Dokumendiregister | Riigi IT Keskus |
Viit | 5-3/24-0248-2 |
Registreeritud | 31.05.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 03.06.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 5 Riigihanked ja lepingute haldus |
Sari | 5-3 Lepingud juriidiliste isikutega ja asutustega, aktid, aruanded |
Toimik | 5-3 Lepingud juriidiliste isikutega ja asutustega, aktid, aruanded |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | AS Atea |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | AS Atea |
Vastutaja | Risto Seegel (Riigi Info- ja Kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia Keskus, Asedirektori juhtimisvaldkond, arvutitöökohateenuste osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Annex B1 of ECMA-370 5thedi t ion 2015-04-02 Page 1 (6) ECMA-370-Annex-B2 Lenovo Template 2017-03-21Monitors
(Rev. 1 – 15 April 2015)
Annex B2- Product environmental attributes Computer Monitors
The declaration may be published only when all rows and/or fields marked with * are filled-in (n.a. for not applicable). Additional information regarding each item may be found under P15.
Brand * Lenovo Logo Company name * Lenovo
Contact information * e-mail address
Lenovo Global Environmental Affairs Alvin L Carter [email protected]
Internet site * Additional information The latest version of this document can be found at:
The company declares (based on product specification or test results based obtained from sample testing), that the product conforms to the statements given in this declaration. Type of product * Display Commercial name * ThinkVision T23i-30 Model number * 63B2 Issue date * 2022/06/06 Intended market * Global Europe Asia, Pacific &Japan Americas Other Additional information
This is an uncontrolled copy when in printed form. Please refer to the contact information for the latest version.
About Annex B2 Annex B2 reflects Product environmental attributes relevant for Computers and Computer Monitors. The following items from the ECMA-370 Main body are not shown in the template: P4.1 – P4.3 Consumable materials P9.1 TEC and Print speed P10.2 - P10.3Chemical emissions from printing products P11.1 - P11.3 Consumable materials for printing products.
Annex B1 of ECMA-370 5 t hedit ion (Lenovo ) 2015-04-08 Page 2 (6 )
Model number * 63B2 Logo
Issue date * 2022/06/06
Product environmental attributes - Legal requirements Requirement met Item Yes No n.a. P1 Hazardous substances and preparations P1.1* Products do comply with current European RoHS Directive. (See legal reference and NOTE B1)
P1.2* Products do not contain Asbestos (see legal reference). Comment: Legal reference has no maximum concentration value.
P1.3* Products do not contain Ozone Depleting Substances: Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFC), hydrochlorofluorcarbons (HCFC), Halons, carbontetrachloride, 1,1,1- trichloroethane, methyl bromide (see legal reference). Comment: Legal reference has no maximum concentration values.
P1.4* Products do not contain more than; 0,005% polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), 0,005% polychlorinated terphenyl (PCT) in preparations (see legal reference).
P1.5* Products do not contain more than 0,1% short chain chloroparaffins (SCCP) with 10-13 carbon atoms in the chain containing at least 48% per mass of chlorine in the SCCP (see legal reference).
P1.6* Parts with direct and prolonged skin contact do not release nickel in concentrations above 0,5g/cm2/week (see legal reference). Comment: Max limit in legal reference when tested according to EN1811:2011-5.
P1.7* REACH Article 33 information about substances in articles is available at (add URL or mail contact):
P2 Batteries P2.1* If the product contains a battery or an accumulator, the battery/accumulator is labeled with the disposal
symbol. Information on proper disposal is provided in user manual. (See legal reference)
P2.2* Batteries or accumulators do not contain more than 0,0005% of mercury or 0,002% of cadmium. (See legal reference)
P2.3* Batteries and accumulators are readily removable. (See legal reference) P3 Conformity verification& Eco design (ErP) P3.1* The product is CE-marked to show conformance with applicable legal requirements (see legal reference).
The Declaration of Conformity can be requested at (add link or e-mail address): for EU and for UK
P3.2* The product complies with the Eco design requirements for energy-related products, (see legal reference).
Required information is; given in item P15 or added to this document,
available at (add URL):
P5 Product packaging P5.1* Packaging and packaging components do not contain more than 0,01% lead, mercury, cadmium and
hexavalent chromium by weight of these together.
P5.2* The packaging materials are marked with abbreviations and numbers indicating the nature of the material(s) used (see legal reference).
P5.3* The product packaging material is free from ozone depleting substances as specified in the Montreal Protocol (see legal reference). Comment: Legal reference has no maximum concentration values.
P6 Treatment information P6.1* Information for recyclers/treatment facilities is available (see legal reference).
NOTE B1Restriction applies to the homogeneous material, unless other specified and expressed in weight %. Stating “Yes” means that the product is compliant with the mandatory requirements.
Annex B1 of ECMA-370 5 t hedit ion (Lenovo ) 2015-04-08 Page 3 (6 )
Model number * 63B2 Logo
Issue date * 2022/06/06
Product environmental attributes - Market requirements (See Genera l NOTE GN be low) - Environmental conscious design Requirement met Item *=mandatory to fill in. Additional information regarding each item may be found under P14. Yes No n.a. P7 Design Disassembly, recycling P7.1* Parts that have to be treated separately are easily separable P7.2* Plastic materials in covers/housing have no surface coating. P7.3* Plastic parts > 100 g consist of one material or of easily separable materials. P7.4* Plastic parts > 25 g have material codes according to ISO 11469 referring ISO 1043-4. P7.5 Plastic parts are free from metal inlays or have inlays that can be removed with commonly available tools. P7.6* Labels are easily separable. (This requirement does not apply to safety/regulatory labels). Product lifetime P7.7* Upgrading can be done e.g. with processor, memory, cards or drives P7.8* Upgrading can be done using commonly available tools P7.9 Spare parts are available after end of production for: 5 years P7.10 Service is available after end of production for: 5 years Material and substance requirements P7.11* Product cover/housing material type(e.g. plastics, metal, aluminum):
Material type: ABS Material type: PC Material type: METAL P7.12 Insulation materials of external electrical cables are PVC free. P7.13 Insulation materials of internal electrical cables are PVC free. P7.14 External plastic casing/cover parts > 25 g contain no more than 0,1% weight (1000 ppm) bromine and 0,1%
weight (1000 ppm) chlorine attributable to brominated flame retardants, chlorinated flame retardants, and polyvinyl chloride or 0,3% weight (3000 ppm) bromine and 0,3% weight (3000 ppm) chlorine in parts containing more than 25% post-consumer recycled content.
P7.15 Printed circuit boards, PCBs (without components) are low halogen: all PCBs > 25 g are low halogen as defined in IEC61249-2-21. (See NOTE B2)
P7.16 Flame retarded plastic parts > 25 g in covers / housings are marked according ISO 1043-4: Marking: no flame retardant
P7.17 Alt. 1:Chemical specifications of flame retardants in printed circuit boards > 25 g (without components): TBBPA (additive), TBBPA (reactive) (See NOTE B3), Other: , CAS #: 35948-25-5
Alt. 2:Chemical specifications of flame retardants in printed circuit boards (without components)> 25 g according ISO 1043-4: FR4
P7.18 Alt. 1: Flame retarded plastic parts > 25 g contain the following flame retardant substances/preparations in concentrations above 0,1%: 1. Chemical name: TPP, CAS #: 115-86-6 (See NOTE B4) 2. Chemical name: , CAS #: “ 3. Chemical name: , CAS #: “
Alt. 2:Chemical specifications of flame retardants in plastic parts > 25 g according ISO 1043-4:
P7.19 In plastic parts > 25 g, flame retardant substances/preparations above 0,1% are used which have been
assigned the following Risk phrases; and Hazard statements:
The source(s) for these classifications is/are found at (add URL(s)): (See note B5)
P7.20* Postconsumer recycled plastic material content is used in the product (See Note B6): If YES; at least one of the two alternatives below shall be answered; a) Of total plastic parts’ weight > 25 g, the postconsumer recycled plastic material content (calculated as a
percentage of total plastic by weight) is 82.95 %.(EPEAT calculation) or b) The weight of recycled material is740.0g.
GENERAL NOTE Standard references should direct to the latest version of a standard. If an older version of a standard is used, section P15 shall be used for explanation.
NOTE B6 Applies to a product containing plastic parts whose combined weight exceeds 100 g with the exception of printed circuit boards, cables, connectors and electronic components and bio-based plastic material.
Annex B1 of ECMA-370 5 t hedit ion (Lenovo ) 2015-04-08 Page 4 (6 )
Model number * 63B2 Logo
Issue date * 2022/06/06
Product environmental attributes - Market requirements (continued) Requirement met Item Yes No n.a.
Material and substance requirements (continued) P7.21* Biobased plastic material content is used in the product (See NOTEB7):
If YES; at least one of the two alternatives below shall be answered; a) Of total plastic parts’ weight > 25 g, the biobased plastic material content (calculated as a percentage of
total plastic by weight) is %. or b) The weight of the biobased plastic material is g.
P7.22* Light sources are free from mercury, i.e. less than 0,1 mg/lamp. If mercury is used specify: Number of lamps: 0 and maximum mercury content per lamp: 0 mg
P8 Batteries P8.1* Battery chemical composition: P9 Energy consumption (See NOTEB8) P9.1 For the product the following power levels or energy consumptions are reported: Energy mode * Power level at
100 V AC Power level at
115V AC Power level at
230 V AC Reference/Standard for energy modes and test method *
ENERGY STAR® On Mode*(System Idle)
11.95W @ 50Hz 11.94W @ 60Hz
11.88W 11.91W ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for Displays: Ver. 8.0
ENERGY STAR® Low Power Sleep Mode*
0.11W@ 50Hz 0.11W @ 60Hz
0.11W 0.17W ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for Displays: Ver. 8.0
ENERGY STAR® Off / Apparent Off Mode*
0.07W @ 50Hz 0.07W @ 60Hz
0.07W 0.12W
ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for Displays: Ver. 8.0
ETEC * Annual Energy Consumption
37.27Wh/year@50 HZ 37.23Wh/year@60 Hz
37.05Wh/year 37.48Wh/year ETEC = 8.76 x (Pon x 0.35 + Psleep x 0.65)
External Power Supply Efficiency Level (International Efficiency Marking Protocol) * : n.a.
Display resolution* :1920*1080megapixels ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for Displays: Ver. 8.0
Default time to enter energy save mode: 20 seconds ENERGY STAR® Program Requirements for Displays: Ver. 8.0
P9.2* Information about the energy save function is provided with the product. P9.3* The product meets the energy requirements of the following voluntary program/s:
ENERGY STAR® version: 8.0 Product category: Display.
P10 Emissions Noise emission – Declared according to ISO 9296 (See NOTE B9) P10.1 Mode Mode description Statistical upper limit A-weighted sound power level, LWA,c(B) Idle N/A N/A Operation N/A N/A Other mode N/A N/A Other mode N/A N/A Measured according to: ISO 7779 ECMA-74
Other (only if not covered by ECMA-74)
NOTE B7 The following is to be excluded from the calculation of percentage: printed circuit boards, labels, cables, connectors and electronic components and postconsumer recycled plastic
NOTE B8A Guidance document on Energy Efficiency is available; see
NOTE B9A Guidance document on Acoustic Noise is available; see
Annex B1 of ECMA-370 5 t hedit ion (Lenovo ) 2015-04-08 Page 5 (6 )
Model number * 63B2 Logo
Issue date * 2022/06/06
Product environmental attributes - Market requirements (continued) Requirement met Item Yes No n.a.
Electromagnetic emissions P10.4 Computer display meets the requirement for low frequency electromagnetic fields of the following voluntary
program(s): JEITA, MPRII, TCO 9.0
P12 Ergonomics for computing products P12.1* The display meets the ergonomic requirements of ISO 9241-307 for visual display technologies. P12.2* The physical input device meets the requirements of ISO 9995 and ISO 9241-410. P13 Packaging and documentation P13.1* Product packaging material type(s): Corrugated paper(BE flute)(Carton) weight (kg): 0.95
Product packaging material type(s): pulp (Cushion) weight (kg): 0.802 Product packaging material type(s): EPE+PO (BAG) weight (kg): 0.024
P13.2* Product plastic primary packaging is free from PVC. P13.3* For product primary corrugated fiberboard packaging, specify the contained percentage of minimum post-
consumer recovered fiber content: 90 %
P13.4* Specify media for user and product documentation (tick box): Electronic, Paper, Other
P13.5 (Please only complete this item if paper documentation used) User and product documentation on paper media is chlorine-free: If Yes, please specify:
Totally chlorine-free
Elemental chlorine-free
Processed chlorine-free
P14 Voluntary programs P14.1 The product meets the requirements of the following voluntary program(s):
ISO9241-307 Criteria version: / Date:2022-06-16 Product category: LCD monitor Eye comfort Criteria version: 1.0 Date:2022-06-16 Product category: LCD monitor Low Blue light (Hardware) Criteria version: 2.0 Date:2022-06-16 Product category:LCD monitor Eye Safe Criteria version: 2.0 Date:2022-07-01 Product category:LCD monitor TCO Criteria version: 9.0 Date:2022-06-14 Product category:LCD monitor P15 Additional information (See NOTE B10) P9 Energy consumption of specific configuration may vary; description of the tested product configuration: NOTE: Supplier makes no representations, guarantees, assurances or warranties whether express or implied, regarding
the information contained in this document. All information provided by supplier in this document is provided based on supplier’s knowledge available at the time of completion, and supplier shall have no obligation to update such information. The information provided here is approximate and provided for informational purposes only. See a Lenovo Account Representative for more information.
P9 See Energy Star Qualified Monitors & Displays for the latest information:
NOTE B10 Additional lines may be inserted to declare further items, by positioning the cursor at the far right of the row and hitting the <Enter> key.
Annex B1 of ECMA-370 5 t hedit ion (Lenovo) 2015-04-08 Page 6 (6 )
Legal references Europe Annex B2
Reference Declarat ion i tem
Di rect ive 2011/65 /EU (RoHS Di rec t ive)* *Spec i f i c exempt ions app ly fo r c er t a in p roduc ts and app l i ca t ions .
Regula t ion (EC) 1907/2006(REACH, Annex XVI I P1.2 , P1 .4, P1 .6 , P1 .7
Regula t ion (EC) 2037/2000, 2038/2000, 2039/2000 (Market ing and use of Ozone layer dep le t ing substances)
P1.3 , P5 .3
Norwegian regu la t ion re la t ing to rest r ic t i ons on the use o f cer ta in dangerous chemica ls 20.12.2002
Di rect ive 2013/56 /EC (Battery and accumulators Di rect ive)* *These p rov is ions sha l l no t app ly where , f or saf e ty , per form ance, med ic al o r data int egr i ty reaso ns , c ont inu i t y o f power su pply is necessa ry and requi res a permanen t connec t ion betwe en the ap p l iance and the bat t e ry or accumula to r .
P2.1 , P2 .2, P2 ,3 , P8 .1
Di rect ive 2006/95 /EC (Low Voltage Direc t ive ) P3.1
Di rect ive 2004/108 /EC (EMC Di rect ive) P3.1
Di rect ive 1999/5 /EC (R&TTE Di rec t ive) P3.1
Regula t ion (EC)801/2013 amending Regula t ion (EC) No 1275/2008 wi th regard to ecodesign requ i rements for s tandby, o f f mode e l ect r ic power consumpt ion of e lec tr ica l and e lect ron ic household and o f f i ce equipment, and amending Regula t ion (EC) No 642/2009 wi th regard to ecodesign requ irements for te lev is ions
P3.1 , P3 .2
Regula t ion(EC)No 1272/2008 (CLP Regula t ion) P7.19
Di rect ive 2004/12 /EC ( Packaging Direc t ive ) P5.1
Decis ion 97/129/EC (Secondary packaging leg is la t ion) P5.2
Di rect ive 2012/19 /EU (WEEE d i rect ive) P6.1
Lenovo Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) Information Sheet PC/Notebook/Monitor/Tablet
Commercial Name Thinkvision T23i-30
Model Number 63B2 Issue Date 2022-07-04
Product Environmental Attributes (a) Product Carbon Footprint Value: 1550kg of CO2e (see Note 1 below)
(b) Product Picture: (c) Life Cycle Detail by Component & Life Stage (Pie Chart):
Note 1: All estimates of carbon footprint are uncertain. Lenovo reports the 95th percentile of the carbon footprint estimate to reflect that uncertainty. For this product, that estimate has a mean of 751 kg of CO2e and standard deviation of 174 kg of CO2e. For a quantity that follows a normal distribution, the 95th percentile value is equal to the mean plus the standard deviation multiplied by 1.64. Other organizations might report this value as 751 +/- 174 kg of CO2e.
This PCF was generated using the Product Attribute to Impact Algorithm model, Version 1.3.1, Date: 5/9/2018 (Product Type: 7.7.2022), © Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Materials Systems Laboratory, August 2012. Please refer to the Intended Uses and Limitations of the PAIA Model, © Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Materials Systems Laboratory, August 2012 for further details. Link to Document
This calculation was based upon a Lenovo ThinkVision T23i-30 with the assumptions and configuration described in the calculation assumptions in the next page.
This pie chart provides the percent contribution of the mean value for each element of the analysis for the full life cycle CO2e impacts of the product. Individual elements displaying 0% are less than 0.5%.
Lenovo Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) Information Sheet
Page 2 of 2
Assumption Table
Category Element Unit Input Mean COV
Product Specifics
Product Weight kg 5.24 Primary
Annual Energy Usage kWh 37.48
Screen Size inches 23
Product Lifetime years 5
Location Assembly Location no unit CN
Use Location no unit WW
Transportation from
Assembly to Customer
To country of use: by air fraction 0.25 Medium
To country of use: by ship fraction 0.75 Medium
To country of use: by rail fraction 0 Medium
To country of use: by truck fraction 0 Medium
In country of use: by air fraction 0.1 Primary
In country of use: by ship fraction 0 Primary
In country of use: by rail fraction 0.2 Primary
In country of use: by truck fraction 0.7 Primary
End of Life Fraction Recycled (remainder to landfill) fraction 0.80
Fraction Shredded Recycling (remainder to manual) fraction 0.77
The PCF value is calculated using the specific attributes above for assembly, use and transportation mode. If you need any other country specific information, please contact [email protected].
Life cycle phases included in the streamlined Product Attribute to Impact Algorithm (PAIA) Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) can be grouped into four categories which include Manufacture, Transport, Use, and End of Life. Below is a brief description of each phase.
Manufacture: This life cycle phase captures emissions generated during the extraction, production, and transport of raw materials, the manufacture of components and subassemblies (including the product packaging) and product assembly.
Transport: Emissions included in the transport phase include all those generated during the air, ocean or land transport of finished or semi-finished Lenovo products between Lenovo facilities and from Lenovo facilities to customers.
Use: In use energy consumption is calculated in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star® Typical Energy Consumption (TEC) methodology. Calculated energy consumption is then used in combination with average emissions factors for the designated country of use to calculate emissions.
End of Life: It is assumed that a designated portion of the product (see table above) is recycled at the end of the use period determined in the TEC methodology. It is also assumed that the balance of the product waste materials is disposed of by landfill. Emissions generated during the mechanical destruction, separation and transport of end of life materials are included in the calculation.
Product scope of this sheet includes desktop computer, integrated desktop computer, notebook computer, monitor and tablet. This document is only valid in connection with “THE ECO DECLARATION” of the specific product.
1. DisplayPort 1.2 6. USB 3.2 Gen 1
2. HDMI 1.4 7. Audio-out (3.5mm)
3. VGA 8. USB 3.2 Gen 1
4. USB-B 3.2 Gen 1 9. USB 3.2 Gen 1
5. USB 3.2 Gen 1
ThinkVision T23i-30
PSREF Product Specifications Reference
1 of 6ThinkVision T23i-30 - September 04 2023
PERFORMANCE Panel Panel 3-side NearEdgeless, In-Plane Switching
Backlight WLED
Display Size 23 inches
Max View Area WxH: 509.1 x 286.4 mm
Resolution 1920 x 1080
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Pixel Pitch 0.265 x 0.265 mm
Dot / Pixel Per Inch 96 dpi
Brightness 250 cd/m²
Contrast Ratio Contrast Ratio: 1000:1• Dynamic Contrast Ratio: 3000000:1•
View Angle (H / V) Horizontal: 178°, Vertical: 178°
Response Time Extreme Mode: 4 ms• Normal Mode: 6 ms• Off Mode: 14 ms•
Refresh Rate 60Hz
Color Gamut 72% NTSC
Color Support 16.7 Million
Color Depth 8-bit (6-bit+FRC)
Screen Surface Treatment Anti-glare
Operating System Operating System
Windows® 11 Support• Windows® 10 Support•
Power Supply Power Consumption
Typical / Max: 15W / 48W• Sleep / Off mode: <0.5W• Switch-off Mode: <0.3W• Energy Star Power On: 11.88W• Energy Star TEC: 37.05kWh•
ThinkVision T23i-30
PSREF Product Specifications Reference
2 of 6ThinkVision T23i-30 - September 04 2023
Internal Power Supply•
Voltage Required AC 90 to 264 V (50-60Hz)
Special Features Special Features
Lenovo® ThinkColour (Lenovo® Accessories and Display Manager) Support Lenovo® ThinkColour supports Windows® 10 & 11, Mac OS, and Windows® On Arm (functions vary across systems). Lenovo® Accessories and Display Manager is formerly Lenovo® Display Control Center.
Natural Low Blue Light•
DESIGN Mechanical ThinkCentre® M Series Support ThinkCentre® M Series Tiny Support For supporting Tiny devices, additional Tiny Clamp Bracket Mounting Kit III (PN: 4XF1K72399) are needed (sold separately).
Bezel Width Side: 2mm• Top / Bottom: 2mm / 17.3mm•
Cable Management Support
Case Color Raven black
Dimensions (WxDxH)[1]
Models Dimensions
Lowest Position 522.0 x 199.7 x 338.8 mm (20.55 x 7.86 x 13.34 inches)
Highest Position 522.0 x 199.7 x 493.8 mm (20.55 x 7.86 x 19.44 inches)
Head Only 522.0 x 46.4 x 313.1 mm (20.55 x 1.83 x 12.33 inches)
Minimal Height 28 mm (1.1 inches)
Packaging Dimensions (WxDxH) 592 x 150 x 421 mm (23.31 x 5.91 x 16.57 inches)
Models Weight
Monitor With Stand 5.2 kg (11.46 lbs)
Monitor Head Only 3.2 kg (7.05 lbs)
Packaging Weight 7.3 kg (16.09 lbs)
Mounting Supports VESA mount 100mm
Stand Supports -5° to +23.5° tilt, left & right 45 swivel, 90° pivot, up to 155mm lift
In the Box Monitor with Stand• 1x HDMI® cable (1.8m)• 1x USB-A to USB-B Cable (1.8m)• 1x Power cable (1.8m)• Quick Setup Guide• Warranty Booklet•
ThinkVision T23i-30
PSREF Product Specifications Reference
3 of 6ThinkVision T23i-30 - September 04 2023
[1] The system dimensions may vary depending on configurations. [2] The system weight is approximate and based on results in Lenovo® lab, which varies depending on the source of component, variance of the distribution of each component, and manufacturing process. It may not be the exact weight for each specific model.
Rear Ports 1x USB-B 3.2 Gen 1, USB upstream• 4x USB 3.2 Gen 1, USB downstream• 1x HDMI® 1.4• 1x DisplayPort™ 1.2• 1x VGA• 1x Power Connector• 1x audio-out (3.5mm)•
[1] The transfer speed of following ports will vary and, depending on many factors, such as the processing speed of the host device, file attributes and other factors related to system configuration and your operating environment, will be slower than theoretical speed. USB 2.0: 480 Mbit/s; USB 3.2 Gen 1 (SuperSpeed USB 5Gbps, formerly USB 3.0 / USB 3.1 Gen 1): 5 Gbit/s; USB 3.2 Gen 2 (SuperSpeed USB 10Gbps, formerly USB 3.1 Gen 2): 10 Gbit/s; USB4® 20Gbps / USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 (SuperSpeed USB 20Gbps): 20 Gbit/s; USB4® 40Gbps (USB 40Gbps): 40 Gbit/s; Thunderbolt™ 3/4: 40 Gbit/s.
SECURITY & PRIVACY Security Physical Locks Kensington® Security Slot™
SERVICE Warranty Base Warranty 3-year limited warranty
CERTIFICATIONS Green Certifications[1]
Green Certifications ENERGY STAR® Certified• EPEAT™ Gold Registered[2]• RoHS compliant• TCO Certified 9.0• TCO edge 2.0• Volatile Organic Compound Certification•
[1] The items listed under the "Green Certifications" section may not only refer to certification but also registration or self- declaration. For ESG & regulatory compliance documents, please visit [2] EPEAT™ is registered where applicable, please visit for registration status by country.
Other Certifications
ThinkVision T23i-30
PSREF Product Specifications Reference
4 of 6ThinkVision T23i-30 - September 04 2023
Other Certifications Eyesafe® Certified 2.0• TÜV Rheinland® Eye Comfort Certification• TÜV Rheinland® Flicker Free• TÜV Rheinland® Low Blue Light• TÜV Rheinland® Low Blue Light (Hardware Solution)•
Lenovo reserves the right to change specifications or other product information without notice. Lenovo is not
responsible for photographic or typographical errors. LENOVO PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION “AS IS,”
disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore this disclaimer may not apply to
The specifications on this page may not be available in all regions, and may be changed or updated without
ThinkVision T23i-30
PSREF Product Specifications Reference
5 of 6ThinkVision T23i-30 - September 04 2023
ThinkVision T23i-30
PSREF Product Specifications Reference
6 of 6ThinkVision T23i-30 - September 04 2023