Dokumendiregister | Päästeamet |
Viit | 1.3-1/776 |
Registreeritud | 07.02.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 10.02.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 1.3 Väliskoostöö |
Sari | 1.3-1 Rahvusvahelise koostööga seotud kirjavahetus |
Toimik | 1.3-1 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Ministry of the Interior, Department for Rescue Services |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Ministry of the Interior, Department for Rescue Services |
Vastutaja | Margo Klaos (Päästeamet) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Dear colleagues in Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia,
The informal meeting of the EU Directors-General is approaching. We thought it would be a good idea to exchange some ideas on the important topics of the DG meeting (the Preparedness Union Strategy and the Civil Defense Mechanism). Would you be available for an informal pre-meeting on Tuesday 11 February from 12:15 to 13:15 i.e. before the DG meeting? We could possibly meet in the premises of our Permanent Representation to the EU.
DG Kimmo has meetings with our new Permanent Secretary here in Finland so I will be participating in the DG meeting with Ville Similä, my colleague from our PermRep in Brussels.
I would kindly ask you to indicate on Monday whether you have the possibility to participate in the informal pre-meeting so that our PermRep can reserve the facilities and some light lunch for us.
Best regards,
Pauliina Eskola
Director of Rescue Services, Accident Prevention and International Cooperation
Ministry of the Interior, Department for Rescue Services
tel. +358 295 488 263/+358 40 743 5700
[email protected]
Twitter: @PauliinaEskola
P.O. Box 26, 00023 Government
Tämä viesti on osoitettu ainoastaan sen tarkoitetulle vastaanottajalle ja se saattaa sisältää salassa pidettävää tietoa. Jos et ole viestissä tarkoitettu vastaanottaja, tuhoa viesti ja ilmoita asiasta välittömästi viestin lähettäjälle.
Viestin sisällön, välitystiedon ja viestin olemassaolon hyväksikäyttäminen ja ilmaiseminen on kielletty laissa (laki sähköisen viestinnän palveluista 136 § 4. mom).
Detta meddelande gäller endast den avsedda mottagaren och kan innehålla sekretessbelagd information. Om du inte är den avsedda mottagaren ska du radera meddelandet och informera avsändaren omedelbart. Det är enligt lag förbjudet att utnyttja eller röja meddelandets
innehåll, förmedlingsuppgifterna eller uppgifterna om meddelandets existens (136 § 4 mom. i lagen om tjänster inom elektronisk kommunikation).
This email message is intended only for the person(s) named in the message header and may contain privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please delete the message and notify the sender immediately. Any disclosure or use
of the content or traffic data of this message or the knowledge of its existence is prohibited by law (Act on Electronic Communications Services, section 136, subsection 4).
Saatja: Eskola Pauliina (SM) <[email protected]>
Saadetud: 07.02.2025 17:59
Adressaat: <[email protected]>; Myrdal Sara <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; <brs-
[email protected]>; Margo Klaos <[email protected]>; Päästeamet
<[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Koopia: Kohvakka Kimmo (SM) <[email protected]>; Similä Ville (UE)
<[email protected]>; Hangaslammi Sini (SM) <[email protected]>; Vainionpää Sonja (UE)
Teema: Informal pre-meeting ahead of the DG meeting on Tuesday 11 February?
Manused: image001.jpg; image002.png
TÄHELEPANU! Tegemist on väljastpoolt asutust saabunud kirjaga. Tundmatu saatja korral palume linke ja faile mitte avada!
Dear colleagues in Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia,
The informal meeting of the EU Directors-General is approaching. We thought it would be a good idea to
exchange some ideas on the important topics of the DG meeting (the Preparedness Union Strategy and the Civil
Defense Mechanism). Would you be available for an informal pre-meeting on Tuesday 11 February from 12:15
to 13:15 i.e. before the DG meeting? We could possibly meet in the premises of our Permanent Representation to
the EU.
DG Kimmo has meetings with our new Permanent Secretary here in Finland so I will be participating in the DG
meeting with Ville Similä, my colleague from our PermRep in Brussels.
I would kindly ask you to indicate on Monday whether you have the possibility to participate in the informal pre-
meeting so that our PermRep can reserve the facilities and some light lunch for us.
Best regards,
Pauliina Eskola Director of Rescue Services, Accident Prevention and International Cooperation
Ministry of the Interior, Department for Rescue Services
tel. +358 295 488 263/+358 40 743 5700
Twitter: @PauliinaEskola
P.O. Box 26, 00023 Government
Tämä viesti on osoitettu ainoastaan sen tarkoitetulle vastaanottajalle ja se saattaa sisältää salassa pidettävää tietoa. Jos et ole viestissä
tarkoitettu vastaanottaja, tuhoa viesti ja ilmoita asiasta välittömästi viestin lähettäjälle. Viestin sisällön, välitystiedon ja viestin
olemassaolon hyväksikäyttäminen ja ilmaiseminen on kielletty laissa (laki sähköisen viestinnän palveluista 136 § 4. mom).
Detta meddelande gäller endast den avsedda mottagaren och kan innehålla sekretessbelagd information. Om du inte är den avsedda
mottagaren ska du radera meddelandet och informera avsändaren omedelbart. Det är enligt lag förbjudet att utnyttja eller röja
meddelandets innehåll, förmedlingsuppgifterna eller uppgifterna om meddelandets existens (136 § 4 mom. i lagen om tjänster inom
elektronisk kommunikation).
This email message is intended only for the person(s) named in the message header and may contain privileged information. If you are not
the intended recipient of this message, please delete the message and notify the sender immediately. Any disclosure or use of the content
or traffic data of this message or the knowledge of its existence is prohibited by law (Act on Electronic Communications Services, section 136, subsection 4).