Dokumendiregister | Riigi IT Keskus |
Viit | 5-3/24-0035-1 |
Registreeritud | 01.02.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 31.03.2024 |
Liik | Leping |
Funktsioon | 5 Riigihanked ja lepingute haldus |
Sari | 5-3 Lepingud juriidiliste isikutega ja asutustega, aktid, aruanded |
Toimik | 5-3 Lepingud juriidiliste isikutega ja asutustega, aktid, aruanded |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | |
Vastutaja | Tiit Tuisk |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
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HANKELEPING nr 5-3/24-0035-1
Tellija Riigi Info- ja Kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia Keskus
Registrikood 77001613
Aadress Lõõtsa tn 8a, Tallinn, 11415
Tellija esindaja Ergo Tars, direktor
Esinduse alus Põhimäärus
Tellija Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium
Registrikood 70000740
Tellija esindaja Kristi Vinter-Nemvalts, kantsler
Esinduse alus Põhimäärus
Tellija Keskkonnaministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus
Registrikood 70009445
Tellija esindaja Marko Arula, direktor
Esinduse alus Põhimäärus
Tellija Regionaal- ja Põllumajandusministeerium
Registrikood 70000734
Tellija esindaja Marko Gorban, kantsler
Esinduse alus Põhimäärus
Tellija Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet
Registrikood 70005967
Tellija esindaja Jaanus Hämmal, peadirektori asetäitja
Esinduse alus Põhimäärus
Tellija Rahandusministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus
Registrikood 70009244
Tellija esindaja Meelis Riimaa, direktor
Esinduse alus Põhimäärus
Tellija Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskus
Registrikood 70000310
Tellija esindaja Rivo Reitmann, direktor
Esinduse alus Põhimäärus
Tellija Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet
Registrikood 70006317
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Tellija esindaja Gert Auväärt, peadirektori asetäitja küberturvalisuse alal
peadirektori ülesannetes
Esinduse alus Põhimäärus ja Majandus- ja infotehnoloogiaministri
personalikäskkiri nr 4-2/24
Tellija Sihtasutus Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum
Registrikood 90001478
Tellija esindaja Kati Korm, infotehnoloogiajuht
Esinduse alus Juhatuse volikiri
Tellija Siseministeeriumi infotehnoloogia- ja arenduskeskus
Registrikood 70008440
Tellija esindaja Mart Nielsen, peadirektor
Esinduse alus Põhimäärus
Tellija Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Registrikood 74000323
Tellija esindaja Tea Trahov, kantsler
Esinduse alus Volikiri
Tellija Tartu Ülikool
Registrikood 74001073
Tellija esindaja Kstina Noormets, kantsler
Esinduse alus Hankekord
Tellija Sihtasutus Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla
Registrikood 90006399
Tellija esindaja Agris Peedu, juhatuse esimees
Esinduse alus Põhikiri
SK ID Solutions AS, registrikoodiga 10747013, asukohaga Pärnu mnt 141, 11314 Tallinn, mida põhikirja
alusel esindab juhatuse liige Liisa Lukin (edaspidi nimetatud täitja), keda nimetatakse edaspidi Pool või koos
Pooled, sõlmisid käesoleva hankelepingu (edaspidi leping) alljärgnevas:
1. Lepingu ese ja dokumendid 1.1. Lepingu esemeks on lepingu kehtivuse perioodil Smart-ID teenus (edaspidi ka teenus) vastavalt
riigihanke „Smart-ID teenus“ (viitenumber 262384) alusdokumentides, raamlepingus ja käesolevas
lepingus sätestatule.
1.2. Lepingu lahutamatuteks osadeks on riigihanke alusdokumendid, pooltevahelised kirjalikud teated ning
kõik lepingu muudatused ja muud lisad.
1.3. Lepingu allkirjastamisel on lepingul järgmised lisad:
1.3.1. Lisa 1 – SK ID Solutions AS teenuse kasutamise üldtingimused;
1.4. Teenuse osutamisel kohaldub lepingu lisa 1 käesolevad lepingus sätestatud erisustega.
2. Lepingu kehtivus
2.1. Leping jõustub selle poolte poolt allkirjastamisest ja kehtib 24 kuud alates selle allkirjastamisest.
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3. Teenuse osutamine
3.1. Teenust hakatakse täitja poolt osutama alates hankelepingu kehtima hakkamisest.
3.2. Teenus peab olema kättesaadav 24/7.
3.3. Täitja edastab igale tellijale iga arvelduse aluseks oleva kuu kohta osutatud teenuse statistika (päringute
koguarv, tellija päringute arv). Teenuse statistika on lepingu kontaktisiku(te)le kättesaadav täitja e-
3.4. Tellijate IP-d ja RPUIID tunnused hoitakse täitja veebilehe e-
3.5. Rikke esinemisel edastatakse tellija poolt e-mailile [email protected] rikketeade. Rikketeatele
tuleb vastata 4 tunni jooksul. Rike tuleb kõrvaldada ühe tööpäeva jooksul alates rikketeate
3.6. Teenust pakkuvad serverid peavad asuma Eestis.
3.7. Tellija Riigi Infosüsteemi Ameti suhtes ei kehti edasimüüja tingimused ning Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet
võib teenust edasi müüa teistele avalikku teenust pakkuvatele asutustele.
4. Tasu ja maksetingimused
4.1. Teenuse eest tasumisel lähtutakse täitja poolt pakkumuses esitatud hindadest (raamlepingu lisa 3).
4.2. Pakkumuses esitatud hinnad on fikseeritud kaheteistkümneks kuuks. Täitja võib esitada tellijatele
kirjaliku teatena uue hinnakirja hiljemalt 60 päeva enne 12-kuulise perioodi lõppu. Uut hinnakirja
rakendatakse peale 12 kuu möödumist hankelepingu sõlmimisest järgmise 12-kuulise perioodi jooksul
kuni lepingu lõppemiseni. Täitja poolt esitatav uus hinnakiri ei tohi ületada ega olla sama täitja avalikes
hinnakirjades kehtestatud hindadega.
4.3. Tasu arvutatakse tellijate sooritatud päringute arvu alusel. Sobiv teenuspakett valitakse iga kuu lõpus
vastavalt kuu jooksul toimunud päringute arvule. Juhul, kui tasu kuus ületab järgmise teenuspaketi
minimaalse kuutasu, maksab tellija soodsama teenuspaketi tasu (minimaalse kuutasu). Teenuspakettides
arvestatakse vaid tasulisi päringuid.
4.4. Teenuse tasud on lähtuvalt päringu mahtudest jagatud hinnatasemeteks. Täitjale makstakse teenuse
kasutamise eest tasu igakuiselt vastavalt teenuse päringute koguarvu teenuspaketile arvelduse aluseks
oleval kuul. Päringute koguarvu hulka arvestatakse kõik ühe teenuse päringud ühes kuus, mis on
teostatud kõigi tellijate poolt kogumina raamlepingu nr 5-3/24-0013-1 alusel sõlmitud hankelepingu
4.5. Täitja esitab teenuse osutamise eest igale tellijale arve masinloetaval kujul (e-arvena) vastavalt tema
poolt kasutatud teenuse mahule ning lepingu kogukasutusest tulenevale teenuspaketile.
4.6. E-arve peab sisaldama vähemalt alljärgnevaid andmeid:
4.6.1. info e-arve esitaja kohta;
4.6.2. info maksja kohta;
4.6.3. riigihanke viitenumber;
4.6.4. riigihanke lepinguosa viitenumber 262384 001 001 0001 või 262384 001 002 0002;
4.6.5. hankelepingu number;
4.6.6. käibemaksukohustuslase number;
4.6.7. toote/teenuse nimetus;
4.6.8. käibemaks;
4.6.9. kogusumma.
4.7. Iga tellija tasub teenuse eest arvel märgitud kuupäevaks. Maksetähtaeg ei tohi olla lühem kui 30
1 Lepinguosa viitenumber 262384 001 001 000 tuleb märkida järgmiste asutuste arvetele: Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium,
Keskkonnaministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus, Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet,
Rahandusministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus, Regionaal- ja Põllumajandusministeerium, Registrite ja Infosüsteemide
Keskus, Riigi Info- ja Kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia Keskus, Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet, Siseministeeriumi
infotehnoloogia- ja arenduskeskus. 2 Lepinguosa viitenumber 262384 001 002 000 tuleb märkida järgmiste asutuste arvetele: SA Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla,
SA Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool ja Tartu Ülikool.
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5. Avalikud suhted
5.1. Pooled ei tegele seoses lepinguga avalike suhetega ega anna teateid pressile, elektroonilisele meediale,
üldsusele või teistele auditooriumidele, välja arvatud teise Poole eelneval kirjalikul nõusolekul.
Avaldada võib vaid teateid, mis on teise Poolega eelnevalt kooskõlastatud.
5.2. Kõik eelnimetatud kohustused kehtestab Täitja ka kõigile kolmandatele isikutele, keda ta kasutab oma
lepingujärgsete kohustuste täitmisel.
6. Konfidentsiaalsus
6.1. Pooled peavad lepingu täitmise käigust teineteiselt ükskõik mis vormis saadud kogu informatsiooni,
millele seda avaldanud lepingupool on osutanud kui konfidentsiaalsele või mille konfidentsiaalsust võib
mõistlikult eeldada, konfidentsiaalseks (sh isikuandmed) ja ei anna seda edasi kolmandatele isikutele
ilma teise poole kirjaliku nõusolekuta. Lepingus sätestatud konfidentsiaalsuse nõue ei laiene
informatsiooni avaldamisele poolte audiitoritele ja advokaatidele ning juhtudel, kui pool on
õigusaktidest tulenevalt kohustatud informatsiooni avaldama.
6.2. Täitja kasutab lepingu täitmise käigus saadud konfidentsiaalset informatsiooni üksnes lepingus
sätestatud eesmärkide täitmiseks. Täitja kohustub lepingu lõppemisel kustutama kõik talle lepingu
täitmisel teatavaks saanud konfidentsiaalse info, isikuandmed ja nimetatute koopiad, v.a juhul, kui
õigusaktidest tuleneb teisiti.
6.3. Pooled täidavad kõiki lepingu täitmise kohas kehtivaid isikuandmete töötlemisalaseid nõudeid, andmete
turvalisust puudutavaid ning isikuandmete kaitse alaseid Euroopa Liidu ja Eesti Vabariigi õigusakte ja
muid eeskirju.
6.4. Täitja kohustub võtma organisatsioonilisi, füüsilisi ja infotehnilisi turvameetmeid konfidentsiaalsete
andmete kaitseks juhusliku või tahtliku volitamata muutmise, juhusliku hävimise, tahtliku hävitamise,
avalikustamise jms eest.
6.5. Täitja kohustub mitte kasutama konfidentsiaalset teavet mitte ühelgi viisil isikliku kasu saamise
eesmärgil ega kolmandate isikute huvides.
6.6. Pooled on kohustatud hoidma saladuses teise poole poolt kasutatavaid töömeetodeid, töös kasutatud
protsesse, süsteeme jmt, millised neid kasutav pool on ise välja töötanud.
6.7. Pooled võivad teise poole kirjalikul nõusolekul võimaldada juurdepääsu konfidentsiaalsele
informatsioonile üksnes nendele töötajatele, kellel on selleks oma tööülesannete täitmiseks vajadus ning
tagavad, et need töötajad on teadlikud ja täidavad isikuandmete töötlemisalaseid nõudeid ning õigusakte.
6.8. Konfidentsiaalse informatsiooni avaldamiseks isikule, kes ei ole eelnevas lõikes nimetatud poole
töötaja, tuleb küsida teise poole luba kirjalikku taasesitamist võimaldavas vormis, v.a kui see on vajalik
lepingus toodud eesmärkide täitmiseks ning isikud on teadlikud ja täidavad isikuandmete
töötlemisalaseid nõudeid ning õigusakte.
6.9. Konfidentsiaalsusnõue kehtib nii lepingu täitmise ajal kui ka pärast seda tähtajatult.
6.10. Kõik eelnimetatud kohustused kehtestab täitja kõikidele kolmandatele isikutele, keda ta kasutab oma
lepingujärgsete kohustuste täitmisel.
6.11. Tulenevalt konfidentsiaalse informatsiooni laadist on tellijal õigus seada täiendavaid nõuded ja/või
juhised isikuandmete töötlemiseks.
7. Kolmandad isikud
7.1. Täitja ei või oma lepingujärgseid õiguseid ja kohustusi üle anda kolmandatele isikutele ilma tellija
kirjaliku nõusolekuta.
8. Teated ja kirjavahetus
8.1. Pooltevaheline suhtlus toimub selleks otstarbeks määratud poolte kontaktandmetel ja aadressidel. Pool
on kohustatud viivitamatult teatama kontaktandmete muutumisest teisele Poolele.
8.2. Pooltevahelised Lepinguga seotud teated peavad olema kirjalikku taasesitamist võimaldavas vormis,
välja arvatud juhtudel, kui teated on informatsioonilise iseloomuga, mille edastamisel teisele poolele ei
ole õiguslikke tagajärgi. Teade loetakse kätte saaduks, kui:
8.2.1. teade on üle antud allkirja vastu;
8.2.2. teade on edastatud tähitud kirjana poole postiaadressil ja teate postitamisest on möödunud 5 (viis)
8.2.3. e-posti teel saadud teate saamisest on möödunud 1 (üks) tööpäev.
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9. Poolte vastutus
9.1. Oluliseks lepingurikkumiseks loetakse mh järgmisi rikkumisi:
9.1.1. pool on rikkunud mis tahes lepingust tulenevat kohustust ega ole rikkumist kõrvaldanud teise
poole poolt antud täiendava tähtaja jooksul;
9.1.2. pool on rikkunud konfidentsiaalsus ja isikuandmete töötlemise kohustust;
9.1.3. pool on rikkunud avalikustamise keelu kohustust;
9.1.4. pool on andnud oma õigused ja kohustused üle kolmandatele isikutele ilma tellija nõusolekuta.
9.2. Lepingu tingimuste olulise rikkumise korral on poolel õigus nõuda lepingut rikkunud poolelt igakordsel
rikkumisel leppetrahvi kuni 10 000 eurot.
9.3. Lepingu tingimuste rikkumise korral on lisaks lepingus nimetatud leppetrahvidele ja viivistele pooltel
muude õiguskaitsevahendite kõrval õigus nõuda tekitatud kahju hüvitamist täies ulatuses ja/või leping
ilma etteteatamistähtajata üles öelda.
10. Lepingu muutmine ja lõpetamine
10.1. Lepingut võib muuta Poolte kirjalikul kokkuleppel. Muudatused jõustuvad pärast nende allkirjastamist
mõlema Poole poolt või Poolte poolt määratud tähtajal. Kirjaliku vormi mittejärgimisel on muudatused
10.2. Lepingu lõpetamine toimub, kas lepingus sätestatud tingimuste ja/või kehtiva seadusandluse alusel.
Tellijad Täitja
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
Riigi Info- ja Kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia Keskus
Ergo Tars, direktor
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
SK ID Solutions AS
Liisa Lukin, juhatuse liige
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium
Kristi Vinter-Nemvalts, kantsler
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
Keskkonnaministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus
Marko Arula, direktor
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
Regionaal- ja Põllumajandusministeerium
Marko Gorban, kantsler
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet
Jaanus Hämmal, peadirektori asetäitja
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
Rahandusministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus
Meelis Riimaa, direktor
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskus
Rivo Reitmann, direktor
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet
Joonas Heiter, peadirektori asetäitja riigi infosüsteemi alal
peadirektori ülesannetes
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
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Sihtasutus Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum
Kati Korm, infotehnoloogiajuht
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
Siseministeeriumi infotehnoloogia- ja arenduskeskus
Mart Nielsen, peadirektor
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Tea Trahov, kantsler
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
Tartu Ülikool
Kstina Noormets, kantsler
(digitaalselt allkirjastatud)
Sihtasutus Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla
Agris Peedu, juhatuse esimees
Effective date: 1 July 2023
1. Version information
Date Version Changes
1 July 2023 4.1 - Added section 9.8 together with Annex 1
- Added section 18.3
- Updated contact details and repository addresses
- Removed Proxy Certificate Validation Service
- Prevailing language changed to English
13 June 2018 4.0 - Added principles for use of Mobile-ID Service
- Removed User-Based Authentication Service
- Updated section 12.2, 12.4 and 12.6
- Added section 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.12, 12.5
- Linguistic improvements
1 March 2017 3.0 - Added principles of use of Smart-ID Service
- Updated sections 2, 3.2, 4.4, 8.7, 8.8, 9.2.3, 9.6, 10, 11.4,
14.6, 14.7, 16.2, 16.4, 16.5, 17.9
- Linguistic improvements
1 July 2016 2.0 - Updated principles for use of Services
- Added terms of use for Time-Stamping Service, User-Based
Authentication Service and Proxy Certificate Validation
Service and adjusted to adapt to other contract provisions
as new services are added
- Updated Service outage provisions
- Updated Subscriber obligations
- Updated structure and title, added version information
1 September 2011 1.0 - Changes to price list and pricing plans
- Added the concept of third party outage
- Linguistic improvements
2. Definitions
SK SK ID Solutions AS
Subscriber Adult natural person with active legal capacity or legal entity specified in the Subscriber Agreement.
Parties SK and Subscriber
Agreement Agreement comprised of Subscriber Agreement, General Terms of Subscriber Agreement, Price List and amendments thereto.
3. General
3.1. SK and Subscriber enter into an Agreement for the use of Services.
3.2. After the Agreement is concluded, SK will grant the Subscriber access to Services within 5 (five)
Business Days.
3.3. SK will provide Services and the Subscriber undertakes to use Services in accordance with the
terms defined in the Agreement.
3.4. The Subscriber undertakes to review and comply with the terms of use, principles and technical
specifications of the Services as published on SK's website.
3.5. In case of discrepancies between the General Terms of Subscriber Agreement and the Subscriber
Agreement, the Subscriber Agreement will prevail.
4. Principles for Use of Validity Confirmation Service
4.1. Validity Confirmation Service provides validity information of Certificates issued by SK.
Subscriber Agreement Framework agreement entered into between SK and Subscriber in relation to the Subscriber relationship that defines the Subscriber's data, services used and special provisions. The Subscriber Agreement is part of the Agreement.
General Terms of Subscriber Agreement
Present document which stipulates the assumptions and legal basis for the contractual relationship between Parties and defines the principles and general terms of use of services provided by SK. The General Terms of Subscriber Agreement is part of the Agreement.
Price List Part of the Agreement that defines the prices of Services and terms for implementation.
Certificate Digital data enabling to create electronic signatures,
electronic identity verification, device identification, secure data transmission, code signing and/or data encryption and where the public key is linked to the natural or legal person who owns the certificate.
Middleware Additional functionality provided by SK that uses Services (e.g. signature creation, Mobile-ID requests).
Services Validity Confirmation Service, Time-Stamping Service, Mobile-ID Service, Smart-ID Service that SK provides to Subscribers and that Subscribers may use together or separately or via Middleware.
Evidential value of validity confirmation
A set of data linking the signed document to the time that the certificate used to create the electronic signature was valid.
User End-user of the Services via the Subscriber's information system or application.
Charges Monthly charges for use of the Services.
SK website
Business Day Means 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Eastern European Time (UTC+2), Monday to Friday, except Estonian public holidays.
4.2. If the request contains a nonce field — a hash of the signed document — the service referred to
in sections 4.1 will issue an additional confirmation on the existence of the document at the time
of request.
4.3. Use of the Validity Confirmation Service is according to protocol defined in IETF RFC 6960 or
4.4. Evidential value of validity confirmation:
4.4.1. SK maintains a log system to ensure the evidential value of validity confirmation, retaining
audit trails for the validity of all Certificates and validity confirmations issued. The audit
trails are linked together sorted by time in the log system. The log entry records the time,
activity performed, activity authorisation method and identifier, requested Certificate
identifier and the nonce value of the request.
4.4.2. SK ensures the retention and availability of audit trails for validity confirmations issued
within 10 (ten) years from making the validity confirmation available to the Subscriber.
4.5. Technical parameters and service certificates of the Validity Confirmation Service are published
on SK's website.
4.6. General Terms of Subscriber Agreement also apply if the service referred to in sections 4.1 is used
via the Middleware provided by SK. The Middleware is subject to the terms of Service described
in section 9.
5. Principles for Use of Time-Stamping Service
5.1. Time-Stamping Service is a service issuing time stamps. Time stamps confirm that certain data
exist at a certain time.
5.2. Use of the Time-Stamping Service is according to protocol described in IETF RFC 3161 or newer.
5.3. The service is based on SK's Time-Stamping Authority Practice Statement and usage is subject to
SK's Terms and Conditions for Use of Time-Stamping Service. These documents are available at
5.4. Technical parameters of the Time-Stamping Service and the service certificate of the Time-
Stamping Service are published on SK's website.
5.5. General Terms of Subscriber Agreement also apply if the service referred to in section 5.1 is used
via the Middleware provided by SK. The Middleware is subject to the terms of Service described
in section 9.
6. Principles for Use of Mobile-ID Service
6.1. Mobile-ID is an electronic identity issued for Users by mobile operator. Mobile-ID Service enables
a Subscriber to implement the support for authentication and electronic signature functionality
for Mobile-ID Users in the Subscriber’s information system or application. The exact list of
supported mobile operators is published on SK’s website.
6.2. Use of Mobile-ID Service is according to the Mobile-ID technical specification, which is published
on SK´s website.
6.3. Technical parameters and the service certificate of the Mobile-ID Service are published on SK´s
6.4. General Terms of Subscriber Agreement also apply if the service referred to in section 5.1 is used
via the Middleware provided by SK. The Middleware is subject to the terms of Service described
in section 9.
7. Principles for Use of Smart-ID Service
7.1. Smart-ID is an electronic identity issued for Users by SK. Smart-ID Service enables a Subscriber to
implement the support for authentication and electronic signature functionality for Smart-ID
Users in the Subscriber’s information system or application.
7.2. Use of Smart-ID Service is according to the Smart-ID technical specification, which is published on
SK´s website.
7.3. Technical parameters and the service certificate of the Smart-ID Service are published on SK´s
7.4. SK maintains a log system to ensure the evidential value of Smart-ID transactions (User
authentication and electronic signature). The log entry records the User, the time, the activity
performed and the Subscriber´s identifier.
7.4.1. SK ensures the retention and availability of logs for Smart-ID transactions for 10 (ten) years
from the time the Smart-ID User performed authentication and/or electronic signature.
7.5. SK is liable for the integrity of Smart-ID User´s data through the lifecycle.
8. Obligations Related to Use of Services
8.1. The Subscriber undertakes to review and comply with terms of use of the Services. Terms and
Conditions for Use of Time-Stamping Service are available at
8.2. The Subscriber undertakes in using Services to apply measures to ensure conformity of requests
sent to the Service with protocols supported by the Service and correct interpretation of
responses to requests (incl. verification of service certificate authenticity).
8.3. The Subscriber undertakes to apply measures to avoid access to the Services by third parties.
8.4. By using the Services the Subscriber guarantees that personal data of Users are protected
pursuant to law.
8.5. When using the Mobile-ID and Smart-ID Service Subscriber may request User’s personal data
from the Services only if User has initiated the authentication or electronic signing transaction.
User consent to transmit the personal data to Subscriber is granted to SK by entering PIN code.
8.6. Subscriber is prohibited to request User’s personal data from the Services without User’s consent
except when User’s personal data is requested to prepare the authentication or electronic signing
transaction. The User consent request must be followed.
8.7. If there is no User consent granted as stipulated in sections 8.5 and 8.6, Subscriber is not entitled
to maintain the User data.
8.8. When creating electronic signatures the Subscriber in its information system or application
must ensure the following:
8.8.1. Validity confirmation is required at the first opportunity;
8.8.2. Measures are applied to unambiguously interpret the electronically signed data;
8.8.3. Users are provided with a function to ascertain the authenticity of electronically signed
data and attributes are added to the signature (signing location, role/resolution), if any;
8.8.4. Data provided to the User prior to electronic signature correspond to the data transmitted
to be actually signed;
8.8.5. Users have access to the electronically signed document created through the process.
8.9. In case of Mobile-ID and Smart-ID authentication and electronic signing, the Subscriber
undertakes to ensure that the verification number is visibly displayed to the User and the User is
asked to check if it matches prior to entering their PIN.
8.10. The Subscriber does not have the right to assign the Agreement or rights and obligations arising
thereof to third parties without the written consent of SK. Any assignment of rights acquired and
obligations assumed under the Agreement to third parties on the part of the Subscriber without
SK's consent will be void.
8.11. The Subscriber does not have the right to resell the Services to third parties without written
consent of SK.
8.12. SK is entitled to monitor the fulfilment of Subscriber’s obligations as stipulated in section 8.
9. Scheduled and Unscheduled Outages
9.1. SK will notify the Subscriber of scheduled Service outages using the method specified in section
13.5 of the Agreement, including reasons and estimated Service restoration time at least 7 (seven)
calendar days before such outage.
9.2. SK will ensure that scheduled Service outages per Service:
9.2.1. Do not exceed 2 (two) times per calendar month;
9.2.2. Do not exceed 12 (twelve) times per year;
9.2.3. Occur between the hours of 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., except on Fridays
9.2.4. Are limited to 3 (three) hours at a time and no more than 6 (six) hours per month.
9.3. SK will notify Subscribers of unscheduled outages at the earliest opportunity using the method
specified in section 13.5.
9.4. SK will ensure that the duration of unscheduled outages per Service does not exceed:
9.4.1. 45 (forty-five) minutes at a time on Business Days and 90 (ninety) minutes total per month;
9.4.2. 3 (three) hours at a time outside of Business Day and 6 (six) hours total per month.
9.5. Service malfunction is a situation where the number of failed requests during a period described
in sections 9.4.1 and 9.4.2 is below 10% of total requests per Service. Service malfunction is not
deemed an unscheduled Service outage.
9.6. The malfunction of notification services (i.e. Google Cloud Messaging, Firebase Cloud Messaging)
that are used to send authentication/signing requests to the Smart-ID application in the User´s
device, is not deemed an unscheduled Service outage.
9.7. Interruptions in the services provided by the mobile operator (SMSC, network etc) shall not be
considered as interruption of the Mobile-ID Service.
9.8. Availability requirements for qualified and qualified increased security electronic identification
Services for Subscribers subject to Latvian Law on Electronic Identification of Natural Persons shall
be set in Appendix 1.
10. Service Suspension
10.1. SK is entitled to suspend Services to the Subscriber in the following cases:
10.1.1. Subscriber breaches the terms of the Agreement;
10.1.2. Subscriber is more than 1 (one) month late with invoice payment;
10.2. SK will notify the Subscriber of any need to suspend the Service within a reasonable period of
time. Services are suspended after the Subscriber fails to rectify the situation giving rise to Service
suspension within a reasonable period of time set by SK.
10.3. SK is entitled to suspend Services without prior written notice in cases in which a Subscriber's
actions may pose a risk to the functioning of the Services and their availability to other Subscribers
(e.g. DDOS attack). SK will notify the Subscriber about the suspension as soon as reasonably
10.4. The Subscriber undertakes to notify SK of having rectified the situation giving rise to Service
10.5. SK will terminate the suspension of Services if the Subscriber adequately rectifies the situation
giving rise to Service suspension.
11. Service Price and Billing
11.1. SK is entitled to payment from the Subscriber in exchange for performing Services according to
the Price List published on SK's website. When the Agreement is concluded, the Subscriber selects
a pricing plan that is documented in the Subscriber Agreement. Subscribers may only change their
pricing plan at the conclusion of a calendar month.
11.2. SK issues monthly invoices to the Subscriber for the Services by the 10th (tenth) day of the month
following use of the Services.
11.3. When the Agreement becomes ineffective or otherwise terminated, the Subscriber will be
charged in full for the calendar month when Services commenced or the Agreement was
11.4. The Subscriber must pay the invoice for Services to SK within 14 (fourteen) days of the invoice
issue date.
11.5. SK is entitled to late payment interest from the Subscriber. Interest will accrue from the calendar
day following the due date at the rate of 0.15% on the outstanding amount for each calendar day
of delay.
11.6. Pricing plans for Service vary according to the “request prices” as per the Price List and a minimum
number of requests. Charges are calculated on the basis of requests made by the Subscriber. If
the number of requests by the Subscriber is below the minimum specified in the pricing plan, the
Charges will be calculated based on the minimum number of requests fixed in the pricing plan.
11.7. Requests made via the Middleware provided by SK are classified as either Validity Confirmation
Service, Time-Stamping Service or Mobile-ID Service requests and are priced according to the
Price List. SK may charge extra fees for using Middleware.
11.8. Pricing for Services does not include audit trail extracts on validity confirmations, log extracts on
time stamps and/or Certificate validity requests and/or Smart-ID and/or Mobile-ID transactions
data from SK's log system and/or other related services. Extracts from audit trails constitute a
separate service and SK may charge an extra fee.
12. Confidentiality and Use of Data
12.1. Parties undertake to maintain confidentiality of the information of the other Party and its
customers, business partners, employees, financial condition and transactions that are disclosed
due to conclusion, performance, amendment or termination of the Agreement and undertake
not to disclose such information to third parties without the other Party's consent for an unlimited
term even after the expiry of the Agreement.
12.2. Parties are entitled to refer to the existence of the Agreement, if explicitly set forth in the
Subscriber Agreement, but not to any details as to the substance or technical data of the
Agreement. This confidentiality requirement will not extend to disclosures to Parties' auditors,
organisations exercising supervision under law and legal advisers.
12.3. SK is entitled to use Subscriber data on Service applications as examples of applications to present
its Services and technology unless otherwise provided in the Subscriber Agreement.
12.4. SK guarantees that data transmitted by the Subscriber to Services is only used to provide Services
and is not accessible to third parties.
12.5. SK is not entitled to monitor or analyse User’s data on an individual level for SK’s business interest.
12.6. SK guarantees personal data protection according to law and Principles of Processing Personal
Data that are available on SK's website.
13. Notification Obligation and Document Format
13.1. The Subscriber undertakes to notify SK of any changes in Subscriber Agreement data and
promptly send the new data to SK on the email address specified in the Subscriber Agreement or
through SK's online customer service system. Change of data is deemed to be any change of
Subscriber's data, including authorised person, contact person, computer network address and
data forming the basis for the selected pricing plan (estimated request volume).
13.2. Unless otherwise communicated by the other Party, either Party will be entitled to assume that
contact details are unchanged and also that authorisation of contact persons is unchanged and
not revoked.
13.3. The Subscriber is liable for any consequences related to the operability and usage of the email
address they have provided to SK (incl. those arising from transactions entered into via the email
address). The Subscriber's liability extends to cases where a third party has used the Subscriber's
email address.
13.4. SK will notify the Subscriber via the contact details specified in the Subscriber Agreement and/or
through SK's online customer service system of any substantive changes to the Agreement
according to the provisions of section 16.1 and/or 16.2 of the Agreement.
13.5. Notifications related to the Agreement aimed to disclose information between Parties will be sent
via email, additionally via SK's website or SK's online customer service system.
14. Parties' Liability
14.1. Parties are held liable for direct material damages caused to the other Party or a third party by
non-performance or undue performance of obligations undertaken with the Agreement pursuant
to this Agreement and legislation.
14.2. SK is liable for the correctness of information issued by Services.
14.3. SK is not liable for the substance of the transaction based on the issued validity confirmation or
time stamps.
14.4. SK is not liable for any breach of obligation set forth in section 8.4 by the Subscriber.
14.5. The Subscriber is entitled to claim within 30 (thirty) days as of the moment when the Subscriber
became or should have become aware of the claim for a contractual penalty for time exceeding
the permitted Service outage time provided in section 9, limited to:
14.5.1. 1% of Service Charges per minute of outage during the course of a Business Day; and,
14.5.2. 10% of Service Charges per hour of outage outside of a Business Day.
14.6. The aggregate liability for contractual penalties claimed from SK in any calendar month will not
exceed the monthly Service charge.
15. Force Majeure
15.1. Force majeure releases Parties from liability if performance of obligations arising from the
Agreement is hindered. Force majeure consists of circumstances independent of Parties' intent
that are unforeseeable, beyond Parties' intent and prevent them from performing obligations
arising from the Agreement.
15.2. A Party must notify the other Party of force majeure at the first opportunity via the contact details
specified in the Subscriber Agreement.
15.3. Force majeure will not release Parties from their obligation to undertake all possible measures to
prevent or mitigate damages arising from failure to perform or undue performance of the
15.4. In the event that force majeure applies for a duration in excess of 30 (thirty) days, a Party will be
entitled to unilaterally terminate the Agreement while providing written notice to the other Party.
16. Amendment to Agreement
16.1. SK is entitled to make unilateral substantive amendments to the Agreement at 3 (three) months’
notice to the Subscriber, but not more than twice per year. The Subscriber will be notified in
accordance with section 13.4 of the General Terms of Subscriber Agreement.
16.2. SK is entitled to make unilateral amendments in the process of providing Service, in Service
documentation and in Service parameters referred to in the Agreement, by giving notice to the
Subscriber via the SK website and/or SK online customer service system. If the amendments
require changes in the Subscriber´s application, the Subscriber will be notified in accordance with
section 13.4 of the General Terms of Subscriber Agreement.
16.3. If the Subscriber does not agree to the amendment of the part of the Agreement provided in
section 16.1 and/or 16.2 of the General Terms of Subscriber Agreement, the Subscriber will be
entitled to cancel the Agreement.
16.4. If an existing Subscriber orders additional Service, then the newest version of the General Terms
of Subscriber Agreement shall apply to the Subscriber.
16.5. Amendments and additions to the Subscriber Agreement (inter alia change of Subscriber's
contact data, technical parameters, pricing plan, ordering of additional Service) are performed
through SK’s online customer service system.
16.6. If any amendment to Subscriber Agreement data requires changes to Service configurations, SK
must implement such changes within 5 (five) Business Days.
17. Agreement Term and Termination
17.1. The Agreement is concluded for an unlimited term unless Parties define otherwise in the
Subscriber Agreement.
17.2. The Agreement will enter into force after confirmation of the Subscriber's purchase order by SK
unless otherwise agreed by Parties.
17.3. If the Subscriber is a natural person, the Agreement will terminate upon their death. If the
Subscriber is a legal entity, the Agreement will terminate upon their dissolution or bankruptcy.
The Agreement will also terminate upon the dissolution of SK, upon agreement by Parties or
unilateral cancellation on grounds set forth in the Agreement.
17.4. The Subscriber is entitled to unilaterally cancel the Agreement at 2 (two) weeks´ notice to SK
unless otherwise agreed by Parties.
17.5. SK is entitled to unilaterally cancel the Agreement in the following cases:
17.5.1. Services are discontinued, at minimum of 4 (four) months´ notice to the Subscriber of
Agreement cancellation;
17.5.2. The Subscriber uses Services for purposes other than those specified in the Agreement,
for illegal activity or in a manner that may cause substantial damage to SK or third parties
without providing any notice;
17.5.3. The Subscriber has failed to rectify the situation giving rise to Service suspension within
1 (one) month of Service suspension.
17.6. If a Party to the Agreement materially breaches any material provision of the Agreement, the
other Party will be entitled to suspend performance of the Agreement and cancel the Agreement
if the other Party has not rectified the breach within 5 (five) Business Days of receiving such
17.7. Agreement termination will not release the Subscriber from its obligation to pay invoices for
Services until the expiry date specified in the Agreement.
17.8. Expiry/cancellation of the Agreement will not have any impact on the enforcement or settlement
of obligations arising prior to the expiry of the Agreement.
17.9. Agreement termination will not release SK from its obligation to provide audit trails for evidential
value of validity confirmation for confirmations made during period when the Agreement was in
18. Dispute Resolution
18.1. The Agreement shall be governed by Estonian law.
18.2. Any disputes arising from the Agreement shall be resolved via negotiation. If an agreement is not
reached, the dispute shall be resolved at Harju County Court.
18.3. The Subscriber shall in addition comply with applicable laws and regulations, which it is governed
19. SK's Contact Details
19.1. SK online customer service system:
19.2. Sales: [email protected]
19.3. Technical support: [email protected]
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Leping | 17.01.2024 | 75 | 5-3/24-0013-1 | Leping | rit | |
Volikiri | 08.01.2024 | 84 | 5-7/24-2-1 | Sissetulev kiri | rit | SA Põhja Eesti Regionaalhaigla |
Volikiri | 04.10.2023 | 180 | 5-7/23-89-1 | Sissetulev kiri | rit | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool |
Volikiri | 04.10.2023 | 180 | 5-7/23-90-1 | Sissetulev kiri | rit | Rahandusministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus |
Volikiri | 14.08.2023 | 231 | 5-7/23-60-1 | Sissetulev kiri | rit | Keskkonnaministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus |
Volikiri | 26.04.2023 | 341 | 5-7/23-39-1 | Sissetulev kiri | rit | Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium |
Volikiri | 20.04.2023 | 347 | 5-7/23-34-1 | Sissetulev kiri | rit | Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskus |
Volikiri | 20.04.2023 | 347 | 5-7/23-31-1 | Sissetulev kiri | rit | Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet |
Volikiri | 20.04.2023 | 347 | 5-7/23-32-1 | Sissetulev kiri | rit | sihtasutus Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum |
Volikiri | 20.04.2023 | 347 | 5-7/23-33-1 | Sissetulev kiri | rit | Siseministeeriumi infotehnoloogia- ja arenduskeskus |
Volikiri | 20.04.2023 | 347 | 5-7/23-35-1 | Sissetulev kiri | rit | Tartu Ülikool |
Volikiri | 20.04.2023 | 347 | 5-7/23-38-1 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | rit | Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet |
Volikiri | 20.04.2023 | 347 | 5-7/23-36-1 | Sissetulev kiri | rit | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool |
Volikiri | 20.04.2023 | 347 | 5-7/23-37-1 | Sissetulev kiri | rit | Maaeluministeerium |