Dokumendiregister | Siseministeerium |
Viit | 2-1/158-1 |
Registreeritud | 07.06.2011 |
Sünkroonitud | 08.05.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 2 Infohaldus. Õigusteenindus |
Sari | 2-1 Kirjavahetus asutustega |
Toimik | 2-1/2011 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Välisministeerium |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Välisministeerium |
Vastutaja | Ketlin Jaani-Vihalem (Juhtkond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Siseministeerium Haridus-j a Teadusministeerium Kultuuriministeerium Justiitsministeerium
į. juuni20tt rr 8.3-tlvgį'Į
Eesti Vabariik ühines I99I. aastal ÜRo majanduslike, sotsiaalsete ja kultuuriliste õiguste rahvusvahelise paktiga (Internatįonaļ Covenant on Economic, Socįal and Cu.Į'tural
Rights; (avaldatud RT II 1993, I0,13). Vastavalt nimetatud pakti artiklitele 16 ja t7 on osalisriigid kohustatud ÜRo majanduslike, sotsiaalsete ja kultuuriliste õiguste komiteele (edaspidi komitee) esitama läbivaatamiseks aruande seadusandlike, administratiivsete ja muudę abinõude kohta. mille abil täidetakse konventsiooni sätteid.
Eęsti esitas kolmanda perioodilise aruande 2008. aastal. Kokkuleppel Sotsiaalministeeriumiga on konventsiooni artiklid jaotatud ministeeriumide vahel vastamiseks pädevuse järgi, Palume teie vastust punktile nr 6. Yastust palume 1. juuliks 2011.
Eesti 2008. aasta aruanne on kättesaadav Välisministeeriumi veebilehel: http ://www.vm. ee/?q:node/ 1 0 I 28
Alar Streimann Kantsler
Teadmiseks : Sotsiaalministeerium
Lisa: Koopia Üķo ülemkomissariaadi kirjast ja küsimustest 5 lehel
Mirjam Meisalu, 6 377 423 Mirj am. M eisalu@mfa. ee sA,ABįrN{Iņ
ü 7 .06. 3ņ1l
r. l.į /flg-ftv.....K,,......./.
1 eks
Tė]ėfax: (4l.22)9l7 90 08 Tėlėphone: (41-22) 9J7 92 |6 lntemet Ernail : mandrijasevic-i:[email protected]
Address: PaIais des Naįions cH-ī2l l GENEVE l0
The Seclętay-General of flre United Nations (office of the l{igh Commissioner for Hunran Rights) pt.esents lris cornplirnents to tlre Pęrmatrent Representative of Estonja to the Urrited Natiorrs Office at Geneva and has flre honour to inform His Excellenoy's Govemment that its second periodic report (E/C.1Z/EST/ļ) has been scheduled for consjdelation by flre Committee oIr Economic, Sociaļ and Cuļtural RigTrts at its forlry.seventlt sessioIl, wlriclr wilļ be heļd at the United Nations office in Geneva in November 2011. The precise dates of the considemtion of the report will be communicated in due course
In preparation of įlrę considęration of the report of Estollif tlre Committee lras adopted a ļist of issues ou the repofi (EJC.12ĮEST/Q/2 - advanced unedited version), aimed at supplenenting the report with sufficielit informaįion to enable the Committee to assess tļ:e state of implementatiorr of tlre riglrts provided for in tlre Covenant. Tlre Committee would be gratefi:l to receive written repļies to tile list of issues by no Iater than l5 July 201 l, in hard copy and in elecfionic fonn (in WORD).
For furtĮrer infourration, please contact Ms. Maja A:ldrijasevic-Boko, Secretaty of the Conrmittee at022 91'1 92 l6 or at nrandrijasevic-Tloļ<[email protected], or tĪre Colntnittee,s assistant Mr. Robert ouko at 022 917 9703 or at roul<o@ohghr'o|ģ
Tļre Sęcrętary-Genęral of tlre United Nations (office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights) avails lrimself of tlris opportuniŅ to t.enew to t]re Permatrent Representative of Estonįa to tlre United Nations office at Gerreva tlre assurances of ļris hishest consideratiou.
frtDecernber 2010
United Nations Er".,zusrrel,
Economic and Socįal Council Distr.: General 26 Novęmlrgr 20 ļ0 ADVANCE UNEDITED VERSION
Origirral: English
Committee on Economic, Social and CulfuraĮ RĘhts 45tl' Pre-session working group 22-26 Novelrrber'2010
Implementation of the International Covenant on Economie, Social and Cultural Rights
List of įssues to be taken up in connection with the consideration of the second periodic reports of Estonia concerning articles 1 to 15 tif the International Covenant on Economic, Social fnd Cultural Rights (81C.12IEST/2)
I. General Information
ļ. Please update tlre information contained in tite second pel.iodic repoft with regard to (a) new bilļs or laws, and tlreir respective regulations; (b) new insįitutions (aod their mandates) or institutional reforms; and (c) recent ratifications of human rights insfuments.
2' Piease provide exarnples ofcases where the Covenant has beęn invoked by national courts of law, either as a ground for a case or as inteņretative guidance for legal norms.
il. Issues relating to the general provisious of the Covenant (arts. 1-5)
Ä.rticle 2 p ar agr aph2 - Non.dįscrimination
3' Please provide recent data, disaggreņted on the basis of flre proiübited gr.ourlds of discrimination, oĪ} a yeariy comparative basis, on the implementation of the rights ensluirred in fltę Coveņarrt,
4. In view of the Jow number of court cases based on discrimination as enumerated in paragraphs 22 to 24 of the State party report, please inform the Committee of any measures
taken by tIte Staļe parfy to enforce iķ anti-discrimirration legislation in a more ęffective D)anner so as to ensutę the riglrt of victirns to effecįivc rcmcdics.
5' Please provide detailed information on tļle new act replacing tļre Social Benefits for Disabled Peraons Act, eited in paragraph 194 of the State paŅ report, and the irnpact of its implementation. Moreover, please indicate wlretlrer.tlre various allowarroes, Iisted in tabļe 36 of tlre State parŅ report, enable persons with disabilities and their families to have an
adequate standrrd of living or to meet tTre expenses for which they are paid, such as the
GE. G.
Please reeycle\Ų
.ļ E/c.l,2/ĪsT/Q/2
education a]lowance for non.working disabled student, Please aļso indicate to what extent public services and buildings are accessible to persons with disabiļities, takirrg account of the various forms of disabiJity.
6. Please provide additional detailed information about 'persons with undetermined citizenship' as referred to in paragraph S, and howthis status of 'undetermined citizenship' affectsthe enjoyment of econotnic, social and cullura] riglrts on tļle same leveĪ as citizens.-
7, P]ease indicate whetlrer 1he Statę paĄ,)ras adopted a comprelrensive strategy as weļļ as targeted policies and programmes to ensĮļre the right of the Russiau-spealcing population to tlre eņioyment of economic, social and cuļturaļ rights without discrimination,
8. Please provide detailed information on the impact of the implernentation the 2009- 2010 integration prograrnme for new immigrants.
Article 3 - Equal right of men and women
9. Please inform tļre Cornmifiee as to wlrether the State parŅ has adopted a national strategy and action plan to ensure the equal Ęht of men and wotņęn to tlre enjoymer:t of alļ ecottotnic, socia] and cuļfuraį rights. In vįew of the prevailing stereofJņes in the State parŅ, please provide informaįion on tlre impact of measures taken to raisę thę public,s awaĪeness of gender roles, including among the youth.
t0. Please provide detailed information on the implementation of the project 'flexible forms of work and study - best possibilities for reconciling work and family life,' particulariy in the private sector.
tIL 1s)
Issues relating to the specific provisįoüs of the Covenant (arts. 6-
Artįcle 6 - Riglrt to work
T1. Please provide detaiļed information on the .risk gĪouPs, that benefit from tlrę nęw ļabour mar.ket setYices, under.tTre new Labour Market Services and Benefits Act adopted in 2006. Please also inform the Committee about the irnpact of targeted measures taken to address unemployment among (a) the ioirg+erm unemployed, (b) persons with disabilities, (c) persons belonging to minor.ity gl.ol.įps, (d) older wolnen, and (e) single nrotlrers'
Article 7 - Right to just and favourable couditions of work
12. In ligltt of infomaüon proüded by the State parl irr para' 326 of the report on discrimination against women in the labour market, including the wage gap, please provide infonnaįion on flre irnpact of nteasuręs taken to addless such discriminatįon. Please also provide jnfomation on steps taken to ensure the effective enforcement of the Gender Equality Act, the Employmerrt Coįįtracts Act and tlre proüsions of the Wages Act on the
. principle of equal ;ray, incIuding tlre męchanisms ir: place to monitor tlre implementatjon of these Acts.
Article 8 . Trade unioĮ rights
13, Please update the Conrmittee on progress made in reTatiol to the review of thę State paĪ1y,s legislation on the pl.ohibition of strikes, as referred to il parag:aplr 387 of the State
i I
F E/C.l2iESTlQ/2
party roPort, and to what extent it has brought the State parfy'E enactrĪĪents in line witļi
arficļe 8 of tlre Covenant,
Article 9 . Riglrt to social securiŅ
ļ4, Please inform the Commiüee of measures tlratthe state party envisions as regards its
social secur.iŅ systeļn to ensure thft those who live on sociaļ security bęnefits and
assistalrce, sucļ: as unemployed Persons and pensioners, are not at rislc of poverŅ.
Article į0 - Proteetion of the family, mothers and children
15' Please inform the Commitįee .about tlre impact of measures taken to combat
domestic violence, including whether they comprise large-scale campaigns to raise
awarenesg of domestic vio]ence and violence against women, and the incoņoration of specific provisions in national legisiation wlrich crimina|izę and punish domestic violence.
ļ 6. Piease provide detailed information on tlre results achięved by tJre measures taken by
the State paŅ, irrcludinglhe 2006-2009 Developrnent Pļan for Combating Traffickin,g in
Human Beings, tņetrtioned in paragraph ]ļ? of flre State paĪļ/ Ieport, on reducing
trafficking assisting victirns. Further, given the ļow numbęr of criminal oases relating to
traffrcking registered, please indicate why tafficking in persons is still not a specific
criminaļ offence in the State parŅ'
17. Please explain the reasons for Towering the legai minimurn age frorn T8 to 14 for
rnodels or,actors il tTre production of pornographic pictures, film or other works.
Article 11 . Right fo an adequate staņdard of living
ļ 8. Please infor.m tlre Committee of the impact of measures taken by the State pattY to
address t}e shortage of social lrousing, as mentioned in par.aņaphs 77,,| and 718 of t]re State
party report.
19. Please provide information įneasures taken to combat ethnic dispa.rities in leĪation to
the extęnt and depth of poverŅ in the State paŅ'
.Ąrticle 12 - Right to lrealth
20. Please inform the Commiftee about the impact of tJ:e irnplementation of the health
development plan referred to in parųr.aph 851 of the State parlry report.
21' Pļease indicate why irrfant mortatiŅ rate is lrigher in rural aręas iņ the State paŅ, Pļease also coĪnļnent on lrow availability, accessibility and qualŅ oflrealth carę sęrvices in
rural areas and in tlre Nor1h.Easter:r pan of thę,State pafty are guaranteed, particularl1, i11
view of tlre problems tņglrtioned in paragraph 83 l of tlte rcport. Please provide detaiļed
infonnation ou tlre impact of measures taken in this regard.
22, IĪ ļig1tt of tlre increasilrg irrcidence of substarrce alruse and tlre spread of HIV among
drug users in thę Statc parfy, please provide information on tlre impact of measures takęn to
increase tJre availa|riliŅ of substitution tlrerapy and syrirrge exchange prograrrurres in all
regions concemed.
23' Please provide detaiļed iuformation on the prevaļence of mental healtTr problems
among tļre various groups of tlre population (urlrarr/rural, etlrrric groups) and tTre response
given by the State party, including on availabiliry, accessibiliŲ and qualiŅ of rnentaT heaļth
r I
ozįre services. Pleasę also provide information õn the impact of policies altd measures taken to reduce suicįde risk, including among the youth.
24, P]easę inform tļe Committee about tlre availabiliŅ, accessibiliŅ arrd affordabiliŅ of sexual and reproductive lrealth services, includirrg for adoļescents, Moreover, please provide information on sexual and reproductive healt} programmes education in school. Pļease also provide statistical data on abortion rate, disaggregated by age grouPs,
Articles 13 and 14 - Right to education
25. Please provide statistięal data on rates of enrolmenĮ in vocational and higher educalion, on ayearly comparative basis, disaggregatedby sex and field of study.
26. In vierv of the gender segregation in empioyment and the predorninance of women in low-paying worlcs, please inform the Commifiee about the irnpact of measures adopted by the State pafįy to enco],ļrage girls and young female sfudents to pursue education in traditionaĪly maļe.dominated fie]ds of study.
Articļe 15 . Cultural rights
27' Piease inform tlre Commitfee of measuĪes taken by the Statę to gualantee the protection ofthe cultural lreritage ofthe various ethnic groups in the State party. PTease also provide information on how the culture and cūtura] heritage of minorities have ireen incoņorated ilto the national education prograĪnme as weļļ as in cultural evęlrts and actiūties in the State party.
28. In üew of the statisticaT data avaįIabļe on participation in cultural activities iņ tlre State parŅ alrd on ręasons resticting participafion, please pr.ovide detailed information on męasures taken by the Statę pa]ty to increase interest in, and access to, cu,ltrrre arnong its popul ation, parti cularly among ethni c groups.
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
ÜRO majanduslike, sotsiaalsete ja kultuurialaste õiguste rahvusvahelise pakti 4. aruanne (ICESCR) | 07.05.2024 | 1 | 5-4/46-1 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Välisministeerium |
ICESCR lisaküsimuste vastused | 28.11.2018 | 1988 | 5-3/3-2 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Välisministeerium |
ICESCR lisaküsimuste edastamine | 24.10.2018 | 2023 | 5-3/3-1 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Välisministeerium |
ÜRO majanduslike, sotsiaalsete ja kultuuriliste õiguste rahvusvahelise pakti täitmise 4. aruanne | 27.04.2016 | 2933 | 5-2/7-2 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Välisministeerium |
Aruande koostamine | 19.02.2016 | 3001 | 5-2/7-1 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Välisministeerium |
ÜRO majanduslike, sotsiaalsete ja kultuurialste õiguste komitee lõppjärjeldused | 12.04.2012 | 4409 | 2-1/115-1 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Välisministeerium |
ÜRO majanduslike, sotsiaalstee ja kultuuriliste õiguste rahvusvahelise pakti täitmise aruanne | 30.06.2011 | 4696 | 2-1/158-2 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Välisministeerium |