Dokumendiregister | Transpordiamet |
Viit | 5.2-1/25-948/1951-1 |
Registreeritud | 04.02.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 05.02.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 5.2 Transpordiameti projektide haldamine (sh Euroopa Liidu struktuurivahenditest ja muudest välisabi fondidest finantseeritud projektid) |
Sari | 5.2-1 Välisabi finantseeritud projektide korraldamise dokumendid (v.a tee-ehituse ja remondi toimikud) |
Toimik | 5.2-1/25-948 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Kliimaministeerium |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Kliimaministeerium |
Vastutaja | Kaido Sipelgas (Users, Strateegilise planeerimise teenistus, Liikuvuse kavandamise osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
From: Inna Nosach <[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 12:07:09 +0000
To: Priit Sauk <[email protected]>
Cc: Kaido Sipelgas <[email protected]>; Johann Peetre <[email protected]>; Triinu Tirmaste <[email protected]>
Subject: Declaration of Honour, Transpordiamet - palume allkirja
Meil on hea meel teatada, et Kliimaministeeriumi CEF tehnilise abi taotlus sai heaks kiidetud ning oleme jõudnud toetuslepingu ettevalmistamise faasi.
Kuna Transpordiamet on projekti üheks partneriks (Affiliated Entity), siis ülaltoodud projekti toetuslepingu koostamiseks vajalik partneri auavaldus (Declaration of Honour). Avalduse vorm on manuses, palun allkirjastage see paberil ja tagastage meile skänneritud kujul hiljemalt 07.02.2025.
Vastavalt varasemale kokkuleppele saab Transpordiamet projektist toetust 35 000 EUR tööpaketi 2. (Support to urban nodes) tegevuste T2.1-T2.7 elluviimiseks koostöös Kliimaministeeriumiga (arvestatud on personalikuluga ja 9 välislähetuse kuluga), sh:
Kliimaministeeriumi ja Transpordiameti vaheline koostööleping sõlmitakse peale toetuslepingu allkirjastamist CINEAga.
Täismahus projektitaotlus on lisatud manusesse. Rohkem infot CEF tehnilise abi andmisest leiab siit:
Jääme allkirjastatud dokumenti ootama ning loodame heale koostööle projekti elluviimisel!
Inna Nosach Peaspetsialist | Executive Officer +372 5302 9088 |
[email protected] |
I, the undersigned, representing the following entity:
hereby confirm
that (subject to the additional declarations below):
1 — The information provided for action 101225295 — 24-EE-TC-24-EE-TC-MS-TA2EE is correct and complete.
2 — The information concerning the legal status in the Participant Register for my organisation is correct and complete.
3 — My organisation commit to comply1 with the eligibility criteria and all other conditions set out in the call conditions — for the entire duration of the action.
4 — My organisation:
– is committed to participate in the action
– has stable and sufficient sources of funding to maintain the activities throughout the action and to provide any counterpart funding necessary
– has or will have the necessary resources needed to implement the action
– for research actions: is committed to comply with the highest standards of ethical principles and research integrity and confirm that the work is free of plagiarism
– for actions involving EU classified information (EUCI): acknowledge that any sensitive information or material that qualifies as EU classified information under Commission Decision 2015/4442 must be handled in accordance with specific rules and, if needed, follow the instructions given by the EU
5a — For entities from non-EU countries: My organisation:
– undertake to comply with the obligations under the agreement and to:
1 ‘Commit to comply’ means complying now and for the duration of the grant. 2 See Commission Decision 2015/544/EU,Euratom of 13 March 2015 on the security rules for protecting EU classified
information (OJ L 72, 17.3.2015, p. 53).
– respect general principles (including fundamental rights, values and ethical principles, environmental and labour standards, rules on classified information, intellectual property rights, visibility of funding and protection of personal data)
– for the submission of financial certificates under the agreement: use qualified external auditors which are independent and comply with comparable standards as those set out in EU Directive 2006/43/EC
– for controls under the agreement: allow for checks, reviews, audits and investigations (including on-the-spot checks, visits and inspections) by the granting authority, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the European Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) and the European Court of Auditors (ECA) and any persons mandated by them
– jurisdiction clause: not applicable.
5b — For entities which are international organisations: My organisation:
– undertake to comply with the obligations under the agreement and to:
– respect general principles (including fundamental rights, values and ethical principles, environmental and labour standards, rules on classified information, intellectual property rights, visibility of funding and protection of personal data)
– for the submission of certificates under the agreement: use either independent public officers or external auditors which comply with comparable standards as those set out in EU Directive 2006/43/EC
– for controls under the agreement: allow for checks, reviews, audits and investigations (including on-the-spot checks, visits and inspections) by the granting authority, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the European Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) and the European Court of Auditors (ECA) and any persons mandated by them
– acknowledge that nothing in the agreement will be interpreted as a waiver of the organisation’s privileges or immunities, as accorded by its constituent documents or international law
– special rules concerning applicable law and dispute settlement: not applicable
– acknowledge that if the organisation has concluded a framework agreement with the EU, it may rely on the provisions set out in that framework agreement, provided that they do not call into question the decision awarding the agreement or breach the principle of equal treatment of applicants or beneficiaries.
6 — For entities which are subject to Articles 138 and 139 of the EU Financial Regulation: My organisation:
– is NOT subject to an administrative sanction (i.e. exclusion or financial penalty decision)3
3 See Article 138 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2024/2509 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September
My organisation (or persons with unlimited liability for debts):
– is NOT in one of the following exclusion situations4:
– bankrupt, being wound up, having the affairs administered by the courts, entered into an arrangement with creditors, suspended business activities or subject to any other similar proceedings or procedures
– in breach of social security or tax obligations
My organisation (or persons having powers of representation, decision-making or control, beneficial owners or persons who are essential for the award/implementation of the action):
– is NOT in one of the following exclusion situations5:
– guilty of grave professional misconduct6
– committed fraud, corruption, links to a criminal organisation, money laundering, terrorism-related crimes (including terrorism financing), child labour or human trafficking
– shown significant deficiencies in complying with main obligations under an EU procurement contract, grant agreement, prize, expert contract, or similar
– guilty of irregularities within the meaning of Article 1(2) of Regulation No 2988/95
– created under a different jurisdiction with the intent to circumvent fiscal, social or other legal obligations in the country of origin (including creation of another entity with this purpose).
– intentionally and without proper justification resisted7 an investigation, check or audit carried out by an EU authorising officer (or their representative or auditor), OLAF, the EPPO, or the European Court of Auditors.
on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (recast)- (‘EU Financial Regulation’) (OJ L, 2024/2509, 26.9.2024).
4 See Articles 138 and 143 EU Financial Regulation 2024/2509. 5 See Articles 138 and 143 EU Financial Regulation 2024/2509. 6 ‘Professional misconduct’ includes, in particular, the following: violation of ethical standards of the profession;
wrongful conduct with impact on professional credibility; breach of generally accepted professional ethical standards; false declarations/misrepresentation of information; participation in a cartel or other agreement distorting competition; violation of IPR; attempting to influence decision-making processes by taking advantage, through misrepresentation, of a conflict of interests, or to obtain confidential information from public authorities to gain an advantage; incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence or similar activities contrary to the EU values where negatively affecting or risking to affect the performance of a legal commitment.
7 ‘Resisting an investigation, check or audit’ means carrying out actions with the goal or effect of preventing, hindering or delaying the conduct of any of the activities needed to perform the investigation, check or audit, such as refusing to grant the necessary access to its premises or any other areas used for business purposes, concealing or refusing to disclose information or providing false information.
7 — My organisation is NOT subject to a conflict of interest in connection with this grant and will notify — without delay — any situation which could give rise to a conflict of interests.
8 — My organisation has NOT and will NOT, neither directly nor indirectly, grant, seek, obtain or accept any advantage in connection with this grant that would constitute an illegal practice or involve corruption.
9 — My organisation hasnot received any other EU grant for this action and will give notice of any future EU grants related to this action AND of any EU operating grant(s)8 given to my organisation.
10 — My organisation is aware that false declarations may lead to rejection, suspension, termination or reduction of the grant and to administrative sanctions (i.e. financial penalties and/or exclusion from all future EU funding, such as grants, tenders, prizes, contribution agreements, expert contracts, etc).
and acknowledge
1 — The grant will be signed and managed electronically, through the Funding & Tenders Portal Electronic Exchange System (accessible via your Funding & Tenders Portal account9).
2 — Access and use of this system is subject to the Funding & Tenders Portal Terms & Conditions10.
3 — Personal data submitted or otherwise collected by the EU will be subject to the Funding & Tenders Portal Privacy Statement11.
4 — Payments under the grant are done at consortium-level, through the coordinator, and will be automatically lowered if one of the consortium members has outstanding debts towards the EU (granting authority or other EU bodies). Such debts will be offset in accordance with the conditions set out in the grant agreement.
SIGNATURE For the affiliated entity
8 See Article 183 EU Financial Regulation 2024/2509. 9 Available at
10 Available at 11 Available at
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
What is the Application Form?
The Application Form is the template for EU grants applications; it must be submitted via the EU Funding & Tenders Portal before the call deadline.
The Form consists of 2 parts:
• Part A contains structured administrative information
• Part B is a narrative technical description of the project.
Part A is generated by the IT system. It is based on the information which you enter into the Portal Submission System screens.
Part B needs to be uploaded as PDF (+ annexes) in the Submission System. The templates to use are available there.
How to prepare and submit it?
The Application Form must be prepared by the consortium and submitted by a representative. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation.
Character and page limits:
page limit normally 120 pages (unless otherwise provided in the Call document)
supporting documents can be provided as an annex and do not count towards the page limit
minimum font size — Arial 9 points
page size: A4
margins (top, bottom, left and right): at least 15 mm (not including headers & footers).
Please abide by the formatting rules. They are NOT a target! Keep your text as concise as possible. Do not use hyperlinks to show information that is an essential part of your application.
If you attempt to upload an application that exceeds the specified limit, you will receive an automatic warning asking you to shorten and re-upload your application. For applications that are not shortened, the excess pages will be made invisible and thus disregarded by the evaluators.
Please do NOT delete any instructions in the document. The overall page limit has been raised to ensure equal treatment of all applicants.
This document is tagged. Be careful not to delete the tags; they are needed for the processing.
Ref. Ares(2024)8114516 - 15/11/2024
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Part B of the Application Form must be downloaded from the Portal Submission System, completed and then assembled and re-uploaded as PDF in the system. Page 1 with the grey IMPORTANT NOTICE box should be deleted before uploading.
Note: Please read carefully the conditions set out in the Call document (for open calls: published on the Portal). Pay particular attention to the award criteria; they explain how the application will be evaluated.
The term ‘project’ used in this application form and other documents is synonymous to the term ‘action’ used in the CEF Regulation 2021/1153.
Project name: [Technical Assistance for CEF activities, ETCs and urban nodes (Estonia)]
Project acronym: [24-EE-TC-MS-TA2EE]
Coordinator contact: [Inna Nosach], [Ministry of Climate of Estonia]
Starting date [01.01.2025]
Duration [36]
ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS (PART A) ................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION (PART B) .......................................................................................................................... 2
COVER PAGE ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 PROJECT SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................. 3 0. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................................... 3 1. PRIORITY AND URGENCY ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Call objectives and priorities ................................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 EU added value .................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.3 Synergies ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
2. MATURITY ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Readiness and technical maturity ........................................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Political commitment ........................................................................................................................................... 5
3. QUALITY ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 3.1 Cost effectiveness and financial management .................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Consortium set-up, governance and organisational structure .............................................................................. 6 3.3 Project management, quality assurance and control procedures ......................................................................... 7 3.3 Risk management ............................................................................................................................................... 7 3.4 Communication and visibility ............................................................................................................................... 8
4. IMPACT ................................................................................................................................................................... 9 4.1 Environmental and other impacts ........................................................................................................................ 9
5. CATALYTIC EFFECT ............................................................................................................................................ 10 5.1 Financial gap .................................................................................................................................................... 10 5.2 Stakeholder commitment .................................................................................................................................. 10
6. WORK PLAN, WORK PACKAGES, ACTIVITIES, RESOURCES AND TIMING .................................................... 12 6.1 Work plan ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 6.2 Work packages, activities, resources and timing ............................................................................................... 12
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Work Package 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Work Package … ................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Staff effort (n/a for Lump Sum Grants) .............................................................................................................. 25 Timetable ......................................................................................................................................................... 26
7. OTHER .................................................................................................................................................................. 27 7.1 Ethics ................................................................................................................................................................ 27 7.2 Security ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
8. DECLARATIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 27 ANNEXES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 28
#@APP-FORM-CEFTA@# #@PRJ-SUM-PS@# [This document is tagged. Do not delete the tags; they are needed for the processing.]
Project summary
Technical Assistance for Estonia to successfully implement and effectively manage TEN-t-related Connecting Europe Facility activities, European Transport Corridors and urban nodes.
Project description, scope and objectives
Describe the project scope, main goals and objectives, as well as the technical data.
Please use the following structure:
Overall objective
General description and context — describe the context, including how the project fits into political priorities and (if applicable) complements other CEF projects technical
Location (if appropriate) — mention where the project will be implemented
Justification — describe the current situation and needs analysis
Specific objectives — list and link them to the work packages used in section 4
Expected outcomes and results — include facts and statistics.
The overall objective of this project is to contribute to the development of Cohesion projects of common interest relating to efficient, interconnected and multimodal networks and infrastructure for smart, interoperable, sustainable, inclusive, accessible, safe and secure mobility on the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). To achieve this objective, technical assistance is provided to Estonia for the successful implementation of TEN-T-related infrastructure investments.
- The project’s objective is in line with the Estonian Transport and Mobility Master Plan for 2021- 2035, the “Estonia 2035” strategy, MoU between Tallinn city and Ministry regarding sustainable urban mobility and regional cooperation (2019), Public Transport Reform strategy (in development stage) and the Climate Resilient Economy Act (being adopted in 2025).
- The project complies with cross-border commitments between the Baltics, Poland and Finland, including the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Baltic States on the development of Rail Baltic.
- The project will be implemented in Estonia.
- The Ministry of Climate (Ministry) implements the project together with affiliated entities (AE): Transport Administration (TRANSPORDIAMET), Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (TTJA) and Estonian Railways (EVR).
- Regarding adopting, implementing and monitoring regional SUMPs, cooperation is established
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
with Tallinn and Tartu city governments.
- As Estonia is part of two TEN-T corridors, Nordic Sea Baltic (NSB) and Baltic Sea – Black Sea – Aegean Sea (BBE), and the tasks for upcoming years tend to grow because the TEN-T core network needs to be ready by 2030, using of only domestic financial resources it may be complicated to manage the TEN-T-related infrastructure investments timely and in the best possible way. With the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) support Technical Assistance (TA) our goal is to ensure:
o the efficient cooperation with European Coordinators for better implementation of the European Transport Corridors and the TEN-T horizontal priorities (WP1);
o the timely adoption and monitoring of sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMP) for each urban node, collection and submission to the Commission of urban mobility data per urban node (WP2);
o the adequate coordination and cooperation within the European Rail Freight Corridors and timely implementation of relevant rail legislation (WP3);
o effective communication on the CEF programme, in providing resources for the appraisal of CEF project proposals and the monitoring of the selected projects under CEF2 (WP4);
o and high-quality technical monitoring of legacy projects selected under the previous financing period 2014-2020 (WP5).
Specific objectives are listed in five Work Packages and their Tasks follow the approach described in the European Commission decision authorising the use of lump sum contributions for technical assistance under the CEF. All the Work Packages in this application are aligned to the overall delivery approach and reflect the key tasks that need to be commenced within the next 36 months to achieve the goal of supporting CEF applications aligned with Estonian national priorities and to reduce the risk of possible amendment or cancellation of grant agreements.
1.1 Call objectives and priorities
Call objectives and priorities
Explain how the project contributes to the objectives, priorities and expected results of the topic under which it is submitted.
The proper performance of WP1-WP5 actions will contribute to the implementation of ETC and TEN-T horizontal priorities, timely fulfilment of the Urban nodes’ requirements in the revised TEN-T Regulation of the European Transport Corridors; enchasing cooperation within the Rail Freight Corridors, the effective communication on CEF programme and appropriate CEF 2014-2020 Legacy Management for technical and financial monitoring.
1.2 EU added value
EU added value
Explain the effects of the project from the perspective of the EU interest and how it contributes to the objectives set at European level.
The project activities are in accordance with the objectives set by the Regulation (EU)2024/1679 on the revised TEN-T Regulation e.g. planning and developing a coherent, efficient, multimodal, and high- quality transport infrastructure across the EU. The project also improves the efficiency of the development of the NSB corridor, to better monitor the progress of CEF projects and to contribute to the cooperation between the European Commission, implementers and stakeholders. It also contributes to the timely implementation of the TEN-T core network as depicted in relevant EU and national legislations.
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
1.3 Synergies
Synergies (for CEF-DIGITAL TA)
Describe possible synergies with other CEF sectors (Transport and Energy), other CEF Digital topics or other EU programmes (Resilience and Recovery Facility (RRF), Digital Europe, Horizon Europe, Structural Funds, etc.).
Indicate if the project includes synergetic elements eligible under another CEF sector within the meaning of Article 10(2) of the CEF Regulation (and, if yes, describe the sector and the elements).
Indicate if the project has synergies with other CEF Digital topics (and, if yes, list the topics and describe the synergies).
Indicate if the project will benefit from funding from another programme (and, if yes, explain which part of the project, which EU programme and provide the project reference of the other programme).
2.1 Readiness and technical maturity
Readiness and technical maturity
Provide information addressing if and how the project is ready to start and be completed on time.
For every work package, describe the precise state of preparation (e.g. terms of reference ready, tendered, contract signed, started, etc. If any activities of the project have already started, indicate more precisely their current status of implementation.
Describe how the implementation of the project (and, if applicable, of the global project it is part of) depends on the results of past or on-going feasibility or technical studies.
WP1: The Ministry has formed a competent team including relevant stakeholders in meetings such as Corridor Forums, working groups and conferences, consultation and approval of the regularly updated Corridor Work Plans related to implementing acts and cooperation with the European Coordinators, national stakeholders and other Member States.
WP2: Estonia has two urban nodes, Tallinn, and Tartu that both have started with the development of their regional SUMPs. The urban area is in both cases bigger than the municipality borders, into the suburban areas around the cities. For the Tallinn region, there is a draft SUMP strategy and MoU between the Ministry and Tallinn city government to implement the SUMP. Tartu region started a regional SUMP process in 2023. It offers the challenge of organizing cooperation between several municipalities with the same needs. In cooperation with TRANSPORDIAMET, the Ministry will act as National Coordinator to achieve the successful adaption, implementation and monitoring of SUMP and the overall goals of sustainable mobility in Estonian urban nodes.
WP3: The Ministry and railway infrastructure managers are and will be involved in the preparation of, participation in and follow-up to meetings at the corridor level involving stakeholders of the rail freight corridor and of the NSB core network corridor. The Ministry is responsible for coordination activities within the Member State involving in particular the infrastructure manager(s), railway undertakings, terminal owners and managers, regional and local authorities and other relevant stakeholders.
WP4: CEF projects proposals are appraised by the Ministry’s Mobility Development and Investments Department and communication of the CEF calls, results of the calls and financed investments are communicated by the Public Relations Department of the Ministry and project implementers, Technical and financial monitoring of the CEF2 projects is coordinated by the Ministry and carried out by TTJA, involving project implementers.
WP5: Technical and financial monitoring of the ongoing 2014-2020 is coordinated by the Ministry and carried out by TTJA, involving projects implementers. The Public Relations Department of the Ministry provides information and promotes success stories of projects co-funded by the EU.
2.2 Political commitment
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Political commitment
Provide information on the political commitments regarding the implementation of the project and, if relevant, on the global project, including cross-border commitments where relevant.
List and briefly describe the (formal and informal) documents demonstrating these commitments (decisions of national and regional authorities, memoranda of understanding, written agreements, national master plans or in sectorial strategies, etc).
The project objectives and activities are aligned with several domestic legislative acts, master plans documents and special plans, also, cross-border commitments and an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Baltic States on the development of Rail Baltic:
- Estonian Transport and Mobility Master Plan 2021-2035;
- Several political declarations1 have been signed between the Baltics, Poland and Finland. The most important of those is the Intergovernmental Agreement2 between the Baltic States on the development of Rail Baltic;
- MoU between Tallinn city and the Ministry regarding sustainable urban mobility and regional cooperation (2019);
- Public Transport Reform strategy (process started 2024) - national strategy defining the priority actions for the development of public transport, with a focus on integration of regional bus services with passenger rail, multimodal mobility hubs and developing passenger train services;
- “Estonia 2035” strategy;
- Climate Resilient Economy Act (will be adopted in 2025).
3.1 Cost effectiveness and financial management
Cost effectiveness (for CEF-DIGITAL TA)
For each work package of the project, describe and justify the level of resources needed for implementing the proposed tasks. These should relate to human resources (FTEs), buying equipment and/or services, etc. and their financial costs.
Note: It is important to demonstrate the appropriateness of the estimated costs (in terms of both type and level of costs) needed for the implementation of the proposed tasks.
3.2 Consortium set-up, governance and organisational structure
Consortium cooperation and division of roles and organisational structure
Describe the organisational structure set up to implement the project.
In particular, explain the distribution of roles and responsibilities between the different partners (Beneficiaries,
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Affiliated Entities and Associated Partners, if any).
Describe the main contractual arrangements, the governance structure, the lines of communication and decision- making processes. If applicable, describe if the governance bodies have already been established; if members have been nominated and the status of approval of the governance rules. List any pending decisions on the organisational structure.
The project is coordinated (including CEF application appraisal) by the Ministry and, in particular, the Mobility Development and Investments Department, Public Relations Department and Road and Railways Department.
TRANSPORDIAMET is participating in WP2 activities aimed at supporting urban nodes, covering the entire functional urban area, for adopting, implementing and monitoring their SUMPs.
EVR is involved in WP3 activities as railway infrastructure managers.
Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (TTJA) is responsible for technical monitoring of ongoing CEF projects (in particular, the Rail Baltic project), offering procurement and invoice control services.
Implementation contracts with the affiliated entities will be prepared and signed after the signature of the TA Grant Agreement.
3.3 Project management, quality assurance and control procedures
Project management, quality assurance and control procedures
Describe the methods to ensure good quality, monitoring, planning and control for the implementation of the project.
Explain the main features of the quality assurance plan and quality control system that will be used. The quality system should not be generic but specific to this project and its tasks.
The Ministry will be responsible for control procedures and quality management of the overall Project, with respective affiliated entities for WPs under their responsibility. Control procedures will include preparation and revision of plans; monitoring and reporting of progress; processing requests for changes to project deliverables if necessary; resolving implementation-related issues, analysing and management of risks and project-related communication with project and non-project personnel and other organizations. Quality management will ensure that the project will be completed following the relevant legal and regulative framework, according to the approved schedule, according to all associated contracts; and that all project deliverables will be presented to the relevant project stakeholders for review and approval as necessary. Supervision over procurement will be performed by the Ministry.
The Ministry as the project manager will conclude implementation contracts with the affiliated entities, who will name their counterparts to the project manager. A reporting system will be set up for claiming the costs incurred for the activities. A separate accounting system will be set up according to provisions of the national legislation, allowing distinction between the costs of the grant funds from other costs.
3.3 Risk management
Risk management methods and procedures
Explain how risk management is part of your project management approach and how you address risk management in general. Mention methods and major elements (details are to be provided in the risk assessment grid below).
Indicate whether a risk management plan is in place and explain its main features.
The main risks associated with the proposed project are:
Delays in the adoption of the Implementing Act on the collection of urban mobility data may be reflected by shifting the deadlines of WP2 activities;
The limited staff and financial resources of cities to prepare their mobility plans may affect the deadlines of WP2 activities;
Time delay when implementing the proposed WPs (1-5) that may postpone the deadline of the
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
project and achieving its goals;
Risks related to the completion of activities that are outside the scope of this project proposal but necessary for achieving the project’s results.
Risk assessment
Describe critical risks, uncertainties or difficulties related to the implementation of your project, and your measures/strategy for addressing them. Include significant risks, factors of uncertainty and major elements of complexity that may affect the project implementation, whether of political, institutional, financial, organisational, social and/or technical nature.
Indicate for each risk the impact and the likelihood that the risk will materialise (high, medium, low), even after taking into account the mitigating measures.
Note: Uncertainties and unexpected events may occur in all organisations, even if very well-run. The risk analysis will help you to predict issues that could delay or hinder project activities. A good risk management strategy is essential for good project management.
Risk No Description Work Package No
Proposed Risk Mitigation Measures
1 Delays in the adoption of the Implementing Act on the collection of urban mobility data
WP2 Active participation in relevant working groups, forums and work meetings
2 The limited staff and financial resources of cities to prepare their mobility plans
WP2 Providing expert support to urban nodes and looking for opportunities for additional funds involvement
3 Time delay when implementing the proposed WPs that may postpone the deadline of the project and achieving its goals
WP1-5 Exhaustive and mutually agreed project plan, efficient management and progress monitoring.
4 Risks related to the completion of activities that are outside the scope of this project proposal but necessary for achieving the results of the project
Communication between various stakeholders and agreements on timeline.
3.4 Communication and visibility
Communication and visibility (if applicable)
Describe the communication plan and strategy to provide visibility to the EU funding (e.g. billboards, reports, websites, brochures, information leaflets, reports, factsheets, newsletters, press articles, presentations).
Provide the websites being used for this purpose, the Social Media accounts and the communications’ contact person.
Note: Please note that we will no longer pay for project websites which are not hosted on participants’ websites; costs for separate project websites are no longer eligible.
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
A communication plan will be developed, and visibility of the project and its results will be provided according to relevant regulations, communication tools and publicity guidelines for CEF funding. All relevant information will be made available on the websites and social media accounts of the Ministry and affiliated entities. The results of the project will be publicly available using the aforementioned methods. Press articles will be prepared for general interest topics and project results.
4.1 Environmental and other impacts
Environmental and climate impact (if applicable)
Describe the expected positive and/or negative impacts of the project on the climate change targets (such as the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Climate and energy framework).
Describe the expected positive and/or negative impacts of the project on the emission of air pollutants such as Particulate Matter - PM2.5, Nitrogen oxides - NOX, Sulphur Dioxides – SO2, etc. If quantified in the CBA, mention the total monetary value of such impacts (€ NPV) and the main assumptions in terms of quantities (change in tonnes or vehicle*km) and unit values (e.g. €/tonnes or €/vkm).
Specify if the project helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and limit global warming. Explain how it impacts upstream and downstream emissions (e.g. emissions from purchased electricity as well as full life cycle). For works proposals submitting a CBA, also include the total monetary value of such impacts (€ NPV) and the main assumptions in terms of quantities (avoided tonnes of GHG) and unit values (e.g. €/tCO2equivalent).
Describe how climate change has been taken or will be taken into consideration when designing the project and its components.
Describe in detail the measures that are foreseen to monitor, prevent and mitigate a negative impact on the environment, and provide an estimation of the associated costs.
Not applicable to this project. A Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment has been performed for the Estonian Transport and Mobility Master Plan 2021-2035.
Decision-making tool, input for policy making or development of best practices
Show how the project will have an impact as decision-making tool or input for policy making or development of best practices.
Who will use the output of the project and for how long? Describe the extent to which the output will be relied on for decision-making, possibly in relation to other studies and future projects, and at what level, (e.g. a future CEF action, national project, global project, etc.). If applicable, describe the relevance and economic value of those future projects in terms of costs and benefits. If applicable, explain the degree to which elements of the project could be used to develop best practices.
Productive management of CEF-financed projects on the NSB and BBA corridors will allow to effectively implement and complete the core network by 2030. Projects financed by CEF are priorities of the Estonian Transport and Mobility Master Plan 2021-2035. Effective communication of CEF-financed transport investments helps to improve the public’s awareness of EU support and its priorities.
Development of SUMPs will strengthen the role of cities, as vital enablers of sustainable, efficient and multimodal transport. SUMP development is also contributing to the European Declaration on Cycling.
Development of Rail Freight Corridors and in particular Rail Baltic will help to achieve the modal shift of cargo traffic to rail resulting in lower emissions of CO2 and reducing the negative impacts of the transport sector as related to climate change. Such plans follow the European Green Deal and reflect the ambitious goals set for Fit for 55.
Digital security (if applicable) (for CEF-DIGITAL TA)
Describe how you will address digital security requirements, notably:
involvement of high risk suppliers (as defined in the EU coordinated risk assessment on cybersecurity of 5G networks), restrictions against such suppliers for critical and sensitive key assets and measures to avoid dependency on such high risk suppliers
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
measures to promote supply chain resilience and strategic autonomy (in line with the 5G networks EU Toolbox of risk mitigating measures)
security requirements for your network operators (e.g. strict access controls, rules on secure operation and monitoring, limitations on outsourcing of specific functions, etc.)
measures adopted to prevent unsolicited transfer to, or access by, third parties of the data (personal or non-personal) stored or transported in the context of the project.
Other considerations
Please describe any other relevant considerations.
5.1 Financial gap
Financial gap
Explain how the EU grant will facilitate or accelerate the project, in comparison to a situation without the EU funding.
Describe the financial gap, which the EU funding is supposed to cover. Specify and justify the amount.
Describe the financial obstacles and how public funding would help to overcome them.
Indicate whether you expect any EU support under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) (with an approximate amount).
As Estonia is part of two TEN-T corridors, NSB and BBE, and the tasks for upcoming years tend to grow because the TEN-T core network needs to be ready by 2030, it may be complicated to achieve the goals of the project in a planned manner. The EU funding will help to disseminate the results of CEF- financed projects, improve communication of CEF-financing calls and report on completed and ongoing investment projects. Additionally, it may not be sure that the SUMP development and collection of urban mobility data can be made possible in a targeted timeline by the European Commission.
The financial gap for implementing the necessary tasks of all work packages is based on the European Commission’s decision authorising the use of lump sum contributions for technical assistance under the Connecting Europe Facility – transport sector3.
5.2 Stakeholder commitment
Stakeholder commitment
Explain how the EU funding would reinforce the commitment of different partners and stakeholders (public and
3 decision_cef-ta-ms-support_en.pdf
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
What would be the effects, in terms of commitment of stakeholders, if the project would not receive the grant?
The EU funding will help to form a consortium of affiliated entities, involve more stakeholders and partners, raise their awareness of CEF funding possibilities, as well as improve the communication of already funded CEF projects.
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
6.1 Work plan
Work plan
Provide a brief description of the overall structure of the work plan (list of work packages or graphical presentation (Pert chart or similar)).
WP1: Cooperation within the European Transport Corridors
Participation in meetings such as Corridor/HP Forums, working groups and Corridor-related conferences. Consultation and approval of the regularly updated Corridor Work Plans-related implementing acts. Cooperation with the European Coordinators, national stakeholders and other Member States.
WP2: Support to urban nodes
WP2 tasks aim to support the implementation of the requirements set out in Article 41 of the revised TEN-T Regulation. The work package is implemented via two clusters: sustainable urban mobility planning (SUMP) and urban mobility indicators (UMI). The national SUMP contact point will assist in implementing the tasks under each cluster. The outcomes of the work carried out will directly contribute to fulfilling the legal obligations required to be put in place by 31 December 2027, namely the adoption and monitoring of a SUMP for each urban node, collection and submission to the Commission of urban mobility data per urban node.
WP3: Cooperation within the Rail Freight Corridors ensuring adequate coordination with the European Transport Corridors
Preparation of, participation in and follow-up to meetings at the corridor level involving stakeholders of the rail freight corridor and cooperation with the European Coordinator responsible for the corresponding European Transport Corridor. Also, preparation of, participation in and follow-up to meetings for coordination between several or all rail freight corridors. Coordination activities within the Member State involving in particular the infrastructure manager(s), railway undertakings, terminal owners and managers, regional and local authorities and other relevant stakeholders. Preparation of the report under Article 22 of the Regulation.
WP4: Communication, appraisal of CEF project proposals and technical monitoring of CEF 2 projects
Providing clear information at the national level in national languages, in particular, through the organisation of national “Info days”, promoting calls for proposals, CEF funding priorities as well as success stories of projects co-funded by the EU. Accessing the compliance of the project proposals with both the call requirements and the national priorities, also, monitoring the technical implementation of the projects.
WP5: CEF 2014-2020: Legacy management for technical and financial monitoring
Technical monitoring of the ongoing CEF 2014-2020 projects. Promoting CEF project success stories at the national level.
6.2 Work packages, activities, resources and timing
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Work packages
This section concerns a detailed description of the project activities.
Group your activities into work packages. A work package means a major sub-division of the project. For each work package, enter an objective (expected outcome) and list the activities, milestones and deliverables that belong to it. The grouping should be logical and guided by identifiable outputs.
Projects should normally have a minimum of 2 work packages. WP1 should cover the management and coordination activities (meetings, coordination, project monitoring and evaluation, financial management, progress reports, etc) and all the activities which are cross-cutting and therefore difficult to assign to another specific work package (do not try splitting these activities across different work packages). WP2 and further WPs should be used for the other project activities. You can create as many work packages as needed by copying WP1.
For very simple projects, it is possible to use a single work package for the entire project (WP1 with the project acronym as WP name).
Work packages covering financial support to third parties ( only allowed if authorised in the Call document) must describe the conditions for implementing the support (for grants: max amounts per third party; criteria for calculating the exact amounts, types of activity that qualify (closed list), persons/categories of persons to be supported and criteria and procedures for giving support; for prizes: eligibility and award criteria, amount of the prize and payment arrangements).
Enter each activity/milestone/output/outcome/deliverable only once (under one work package).
Ensure consistency with the detailed budget table per WP/calculator (if applicable) (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)
. Describe the objective of the work package and how it contributes/relates to the overall and specific objectives of the project.
State if there are links to other work packages (or conversely that there are no links to any other work package).
Activities (WP description)
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Mention for each task links with tasks planned under other work packages. Flag tasks which are on the critical path.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP), indicating in bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors.
Complete the column on subcontracting. Subcontracts must be awarded using your usual purchasing practices – provided that they ensure best value for money and no conflict of interests. If you are a public procurer (‘contracting authority/entity’ within the meaning of the EU Directives on public procurement), you must also comply with the applicable national law on public procurement.”
The Coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted.
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)
Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. They are not needed for CEF TA projects. You can leave the section on milestones empty.
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators. They should be easy and concrete. Examples of means of verification include: publication of the tender notice, signature of a contract by the last party, acceptance/approval of final report/outcome, etc. A deliverable can be also used as a mean of verification for a milestone.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format) and achievement of the technical work. Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items, internal working papers, meeting minutes, etc.
Examples of deliverables for works projects include: constructed rail section, built bridge, deployed charging stations, concluded contract, published manuals, construction of the transmission line [name of the line], commissioning of the transmission line [name of the line], constructed transmission tower, deployed submarine cable, etc. For deliverables which are physical investments, provide in the ‘Description’ field the type of document you will use to prove the completion of the deliverable (e.g. acceptance note, test protocol, certificate of completion, handover certificate, etc).
Examples of deliverables for studies include: a technical design, an engineering design, a completed analysis, an environmental report, data collection, creation of a model and description of scenarios, etc. For such deliverables, provide in the ‘Description’ field: confirmation of completion and/or approval of technical design, copy of environmental report, etc.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the 'Description' field: invitation, agenda, signed presence list,report of the event, presentations.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s), approximate number of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of the work package and must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement
EU classified — RESTREINT-UE/EU-RESTRICTED, CONFIDENTIEL-UE/EU-CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET-UE/EU-SECRET under Decision 2015/444. For items classified under other rules (e.g. national or international organisation), please select the equivalent EU classification level.
Please note that milestones/deliverables should relate to the project work. Periodic reports or final reports linked to payments should NOT be included.
Work Package 1
Work Package 1: Cooperation within the European Transport Corridors
Duration: 2025 - 2027 Lead Beneficiary: Ministry of Climate
efficient cooperation with European Coordinators and their staff to ensure implementation of the European Transport Corridors and the TEN-T horizontal priorities
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Activities (WP description)
Task No (continuous numbering linked to
Task Name Description Participants Subcontracting (Yes/No and Percentage of the task
that will be subcontracted). Name Role
T1.1 Participation in meetings such as Corridor Forums, working groups and conferences
Participation in the meetings organised by the European Coordinator, such as Corridor/HP Forums, working groups and Corridor- related conferences
Ministry COO No
T1.2 Consultation and approval of the regularly updated Corridor Work Plans related implementing acts
Consultation and approval of the new generation of Corridor/HP Work Plans; consultation of the related Corridor implementing acts or implementing acts for specific cross- border sections or for the horizontal priorities
Ministry COO No
T1.3 Consultation of implementing acts defining the reference water levels related to the Good Navigation Status of the TEN-T inland waterways
This task is no applicable for Estonia due to the absence of the TEN-T inland waterways.
- - -
T1.4 Cooperation with the European Coordinators, national stakeholders and other Member States
Regular and efficient cooperation with CEF associated third countries with the European Coordinators, national stakeholders and other Member States
Ministry COO No
Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Milestone No (continuous numbering
not linked to WP)
Milestone Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date (month number)
Means of Verification
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Deliverable No (continuous numbering
linked to WP)
Deliverable Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Level
Due Date (month number)
Description (including format and
D1.1 Participation in meetings, working groups and conferences
1 Ministry
[R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
36 List of EE participants
D1.2 Triennial report 2027
1 Ministry [R — Document, report]
[SEN — Sensitive]
36 Triennial report on WP1 activities for period 2025- 2027 (English)
Estimated budget — Resources
€ 175 776
Work Package 2
Work Package 2: Support to urban nodes
Duration: 2025 - 2027 Lead Beneficiary: Ministry of Climate
Implementation of the requirements set out in Article 41 of the revised TEN-T Regulation, namely the adoption and monitoring of a SUMP for each urban node as
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
required by Article 41 b(i) of the TEN-T Regulation; and collection and submission to the Commission of urban mobility data per urban node as required by Article 41(1)b(ii) of the revised TEN-T Regulation.
Activities (WP description)
Task No (continuous numbering linked to
Task Name Description Participants Subcontracting (Yes/No and Percentage of the task
that will be subcontracted). Name Role
T2.1 Coordination and capacity building Identifying a set of measures aimed at supporting urban nodes for adopting, implementing and monitoring their SUMPs. Designating a team in charge of implementing the measures included, allocating appropriate resources (human and financial) to carry out the activities.
T2.2 Sustainable urban mobility planning (SUMP)
Supporting the national SUMP contact points in establishing and operating a national network of urban nodes, incl. 9 coordination meetings during the period 2025-2027 for networking, identifying common challenges and sharing good practices (three meetings per year with at least one physical meeting).
T2.3 Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators (SUMI)
Developing a national guidance to urban nodes that serves as a basis for assessing and ensuring alignment with the Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning Guidelines for Urban Nodes presented in Annex V of the TEN-T Regulation. The task includes updating existing guidance or
Yes, 80%
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
legislation as well as developing new guidance.
T2.4 Cluster A Sustainable urban mobility planning (SUMP) - Assessing the preparedness of urban nodes
Built upon the national SUMP guidance development (T2.3), assessing the preparedness of urban nodes and alignment of their SUMPs with the TEN-T requirements and identifying areas that require further work.
T5.5 Cluster A Sustainable urban mobility planning (SUMP) - Expert support to urban nodes
Offering expert support to urban nodes to implement the steps identified in task T2.4. to improve the alignment of SUMPs for each urban node with the SUMP guidelines for urban nodes.
Ministry of Climate
T2.6 Cluster B Urban Mobility Indicators (UMI) - Analysis of data availability
Supporting the urban nodes to (1) undertake a data gap analysis assessing the availability of data, existing and potential data sources and data collection methods and processes as well as resources available and needed and, based on that analysis, to (2) each draft a data generation plan.
T2.7 Cluster B Urban Mobility Indicators (UMI) - Support to implement the data generation plans
Supporting urban nodes in implementing their data generation plan by e.g. setting up and implementing procedures for data generation, collection, and processing covering all indicators set out in the implementing act on urban mobility indicators (expected to be adopted in mid-2025).
Yes, 80%
Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Milestone No (continuous numbering
not linked to WP)
Milestone Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date (month number)
Means of Verification
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Deliverable No (continuous numbering
linked to WP)
Deliverable Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Level
Due Date (month number)
Description (including format and
D2.1 Coordination meetings
2 Ministry [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
36 List of EE participants
D2.2 Triennial report 2027
2 Ministry [R — Document, report]
[SEN — Sensitive]
36 Triennial report on WP2 activities for period 2025- 2027 (English)
Estimated budget — Resources
€ 76 800
Work Package 3
Work Package 3: Cooperation within the Rail Freight Corridors ensuring adequate coordination with the European Transport Corridors
Duration: 2025 - 2027 Lead Beneficiary: Ministry of Climate
Coordinate contributions of Member State authorities to rail capacity and traffic management.
Ensure consistency with TEN-T policy and cross-border coordination.
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Support implementation of relevant rail legislation.
Activities (WP description)
Task No (continuous numbering linked to
Task Name Description Participants Subcontracting (Yes/No and Percentage of the task
that will be subcontracted). Name Role
T3.1 Corridor-specific meetings Preparation of, participation in and follow-up to meetings at the corridor level involving stakeholders of the rail freight corridor and cooperation with the European Coordinator responsible for the corresponding European Transport Corridor (5 meetings per corridor per year including at least 2 physical meetings).
T3.2 Cross-corridor meetings Preparation of, participation in and follow-up to meetings for coordination between several or all rail freight corridors (5 meetings per year including at least 2 physical meetings)
T3.3 Coordination with relevant stakeholders at the national level
Coordination activities within the Member State involving in particular the infrastructure manager(s), railway undertakings, terminal owners and managers, regional and local authorities and other relevant stakeholders
T3.4 Preparation of implementation report Preparation of the report pursuant to Article 22 of the Regulation
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)
Milestone No (continuous numbering
not linked to WP)
Milestone Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date (month number)
Means of Verification
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Deliverable No (continuous numbering
linked to WP)
Deliverable Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Level
Due Date (month number)
Description (including format and
D3.1 Corridor-specific meetings
3 Ministry
[R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
36 List of EE participants
D3.2 Cross-corridor meetings
3 Ministry [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
36 List of EE participants
D3.3 Triennial report 2027
3 Ministry [R — Document, report]
[SEN — Sensitive]
36 Triennial report on WP3 activities for period 2025- 2027 (English)
D3.4 Article 22 report 3 Ministry [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
12 Article 22 report
D3.5 Article 22 report 3 Ministry [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
36 Article 22 report
Estimated budget — Resources
€ 28 914
Work Package 4
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Work Package 4: Communication, appraisal of CEF project proposals and technical monitoring of CEF 2 projects
Duration: 2025 - 2027 Lead Beneficiary: Ministry of Climate
Effective communication on CEF programme, in providing resources for the appraisal of CEF project proposals and for the monitoring of the selected projects under CEF2
Activities (WP description)
Task No (continuous numbering linked to
Task Name Description Participants Subcontracting (Yes/No and Percentage of the task
that will be subcontracted). Name Role
T4.1 Communication Communication actions relating to the CEF Programme, its actions and results in national languages, incl. organisation of national “Info days”, distribution of newsletters, social media communication and updated information on official websites with links to relevant EU websites.
Ministry COO No
T4.2 Appraisal of CEF project proposals Appraisal of CEF project proposals: assessment of the compliance of project proposals with Call requirements and national priorities and signature of Member State agreement before project submission
Ministry COO No
T4.3 Technical monitoring of the selected ongoing projects
Technical monitoring of the selected ongoing projects to ensure maximum
Ministry COO No
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
absorption of the national Cohesion allocation.
Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)
Milestone No (continuous numbering
not linked to WP)
Milestone Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date (month number)
Means of Verification
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Deliverable No (continuous numbering
linked to WP)
Deliverable Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Level
Due Date (month number)
Description (including format and
D4.1 Triennial report 2027
4 Ministry [R — Document, report]
[SEN — Sensitive]
36 Triennial report on WP4 activities for period 2025- 2027 (English)
Estimated budget — Resources
€ 774 166
Work Package 5
Work Package 5: CEF 2014-2020: Legacy management for technical and financial monitoring
Duration: 2025 - 2027 Lead Beneficiary: Ministry of Climate
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Technical monitoring of legacy projects selected under the previous financing period 2014-2020
Activities (WP description)
Task No (continuous numbering linked to
Task Name Description Participants Subcontracting (Yes/No and Percentage of the task
that will be subcontracted). Name Role
T5.1 Technical monitoring of the selected ongoing projects (2025-2027 addition)
The technical monitoring and financial control of actions in close cooperation with the Commission
T5.2 Communication Providing information and promoting success stories of projects co-funded by the EU
Ministry COO
Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)
Milestone No (continuous numbering
not linked to WP)
Milestone Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date (month number)
Means of Verification
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Deliverable No (continuous numbering
linked to WP)
Deliverable Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Level
Due Date (month number)
Description (including format and
D5.1 Biennial report 2027
5 Ministry [R — Document, report]
[SEN — Sensitive]
24 Biennial report on WP5 activities for period 2025- 2027 (English)
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Estimated budget — Resources
€ 166 446
Staff effort (n/a for Lump Sum Grants)
Staff effort per work package
Fill in the summary on work package information and effort per work package.
Work Package No
Work Package Title
Lead Participant No
Lead Participant Short Name
Start Month End Month Person-Months
Total Person- Months
Staff effort per participant (n/a for OG)
Fill in the effort per work package and Beneficiary/Affiliated Entity.
Please indicate the number of person/months over the whole duration of the planned work.
Identify the work-package leader for each work package by showing the relevant person/month figure in bold.
Participant WP1 WP2 WP… Total Person-Months
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Total Person-Months
Fill in the timetable for the project (using either the template available on Portal Reference Documents or a Gantt chart which respects the minimum requirements set out in the template) and attach it to your Application Form (annex X to Part B).
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
7.1 Ethics
Not applicable.
7.2 Security
Not applicable.
Double funding
Information concerning other EU grants for this project
Please note that there is a strict prohibition of double funding from the EU budget (except under EU Synergies actions).
We confirm that to our best knowledge neither the project as a whole nor any parts of it have benefitted from any other EU grant (including EU funding managed by authorities in EU Member States or other funding bodies, e.g. EU Regional Funds, EU Agricultural Funds, etc). If NO, explain and provide details.
We confirm that to our best knowledge neither the project as a whole nor any parts of it are (nor will be) submitted for any other EU grant (including EU funding managed by authorities in EU Member States or other funding bodies, e.g. EU Regional Funds, EU Agricultural Funds, etc). If NO, explain and provide details.
Financial support to third parties (if applicable)
If your project requires a higher maximum amount per third party than the threshold amount set in the Call document, justify and explain why this is necessary in order to fulfil your project’s objectives.
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Standard Detailed budget table per WP/Calculator (annex 1 to Part B) — mandatory CVs (annex to Part B) — not applicable Annual activity reports (annex 3 to Part B) — mandatory, if required in the Call document List of previous projects (annex 4 to Part B) — mandatory, if required in the Call document Special Timetable/Gantt chart (annex 2 to Part B) — mandatory Other annexes (annex X to Part B) — mandatory, if required in the Call document
Call: [CEF-T-2024-TACOENEA-MS-LS-IBA] — [Technical Assistance to Member States for ETCs and urban nodes]
EU Grants: Application form (CEF TA): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
List of previous projects
Please provide a list of your previous projects for the last 4 years.
Participant Project Reference No and Title, Funding
Period (start and end date)
Role (COO, BEN, AE,
Amount (EUR)
(if any)
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications/ Ministry of Climate (since 01.07.2023)
Technical assistance for TEN-T implementation (Estonia)
01.11.2021- 31.12.2022
COO 1 001 545 EUR
1.0 01.12.2021 Initial version (new MFF). 2.0 01.06.2022 Consolidation, formatting and layout changes. Tags added.