on data availability will consider the progress on the foreseen Data Regulation
including the development of an EU common data platform with information on chemicals.
Objective 1: Transparent and public access to data submitted under different regulations as
well as progress on regulatory activities made available
Expected results
• Information on the hazards and uses of chemicals is made publicly available in ways that facilitate
its use for the benefit of chemical safety. • Visibility of ongoing and upcoming regulatory activities promotes regulatory predictability and a
well-functioning internal market.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
ECHA’s new public data availability
system ECHA CHEM is operational and further developed and kept up-to-date.
Percentage of satisfaction of ECHA CHEM users
n/a n/a
mark TBD
Timeline for integration of
information on classification and labelling in ECHA CHEM
n/a n/a Q2 target
Timeline for integration of information on regulatory
status of substances in ECHA CHEM
n/a n/a Q2 target
OECD Global Portal to Information on Chemical Substances (eChemPortal) maintained.
Number of ECHA data updates
on eChemPortal n/a n/a 1 target
Number of eChemPortal
releases n/a n/a 1 target
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est. 8
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) n/a
n/a 2 985 136
Human resources (FTE) n/a
n/a 9
8 Starting from 2025, the activities 1.8 Data management and 1.9 Making data publicly available, were separated, while previously they were
included in a single activity.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 49
1.10 Promotion of alternatives to animal testing
ECHA supports efforts to further reduce animal testing in Europe, promotes alternative methods for hazard assessment and assists in implementing policies and administer processes where alternatives to
animal testing play an increasingly important role.
In 2025, ECHA will continue to promote alternatives, assuming an active role in supporting policy
developments, investing and supporting research (for example, via PARC10) with the overall aim to reduce the animal testing and proactively communicate its actions. The Agency will also support
consistently the efforts undertaken at EU level to develop and deliver the roadmap towards replacement
of animal testing.
Objective 1: Industry generates hazard data using non-animal testing methods and new
Expected results
• Increased implementation of the ‘Three Rs’ principle (to replace, reduce and refine testing on
vertebrate animals) by supporting industry to avoid unnecessary tests. • REACH registrants can use the QSAR Toolbox and ECHA guidance to provide robust scientific
justifications when using non-animal methods and grouping of chemicals, to avoid unnecessary testing, reduce costs and enhance competitiveness.
• ECHA uses alternative methods to the greatest extent possible in development of dossiers they have been asked to prepare.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Development of the QSAR toolbox to integrate new information (for example, metabolites, biocides or data from pharmaceuticals) and models
further developed.
Number of QSAR toolbox updates
n/a n/a 1 target
Data available for download (REACH studies results and pharmaceutical
industry data contribution) expanded to be used for NAMs development and/or avoiding unnecessary animal testing.
Number of dataset updates to support NAMs development
n/a n/a 2 target
Implementation of the OECD QSAR Assessment Framework (QAF)
Number of external events organised or attended to
present the QAF
n/a n/a 2 estimate
Objective 2: ECHA information and advice on alternatives to animal testing provided to
policy makers and stakeholders
Expected results
• Enhanced cooperation with the European Commission, other institutional partners, the scientific community and stakeholders to support the development and implementation of the roadmap
towards full replacement of animal testing.
• European Institutions refer and use the technical-scientific competences of the Agency and its networking capacity.
9 Title III of the Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 10 See activity 4.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 50
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Support provided to the Commission
roadmap on phasing out animal testing.
Number of meetings held with
stakeholders on NAMs n/a n/a 4 estimate
Workshop on the roadmap organised jointly with the Commission.
Timeline for workshop on NAMs roadmap organised and delivered timely and
n/a n/a Q2 target
Development of non-animal test
methods in cooperation with ECHA’s international partners progressed.
Number of NAMs projects
initiated n/a n/a 3 estimate
Collaboration with EFSA enhanced to
support development of harmonised approaches for reducing the need for animal testing within regulatory
Number of bilateral meetings on NAMs organised
n/a n/a 4 estimate
OECD activities related to further development of alternatives and
integration of regulatory relevant alternatives in test guidelines supported.
Number of OECD projects
related to NAMs supported n/a n/a 2 estimate
International collaboration towards the identification and acceptance of alternatives in regulatory frameworks
e.g., with US and Canada within the APCRA initiative (Accelerating the Pace of Chemical Risk Assessment)
Number of meetings related
to NAMs with international
partners organised and supported
n/a n/a 2 estimate
ECHA supports Member States with the
use of NAMs in pilot cases for CLH proposals as appropriate.
Number of Member States
NAMs cases supported n/a n/a 4 estimate
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 2 454 907 1 487 058 1 884 740
Human resources (FTE) 6 5 7
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 51
2. Biocides
The Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) establishes the rules for the making available on the market and
use of biocidal active substances and products. The regulation aims at protecting people, animals and the environment by ensuring that the active substances and products allowed on the market only target
harmful organisms, like pests or bacteria.
In 2025, ECHA will continue the efforts to progress the evaluation of active substances in the Review
Programme, including by providing support to the Member States for delivering their evaluation dossiers with particular focus on the evaluation of Article 5(2). On Union authorisations we anticipate a continued
increase of the workload, also due to the complexity of product families applications and the increase of
the number of applications for changes and same biocidal products authorisations. Additionally, in 2025 ECHA intends to produce an analysis on the functioning of the Biocidal Products Regulation based on its
experience and provide it in support to the evaluation of the regulation by the Commission. Furthermore, ECHA will continue the long-term activity to better integrate the IT tools required for the purpose of the
BPR implementation with ECHA’s overall IT architecture.
ECHA will continue to closely collaborate with other agencies (e.g. the European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA)) to implement the OSOA concept in relation to the evaluation of substances which are also regulated under legislation within their mandates. The OSOA
concept, under the Commission’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, aims to improve effectiveness,
efficiency and coherence of the safety assessment of chemicals across chemicals legislation.
Objective 1: Active substance and Union authorisation opinions are timely and of high
Expected results
• The opinions delivered on active substance approvals and Union authorisations follow the agreed
guidance and procedures and are clear, consistent and of high quality. • The Summaries of the Product Characteristics for Union authorisations are clear, consistent and
harmonised. • The Commission, together with the Member States, can take well-informed decisions on the
approval of active substances and Union authorisations of biocidal products. • The Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) and its working groups develop robust approaches to
scientific-regulatory questions, ensuring consistency across processes and over time. • The harmonised approach ensures a level playing field, increases legal certainty for companies in
a functioning internal market and increases human health and environment protection.
• The implementation of the One Substance, One Assessment concept under the current regulatory framework provides the basis for synergies, efficiencies and improved coherence between BPR and
other EU legislation thereby safeguarding the reputation of scientific advice at EU level.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Opinions on biocides active substances.
Number of opinions on biocidal active substances
[approval & renewal] finalised and submitted to the Commission
13 15 15 estimate
Opinions on Union authorisation of
biocidal products.
Number of opinions on Union authorisation [approval & renewal] of biocidal products
finalised and submitted to the Commission
10 20 15 estimate
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 52
Opinions on same biocidal products,
administrative changes, minor changes
and major changes of the Union authorisations.
Number of opinions on Union authorisation related processes: same biocidal
products, administrative, minor and major changes finalised and submitted to the
21 35 45 estimate
Opinions on classification of changes to
national or Union authorisations of products.
Number of opinions on classification of changes
finalised and submitted to the applicant
n/a n/a 9 estimate
Decisions on Technical equivalence applications.
Number of final decisions on technical equivalence applications concluded and
sent to the applicant
32 30 20 estimate
Assessments of applications for inclusion in the list of active substance suppliers (Article 95 BPR list).
Number of requests of
information and final decisions on Art 95 applications assessed and submitted to the applicant
n/a n/a 25 estimate
Opinions and decisions are timely and
Percentage of active substance and Union
authorisation opinions and decisions submitted within legal deadlines
n/a n/a 100 target
Number of requests from the
Commission for a BPC opinion [pursuant to Article 75(1)(g)]
to revise earlier adopted opinions
n/a n/a 0-4 estimate
Cooperation with EFSA further advanced to implement the basis and mechanisms for alignment of
evaluation of common substances (One Substance, One Assessment).
Number of meetings held with EFSA on alignment of evaluation of common
n/a n/a 6 target
List of frequently used sentences in the SPCs updated and translated in all the EU official languages.
Number of updates of the list of frequently used sentences in the SPCs published
n/a n/a 1 target
Objective 2: Member States and Commission supported to facilitate biocides processes and
accelerate the Review Programme
Expected results
• Steady progress in the current ongoing Review Programme for existing active substances is ensured through fit for purpose support to Member State competent authorities, with a specific
focus on the evaluation of endocrine-disrupting properties.
• Overcoming roadblocks in the evaluation of active substances is sustained through direct support to Member State competent authorities, proposals for simplifications and guidance.
• Member State competent authorities are provided with technical support and advice in the early stages of disagreements in the mutual recognition process in order to reduce the number of
unsolved disagreements referred to the Commission. • ECHA’s output provides the basis for informed decisions of the Commission and the Standing
Committee. • Targeted support to Member State competent authorities concerning the evaluation of Union
authorisation applications reduces the delays in the submission of product assessment reports and
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 53
leads to improvements in their consistency and quality.
• Economic operators can rely on professional dossier management, guidance and helpdesk support for active substance approval or product authorisation at Union level.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Technical, procedural, regulatory and administrative support is provided to Member States in the evaluation and
BPC opinion forming for active substance approval and on Union authorisation of biocidal products and to the Commission.
Percentage of satisfaction of authority actors in relation to
biocides processes measured in annual survey
n/a n/a >85 target
Fit-for-purpose opinions following
requests by the Commission pursuant to Articles 38, 15(2) and 75(1)(g) of the BPR prepared.
Number of opinions on Article
15, Article 38 and Article 75(1)(g) finalised and submitted to the Commission
7 10 8 estimate
Support to Member State competent authorities’ (MSCAs) evaluations
provided by early (informal) working group discussions and written consultations.
Number of early (informal) written consultations and
early working group discussions to support the evaluation by Member States
n/a n/a 100 target
Accordance check performed for all evaluations on AS and UA submitted by MSCAs.
Percentage of Member State evaluations checked for accordance
n/a n/a 100 target
Organisation of information and
training sessions for MSCAs to clarify
and discuss emerging issues on the implementation of BPR.
Number of information and
training sessions for MSCAs
related to BPR organised
n/a n/a 2 target
Organisation of a stakeholder workshop to share information and discuss challenges concerning various actors for the implementation of BPR.
Number of stakeholder workshops related to BPR organised
n/a n/a 1 target
Guidance documents developed according to agreed priorities and
maintained aiming for alignment across regulations.
Number of guidance documents related to biocides
processes finalised and published
n/a n/a 3 target
Technical input and support the Commission’s evaluation of the BPR.
Number of technical reports provided to support the Commission in BPR evaluation
n/a n/a 1 target
Support and advice to Member States Competent Authorities to facilitate the
resolution of disagreements in the mutual recognition process.
Number of disagreement
points related to mutual recognition closed
n/a n/a 100 estimate
Objective 3: Biocides IT tools integrated with other ECHA regulatory IT systems
Expected results
• Authority and Industry users can rely on user friendly and up-to-date IT tools in a more efficient
• Synergies and savings on the mid- and longer term are created for ECHA.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 54
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Progress with the development of Biocides IT tools in the frame and according to the plans of the general
ECHA IT strategy.
Number of updates of R4BP 3
released n/a n/a 2 target
Number of BPR IT user group meetings
n/a n/a 1 target
First set of IUCLID validation rules for active substance applications agreed with Member State Competent
n/a n/a Q4 target
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 10 213 821 11 477 824 12 363 134
Human resources (FTE) 56 55 55
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 55
3. Environmental Policy
ECHA implements a number of specific environmental legislations, by performing a wide range of
administrative, technical, and scientific tasks, as detailed below.
EU Prior Informed Consent (PIC) regulation implements, with additional obligations, the UN
Rotterdam Convention relating to the international trade of hazardous substances. ECHA supports the processing of information on the export and import of hazardous chemicals, provides support to
companies and designated national authorities (DNAs) from both the EU and third countries and supports
the Commission with the implementation of the Convention.
EU Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) regulation implements the UN Stockholm Convention,
aimed to protect human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants. ECHA facilitates the reporting obligations on behalf of the Member State competent authorities and compiles the Union
overview of the implementation. ECHA also coordinates the enforcement activities via the Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement (Forum) and supports the Commission with the implementation
of the Convention.
Under the Waste Framework Directive, ECHA maintains a database (SCIP) on products containing
substances of very high concern (SVHCs) and placed on the EU market. The data is made available to waste operators, consumers and other interested parties. ECHA supports duty holders in meeting their
The revised Drinking Water Directive aims to protect citizens and the environment from the harmful effects of contaminated drinking water and to improve access to drinking water. ECHA is setting up and
maintaining the European positive lists of substances that are authorised to be used for the
manufacturing of materials coming into contact with drinking water.
The 8th Environmental Action Programme (EAP) is the EU’s joint programme for implementing the European Green Deal on the ground until 2030. ECHA provides technical support to the Commission,
together with the European Environment Agency (EEA), in establishing a new framework of indicators, aiming to assess the effectiveness of the chemicals legislation by monitoring the drivers of pollution as
well as its outcomes.
Under the Batteries Regulation ECHA will continue to support the European Commission in identifying substances of concern found in batteries or used in their manufacturing. The Commission may request
ECHA to prepare proposals to restrict hazardous substances in batteries and waste batteries and to adopt an opinion (through RAC and SEAC) on restriction proposals submitted either by ECHA or by Member
States. The aim is to make batteries on the market more sustainable throughout their lifecycle.
Amendments to several Directives related to water protection, Water Framework, Groundwater and
Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) Directives, are being discussed in Ordinary Legislative Procedure and in the proposed changes ECHA has been assigned new tasks. The tasks include
development of watch lists for surface and ground water, and development of Priority Lists, EU-wide EQS
and indicative concentrations and ground water thresholds. ECHA must also establish and disseminate a
repository of national EQS values.
Under the Industrial Emissions Directive, ECHA is foreseen to input our knowledge on chemical uses, hazards and regulatory status into the revision and development of Best Available Technique Reference
(BREF) documents, according to the relevant workplans developed by the European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau (EIPPCB). In addition, we have been tasked with the further development
of a Chemical Management System (CMS), to be updated and applied as agreed with IED stakeholders
in the context of the IED Forum.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 56
Under the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation ECHA will support the European Commission in identifying substances of concern found in packaging and packaging waste. The Commission may
request ECHA to prepare proposals to restrict hazardous substances in packaging and packaging waste.
Following the publication of the relevant legislative proposals, the possible resourcing stemming from the adoption of the End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) Directive, the Regulation establishing a common
data platform on chemicals and revision of the POP and Medical Devices Regulation, and RoHS
Directive has been included in the activity totals.
Objective 1: International trade of chemicals listed under the Rotterdam Convention and
the PIC regulation facilitated and managed
Expected results
• International trade of chemicals listed under the Rotterdam Convention takes place in compliance with the principles of shared responsibility and cooperation, as implemented in the PIC regulation.
• The Commission and other Authorities have access to the information and support needed to improve implementation and development of the UN Rotterdam Convention
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Export notifications processed.
Number of export notifications processed
10 857 11 000 11 000 estimate
Percentage of export notifications validated
96 90 90 target
Import notifications processed. Number of import notifications processed
n/a n/a 800 estimate
Explicit consent responses processed. Number of explicit consent responses processed
n/a n/a 2 000 estimate
Support provided to EU MS DNAs and the Commission, including the
management of explicit consent requests, to allow companies to export these chemicals in accordance with the EU’s international commitments.
Number of replies provided to DNAs and Commission
3 570 n/a 3 000 estimate
Support provided to companies (via the
helpdesk) and non-EU Authorities.
Number of Helpdesk replies related to PIC provided to
companies and non-EU Authorities
245 250 250 estimate
Annual report on PIC exports and
imports (Art. 10) published.
Timeline for publication of annual report on PIC exports
and imports (Art. 10)
n/a n/a Q4 target
Support provided to the Commission with the EU contribution to the Rotterdam Convention implementation, including the preparations of the draft
final regulatory actions (FRAs).
Timeline for providing support
to the Commission with the EU contribution to the Rotterdam Convention implementation, including the
preparations of the draft final regulatory actions (FRAs)
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Support provided to the Commission in the continuous improvement of the
functioning and efficient implementation of the PIC Regulation.
Timeline for providing support to the Commission in the continuous improvement of
the functioning and efficient implementation of the PIC Regulation
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 57
Objective 2: European Commission supported in the implementation of the Stockholm Convention and the POP Regulation
Expected results
• The Commission and Member States have the scientific and technical support they need in their
work under the Convention and the POPs regulation within the limits of ECHA’s capacity.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Scientific dossiers drafted for a new EU
proposal to list a potential POP substance under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
Number of scientific dossiers
drafted for the identification of new substances under Stockholm Convention
1 1 1 estimate
Processes on POPs reviewed to take account of new mandate on POPs in
Timeline for implementing actions following review of
POPs processes
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Technical and scientific support provided as required to the Commission for the listing process.
Number of requests for advice
and support related to the Stockholm Convention provided to various
55 50 50 estimate
The reporting system for the implementation of the POP regulation
maintained and the Union Overview report based on the Member States
reports updated. These outputs will be
delivered in line with resource constraints.
Indicator TBD when relevant
Objective 3: Substances of very high Concern In Products (SCIP) database maintained
Expected results
• SCIP database available and ensures that the information on articles containing Candidate List
substances is available throughout the whole lifecycle of products and materials, including at the waste stage to support the substitution of Candidate List substances in articles and contribute to a
circular economy by facilitating waste prevention and waste treatment operations.
• SCIP duty holders can meet their obligation to notify articles containing Candidate List substances that are placed on the EU market.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Notification portal and the public SCIP
database maintained.
Number of SCIP notifications received (incl. updates)
10.6 million
8-12 million
8-12 million
Percentage of SCIP
notifications published within 3 months
n/a n/a >80 target
Support provided to EU suppliers of
articles to submit the required information to ECHA.
Number of Helpdesk replies
provided to SCIP notifiers 1 020 1 000 1 000 estimate
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 58
Objective 4: Implementation of Drinking Water Directive (DWD)
Expected results
• Internal operational procedures and working instructions for handling the applications to be submitted from 2026 onwards established.
• Procedures for opinion forming by RAC and the Working Group developed and implemented. • IT tools for the reception, processing and dissemination of notifications available.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Procedures for opinion forming by RAC and the RAC Working Group developed and implemented.
Timeline for DWD procedures agreed by RAC
n/a n/a Q4 target
IT tools for the receipt, processing and dissemination of notifications available.
Number of IT tool releases related to DWD
n/a n/a 1 target
Guidance documents to support applicants and RAC published.
Number of DWD guidance documents published
n/a n/a 4 target
Workshop with stakeholders to inform
on the notification and the application procedures organised.
Number of workshops related
to DWD held with stakeholders
n/a n/a 1 target
Objective 5: An accessible and transparent evidence base to support the monitoring, measuring and reporting on chemicals
Expected results
• Implementation of the strategic priorities of the European Green Deal and the assessment of progress under the 8th EAP is supported.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Relevant indicators kept under review, monitored and reported as necessary.
Number of views of the chemicals indicators dashboard
n/a n/a 500 estimate
Objective 6: Implementation of the Batteries Regulation
Expected results
• Technical and scientific support given to the Commission in the implementation of the new Batteries
regulation. • Second part of the scoping study detailing the methodology to identity substances found in batteries
or used in their manufacturing, that have negative impacts on human health and the environment or recycling, commenced.
• Implementation plan in place for the restrictions work under the Batteries Regulation. • Setup of the internal operational procedures and working instructions according to the
implementation plan.
• Discussions/workshop with relevant stakeholders held.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Part of the scoping study completed and provided to the Commission.
Number of study reports provided to the Commission under the Batteries Regulation
n/a n/a 1 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 59
Preparation for the implementation of the Batteries Regulation completed.
Timeline for implementation plan for Batteries Regulation completed
n/a n/a Q4 target
Ongoing discussions held with relevant
Number of meetings related to the implementation of the
Batteries Regulation held with stakeholders
n/a n/a 4 target
Objective 7: Preparation for the implementation of the Water Framework, Groundwater and Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) Directives (legislation pending)
Expected results
• Support is provided to the Commission regarding the ongoing Ordinary Legislative Procedure. • Implementation plan for ECHA’s tasks in the revised Directives developed.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Technical and scientific support provided to the EU Institutions during the adoption of the legal acts.
Timeline for direct inputs or
response to queries related to Water Framework, Groundwater and EQS
Directives from EU institutions during the legislative process
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 estimate
Preparation for the implementation of the tasks completed.
Timeline for implementation
plan of Water Framework, Groundwater and EQS
Directives agreed between
ECHA and the Commission
n/a n/a Q3 estimate
Objective 8: Development of Best Available Techniques Reference (BREF) documents under the Industrial Emissions Directive supported
Expected results
• Better utilisation of ECHAs databases and knowledge on industrial chemicals under the Industrial
Emissions Directive, by contributing to the BREF revision and development process.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Input to the review and update of Best
Available Technique (BAT) reference documents is provided, in particular with substance-related information from the ECHA databases.
Number of BAT reference documents supported
n/a n/a 2 estimate
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 60
Objective 9: Implementation of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (adopted
by the Council on 16 December 2024, entry into force pending publication in the Official Journal)
Expected results
• The scoping study on the presence of substances of concern in packaging and packaging
components commenced.
• Implementation plan for restrictions work under the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation developed and initiated.
• Technical and scientific support given to the Commission in the implementation of the new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation.
• Discussions/workshop with relevant stakeholders held.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Preparation of scoping study initiated. Timeline for initiation of preparation for packaging and
packaging waste regulation
n/a n/a Q2 estimate
Objective 10: Preparation for the implementation of the proposals under One Substance, One Assessment package (Data regulation, POPs, Medical devices, RoHS) (legislation
Expected results
• Support is provided to the legislator during the negotiations and adoption of the three legal acts under the One Substance, One Assessment package.
• Implementation plans for the new tasks developed.
• Commission is supported in setting up the governance under the Common Data Platform.
Main outputs Indicators
2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimat
Technical and scientific support provided to the EU Institutions during
the adoption of the legal acts.
Number of direct inputs or response to queries from EU
institutions during the OSOA legislative process
n/a n/a 5 estimate
Preparation for the implementation of
the new legal acts initiated.
Timeline for implementation plans for OSOA developed
n/a n/a Q4 estimate
Number of OSOA Expert
Group meetings supported n/a n/a 2 estimate
Commission supported in setting up the
Governance of the Common Data Platform.
Number of meetings related
to CDPC with relevant agencies supported
n/a n/a 2 estimate
Resources 2023
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 4 362 082 6 482 756 5 426 534
Human resources (FTE) 2011 34 25
11 in 2023, the Environmental policy activity was split in the following activities: Prior Informed Consent, Persistent Organic Pollutants, Waste
Framework Directive, Drinking Water Directive, 8th Environmental Action Programme
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 61
4. Other tasks, including tasks under grant, cooperation and
service-level agreement12
The EU Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) provides information on the safety of nanomaterials
on the EU market to support businesses and in particular SMEs, workers, consumers, and authorities.
With the EU Chemicals Legislation Finder (EUCLEF), ECHA provides a single point of entry for accessing information on various pieces of EU legislation applicable to a given chemical substance,
supporting compliance by the companies, and SMEs in particular.
The Chemical Agents Directive (CAD) and the Carcinogens, Mutagens or Reprotoxic substances
Directive (CMRD) provide a framework for setting occupational exposure limits, forming an integral
part of the EU’s mechanism for protecting the health of workers. Following the request from DG EMPL, ECHA prepares a scientific report for its Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) based on the available
scientific data and any relevant information collected through a 90-day call for evidence.
The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) is an EU funding mechanism designated to
support (pre) candidate countries in building up their capacities throughout the accession process. ECHA
implements IPA projects to support their alignment with the EU chemicals acquis.
EFSA and ECHA are collaborating to enable the use of IUCLID for the purpose of the new transparency provisions under EFSA’s revised founding Regulation (EU) 2019/1381, including by the integration of
IUCLID into EFSA’s IT Infrastructure (IUCLID for EFSA).
Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) is a project under Horizon Europe seeking to develop next-generation chemical risk assessment. ECHA is an Associated Partner in PARC,
co-leading the subtask on priority setting (work package WP 2.1) and providing further input/advice to
other work packages.
The Regulation on Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health (SCBTH) has allocated tasks to several EU agencies including ECHA to play a role in the preparedness and reaction to such threats. DG SANTE
is financially supporting ECHA in setting up for the Regulation during the 2025-2027 transitional phase
preceding its inclusion in the Basic Regulation.
Objective 1: EUON database on nanomaterials on the EU market available and updated
Expected results
• Objective information on nanomaterials on the EU market allows both professional and general audiences to review and increase their understanding of how nanomaterials are used in the EU,
what safety information is available on them, and what safety research is ongoing.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Specific data gaps in the public knowledge about nanomaterials via
the commissioning of external studies continued to be addressed.
Number of EUON studies commissioned as per
Contribution agreement with Commission
n/a n/a 2 target
EUON promoted via different channels to increase its outreach to a wide
variety of audiences.
Number of views of EUON pages
186 084 130 000 300 000 target
Number of visitors to EUON pages
n/a n/a 150 000 target
12 See also Annex XI
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 62
Objective 2: EUCLEF database on EU chemicals legislation available and maintained
Expected results
• Companies, including SMEs, use EUCLEF to navigate through the EU chemicals legislative framework
and find relevant information on how chemical substances are regulated across the EU.
• EUCLEF helps companies and SMEs in particular to understand the obligations that apply to their substances of interest so they can ensure to comply with them and take informed market decisions.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
EUCLEF promoted wider to increase the utility of the service for the target audience, with a particular focus on
Number of views of EUCLEF pages
395 000 400 000 350 000 target
Number of visitors to EUCLEF pages
n/a n/a 130 000 target
Advice provided via the EUCLEF helpdesk.
Number of queries
answered by EUCLEF helpdesk service
n/a n/a 100 estimate
Objective 3: Opinions of the Risks Assessment Committee (RAC) on OELs delivered to the Commission
Expected results
• The Commission is able to use the RAC opinion in its procedure to propose and adopt occupational exposure limit (OEL) values.
• SLA agreement terms and timelines are met.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
SLA commitments completed. Number of OEL requests
received under SLA 5 5 5 estimate
RAC opinions completed and delivered to the Commission.
Number of RAC opinions on
OELs completed and provided to the Commission
5 5 5 target
Objective 4: IPA grant implemented fully in support of EU candidate and pre-candidate
countries on chemicals management
Expected results
• Candidate and pre-candidate countries build up capacity towards effective implementation of EU chemicals legislation ahead of EU accession.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Support actions as agreed in the IPA
grant agreement for 2023-June 2026 implemented.
Timeline for IPA support
actions delivered as per agreement with Commission
Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 target
New IPA agreement prepared. Timeline for signing the new
IPA agreement n/a n/a Q4 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 63
Objective 5: IUCLID platform cooperation on Plant Protection Products (PPP) between
EFSA and ECHA continued
Expected results
• IUCLID is configured and modified where needed to handle plant protection products (PPP) dossiers and format development work is initiated for Food Contact Materials (FCM) and Synergists and
• Duty holders under EFSA PPP can prepare and submit information in the IUCLID format and EFSA can publish the public data.
• PPP dossiers are made available to EFSA with robust and simple level of integration with EFSA IT
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Submitted dossiers processed and made available to EFSA.
Percentage of dossiers submitted made available to
n/a n/a 100 estimate
First version of the Food contact
Materials IUCLID format released.
Timeline for release of first
version of FCM format in IUCLID
n/a n/a Q2 target
Plan for the development of IUCLID
format to other relevant food regulated products prepared.
Timeline for plan for the
development of IUCLID supported
n/a n/a Q4 estimate
Objective 6: Input provided to research activities in support of current and future
regulatory challenges
Expected results
• Contributions to PARC with a view to providing direct support to EU chemical risk assessment/management authorities and processes, supporting the sustainable management of
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Input provided to PARC projects. Timeline for providing input to PARC projects
Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 estimate
Key Areas of Regulatory Challenge
report updated and promoted.
Timeline for publishing Key Areas of Regulatory Challenge
Q3 Q3 Q3 target
Objective 7: Implement the Regulation on Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health (SCBTH)
Expected results
• Agreements in place with DG SANTE and other agencies on deliverables and approach.
• Plan for addressing such incidents prepared and communicated.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Procedure in place, aligned with the
Agreements with DG SANTE and other
agencies on deliverables and approach, tested and reviewed.
Timeline for signing SCBTH
Contribution Agreement13 n/a n/a Q1 target
(Contributions to) requested (rapid) Percentage of requested n/a n/a 100 target
13 Indicator to be removed from the final version of the SPD if the service level agreement is signed during 2024
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 64
risk assessments promptly delivered. (rapid) risk assessments delivered within expected timelines
Contributions in the area of chemical events to the assessments of the MS
prevention, preparedness and response plans coordinated by ECDC made.
Number of meetings and
events related to SCBTH attended
n/a n/a 2-4 target
Resources 2023
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 5 721 374 784 712 1 304 712
Human resources (FTE) 1814 19.5 20.5
14 In 2023, the ‘Other tasks’ activity was split in the following activities: EU Observatory for Nanomaterials, EU Chemicals Legislation Finder,
Support to Occupational health legislation, Instrument for Pre-Accession assistance (IPA), Support to other legislation, IUCLID for EFSA, Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 65
5. Governance and enablers
ECHA’s horizontal activities support the organisation and provide the necessary tools, infrastructure, and
capabilities for ECHA to carry out its mandate. The governance structure is aimed at facilitating effective
decision-making and enabling efficient execution of the operational activities.
ECHA coordinates the work of the Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement (Forum15) and the related Biocidal Products Regulation Subgroup (BPRS). The Forum serves to exchange and
identify best practice with respect to enforcement; proposes, coordinates and evaluates harmonised enforcement projects and joint inspections; trains and coordinates exchange of inspectors; develops
working methods and tools of use to local inspectors; liaises with stakeholders as necessary and
examines proposals for restrictions with a view to advising on enforceability.
The Board of Appeal16 ensures an independent review of decisions that ECHA adopts under REACH and
BPR, when they are challenged. These concern registration, data sharing, PPORDs (exemptions from the general obligation to register for product and process orientated research and development), testing
proposals, compliance check and substance evaluation under REACH; as well as certain decisions under
BPR related to, among others, technical equivalence of active substances and data sharing.
ECHA’s governance enables the management bodies to exercise their leadership functions, formulate strategic priorities, and put them into action. It furthermore supports the liaison of the Executive Director
and the leadership team with the EU Institutions, Member States and other EU agencies.
ECHA’s communications focus centres on proactive, clear and strategic external and internal activities, that promote its work and achievements, to build, maintain and enhance the Agency’s identity and keeps
stakeholder audiences well-informed and favourably inclined.
The Agency’s engagement efforts ensure that ECHA proactively identifies its stakeholders and their
needs, allowing it to implement a mutually beneficial engagement programme.
Through its helpdesk, IT tools and website, ECHA supports companies to access and remain on the
European Union (EU) single market. ECHA also coordinates and supports Member State helpdesks for
REACH, CLP and BPR to achieve high quality timely, up-to-date and harmonised advice across the EU.
Legal advice and support are provided on all issues that have legal implications for ECHA, aiming to
ensure that action taken, especially the decisions, opinions and agreements, conform with the regulations that govern the Agency and its work. Support and drafting are also provided on request for legislative
changes. In litigation, decisions are strongly defended, and the Commission is supported when court
cases relate to ECHA’s Committee opinions.
ECHA’s ICT provides services for the Agency and for external users, in industry, in national authorities, and general public. The services cover ICT governance, process analysis and design, procurement,
delivery, management of ICT tools and management of ICT assets.
ECHA’s financial resources are managed in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and
effectiveness. The total expenditure budget is financed through fee income and EU contribution.
ECHA develops and implements actions to enable the achievement of its people and organisational objectives and, thereby, facilitate the attraction, development and retention of competent, committed
15 Art. 77 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 16 Art. 90 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and Art. 77 of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 66
ECHA’s corporate services support ECHA’s staff and stakeholders by providing a range of services related to ECHA’s premises, physical security infrastructure, staff travel, and physical, hybrid and virtual
meetings management services. ECHA’s corporate services team also coordinates ECHA’s environmental
management systems and ECHA’s European Commission’s Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
ECHA will keep on monitoring any other legislative developments which may lead to further tasks allocated to ECHA in the future and ensure its readiness for their timely and effective implementation,
as necessary and provided resources availability.
Objective 1: A level playing field for economic operators through increasingly harmonised enforcement across EU
Expected results
• Citizens benefit from a higher degree of human health and environment protection as a result of
increased compliance with EU chemicals legislation. • Duty holders benefit from a harmonised enforcement across EU.
• Authorities benefit from knowledge on the areas needing enforcement action.
• Enforcement related issues are shared among Member States to increase effectiveness of EU regulatory actions on chemicals.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Forum coordinated enforcement
projects (four REFs, one BEF and three pilot projects) implemented.
Number of Forum enforcement projects ongoing
n/a n/a 8 estimate
Subject matter of next EU-wide
REACH enforcement project (REF) agreed and steps taken to implement
Timeline for initiating
discussions on next EU-wide REACH enforcement project
(REF) and taking steps to implement actions
n/a n/a Q4 target
Training provided for national trainers
and inspectors developed and delivered.
Number of enforcement trainers trained by the Forum
840 200 500 target
Advice on enforceability on all submitted proposals for restrictions delivered and published.
Number of requests for advice on enforceability issued/ responded to
n/a n/a 0 estimate
Further streamlined process to support NEAs in enforcement of ECHA
dossier evaluation decisions, considering the findings of the JEAP.
Timeline for identification of proposals for streamlined
process to support NEAs
n/a n/a Q4 target
Objective 2: Board of Appeal decisions are adopted without undue delay and are of high quality
Expected results
• Any natural or legal person affected by decisions taken by ECHA can make use of their right of
appeal and expect an independent and impartial review.
• Within the scope of its competences, Board of Appeal helps ECHA to ensure that REACH and the BPR are implemented coherently and correctly, by providing clarifications of the legal requirements
where relevant. • The rights of registrants and interested parties are effectively safeguarded.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 67
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Appeals brought against decisions of the Agency, according to procedural
requirements, processed and decided.
Number of appeals submitted
REACH 10 12 10 estimate
Number of appeals submitted BPR
2 2 2 estimate
Number of appeals concluded REACH
14 12 12 target
Number of appeals concluded
BPR 1 2 2 target
Communication to parties and the
general public about appeal decisions completed.
Number of press items issued n/a n/a 14 estimate
Support provided to the Secretariat in defence of Board of Appeal decisions when challenged before the EU Courts.
Number of EU legal cases for which BoA is engaged
n/a n/a 2 estimate
Objective 3: ECHA's Governance aligns with strategy and adapts to the changing
organisational and institutional landscape
Expected results
• The management bodies steer and execute the strategy statement and operational and organisational requirements as well as ensure compliance.
• ECHA aligns closely with institutional and Member State partners to deliver the shared legal
mandate and share competences and knowledge. • ECHA enhances its regulatory outputs and addresses environmental and health issues via
structured cooperation with EU institutions, agencies and global partners. • ECHA aligns its activities and organisational model with its strategy and mandate.
• ECHA supports the Commission to enhance engagement and synergies at international level.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Secretariat for the Management Board
(MB) provided, with required plenary meetings and required (pre) meetings of subgroups.
Percentage of statutory documents adopted by MB
within the required timeframe
n/a n/a 100 target
Percentage of MB members trained on roles and responsibilities
n/a n/a 100 target
Percentage of MB members attending plenary meetings
n/a n/a 80 target
Final and draft Programming Documents adopted by the MB.
Timeline for MB adoption of programming document
n/a n/a Q4 target
Quarterly and annual activity reports
with key performance indicators (KPI) delivered to / adopted by the MB.
Timeline for delivery of
quarterly reports and annual activity report
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Quality, internal control, risk
management frameworks implemented, including through operating the network of quality
Timeline: Discharge granted
to the Executive Director for y-2 by the European Parliament
n/a n/a Q2 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 68
assurance officers, maintaining certifications, performing the annual internal control assessment and
providing quarterly updates of the risk register.
Timeline for ISO certification and EMAS registration of
ECHA’s Environmental Management System (EMS)
n/a n/a Q3-Q4 target
The ECHA audit and evaluations plan implemented with regular reports to
Number of reservations from the Court of Auditor
observations on the accounts y-1
n/a n/a 0 target
Number of major and critical deficiencies identified during internal and external audits and evaluations, including the
internal control assessment
n/a n/a 0 target
Review of the agency-wide reporting and monitoring data, to consolidate and streamline practices ahead of the
2026 five yearly report on ECHA’s operations (Art 117.2 REACH).
Timeline for review of data concluded and 5-yearly report
n/a n/a Q4 target
Input on resource forecasting for the
next multi-annual financing period prepared and communicated to the Commission and institutional partners.
Timeline for preparation and communication to the
Commission and institutional partners of the input on resource forecasting for the
next MFF
n/a n/a Q2-Q4 estimate
Support the efforts of relevant actors in
improving the workability of ECHA's scientific Committees.
Percentage of Scientific
Committee (RAC and SEAC) membership positions filled
n/a n/a 67% estimate
Agency wide policies, including data protection implemented; conflict of
interest prevention policy and anti- fraud strategy reviewed.
Number of breaches of trust or disciplinary procedure
initiated for conflict-of- interest management or fraud prevention
n/a n/a 0 target
Number of personal data breaches reported, as per legal requirements, to the European Data Protection
n/a n/a 5 estimate
Percentage of MB members and senior management
declarations of interest as well as senior management meetings with stakeholders
n/a n/a 100 target
Engagements with Member States
authorities conducted, including a meeting of heads of chemicals
authorities, Executive Director country visits, and management of the Member
State partner database.
Number of high-level meetings conducted with
Member States and European Union institutions
n/a n/a 15 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 69
Regular engagements and coordination activities with other EU agencies conducted, focusing on EFSA, EEA,
EMA, ECDC and EU-OSHA, complemented by bilateral arrangements and contributions to the
Network of EU Agencies.
Number of Memoranda of Understandings and other
bilateral arrangements
reviewed or newly established with institutional and international partners
n/a n/a 4 estimate
Routine international engagements
conducted, such as hosting courtesy or business visits from third countries and information provision on the
requirements of EU chemicals legislation.
Number of courtesy or business visits organised with
international organisations and third countries (excluding IPA and OECD)
n/a n/a 6 estimate
Number of OECD meetings attended and supported
n/a n/a 14 estimate
Objective 4: ECHA’s communication is effective, transparent, targeted and timely
Expected results
• Improved coverage of ECHA’s work in protecting citizens’ and workers’ health and the environment. • Stakeholder audiences better understand ECHA’s role, aims and activities.
• Increased trust in ECHA’s science-based decision-making on chemicals safety. • Broader staff engagement.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Communications Action Plan for 2025 implemented.
Percentage of neutral and positive media coverage of ECHA
96 >85 >85 target
Communications Action Plan for 2026 developed.
Timeline for the development of the 2026 Communications Action Plan
n/a n/a Q4 target
Growth in number of social media followers.
Number of social media followers
n/a n/a 140 000
ECHA website acts as a communications channel.
Number of visitors to all ECHA public domains
(* including also the subdomains: ECHACHEM, EUON, PCN,
IUCLID, Chesar, etc.
5.8 million
4.2 million
4.2 million
Cooperation on communications alignment and capacity building
initiatives undertaken with sister Agencies and Member States authorities through the MS Competent
Authorities Communicators Network.
Number of Communications Network Meetings held
n/a n/a 2 target
Assessment of ECHA's external
perception in view of new strategy and
Timeline for launch of the
assessment of ECHA's external perception in view of
new strategy and mandate
n/a n/a Q2 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 70
Objective 5: Open and transparent engagement with all stakeholders
Expected results
• ECHA can identify its key stakeholders across relevant sectors.
• Stakeholders feel able to approach ECHA and contribute to its work where appropriate.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Stakeholder perception benchmarks established.
Timeline for launch of Stakeholder perception
benchmarking survey
n/a n/a Q2-Q3 target
Preparations for ECHA Conference 2026
Timeline for kick-off of
preparations of 2026 ECHA Conference
n/a n/a Q2-Q3 target
Accredited Stakeholders (ASOs) review completed and proposals implemented.
Timeline for completion of ASO review and implementation of proposals
n/a n/a Q4 target
NGO and Accredited Stakeholder Organisations dialogues held.
Number of meetings held with NGOs and ASOs
n/a n/a 3 target
Engagements with stakeholders. Number of engagements with stakeholders
n/a n/a 200 estimate
Objective 6: Companies, and in particular SMEs, have the necessary advice to meet legal obligations
Expected results
• High quality and harmonised advice for companies is available in relevant EU languages across
Europe. • Companies successfully prepare and submit data required under the EU’s chemicals legislation.
• Companies have the necessary advice provided on their queries and questions.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Questions are timely and effectively answered.
Number of Helpdesk questions answered (across all our legal
n/a n/a 10 000 estimate
Percentage of queries answered within 15 working days
n/a n/a 75 target
Topics of broad interest/relevance discussed and agreed among all
national helpdesks for harmonised advice.
Number of meetings with
national helpdesks n/a n/a 15 target
Regular contacts with SMEs to understand and address better their specific needs established under the
different legislations in ECHA’s
Number of SME dedicated dialogues held
n/a n/a 1 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 71
Objective 7: Compliance with legal requirements related to finances, human resources,
procurement, intellectual property and access to documents
Expected results
• ECHA's actions related to its financial interests, human resources and procurement are legally sound and in line with the legal framework.
• ECHA’s intellectual property is professionally managed.
• Transparency is increased when citizens get swift responses when requesting access to documents.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
ECHA’s decisions comply with legal requirements, are consistent and proportionate.
Timeline for legal support Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 target
ECHA’s contributions in legal proceedings follow ECHA’s policies and are timely delivered.
Number of new Court and Board of Appeal proceedings handled
28 n/a 26 estimate
Legal review, advice and training provided to ensure sound decisions on access to documents.
Number of access to documents requests received and concluded
139 100 150 estimate
Objective 8 (IT): IT operations are efficient, secure and of high quality
Expected results
• IT security on ECHA infrastructure, systems, and data, including hybrid work practice, is ensured, managed, maintained and improved to face the increasing and more sophisticated worldwide cyber
threats. • Staff are able to operate and use the IT tools with appropriate level of user satisfaction, highest
availability and efficiency. • External stakeholders can collaborate with ECHA in a fit-for-purpose, reliable and efficient manner.
• Coherence and coordination are maintained across the contractors to optimise overall delivery. • The IT operations and development investments are governed thoroughly and efficiently.
• Obsolete IT systems stood down.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
The modernisation of end-of-life administrative tooling continued.
Percentage of administrative tooling modernised
n/a n/a 80% target
New Cybersecurity and Information Security regulations implementation continued according to the given
Number of high impact security incidents
0 <2 <2 target
Number of data breaches n/a n/a 0 target
User satisfaction surveys completed and indicating a high level of
Percentage of internal IT user
satisfaction n/a n/a >85 target
Timeline for baseline data collection for User satisfaction
score based on regular NPS data collection (Net Promoter
n/a n/a Q4 target
Key IT systems and solutions have high availability.
Percentage of availability of key systems
99 >98 >98 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 72
Objective 9 (IT): IT functions and business processes transformed, modernised and
Expected results
• New solutions are designed and implemented in a generic way to allow the quick adaptation/configuration of new processes in the future (new tasks) and quick deployment of the
• Modularity of IT solutions improves the ability to re-use IT resources and maximize the value of the investments.
• A data product focus practice is introduced and widely adopted in the organization leveraging the investments in data technologies, platforms and governance.
• Transitioning of ECHA’s infrastructure and solutions to public cloud will enable higher efficiency and unlock the benefits coming by leverage of new technologies (e.g., AI).
• Increased implementation of agility, improved governance, user centric development, data management capabilities and reduction of technical debt, will increase the quality of the solutions
and value of the IT investments.
• Further alignment and improved ways of working with the contractor ecosystem, increases the value of output and quality of the solutions and services.
• Efficient and timely implementation of the solutions required by the new tasks is enabled.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Plans to transition to public cloud
infrastructure and services completed.
Percentage of workloads migrated from data centre to
public cloud
n/a n/a 100 target
Timeline for completion of
Public Cloud migration project n/a n/a Q3 target
Year 2 of the long term (5 years) IT vision, plan and roadmap reviewed and
Timeline for review and update of long-term (5 years)
IT vision, plan and roadmap
n/a n/a Q3 target
IT governance has incrementally enhanced.
Number and share of teams working in regulatory context
which are part of the program increment (PI) practise (An agile practise to synchronise,
align and coordinate IT delivery across a portfolio of applications)
n/a n/a 9/15
teams target
The target enterprise architecture adopted, and implementation ongoing
to improve tooling for regulatory processes for internal and authority users.
The target architecture includes in total
40 capabilities, which can be used to implement all regulatory processes. 15 of these capabilities will be needed to
implement the first process (DWD solution) to new architecture.
Number of common
capabilities implemented n/a n/a
15/40 capabil
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 73
Objective 10: ECHA’s budget is implemented in accordance with the objectives set in the
Programming Document and the Financial Regulation
Expected results
• ECHA has sufficient financial resources to deliver its mandate which are allocated and implemented effectively and efficiently according to the principles of sound financial management.
• ECHA’s Management Board receives relevant information on the evolution of fee income,
expenditure and risks to exercise its oversight function.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Annual budget prepared and implemented in accordance with the objectives set in the Programming
Document and the Financial Regulation.
Percentage of expenditure
committed 99.3% >95% >95% target
Percentage of cancelled
payment appropriations
(including carry-forward)
0.8% <5% <5% target
Percentage of payments
processed within legal
99.4% >99% >99% target
Annual accounts prepared for and
presented to ECHA’s MB and the relevant EU institutions, in accordance with the requirements of the Financial
Number of audit observations on financial transaction
management leading to a qualified opinion by the Court of Auditors (as per the latest
available audit opinion)
0 0 0 target
Procurement and contracting activities implemented in accordance with the objectives set in the Programming Document and the Financial Regulation,
while meeting the requirements of legality and regularity.
Number of audit observations on procurement and contract management leading to a qualified opinion by the Court
of Auditors (as per the latest available audit opinion)
0 0 0 target
Objective 11: Attract, develop and retain competent and committed staff to implement
ECHA’s mandate, purpose and vision
Expected results
• Through the implementation of its People and Organisational Strategy 2024-2028, ECHA facilitates
the engagement of a competent and diverse staff base within a positive work environment that fosters high performance and flexible deployment of staff.
• ECHA and its partners benefit from the quality and diversity of experience and competence of ECHA
staff who are highly motivated to implement ECHA’s strategic goals and priorities.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
ECHA’s Wellbeing Action Plan 2025- 2026 developed and implemented, in
conjunction with ECHA’s Joint Committee for Health and Wellbeing.
Percentage of staff participating in annual
medical check-ups organised by the Agency
n/a n/a 80% target
Regular communication with ECHA’s Staff Committee to maintain a healthy working culture and positive relations and dialogue.
Number of meetings held between Staff Committee and senior management
n/a n/a 4 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 74
Actions related to ECHA’s People and Organisational Strategy 2024-2028,
and the organisational review completed.
Percentage turnover rate of Temporary Agents
1.1 <5% <5% target
Percentage turnover rate of Contract Agents
4.6 <10% <10% target
Percentage of staff participating in biannual staff satisfaction survey
n/a n/a 80% target
Percentage of Establishment Plan posts filled
96.8 95% 95% target
Objective 12: A safe, productive and healthy physical work environment for staff and
Expected results
• ECHA staff, Committee members, experts from Member States and partner institutions benefit from appropriate infrastructure and services that facilitate and support ECHA’s scientific-technical work
and decision-making.
• ECHA’s environmental management systems prepare ECHA to meet its 2030 carbon neutrality
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Planning for ECHA’s future building requirements commenced.
Number of planning meetings for ECHA’s future building requirements
n/a n/a 4 target
ECHA’s Environmental Work Programmes 2023-2025 and 2026-
2028 implemented.
Annual CO2 emissions generated by ECHA (tonnes)
n/a n/a <1250 target
Objective 13: Support development and implementation of new legal requirements
Expected results
• ECHA’s information, knowledge and competences are increasingly used to support the
implementation of other EU legislation and policy areas related to chemical safety. • The Commission and other institutions are, upon request, provided with scientific-technical advice
and data for the development of chemicals legislation, including One Substance, One Assessment.
• New tasks are implemented in a fit-for-purpose manner within the resources available.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Contribution provided to the Commission in relation to REACH
Revision, Basic Regulation, and other tasks (’s guidelines 2024-2029, including work on Green Deal REACH
revision as well as reducing administrative burdens and simplifying implementation.).
Timeline for contribution related to REACH revision, basic Regulation, and other tasks provided to the
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 75
Resources 2023
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 29 726 767 36 754 217 38 987 181
Human resources (FTE) 169 195 198
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 76
Annex I: Organisation
A. Organisation chart of the Agency
B. Overview of regulatory tasks of the Agency
Annex II: Resource allocation per activity
Annex III: Financial Resources
Table 1: Revenue
Table 2: Expenditure
Table 3: Budget outturn and cancellation of appropriations
Annex IV: Human resources - quantitative
Table 1: Table 1: Overview of all categories of staff – REACH/CLP – BPR – Environmental policy – Other tasks
A: Statutory staff and SNE
B: Additional external staff expected to be financed from grant, contributions or service-level agreements
C: Other Human Resources
Table 2: Multiannual staff policy plan
Table 3: Recruitment forecasts for 2025 following retirement/mobility or new requested posts
Annex V: Human resources - qualitative
A. Recruitment policy
B. Appraisal of performance and reclassification/promotions
C. Gender representation
D. Geographical balance
E. Schooling
Annex VI: Environment management
Annex VII: Building policy
Annex VIII: Privileges and immunities
Annex IX: Evaluations and audits
Annex X:
A. ECHA Integrated Management System and Framework
B. Anti-Fraud Strategy
Annex XI: Plan for grant, contribution or service-level agreements
Annex XII: Strategy for cooperation with third countries and/or international organisations
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 77
Annex I: Organisation
A. Organisation chart of the Agency (Staff in place as at 31/12/2024)
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 78
B. Overview of regulatory tasks of the Agency
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning
the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency,
amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC)
No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling
and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (CLP)
Manage and carry out technical, scientific and
administrative aspects of REACH and CLP Regulations The REACH and CLP processes are designed to
ensure a high level of protection of human health and the environment, including the promotion of alternative methods for
assessment of hazards of substances, as well as the free circulation of substances on the internal market while enhancing competitiveness and innovation
Provide the Member States and the institutions of the Union with the best possible scientific and technical advice on questions relating to
chemicals which fall under REACH or CLP Manage IT based guidance documents, tools and data bases
Support the national helpdesks and run a helpdesk for registrants (through the ECHA
Helpdesk) Make information on chemicals publicly
accessible Develop a poison centre notification portal
The Agency, established on 1 June
2007, will manage the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction processes for chemical
substances as well the classification and labelling of substances and mixtures to ensure consistency
across the European Union. These REACH processes are designed to provide additional information on chemicals, to ensure their safe use,
and to ensure competitiveness of the European industry. In its decision-making, the Agency
will take the best available scientific and technical data and socio- economic information into account. It
will also provide information on chemicals and technical and scientific
Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 of the European Parliament and the Council of 22 May 2012 concerning the making available
on the market and use of biocidal products (BPR)
22/05/2012 Manage and carry out technical, scientific, and administrative aspects of the Biocidal Products Regulation
The purpose of the Biocides Regulation is to improve the functioning of the internal market through the harmonisation of the rules on the placing on the market and use of biocidal
products, whilst ensuring a high level of protection of both human and animal health and the environment. The provisions of the
Regulation are underpinned by the precautionary principle, the aim of which is to
Under the Biocidal Products Regulation, adopted in 2012, ECHA is responsible for specific tasks with
regard to applications for active substance approval and Union authorisation and other related tasks such as data sharing inquiries. The
Biocidal products Committee has been established within the Agency to provide opinions to the Commission
on scientific and technical matters relating to applications under the Regulation.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 79
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks safeguard the health of humans, animals and
the environment. Establish and maintain the Register for Biocidal Products
Coordinate and manage the processing and evaluation of the applications covered by the Regulation (including active substance approval, Union authorisation, data sharing,
technical equivalence, alternative suppliers) Provide guidance, support to national helpdesks and assist and advise application
(through the ECHA Helpdesk) Make information on biocides publicly accessible.
Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4
July 2012 concerning the export and import of hazardous chemicals (PIC)
04/07/2012 Manage and carry out technical, scientific, and administrative aspects related to export and
import of dangerous chemicals under the PIC Regulation The objectives of the PIC Regulation are to implement the Rotterdam Convention on the
Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain
Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, and to promote shared
responsibility and cooperative efforts in the international movement of hazardous chemicals in order to protect human health
and the environment from potential harm. Through its provisions it contributes to the environmentally sound use of hazardous chemicals.
Manage the tasks related to and the cooperation with Member States on export notifications and explicit import consents
Manage guidance documents and IT tools Make information publicly available
The recast PIC Regulation, adopted in 2012, further adds to the remit of the
Agency, and complements it with scientific, technical, and administrative tasks related to export and import of dangerous chemicals.
Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on persistent organic pollutants
20/06/2019 Support the Commission and the Member States in fulfilling their obligations under the recast POPs – Regulation.
The recast of the POPs-Regulation also adds to the remit of the Agency, and complements it with scientific,
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 80
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks The objective of the POPs-Regulation is to
implement international obligations of the Union and the Member States for eliminating Persistent Organic Pollutants in order to
protect human health and the environment from these substances. Through its provisions the Regulation ensures the elimination of hazardous chemicals or, in exceptional cases,
their environmentally sound use. Carry out certain technical, scientific, and administrative tasks allocated in the proposal
to ECHA related to the identification of new POPs, enforcement and reporting on the implementation of the Regulation.
Make information on POPs publicly available.
technical, and administrative tasks
related to persistent organic pollutants.
Directive (EU) 2020/2184 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2020 on the quality of water intended for human consumption
16/12/2020 Preparing the first EU positive lists of
substances and preparing the necessary methods and tools as well as setting up the procedure for the operational phase starting in 2025.
The Agency shall review and deliver an opinion
on all the substances, compositions and constituents on the first European positive lists
by 15 years after its adoption. For the purposes of updating the European positive list the Agency shall deliver opinions
on the inclusion or removal of substances and compositions.
Directive 2008/98/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives
19/11/2008 Establish a database for information on the
presence of substances of very high concern on the candidate list in articles and make that available to waste operators and consumers.
The legal requirements for suppliers
of articles entered into force on 5 January 2021.
Decision (EU) 2022/591 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 April 2022
on a General Union Environment Action Programme to 2030
06/04/2022 Support to the Commission and to the European Environment Agency (EEA) in
monitoring, assessing and reporting on the progress of the Union and the Member States with regard to attaining the priority objectives
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 81
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks of the General Union Environment Action
Regulation (EU) 2022/2371 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 November 2022 on serious cross-border threats to health and repealing Decision No
23/11/2022 Carrying out a risk assessment for the following categories of serious cross-border threats to health:
• threats of chemical origin;
• threats of environmental origin, including those due to the climate
Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2023 concerning batteries and waste
batteries, amending Directive 2008/98/EC and Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Directive 2006/66/EC
12/07/2023 Support the European Commission by: • Assisting in preparing the report on
substances of concern contained in
batteries or used in their manufacturing;
• Preparing, if requested by the Commission, a restriction proposal on
substances used in the manufacturing of batteries or present in batteries when they are placed on the market;
• Providing an opinion on the effectiveness of the restriction proposal to control the risk (through the RAC)
and the socio-economic impact (through the SEAC).
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 82
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks Directive (EU) 2024/1785 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 24 April 2024 amending Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on
industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) and Council Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste (Text with EEA relevance)
24 April 2024 Support the Commission in the review of the
Best Available Techniques Reference documents (BREF).
ECHA's new tasks would include the following:
• Data mining of ECHA databases and generating a list of hazardous substances potentially used in BREF
sectors; extract substance-related information, characterise the uses of those substances by sectors covered
by BREFs.
• Develop guiding principles for the Chemicals Management System
focussing on data structure and methodologies for a site inventory of chemicals associated with further development of a site-level risk
assessment methodology and
contribute to the development of guiding principles on how to conduct a
comparative risk assessment
Proposal for a Regulation of the European
Parliament and of the Council on packaging and packaging waste, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and Directive (EU)
2019/904, and repealing Directive 94/62/EC (COM/2022/677 final)
Adopted by the
Council on 16 December 2024, entry
into force pending
publication in the Official Journal
The Agency shall carry out assessments
underpinning restrictions of substances in packaging. The Agency shall assist the Commission in
preparing the report on substances of concern contained in packaging or used in their manufacturing.
Entry into force expected in Q1 2025
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 83
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks
Proposals in legislative process
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the
field of water policy, Directive 2006/118/EC on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration and Directive
2008/105/EC on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy
26/10/2022 Support the European Commission by: • Carrying out technical and scientific
work related to amendment of ‘watch list’ and coordination of ‘watch list’
activities; • Carrying out assessments
underpinning amendments of the
priority list of substances and derivation of Environmental Quality Standards;
• Carrying out assessments underpinning the review of Annexes I and II;
• Develop guidance on analytical
EP and Council positions adopted, but trilogues not yet started as of 19/09/2024
Proposal for a Regulation of the European
Parliament and of the Council on circularity requirements for vehicle design and on management of end-of-life vehicles,
amending Regulations (EU) 2018/858 and 2019/1020 and repealing Directives 2000/53/EC and 2005/64/EC (COM/2023/451 final)
13/07/2023 The Agency shall carry out:
• Assessments underpinning restrictions of hazardous substances in end-of-life vehicles.
• Assessments underpinning review of exemptions from the restrictions.
EP adopted its opinion, but Council
not yet. Trilogues not yet started as of 19/09/2024
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the safety
of toys and repealing Directive 2009/48/EC (COM(2023) 462 final)
28/07/2023 The Agency shall carry out: 1. Assessment underpinning establishing or
strengthening chemical limit values in toys for children under 36 months or toys for other children intended to be taken in the mouth.
2. Assessment underpinning amending the limit values for ‘heavy metals’ in toys. 3. Assessment underpinning amendments to
the lists of allergenic fragrances that are prohibited in toys or that have to be labelled if present in toys.
EP and Council adopted their opinions, but trilogues not yet started
as of 19/09/2024
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 84
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks 4. Assessment underpinning a derogation for
the use of CMR substances in toys.
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the
re-attribution of scientific and technical tasks to the European Chemicals Agency (COM(2023) 781 final)
07/12/2023 The Agency shall carry out: • Assessments underpinning restrictions
of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.
• Assessments underpinning review of applications for exemptions from the restrictions.
Part of the OSOA legislative package, Council adopted its position, but EP not yet. Trilogues not yet started as of 19/09/2024
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending
Regulations (EC) No 178/2002, (EC) No 401/2009, (EU) 2017/745 and (EU) 2019/1021 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the re-attribution
of scientific and technical tasks and improving cooperation among Union agencies in the area of chemicals
(COM(2023) 783 final) es/2023-
12/COM_2023_783_1_EN_ACT_part1_v6_0. pdf
07/12/2023 The Agency shall update existing guidelines on conducting the risk-benefit assessment of the
presence of phthalates in medical devices. The Agency will, if requested by the Commission, also develop guidelines for other substances, which are classified as either carcinogenic,
mutagenic or toxic to reproduction, of category 1A or 1B or have endocrine disrupting properties for human health of Category 1, in
accordance with Part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (the CLP Regulation).
The Agency shall, at the request of the Commission, develop a report analysing the human health, environmental, social, and
economic impact of introducing or modifying concentration limit values specified in Annexes IV and V to Regulation (EU) No 2019/1021
(POPs Regulation).
Part of the OSOA legislative package, Council adopted its position, but EP
not yet. Trilogues not yet started as of 19/09/2024
Proposal for a Regulation of the European
Parliament and of the Council establishing a common data platform on chemicals, laying down rules to ensure that the data contained
in it are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable and establishing a monitoring and outlook framework for chemicals (COM(2023) 779 final)
07/12/2023 The Agency shall assist the Commission with
the development of processes and tools to support the Regulation, including:
• Development and hosting of a
Common data platform • Hosting of the Information Platform for
Chemical Monitoring (IPCHEM)
Part of the OSOA legislative package,
Council adopted its position, but EP not yet. Trilogues not yet started as of 19/09/2024
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 85
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks
es/2023- 12/COM_2023_779_1_EN_ACT_part1_v2.pd f
• Hosting information on regulatory
processes on chemicals • Development and hosting of a
repository of reference values
• Hosting information on the obligations under Union acts on chemicals
• Hosting environmental sustainability related data on chemicals
• Develop and run a process for a data generation mechanism
• Develop a mechanism for notification
of studies and a database for study notifications
• Develop and run a process for early
warning and action system for emerging chemical risks and
framework of indicators
• Hosting an observatory for specific
chemicals with potential contribution to emerging chemical risks.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 86
Annex II: Resource allocation per activity17
WP activity
2025 2026 2027 2028
Budget TA CA/
Budget TA CA/
Budget TA CA/
1. REACH/CLP 265 57 76 987 232 265 57 86 216 561 265 57 89 414 102 265 57 90 526 865
1.1 Dossier preparation 17 7 5 879 712 17 7 5 945 970 17 7 6 166 490 17 7 6 243 232
1.2 Dossier submission and processing 19 17 11 504 671 19 17 13 378 432 19 17 13 874 602 19 17 14 047 272
1.3 Identification and prioritisation of
(groups of) substances 36 4 10 046 669 36 4 11 891 939 36 4 12 332 980 36 4 12 486 464
1.4 Evaluation 82 10 18 515 992 82 10 19 324 402 82 10 20 041 092 82 10 20 290 504
1.5 Authorisation 26 4 6 240 745 26 4 7 432 462 26 4 7 708 112 26 4 7 804 040
1.6 Restrictions 26 5 6 427 136 26 5 7 432 462 26 5 7 708 112 26 5 7 804 040
1.7 Classification and labelling 27 5 6 077 028 27 5 7 432 462 27 5 7 708 112 27 5 7 804 040
1.8 Data management 18 3 7 425 402 18 3 8 918 955 18 3 9 249 735 18 3 9 364 848
1.9 Making data publicly available 7 2 2 985 136 7 2 2 972 985 7 2 3 083 245 7 2 3 121 616
1.10 Promotion of alternatives to animal
testing 7 0 1 884 740 7 0 1 486 492 7 0 1 541 622 7 0 1 560 808
2. Biocides 44 11 12 363 134 44 11 13 378 432 44 11 13 874 602 44 11 14 047 272
3. Environmental policy18 17 8 5 426 534 37 22 16 636 420 37 22 18 639 390 37 22 18 965 590
4. Other tasks, including tasks under
grant, cooperation and service-level
12 8.5 1 304 712 12 8.5 784 712 12 8.5 784 712 12 8.5 784 712
5. Governance and enablers 138 60 38 987 181 142 63 44 994 830 142 63 46 908 151 142 63 47 508 554
Overall TOTAL 476 144.5 135 068 793 500 161.5 149 433 955 500 161.5 154 946 957 500 161.5 156 865 513
17 For 2025, this table includes the planned resources as per the adopted legislations. As of 2026, the table outlines the resources linked to the new legislative proposals pending adoption. ECHA
expects stable resources in the work areas of EUON, EUCLEF, OEL, IPA, PARC, IUCLID for EFSA and SCBTH. Although the resources are dependent on the renewal of certain agreements, continuity is presumed for the purposes of this planning exercise. Any changes to the continuity of the work or resources estimates will be reported in the next SPD update. 18 The planned resources for 2025 do not include the following posts which are subject to adoption of the legislative proposals: Water Framework, Groundwater and Environmental Quality
Standards (EQS) Directives - 7 TAs and 4 CAs; One Substance, One Assessment package 12 TAs and 8 CAs, in total €4,195,881. To indicate the potential growth in Environmental policy tasks, the figures for the period 2026 and onwards include the additional resources for these tasks.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 87
Annex III: Financial resources
Table 1: Revenue ECHA
2025 2026
Budget As requested by
the agency
EU contribution 94 843 960 104 331 157
Other revenue 44 420 714 45 102 798
Total revenues 139 264 674 149 433 955
2024 2025 2026 VAR
2026 / 2025
2027 2028 Executed Budget
Budget As requested by the agency
1 REVENUE FROM FEES AND CHARGES 34 308 851 39 034 561 40 036 807 3% 40 841 937 40 505 686
2. EU CONTRIBUTION 88 028 813 94 843 960 104 331 157 10% 108 836 384 111 013 112
of which Administrative (Title 1 and Title 2) 71 857 843 74 524 974 74 715 270 0% 76 720 881 78 356 329
of which Operational (Title 3) 10 557 039 18 829 699 29 477 838 57% 32 115 503 32 656 782
of which assigned revenues deriving from
previous years' surpluses 5 613 931 1 489 287 1 109 450 -26% 0 0
3 THIRD COUNTRIES CONTRIBUTION (incl. EFTA and candidate countries)
3 263 660 2 961 441 3 240 079 9% 3 403 924 3 472 003
of which EFTA 3 263 660 2 961 441 3 240 079 9% 3 403 924 3 472 003
of which Candidate Countries - 0 0
5 ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS 1 440 219 1 120 000 1 041 200 -7% 1 080 000 1 090 000
AGAINST PAYMENT 4 297 112 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
TOTAL REVENUES 131 338 655 139 264 674 149 433 955 7% 154 946 957 156 865 513
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 88
2025 2026
Budget As requested by
the agency
EU contribution 76 316 097 77 238 000
Other revenue 36 973 875 37 109 291
Total revenues 113 289 972 114 347 291
2024 2025 2026 VAR
2026 / 2025
2027 2028 Executed Budget
Budget As requested by the agency
1 REVENUE FROM FEES AND CHARGES 28 622 051 32 708 824 33 445 541 2% 33 674 993 33 674 993
2. EU CONTRIBUTION 74 806 000 76 316 097 77 238 000 1% 79 434 000 81 022 680
of which Administrative (Title 1 and Title 2) 63 236 199 63 159 290 63 281 851 0% 65 026 336 66 332 914
of which Operational (Title 3) 7 404 391 11 763 284 13 956 149 19% 14 407 664 14 689 766
of which assigned revenues deriving from previous years' surpluses
4 165 410 1 393 523 928 410 -33% 0 0
EFTA and candidate countries) 2 499 040 2 090 339 2 129 038 2% 2 216 209 2 260 533
of which EFTA 2 499 040 2 090 339 2 129 038 2% 2 216 209 2 260 533
of which Candidate Countries -
5 ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS 1 102 373 870 000 750 000 -14% 770 000 780 000
4 297 112 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
TOTAL REVENUES 111 326 576 113 289 972 114 347 291 1% 116 879 914 118 522 918
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 89
2025 2026
Budget As requested by
the agency
EU contribution 8 014 498 8 058 000
Other revenue 7 055 314 7 312 426
Total revenues 15 069 812 15 370 426
2024 2025 2026 VAR
2026 / 2025
2027 2028 Executed
estimated by
the agency
As requested by
the agency
1 REVENUE FROM FEES AND CHARGES 5 686 800 6 325 737 6 591 266 4% 7 166 944 6 830 693
2. EU CONTRIBUTION 7 831 585 8 014 498 8 058 000 1% 8 219 000 8 383 380
of which Administrative (Title 1 and Title 2) 5 083 293 6 501 349 6 485 194 0% 6 659 284 6 889 954
of which Operational (Title 3) 1 352 080 1 481 809 1 434 757 -3% 1 559 716 1 493 426
of which assigned revenues deriving from
previous years' surpluses 1 396 212 31 340 138 049 340%
3 THIRD COUNTRIES CONTRIBUTION (incl. EFTA and candidate countries)
573 487 579 577 581 160 0% 596 699 608 633
of which EFTA 19 573 487 579 577 581 160 0% 596 699 608 633
of which Candidate Countries 0 0 0 -
5 ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS 181 939 150 000 140 000 -7% 140 000 140 000
19 The amount is comprised of EFTA and Switzerland contributions, where the amounts per year are as follows:
2025 2026 2027 2028
EFTA 222 730 220 967 229 310 233 896
Switzerland 356 847 360 193 367 389 374 737
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 90
TOTAL REVENUES 14 273 811 15 069 812 15 370 426 2% 16 122 643 15 962 706
Environmental Policy
2025 2026 As requested
by the agency
As requested by
the agency
EU contribution 10 513 365 19 035 157
Other revenue 391 525 681 081
Total revenues 10 904 890 19 716 238
2024 2025 2026 VAR
2026 /
2027 2028 Executed
estimated by
the agency
As requested by
the agency
2. EU CONTRIBUTION 5 391 228 10 513 365 19 035 157 81% 21 183 384 21 607 052
of which Administrative (Title 1 and Title 2) 3 538 351 4 864 336 4 948 225 2% 5 035 261 5 133 461
of which Operational (Title 5) 1 800 568 5 584 605 14 086 932 152% 16 148 123 16 473 590
of which assigned revenues deriving from
previous years' surpluses 52 308 64 424 42 991 -33% 0 0
and candidate countries) 191 133 291 525 529 881 82% 591 016 602 837
of which EFTA 191 133 291 525 529 881 82% 591 016 602 837
of which Candidate Countries - 0 0
5 ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS 155 907 100 000 151 200 51% 170 000 170 000
TOTAL REVENUES 5 738 268 10 904 890 19 716 238 81% 21 944 400 22 379 889
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 91
Table 2: Expenditure ECHA
2025 2026 Commitment
appropriation s
appropriation s
appropriation s
Payment appropriations
Title 1 90 830 233 90 830 233 91 584 320 91 584 320
Title 2 19 177 922 19 177 922 18 954 228 18 954 228
Titles 3-6 29 263 544 29 256 519 39 267 907 38 895 407
Total expenditure 139 271 699 139 264 674 149 806 455 149 433 955
EXPENDITURE / Commitment appropriations 2024 2025
2026 VAR
2026 / 2025
2027 2028 Agency request
Title 1 Staff Expenditure 83 077 124 90 830 233 91 584 320 1% 94 090 847 95 217 052
11 Salaries & allowances 78 378 628 85 639 740 86 391 981 1% 88 804 483 89 881 536
- of which establishment plan posts 65 745 244 71 554 519 72 025 054 1% 74 150 216 74 934 180
- of which external personnel 9 271 153 10 595 221 10 807 127 2% 11 023 271 11 243 739
12 Expenditure relating to Staff recruitment 496 257 600 000 600 000 0% 600 000 600 000
Employer's pension contributions 3 362 231 3 490 000 3 559 800 2% 3 630 996 3 703 617
13 Mission expenses 18 770 24 481 24 972 2% 25 472 25 983
14 Socio-medical infrastructure 1 834 328 1 974 511 1 938 632 -2% 1 994 325 2 004 522
15 Training 568 989 689 000 702 782 2% 716 839 731 178
16 External Services 1 780 153 1 902 501 1 925 953 1% 1 949 728 1 973 833
17 Receptions and events 0 0 0 - 0 0
Title 2 Infrastructure and operating
expenditure 22 105 259 19 177 922 18 954 228 -1% 19 226 327 19 610 866
20 Rental of buildings and associated costs 8 531 901 8 790 202 8 966 008 2% 9 145 330 9 328 238
21 Information and communication
technology 12 883 109 9 769 266 9 137 389 -6% 9 320 141 9 506 547
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 92
22 Movable property and associated costs 159 178 68 003 69 364 2% 70 752 72 168
23 Current administrative expenditure 522 074 540 451 771 265 43% 679 696 693 296
24 Postage / Telecommunications 0 0 0 - 0 0
25 Meeting expenses 8 996 10 000 10 202 2% 10 408 10 617
Title 3 Operational expenditure REACH 16 217 153 19 313 155 20 892 144 8% 21 241 238 21 276 451
30 REACH 15 099 323 18 168 155 19 571 144 8% 19 990 238 20 025 451
31 MULTIANNUAL ACTIVITIES 617 815 795 000 1 071 000 35% 1 001 000 1 001 000
38 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES 500 015 350 000 250 000 -29% 250 000 250 000
Title 4 Operational expenditure BIOCIDES 2 441 849 2 786 274 3 000 086 8% 3 059 586 2 843 617
40 BIOCIDES 2 441 849 2 786 274 3 000 086 8% 3 059 586 2 843 617
Title 5 Operational expenditure ENV 1 958 107 5 859 403 14 590 965 149% 16 728 247 17 062 815
50 ENV 1 958 107 5 859 403 14 590 965 149% 16 728 247 17 062 815
Title 6 Other tasks 5 188 479 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
60 Other tasks 5 188 479 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 130 987 971 139 271 699 149 806 455 8% 155 130 957 156 795 513
EXPENDITURE / Payment appropriations 2024 2025
2026 VAR 2026 /
2027 2028 Agency request
Title 1 Staff Expenditure 83 077 124 90 830 233 91 584 320 1% 94 090 847 95 217 052
11 Salaries & allowances 78 378 628 85 639 740 86 391 981 1% 88 804 483 89 881 536
- of which establishment plan posts 65 745 244 71 554 519 72 025 054 1% 74 150 216 74 934 180
- of which external personnel 9 271 153 10 595 221 10 807 127 2% 11 023 271 11 243 739
12 Expenditure relating to Staff recruitment 496 257 600 000 600 000 0% 600 000 600 000
Employer's pension contributions 3 362 231 3 490 000 3 559 800 2% 3 630 996 3 703 617
13 Mission expenses 18 770 24 481 24 972 2% 25 472 25 983
14 Socio-medical infrastructure 1 834 328 1 974 511 1 938 632 -2% 1 994 325 2 004 522
15 Training 568 989 689 000 702 782 2% 716 839 731 178
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 93
16 External Services 1 780 153 1 902 501 1 925 953 1% 1 949 728 1 973 833
17 Receptions and events 0 0 0 - 0 0
Title 2 Infrastructure and operating expenditure
22 105 259 19 177 922 18 954 228 -1% 19 226 327 19 610 866
20 Rental of buildings and associated costs 8 531 901 8 790 202 8 966 008 2% 9 145 330 9 328 238
21 Information and communication technology
12 883 109 9 769 266 9 137 389 -6% 9 320 141 9 506 547
22 Movable property and associated costs 159 178 68 003 69 364 2% 70 752 72 168
23 Current administrative expenditure 522 074 540 451 771 265 43% 679 696 693 296
24 Postage / Telecommunications 0 0 0 - 0 0
25 Meeting expenses 8 996 10 000 10 202 2% 10 408 10 617
Title 3 Operational expenditure REACH 16 419 187 19 306 130 20 519 644 6% 21 057 238 21 346 451
30 REACH 15 099 323 18 168 155 19 571 144 8% 19 990 238 20 025 451
31 MULTIANNUAL ACTIVITIES 814 001 687 975 698 500 2% 817 000 1 071 000
38 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES 505 864 450 000 250 000 -44% 250 000 250 000
Title 4 Operational expenditure BIOCIDES 2 441 849 2 786 274 3 000 086 8% 3 059 586 2 843 617
40 BIOCIDES 2 441 849 2 786 274 3 000 086 8% 3 059 586 2 843 617
Title 5 Operational expenditure ENV 1 958 107 5 859 403 14 590 965 149% 16 728 247 17 062 815
50 ENV 1 958 107 5 859 403 14 590 965 149% 16 728 247 17 062 815
Title 6 Other tasks 5 188 479 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
60 Other tasks 5 188 479 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 131 190 005 139 264 674 149 433 955 7% 154 946 957 156 865 513
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 94
2025 2026 Commitment appropriation
Payment appropriation
Commitment appropriation
Payment appropriations
Title 1 76 838 171 76 838 171 77 386 753 77 386 753
Title 2 15 840 959 15 840 959 15 656 182 15 656 182
Title 3 19 313 155 19 306 130 20 892 144 20 519 644
Total expenditure 111 992 285 111 985 260 113 935 079 113 562 579
EXPENDITURE / Commitment appropriations 2024 2025
2026 VAR 2026 /
2027 2028 Agency request
Title 1 Staff Expenditure 71 315 955 76 838 171 77 386 753 1% 79 157 036 80 193 204
11 Salaries & allowances 67 320 981 72 463 119 73 013 644 1% 74 700 102 75 694 306
- of which establishment plan posts 57 205 272 61 398 999 61 728 241 1% 63 188 990 63 952 970
- of which external personnel 7 243 851 8 114 120 8 276 403 2% 8 441 932 8 610 772
12 Expenditure relating to Staff recruitment 385 246 449 120 449 120 0% 449 120 449 120
Employer's pension contributions 2 871 858 2 950 000 3 009 000 2% 3 069 180 3 130 564
13 Mission expenses 15 617 20 368 20 776 2% 21 192 21 616
14 Socio-medical infrastructure 1 526 161 1 630 945 1 596 500 -2% 1 647 308 1 655 729
15 Training 473 399 569 114 580 497 2% 592 107 603 950
16 External Services 1 594 552 1 705 505 1 726 216 1% 1 747 207 1 768 483
17 Receptions and events 0 0 0 - 0 0
Title 2 Infrastructure and operating expenditure
18 425 175 15 840 959 15 656 182 -1% 15 880 928 16 198 551
20 Rental of buildings and associated costs 7 098 542 7 260 706 7 405 921 2% 7 554 040 7 705 121
21 Information and communication technology
10 752 347 8 069 413 7 547 481 -6% 7 698 432 7 852 402
22 Movable property and associated costs 132 437 56 169 57 293 2% 58 439 59 608
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 95
23 Current administrative expenditure 434 366 446 411 637 061 43% 561 422 572 653
24 Postage / Telecommunications 0 0 0 - 0 0
25 Meeting expenses 7 484 8 260 8 426 2% 8 595 8 767
Title 3 Operational expenditure 16 217 153 19 313 155 20 892 144 8% 21 241 238 21 276 451
30 REACH 15 099 323 18 168 155 19 571 144 8% 19 990 238 20 025 451
31 MULTIANNUAL ACTIVITIES 617 815 795 000 1 071 000 35% 1 001 000 1 001 000
38 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES 500 015 350 000 250 000 -29% 250 000 250 000
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 105 958 283 111 992 285 113 935 079 2% 116 279 202 117 668 206
EXPENDITURE / Payment appropriations 2024 2025
2026 VAR 2026 /
2027 2028 Agency request
Title 1 Staff Expenditure 71 315 955 76 838 171 77 386 753 1% 79 157 036 80 193 204
11 Salaries & allowances 67 320 981 72 463 119 73 013 644 1% 74 700 102 75 694 306
- of which establishment plan posts 57 205 272 61 398 999 61 728 241 1% 63 188 990 63 952 970
- of which external personnel 7 243 851 8 114 120 8 276 403 2% 8 441 932 8 610 772
12 Expenditure relating to Staff recruitment 385 246 449 120 449 120 0% 449 120 449 120
Employer's pension contributions 2 871 858 2 950 000 3 009 000 2% 3 069 180 3 130 564
13 Mission expenses 15 617 20 368 20 776 2% 21 192 21 616
14 Socio-medical infrastructure 1 526 161 1 630 945 1 596 500 -2% 1 647 308 1 655 729
15 Training 473 399 569 114 580 497 2% 592 107 603 950
16 External Services 1 594 552 1 705 505 1 726 216 1% 1 747 207 1 768 483
17 Receptions and events 0 0 0 - 0 0
Title 2 Infrastructure and operating expenditure
18 425 175 15 840 959 15 656 182 -1% 15 880 928 16 198 551
20 Rental of buildings and associated costs 7 098 542 7 260 706 7 405 921 2% 7 554 040 7 705 121
21 Information and communication
technology 10 752 347 8 069 413 7 547 481 -6% 7 698 432 7 852 402
22 Movable property and associated costs 132 437 56 169 57 293 2% 58 439 59 608
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 96
23 Current administrative expenditure 434 366 446 411 637 061 43% 561 422 572 653
24 Postage / Telecommunications 0 0 0 - 0 0
25 Meeting expenses 7 484 8 260 8 426 2% 8 595 8 767
Title 3 Operational expenditure 16 419 187 19 306 130 20 519 644 6% 21 057 238 21 346 451
30 REACH 15 099 323 18 168 155 19 571 144 8% 19 990 238 20 025 451
31 MULTIANNUAL ACTIVITIES 814 001 687 975 698 500 2% 817 000 1 071 000
38 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES 505 864 450 000 250 000 -44% 250 000 250 000
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 106 160 318 111 985 260 113 562 579 1% 116 095 202 117 738 206
2025 2026 Commitment
appropriation s
appropriation s
appropriation s
Title 1 10 116 432 10 116 432 10 228 510 10 228 510
Title 2 2 167 106 2 167 106 2 141 830 2 141 830
Title 4 2 786 274 2 786 274 3 000 086 3 000 086
Total expenditure 15 069 812 15 069 812 15 370 426 15 370 426
EXPENDITURE / Commitment and Payment appropriations
2024 2025
2026 VAR 2026 / 2025
2027 2028
Agency request
Title 1 Staff Expenditure 9 204 749 10 116 432 10 228 510 1% 10 890 476 10 903 053
11 Salaries & allowances 8 726 883 9 639 101 9 746 855 1% 10 404 417 10 412 507
- of which establishment plan posts 7 112 715 7 700 000 7 768 971 1% 8 386 975 8 354 715
- of which external personnel 1 123 794 1 399 101 1 427 084 2% 1 455 626 1 484 739
12 Expenditure relating to Staff recruitment 97 025 63 560 63 560 0% 63 560 63 560
Employer's pension contributions 490 374 540 000 550 800 2% 561 816 573 053
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 97
13 Mission expenses 2 140 2 791 2 847 2% 2 904 2 963
14 Socio-medical infrastructure 209 113 223 120 224 229 0% 225 360 226 513
15 Training 64 865 77 857 79 415 2% 81 004 82 625
16 External Services 104 723 110 003 111 604 1% 113 231 114 885
17 Receptions and events 0 0 0 - 0 0
Title 2 Infrastructure and operating expenditure
2 497 199 2 167 106 2 141 830 -1% 2 172 581 2 216 036
20 Rental of buildings and associated costs 972 637 993 293 1 013 159 2% 1 033 423 1 054 092
21 Information and communication technology
1 445 874 1 103 927 1 032 525 -6% 1 053 177 1 074 241
22 Movable property and associated costs 18 146 7 685 7 839 2% 7 996 8 156
23 Current administrative expenditure 59 516 61 071 87 154 43% 76 808 78 346
24 Postage / Telecommunications 0 0 0 - 0 0
25 Meeting expenses 1 025 1 130 1 153 2% 1 177 1 201
Title 4 Operational expenditure 2 441 849 2 786 274 3 000 086 8% 3 059 586 2 843 617
40 BIOCIDES 2 441 849 2 786 274 3 000 086 8% 3 059 586 2 843 617
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 14 143 797 15 069 812 15 370 426 2% 16 122 643 15 962 706
Environmental policy
2025 2026
Commitment appropriation
Payment appropriation
Commitment appropriation
Payment appropriations
Title 1 3 875 630 3 875 630 3 969 057 3 969 057
Title 2 1 169 857 1 169 857 1 156 216 1 156 216
Title 5 5 859 403 5 859 403 14 590 965 14 590 965
Total expenditure 10 904 890 10 904 890 19 716 238 19 716 238
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 98
EXPENDITURE / Commitment and Payment
appropriations 2024 2025
VAR 2026 / 2025 2027 2028
Agency request
Title 1 Staff Expenditure 2 556 421 3 875 630 3 969 057 2% 4 043 335 4 120 795
11 Salaries & allowances 2 330 764 3 537 520 3 631 482 3% 3 699 964 3 774 723
- of which establishment plan posts 1 427 257 2 455 520 2 527 842 3% 2 574 251 2 626 495
- of which external personnel 903 507 1 082 000 1 103 640 6% 1 125 713 1 148 228
12 Expenditure relating to Staff recruitment 13 986 87 320 87 320 0% 87 320 87 320
Employer's pension contributions 0 0 0 - 0 0
13 Mission expenses 1 014 1 322 1 349 2% 1 376 1 404
14 Socio-medical infrastructure 99 054 120 446 117 903 -2% 121 657 122 280
15 Training 30 725 42 029 42 870 2% 43 728 44 603
16 External Services 80 878 86 993 88 133 1% 89 290 90 465
17 Receptions and events 0 0 0 - 0 0
Title 2 Infrastructure and operating expenditure 1 182 884 1 169 857 1 156 216 -1% 1 172 818 1 196 279
20 Rental of buildings and associated costs 460 723 536 203 546 928 2% 557 867 569 025
21 Information and communication technology 684 888 595 926 557 383 -6% 568 532 579 904
22 Movable property and associated costs 8 596 4 149 4 232 2% 4 317 4 404
23 Current administrative expenditure 28 192 32 969 47 050 43% 41 466 42 297
24 Postage / Telecommunications 0 0 0 - 0 0
25 Meeting expenses 486 610 623 2% 636 649
Title 5 Operational expenditure 1 958 107 5 859 403 14 590 965 149% 16 728 247 17 062 815
50 ENV 1 958 107 5 859 403 14 590 965 149% 16 728 247 17 062 815
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 5 697 412 10 904
890 19 716 238 81% 21 944 400 22 379 889
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 99
Other tasks
EXPENDITURE / Commitment and Payment
appropriations 2024 2025
VAR 2026 / 2025 2027 2028
Agency request
Title 6 Operational expenditure 5 188 479 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
6000 IPA programme 185 892 tbc tbc - tbc tbc
6010 EUON 844 452 tbc tbc - tbc tbc
6011 EUCLEF 1 607 166 tbc tbc - tbc tbc
6020 OELs 950 210 tbc tbc - tbc tbc
6021 Further development of IUCLID (as co-
investments from third parties) 1 600 758 784 712 784 712 0% 784 712 784 712
6022 Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health
(SCBTH) 520 000
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 5 188 479 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 100
Table 3: Budget outturn and cancellation of appropriations
Budget outturn 2022 2023 2024
Revenue actually received (+) 103 843 022 105 374 686 111 375 356
Payments made (-) -87 607 470 -92 464 683 -97 730 392
Carry-over of appropriations (-) -17 082 211 -16 292 777 -17 778 364
Cancellation of appropriations carried over (+) 184 535 143 554 67 774
Adjustment for carry over of assigned revenue appropriations from previous year (+) 4 830 587 4 641 672 5 002 211
Exchange rate differences (+/-) -3 052 -8 929 -8 175
Adjustment for negative balance from previous year (-)
Total 4 165 410 1 393 523 928 410
Budget outturn 2022 2023 2024
Revenue actually received (+) 14 373 921 13 104 870 14 273 813
Payments made (-) -10 807 744 -11 482 684 -12 200 480
Carry-over of appropriations (-) -2 151 735 -1 602 791 -1 943 550
Cancellation of appropriations carried over (+) 16 122 12 444 13 965
Adjustment for carry over of assigned revenue appropriations from previous year (+) 25 506 731 233
Exchange rate differences (+/-)
Adjustment for negative balance from previous year (-)
Total 1 456 071 32 570 143 980
20 The amount of EUR 479 223.80 in 2024 remained uncommitted and is cancelled. 21 The amount of EUR 54 600.51 in 2024 remained uncommitted and is cancelled.
The total 2024 outturn of EUR 143 979.65 consist of the Pre-financing remaining open to be reimbursed by agency to Commission in year 2025 totalling EUR 138 049.20 and Pre-financing remaining open to be offset in year 2025 from the contribution of the Swiss Confederation, totalling EUR 5 930.45.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 101
Environmental Directives and International Conventions (PIC, POPs, Waste Framework Directive, Drinking Water Directive, 8th
Environmental Action Programme, Batteries Regulation and Industrial Emissions Directive)22
Budget outturn 2022 2023 2024
Revenue actually received (+) 4 844 983 5 139 326 5 738 269
Payments made (-) -3 203 975 -3 385 037 -4 029 943
Carry-over of appropriations (-) -1 597 685 -1 696 866 -1 667 493
Cancellation of appropriations carried over (+) 5 406 7 001 2 135
Adjustment for carry over of assigned revenue appropriations from previous year (+) 3 580 - 25
Exchange rate differences (+/-)
Adjustment for negative balance from previous year (-)
Total 52 308 64 424 42 991
22 The amount of EUR 48 378.39 in 2024 remained uncommitted and is cancelled
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 102
Annex IV: Human resources - quantitative23
Table 1: Overview of all categories of staff – REACH/CLP – BPR – Environmental policy – Other tasks
A: Statutory staff and SNE
S ta
ff p
o p
u la
ti o n
2024 2025 2026
Authorised staff24 Actually filled as of
31.12.202425 Occupancy/ Execution rate, % Envisaged staff26 Envisaged staff27
H /
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
H /
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
H /
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
H /
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
H /
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
AD 310 43 17 370 303 41 10 354 98% 95% 59% 96% 310 43 33 386 310 43 38 391
AST 94 9 6 109 90 9 6 105 96% 100% 100% 96% 94 9 6 109 94 9 6 109
Total AD+AST 404 52 23 479 393 50 16 459 97% 96% 70% 96% 404 52 39 495 404 52 44 500
Total CA28
97 15 15 14.5 141.5 94 14 11 13 132 97% 93% 73% 90% 93% 97 15 24 15.5 151.5 97 15 29 15.5 156.5
SNE 3 2 0 5 1 1 2 33% 50% 40% 3 2 0 5 3 2 5
Total 504 69 38 14.5 625.5 488 65 27 13 593 97% 94% 71% 90% 95% 504 69 63 15.5 651.5 504 69 73 15.5 661.5
23 As per the Commission’s request, this table also outlines the expected resources to be allocated to the Agency as of 2025, in accordance with the new legislative statements pending adoption. 24 The posts related to the Water directives (7 TAs and 4 CAs) were expected to come to ECHA during 2024 and were foreseen in the Authorised budget. However, the posts were not received in
2024. This negatively affects the 'posts filled' ratio. 25 Under external recruitment: 2 TAs REACH and 1 CA BIOCIDES. 26 The indicated figures include the following posts, which are subject to adoption of the legislative proposals: Water Framework, Groundwater and Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) Directives
7 TAs and 4 CAs; One-Substance-One-Assessment package 12 TAs and 8 CAs. 27 Envisaged staff 2026- 2028: ECHA expects stable resources in the work areas of EUON, EUCLEF, OEL, IPA, PARC, IUCLID for EFSA and SCBTH. Although the resources are dependent on the
renewal of certain agreements, continuity is presumed for the clarity of this planning exercise. Any changes to the continuity of the work or resources estimates will be reported in the next SPD update. 28 CA Headcount.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 103
S ta
ff p
o p
u la
ti o n
2027 2028
Envisaged staff Envisaged staff
/ C
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
/ C
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
AD 310 43 39 392 310 43 39 392
AST 94 9 6 109 94 9 6 109
Total AD+AST 404 52 45 501 404 52 45 501
Total CA29
97 15 28 15.5 155.5 97 15 28 15.5 155.5
SNE 3 2 5 3 2 5
Total 504 69 73 15.5 661.5 504 69 73 15.5 661.5
29 CA Headcount.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 104
Split of the posts for Environmental policy and Other tasks30
Posts for
Posts for
Posts for
Posts for
Posts for
PIC 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1
POP 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
WFD31 5 5 5 5 5
DWD 3 2 6 3 7 3 8 3 8 3
8th Environmental Action Programme of the EU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Batteries Regulation 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) 3 3 3 3 3
Water Directives 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4
Packaging and packaging waste legislation 1 1 1 1
RoHs Directive 3 4 3 4 3 4 3
ELV Directive 1 1 1 1
Data regulation 7 8 9 10 9 10 9 10
TOTAL Environmental policy 23 15 39 24 44 29 45 28 45 28
EUON 3 3 3 3 3
OEL 4 4 4 4 4
EUCLEF - - - - - - - - - -
IUCLID for EFSA32 4 4 4 4 4
IPA 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
PARC33 2 2 2 2 2
SCBTH - 1 1 1 1
TOTAL Other tasks 0 14.5 0 15.5 0 15.5 0 15.5 0 15.5
30 ECHA expects stable resources in the work areas of EUON, EUCLEF, OEL, IPA, PARC, IUCLID for EFSA and SCBTH. Although the resources are dependent on the renewal of certain agreements,
continuity is presumed for the purposes of this planning exercise. Any changes to the continuity of the work or resources estimates will be reported in the next SPD update. 31 In 2021, 8 FTEs temporarily redeployed from REACH/CLP to the Environmental policy budget line to perform the work related to the Waste Framework Directive (WFD). As of 2023, 3 FTEs
redeployed back to REACH/CLP, while 5 FTEs temporarily remain on the Environmental policy budget line for the WFD. 32 Human resources for IUCLID for EFSA are on loan from EFSA. 33 As of June 2021, the activity is financed from the REACH/CLP budget.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 105
B: Additional external staff expected to be financed from grant, contributions or service-level
Human Resources Year 2025 Year 2026 Year 2027 Year 2028
Envisaged FTE Envisaged FTE Envisaged FTE Envisaged FTE
Contract Agents (CA)35 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5
Seconded National Experts (SNE) 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5
C. Other Human Resources
Structural service providers36 In place as at 31/12/2024
Interim workers Total FTEs as at
Security 5 Number 29.58
34 ECHA expects stable resources in the work areas of EUON, EUCLEF, OEL, IPA, PARC, IUCLID for EFSA and SCBTH. Although the resources are dependent on the renewal of certain agreements,
continuity is presumed for the purposes of this planning exercise. Any changes to the continuity of the work or resources estimates will be reported in the next SPD update. 35 Planning covers 2025-2028 as follows EUON: 3 CAs, OEL: 4 CAs, IUCLID as service for EFSA: 4 CAs, IPA: 1.5 CAs, 1 SCBTH. 36 Service providers are contracted by a private company and carry out specialised outsourced tasks of a horizontal/support nature. Aligned with the Commission, the following general criteria are
fulfilled: 1) no individual contract with the Commission 2) on the Commission premises, usually with a PC and desk 3) administratively followed by the Commission (badge, etc.) and 4) contributing to the added value of the Commission.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 106
Table 2: Multiannual staff policy plan
C a te
g o
r y a
n d
g r a d
budget37 Posts actually filled
as of
Envisaged establishment plan
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
AD 16 0
0 0
AD 15 0
0 0
0 1
AD 14 6
6 3
3 6
6 6
6 6
6 5
AD 13 13 1
14 4
4 11 1
12 11 1
12 11 1
12 11 1
AD 12 12 2
14 11 1
12 15 2
17 15 2
17 15 2
17 15 2
AD 11 30 1
31 17 1
18 31 1
32 31 1
32 31 1
32 31 1
AD 10 41 5
46 46 6
52 51 12
63 51 12
63 51 12
63 51 12
AD 9 60 10 1 71 41 7 1 49 60 8 1 69 60 8 1 69 60 8 1 69 60 8 1 69
AD 8 52 9
61 60 7
67 67 12 2 81 67 12 2 81 67 12 2 81 67 12 2 81
AD 7 53 9 6 68 48 4 1 53 58 6 19 83 58 6 24 88 58 6 25 89 58 6 25 89
AD 6 27 5 10 42 41 9 4 54 10 1 11 22 10 1 11 22 10 1 11 22 10 1 11 22
AD 5 16 1
17 32 6 4 42 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
Total AD 310 43 17 370 303 41 10 354 310 43 33 386 310 43 38 391 310 43 39 392 310 43 39 392
37 To note that the posts related to the Water directives (3 TAs and 4 CAs) were expected to come to ECHA during the year 2024 and were foreseen in the Authorised budget. However, the posts
were not received in 2024. 38 Under external recruitment: REACH: 2 TAs and BIOCIDES: 1 CA.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 107
C a te
g o
r y a
n d
g r a d
budget37 Posts actually filled
as of
Envisaged establishment plan
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
AST 11 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST 9 3
3 0 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
AST 8 8
8 6
6 12
12 12
12 12
12 12
AST 7 10 1 2 13 12
12 23 2
25 23 2
25 23 2
25 23 2
AST 6 18 1
19 18 1 1 20 23 2 1 26 23 2 1 26 23 2 1 26 23 2 1 26
AST 5 26 3 2 31 17 2
19 24 2 3 29 24 2 3 29 24 2 3 29 24 2 3 29
AST 4 16 3 2 21 10 4 3 17 6 2 1 9 6 2 1 9 6 2 1 9 6 2 1 9
AST 3 10 1
11 13 2
15 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 4
AST 2 3
3 14
2 16 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
0 0
Total AST 94 9 6 109 90 9 6 105 94 9 6 109 94 9 6 109 94 9 6 109 94 9 6 109
AST/SC 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST/SC 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST/SC 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST/SC 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST/SC 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST/SC 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
AD+AST 404 52 23 479 393 50 16 459 404 52 39 495 404 52 44 500 404 52 45 501 404 52 45 501
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 108
• External personnel
Contract Agents39
Contract agents
FTE corresponding
to the
authorised budget 2024
Executed FTE as at
Headcount as at
FTE corresponding
to the
authorised budget 2025
FTE corresponding
to the
authorised budget 2026
FTE corresponding
to the
authorised budget 202741
FTE corresponding
to the
authorised budget 2028
Function Group IV 59 38.55 38 68 73 73 73
Function Group III 63 72.70 73 74 83 82 82
Function Group II 19.5 19.21 20 9.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Function Group I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 141.5 130.46 131 151.5 156.5 155.5 155.5
Seconded National Experts
Seconded National Experts
corresponding to the
authorised budget 2024
Executed FTE as at
Headcount as
at 31/12/2024
corresponding to the
authorised budget 2025
corresponding to the
authorised budget 2026
corresponding to the
authorised budget 2027
corresponding to the
authorised budget 2028
TOTAL 5 1.26 2 5 5 5 5
39 Data in the table includes CAs engaged under REACH/CLP, Biocides, Environmental policy, and Other Tasks. 40 Data in the table includes statutory staff in place on the indicated date. Posts under recruitment are not included. 41 ECHA expects stable resources in the work areas of EUON, EUCLEF, OEL, IPA, PARC, IUCLID for EFSA and SCBTH. Although the resources are dependent on the renewal of certain agreements,
continuity is presumed for the clarity of this planning exercise. Any changes to the continuity of the work or resources estimates will be reported in the next SPD update.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 109
Table 3: Recruitment forecasts for 2025 following retirement/mobility or new requested posts (Information on the entry level
for each type of posts: indicative table42)
Job title in the Agency
Type of contract TA/Official CA
(Official, TA or CA)
Function group/grade of recruitment
internal (Brackets) and external
(single grade) foreseen for
Function Group
(I, II, III and IV) Due to foreseen
New post
requested due to
additional tasks
Toxicologist Due to turnover CA IV
Ecotoxicologist Due to turnover CA IV
Scientific Officer - Toxicologist Due to turnover AD 5-7 AD 6
Scientific Officer - Environmental
fate Due to turnover AD 5-7 AD 6
Regulatory Officer (EU environment,
e.g. RoHs, Water, etc) Due to turnover X AD 5-7 AD 6
Communications Officer Due to turnover AD 5 -7 AD 5
Scientific Officer - Exposure
assessment Due to turnover AD 5-7 AD 6
IT officer (product manager, IT
solutions Architect, project
manager, application management,
service manager)
Due to turnover AD 5-7 AD 6
Governance Officer Due to turnover AD 5-7 AD 5
IT Assistant Due to turnover CA III
Data management and analysis Due to turnover AD 5 - 7 AD 5
Regulatory Assistant Due to turnover CA III
Risk assessment Due to turnover AD 5- 7 AD 5
42 To be updated in 2025. 43 Indication of both is required.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 110
Annex V: Human resources - qualitative
A. Recruitment policy
Implementing rules in place:
Yes No
If no, which other implementing
rules are in place
Engagement of CA Model Decision
C(2019)3016 X
Engagement of TA Model Decision
C(2015)1509 X
Middle management Model decision
C(2018)2542 X
Type of posts Model Decision C(2018)8800
B. Appraisal of performance and reclassification/promotions
Table 1: Reclassification of temporary staff/promotion of officials
Implementing rules in place:
Yes No
If no, which
implementing rules are in place
Reclassification of TA MB/12/2023 X
Reclassification of CA Model Decision C(2015)9561 X
Average seniority in the grade among reclassified staff
Grades 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Actual weighted average over 5
Average over 5 years
(According to
decision C(2015)9563)
AD05 N/A N/A 2.75 N/A 10.92 4.18 2.8
AD06 3.34 3.57 4.34 4.07 5.06 4.10 2.8
AD07 3.31 4.17 4.44 4.41 4.56 4.20 2.8
AD08 4.84 5.28 5.04 3.92 5.73 5.07 3
AD09 6.00 6.13 5.28 5.58 7.12 6.02 4
AD10 4.50 4.32 5.00 5.00 8.58 5.94 4
AD11 4.00 N/A 10.00 6.34 7.34 6.88 4
AD12 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4.38 4.38 6.7
AD13 5.63 N/A N/A N/A 11.00 8.32 6.7
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 111
Average seniority in the grade among reclassified staff
Grades 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Actual weighted average over 5
Average over 5
years (According to
AST1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3
AST2 3.35 2.68 5.48 2.96 3.85 3.43 3
AST3 3.67 4.00 4.00 2.84 3.32 4.09 3
AST4 4.02 4.10 4.96 4.60 5.00 4.31 3
AST5 3.75 6.44 4.20 4.34 4.84 4.72 4
AST6 5.00 3.17 4.34 3.50 5.00 4.05 4
AST7 4.50 4.00 N/A 5.00 5.50 4.83 4
AST8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4
AST10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5
AST/SC3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5.9
AST/SC4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6.7
AST/SC5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.3
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 112
Table 2: Reclassification of contract staff
Function Group
Grade Staff in activity
How many staff members
reclassified in 2024
Average number of
years in grade
of reclassified staff members
Average number of
years in grade of reclassified staff
members according
to Decision
17 3 0 N/A Between 6 and 10 y
16 9 0 N/A Between 5 and 7 y
15 12 1 4.00 Between 4 and 6 y
14 16 5 3.35 Between 3 and 5 y
13 1 0 N/A Between 3 and 5 y
11 14 1 6.00 Between 6 and 10 y years 10 29 6 5.17 Between 5 and 7 y
9 13 2 4.69 Between 4 and 6 y
8 1 0 N/A Between 3 and 5 y
6 11 0 N/A Between 6 and 10 y
5 13 3 5.24 Between 5 and 7 y
4 2 1 5.96 Between 3 and 5 y
CA I 2 0 0 N/A Between 6 and 10 y
1 0 0 N/A Between 3 and 5 y
The Agency's policy on performance appraisal and promotion/reclassification – short
Following the extensive work of the Inter-Agency Standing Working Group, ECHA’s has adopted by analogy in 2015 a new policy with respect to performance appraisal articulated in the ECHA
Decision (MB/27/2015) on performance appraisal of temporary agents and contracts agents
dated 18 June 2015, (implementing Article 15(2) of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (CEOS) and first paragraph of Article 44 of the Staff Regulations
(for temporary agents) and Article 87(1) of the CEOS and first paragraph of Article 44 of the
Staff Regulations (for contract agents).
ECHA’s policy with respect to promotion/reclassification is articulated in the ECHA Decision (MB/12/2023) on the policy and procedure for the reclassification of temporary agents dated 21
August 2023 (implementing Article 54 of the CEOS) and in the ECHA Decision (MB/06/2016) on the policy and procedure for the reclassification of Contract Agents dated 17 March 2016
(implementing Article 87(3) of the CEOS).
As a guiding principle, ECHA’s establishment plan evolution and the annual reclassification exercise is carried out in line with the multiplication rate for guiding the average career
equivalence as provided for in Article 6 and Annex IB of the Staff Regulations, and on the basis
of comparative merit and budgetary availability. This is applicable for temporary agents.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 113
C. Gender representation
Table 1 - Data as at 31/12/2024 statutory staff (only officials, TA and CA)44
Official Temporary
Agents Grand Total
Staff % Staff
% of
Grand Total
% of
Grand Total
% of
Grand Total
Administrator level 162 35% 20 15% 182 31%
Assistant level (AST & AST/SC)
80 18% 62 47% 142 24%
Total 242 53% 82 63% 324 55%
Administrator level 190 42% 18 14% 208 35%
Assistant level
(AST & AST/SC) 25 5% 31 24% 56 10%
Total 215 47% 49 37% 264 45%
Grand Total
457 100% 131 100% 588 100%
Table 2 - Data45 regarding gender evolution over 5 years of the Middle and Senior
2020 2024
Number % Number %
Female Managers 8 26% 10 29%
Male Managers 23 74% 24 71%
44 Data in the table includes statutory staff in place on the indicated date. Posts under recruitment are not included. 45 Data in the table includes statutory staff in place on the indicated date. Posts under recruitment are not included. 46 Staff defined as middle manager by the applicable General Implementing provisions on middle management.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 114
ECHA’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan
This non-exhaustive plan puts into practice ECHA’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, as
expressed in its Charter47. It includes key elements of focus in this area for the period 2023-
2024 and beyond. ECHA will develop a dedicated action plan for period 2025-2026 in Q1 2025.
• Awareness raising on diversity and inclusion o Develop and publish dedicated content on ECHA’s intranet, which promotes an
inclusive working environment free of any kind of discrimination; o Provide and promote relevant training opportunities to ECHA staff;
o Provide dedicated content in management development activities, e.g. management seminars, and facilitate sharing best practices in this context;
o Appoint management representatives to ECHA’s D&I Working Group.
• Support for internal diversity and inclusion initiatives
o Support the members of ECHA’s LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex or queer) network in networking and awareness-raising;
o Facilitate the on-going dialogue between ECHA’s Staff Committee and management on their views and future actions regarding diversity and inclusion.
• Attract female managerial talent
o Pro-actively communicate ECHA’s commitment to diversity, inclusive
organisational culture, well-being and work-life balance, and strengthen ECHA’s employer brand;
o Increase visibility of ECHA’s female managers; o Increase efforts to secure gender balance of 50% among team leaders;
o Communicate internally and externally in an inclusive way.
• Conduct diverse and inclusive recruitment processes (in terms of Selection Committee composition and candidate experience).
• Harvest learnings from the EUAN Working Group on diversity & inclusion.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 115
D. Geographical balance
Explanatory figures to highlight nationalities of staff (split per Administrator/CA FG
IV and Assistant /CA FG I, II, III)
Table 1 - Data as at 31/12/2024 - statutory staff only (officials, TA and CA)48
Nationality code
% of total staff
members in AD and
FG IV categories
% of total staff
and FG I, II and III
of total staff
Austrian AT 5 1% 2 1% 7 1%
Belgian BE 20 5% 4 2% 24 4%
Bulgarian BG 8 2% 9 5% 17 3%
Croatian HR 0 0% 2 1% 2 0%
Cypriot CY 1 0% 0 0% 1 0%
Czech CZ 2 1% 2 1% 4 1%
German DE 22 6% 2 1% 24 4%
Danish DK 1 0% 1 1% 2 0%
Dutch NL 15 4% 3 1% 18 3%
Estonian EE 2 1% 5 3% 7 1%
Spanish ES 28 7% 11 6% 39 7%
Finnish FI 107 27% 83 42% 190 32%
French FR 35 9% 10 5% 45 8%
Greek GR 21 5% 11 6% 32 5%
Hungarian HU 6 2% 7 4% 13 2%
Irish IE 16 4% 2 1% 18 3%
Icelandic IS 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Italian IT 38 10% 14 7% 52 9%
Liechtenstein LI 1 0% 0 0% 1 0%
Lithuanian LT 4 1% 3 2% 7 1%
Latvian LV 4 1% 4 2% 8 1%
Maltese MT 3 1% 0 0% 3 1%
Norwegian NO 1 0% 0 0% 1 0%
Polish PL 15 4% 6 3% 21 4%
Portuguese PT 13 3% 2 1% 15 3%
Romanian RO 10 3% 8 4% 18 3%
Slovakian SK 3 1% 2 1% 5 1%
Slovenian SI 4 1% 4 2% 8 1%
Swedish SE 5 1% 1 1% 6 1%
48 Data in the table includes statutory staff in place on the indicated date. Posts under recruitment are not included.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 116
Table 2 - Evolution over 5 years of the most represented nationality in the Agency
Most represented nationality49 2020 2024
Number % Number %
Finnish 181 32% 190 32%
In case of significant continuous imbalance, please explain and detail the action plan
implemented in the Agency:
• ECHA’s commitment to diversity is highlighted in the Charter on Diversity and Inclusion and in a dedicated section for equal opportunities in the vacancy notice where qualified
candidates of under-represented nationalities are encouraged to submit their application; • Vacancies advertised on EU-wide platforms;
• Raise awareness of managers regarding diversity and inclusion through dedicated content in management seminars and sharing best practices;
• Raise awareness of external audience of ECHA’s commitment to diversity, inclusive
organisational culture, well-being and work-life balance through social media and revamp of the ‘Jobs’ section on the ECHA website;
• Geographical balance of staff is considered at the stage of recruitment.
E. Schooling
Agreement in place with the European School(s) of Helsinki Yes No
Contribution agreements signed with the EC on type I European schools No
Contribution agreements signed with the EC on type II European schools Yes
Number of service contracts in place with international schools: N/A
Description of any other solutions or actions in place: N/A
49 Data in the table includes statutory staff in place on the indicated date. Posts under recruitment are not included.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 117
Annex VI: Environment management
Context of the Agency and its environmental management strategy
ECHA has a quality and environmental management system in place, aligned with the Integrated Management System strategy, which commits to incorporating sustainability measures within the
internal follow-up of actions and reporting.
Overview of the Agency's environmental management system
Since 2016, ECHA has been certified according to the ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 standards and, in 2020, expanded the environmental management system which includes an environmental
policy, environmental objectives and a multi-annual Environmental Work Programme to also cover the requirement of the Eco-management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). ECHA successfully
attained registration under EMAS in 2022.
Environmental aspects, indicators and targets
In June 2020, ECHA’s Executive Director pledged to the Management Board that ECHA will be
net-carbon neutral by 2030. In the same year, ECHA moved to its new offices which encompass a smaller surface area and has automated building management systems. This has allowed ECHA
to improve its environmental performance through a reduction in the overall consumption of utilities (electricity, water, heating/cooling) and to save rental and utility costs. The multi-annual
Environmental Work Programme sets out objectives, actions and targets to be implemented
during 2023-2025, which include:
• strengthening the integration of environmental requirements into ECHA procurement
and eco-labels are taken into account in ECHA’s purchases; • reducing CO2 emissions from staff and meeting participants flights by 50% respectively
when compared to 2019; • increasing the scope of ECHA’s CO2 carbon footprint to include the impact of
teleworking and hotel nights; • obtaining certification for sustainable meetings;
• encouraging environmentally friendly modes of transport to the office;
• raising awareness of ECHA’s environmental objectives through staff information
campaigns and stakeholder engagement actions;
• reducing waste volume and the amount of landfill waste, and,
• working with the Commission, looking into future options to compensate ECHA’s
remaining unavoidable greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions through EU certified carbon
removal schemes once in place.
Actions to improve and communicate environmental performance.
In support of the ISO 14001:2015 environmental re-certification and EMAS registration, which
includes additional planning and reporting on ECHA’s environmental performance, the Agency has established a dedicated team for Environmental Compliance and Sustainability whose role is
to facilitate the implementation of the actions identified in ECHA’s Environmental Work
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 118
Annex VII: Building policy
Current building(s)
Name, location and
type of building Other comments
Information to
be provided per building
Telakkakatu 6 New lease agreement commenced on 23
January 2020.
Surface area (in square metres)
18 071 m2 Of non-office space, 4 601 m2 are conference/meeting facilities, 1 184 m2 are canteen and lobby areas.
- of which office space
11 021 m2
- of which non-office
7 050 m2
Annual rent
EUR 6 428 803 (net rent
for 2024), subject to annual indexation
Type and
duration of rental contract
Lease contract until 22.01.2030.
New lease agreement commenced on 23 January 2020.
Host country
grant or support
Partial (with respect to
VAT waiver).
Present value of
the building
Not applicable.
Building projects in planning phase
As the current lease contract expires in January 2030, preparatory steps will commence for
ECHA’s future building requirements in due course.
Building projects to be submitted to the European Parliament and the Council
See above.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 119
Annex VIII: Privileges and immunities
The privileges and immunities of staff and the Agency are contained in the respective Protocol
to the EU Treaty. Moreover, further effect is given by the Seat Agreement signed between
Finland and ECHA on 28 June 2007.
Agency privileges
Privileges granted to staff
Protocol of privileges and immunities/diplomatic status
Education/day care
Inviolability Immunity from jurisdiction regarding official capacity
Same access to day care
organised by municipalities as
Finnish nationals
Facilitations for communications
Exemption from registration
Duty free import of goods upon taking
up services
Reimbursement of VAT between 1 June
2007 and 31 May 2009 (no longer in
Right to free export when leaving the
Exemption from taxes on EU salaries
Exemption from national car tax once
every three years
Executive Director and Directors join
diplomatic status
Temporary residence permits to family
members who are not EU/EEA nationals
Issuance of personal cards through the
Foreign Ministry
Issuance of Finnish identity numbers
Access to Finnish school system
Assistance and cooperation in
security matters
Access to European Schooling
through the European School of
Exemption from all
duties and taxes
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 120
Annex IX: Evaluations and audits
Audits planned for 2025 Timeline
Audit on Records management and Access to documents Q1-Q2 2025
Audit of Registration Q3-Q4 2025
Audit of the Prevention and management of potential conflicts of interest
Q4-Q1 2026
Retrospective evaluations planned for 2025 Timeline
Retrospective evaluation of the Integrated Regulatory Strategy (IRS) of ECHA
Q2- Q3 2025
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 121
Annex X:
A. ECHA Integrated Management System and Framework
Integrated Management System Strategy
The objective of the Integrated Management System (IMS) strategy is to enable the
achievement of ECHA’s strategic goals by ensuring a robust, flexible and performance-based governance, well adapted to ECHA’s operational structure, while simultaneously recognising the
legislative framework within which ECHA operates, including applicable requirements in the fields
of internal control, quality, security, environmental and sustainability management.
The IMS strategy includes ECHA’s top management commitment and is supported by an
Integrated Management System Framework. The framework further details the common
principles and characteristics to be implemented in ECHA’s operational and governance processes.
ECHA’s management commits to:
• Delivering strategic goals and priorities, where quality and environmental goals are
embedded, as described in the Programming Document. • Providing high-quality independent decisions, opinions, advice and tools that consistently
meet the needs and expectations of ECHA’s partners and stakeholders. • Communicating and engaging openly, transparently and welcoming stakeholders’
• Implementing an Integrated Management System focused on improving performance, while maintaining compliance with legal, financial and regulatory requirements.
• Using effective internal control to provide assurance to ECHA Management team and the Management Board that controls are functioning as designed. Embedding risk
management in ECHA’s decision-making. • Innovating, exploiting synergies, learning from mistakes, adapting to changing
circumstances and stakeholders’ needs, as well as promoting such behaviours.
The progress towards the achievement of the IMS strategy will be measured annually.
The assessment will be based on the criteria as stipulated in the following framework.
Integrated Management System Framework
ECHA’s Integrated Management System Framework is the tool to implement ECHA’s Integrated
Management System Strategy, which is organised in 12 components. These components are further grouped into four building blocks: (1) Governance, (2) Strategy, planning and risk
management, (3) Operations and operational structure, and (4) Evaluation and
Each component includes a number of principles and characteristics to be deployed into
operational and governance processes, aiming to maintain oversight, track progress and adjust accordingly. The structure of the framework and its components follows the Internal Control
Framework’s structure as stipulated in the Financial Regulation. Quality, environmental, security and business continuity management, sustainability and
efficiency principles, including a continual improvement focus are embedded as an integral part of that structure. There is an explicit focus on the need to ensure both a high level of
performance of ECHA and compliance with relevant legislations and ECHA’s Financial
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 122
Component Principles
GOVERNANCE Purpose and
ECHA’s purpose and vision aligns to its strategic goals
and priorities and reflects its commitment to its legal
mandate and stakeholders.
Values and
Management Board sets and demonstrates the tone at
the top for the values, behaviours and expected
standards of conduct, which are implemented by ECHA’s
management and staff.
ECHA’s Management Board exercises oversight
responsibility. ECHA’s management team establishes
structure, accountability and responsibility.
People (Human
ECHA is committed to investing in people and
organisational excellence
and partners
ECHA collaborates with regulatory partners and
stakeholders to strengthen public confidence and trust.
Goals planning
and resource
ECHA demonstrates commitment to strategy planning
and implementation including activity-based resource
Management Board sets the risk appetite and oversee the risk management in the Agency. ECHA Management
team identifies and analyses risks and significant
changes, uncovers opportunities and implements
proportionate controls.
ECHA’s activity and process structure enables the
achievement of ECHA’s strategic goals
Information and
ECHA selects and develops general control activities
over technology to support the achievement of its
strategic goals
ECHA aims at agility, responsiveness and continuity
when responding to changes
ECHA aims at performance-based management where continual improvement is pursued and ex-ante and ex-
post controls are risk-based
Assessments, audits and
ECHA conducts risk-based assessments, audits and evaluations, driven by operational and strategic needs to
identify gaps, assess benefits, impact and added value
of specific ECHA activities
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 123
B. Anti-Fraud Strategy
The ECHA Anti-Fraud Strategy is intended to provide a framework for addressing the issue of fraud in the Agency. In line with the methodology and guidance for anti-fraud strategies for EU
decentralised agencies from the European Anti-Fraud Office’s (OLAF), ECHA has conducted a fraud risk assessment of its main activities based on the estimated likelihood and possible impact of
fraud. As a result of this fraud risk assessment the following main fraud risks were identified
within ECHA:
1. Deliberate leaking of information; 2. Serious irregularities related to favouritism and conflicts of interest;
3. Procurement and contract management related fraud.
The controls in place for the three main risks are robust. ECHA has strong security controls preventing unauthorised access to its IT systems, strict conflict of interest rules, as well as
multiple controls in the procurement and contract management process. Overall - taking into account existing controls - ECHA believes that the risk of significant undetected fraud is low. As
ECHA is not an agency that distributes large financial resources directly via EU funds or grants, its residual fraud risks lie elsewhere and are more indirect. Therefore, the ECHA Anti-Fraud
Strategy, last revised by the ECHA Management Board in December 2022, includes a focus on maintaining and further developing the anti-fraud culture in the Agency and regularly reviewing
key policies and procedures.
The results of the Anti-Fraud Strategy are reported in the Annual Report. The strategy will be updated whenever changes in the context of ECHA’s work would require such and at the latest
reviewed in December 2026.
Objective 1: Maintain and further develop anti-fraud culture
ECHA’s Anti-Fraud Strategy gives a strong priority to awareness raising and training of staff. The desired outcome would be that a clear anti-fraud culture would be maintained and further
developed in the Agency, in which staff members have a clear understanding of the types of behaviour that are unacceptable, of the channels where such fraudulent activities can be reported
and of the procedures in place to detect, investigate and counteract fraud.
Objective 2: Regular review of key policies and procedures
The Agency has robust procedures in place to safeguard the security of the information entrusted
to it, the independence of its scientific output and the legality of its procurement and contract management processes (the 3 main fraud risks identified). A regular review of all procedures in
place in these three key areas should ensure continued high standards of implementation. ECHA’s Integrated Management System (ISO 9001 certified) foresees such regular reviews as well as a
strive for continual improvement.
Action plan 2025-2027
Action plan to achieve objective 1:
- Strengthen staff’s awareness of internal reporting and whistleblowing procedures. - Induction and regular reminders/training on ethics and conflict of interest for both
internal staff and external experts, including on ‘revolving doors’. - Regular reminders/training on information security.
- Regular reminders/training on procurement and contract management.
- Administrative enquiries where required or appropriate.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 124
Action plan to achieve objective 2:
- Conduct of an annual risk assessment exercise.
- Regular review of policies and procedures with regard to IT governance and information
management and security. - Regular review of the policies and procedures in the field of ethics and the prevention
of conflicts of interest. - Regular review of the policies and procedures in the field of procurement and contract
management, as well as SME verification and selection and recruitment. - Assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the associated systems of internal controls,
also through monitoring and audit activities.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 125
Annex XI: Plan for grant, contribution or service-level agreements50
General information Financial and HR impacts
Actual or expected date of signature
Total amount (EUR)
Duration Counterpart Short description 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Grant agreements
1. IPA 20.12.2022 675 103 42 months Commission DG NEAR
Support to European Union´s external
assistance Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA), which consist of various preparatory
measures for the EU candidate countries and potential candidates and their
cooperation with ECHA.
Amount 675 103 - - - tbc
Number of CA 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Number of SNEs
0 0 0 0 0
Total grant agreements
Amount 675 103 - - - tbc
Number of CA 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Number of
SNEs 0 0 0 0 0
Contribution agreements
1. EUCLEF 10.12.2021 5 829 200 5 years
Commission DG
Tasks entrusted to the Agency by the Commission by way of Contribution
agreements for the implementation of the
European Union Chemical Legislation Finder.
Amount 1 053 400 1 053 400 1 123 400 tbc tbc
Number of CA 0 0 0 0 0
Number of SNEs
0 0 0 0 0
2. EUON 09.12.2021 3 066 000 5 years
Commission DG
Tasks entrusted to the Agency by the Commission by way of Contribution
agreements for the implementation of the European Union Observatory for Nano
Amount 614 000 619 000 624 000 tbc tbc
Number of CA 3 3 3 3 3
Number of SNEs
0 0 0 0 0
50 ECHA expects stable resources in the work areas of EUON, EUCLEF, OEL, IPA, PARC, IUCLID for EFSA and SCBTH. Although the resources are dependent on the renewal of certain agreements,
continuity is presumed for the clarity of this planning exercise. Any changes to the continuity of the work or resources estimates, will be reported in the next SPD update.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 126
3. SCBTH 15.11.2024 520 000 3 years
Commission DG
Task entrusted to the Agency by the Commission by way of Contribution
agreement for the implementation of the
Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health.
Amount 520 000
Number of CA - 1 1 1 1
Number of
SNEs 0 0 0 0 0
Total contribution agreements
Amount 1 667 400 2 192 400 1 747 400 tbc tbc
Number of CA 3 4 4 4 4
Number of SNEs
0 0 0 0 0
Service-level agreements
1. IUCLID for EFSA 26.03.2021 Annual fee of 784 712 plus
project cost
Further development of the IUCLID
(International Uniform ChemicaL Information Database) software,
implemented jointly by means of co- investment with third parties.
Amount 784 712 784 712 784 712 784 712 784 712
Number of CA 4 4 4 4 4
Number of
SNEs 0 0 0 0 0
2. OEL 23.02.2022 195 000 per
18-24 months
per case Commission DG EMPL
Tasks entrusted to the Agency by the Commission by way of Contribution
agreements for providing support through scientific expertise in hazard, exposure and
risk assessment to the establishment of occupational exposure limits (OELs) for the
implementation of the EU occupational safety and health (OSH) legislation.
Amount 975 000 975 000 975 000 tbc tbc
Number of CA 4 4 4 4 4
Number of SNEs
0 0 0 0 0
Total service-level agreements
Amount 1 759 712 2 279 712 1 759 712 784 712 784 712
Number of CA 8 8 8 8 8
Number of
SNEs 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL (contribution agreements and SLAs)
Amount 4 102 215 4 472 112 3 507 112 784 712 784 712
Number of CA 12.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5
Number of SNEs
0 0 0 0 0
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 127
Annex XII: Strategy for cooperation with third countries and/or
international organisations
ECHA’s international cooperation activities aim at contributing to the implementation of
the legislation within ECHA’s remit, as well as to provide technical and scientific support to the European Commission in the implementation of the EU’s international agenda and
enhance engagements and synergies at international level.
In line with the broader organisational priorities and strategic objectives, the focus of
ECHA’s international cooperation is on activities that are legally required or otherwise formally requested, and those that facilitate and make the implementation of core
regulatory tasks more efficient and impactful.
ECHA thereby ensures that the relations with international stakeholders (e.g. the United
Nations and other international organisations, and sister agencies in third countries) are
coherent with the Agency’s mandate, the institutional division of tasks in international relations, EU policies and priorities, and Commission’s action, in line with the Common
Approach on EU Agencies, adopted by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission in 201251. ECHA maintains a close cooperation and a regular communication
exchange with its partner DGs in the Commission, to ensure that the Agency is not seen as representing the EU position to an outside audience or as committing the EU to
international obligations.
Collaboration with the OECD
ECHA prioritises contributions where its expertise brings most value in support of Union
policies, and which in turn brings direct benefits and build competences relevant for the
implementation of the Agency’s legislative mandate. Foremost this concerns the area of the international development and harmonisation of tools and methods needed for an
effective implementation of EU chemicals legislation. This is done through supporting the agreement on international standards and tools. Common technical standards, tools, and
practices save resources, reduce trade barriers and allow for test results and assessments to be shared between jurisdictions. This work is predominantly done via the OECD
Chemicals Programme. However, it is also underpinned by bilateral engagements with peer agencies in other OECD countries (US, Canada and Australia among others) to
deepen the cooperation at international level on topics of common interest with the aim
to advance knowledge and expertise on chemicals management; bilateral engagements are supported by administrative agreements approved by the Management Board if
needed. ECHA also supports the Commission by providing training and advice to countries
developing their chemicals management systems.
The resources are provided from colleagues across ECHA working on the corresponding topics within ECHA’s core and support tasks. The main outputs related to OECD work are
listed under the respective activities in the current Single Programming Document.
Foreseen resource investment (FTEs) 2.5
51 Decentralised agencies: 2012 Overhaul | European Union (
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 128
Implementation of EU regulations stemming from International
Under the legislative mandate stemming from the PIC and POP regulations, ECHA
supports the European Commission in the implementation of the Rotterdam and Stockholm
Detailed activities and associated resources are indicated in chapter III.3 (Environmental
policy) of this Single Programming Document.
Collaboration with the United Nations and its sub organisations
ECHA’s Management Board approved in 2016 the participation of United Nations sub-
organisations, such as the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC; the specialised cancer agency of WHO), as observers in the work of ECHA, subject to
agreement of the relevant Committee.7
Upon request of the European Commission, ECHA provides scientific and technical support in the context of the United Nations Globally Harmonised System of classification
and labelling of chemicals (UN GHS), for example in the context of the development of new hazard classes at UN GHS level as part of the implementation of the Chemicals
Strategy for Sustainability. This activity is described in chapter III.1.7 (Classification and
Labelling) of this Single Programming Document.
ECHA provides this support from resources working on Classification and Labelling within
its core tasks.
Foreseen resource investment (FTEs) 0.5-1
The Chemicals Strategy also foresees activities to provide a model inspiring chemicals management globally which ECHA supports upon request of the Commission. Currently
this involves contribution to a UNEP pilot project to implement the UN GHS in four African countries Kenya, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria. In line with the Commission
request of 21 December 2021, ECHA provides this support from resources allocated within its core tasks.
Foreseen resource investment (FTEs) 0.1
Instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA)
ECHA implements since 2009 under specific grant agreements with the European Commission the preparation for accession of candidate countries to the EU, by providing
targeted training, capacity building and advice for authorities under the EU’s Instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA). Detailed activities and associated resources are
indicated in chapter 4.4 of this Single Programming Document. Limited additional in-kind support from ECHA staff working on Helpdesk and enforcement support tasks will be
provided to ensure an effective implementation of the project, whilst seeking synergies.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 0
Single Programming Document
2025 – 2027
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 1
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027
Helsinki, 13 December 2024
Doc: MB/32/2024 final
Reference: ECHA-25-R-01-EN
ISBN: 978-92-9468-467-7 ISSN: 2467-4532
Cat. Number: ED-01-25-001-EN-N
DOI: 10.2823/1867512 Publ. date: January 2025
Language: EN
© European Chemicals Agency, 2025
Cover page © European Chemicals Agency
If you have questions or comments in relation to this document, please send them (quote the reference and issue date) using the information request form. The information request form can be
accessed via the Contact ECHA page at:
European Chemicals Agency
Mailing address: P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland
Visiting address: Telakkakatu 6, 00121 Helsinki, Finland
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 2
Table of Contents
Foreword .......................................................................................................................... 4 List of Acronyms .............................................................................................................. 5 Strategy Statement .......................................................................................................... 8 I General context ........................................................................................................... 10 II Multi-annual programming (2025–2028) ................................................................... 15 1. Multiannual Work Programme 2025–2028 ............................................................... 15 2. Human and financial resource outlook 2025-2028 ................................................... 25
2.1 Overview of the past and current situation ................................................................................. 25
2.2 Outlook for the years 2025-2028 .............................................................................................. 25
2.3 Resource programming for the years 2025-2028 ........................................................................ 26
2.4 Negative priorities/decrease of existing tasks ............................................................................. 29
2.5 Strategy for efficiency gains..................................................................................................... 29
III Work Programme ...................................................................................................... 31 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 31 1. REACH/CLP ................................................................................................................ 32
1.1 Dossier preparation ................................................................................................................... 32
1.2 Dossier submission and processing .............................................................................................. 33
1.3 Identification and prioritisation of (groups of) substances ................................................................ 35
1.4 Evaluation ................................................................................................................................ 37
1.5 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................ 39
1.6 Restrictions .............................................................................................................................. 42
1.7 Classification and Labelling ......................................................................................................... 44
1.8 Data management ..................................................................................................................... 46
1.9 Making data publicly available ..................................................................................................... 48
1.10 Promotion of alternatives to animal testing .................................................................................. 49
2. Biocides ...................................................................................................................... 51 3. Environmental Policy .................................................................................................. 55 4. Other tasks, including tasks under grant, cooperation and service-level agreement .. 61 5. Governance and enablers ........................................................................................... 65 Annexes ......................................................................................................................... 76
Annex I: Organisation ..................................................................................................................... 77
A. Organisation chart of the Agency (Staff in place as at 31/12/2024) .................................................... 77
B. Overview of regulatory tasks of the Agency .................................................................................... 78
Annex II: Resource allocation per activity ........................................................................................... 86
Annex III: Financial resources .......................................................................................................... 87
Annex IV: Human resources - quantitative ........................................................................................ 102
Annex V: Human resources - qualitative ............................................................................................ 110
Annex VI: Environment management ............................................................................................... 117
Annex VII: Building policy ............................................................................................................... 118
Annex VIII: Privileges and immunities .............................................................................................. 119
Annex IX: Evaluations and audits ..................................................................................................... 120
Annex X: ...................................................................................................................................... 121
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 3
A. ECHA Integrated Management System and Framework .................................................................... 121
B. Anti-Fraud Strategy .................................................................................................................... 123
Annex XI: Plan for grant, contribution or service-level agreements ........................................................ 125
Annex XII: Strategy for cooperation with third countries and/or international organisations ...................... 127
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 4
We are pleased to present our Single Programming Document for the years 2025-2027, as well as the
detailed annual work programme for 2025.
This is the second year for implementation of our current strategy statement 2024-2028. Our vision, chemical safety through science, collaboration and knowledge, has informed the actions presented here
and will continue to guide us as we deliver our strategy over the next four years. At the core of implementing our strategic goals is our legal mandate and the protection of health and the environment
through our work on chemical safety. We will continue to implement our legal mandate by providing transparent, independent and high-quality scientific opinions and decisions, by collaborating with our EU
institutional partners and Member States as well as industry and NGO stakeholders and by sharing and
advancing knowledge and understanding on chemical safety.
In the coming period, we will implement in full the tasks that have been assigned to us in relation to
drinking water, batteries, serious cross-border threats to health, and industrial emissions. We also anticipate that the One Substance, One Assessment legislation package will be agreed, and planning for
implementation will commence once this is in place. Following the revision of the CLP regulation, we
expect to see proposals from the Member States, and the Commission, on the new hazard classifications.
Further to the review of the Integrated Regulatory Strategy (IRS), our focus will be on maintaining our knowledge about the chemicals in our databases and to deliver risk management for (groups of)
substances. In switching focus to delivering risk management outcomes, we will need to collaborate
closely with Member States and the Commission. We will also need to consider risk management options outside of REACH and CLP and look to measures that can be achieved under our new legislative
In delivering scientific opinions and decisions, ECHA relies not just on the expertise of our staff but also
the expertise and experience of the members in our committees and working groups. Ensuring these bodies are sustainable and fully resourced continues to be an important focus of our collaborative efforts
with the Commission, Member States and other stakeholders. To support our committees, we will deliver
opportunities for learning to committee members and Member States.
As the EU’s chemicals agency, ECHA recognises that our role is delivered in collaboration with many
others. One of the many groups that we engage with are the other EU Agencies – EFSA, EMA, ECDC and EEA. We anticipate increased co-operation and engagement with these agencies in the coming years as
we implement the One Substance, One Assessment legislation proposal and the One Health Joint
Framework for Action.
Finally, we will take account of the findings of the organisational review completed in 2024 to ensure that ECHA is structured and working to deliver current and future tasks. We also anticipate proposals for
a revised REACH Regulation and an ECHA Basic Regulation from the Commission in the coming period. For ECHA, the Basic Regulation is necessary for several reasons – the consolidation of our current and
future mandate, the continuity of our scientific committees and the simplification of our resourcing
conditions (financial and people). ECHA will work closely with the Commission to provide our input and support the development and implementation of both the Basic Regulation and REACH Regulation
Sofia Zisi Sharon McGuinness
Chair of the Management Board Executive Director
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 5
List of Acronyms
Acronym Description
AD Administrator
APCRA Accelerating the Pace of
Chemical Risk Assessment
ARN Assessment of regulatory needs
AST Assistant
BAT Best Available Technique
coordinated BPR enforcement project)
BPC Biocidal Products Committee
BPR Biocidal Products Regulation
BPRS BPR Subgroup of the Forum
BREF Best Available Techniques Reference documents
C&L Classification and labelling
CA Contract agent
CAD Chemical Agents Directive
CCH Compliance check
CDPC Common Data Platform for Chemicals
Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union
Chesar Chemical Safety Assessment and Reporting tool
CLH Harmonised classification and
Classification, labelling and packaging (and the respective Regulation)
CMR Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reprotoxic substances
Carcinogens, Mutagens and
Reprotoxic substances Directive 2004/37/EC, CMD until 9 March 2022)
CMS Chemical Management System
COM European Commission
CoRAP Community rolling action plan
Chemicals Strategy for
Sustainability of the Commission
Acronym Description
Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and
Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry,
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Directorate General for Neighbourhood and
Enlargement Negotiations
DNA Designated national authorities
DWD Drinking Water Directive
EAP Environmental Action
ECHA European Chemicals Agency
ECDC European Centre for Disease
Prevention and Control
ED Endocrine disruptors
EEA European Environment Agency
EFSA European Food Safety Authority
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EIPPCB European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau
ELV Directive on end-of-life
EMA European Medicines Agency
EMAS Eco-Management and Audit
European Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing
EQS Environmental Quality Standards Directives
ESPR Ecodesign for Sustainable
Products Regulation
EU European Union
EUAN EU Agencies Network
EUCLEF European Union Chemicals
Legislation Finder
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 6
Acronym Description
EUON European Union Observatory
for Nanomaterials
EUSES European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances
Forum Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement
FRA Final regulatory action
GFC Global Framework on Chemicals
GHG Greenhouse gases
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
HelpNet Network of national BPR, CLP
and REACH helpdesks
HR Human resources
IARC International Agency for
Research on Cancer
ICT Information communications technology
IED Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU
IMS Integrated Management System
IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance
IRS Integrated Regulatory Strategy
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
IUCLID International Uniform Chemical
Information Database
JEAP Joint Evaluation Action Plan
MB Management Board
MFF Multiannual financial
MSC Member State Committee
MSCA Member State competent
NAMs New Approach Methodologies
NEA National Enforcement Authority
NGO Non-governmental organization
NPS Net Promoter Score
OECD Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development
OEL Occupational exposure limit
Acronym Description
OSOA One Substance, One
PACT/ ACT Public activities coordination tool
PARC Partnership for the Assessment of Risks of Chemicals
PCN Poison Centre Notifications
PFAS Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
Rotterdam Convention on the
prior informed consent procedure (and the respective Regulation)
PMT Persistent, mobile and toxic
POPs EU Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation
PPP Plant protection products
QSAR Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship
RAC Committee for Risk
Registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (and the respective
REACH-IT Dossier submission tool
coordinated REACH enforcement project)
R4BP 3 Register for Biocidal Products
(version 3)
RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive
SCBTH Serious Cross-Border Threats
to Health Regulation
Database for information on Substances of Concern In
SEAC Committee for Socio-economic Analysis
SLA Service Level Agreement
SME Small and medium-sized enterprises
SNE Seconded National Expert
SPD Single Programming Document
SSbD Safe and sustainable by design framework
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 7
Acronym Description
SVHC Substances of very high
TA Temporary agent
UN GHS United Nations Globally
Harmonised System of
Acronym Description
Classification and Labelling of
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
WHO World Health Organization
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 8
Strategy Statement
Our Legal Basis
Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (CLP)
Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)
EU Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Regulation
EU Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Regulation
Waste Framework Directive (SCIP database)
Drinking Water Directive (DWD)
8th Environmental Action Programme (EAP)
Regulation on Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health (SCBTH)
Batteries Regulation
Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (Council adoption on 16 December 2024, entry
into force pending publication in the Official Journal)
Tasks under grant, cooperation, service level and other agreements
EU Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON)
EU Chemicals Legislation Finder (EUCLEF)
Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs)
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) – support to accession countries
Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC)
Our Mandate
• Carry out technical, scientific, and administrative tasks related to the implementation of the EU’s chemicals legislation and policy
• Provide transparent, independent and high-quality scientific opinions and decisions, which shall serve as the basis for the drafting and adoption of Union measures
• Collaborate and partner with EU bodies and Institutions, Member State authorities, as well as third countries and international organisations
• Provide tools, advice, and support to industry, with a particular focus on small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs), in fulfilling their duties under chemical legislation
• Ensure that relevant, reliable, and objective information is available for the public and
interested parties
Our purpose
• We protect health and the environment through our work for chemical safety
Our Vision
• Chemical safety through science, collaboration and knowledge
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 9
Our Values
• Integrity - We earn trust by being accountable and delivering our mandate in a fair,
consistent, and independent manner. We uphold the highest professional, financial,
governance, and ethical standards.
• Transparency – We make our opinions and decisions in an open, understandable and accessible way. We communicate clearly, courteously, and respectfully. We are open to
engaging and embracing diverse perspectives and are inclusive in how we work. We welcome
• Collaboration – We work closely with our EU and Member State partners and institutions to
deliver our shared goals and priorities. We consult and cooperate with stakeholders. We listen,
engage, and consult with each other.
• Innovation - We continuously review and respond to changing circumstances. We analyse and use data and best available evidence to inform and deliver our mandate. We exploit
synergies and are open to adapting operations using new technologies and ways of working.
Our Goals
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 10
I General context
As the agency responsible for implementing EU chemical legislation, we remain committed to advancing chemical safety across Europe and protecting health and the environment. Our work is focussed on
implementation of our legal mandate and delivery of our strategic goals. Nonetheless, we recognise that EU policies will continue to evolve, for example, the European Commission’s focus on reducing
administrative burden and fostering competitiveness, while maintaining a high standard of protection of health and the environment. As we navigate this period, we also recognise the need for effective
collaboration with the Commission, Member States and other stakeholders to meet the increasing demands of our expanded legal mandate. We are focused on ensuring that our preparations for new
tasks and ongoing efforts align with the EU’s vision for a safe and sustainable future for generations to
We anticipate proposals for a revised REACH Regulation and an ECHA Basic Regulation from the
Commission in the coming period. ECHA will work closely with the Commission to provide input and support the development and implementation of both the Basic Regulation and REACH Regulation
proposals. In addition, the Commission’s Clean Industrial Deal and the Chemicals Industry Package may
also have an impact on our work in the coming years.
It is within this context, and the below facts that ECHA has prepared the 2025-2028 multiannual plan as
well as specific plans for 2025 and 2026.
One aspect that is clear is that the implementation of existing legislation will be a major focus. In addition,
there will also be a focus on the simplification and reduction of administrative burden and increasing competitiveness. More directly in relation to ECHA’s legal mandate, we know that simplifying REACH and
clarifying Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) will be on the future agenda. However, at this
stage, we do not know the extent to which these will impact how ECHA delivers its legal mandate.
From discussions with the Heads of Chemicals Authorities, we have got an outline of the plans and challenges in the Member States. It seems that there are no short-to-medium plans by Member States
to substantially increase the development of dossiers (Harmonised classification and labelling (CLH), restrictions, Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)). Those Member States who have been active will likely
remain active, but others do not appear to be in a position to start or significantly increase their
involvement. Member States are also facing resource gaps as well as competence gaps, particularly in relation to new areas (e.g., endocrine disruptors). Nominations of experts to the Committees are also
unlikely to increase in the short to medium term.
Internally, we need to balance the implementation of our new Strategy Statement for the period 2024-
2028 while also delivering on our legal mandate and tasks. We have completed reviews of two of the key programmes under our previous strategy (2018-2023), namely, the Integrated Regulatory Strategy
(IRS) and the Joint Evaluation Action Plan (JEAP) and now need to implement the recommendations
New tasks have been assigned to the agency to bring coherence and synergies between EU chemicals
regulations and to support our central role in chemical safety. We must prepare for these new tasks, which may come with or without resources. Even when resources are provided, these are not available
until the starting date of implementation, so we still need to use existing resources to initiate preparations for implementation. As we receive more and more single tasks, either through new legislation or
cooperation and/or service-level-agreements (SLAs), the workload involved is substantial across the organisation when these are taken as a whole. In addition, delivering on our extended mandate requires
a focus on collaboration with Member States, other Agencies and key stakeholders. The One Substance, One Assessment (OSOA) ambition and the One Health framework provide new opportunities to increase
such collaboration and build an organisation considering the optimisation of resources.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 11
As mentioned above, Member States do not appear to be in a position to substantially increase submission of dossiers on CLH/Restrictions/BPR. The Commission’s plans for requests to ECHA to prepare
dossiers on restrictions, in line with the restriction roadmap, are not yet known. Therefore, anticipating
workload remains a challenge. Similarly, predicting fee income from registrations and applications for
authorisation also remains a challenge.
Within ECHA, we need to increase competence and capacity across the secretariat as well as the committees. Relevant areas of competence development include new hazard classes in CLP as well as
sustainability, life cycle analysis, and waste aspects particularly relevant for new tasks under Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS), batteries etc. As competence development is a key topic for
Member States too, we need to consider how we can enhance synergies and opportunities for shared
learning and shared burden.
Finally, as a chemicals agency, ECHA has over the years developed significant levels of competence and
invested heavily in digital technologies in delivering our mandate. All new tasks, and particularly the Common Data Platform for Chemicals (CDPC), come with increasing demands on our digital capabilities
and offerings. We also need to ensure the digital tools used for existing tasks are kept up to date with technology and the demands of ever-increasing amounts of data. We need, therefore, to invest for the
future now if we are to keep up with new technologies such as AI and the demands of stakeholders and
duty holders.
With these in mind, ECHA has developed its multiannual plan for 2025-2028 and its draft outcomes for 2026. We have also reviewed and revised the outputs, indicators and targets for the 2025 work
programme. In setting out the programme, several areas are particularly worth noting in more detail.
The work and capacity of our committees, especially our scientific Committees (Committee for Risk
Assessment (RAC) and Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC)), will continue to drive specific actions and objectives over the coming period. Delivering transparent, independent, and high-quality
opinions remains a key output. We know that capacity in our Committees is decreasing as some Member States are unable to nominate two members. We also know their workload is increasing as new tasks
arise (new hazards under CLH, Drinking Water Directive, etc.); and dossiers become more complex, particularly when they involve groups of substances and multiple uses. The opinions and decisions
coming from our committees also need to be scientifically and legally robust so that the Commission can
use them as basis for its decision making. While we await the Basic Regulation to provide more long- term solutions, we will continue to engage with Member States about increasing the numbers of members
and experts; investigate ways to encourage all members to contribute (e.g. through rapporteur payments for new tasks); build capacity of Committee members so they have the competence and
knowledge to deliver on new areas (e.g., Endocrine disruptors (ED) and Persistent, mobile and toxic
(PMT) hazard classification, life cycle analysis, etc.).
Integrated Regulatory Strategy (IRS)
Following the review completed earlier in 2024, several new objectives have been developed, in
conjunction with the Commission and Member States, to ensure that IRS meets current and future
challenges. Key drivers for the IRS in the future include the need to maintain good knowledge about the chemicals in our databases and switch the focus to deliver risk management outcomes for (groups of)
substances. These outcomes can be REACH and CLP based (CLH, substances of very high concern (SVHC) identification, or restrictions), but with our increasing mandate, we can also now start to explore how
risk management can be delivered under new legislation. We also recognise that in switching the focus toward risk management, we need collaboration with Member States and the Commission to meet this
ambition and that our committees are also ready.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 12
Joint Evaluation Action Plan (JEAP)
The JEAP has also been reviewed in 2024 in conjunction with the Member States and the Commission.
The main action from the JEAP, namely, to complete 20% of all dossiers registered by 2027 has already
been achieved by 2023. While this is good news, the focus in the past years on completing compliance check (CCH) decisions has meant that other areas under evaluation, such as concluding follow-up
decisions and checking testing proposals now have backlogs. As data generated under earlier CCH decisions is now coming back in, there is a need to focus on Follow-up decisions. We will also need to
address the increasing numbers of testing proposals that await our review. This will mean the workload in evaluation will be rebalanced away from CCH only to address Follow-up and testing proposals. While
we will continue to get cases for evaluation from the IRS, we will also investigate how to address other types of cases, including dossiers with information that has been submitted separately by one of more
registrants (also known as ‘opt-outs’). This will support a level playing field among registrants.
The delivery of the workplan for the Forum on Enforcement is a key priority, and the delivery of specific
REACH and Biocide Enforcement Projects (REF and BEF), as well as training of inspectors remains important. In addition, we will explore with the Forum ways to increase enforcement activity, including
the use of pilot projects in all or some Member States. Commitment from Member States to the work of the Forum and to enforcement, in general, needs to remain high if we are to support a level playing field.
An area of focus worth noting is the need to enhance engagement with National Enforcement Authorities (NEAs) as we move to increase efforts on Follow-up to CCH. We will need NEAs to be ready to take
enforcement action on evaluation cases when requested. We also need NEAs and national authorities to
support communication efforts on the outcomes of enforcement projects and Forum work.
Data and IT
Over the years, the complexity of ECHA’s IT and data systems has increased resulting in multiple IT tools that are highly customised and not always integrated. Data has also become more numerous and
fragmented as we have increased our mandate. Most of the new tasks will require either modification of existing systems or building new ones. The EU requirements for information security and cybersecurity
are also increasing. In addition, new IT approaches as well as advanced technologies are now available. To continue our focus on digitalised operations, ECHA must invest in new technologies to meet the
increasing demands of stakeholders as well as staff. Work has already begun on transforming our
business and IT/data systems to meet existing and new tasks, for example, we are already working on developing the systems needed for the Drinking Water Directive (DWD) by 2026. The IT system and
business processes for DWD are being developed as capability modules that can be reused in other Agency processes down the line. In the coming years, this work will continue. An ongoing challenge in
the transformation of the data and IT capabilities is the need for upfront focussed investment to be available to deliver the ambition required. We have prepared a 5-year IT plan, outlining the longer-term
IT development priorities, as well as providing a more detailed explanation of the specific plan for 2025. The IT plan will be updated annually and will replace the IT master plan, which has primarily focused on
one year at the time.
Preparation for new legislation
In the past few years, ECHA has already included in its mandate new tasks deriving from new legislation
such as Drinking Water, Batteries, Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health (SCBTH), and most recently, Industrial Emissions. We also know that further tasks will come during 2025-2026 under the One
Substance, One Assessment package (Data Regulation, POPs in waste, Medical Devices, RoHS) as well as Packaging and Packaging Waste (adopted by the Council on 16 December 2024, entry into force
pending publication in the Official Journal), Water protection, Toys, and End of Life Vehicles (ELV). In addition, there are further new tasks linked to the revision of existing mandates, for example,
introduction of the ex-ante SME verification as well as potential requests from the Commission to prepare
CLH dossiers. Overall, this work covers about 12 new tasks, with an additional 47 people to be onboarded
over the next 2-3 years.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 13
While ECHA welcomes the opportunity to deliver the EU goals in relation to these new tasks, there are still several dependencies and challenges anticipated. Firstly, not all tasks come with resources, and even
those that do bring resources, these are not available to ECHA until the legislation is to be implemented.
This presents a challenge if we are to be ready. The new tasks bring additional complexities and work. For example, existing systems and processes may not always be suitable for new task without
modification. The number of stakeholders that ECHA must engage with at the EU, Member State, Industry and NGO levels will increase. The workload and skills needed in RAC and SEAC will also increase, putting
pressure on members who are already fully engaged in meeting existing tasks. In the coming years, ECHA will develop and implement onboarding plans for new tasks and commence delivery of the first
outputs anticipated (e.g. DWD notifications, scoping studies under Batteries, etc.). We will also work with the Committees to establish Working Groups and training opportunities, so the members are ready
when tasks arrive. To enable ECHA to deliver on these new tasks, adequate resources, as well as
appropriate transitional periods, are needed. Furthermore, ECHA’s Basic Regulation is also urgently needed to facilitate the extension of ECHA’s mandate, including the necessary expansion of the capacity
of the committees to be able to keep pace with the increased output demands.
Communication and engagement
In all the work ECHA carries out, the need for constant communication and engagement is high. We have established a Communications Strategy as well as a stakeholder approach to support the delivery of our
strategic goal. In our communication and engagement, we target efforts to the needs and requirements for each group – EU Institutions, Member State Authorities, Industry, groups representing the
environment, the public and workers. In order to maximise efficiency and impact, we need to collaborate
with our stakeholders and increase public confidence. That is why we rely on multipliers such as the Member State Communicators’ Network and the accredited stakeholders to collaborate with us to
increase awareness on the work carried out in relation to chemical safety. We aim to continue our engagement with the Member State Heads of Chemicals Authorities and close out the remaining bilaterals
with Member States. We will work closely with other EU agencies, such as EFSA, EMA, EEA, and ECDC, as we deliver our mandate and also the objectives of OSOA and One Health Framework for Action. We
will engage with industry to ensure that the tools and services we provide are aligned with their needs and expectations. In this regard, we will continue developing and implementing mechanisms and actions
to better understand SME requirements and support them in meeting their regulatory requirements.
Through our accredited stakeholder group, we will continue working with groups representing the environment, the public and workers to understand their needs and provide support. To be able to
monitor progress in our work in this area, we will launch a stakeholder benchmark exercise.
Leading on chemical knowledge and expertise
Our new strategy puts science in the frame, both in its vision as well as the strategic goal to lead on chemical knowledge and expertise. As a chemicals agency, ECHA needs to be proactive in informing and
implementing new scientific and technical thinking. The overall aim of this goal is to increase transparency and articulation of scientific and technical work that is ongoing or needed to deliver our
core tasks as well as EU policy. We have already published a report on key areas of regulatory challenge
and will continue to build on this work to inform the academic community and PARC. We will also continue our efforts on the promotion of alternatives to animal testing. The focus for the next years is to continue
our work on NAMs, in close collaboration with EU agencies and the Commission, as well as with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). We will continue to support PARC.
We will also continue to support the Commission in a range of areas to enhance engagement and synergies at international level, for example, through the IPA agreements, the OECD, the United Nations
Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (UN GHS) and the Global Framework on Chemicals. We will also develop and implement a governance model on science within
ECHA to have a clear roadmap on priority areas (e.g., socioeconomics, chemistry, hazard assessment),
as well as build capacity together with Member States and Committees, and communicate with NGOs,
industry and academia.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 14
Capacity and Competence Building
ECHA recognises that it needs to invest in capacity and competence building not only for its own staff
but also for those involved in its Committees and Working Groups. To implement the strategic goal to
invest in people and organisational excellence, ECHA has developed a People and Organisational strategy that aims to attract the best candidates and train and develop staff to meet new tasks and challenges.
While ECHA does not have external training within its mandate, it still needs to invest in external capacity building so that current and future needs are met. The Heads of Chemicals Authorities are open to
increase Member States/ECHA collaboration and for ECHA to provide more opportunities for learning. In setting out actions on capacity building in the coming period, ECHA has adopted a balanced approach
that aims to deliver opportunities for learning internally (staff and Committees) as well as externally to
Member States without significant increases in resource allocation.
The inherent uncertainty in estimating ECHA’s fee income, which depends on market behaviour and the strategies of individual companies, continues to pose challenges. While, for 2025, ECHA’s resources
reflect a limited increase stemming from adopted legal mandates, ECHA has included the potential increased resourcing in 2026 linked to pending legislations. As noted above, existing resources are still
needed to prepare for implementation in advance of new resources’ arrival. Existing resources are also needed to deliver on existing tasks and support efforts on business and IT transformation. We will
continue to monitor overall resource levels over the coming years. We will implement recommendations arising from the organisational review completed in 2024, with the aim to streamline our structures and
ways of working. We will continue to explore ways to enhance the capacity of our Committees, for
example, through use of Working Groups and experts.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 15
II Multi-annual programming (2025–2028)
The multi-annual Work Programme outlines the main actions needed to put ECHA’s strategy into practice. The actions below are those identified by the Agency to deliver our vision, strategic goals and priorities
over the strategy period until 2028. Also included is a reference to the activities in the annual work
programme, where the actions are implemented.
1. Multiannual Work Programme 2025–2028
Goal: Be a trusted chemicals agency
Delivering our legal mandate using independent expertise and robust data
Priority Actions to achieve the priority
[1] Deliver
transparent, independent, and
high-quality scientific
advice, opinions, and decisions as required
under our legal
• Engage with Member States to ensure they understand their
obligations as EU Member States to fully resource scientific
committees with the necessary expertise and experience (Activity
1.4; 1.5; 1.6; 1.7; 2; 3; 4)
• Ensure opinions and background documents are scientifically and
legally robust (Activity 1.2; 1.4; 1.5; 1.6; 1.7; 2; 3; 4)
• Implement and, where necessary, adapt processes and structures to ensure the consistency, quality and timeliness of the output and
workability of the scientific committees, and effective use of
members’ expertise (Activity 1.4; 1.5; 1.6; 1.7; 2; 3; 4)
• Engage actively with institutional partners (e.g., EFSA) to further
align on scientific assessments and opinion making (Activity 1.3;
1.7; 1.10; 2; 4; 5)
• Implement consistently policies related to independence and transparency and ensure that committee members understand
them and meet their obligations (Activity 5)
• Foster cross-committee collaboration and learning to enhance
scientific expertise and experience (Activity 1.3; 2)
• Develop methodologies for assessment (e.g., hazard and risk) and
analysis (e.g., socio-economic; alternatives) supporting the
implementation of chemicals legislation (Activity 3)
• Support capacity building/training for the Committee members in
relation to new legislation or new scientific topics (e.g., EDs, PMTs,
NAMs) (Activity 1.4; 1.5; 1.6; 1.7; 2; 3; 4)
• Support the implementation of the restrictions roadmap and develop investigation reports and restrictions dossiers as requested
by the Commission (Activity 1.6)
• Support Member States and the Commission to accelerate the
Biocides Review Programme (Activity 2)
[2] Enhance decision and policy making
through optimal use of data, knowledge,
and competence.
• Develop and implement a consistent and robust approach for scientific and regulatory data management which facilitates smooth
integration of new tasks within ECHA’s portfolio and supports data
interoperability (Activity 1.8)
• Implement the Data governance and elaborate a Data strategy in
view of readiness for the development of the Common Data Platform including the operability between existing and future
databases (Activity 1.8; 3)
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 16
• Improve and extend the accessibility of tools used to search,
extract, analyse, and report data (Activity 1.8)
• Develop and deploy ECHA’s new Data availability system, ECHA
CHEM, with a focus on stability, and reliability while simplifying the use of the data and serving as the basis for the future Common
Data Platform on chemicals (Activity 1.7; 1.8; 1.9)
• Maximise the potential of the data held in the Agency for use in
delivery of wider EU goals on chemicals and environmental
sustainability, for example, ESPR and SSbD (Activity 1.8; 1.9; 3)
• Improve the regulatory processes in terms of efficiency and impact
and enhance interlinkages, for example, Registration and
Evaluation (Activity 1.1; 1.2; 1.4)
• Co-operate with institutional partners including other EU Agencies, in particular EFSA, EMA, and EEA, identifying synergies in the areas
of data and scientific and technical competences (Activity 1.3; 2;
3; 5)
[3] Facilitate the
prioritisation and coordination of
regulatory actions on
substances and groups of substances
with the Commission, EU agencies and
Member State
• Implement the Integrated Regulatory Strategy in line with the
review undertaken with Commission, Member States, and
stakeholders in 2024 (Activity 1.3)
• Support the Commission and Member States to identify (groups of) substances that require risk management through shortlisting
(groups of) substances considered as good candidates for CLH,
restriction, or other risk management options (Activity 1.3)
• Maintain knowledge on ECHA's chemical database by systematically
screening all substances above 100 tonnes (new registrations or tonnage upgrades) and priority 10- 100 tonnes substances (e.g.,
with high aggregated tonnage), concluding and updating ARNs when information available and performing compliance check for
potentially non-compliant dossiers (Activity 1.3; 1.4)
• Co-operate with the Commission, Member States and ENVI
agencies to further enhance prioritisation and coordination of actions across regulations, in particular, in the framework of the
One Substance, One Assessment Expert Group (Activity 1.3; 3)
• Implement recommendations from the Joint Evaluation Action Plan
review and adapt evaluation actions accordingly (Activity 1.4)
• Focus on the conclusion of follow-up of dossiers after decisions on
compliance checks (Activity 1.4)
• Use and develop, where necessary, tools and processes to identify
and address non-compliance (Activity 1.4; 5)
• Work with the Forum on Enforcement to ensure that quicker action
can be taken by national enforcement authorities (Activity 5)
Goal: Respond to emerging challenges and changes in our legal landscape
Getting ready for new tasks; informing EU chemical and environmental policy
Priority Actions to achieve the priority
[4] Implement new
legal requirements using existing and
new synergies and experience as
• Articulate ECHA's needs, in the context of the Multiannual Financial
Framework (MFF), for resources, expertise, systems, and
processes to meet the assigned legal requirements (Activity 5)
• Develop and roll-out implementation plans for new legislative mandates (e.g., Data Regulation, Packaging, Water) or future
Union acts which will be adopted in 2025-2028 (Activity 3)
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 17
• Engage and co-operate with other EU Agencies (EFSA, EMA, and
EEA) as necessary, and in particular on implementation of requirements related to One Substance, One Assessment (Activity
1.3; 3)
• Ensure tools, procedures and guidance are prepared and in place to
support receiving applications as of end of 2026 under article 11 of
the Drinking Water Directive (DWD) (Activity 3)
• Deliver scoping studies to the Commission under the Batteries and
Packaging and Packaging Waste legislation (Activity 3)
• Enhance and adapt IT tools to efficiently implement the wider legal
mandate. Focus on modularity, re-usability and ease of use
(Activity 5)
[5] Work with
relevant EU agencies
and bodies to deliver Chemical Strategy for
Sustainability (CSS) actions and
• Enhance the collaboration with relevant EU Agencies and relevant actors involved in regulations implementation on cross-cutting
topics (e.g., endocrine disruptors, PMTs, NAMs) to ensure
consistent and transparent approaches for delivery of our legal
mandates (Activity 1.3; 1.4; 2)
• Co-operate with EFSA and EMA to further advance the implementation of the basis and mechanisms for alignment of
evaluation of common substances under the REACH, BPR, DWD,
food safety, and medicine legislation (Activity 1.3; 1.7; 2; 3)
• Co-operate with the relevant agencies and Commission services for preparation and implementation of the provisions under the
legislative package on One Substance, One Assessment, in
particular development and building of the Common Data Platform
and the related governance (Activity 3)
• Support assessment of progress under the 8th Environmental
Action Programme (EAP) (Activity 3)
[6] Provide scientific and technical advice
on chemicals to EU
policy makers.
• Provide data analysis services of high quality in support of EU
policy development and implementation (Activity 1.8)
• Support the Commission and Member States in contributing to the
safe handling of hazardous substances by non-EU importing
countries (Activity 3)
• Provide technical input and support the Commission’s evaluation of
the BPR (Activity 2)
• Provide support and advice to EU policy and decision makers on chemical legislation as it progresses through the decision-making
process (Activity 3)
Goal: Communicate and Engage
Collaborating with stakeholders and partners; strengthening public confidence
Priority Actions to achieve the priority
[7] Deepen our network of
engagement with EU institutions and
agencies and Member
• Hold regular engagement with EU Commission, European
Parliament, and Council (Activity 5)
• Ensure adequate Brussels presence to enhance institutional
engagements (Activity 5)
• Organise regular Heads of Chemicals Authorities meetings and
bilateral engagement activities with Member States (Activity 5)
• Keep the regular contacts and exchanges with other EU agencies,
with a focus on the ENVI agencies (EFSA, ECDC, EEA, EMA), via bilaterals and in the context of the Agencies network and the One
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 18
Substance, One Assessment and One health initiatives (Activity 5)
• Keep agreements with other agencies under review to add new areas of cooperation as well as ensure consistency and effective
collaboration on existing and new mandates. (Activity 5)
• Engage and co-operate with ENVI Agencies to implement the
strategic objectives of the One Health Framework for Action
(Activity 1.3)
• Align on priorities, messages, and build synergies via the regular
Member States Communicators’ Network (Activity 5)
[8] Collaborate and
provide tools, advice, and support to
• Introduce and adopt user-centric design processes and methods to
digital tool development (Activity 5)
• Reduce administrative burden for industry by working towards a
single industry portal for companies having to submit data to ECHA, and simplify the tasks they need to comply with (Activity
• Develop and implement a mechanism to better understand the needs of SMEs so that ECHA’s actions meet those needs (Activity
• Continue to engage and consult with industry user groups for IT
tools (Activity 1.1; 1.2; 2)
• Continue/further improve the efficient and streamlined processing
of all regulatory submissions, for the benefit of all companies, and
SMEs in particular (Activity 1.2)
• Provide opportunities for engagement with companies and their
stakeholder representatives, and in particular with those who may be working with ECHA for the first time due to new legal mandates
(Activity 5)
[9] Promote
awareness and
understanding of ECHA's work to
stakeholders representing
workers, the public
and the environment.
• Publish the next five-year report on the operation of REACH/CLP (due 2026) and follow up as necessary on actions arising (Activity
• Implement ECHA’s communications strategy and stakeholders’
engagement approach (Activity 5)
• Provide opportunities for enhanced engagement with stakeholder
representative groups (Activity 5)
Goal: Lead on chemical knowledge and expertise
Advancing knowledge and understanding on chemical safety
Priority Actions to achieve the priority
[10] Contribute
proactively to expanding scientific
and technical competence and
knowledge on
chemical safety.
• Develop and implement a governance model on science within
ECHA (Activity 5)
• Support PARC and other relevant research activities and in
conjunction with other EU regulatory agencies when relevant
(Activity 4)
• Update and promote ECHA’s report on key areas of regulatory
challenge, which identifies regulatory research needs (Activity 1.4)
• Contribute to relevant scientific meetings and symposia and
organise science-related events as necessary (Activity 5)
• Implement options for enhancing capacity building amongst
Member State stakeholders (Activity 5)
[11] Promote the • Organise and support meetings with relevant stakeholders and
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 19
development and use
of alternative methods for the
assessment of hazards and risks of
academia to increase the understanding and use of NAMs for
regulatory purposes (Activity 1.10)
• Engage actively at EU, OECD, and international level to support
NAMs development, in the context of EPAA, APCRA, and the development of the roadmap for phasing out animal testing
(Activity 1.10)
• Enhance collaboration with EFSA and EMA to support the
development of harmonised approaches for reducing the need for
animal testing (Activity 1.10)
• Publish the report on the use of alternative methods under REACH
(Activity 1.10)
• Develop further and integrate predictive models to support
prioritisation and scientific decision making (Activity 1.10)
[12] Support the
Commission to enhance engagement
and synergies at
international level.
• Implement the updated Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
(IPA) agreement (Activity 4)
• Contribute to the OECD chemicals programme, with focus on priority areas for EU/ECHA, such as test guidelines and validation,
harmonised methods and formats, and IT tools (Activity 1.1)
• Co-operate and collaborate with international regulatory agencies
and Commission services to advance knowledge and expertise on chemical management in the context of the UN GHS and the Global
Framework on Chemicals (GFC) (Activity 1.7)
• Update the agreements with international partners to ensure
consistent and effective collaboration (Activity 5)
Goal: Invest in people and organisational excellence
Working together to achieve our vision
Priority Actions to achieve the priority
[13] Develop and
empower our people
for success.
• Implement the People and Organisational Strategy for the period
2024-2028 (Activity 5)
• Embed organisational values and behaviours in our ways of
working with each other and with our stakeholders (Activity 5)
• Ensure, through our competence mapping and opportunities for
learning and development of staff, that the Agency has sufficient skills and knowledge available for current and future tasks (Activity
• Enhance leadership capability to manage the organisation as it
expands its legal mandate and delivers its new strategy (Activity 5)
• Implement the organisation’s Wellbeing Action Plan, in conjunction
with the Joint Committee for Health and Wellbeing (Activity 5)
[14] Create optimal
ways of working for
the Agency, its bodies, its people,
and the environment.
• Complete and implement actions arising from the organisational
review (Activity 5)
• Implement the organisation’s Environmental Work Programme to
sustain environmentally-friendly work practices (Activity 5)
• Implement the organisation’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan to
sustain a diverse and inclusive work environment (Activity 5)
• Implement and meet quality standards, goals, and targets (Activity
[15] Adopt an IT
delivery model that is
• Develop, keep updated, and implement the rolling 5-year IT plan
(Activity 5)
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 20
streamlined, modular,
interoperable, cloud based and
• Introduce and leverage modern technologies such as Public Cloud
and Artificial intelligence (Activity 5)
• Follow and enhance the value-based agile IT governance (Activity
• Implement the target IT architecture focusing on the capabilities
needed by the new tasks and aiming to high modularity,
reusability, and interoperability (Activity 5)
• Ensure the compliance with cybersecurity and information security
regulations (Activity 5)
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 21
The figure below shows the flow of actions from strategic priorities, through strategy outcomes to
overall impact contributing to the implementation of EU Policy.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 22
This section presents the approach to assessing progress in the implementation of ECHA's Strategy
Statement 2024-2028.
A mid-term review is currently foreseen for 2026. The expected approach will be to consider quantitative
data (focusing on a subset of SPD indicators and additional ad-hoc indicators as needed), with an assessment of progress in implementing the strategic actions for each goal and priority, as well as a
further qualitative assessment to be conducted internally and with feedback from the Management
A list of indicators linked to specific outcomes is presented below. The list largely relies on existing indicators from the annual work programme. To provide better visibility to multi-annual progress,
additional indicators have been envisaged, that will require an ad-hoc analysis effort. The lists below will
continue to be reviewed on an annual basis and will be updated as the strategy evolves.
Overall Strategy Outcomes 2024-2028
Outcome Potential indicators for assessing progress
Co-ordinated and prioritised
regulatory actions on chemicals between the
Commission, Member States and ECHA.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered: • Number of new substances added to Registry of Intention
(SVHC, CLH, Restrictions) originating from ARNs
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Satisfaction among Commission and Member State authorities on ECHA's support to coordination and prioritisation of
regulatory actions
Increased numbers of substances covered by
hazard identification or risk management outputs
delivered for the decision- making process under
relevant regulatory areas.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work programme indicators will be considered:
• Number of compliance check decisions concluded in the follow- up to dossier evaluation
• Number of new and updated entries published in the Candidate List
• Number of opinions on biocidal active substances [approval & renewal] finalised and submitted to the Commission
• Number of opinions on Union authorisation [approval &
renewal] of biocidal products finalised and submitted to the Commission
• Number of RAC opinions on OELs completed and provided to the Commission
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Number of substances classified • Number of substances for which occupational exposure limits
are set
• Number of substances added to PACT/ACT
Transparent, independent
and high-quality opinions
and decisions developed that contribute to the
implementation of EU legislation and policy.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered:
• Number of RAC and SEAC opinions adopted on applications for authorisation (number of uses) and submitted to the
Commission • Number of RAC and SEAC opinions on restriction proposals
delivered to the Commission • Number of RAC opinions on proposals for harmonised
classification and labelling adopted
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 23
• Number of opinions on applications for authorisation submitted to the Commission requiring further consideration by
• Number of opinions on restrictions submitted to the
Commission requiring further consideration by committees (Art 77 (3)(c)
• Number of requests from the Commission for a BPC opinion [pursuant to Article 75(1)(g)] to revise earlier adopted opinions
• Percentage of Scientific Committee (RAC and SEAC) membership positions filled
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Total number of opinions submitted to the Commission
accepted without further consideration • Positive feedback from institutions on ECHA opinions
• Number of appeals upheld against ECHA decisions
• Numbers of comments received in consultations on opinions
Data that is reliable,
findable, accessible, interoperable, shared,
secure and reusable.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered: • Percentage of satisfaction of ECHA CHEM users
• Number of data products identified • Number of data provision and analysis requests
• Number of personal data breaches reported, as per legal
requirements, to the European Data Protection Supervisor
Regulatory processes and IT
tools streamlined and interoperable with high
levels of user satisfaction
and use.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered: • Percentage of administrative tooling modernised
• Number of high impact security incidents
• Percentage of internal IT user satisfaction • Percentage of availability of key systems
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Positive feedback in line with Net Promotor Score (NPS)
• Number of legacy IT systems decommissioned
Stakeholders proactively
engaged, involved, and satisfied with ECHA
supports, tools and services.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered: • Number of high-level meetings conducted with Member States
and European Union institutions • Number of industry user group meetings held
• Total number of Helpdesk queries received
• Total number of Helpdesk queries received on IT tools • Number of access to documents requests received and
concluded • Number of legal appeals on ECHA decisions (REACH+BPR)
• Positive feedback from User satisfaction score based on regular NPS data collection
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Percentage of stakeholders’ satisfaction with ECHA, from
various stakeholder groups
SME supports being easily
accessible, used, and levels
of satisfaction increased.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered:
• Number of SME dedicated dialogues held
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 24
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered: • Positive feedback from SMEs on our enhanced SME support
approach • Number of SME contacts received through dedicated support
ECHA’s contribution to broader EU chemical and
environmental policy goals
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following data will be considered.
• Number of requests received in relation to legislation outside
ECHA’s mandate • Stakeholder feedback on ECHA’s contribution to broader EU
chemical and environmental policy goals • Number of OECD meetings attended and supported
• Number of courtesy or business visits organised with international organisations and third countries (excluding IPA
and OECD)
Use of alternative and non- animal methods increased.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work programme indicators will be considered:
• Number of NAM projects initiated/completed • Number of Member States NAMs cases supported
• Number of scientific publications related to the use and
promotion of NAMs
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Positive feedback from ECHA stakeholders
An organisation that values
its people and puts in place the processes, systems and
tools to help them work, learn and succeed.
In assessing the achievement of this outcome, the following work
programme indicators will be considered: • Percentage of staff participating in biannual staff satisfaction
survey • Percentage turnover rate of Temporary Agents (TA)
• Percentage turnover rate of Contract Agents (CA)
Furthermore, the following additional data will be considered:
• Increased ratio of underrepresented genders at both support and management levels
• Number of successful career enhancement/ internal mobility opportunities, including management level posts
• No (serious) gaps in assessment in annual internal control
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 25
2. Human and financial resource outlook 2025-2028
2.1 Overview of the past and current situation
ECHA’s portfolio of regulatory tasks has continued to grow steadily, and this trend is expected to continue, with new tasks likely to be allocated within the timeframe of this Single Programming
Document. The work and resource programming for 2025 and beyond continues to focus on ECHA’s regulatory actions in core areas under REACH, CLP, as well as biocidal active substances approval and
Union authorisations. In parallel, the tasks that are proposed to be allocated to ECHA under the ‘Environmental policy’ title will significantly broaden ECHA’s areas of work in coming years. While
uncertainties remain as to the timing and impact of many legislative changes, the Single Programming Document provides an overview of the continued scientific-technical support related to anticipated
legislative processes as well as future re-attribution of tasks to EU Agencies, the Data Regulation, and
other non-legislative actions.
In terms of ECHA’s overall financing, the inherent uncertainty in estimating ECHA’s fee income, which
depends on market behaviour and the strategies of individual companies, continues to pose challenges. In addition, ECHA’s planning assumption related to fee indexation in 2025 is dependent on the adoption
of the amended Fee Regulations under REACH and BPR under consideration by the Commission. In terms of staff population, the Agency has a stable basis to implement its allocated tasks, while new tasks
delegated to ECHA need to be accompanied by sufficient resources to ensure effective implementation and delivery of the EU’s chemicals policy. In addition, ECHA’s RAC and SEAC Committees, on which ECHA
is dependent, are at maximum capacity; however, additional flexibility will be required to ensure their
Despite ECHA’s commitment to deliver on its widening legal mandate and tasks, the challenges of
unpredictable fee financing and segregated budgeting arrangements impact effective Work Programme implementation. The proposed ECHA Basic Regulation, which aims to consolidate the current and
expanding number of ECHA tasks, simplify its governance, and ensure the sustainability of its funding model - enabling ECHA to deliver its legal mandate and implement its Work Programme more efficiently
- is awaited.
2.2 Outlook for the years 2025-2028
The overall workload for ECHA is expected to increase as a result of tasks under our existing legal mandate and the implementation of further legislative changes or obligations. In line with our Strategy
Statement 2024-2028, ECHA will be seeking to work closely with the Commission and Member States to facilitate prioritisation of regulatory action on substances and groups of substances so that, together, we
can address these challenges in a concerted and coherent way.
In this Single Programming Document, ECHA includes the financial and staffing estimates only for those
new tasks for which the legislative process has progressed sufficiently to allow for coherent planning based on the legislative financial statements accompanying the Commission proposals. ECHA is not
currently seeking an increase in budget contributions or staff resources for 2025-2028, except when
linked to the widening mandate; however, this approach is contingent on the level of EU contributions
and fee income remaining at the projected level, as adjusted for inflation.
While, for 2025, ECHA’s resources reflect a limited increase stemming from adopted legal mandates (namely the Drinking Water Directive, the Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health, and one post related
to the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation revision), ECHA notes the potential increased
resourcing in 2026 linked to pending legislations, as follows:
• Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation revision (adopted by the Council on 16 December 2024, pending publication in the Official Journal)
• End-of-Life-Vehicle (ELV) Directive revision
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 26
• Toys Safety Regulation • POP Regulation revision
• Medical Devices Regulation revision
• Restriction of Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) Directive revision
• Regulation establishing a common data platform on chemicals.
In estimating resources for new tasks, certain assumptions were made. For example, the initial proposal
discussed with ECHA would remain largely unchanged. However, the Commission on occasion made further changes before the proposal was published. Furthermore, as the proposal goes through the co-
decision process, tasks are revised, expanded, and new ones are added. To optimise ECHA’s chances to be operational in time, it needs to start investing resources in advance of the legislative effective date
to plan its preparations and implement the necessary preparatory steps. This pre-investment of
resources has implications for ECHA’s core tasks. ECHA generally sets a 30% overhead in its calculations. However, this overhead includes IT as well as general administrative and governance needs. Given the
fact that all new tasks have a high dependency on IT tools and systems, this approach needs to be reviewed, as it may underestimate overall resource requirements. At the same time, it is important that
all new tasks include realistic transitional periods that allow ECHA to onboard its tasks once the new
resources are allocated.
2.3 Resource programming for the years 2025-2028
The detailed data for the resource programming is provided in Annexes II-V.
The total fees and charges are currently estimated at c. EUR 33-34 million per year during 2025-2028, taking account of the estimates developed internally, based on historical averages, and the planned
indexation on REACH Registration fees (19.5%) with an entry into force as of 1 April 2025. The REACH balancing subsidy for 2025 is based on the latest Commission’s Draft EU budget, totalling EUR 76.3
million. For 2026, the balancing EU contribution (EUR 77.2 million) is based on the current MFF (2021- 2027) levels. In addition, the total of the EFTA contribution and the bank interest is estimated to be c.
EUR 3.0 million annually.
ECHA’s BPR activities are funded by fee income and the balancing EU contribution. The inherent
uncertainty continues with respect to the budgeted revenue from fees and charges, which is based on estimated dossier application volumes. For 2025, the fee income is presently estimated at c. EUR 6.3
million. The indicated available EU contribution, based on the Commission’s Draft Budget, is c. EUR 8.0 million. For 2026, the required balancing EU contribution (EUR 8.1 million) is based on the current MFF
(2021-2027) levels. In addition, the total of the EFTA contribution (including Switzerland’s direct
contribution to Biocides activities) and the bank interest is estimated to be c. EUR 0.7 million annually.
Environmental Policy
This budget area covers PIC, POPs, Waste Framework Directive, Drinking Water Directive, 8th Environmental Action Programme, Batteries Regulation, and Industrial Emissions Directive, as adopted.
The possible resourcing stemming from the adoption of the Water Framework, Groundwater and Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) Directives, the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
(adopted by the Council on 16 December 2024, entry into force pending publication in the Official Journal), the End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) Directive, the Regulation establishing a common data platform
on chemicals, and revision of the POP and Medical Devices Regulation, and RoHS Directive have also been included. It is to be noted that the resourcing of the latter is subject to the formal adoption of the
respective tasks by the EU Parliament and the Council. Nevertheless, the Commission decided to
frontload one TA post (EUR 0.16 million) for accelerating the work on the Packaging and Packaging Waste
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 27
task (entry into force expected in early 2025) and this has been incorporated in 2025 figures and onwards. The planned subsidy is within the Commission’s Draft EU budget for 2025, totalling EUR 10.5
million. For 2026, the balancing EU contribution totalling c. EUR 19.0 million takes account of the current
MFF (2021-2027) as well as the new legislative proposals planned to be adopted. In addition, the total of the EFTA contribution and bank interest are estimated to be c. EUR 0.4 million for 2025, and increasing
to c. EUR 0.7 million in 2026.
The total expenditure in 2025 is foreseen to total EUR 112.0 million, that is 6% above the 2024 level.
The needs for staff-related expenditure (Title 1) in 2025 total EUR 76.8 million, representing a 7% increase compared to 2024 and is aligned with the latest information received. The estimated Title 1
need for 2026 totals EUR 77.4 million, that is, 1% above the 2025 levels. The proportionally allocated
amount of the common infrastructure (Title 2) expenditure totals EUR 15.8 million for 2025 and EUR 15.7 million for 2026. The operational expenditure (Title 3) for 2025 and 2026 amounts to c. EUR 19.3
and EUR 20.5 million, respectively.
The total expenditure in 2025 is foreseen to total EUR 15.1 million, that is 7% above the 2024 actuals level. The needs for staff-related expenditure (Title 1) total EUR 10.1 million, representing a 9% increase
compared to 2024. The estimated Title 1 need for 2026 totals EUR 10.2 million, that is, 1% above the 2025 levels. The proportionally allocated amount of the common infrastructure (Title 2) expenditure
totals EUR 2.2 million for 2025 and EUR 2.1 million for 2026. The operational expenditure (Title 4) for
2025 and 2026 amounts to c. EUR 2.8 and EUR 3.0 million, respectively.
Environmental Policy
This budget area covers PIC, POPs, Waste Framework Directive, Drinking Water Directive, 8th Environmental Action Programme, Batteries Regulation, and Industrial Emissions Directive, as adopted.
The possible resourcing stemming from the adoption of the Water Framework, Groundwater and Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) Directives, the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
(adopted by the Council on 16 December 2024, entry into force pending publication in the Official Journal), the End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) Directive, the Regulation establishing a common data platform
on chemicals and revision of the POP and Medical Devices Regulation, and RoHS Directive have also been
included. It is to be noted, that resourcing of the latter is subject to the formal adoption of the respective
tasks by the EU Parliament and the Council.
The total expenditure in 2025 is foreseen to total EUR 10.9 million, that is EUR 5.2 million (92%) above the 2024 level. This increase is principally comprised of EUR 1.2 million increase in staff-related
expenditure and an increase of c. EUR 4.0 million in Title 5 (Operational expenditure) related to the
expected financing for the tasks pending adoption, as explained above.
The needs for 2025 staff-related expenditure (Title 1) total EUR 3.9 million, representing a EUR 1.2 million (44%) increase compared to 2024. This is mainly due to an increase in staff on the payroll for
the Industrial Emissions Directive, Drinking Water Directive, and Packaging and Packaging Waste
regulation. The estimated Title 1 need for 2026 totals c. EUR 4.0 million. The proportionally allocated amount of the common infrastructure (Title 2) expenditure totals EUR 1.2 million for both 2025 and
2026. The operational expenditure (Title 5) for 2025 amounts to c. EUR 5.9 million and for 2026 it
amounts to c. EUR 14.6 million, out of which EUR 12.6 million is related to the tasks pending adoption.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 28
Staffing / Human resources
It is anticipated that ECHA’s overall staff population remains relatively stable, apart from the staffing
under ‘Environmental policy’. While, for 2025, ECHA’s resources reflect a limited increase stemming from
adopted legal mandates, ECHA has included the potential increased resourcing in 2026 linked to pending
legislations in Annex IV (ref. Section 2.2 above).
Evolution of resources outlook 2025-2026 Posts for 2025 Posts for 2026
DWD +3 +1 +1
POP* +2
Water Directives* +7 +4
Packaging and packaging waste legislation +1
RoHs Directive* +4 +3
ELV Directive* +1
Data regulation* +9 +10
Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health +1
TOTAL +4 +2 +24 +17
*pending adoption
This is primarily linked to the potential adoption of the legislative proposals under the "One Substance,
One Assessment" legislative package, which would potentially result in further new tasks to ECHA. In the period of this Programming Document, ECHA will continue to implement proactive human resource
(HR) management practices, in line with its People and Organisational Strategy 2024-2028. ECHA will also continue to cooperate closely with the Commission services and the EU Agencies Network (EUAN)
in areas of people management that are of common interest. To deliver its chemicals mandate, ECHA has developed significant levels of competence and invested heavily in digital technologies. All adopted
and potential new tasks, and particularly the potential European Common Data Platform for Chemicals,1
come with increasing demands on our digital capabilities and offerings. We need, therefore, to invest for the future now if we are to keep up with new technologies such as AI and the demands of stakeholders
and duty holders.
ECHA will continue its work on developing competences needed for existing and new tasks entrusted to
the Agency and applying a flexible deployment of its staff to ensure delivery under the different pieces of legislation. ECHA recognises that it needs to invest in capacity and competence building for its own
staff and, also, for those involved in its Committees and Working Groups. To implement the strategic goal to ‘invest in people and organisational excellence’, ECHA’s People and Organisational strategy aims
to attract the best candidates and develop and motivate its staff to meet new tasks and challenges. While
ECHA does not presently contain external training within its mandate, it also recognises the need to invest in external capacity building to meet current and future needs. There is evidence that there is an
openness for increased Member States/ECHA collaboration and a desire for ECHA to provide more opportunities for professional development. In setting out actions on capacity building in the coming
period, ECHA will adopt a balanced approach that aims to deliver opportunities for shared learning internally (staff and Committees) and externally to Member States, without significant increases in
resource allocation.
ECHA engages operational interims principally for the verification of company size and completeness of
registration dossiers under REACH. It is planned to continue to reduce the dependency on interim support
in these areas by 2027. A small number of interims are also budgeted to cater for potential absences and/or peak workload periods. This approach does not apply to interims engaged to provide services
under delegated tasks or grant agreements (for example, EUCLEF), for which specific Contribution
Agreements are in place.
1 Available at:
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 29
2.4 Negative priorities/decrease of existing tasks
The purpose of this section, which is required by the Commission’s guidelines for the drafting of the
Single Programming Document, is to highlight those activities that have been deprioritised, or reduced, due to inadequate resources and ability to effectively deliver. However, despite ECHA’s best efforts to
deliver on its widening legal mandate and tasks, the challenges inherent in our resourcing structure
mean that we may not be in a position to deliver to the fullest extent possible several activities, namely:
• Provision of updated guidance, advice and support in response to changing and new regulatory and science information.
• Limited development of some existing applications (example: Case management, REACH-IT, R4BP 3, Interact portal) due to the need to prioritise the modernization and transformation of the
regulatory IT tools, prepare for new tasks and further development of the new dissemination
solution ECHA CHEM. • Longer development schedule for the industry portal due to identified IT priorities and the
resulting extended transformation period for existing tools. Existing submission tools will continue to be maintained.
• Minimal maintenance of certain tools (examples: SCIP and EUCLEF). The future development of these initiatives will depend on potential legislative changes, which may provide the necessary
support for further advancement. • Over the next few years, a reduction in workload and need for ECHA support to Expert Groups
may materialise, as the implementation of the new CLP hazard classes progresses via harmonised
classification and not via SVHC route. Initially the subgroups will support this transition by giving expert advice to Member States developing CLH proposals upon request.
• Reduced intensity in activities under identification and prioritisation of substances due to the milestones already achieved (in screening high volume substances) and new objectives set for
Integrated Regulatory Strategy. • Decreased number of opinions that can be delivered on authorisation applications due to limited
committee capacity and increased restrictions activity. • Limited support and guidance for registrants in relation to company risk management via
exposure scenarios in Safety Data Sheets.
2.5 Strategy for efficiency gains
ECHA is taking the following actions to ensure that it is maximising the use and efficiency of our available
Organisational review
ECHA’s organisational review, which commenced in 2024, will inform the Agency on how best to organise
structurally directorates and units to deliver on existing, new and future tasks, and leverage synergies. In addition, we aim to identify ways of working that can increase our capacity, streamline areas of
duplication and embrace adaptive resource allocation and flexibility measures based on needs and
evolving factors.
Capacity and competence of Committees
We will continue to explore ways to enhance the capacity and competency of our Committees, for example, examining the potential of creating pools of experts to support Committee members and the
increased use of Working Groups. We also hope to increase capacity-building for both Member States and SMEs, however, as noted above, extensive capacity-building will not be possible given other priorities
and resource constraints in the short to medium term.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 30
IT and Business transformation
ECHA is an Agency focussed on chemical safety through the implementation of EU policy and legislation.
However, we are also an Agency with a high delivery of digital tools and supports. Digital and business
transformation needs to be resourced fully to ensure we can meet current and future demands. By re- shaping the portfolio of its IT enterprise architecture and solutions, ECHA aims at achieving efficiency
gains in the definition, implementation, and use of IT products. In addition, to improve usability of ECHA's IT tools and streamline the work of the different user groups, we remain committed to invest in user-
centricity and user experience as part of the IT development process.
Integrated Management System Strategy and Framework
ECHA’s Integrated Management System Strategy and Framework is designed to enable the achievement
of ECHA’s strategic goals and priorities by ensuring a flexible and performance-based governance,
adapted to the Agency’s operational structure. By implementing the framework, ECHA’s processes are intended to be effective and efficient by design through a critical consideration of the level of controls
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 31
III Work Programme
Executive Summary
Our annual work programme translates and implements our Strategy Statement, as outlined in the multi-
annual work programme above.
The Integrated Regulatory Strategy was reviewed with the stakeholders in 2024. Our focus will be on
maintaining robust knowledge of chemicals in our databases and supporting the delivery of risk management outcomes for (groups of) substances. We will also explore synergies with the new
legislation within ECHA’s remit and strengthen relationships with our sister agencies to support delivering consistent outcomes, in relation to the evaluation of substances which are also regulated under their
The focus of the evaluation work will shift to assessing the information coming back from registrants in response to compliance check decisions (‘follow up’), while continuing to select dossiers for compliance
check. We will continue to promote alternatives to animal testing, assuming an active role in supporting
policy developments and research.
Our activities in relation to risk management, such as harmonised classification, authorisation and restriction, will continue to take account of the experience in dealing with groups of substances. Our
work on harmonised classifications will take account of the new hazard classes introduced in the CLP Regulation in 2024. The restriction dossier on Chromium VI substances is expected to be published in
2025 and may ultimately lead to reducing the burden on the authorisation of these substances.
Ensuring that ECHA's bodies function well remains a high priority for us in 2025, particularly considering the increasing workload of our scientific committees. Together with the Commission and the Member
States, we will continue to promote the need to have committees that are fully resourced and members
who are competent and active.
We remain committed to delivering our obligations under the Biocidal Products Regulation. In 2025, we will continue our efforts to progress the evaluation of active substances in the Review Programme,
including by providing support to the Member States for delivering their evaluation dossiers. On Union authorisations we anticipate a continued increase of the workload. In 2025 we intend to produce an
analysis on the functioning of the Biocidal Products Regulation, in support of the evaluation of the
regulation by the Commission.
Regarding environmental policy, the implementation of existing and new tasks, as well as preparations
for the ones where legislation is pending, will also continue, as will the implementation of ECHA's other
tasks, including those under grant, cooperation and service-level agreements.
Our IT systems are critical to managing the vast amounts of data we process, and we remain committed to enhancing our digital tools to support both existing and new tasks. The transformation and adaptation
of our data management, IT systems and business processes will continue. IT tools will be developed to support the transparent sharing of information between companies, Member States and the Agency. We
will continue to prepare tools and processes for handling regulatory dossiers under new tasks, with a
focus on the user experience of duty holders.
In addition to our processes and systems, in 2025, we will continue to maintain a strong focus on our
people by implementing year 2 of our People and Organisational Strategy and the recommendations arising from the organisational review completed in 2024. We will continue to promote wellbeing, health
and safety at work and take further actions to meet EU equality and diversity goals. We will also continue
to take the necessary steps to meet EU environmental and quality goals and targets.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 32
1.1 Dossier preparation
ECHA supports companies to access and remain on the European Union (EU) single market. Through the
inquiry and data sharing process, we help companies share their data across the EU, thereby reducing registration costs and avoiding unnecessary testing. It develops and provides IT tools (e.g., IUCLID,
Chesar, EUSES) for preparing and submitting dossiers required under the EU’s chemicals legislation. The harmonised submission of information, both in structure and in content, provides efficiencies to ECHA’s
other activities which rely on the information.
In 2025, ECHA will continue to deliver the inquiry process and will take decisions on data sharing
requests. IT tools will be maintained and will support the transparent sharing of information between
companies, Member States and the Agency.
Objective 1: Companies supported on inquiries and data sharing
Expected results
• Companies registering the same substance can connect, via the inquiry process, and share data
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Inquiries and disputes on data sharing are handled in line with legal requirements and timelines.
Number of inquiries received 4835 4800 5000 estimate
Percentage of data sharing disputes handled within legal
n/a n/a 100 target
Objective 2: Harmonised IT tools available to support the transparent sharing of harmonised data between industry and regulatory authorities
Expected results
• The use of IUCLID and Chesar Platform supports companies in effectively complying with regulatory
requirements under EU chemicals regulation. • Harmonised data formats support transparency and enhance EU competitiveness.
• A growing number of regulatory systems in the OECD member countries use IUCLID.
• The information submitted to authorities is harmonised, both in structure and in content, which enables more efficient processing and analysis of the data and increases its impact on regulatory
activities and decisions.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
IUCLID and Chesar are updated to incorporate existing, new and changing
regulatory requirements.
Timeline for release of version 1.0 of Chesar Platform for
REACH and Biocides
n/a n/a Q2 target
Promotion of IUCLID as the international harmonised format for chemical data continued.
Number of regulatory processes maintained in IUCLID
n/a n/a 55 target
IUCLID progressively updated to
support the needs of OECD and international partners.
expert group meetings attended and supported
n/a n/a 2 estimate
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 33
Scientific contribution made to development of the OECD harmonised test guidelines relevant for the EU
information requirements.
Number of test guidelines supported
n/a n/a 2 estimate
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 7 595 644 6 435 918 5 879 712
Human resources (FTE) 29 24 24
1.2 Dossier submission and processing
This activity covers the timely processing of all dossiers submitted by industry to ECHA under REACH and CLP, except those submitted for poison centres. It also includes the development and maintenance
of the corresponding IT solutions providing a clear and simple way for companies to fulfil their legal
obligations in terms of submission of information to the Agency.
In 2025, the focus will be on ensuring that the access to market continues to be fast and predictable. At the same time, the data provided in the dossiers should serve as a robust starting point for regulatory
identification and prioritisation as well as for the publication of non-confidential information. ECHA will
continue to prepare its tools and processes for handling regulatory dossiers under new tasks, with a
focus on the user experience of duty holders.
Objective 1: Access to market for duty holders is streamlined and predictable
Expected results
• Dossiers are timely processed, and companies know the information to be provided to fulfil their
regulatory obligations regarding submissions. • Information submitted to authorities is structured in content and format to effectively support the
subsequent processes.
• Companies active in the innovation of new chemicals or processes get their PPORD exemptions granted where appropriate.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
PPORD notifications processed, and
data analysed to identify and monitor innovation and new chemicals trends.
Number of PPORD
notifications received and processed
235 240 240 estimate
The verification of the size of SME companies continues and the time lag
between submission and beginning of the verification is further reduced.
Time lag between submission and beginning of SME verification process
n/a n/a 2 years target
Number of verifications of SME Registrants’ size
decisions issued
416 400 400 target
Ongoing work on the implementation of the ex-ante SME verification process,
including updates of guidance and tools, before it is launched by mid- 2026.
Timeline for having
implementation plan for ex- ante SME verification process in place
n/a n/a Q1 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 34
Registrations invalidated as necessary. Corresponding tools and processes for invalidation of registrations developed
further for different circumstances,
such as to facilitate compliance of registrations with Article 50(3) and the implementation of EU sanctions, etc.
Number of
decisions issued
n/a 150 150 estimate
Classification and labelling (C&L) notifications processed.
Number of C&L notifications received
43 933 35 000 35 000 estimate
Registration dossiers processed.
Number of REACH registration dossiers received (initial & updates)
13 749 15 000 15 000 estimate
Percentage of REACH registration dossiers handled within legal deadline
n/a n/a 100 target
Percentage of registration dossiers verified with manual
completeness check
n/a n/a 30 estimate
Number of update requests following completeness check
n/a n/a 900 estimate
Number of confidentiality
request decisions issued n/a n/a 100 target
Number of registration
invoices issued n/a n/a 5 500 estimate
Positive registration decisions issued. Number of positive
registration decisions issued n/a n/a 14 000 estimate
Negative registration decisions issued. Number of negative
registration decisions issued n/a n/a 120 estimate
New substances registered.
Number of new substances
registered - (i.e. first time on the EEA market above 1tpa)
n/a n/a 350 estimate
High tonnage substances registered. Number of substances registered for the first time
above 100tpa
n/a n/a 50 estimate
Objective 2: Submission activities are user-focussed, streamlined and adaptable
Expected results
• Submission systems are built for new submission types needed for new tasks, with a focus on interoperability, maximise the use of new technology and the efficient integration of any new
regulatory processes as well as to reduce the administrative and financial burdens on duty holders, in particular, small and medium-sized enterprises (SME).
• Users’ experience in performing submission related activities is further aligned.
• Onboarding of new users and new regulatory processes is rapid and cost-effective.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 35
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
ECHA’s solution for new submission
types (with focus on DWD).
Timeline for finalising new
submission solution for DWD n/a n/a Q2 target
Engagement actions with users of the ECHA’s submission systems.
Number of Workshops/Meetings organised with users of the ECHA’s submission systems
n/a n/a 2 target
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 8 375 567 8 597 854 11 504 671
Human resources (FTE) 34 36 36
1.3 Identification and prioritisation of (groups of) substances
Identification and prioritisation of substances and groups of substances is a central part of ECHA's strategy. The Integrated Regulatory Strategy (IRS) has been reviewed with the stakeholders in 2024 in
light of the new ECHA strategic plan and emerging priorities. It aims, together with the Commission and Member States, to identify and facilitate prioritisation and co-ordination of regulatory actions for (groups
of) substances under different legislation.
In 2025, we will initiate implementation of the objectives agreed during 2024 with the Commission and
the Member States. Our focus will be on maintaining good knowledge on the chemicals in our databases and supporting the delivery of risk management outcomes for (groups of) substances. We will also
explore synergies with the new legislation within ECHA’s remit and will strengthen the relationship with
our sister agencies to support delivering consistent outcomes.
Objective 1: Prioritisation of regulatory actions on (groups of) substances is coordinated
with the Commission and Member States
Expected results
• The Commission and Member States are supported to identify (groups of) substances that require
risk management through shortlisting (groups of) substances considered as good candidates for CLH, SVHC identification, and restriction.
• ECHA, the Commission and Member State national authorities take coordinated risk management actions to protect human health and the environment.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Shortlists of (groups of) substances provided to support the Commission
and Member States bringing forward candidates for CLH, SVHC
identification, and restriction.
Number of groups of
substances provided as candidates for CLH and restriction
n/a n/a 5 target
Number of new substances added to the Registry of
Intention (SVHC, CLH,
Restrictions) originating from ARNs
n/a n/a 15 estimate
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 36
Objective 2: Good knowledge on ECHA's chemical database is maintained
Expected results
• Knowledge on ECHA's chemical database is maintained, by screening substances above 100 tonnes
(new registrations or tonnage upgrades) and prioritising for data generation or risk management as appropriate.
• Transparency and predictability of regulatory activities is ensured by disseminating the outcome of assessments and the progress made in addressing particular (groups of) substances. This will
enable industry to be proactive and make informed decisions on chemicals in their portfolio.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Project to systematically screen all
substances registered above 100 tonnes after 2018 (tonnage upgrades and new registrations) commenced.
Number of substances above 100 tonnes screened
n/a n/a 100 target
ARNs concluded when information from compliance checks becomes available, to inform on the need (or not) for the
anticipated risk management.
Percentage of relevant ARNs concluded and update published to the website
n/a n/a 100 target
Objective 3: Co-operation and transparency on authorities' activities is further enhanced
Expected results
• Support is provided for alignment of authorities’ views on risk management options through e.g.
pilot projects on restrictions, optimising the collaboration between authorities (e.g., through RiME+) as well as use of the respective tools (e.g., ACT).
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Plans and priorities for ongoing and
future work between Member States, ECHA and the Commission shared through RiME+ and other mechanisms
(Heads of Chemicals Authorities).
Number of RiME+ meetings organised
n/a n/a 4 estimate
Targeted support to Member States on
e.g. pilot projects on restrictions and related to RiME+ discussions (e.g. on technical questions related to grouping and read-across).
Number of requests for
support from Member States in the context of RiME+ discussions addressed
n/a n/a 5 estimate
ACT and its integrated tracking list further developed to facilitate sharing
of priorities and co-operation among authorities.
Timeline for the update of ACT n/a n/a Q4 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 37
Objective 4: Collaboration with ENVI agencies is further enhanced under the One Substance, One Assessment and One health initiatives
Expected results
• Engage actively with other EU Agencies, in particular EFSA, EMA and EEA, to further enhance
prioritisation and coordination of actions across regulations, in particular, in the framework of the
One Substance, One Assessment; identify synergies in the areas of data and scientific and technical competences; further align on scientific assessments and opinion making.
• Co-operate with EFSA and EMA to support alignment of evaluation of common substances under the REACH, BPR, DWD, food safety and medicine legislation.
• Engage and co-operate, with ENVI Agencies to implement the strategic objectives of the One Health Framework for Action.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Collaboration with EFSA and EMA in the framework of One Substance, One Assessment continued.
Number of bilateral
governance meetings on OSOA to review and align approaches for common
substances and cross cutting topics
n/a n/a 6 estimate
One Health framework of action supported.
Number of projects related to
One Health framework under the leadership of ECHA initiated
n/a n/a 2 target
Pilots on prioritising actions on common substances across different
legislations initiated, considering the synergies between the existing and new tasks within ECHA’s mandate.
Number of pilot projects on
prioritising actions on
common substances across different legislations initiated to improve consistency of regulatory outputs
n/a n/a 1 estimate
Support to EFSA mandate to assess exposure to plasticizers in food contact
materials provided.
Timeline for support to EFSA provided in line with the
relevant Commission mandate
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 12 739 439 10 351 761 10 046 669
Human resources (FTE) 55 44 40
1.4 Evaluation
Evaluation is a joint activity of ECHA and the Member States (through their Competent Authorities and the Member States Committee), to ensure that industry complies with their obligations to be compliant
and provide the necessary data in their registration dossiers. It is also aimed at identifying substances that need further regulatory action to ensure safe use. The Evaluation activity, as a whole, is a key
building block for accelerating data generation, intensifying identification of substances and groups of
substances, accelerating regulatory action on them, and ensuring a level playing field.
2 Title VI of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 38
In 2025, dossier evaluation outputs and focus will be aligned with the overall prioritisation plan mentioned above under 1.3. The focus of the evaluation work will be shifted to assessing the information
coming back from registrants in response to compliance check decisions (‘follow up’). We will also start
selecting dossiers for compliance check from several sources, instead of relying only on the grouping and screening as the source for new compliance checks. Substance Evaluation is expected to continue as is.
Audit follow ups on testing proposals will be implemented.
Objective 1: Dossier evaluation is impactful, efficient and scientifically and legally robust
Expected results
• The protection and compliance levels in the EU increase as hazard data generated on chemicals and on the groups they belong to and companies are required to update their dossiers.
• Data generated can be used by companies to improve risk management, to decide to substitute,
or market a substance as a substitute for a more hazardous alternative and/or to support innovation programs looking for alternatives.
• Information generated can be used for the further prioritisation of regulatory actions to better protect human health and environment.
• Knowledge generated is used by Member States and the Commission to identify and propose the appropriate risk management measure.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Evaluation targets and indicators
delivered in line with legal
requirements and the recommendations from the Joint Evaluation Action Plan (JEAP).
Number of compliance checks concluded: draft decisions or no action
301 250 200 target
Number of final decisions on
compliance checks n/a 250 200 estimate
Number of compliance check
decisions concluded in the follow-up to dossier evaluation n/a 250
200 target
Number of testing proposals
draft decisions issued 50 target
National enforcement authorities informed in case of non-compliance with the decision and follow-up
decisions drafted where appropriate.
Percentage of Failure to Respond notifications communicated to NEAs
without delay
n/a n/a 100 target
Updated recommendations and regulatory advice provided to
registrants stemming from evaluation report published and communicated.
Timeline for publication of
Article 54 report n/a Q1 Q1 target
Targeted study audits requested in
case a concern about compliance with principles of Good Laboratory Practice is identified by ECHA or a Member
Number of study audits requested
n/a n/a <5 estimate
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 39
Objective 2: Substance Evaluation by Member States becomes more efficient and effective
Expected results
• The annual list of substances requiring substance evaluation (the Community rolling action plan)
provides clarity to stakeholders for which substance(s) and specific concern(s) additional hazard information needs to be generated.
• Substance evaluations are concluded promptly by Member State competent authorities to enable the initiation of appropriate regulatory risk management measures ensuring the safe use of the
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Updates of the Community rolling
action plan (CoRAP) proposed to the Member State Committee (MSC) for substances where substance evaluation is the most appropriate tool to
generate further hazard information.
Timeline for publication of CoRAP
n/a n/a Q2 target
Member States advised and supported in achieving substance evaluation
conclusions as fast as possible.
Number of substance evaluation final decisions
6 10 10 estimate
Support provided to Member States to adopt the appropriate regulatory risk
management measures and initiatives.
Timeline for providing status update to Member States related to substance
n/a n/a Q4 target
Substance evaluation cases currently
opened reduced further.
Percentage of open substance
evaluation cases n/a n/a 5 target
Substance evaluation cases concluded.
Number of substances for
which a conclusion was reached in substance evaluation
26 25 25 estimate
Resources 2023
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 16 617 743 16 909 217 18 515 992
Human resources (FTE) 91 92 92
1.5 Authorisation
Based on proposals prepared by Member States or the secretariat on request of the Commission, ECHA identifies SVHCs and places them on the Candidate List. From that list ECHA, taking into account the
opinion of the Member State Committee, recommends priority substances for inclusion in the REACH
authorisation list.
ECHA's Risk Assessment and Socio-economic Analysis Committees (RAC and SEAC) provide scientific opinions on companies’ applications for authorisation, including the risks, the benefits and the availability
3 Title VII of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 40
of suitable alternatives and possibilities to substitute. The opinions are provided to the Commission which
decides whether to grant or refuse an authorisation for using the substance in the EU.
In 2025, ECHA will continue to meet the legal obligations to identify substances of concern and place
them onto the candidate list and to recommend priority substances for inclusion on the authorisation list. The secretariat will also support the work of ECHA’s two scientific and technical committees, RAC and
SEAC, and facilitate the timely adoption of opinions on applications for authorisation.
We will also support the Commission as necessary to address follow-up actions in relation to the court
decision on chromates.
Objective 1: Substances of very high concern identified, recommendations for inclusion in Annex XIV and applications for authorisation progressed
Expected results
• Inclusion of substances in the candidate list incentivises reduction of their use and replacement by
safer alternatives or technologies. • Increased research and development for safer alternatives or technologies by companies spurring
• Improved understanding of what are considered as safer alternatives.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Substances of very high concern identified and included in the Candidate List.
Number of new and updated entries published in the Candidate List
11 15 15 estimate
Applications for authorisation processed and progressed in line with agreed approach.
Number of applications for
authorisation and review reports submitted to ECHA (number of uses)
102 <60 <60 estimate
Number of applications for authorisation and review
reports for which opinion- making is initiated and progressed (number of uses)
n/a n/a 40 target
12th recommendation for substances to be included in Annex XIV submitted to the Commission and published on ECHA website within the legal
Timeline for submission of 12th Annex XIV recommendation to the Commission and publication
on the website
n/a n/a Q4 target
Objective 2: Opinions of the Committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and Socio-Economic
Analysis (SEAC) are timely and fit-for purpose
Expected results
• The European Commission’s decision-making on granting or refusing an authorisation enabled by
providing scientifically and legally robust opinions and decisions. • Authorisation opinions and decisions lead to proper control of the risks to workers, consumers and
the environment and a gradual replacement of SVHCs. • Support provided to the European Commission and RAC/SEAC to further improve the
implementation of the authorisation process.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 41
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Opinions on applications for
authorisation delivered to Commission.
Number of RAC and SEAC
opinions adopted on applications for authorisation
and review reports (number of uses) and submitted to the Commission
58 40 35 target
Percentage of opinions on applications for authorisation and review reports submitted
to the Commission within legal deadline
n/a n/a 100 target
Number of opinions on applications for authorisation and review reports submitted
to the Commission requiring further consideration by committees
n/a n/a 144 estimate
Participation in workshops and network meetings facilitated as necessary, to develop methodologies and enhance
the capacity of Member States and companies to carry out analysis of alternatives and socio-economic
analysis with view of finding viable alternatives.
Number of meetings on
analysis of alternatives and socio-economic analysis organised / attended
n/a n/a 1 target
Objective 3: Commission supported in their decision-making tasks
Expected results
• ECHA supports the Commission with the necessary scientific and technical inputs and advice, on request, in the decision-making phase of the authorisation process.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Generic and case-specific support provided to Commission in the decision-making phase of the
authorisation process.
Number of comitology
meetings on applications for authorisation and review reports where support is
provided to Commission decision making
n/a n/a 4 estimate
Resources 2023
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 5 549 010 6 205 080 6 240 745
Human resources (FTE) 26 31 30
4 The Commission requested ECHA, in view of a related Court decision, to prioritise in 2024 producing addenda to 14 opinions previously
submitted. As a result, ECHA can process fewer new opinions on applications for authorisation in 2024 to be delivered in 2025 (target 35 instead of 40).
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 42
1.6 Restrictions
Member States or the ECHA secretariat (at the request of the Commission) develop dossiers for restrictions proposals and ECHA’s Risk Assessment and Socio-economic Analysis Committees (RAC and
SEAC) provide scientific opinions on the restriction proposals, with scientific and administrative support from ECHA staff. The opinions address the effectiveness, practicality and monitorability of proposals
(Annex XV criteria) to address the identified risks as well as the availability of alternatives and socio- economic aspects, enabling the Commission to consider these when deciding whether, and how, to
restrict substances in the EU. The Commission can also ask the ECHA secretariat to develop investigation
reports, preceding any restriction proposal requests.
In 2025, ECHA will continue to investigate the need for restrictions and develop restriction dossiers upon
request of the European Commission and analyse the need to restrict the use in articles for substances subject to authorisation (based on REACH article 69(2)). The restriction dossier on Chromium VI
substances is to be published in 2025 and may ultimately lead to reducing the burden on the authorisation of these substances. We will also support the work of our two scientific and technical
committees, RAC and SEAC, and facilitate the timely adoption of opinions for restriction proposals.
Objective 1: Commission supported in the implementation of the Restrictions Roadmap
Expected results
• Scientific and legally robust restriction dossiers for individual substances or groups of substances
are developed by ECHA (based on Article 68(1)) upon request of the Commission. • Investigation reports on the need for restriction of individual substances, groups of substances or
particular uses prepared upon request of the Commission. • The need to restrict the use in articles for substances, subject to authorisation (based on Article
69(2)) are analysed and findings documented as necessary in screening reports. • Dossiers developed by the ECHA secretariat provide the Committees with a fit-for-purpose basis
for developing their opinions. • Stakeholders have the opportunity to provide targeted and relevant contributions to the
development of the restriction dossier during calls for evidence and/or consultation steps in the
restriction dossier preparation process. • Member States are supported by ECHA in the development of fit-for-purpose restriction dossiers.
• The consistent approach to dossier preparation by ECHA and Member States ensures consistent and targeted decision making and increased legal certainty for companies.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Based on request of the European
Commission, Annex XV dossiers proposing restrictions and investigation reports prepared.
Number of restriction dossiers and investigation reports developed
8 5
1 target
Screening reports for substances under Article 69(2) prepared.
Number of screening reports for substances under Article 69(2) prepared
3 target
Support provided to Member States during their preparation of restriction dossiers notified in Registry of
Number of dossiers on which
support is provided to Member States in their preparation of restriction
n/a n/a 2 estimate
5 Title VIII of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 43
Objective 2: Opinions of the Committees for Risk Assessment (RAC) and Socio-Economic
Analysis (SEAC) are timely, robust and fit-for-purpose
Expected results
• Committee opinions delivered that allow the Commission, together with the Member States, to take well-informed decisions on the proposed restrictions, and thereby to implement the objectives of
EU chemicals policy.
• The Committee’s opinion making is facilitated by adequate stakeholder involvement, independence of committee members and adherence to consistent approaches and methodologies.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
estimat e
Opinions on restrictions delivered to the Commission.
Number of RAC and SEAC opinions on restriction
proposals delivered to the Commission
5 1 0 target
Percentage of opinions on restrictions submitted to the Commission adopted within
legal deadline
n/a n/a 100 target
Number of opinions on
restrictions submitted to the Commission requiring further consideration by committees
(Art 77 (3)(c)
n/a n/a 0 estimate
Contribution provided to the
development of methodologies related to socio-economic analysis, including the valuation of various health and environmental endpoints in
collaboration with the OECD and in line with the Commission’s Better Regulation guidelines.
Number of contributions provided to the development of methodologies related to
socio-economic analysis and analysis of alternatives
n/a n/a 2 target
Objective 3: Commission supported in their decision-making tasks
Expected results
• ECHA supports the Commission with the necessary scientific and technical inputs and advice, on request, in the decision-making phase of the restriction process.
• ECHA develops reports requested by the Commission. • ECHA supports the Commission in the implementation of the Annex XVII restriction entries.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Case-specific support provided to Commission in the decision-making phase of the restriction process.
Number of restriction opinions on which support is provided to Commission in decision
n/a 4 4 estimate
General and specific guidance to aid the implementation of Annex XVII
restriction entries delivered to the Commission.
Number of reports related to Annex XVII entries (e.g.
guidelines) delivered to the Commission
n/a 1 1 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 44
General and specific technical support to aid the implementation of Annex XVII restriction entries delivered to the
Number of Annex XVII entries where implementation support
is provided to the Commission
n/a 1 1 target
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 6 137 817 5 681 846 6 427 136
Human resources (FTE) 29 28 31
1.7 Classification and Labelling
The CLP Regulation governs the classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals. Classification and labelling is an important instrument in chemicals regulation for ensuring safe use and the protection of
human health and the environment. The harmonisation sets one EU standard for the classification, labelling and packaging across all uses within the EU single market. It applies to substances registered
under REACH, but also active substances used in biocidal products and plant protection products. The CLP Regulation also requires suppliers of hazardous chemical products to provide national poison centres
information for emergency health response.
In 2025, the focus will be on the implementation of legislative changes to CLP including addition of new hazard classes. This determines the need to execute activities to ensure smooth implementation together
with the relevant actors. In addition, the Commission has requested ECHA’s support in bringing these new hazard classes to the United Nations Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of
Chemicals (UN GHS) level as well as to contribute to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
project to pilot the implementation of GHS in four African countries.
Objective 1: Opinions of the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) are timely and fit-for
Expected results
• The Commission, together with the Member States, can take well-informed, and timely decisions on the harmonised classifications, and thereby implement the objectives of EU chemicals policy.
• The members of the Risk Assessment Committee have a complete and robust basis for developing opinions for the Commission’s decision-making process, with effective and efficient support during
the dossier preparation and committee process.
• Stakeholders are in a position to provide targeted and relevant contributions to the further development of the proposals during the public consultations and when specifically asked for by
ECHA or RAC in respect of additional information or clarification needs. • The harmonised approach ensures a level playing field and increased legal certainty for companies,
supporting innovation while increasing human health and environment protection.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
CLH dossiers, including individual and groups of industrial chemicals, PPP and
biocides from the outcome of identification and prioritisation processed in line with legal
Number of proposals for
harmonised classification and labelling received and progressed
45 50 50 estimate
6 Regulation (EC) 1272/2008
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 45
requirements. Number of RAC opinions on proposals for harmonised classification and labelling
42 50 50 estimate
Objective 2: Member States, Commission services and duty holders supported to fulfil their legal obligations
Expected results
• Guidance and tools for industry and authorities support an efficient and effective implementation
of the CLP Regulation, including on grouping for CLH purposes. • ECHA’s expertise effectively supports the EU’s work in implementing UN GHS in the EU and
promoting it globally.
• The protection of commercial interests and availability of information for professional users and consumers are ensured through consistent decision making by ECHA on the use of alternative
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Support provided to Member States
during their preparation of CLH dossiers.
Timeline for providing support
to Member States during their preparation of CLH dossiers
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Guidance made available and updated as necessary.
Number of CLP guidance documents updated
n/a n/a 1 target
Decisions made on requests to use an
alternative chemical name in line with
legal requirements.
Percentage of decisions issued
(Art 24 CLP) and sent in line
with the legal deadlines
n/a n/a 100 target
Scientific and technical support provided to the Commission in the context of the further development of the UN GHS.
Timeline for providing support to the Commission in the context of UN GHS
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Scientific and technical support provided to the Commission in the implementation of the revisions of the
CLP regulation and the UNEP-GHS project in African countries.
Timeline for providing support to the Commission in the
context of UNEP-GHS project
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Objective 3: Up-to-date information on the classifications for chemicals, both harmonised and non-harmonised, publicly available
Expected results
• Harmonised classification and self-classification information made available in the C&L inventory,
which supports classification by companies and safe use throughout the supply chain.
• The list of both harmonised and self-made classifications by companies is a point of reference at global level to access information about hazards of substances in commerce.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
New C&L inventory is operational and delivers reliable and up-to-date information about classification and
labelling to its customers.
Percentage of satisfaction of users of C&L inventory
n/a n/a Bench mark
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 46
Number of workshops organised to inform stakeholders/users about new
C&L Inventory
n/a n/a 1-2 estimate
Objective 4: Structured, high quality and consistent information for the EU poison centre scheme available across Europe
Expected results
• Companies and Member States can efficiently fulfil their obligations related to EU Poison Centres
for the purposes of emergency health responses. • The use of a unique formula identifier (UFI) printed on the label further helps consumers and
Member States to rapidly find precise information to speed up emergency health responses in
poisoning cases.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Notification portal maintained.
Number of Poison Centre notifications received
4.4 million
2 to 3 million
3-4 million
Percentage of notifications processed and made available to Appointed Bodies and
Poison Centres
n/a n/a 100 target
Support provided to companies and
Member States.
Number of Helpdesk replies
provided to Appointed bodies and Poison centres
n/a n/a 50 estimate
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 6 399 609 5 995 311 6 077 028
Human resources (FTE) 33 32 32
1.8 Data management
ECHA develops, operates and supports data management activities and tools so that data can be made available, exchanged, processed and used efficiently in the execution of regulatory processes within
ECHA and when collaborating with others. Through its data services it also develops methods to analyse
and report chemical data to support policy decisions, impact assessments and development of indicators. ECHA provides data analysis services to support European Commission and Member State competent
authorities to further develop legislation.
In 2025, ECHA will continue strengthening data management by: continue implementing the data
governance; review the reporting needs across organisation to optimise the service; develop a new
chemical identifier data management system supporting both existing and new regulatory processes.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 47
Objective 1: Regulatory processes performed by relevant actors based on robust data systems and processes.
Expected results
• Data management improves the execution of regulatory processes and the overall effectiveness of
ECHA, contributing to a faster and more predictable decision-making process.
• Improved confidence in ECHA tools in general and a more wide-spread shift to incorporating these tools into regulatory process work.
• Increased use of common data formats and platforms enhances data flows across actors and legislations, achieving better connected regulatory processes which is at the core of the one-
substance-one-assessment approach.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Data governance to support regulatory data consistency, coherence,
transparency and reporting across regulations progressively matured. Data products identified through the
data catalogue.
Number of data products identified
n/a n/a 50 estimate
Internal reporting service reviewed and optimized, considering the new
available technologies.
Timeline for completion of internal reporting service
n/a n/a Q4 target
New chemical identifiers data
management system developed, and
implementation commenced to increase efficiency and effectiveness across new
and existing regulatory processes.
Timeline for release of first component of the chemical
identifiers data management system
n/a n/a Q2 target
Case management capabilities further
developed to increase efficiency of existing regulatory processes.
Timeline for first release of
new case management system applicable to the DWD process
n/a n/a Q3 target
Interact Portal maintained with due consideration of process and users’ requirements.
Number of meetings held with stakeholders in relation to Interact
n/a n/a 2 estimate
Data analysis services completed upon request from EU institutions or Member
Number of data provision and analysis requests
n/a n/a 50 estimate
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est. 7
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) n/a
n/a 7 425 402
Human resources (FTE) n/a
n/a 21
7 Starting from 2025, the activities 1.8 Data management and 1.9 Making data publicly available, were separated, while previously they were
included in a single activity.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 48
1.9 Making data publicly available
ECHA operates the world’s largest public databases of chemicals with a usage of almost 50 million views per year. This platform includes the published data on chemicals from the REACH, CLP, BPR, PIC, POPs,
WFD and Chemical Agents Directive / Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reprotoxic substances (CAD/CMR) legislations, as well as from more than 50 additional pieces of legislation via the European Union
chemicals legislation finder (EUCLEF).
In 2025, ECHA will continue to further integrate data in ECHA CHEM, following its launch in 2024, with a
focus on information on the regulatory status of substances and their classification and labelling information. ECHA will ensure public communication on the planned changes and the corresponding
timetable. The work on data availability will consider the progress on the foreseen Data Regulation
including the development of an EU common data platform with information on chemicals.
Objective 1: Transparent and public access to data submitted under different regulations as
well as progress on regulatory activities made available
Expected results
• Information on the hazards and uses of chemicals is made publicly available in ways that facilitate
its use for the benefit of chemical safety. • Visibility of ongoing and upcoming regulatory activities promotes regulatory predictability and a
well-functioning internal market.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
ECHA’s new public data availability
system ECHA CHEM is operational and further developed and kept up-to-date.
Percentage of satisfaction of ECHA CHEM users
n/a n/a
mark TBD
Timeline for integration of
information on classification and labelling in ECHA CHEM
n/a n/a Q2 target
Timeline for integration of information on regulatory
status of substances in ECHA CHEM
n/a n/a Q2 target
OECD Global Portal to Information on Chemical Substances (eChemPortal) maintained.
Number of ECHA data updates
on eChemPortal n/a n/a 1 target
Number of eChemPortal
releases n/a n/a 1 target
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est. 8
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) n/a
n/a 2 985 136
Human resources (FTE) n/a
n/a 9
8 Starting from 2025, the activities 1.8 Data management and 1.9 Making data publicly available, were separated, while previously they were
included in a single activity.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 49
1.10 Promotion of alternatives to animal testing
ECHA supports efforts to further reduce animal testing in Europe, promotes alternative methods for hazard assessment and assists in implementing policies and administer processes where alternatives to
animal testing play an increasingly important role.
In 2025, ECHA will continue to promote alternatives, assuming an active role in supporting policy
developments, investing and supporting research (for example, via PARC10) with the overall aim to reduce the animal testing and proactively communicate its actions. The Agency will also support
consistently the efforts undertaken at EU level to develop and deliver the roadmap towards replacement
of animal testing.
Objective 1: Industry generates hazard data using non-animal testing methods and new
Expected results
• Increased implementation of the ‘Three Rs’ principle (to replace, reduce and refine testing on
vertebrate animals) by supporting industry to avoid unnecessary tests. • REACH registrants can use the QSAR Toolbox and ECHA guidance to provide robust scientific
justifications when using non-animal methods and grouping of chemicals, to avoid unnecessary testing, reduce costs and enhance competitiveness.
• ECHA uses alternative methods to the greatest extent possible in development of dossiers they have been asked to prepare.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Development of the QSAR toolbox to integrate new information (for example, metabolites, biocides or data from pharmaceuticals) and models
further developed.
Number of QSAR toolbox updates
n/a n/a 1 target
Data available for download (REACH studies results and pharmaceutical
industry data contribution) expanded to be used for NAMs development and/or avoiding unnecessary animal testing.
Number of dataset updates to support NAMs development
n/a n/a 2 target
Implementation of the OECD QSAR Assessment Framework (QAF)
Number of external events organised or attended to
present the QAF
n/a n/a 2 estimate
Objective 2: ECHA information and advice on alternatives to animal testing provided to
policy makers and stakeholders
Expected results
• Enhanced cooperation with the European Commission, other institutional partners, the scientific community and stakeholders to support the development and implementation of the roadmap
towards full replacement of animal testing.
• European Institutions refer and use the technical-scientific competences of the Agency and its networking capacity.
9 Title III of the Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 10 See activity 4.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 50
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Support provided to the Commission
roadmap on phasing out animal testing.
Number of meetings held with
stakeholders on NAMs n/a n/a 4 estimate
Workshop on the roadmap organised jointly with the Commission.
Timeline for workshop on NAMs roadmap organised and delivered timely and
n/a n/a Q2 target
Development of non-animal test
methods in cooperation with ECHA’s international partners progressed.
Number of NAMs projects
initiated n/a n/a 3 estimate
Collaboration with EFSA enhanced to
support development of harmonised approaches for reducing the need for animal testing within regulatory
Number of bilateral meetings on NAMs organised
n/a n/a 4 estimate
OECD activities related to further development of alternatives and
integration of regulatory relevant alternatives in test guidelines supported.
Number of OECD projects
related to NAMs supported n/a n/a 2 estimate
International collaboration towards the identification and acceptance of alternatives in regulatory frameworks
e.g., with US and Canada within the APCRA initiative (Accelerating the Pace of Chemical Risk Assessment)
Number of meetings related
to NAMs with international
partners organised and supported
n/a n/a 2 estimate
ECHA supports Member States with the
use of NAMs in pilot cases for CLH proposals as appropriate.
Number of Member States
NAMs cases supported n/a n/a 4 estimate
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 2 454 907 1 487 058 1 884 740
Human resources (FTE) 6 5 7
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 51
2. Biocides
The Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) establishes the rules for the making available on the market and
use of biocidal active substances and products. The regulation aims at protecting people, animals and the environment by ensuring that the active substances and products allowed on the market only target
harmful organisms, like pests or bacteria.
In 2025, ECHA will continue the efforts to progress the evaluation of active substances in the Review
Programme, including by providing support to the Member States for delivering their evaluation dossiers with particular focus on the evaluation of Article 5(2). On Union authorisations we anticipate a continued
increase of the workload, also due to the complexity of product families applications and the increase of
the number of applications for changes and same biocidal products authorisations. Additionally, in 2025 ECHA intends to produce an analysis on the functioning of the Biocidal Products Regulation based on its
experience and provide it in support to the evaluation of the regulation by the Commission. Furthermore, ECHA will continue the long-term activity to better integrate the IT tools required for the purpose of the
BPR implementation with ECHA’s overall IT architecture.
ECHA will continue to closely collaborate with other agencies (e.g. the European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA)) to implement the OSOA concept in relation to the evaluation of substances which are also regulated under legislation within their mandates. The OSOA
concept, under the Commission’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, aims to improve effectiveness,
efficiency and coherence of the safety assessment of chemicals across chemicals legislation.
Objective 1: Active substance and Union authorisation opinions are timely and of high
Expected results
• The opinions delivered on active substance approvals and Union authorisations follow the agreed
guidance and procedures and are clear, consistent and of high quality. • The Summaries of the Product Characteristics for Union authorisations are clear, consistent and
harmonised. • The Commission, together with the Member States, can take well-informed decisions on the
approval of active substances and Union authorisations of biocidal products. • The Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) and its working groups develop robust approaches to
scientific-regulatory questions, ensuring consistency across processes and over time. • The harmonised approach ensures a level playing field, increases legal certainty for companies in
a functioning internal market and increases human health and environment protection.
• The implementation of the One Substance, One Assessment concept under the current regulatory framework provides the basis for synergies, efficiencies and improved coherence between BPR and
other EU legislation thereby safeguarding the reputation of scientific advice at EU level.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Opinions on biocides active substances.
Number of opinions on biocidal active substances
[approval & renewal] finalised and submitted to the Commission
13 15 15 estimate
Opinions on Union authorisation of
biocidal products.
Number of opinions on Union authorisation [approval & renewal] of biocidal products
finalised and submitted to the Commission
10 20 15 estimate
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 52
Opinions on same biocidal products,
administrative changes, minor changes
and major changes of the Union authorisations.
Number of opinions on Union authorisation related processes: same biocidal
products, administrative, minor and major changes finalised and submitted to the
21 35 45 estimate
Opinions on classification of changes to
national or Union authorisations of products.
Number of opinions on classification of changes
finalised and submitted to the applicant
n/a n/a 9 estimate
Decisions on Technical equivalence applications.
Number of final decisions on technical equivalence applications concluded and
sent to the applicant
32 30 20 estimate
Assessments of applications for inclusion in the list of active substance suppliers (Article 95 BPR list).
Number of requests of
information and final decisions on Art 95 applications assessed and submitted to the applicant
n/a n/a 25 estimate
Opinions and decisions are timely and
Percentage of active substance and Union
authorisation opinions and decisions submitted within legal deadlines
n/a n/a 100 target
Number of requests from the
Commission for a BPC opinion [pursuant to Article 75(1)(g)]
to revise earlier adopted opinions
n/a n/a 0-4 estimate
Cooperation with EFSA further advanced to implement the basis and mechanisms for alignment of
evaluation of common substances (One Substance, One Assessment).
Number of meetings held with EFSA on alignment of evaluation of common
n/a n/a 6 target
List of frequently used sentences in the SPCs updated and translated in all the EU official languages.
Number of updates of the list of frequently used sentences in the SPCs published
n/a n/a 1 target
Objective 2: Member States and Commission supported to facilitate biocides processes and
accelerate the Review Programme
Expected results
• Steady progress in the current ongoing Review Programme for existing active substances is ensured through fit for purpose support to Member State competent authorities, with a specific
focus on the evaluation of endocrine-disrupting properties.
• Overcoming roadblocks in the evaluation of active substances is sustained through direct support to Member State competent authorities, proposals for simplifications and guidance.
• Member State competent authorities are provided with technical support and advice in the early stages of disagreements in the mutual recognition process in order to reduce the number of
unsolved disagreements referred to the Commission. • ECHA’s output provides the basis for informed decisions of the Commission and the Standing
Committee. • Targeted support to Member State competent authorities concerning the evaluation of Union
authorisation applications reduces the delays in the submission of product assessment reports and
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 53
leads to improvements in their consistency and quality.
• Economic operators can rely on professional dossier management, guidance and helpdesk support for active substance approval or product authorisation at Union level.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Technical, procedural, regulatory and administrative support is provided to Member States in the evaluation and
BPC opinion forming for active substance approval and on Union authorisation of biocidal products and to the Commission.
Percentage of satisfaction of authority actors in relation to
biocides processes measured in annual survey
n/a n/a >85 target
Fit-for-purpose opinions following
requests by the Commission pursuant to Articles 38, 15(2) and 75(1)(g) of the BPR prepared.
Number of opinions on Article
15, Article 38 and Article 75(1)(g) finalised and submitted to the Commission
7 10 8 estimate
Support to Member State competent authorities’ (MSCAs) evaluations
provided by early (informal) working group discussions and written consultations.
Number of early (informal) written consultations and
early working group discussions to support the evaluation by Member States
n/a n/a 100 target
Accordance check performed for all evaluations on AS and UA submitted by MSCAs.
Percentage of Member State evaluations checked for accordance
n/a n/a 100 target
Organisation of information and
training sessions for MSCAs to clarify
and discuss emerging issues on the implementation of BPR.
Number of information and
training sessions for MSCAs
related to BPR organised
n/a n/a 2 target
Organisation of a stakeholder workshop to share information and discuss challenges concerning various actors for the implementation of BPR.
Number of stakeholder workshops related to BPR organised
n/a n/a 1 target
Guidance documents developed according to agreed priorities and
maintained aiming for alignment across regulations.
Number of guidance documents related to biocides
processes finalised and published
n/a n/a 3 target
Technical input and support the Commission’s evaluation of the BPR.
Number of technical reports provided to support the Commission in BPR evaluation
n/a n/a 1 target
Support and advice to Member States Competent Authorities to facilitate the
resolution of disagreements in the mutual recognition process.
Number of disagreement
points related to mutual recognition closed
n/a n/a 100 estimate
Objective 3: Biocides IT tools integrated with other ECHA regulatory IT systems
Expected results
• Authority and Industry users can rely on user friendly and up-to-date IT tools in a more efficient
• Synergies and savings on the mid- and longer term are created for ECHA.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 54
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Progress with the development of Biocides IT tools in the frame and according to the plans of the general
ECHA IT strategy.
Number of updates of R4BP 3
released n/a n/a 2 target
Number of BPR IT user group meetings
n/a n/a 1 target
First set of IUCLID validation rules for active substance applications agreed with Member State Competent
n/a n/a Q4 target
Resources 2023 actual
2024 est.
2025 est.
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 10 213 821 11 477 824 12 363 134
Human resources (FTE) 56 55 55
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 55
3. Environmental Policy
ECHA implements a number of specific environmental legislations, by performing a wide range of
administrative, technical, and scientific tasks, as detailed below.
EU Prior Informed Consent (PIC) regulation implements, with additional obligations, the UN
Rotterdam Convention relating to the international trade of hazardous substances. ECHA supports the processing of information on the export and import of hazardous chemicals, provides support to
companies and designated national authorities (DNAs) from both the EU and third countries and supports
the Commission with the implementation of the Convention.
EU Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) regulation implements the UN Stockholm Convention,
aimed to protect human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants. ECHA facilitates the reporting obligations on behalf of the Member State competent authorities and compiles the Union
overview of the implementation. ECHA also coordinates the enforcement activities via the Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement (Forum) and supports the Commission with the implementation
of the Convention.
Under the Waste Framework Directive, ECHA maintains a database (SCIP) on products containing
substances of very high concern (SVHCs) and placed on the EU market. The data is made available to waste operators, consumers and other interested parties. ECHA supports duty holders in meeting their
The revised Drinking Water Directive aims to protect citizens and the environment from the harmful effects of contaminated drinking water and to improve access to drinking water. ECHA is setting up and
maintaining the European positive lists of substances that are authorised to be used for the
manufacturing of materials coming into contact with drinking water.
The 8th Environmental Action Programme (EAP) is the EU’s joint programme for implementing the European Green Deal on the ground until 2030. ECHA provides technical support to the Commission,
together with the European Environment Agency (EEA), in establishing a new framework of indicators, aiming to assess the effectiveness of the chemicals legislation by monitoring the drivers of pollution as
well as its outcomes.
Under the Batteries Regulation ECHA will continue to support the European Commission in identifying substances of concern found in batteries or used in their manufacturing. The Commission may request
ECHA to prepare proposals to restrict hazardous substances in batteries and waste batteries and to adopt an opinion (through RAC and SEAC) on restriction proposals submitted either by ECHA or by Member
States. The aim is to make batteries on the market more sustainable throughout their lifecycle.
Amendments to several Directives related to water protection, Water Framework, Groundwater and
Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) Directives, are being discussed in Ordinary Legislative Procedure and in the proposed changes ECHA has been assigned new tasks. The tasks include
development of watch lists for surface and ground water, and development of Priority Lists, EU-wide EQS
and indicative concentrations and ground water thresholds. ECHA must also establish and disseminate a
repository of national EQS values.
Under the Industrial Emissions Directive, ECHA is foreseen to input our knowledge on chemical uses, hazards and regulatory status into the revision and development of Best Available Technique Reference
(BREF) documents, according to the relevant workplans developed by the European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau (EIPPCB). In addition, we have been tasked with the further development
of a Chemical Management System (CMS), to be updated and applied as agreed with IED stakeholders
in the context of the IED Forum.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 56
Under the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation ECHA will support the European Commission in identifying substances of concern found in packaging and packaging waste. The Commission may
request ECHA to prepare proposals to restrict hazardous substances in packaging and packaging waste.
Following the publication of the relevant legislative proposals, the possible resourcing stemming from the adoption of the End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) Directive, the Regulation establishing a common
data platform on chemicals and revision of the POP and Medical Devices Regulation, and RoHS
Directive has been included in the activity totals.
Objective 1: International trade of chemicals listed under the Rotterdam Convention and
the PIC regulation facilitated and managed
Expected results
• International trade of chemicals listed under the Rotterdam Convention takes place in compliance with the principles of shared responsibility and cooperation, as implemented in the PIC regulation.
• The Commission and other Authorities have access to the information and support needed to improve implementation and development of the UN Rotterdam Convention
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Export notifications processed.
Number of export notifications processed
10 857 11 000 11 000 estimate
Percentage of export notifications validated
96 90 90 target
Import notifications processed. Number of import notifications processed
n/a n/a 800 estimate
Explicit consent responses processed. Number of explicit consent responses processed
n/a n/a 2 000 estimate
Support provided to EU MS DNAs and the Commission, including the
management of explicit consent requests, to allow companies to export these chemicals in accordance with the EU’s international commitments.
Number of replies provided to DNAs and Commission
3 570 n/a 3 000 estimate
Support provided to companies (via the
helpdesk) and non-EU Authorities.
Number of Helpdesk replies related to PIC provided to
companies and non-EU Authorities
245 250 250 estimate
Annual report on PIC exports and
imports (Art. 10) published.
Timeline for publication of annual report on PIC exports
and imports (Art. 10)
n/a n/a Q4 target
Support provided to the Commission with the EU contribution to the Rotterdam Convention implementation, including the preparations of the draft
final regulatory actions (FRAs).
Timeline for providing support
to the Commission with the EU contribution to the Rotterdam Convention implementation, including the
preparations of the draft final regulatory actions (FRAs)
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Support provided to the Commission in the continuous improvement of the
functioning and efficient implementation of the PIC Regulation.
Timeline for providing support to the Commission in the continuous improvement of
the functioning and efficient implementation of the PIC Regulation
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 57
Objective 2: European Commission supported in the implementation of the Stockholm Convention and the POP Regulation
Expected results
• The Commission and Member States have the scientific and technical support they need in their
work under the Convention and the POPs regulation within the limits of ECHA’s capacity.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Scientific dossiers drafted for a new EU
proposal to list a potential POP substance under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
Number of scientific dossiers
drafted for the identification of new substances under Stockholm Convention
1 1 1 estimate
Processes on POPs reviewed to take account of new mandate on POPs in
Timeline for implementing actions following review of
POPs processes
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Technical and scientific support provided as required to the Commission for the listing process.
Number of requests for advice
and support related to the Stockholm Convention provided to various
55 50 50 estimate
The reporting system for the implementation of the POP regulation
maintained and the Union Overview report based on the Member States
reports updated. These outputs will be
delivered in line with resource constraints.
Indicator TBD when relevant
Objective 3: Substances of very high Concern In Products (SCIP) database maintained
Expected results
• SCIP database available and ensures that the information on articles containing Candidate List
substances is available throughout the whole lifecycle of products and materials, including at the waste stage to support the substitution of Candidate List substances in articles and contribute to a
circular economy by facilitating waste prevention and waste treatment operations.
• SCIP duty holders can meet their obligation to notify articles containing Candidate List substances that are placed on the EU market.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Notification portal and the public SCIP
database maintained.
Number of SCIP notifications received (incl. updates)
10.6 million
8-12 million
8-12 million
Percentage of SCIP
notifications published within 3 months
n/a n/a >80 target
Support provided to EU suppliers of
articles to submit the required information to ECHA.
Number of Helpdesk replies
provided to SCIP notifiers 1 020 1 000 1 000 estimate
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 58
Objective 4: Implementation of Drinking Water Directive (DWD)
Expected results
• Internal operational procedures and working instructions for handling the applications to be submitted from 2026 onwards established.
• Procedures for opinion forming by RAC and the Working Group developed and implemented. • IT tools for the reception, processing and dissemination of notifications available.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Procedures for opinion forming by RAC and the RAC Working Group developed and implemented.
Timeline for DWD procedures agreed by RAC
n/a n/a Q4 target
IT tools for the receipt, processing and dissemination of notifications available.
Number of IT tool releases related to DWD
n/a n/a 1 target
Guidance documents to support applicants and RAC published.
Number of DWD guidance documents published
n/a n/a 4 target
Workshop with stakeholders to inform
on the notification and the application procedures organised.
Number of workshops related
to DWD held with stakeholders
n/a n/a 1 target
Objective 5: An accessible and transparent evidence base to support the monitoring, measuring and reporting on chemicals
Expected results
• Implementation of the strategic priorities of the European Green Deal and the assessment of progress under the 8th EAP is supported.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Relevant indicators kept under review, monitored and reported as necessary.
Number of views of the chemicals indicators dashboard
n/a n/a 500 estimate
Objective 6: Implementation of the Batteries Regulation
Expected results
• Technical and scientific support given to the Commission in the implementation of the new Batteries
regulation. • Second part of the scoping study detailing the methodology to identity substances found in batteries
or used in their manufacturing, that have negative impacts on human health and the environment or recycling, commenced.
• Implementation plan in place for the restrictions work under the Batteries Regulation. • Setup of the internal operational procedures and working instructions according to the
implementation plan.
• Discussions/workshop with relevant stakeholders held.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Part of the scoping study completed and provided to the Commission.
Number of study reports provided to the Commission under the Batteries Regulation
n/a n/a 1 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 59
Preparation for the implementation of the Batteries Regulation completed.
Timeline for implementation plan for Batteries Regulation completed
n/a n/a Q4 target
Ongoing discussions held with relevant
Number of meetings related to the implementation of the
Batteries Regulation held with stakeholders
n/a n/a 4 target
Objective 7: Preparation for the implementation of the Water Framework, Groundwater and Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) Directives (legislation pending)
Expected results
• Support is provided to the Commission regarding the ongoing Ordinary Legislative Procedure. • Implementation plan for ECHA’s tasks in the revised Directives developed.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Technical and scientific support provided to the EU Institutions during the adoption of the legal acts.
Timeline for direct inputs or
response to queries related to Water Framework, Groundwater and EQS
Directives from EU institutions during the legislative process
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 estimate
Preparation for the implementation of the tasks completed.
Timeline for implementation
plan of Water Framework, Groundwater and EQS
Directives agreed between
ECHA and the Commission
n/a n/a Q3 estimate
Objective 8: Development of Best Available Techniques Reference (BREF) documents under the Industrial Emissions Directive supported
Expected results
• Better utilisation of ECHAs databases and knowledge on industrial chemicals under the Industrial
Emissions Directive, by contributing to the BREF revision and development process.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Input to the review and update of Best
Available Technique (BAT) reference documents is provided, in particular with substance-related information from the ECHA databases.
Number of BAT reference documents supported
n/a n/a 2 estimate
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 60
Objective 9: Implementation of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (adopted
by the Council on 16 December 2024, entry into force pending publication in the Official Journal)
Expected results
• The scoping study on the presence of substances of concern in packaging and packaging
components commenced.
• Implementation plan for restrictions work under the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation developed and initiated.
• Technical and scientific support given to the Commission in the implementation of the new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation.
• Discussions/workshop with relevant stakeholders held.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Preparation of scoping study initiated. Timeline for initiation of preparation for packaging and
packaging waste regulation
n/a n/a Q2 estimate
Objective 10: Preparation for the implementation of the proposals under One Substance, One Assessment package (Data regulation, POPs, Medical devices, RoHS) (legislation
Expected results
• Support is provided to the legislator during the negotiations and adoption of the three legal acts under the One Substance, One Assessment package.
• Implementation plans for the new tasks developed.
• Commission is supported in setting up the governance under the Common Data Platform.
Main outputs Indicators
2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimat
Technical and scientific support provided to the EU Institutions during
the adoption of the legal acts.
Number of direct inputs or response to queries from EU
institutions during the OSOA legislative process
n/a n/a 5 estimate
Preparation for the implementation of
the new legal acts initiated.
Timeline for implementation plans for OSOA developed
n/a n/a Q4 estimate
Number of OSOA Expert
Group meetings supported n/a n/a 2 estimate
Commission supported in setting up the
Governance of the Common Data Platform.
Number of meetings related
to CDPC with relevant agencies supported
n/a n/a 2 estimate
Resources 2023
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 4 362 082 6 482 756 5 426 534
Human resources (FTE) 2011 34 25
11 in 2023, the Environmental policy activity was split in the following activities: Prior Informed Consent, Persistent Organic Pollutants, Waste
Framework Directive, Drinking Water Directive, 8th Environmental Action Programme
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 61
4. Other tasks, including tasks under grant, cooperation and
service-level agreement12
The EU Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) provides information on the safety of nanomaterials
on the EU market to support businesses and in particular SMEs, workers, consumers, and authorities.
With the EU Chemicals Legislation Finder (EUCLEF), ECHA provides a single point of entry for accessing information on various pieces of EU legislation applicable to a given chemical substance,
supporting compliance by the companies, and SMEs in particular.
The Chemical Agents Directive (CAD) and the Carcinogens, Mutagens or Reprotoxic substances
Directive (CMRD) provide a framework for setting occupational exposure limits, forming an integral
part of the EU’s mechanism for protecting the health of workers. Following the request from DG EMPL, ECHA prepares a scientific report for its Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) based on the available
scientific data and any relevant information collected through a 90-day call for evidence.
The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) is an EU funding mechanism designated to
support (pre) candidate countries in building up their capacities throughout the accession process. ECHA
implements IPA projects to support their alignment with the EU chemicals acquis.
EFSA and ECHA are collaborating to enable the use of IUCLID for the purpose of the new transparency provisions under EFSA’s revised founding Regulation (EU) 2019/1381, including by the integration of
IUCLID into EFSA’s IT Infrastructure (IUCLID for EFSA).
Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) is a project under Horizon Europe seeking to develop next-generation chemical risk assessment. ECHA is an Associated Partner in PARC,
co-leading the subtask on priority setting (work package WP 2.1) and providing further input/advice to
other work packages.
The Regulation on Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health (SCBTH) has allocated tasks to several EU agencies including ECHA to play a role in the preparedness and reaction to such threats. DG SANTE
is financially supporting ECHA in setting up for the Regulation during the 2025-2027 transitional phase
preceding its inclusion in the Basic Regulation.
Objective 1: EUON database on nanomaterials on the EU market available and updated
Expected results
• Objective information on nanomaterials on the EU market allows both professional and general audiences to review and increase their understanding of how nanomaterials are used in the EU,
what safety information is available on them, and what safety research is ongoing.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Specific data gaps in the public knowledge about nanomaterials via
the commissioning of external studies continued to be addressed.
Number of EUON studies commissioned as per
Contribution agreement with Commission
n/a n/a 2 target
EUON promoted via different channels to increase its outreach to a wide
variety of audiences.
Number of views of EUON pages
186 084 130 000 300 000 target
Number of visitors to EUON pages
n/a n/a 150 000 target
12 See also Annex XI
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 62
Objective 2: EUCLEF database on EU chemicals legislation available and maintained
Expected results
• Companies, including SMEs, use EUCLEF to navigate through the EU chemicals legislative framework
and find relevant information on how chemical substances are regulated across the EU.
• EUCLEF helps companies and SMEs in particular to understand the obligations that apply to their substances of interest so they can ensure to comply with them and take informed market decisions.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
EUCLEF promoted wider to increase the utility of the service for the target audience, with a particular focus on
Number of views of EUCLEF pages
395 000 400 000 350 000 target
Number of visitors to EUCLEF pages
n/a n/a 130 000 target
Advice provided via the EUCLEF helpdesk.
Number of queries
answered by EUCLEF helpdesk service
n/a n/a 100 estimate
Objective 3: Opinions of the Risks Assessment Committee (RAC) on OELs delivered to the Commission
Expected results
• The Commission is able to use the RAC opinion in its procedure to propose and adopt occupational exposure limit (OEL) values.
• SLA agreement terms and timelines are met.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
SLA commitments completed. Number of OEL requests
received under SLA 5 5 5 estimate
RAC opinions completed and delivered to the Commission.
Number of RAC opinions on
OELs completed and provided to the Commission
5 5 5 target
Objective 4: IPA grant implemented fully in support of EU candidate and pre-candidate
countries on chemicals management
Expected results
• Candidate and pre-candidate countries build up capacity towards effective implementation of EU chemicals legislation ahead of EU accession.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Support actions as agreed in the IPA
grant agreement for 2023-June 2026 implemented.
Timeline for IPA support
actions delivered as per agreement with Commission
Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 target
New IPA agreement prepared. Timeline for signing the new
IPA agreement n/a n/a Q4 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 63
Objective 5: IUCLID platform cooperation on Plant Protection Products (PPP) between
EFSA and ECHA continued
Expected results
• IUCLID is configured and modified where needed to handle plant protection products (PPP) dossiers and format development work is initiated for Food Contact Materials (FCM) and Synergists and
• Duty holders under EFSA PPP can prepare and submit information in the IUCLID format and EFSA can publish the public data.
• PPP dossiers are made available to EFSA with robust and simple level of integration with EFSA IT
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Submitted dossiers processed and made available to EFSA.
Percentage of dossiers submitted made available to
n/a n/a 100 estimate
First version of the Food contact
Materials IUCLID format released.
Timeline for release of first
version of FCM format in IUCLID
n/a n/a Q2 target
Plan for the development of IUCLID
format to other relevant food regulated products prepared.
Timeline for plan for the
development of IUCLID supported
n/a n/a Q4 estimate
Objective 6: Input provided to research activities in support of current and future
regulatory challenges
Expected results
• Contributions to PARC with a view to providing direct support to EU chemical risk assessment/management authorities and processes, supporting the sustainable management of
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Input provided to PARC projects. Timeline for providing input to PARC projects
Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 estimate
Key Areas of Regulatory Challenge
report updated and promoted.
Timeline for publishing Key Areas of Regulatory Challenge
Q3 Q3 Q3 target
Objective 7: Implement the Regulation on Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health (SCBTH)
Expected results
• Agreements in place with DG SANTE and other agencies on deliverables and approach.
• Plan for addressing such incidents prepared and communicated.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Procedure in place, aligned with the
Agreements with DG SANTE and other
agencies on deliverables and approach, tested and reviewed.
Timeline for signing SCBTH
Contribution Agreement13 n/a n/a Q1 target
(Contributions to) requested (rapid) Percentage of requested n/a n/a 100 target
13 Indicator to be removed from the final version of the SPD if the service level agreement is signed during 2024
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 64
risk assessments promptly delivered. (rapid) risk assessments delivered within expected timelines
Contributions in the area of chemical events to the assessments of the MS
prevention, preparedness and response plans coordinated by ECDC made.
Number of meetings and
events related to SCBTH attended
n/a n/a 2-4 target
Resources 2023
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 5 721 374 784 712 1 304 712
Human resources (FTE) 1814 19.5 20.5
14 In 2023, the ‘Other tasks’ activity was split in the following activities: EU Observatory for Nanomaterials, EU Chemicals Legislation Finder,
Support to Occupational health legislation, Instrument for Pre-Accession assistance (IPA), Support to other legislation, IUCLID for EFSA, Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 65
5. Governance and enablers
ECHA’s horizontal activities support the organisation and provide the necessary tools, infrastructure, and
capabilities for ECHA to carry out its mandate. The governance structure is aimed at facilitating effective
decision-making and enabling efficient execution of the operational activities.
ECHA coordinates the work of the Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement (Forum15) and the related Biocidal Products Regulation Subgroup (BPRS). The Forum serves to exchange and
identify best practice with respect to enforcement; proposes, coordinates and evaluates harmonised enforcement projects and joint inspections; trains and coordinates exchange of inspectors; develops
working methods and tools of use to local inspectors; liaises with stakeholders as necessary and
examines proposals for restrictions with a view to advising on enforceability.
The Board of Appeal16 ensures an independent review of decisions that ECHA adopts under REACH and
BPR, when they are challenged. These concern registration, data sharing, PPORDs (exemptions from the general obligation to register for product and process orientated research and development), testing
proposals, compliance check and substance evaluation under REACH; as well as certain decisions under
BPR related to, among others, technical equivalence of active substances and data sharing.
ECHA’s governance enables the management bodies to exercise their leadership functions, formulate strategic priorities, and put them into action. It furthermore supports the liaison of the Executive Director
and the leadership team with the EU Institutions, Member States and other EU agencies.
ECHA’s communications focus centres on proactive, clear and strategic external and internal activities, that promote its work and achievements, to build, maintain and enhance the Agency’s identity and keeps
stakeholder audiences well-informed and favourably inclined.
The Agency’s engagement efforts ensure that ECHA proactively identifies its stakeholders and their
needs, allowing it to implement a mutually beneficial engagement programme.
Through its helpdesk, IT tools and website, ECHA supports companies to access and remain on the
European Union (EU) single market. ECHA also coordinates and supports Member State helpdesks for
REACH, CLP and BPR to achieve high quality timely, up-to-date and harmonised advice across the EU.
Legal advice and support are provided on all issues that have legal implications for ECHA, aiming to
ensure that action taken, especially the decisions, opinions and agreements, conform with the regulations that govern the Agency and its work. Support and drafting are also provided on request for legislative
changes. In litigation, decisions are strongly defended, and the Commission is supported when court
cases relate to ECHA’s Committee opinions.
ECHA’s ICT provides services for the Agency and for external users, in industry, in national authorities, and general public. The services cover ICT governance, process analysis and design, procurement,
delivery, management of ICT tools and management of ICT assets.
ECHA’s financial resources are managed in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and
effectiveness. The total expenditure budget is financed through fee income and EU contribution.
ECHA develops and implements actions to enable the achievement of its people and organisational objectives and, thereby, facilitate the attraction, development and retention of competent, committed
15 Art. 77 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 16 Art. 90 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and Art. 77 of Regulation (EU) No 528/2012
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 66
ECHA’s corporate services support ECHA’s staff and stakeholders by providing a range of services related to ECHA’s premises, physical security infrastructure, staff travel, and physical, hybrid and virtual
meetings management services. ECHA’s corporate services team also coordinates ECHA’s environmental
management systems and ECHA’s European Commission’s Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
ECHA will keep on monitoring any other legislative developments which may lead to further tasks allocated to ECHA in the future and ensure its readiness for their timely and effective implementation,
as necessary and provided resources availability.
Objective 1: A level playing field for economic operators through increasingly harmonised enforcement across EU
Expected results
• Citizens benefit from a higher degree of human health and environment protection as a result of
increased compliance with EU chemicals legislation. • Duty holders benefit from a harmonised enforcement across EU.
• Authorities benefit from knowledge on the areas needing enforcement action.
• Enforcement related issues are shared among Member States to increase effectiveness of EU regulatory actions on chemicals.
Main outputs Indicators 2023
Forum coordinated enforcement
projects (four REFs, one BEF and three pilot projects) implemented.
Number of Forum enforcement projects ongoing
n/a n/a 8 estimate
Subject matter of next EU-wide
REACH enforcement project (REF) agreed and steps taken to implement
Timeline for initiating
discussions on next EU-wide REACH enforcement project
(REF) and taking steps to implement actions
n/a n/a Q4 target
Training provided for national trainers
and inspectors developed and delivered.
Number of enforcement trainers trained by the Forum
840 200 500 target
Advice on enforceability on all submitted proposals for restrictions delivered and published.
Number of requests for advice on enforceability issued/ responded to
n/a n/a 0 estimate
Further streamlined process to support NEAs in enforcement of ECHA
dossier evaluation decisions, considering the findings of the JEAP.
Timeline for identification of proposals for streamlined
process to support NEAs
n/a n/a Q4 target
Objective 2: Board of Appeal decisions are adopted without undue delay and are of high quality
Expected results
• Any natural or legal person affected by decisions taken by ECHA can make use of their right of
appeal and expect an independent and impartial review.
• Within the scope of its competences, Board of Appeal helps ECHA to ensure that REACH and the BPR are implemented coherently and correctly, by providing clarifications of the legal requirements
where relevant. • The rights of registrants and interested parties are effectively safeguarded.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 67
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Appeals brought against decisions of the Agency, according to procedural
requirements, processed and decided.
Number of appeals submitted
REACH 10 12 10 estimate
Number of appeals submitted BPR
2 2 2 estimate
Number of appeals concluded REACH
14 12 12 target
Number of appeals concluded
BPR 1 2 2 target
Communication to parties and the
general public about appeal decisions completed.
Number of press items issued n/a n/a 14 estimate
Support provided to the Secretariat in defence of Board of Appeal decisions when challenged before the EU Courts.
Number of EU legal cases for which BoA is engaged
n/a n/a 2 estimate
Objective 3: ECHA's Governance aligns with strategy and adapts to the changing
organisational and institutional landscape
Expected results
• The management bodies steer and execute the strategy statement and operational and organisational requirements as well as ensure compliance.
• ECHA aligns closely with institutional and Member State partners to deliver the shared legal
mandate and share competences and knowledge. • ECHA enhances its regulatory outputs and addresses environmental and health issues via
structured cooperation with EU institutions, agencies and global partners. • ECHA aligns its activities and organisational model with its strategy and mandate.
• ECHA supports the Commission to enhance engagement and synergies at international level.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Secretariat for the Management Board
(MB) provided, with required plenary meetings and required (pre) meetings of subgroups.
Percentage of statutory documents adopted by MB
within the required timeframe
n/a n/a 100 target
Percentage of MB members trained on roles and responsibilities
n/a n/a 100 target
Percentage of MB members attending plenary meetings
n/a n/a 80 target
Final and draft Programming Documents adopted by the MB.
Timeline for MB adoption of programming document
n/a n/a Q4 target
Quarterly and annual activity reports
with key performance indicators (KPI) delivered to / adopted by the MB.
Timeline for delivery of
quarterly reports and annual activity report
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
Quality, internal control, risk
management frameworks implemented, including through operating the network of quality
Timeline: Discharge granted
to the Executive Director for y-2 by the European Parliament
n/a n/a Q2 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 68
assurance officers, maintaining certifications, performing the annual internal control assessment and
providing quarterly updates of the risk register.
Timeline for ISO certification and EMAS registration of
ECHA’s Environmental Management System (EMS)
n/a n/a Q3-Q4 target
The ECHA audit and evaluations plan implemented with regular reports to
Number of reservations from the Court of Auditor
observations on the accounts y-1
n/a n/a 0 target
Number of major and critical deficiencies identified during internal and external audits and evaluations, including the
internal control assessment
n/a n/a 0 target
Review of the agency-wide reporting and monitoring data, to consolidate and streamline practices ahead of the
2026 five yearly report on ECHA’s operations (Art 117.2 REACH).
Timeline for review of data concluded and 5-yearly report
n/a n/a Q4 target
Input on resource forecasting for the
next multi-annual financing period prepared and communicated to the Commission and institutional partners.
Timeline for preparation and communication to the
Commission and institutional partners of the input on resource forecasting for the
next MFF
n/a n/a Q2-Q4 estimate
Support the efforts of relevant actors in
improving the workability of ECHA's scientific Committees.
Percentage of Scientific
Committee (RAC and SEAC) membership positions filled
n/a n/a 67% estimate
Agency wide policies, including data protection implemented; conflict of
interest prevention policy and anti- fraud strategy reviewed.
Number of breaches of trust or disciplinary procedure
initiated for conflict-of- interest management or fraud prevention
n/a n/a 0 target
Number of personal data breaches reported, as per legal requirements, to the European Data Protection
n/a n/a 5 estimate
Percentage of MB members and senior management
declarations of interest as well as senior management meetings with stakeholders
n/a n/a 100 target
Engagements with Member States
authorities conducted, including a meeting of heads of chemicals
authorities, Executive Director country visits, and management of the Member
State partner database.
Number of high-level meetings conducted with
Member States and European Union institutions
n/a n/a 15 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 69
Regular engagements and coordination activities with other EU agencies conducted, focusing on EFSA, EEA,
EMA, ECDC and EU-OSHA, complemented by bilateral arrangements and contributions to the
Network of EU Agencies.
Number of Memoranda of Understandings and other
bilateral arrangements
reviewed or newly established with institutional and international partners
n/a n/a 4 estimate
Routine international engagements
conducted, such as hosting courtesy or business visits from third countries and information provision on the
requirements of EU chemicals legislation.
Number of courtesy or business visits organised with
international organisations and third countries (excluding IPA and OECD)
n/a n/a 6 estimate
Number of OECD meetings attended and supported
n/a n/a 14 estimate
Objective 4: ECHA’s communication is effective, transparent, targeted and timely
Expected results
• Improved coverage of ECHA’s work in protecting citizens’ and workers’ health and the environment. • Stakeholder audiences better understand ECHA’s role, aims and activities.
• Increased trust in ECHA’s science-based decision-making on chemicals safety. • Broader staff engagement.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Communications Action Plan for 2025 implemented.
Percentage of neutral and positive media coverage of ECHA
96 >85 >85 target
Communications Action Plan for 2026 developed.
Timeline for the development of the 2026 Communications Action Plan
n/a n/a Q4 target
Growth in number of social media followers.
Number of social media followers
n/a n/a 140 000
ECHA website acts as a communications channel.
Number of visitors to all ECHA public domains
(* including also the subdomains: ECHACHEM, EUON, PCN,
IUCLID, Chesar, etc.
5.8 million
4.2 million
4.2 million
Cooperation on communications alignment and capacity building
initiatives undertaken with sister Agencies and Member States authorities through the MS Competent
Authorities Communicators Network.
Number of Communications Network Meetings held
n/a n/a 2 target
Assessment of ECHA's external
perception in view of new strategy and
Timeline for launch of the
assessment of ECHA's external perception in view of
new strategy and mandate
n/a n/a Q2 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 70
Objective 5: Open and transparent engagement with all stakeholders
Expected results
• ECHA can identify its key stakeholders across relevant sectors.
• Stakeholders feel able to approach ECHA and contribute to its work where appropriate.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Stakeholder perception benchmarks established.
Timeline for launch of Stakeholder perception
benchmarking survey
n/a n/a Q2-Q3 target
Preparations for ECHA Conference 2026
Timeline for kick-off of
preparations of 2026 ECHA Conference
n/a n/a Q2-Q3 target
Accredited Stakeholders (ASOs) review completed and proposals implemented.
Timeline for completion of ASO review and implementation of proposals
n/a n/a Q4 target
NGO and Accredited Stakeholder Organisations dialogues held.
Number of meetings held with NGOs and ASOs
n/a n/a 3 target
Engagements with stakeholders. Number of engagements with stakeholders
n/a n/a 200 estimate
Objective 6: Companies, and in particular SMEs, have the necessary advice to meet legal obligations
Expected results
• High quality and harmonised advice for companies is available in relevant EU languages across
Europe. • Companies successfully prepare and submit data required under the EU’s chemicals legislation.
• Companies have the necessary advice provided on their queries and questions.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Questions are timely and effectively answered.
Number of Helpdesk questions answered (across all our legal
n/a n/a 10 000 estimate
Percentage of queries answered within 15 working days
n/a n/a 75 target
Topics of broad interest/relevance discussed and agreed among all
national helpdesks for harmonised advice.
Number of meetings with
national helpdesks n/a n/a 15 target
Regular contacts with SMEs to understand and address better their specific needs established under the
different legislations in ECHA’s
Number of SME dedicated dialogues held
n/a n/a 1 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 71
Objective 7: Compliance with legal requirements related to finances, human resources,
procurement, intellectual property and access to documents
Expected results
• ECHA's actions related to its financial interests, human resources and procurement are legally sound and in line with the legal framework.
• ECHA’s intellectual property is professionally managed.
• Transparency is increased when citizens get swift responses when requesting access to documents.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
ECHA’s decisions comply with legal requirements, are consistent and proportionate.
Timeline for legal support Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 target
ECHA’s contributions in legal proceedings follow ECHA’s policies and are timely delivered.
Number of new Court and Board of Appeal proceedings handled
28 n/a 26 estimate
Legal review, advice and training provided to ensure sound decisions on access to documents.
Number of access to documents requests received and concluded
139 100 150 estimate
Objective 8 (IT): IT operations are efficient, secure and of high quality
Expected results
• IT security on ECHA infrastructure, systems, and data, including hybrid work practice, is ensured, managed, maintained and improved to face the increasing and more sophisticated worldwide cyber
threats. • Staff are able to operate and use the IT tools with appropriate level of user satisfaction, highest
availability and efficiency. • External stakeholders can collaborate with ECHA in a fit-for-purpose, reliable and efficient manner.
• Coherence and coordination are maintained across the contractors to optimise overall delivery. • The IT operations and development investments are governed thoroughly and efficiently.
• Obsolete IT systems stood down.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
The modernisation of end-of-life administrative tooling continued.
Percentage of administrative tooling modernised
n/a n/a 80% target
New Cybersecurity and Information Security regulations implementation continued according to the given
Number of high impact security incidents
0 <2 <2 target
Number of data breaches n/a n/a 0 target
User satisfaction surveys completed and indicating a high level of
Percentage of internal IT user
satisfaction n/a n/a >85 target
Timeline for baseline data collection for User satisfaction
score based on regular NPS data collection (Net Promoter
n/a n/a Q4 target
Key IT systems and solutions have high availability.
Percentage of availability of key systems
99 >98 >98 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 72
Objective 9 (IT): IT functions and business processes transformed, modernised and
Expected results
• New solutions are designed and implemented in a generic way to allow the quick adaptation/configuration of new processes in the future (new tasks) and quick deployment of the
• Modularity of IT solutions improves the ability to re-use IT resources and maximize the value of the investments.
• A data product focus practice is introduced and widely adopted in the organization leveraging the investments in data technologies, platforms and governance.
• Transitioning of ECHA’s infrastructure and solutions to public cloud will enable higher efficiency and unlock the benefits coming by leverage of new technologies (e.g., AI).
• Increased implementation of agility, improved governance, user centric development, data management capabilities and reduction of technical debt, will increase the quality of the solutions
and value of the IT investments.
• Further alignment and improved ways of working with the contractor ecosystem, increases the value of output and quality of the solutions and services.
• Efficient and timely implementation of the solutions required by the new tasks is enabled.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Plans to transition to public cloud
infrastructure and services completed.
Percentage of workloads migrated from data centre to
public cloud
n/a n/a 100 target
Timeline for completion of
Public Cloud migration project n/a n/a Q3 target
Year 2 of the long term (5 years) IT vision, plan and roadmap reviewed and
Timeline for review and update of long-term (5 years)
IT vision, plan and roadmap
n/a n/a Q3 target
IT governance has incrementally enhanced.
Number and share of teams working in regulatory context
which are part of the program increment (PI) practise (An agile practise to synchronise,
align and coordinate IT delivery across a portfolio of applications)
n/a n/a 9/15
teams target
The target enterprise architecture adopted, and implementation ongoing
to improve tooling for regulatory processes for internal and authority users.
The target architecture includes in total
40 capabilities, which can be used to implement all regulatory processes. 15 of these capabilities will be needed to
implement the first process (DWD solution) to new architecture.
Number of common
capabilities implemented n/a n/a
15/40 capabil
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 73
Objective 10: ECHA’s budget is implemented in accordance with the objectives set in the
Programming Document and the Financial Regulation
Expected results
• ECHA has sufficient financial resources to deliver its mandate which are allocated and implemented effectively and efficiently according to the principles of sound financial management.
• ECHA’s Management Board receives relevant information on the evolution of fee income,
expenditure and risks to exercise its oversight function.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Annual budget prepared and implemented in accordance with the objectives set in the Programming
Document and the Financial Regulation.
Percentage of expenditure
committed 99.3% >95% >95% target
Percentage of cancelled
payment appropriations
(including carry-forward)
0.8% <5% <5% target
Percentage of payments
processed within legal
99.4% >99% >99% target
Annual accounts prepared for and
presented to ECHA’s MB and the relevant EU institutions, in accordance with the requirements of the Financial
Number of audit observations on financial transaction
management leading to a qualified opinion by the Court of Auditors (as per the latest
available audit opinion)
0 0 0 target
Procurement and contracting activities implemented in accordance with the objectives set in the Programming Document and the Financial Regulation,
while meeting the requirements of legality and regularity.
Number of audit observations on procurement and contract management leading to a qualified opinion by the Court
of Auditors (as per the latest available audit opinion)
0 0 0 target
Objective 11: Attract, develop and retain competent and committed staff to implement
ECHA’s mandate, purpose and vision
Expected results
• Through the implementation of its People and Organisational Strategy 2024-2028, ECHA facilitates
the engagement of a competent and diverse staff base within a positive work environment that fosters high performance and flexible deployment of staff.
• ECHA and its partners benefit from the quality and diversity of experience and competence of ECHA
staff who are highly motivated to implement ECHA’s strategic goals and priorities.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
ECHA’s Wellbeing Action Plan 2025- 2026 developed and implemented, in
conjunction with ECHA’s Joint Committee for Health and Wellbeing.
Percentage of staff participating in annual
medical check-ups organised by the Agency
n/a n/a 80% target
Regular communication with ECHA’s Staff Committee to maintain a healthy working culture and positive relations and dialogue.
Number of meetings held between Staff Committee and senior management
n/a n/a 4 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 74
Actions related to ECHA’s People and Organisational Strategy 2024-2028,
and the organisational review completed.
Percentage turnover rate of Temporary Agents
1.1 <5% <5% target
Percentage turnover rate of Contract Agents
4.6 <10% <10% target
Percentage of staff participating in biannual staff satisfaction survey
n/a n/a 80% target
Percentage of Establishment Plan posts filled
96.8 95% 95% target
Objective 12: A safe, productive and healthy physical work environment for staff and
Expected results
• ECHA staff, Committee members, experts from Member States and partner institutions benefit from appropriate infrastructure and services that facilitate and support ECHA’s scientific-technical work
and decision-making.
• ECHA’s environmental management systems prepare ECHA to meet its 2030 carbon neutrality
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Planning for ECHA’s future building requirements commenced.
Number of planning meetings for ECHA’s future building requirements
n/a n/a 4 target
ECHA’s Environmental Work Programmes 2023-2025 and 2026-
2028 implemented.
Annual CO2 emissions generated by ECHA (tonnes)
n/a n/a <1250 target
Objective 13: Support development and implementation of new legal requirements
Expected results
• ECHA’s information, knowledge and competences are increasingly used to support the
implementation of other EU legislation and policy areas related to chemical safety. • The Commission and other institutions are, upon request, provided with scientific-technical advice
and data for the development of chemicals legislation, including One Substance, One Assessment.
• New tasks are implemented in a fit-for-purpose manner within the resources available.
Main outputs Indicators 2023 actual
2024 est.
target/ estimate
Contribution provided to the Commission in relation to REACH
Revision, Basic Regulation, and other tasks (’s guidelines 2024-2029, including work on Green Deal REACH
revision as well as reducing administrative burdens and simplifying implementation.).
Timeline for contribution related to REACH revision, basic Regulation, and other tasks provided to the
n/a n/a Q1-Q4 target
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 75
Resources 2023
Financial resources (costs, EUR) 29 726 767 36 754 217 38 987 181
Human resources (FTE) 169 195 198
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 76
Annex I: Organisation
A. Organisation chart of the Agency
B. Overview of regulatory tasks of the Agency
Annex II: Resource allocation per activity
Annex III: Financial Resources
Table 1: Revenue
Table 2: Expenditure
Table 3: Budget outturn and cancellation of appropriations
Annex IV: Human resources - quantitative
Table 1: Table 1: Overview of all categories of staff – REACH/CLP – BPR – Environmental policy – Other tasks
A: Statutory staff and SNE
B: Additional external staff expected to be financed from grant, contributions or service-level agreements
C: Other Human Resources
Table 2: Multiannual staff policy plan
Table 3: Recruitment forecasts for 2025 following retirement/mobility or new requested posts
Annex V: Human resources - qualitative
A. Recruitment policy
B. Appraisal of performance and reclassification/promotions
C. Gender representation
D. Geographical balance
E. Schooling
Annex VI: Environment management
Annex VII: Building policy
Annex VIII: Privileges and immunities
Annex IX: Evaluations and audits
Annex X:
A. ECHA Integrated Management System and Framework
B. Anti-Fraud Strategy
Annex XI: Plan for grant, contribution or service-level agreements
Annex XII: Strategy for cooperation with third countries and/or international organisations
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 77
Annex I: Organisation
A. Organisation chart of the Agency (Staff in place as at 31/12/2024)
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 78
B. Overview of regulatory tasks of the Agency
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning
the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency,
amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC)
No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling
and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (CLP)
Manage and carry out technical, scientific and
administrative aspects of REACH and CLP Regulations The REACH and CLP processes are designed to
ensure a high level of protection of human health and the environment, including the promotion of alternative methods for
assessment of hazards of substances, as well as the free circulation of substances on the internal market while enhancing competitiveness and innovation
Provide the Member States and the institutions of the Union with the best possible scientific and technical advice on questions relating to
chemicals which fall under REACH or CLP Manage IT based guidance documents, tools and data bases
Support the national helpdesks and run a helpdesk for registrants (through the ECHA
Helpdesk) Make information on chemicals publicly
accessible Develop a poison centre notification portal
The Agency, established on 1 June
2007, will manage the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction processes for chemical
substances as well the classification and labelling of substances and mixtures to ensure consistency
across the European Union. These REACH processes are designed to provide additional information on chemicals, to ensure their safe use,
and to ensure competitiveness of the European industry. In its decision-making, the Agency
will take the best available scientific and technical data and socio- economic information into account. It
will also provide information on chemicals and technical and scientific
Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 of the European Parliament and the Council of 22 May 2012 concerning the making available
on the market and use of biocidal products (BPR)
22/05/2012 Manage and carry out technical, scientific, and administrative aspects of the Biocidal Products Regulation
The purpose of the Biocides Regulation is to improve the functioning of the internal market through the harmonisation of the rules on the placing on the market and use of biocidal
products, whilst ensuring a high level of protection of both human and animal health and the environment. The provisions of the
Regulation are underpinned by the precautionary principle, the aim of which is to
Under the Biocidal Products Regulation, adopted in 2012, ECHA is responsible for specific tasks with
regard to applications for active substance approval and Union authorisation and other related tasks such as data sharing inquiries. The
Biocidal products Committee has been established within the Agency to provide opinions to the Commission
on scientific and technical matters relating to applications under the Regulation.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 79
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks safeguard the health of humans, animals and
the environment. Establish and maintain the Register for Biocidal Products
Coordinate and manage the processing and evaluation of the applications covered by the Regulation (including active substance approval, Union authorisation, data sharing,
technical equivalence, alternative suppliers) Provide guidance, support to national helpdesks and assist and advise application
(through the ECHA Helpdesk) Make information on biocides publicly accessible.
Regulation (EU) No 649/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4
July 2012 concerning the export and import of hazardous chemicals (PIC)
04/07/2012 Manage and carry out technical, scientific, and administrative aspects related to export and
import of dangerous chemicals under the PIC Regulation The objectives of the PIC Regulation are to implement the Rotterdam Convention on the
Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain
Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, and to promote shared
responsibility and cooperative efforts in the international movement of hazardous chemicals in order to protect human health
and the environment from potential harm. Through its provisions it contributes to the environmentally sound use of hazardous chemicals.
Manage the tasks related to and the cooperation with Member States on export notifications and explicit import consents
Manage guidance documents and IT tools Make information publicly available
The recast PIC Regulation, adopted in 2012, further adds to the remit of the
Agency, and complements it with scientific, technical, and administrative tasks related to export and import of dangerous chemicals.
Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on persistent organic pollutants
20/06/2019 Support the Commission and the Member States in fulfilling their obligations under the recast POPs – Regulation.
The recast of the POPs-Regulation also adds to the remit of the Agency, and complements it with scientific,
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 80
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks The objective of the POPs-Regulation is to
implement international obligations of the Union and the Member States for eliminating Persistent Organic Pollutants in order to
protect human health and the environment from these substances. Through its provisions the Regulation ensures the elimination of hazardous chemicals or, in exceptional cases,
their environmentally sound use. Carry out certain technical, scientific, and administrative tasks allocated in the proposal
to ECHA related to the identification of new POPs, enforcement and reporting on the implementation of the Regulation.
Make information on POPs publicly available.
technical, and administrative tasks
related to persistent organic pollutants.
Directive (EU) 2020/2184 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2020 on the quality of water intended for human consumption
16/12/2020 Preparing the first EU positive lists of
substances and preparing the necessary methods and tools as well as setting up the procedure for the operational phase starting in 2025.
The Agency shall review and deliver an opinion
on all the substances, compositions and constituents on the first European positive lists
by 15 years after its adoption. For the purposes of updating the European positive list the Agency shall deliver opinions
on the inclusion or removal of substances and compositions.
Directive 2008/98/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives
19/11/2008 Establish a database for information on the
presence of substances of very high concern on the candidate list in articles and make that available to waste operators and consumers.
The legal requirements for suppliers
of articles entered into force on 5 January 2021.
Decision (EU) 2022/591 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 April 2022
on a General Union Environment Action Programme to 2030
06/04/2022 Support to the Commission and to the European Environment Agency (EEA) in
monitoring, assessing and reporting on the progress of the Union and the Member States with regard to attaining the priority objectives
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 81
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks of the General Union Environment Action
Regulation (EU) 2022/2371 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 November 2022 on serious cross-border threats to health and repealing Decision No
23/11/2022 Carrying out a risk assessment for the following categories of serious cross-border threats to health:
• threats of chemical origin;
• threats of environmental origin, including those due to the climate
Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2023 concerning batteries and waste
batteries, amending Directive 2008/98/EC and Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Directive 2006/66/EC
12/07/2023 Support the European Commission by: • Assisting in preparing the report on
substances of concern contained in
batteries or used in their manufacturing;
• Preparing, if requested by the Commission, a restriction proposal on
substances used in the manufacturing of batteries or present in batteries when they are placed on the market;
• Providing an opinion on the effectiveness of the restriction proposal to control the risk (through the RAC)
and the socio-economic impact (through the SEAC).
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 82
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks Directive (EU) 2024/1785 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 24 April 2024 amending Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on
industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) and Council Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste (Text with EEA relevance)
24 April 2024 Support the Commission in the review of the
Best Available Techniques Reference documents (BREF).
ECHA's new tasks would include the following:
• Data mining of ECHA databases and generating a list of hazardous substances potentially used in BREF
sectors; extract substance-related information, characterise the uses of those substances by sectors covered
by BREFs.
• Develop guiding principles for the Chemicals Management System
focussing on data structure and methodologies for a site inventory of chemicals associated with further development of a site-level risk
assessment methodology and
contribute to the development of guiding principles on how to conduct a
comparative risk assessment
Proposal for a Regulation of the European
Parliament and of the Council on packaging and packaging waste, amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and Directive (EU)
2019/904, and repealing Directive 94/62/EC (COM/2022/677 final)
Adopted by the
Council on 16 December 2024, entry
into force pending
publication in the Official Journal
The Agency shall carry out assessments
underpinning restrictions of substances in packaging. The Agency shall assist the Commission in
preparing the report on substances of concern contained in packaging or used in their manufacturing.
Entry into force expected in Q1 2025
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 83
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks
Proposals in legislative process
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for Community action in the
field of water policy, Directive 2006/118/EC on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration and Directive
2008/105/EC on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy
26/10/2022 Support the European Commission by: • Carrying out technical and scientific
work related to amendment of ‘watch list’ and coordination of ‘watch list’
activities; • Carrying out assessments
underpinning amendments of the
priority list of substances and derivation of Environmental Quality Standards;
• Carrying out assessments underpinning the review of Annexes I and II;
• Develop guidance on analytical
EP and Council positions adopted, but trilogues not yet started as of 19/09/2024
Proposal for a Regulation of the European
Parliament and of the Council on circularity requirements for vehicle design and on management of end-of-life vehicles,
amending Regulations (EU) 2018/858 and 2019/1020 and repealing Directives 2000/53/EC and 2005/64/EC (COM/2023/451 final)
13/07/2023 The Agency shall carry out:
• Assessments underpinning restrictions of hazardous substances in end-of-life vehicles.
• Assessments underpinning review of exemptions from the restrictions.
EP adopted its opinion, but Council
not yet. Trilogues not yet started as of 19/09/2024
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the safety
of toys and repealing Directive 2009/48/EC (COM(2023) 462 final)
28/07/2023 The Agency shall carry out: 1. Assessment underpinning establishing or
strengthening chemical limit values in toys for children under 36 months or toys for other children intended to be taken in the mouth.
2. Assessment underpinning amending the limit values for ‘heavy metals’ in toys. 3. Assessment underpinning amendments to
the lists of allergenic fragrances that are prohibited in toys or that have to be labelled if present in toys.
EP and Council adopted their opinions, but trilogues not yet started
as of 19/09/2024
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 84
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks 4. Assessment underpinning a derogation for
the use of CMR substances in toys.
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the
re-attribution of scientific and technical tasks to the European Chemicals Agency (COM(2023) 781 final)
07/12/2023 The Agency shall carry out: • Assessments underpinning restrictions
of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.
• Assessments underpinning review of applications for exemptions from the restrictions.
Part of the OSOA legislative package, Council adopted its position, but EP not yet. Trilogues not yet started as of 19/09/2024
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending
Regulations (EC) No 178/2002, (EC) No 401/2009, (EU) 2017/745 and (EU) 2019/1021 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the re-attribution
of scientific and technical tasks and improving cooperation among Union agencies in the area of chemicals
(COM(2023) 783 final) es/2023-
12/COM_2023_783_1_EN_ACT_part1_v6_0. pdf
07/12/2023 The Agency shall update existing guidelines on conducting the risk-benefit assessment of the
presence of phthalates in medical devices. The Agency will, if requested by the Commission, also develop guidelines for other substances, which are classified as either carcinogenic,
mutagenic or toxic to reproduction, of category 1A or 1B or have endocrine disrupting properties for human health of Category 1, in
accordance with Part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (the CLP Regulation).
The Agency shall, at the request of the Commission, develop a report analysing the human health, environmental, social, and
economic impact of introducing or modifying concentration limit values specified in Annexes IV and V to Regulation (EU) No 2019/1021
(POPs Regulation).
Part of the OSOA legislative package, Council adopted its position, but EP
not yet. Trilogues not yet started as of 19/09/2024
Proposal for a Regulation of the European
Parliament and of the Council establishing a common data platform on chemicals, laying down rules to ensure that the data contained
in it are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable and establishing a monitoring and outlook framework for chemicals (COM(2023) 779 final)
07/12/2023 The Agency shall assist the Commission with
the development of processes and tools to support the Regulation, including:
• Development and hosting of a
Common data platform • Hosting of the Information Platform for
Chemical Monitoring (IPCHEM)
Part of the OSOA legislative package,
Council adopted its position, but EP not yet. Trilogues not yet started as of 19/09/2024
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 85
Legal act Date of legal act Mission/Tasks/Functions Remarks
es/2023- 12/COM_2023_779_1_EN_ACT_part1_v2.pd f
• Hosting information on regulatory
processes on chemicals • Development and hosting of a
repository of reference values
• Hosting information on the obligations under Union acts on chemicals
• Hosting environmental sustainability related data on chemicals
• Develop and run a process for a data generation mechanism
• Develop a mechanism for notification
of studies and a database for study notifications
• Develop and run a process for early
warning and action system for emerging chemical risks and
framework of indicators
• Hosting an observatory for specific
chemicals with potential contribution to emerging chemical risks.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 86
Annex II: Resource allocation per activity17
WP activity
2025 2026 2027 2028
Budget TA CA/
Budget TA CA/
Budget TA CA/
1. REACH/CLP 265 57 76 987 232 265 57 86 216 561 265 57 89 414 102 265 57 90 526 865
1.1 Dossier preparation 17 7 5 879 712 17 7 5 945 970 17 7 6 166 490 17 7 6 243 232
1.2 Dossier submission and processing 19 17 11 504 671 19 17 13 378 432 19 17 13 874 602 19 17 14 047 272
1.3 Identification and prioritisation of
(groups of) substances 36 4 10 046 669 36 4 11 891 939 36 4 12 332 980 36 4 12 486 464
1.4 Evaluation 82 10 18 515 992 82 10 19 324 402 82 10 20 041 092 82 10 20 290 504
1.5 Authorisation 26 4 6 240 745 26 4 7 432 462 26 4 7 708 112 26 4 7 804 040
1.6 Restrictions 26 5 6 427 136 26 5 7 432 462 26 5 7 708 112 26 5 7 804 040
1.7 Classification and labelling 27 5 6 077 028 27 5 7 432 462 27 5 7 708 112 27 5 7 804 040
1.8 Data management 18 3 7 425 402 18 3 8 918 955 18 3 9 249 735 18 3 9 364 848
1.9 Making data publicly available 7 2 2 985 136 7 2 2 972 985 7 2 3 083 245 7 2 3 121 616
1.10 Promotion of alternatives to animal
testing 7 0 1 884 740 7 0 1 486 492 7 0 1 541 622 7 0 1 560 808
2. Biocides 44 11 12 363 134 44 11 13 378 432 44 11 13 874 602 44 11 14 047 272
3. Environmental policy18 17 8 5 426 534 37 22 16 636 420 37 22 18 639 390 37 22 18 965 590
4. Other tasks, including tasks under
grant, cooperation and service-level
12 8.5 1 304 712 12 8.5 784 712 12 8.5 784 712 12 8.5 784 712
5. Governance and enablers 138 60 38 987 181 142 63 44 994 830 142 63 46 908 151 142 63 47 508 554
Overall TOTAL 476 144.5 135 068 793 500 161.5 149 433 955 500 161.5 154 946 957 500 161.5 156 865 513
17 For 2025, this table includes the planned resources as per the adopted legislations. As of 2026, the table outlines the resources linked to the new legislative proposals pending adoption. ECHA
expects stable resources in the work areas of EUON, EUCLEF, OEL, IPA, PARC, IUCLID for EFSA and SCBTH. Although the resources are dependent on the renewal of certain agreements, continuity is presumed for the purposes of this planning exercise. Any changes to the continuity of the work or resources estimates will be reported in the next SPD update. 18 The planned resources for 2025 do not include the following posts which are subject to adoption of the legislative proposals: Water Framework, Groundwater and Environmental Quality
Standards (EQS) Directives - 7 TAs and 4 CAs; One Substance, One Assessment package 12 TAs and 8 CAs, in total €4,195,881. To indicate the potential growth in Environmental policy tasks, the figures for the period 2026 and onwards include the additional resources for these tasks.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 87
Annex III: Financial resources
Table 1: Revenue ECHA
2025 2026
Budget As requested by
the agency
EU contribution 94 843 960 104 331 157
Other revenue 44 420 714 45 102 798
Total revenues 139 264 674 149 433 955
2024 2025 2026 VAR
2026 / 2025
2027 2028 Executed Budget
Budget As requested by the agency
1 REVENUE FROM FEES AND CHARGES 34 308 851 39 034 561 40 036 807 3% 40 841 937 40 505 686
2. EU CONTRIBUTION 88 028 813 94 843 960 104 331 157 10% 108 836 384 111 013 112
of which Administrative (Title 1 and Title 2) 71 857 843 74 524 974 74 715 270 0% 76 720 881 78 356 329
of which Operational (Title 3) 10 557 039 18 829 699 29 477 838 57% 32 115 503 32 656 782
of which assigned revenues deriving from
previous years' surpluses 5 613 931 1 489 287 1 109 450 -26% 0 0
3 THIRD COUNTRIES CONTRIBUTION (incl. EFTA and candidate countries)
3 263 660 2 961 441 3 240 079 9% 3 403 924 3 472 003
of which EFTA 3 263 660 2 961 441 3 240 079 9% 3 403 924 3 472 003
of which Candidate Countries - 0 0
5 ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS 1 440 219 1 120 000 1 041 200 -7% 1 080 000 1 090 000
AGAINST PAYMENT 4 297 112 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
TOTAL REVENUES 131 338 655 139 264 674 149 433 955 7% 154 946 957 156 865 513
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 88
2025 2026
Budget As requested by
the agency
EU contribution 76 316 097 77 238 000
Other revenue 36 973 875 37 109 291
Total revenues 113 289 972 114 347 291
2024 2025 2026 VAR
2026 / 2025
2027 2028 Executed Budget
Budget As requested by the agency
1 REVENUE FROM FEES AND CHARGES 28 622 051 32 708 824 33 445 541 2% 33 674 993 33 674 993
2. EU CONTRIBUTION 74 806 000 76 316 097 77 238 000 1% 79 434 000 81 022 680
of which Administrative (Title 1 and Title 2) 63 236 199 63 159 290 63 281 851 0% 65 026 336 66 332 914
of which Operational (Title 3) 7 404 391 11 763 284 13 956 149 19% 14 407 664 14 689 766
of which assigned revenues deriving from previous years' surpluses
4 165 410 1 393 523 928 410 -33% 0 0
EFTA and candidate countries) 2 499 040 2 090 339 2 129 038 2% 2 216 209 2 260 533
of which EFTA 2 499 040 2 090 339 2 129 038 2% 2 216 209 2 260 533
of which Candidate Countries -
5 ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS 1 102 373 870 000 750 000 -14% 770 000 780 000
4 297 112 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
TOTAL REVENUES 111 326 576 113 289 972 114 347 291 1% 116 879 914 118 522 918
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 89
2025 2026
Budget As requested by
the agency
EU contribution 8 014 498 8 058 000
Other revenue 7 055 314 7 312 426
Total revenues 15 069 812 15 370 426
2024 2025 2026 VAR
2026 / 2025
2027 2028 Executed
estimated by
the agency
As requested by
the agency
1 REVENUE FROM FEES AND CHARGES 5 686 800 6 325 737 6 591 266 4% 7 166 944 6 830 693
2. EU CONTRIBUTION 7 831 585 8 014 498 8 058 000 1% 8 219 000 8 383 380
of which Administrative (Title 1 and Title 2) 5 083 293 6 501 349 6 485 194 0% 6 659 284 6 889 954
of which Operational (Title 3) 1 352 080 1 481 809 1 434 757 -3% 1 559 716 1 493 426
of which assigned revenues deriving from
previous years' surpluses 1 396 212 31 340 138 049 340%
3 THIRD COUNTRIES CONTRIBUTION (incl. EFTA and candidate countries)
573 487 579 577 581 160 0% 596 699 608 633
of which EFTA 19 573 487 579 577 581 160 0% 596 699 608 633
of which Candidate Countries 0 0 0 -
5 ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS 181 939 150 000 140 000 -7% 140 000 140 000
19 The amount is comprised of EFTA and Switzerland contributions, where the amounts per year are as follows:
2025 2026 2027 2028
EFTA 222 730 220 967 229 310 233 896
Switzerland 356 847 360 193 367 389 374 737
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 90
TOTAL REVENUES 14 273 811 15 069 812 15 370 426 2% 16 122 643 15 962 706
Environmental Policy
2025 2026 As requested
by the agency
As requested by
the agency
EU contribution 10 513 365 19 035 157
Other revenue 391 525 681 081
Total revenues 10 904 890 19 716 238
2024 2025 2026 VAR
2026 /
2027 2028 Executed
estimated by
the agency
As requested by
the agency
2. EU CONTRIBUTION 5 391 228 10 513 365 19 035 157 81% 21 183 384 21 607 052
of which Administrative (Title 1 and Title 2) 3 538 351 4 864 336 4 948 225 2% 5 035 261 5 133 461
of which Operational (Title 5) 1 800 568 5 584 605 14 086 932 152% 16 148 123 16 473 590
of which assigned revenues deriving from
previous years' surpluses 52 308 64 424 42 991 -33% 0 0
and candidate countries) 191 133 291 525 529 881 82% 591 016 602 837
of which EFTA 191 133 291 525 529 881 82% 591 016 602 837
of which Candidate Countries - 0 0
5 ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS 155 907 100 000 151 200 51% 170 000 170 000
TOTAL REVENUES 5 738 268 10 904 890 19 716 238 81% 21 944 400 22 379 889
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 91
Table 2: Expenditure ECHA
2025 2026 Commitment
appropriation s
appropriation s
appropriation s
Payment appropriations
Title 1 90 830 233 90 830 233 91 584 320 91 584 320
Title 2 19 177 922 19 177 922 18 954 228 18 954 228
Titles 3-6 29 263 544 29 256 519 39 267 907 38 895 407
Total expenditure 139 271 699 139 264 674 149 806 455 149 433 955
EXPENDITURE / Commitment appropriations 2024 2025
2026 VAR
2026 / 2025
2027 2028 Agency request
Title 1 Staff Expenditure 83 077 124 90 830 233 91 584 320 1% 94 090 847 95 217 052
11 Salaries & allowances 78 378 628 85 639 740 86 391 981 1% 88 804 483 89 881 536
- of which establishment plan posts 65 745 244 71 554 519 72 025 054 1% 74 150 216 74 934 180
- of which external personnel 9 271 153 10 595 221 10 807 127 2% 11 023 271 11 243 739
12 Expenditure relating to Staff recruitment 496 257 600 000 600 000 0% 600 000 600 000
Employer's pension contributions 3 362 231 3 490 000 3 559 800 2% 3 630 996 3 703 617
13 Mission expenses 18 770 24 481 24 972 2% 25 472 25 983
14 Socio-medical infrastructure 1 834 328 1 974 511 1 938 632 -2% 1 994 325 2 004 522
15 Training 568 989 689 000 702 782 2% 716 839 731 178
16 External Services 1 780 153 1 902 501 1 925 953 1% 1 949 728 1 973 833
17 Receptions and events 0 0 0 - 0 0
Title 2 Infrastructure and operating
expenditure 22 105 259 19 177 922 18 954 228 -1% 19 226 327 19 610 866
20 Rental of buildings and associated costs 8 531 901 8 790 202 8 966 008 2% 9 145 330 9 328 238
21 Information and communication
technology 12 883 109 9 769 266 9 137 389 -6% 9 320 141 9 506 547
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 92
22 Movable property and associated costs 159 178 68 003 69 364 2% 70 752 72 168
23 Current administrative expenditure 522 074 540 451 771 265 43% 679 696 693 296
24 Postage / Telecommunications 0 0 0 - 0 0
25 Meeting expenses 8 996 10 000 10 202 2% 10 408 10 617
Title 3 Operational expenditure REACH 16 217 153 19 313 155 20 892 144 8% 21 241 238 21 276 451
30 REACH 15 099 323 18 168 155 19 571 144 8% 19 990 238 20 025 451
31 MULTIANNUAL ACTIVITIES 617 815 795 000 1 071 000 35% 1 001 000 1 001 000
38 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES 500 015 350 000 250 000 -29% 250 000 250 000
Title 4 Operational expenditure BIOCIDES 2 441 849 2 786 274 3 000 086 8% 3 059 586 2 843 617
40 BIOCIDES 2 441 849 2 786 274 3 000 086 8% 3 059 586 2 843 617
Title 5 Operational expenditure ENV 1 958 107 5 859 403 14 590 965 149% 16 728 247 17 062 815
50 ENV 1 958 107 5 859 403 14 590 965 149% 16 728 247 17 062 815
Title 6 Other tasks 5 188 479 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
60 Other tasks 5 188 479 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 130 987 971 139 271 699 149 806 455 8% 155 130 957 156 795 513
EXPENDITURE / Payment appropriations 2024 2025
2026 VAR 2026 /
2027 2028 Agency request
Title 1 Staff Expenditure 83 077 124 90 830 233 91 584 320 1% 94 090 847 95 217 052
11 Salaries & allowances 78 378 628 85 639 740 86 391 981 1% 88 804 483 89 881 536
- of which establishment plan posts 65 745 244 71 554 519 72 025 054 1% 74 150 216 74 934 180
- of which external personnel 9 271 153 10 595 221 10 807 127 2% 11 023 271 11 243 739
12 Expenditure relating to Staff recruitment 496 257 600 000 600 000 0% 600 000 600 000
Employer's pension contributions 3 362 231 3 490 000 3 559 800 2% 3 630 996 3 703 617
13 Mission expenses 18 770 24 481 24 972 2% 25 472 25 983
14 Socio-medical infrastructure 1 834 328 1 974 511 1 938 632 -2% 1 994 325 2 004 522
15 Training 568 989 689 000 702 782 2% 716 839 731 178
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 93
16 External Services 1 780 153 1 902 501 1 925 953 1% 1 949 728 1 973 833
17 Receptions and events 0 0 0 - 0 0
Title 2 Infrastructure and operating expenditure
22 105 259 19 177 922 18 954 228 -1% 19 226 327 19 610 866
20 Rental of buildings and associated costs 8 531 901 8 790 202 8 966 008 2% 9 145 330 9 328 238
21 Information and communication technology
12 883 109 9 769 266 9 137 389 -6% 9 320 141 9 506 547
22 Movable property and associated costs 159 178 68 003 69 364 2% 70 752 72 168
23 Current administrative expenditure 522 074 540 451 771 265 43% 679 696 693 296
24 Postage / Telecommunications 0 0 0 - 0 0
25 Meeting expenses 8 996 10 000 10 202 2% 10 408 10 617
Title 3 Operational expenditure REACH 16 419 187 19 306 130 20 519 644 6% 21 057 238 21 346 451
30 REACH 15 099 323 18 168 155 19 571 144 8% 19 990 238 20 025 451
31 MULTIANNUAL ACTIVITIES 814 001 687 975 698 500 2% 817 000 1 071 000
38 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES 505 864 450 000 250 000 -44% 250 000 250 000
Title 4 Operational expenditure BIOCIDES 2 441 849 2 786 274 3 000 086 8% 3 059 586 2 843 617
40 BIOCIDES 2 441 849 2 786 274 3 000 086 8% 3 059 586 2 843 617
Title 5 Operational expenditure ENV 1 958 107 5 859 403 14 590 965 149% 16 728 247 17 062 815
50 ENV 1 958 107 5 859 403 14 590 965 149% 16 728 247 17 062 815
Title 6 Other tasks 5 188 479 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
60 Other tasks 5 188 479 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 131 190 005 139 264 674 149 433 955 7% 154 946 957 156 865 513
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 94
2025 2026 Commitment appropriation
Payment appropriation
Commitment appropriation
Payment appropriations
Title 1 76 838 171 76 838 171 77 386 753 77 386 753
Title 2 15 840 959 15 840 959 15 656 182 15 656 182
Title 3 19 313 155 19 306 130 20 892 144 20 519 644
Total expenditure 111 992 285 111 985 260 113 935 079 113 562 579
EXPENDITURE / Commitment appropriations 2024 2025
2026 VAR 2026 /
2027 2028 Agency request
Title 1 Staff Expenditure 71 315 955 76 838 171 77 386 753 1% 79 157 036 80 193 204
11 Salaries & allowances 67 320 981 72 463 119 73 013 644 1% 74 700 102 75 694 306
- of which establishment plan posts 57 205 272 61 398 999 61 728 241 1% 63 188 990 63 952 970
- of which external personnel 7 243 851 8 114 120 8 276 403 2% 8 441 932 8 610 772
12 Expenditure relating to Staff recruitment 385 246 449 120 449 120 0% 449 120 449 120
Employer's pension contributions 2 871 858 2 950 000 3 009 000 2% 3 069 180 3 130 564
13 Mission expenses 15 617 20 368 20 776 2% 21 192 21 616
14 Socio-medical infrastructure 1 526 161 1 630 945 1 596 500 -2% 1 647 308 1 655 729
15 Training 473 399 569 114 580 497 2% 592 107 603 950
16 External Services 1 594 552 1 705 505 1 726 216 1% 1 747 207 1 768 483
17 Receptions and events 0 0 0 - 0 0
Title 2 Infrastructure and operating expenditure
18 425 175 15 840 959 15 656 182 -1% 15 880 928 16 198 551
20 Rental of buildings and associated costs 7 098 542 7 260 706 7 405 921 2% 7 554 040 7 705 121
21 Information and communication technology
10 752 347 8 069 413 7 547 481 -6% 7 698 432 7 852 402
22 Movable property and associated costs 132 437 56 169 57 293 2% 58 439 59 608
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 95
23 Current administrative expenditure 434 366 446 411 637 061 43% 561 422 572 653
24 Postage / Telecommunications 0 0 0 - 0 0
25 Meeting expenses 7 484 8 260 8 426 2% 8 595 8 767
Title 3 Operational expenditure 16 217 153 19 313 155 20 892 144 8% 21 241 238 21 276 451
30 REACH 15 099 323 18 168 155 19 571 144 8% 19 990 238 20 025 451
31 MULTIANNUAL ACTIVITIES 617 815 795 000 1 071 000 35% 1 001 000 1 001 000
38 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES 500 015 350 000 250 000 -29% 250 000 250 000
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 105 958 283 111 992 285 113 935 079 2% 116 279 202 117 668 206
EXPENDITURE / Payment appropriations 2024 2025
2026 VAR 2026 /
2027 2028 Agency request
Title 1 Staff Expenditure 71 315 955 76 838 171 77 386 753 1% 79 157 036 80 193 204
11 Salaries & allowances 67 320 981 72 463 119 73 013 644 1% 74 700 102 75 694 306
- of which establishment plan posts 57 205 272 61 398 999 61 728 241 1% 63 188 990 63 952 970
- of which external personnel 7 243 851 8 114 120 8 276 403 2% 8 441 932 8 610 772
12 Expenditure relating to Staff recruitment 385 246 449 120 449 120 0% 449 120 449 120
Employer's pension contributions 2 871 858 2 950 000 3 009 000 2% 3 069 180 3 130 564
13 Mission expenses 15 617 20 368 20 776 2% 21 192 21 616
14 Socio-medical infrastructure 1 526 161 1 630 945 1 596 500 -2% 1 647 308 1 655 729
15 Training 473 399 569 114 580 497 2% 592 107 603 950
16 External Services 1 594 552 1 705 505 1 726 216 1% 1 747 207 1 768 483
17 Receptions and events 0 0 0 - 0 0
Title 2 Infrastructure and operating expenditure
18 425 175 15 840 959 15 656 182 -1% 15 880 928 16 198 551
20 Rental of buildings and associated costs 7 098 542 7 260 706 7 405 921 2% 7 554 040 7 705 121
21 Information and communication
technology 10 752 347 8 069 413 7 547 481 -6% 7 698 432 7 852 402
22 Movable property and associated costs 132 437 56 169 57 293 2% 58 439 59 608
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 96
23 Current administrative expenditure 434 366 446 411 637 061 43% 561 422 572 653
24 Postage / Telecommunications 0 0 0 - 0 0
25 Meeting expenses 7 484 8 260 8 426 2% 8 595 8 767
Title 3 Operational expenditure 16 419 187 19 306 130 20 519 644 6% 21 057 238 21 346 451
30 REACH 15 099 323 18 168 155 19 571 144 8% 19 990 238 20 025 451
31 MULTIANNUAL ACTIVITIES 814 001 687 975 698 500 2% 817 000 1 071 000
38 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES 505 864 450 000 250 000 -44% 250 000 250 000
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 106 160 318 111 985 260 113 562 579 1% 116 095 202 117 738 206
2025 2026 Commitment
appropriation s
appropriation s
appropriation s
Title 1 10 116 432 10 116 432 10 228 510 10 228 510
Title 2 2 167 106 2 167 106 2 141 830 2 141 830
Title 4 2 786 274 2 786 274 3 000 086 3 000 086
Total expenditure 15 069 812 15 069 812 15 370 426 15 370 426
EXPENDITURE / Commitment and Payment appropriations
2024 2025
2026 VAR 2026 / 2025
2027 2028
Agency request
Title 1 Staff Expenditure 9 204 749 10 116 432 10 228 510 1% 10 890 476 10 903 053
11 Salaries & allowances 8 726 883 9 639 101 9 746 855 1% 10 404 417 10 412 507
- of which establishment plan posts 7 112 715 7 700 000 7 768 971 1% 8 386 975 8 354 715
- of which external personnel 1 123 794 1 399 101 1 427 084 2% 1 455 626 1 484 739
12 Expenditure relating to Staff recruitment 97 025 63 560 63 560 0% 63 560 63 560
Employer's pension contributions 490 374 540 000 550 800 2% 561 816 573 053
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 97
13 Mission expenses 2 140 2 791 2 847 2% 2 904 2 963
14 Socio-medical infrastructure 209 113 223 120 224 229 0% 225 360 226 513
15 Training 64 865 77 857 79 415 2% 81 004 82 625
16 External Services 104 723 110 003 111 604 1% 113 231 114 885
17 Receptions and events 0 0 0 - 0 0
Title 2 Infrastructure and operating expenditure
2 497 199 2 167 106 2 141 830 -1% 2 172 581 2 216 036
20 Rental of buildings and associated costs 972 637 993 293 1 013 159 2% 1 033 423 1 054 092
21 Information and communication technology
1 445 874 1 103 927 1 032 525 -6% 1 053 177 1 074 241
22 Movable property and associated costs 18 146 7 685 7 839 2% 7 996 8 156
23 Current administrative expenditure 59 516 61 071 87 154 43% 76 808 78 346
24 Postage / Telecommunications 0 0 0 - 0 0
25 Meeting expenses 1 025 1 130 1 153 2% 1 177 1 201
Title 4 Operational expenditure 2 441 849 2 786 274 3 000 086 8% 3 059 586 2 843 617
40 BIOCIDES 2 441 849 2 786 274 3 000 086 8% 3 059 586 2 843 617
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 14 143 797 15 069 812 15 370 426 2% 16 122 643 15 962 706
Environmental policy
2025 2026
Commitment appropriation
Payment appropriation
Commitment appropriation
Payment appropriations
Title 1 3 875 630 3 875 630 3 969 057 3 969 057
Title 2 1 169 857 1 169 857 1 156 216 1 156 216
Title 5 5 859 403 5 859 403 14 590 965 14 590 965
Total expenditure 10 904 890 10 904 890 19 716 238 19 716 238
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 98
EXPENDITURE / Commitment and Payment
appropriations 2024 2025
VAR 2026 / 2025 2027 2028
Agency request
Title 1 Staff Expenditure 2 556 421 3 875 630 3 969 057 2% 4 043 335 4 120 795
11 Salaries & allowances 2 330 764 3 537 520 3 631 482 3% 3 699 964 3 774 723
- of which establishment plan posts 1 427 257 2 455 520 2 527 842 3% 2 574 251 2 626 495
- of which external personnel 903 507 1 082 000 1 103 640 6% 1 125 713 1 148 228
12 Expenditure relating to Staff recruitment 13 986 87 320 87 320 0% 87 320 87 320
Employer's pension contributions 0 0 0 - 0 0
13 Mission expenses 1 014 1 322 1 349 2% 1 376 1 404
14 Socio-medical infrastructure 99 054 120 446 117 903 -2% 121 657 122 280
15 Training 30 725 42 029 42 870 2% 43 728 44 603
16 External Services 80 878 86 993 88 133 1% 89 290 90 465
17 Receptions and events 0 0 0 - 0 0
Title 2 Infrastructure and operating expenditure 1 182 884 1 169 857 1 156 216 -1% 1 172 818 1 196 279
20 Rental of buildings and associated costs 460 723 536 203 546 928 2% 557 867 569 025
21 Information and communication technology 684 888 595 926 557 383 -6% 568 532 579 904
22 Movable property and associated costs 8 596 4 149 4 232 2% 4 317 4 404
23 Current administrative expenditure 28 192 32 969 47 050 43% 41 466 42 297
24 Postage / Telecommunications 0 0 0 - 0 0
25 Meeting expenses 486 610 623 2% 636 649
Title 5 Operational expenditure 1 958 107 5 859 403 14 590 965 149% 16 728 247 17 062 815
50 ENV 1 958 107 5 859 403 14 590 965 149% 16 728 247 17 062 815
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 5 697 412 10 904
890 19 716 238 81% 21 944 400 22 379 889
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 99
Other tasks
EXPENDITURE / Commitment and Payment
appropriations 2024 2025
VAR 2026 / 2025 2027 2028
Agency request
Title 6 Operational expenditure 5 188 479 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
6000 IPA programme 185 892 tbc tbc - tbc tbc
6010 EUON 844 452 tbc tbc - tbc tbc
6011 EUCLEF 1 607 166 tbc tbc - tbc tbc
6020 OELs 950 210 tbc tbc - tbc tbc
6021 Further development of IUCLID (as co-
investments from third parties) 1 600 758 784 712 784 712 0% 784 712 784 712
6022 Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health
(SCBTH) 520 000
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 5 188 479 1 304 712 784 712 -40% 784 712 784 712
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 100
Table 3: Budget outturn and cancellation of appropriations
Budget outturn 2022 2023 2024
Revenue actually received (+) 103 843 022 105 374 686 111 375 356
Payments made (-) -87 607 470 -92 464 683 -97 730 392
Carry-over of appropriations (-) -17 082 211 -16 292 777 -17 778 364
Cancellation of appropriations carried over (+) 184 535 143 554 67 774
Adjustment for carry over of assigned revenue appropriations from previous year (+) 4 830 587 4 641 672 5 002 211
Exchange rate differences (+/-) -3 052 -8 929 -8 175
Adjustment for negative balance from previous year (-)
Total 4 165 410 1 393 523 928 410
Budget outturn 2022 2023 2024
Revenue actually received (+) 14 373 921 13 104 870 14 273 813
Payments made (-) -10 807 744 -11 482 684 -12 200 480
Carry-over of appropriations (-) -2 151 735 -1 602 791 -1 943 550
Cancellation of appropriations carried over (+) 16 122 12 444 13 965
Adjustment for carry over of assigned revenue appropriations from previous year (+) 25 506 731 233
Exchange rate differences (+/-)
Adjustment for negative balance from previous year (-)
Total 1 456 071 32 570 143 980
20 The amount of EUR 479 223.80 in 2024 remained uncommitted and is cancelled. 21 The amount of EUR 54 600.51 in 2024 remained uncommitted and is cancelled.
The total 2024 outturn of EUR 143 979.65 consist of the Pre-financing remaining open to be reimbursed by agency to Commission in year 2025 totalling EUR 138 049.20 and Pre-financing remaining open to be offset in year 2025 from the contribution of the Swiss Confederation, totalling EUR 5 930.45.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 101
Environmental Directives and International Conventions (PIC, POPs, Waste Framework Directive, Drinking Water Directive, 8th
Environmental Action Programme, Batteries Regulation and Industrial Emissions Directive)22
Budget outturn 2022 2023 2024
Revenue actually received (+) 4 844 983 5 139 326 5 738 269
Payments made (-) -3 203 975 -3 385 037 -4 029 943
Carry-over of appropriations (-) -1 597 685 -1 696 866 -1 667 493
Cancellation of appropriations carried over (+) 5 406 7 001 2 135
Adjustment for carry over of assigned revenue appropriations from previous year (+) 3 580 - 25
Exchange rate differences (+/-)
Adjustment for negative balance from previous year (-)
Total 52 308 64 424 42 991
22 The amount of EUR 48 378.39 in 2024 remained uncommitted and is cancelled
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 102
Annex IV: Human resources - quantitative23
Table 1: Overview of all categories of staff – REACH/CLP – BPR – Environmental policy – Other tasks
A: Statutory staff and SNE
S ta
ff p
o p
u la
ti o n
2024 2025 2026
Authorised staff24 Actually filled as of
31.12.202425 Occupancy/ Execution rate, % Envisaged staff26 Envisaged staff27
H /
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
H /
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
H /
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
H /
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
H /
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
AD 310 43 17 370 303 41 10 354 98% 95% 59% 96% 310 43 33 386 310 43 38 391
AST 94 9 6 109 90 9 6 105 96% 100% 100% 96% 94 9 6 109 94 9 6 109
Total AD+AST 404 52 23 479 393 50 16 459 97% 96% 70% 96% 404 52 39 495 404 52 44 500
Total CA28
97 15 15 14.5 141.5 94 14 11 13 132 97% 93% 73% 90% 93% 97 15 24 15.5 151.5 97 15 29 15.5 156.5
SNE 3 2 0 5 1 1 2 33% 50% 40% 3 2 0 5 3 2 5
Total 504 69 38 14.5 625.5 488 65 27 13 593 97% 94% 71% 90% 95% 504 69 63 15.5 651.5 504 69 73 15.5 661.5
23 As per the Commission’s request, this table also outlines the expected resources to be allocated to the Agency as of 2025, in accordance with the new legislative statements pending adoption. 24 The posts related to the Water directives (7 TAs and 4 CAs) were expected to come to ECHA during 2024 and were foreseen in the Authorised budget. However, the posts were not received in
2024. This negatively affects the 'posts filled' ratio. 25 Under external recruitment: 2 TAs REACH and 1 CA BIOCIDES. 26 The indicated figures include the following posts, which are subject to adoption of the legislative proposals: Water Framework, Groundwater and Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) Directives
7 TAs and 4 CAs; One-Substance-One-Assessment package 12 TAs and 8 CAs. 27 Envisaged staff 2026- 2028: ECHA expects stable resources in the work areas of EUON, EUCLEF, OEL, IPA, PARC, IUCLID for EFSA and SCBTH. Although the resources are dependent on the
renewal of certain agreements, continuity is presumed for the clarity of this planning exercise. Any changes to the continuity of the work or resources estimates will be reported in the next SPD update. 28 CA Headcount.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 103
S ta
ff p
o p
u la
ti o n
2027 2028
Envisaged staff Envisaged staff
/ C
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
/ C
B io
c id
e s
E n
v ir
o n
m e n
ta l
p o
li c y
O th
e r t
a s k s
AD 310 43 39 392 310 43 39 392
AST 94 9 6 109 94 9 6 109
Total AD+AST 404 52 45 501 404 52 45 501
Total CA29
97 15 28 15.5 155.5 97 15 28 15.5 155.5
SNE 3 2 5 3 2 5
Total 504 69 73 15.5 661.5 504 69 73 15.5 661.5
29 CA Headcount.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 104
Split of the posts for Environmental policy and Other tasks30
Posts for
Posts for
Posts for
Posts for
Posts for
PIC 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1
POP 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
WFD31 5 5 5 5 5
DWD 3 2 6 3 7 3 8 3 8 3
8th Environmental Action Programme of the EU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Batteries Regulation 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) 3 3 3 3 3
Water Directives 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 7 4
Packaging and packaging waste legislation 1 1 1 1
RoHs Directive 3 4 3 4 3 4 3
ELV Directive 1 1 1 1
Data regulation 7 8 9 10 9 10 9 10
TOTAL Environmental policy 23 15 39 24 44 29 45 28 45 28
EUON 3 3 3 3 3
OEL 4 4 4 4 4
EUCLEF - - - - - - - - - -
IUCLID for EFSA32 4 4 4 4 4
IPA 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
PARC33 2 2 2 2 2
SCBTH - 1 1 1 1
TOTAL Other tasks 0 14.5 0 15.5 0 15.5 0 15.5 0 15.5
30 ECHA expects stable resources in the work areas of EUON, EUCLEF, OEL, IPA, PARC, IUCLID for EFSA and SCBTH. Although the resources are dependent on the renewal of certain agreements,
continuity is presumed for the purposes of this planning exercise. Any changes to the continuity of the work or resources estimates will be reported in the next SPD update. 31 In 2021, 8 FTEs temporarily redeployed from REACH/CLP to the Environmental policy budget line to perform the work related to the Waste Framework Directive (WFD). As of 2023, 3 FTEs
redeployed back to REACH/CLP, while 5 FTEs temporarily remain on the Environmental policy budget line for the WFD. 32 Human resources for IUCLID for EFSA are on loan from EFSA. 33 As of June 2021, the activity is financed from the REACH/CLP budget.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 105
B: Additional external staff expected to be financed from grant, contributions or service-level
Human Resources Year 2025 Year 2026 Year 2027 Year 2028
Envisaged FTE Envisaged FTE Envisaged FTE Envisaged FTE
Contract Agents (CA)35 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5
Seconded National Experts (SNE) 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5
C. Other Human Resources
Structural service providers36 In place as at 31/12/2024
Interim workers Total FTEs as at
Security 5 Number 29.58
34 ECHA expects stable resources in the work areas of EUON, EUCLEF, OEL, IPA, PARC, IUCLID for EFSA and SCBTH. Although the resources are dependent on the renewal of certain agreements,
continuity is presumed for the purposes of this planning exercise. Any changes to the continuity of the work or resources estimates will be reported in the next SPD update. 35 Planning covers 2025-2028 as follows EUON: 3 CAs, OEL: 4 CAs, IUCLID as service for EFSA: 4 CAs, IPA: 1.5 CAs, 1 SCBTH. 36 Service providers are contracted by a private company and carry out specialised outsourced tasks of a horizontal/support nature. Aligned with the Commission, the following general criteria are
fulfilled: 1) no individual contract with the Commission 2) on the Commission premises, usually with a PC and desk 3) administratively followed by the Commission (badge, etc.) and 4) contributing to the added value of the Commission.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 106
Table 2: Multiannual staff policy plan
C a te
g o
r y a
n d
g r a d
budget37 Posts actually filled
as of
Envisaged establishment plan
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
AD 16 0
0 0
AD 15 0
0 0
0 1
AD 14 6
6 3
3 6
6 6
6 6
6 5
AD 13 13 1
14 4
4 11 1
12 11 1
12 11 1
12 11 1
AD 12 12 2
14 11 1
12 15 2
17 15 2
17 15 2
17 15 2
AD 11 30 1
31 17 1
18 31 1
32 31 1
32 31 1
32 31 1
AD 10 41 5
46 46 6
52 51 12
63 51 12
63 51 12
63 51 12
AD 9 60 10 1 71 41 7 1 49 60 8 1 69 60 8 1 69 60 8 1 69 60 8 1 69
AD 8 52 9
61 60 7
67 67 12 2 81 67 12 2 81 67 12 2 81 67 12 2 81
AD 7 53 9 6 68 48 4 1 53 58 6 19 83 58 6 24 88 58 6 25 89 58 6 25 89
AD 6 27 5 10 42 41 9 4 54 10 1 11 22 10 1 11 22 10 1 11 22 10 1 11 22
AD 5 16 1
17 32 6 4 42 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
Total AD 310 43 17 370 303 41 10 354 310 43 33 386 310 43 38 391 310 43 39 392 310 43 39 392
37 To note that the posts related to the Water directives (3 TAs and 4 CAs) were expected to come to ECHA during the year 2024 and were foreseen in the Authorised budget. However, the posts
were not received in 2024. 38 Under external recruitment: REACH: 2 TAs and BIOCIDES: 1 CA.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 107
C a te
g o
r y a
n d
g r a d
budget37 Posts actually filled
as of
Envisaged establishment plan
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
/C L P
B io
c id
e s
E n v ir o n m
e n ta
l p o li c y
AST 11 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST 9 3
3 0 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
AST 8 8
8 6
6 12
12 12
12 12
12 12
AST 7 10 1 2 13 12
12 23 2
25 23 2
25 23 2
25 23 2
AST 6 18 1
19 18 1 1 20 23 2 1 26 23 2 1 26 23 2 1 26 23 2 1 26
AST 5 26 3 2 31 17 2
19 24 2 3 29 24 2 3 29 24 2 3 29 24 2 3 29
AST 4 16 3 2 21 10 4 3 17 6 2 1 9 6 2 1 9 6 2 1 9 6 2 1 9
AST 3 10 1
11 13 2
15 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 4
AST 2 3
3 14
2 16 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
0 0
Total AST 94 9 6 109 90 9 6 105 94 9 6 109 94 9 6 109 94 9 6 109 94 9 6 109
AST/SC 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST/SC 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST/SC 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST/SC 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST/SC 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
AST/SC 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
AD+AST 404 52 23 479 393 50 16 459 404 52 39 495 404 52 44 500 404 52 45 501 404 52 45 501
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 108
• External personnel
Contract Agents39
Contract agents
FTE corresponding
to the
authorised budget 2024
Executed FTE as at
Headcount as at
FTE corresponding
to the
authorised budget 2025
FTE corresponding
to the
authorised budget 2026
FTE corresponding
to the
authorised budget 202741
FTE corresponding
to the
authorised budget 2028
Function Group IV 59 38.55 38 68 73 73 73
Function Group III 63 72.70 73 74 83 82 82
Function Group II 19.5 19.21 20 9.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Function Group I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 141.5 130.46 131 151.5 156.5 155.5 155.5
Seconded National Experts
Seconded National Experts
corresponding to the
authorised budget 2024
Executed FTE as at
Headcount as
at 31/12/2024
corresponding to the
authorised budget 2025
corresponding to the
authorised budget 2026
corresponding to the
authorised budget 2027
corresponding to the
authorised budget 2028
TOTAL 5 1.26 2 5 5 5 5
39 Data in the table includes CAs engaged under REACH/CLP, Biocides, Environmental policy, and Other Tasks. 40 Data in the table includes statutory staff in place on the indicated date. Posts under recruitment are not included. 41 ECHA expects stable resources in the work areas of EUON, EUCLEF, OEL, IPA, PARC, IUCLID for EFSA and SCBTH. Although the resources are dependent on the renewal of certain agreements,
continuity is presumed for the clarity of this planning exercise. Any changes to the continuity of the work or resources estimates will be reported in the next SPD update.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 109
Table 3: Recruitment forecasts for 2025 following retirement/mobility or new requested posts (Information on the entry level
for each type of posts: indicative table42)
Job title in the Agency
Type of contract TA/Official CA
(Official, TA or CA)
Function group/grade of recruitment
internal (Brackets) and external
(single grade) foreseen for
Function Group
(I, II, III and IV) Due to foreseen
New post
requested due to
additional tasks
Toxicologist Due to turnover CA IV
Ecotoxicologist Due to turnover CA IV
Scientific Officer - Toxicologist Due to turnover AD 5-7 AD 6
Scientific Officer - Environmental
fate Due to turnover AD 5-7 AD 6
Regulatory Officer (EU environment,
e.g. RoHs, Water, etc) Due to turnover X AD 5-7 AD 6
Communications Officer Due to turnover AD 5 -7 AD 5
Scientific Officer - Exposure
assessment Due to turnover AD 5-7 AD 6
IT officer (product manager, IT
solutions Architect, project
manager, application management,
service manager)
Due to turnover AD 5-7 AD 6
Governance Officer Due to turnover AD 5-7 AD 5
IT Assistant Due to turnover CA III
Data management and analysis Due to turnover AD 5 - 7 AD 5
Regulatory Assistant Due to turnover CA III
Risk assessment Due to turnover AD 5- 7 AD 5
42 To be updated in 2025. 43 Indication of both is required.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 110
Annex V: Human resources - qualitative
A. Recruitment policy
Implementing rules in place:
Yes No
If no, which other implementing
rules are in place
Engagement of CA Model Decision
C(2019)3016 X
Engagement of TA Model Decision
C(2015)1509 X
Middle management Model decision
C(2018)2542 X
Type of posts Model Decision C(2018)8800
B. Appraisal of performance and reclassification/promotions
Table 1: Reclassification of temporary staff/promotion of officials
Implementing rules in place:
Yes No
If no, which
implementing rules are in place
Reclassification of TA MB/12/2023 X
Reclassification of CA Model Decision C(2015)9561 X
Average seniority in the grade among reclassified staff
Grades 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Actual weighted average over 5
Average over 5 years
(According to
decision C(2015)9563)
AD05 N/A N/A 2.75 N/A 10.92 4.18 2.8
AD06 3.34 3.57 4.34 4.07 5.06 4.10 2.8
AD07 3.31 4.17 4.44 4.41 4.56 4.20 2.8
AD08 4.84 5.28 5.04 3.92 5.73 5.07 3
AD09 6.00 6.13 5.28 5.58 7.12 6.02 4
AD10 4.50 4.32 5.00 5.00 8.58 5.94 4
AD11 4.00 N/A 10.00 6.34 7.34 6.88 4
AD12 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4.38 4.38 6.7
AD13 5.63 N/A N/A N/A 11.00 8.32 6.7
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 111
Average seniority in the grade among reclassified staff
Grades 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Actual weighted average over 5
Average over 5
years (According to
AST1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3
AST2 3.35 2.68 5.48 2.96 3.85 3.43 3
AST3 3.67 4.00 4.00 2.84 3.32 4.09 3
AST4 4.02 4.10 4.96 4.60 5.00 4.31 3
AST5 3.75 6.44 4.20 4.34 4.84 4.72 4
AST6 5.00 3.17 4.34 3.50 5.00 4.05 4
AST7 4.50 4.00 N/A 5.00 5.50 4.83 4
AST8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4
AST10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5
AST/SC3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5.9
AST/SC4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6.7
AST/SC5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.3
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 112
Table 2: Reclassification of contract staff
Function Group
Grade Staff in activity
How many staff members
reclassified in 2024
Average number of
years in grade
of reclassified staff members
Average number of
years in grade of reclassified staff
members according
to Decision
17 3 0 N/A Between 6 and 10 y
16 9 0 N/A Between 5 and 7 y
15 12 1 4.00 Between 4 and 6 y
14 16 5 3.35 Between 3 and 5 y
13 1 0 N/A Between 3 and 5 y
11 14 1 6.00 Between 6 and 10 y years 10 29 6 5.17 Between 5 and 7 y
9 13 2 4.69 Between 4 and 6 y
8 1 0 N/A Between 3 and 5 y
6 11 0 N/A Between 6 and 10 y
5 13 3 5.24 Between 5 and 7 y
4 2 1 5.96 Between 3 and 5 y
CA I 2 0 0 N/A Between 6 and 10 y
1 0 0 N/A Between 3 and 5 y
The Agency's policy on performance appraisal and promotion/reclassification – short
Following the extensive work of the Inter-Agency Standing Working Group, ECHA’s has adopted by analogy in 2015 a new policy with respect to performance appraisal articulated in the ECHA
Decision (MB/27/2015) on performance appraisal of temporary agents and contracts agents
dated 18 June 2015, (implementing Article 15(2) of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (CEOS) and first paragraph of Article 44 of the Staff Regulations
(for temporary agents) and Article 87(1) of the CEOS and first paragraph of Article 44 of the
Staff Regulations (for contract agents).
ECHA’s policy with respect to promotion/reclassification is articulated in the ECHA Decision (MB/12/2023) on the policy and procedure for the reclassification of temporary agents dated 21
August 2023 (implementing Article 54 of the CEOS) and in the ECHA Decision (MB/06/2016) on the policy and procedure for the reclassification of Contract Agents dated 17 March 2016
(implementing Article 87(3) of the CEOS).
As a guiding principle, ECHA’s establishment plan evolution and the annual reclassification exercise is carried out in line with the multiplication rate for guiding the average career
equivalence as provided for in Article 6 and Annex IB of the Staff Regulations, and on the basis
of comparative merit and budgetary availability. This is applicable for temporary agents.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 113
C. Gender representation
Table 1 - Data as at 31/12/2024 statutory staff (only officials, TA and CA)44
Official Temporary
Agents Grand Total
Staff % Staff
% of
Grand Total
% of
Grand Total
% of
Grand Total
Administrator level 162 35% 20 15% 182 31%
Assistant level (AST & AST/SC)
80 18% 62 47% 142 24%
Total 242 53% 82 63% 324 55%
Administrator level 190 42% 18 14% 208 35%
Assistant level
(AST & AST/SC) 25 5% 31 24% 56 10%
Total 215 47% 49 37% 264 45%
Grand Total
457 100% 131 100% 588 100%
Table 2 - Data45 regarding gender evolution over 5 years of the Middle and Senior
2020 2024
Number % Number %
Female Managers 8 26% 10 29%
Male Managers 23 74% 24 71%
44 Data in the table includes statutory staff in place on the indicated date. Posts under recruitment are not included. 45 Data in the table includes statutory staff in place on the indicated date. Posts under recruitment are not included. 46 Staff defined as middle manager by the applicable General Implementing provisions on middle management.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 114
ECHA’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan
This non-exhaustive plan puts into practice ECHA’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, as
expressed in its Charter47. It includes key elements of focus in this area for the period 2023-
2024 and beyond. ECHA will develop a dedicated action plan for period 2025-2026 in Q1 2025.
• Awareness raising on diversity and inclusion o Develop and publish dedicated content on ECHA’s intranet, which promotes an
inclusive working environment free of any kind of discrimination; o Provide and promote relevant training opportunities to ECHA staff;
o Provide dedicated content in management development activities, e.g. management seminars, and facilitate sharing best practices in this context;
o Appoint management representatives to ECHA’s D&I Working Group.
• Support for internal diversity and inclusion initiatives
o Support the members of ECHA’s LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex or queer) network in networking and awareness-raising;
o Facilitate the on-going dialogue between ECHA’s Staff Committee and management on their views and future actions regarding diversity and inclusion.
• Attract female managerial talent
o Pro-actively communicate ECHA’s commitment to diversity, inclusive
organisational culture, well-being and work-life balance, and strengthen ECHA’s employer brand;
o Increase visibility of ECHA’s female managers; o Increase efforts to secure gender balance of 50% among team leaders;
o Communicate internally and externally in an inclusive way.
• Conduct diverse and inclusive recruitment processes (in terms of Selection Committee composition and candidate experience).
• Harvest learnings from the EUAN Working Group on diversity & inclusion.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 115
D. Geographical balance
Explanatory figures to highlight nationalities of staff (split per Administrator/CA FG
IV and Assistant /CA FG I, II, III)
Table 1 - Data as at 31/12/2024 - statutory staff only (officials, TA and CA)48
Nationality code
% of total staff
members in AD and
FG IV categories
% of total staff
and FG I, II and III
of total staff
Austrian AT 5 1% 2 1% 7 1%
Belgian BE 20 5% 4 2% 24 4%
Bulgarian BG 8 2% 9 5% 17 3%
Croatian HR 0 0% 2 1% 2 0%
Cypriot CY 1 0% 0 0% 1 0%
Czech CZ 2 1% 2 1% 4 1%
German DE 22 6% 2 1% 24 4%
Danish DK 1 0% 1 1% 2 0%
Dutch NL 15 4% 3 1% 18 3%
Estonian EE 2 1% 5 3% 7 1%
Spanish ES 28 7% 11 6% 39 7%
Finnish FI 107 27% 83 42% 190 32%
French FR 35 9% 10 5% 45 8%
Greek GR 21 5% 11 6% 32 5%
Hungarian HU 6 2% 7 4% 13 2%
Irish IE 16 4% 2 1% 18 3%
Icelandic IS 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Italian IT 38 10% 14 7% 52 9%
Liechtenstein LI 1 0% 0 0% 1 0%
Lithuanian LT 4 1% 3 2% 7 1%
Latvian LV 4 1% 4 2% 8 1%
Maltese MT 3 1% 0 0% 3 1%
Norwegian NO 1 0% 0 0% 1 0%
Polish PL 15 4% 6 3% 21 4%
Portuguese PT 13 3% 2 1% 15 3%
Romanian RO 10 3% 8 4% 18 3%
Slovakian SK 3 1% 2 1% 5 1%
Slovenian SI 4 1% 4 2% 8 1%
Swedish SE 5 1% 1 1% 6 1%
48 Data in the table includes statutory staff in place on the indicated date. Posts under recruitment are not included.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 116
Table 2 - Evolution over 5 years of the most represented nationality in the Agency
Most represented nationality49 2020 2024
Number % Number %
Finnish 181 32% 190 32%
In case of significant continuous imbalance, please explain and detail the action plan
implemented in the Agency:
• ECHA’s commitment to diversity is highlighted in the Charter on Diversity and Inclusion and in a dedicated section for equal opportunities in the vacancy notice where qualified
candidates of under-represented nationalities are encouraged to submit their application; • Vacancies advertised on EU-wide platforms;
• Raise awareness of managers regarding diversity and inclusion through dedicated content in management seminars and sharing best practices;
• Raise awareness of external audience of ECHA’s commitment to diversity, inclusive
organisational culture, well-being and work-life balance through social media and revamp of the ‘Jobs’ section on the ECHA website;
• Geographical balance of staff is considered at the stage of recruitment.
E. Schooling
Agreement in place with the European School(s) of Helsinki Yes No
Contribution agreements signed with the EC on type I European schools No
Contribution agreements signed with the EC on type II European schools Yes
Number of service contracts in place with international schools: N/A
Description of any other solutions or actions in place: N/A
49 Data in the table includes statutory staff in place on the indicated date. Posts under recruitment are not included.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 117
Annex VI: Environment management
Context of the Agency and its environmental management strategy
ECHA has a quality and environmental management system in place, aligned with the Integrated Management System strategy, which commits to incorporating sustainability measures within the
internal follow-up of actions and reporting.
Overview of the Agency's environmental management system
Since 2016, ECHA has been certified according to the ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 standards and, in 2020, expanded the environmental management system which includes an environmental
policy, environmental objectives and a multi-annual Environmental Work Programme to also cover the requirement of the Eco-management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). ECHA successfully
attained registration under EMAS in 2022.
Environmental aspects, indicators and targets
In June 2020, ECHA’s Executive Director pledged to the Management Board that ECHA will be
net-carbon neutral by 2030. In the same year, ECHA moved to its new offices which encompass a smaller surface area and has automated building management systems. This has allowed ECHA
to improve its environmental performance through a reduction in the overall consumption of utilities (electricity, water, heating/cooling) and to save rental and utility costs. The multi-annual
Environmental Work Programme sets out objectives, actions and targets to be implemented
during 2023-2025, which include:
• strengthening the integration of environmental requirements into ECHA procurement
and eco-labels are taken into account in ECHA’s purchases; • reducing CO2 emissions from staff and meeting participants flights by 50% respectively
when compared to 2019; • increasing the scope of ECHA’s CO2 carbon footprint to include the impact of
teleworking and hotel nights; • obtaining certification for sustainable meetings;
• encouraging environmentally friendly modes of transport to the office;
• raising awareness of ECHA’s environmental objectives through staff information
campaigns and stakeholder engagement actions;
• reducing waste volume and the amount of landfill waste, and,
• working with the Commission, looking into future options to compensate ECHA’s
remaining unavoidable greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions through EU certified carbon
removal schemes once in place.
Actions to improve and communicate environmental performance.
In support of the ISO 14001:2015 environmental re-certification and EMAS registration, which
includes additional planning and reporting on ECHA’s environmental performance, the Agency has established a dedicated team for Environmental Compliance and Sustainability whose role is
to facilitate the implementation of the actions identified in ECHA’s Environmental Work
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 118
Annex VII: Building policy
Current building(s)
Name, location and
type of building Other comments
Information to
be provided per building
Telakkakatu 6 New lease agreement commenced on 23
January 2020.
Surface area (in square metres)
18 071 m2 Of non-office space, 4 601 m2 are conference/meeting facilities, 1 184 m2 are canteen and lobby areas.
- of which office space
11 021 m2
- of which non-office
7 050 m2
Annual rent
EUR 6 428 803 (net rent
for 2024), subject to annual indexation
Type and
duration of rental contract
Lease contract until 22.01.2030.
New lease agreement commenced on 23 January 2020.
Host country
grant or support
Partial (with respect to
VAT waiver).
Present value of
the building
Not applicable.
Building projects in planning phase
As the current lease contract expires in January 2030, preparatory steps will commence for
ECHA’s future building requirements in due course.
Building projects to be submitted to the European Parliament and the Council
See above.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 119
Annex VIII: Privileges and immunities
The privileges and immunities of staff and the Agency are contained in the respective Protocol
to the EU Treaty. Moreover, further effect is given by the Seat Agreement signed between
Finland and ECHA on 28 June 2007.
Agency privileges
Privileges granted to staff
Protocol of privileges and immunities/diplomatic status
Education/day care
Inviolability Immunity from jurisdiction regarding official capacity
Same access to day care
organised by municipalities as
Finnish nationals
Facilitations for communications
Exemption from registration
Duty free import of goods upon taking
up services
Reimbursement of VAT between 1 June
2007 and 31 May 2009 (no longer in
Right to free export when leaving the
Exemption from taxes on EU salaries
Exemption from national car tax once
every three years
Executive Director and Directors join
diplomatic status
Temporary residence permits to family
members who are not EU/EEA nationals
Issuance of personal cards through the
Foreign Ministry
Issuance of Finnish identity numbers
Access to Finnish school system
Assistance and cooperation in
security matters
Access to European Schooling
through the European School of
Exemption from all
duties and taxes
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 120
Annex IX: Evaluations and audits
Audits planned for 2025 Timeline
Audit on Records management and Access to documents Q1-Q2 2025
Audit of Registration Q3-Q4 2025
Audit of the Prevention and management of potential conflicts of interest
Q4-Q1 2026
Retrospective evaluations planned for 2025 Timeline
Retrospective evaluation of the Integrated Regulatory Strategy (IRS) of ECHA
Q2- Q3 2025
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 121
Annex X:
A. ECHA Integrated Management System and Framework
Integrated Management System Strategy
The objective of the Integrated Management System (IMS) strategy is to enable the
achievement of ECHA’s strategic goals by ensuring a robust, flexible and performance-based governance, well adapted to ECHA’s operational structure, while simultaneously recognising the
legislative framework within which ECHA operates, including applicable requirements in the fields
of internal control, quality, security, environmental and sustainability management.
The IMS strategy includes ECHA’s top management commitment and is supported by an
Integrated Management System Framework. The framework further details the common
principles and characteristics to be implemented in ECHA’s operational and governance processes.
ECHA’s management commits to:
• Delivering strategic goals and priorities, where quality and environmental goals are
embedded, as described in the Programming Document. • Providing high-quality independent decisions, opinions, advice and tools that consistently
meet the needs and expectations of ECHA’s partners and stakeholders. • Communicating and engaging openly, transparently and welcoming stakeholders’
• Implementing an Integrated Management System focused on improving performance, while maintaining compliance with legal, financial and regulatory requirements.
• Using effective internal control to provide assurance to ECHA Management team and the Management Board that controls are functioning as designed. Embedding risk
management in ECHA’s decision-making. • Innovating, exploiting synergies, learning from mistakes, adapting to changing
circumstances and stakeholders’ needs, as well as promoting such behaviours.
The progress towards the achievement of the IMS strategy will be measured annually.
The assessment will be based on the criteria as stipulated in the following framework.
Integrated Management System Framework
ECHA’s Integrated Management System Framework is the tool to implement ECHA’s Integrated
Management System Strategy, which is organised in 12 components. These components are further grouped into four building blocks: (1) Governance, (2) Strategy, planning and risk
management, (3) Operations and operational structure, and (4) Evaluation and
Each component includes a number of principles and characteristics to be deployed into
operational and governance processes, aiming to maintain oversight, track progress and adjust accordingly. The structure of the framework and its components follows the Internal Control
Framework’s structure as stipulated in the Financial Regulation. Quality, environmental, security and business continuity management, sustainability and
efficiency principles, including a continual improvement focus are embedded as an integral part of that structure. There is an explicit focus on the need to ensure both a high level of
performance of ECHA and compliance with relevant legislations and ECHA’s Financial
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 122
Component Principles
GOVERNANCE Purpose and
ECHA’s purpose and vision aligns to its strategic goals
and priorities and reflects its commitment to its legal
mandate and stakeholders.
Values and
Management Board sets and demonstrates the tone at
the top for the values, behaviours and expected
standards of conduct, which are implemented by ECHA’s
management and staff.
ECHA’s Management Board exercises oversight
responsibility. ECHA’s management team establishes
structure, accountability and responsibility.
People (Human
ECHA is committed to investing in people and
organisational excellence
and partners
ECHA collaborates with regulatory partners and
stakeholders to strengthen public confidence and trust.
Goals planning
and resource
ECHA demonstrates commitment to strategy planning
and implementation including activity-based resource
Management Board sets the risk appetite and oversee the risk management in the Agency. ECHA Management
team identifies and analyses risks and significant
changes, uncovers opportunities and implements
proportionate controls.
ECHA’s activity and process structure enables the
achievement of ECHA’s strategic goals
Information and
ECHA selects and develops general control activities
over technology to support the achievement of its
strategic goals
ECHA aims at agility, responsiveness and continuity
when responding to changes
ECHA aims at performance-based management where continual improvement is pursued and ex-ante and ex-
post controls are risk-based
Assessments, audits and
ECHA conducts risk-based assessments, audits and evaluations, driven by operational and strategic needs to
identify gaps, assess benefits, impact and added value
of specific ECHA activities
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 123
B. Anti-Fraud Strategy
The ECHA Anti-Fraud Strategy is intended to provide a framework for addressing the issue of fraud in the Agency. In line with the methodology and guidance for anti-fraud strategies for EU
decentralised agencies from the European Anti-Fraud Office’s (OLAF), ECHA has conducted a fraud risk assessment of its main activities based on the estimated likelihood and possible impact of
fraud. As a result of this fraud risk assessment the following main fraud risks were identified
within ECHA:
1. Deliberate leaking of information; 2. Serious irregularities related to favouritism and conflicts of interest;
3. Procurement and contract management related fraud.
The controls in place for the three main risks are robust. ECHA has strong security controls preventing unauthorised access to its IT systems, strict conflict of interest rules, as well as
multiple controls in the procurement and contract management process. Overall - taking into account existing controls - ECHA believes that the risk of significant undetected fraud is low. As
ECHA is not an agency that distributes large financial resources directly via EU funds or grants, its residual fraud risks lie elsewhere and are more indirect. Therefore, the ECHA Anti-Fraud
Strategy, last revised by the ECHA Management Board in December 2022, includes a focus on maintaining and further developing the anti-fraud culture in the Agency and regularly reviewing
key policies and procedures.
The results of the Anti-Fraud Strategy are reported in the Annual Report. The strategy will be updated whenever changes in the context of ECHA’s work would require such and at the latest
reviewed in December 2026.
Objective 1: Maintain and further develop anti-fraud culture
ECHA’s Anti-Fraud Strategy gives a strong priority to awareness raising and training of staff. The desired outcome would be that a clear anti-fraud culture would be maintained and further
developed in the Agency, in which staff members have a clear understanding of the types of behaviour that are unacceptable, of the channels where such fraudulent activities can be reported
and of the procedures in place to detect, investigate and counteract fraud.
Objective 2: Regular review of key policies and procedures
The Agency has robust procedures in place to safeguard the security of the information entrusted
to it, the independence of its scientific output and the legality of its procurement and contract management processes (the 3 main fraud risks identified). A regular review of all procedures in
place in these three key areas should ensure continued high standards of implementation. ECHA’s Integrated Management System (ISO 9001 certified) foresees such regular reviews as well as a
strive for continual improvement.
Action plan 2025-2027
Action plan to achieve objective 1:
- Strengthen staff’s awareness of internal reporting and whistleblowing procedures. - Induction and regular reminders/training on ethics and conflict of interest for both
internal staff and external experts, including on ‘revolving doors’. - Regular reminders/training on information security.
- Regular reminders/training on procurement and contract management.
- Administrative enquiries where required or appropriate.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 124
Action plan to achieve objective 2:
- Conduct of an annual risk assessment exercise.
- Regular review of policies and procedures with regard to IT governance and information
management and security. - Regular review of the policies and procedures in the field of ethics and the prevention
of conflicts of interest. - Regular review of the policies and procedures in the field of procurement and contract
management, as well as SME verification and selection and recruitment. - Assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the associated systems of internal controls,
also through monitoring and audit activities.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 125
Annex XI: Plan for grant, contribution or service-level agreements50
General information Financial and HR impacts
Actual or expected date of signature
Total amount (EUR)
Duration Counterpart Short description 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Grant agreements
1. IPA 20.12.2022 675 103 42 months Commission DG NEAR
Support to European Union´s external
assistance Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA), which consist of various preparatory
measures for the EU candidate countries and potential candidates and their
cooperation with ECHA.
Amount 675 103 - - - tbc
Number of CA 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Number of SNEs
0 0 0 0 0
Total grant agreements
Amount 675 103 - - - tbc
Number of CA 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Number of
SNEs 0 0 0 0 0
Contribution agreements
1. EUCLEF 10.12.2021 5 829 200 5 years
Commission DG
Tasks entrusted to the Agency by the Commission by way of Contribution
agreements for the implementation of the
European Union Chemical Legislation Finder.
Amount 1 053 400 1 053 400 1 123 400 tbc tbc
Number of CA 0 0 0 0 0
Number of SNEs
0 0 0 0 0
2. EUON 09.12.2021 3 066 000 5 years
Commission DG
Tasks entrusted to the Agency by the Commission by way of Contribution
agreements for the implementation of the European Union Observatory for Nano
Amount 614 000 619 000 624 000 tbc tbc
Number of CA 3 3 3 3 3
Number of SNEs
0 0 0 0 0
50 ECHA expects stable resources in the work areas of EUON, EUCLEF, OEL, IPA, PARC, IUCLID for EFSA and SCBTH. Although the resources are dependent on the renewal of certain agreements,
continuity is presumed for the clarity of this planning exercise. Any changes to the continuity of the work or resources estimates, will be reported in the next SPD update.
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 126
3. SCBTH 15.11.2024 520 000 3 years
Commission DG
Task entrusted to the Agency by the Commission by way of Contribution
agreement for the implementation of the
Serious Cross-Border Threats to Health.
Amount 520 000
Number of CA - 1 1 1 1
Number of
SNEs 0 0 0 0 0
Total contribution agreements
Amount 1 667 400 2 192 400 1 747 400 tbc tbc
Number of CA 3 4 4 4 4
Number of SNEs
0 0 0 0 0
Service-level agreements
1. IUCLID for EFSA 26.03.2021 Annual fee of 784 712 plus
project cost
Further development of the IUCLID
(International Uniform ChemicaL Information Database) software,
implemented jointly by means of co- investment with third parties.
Amount 784 712 784 712 784 712 784 712 784 712
Number of CA 4 4 4 4 4
Number of
SNEs 0 0 0 0 0
2. OEL 23.02.2022 195 000 per
18-24 months
per case Commission DG EMPL
Tasks entrusted to the Agency by the Commission by way of Contribution
agreements for providing support through scientific expertise in hazard, exposure and
risk assessment to the establishment of occupational exposure limits (OELs) for the
implementation of the EU occupational safety and health (OSH) legislation.
Amount 975 000 975 000 975 000 tbc tbc
Number of CA 4 4 4 4 4
Number of SNEs
0 0 0 0 0
Total service-level agreements
Amount 1 759 712 2 279 712 1 759 712 784 712 784 712
Number of CA 8 8 8 8 8
Number of
SNEs 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL (contribution agreements and SLAs)
Amount 4 102 215 4 472 112 3 507 112 784 712 784 712
Number of CA 12.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5
Number of SNEs
0 0 0 0 0
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 127
Annex XII: Strategy for cooperation with third countries and/or
international organisations
ECHA’s international cooperation activities aim at contributing to the implementation of
the legislation within ECHA’s remit, as well as to provide technical and scientific support to the European Commission in the implementation of the EU’s international agenda and
enhance engagements and synergies at international level.
In line with the broader organisational priorities and strategic objectives, the focus of
ECHA’s international cooperation is on activities that are legally required or otherwise formally requested, and those that facilitate and make the implementation of core
regulatory tasks more efficient and impactful.
ECHA thereby ensures that the relations with international stakeholders (e.g. the United
Nations and other international organisations, and sister agencies in third countries) are
coherent with the Agency’s mandate, the institutional division of tasks in international relations, EU policies and priorities, and Commission’s action, in line with the Common
Approach on EU Agencies, adopted by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission in 201251. ECHA maintains a close cooperation and a regular communication
exchange with its partner DGs in the Commission, to ensure that the Agency is not seen as representing the EU position to an outside audience or as committing the EU to
international obligations.
Collaboration with the OECD
ECHA prioritises contributions where its expertise brings most value in support of Union
policies, and which in turn brings direct benefits and build competences relevant for the
implementation of the Agency’s legislative mandate. Foremost this concerns the area of the international development and harmonisation of tools and methods needed for an
effective implementation of EU chemicals legislation. This is done through supporting the agreement on international standards and tools. Common technical standards, tools, and
practices save resources, reduce trade barriers and allow for test results and assessments to be shared between jurisdictions. This work is predominantly done via the OECD
Chemicals Programme. However, it is also underpinned by bilateral engagements with peer agencies in other OECD countries (US, Canada and Australia among others) to
deepen the cooperation at international level on topics of common interest with the aim
to advance knowledge and expertise on chemicals management; bilateral engagements are supported by administrative agreements approved by the Management Board if
needed. ECHA also supports the Commission by providing training and advice to countries
developing their chemicals management systems.
The resources are provided from colleagues across ECHA working on the corresponding topics within ECHA’s core and support tasks. The main outputs related to OECD work are
listed under the respective activities in the current Single Programming Document.
Foreseen resource investment (FTEs) 2.5
51 Decentralised agencies: 2012 Overhaul | European Union (
ECHA Single Programming Document 2025-2027 128
Implementation of EU regulations stemming from International
Under the legislative mandate stemming from the PIC and POP regulations, ECHA
supports the European Commission in the implementation of the Rotterdam and Stockholm
Detailed activities and associated resources are indicated in chapter III.3 (Environmental
policy) of this Single Programming Document.
Collaboration with the United Nations and its sub organisations
ECHA’s Management Board approved in 2016 the participation of United Nations sub-
organisations, such as the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC; the specialised cancer agency of WHO), as observers in the work of ECHA, subject to
agreement of the relevant Committee.7
Upon request of the European Commission, ECHA provides scientific and technical support in the context of the United Nations Globally Harmonised System of classification
and labelling of chemicals (UN GHS), for example in the context of the development of new hazard classes at UN GHS level as part of the implementation of the Chemicals
Strategy for Sustainability. This activity is described in chapter III.1.7 (Classification and
Labelling) of this Single Programming Document.
ECHA provides this support from resources working on Classification and Labelling within
its core tasks.
Foreseen resource investment (FTEs) 0.5-1
The Chemicals Strategy also foresees activities to provide a model inspiring chemicals management globally which ECHA supports upon request of the Commission. Currently
this involves contribution to a UNEP pilot project to implement the UN GHS in four African countries Kenya, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria. In line with the Commission
request of 21 December 2021, ECHA provides this support from resources allocated within its core tasks.
Foreseen resource investment (FTEs) 0.1
Instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA)
ECHA implements since 2009 under specific grant agreements with the European Commission the preparation for accession of candidate countries to the EU, by providing
targeted training, capacity building and advice for authorities under the EU’s Instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA). Detailed activities and associated resources are
indicated in chapter 4.4 of this Single Programming Document. Limited additional in-kind support from ECHA staff working on Helpdesk and enforcement support tasks will be
provided to ensure an effective implementation of the project, whilst seeking synergies.