Dokumendiregister | Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium |
Viit | 24.4-7/2021/6719-1 |
Registreeritud | 15.11.2021 |
Sünkroonitud | 24.03.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 24.4/S Väliskoostööprojektide koordineerimine |
Sari | 24.4-7/S Väliskoostööprojektidega seotud kirjavahetus |
Toimik | 24.4-7/2021 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Sotsiaalministeerium |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Sotsiaalministeerium |
Vastutaja | Tanel Tomson (Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium, Kantsleri valdkond, Strateegilise planeerimise osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Project title: Health Sense Project Promoter: Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs Project Partner(s): Health and Welfare Information
Systems Center, Tallinn University of Technology, University of Tartu
Donor project partner(s): Helse West IKT; Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Total maximum eligible project cost: 2 000 000€
Project grant rate: 100%
Project grant amount: 2 000 000€
Estimated duration: 24 months
a) Project summary
The goal of the predefined project Health Sense is to develop a secure data storage, integration,
access and analysis toolkit in order to provide large, complex and detailed sets of health and
lifecycle data for the public sector, private sector and R&D institutions. The ultimate aim of the
project is to raise the availability of health and lifecycle data in order to enhance the creation of
new products, services and solutions by the private sector, novel interventions by the public
sector and relevant scientific knowledge by the R&D communities in order to raise life
expectancy and prolong healthy life years of people. It is accounted for, that while the user
community is likely to broaden even further in the future, then this data is delicate, which means
privacy and security of developed/procured components is key. However in addition to
technical security, compliance to strict data protection regulations is crucial as well. Thus, a
key activity stream will aim to develop data collection procedures, tools and analyse regulations
that meet limitations and responsibilities described in the General Data Protection Regulation1
(GDPR) to ensure usability of developed ICT components and thus ensure project success.
Health Sense is a virtual environment used to collect health, health cycle and lifestyle data for
research and service development purposes. In addition, it also provides a toolbox that enables
the creation of data analysis-based solutions for prolonging a healthy human life. As the data
handled in the environment is sensitive, the tools for safe collection, storage, access and
processing of data are an essential part of the provided toolbox.
b) Project background and justification
Estonian governmental information system today has sufficiently good e-ability to collect and
handle personal data in different areas including healthcare, social care and labor area that are
managed by Ministry of Social Affairs. Mostly these abilities today are used on an operational
level to provide services for individuals, and for reporting and simple analyses. The better use
of data, to provide the steering process with predictive and calculated supporting data, is
1 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of
natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and
repealing Directive 95/46/EC. OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1–88.
planned but not yet implemented. Today a couple of domain-based separated data warehouses
are used, and data relations between different areas are built, but only on a data mart level. This
leads to limited possibilities in data analysis and AI development.
Today many different countries have the same problem – services are being provided and data
is being collected, but separately and by areas with very simple loop back to steering process.
Even when the data collected by different areas is gathered to the same environment, the data
from different sources is connected on a person level and no additional relations are calculated
nor defined. In many circumstances, legal constraints prevent interconnecting person level data.
Estonia is small and dynamic enough to build data integration, analysis models, and solutions
to experiment with data warehouse environment architecture and development tools. We have
all the necessary electronic data sources for supporting this process. Furthermore, we have years
of experience in developing forward-thinking digital solutions and in simultaneously
building/updating our regulatory framework for these solutions to be implemented. Estonia,
being the near perfect testbed for spearheading new e-governance initiatives, can provide here
great value by developing models and solutions, which can later be expanded further to larger
data volumes in larger countries, Norway being one of the main considerations.
It is paramount to find committed partners, that are interested in projects of this kind as well as
who comply with ethics and the principles of data security. There are several interested groups
in the public sector, R&D institutions and private sector. The Department of Data Analysis has
been set up under the Ministry of Social Affairs, however the need for health and lifecycle data
continuously exists in other public sector institutions in the health and social domain (e.g.
Health Insurance Fund, Health Development Institute, Estonian Health Board, Social Insurance
Board, Unemployment Insurance Fund) and other public sector domains as well (e.g. Ministry
of Defense, Defense Resources Agency, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Education and
Research etc). R&D institutions (e.g. University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology
and Technology Competence Centers) are interested in using humans’ lifecycle data in their
research, development and teaching processes, in cooperation with the governmental
authorities. Various lifecycle and health data interested communities (e.g. Estonian HealthTech
Cluster, Open Knowledge Estonia) are set up so that they connect individuals, research
organizations, companies and startups. In addition, in recent years international interest by
global (multi-national) companies (mainly pharmaceuticals and health technology) has grown
All these groups are interested in having access to person’s lifecycle data. Some of them
produce human lifecycle data, and through that expand the variety of data collected. Due to the
high level of IT coverage in Estonia, many international companies have become interested in
using health and lifecycle data in their R&D efforts. This can provide value as additional
resources to the project.
Implementing the modern methods of person’s lifecycle-based data collecting, analysis and AI
tools will lead to a longer and healthier life and reducing costs per unit in health- and social
care. Thus, supporting the goal of the welfare technologies concept – staying independent in
activities of daily living while receiving tailored support from various care services when
Health Sense is a central (root) project for the redevelopment of data utilization in health, work
and social care area, where the polices and services are intertwined and thus should be combined
to provide maximum effectiveness and cost-efficiency. The latter is currently hindered by the
scatteredness of data in these areas which leads to deficiencies in accessing and utilizing data
for revising and building services. Thus, the toolkit developed through Health Sense would
enable to modify, create and provide invisible and/or preventive services to citizens based on
evidence gather through complex data analysis/findings. The project will be implemented as a
predefined project because it requires the coordination between several public and private
actors, many of which have very specific knowledge in the project area. Without the successful
implementation of this project today, the push for combined evidence and data-led
improvement of human social and health wellbeing, will be delayed for years.
c) Objective, expected outcome(s) and list of outputs
Project activity streams:
1.1. Project management
1.2. Data collecting environment
1.3. Data storage with pseudonymization and obfuscation tools
1.4. Warehouse data structures and ETL process
1.5. Data Analysis and visualization environment for third parties (e.g. private sector, R&D
1.6. Building data flows in cooperation with third parties (e.g. private sector, R&D institutions)
1.7. Analysis of legal regulations to foster the results of the project
For more detailed activities see timetable/milestone plan (e). For budget overview see sheet
accompanied with this document.
Expected outputs:
data collection environment from different sources (governmental and non-governmental)
data pseudonymization, data serialization/deserialization, obfuscation and long text
extraction tools
partly encrypted data storage with encryption/decryption tools and methodology
data flows from runtime information system to data warehouse (built on needs of third
parties). Illustrated with more detail in Appendix 2 and 3.
user rights and consent management system
data analysis environment for third parties
Analysis of legal regulations to ensure project outcomes
data warehouse environment for Ministry of Social Affairs and other governmental
institutions (for reporting and analysis purposes)
Expected outcomes:
to create a data management platform for developing innovative solutions for healthcare
and welfare service providers to develop and experiment new innovative products and
to encourage the emergence of new health, welfare and lifestyle businesses and data driven
business models;
to create a launch pad for new healthcare and welfare services for their emergence to the
market in cooperation with SMEs and start-ups;
to promote scientific thinking and provide new inputs for research, development and
innovation in SMEs and start-ups in the delivery of health and welfare services and educate
highly skilled workforce in cooperation with universities.
Unit of
Source of
of reporting
Sense data
Data analysis
ls in place and
available on
HWISC website,
software hosted
at HWISC or
state cloud
annually No 2018 Yes
collection and
ls in place and
available on
HWISC website,
software hosted
at HWISC or
state cloud
annually No 2018 Yes
collection, and
and data
developed and
available on
HWISC website,
software hosted
at HWISC or
state cloud
annually No 2018 Yes
Number of
ial Intelligence
pilot projects
projects and
results available
annually 0 N/A 3
Number of
staff trained
Number Attendance
annually 0 N/A 10
Project sustainability
All results created during the project will be maintained by Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre and Ministry of Social Affairs. All software created during the project will be
hosted and maintained by Health and Welfare Information Systems Centre. The necessary
resources to maintain and host results will be applied from the annual state budget of Estonia.
Intellectual property
Unless stipulated otherwise in the agreements between project promoter and project partners,
intellectual property rights of the results of the project shall be owned by the party generating
it. When results are generated jointly, it shall be jointly owned, unless the parties in question
agree on a different solution. The method of defining joint ownership shall be based on their
contributing efforts towards the result in shares proportionate to their scope of work/budget for
that result.
After completion of the project, project promoter shall have the non-exclusive, royalty-free
right to use, modify, copy, transfer or make derivative results of the project. The rights of the
project promoter shall not be limited with regard to certain rights or to the purpose, term,
territory, extent, manner or means of using the results of the project.
d) Information on the project promoter and project partner(s)
Ministry of Social Affairs is a governmental institution that operates in the field of
social security. For ministry have been set five strategic objectives - ensure people's
economic prosperity and their good work, ensure people's social coping and
development, support the well-being of children and families, promote people's
mutual care, equal opportunities and gender equality, and ensure people's long and
high-quality life. Ministry of Social Affairs emerges objectives through compiling
development plans for the fields being under control of ministry, as well as
organization-based development plans.
Ministry of Social Affairs as project promoter, will ensure seamless project
Health and Welfare Information Systems Centre (HWISC) is info technology
competence centre of Ministry of Social Affairs. HWISC is involved in the
development, and management of ICT services in the health, social and labour fields
within the area of government of the Ministry of Social Affairs. HWISC is a
representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs in the „Health Sense“ project as the
project manager.
HWISC will take upon the leading role in most of the project activities including
procuring the necessary licensed software and hosting as well as designing the
technical architecture of components and maintaining the solutions developed
during Health Sense project. HWISC will assist in project coordination and in
organizing meetings as well as in analysis of legal regulations to ensure the success
of the project.
Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), the second largest university in
Estonia, is international university teaching the knowledge and skills necessary for
today’s international and competitive marketplace. TalTech is the top centre of
science in Estonia. With strong emphasis on internationalization, TalTech has a
strong multicultural student body, many international professors (11% foreign staff
members), great cooperation with the world's top universities (e.g. Stanford,
Technische Universität München, Del University of Technology and KTH Royal
Institute of Technology in Europe) and with international companies (e.g.,
Microsoft, ABB, IBM. etc.). There are over 30 fully accredited international degree
programmes (4 Bachelor programmes, 18 Master programmes and 10 PhD
programmes) that are available fully in English.
TalTech will develop the appropriate model for digital health care data that could
be used for data collection and storage in new generation Estonian Health
Information System with the feasibility to implement the same model in other large
scale Electronic Health Records (EHR). TalTech will develop the data model for
digital medical data capture and storage to achieve semantic interoperability and
develop universal continuity of care process standard.
University of Tartu (UT) is Estonia’s leading centre of research and training. It
preserves the culture of the Estonian people and spearheads the country's reputation
in research and provision of higher education. UT belongs to the top 1.2% of world's
best universities.
As Estonia's national university, UT stresses the importance of international co-
operation and partnerships with reputable research universities all over the world.
The robust research potential of the university is evidenced by the fact that the
University of Tartu has been invited to join the Coimbra Group, a prestigious club
of renowned research universities.
UT includes four faculties. To support and develop the professional competence of
its students and academic staff, the university has entered into bilateral co-operation
agreements with 79 partner institutions in 31 countries.
University of Tartu will undertake the development of obfuscation toolkit.
Helse West IKT and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences are
cooperating in building infrastructure for Intromat (, a project
on introducing e-health in mental health. As Intromat requires designing of
architecture, API-s, interfaces, pseudonimization/synonimization tools similar to the
aim of Health Sense proposal, then it provides an ample opportunity to build
synergies for both projects and future collaborations. Helse Vest IKT supplies all
IT services to specialized health services in the counties of Rogaland, Hordaland
and Sogn og Fjordane. Helse Vest customers include the public hospitals in Helse
Vest, and several private health service providers in the region. Both Helse Vest IKT
and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences have extensive experiences in
designing and building software architecture.
Bilateral partners will provide consultations and best practice exchange on the
following topics: warehousing architecture (e.g. component architecture, processes,
relations with other warehouses, ETL principles and relations with data providers,
standards), licensed components (database environment, ETL tools, analytical tools,
data virtualization environments) and developed tools (synonymization tools,
obfuscation tools, tools for long text extraction, data encryption/decryption). The
bilateral partnership is crucial to ensure, that solutions developed in Estonia are
state-of-the-art, internationally relevant and to gauge the potential for sharing
components with Norwegian counterparts.
e) Timetable / Milestone plan *)
Extensive timetable is also visualized in a separate excel sheet
Activity (see attached
Leader Timeframe
(week from
starting date)
Project kick-off: 1st February 2021 (or as soon as possible)
Staffing the project
1.1 Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and
Welfare Information Systems Centre
A communication
campaign and
negotiations to select
third party projects
1.1 Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and
Welfare Information Systems Centre
Building overall
system architecture
1.1 – 1.7 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre (incl. project
Analysis of legal
regulations to ensure
project success
1.7 Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and
Welfare Information Systems Centre
Selecting and
describing projects for
develompent with third
parties (private sector,
R&D institutions)
1.1, 1.5-1.6 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Building hardware
1.1 – 1.7 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre (incl. project
Describing the criteria
and restrictions for the
Initial software
components to be
procured (ETL, DW
database, PostgreSQL.
user permissions,
virtualization etc.
1.1 – 1.7 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre (incl. project
Installation of initial
environment to
1.1 - 1.6 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
installation, and testing
(Data collecting
environment – ETL,
BIW tools)
1.1, 1.4,
Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Building virtual
working environment
for third parties (closed
environment for ETL,
data marts, and analyse
1.1, 1.5 -
Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Tenders of licenced
1.1 – 1.5 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Completing initial
environment (tender
result installations) –
1.1 – 1.5 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
central DW and data
lake environment
Testing of
1.1 – 1.5 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Description of initial
environment, user
1.1 – 1.5 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
of architecture
1.4 Project consortium* 5-75
Building BIW for IS-s 1.1 – 1.5 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Development of
logical data structures
for DW
1.4 Tallinn University of Technology 2-64
Building data flows
from BIW to central
1.1 - 1.5 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Development of user
rights environment
1.1 – 1.5 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
API, REST etc.
interfaces to access
1.5 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Third party projects
testing the built
toolkits and
1.1 - 1.6 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Development of tools
for collection of
aggregated data
1.5 - 1.6 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Environment for
publishing data sets
and statistical results
(Open Data)
1.5 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Development of
1.3 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Development of
obfuscation toolset
1.3 University of Tartu 9-97
Development of long
text extraction tool
1.3 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Development of
ation tool
1.3 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
Meetings with partners
(in Estonia)
1.1 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre, Helse-West IKT,
Western Norway University of Applied
43, 66, 96
Meetings with partners
(in Norway)
1.1 Helse-West IKT, Western Norway
University of Applied Sciences, Health
and Welfare Information Systems
56, 76, 86
Final descriptions of
environment, user
1.1 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre 90-100
Promotion of project
1.1 Health and Welfare Information
Systems Centre
End of project: 31th January 2023
*Project consortium includes project promoter and all project partners (incl. donor partners).
f) Budget
Included in separate Excel sheet.
g) Overview of risks:
1. Legal frame obstacles to be followed in order to merge the different datasets.
a. Probability: Likely
b. Impact: Moderate
c. Response: Development of legal framework (incl. revising current regulations)
will go in strong cooperation with the project team and project objectives.
Revising regulations is part of not only major, but also minor e-government
initiatives in Estonia. This is done regularly, routinely and simultaneously for
all new governmental ICT-related initiatives as well as for minor modifications
in existing digital infrastructure.
2. Breech of principles and laws regarding privacy, data safety and ethics.
a. Probability: Unlikely
b. Impact: Major
c. Response: Apply strict data security measures and methods throughout data
storage and transfer infrastructure. Provide third-party access to only
pseudonymized data only within the secure environment with access to
analytical tools. Log all actions, which are done with the data in the secure
environment. Allow only aggregated/analysed data to be exported out of the
secure environment after logs have been checked for any suspicions. Additional
principles regarding data privacy and trust to minimize this risk are detailed in
Appendix 1.
3. Procurements for hardware and/or software fail or will be delayed that leads to difficulty
to support requested activities.
a. Probability: Unlikely
b. Impact: Major
c. Response: Thorough preparation of the procurement documents
4. Lack of interest from SMEs and/or academia that leads to underuse of the Health sense
a. Probability: Unlikely
b. Impact: Moderate
c. Response: Engage additional entities to promote the capability. Provide
additional operational support from governmental agencies (e.g. datasets that
can be used to solve specific problems).
5. Reputation damage to the project owner and project partners
a. Probability: Unlikely
b. Impact: Minor
c. Response: Carefully plan, prepare and staff the project before the official start
to mitigate planning fallacies. Carefully select partners based on their showcased
skills, interest, past commitments and adherence to data privacy and ethical
6. Postponement of welfare technology open call projects
a. Probability: Likely
b. Impact: Moderate
c. Response: Include also projects/partners with reliable funding outside of welfare
technology open call in addition to the open call projects.
APPENDIX 1 – Privacy and trust requirements and related responses
1. Requirements
a. The results of the project require the application of high-level data protection and sensitivity
rules to prevent data misuse and privacy breaches.
b. All data processing activities must be verifiable at a later stage.
c. Data processing must take place on the basis of legislation.
d. Only deal with ethical and technically capable partners who can provide a secure data storage
environment and trusted team.
2. Responses
a. Data storages are divided to two securely separated areas: data owner area and researchers
area; personalized data can be stored only at the data owner area; at the researchers area data
can be stored in pseudonymized and aggregated manner; pseudonymized and aggregated
data can also be stored at the data owner area. (requirement a)
b. Data owner area is also divided to two separated areas: personalized data area and
impersonalized data area. This allows better to separate users who need personal information
from users who do not need them. (requirement a)
c. Access to the personal and pseudonymized data can only be done through secure
environments using highest-level authorization tools (corresponding to EIDAS “high”).
(requirement a)
d. Each dataset must be compiled using the different pseudonym for the same person.
(requirement a)
e. Along with data pseudonymizing, obfuscation is always applied. (requirement a)
f. “Aggregated data” is in most cases the synonym of “open data”; however, this is only
possible if a sufficient amount of data is aggregated on one line; the minimum number of
aggregated rows must be defined for each data set (requirement a)
g. It is mandatory to create isolated sandbox-like environments where researchers can analyse
(anonymized or aggregated) data; only aggregated (statistical) data can be extracted from
these environments. (requirement a)
h. All activities with the data must be stored in logs; it is necessary to build a log analysis
environment to detect misuse of data. (requirement b)
i. At the first stages of the project, it is necessary to find solutions for the creation of data
processing activities in accordance with current legislation; at the same time, it is necessary
to identify regulatory shortcomings that prevent data processing in the interests of
individuals and initiate changes to these laws. (requirement c)
j. The background, intent and goals of all partners must be verified every time when data usage
permission is granted; all data usage is monitored on the basis of log analysis; when the
misuse of data is detected, the misusers accounts will be closed until the decision is made
(requirement e)
APPENDIX 2 – Health Sense overall component architecture
APPENDIX 3 – Health Sense overall data flow chart
5.1 Template for the PDP cost (budget)
Project title:
Project Promoter:
Total project cost:
Project grant rate:
Project duration:
Unit Number of units
Unit price (€)
Total cost (€)
(a) x (b) Comments/additional information
Project coordinator month 24 1000 24000 FTE: 0,33 Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA)
Project manager month 24 4700 112800 FTE: 1 Health and Welfare Information Center (HWISC)
System Architect month 24 4500 108000 FTE: 1 HWISC
Data Analyst month 24 4000 96000 FTE: 1 HWISC
Business trips trips 5 3640,00 18200 Will be carried out together with donor partners. MoSA
Meetings arrangement (rent and other costs) day 15 500 7500 Will be carried out together with donor partners. MoSA
Software installation and administration month 24 1130 27120 FTE: 0,33 HWISC
Staff Training day 15 700 10500 HWISC
37620 HWISC
Software installation / administration month 24 1130 27120 FTE: 0,33 HWISC
Staff training day 15 700 10500 HWISC
Data obfuscation tool development partner 1 395009 395009 Will be carried out by project partner University of Tartu
Data serialization/deserialization tool development contract 1-2 190143 190143 HWISC
Data extraction and systematization tool development contract 1-2 126000 126000 HWISC
Pseudonymization management tool development contract 1-2 100000 100000 HWISC
Development of data warehouse data structures and
terminology partner 1 105550 105550
Will be carried out by project partner Tallinn University of
Technology (TalTech)
Development of ETL processes contract 1-4 162626 162626 HWISC
Software installation /administration month 24 1130 27120 FTE: 0,33 HWISC
Analysis and publication tools/environment licenses year 2 51058 102116 HWISC
Staff training day 70 700 49000 HWISC
Data Analyst/Data administrator month 12 4000 48000 FTE: 1 (project months 13-24) HWISC
Legal employee month 24 3880 93120 FTE: 1 HWISC
159576 Flat rate of 15% of all staff costs assigned to the projects.
Total 1:
Total output related cost (€):
2. INDIRECT COSTS - Reg. Art. 8.5
Total 2: Indirect costs in projects (overheads) - Art. 8.5.1.c
Total project management cost (€):
Cost of staff assigned to the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
1.7. Analysis of legal regulations to foster the results of the project
Cost of staff assigned to the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Total 1.7:
Total 1.3:
1.4. Warehouse data structures and ETL process
Cost of staff assigned to the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Total 1.6:
Total 1.4:
1.5. Data Analysis and visualization environment for third parties (e.g. private sector, R&D institutions)
Cost of staff assigned to the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Costs entailed by other contracts awarded by PP for the purpose of
carrying out the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
Costs entailed by other contracts awarded by PP for the purpose of
carrying out the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
Total 1.5:
1.6. Building data flows in cooperation with third parties (e.g. private sector, R&D institutions)
Costs entailed by other contracts awarded by PP for the purpose of
carrying out the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
Cost of staff assigned to the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Costs entailed by other contracts awarded by PP for the purpose of
carrying out the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
Cost of staff assigned to the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Costs entailed by other contracts awarded by PP for the purpose of
carrying out the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
Costs entailed by other contracts awarded by PP for the purpose of
carrying out the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
Costs entailed by other contracts awarded by PP for the purpose of
carrying out the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
1.3. Data storage with pseudonymization and obfuscation tools
Cost of staff assigned to the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Travel and subsistence allowances for staff - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.b
Costs entailed by other contracts awarded by PP for the purpose of
carrying out the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
Total 1.1:
1.2. Data collecting environment
Cost of staff assigned to the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Costs entailed by other contracts awarded by PP for the purpose of
carrying out the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.f
Total 1.2:
Cost of staff assigned to the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Green ICT
Health Sense
Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs
€ 2 000 000
24 months
Type of expenditure
1. DIRECT EXPENDITURES - Reg. Art. 8.2 & Art. 8.3
1.1 Project management
Cost of staff assigned to the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Cost of staff assigned to the project - Reg. Art. 8.3.1.a
Suur-Ameerika 1 / 10122 Tallinn / 626 9301 / [email protected] / / registrikood 70001952
Andres Sutt Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium [email protected]
Meie 12.11.2021 nr 2-6.3/3667-1
Taotlus lepingu muutmiseks
Esitame taotluse Eesti-Norra koostööprogrammi „Green ICT“ vahenditest kaasrahastatud projekti „Health Sense“ 25.01.2021 sõlmitud kolmepoolse projektilepingu 24.4-6/17-0524/458 muudatuseks. Muudatused on tingitud asjaolust, et praktiliste vajaduste tõttu tuli mõned algselt projekti skoobis olnud tegevused teostada projekti ettevalmistusperioodil projektivälistest vahenditest. Projekti käigus on selgunud, et püstitatud eesmärkide tulemuslikuks saavutamiseks on vajalik projekti uue tegevuse lisamine eelarves vabanenud vahendite arvelt. Projekti lisanduva tegevuse tulemusel arendatakse uus andmetöötluskomponent serialiseerija/deserialiseerija, mis võimaldab edaspidi lihtsustada terviseandmete väljastamise ja kättesaadavaks tegemise protsessi viies need edasise andmetöötluse jaoks sobivale kujule. Uue komponendi lisamine Health Sense andmevaramu portfelli soodustab projekti eesmärkide saavutamist, hoides kokku andmetöötluseks vajalikke ressursse ning vähendades ajakulu andmete väljastamiseks ja kättesaadavaks tegemiseks. Muudatuste tulemusel ei muutu projekti kogumaksumus. Lugupidamisega (allkirjastatud digitaalselt) Maarjo Mändmaa kantsler Lisad: 1. Muudatustega taotlus (EE-Innovation - PDP 2 Health Sense Project_application) 2. Muudatustega eelarve (EE-Innovation - PDP 2 Health Sense budget) Aivi Saar 626 9144 [email protected]