Dokumendiregister | Siseministeerium |
Viit | 2-1/381-1 |
Registreeritud | 12.05.2022 |
Sünkroonitud | 16.08.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 2 Infohaldus. Õigusteenindus |
Sari | 2-1 Kirjavahetus asutustega |
Toimik | 2-1/2022 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Hessische Hochschule für öffentliches Management und Sicherheit |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Hessische Hochschule für öffentliches Management und Sicherheit |
Vastutaja | Henry Timberg (kantsleri juhtimisala, sisejulgeoleku-, korrakaitse- ja migratsioonipoliitika asekantsleri valdkond, korrakaitse- ja kriminaalpoliitika osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Please return the completed questionnaire to:
Prof. Dr. Clemens Lorei Hessische Hochschule für Öffentliches Management und Sicherheit (HÖMs) Abteilung GieBen ĪalstraBe 3
35394 GieBen Germany
What courses or trainin education modules do have for lice officers on guard d
ls exclusively content of a course
(lenght Īn hours)
ls one of the focal points of a course
(leneht in hours)
ls an essential part of a course, which also has other focal points
(leneht in hours)
ls rather a secondary part of a course that has a dįfferent focus
ls not included in any course
O yes,
with hours hours O yes,
with hours O yes,
wįth O yes O yesShooting
hours O yes,
with hours O yes,
wįth O yes O yesPhysical force
/unarmed self- defense
hours O yes,
Taser O yes,
with hours O yes, with hours
O yes, wįth hours
O yes O yes
Pepper spray/OC spray
O yes,
with hours O yes,
with hours O yes, with hours
O yes O yes
hours O yes,
with O yes,
with hours O yes, with hours
O yes O yesDe-escalation
hours O yes,
with O yes O yesBaton, expandable
baton, Tonfa O yes,
with hours hours O yes,
with O yes,
with hours O yes,
with hours O yes,
with hours O yes O yesArrests
hours O yes,
with hours O yes,
with O yes,
with hours O yes O yesTraffic control/veh icle
hours O yes,
with O yes O yesBuilding searches O yes,
with hours hours O yes,
with O yes O yesAmok O yes,
with hours O yes,
with hours hours O yes,
with O yes,
with_hours O yes,
with_hours O yes O yesLife-th reatening
operations (terrorist attacks)
hours O yes,
hours O yes,
with O yes, with_hours
O yes O yesOther, namely hours
O yes,
Lb) Training only: approx. percentage of police officers in the country's target group who have participated įn the following courses in the last 3
No courses
0% 7-30% 3t-60% 67-90% >90% N/A
Shooting o o o o o o o Phvsical force /unarmed self-defense o o o o o o o Īaser o o o o o o o Pepper spray/OC spray o o o o o o o De-escalation o o o o o o o Baton, expandable baton, Tonfa o o o o o o o Arrests o o o o o o o
o o oTraffic control/veh įc|e control o o o o Building searches o o o o o o o Amok o o o o o o o Life-th reaten įng operations (terrorist attacks) o o o o o o o Other, namely o o o o o o o
t Trainin on How mandato is the rtici tion in the followin courses
No courses
optional Must be
done once
Must be done
regularly (e.g., every
3'd year)
Must be done
once a
Must be done
several times a
Shooting o o o o o o o Physica I force /u na rmed self-defense o o o o o o o Taser o o o o o o o Pepper spray/OC spray o o o o o o o De-escalation o o o o o o o Baton, expandable baton, Tonfa o o o o o o o Arrests o o o o o o o Traffic control/veh icle control o o o o o o o Buildine searches o o o o o o o Amok o o o o o o o Life-th reaten ing operations (terrorist attacks) o o o o o o o
o o o o o o oOther, namely
Contents of de-esca lation 2 What rtion of the content of de-ecalation trainin įs deali with le who have the followin cha racteristics?
ls intensively addressed and forms the focus of the course.
ls explicitly thematized as
one of the various focal points of the
ls addressed, but no particular
Only addressed in passing or upon inquiry.
Not addressed.
Persons with mental illness o o o o o o Persons in exceptional mental situations o o o o o o Adolescents o o o o o o Persons under the influence of alcohol and drugs
o o o oo o Situations with limitations in
communication o o o o o o
Persons known to be violent o o o o o o Ordinary citizens o o o o o o Other specific groups of people, namely: o o o o o o
3 How im nt are the followi strat es for de-escalation in ur traini ?
Strategy De-escalating behaviour N/A ls intensively trained
ls trained to some extent
Only mentioned
Not trained
Act purposefully Consciously planning one's own actions; concentrating on essential things; pursuing the actual goal; professional handling of provocations; mental preparation; consulting with colleasues: settinp oneself poals
o o o o o Stress- management
Being (rėlatively) calm in a tense, stressful situation; exuding calm; speaking calmly to the other person; giving others space and time for emotional relief (e.g., letting them cry it out): to take time
o o o o o
Empathy Understanding the counterpart's emotion; shoWįn8 compassion or comfortin8 the other person; adopting the other person's perspective; showing understanding for the counterpart or their situation; showing one's own concern
o o o o o
lnterest Signaling interest in the other person's situation; nonverbally signaling openness; consciously deciding for communicatįVe solution; preferring a non_violent solution; asking questions; letting others explain themselves; responding to the counterpart's ouestions
o o o o o
Transparency Explaining and giving reasons for the behaviour expected from the other person;
explaining own behaviour; pointing out consequences/measures (not threatening!); respondįns to the other person's questions
o o o o o
Serįousness Signaling interest to the other person's situation; give the other person the opportunity to explain themselves; exuding self-confidence o o o o o
Self-protection Paying attention to self-protection; maintaining eye contact; exuding self-confidence o o o o o
Create acceptance creating acceptance by offering solutions; creatįng acceptance for solutions by asking the counterpart for proposed solutions; selection of alternative solutions; responding to the counterpart's ouestions
o o o o o Nonverbal communication
Conscious use of nonverbal communication o o o o o
Relationalwork Building a relation (small talk, commonalities, etc.); building a communįcative relation by pointįng out commonalįtįes/similarities ofthe counterpart; maintaining ėye contact o o o o o
Humour Showing humour (not sarcasm or irony!) o o o o o
Respect Being polite and showing respect; responding to the other person's questions o o o o o
Face-saving Allowing the counterpart the opportunity to "save face" o o o o o
Patience Being patient with the other person; taking time o o o o o
How im ortant are the followį strate ies for de-escalation in ur trainin ?( art 2
strategy De-escalating behaviour N/A ls intensively
trained ls trained to some extent
Only mentioned
Not trained
Listening (actively) listening to the counterpart; asking questions; repeating what has been said in one's words; signaling attentiveness o o o o o
Meta- communication
Metacommunication; talking about own communication; clarifying situation o o o o o
Objectivity Non-.iudgmental expression; avoidance of accusations; professional handling of provocations, no blaming; solution-oriented behaviour o o o o o
Īactical measUres Swapping interaction partners when communication is deadlocked; optimize communications channels; buy time; using the group structure of the counterpart; establish coooeratiÕn or self_relUlate ānd de-escālatė conflicts
o o o o o Communication adequate to the target group
choosing language level accordingly o o o o o
o o o o o
o o o o o
o o o o o Other, namely
o o o o o
4 How im rtant are the followin as in the context of de-escalation trainin Not target of the
traįning Verv important Rather
important Rather not important
Completely unimportant
Knowledge of the operating principle and theoretical background of different strategies
o o o o o
Knowledge of specific groups of people o o o o o Positįon towards communicatīon as an operationaltool
o o o o o
Position towards the counterpart of the police o o o o o
Expanding the repertoire of measures o oo o o
Certainty of action o o o o o
Fulfillment of political requirements o o o o o
Other, namely: o o o o o
Theoretica I backgrou nd approx. %
Legal aspects approx. %
Self-study approx. %
E-learning approx. %
Case studies approx. %
Group discussions approx. %
Reflection of own experience approx. %
Role play/sim ulatįon/scenario approx._%o Other, namely approx._%o
Total Į00%
What of de-escalation trai ts rovided by which form of instruction (approx. %)?
The following two questions refer to courses that focus on de-escalatįon and to courses that include de-escalatįon as one of several aspects
6a How man scenarios does each trainee with a focus on de-escalation th durin the traini
6b How man scenarios does each trainee have to throu du the trainin that include de-escalation as a sub a ?
O depending on the individual performance shown, on average
O approx 1-5
O approx. 6-L0
O approx. 10-L5
O unknown O scenarios/role plays are not
part of the training O approx. more than
O unknown O scenarios/role plays are not
part of the training O depending on the individual
performance shown, on average: O approx
1-5 O approx.
6-10 O approx.
O approx. more than
7 What evaluations of de-escalation tra have been or are conducted at facil Has never been done and is not planned
ls done after every training
ls done regularly
ls planned N/A
gaining knowledge o o o o o motivation to apply what has been learned
o o o o o
acquired certainty of action o o o o o Pa rticipa nts' statement on...
Other, namely o o o o o
Reviewing knowledge of theoretica I background
o o o o o Practica I knowledge control within the framework of a scenario
o o o o o
Checking whether what has been learned can be applied on everyday work
o o o o o Objective tests
Other, namely:
On compaints
Number of resistances o o o o o On-duty accident due to violence
o o o o o Number of cases with use of (non-letal) force (physical, OC sprav, taser, expandable baton)
o o o o o
Control of statistical development at service/agency level
Other, namely: o o o o o
8) What guidelines, recommendations, decrees exist in the target group's department that mentįon or regulate de_escalatįon?
9) Are you able to send a description of the de-escalation training?
10) Are you able to provide teaching materįal of the de-escalation training?
11) ls there a contact person for the topic of de-escalation at your institution to whom we can possibly direct questions about de-escalation (training)?
12)Are there any comments about de-escalation or de-escalation training you would like to make?
13) Are you interested in an exchange on the topic of de-escalation or de-escalation training?
Questionnaire on the research project ,,Education and training in the field of de-escalatįon"
Please complete the questionnaire and return it to the given address below.
Prof. Dr. Clemens Lorei Hessische Hochschule für öffentįiches Management und Sicherheit Campus GieRen TalstraBe 3 35394 GieBen Deutschland
lf you are not the right contact person/organisation to answer this, please tell me:
(Please tell me the organisation in your country, that can answer the questionnaire)
lf your country does not want to take part in this research project, please tell me so
Please tell me why your country does not want to take part in this research project:
tr Estonia does not want to support this research pŲect
tr Estonįa does not have information about Education and training in the fĪeld of de- escalation
lnformation about Education and training in the field of de-escalation in Estonia are confidential and cannot be given to others
We need more time to answer the questionnaire (Until
To support this research pģect, we need further information (Please list the information you need)
Other reasons (Please list other reasons)
Thank you for your effort!
Prof. Dr. Clemens Lorei
r ņļ nĪl:l , {,'i
Prof. Dr. Clemens Lorei Hessische Hochschule für öffentliches Management und Sįcherheit
page 1
Hessische Hochschule für öffentliches Management und Sicherheit
kffi ffiįbfirffiffi Mąffi d *ffi , ffiķgMBe 1m, fr 1s Mfi
Ministry of the lnterior Pįkk 61 15065 Tallinn Estland
Prol Dr. cļerens LorēiBearb€iter/-in
lhre Nachric*ļt
Datum 05.05.2022
Subject: Research project "Education and tralnlng in the field of de- escalation"
Dear Sir or Madam,
in February 2022l kindly requested your help on a relevant research pģect regarding training in the field of de-escalation in Europe. This topic is a part of our research pģect AMBOSafe "Attacks on employees and staff of organizations with security tasks" (ųM{ AMBoSafe is a nationwide study on violence against first respond_ ers and emergency personnel funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Many countries already decided to take part in this research project. Unfortunately, I have not received an answer from your country. Sįnce l would like to get a complete picture with as much data as possible, I would like to ask you again for your support. I have therefore added the questionnaire again as attachment no.1. We kindly ask you to return the answered questionnaire to us by the end of June 2022 (the address is printed on the questionnaire).
lf you cannot or do not want to participate or if you are not the right contact person, please let me know. For this purpose, I kindly ask you to fill out attachment no. 2 and send it back to the given address.
Īhank you very much for your support! lf there are any further questions, us!
Kind regards
Nach s 1 14 Abs. 'l Hessisches Hochschulgesetz Vom 14. Dezember 2021 wurden die Hessische Hochschule für Polizei und Verwal_ tung (HfPV) und dįe Polizeįakademie Hessen (HPA) zum 01. Janlar 2022zur Hessischen Hochschule für öffentlįches Management und sicherheit (HöMs) zusammengeschlossen. Die HöMS ist die Rechtsnachfolgerin von HfPV und HPA.
Besuche und Anrufe bitte Montag bis Donnerstag zwischen 7:45 Uhr und 15:30 Uhr, Freįtag von 7:45 Uhr bis 15:00 Uhr
SAABUNUD Sisęministeeriumisse
Nr...,!.:.!f." 84-4 05. 2022
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
KODIAK - De-scalation | 15.08.2024 | 1 | 2-1/607-1 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Hessische Hochschule für öffentliches Management und Sicherheit |
Andmete edastamine | 06.09.2022 | 710 | 2-1/381-2 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |