Dokumendiregister | Rahandusministeerium |
Viit | 9.2-6/3395-1 |
Registreeritud | 22.07.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 24.07.2024 |
Liik | Väljaminev kiri |
Sari | 9.2-6 Teised välistoetusprogrammid ja EL muud programmid (bilateraalne, tagastamatu abi finants-institutsioonidelt jne) (ELMO, VFO, RO, FO) |
Toimik | 9.2-6/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | European Commission, DG Reform |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | European Commission, DG Reform |
Vastutaja | Miryam Vahtra (Rahandusministeerium, Kantsleri vastutusvaldkond, Eelarvepoliitika valdkond, Riigieelarve osakond, Välisvahendite talitus) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Judit Rozsa European Commission, DG Reform Our ref. 22.07.2024 No 9.2-6/35.-. REFORM-TSI@ec
Cooperation and Support Pian for TSI 2021-2027
Dear Ms Rozsa,
Piease find attached the signed Cooperation and Support Pian for the Technicai Support Instrument.
These seiected projects coincide with the nationai prioritization and we are reaily iooking forward to their impiementation.
As a policy developer, the Ministry of Finance of Estonia is committed to identification and prioritization ofnational reform needs and supports the State Shared Service Centre, acting as Coordination Authority, if so needed, to ensure that the activities proposed in the Annex 5 of the Cooperation and Support Pian are carried out.
Yours sincerely, — —-::—-
Mart Vörklaev Minister of Finance
Enci. Cooperation and Support Pian
Miryam Vahtra +372 6113047
Suur-Ameerika 1/10122 Tallinn / Estonia / +372 611 3558 / [email protected] www.rahandusministeerium .ee / Reg. code: 70000272
Cooperation and Support Pian Technical Support Instrument
2021 - 2027
Regulation (EU) 2021/240 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 February 2021 establishing a Technical Support Instrument
For the purpose of the Cooperation and Support Pian:
(1) The European Commission is hereinafter referred to as “the Commission”;
(H) The Directorate General for Structurai Reform Support is hereinafter referred to as “DG REFORM”;
(iii) Estonia is hereinafter referred to as “the Member State”;
(iv) The State Shared Service Centre, acting as Coordinating Authority, is hereinafter referred to as “the Coordinating Authority”
1. To heip address some of the reievant reform chaiienges that the country is facing, the Member State has requested support under Reguiation (EU) 2021/240 estabiishing a Technicai Support Instrument (hereinafter referred to as “TSI Reguiation”) (1). The request(s) for technicai support submitted by the Member State have been anaiysed by the Commission in accordance with the criteria and principles (2) referred to in Articie 9(5) of the TSI Reguiation.
2. Based on that anaiysis and taking into account the existing actions and measures financed by Union funds or other Union programmes, this Cooperation and Support Pian refiects the outcome of the discussions between the Member State authorities, notabiy the Coordinating Authority and the Commission, notabiy DG REFORM.
3. The Cooperation and Support Pian sets out the guiding principles governing the provision of support (section II), the pianned working methods (section III), the transmission of information to the European Pariiament and the Councii, as weli as the annuai update of the pian (IV), the communication and visibility requirements (V), the circumstances of the request(s), the priority areas for support, and the main objectives (section VI), the intended scope of the support measures (section VII), and the indicative financing of support (VIII). The Annex(es) provide(s) the specific circumstances of the Member State’s request(s), and an estimated giobal financiai contribution by year, with an indicative timeiine. Annex 5 inciudes a proposal made by DG REFORM for a mandate of the Coordnating Authorities.
The foiiowing principies shouid guide the provision and administration of support:
4. National ownership of reforms. Any support measure shouid aim to support the Member State’s endeavours and initiatives reiated to the design, deveiopment and/or impiementation of reforms, and/or reiated to the preparation, amendment, impiementation and/or revision of recovery and resiiience pians. Nationai authorities
(1) Regulation (EU) 2021/240 of the Eurorean Parliament and of the council of 10 February 2021 establishincj a Technical Surport Instrument (0J L 57, 18.2.2021). (2) The criteria for analysis is based on the urgency, breadth and depth of the challenges identified, support needs in respect of the policy areas concerned, socioeconomic indicators and institutional and general administrative capacity of the Member State concerned, taking into consideration the principles of transparency, equal treatment and sound financial management.
maintain fuil ownership of their reform agenda. They also assume fuli political ownership of the support measures envisaged by thas Cooperation and Support Pian, in order to achieve the most effective resuits from the support received. National ownership is recognised as a key factor for the success of the support measures envisaged under the TSI Regulation.
5. Working in partnership. In order to maximise the results of the support measures, it is crucial that Member States’ authorities at ali leveis — national, regionai and Iocal — aim to work closely with each other in a spirit of partnership, in accordance with that Member State’s institutional and legal framework and, as far as practicable, in cooperation with the relevant stakeholders.
6. Coordination and complementarity. The Commission and the Member State, within their respective responsibilities, should foster synergies and ensure effective coordination between the support measures envisaged by this Cooperation and Support Pian and the support measures financed by other Union programmes and instruments, and in particular with measures financed by Union funds. This coordination and complementarity should be ensured in the planning phase, as weiI as during the impiementation phase of the support measures. The Member State is encouraged to optimise, where appropriate, the mechanisms for internal coordination, inter alia, to avoid duplication of effort and with a view to help deliver coherent and streamlined support actions.
7. The Commission shouid promote compiementarity and synergies between different instruments at Union level; the Member State should promote complementarity and synergies between different instruments at national and, where appropriate, regional and iocal leveis, in particular in relation to measures financed by Union funds.
8. The Commission should make best efforts to ensure complementarity and synergies with support provided by other relevant international organisations.
9. No double funding. The support measures envisaged by this Cooperation and Support Pian are to be implemented in accordance with the TSI Regulation and the Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 2018/1046 (hereinafter referred to as “Financiai Regulation”) (3). It is recalied that actions financed under the TSI Regulation may receive support from other Union programmes, instruments or funds under the Union’s budget, provided that the support does not cover the same cost items.
10. To facilitate the smooth cooperation and effective impiementation of the technical support, the Commission, notably DG REFORM, and the Member State, notably the Coordinating Authority, endeavour to observe the following working methods.
11. Impiementation and monitoring of the Cooperation and Support Pian:
(3) Regulation (U, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012, PE/13/2018/REV/1 (QJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1—222).
11.1. DG REFORM designates a dedicated Country coordinator (the DG REFORM Country Coordinator) to be the key interioCutor for the Member State. The DG REFORM Country Coordinator maintains a diaiogue with the Coordinating Authority in relation to the support measures provided, and monitors progress towards achievement of the objectives set out in this Cooperation and Support Pian.
11.2. The Member State designates a Coordinating Authority to act as the interiocutor of DG REFORM for the overaii impiementation of this Cooperation and Support Pian. The Coordinating Authority should be responsibie at nationai ievel for Coordinating and prioritising the requests for support submitted by the Member State, for Coordinating the effective impiementation of the support measures envisaged and the aChievement of the objectives set out in this Cooperation and Support Pian (see Annex 4).
11.3. The Commission serviCes, notabiy DG REFORM, shouid set up a monitoring system. This system shouid be based on the coiiaboration of the Coordinating Authority and of the relevant nationai authorities receiving support under the TSI. The proposed system shouid:
a) Coiiect reievant indicators, as set out by the TSI Reguiation; (4)
b) Estabiish a feedback meChanism to support aCCountabiiity, transparency, owne rs h ip;
c) Deveiop a Cuiture of monitoring of resuits and provide eariy warning of impending probiems;
d) Encompass information on the foiiow up of the support measures deiivered;
e) Inform the Commission and other reievant bodies about the progress made towards reaching the objectives of this Cooperation and Support Pian.
12. Support providers/implementing partners. SpeCifiC support providers/implementing partners wiii be seieCted on a Case-by-case basis. The Commission is responsibie for the coordination of support within its serviCes, and for the seiection of CommerCiai and non-commerciai support providers/impiementing partners. The Commission wili seieCt the support providers/impiementing partners in accordanCe with ail reievant Union ruies. The Commission serviCes may aiso provide direct support to the Member States conCerned in weii-defined areas.
13. Annual Report. According to Articie 15 of the TSI Reguiation, the Commission shaii provide an annuai report simuitaneousiy to the European Pariiament and to the CounCii on the impiementation of the TSI Reguiation, inciuding information on the Cooperation and Support Pians.
14. Evaluation. Four years after the entry into forCe of the TSI Reguiation, the Commission shaii provide simuitaneousiy to the European Pariiament and to the Council, as weii as to the European EConomiC and SoCiai Committee and the Committee of the Regions, an independent mid-term evaiuation report on the impiementation of the TSI Reguiation. By the end of 2030, the Commission shaii provide an independent ex-post evaiuation report to the same institutions. Both evaiuation reports are expected to inciude information on the achievement of resuits of the support measures inCiuded in this Cooperation and Support Pian.
(4) Annex 1 of the TSI Regulation, httos://
15. According to Article 10 of the TSI Regulation, the Commission shail transmit this Cooperation and Support Pian simultaneously to the Luropean Pariiament and to the Council, after obtaining the consent of the Member State. The Member State should give its consent, by separate communication, to the Commission for the transmission of this Cooperation and Support Pian to the European Pariiament and to the Councii.
16. The Member State shali, as soon as possible, indicate ifthis Cooperation and Support Pian contains any sensitive or confidentiaI information the disciosure of which would jeopardise the public interests of the Member State.
17. In any event, the Commission wiii transmit this Cooperation and Support Pian to the European ParIiament and to the CounciI:
17.1.As soon as the Member State concerned has redacted ali sensitive or confidentiai information, the disciosure of which would jeopardise the pubiic interests of the Member State;
17.2. After a reasonabie period, when the disciosure of reievant information wouid not adversely affect the impiementation of the support measures, and in any case no later than two months after the impiementation of such measures under the Cooperation and Support Pian.
18. Sections VI, VII and VIII, as weII as the Annexes to this Cooperation and Support Pian may be subject to an update foliowing changes to support measures.
19. This Cooperation and Support Pian is not legaliy binding. In particular, it does not create any rights or expectations with regard to the contribution to the envisaged support measures. It does not constitute a financing decision within the meaning of Article 110 of the Financiai Regulation (5) and does not commit the Commission.
20. The Commission shail make appropriate impiementation arrangements, in accordance with the TSI Reguiation and the Financial Regulation, in order to depioy the support measures envisaged by this Cooperation and Support Pian.
21. The Member State authorities, notabiy the Coordinating Authority, and the Commission, notably DG REFORM, acknowledge that this Cooperation and Support Pian reflects the outcome of the discussions between them.
22. The Commission may engage in communication activities to ensure the visibility of the EU funding for the support measures outiined in the Cooperation and Support Pians. The Member State agrees that the Commission’s communication activities may involve:
- PubiicIy indicating the Member State concerned amongst the Member States benefiting from technical support under the TSI Regulation;
- Pubiiciy indicating ali broad areas in which the technicai support is or wili be provided to the Member State; and
(5) OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1 httrs://
— Pubiiciy indicating ali specific support measures outiined in the Annexes of this Cooperation and Support Pian, uniess specified otherwise in the Annex(es).
23. In case sensitive or confidentiai information, the disciosure of which wouid jeopardise public interests of the Member State, emerges during the impiementation of support measures, the Member State concerned is invited to inform DG REFORM about this sensitive or confidential information without deiay.
24. Pursuant to Articie 17 of the TSI Regulation, the Commission shali estabiish a singie oniine pubiic repository through which it may, subject to appiicabie rules and on the basis of consuitation with the Member States concerned, make avaiiable final studies or reports produced as part of eiigibie actions. Where justified, the Member States concerned may request that the Commission not disclose such documents without their prior agreement.
25. Pursuant to Articie 18 of the TSI Reguiation, the Commission shaii implement information and communication actions relating to the instrument, to actions taken pursuant to the instrument and to the results obtained, inciuding, where appropriate and with the agreement of the national authorities, through joint communication activities with the national authorities and the representation offices of the European Pariiament and of the Commission in the Member State concerned.
26. Pursuant to Articie 18 of the TSI Regulation, the recipients of Union funding (the Coordinating Authority and the reievant nationai authorities) shaii acknowledge the origin of those funds and ensure the visibiiity of the Union funding, in particuiar when promoting the actions and their resuits, by providing coherent, effective and proportionate targeted information to muitipie audiences, inciuding the media and the pubiic.
27. The Coordinating Authority and the reievant national authorities that benefit from technical support are invited to inform DG REFORM about communication activities reiated to the support measures outiined in this Cooperation and Support Pian.
28. The Coordinating Authority agrees that its contact detaiis (name of the entity, functionai maiibox) are pubiished on the DG REFORM website.
29. The request(s) for technicai support from the Member State refer(s) to issues to be addressed and to needs arising from the circumstances referred to in Articie 9(3) of the TSI Reguiation.
30. The technicai support is targeted at the priority areas referred to in Articie 5 of the TSI Regutation.
31. The general objective of the Technicai Support Instrument, as foreseen in Articie 3 of the TSI Regulation, is to promote the Union’s economic, sociai and territorial cohesion by supporting Member States’ efforts to impiement reforms. This is necessary to encourage investment, to increase competitiveness and to achieve sustainabie economic and social convergence, resiiience and recovery. This is aiso necessary to support Member States’ efforts to strengthen their institutionai and administrative capacity, inciuding at regionai and Iocai Ievei, to faciiitate sociaiiy inciusive, green and digital transitions, to effectiveiy address the chaiienges identified in the country-specific recommendations and to impiement Union iaw.
32. The specific objectives of the Technicai Support Instrument, as foreseen in Articie 4 of the TSI Reguiation, aim to assist national authorities in improving their capacity
(1) to design, develop and implement reforms, as weIl as (ii) to prepare, amend, implement and revise recovery and resilience plans pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2021/241 establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility.
33. The objectives of the technical support shall be pursued in close cooperation with the Member State, including through exchange of good practices, processes and methodologies, stakehoider involvement, where appropriate, and a more effective and efficient human resources management.
34. The scope of the support measures shall be the deployment of those eligible actions set out in Article 8 of the TSI Regulation that are deemed relevant to the Member State and are mutually agreed. The technical support measures can be further specified by the Commission as appropriate in the implementation arrangements to be adopted in accordance with Article 12 of the TSI Regulation and with the Financial Regulation.
35. The support measures can be financed by the following sources (cf. Annex per year):
35.1. The financial envelope under the TSI budget;
35.2. Voluntary transfers to the instrument of resources allocated to the Member State pursuant to Article 6(3) of the TSI Regulation;
35.3. Payments made by the Member State, pursuant to Article 7 of the TSI Regulation, to cover expenses pertaining to additional technical support requested.
Directorate General for Structural Ministry of Finance of Estonia Reform Spport
—EE- Director General (Acting) Minister of Finance
Judit Rozsa Mart Vörklaev Signed on [date] Signed on [date] Brussels, Belqium Tallinn, Estonia
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vi ew
s B
ud ge
t F
ra m
ew or
k mn
E st
on ia
D ig
it al
/i nf
or m
at io
n B
ei gi
um ,
B ui
ga ri
a, PA
CE -
S up
po rt
C om
m un
ic at
io ns
C ro
at ia
, C
yp ru
s, ad
m in
is tr
at iv
e T
ec hn
ol og
y (1
CT ),
D en
m ar
k, Fi
nl an
d, st
ru ct
u re
s to
D ig
ita l
Pu bi
ic F
ra nc
e, G
er m
an y,
M in
is tr
y of
F in
an ce
TS 1
20 23
23 E
E 08
im pi
em en
t th
e A
dm in
is tr
at io
n, M
ui ti
co un
tr y
G re
ec e,
ita ly
, L
at vi
a, S
ta rt
ed N
o 1m
k Y
es ne
ed ed
ch an
ge s
mn G
ov er
na nc
e, M
ai ta
, N
et he
ri an
ds ,
di ff
er en
t go
ve rn
an ce
M an
ag em
en t
of EU
P oi
an d,
P or
tu ga
l, ar
ea s
(E st
on ia
) fu
nd s,
M an
ag em
en t
of R
om an
ia ,
Sl ov
er iia
, hu
m an
re so
ur ce
s S
pa in
E st
on ia
n Fi
na nc
ia l
S up
er vi
si on
an d
T ec
hn ic
al su
pp or
t fo
r B
an k
su pe
rv is
io n
an d
R es
ol ut
io ri
A ut
ho ri
ty TS
l 20
23 23
09 M
ui ti
co un
tr y
L at
vi a,
L it
hu an
ia O
n th
e gr
ou nd
N o
1m k
Y es
N at
io na
l H
an db
oo k
re so
lu ti
on (F
in an
ts in
sp ek
ts io
im pi
em en
ta ti
on of
M in
is tr
y o ft
h e
th e
A ct
io n
Pi an
E nv
ir on
m en
t an
d TS
I 20
23 23
10 S
ta nd
al on
e E
nv ir
on m
en t
O n
th e
gr ou
nd N
o 1m
k Y
es to
w ar
ds su
st ai
na bl
e S
af et
y w
at er
se rv
ic es
B ui
ga ri
a, C
ze ch
R ep
ub lic
, B
an k
su pe
rv is
io n
an d
D en
m ar
k, Fi
nl an
d, re
so lu
ti on
, C
ap it
ai F
in an
ss iv
al vo
nt a
P ro
of of
co nc
ep t
of F
ra nc
e, G
re ec
e, It
al y,
M ar
ke ts
U ni
on ,
Fi na
nc ia
i S
up er
vi so
ry TS
I 20
23 23
F1 07
A l
m od
ei s
in m
ar ke
t M
ui ti
co un
tr y
L it
hu an
ia ,
M ai
ta ,
S ta
rt ed
N o
hn k
Y es
D ig
it al
/I nf
or m
at io
n A
ut ho
ri ty
) ab
us e
m on
it or
in g
P or
tu ga
i, R
om an
ia ,
C om
m un
ic at
io ns
Si ov
ak ia
, S
io ve
ni a,
S pa
in ,
T ec
hn oi
og y
(IC T)
S w
ed en
M ea
su ri
ng C
iti ze
n’ s
S at
is fa
ct io
n w
it h
K ey
M in
is tr
y of
E co
no m
ic A
us tr
ia ,
B ei
gi um
, D
ig ita
i Pu
bi ic
A ff
ai rs
an d
C ro
at ia
, Fi
nl an
d, G
re ec
e, G
ov er
nm en
t S
er vi
ce s
TS 1
20 23
23 H
R 01
A dm
in is
tr at
io n,
M ul
ti co
un tr
y O
n th
e gr
ou nd
D ir
ec t
m k
V es
fo r
B et
te r
C om
m un
ic at
io n
Ir el
an d,
L at
vi a,
L it
hu an
ia ,
G ov
er na
nc e
P er
fo rm
an ce
an d
S io
ve ni
a, Sp
ai n
E nh
an ce
d T
ru st
R 2 0 2 3
R 4 .5
1 3 .6
9 7
A nn
ex 3:
I 2
0 2
2 -
E st
im at
ed cj
lo ba
l I9
na nc
ia l
co n
tr ib
u ti
o n
u n
d er
l 20
22 b u d e t
1 P
a rt
ic ip
a ti
n g
P ro
je c t
M e m
b e r
S ta
te s
p p o
ft C
o n
se n
t o
n S
u p p o rt
T y
p e
o f
B e n
e fi
c ia
ry 1
1 1
m e a su
re s
Ii n k
e d
c o m
m u n
ic a ti
o n
so u rc
e 1
m e a su
re s
p ro
je c t
A u th
o ri
tv 1
to re
c o v e ry
a n d
fo r
th e
s u
p p
o F
u n
d in
g re
fe re
n c e
1 1
S ta
tu s
C o u n tr
y p ro
je c t)
c o
d e
1 (O
n ly
if m
u lt
i- 1
re si
ii e n
c e
p la
n s
1 m
e a su
B ei
gi um
, B
ui ga
ri a,
C ro
at ia
, C
yp ru
s, C
ze ch
M in
is tr
y of
E co
no m
ic R
ep ub
lic ,
Fi nl
an d,
S up
po it
to E
ne rg
y M
uI ti
-c ou
nt ry
A ff
ai rs
an d
20 22
22 D
O 1
G re
ec e,
H un
ga ry
, C
lo se
d ln
di re
ct m
k R
E P0
w er
ch ild
C om
m un
ic at
io n
lr el
an d,
It al
y, P
ol an
d, P
or tu
ga l,
R om
an ia
, Si
ov ak
ia ,
S lo
ve ni
a, Sp
ai n
R eg
io na
l an
d lo
ca l
C en
tr al
an d
lo ca
l M
in is
tr y
of So
ci al
au th
or it
ie s
— P
ri m
ar y
20 22
22 E
E 01
ad m
in is
tr at
io n,
S ta
nd al
on e
A ff
ai rs
O n
th e
gr ou
nd ln
di re
ct m
k ca
re re
fo rm
in H
ea lt
hc ar
e sy
st em
E st
on ia
F ra
m ew
or k
fo r
as se
ss m
en t
of E
nv ir
on m
en t,
ci rc
ul ar
E nv
ir on
m en
ta l
bo ar
d ef
fe ct
iv en
es s
of ec
on om
y, w
at er
, an
d TS
I 20
22 22
02 S
ta nd
al on
e (E
B )
O n
th e
gr ou
nd N
o 1m
k bi
od iv
er si
ty re
gi st
ry an
d sp
at ia
l co
ns er
va ti
on pl
an ni
ng m
ea su
re s
in E
st on
D ig
ita l
Pu bl
ic A
dm in
is tr
at io
n, M
in is
tr y
of E
co no
m ic
C li
m at
e, E
ne rg
y, S
up po
rt to
th e
A ff
ai rs
an d
20 22
22 E
E 03
E nv
ir on
m en
t, ci
rc ul
ar S
ta nd
al on
e S
ta rt
ed ln
di re
ct m
k R
en ov
at io
n W
av e
C om
m un
ic at
io n
ec on
om y,
w at
er ,
la nd
re gi
st ry
an d
sp at
ia l
pl an
ni ng
1 1
ii 2 1 .a .a
1 1
2 2 2 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 8
II “liii’
P11II 1 1’ liii— .1 1 11 1 9 1 1 2
111 1 uI 1 alliliil1 ‘1’
tI_J ao
w UIi’iI 1111 Iti” iiii1
m B
B ui
ld in
g ca
pa ci
ty fo
r ev
id en
ce -i
nf o
rm ed
B et
te r
re gu
la ti
on ,
po li
cy m
ak in
g in
E st
on ia
n R
es ea
rc h
B ei
gi um
, C
ze ch
R ep
ub lic
, li
ce ns
in g,
in sp
ec ti
on s
M ul
ti -c
ou nt
ry T
S 20
22 22
07 go
ve rn
an ce
an d
C ou
nc il
G )
Fi n’
an d,
G re
ec e,
L at
vi a,
O n
th e
gr ou
nd N
o 1m
k an
d m
ar ke
t ch
ild pu
bl ic
ad m
in is
tr at
io n
L it
hu an
ia ,
N et
he rl
an ds
su rv
ei ll
an ce
in a
po st
-p an
de m
ic E
ur op
R 2
0 2
2 E
4 .9
6 6 .3
4 0
ut io
n u
n d
er T
2 0 2 1
b u
d g
R es
ea rc
h an
d in
no va
ti on
, So
ci al
P a rt
ic ip
a ti
n g
S u
p p
o rt
C o n se
n t
o n
B e n
e fi
c ia
ry S
ta tu
s to
re c o v e ry
a n d
fo r
th e
s u
p p
M e m
b e r
S ta
te s
m e a s u
re s
Ii n k e d
c o
m m
u n
ic a ti
o n
A u th
o ri
ty (O
n ly
if m
u lt
i- re
si li
e n
c e
p la
n s
m e a su
re c o u n tr
y p ro
je c t)
C oh
er en
t po
lic y
pr ot
ec ti
on an
d so
ci al
d ev
el o p m
en t
fo r
se rv
ic es
, E
nv ir
on m
en t,
hi gh
-q ua
li ty
an d
ci rc
ul ar
ec on
om y,
S ta
nd al
on e
su st
ai na
bl e
Iiv in
g w
at er
, la
nd re
gi st
ry en
vi ro
nm en
t an
d sp
at ia
l pl
an ni
ng ,
H ea
lt h
sy st
em pe
rf or
m an
ce as
se ss
m en
t fr
am ew
or k
fo r
E st
on ia
S up
po rt
in g
pr od
uc ti
vi ty
an d
co m
pe ti
ti ve
ne ss
S ec
to ra
l ex
pe rt
is e
(t ra
ns po
rt ,
Io gi
st ic
s, to
ur is
m ,
ag ri
cu lt
ur e,
et c.
E st
on ia
n SM
E s
Fi na
nc ia
l li
te ra
cy th
ro ug
h R
ea l-
T im
e E
co no
m y
an d
si ng
le co
nt ac
t po
in t
di gi
ta l
so lu
ti on
M in
is tr
y of
E co
no m
ic A
ff ai
rs an
d C
om m
un ic
at io
n O
n th
e gr
ou nd
M in
is tr
y of
S oc
ia l
A ff
a jr
M in
is tr
y of
E co
no m
ic A
ff ai
rs an
d S
ta nd
al on
e C
om m
un ic
at io
ad m
in is
tr at
io n,
20 21
21 D
O 1
20 21
21 EE
O 1
20 21
21 E
E 02
20 21
21 E
E 03
H ea
lt hc
ar e
sy st
em S
ta nd
al on
D ig
ita l
Pu bl
ic S
ta nd
al on
e A
dm in
is tr
at io
G ov
er nm
en t
ev id
en ce
an d
d a ta
dr iv
en d
ec is
io n
m ak
in g
fr am
ew or
k an
d im
pl em
en ta
ti on
in cr
is is
m an
ag em
en t
T he
G ov
er nm
en t
O ff
ic e
D ir
ec t
1m k
N o
1m k
D ir
ec t
1m k
D ir
ec t
1m k
C lo
se d
C lo
se d
C lo
se d
S tr
en gh
te ni
ng of
E st
on ia
n an
ti -m
on ey
A nt
i- co
rr up
ti on
/a nt
i- M
in is
tr y
of F
in an
ce TS
I 20
21 21
04 S
ta nd
al on
e O
n th
e gr
ou nd
D ir
ec t
1m k
N o
la un
de ri
ng m
on ey
-I au
nd er
in g
fr am
ew or
M in
is tr
y of
E co
no m
ic G
as de
ca rb
on is
at io
n A
ff ai
rs an
d TS
I 20
21 21
ne rg
y S
ta nd
al on
e C
lo se
d D
ir ec
t m
k Y
es pa
th w
ay s
fo r
E st
on ia
C om
m un
ic at
io n
EU ta
xo no
m y
M m
ni st
ry of
th e
im pi
em en
ta ti
on an
d TS
I 20
21 21
1O C
li m
at e
S ta
ri da
lo ne
E nv
ir on
m en
t C
lo se
d D
ir ec
t 1m
k Y
es su
st am
na bl
e fi
na nc
e st
ra te
gy in
E st
on ia
T he
us e
of ar
ti fi
ci al
D ig
it al
is at
io n
of T
ax an
d C
us to
m s
20 21
21 E
E 12
in te
ll ig
en ce
in re
ve nu
e S
ta nd
al on
e B
oa rd
C lo
se d
N o
m k
ta xa
ti on
ad m
in is
tr at
io n
A us
tr ia
, B
ei gi
um ,
B ul
ga ri
a, C
ro at
ia ,
C yp
ru s,
C ze
ch R
ep ub
lm c,
M —
G re
en D
en m
ar k,
Fi nl
an d,
B ud
ge ti
ng B
ud ge
t pr
ep ar
at io
n M
in is
tr y
of th
e M
ul ti
-c ou
nt ry
G re
ec e,
H un
ga ry
, E
nv ir
on m
en t
O n
th e
gr ou
nd N
o 1m
k TS
I 20
21 21
ra m
ew or
k Tr
am ni
ng an
d im
pl em
en ta
ti on
, ch
ild lr
el an
d, It
al y,
L at
vi a,
P ro
gr am
m e
G re
en bu
dg et
in g
L it
hu an
ia ,
L ux
em bo
ur g,
(E st
on ia
) M
ai ta
, P
ol an
d, P
or tu
ga l,
R om
an ia
, Si
ov ak
ia ,
S io
ve ni
a, S
pa in
R 2 0 2 1
R 4
.2 8
3 5
2 9
Annex 5: Proposal for a mandate of the Coordinating Authorities
Preparation and submission of requests:
1. National awareness, dissemination of knowledge and guidance on TSI: The Coordinating Authority should be responsible at national level for disseminating information and knowledge regarding the TSI instrument. This information should nclude the objectives of the instrument, the eligibility criteria, types of technical support provided, and DG REFORM processes. The Coordinating Authorities should act as the national focal point to explain the relevance of the technical support to national policy priorities, as appropriate within their national context. For this purpose, Coordinating Authorities could, to the extent possible consider developing tools i.e., national TSI info website; and processes for guidance on TSI i.e., create public functional mailboxes, promote TSI webinars and country rollouts, ensure dissemination of DG REFORM’s information, priorities and novelties, etc.
2. Facilitating the relations with applicant authorities: To the extent possible, Coordinating Authorities should (1) identify strategic priorities of interest to receive technical support, (2) be able to identify relevant national, regional, and local authorities that could benefit from TSI support including for multi-country projects and, (3) facilitate relations and engage with other Member States as relevant.
If relevant and possible, Coordinating Authority could support potential Beneficiary Authorities in their process of designing high quality requests (as per the criteria set in the TSI regulation).
3. Submission and prioritization of requests: The Coordinating Authorities should be responsible at national level for coordinating and prioritizing the requests for support submitted by the Member State (both individual and multi-country requests), as possible within their national context.
Impiementation of projects:
4. Monitor the impiementation of projects and programmes: To the extent possible and if considered appropriate within their national context, the Coordinating Authority should monitor the state of implementation of projects. DG REFORM will facilitate the process by sharing a minimal set of information on the state of play of the implementation of the projects, if needed.
5. Evaluation of projects and programmes: To the extent possible and if considered appropriate within their national context, the Coordinating Authorities, in cooperation with DG REFORM and the Beneficiary Authorities, should contribute to the evaluation of the results of the TSI support measures (for example regarding the extent to which the Beneficiary Authorities have followed-up on the support: adoption of a law, adoption of a strategy, etc).
The Coordinating Authorities could, within their capacities, support the evaluation procedures of DG REFORM by:
o participating in evaluation meetings organized together with DG REFORM as relevant, with the objective to review the state of play of the implementation of the TSI programme in their Member State and discuss the results of previous projects.
o contribute to analysing the results of the evaluation questionnaires shared by DG REFORM, if needed.
o providing feedback on the results of the projects (questionnaires) to DG REFORM.
DG REFORM wiII facilitate related processes by sharing information on the impiementation and evaluation of projects, as possible.
Throughout the TSI cycle
6. Communication: Pursuant to Article 18 of the TSI Regulation, the “redpient of Union Funding shall acknowledge the origin of those funds and ensure the visibility of the Union Funding, in particular when promoting the actions and their results, by providing coherent, effective and proportionate targeted information to multiple audiences, including the media and the public”. In that context, the Coordinating Authorities (and Beneficiary Authorities) are expected to acknowledge the TSI support when communicating about TSI projects.
7. Involvement in Coordinating Authorities Network: The Coordinating Authority is the solely responsible focal point at national level for participation in the Coordinating Authorities’ Network. As such, the Coordinating Authority should participate in the network meetings, consultations, workshops, and additional activities i.e., Iiaising with other Coordinating Authorities (in the context of multi Country projects in particular) and attending the annual Coordinating Authorities workshops organized by DG REFORM.
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Vastus pöördumisele | 31.07.2024 | 1 | 9.2-6/3395-3 | Väljaminev kiri | ram | The TSI Coordination Team |
Pöördumine | 24.07.2024 | 1 | 9.2-6/3395-2 | Sissetulev kiri | ram | The TSI Coordination Team |
Pöördumine | 25.07.2023 | 365 | 9.2-6/5117-1 | Väljaminev kiri | ram | Directorate General for Structural Reform Support |
Pöördumine | 15.07.2022 | 740 | 9.2-6/5882-1 | Väljaminev kiri | ram | Directorate General for Structural Reform Support, Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskus |
Pöördumine | 19.05.2021 | 1162 | 9.2-6/3916-1 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | ram | European Commission, Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskus |
Pöördumine | 19.05.2021 | 1162 | 9.2-6/3917-1 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | ram | European Commission, Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskus |
Käskkiri TSI | 17.05.2021 | 1164 | 90 | Ministri põhitegevuse käskkiri | ram | |
Käskkiri SRSP | 20.04.2020 | 1556 | 70 | Ministri põhitegevuse käskkiri | ram |