Dokumendiregister | Sotsiaalministeerium |
Viit | 1.4-2/484-1 |
Registreeritud | 18.02.2025 |
Sünkroonitud | 19.02.2025 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 1.4 EL otsustusprotsess ja rahvusvaheline koostöö |
Sari | 1.4-2 Rahvusvahelise koostöö korraldamisega seotud kirjavahetus (Arhiiviväärtuslik) |
Toimik | 1.4-2/2025 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | EV alaline esindus EL juures |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | EV alaline esindus EL juures |
Vastutaja | Agne Nettan-Sepp (Sotsiaalministeerium, Kantsleri vastutusvaldkond, Euroopa Liidu ja väliskoostöö osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Annex I
Scopes of designation and estimated minimum EU-wide capacity for tasks in points (a)
and (b) of Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746
In 2022, the European Commission launched a first call for the designation of EU reference
laboratories in 8 categories of class D devices (see main text of the call for the list of
categories). Five laboratories were designed as EU reference laboratories covering four
device categories (categories: 1, 2, 3, 5). For the remaining 4 categories (categories 4, 6, 7, 8),
there were either no laboratories that satisfied the criteria or their combined capacity was
insufficient to cover the expected volume of requests for tasks referred to in Article 100(2)(a)
and (b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746. Therefore, no EU reference laboratory was designated
for these categories of devices following the first call.
The current second call for applications will be run in two waves:
1) a first early application wave for the following currently not covered categories of
class D devices:
- detection or quantification of markers of arboviruses (category 4);
- detection or quantification of markers of parasite infection (category 7);
- detection of blood grouping markers (category 8);
2) a second wave open for all 8 categories of class D devices.
The tables below list the estimated minimum EU-wide capacities for each device category for
the two waves, for the EURL tasks referred to in Article 100(2) (a) and (b) of Regulation
(EU) 2017/746.
One or more of the categories 1-8 in these tables can constitute the scope of designation of
the EU reference laboratories. Each category includes several groups of devices listed as 1.1,
1.2, 1.3 etc. A laboratory must cover as a minimum all the groups in the category it is
designated for, and also any other devices falling in the category (with the exception of
category 8, where only the listed groups must be covered).
N.B.: It is possible for a device detecting/quantifying a given marker to fall into different risk
classes depending on its intended purpose. For example, a device detecting Treponema
pallidum can be class D if intended for screening blood donations or class C if intended to
diagnose syphilis in the individual. The below devices are in scope of the EURL only if they
fall in class D according to Annex VIII of Regulation (EU) 2017/746.
1. Categories and groups for the first application wave
n°/ group
Category or group Estimated minimum
capacity in terms of annual
EU-wide number of
submissions to EURL(s)
according to Article
100(2)(a) of Regulation
(EU) 2017/746
(performance verification)
Estimated minimum
capacity in terms of annual
EU-wide number of
submissions to EURL(s)
according to Article
100(2)(b) of Regulation (EU)
2017/746 (batch testing)
4 Detection or quantification
of markers of arbovirus
14 200
4.1 West Nile virus 3 50
4.2 Dengue virus 5 50
4.3 Chikungunya virus 3 50
4.4 Zika virus 3 50
7 Detection or quantification
of markers of parasite
15 190
7.1 Plasmodium spp. 5 30
7.2 Trypanosoma cruzi 5 60
7.3 Toxoplasma gondii 5 100
8 Detection of blood
grouping markers
78 3150
8.1 ABO system 30 1500
8.2 Rhesus system 30 1000
8.3 Kell system 6 450
8.4 Kidd system 6 100
8.5 Duffy system 6 100
2. Categories and groups for the second application wave
n°/ group
Category or group Estimated minimum
capacity in terms of annual
EU-wide number of
submissions to EURL(s)
according to Article
100(2)(a) of Regulation
(EU) 2017/746
(performance verification)
Estimated minimum
capacity in terms of annual
EU-wide number of
submissions to EURL(s)
according to Article
100(2)(b) of Regulation (EU)
2017/746 (batch testing)
1 Detection or quantification
of markers of hepatitis or
retrovirus infection
Detection: 84
Quantification: 29
Detection: 2705
Quantification: 1005
1.1 Human immunodeficiency
virus 1/2
Detection: 30
Quantification: 10
Detection: 800
Quantification: 350
1.2 Hepatitis B virus Detection: 20
Quantification: 8
Detection: 1000
Quantification: 350
1.3 Hepatitis C virus Detection: 20
Quantification: 10
Detection: 500
Quantification: 300
1.4 Hepatitis D virus Detection: 5
Quantification: 1
Detection: 100
Quantification: 5
1.5 Hepatitis E virus Detection: 1 Detection: 5
1.6 Human T-cell lymphotropic
virus I/II
Detection: 8 Detection: 300
2 Detection or quantification
of markers of herpesvirus
16 500
2.1 Cytomegalovirus 8 250
2.2 Epstein-Barr virus 8 250
3 Detection or quantification
of markers of infection with
bacterial agents
8 200
3.1 Treponema pallidum 8 200
4 Detection or quantification
of markers of arbovirus
14 200
4.1 West Nile virus 3 50
4.2 Dengue virus 5 50
4.3 Chikungunya virus 3 50
4.4 Zika virus 3 50
Detection or quantification
of markers of respiratory
virus infection
45 220
5.1 Highly virulent influenza
20 100
5.2 Highly virulent coronavirus
25 120
6 Detection or quantification
of markers of infection with
haemorrhagic fever viruses
or other biosafety level 4
15 65
6.1 Ebola virus 3 15
6.2 Marburg virus 3 15
6.3 Lassa virus 3 15
6.4 Smallpox virus 3 10
6.5 Crimean-Congo
haemorrhagic fever virus
3 10
7 Detection or quantification
of markers of parasite
15 190
7.1 Plasmodium spp. 5 30
7.2 Trypanosoma cruzi 5 60
7.3 Toxoplasma gondii 5 100
8 Detection of blood
grouping markers
78 3150
8.1 ABO system 30 1500
8.2 Rhesus system 30 1000
8.3 Kell system 6 450
8.4 Kidd system 6 100
8.5 Duffy system 6 100
Annex II
Instructions for submitting the application
1. For the first application wave, Member States are requested to submit the applications
not later than 12:00 (midday) Central European Time on 6 June 2025. No extension of
the deadline is possible. Applications submitted after the deadline will be
considered in the second application wave.
It is highly recommended that candidate laboratories send their applications to their
Member States no later than 12:00 (midday) Central European Time on 15 April 2025.
2. For the second application wave, Member States are requested to submit the
applications not later than 12:00 (midday) Central European Time on 15 April 2026. No
extension of the deadline is possible. Applications submitted after the deadline will
not be considered.
It is highly recommended that candidate laboratories send their applications to their
Member States no later than 12:00 (midday) Central European Time on 15 January 2026.
3. Member States must carefully follow the instructions in this call.
4. Only applications submitted by the Member States or the European Commission’s Joint
Research Centre (JRC) and for which they have verified the compliance with selection
criteria will be considered.
5. Member States or the JRC must complete and submit the following documents:
• Application form (Annex III or Annex IV)
• Visa section Declaration on honour regarding exclusion criteria (Annex V)
• Visa section of Declaration of independence of the candidate laboratory (Annex
• Template for verification of compliance with selection criteria (Annex X)
• Confirmation of the Member States regarding the performance of tasks in the
public interest and in an independent manner (Annex XI)
In addition, Member States are responsible for submitting the supporting documents
referred to in sections 3 and 4 of this call, as prepared by the candidate laboratories.
Supporting documents for the selection criteria in section 3 are requested at the initial
application stage, by the above deadline. Supporting documents for the preference
criteria in section 4 might be requested by the European Commission at a later stage and
only in case of need.
6. The application must be submitted electronically via Secure CIRCABC. Each Member
State will have its own dedicated folder in the relevant Secure CIRCABC Interest Group.
Individual Member State representatives will need to have a personal EU Login account1
that will be granted for accessing this folder. To nominate up to 3 Member States
representatives for access to the CIRCABC Interest group, please send an email to: JRC-
1 EU Login accounts can be created at
[email protected] with their name/surname and email addresses.
Accessing Secure CIRCABC requires EU Login with 2-factors authentication methods
(e.g. Mobile Phone + SMS)2. Then proceed with the following steps:
• Access the Secure CIRCABC Interest Group at
• On the top Menu click Library, then click the folder of the Member State
• Click the Button ADD and select FILES
• Select the file(s) to be uploaded by clicking ADD FILES or simply dragging and
dropping the file(s) in the dashed area
• Click UPLOAD and then FINISH
Applications submitted by other means will not be considered. For technical assistance
during the submission, please send an email to: [email protected]
2 To add a mobile phone number to a EU Login account, login to
Click to gear icon beside the user name (at the top right of the page). Click My Account page and then Manage
my mobile phone numbers
Annex III
Overview tables for knowledge and experience requirements of staff (point 2.1 of the
selection criteria)
This table can be prepared in Word or Excel format. Supporting documents such as CVs,
university diplomas, certificates must be included with the application and assigned a
reference number in the overview table.
Name: Martin Dupont
Position: Director
Requirement Means of proof
University degree : Certificate ref. no.12345
2 years of
See CV ref. no.23456
Scientific staff
Name: Clara Wittstock Karl Lehmann …
Position: Scientific officer Scientific officer …
Requirement Means of proof
PhD in virology: Certificate ref. no.34567 …
2 years of
See CV ref. no.45678 …
Technical staff
Name: Mario Rossi Laszlo Molnar …
Position: Technician Technician …
Requirement Means of proof
University degree: Certificate ref. no.56789
2 years of
See CV ref. no.67890 …
1 Add requirements from list of knowledge and experience requirements (selection criterion 1.1)
Criteria used for evaluation of economic and financial capacity
On the basis of the data from the 'Simplified Presentation' form in Annex VI B, a number of
values and ratios will be calculated in order to evaluate the economic and financial capacity of
the candidate.
The following values will be calculated:
Value Formula/source Unfavourable if:
own funds from the balance sheet negative
own funds - paid-up capital negative
working capital permanent capital - fixed assets negative
gross operating surplus from the P&L accounts negative
net result from the P&L accounts negative
self-financing capacity
net result after tax + amortization –
capitalized production negative
Following ratios are calculated:
Ratio Formula
if Average if
current assets/short-
term debts below 1
between 1
and 1.25 Above 1.25
own funds/total
liabilities below 0.20
between 0.20
and 0.40 above 0.40
own funds/medium &
long-term debts
(MLT) below 0.30
between 0.30
and 0.60 above 0.60
coverage of
deposits and
borrowed funds
by the SFC SFC / MLT debts below 0.25
between 0.25
and 0.50 above 0.50
gross operating
surplus / turnover below 0.10
between 0.10
and 0.20 above 0.20
Each type of evaluation has a corresponding scoring (number of points) as follows:
Unfavourable value/ratio 0 points
Favourable value 1 point
Average ratio 1 point
Favourable ratio 2 points
If, for some exceptional reason which the Commission considers justified, the candidate is
unable to provide the references requested by the Commission, or if he feels that the financial
viability check does not provide an accurate picture of his organisation's financial status, he
may prove his economic and financial capacity by any other means which the Commission
considers appropriate.
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Legal framework ................................................................................................................................. 3
REFERENCE LABORATORIES ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 General procedure ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Modalities applicable in case of the expression of interest by a consortium .................................. 7
3 SELECTION CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................ 8
4 PREFERENCE CRITERIA .......................................................................................................................14
5 SELECTION................................................................................................................................................15
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this second call for applications is to invite Member States and the European
Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) to submit applications for laboratories in the
respective Member State or at JRC in view of their possible designation as EU reference
laboratories in the area of in vitro diagnostic medical devices according to Article 100 of
Regulation (EU) 2017/7461.
In 2022, the European Commission launched a first call for the designation of EU reference
laboratories in 8 categories of class D devices:
1 - Detection or quantification of markers of hepatitis or retrovirus infection
2 - Detection or quantification of markers of herpesvirus infection
3 - Detection or quantification of markers of infection with bacterial agents
4 - Detection or quantification of markers of arbovirus infection
5 - Detection or quantification of markers of respiratory virus infection
6 - Detection or quantification of markers of infection with haemorrhagic fever viruses
or other biosafety level 4 viruses
7 - Detection or quantification of markers of parasite infection
8 - Detection of blood grouping markers
Following the evaluation process, the European Commission designated 5 EU reference
laboratories covering the categories 1, 2, 3 and 5.
For the remaining 4 categories (4, 6, 7 and 8) there were either no laboratories that satisfied the
criteria or their combined capacity was insufficient to cover the expected volume of requests
for tasks referred to in Article 100(2)(a) and (b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746. Therefore, no
EU reference laboratory was designated for these categories of devices following the first call.
The current second call for applications will be run in two waves:
1) a first early application wave for the following currently not covered categories of class
D devices:
- detection or quantification of markers of arboviruses (category 4);
- detection or quantification of markers of parasite infection (category 7);
- detection of blood grouping markers (category 8);
2) a second wave open for all 8 abovementioned categories of class D devices.
Designated EU reference laboratories will address one or more of the specific categories of
class D in vitro diagnostic medical devices referred to in Annex I of this call. These categories
will constitute the scope of designation of the laboratories. Each category includes several
groups of devices also listed in Annex I. A laboratory must cover as a minimum all the listed
groups in the category it is designated for, and also any other devices falling in the category
(with the exception of category 8, where only the listed groups must be covered).
1 Regulation (EU) 2017/746 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017 on in vitro diagnostic
medical devices and repealing Directive 98/79/EC and Commission Decision 2010/227/EU
Candidate laboratories must provide evidence of compliance with the criteria set out in Article
100(4) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, as further specified by Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2022/944 on tasks and criteria of EU reference laboratories2, for the intended
scope of designation.
Please refer to Annex II for the timing of the waves for Member States and candidate
This call does not constitute an obligation on the European Commission to designate the EU
reference laboratories or award a financial contribution.
1.2 Legal framework
Tasks of EU reference laboratories
Pursuant to Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the tasks of EU reference laboratories,
within the scope of their designation, are the following:
(a) to verify the performance claimed by the manufacturer and the compliance of class D
devices with the applicable CS3, when available, or with other solutions chosen by the
manufacturer to ensure a level of safety and performance that is at least equivalent, as
provided for in the third subparagraph of Article 48(3);
(b) to carry out appropriate tests on samples of manufactured class D devices or batches of
class D devices, as provided for in the Section 4.12 of Annex IX and in Section 5.1 of
Annex XI;
(c) to provide scientific and technical assistance to the Commission, the MDCG4, the Member
States and notified bodies in relation to the implementation of this Regulation;
(d) to provide scientific advice regarding the state of the art in relation to specific devices, or
a category or group of devices;
(e) to set up and manage a network of national reference laboratories after consulting with the
national authorities and publish a list of the participating national reference laboratories
and their respective tasks;
(f) to contribute to the development of appropriate testing and analysis methods to be applied
for conformity assessment procedures and market surveillance;
(g) to collaborate with notified bodies in the development of best practices for the performance
of conformity assessment procedures;
2 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/944 of 17 June 2022 laying down rules for the application of
Regulation (EU) 2017/746 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the tasks of and criteria for
European Union reference laboratories in the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices (Text with EEA
relevance) 3 CS: Common specifications. List of common specifications adopted under the Regulation (EU) 2017/746:
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1107 4 MDCG: Medical Device Coordination Group
(h) to provide recommendations on suitable reference materials and reference measurement
procedures of higher metrological order;
(i) to contribute to the development of CS and of international standards;
(j) to provide scientific opinions in response to consultations by notified bodies in accordance
with this Regulation and publish them by electronic means having considered national
provisions on confidentiality.
In addition, in accordance with Article 100(5) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 the EU reference
laboratories must form a network in order to coordinate and harmonise their working methods
as regards testing and assessment. That coordination and harmonisation will involve:
(a) applying coordinated methods, procedures and processes;
(b) agreeing on the use of same reference materials and common test samples and
seroconversion panels;
(c) establishing common assessment and interpretation criteria;
(d) using common testing protocols and assessing the test results using standardised and
coordinated evaluation methods;
(e) using standardised and coordinated test reports;
(f) developing, applying and maintaining a peer review system;
(g) organizing regular quality assessment tests (including mutual checks on the quality and
comparability of test results);
(h) agreeing on joint guidelines, instructions, procedural instructions or standard operational
(i) coordinating the introduction of testing methods for new technologies and according to
new or amended CS;
(j) reassessing the state of the art on the basis of comparative test results or by further studies,
as requested by a Member State or by the Commission.
Designation of EU reference laboratories
In accordance with Article 100(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 the European Commission may
designate, by means of implementing acts, one or more EU reference laboratories for specific
devices, or a category or group of devices, or for specific hazards related to a category or group
of devices. The European Commission shall only designate the EU reference laboratories for
which a Member State or the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre has submitted an
application for designation.
The European Commission will designate the EU reference laboratories for a minimum period
of 5 years with extension subject to continued compliance with the criteria.
The European Commission may, by implementing act, suspend, withdraw or restrict the
designation in case of non-compliance (see Article 100(9) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746).
Financing of EU reference laboratories
According to Article 100(7) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, where notified bodies or Member
States request scientific or technical assistance or a scientific opinion from an EU reference
laboratory, the EU reference laboratory may charge fees to cover the costs incurred by the
laboratory in carrying out the requested task according to predetermined and transparent terms
and conditions.
The Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/945 on the fees that may be levied by
EU reference laboratories5 identifies the categories of costs eligible to be covered by fees. Given
the wide variety of in vitro diagnostic devices on the EU market and the various tasks that can
be assigned to EU reference laboratories, the calculation of the exact fee for each task is at the
discretion of the EU reference laboratories.
The EU reference laboratories must determine the rules according to which they calculate the
fees for carrying out the requested tasks, including the rules for the estimation of incurred costs
based on average costs, and make them publicly available. The fee levying system and related
documentation will be subject to controls referred to in Article 100(9) of Regulation (EU)
As laid down in Article 100(6) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU reference laboratories
may be granted a Union financial contribution. The European Commission may set out detailed
arrangements and the amount of this contribution by means of implementing acts. The European
Commission will consider the establishment of the Union contribution following designation
of EU reference laboratories and evaluation of the needs for funding. It may in particular cover
the tasks of the EU reference laboratories not funded by fees and tasks of the network of EU
reference laboratories referred to in Article 100(5) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746.
2.1 General procedure
1. The call is available in English only. English will be the working language for this call and
applications must be completed in English. Supporting documents should as much as
possible be provided in English, except where it would be inappropriate, such as national
accreditation certificates or other proof of competence in the form of certificates.
5 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/945 of 17 June 2022 laying down rules for the application of
Regulation (EU) 2017/746 of the European Parliament and the Council with regard to fees that may be levied by
EU reference laboratories in the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices (Text with EEA relevance)
2. The Member State and the candidate laboratory must decide on the proposed scope of
designation of the laboratory by selecting one or more categories of devices listed in Annex
I. The candidate laboratory must estimate its minimum capacity for tasks referred to in points
(a) and (b) of Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 for each group of devices in the
selected category or categories. The Member State may submit the application if the
laboratory either partially or fully covers the estimated minimum EU-wide capacity for those
tasks as set out in Annex I. Please note that in case the laboratory only partially covers the
estimated minimum EU-wide capacity for a group of devices, its designation for the
corresponding category may also be conditional on availability of other candidates who fulfil
the selection criteria.
3. The selection criteria for EU reference laboratories in the field of in vitro diagnostic medical
devices are outlined in Section 3 of this call. The preference criteria are listed in Section 4.
4. As laid down in Article 100(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, Member States are responsible
for submitting the completed application forms and supporting documentation for the
selection criteria for candidate laboratories they wish to propose to be designated as EU
reference laboratories to the European Commission. Supporting documentation for the
preference criteria must be submitted at a later stage only by those candidate laboratories for
which an assessment of preference criteria will be necessary, i.e. in case there are more
candidate laboratories for a category of devices with significantly higher collective capacity
than the estimated minimum EU-wide capacity. Please see Annex II for the detailed
instructions for submitting the application.
5. Before submitting the applications to the European Commission, the Member States must
verify that the candidate laboratory complies with the selection criteria in section 3. The
Member States must document the verification and its outcome in the template for
verification of compliance with the selection criteria, provided in Annex X.
6. A selection panel will be set up by the European Commission services. The panel will check
the verification of compliance with selection criteria performed by the Member States or the
European Commission’s Joint Research Centre for consistency and completeness. The panel
will also apply the preference criteria in case there are more candidate laboratories for a
category with considerably higher collective capacity than the estimated minimum EU-wide
7. In case of need for minor clarification about the submitted application, supporting
documents or the verification template, the selection panel will contact the candidate
laboratory or the Member State, respectively.
8. In order to be designated, the candidates must satisfy all the selection criteria.
In addition, the European Commission will seek to ensure that for each group of devices
listed in Annex I, the collective capacity of the designated EU reference laboratories
corresponds to a reasonable extent to the estimated minimum EU-wide capacity for tasks
referred to in points (a) and (b) of Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, as set out in
Annex I.
Where several candidates fulfil all the selection criteria, and whose collective capacity is
significantly higher than the estimated minimum EU-wide capacity for tasks referred to in
points (a) and (b) of Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, as set out in Annex I, then
the preference criteria will be used to select the laboratories with the highest scores whose
collective capacity corresponds to a reasonable extent to the estimated minimum EU-wide
In cases where the preference criteria need to be applied, the European Commission will
contact the relevant Member States with a request for candidate laboratories to submit them
within a specified deadline.
9. The Member States will be informed about the outcome of the selection.
10. Thereafter, as laid down in Article 100(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the European
Commission will designate the selected EU reference laboratories by means of an
implementing act. The act will identify the laboratories and the scope of the designation, i.e.
the categories of devices each of them will cover.
11. During the evaluation period, only contacts between the European Commission services
and Member States will take place. Candidate laboratories must contact their Member States
for information.
12. Submission of an application following this call implies acceptance by the candidate
laboratory and Member State of all provisions and conditions stipulated in this call.
13. The European Commission services will not reimburse any expenses incurred in preparing
and submitting applications.
2.2 Modalities applicable in case of the expression of interest by a consortium
For the purpose of this call, a "consortium" is defined as 'two or more entities in one or more
Member States working together to perform the EU reference laboratory tasks for the same
category or categories of devices, as referred to in Annex I of the call'. Individual consortium
members may cover some of the groups within the category. The consortium as a whole must
cover the entire selected category or categories.
Specific requirements for consortia in addition to the ones foreseen for single entities:
1. A single application must be submitted for a consortium. In case the entities are located in
different EU Member States, the application must be submitted jointly by all relevant
Member States.
2. Each member of the consortium must meet all selection criteria.
3. The consortium must nominate a coordinator who will be the leading entity and general
contact point.
4. Consortium members must authorise the coordinator to represent the consortium on their
5. Consortium members must authorise the coordinator to receive and distribute possible
financial contributions received from the European Commission according to a distribution
key agreed among consortium members, which will be described in the work programme.
6. Each member of the consortium must include in the application an accession letter with the
• confirmation of its participation in the consortium;
• indication of the specific area of participation;
• statement as to which entity has been nominated as the coordinator of the consortium;
• indications that the authorisations referred to in points 4 and 5 above have been granted.
7. Each member of the consortium must submit all documents requested for the selection
criteria as part of the single application.
8. For the preference criteria only, the consortium must submit a single jointly elaborated set
of documents. The work programme of the consortium has to contain a demonstration of
coherence and complementarity within the consortium members including task division,
decision-making process and the exchange of knowledge.
9. Technical liability: the consortium members are jointly and severally liable for carrying out
the tasks of the EU reference laboratory. If a consortium member fails to implement its part
of the tasks, the other members become responsible for implementing this part.
10. Financial liability: the consortium members maintain individual financial liability.
Candidate laboratories must satisfy the following selection criteria as demonstrated by the
corresponding means of proof and supporting documents.
No Criterion Means of proof
1 The candidate laboratories must document
and justify the knowledge and experience
requirements for staff, including the
director, the scientific and the technical
staff, needed to fulfil the EU reference
laboratory tasks in the scope of
1.1 List of knowledge and experience
requirements and the justification
thereof for the director, the scientific
staff and the technical staff, and any
relevant sub-categories of staff if the
candidate deems this necessary
2 The candidate laboratories must have staff
that fulfils the requirements referred to in
point 1.1 and document how those
requirements are fulfilled.
2.1 Overview tables for knowledge and
experience of staff referred to in
Annex III and the numbered
supporting documents
3 The candidate laboratories must have a
sufficient number of staff in relation to the
volume of the tasks they are to carry out.
3.1 Estimate of minimum capacity of the
candidate laboratory for task
referred to in Article 100(2) (a) of
Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (number
of notified body requests processed
per year per device group referred to
in Annex I, see template in Annex
3.2 Estimate of minimum capacity of the
candidate laboratory for task
referred to in Article 100(2) (b) of
Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (number
of notified body requests processed
per year per device group referred to
in Annex I, see template in Annex
3.3 Justification of the number of staff to
cover the above capacities and the
other tasks of EU reference
laboratories referred to in Article
100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746
4 The candidate laboratories must put in
place a continuous training and education
programme for their staff.
4.1 Description of the continuous
training and education programme
for staff
5 The candidate laboratories must possess
the equipment, including specimens and
control materials, and sufficient quantity
of reference materials, necessary to carry
out the tasks in the scope of designation of
the EU reference laboratory.
5.1 Justification as to which equipment
and reference materials are
necessary to carry out the tasks
within the proposed scope of
designation. The justification must
also cover specimens and control
5.2 Evidence that the candidate
laboratory possesses the equipment
referred to in point 5.1 and a
sufficient quantity of the reference
materials referred to in that point
5.3 A plan for the procurement of the
specimens, control materials and
reference materials referred to in
point 5.1
6 The candidate laboratories must have up-
to-date documentation on international
standards and best practices that apply to
the tasks within their proposed scope of
6.1 A list of international standards and
best practices, including common
specifications, that apply to the tasks
within the proposed scope of
designation, and justification of their
6.2 Evidence that the laboratory has
integrated the international
standards and best practices
referred to in point 6.1 into the
operating procedures for the
relevant tasks
7 The candidate laboratories must identify at
least one person within their management
as having overall responsibility for the
performance of the tasks set out in Article
100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746.
7.1 Identification of the person having
overall responsibility for the
performance of the tasks set out in
Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU)
8 The candidate laboratories must have
sufficient administrative staff to provide
the necessary administrative support for
performance of the tasks set out in Article
100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, in
relation to the volume of those tasks.
8.1 Estimate of the expected volume of
administrative work related to the
tasks referred to in Article 100(2) of
Regulation (EU) 2017/746
8.2 Justification of the number of
administrative staff to cover the
volume of work referred to in point
9 The candidate laboratories must have an
appropriate administrative organisation
and structure.
9.1 Evidence of the laboratory’s status
as a legal entity
9.2 If the laboratory is part of a larger
organisation, a description of the
activities of that organisation, its
organisational structure and
9.3 If the laboratory is, directly or
indirectly, controlled by other
entities, the identity of such entities
and their controlling position
9.4 A description of the laboratory’s
internal organisational structure
with clearly allocated
responsibilities and reporting lines
9.5 A description of its operating
procedures including management
and performance of tasks,
management of staff, a staff
substitution plan, as well as
registration of documentation and
correspondence with external
9.6 Evidence of its sources of funding
9.7 Declaration that none of the
exclusion situations referred to in
Article 136 of Regulation (EU,
Euratom) 2018/10466 apply to the
6 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the
financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No
1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No
223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No
candidate laboratory (template in
Annex V)
9.8 Evidence of economic viability
without financial assistance from the
Union, including:
9.8.1 Economic viability template in
Annex VI B
9.8.2 Balance sheets, profit and loss
accounts or annual reports for
the last three financial years
9.8.3 Where available, audits
reports from the last three
financial years
9.9 Proposed system for detailed
records of the calculation of the costs
and the corresponding fees levied
(for the tasks that may be covered by
10 The candidate laboratories must have a
confidentiality policy and put in place and
document measures to ensure that the staff
complies with the confidentiality policy.
10.1 Confidentiality policy including the
10.1.1 the type of information that
shall be considered
10.1.2 rules for the appropriate
secure handling, storage
and processing of
confidential information
and measures to prevent
undue disclosure;
10.1.3 rules for sharing of
confidential and non-
confidential information
with staff, and the public;
10.1.4 rules for granting access to
confidential information to
a competent authority of a
Member State upon its
request in the context of
market surveillance or
vigilance activities by the
competent authority;
10.1.5 rules for sharing
confidential information, on
the initiative of the EU
reference laboratory, with a
competent authority of a
Member State and with the
European Commission
where the EU reference
laboratory has reason to
believe that such sharing is
in the interest of protection
of public health.
10.2 List of measures to ensure that the
staff complies with the
confidentiality policy
11 The candidate laboratories must have the
confirmation of their respective Member
State that they will perform their tasks as
EU reference laboratories in the public
interest and in an independent manner
within their proposed scopes of
11.1 Confirmation by the Member State
that the candidate laboratory will
perform its tasks as the EU reference
laboratory in the public interest and
in an independent manner within the
proposed scope of designation
(template in Annex XI)
12 The candidate laboratories must have a
policy to ensure that the members of their
staff do not have financial or other interests
in the in vitro medical device industry,
which could affect their impartiality with
regard to the performance of their tasks.
12.1 Policy for the management of
conflict of interest of laboratory
staff, including steps to prevent,
identify and resolve conflicts of
13 If designated, the candidate laboratory
must not be the designer, manufacturer,
supplier, installer, purchaser, owner or
maintainer of devices within its scope of
designation, nor the authorised
representative of any of those parties and
shall not be involved in the design,
manufacture or construction, marketing,
installation, use or maintenance of the
devices within its scope of designation.
If designated, the candidate laboratory
must not act as a notified body for devices
within its scope of designation.
If designated, the candidate laboratory
must not perform any tasks related to
conformity assessment under Regulation
(EU) 2017/746 on request by a notified
body, other than the tasks referred to in
Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU)
If designated, the candidate laboratory
must not enter into collaboration with a
device manufacturer or a notified body
concerning a joint commercial exploitation
if such collaboration falls within its scope
of designation.
13.1 A declaration as follows (template
in Annex VII):
13.1.1 if designated, the candidate
laboratory will not be the
designer, manufacturer,
supplier, installer,
purchaser, owner or
maintainer of devices within
the proposed scope of
designation, nor the
authorised representative of
any of those parties;
13.1.2 if designated, the candidate
laboratory will not be
involved in the design,
manufacture or
construction, marketing,
installation, use or
maintenance of the devices
within the proposed scope of
13.1.3 if designated, the candidate
laboratory will not be a
notified body for devices
within the proposed scope of
13.1.4 if designated, the candidate
laboratory will not perform
any tasks related to
conformity assessment
under Regulation (EU)
2017/746 on request of a
notified body, other than the
tasks referred to in Article
100(2) of Regulation (EU)
2017/746, within the scope
of designation of the
13.1.5 if designated, the candidate
laboratory will not enter
into collaboration with a
device manufacturer or a
notified body concerning a
joint commercial
exploitation, if such
collaboration falls within
the scope of its designation.
14 In case the candidate laboratory already
foresees outsourcing of testing to an
external laboratory according to Article 7
of the Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2022/944.
If applicable:
14.1 A list of requirements set by the
candidate laboratory regarding the
competence for fulfilling the tasks
covered by the contract, including
staff and equipment
14.2 Declaration by the candidate
laboratory that the external
14.2.1 satisfies the requirements in
point 14.1
14.2.2 has in place and documents
the measures referred to in
point 10.2 regarding
confidentiality policy;
14.2.3 confirms the absence of
conflict of interest in
accordance with the policy
referred to in point 12.1 as
regards the activities
covered by the contract.
These additional criteria are intended to allow evaluating the scientific excellence of the
candidate laboratory. Up to 100 points may be awarded for the four criteria below.
Submission of the supporting documents for the preference criteria is not necessary at the initial
application stage. Candidate laboratories that are required to prepare this additional
documentation will be informed by their Member State at a later stage. The Annexes to be
completed will be provided together with the notification.
Means of proof
15 Team composition (exceptional level
of experience and knowledge relevant
to the proposed scope of designation) –
up to 35 points
15.1 Key scientific publications (up to
10); references of research and other
activities of proposed EU reference
laboratory staff members, relevant
for the proposed scope of designation
and the tasks of an EU reference
15.2 A justification as to why these
publications and activities show
excellence of the candidate
16 Evidence of understanding of the
mission as a EU reference laboratory
and capacity to develop a work
program as an EU reference laboratory
– up to 35 points
16.1 A simulation of a Work Programme
of activities that could be undertaken
by the laboratory on its own initiative
(description of the activities,
objectives, expected outputs in line
with Articles 100(2) and 100(5) of
Regulation (EU) 2017/746) for three
years (maximum ten pages, assuming
a maximum budget of 200.000€ per
year, template in Annex XII to be
provided at a later stage in the
application process if necessary)
17 International collaboration – up to 15
17.1 Evidence of activities at
international level relevant for the
proposed scope of designation and
the tasks of an EU reference
laboratory, e.g. involvement and
participation in international
standardisation activities and
networks (e.g. CEN, ISO),
involvement and participation in
other multinational activities (e.g.
research projects), reliable and
proven procedures for dispatching
and receiving relevant materials
from manufacturers, laboratories,
hospitals situated in the EU & third
countries (e.g. batches, samples,
infectious material for diagnostic
and research purposes)
18 Coordination – up to 15 points 18.1 Evidence of coordination activities
e.g. organisation of conferences,
workshops, training activities etc.,
close working relations with other
laboratories in the same area of
For each scope of designation, the applications selected will be the ones that comply with the
selection criteria and, collectively, cover the estimated minimum EU-wide capacity as referred
to in Annex I. In case of evaluation of the preference criteria, the applications selected will be
the ones with the highest score.
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË - Tel. +32 22991111
The Director-General
Brussels SANTE.DDG1.D.3/OT/
Subject: Call for applications for designation of EU reference laboratories in
the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices
Your Excellency,
I am pleased to inform you that, with this letter, the Directorate General for Health
and Food Safety is formally launching a call for applications for designation of EU
reference laboratories (EURLs) in the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices,
under Regulation (EU) 2017/746. The call will be run in two waves and covers
various categories of devices of risk class D.
I would be grateful if you could forward the attached documentation to all relevant
authorities in your country. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that
applications must be submitted by the Member States.
Let me stress that the requirements in the call must be strictly complied with,
including the deadlines for submission of applications.
I look forward to the possible submission of applications for candidate EURLs by
your country.
Please contact the following e-mail addresses: [email protected]; SANTE-
[email protected] for further information (subject: Call for applications for
designation of EURLs). For technical assistance during the submission of
applications, please send an email to: [email protected].
For background, this is the second call for EURLs under Regulation (EU) 2017/746.
The first call was carried out in 2022, following which five EURLs were designated
covering the following categories of class D devices: detection or quantification of
markers of hepatitis and retroviruses, herpesviruses, bacterial agents and respiratory
viruses that cause life-threatening diseases. More information can be found here:
Yours faithfully,
By email to:
Permanent Representations of all EU Member States
Missions of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey to the EU
Copy to:
Members and observer countries of the Medical Device Coordination Group
Enclosure: Call for applications for designation of EU reference laboratories in
the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices, with 12 annexes
Tähelepanu! Tegemist on välisvõrgust saabunud kirjaga. |
Edastan Komisjoni kirja, registreeritud EV AEEL juures 18.02.2025, nr 10.2-11/140.
Parimate soovidega
Tiiu Noobel
Eesti Vabariigi alaline esindus EL juures
Rue Guimard 11/13, 1040 Brüssel
Tel: + 32 2227 4337,
Esindus EL juures üldaadress <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 9:42 AM
To: Tiiu Noobel <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Call for applications for designation of EU reference laboratories in the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices - Ares(2025)1258969
[email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2025 7:39 PM
To: Marten Kokk <[email protected]>
Cc: Esindus EL juures üldaadress <[email protected]>; Agne Nettan-Sepp <[email protected]>; Kadi Avingo <[email protected]>
Subject: Call for applications for designation of EU reference laboratories in the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices - Ares(2025)1258969
Your Excellency,
On behalf of Sandra Gallina, please find enclosed the formal launch of a call for applications for designation of EU reference laboratories in the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices, under Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices.
Looking forward to the possible submission of applications for candidate EURLs by your country .
Yours sincerely,
SANTE Medical devices
Annex I
Scopes of designation and estimated minimum EU-wide capacity for tasks in points (a)
and (b) of Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746
In 2022, the European Commission launched a first call for the designation of EU reference
laboratories in 8 categories of class D devices (see main text of the call for the list of
categories). Five laboratories were designed as EU reference laboratories covering four
device categories (categories: 1, 2, 3, 5). For the remaining 4 categories (categories 4, 6, 7, 8),
there were either no laboratories that satisfied the criteria or their combined capacity was
insufficient to cover the expected volume of requests for tasks referred to in Article 100(2)(a)
and (b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746. Therefore, no EU reference laboratory was designated
for these categories of devices following the first call.
The current second call for applications will be run in two waves:
1) a first early application wave for the following currently not covered categories of
class D devices:
- detection or quantification of markers of arboviruses (category 4);
- detection or quantification of markers of parasite infection (category 7);
- detection of blood grouping markers (category 8);
2) a second wave open for all 8 categories of class D devices.
The tables below list the estimated minimum EU-wide capacities for each device category for
the two waves, for the EURL tasks referred to in Article 100(2) (a) and (b) of Regulation
(EU) 2017/746.
One or more of the categories 1-8 in these tables can constitute the scope of designation of
the EU reference laboratories. Each category includes several groups of devices listed as 1.1,
1.2, 1.3 etc. A laboratory must cover as a minimum all the groups in the category it is
designated for, and also any other devices falling in the category (with the exception of
category 8, where only the listed groups must be covered).
N.B.: It is possible for a device detecting/quantifying a given marker to fall into different risk
classes depending on its intended purpose. For example, a device detecting Treponema
pallidum can be class D if intended for screening blood donations or class C if intended to
diagnose syphilis in the individual. The below devices are in scope of the EURL only if they
fall in class D according to Annex VIII of Regulation (EU) 2017/746.
1. Categories and groups for the first application wave
n°/ group
Category or group Estimated minimum
capacity in terms of annual
EU-wide number of
submissions to EURL(s)
according to Article
100(2)(a) of Regulation
(EU) 2017/746
(performance verification)
Estimated minimum
capacity in terms of annual
EU-wide number of
submissions to EURL(s)
according to Article
100(2)(b) of Regulation (EU)
2017/746 (batch testing)
4 Detection or quantification
of markers of arbovirus
14 200
4.1 West Nile virus 3 50
4.2 Dengue virus 5 50
4.3 Chikungunya virus 3 50
4.4 Zika virus 3 50
7 Detection or quantification
of markers of parasite
15 190
7.1 Plasmodium spp. 5 30
7.2 Trypanosoma cruzi 5 60
7.3 Toxoplasma gondii 5 100
8 Detection of blood
grouping markers
78 3150
8.1 ABO system 30 1500
8.2 Rhesus system 30 1000
8.3 Kell system 6 450
8.4 Kidd system 6 100
8.5 Duffy system 6 100
2. Categories and groups for the second application wave
n°/ group
Category or group Estimated minimum
capacity in terms of annual
EU-wide number of
submissions to EURL(s)
according to Article
100(2)(a) of Regulation
(EU) 2017/746
(performance verification)
Estimated minimum
capacity in terms of annual
EU-wide number of
submissions to EURL(s)
according to Article
100(2)(b) of Regulation (EU)
2017/746 (batch testing)
1 Detection or quantification
of markers of hepatitis or
retrovirus infection
Detection: 84
Quantification: 29
Detection: 2705
Quantification: 1005
1.1 Human immunodeficiency
virus 1/2
Detection: 30
Quantification: 10
Detection: 800
Quantification: 350
1.2 Hepatitis B virus Detection: 20
Quantification: 8
Detection: 1000
Quantification: 350
1.3 Hepatitis C virus Detection: 20
Quantification: 10
Detection: 500
Quantification: 300
1.4 Hepatitis D virus Detection: 5
Quantification: 1
Detection: 100
Quantification: 5
1.5 Hepatitis E virus Detection: 1 Detection: 5
1.6 Human T-cell lymphotropic
virus I/II
Detection: 8 Detection: 300
2 Detection or quantification
of markers of herpesvirus
16 500
2.1 Cytomegalovirus 8 250
2.2 Epstein-Barr virus 8 250
3 Detection or quantification
of markers of infection with
bacterial agents
8 200
3.1 Treponema pallidum 8 200
4 Detection or quantification
of markers of arbovirus
14 200
4.1 West Nile virus 3 50
4.2 Dengue virus 5 50
4.3 Chikungunya virus 3 50
4.4 Zika virus 3 50
Detection or quantification
of markers of respiratory
virus infection
45 220
5.1 Highly virulent influenza
20 100
5.2 Highly virulent coronavirus
25 120
6 Detection or quantification
of markers of infection with
haemorrhagic fever viruses
or other biosafety level 4
15 65
6.1 Ebola virus 3 15
6.2 Marburg virus 3 15
6.3 Lassa virus 3 15
6.4 Smallpox virus 3 10
6.5 Crimean-Congo
haemorrhagic fever virus
3 10
7 Detection or quantification
of markers of parasite
15 190
7.1 Plasmodium spp. 5 30
7.2 Trypanosoma cruzi 5 60
7.3 Toxoplasma gondii 5 100
8 Detection of blood
grouping markers
78 3150
8.1 ABO system 30 1500
8.2 Rhesus system 30 1000
8.3 Kell system 6 450
8.4 Kidd system 6 100
8.5 Duffy system 6 100
Annex II
Instructions for submitting the application
1. For the first application wave, Member States are requested to submit the applications
not later than 12:00 (midday) Central European Time on 6 June 2025. No extension of
the deadline is possible. Applications submitted after the deadline will be
considered in the second application wave.
It is highly recommended that candidate laboratories send their applications to their
Member States no later than 12:00 (midday) Central European Time on 15 April 2025.
2. For the second application wave, Member States are requested to submit the
applications not later than 12:00 (midday) Central European Time on 15 April 2026. No
extension of the deadline is possible. Applications submitted after the deadline will
not be considered.
It is highly recommended that candidate laboratories send their applications to their
Member States no later than 12:00 (midday) Central European Time on 15 January 2026.
3. Member States must carefully follow the instructions in this call.
4. Only applications submitted by the Member States or the European Commission’s Joint
Research Centre (JRC) and for which they have verified the compliance with selection
criteria will be considered.
5. Member States or the JRC must complete and submit the following documents:
• Application form (Annex III or Annex IV)
• Visa section Declaration on honour regarding exclusion criteria (Annex V)
• Visa section of Declaration of independence of the candidate laboratory (Annex
• Template for verification of compliance with selection criteria (Annex X)
• Confirmation of the Member States regarding the performance of tasks in the
public interest and in an independent manner (Annex XI)
In addition, Member States are responsible for submitting the supporting documents
referred to in sections 3 and 4 of this call, as prepared by the candidate laboratories.
Supporting documents for the selection criteria in section 3 are requested at the initial
application stage, by the above deadline. Supporting documents for the preference
criteria in section 4 might be requested by the European Commission at a later stage and
only in case of need.
6. The application must be submitted electronically via Secure CIRCABC. Each Member
State will have its own dedicated folder in the relevant Secure CIRCABC Interest Group.
Individual Member State representatives will need to have a personal EU Login account1
that will be granted for accessing this folder. To nominate up to 3 Member States
representatives for access to the CIRCABC Interest group, please send an email to: JRC-
1 EU Login accounts can be created at
[email protected] with their name/surname and email addresses.
Accessing Secure CIRCABC requires EU Login with 2-factors authentication methods
(e.g. Mobile Phone + SMS)2. Then proceed with the following steps:
• Access the Secure CIRCABC Interest Group at
• On the top Menu click Library, then click the folder of the Member State
• Click the Button ADD and select FILES
• Select the file(s) to be uploaded by clicking ADD FILES or simply dragging and
dropping the file(s) in the dashed area
• Click UPLOAD and then FINISH
Applications submitted by other means will not be considered. For technical assistance
during the submission, please send an email to: [email protected]
2 To add a mobile phone number to a EU Login account, login to
Click to gear icon beside the user name (at the top right of the page). Click My Account page and then Manage
my mobile phone numbers
Annex III
Overview tables for knowledge and experience requirements of staff (point 2.1 of the
selection criteria)
This table can be prepared in Word or Excel format. Supporting documents such as CVs,
university diplomas, certificates must be included with the application and assigned a
reference number in the overview table.
Name: Martin Dupont
Position: Director
Requirement Means of proof
University degree : Certificate ref. no.12345
2 years of
See CV ref. no.23456
Scientific staff
Name: Clara Wittstock Karl Lehmann …
Position: Scientific officer Scientific officer …
Requirement Means of proof
PhD in virology: Certificate ref. no.34567 …
2 years of
See CV ref. no.45678 …
Technical staff
Name: Mario Rossi Laszlo Molnar …
Position: Technician Technician …
Requirement Means of proof
University degree: Certificate ref. no.56789
2 years of
See CV ref. no.67890 …
1 Add requirements from list of knowledge and experience requirements (selection criterion 1.1)
Criteria used for evaluation of economic and financial capacity
On the basis of the data from the 'Simplified Presentation' form in Annex VI B, a number of
values and ratios will be calculated in order to evaluate the economic and financial capacity of
the candidate.
The following values will be calculated:
Value Formula/source Unfavourable if:
own funds from the balance sheet negative
own funds - paid-up capital negative
working capital permanent capital - fixed assets negative
gross operating surplus from the P&L accounts negative
net result from the P&L accounts negative
self-financing capacity
net result after tax + amortization –
capitalized production negative
Following ratios are calculated:
Ratio Formula
if Average if
current assets/short-
term debts below 1
between 1
and 1.25 Above 1.25
own funds/total
liabilities below 0.20
between 0.20
and 0.40 above 0.40
own funds/medium &
long-term debts
(MLT) below 0.30
between 0.30
and 0.60 above 0.60
coverage of
deposits and
borrowed funds
by the SFC SFC / MLT debts below 0.25
between 0.25
and 0.50 above 0.50
gross operating
surplus / turnover below 0.10
between 0.10
and 0.20 above 0.20
Each type of evaluation has a corresponding scoring (number of points) as follows:
Unfavourable value/ratio 0 points
Favourable value 1 point
Average ratio 1 point
Favourable ratio 2 points
If, for some exceptional reason which the Commission considers justified, the candidate is
unable to provide the references requested by the Commission, or if he feels that the financial
viability check does not provide an accurate picture of his organisation's financial status, he
may prove his economic and financial capacity by any other means which the Commission
considers appropriate.
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Legal framework ................................................................................................................................. 3
REFERENCE LABORATORIES ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 General procedure ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Modalities applicable in case of the expression of interest by a consortium .................................. 7
3 SELECTION CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................ 8
4 PREFERENCE CRITERIA .......................................................................................................................14
5 SELECTION................................................................................................................................................15
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this second call for applications is to invite Member States and the European
Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) to submit applications for laboratories in the
respective Member State or at JRC in view of their possible designation as EU reference
laboratories in the area of in vitro diagnostic medical devices according to Article 100 of
Regulation (EU) 2017/7461.
In 2022, the European Commission launched a first call for the designation of EU reference
laboratories in 8 categories of class D devices:
1 - Detection or quantification of markers of hepatitis or retrovirus infection
2 - Detection or quantification of markers of herpesvirus infection
3 - Detection or quantification of markers of infection with bacterial agents
4 - Detection or quantification of markers of arbovirus infection
5 - Detection or quantification of markers of respiratory virus infection
6 - Detection or quantification of markers of infection with haemorrhagic fever viruses
or other biosafety level 4 viruses
7 - Detection or quantification of markers of parasite infection
8 - Detection of blood grouping markers
Following the evaluation process, the European Commission designated 5 EU reference
laboratories covering the categories 1, 2, 3 and 5.
For the remaining 4 categories (4, 6, 7 and 8) there were either no laboratories that satisfied the
criteria or their combined capacity was insufficient to cover the expected volume of requests
for tasks referred to in Article 100(2)(a) and (b) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746. Therefore, no
EU reference laboratory was designated for these categories of devices following the first call.
The current second call for applications will be run in two waves:
1) a first early application wave for the following currently not covered categories of class
D devices:
- detection or quantification of markers of arboviruses (category 4);
- detection or quantification of markers of parasite infection (category 7);
- detection of blood grouping markers (category 8);
2) a second wave open for all 8 abovementioned categories of class D devices.
Designated EU reference laboratories will address one or more of the specific categories of
class D in vitro diagnostic medical devices referred to in Annex I of this call. These categories
will constitute the scope of designation of the laboratories. Each category includes several
groups of devices also listed in Annex I. A laboratory must cover as a minimum all the listed
groups in the category it is designated for, and also any other devices falling in the category
(with the exception of category 8, where only the listed groups must be covered).
1 Regulation (EU) 2017/746 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017 on in vitro diagnostic
medical devices and repealing Directive 98/79/EC and Commission Decision 2010/227/EU
Candidate laboratories must provide evidence of compliance with the criteria set out in Article
100(4) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, as further specified by Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2022/944 on tasks and criteria of EU reference laboratories2, for the intended
scope of designation.
Please refer to Annex II for the timing of the waves for Member States and candidate
This call does not constitute an obligation on the European Commission to designate the EU
reference laboratories or award a financial contribution.
1.2 Legal framework
Tasks of EU reference laboratories
Pursuant to Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the tasks of EU reference laboratories,
within the scope of their designation, are the following:
(a) to verify the performance claimed by the manufacturer and the compliance of class D
devices with the applicable CS3, when available, or with other solutions chosen by the
manufacturer to ensure a level of safety and performance that is at least equivalent, as
provided for in the third subparagraph of Article 48(3);
(b) to carry out appropriate tests on samples of manufactured class D devices or batches of
class D devices, as provided for in the Section 4.12 of Annex IX and in Section 5.1 of
Annex XI;
(c) to provide scientific and technical assistance to the Commission, the MDCG4, the Member
States and notified bodies in relation to the implementation of this Regulation;
(d) to provide scientific advice regarding the state of the art in relation to specific devices, or
a category or group of devices;
(e) to set up and manage a network of national reference laboratories after consulting with the
national authorities and publish a list of the participating national reference laboratories
and their respective tasks;
(f) to contribute to the development of appropriate testing and analysis methods to be applied
for conformity assessment procedures and market surveillance;
(g) to collaborate with notified bodies in the development of best practices for the performance
of conformity assessment procedures;
2 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/944 of 17 June 2022 laying down rules for the application of
Regulation (EU) 2017/746 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the tasks of and criteria for
European Union reference laboratories in the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices (Text with EEA
relevance) 3 CS: Common specifications. List of common specifications adopted under the Regulation (EU) 2017/746:
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1107 4 MDCG: Medical Device Coordination Group
(h) to provide recommendations on suitable reference materials and reference measurement
procedures of higher metrological order;
(i) to contribute to the development of CS and of international standards;
(j) to provide scientific opinions in response to consultations by notified bodies in accordance
with this Regulation and publish them by electronic means having considered national
provisions on confidentiality.
In addition, in accordance with Article 100(5) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 the EU reference
laboratories must form a network in order to coordinate and harmonise their working methods
as regards testing and assessment. That coordination and harmonisation will involve:
(a) applying coordinated methods, procedures and processes;
(b) agreeing on the use of same reference materials and common test samples and
seroconversion panels;
(c) establishing common assessment and interpretation criteria;
(d) using common testing protocols and assessing the test results using standardised and
coordinated evaluation methods;
(e) using standardised and coordinated test reports;
(f) developing, applying and maintaining a peer review system;
(g) organizing regular quality assessment tests (including mutual checks on the quality and
comparability of test results);
(h) agreeing on joint guidelines, instructions, procedural instructions or standard operational
(i) coordinating the introduction of testing methods for new technologies and according to
new or amended CS;
(j) reassessing the state of the art on the basis of comparative test results or by further studies,
as requested by a Member State or by the Commission.
Designation of EU reference laboratories
In accordance with Article 100(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 the European Commission may
designate, by means of implementing acts, one or more EU reference laboratories for specific
devices, or a category or group of devices, or for specific hazards related to a category or group
of devices. The European Commission shall only designate the EU reference laboratories for
which a Member State or the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre has submitted an
application for designation.
The European Commission will designate the EU reference laboratories for a minimum period
of 5 years with extension subject to continued compliance with the criteria.
The European Commission may, by implementing act, suspend, withdraw or restrict the
designation in case of non-compliance (see Article 100(9) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746).
Financing of EU reference laboratories
According to Article 100(7) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, where notified bodies or Member
States request scientific or technical assistance or a scientific opinion from an EU reference
laboratory, the EU reference laboratory may charge fees to cover the costs incurred by the
laboratory in carrying out the requested task according to predetermined and transparent terms
and conditions.
The Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/945 on the fees that may be levied by
EU reference laboratories5 identifies the categories of costs eligible to be covered by fees. Given
the wide variety of in vitro diagnostic devices on the EU market and the various tasks that can
be assigned to EU reference laboratories, the calculation of the exact fee for each task is at the
discretion of the EU reference laboratories.
The EU reference laboratories must determine the rules according to which they calculate the
fees for carrying out the requested tasks, including the rules for the estimation of incurred costs
based on average costs, and make them publicly available. The fee levying system and related
documentation will be subject to controls referred to in Article 100(9) of Regulation (EU)
As laid down in Article 100(6) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU reference laboratories
may be granted a Union financial contribution. The European Commission may set out detailed
arrangements and the amount of this contribution by means of implementing acts. The European
Commission will consider the establishment of the Union contribution following designation
of EU reference laboratories and evaluation of the needs for funding. It may in particular cover
the tasks of the EU reference laboratories not funded by fees and tasks of the network of EU
reference laboratories referred to in Article 100(5) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746.
2.1 General procedure
1. The call is available in English only. English will be the working language for this call and
applications must be completed in English. Supporting documents should as much as
possible be provided in English, except where it would be inappropriate, such as national
accreditation certificates or other proof of competence in the form of certificates.
5 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/945 of 17 June 2022 laying down rules for the application of
Regulation (EU) 2017/746 of the European Parliament and the Council with regard to fees that may be levied by
EU reference laboratories in the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices (Text with EEA relevance)
2. The Member State and the candidate laboratory must decide on the proposed scope of
designation of the laboratory by selecting one or more categories of devices listed in Annex
I. The candidate laboratory must estimate its minimum capacity for tasks referred to in points
(a) and (b) of Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 for each group of devices in the
selected category or categories. The Member State may submit the application if the
laboratory either partially or fully covers the estimated minimum EU-wide capacity for those
tasks as set out in Annex I. Please note that in case the laboratory only partially covers the
estimated minimum EU-wide capacity for a group of devices, its designation for the
corresponding category may also be conditional on availability of other candidates who fulfil
the selection criteria.
3. The selection criteria for EU reference laboratories in the field of in vitro diagnostic medical
devices are outlined in Section 3 of this call. The preference criteria are listed in Section 4.
4. As laid down in Article 100(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, Member States are responsible
for submitting the completed application forms and supporting documentation for the
selection criteria for candidate laboratories they wish to propose to be designated as EU
reference laboratories to the European Commission. Supporting documentation for the
preference criteria must be submitted at a later stage only by those candidate laboratories for
which an assessment of preference criteria will be necessary, i.e. in case there are more
candidate laboratories for a category of devices with significantly higher collective capacity
than the estimated minimum EU-wide capacity. Please see Annex II for the detailed
instructions for submitting the application.
5. Before submitting the applications to the European Commission, the Member States must
verify that the candidate laboratory complies with the selection criteria in section 3. The
Member States must document the verification and its outcome in the template for
verification of compliance with the selection criteria, provided in Annex X.
6. A selection panel will be set up by the European Commission services. The panel will check
the verification of compliance with selection criteria performed by the Member States or the
European Commission’s Joint Research Centre for consistency and completeness. The panel
will also apply the preference criteria in case there are more candidate laboratories for a
category with considerably higher collective capacity than the estimated minimum EU-wide
7. In case of need for minor clarification about the submitted application, supporting
documents or the verification template, the selection panel will contact the candidate
laboratory or the Member State, respectively.
8. In order to be designated, the candidates must satisfy all the selection criteria.
In addition, the European Commission will seek to ensure that for each group of devices
listed in Annex I, the collective capacity of the designated EU reference laboratories
corresponds to a reasonable extent to the estimated minimum EU-wide capacity for tasks
referred to in points (a) and (b) of Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, as set out in
Annex I.
Where several candidates fulfil all the selection criteria, and whose collective capacity is
significantly higher than the estimated minimum EU-wide capacity for tasks referred to in
points (a) and (b) of Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, as set out in Annex I, then
the preference criteria will be used to select the laboratories with the highest scores whose
collective capacity corresponds to a reasonable extent to the estimated minimum EU-wide
In cases where the preference criteria need to be applied, the European Commission will
contact the relevant Member States with a request for candidate laboratories to submit them
within a specified deadline.
9. The Member States will be informed about the outcome of the selection.
10. Thereafter, as laid down in Article 100(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the European
Commission will designate the selected EU reference laboratories by means of an
implementing act. The act will identify the laboratories and the scope of the designation, i.e.
the categories of devices each of them will cover.
11. During the evaluation period, only contacts between the European Commission services
and Member States will take place. Candidate laboratories must contact their Member States
for information.
12. Submission of an application following this call implies acceptance by the candidate
laboratory and Member State of all provisions and conditions stipulated in this call.
13. The European Commission services will not reimburse any expenses incurred in preparing
and submitting applications.
2.2 Modalities applicable in case of the expression of interest by a consortium
For the purpose of this call, a "consortium" is defined as 'two or more entities in one or more
Member States working together to perform the EU reference laboratory tasks for the same
category or categories of devices, as referred to in Annex I of the call'. Individual consortium
members may cover some of the groups within the category. The consortium as a whole must
cover the entire selected category or categories.
Specific requirements for consortia in addition to the ones foreseen for single entities:
1. A single application must be submitted for a consortium. In case the entities are located in
different EU Member States, the application must be submitted jointly by all relevant
Member States.
2. Each member of the consortium must meet all selection criteria.
3. The consortium must nominate a coordinator who will be the leading entity and general
contact point.
4. Consortium members must authorise the coordinator to represent the consortium on their
5. Consortium members must authorise the coordinator to receive and distribute possible
financial contributions received from the European Commission according to a distribution
key agreed among consortium members, which will be described in the work programme.
6. Each member of the consortium must include in the application an accession letter with the
• confirmation of its participation in the consortium;
• indication of the specific area of participation;
• statement as to which entity has been nominated as the coordinator of the consortium;
• indications that the authorisations referred to in points 4 and 5 above have been granted.
7. Each member of the consortium must submit all documents requested for the selection
criteria as part of the single application.
8. For the preference criteria only, the consortium must submit a single jointly elaborated set
of documents. The work programme of the consortium has to contain a demonstration of
coherence and complementarity within the consortium members including task division,
decision-making process and the exchange of knowledge.
9. Technical liability: the consortium members are jointly and severally liable for carrying out
the tasks of the EU reference laboratory. If a consortium member fails to implement its part
of the tasks, the other members become responsible for implementing this part.
10. Financial liability: the consortium members maintain individual financial liability.
Candidate laboratories must satisfy the following selection criteria as demonstrated by the
corresponding means of proof and supporting documents.
No Criterion Means of proof
1 The candidate laboratories must document
and justify the knowledge and experience
requirements for staff, including the
director, the scientific and the technical
staff, needed to fulfil the EU reference
laboratory tasks in the scope of
1.1 List of knowledge and experience
requirements and the justification
thereof for the director, the scientific
staff and the technical staff, and any
relevant sub-categories of staff if the
candidate deems this necessary
2 The candidate laboratories must have staff
that fulfils the requirements referred to in
point 1.1 and document how those
requirements are fulfilled.
2.1 Overview tables for knowledge and
experience of staff referred to in
Annex III and the numbered
supporting documents
3 The candidate laboratories must have a
sufficient number of staff in relation to the
volume of the tasks they are to carry out.
3.1 Estimate of minimum capacity of the
candidate laboratory for task
referred to in Article 100(2) (a) of
Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (number
of notified body requests processed
per year per device group referred to
in Annex I, see template in Annex
3.2 Estimate of minimum capacity of the
candidate laboratory for task
referred to in Article 100(2) (b) of
Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (number
of notified body requests processed
per year per device group referred to
in Annex I, see template in Annex
3.3 Justification of the number of staff to
cover the above capacities and the
other tasks of EU reference
laboratories referred to in Article
100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746
4 The candidate laboratories must put in
place a continuous training and education
programme for their staff.
4.1 Description of the continuous
training and education programme
for staff
5 The candidate laboratories must possess
the equipment, including specimens and
control materials, and sufficient quantity
of reference materials, necessary to carry
out the tasks in the scope of designation of
the EU reference laboratory.
5.1 Justification as to which equipment
and reference materials are
necessary to carry out the tasks
within the proposed scope of
designation. The justification must
also cover specimens and control
5.2 Evidence that the candidate
laboratory possesses the equipment
referred to in point 5.1 and a
sufficient quantity of the reference
materials referred to in that point
5.3 A plan for the procurement of the
specimens, control materials and
reference materials referred to in
point 5.1
6 The candidate laboratories must have up-
to-date documentation on international
standards and best practices that apply to
the tasks within their proposed scope of
6.1 A list of international standards and
best practices, including common
specifications, that apply to the tasks
within the proposed scope of
designation, and justification of their
6.2 Evidence that the laboratory has
integrated the international
standards and best practices
referred to in point 6.1 into the
operating procedures for the
relevant tasks
7 The candidate laboratories must identify at
least one person within their management
as having overall responsibility for the
performance of the tasks set out in Article
100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746.
7.1 Identification of the person having
overall responsibility for the
performance of the tasks set out in
Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU)
8 The candidate laboratories must have
sufficient administrative staff to provide
the necessary administrative support for
performance of the tasks set out in Article
100(2) of Regulation (EU) 2017/746, in
relation to the volume of those tasks.
8.1 Estimate of the expected volume of
administrative work related to the
tasks referred to in Article 100(2) of
Regulation (EU) 2017/746
8.2 Justification of the number of
administrative staff to cover the
volume of work referred to in point
9 The candidate laboratories must have an
appropriate administrative organisation
and structure.
9.1 Evidence of the laboratory’s status
as a legal entity
9.2 If the laboratory is part of a larger
organisation, a description of the
activities of that organisation, its
organisational structure and
9.3 If the laboratory is, directly or
indirectly, controlled by other
entities, the identity of such entities
and their controlling position
9.4 A description of the laboratory’s
internal organisational structure
with clearly allocated
responsibilities and reporting lines
9.5 A description of its operating
procedures including management
and performance of tasks,
management of staff, a staff
substitution plan, as well as
registration of documentation and
correspondence with external
9.6 Evidence of its sources of funding
9.7 Declaration that none of the
exclusion situations referred to in
Article 136 of Regulation (EU,
Euratom) 2018/10466 apply to the
6 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the
financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No
1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No
223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No
candidate laboratory (template in
Annex V)
9.8 Evidence of economic viability
without financial assistance from the
Union, including:
9.8.1 Economic viability template in
Annex VI B
9.8.2 Balance sheets, profit and loss
accounts or annual reports for
the last three financial years
9.8.3 Where available, audits
reports from the last three
financial years
9.9 Proposed system for detailed
records of the calculation of the costs
and the corresponding fees levied
(for the tasks that may be covered by
10 The candidate laboratories must have a
confidentiality policy and put in place and
document measures to ensure that the staff
complies with the confidentiality policy.
10.1 Confidentiality policy including the
10.1.1 the type of information that
shall be considered
10.1.2 rules for the appropriate
secure handling, storage
and processing of
confidential information
and measures to prevent
undue disclosure;
10.1.3 rules for sharing of
confidential and non-
confidential information
with staff, and the public;
10.1.4 rules for granting access to
confidential information to
a competent authority of a
Member State upon its
request in the context of
market surveillance or
vigilance activities by the
competent authority;
10.1.5 rules for sharing
confidential information, on
the initiative of the EU
reference laboratory, with a
competent authority of a
Member State and with the
European Commission
where the EU reference
laboratory has reason to
believe that such sharing is
in the interest of protection
of public health.
10.2 List of measures to ensure that the
staff complies with the
confidentiality policy
11 The candidate laboratories must have the
confirmation of their respective Member
State that they will perform their tasks as
EU reference laboratories in the public
interest and in an independent manner
within their proposed scopes of
11.1 Confirmation by the Member State
that the candidate laboratory will
perform its tasks as the EU reference
laboratory in the public interest and
in an independent manner within the
proposed scope of designation
(template in Annex XI)
12 The candidate laboratories must have a
policy to ensure that the members of their
staff do not have financial or other interests
in the in vitro medical device industry,
which could affect their impartiality with
regard to the performance of their tasks.
12.1 Policy for the management of
conflict of interest of laboratory
staff, including steps to prevent,
identify and resolve conflicts of
13 If designated, the candidate laboratory
must not be the designer, manufacturer,
supplier, installer, purchaser, owner or
maintainer of devices within its scope of
designation, nor the authorised
representative of any of those parties and
shall not be involved in the design,
manufacture or construction, marketing,
installation, use or maintenance of the
devices within its scope of designation.
If designated, the candidate laboratory
must not act as a notified body for devices
within its scope of designation.
If designated, the candidate laboratory
must not perform any tasks related to
conformity assessment under Regulation
(EU) 2017/746 on request by a notified
body, other than the tasks referred to in
Article 100(2) of Regulation (EU)
If designated, the candidate laboratory
must not enter into collaboration with a
device manufacturer or a notified body
concerning a joint commercial exploitation
if such collaboration falls within its scope
of designation.
13.1 A declaration as follows (template
in Annex VII):
13.1.1 if designated, the candidate
laboratory will not be the
designer, manufacturer,
supplier, installer,
purchaser, owner or
maintainer of devices within
the proposed scope of
designation, nor the
authorised representative of
any of those parties;
13.1.2 if designated, the candidate
laboratory will not be
involved in the design,
manufacture or
construction, marketing,
installation, use or
maintenance of the devices
within the proposed scope of
13.1.3 if designated, the candidate
laboratory will not be a
notified body for devices
within the proposed scope of
13.1.4 if designated, the candidate
laboratory will not perform
any tasks related to
conformity assessment
under Regulation (EU)
2017/746 on request of a
notified body, other than the
tasks referred to in Article
100(2) of Regulation (EU)
2017/746, within the scope
of designation of the
13.1.5 if designated, the candidate
laboratory will not enter
into collaboration with a
device manufacturer or a
notified body concerning a
joint commercial
exploitation, if such
collaboration falls within
the scope of its designation.
14 In case the candidate laboratory already
foresees outsourcing of testing to an
external laboratory according to Article 7
of the Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2022/944.
If applicable:
14.1 A list of requirements set by the
candidate laboratory regarding the
competence for fulfilling the tasks
covered by the contract, including
staff and equipment
14.2 Declaration by the candidate
laboratory that the external
14.2.1 satisfies the requirements in
point 14.1
14.2.2 has in place and documents
the measures referred to in
point 10.2 regarding
confidentiality policy;
14.2.3 confirms the absence of
conflict of interest in
accordance with the policy
referred to in point 12.1 as
regards the activities
covered by the contract.
These additional criteria are intended to allow evaluating the scientific excellence of the
candidate laboratory. Up to 100 points may be awarded for the four criteria below.
Submission of the supporting documents for the preference criteria is not necessary at the initial
application stage. Candidate laboratories that are required to prepare this additional
documentation will be informed by their Member State at a later stage. The Annexes to be
completed will be provided together with the notification.
Means of proof
15 Team composition (exceptional level
of experience and knowledge relevant
to the proposed scope of designation) –
up to 35 points
15.1 Key scientific publications (up to
10); references of research and other
activities of proposed EU reference
laboratory staff members, relevant
for the proposed scope of designation
and the tasks of an EU reference
15.2 A justification as to why these
publications and activities show
excellence of the candidate
16 Evidence of understanding of the
mission as a EU reference laboratory
and capacity to develop a work
program as an EU reference laboratory
– up to 35 points
16.1 A simulation of a Work Programme
of activities that could be undertaken
by the laboratory on its own initiative
(description of the activities,
objectives, expected outputs in line
with Articles 100(2) and 100(5) of
Regulation (EU) 2017/746) for three
years (maximum ten pages, assuming
a maximum budget of 200.000€ per
year, template in Annex XII to be
provided at a later stage in the
application process if necessary)
17 International collaboration – up to 15
17.1 Evidence of activities at
international level relevant for the
proposed scope of designation and
the tasks of an EU reference
laboratory, e.g. involvement and
participation in international
standardisation activities and
networks (e.g. CEN, ISO),
involvement and participation in
other multinational activities (e.g.
research projects), reliable and
proven procedures for dispatching
and receiving relevant materials
from manufacturers, laboratories,
hospitals situated in the EU & third
countries (e.g. batches, samples,
infectious material for diagnostic
and research purposes)
18 Coordination – up to 15 points 18.1 Evidence of coordination activities
e.g. organisation of conferences,
workshops, training activities etc.,
close working relations with other
laboratories in the same area of
For each scope of designation, the applications selected will be the ones that comply with the
selection criteria and, collectively, cover the estimated minimum EU-wide capacity as referred
to in Annex I. In case of evaluation of the preference criteria, the applications selected will be
the ones with the highest score.
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË - Tel. +32 22991111
The Director-General
Brussels SANTE.DDG1.D.3/OT/
Subject: Call for applications for designation of EU reference laboratories in
the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices
Your Excellency,
I am pleased to inform you that, with this letter, the Directorate General for Health
and Food Safety is formally launching a call for applications for designation of EU
reference laboratories (EURLs) in the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices,
under Regulation (EU) 2017/746. The call will be run in two waves and covers
various categories of devices of risk class D.
I would be grateful if you could forward the attached documentation to all relevant
authorities in your country. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that
applications must be submitted by the Member States.
Let me stress that the requirements in the call must be strictly complied with,
including the deadlines for submission of applications.
I look forward to the possible submission of applications for candidate EURLs by
your country.
Please contact the following e-mail addresses: [email protected]; SANTE-
[email protected] for further information (subject: Call for applications for
designation of EURLs). For technical assistance during the submission of
applications, please send an email to: [email protected].
For background, this is the second call for EURLs under Regulation (EU) 2017/746.
The first call was carried out in 2022, following which five EURLs were designated
covering the following categories of class D devices: detection or quantification of
markers of hepatitis and retroviruses, herpesviruses, bacterial agents and respiratory
viruses that cause life-threatening diseases. More information can be found here:
Yours faithfully,
By email to:
Permanent Representations of all EU Member States
Missions of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey to the EU
Copy to:
Members and observer countries of the Medical Device Coordination Group
Enclosure: Call for applications for designation of EU reference laboratories in
the field of in vitro diagnostic medical devices, with 12 annexes