Dokumendiregister | Transpordiamet |
Viit | 13.11-4/25/745-5 |
Registreeritud | 07.02.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 10.02.2025 |
Liik | Kooskõlastus / kinnitus / heakskiitmine |
Funktsioon | 13.11 Mehitamata õhusõidukite lennutamise korraldamine |
Sari | 13.11-4 Erikategooria omistamise dokumendid |
Toimik | 13.11-4/2025 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | |
Vastutaja | Priit Rifk (Users, Lennundusteenistus, Mehitamata lennunduse osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Kinnitamine: 07.02.2025 nr 13.11-4/25/745-5 1/3
Data protection: the competent authority processes the personal data submitted in the application in accordance
with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on the repeal of
Directive 95/46/EC (protection of personal data general regulation). The competent authority processes personal
data for the purposes of filling out the request, managing it and taking follow-up measures in accordance with Article 12 of Regulation (EU) 2019/947 of 24 May 2019 on the rules and procedures for the operation of
unmanned aircraft.
If the applicant needs additional information about the processing of their personal data or the exercise of their rights (for example, to access or correct inaccurate or incomplete data), they must contact the contact point of
their competent authority.
The applicant has the right to file a complaint with the national data protection authority regarding the processing of his personal data at any time.
1. Authority that issues the authorisation
1.1 Issuing authority Estonian Transport Administration
1.2 Point of contact
Priit Rifk
Head of Unmanned Aviation Department
+372 554 9467
2. UAS operator data
2.1 UAS operator registration number ESTm0jfjdqzu5wca
2.2 UAS operator name Sisekaitseakadeemia
2.3 Operational point of contact
Madis Stern
+372 585 14984
3. Authorised operation
3.1 Authorised location(s) Tallinn FIR
Segregated airspace over sparsely populated area
3.2 Extent of the adjacent area 5 km
3.3 Risk assessment reference and revision SORA version __ PDRA # G02-1.2 other _______
3.4 Level of assurance and integrity SAIL II
3.5 Type of operation VLOS BVLOS
3.6 Transport of dangerous goods Yes No
3.7 Ground risk
3.7.1 Operational area Sparsely populated area
3.7.2 Adjacent area Sparsely populated area
3.8 Ground risk
3.8.1 Strategic mitigations No Yes, low Yes, medium Yes, high
3.8.2 ERP No Yes, low Yes, medium Yes, high
3.9 Height limit of the operational volume 1050 m (3500 ft)
3.10 Residual air risk
3.10.1 Operational volume ARC-a ARC-b ARC-c ARC-d
3.10.2. Adjacent volume ARC-a ARC-b ARC-c ARC-d
3.11 Air risk
3.11.1 Strategic mitigations No Yes
3.11.2 Tactical mitigation
methods n/a
Kinnitamine: 07.02.2025 nr 13.11-4/25/745-5 2/3
3.12 Achieved level of containment Basic Enhanced
3.13 Remote pilot competency OM 3.4
3.14 Competency of staff, other than the remote pilot,
essential for the safety of the operation OM 3.4
3.15 Type of events to be reported to the competent
authority (in addition to those required by
Regulation (EU) No 376/2014)
OM 10
3.16 Insurance No Yes
3.17 Operations manual reference SKA_Erikategooria_lennukäsiraamat_versioon_1.0
3.18 Compliance evidence file reference
OT_264_K1_V2_r2_Kaitamisloa taotlus erikategoorias
Rahvastiku paiknemise rakendamise metoodika
3.19 Remarks / additional limitations n/a
4. Data of authorised UAS
4.1 Manufacturer Threod Systems 4.2 Model EOS C VTOL
4.3 Type of UAS
Aeroplane Helicopter
Hybrid /VTOL
Lighter than air / other
4.4 Maximum
4.965 m
4.5 Take-off mass 14.2 kg 4.6 Maximum speed 30 m/s (58 kt)
4.7 Additional technical requirements n/a
4.8 Serial number or, if applicable, UA registration
UA registration mark:1010330
Remote ID module SN: 1596A30B6110D18
4.9 Number of type certificate (TC) or design
verification report, if required n/a
4.10 Number of the certificate of airworthiness
(CofA), if required n/a
4.11 Number of the noise certificate, if required n/a
4.12 Mitigation to reduce effect of ground impact No Yes, low Yes, medium Yes, high
Required to reduce the ground risk Yes No
4.13 Technical requirements for containment Basic Enhanced
5. Remarks
6. Operational authorisation
Sisekaitseakadeemia (ENG: Internal Security Academy) is authorised to conduct UAS operations with the UAS(s)
defined in Section 4 and according to the conditions and limitations defined in Section 3, for as long as it complies with
Kinnitamine: 07.02.2025 nr 13.11-4/25/745-5 3/3
this operational authorisation, with Regulation (EU) 2019/947, and with any applicable Union and national regulations
related to privacy, data protection, liability, insurance, security, and environmental protection.
6.1 Operational authorisation number EST-OAT-0015/001
6.2 Expiry date 06/02/2030
Signed digitally
Priit Rifk
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Kiri | 07.02.2025 | 3 | 13.11-4/25/745-4 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | Sisekaitseakadeemia |
Otsus | 07.02.2025 | 3 | 1.1-2/25/25 | Otsus | transpordiamet | |
Kiri | 06.02.2025 | 4 | 13.11-4/25/745-3 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | Sisekaitseakadeemia |
Kiri | 22.01.2025 | 19 | 13.11-4/25/745-2 🔒 | Valjaminev kiri | transpordiamet | A. M. |
Taotlus | 14.01.2025 | 27 | 13.11-4/25/745-1 🔒 | Taotlus OPS | transpordiamet |