Dokumendiregister | Transpordiamet |
Viit | 6.1-2/23/15476-1 |
Registreeritud | 12.07.2023 |
Sünkroonitud | 31.03.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 6.1 Navigatsiooni korraldamine |
Sari | 6.1-2 Kirjavahetus veeteede ja navigatsioonimärgistuse küsimustes |
Toimik | 6.1-2/2023 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool |
Vastutaja | Pärtel Keskküla (Users, Merendusteenistus, Laevateede ja sadamate osakond, Laevateede üksus) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Annex 1. The plan for the placement of said signal poles/ buoys
Description of planned activities
In order to carry out surveys at the planned wind farm, 8 signal buoys will need to be
positioned at sea.
The signal buoys will be constructed and anchored according to the attached diagram (Fig.
1). The coordinates of the buoy locations are shown in Table 1 (Tab. 1) and on Map 1 (Map.
The signal buoys will be used to mark points along the lines of migratory bird observation
(so-called transect lines). Ornithologists conducting ornithological observations will record
bird flights that cross the line between the vessel anchorage and the line marked by the
signal buoys. The signal buoys will also be used to precisely measure the distance from the
ship of the passing birds.
Two scenarios for the handling of the signal buoys are possible:
I) Putting up the signal buoys each time before the single observation session of the
migratory bird surveys and taking the signal buoys after the single observation session.
II) Putting up signal buoys before the first observation session is performed and taking away
signal buoys after the last observation session is performed.
The planned dates for the surveys are shown in Table 2 (Table 2)
Anchoring system
The signal buoys will be anchored to the bottom using a metal block weighing
approximately 50-70kg. The signal buoy will be connected to the anchor using two sections
of rope and one section of steel chain. The steel chain will ensure that the section of rope
directly below the water surface is vertical. Signal buoys will be fitted with a radar reflector
and a red flag. The signal buoy will extend 2m above the water surface.
The total length of the signal buoy is 4m.
Tab. 1 Signal buoy deployment coordinates
DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds) DDM (Degrees Decimal Minutes) DD (Decimal Degrees)
RSP-SW-N1 23° 56' 19.12" E 57° 57' 38.94" N 23° 56.319' E 57° 57.649' N 23.93864 57.96082
RSP-SW-N2 23° 56' 19.06" E 57° 58' 11.27" N 23° 56.318' E 57° 58.188' N 23.93863 57.9698
RSP-SW-W1 23° 55' 18.38" E 57° 57' 6.59" N 23° 55.306' E 57° 57.110' N 23.92177 57.95183
RSP-SW-W2 23° 54' 17.58" E 57° 57' 6.55" N 23° 54.293' E 57° 57.109' N 23.90488 57.95182
RSP-NE-N1 24° 5' 54.91" E 58° 0' 40.12" N 24° 5.915' E 58° 0.669' N 24.09859 58.01115
RSP-NE-N2 24° 5' 55.00" E 58° 1' 12.45" N 24° 5.917' E 58° 1.208' N 24.09861 58.02012
RSP-NE-W1 24° 4' 53.94" E 58° 0' 7.84" N 24° 4.899' E 58° 0.131' N 24.08165 58.00218
RSP-NE-W2 24° 3' 53.05" E 58° 0' 7.88" N 24° 3.884' E 58° 0.131' N 24.06474 58.00219
Map 1. Location of signal buoys on the border of the planned wind farm
Fig. 1: Construction and anchoring of signal buoys
Radar reflector with SOLAS reflective tape strips
Aluminium tube (Diameter 40 mm x width 2 mm)
Two Styrodur floats
Metal anchor / Metal block (50-70 kg)
Steel rope (Diameter 10 mm)
Steel chain (Length 1 m)
Steel weight / balast (Diameter 60 mm)
Height 2 m above water level
Mooring buoy
LED signal light
Tab. 2 The number of survey days by calendar month, for the full 12-month phenological cycle
Date range Point 1 SW
Number of survey days
Point 2 NE
Number of survey days
Total Number of the month of project implementation
15 -31 July 2023 2 (at least one survey session)
2 (at least one survey session)
4 1
01 – 31 August 2023 3 (at least two survey sessions)
3 (at least two survey sessions)
6 2
01 -30 September 2023
3 (at least two survey sessions)
3 (at least two survey sessions)
6 3
01 – 31 October 2023 3 (at least two survey sessions)
3 (at least two survey sessions)
6 4
01 – 30 November2023
3 (at least two survey sessions)
3 (at least two survey sessions)
6 5
01 – 31 December 2023
2 (at least one survey session)
2 (at least one survey session)
4 6
01 -30 January 2023 2 (at least one survey session)
2 (at least one survey session)
4 7
01 -14 March 2024 1 (at least one survey session)
1 (at least one survey session)
2 9
15 -31 March 2024 2 (at least one survey session)
2 (at least one survey session)
4 9
01 -30 April 2024 3 (at least two survey sessions)
3 (at least two survey sessions)
6 10
01 -31 May 2024 3 (at least two survey sessions)
3 (at least two survey sessions)
6 11
01 – 15 June 2024 2 (at least one survey session)
2 (at least one survey session)
4 12
Laevateede ja sadamate osakond
Valge 4
Tallinn 11413
Taotlus poide paigaldamiseks
Seoses Liivi lahe tuulepargi uuringutega soovime paigaldada kavandatava tuulepargi alale
märgistuspoisid (ei ole navigatsioonipoid) linnustiku radariseire teostamiseks. Tööde alguseks
on 15. juuli 2023 ja lõpuks 30. juuni 2024.
Paigaldatavate poide asukohad on toodud Lisas (tabelis 1 ja kaardil 1). Kahes asukohas
paiknevad süsteemid koosnevad neljast poist (kokku kaheksa poid), mis ulatuvad 2 m üle
merepinna ja on varustatud LED tule ning reflektoriga. Täpsem märgistuspoi skeem on toodud
Lisas joonisel 1.
Poid soovime merre paigaldada alates 19. juulist 2023.
Palume väljastada luba kirjeldatud poide merre paigaldamiseks.
Urmas Lips
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Kooskõlastus | 12.02.2024 | 48 | 6.1-2/24/2328-2 | Valjaminev kiri | transpordiamet | Kliimaministeerium |
Kiri | 09.02.2024 | 51 | 6.1-2/24/2328-1 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | Kliimaministeerium |
Taotlus | 16.11.2023 | 136 | 6.1-2/23/15476-3 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool |
Kooskõlastus | 16.11.2023 | 136 | 6.1-2/23/15476-4 | Valjaminev kiri | transpordiamet | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool |
Kooskõlastus | 19.07.2023 | 256 | 6.1-2/23/15476-2 | Valjaminev kiri | transpordiamet | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool |