Dokumendiregister | Sotsiaalministeerium |
Viit | 1.5-8/346-1 |
Registreeritud | 05.02.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 06.02.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 1.5 Asjaajamine. Info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia arendus ja haldus |
Sari | 1.5-8 Tervitus- ja tutvustuskirjad, kutsed ja kirjavahetus seminaridel, konverentsidel jt üritustel osalemiseks |
Toimik | 1.5-8/2025 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | International Occupational Medicine Society Collaborative |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | International Occupational Medicine Society Collaborative |
Vastutaja | Heli Laarmann (Sotsiaalministeerium, Kantsleri vastutusvaldkond, Terviseala asekantsleri vastutusvaldkond, Rahvatervishoiu osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Tähelepanu! Tegemist on välisvõrgust saabunud kirjaga. |
Tähelepanu! Tegemist on välisvõrgust saabunud kirjaga. |
Dear Ms H. Laarmann, Head, Public Health Department, Ministry of Social Affairs,
Please find attached your invitation to IOMSC Worker Health: World Health Assembly Evening Reception on May 22nd.
Best wishes,
Rose Wood |
International Coordinator
Supporting occupational health and wellbeing professionals
2 St Andrews Place | London | NW1 4LB | Tel: 0203 910 4536
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The Society of Occupational Medicine Charity no 1184142 Company no 11380861
February 3, 2025 Dear Ms H. Laarmann, Head, Public Health Department, Ministry of Social Affairs, Invitation — Worker Health — World Health Assembly Evening Reception: May 22nd We would like to invite you to attend an evening reception with drinks and canapes from 5:30pm-8pm on May 22nd at the Intercontinental Hotel, Chemin du Petit Saconnex 7-9, 1209, Genève. The International Occupational Medicine Society Collaborative (IOMSC) is a collaboration of more than 50 National Occupational Medicine Societies world-wide, whose 30,000 members strive to improve the health and safety of over a billion workers. IOMSC is a World Health Organization (WHO) global collaborating centre and works closely with the International Labour Organization (ILO). We are delighted to have opening remarks from health leaders from WHO and ILO to share their perspectives on how business and health systems can support and improve workplace health. The reception will include brief comments as to priorities for Occupational and Worker Health identified during a prior thought leadership meeting. There will be plenty of time to meet participants in a relaxed and informal setting from the World Health Assembly, Chief Medical Officers of large multinational employers, Academia and the World Economic Forum. The reception is kindly sponsored by Enterprise Health and Benchmark Gensuite. We do hope you will be able to join us for this reception. Please RSVP whether you will be attending to [email protected] Sincerely,
Ronald R. Loeppke, MD, MPH, FACOEM Richard Heron, MD, FRCP, FFOM, FACOEM Co-Chair, IOMSC Co-Chair, IOMSC
February 3, 2025 Dear Ms H. Laarmann, Head, Public Health Department, Ministry of Social Affairs, Invitation — Worker Health — World Health Assembly Evening Reception: May 22nd We would like to invite you to attend an evening reception with drinks and canapes from 5:30pm-8pm on May 22nd at the Intercontinental Hotel, Chemin du Petit Saconnex 7-9, 1209, Genève. The International Occupational Medicine Society Collaborative (IOMSC) is a collaboration of more than 50 National Occupational Medicine Societies world-wide, whose 30,000 members strive to improve the health and safety of over a billion workers. IOMSC is a World Health Organization (WHO) global collaborating centre and works closely with the International Labour Organization (ILO). We are delighted to have opening remarks from health leaders from WHO and ILO to share their perspectives on how business and health systems can support and improve workplace health. The reception will include brief comments as to priorities for Occupational and Worker Health identified during a prior thought leadership meeting. There will be plenty of time to meet participants in a relaxed and informal setting from the World Health Assembly, Chief Medical Officers of large multinational employers, Academia and the World Economic Forum. The reception is kindly sponsored by Enterprise Health and Benchmark Gensuite. We do hope you will be able to join us for this reception. Please RSVP whether you will be attending to [email protected] Sincerely,
Ronald R. Loeppke, MD, MPH, FACOEM Richard Heron, MD, FRCP, FFOM, FACOEM Co-Chair, IOMSC Co-Chair, IOMSC