Dokumendiregister | Transpordiamet |
Viit | 7.2-4/24/20491-1 |
Registreeritud | 29.11.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 02.12.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 7.2 Detail-, eri- ja maakonnaplaneeringute kooskõlastamine |
Sari | 7.2-4 Projektid, detailplaneeringud ja muud dokumendid ehitustegevuse kohta veeteedel ja navigatsioonimärkide vahetus läheduses |
Toimik | 7.2-4/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Kliimaministeerium |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Kliimaministeerium |
Vastutaja | Kert Süsmalainen (Users, Merendusteenistus, Laevateede ja sadamate osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Suur-Ameerika 1 / Tallinn 10122 / 626 2802/ [email protected] /
Registrikood 70001231
Vastavalt nimekirjale
29.11.2024 nr 6-3/24/5444-2
Otsuste edastamine 13 Rootsi meretuulepargi menetluses
Rootsi on piiriülese keskkonnamõju hindamise konventsiooni (Espoo konventsiooni) alusel teavitanud
menetluse lõpetamise otsustest seoses 13 Rootsi meretuulepargi projektiga1.
04.11.2024 otsustas Rootsi Valitsus jätta tegevusload andmata 13 meretuulepargi projektile ning tagastada
vastavad taotlused. Menetlused lõpetati, kuna Rootsi kaitseväe hinnangul oleks antud meretuuleparkide
rajamine vastuolus Rootsi riigikaitseliste huvidega.
Tegevusloa taotlus tagastati ning menetlus lõpetati järgmistes projektides (otsused on rootsikeelsed):
1. „Skåne havsvindpark“ (otsus),
2. „Södra Victoria“ (otsus),
3. „Beta“ (otsus),
4. „Cirrus“ (otsus),
5. „Arkona“ (otsus),
6. „Dyning“ (otsus),
7. „Neptunus“ (otsus),
8. „Aurora“ (otsus),
9. „Erik Segersäll“ (otsus),
10. „Pleione“ (otsus),
11. „Skidbladner“ (otsus),
12. „Delta North“ (otsus),
13. „Triton“ (otsus)
Eesti on varasemalt avaldanud soovi osaleda meretuuleparkide „Delta North“, „Erik Segersäll“,
„Skidbladner“ ja „Pleione“ piiriülese keskkonnamõju hindamise menetlustes2.
(allkirjastatud digitaalselt)
Antti Tooming
elurikkuse ja keskkonnakaitse asekantsler
Lisa: Rootsi teavituskiri
Lilli Tamm, 626 9133
1 Rootsi saadetud ingliskeelne teavituskiri on käesolevale kirjale lisatud. 2 Eesti vastuskirjad on registreeritud Kliimaministeeriumi dokumendihaldussüsteemis vastavalt 08.03.2022 numbriga
6-3/22/427-10, 30.08.2022 numbriga 6-3/22/2660-11, 25.04.2023 numbriga 6-3/23/1131-8 ning 05.02.2024 numbriga
O FFICE : ST O CK H O LM -V I RK E SV Ä GE N 2 Ö ST E RSU N D – FO R SK A RE N S V Ä G 5 , H U S U B PO ST A L A D D RE SS : SE -106 48 ST O CK H O LM PH O N E : 010-698 10 00 FA X : 010-698 16 00 E -MA I L: RE GIST RA T O R @SW E D I SH E PA . SE IN T E RN E T : W W W .SW E D I SH E PA .SE
Richard Kristoffersson Phone: +46-10-698 17 69 richard.kristoffersson
Distribution of final decissions regarding 13 planned offshore windfarms in Swedish EEZ in the Baltic Sea In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention), The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency hereby provides above listed parties to the Convention with the Swedish government’s final decision regarding the permit application for 13 offshore windfarms in the Baltic Sea. On the 4th of November 2024, the Swedish government announced their decission for the planned offhore windfarms: “Skåne havsvindpark”, “Södra Victoria”, “Beta”,
“Cirrus”, “Arkona”, “Dyning”, “Neptunus”, “Aurora”, “Erik Segersell, “Pleione”,
“Skidbladner”, “Delta North” and “Triton”. The Swedish government has rejected the above mentioned applications for permit under the Act (1992:1140) on the Swedish Economic Zone for the establishment and operation of offshore wind farms, including the application for permits under the Continental Shelf Act (1966:314) for the laying of underwater cables. Reasons for the Government's Decision Below is a summary of the government's decision, please note that the summary is written by the Environmental Protection Agency. The entire decision is attached to this letter and must be read in its entirety. Scope of Review The government is to assess whether a permit can be granted under Section 5 of the Act on the Swedish Economic Zone for the establishment, operation, and decommissioning of Offshore Wind Farms within the Swedish Economic Zone. In these assessments, the government shall apply, among other provisions, Chapters 2–4, Section 5, Sections 3–5, and Section 18 of the Environmental Code (cf. Section 6 of the Act on the Swedish Economic Zone).
To point of contact in: Denmark Poland Germany Estonia Latvia Lithuania Finland
Permissibility Site Selection The Swedish Armed Forces have provided an opinion on the impact of the planned offshore wind farms on national interests for the military component of national defense. The Armed Forces assess that the wind farms will conflict with national defense interests. The government finds, in an overall assessment, that the proposed activity, despite the addition of fossil-free electricity production and the proposed precautionary measures, cannot be permitted due to the area's significance for defense interests. Therefore, the conditions to grant the requested permit are lacking, and the application should be rejected. Given this outcome, the government finds no reason to consider the application for a permit under the Continental Shelf Act for the laying of underwater cables for the wind farm in question. The case should thus be dismissed from further processing. The government has based their decision on the regulations in Chapter 3 sections 9-10 of the Environmental Code. According to Chapter 3, Section 9 of the Environmental Code, land and water areas that are significant for national defense should be protected, as far as possible, from actions that could significantly counteract national defense interests. Areas that are of national interest due to their importance for defense installations shall be protected from actions that could significantly hinder the establishment or use of these installations. If an area is of national interest for multiple conflicting purposes, preference shall be given to the purpose or purposes that best promote the long-term management of land, water, and the physical environment. If the area or part of it is needed for a national defense installation, defense interests shall take precedence (Chapter 3, Section 10 of the Environmental Code). For questions regarding this communication, please contact the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Richard Kristoffersson, at [email protected] or phone: +46 (0)10-698 17 69.
The decision regarding this communication letter has been made digitally and therefore lacks signatures. For the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Nanna Wikholm Head of Unit
Richard Kristoffersson Point of Contact, Espoo Convention Attachments Governmental decission regarding: Skåne havsvindpark Södra Victoria Beta Cirrus Arkona Dyning Neptunus Aurora Erik Segersell Pleione Skidbladner Delta North Triton Cc. The Ministry of Climate and Enterprise, Eleonora Rönström and Bastian Ljunggren
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Kiri | 18.10.2022 | 776 | 8-5/22/22386-2 | Valjaminev kiri | transpordiamet | Keskkonnaministeerium |
Kiri | 04.10.2022 | 790 | 8-5/22/22386-1 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | Keskkonnaministeerium |
Lõppdokument | 08.07.2022 | 878 | 7.2-4/22/13272-2 | Valjaminev kiri | transpordiamet | Keskkonnaministeerium |
Projekti piiriülene keskkonnamõju hindamine | 14.06.2022 | 902 | 7.2-4/22/13272-1 | Sissetulev kiri | transpordiamet | Keskkonnaministeerium |