Dokumendiregister | Kultuuriministeerium |
Viit | 9-5/200-1 |
Registreeritud | 17.02.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 18.02.2025 |
Liik | Väljaminev kiri |
Funktsioon | 9 Välisesinduste ning rahvusvahelise koostöö korraldamine |
Sari | 9-5 Kirjavahetus Rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega (Euroopa Nõukogu, UNESCO jms) |
Toimik | 9-5/2025 Kirjavahetus Rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega (Euroopa Nõukogu, UNESCO jms) |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | UNESCO |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | UNESCO |
Vastutaja | Kadri Jauram |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
To Mr Ernesto Ottone R. Assistant Director General Sector for Culture United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 7, Place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris SP France
From: Ms Kristiina Alliksaar
Secretary General of the Ministry of Culture Ministry of Culture
23, Suur-Karja St.15076 Tallinn Estonia
10 February 2025
Dear Assistant Director General, Ref.: Contribution in favour of the UNESCO Heritage Emergency Fund to support the programme for Heritage Emergency Preparedness and Response. The Ministry of Culture of Estonia is pleased to provide a contribution of EUR 10,000 (Ten thousand Euros) (hereafter referred as the “Funding Contribution”) to support UNESCO’s activities related to the programme for Heritage Emergency Preparedness and Response (hereafter referred as “the Programme”). The Ministry of Culture of Estonia understands that the Funding Contribution will be credited to a Special Account (hereafter referred as “the Fund”) managed by UNESCO to support the above-mentioned Programme. The Financial Regulations of the Fund constitute the annex 1 to the present agreement. The Ministry of Culture of Estonia agrees to pay UNESCO the Funding Contribution on condition that UNESCO:
1. Uses the Funding Contribution for the purpose of the Programme;
2. Provides to the Ministry of Culture of Estonia, upon request, with written confirmation of receipt of the Funding Contribution and statement specifying that the Funding Contribution will be used for the purpose(s) of the Programme;
3. Provides a consolidated financial report of the Fund, as well as consolidated
narrative report on the progress of the activities implemented through the Fund, in accordance with UNESCO procedures for multi-donor contributions under a special account. Reports shall be sent to all donors in a standard format;
4. Provides a final narrative report and a final consolidated financial report to the
Ministry of Culture of Estonia upon termination of the Programme and related closure of the Fund.
The Ministry of Culture of Estonia understands that in accordance with UNESCO procedures for multi-donor contributions under a special account any unspent balance, which may remain after the closure of the special account, shall be returned to the donors contributing to the account for the last four years, on a pro rata basis not exceeding the total amount received from each donor. The Ministry of Culture of Estonia shall deposit the amount of 10,000 EUR in the following UNESCO account: Account holder: UNESCO Bank: Société Générale, Paris, France Account n° (IBAN): FR76 3000 3033 0100 0372 9190 997 SWIFT: SOGEFRPP Reference to be quoted in any payment instruction: HEF 424GLO4142 EPR The Funding Contribution is intended to cover the direct costs of UNESCO’s activities for the Programme and to contribute, at the rate of 7%, to UNESCO’s expenses for the technical and administrative supervision of the Fund. It shall be subject to the internal and external auditing procedures as provided for in the financial regulations, rules and directives of UNESCO. Please sign this letter as confirmation of the agreement set out by Ministry of Culture of Estonia and UNESCO.
The Ministry of Culture of Estonia welcomes the opportunity to cooperate with UNESCO’s programme for Heritage Emergency Preparedness and Response.
Yours sincerely
__________________________ Ms Kristiina Alliksaar
Secretary General of the Ministry of Culture of Estonia
Agreed to by: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization By: ____________________________
Name: Mr Ernesto Ottone R.
Title: Assistant Director General for Culture
Date: ………………
Financial regulations of the Heritage Emergency Fund
Article 1 – Creation of a Special Account
1.1 In accordance with Article 6, paragraphs 5 and 6, of the Financial Regulations of UNESCO, there is hereby created a Special Account for the protection of heritage in emergency situations, hereafter referred to as the “Heritage Emergency Fund”.
1.2 The following regulations shall govern the operation of the Heritage Emergency Fund.
Article 2 – Financial period
The financial period shall correspond to that of UNESCO.
Article 3 – Purpose
The purpose of the Heritage Emergency Fund is to finance activities and projects under a Programme for “Heritage Emergency Preparedness and Response” which would enable UNESCO to assist its Member States in protecting natural and cultural heritage from disasters and conflicts by more effectively preparing and responding to emergency situations.
Article 4 – Income
The income of the Heritage Emergency Fund shall consist of:
(a) voluntary contributions from States, international agencies and organizations, as well as other entities;
(b) such amounts provided from the regular budget of the Organization as might be determined by the General Conference;
(c) such subventions, endowments, gifts and bequests as are allocated to it for purposes consistent with the object of the Special Account;
(d) miscellaneous income, including any interest earned on the investments referred to in Article 7 below.
Article 5 – Expenditure
The Heritage Emergency Fund shall be debited with the expenditure relating to its purpose as described in Article 3 above, including administrative expenses specifically relating to it and programme support costs applicable to Special Accounts.
Article 6 – Accounts
6.1 The Chief Financial Officer shall maintain such accounting records as are necessary.
6.2 Any unused balance at the end of a financial period shall be carried forward to the following financial period.
6.3 The accounts of the Heritage Emergency Fund shall be presented for audit to the External Auditor of UNESCO, together with the other accounts of the Organization.
6.4 Contributions in kind shall be recorded outside the Heritage Emergency Fund.
Article 7 – Investments
7.1 The Director-General may make short-term investments of sums standing to the credit of the Heritage Emergency Fund.
7.2 Interest earned on these investments shall be credited to the Heritage Emergency Fund.
Article 8 – Closure of the Special Account
The Director-General shall decide upon the closure of the Heritage Emergency Fund at such time as she deems that its operation is no longer necessary and inform the Executive Board accordingly.
Article 9 – General provision
Unless otherwise provided in these Regulations, the Heritage Emergency Fund shall be administered in accordance with the Financial Regulations of UNESCO.