Dokumendiregister | Siseministeerium |
Viit | 14-8.7/519-1 |
Registreeritud | 05.06.2018 |
Sünkroonitud | 26.03.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 14 Euroopa Liidu toetusmeetmete väljatöötamine, rakendamine ja järelevalve teostamine |
Sari | 14-8.7 Sisejulgeolekufond 2014-2020 |
Toimik | 14-8.7 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | Euroopa Komisjon |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | Euroopa Komisjon |
Vastutaja | Eva-Liisa Mõistlik (kantsleri juhtimisala, sisejulgeolekupoliitika asekantsleri valdkond, välisvahendite osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL HOME AFFAIRS Directorate E – Migration and Security Funds; Financial Resources and Monitoring Unit E.2: National programmes for South and East Europe, AMIF/ISF Committee Unit E.3: National programmes for North and West Europe, Evaluations, MFF
Note to the Members of the Asylum, Migration and Integration and Internal Security Funds Committee
Subject: Launch of the 2018 Specific Action pledging exercise under the
Internal Security Fund (ISF) - Borders & Visa for the purchase of equipment
to be put at the disposal of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency
Annex II to the Internal Security Fund (ISF) -Borders & Visa Regulation (EU)
No 515/2014 provides for two categories of Specific Actions, namely actions in the area of consular cooperation and actions linked to the purchase of
equipment to support the European Border and Coast Guard Agency
(EBCGA) operations.
As part of the reinforcements foreseen for the 2018 EU budget, and as
announced during the AMIF/ISF Committee on 22 March 2018, the Commission has secured an additional amount of EUR 123.6 million for the
purchase of equipment to be put at the disposal of the European Border and
Coast Guard Agency (EBCGA) and to be distributed to the Member States
through Specific Actions under the Borders & Visa instrument of the ISF.
This pledging exercise concerns only this category of Specific Actions, i.e.
purchasing means of transport and operating equipment that are
considered necessary for the deployment during joint operations by
the Agency and which shall be put at the disposal of the Agency (in
accordance with the criteria established in Article 39 of EBCG Regulation 2016/1624).
These Specific Actions should be seen in the context of the EBCG Agency role
in providing for the appropriate technical and operational assistance to
Member States so as to reinforce their capacity to implement their
obligations with regard to the control of the external borders and to face challenges at the external borders e.g. resulting from irregular immigration.
In this respect, the Agency should, at the request of a Member State or on
its own initiative, organise and coordinate joint operations for one or more
Ref. Ares(2018)2591772 - 18/05/2018
Member States and deploy European Border and Coast Guard teams as well
as the necessary technical equipment.
The main objective of this pledging exercise is to ensure better suitability
and availability of equipment for the operations carried out by the EBCG
Agency regardless the place of deployment where the given equipment
would be needed. Consequently, the equipment purchased under the
Specific Actions should enable the Agency to provide for equipment which otherwise would not be available in the Member States
hosting those operations.
It is important to stress that the European Border and Coast Guard
Regulation1 has further clarified and reinforced the legal obligations
of Member States to put the equipment, co-financed through Specific Actions, at the disposal of the Agency. More concretely, such equipment
be registered in the technical equipment pool managed by EBCGA;
form part of the minimum number of equipment for a given year;
be made available by Member States for deployment anywhere at the
EU external borders at the request of the Agency, unless those
Member States are faced with an exceptional situation substantially
affecting the discharge of national tasks;
for rapid border interventions and the so called urgent actions at the external borders, be made unconditionally available by Member
States for deployment and, in that sense, they should be offered in
the framework of the Rapid Reaction Equipment Pool.
As a result of the 2015 and 2017 pledging exercises, more than EUR 208
million were allocated to 14 Member States for EBCGA equipment Specific
Actions under the respective ISF-Borders & Visa national programmes for the purchase of 49 different assets. Such assets are expected to be registered in
the EBCGA technical equipment pool as soon as their acquisition is completed
and made available for EBCGA operations in coming months and years.
Specific Actions are designed as top-up funding, i.e. additional amounts that
will be added to Member States' basic allocations depending on their willingness to implement under their National Programmes actions that
respond to specific Union priorities and have a strong EU dimension.
The additional amount available for these Specific Actions is allocated to the
Member States on the basis of their pledges, i.e. applications that will be
assessed by the Commission, in close collaboration with the EBCG Agency. If an application for a Specific Action is accepted by the Commission, the action
and the corresponding amount will be included in the relevant ISF-Borders &
Visa National Programme through a revision of the latter.
1 Regulation (EU) No 2016/1624 of 14 September 2016
In order to allow the Commission to allocate the available additional funding,
all applications by Member States for Specific Actions must be assessed at
the same time.
Member States are invited to submit their applications at the latest by 22
June 2018 close of business, using the application form in annex
accompanied by the Technical Assessment form. Applications submitted after
this deadline will not be considered for the final assessment.
The applications should be submitted through SFC2014 as an 'other Member
State document' attached to the most recently approved ISF-Borders & Visa National Programme. Member States may submit additional documentation if
so desired.
The applications will be evaluated by the Commission in close collaboration
with EBCG Agency.
All applications must correspond to equipment listed under section 3.1 and further detailed in the annexes of this document. In the event that the
Specific Action is over-subscribed, a two-step procedure may be used to
refine the selection, where the Commission may ask for further information.
The information on the successful offers will be communicated to the
Member States in September 2018 and the respective revisions of the national programmes are expected to be finalised in autumn 2018.
3.1. The Agency's equipment needs
In consultation with the EBCG Agency, the following types of mobile2
equipment were identified as eligible for this pledging exercise:
number of
units to be
current pledging
Type of equipment
number of units
to be awarded
per Member
Maritime equipment
up to 2 Offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) 1
up to 5 Coastal patrol vessels (CPVs) 1
up to 15 Coastal patrol boats (CPBs) 3 to 5
Covered Boat; Fast Boat – RHIB
Aerial equipment
Heavy Helicopter
(HELO – HD) 1
2 Fixed equipment is to be financed via the Member States' national programmes.
The Member States are invited to submit their offers reflecting the technical
specifications and taking into account all elements presented in Annex I and
II. Only costs linked to the purchase of the equipment itself are eligible under this Specific Actions. Running costs and costs for maintenance during
periods when the asset is not deployed for an operational activity of the
Agency can be envisaged under the National Programmes.
The number of units to be co-financed should be considered as indicative and will depend on the total costs of the best project proposals as compared to
the availability of the budget. As indicated above, in order to ensure the
widest possible distribution of co-financed assets between Member States,
the Commission intends to limit the number of co-financed assets per
Member State (per type). At the same time, in principle the same Member
State may not be awarded more than two types of equipment.
Building on the experience and selection criteria of the previous pledging
exercises, the assessment of the Specific Actions proposed under this call will
be based on the following criteria:
1. Overall quality/price feasibility and affordability – this criterion shall assess the overall quality of the project proposal,
including the technical specifications and the adequacy of estimated
price per item of equipment. It will also take into account other
detailed information provided in the application as technical expertise
and price feasibility, information on the future through-lifetime
management costs such as running and maintenance costs, supply chain management, storage etc.3, as well as specific equipment
available on board of the assets.
2. Compliance with the identified needs – this criterion shall
assess in particular the adequacy of the technical equipment proposed
vs the needs identified by the Agency. Assessment will take into
account compliance with the minimum standards/requirements for
technical specifications included in this note and reflecting standards for the inclusion in the Agency's Overall Minimum Number of Technical
Equipment (OMNTE). Applications for assets not respecting the
minimum technical requirements set out in the Annexes will be
3. Likelihood to deploy – this criterion shall assess the level of
likelihood that the proposed equipment will be deployed on joint
operations, upon the EBCGA request. Assessment will take into account, but not be limited to, technical parameters such as range of
autonomy as well as transfer costs from the home MS to the
operational area compared to the average duration of deployment.
3 The price of the offered assets (including among others daily running cost for vessels, flying costs for aerial assets) should not exceed the ceiling of the average price for the same kind of asset that a MS contributed during Joint Operations based on the Running Expenses of Means
(REM), see Annex III. This price should not include depreciation cost.
4. Project Delivery– this criterion shall assess the applicant's ability
to procure the assets and make them available to the Agency. In this
regard, the feasibility of the procurement process planning will be taken into account, including the timeline for the development of
technical specifications or possibility to quickly adapt/customize
existing technical specifications e.g. those prepared for similar recent
acquisitions. Prior experience with similar procurements and
experiences under the previous specific actions will be duly taken into account. This aspect is especially important taking in consideration the
limited remaining funding period for incurring expenditure4.
All the criteria are equally important5. It is essential to ensure the earliest
possible availability, therefore Member States with successful offers are
expected to start the preparatory stages of procurement procedures immediately after the initial notification by the Commission and effectively
launch the procurement process shortly after the revision of the national
programmes is concluded.
It is not possible to apply for financing of equipment that has already been
procured and delivered. However, Member States in the process of procuring assets clearly eligible under the present pledging, may apply if co-funding for
such equipment is not already envisaged/received either under the ISF
National Programme or other EU programmes.
5.1. General
The additional funding allocated for a Specific Action under the National
Programme of a given Member State may not be used for any other purpose than that of implementing the Specific Action awarded. This means that in
case of under-spending or non-implementation of the Specific Action, the
corresponding amount cannot be transferred to any other part of the national
programme or be used for purchasing other type of equipment than the one
that was awarded. Any unused amounts for which payments have been made by the Commission will have to be reimbursed to the Union budget.
The additional allocation is to be used strictly for the number of items and
types of equipment awarded. The minimum technical specifications as
outlined in this document are to be respected; any necessary change of the
technical specifications compared to the ones presented in the pledges shall be subject to prior approval by the Commission services. Costs exceeding the
original pledge can be covered through the National Programme, on the
condition that the other priorities of the NP are not substantially affected.
Whereas the standard co-financing rate under the national programmes is
75%, Specific Actions may benefit from an increased co-financing rate6 of
4 Expenditure must be incurred before 31 December 2022 to be eligible, cf. Art. 17 (3) of
Horizontal Regulation (EU) No 514/2014. 5 Each criterion weights 25%. Additional positive/negative points can be attributed for
assessment criterion 1 and 2 during the selection process i.e. negative points for prices above reference prices or positive points for technical features above requirements. The additional/ negative points are added/ subtracted from the total result. 6 Article 16(4) of Horizontal Regulation (EU) No 514/2014.
5.2. The process of acquisition
Within one month following the award of the specific actions, Member States will be invited to submit to the Commission a detailed calendar on different
steps for the acquisition. The Agency will be kept informed on every
development in this process, and may be requested to provide technical
support, if/as necessary, in particular as regards any issue related to the
technical specifications.
Before launching the procurement procedure, the technical specifications
shall be consulted with the Agency.
Member States will have to report regularly (every two months) on the state
of play of the implementation of the action, in particular the status of the procurement process. Such close monitoring aims at ensuring the
procurement and delivery of the assets in a timely manner and in full
compliance with the agreed technical specifications, in particular given the
end of eligibility period (31 December 2022) under the ISF.
5.3. Use of the purchased assets
Member States shall register the equipment purchased under the Specific
Action in the EBCGA Technical Equipment Pool and make it available to
EBCGA in accordance with Article 39 of the EBCG Regulation.
The co-financed assets are expected to be put at the disposal of EBCGA,
upon its request expressed in the framework of annual bilateral negotiation,
during a minimum period of 4 months per year. It is for the EBCGA to decide
when and where such assets should be put at its disposal to boost the
Agency's operational effectiveness.
It should be noted that the equipment considered as 'being put at the disposal of the Agency for a minimum period of 4 months per year' is the
equipment made available for EBCGA-coordinated operations carried out in
another host Member State and not in the context of deployments by the
host Member States.
The maintenance and operational costs for equipment at the time when it is not being used in EBCGA joint operations or rapid border interventions (i.e.
when it is being used for tasks of a national character at the Member State's
own borders) are to be borne by the Member State who owns it. These costs
are eligible for support from Operating Support under ISF-Borders & Visa.
After the day of successful purchase, this equipment should be registered in the Agency's pools for a minimum duration of ten years and made available
to the Agency in accordance with the above-mentioned conditions.
Annex I: Requirements for Maritime Equipment for EBCG Operations7
Annex II: Requirements for Aerial Equipment for EBCG Operations8
Annex III: Running Expenses of Means (REM) of Maritime and Aerial Assets
(HELO HD) – data issued from EBCGA REM for different types of assets
Annex IV: Application Form (word document)
Annex V: Technical assessment form (excel)
7 These minimum technical requirements are based on the specifications drafted by the expert
Working Group – composed by EBCGA and Member State experts -, being still a work-in-
progress. 8 These requirements are developed on the basis of the Selection criteria for the Technical
equipment, adopted by EBCGA Management Board in its Decision No5 from 26 March 2013.
Annex I: Requirements for Maritime Equipment for EBCG
Category: Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV)
Functions: Main focus on Maritime border surveillance; additional functions support
in multipurpose operational activities with a focus on coast guard functions cooperation including law enforcement.
Definition/purpose of use: Open Sea Patrol Vessel (OPV) = Range depending on the types of Vessel: 1501 Nm at least at economical speed.
Reference price: range EUR 16-26 million per OPV
EUR 16 million for smaller OPV;
EUR 26 million for larger/high-end OPV.
Operational suitability
Length 50≤72 m;
Autonomy 1501 nm and above at economical speed;
Endurance no less than 10 days;
Cabin space to facilitate ship-handling crew plus at least 6 operational crew
and 2 EBCGA liaison officers;
Maximum speed at least 19 knots;
Full operational ability in sea state 5 Douglas scale (DS) Swell 6;
Ability to navigate in sea state DS 7 Swell 7;
Ability to transmit EBCGA real-time position via EBCGA Positioning System (FPS).
Search and Rescue
Presence of relevant surveillance, logistics and communication equipment on board:
Capacity to rescue and accommodate minimum 250 people (on board up to 24 hours);
Capacity to transfer minimum 50 people (on board up to 48 hours);
Paramedic personnel on-board the vessel;
Certified winching area;
2 x Dinghys on board that can be lowered in a sea state of DS 4 minimum;
o Maximum speed for Dinghy at least 30 knots;
o Dinghy to rescue and transfer minimum 10 persons.
Communication and surveillance Telecommunication equipment as required for sea Area A3 in GMDSS
X-band marine radar (at least 10 KW);
S-band marine radar (at least 24 KW);
VHF air-band transceiver;
9 These minimum technical requirements are based on the specifications drafted by the expert
Working Group – composed by EBCGA and Member State experts -, being still a work-in-
VHF-DF (156-174 MHz & 121.5 MHz);
UHF transceiver;
Electronic navigational charts with nautical maps covering possible
deployment areas;
Fixed, long-range, gyro-stabilized EO/IR HD System;
AIS system;
Video/voice recorder for minimum 12 hours;
VHF Radio Finder for maritime frequencies.
Other requirements
Economical minimum speed 6 knots;
Sensor System with 360° view ability, with HD video recording ability on-
board and data streaming;
SAT communications voice/data;
Marine louder speakers system;
Bow thruster;
Marine searchlight;
Minimum 1 water cannon: to be able to spread water at min. 50 m (in case of
need – migrants/facilitators can set fire on board of their boat);
To be able to have on board a container (if no other space available) as an infirmary room, to create an isolated area for contagious diseases or pollution
cases min. 10 feet.
Deployment capacity
Length of the deployment period – at least 30 days;
Providing adequate number of crew members in order to implement the tasks
assigned in the Operational Plan.
Category: Coastal Patrol Vessels (CPV)
Functions: Maritime border surveillance, support in multipurpose operational
activities with focus on coast guard functions cooperation including law enforcement.
Reference price: range EUR 6-10 million per CPV
EUR 6 million for smaller CPV;
EUR 10 million for larger/high-end CPV.
Operational suitability Length 25≤49 m;
Autonomy from 600 to 1500 nm;
Endurance minimum of 3 days;
Maximum speed at least 25 knots;
Capacity to accommodate ship-handling crew and at least 6 operational crew
and 1 Liaison Officer;
Full operational ability in sea state 4 Douglas scale (DS) Swell 6;
Ability to navigate in sea state DS 6 Swell 6.
Search and Rescue Capacity to rescue a minimum 250 people for a short period;
Capacity to transfer a minimum of 50 people for at least 10 hours;
If CPV is not able to rescue people directly from water, then there should be a
Dinghy should have the following characteristics:
o Can be lowered in sea state of DS 4;
o Maximum speed at least 25 knots;
o Capacity to rescue and transfer minimum 5 persons.
Communication and surveillance Radio equipment as required for sea Area A2 in GMDSS regulation; satellite
Ability to transmit EBCGA real-time position via EBCGA Positioning System
GPS with plotter (with Deployment Sea Region);
VHF air-band transceiver;
UHF transceiver;
AIS system;
Fixed, long-range, gyro-stabilized EO/IR HD System;
Paramedical personnel on-board and medical equipment;
VDR and other recording equipment for radars, radios and cameras on board to record automatically for at least 12 hours.
Other requirements (please specify below)
X-band marine radar (at least 10 KW);
Economical speed between 12-15 knots;
Sensor System with 360° view ability with HD video recording ability on- board and data streaming;
Marine louder-speaker system;
Marine searchlight.
Deployment capacity
Length of the deployment period – at least 30 days;
Providing adequate number of crew members in order to implement the tasks assigned in the Operational Plan
Category: Coastal Patrol Boat (CPB) – Border Surveillance;
Sub Categories: Covered Boat
Functions: Border surveillance at sea, interceptions of targets, support in
multipurpose operational activities with focus on coast guard functions cooperation including law enforcement
Reference price:
EUR 3 million per CPB (Border Surveillance).
Operational suitability Endurance/autonomy up to 250 nm;
Maximum speed at least 30 knots;
Minimum 6 hours patrolling per day;
Capability to accommodate crew on board and at least 1 Liaison Officers;
Full operational ability in sea state 4 DS;
Capability to operate at night.
Search and Rescue
Presence of relevant surveillance and communication equipment on board:
Capacity to rescue and transfer minimum 15 persons; Fixed, long-range, gyro-stabilized EO/IR HD System.
Communication and surveillance
Presence of relevant surveillance and communication equipment on board:
VHF radio;
Marine radar; Ability to take high resolution pictures and video of incidents;
Navigation system with updated maps for responsibility area; Maritime VHF radio;
Readiness to transmit to EBCGA real-time position data via EBCGA Positioning
Deployment capacity Length of the deployment period – at least 30 days;
Providing adequate number of crew members in order to implement the tasks assigned in the Operational Plan (minimum 2 persons of crew).
Category: Costal Patrol Boat (CPB) – Interceptor;
Sub Categories: Fast Boat - RHIB
Functions: Interceptions of targets of interest at sea - support in multipurpose
operational activities with focus on coast guard functions cooperation including law
Reference price: EUR 1 million per CPB (Interceptor);
EUR 0.2 million for RIB platform;
EUR 0.4 million for RIB equipped.
Operational suitability Endurance/autonomy up to 250 nm;
Maximum speed at least 40 knots;
Minimum 6 hours patrolling per day;
Capability to accommodate crew on board and at least 1 Liaison Officer;
Full operational ability in sea state 3 DS;
Capability to operate at night.
Search and Rescue
Presence of relevant surveillance and communication equipment on board:
Capacity to rescue and transfer minimum 10 persons;
EO/IR capacity (portable accepted).
Communication and surveillance
Presence of relevant surveillance and communication equipment on board: VHF radio;
Marine radar;
Ability to take high resolution pictures and video of incidents;
Navigation system with updated maps for responsibility area;
Maritime VHF radio;
Readiness to transmit to EBCGA real-time position data via EBCGA Positioning
Deployment capacity
Length of the deployment period – at least 30 days;
Providing adequate number of crew members in order to implement the tasks assigned in the Operational Plan (minimum 2 persons of crew).
Annex II: Requirements for Aerial Equipment for EBCG Operations
Category: Requirements for a heavy10 helicopter fitted for maritime
Reference price:
Approximately EUR 22 million;
Operational suitability
Category “A”12 (performance Class 1)13 certified aircraft;
Capability to take on board in addition at least 2 persons – Liaison Officer and observer (not a crew member of MS/SAC) for regular patrol mission;
Endurance – not less than 3 hours (not taking into account fuel reserve);
Crew and helicopter certified to carry out day and night flight operations
under visual flight rules (VFR) and instrument flight rules (IFR);
Capable of flying in instrumental metrological conditions (IMC);
Safety equipment and sea survival equipment on-board (if distance from on-
shore site is beyond 10 minutes flight on cruise speed of the helicopter) for crew member and personnel;
Helmets or headsets for crew members;
Capacity to provide headsets to personnel other than crew members;
Digital maps of the operational area (installed or available on-board);
Capacity for SAR operations using rescue hoist / winch;
Rescue capacity at least 10 people;
Presence of relevant surveillance and communication equipment on board:
- VHF/UHV and maritime band capable;
- Maritime Surveillance Radar;
- Direction Finder in all emergency frequencies;
- Electro Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) sensors;
10 Helicopter category Maximum Take-off Weight (MTOW) 9000 kg <. 11 These requirements are developed on the basis of the Selection criteria for the Technical equipment, adopted by EBCGA Management Board in its Decision No5 from 26 March 2013. 12 “Category A” with respect to helicopters’ means a multi-engine helicopter designed with engine and system isolation features specified in the applicable airworthiness codes and capable of operations using take-off and landing data scheduled under a critical engine failure concept that assures adequate designated surface area and adequate performance capability
for continued safe flight or safe rejected take-off in the event of engine failure. 13 “Operation in performance class 1” means an operation that, in the event of failure of the critical engine, the helicopter is able to land within the rejected take-off distance available or
safely continue the flight to an appropriate landing area, depending on when the failure occurs.
- SATCOM Voice or equivalent.
Additional equipment on-board/additional features (non obligatory)
o Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) or/and Surveillance radar or/and Side- Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR);
o Ability to use rescue swimmer during SAR;
o Medevac capability / medic on-board / medical assistance on-board;
o Airborne Video Broadcast Down Link System / Downlink / Data link / Line of Sight (real time motion video streaming and data);
o Readiness to transmit to EBCGA real time position data (similar to EBCGA Positioning System / or partial integration with EBCGA
Positioning System / or acceptance of EBCGA Positioning System on-
o AIS receiver;
o Weather radar;
o Certified Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS) equipment on-board.
Deployment capacity
Length of the deployment period – at least 30 days;
Providing adequate number of crew members in order to implement the tasks
assigned in the Operational Plan
Annex III: Running Expenses of Means (REM)14 of Maritime and
Aerial Assets (HELO HD) – data issued from EBCGA REM for different
types of assets
OPVs EUR 9 740 per day
CPVs EUR 3 072 per day
CPBs EUR 1 252 per day
HELO (HD) EUR 4 429 per day
14 REM include, among other costs, daily allowances of crew (not salaries), insurance, fuel and
lubricants, maintenance etc. as described in details in the REM guidelines.
Electronically signed on 17/05/2018 18:17 (UTC+02) in accordance with article 4.2 (Validity of electronic documents) of Commission Decision 2004/563
EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL HOME AFFAIRS Directorate E – Migration and Security Funds; Financial resources and monitoring Unit E.2: National programmes for South and East Europe, evaluation, AMIF/ISF Committee Unit E.3: National programmes for North and West Europe; Evaluations; MFF
Annex IV
Application form for Specific Actions
EBCGA equipment
one application form per type of equipment
to be submitted together with the technical assessment form
Completeness of the requested information will be essential during
the evaluation
1. General part
Member State:
Fund: ISF-Borders Specific Objective:
Borders (SO2)
equipment for EBCGA
Type of requested asset:
Number of items:
Number of similar / same type of equipment currently in operation at the external border of the applying Member State:
2. Technical part
Short technical description of asset in addition to technical assessment form and functions, definition/purpose of use:
Description of on-board equipment:
Expected maintenance and exploitation costs (per year):
Ref. Ares(2018)2591772 - 18/05/2018
3. Financial part
Total budget per item1:
Total budget:
Total EU contribution requested:
4. Planning and procurement
Please explain how fast the necessary technical specifications could be
Has your service purchased similar equipment in last 10 years?
Is there any additional national requirements/ procedures before the launch
of the procurement (i.e. earmarking of resources in national budget)
Type of procurement procedure planned:
If an existing framework or supplier contract will be used please give references and the name of supplier (if known) :
If direct award is used please provide the justification:
If applicable, please present the state of play for the purchase of assets awarded under previous pledging procedures for Specific Actions. In case of
delays against the initial planning, please explain.
Approximate description of the process, indicating the timing (precise by
quarters) and main steps for all stages of the purchase: development of
technical specifications, other preparatory stages, tendering, evaluating; contracting, delivery.
1 including on board equipment
Location and planned area of operations of equipment in applicant MS:
Expected date (precise by quarter) when the equipment will be registered in
the EBCGA pool of technical resources and put at the disposal of the Agency:
Indicative timetable 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Preparatory process, including development of
technical specification:
Launch of procurement
Tendering :
Registration in EBCGA pool
Eva-Liisa Mõistlik
From: [email protected]
Sent: reede, 1. juuni 2018 14:58
Subject: ***Extension of DDL 06.07.2018 - 2018 Specific Action pledging exercise under the
ISF - Borders for the purchase of equipment to be put at the disposal of the EBCGA
Attachments: 06_Ares(2018)2591772_ECBGA plegde launch_Annex 5.pdf; 06_Ares(2018)2591772
_ECBGA plegde launch_Annex 4.pdf; 06_Ares(2018)2591772_ECBGA plegde
launch_Note to MS and 3 first annexes.pdf
Importance: High
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Dear Members of the AMIF-ISF Committee,
With regard to the note sent to the Member States on 18 May 2018 on '2018 Specific Action pledging exercise under ISF-Borders for the purchase of equipment to be put at the disposal of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCGA)', Ares(2018)2591772, we would like to inform you of the extension of the original deadline (22 June 2018) by two weeks, which is until 6 July 2018.
We would furthermore like to clarify with view to point 4, Evaluation methodology (and more specifically on point 2. Compliance with the identified needs) that the minimum technical requirements have to be respected, while the values given as maximum are indicative.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
On behalf of Beate Gminer, Chair of the Committee Best regards, Alix Alix-Anne ELSLANDER
Programme Manager – EU policies
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and Internal Security Fund
European Commission
Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs HOME.E2: National programmes for South and East Europe, AMIF/ISF Committee Rue du Luxembourg 46
LX 46 05/186
B-1000 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 29 99487
[email protected] From: HOME AMIF ISF COMMITTEE
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 9:33 AM
Subject: Ares(2018)2591772 - Note to the Member States - Launch of the 2018 Specific Action pledging exercise under the ISF - Borders for the purchase of equipment to be put at the disposal of the EBCGA ***DDL 22.06.2018
Importance: High Dear Members of the AMIF-ISF Committee, Please find enclosed our note to the Member States on the launch of the 2018 Specific Action pledging exercise under ISF-Borders for the purchase of equipment to be put at the disposal of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCGA): Member States are invited to submit their applications through SFC2014 as an 'other Member State document' attached to the most recently approved ISF-Borders & Visa National Programme, at the latest by 22 June 2018 close of business, using the application form in annex accompanied by the Technical Assessment form. Applications submitted after this deadline will not be considered for the final assessment. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. On behalf of Beate Gminer, Chair of the Committee Sincerely yours, Alix Alix-Anne ELSLANDER
Programme Manager – EU policies
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and Internal Security Fund
European Commission
Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs HOME.E2: National programmes for South and East Europe, AMIF/ISF Committee Rue du Luxembourg 46
LX 46 05/186
B-1000 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 29 99487
Category: Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV)
Please give
value or yes/no
where indicated
Compliance (to
be filled in by
Reference Price EUR 16 - 26 million
EUR 16 million for smaller
EUR 26 million for larger/high-end
Endurance 10 days ≤
Cabin space Minimum necessary ship-handling crew
plus at least 6 operational crew
plus 2 EBCGA liaison officers
Maximum speed at least 19 knots
Full operational ability in sea state 5 Douglas scale (DS) Swell 6
Ability to navigate in sea state
DS 7 Swell 7
Capacity to rescue and accommodate on board 250 people ≤ up to 24 hours
Capacity to transfer on board 50 People ≤ up to 48 hours
Number of Dinghys on board 2
Dinghys lowered in a sea state
DS 4 ≤
Dinghys maximum speed at least 30 knots
Dinghy to rescue and transfer 10 People ≤
X-band marine radar at least 10 KW
S-band marine radar at least 24 KW
VHF-DF 156-174 MHz & 121.5 MHz
Video Voice recorder minimum 12 hours
Economical minimum speed
6 knots
Lenght of deployment period at least 30 days Crew members in order to implement the tasks
assigned in the Operational Plan at least 2 persons
Warrantee please give months
Running expenses of means (REM) should not exceed EUR 9740 per day
Ability to transmit EBCGA real-time position via FPS
Paramedical personnel on-board the vessel
Certified winching area
Telecommunication equipment as required for sea Area A3 in GMDSS regulation
VHF air-band transceiver
UHF transceiver
electronic navigational charts with nautical maps covering possible deployment areas
Fixed, long-range, gyro-stabilized EO/IR HD System
AIS System
VHF Radio Finder for maritime frequencies
Minimum 1 water cannon: to be able to spread water at min. 50 m
Possibility to have on board a container (if no other space available)
Sensor System with 360° view ability, with HD video recording ability on-board and data streaming
SAT communications voice/data
Marine louder speakers system
Bow thruster
Marine searchlight
Ref. Ares(2018)2591772 - 18/05/2018
Coastal Patrol Vessels (CPV)
Please give
value or
yes/no where
indicated Reference Price EUR 6 - 10 Million
EUR 6 million for smaller
EUR 10 million for larger/high-end
Length 25≤49 m
Autonomy 600 - 1500 nm
Endurance 3 days ≤
Cabin space Minimum necessary ship-handling
crew plus at least 6 operational crew
plus 1 Frontex liaison officers
Maximum speed at least 25 knots
Full operational ability in sea state 4 Douglas scale (DS) Swell 6
Ability to navigate in sea state DS 6 Swell 6
Capacity to rescue 250 people ≤ for a short period
Capacity to transfer on board 50 People ≤ for at least 10 hours
Number of Dinghys on board 1
Dinghys lowered in a sea state DS 4 ≤
Dinghys maximum speed at least 25 knots
Dinghy to rescue and transfer 5 People ≤
Yes/No VDR and other recording
equipment for radars, radios and
cameras on board to record
minimum 12 hours
X-band marine radar at least 10 KW
Economical minimum speed between 12-15 knots
Lenght of deployment period at least 30 days Crew members in order to
implement the tasks assigned in
the Operational Plan at least 2 persons
Warrantee please give months
Running expenses of means (REM) should not exceed EUR 3.072,00
per day
Telecommunication equipment as required for sea Area A2 in GMDSS
VHF air-band transceiver
UHF transceiver
Ability to transmit Frontex real-time position via FPS
GPS with plotter
Marine louder speakers system
Marine searchlight
Fixed, long-range, gyro-stabilized EO/IR HD System
AIS System
Sensor System with 360º view ability with HD video recording ability
on-board and data streaming
Paramedical personnel on-board the vessel
Coastal Patrol Vessels (CPV)
(to be filled in
by COM)
Coastal Patrol Boat (CPB) – Border Surveillance;
Sub Categories: Covered Boat
Reference Price
EUR 3 Million
Autonomy/Endurance at least 250 nm
Cabin space minimun necessary crew on board
plus 1 Frontex liaison officers
Maximum speed at least 30 knots
Capability to patrol at least 6 hours per day
Full operational ability in sea state 4 Douglas scale (DS)
Capacity to rescue and transfer on board 15 People ≤
Lenght of deployment period at least 30 days Crew members in order to implement the
tasks assigned in the Operational Plan at least 2 persons
Warrantee please give months
Running expenses of means (REM) should not exceed EUR 1.252,00 per
Fixed, long-range, gyro-stabilized EO/IR HD System
Maritime VHF radio
Readiness to transmit to Frontex real-time position data via FPS
Capability to operate at night
VHF radio
Marine radar
Ability to take high resolution pictures and video of incidents
Navigation system with updated maps for responsibility area
Coastal Patrol Boat (CPB) – Border Surveillance;
Sub Categories: Covered Boat
Please give
value or yes/no
where indicated
(to be filled in
by COM)
Costal Patrol Boat (CPB) – Interceptor;
Sub Categories: Fast Boat - RHIB
Reference Price (Interceptor) EUR 1 Million
Reference Price RIB platform EUR 0.2 Million
Reference Price RIB equipped EUR 0.4 Million
Autonomy/Endurance at least 250 nm
Cabin space
minimun necessary crew on
board plus at least 1 Frontex liaison
Maximum speed at least 40 knots
Capability to patrol at least 6 hours per day
Full operational ability in sea state 3 Douglas scale (DS)
Capacity to rescue and transfer on board 10 people ≤
Lenght of deployment period at least 30 days Crew members in order to implement the
tasks assigned in the Operational Plan at least 2 persons
Warrantee please give months
Running expenses of means (REM) should not exceed EUR
1.252,00 per day
Capability to operate at night
EO/IR capacity (portable accepted)
Maritime VHF radio
Readiness to transmit to Frontex real-time position data via FPS
VHF radio
Marine radar
Ability to take high resolution pictures and video of incidents
Navigation system with updated maps for responsibility area
Costal Patrol Boat (CPB) – Interceptor;
Sub Categories: Fast Boat - RHIB
Please give value or
yes/no where
Compliance (to be
filled in by COM)
Heavy helicopter fitted for maritime operations
Reference Price
EUR 22 Million
Certified aircraft Category A
at least 3 hours (not taking
into account fuel reserve)
Cabin space
minimun necessary crew 2
plus at least 1 Frontex liaison
officers and observer
Rescue capacity at least 10 persons
Lenght of deployment period at least 30 days
Crew members in order to implement
the tasks assigned in the Operational
Plan at least 2 persons
Warrantee please give months
Running expenses of means (REM) should not exceed EUR
4.429,00 per day
Electro Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) sensors
SATCOM Voice or equivalent
Crew and helicopter certified to carry out day and night flight
operations under visual flight rules (VFR) and instrument flight
rules (IFR)
Capability to fly in instrumental meteorological conditions (IMC)
Safety equipment and sea survival equipment on-board for crew
member and personnel
Helmets or headsets for crew members
Digital maps of the operational area (installed or available on-board)
Capacity to provide headsets to personnel other than crew members
Capacity for SAR operations using rescue hoist / winch
VHF/UHV and maritime band capable
Maritime Surveillance Radar
Direction Finder in all emercency frequencies
Weather radar
Certified Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS) equipment on-board
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) or/and Surveillance radar or/and
Side-Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR)
Ability to use rescue swimmer during SAR
Medevac capability / medic on-board / medical assistance on-board
Airborne Video Broadcast Down Link System / Downlink / Data link
/ Line of Sight (real time motion video streaming and data)
Readiness to transmit to Frontex real time position data (similar to
FPS / or partial integration with FPS / or acceptance of FPS on-
AIS receiver
Heavy helicopter fitted for maritime operations
Please give value or
yes/no where indicated
Compliance (to be filled
in by COM) additional/negative points
Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
ISFB-32 kohapealse kontrolli tulemused | 19.09.2024 | 1 | 14-8.7/1292-1 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Projekti ISFB-32 lõpparuande osaline heakskiitmine | 07.06.2024 | 3 | 14-8.7/1224-9 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet, I. P., A. V. |
Sisejulgeolekufondi projekti ISFB-32 „EBCGA erimeede – CPB RHIB“ toetuse osaline tagasinõudmine | 03.06.2024 | 1 | 14-8.7/1251-1 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Vastuskiri | 16.05.2024 | 1 | 14-8.7/1243-2 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Arvamuse ja vastuväidete ärakuulamine | 02.05.2024 | 2 | 14-8.7/1243-1 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Täiendavad selgitused ISFB-32 LA päringu 3 vastuse juurde | 28.03.2024 | 1 | 14-8.7/1224-8 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
ISFB-32 lõpparuande päring 3, vastus | 08.03.2024 | 19 | 14-8.7/1224-7 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
ISFB-32 LA päring 3 | 29.02.2024 | 27 | 14-8.7/1224-6 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
ISFB-32 lõpparuande päringu 2 vastus | 14.02.2024 | 42 | 14-8.7/1224-5 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
ISFB-32 lõpparuande päring 2 | 01.02.2024 | 55 | 14-8.7/1224-4 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
ISFB-32 lõpparuande päringu vastus | 19.01.2024 | 68 | 14-8.7/1224-3 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
ISFB-32 LA päring | 12.01.2024 | 75 | 14-8.7/1224-2 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Lõpparuanne | 05.01.2024 | 82 | 14-8.7/1224-1 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Projekti ISFB-32 IV vahearuande heakskiitmine | 23.12.2022 | 460 | 14-8.7/1134-4 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet, A. V. |
ISFB-32 IV vahearuande päringu vastus | 22.12.2022 | 461 | 14-8.7/1134-3 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
ISFB-32 IV vahearuande päring | 16.12.2022 | 467 | 14-8.7/1134-2 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet, Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Tegevusaruanne ISFB-32 | 13.12.2022 | 470 | 14-8.7/1134-1 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Projekti ISFB-32 III vahearuande heakskiitmine | 27.06.2022 | 639 | 14-8.7/1045-2 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet, A. V. |
Projekti ISFB-32 vahearuande päringu vastus | 06.06.2022 | 660 | 14-8.7/1071-2 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | |
Projekti ISFB-32 aruande finantskontrolli leht | 06.06.2022 | 660 | 14-8.7/1073-1 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | |
Projekti ISFB-32 vahearuande päring | 03.06.2022 | 663 | 14-8.7/1071-1 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Projekti ISFB-32 toetuslepingu (EBCGA erimeede CPB-RHIB) III muudatus | 25.05.2022 | 672 | 14-8.7/594-4 | Leping | sisemin | |
Projekti ISFB-32 toetuslepingu muutmine | 26.04.2022 | 701 | 14-8.7/1060-1 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
ISFB-32 vahearuanne | 14.03.2022 | 744 | 14-8.7/1045-1 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Projekti ISFB-32 kohapealse kontrolli tulemused | 06.10.2021 | 903 | 14-8.7/966-1 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet, A. V. |
Projekti ISFB-32 toetuslepingu II muudatus | 31.05.2021 | 1031 | 14-8.7/594-3 | Leping | sisemin | |
Järelevalvekomisjoni menetlus - ISFB-32 II muutmine | 19.05.2021 | 1043 | 14-8.7/922-3 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | |
Päring projekti ISFB-32 toetuslepingu muutmise kohta | 18.05.2021 | 1044 | 14-8.7/922-2 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet, A. V. |
Taotlus projekti ISFB-32 toetuslepingu teiseks muutmiseks | 17.05.2021 | 1045 | 14-8.7/922-1 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Projekti ISFB-32 toetusleping (EBCGA erimeede CPB-RHIB) | 21.09.2020 | 1283 | 14-8.7/594-2 🔒 | Leping | sisemin | |
JK menetluse algatamine - ISFB-32 muutmine | 10.09.2020 | 1294 | 14-8.7/831-4 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | |
Päringu vastus (ISFB-32 toetuslepingu muutmine) | 10.09.2020 | 1294 | 14-8.7/831-3 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Päring projekti ISFB-32 toetuslepingu muutmise taotluse kohta | 09.09.2020 | 1295 | 14-8.7/831-2 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet, A. V. |
Taotlus projekti ISFB-32 toetuslepingu muutmiseks | 09.09.2020 | 1295 | 14-8.7/831-1 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Projekti ISFB-32 vahearuande heakskiitmine | 24.09.2019 | 1646 | 14-8.7/701-3 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet, A. V. |
ISFB-32 projekti korrigeeritud vahearuanne 08.2019 | 16.09.2019 | 1654 | 14-8.7/705-1 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
ISFB-32 vahearuanne | 06.09.2019 | 1664 | 14-8.7/701-1 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Projekti ISFB-32 vahearuande päring | 06.09.2019 | 1664 | 14-8.7/701-2 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
EBCGA tagasiside nr 2 RHIB-CPB tehnilisele kirjeldusele | 04.02.2019 | 1878 | 14-8.7/586-5 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | EBCGA |
PPA vastus EBCGA päringule (CPB-RHIB mõõtmed) | 30.01.2019 | 1883 | 14-8.7/586-3 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
EBCGA-le päringu vastuse edastamine (PCB-RHIB mõõtmed) | 30.01.2019 | 1883 | 14-8.7/586-4 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Euroopa Piiri- ja Rannikuvalve Amet |
EBCGA vastus - Consultation on Technical Specification of CPB-RHIB - SA ISF-Borders | 18.01.2019 | 1895 | 14-8.7/586-2 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Euroopa Piiri- ja Rannikuvalve Amet |
Projekti ISFB-32 toetusleping (EBCGA erimeede CPB-RHIB) | 16.01.2019 | 1897 | 14-8.7/594-1 | Leping | sisemin | |
Patrull- ja erioperatsioonide mootorpaadi tehnilise kirjelduse edastamine | 27.12.2018 | 1917 | 14-8.7/586-1 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Consultation on Technical Specification of CPB-RHIB_SA ISF-Borders | 27.12.2018 | 1917 | 14-8.7/535-4 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | European Coast and Border Guard Agency, European Commission |
Note to MS - implementation of the 2018 Specific Action under ISFB | 20.12.2018 | 1924 | 14-8.7/535-3 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Euroopa Komisjon |
2018 Specific Actions pledging exercise under ISF-Borders for the purchase of equipment to be put at the disposal of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCGA) | 05.10.2018 | 2000 | 14-8.7/535-2 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Euroopa Komisjon |
Further information on EBCGA Specific Action | 08.08.2018 | 2058 | 14-8.7/530-4 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | |
PPA vastused Euroopa Komisjoni täiendavatele küsimustele | 08.08.2018 | 2058 | 14-8.7/530-3 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Euroopa Komisjoni täiendavad küsimused EBCGA erimeetme taotluse kohta | 02.08.2018 | 2064 | 14-8.7/530-2 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Submission of the application of the 2018 Specific Action pledging exercise under ISF-Borders | 03.07.2018 | 2094 | 14-8.7/535-1 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | European Commission |
PPA vastused JK küsimustele | 28.06.2018 | 2099 | 14-8.7/528-3 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | |
Päring PPA'le: järelevalvekomisjoni likme küsimused | 26.06.2018 | 2101 | 14-8.7/528-2 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | |
Taotluse esitamine Sisejulgeolekufondi välispiiride ja viisade rahastamisvahendi EBCGA erimeetme taotlusvooru | 25.06.2018 | 2102 | 14-8.7/530-1 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
ISF erimeetme taotluse järelevalvekomisjoni menetlus | 22.06.2018 | 2105 | 14-8.7/528-1 🔒 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin | |
Taotluse esitamine Sisejulgeolekufondi välispiiride ja viisade rahastamisvahendi Frontexi erimeetme taotlusvooru | 14.06.2018 | 2113 | 14-8.7/522-1 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | sisemin | Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet |
Teavitus ISF Borders erimeetme taotlusvoorust | 05.06.2018 | 2122 | 14-8.7/519-2 | Väljaminev kiri | sisemin |