Dokumendiregister | Terviseamet |
Viit | 8-2/25/981-1 |
Registreeritud | 05.02.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 06.02.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev dokument |
Funktsioon | 8 Nakkushaiguste seire, ennetuse ja tõrje korraldamine |
Sari | 8-2 Nakkushaiguste epidemioloogiaalane riigiväline kirjavahetus |
Toimik | 8.1-2/2025 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | EPIET OFFICE |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | EPIET OFFICE |
Vastutaja | Kärt Sõber (TA, Peadirektori asetäitja (1) vastutusvaldkond, Nakkushaiguste epidemioloogia osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Tähelepanu! Tegemist on väljastpoolt asutust saabunud kirjaga. Tundmatu saatja korral palume linke ja faile mitte avada. |
Dear EPIET and EUPHEM TSF Members,
To: TSF Members / OCPs for Public Health Training in Field Epidemiology (EPIET) and Public Health Training in Public Health Microbiology (EUPHEM)
Cc: Other TSF Members (Non-OCP Representatives)
Cc: NFPTs (Members and Alternates)
Cc: National Coordinators
Cc: Vicky Lefevre, Head of Unit Public Health Functions, ECDC
Cc: Country Cooperation
Cc: EPIET Office, ECDC Courses
As you know, all the current Committee of Four members have decided to end their tenure a bit earlier. During the last TSF meeting, we asked for nominees to take on these important roles for the ECDC Fellowship.
As a result, we received several nominations, and the following Training Site Representatives have accepted to take on these roles:
EPIET Path Nominees:
EUPHEM Path Nominees:
We have also received a request to open this “Call for nominations” to the Training Site Representatives who were not present at the hybrid meeting. Therefore, before moving forward with this process, you are invited to submit a nomination to be part of the next Committee of Four.
The new Committee of Four, which will have a mandate of 3 years, will be composed of:
For your information, The Committee of Four will work closely with ECDC and form part of the current Public Health Training (PHT) Coordination Committee.
If you would like to present yourself or nominate someone else, please click on this link to submit your nomination by 17:00 CET on February 10, 2025.
What happens after nominations are received?
ECDC will contact the candidates that are not self-nominated to confirm their acceptance to candidate. The next step in the election process will then depend on the number of nominations received.
We would like to reassure you that the organisation of the Committee is subject to flexibility also in terms of possible shifts for the Chair and Co-Chair roles, throughout their mandate.
Should you have any further questions regarding the Committee of Four election please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you would like to read more about the role of the Committee of Four, please refer to the ECDC CCB Implementation Document (Annex 6).
We hope this finds you well and look forward to hearing from you!
Best Regards,
Adam Roth
Head of Section Public Health Training & Head of Fellowship Programme
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