Dokumendiregister | Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium |
Viit | 1-7/24-0061 |
Registreeritud | 08.03.2024 |
Sünkroonitud | 20.06.2024 |
Liik | Leping |
Funktsioon | 1 Ministeeriumi ja tema valitsemisala töö korraldamine |
Sari | 1-7 Riigisisese ja rahvusvahelise koostöö kokkulepped |
Toimik | 1-7/2024 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | |
Vastutaja | Sirli Heinsoo (Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium, Kantsleri valdkond, Majanduse ja innovatsiooni valdkond, Digimajanduse osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (edaspidi MKM), registrikood 70003158,
asukoht Suur-Ameerika 1, 10122 Tallinn, mida esindab põhimääruse alusel majandus- ja
infotehnoloogiaminister Tiit Riisalo
Kliimaministeerium (edaspidi asutus), registrikood 70001231, asukoht Suur-Ameerika 1, 10122
Tallinn, mida esindab põhimääruse alusel kliimaminister Kristen Michal, edaspidi koos nimetatud
pooled ja eraldi pool,
LÄHTUDES poolte ühisest huvist rakendada Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu määruses (EL)
2020/1056 elektroonilise kaubaveoteabe kohta (eFTI) toodud nõudeid turvaliseks ja täielikult
koostalitlusvõimeliseks elektrooniliseks andmevahetuseks ettevõtete ja ametiasutuste vahel
kaupade liikumisel Euroopa Liidus, milleks taotleti rahastust Euroopa Ühendamise Rahastust
(CEF) projektile eFTI4EU (edaspidi projekt) (lisa 3)
on sõlminud käesoleva koostöökokkuleppe (edaspidi koostöölepe) järgnevas:
1. Koostööleppe eesmärk ja objekt
1.1. Koostööleppe eesmärgiks on toetada majandus-ja taristuministri ning väliskaubandus- ja
infotehnoloogiaministri 30.09.2020.a käskkirjaga nr 200 kinnitatud „Reaalajamajanduse
visioon 2020–2027“ lisa 1 „Reaalajamajanduse tööplaan 2020–2027“ lisa 1.1
„Reaalajamajanduse tehniliste võimaluste loomine“ alameesmärgi 4 „E-veoselehtede
laialdane kasutuselevõtt (2025)“ saavutamist aastaks 2025 (lisa 1).
1.2. Koostööleppe objektiks on 2023–2026. aastateks planeeritud projekti elluviimisega seotud
asutuse tegevustega kaasneva omafinantseeringu katmine MKM-i teadus- ja
arendustegevuseks ette nähtud riigieelarveliste vahendite sihtotstarbelisel kasutamisel punktis
1.1 nimetatud alameesmärgi täitmiseks toetavateks tegevusteks (lisa 2 ja lisa 4) summas
kokku 500 000 eurot käibemaksuta (lisa 2). Summa eraldatakse aastate lõikes järgnevalt:
1.2.1. 2023. aastal 7500 EUR;
1.2.2. 2024. aastal 210 063 EUR;
1.2.3. 2025. aastal 198 250 EUR;
1.2.4. 2026. aastal 84 187 EUR.
1.3. Tegevused on abikõlblikud alates 01.07.2023. Juhul, kui tegevused lükkuvad edasi
järgmisesse aastasse, on konkreetseks aastaks plaanitud tegevusi koostööleppe raames
võimalik ellu viia järgmise aasta lõpuni.
1.4. Juhul, kui projekti elluviimise jooksul toimuvad muudatused projektis, lepivad pooled selles
koostöölepingus eraldi kokku.
2. MKMi õigused ja kohustused 2.1. MKMil on õigus küsida asutuselt teavet ja dokumente tehtud kulude tõendamiseks.
2.2. MKM kohustub jagama koostööleppe täitmiseks asutusele vajalikku informatsiooni.
3. Asutuse kohustused:
3.1. Asutus kohustub:
3.1.1. viima tähtajaliselt ellu koostööleppega võetud kohustused;
3.1.2. lähtuma koostööleppe täitmisel parimast oskusteabest, sh Euroopa Komisjoni poolt
tulevatest juhistest ning tehnilistest eFTI määruse alusel välja antavatest rakendusaktidest
ning delegeeritud aktidest ning nende alusel loodavatest spetsifikatsioonidest ja reeglitest
kaubaveoteabe andmevahetuse kohta, teadus- ja arendustegevuse korralduse seadusest ning
teadus- ja arendustegevuse juhendmaterjalist Frascati käsiraamatust1, dokumendist
„Tehnoloogilise valmiduse tasemed, TVT (Technology Readiness Levels, TRL)“2 ja lisades
1–4 märgitud dokumentidest;
3.1.3. esitama projekti kohustusliku aruandluse käigus enda tegevuste kohta sisu- ja
finantsaruande rahastajale vastavalt CEFi reeglistikule ning European Climate, Infrastructure
and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) määratud tähtaegadele (lisa 4) ning edastama
rahastaja poolt kinnitatud aruandluse koopia MKMi volitatud esindajale.
3.1.4. MKMi järelepärimisel andma lisainformatsiooni (sh teavet ja dokumente tehtud kulude
tõendamiseks) punktis 1.2 teostatud ja planeeritud tegevuste kohta ning arvestama MKMi
volitatud esindaja poolt punktis 6.4 nimetatud vormis tehtud ettepanekuid;
3.1.5. eristama punktis 1.2 toodud tegevuste elluviimiseks tehtud kulud wbs, projekti või muu
eristatava koodi alusel;
3.1.6. mitte edasi delegeerima MKMi eelneva kirjaliku nõusolekuta koostööleppega sätestatud
3.1.7. viima koostööleppe alusel tegevused ellu vastavalt lisas 4 määratud projekti lõpptähtajaks;
3.1.8. katma tehtud kulud asutuse eelarvest juhul, kui asutus ei kasuta talle eraldatud vahendeid
3.1.9. kaasama MKMi esindaja hankemenetluste läbiviimiseks hankekomisjoni juhul, kui
teenuseid või asju tellitakse hankemenetluse raames alates lihthanke piirmäärast.
4. Koostööleppe tegevuste rahastamine 4.1. Asutus viib ellu lisas 4 toodud tegevused punkti 1.2. alusel 2023. aasta riigieelarve seadusega
2023. aasta eelarvesse ja 2024. aasta riigieelarve seadusega 2024. aasta eelarvesse eraldatud
ning RES2025–2028 koostamise raames (esitatakse 01.06.2024) 2025. ja 2026. aasta
eelarvetesse eraldatavatest teadus- ja arendustegevuse vahenditest.
4.2. Koostööleppe alusel ellu viidavate tegevuste rahalise kulu kogumaksumus ei ole suurem kui
500 000 eurot käibemaksuta. Vahendite kasutamisel lähtuvad asutused lisas 2 esitatud
5. Koostööleppe kehtivus
5.1. Koostöölepe jõustub tagasiulatuvalt alates 01.07.2023 ja kehtib kuni koostööleppes toodud
kohustuste nõuetekohase täitmiseni.
5.2. Pool võib koostööleppe ennetähtaegselt lõpetada, teatades sellest teisele poolele ette vähemalt
60 päeva.
6. Volitatud esindajad ja teadete edastamine 6.1. MKMi volitatud esindajaks koostööleppe täitmisega seotud küsimustes on Sirli Heinsoo,
tel 639 7604, e-post [email protected], või teda asendav isik.
6.2. Asutuse volitatud esindajaks koostööleppe täitmisega seotud küsimustes on Eva Killar,
tel +372 5885 1083 , e-post [email protected], või teda asendav isik.
6.3. Poole volitatud esindajal on õigus esindada poolt kõikides koostööleppe täitmisega seotud
küsimustes, v.a koostööleppe muutmine ja koostööleppe ennetähtaegne ühepoolne
6.4. Informatiivsete teadete edastamine toimub üldjuhul telefoni või e-posti teel. Juhul kui teate
edastamisel on õiguslikud tagajärjed, peavad teisele poolele edastatavad teated olema
edastatud kirjalikus vormis.
FrascatiManual2015_2ptk.pdf ( 2 Technology-readiness-levels.pdf ( , Tehnoloogilise-valmiduse-tasemed.pdf (
6.5. Koostööleppe pool kohustub teist poolt informeerima kõikidest olulistest asjaoludest, mis
võivad mõjutada või takistada kokkuleppes sätestatud kohustuste täitmist või õiguste
7. Koostööleppe lisad
Koostööleppe juurde kuuluvad allkirjastamise hetkel lisadena alljärgnevad dokumendid:
7.1. Lisa 1 – Reaalajamajanduse visioon 2020–20273;
7.2. Lisa 2 – Projekti eFTI4EU eelarve 2023–2026;
7.3. Lisa 3 – Projekti eFTI4EU taotlusdokument;
7.4. Lisa 4 – Grant Agreement – GAP-101122891.
Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium
(allkirjastatud digitaalselt)
(allkirjastatud digitaalselt)
3 Kättesaadav:
Tööpakett 2023
WP1: Horisontaalsed tegevused, teekaardid ja uuringud
3 000
WP2: Liikmesriikide piloodid (tarkvara valideerimine läbi piloteerimise)
WP3: Kommunikatsiooni ja tegevused teadlikkuse tõstmiseks
11 000
WP4: Projekti koordineerimine
1 000
Kokku 15 000
Tegevused: 2023
Personalikulu 3 000
Tellitavad teenused (piloteerimisega seotud tegevused) 0
Tellitavad teenused (kohtumiste korraldamisega seotud tegevused) 5 000
Tellitavad teenused (uuringud, teekaardid) 0
Reisikulud 6 000
Projektijuhtimisega seotud tegevused (sh auditi tellimine) 1 000
Kokku 15 000
2024 2025 2026 2023-2026 kokku
76 750 76 750 21 000 177 500
293 625 261 000 97 875 652 500
25 000 35 000 44 000 115 000
24 750 23 750 5 500 55 000
420 125 396 500 168 375 1 000 000
2024 2025 2026 2023-2026 KOKKU
38 000 38 000 21 000 100 000
293 625 261 000 97 875 652 500
10 000 20 000 30 000 65 000
38 750 38 750 0 77 500
15 000 15 000 14 000 50 000
24 750 23 750 5 500 55 000
420 125 396 500 168 375 1 000 000
Tööpakett 2023 2024 2025 2026 2023-2026 kokku
WP1: Horisontaalsed tegevused, teekaardid ja uuringud
1 500 38 375 38 375 10 500 88 750
WP2: Liikmesriikide piloodid (tarkvara valideerimine läbi piloteerimise)
0 146 813 130 500 48 938 326 250
WP3: Kommunikatsiooni ja tegevused teadlikkuse tõstmiseks
5 500 12 500 17 500 22 000 57 500
WP4: Projekti koordineerimine
500 12 375 11 875 2 750 27 500
Kokku 7 500 210 063 198 250 84 188 500 000
Tegevused: 2023 2024 2025 2026 2023-2026 KOKKU
Personalikulu 1 500,0 19 000,0 19 000,0 10 500,0 50 000
Tellitavad teenused (piloteerimisega seotud tegevused) 0,0 146 812,5 130 500,0 48 937,5 326 250
Tellitavad teenused (kohtumiste korraldamisega seotud tegevused) 2 500,0 5 000,0 10 000,0 15 000,0 32 500
Tellitavad teenused (uuringud, teekaardid) 0,0 19 375,0 19 375,0 0,0 38 750
Reisikulud 3 000,0 7 500,0 7 500,0 7 000,0 25 000
Projektijuhtimisega seotud tegevused (sh auditi tellimine) 500,0 12 375,0 11 875,0 2 750,0 27 500
Kokku 7 500,0 210 062,5 198 250,0 84 187,5 500 000
Koostööleppe Lisa 2 – Projekti eFTI4EU eelarve 2023–2026
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Part B of the Application Form must be downloaded from the Portal Submission System, completed and then assembled and re-uploaded as PDF in the system. Page 1 with the grey IMPORTANT NOTICE box should be deleted before uploading.
Please read carefully the conditions set out in the Call document (for open calls: published on the Portal). Pay particular attention to the award criteria; they explain how the application will be evaluated.
The term ‘project’ used in this application form and other documents is synonymous to the term ‘action’ used in the CEF Regulation 2021/1153.
Project name: eFTI for Europe
Project acronym: 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU
Coordinator contact: MS Estonia EVA KILLAR, [email protected]
Starting date 01/04/2023
Duration 36 months
TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION (PART B) .......................................................................................................................... 1 COVER PAGE ............................................................................................................................................................. 1 PROJECT SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................. 2 0. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................................... 3 1. PRIORITY AND URGENCY ..................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 TEN-T network — Project of common interest (PCI) ........................................................................................... 8 1.2 Call objectives and priorities ................................................................................................................................ 9 1.3 EU added value ................................................................................................................................................ 10 1.4 Cross-border link............................................................................................................................................... 10 1.5 Integrated management .................................................................................................................................... 12 1.6 Synergies .......................................................................................................................................................... 12 1.7 Dual-use potential (civilian-defence) ................................................................................................................. 14
2. MATURITY ............................................................................................................................................................. 14 2.1 Readiness and technical maturity ...................................................................................................................... 14 2.2 Status of contracting procedures and authorisations, approvals and permits ..................................................... 22 2.3 Financial maturity .............................................................................................................................................. 24
3. QUALITY ............................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.1 Cost effectiveness and financial management .................................................................................................. 24 3.2 Consortium set-up, governance and organisational structure ............................................................................ 26 3.3 Project management, quality assurance and control procedures ....................................................................... 28 3.4 Risk management ............................................................................................................................................. 30 3.5 Communication and visibility ............................................................................................................................. 33 3.6 Sustainability and maintenance strategy ........................................................................................................... 34
4. IMPACT — COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................... 34 4.1 Demand analysis .............................................................................................................................................. 34
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
4.2 Economic and financial analysis........................................................................................................................ 34 4.3 Social, environmental and other impacts ........................................................................................................... 36
5. CATALYTIC EFFECT ............................................................................................................................................ 41 5.1 Financial gap .................................................................................................................................................... 41 5.2 Public and private investment and financial leverage ........................................................................................ 42 5.3 Stakeholder commitment .................................................................................................................................. 42
6. WORK PLAN, WORK PACKAGES, ACTIVITIES, RESOURCES AND TIMING .................................................... 43 6.1 Work plan ......................................................................................................................................................... 43 6.2 Work packages, activities, resources and timing ............................................................................................... 47
Work Package 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 49 Work Package 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 55 Work Package 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 60 Work Package 4 ............................................................................................................................................... 63 Timetable ......................................................................................................................................................... 66
7. OTHER .................................................................................................................................................................. 67 7.1 Ethics ................................................................................................................................................................ 67 7.2 Security ............................................................................................................................................................. 67
8. DECLARATIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 67 ANNEXES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 69
#@APP-FORM-CEFT@# #@PRJ-SUM-PS@# [This document is tagged. Do not delete the tags; they are needed for the processing.]
Project summary
The efficiency of freight transport and logistics is vital for the growth and competitiveness of the Union economy, the functioning of the internal market and the social and economic cohesion of all regions of the Union. Digitalisation of transport documents and implementing a seamless paperless information exchange between businesses and authorities has been a major challenge.
The aim of Regulation EU No 2020/1056 on electronic Freight Transport Information (in short “eFTI Regulation”)1 is to foster an apply the digitalization of freight transport and logistics to reduce administrative costs, improve enforcement capabilities of competent authorities, and enhance the efficiency and sustainability of transport. Aim is to also support the shift from paper based supply chains towards digital processes.
By the eFTI Regulation, the competent authorities will be required to accept information made available electronically, that is whenever economic operators are obliged to make information available as proof of compliance with requirements laid down in Union legal acts covered by the Regulation.
Based on the work so far, in 2023 the Delegated Act on eFTI Data Set and Subsets, the Implementing Act on common rules for authorities and the Implementing Act on requirements for eFTI platforms and service providers will be published by the European Commission. In 2024, the rules on certification of eFTI platforms and service providers will be set upon a dedicated Delegated Act. By August 2025 all EU Member States need to have proper aligned systems in place, which allow their competent authorities to accept electronic freight information presented by economic operators, e.g., when a transport is checked.
eFTI4EU starts exactly there - between the implementing and delegated acts texts and the final interoperable implementation of the technical systems.
1 eFTI Regulation 2020/1956,
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
The project encourages Member States to join forces, face the upcoming eFTI requirements, work jointly on common specifications and take profit of a well harmonized European wide eFTI exchange environment according to the regulation.
The consortium is led by the most committed EU Member States that are willing to quickly kick off and start up the eFTI operations in their country supported by some selected consultant companies with the most experienced EU eFTI experts already cooperating with DG MOVE for the implementation of Regulation 1056. Namely:
• Nine (9) Member States as full beneficiaries (Estonia, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Lithuania, Belgium); they are participating with their Ministry in charge of the eFTI implementation and / or with internal Agencies acting on their behalf and /or in cooperation with selected IT companies for the pilot development
• Three (3) Member States participating as observers (Ireland, Spain and the Netherlands)
• Four (4) eFTI Consultant Companies with top level expertise in eFTI (PortExpertise, 51Biz Luxembourg Digilogistika Keskus, Circle)
• Three (3) IT companies providing software development for the pilots in their countries (Circle IT, Imprimerie Nationale FR, LT Normalis Tech LT)
• One (1) international interministerial cooperation partnership in the Baltic area working under the Nordic Investment Bank
• Two (2) other beneficiaries for the specific eFTI implementation in Lithuania (Transport Innovation Association and State Enterprise Klaipeda)
The project will be complemented by specific companies that will be subcontracted both for the eFTI expertise and to develop the eFTI pilots for the countries that decided to outsource this activity. eFTI4EU has a total eligible costs of 28.352.625 EUR and a duration of 36 months with a work plan that has been carefully identified in order to match with the overall eFTI implementation process led by the European Commission DG MOVE. Due to the tight timing planned for the eFTI implementation (see eFTI time plan in the next section) the participating Member States and the other beneficiaries agreed to start preparations as early as possible. Therefore eFTI4EU is planned to start in April 2023 at latest. A first eFTI4EU meeting is already planned in Germany at the end of April.
Project description, scope and objectives
Describe the project scope, main goals and objectives, as well as the technical data.
Please use the following structure:
− Overall objective
− General description and context — describe the context, including political priorities and if the project is part of a bigger project (‘global project’, including projects of common interest)
− Location — mention where on the network/corridors the project will be implemented
− Justification — describe the current situation and needs analysis
− Specific objectives — list and link them to the work packages used in section 6
− Expected outcomes and results — include facts and statistics (for instance, quantitative information expressed in km, MVA, Bcm/y, kV, bar, etc.).
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Overall objective
The overall objectives of the Project are fully aligned with the overall aim of Regulation EU No 2020/1056 on electronic Freight Transport Information (in short “eFTI”):
- to encourage the digitalisation of freight transport and logistics - to reduce administrative costs, improve enforcement capabilities of competent authorities, - and to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of transport.
The specific objectives that are then translated in the work plan are:
- to identify, by means of country-specific roadmaps, inter alia, the inventory of existing reusable systems, requirements for national eFTI implementation, resource needs (financial and technical) and requirements for the long-term operation of the eFTI exchange environment;
- to analyse the DA and IA introduced by the EU Commission and jointly translate them into harmonised technical specifications, thus providing member states with solid specifications, e.g. for the development/tendering of an eFTI gate;
- to develop national and cross-border test strategies to test the eFTI exchange environment; - to develop a strategy for an open source reference implementation of an eFTI gate on top; - to develop an agreed governance model that describes general rules for eFTI gates and the
maintenance of the specifications - to test and pilot
o eFTI gate to competent authorities data exchange, o eFTI gate to eFTI platforms data exchange o eFTI gate to other eFTI gates data exchange o eFTI gate to other liked systems data exchange
- to support a wide communication, awareness raising, and cross fertilisation and capacity building activities supporting an harmonised eFTI development including;
o a set of communication /information / training tools o a set of national events in which MSs will communicate eFTI to EOs and to a broader
public. o a set of European workshops for very specific detailed issues. o 3 yearly eFTI conferences o a series of workshops / on site visits o onboarding trainings (webinars) and a set of training courses
This will be organised in 4 Work Packages with specific outcomes as described in the workplan.
The work plan has been carefully identified in order to match with the overall eFTI implementation process led by DG MOVE.
General description and context
By the eFTI Regulation, the competent authorities will be required to accept information made available electronically, that is whenever economic operators are obliged to make information available as proof of compliance with requirements laid down in Union legal acts covered by the Regulation.
Based on the work so far, in 2023 the Delegated Act on eFTI Data Set and Subsets, the Implementing Act on common rules for authorities and the Implementing Act on requirements for eFTI platforms and service providers will be published by the European Commission. In 2024, the rules on certification of eFTI platforms and service providers will be set upon a dedicated Delegated Act. By August 2025 all EU Member States need to have proper aligned systems in place, which allow their competent authorities to
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
accept electronic freight information presented by economic operators via certified eFTI-platforms, e.g. when a transport is checked.
The scope of the eFTI4EU project includes all 27 Member States, modes of transports (road, rail, inland navigation, air and maritime) and administrations that are impacted by the EU 2020/1056 regulation. This will be achieved by a European eFTI reference architecture and its cross-border pilots. Ultimately, the project will support the vision of generating digital and vibrant eFTI Core Network Corridors from North to South and across the EU.
The project will be executed in 9 EU Member States (Estonia, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Lithuania, Belgium) with cross border pilots that will also be exploited in all the 9 Core Network Corridors.
eFTI4EU Project Partners
TEN T Corridors
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
The project eFTI4EU starts exactly between the provision of the eFTI implementing and delegated acts and the final interoperable implementation of the technical systems. The project encourages Member States to join forces, face the upcoming eFTI requirements, work jointly on common specifications and take profit of a well harmonised European wide eFTI exchange environment according to the regulation.
Through the eFTI regulation, the EU wants to boost and harmonise the digitalization of logistics and transport. For companies eFTI provides a good opportunity to move from paper documents to digital data exchange and hence streamline their own processes. Based on industry comments the savings can be above 10€ per digital cargo document from the process point of view.
While the deadline to implement eFTI is getting closer (operational in August 2025) all authorities in the EU Member States need to speed up and prepare to meet the upcoming requirements in a rather quick manner - e.g. they need to join together and agree on rules to manage cross-border eFTI dataset requests, set up their data exchange readiness and instruct local/international eFTI platforms on the connectivity.
In other words, based upon the regional differences, existing or new platforms and ecosystems have to be integrated or made interoperable across the EU in a way that all competent authorities could equally well exchange the required data - a task that a single Member States (MS) cannot solve alone.
The questions of MS currently in air:
● On which (certified) eFTI Platform can an authority find the appropriate eFTI Data Set in case of a check?
● How can an authority trust and verify transport information that is presented in an electronic format?
● How can an economic operator trust and verify that a public officer has the mandate to request transport information
● How to define the rules and set up national query systems to fit all international destinations for queries?
● How (if) should a MS set up an eFTI Gate without “discovering” its rules on its own? ● How to set up a well-functioning eFTI architecture and eFTI Gate? ● How can economic operators be encouraged to accept and use the implementation of eFTI? ● How does the budget and funding calculation timeline for MS look like (individual implementation
To face this challenge Digital Transport and Logistic Forum Experts join together with various national and regional authorities they already cooperate with.
The foundation of the project will be based on the eFTI Regulation and the related IAs and Das that will serve as starting points for all the project activities.
The project follows the vision of eFTI that this task can be efficiently managed by an architecture comprising a federated, coordinated (harmonised) and trusted eFTI network. Therefore, e.g. existing systems (UNECE eDGTI dangerous goods system), EU building blocks and proven practices of previous CEF and Horizon projects (e.g. FENIX FEDeRATED, DIGINNO Proto, etc.) could be reused and, if necessary, adapted to fulfil the eFTI requirements (Delegated Acts - DAs- and Implementing Acts - IAs).
In order to get an overview of the current state of eFTI development in the Member States, the project supports the creation of individual roadmaps for all participating Member States, which serves for further cooperation and as a foundation for joint specifications.
Following the project vision, a trusted network of eFTI Gates or similar services have to be developed. For that, the project envisages support in planning, organising and coordinating harmonised rules for platforms and components. The national ecosystems which manage the data exchange between eFTI Gate and eFTI Platforms can be different and to some extent the functional and technical national or regional eFTI Gate structure could be different. Yet, they all have to communicate with each other in cases of authority queries on eFTI datasets. Eventually new mechanisms could be built on jointly evolved building blocks. Jointly developed and used building blocks will be tested and piloted to ensure interoperability.
Frontrunner MS will do first developments / implementations and perform (cross-border) interoperability pilots and checks. For the harmonised eFTI data exchange common open-source solutions or modules will be specified and used. This requires a common understanding of rules and specifications to be followed
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Work Plan
eFTI4EU Partners and associated partners join forces to:
WP1 Horizontal Alignment collect authorities’ road maps and support an exchange and common understanding of requirements and preparatory works to implement eFTI
● cooperate with European or corridor-specific initiatives related to specific transport modes or
goods. For example, Inland Navigation
● analyse and implement B2A (national and cross-border) eFTI processes on functional level and
in a harmonised way
● initiate a comprehensive cross-member state co-development of the eFTI exchange
environment to ensure interoperability
● think beyond implementation and develop eFTI Gate strategy and governance (e.g.
maintenance and service level agreements)
● to enable day-2-day operation by addressing topics like legal implementation, certification and
WP2 National and Corridor Pilots
● focus on capability and usage of eFTI Gates
● integrate national and corridor B2A eFTI processes on functional level for all transport modes
● enable pilot planning, collaboration, testing (in particular with regard to interoperability) and knowledge sharing
WP3 Communication, Dissemination & Capacity Building disseminate the result and accelerate the eFTI implementation for other member states that do not join the project
● involve external stakeholders to promote eFTI (in particular economic operators which should make use of the opportunity of digitalised transport information).
WP4 Project Management
● ensure the smooth (administrative) progress of the project and fulfil the planned activities with
the possibility to meet unforeseen challenges
Expected outcomes and results
Project participants will take profit of: ● pioneering information and knowledge about eFTI; ● shared resources, co-creation and co-development for eFTI; ● profound information and lessons learnt about eFTI architecture and pilots; ● reference architecture to support eFTI implementation;
In detail the project (that is a study including pilots) comprises the following:
● Provision of national and regional eFTI roadmaps ● Participation in the horizontal alignment work package to promote harmonisation of eFTI
development and interoperability between Member States. This also covers the specification and the common co-development of eFTI reference implementations (eFTI platform and eFTI Gate)
● Communication and dissemination, knowledge sharing activities in the MS to promote eFTI Pilots:
● Development and piloting of an eFTI gate aligned with the jointly specified and developed reference implementation, which could lead to a system that becomes operational in 2025
● eFTI gate pilots cover the following communication paths: ○ eFTI gate to competent authorities ○ eFTI gate to eFTI platforms ○ eFTI gate to other eFTI gates ○ eFTI gate to other liked systems
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Global projects
If the project is part of a global project (including projects of common interest (PCI), if applicable), provide the following information:
− Objectives of the global project
− General description and context — specify how the project fits into the global project
− Justification — problems, needs and issues addressed by the global project
− State of play, results and objectives achieved by the global project so far
− Parallel projects — describe which other parts of the global project are to be implemented in parallel and their links to the project
− Timetable — describe the timetable of the global project and the interdependence with the timetable of the project; explain how the project will impact the progress of other activities which are part of the global project.
The efficiency of freight transport and logistics is vital for the growth and competitiveness of the Union economy, the functioning of the internal market and the social and economic cohesion of all regions of the Union.
The overall aim of Regulation EU No 2020/1056 on electronic Freight Transport Information (in short “eFTI”) are
● to encourage the digitalisation of freight transport and logistics ● to reduce administrative costs, improve enforcement capabilities of competent authorities, ● and to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of transport.
The movement of goods, including waste and dangerous goods, is accompanied by a large amount of information which is still exchanged mainly in paper format among businesses, and between businesses and competent authorities. The use of paper documents represents a significant administrative burden for logistics operators and an additional cost for logistics operators and related industries (such as trade and manufacturing), in particular for SMEs, and has a negative impact on the environment.
The Global Project is the full adoption of eFTI by Member States in all modes and different cases including waste shipment and dangerous goods.
The project is the first action of the Global Project and includes the activities described in the previous paragraph.
It contributes to the Global Project through:
● support Member States, Competent Authority and Economic Operators towards and harmonised eFTI implementation
● translating Delegated Acts and Implementing Acts in a common reference implementation ● supporting the creation of and effective eFTI environment ● delivering robust pilots
1.1 TEN-T network — Project of common interest (PCI)
TEN-T network — Project of common interest (PCI)
Explain why the project is considered a project of common interest (PCI) within the meaning of Article 7 of the TEN-T Guidelines and how it contributes or links to the core and/or comprehensive network.
Does it contribute to realising corridor work plans and implementing acts pursuant to Article 47 of the TEN-T Guidelines?
Does the project (or global project) produce a network effect by linking with or complementing other TEN-T/CEF actions?.
Don’t forget to also encode this information in the Application Form Part A in the General information section.
eFTI4EU is in line with Art.7 contributing to the development of the trans-European transport network through the measures promoting the resource-efficient use of the network.
The Project will generate significant European value added as it contributes to all four categories of objectives set out in Article 4 of the TEN-T Guidelines:
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a) Cohesion through defining measures and recommendations to improve accessibility and connectivity to all regions of the Union, reducing the IT infrastructure quality gaps between Member States; improving the interconnection between long-distance international transport and regional and local traffic.
b) Efficiency through improving interoperability in national /international multimodal transport networks; different transport modes will be better integrated and interconnected thanks to the results of initiatives; economically efficient and high-quality TEN-T transport chains will be promoted contributing to further economic growth and competitiveness; efficient use of existing infrastructure will be fostered; pilots will demonstrate that innovative technological and operational concepts can be applied in a cost-efficient way.
c) Sustainability through contributing to the objectives of low greenhouse gas emissions, low-carbon and clean transport, reducing external costs and increasing environmental protection as EFTI4EU will favour a more efficient use of the different transport modes.
d) Increasing the benefits for its users through meeting the mobility and transport needs of its users within the Union; increasing interoperability, which will ensure quality, efficiency and sustainability of transport services, particularly for rail and inland waterways transport.
In line with art. 47, the Project will also contribute to efficient use of infrastructure, safe and environmentally friendly intermodal connections in the all the 9 Core Network Corridors (CNC).
Stakeholders of these CNCs participate in eFTI4EU stakeholder’s platform and results of this project will be presented periodically in CNCs meetings and stakeholders fora.
The project will be carried out in compliance with relevant Union and national law, in particular with Union legal acts on the environment, climate protection, safety, security, competition, state aid, public procurement, public health and accessibility.
1.2 Call objectives and priorities
Call objectives and priorities
Explain how the project contributes to the objectives, priorities and expected results of the topic under which it is submitted.
The general objective of the call CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-eFTI-WORKS is to modernise transport infrastructure on the Core and Comprehensive Networks of the TEN-T.
Specifically, in accordance with the Article 9(2)(b)(ii) of the CEF Regulation, studies and / or works, will be supported, which support Member States to develop and implement IT platforms and processes in accordance with the eFTI Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2020/1056 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2020 on electronic freight transport information (OJ L 249, 31.7.2020, p. 33)).
eFTI4EU fulfils exactly the call objectives and priorities, since it considers the development of all of the components of the systems/IT platforms to be used by the competent authorities to access and process information electronically in accordance with the provisions of the eFTI Regulation and its implementing and delegated acts, including:
● Pilot testing of exchanges with IT platforms of the economic operators (when adapted to meet the specifications for eFTI platforms in line with eFTI implementing and delegated acts*)
● Knowledge and good practice sharing with other Member States, including technical implementation guides
● Communication measures aimed at awareness raising and training of responsible officials in the competent authorities concerned
Digital platforms developed under eFTI4EU aim to be accessible for use by all operators on a non- discriminatory basis.
The project contributes strongly and has a supporting impact on the European Commission documentation and decision-making in member states on the practical and legislative implementation of eFTI. The project contributes to the works and specifications of the same eFTI Regulation that it is aimed to implement and seek solutions for.
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The studies conducted will be an effort to fill in gaps and align specifications across borders and the pilots serve as contact points and possible testbeds for the members states and European Commission, the businesses and platforms that are to be developed within and aside the project. Both the organisations in member states of the project implementation and in the member states beyond are welcome to reap the practical benefits of the pilots while they are being developed and also while those are being implemented.
The output of the project and its deliverables are direct tools and input for policy making and development and pooling of best practices on eFTI and digitalisation of transport and trade data through the application date of eFTI on August 2025 trhough the period after reflecting also towards the assessment of the Regulation and needs for the amendments or further specifications for the next stages of decision-making for the full eFTI implementation in segments that might need a longer transition period.
1.3 EU added value
EU added value
Explain the effects of the project from the perspective of the EU interest and how it contributes to the objectives set at European level.
The Project will support the implementation of a key EU Regulation in terms of the effective digitalisation in the transport sector and that this is the highest EU added value that the project can bring,
Moreover, there are some other relevant added values in other areas,
Climate change and digitalisation are two global megatrends that will continue to shape EU policy for decades. The European Green Deal introduced policy shifts in the EU in these areas with the two being linked more explicitly at a political level. The synthesis of these policy areas has also been accelerated by the EU recovery package (RRF), which requires EU Member States receiving coronavirus-recovery funds to make significant investments in both areas.
Furthermore, the European Commission’s (EC) Communication “Shaping Europe's digital future”/ Digital Europe Programme2 provides some details about its vision for the role of digitalisation in achieving climate ambitions and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Additionally, the EC Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy’ lays the foundation for how the EU transport system can achieve its green and digital transformation and become more resilient to future crises. Namely in terms of innovation and digitalisation the strategy foresees to make connected multimodal mobility a reality and to boost innovation and the use of data and artificial intelligence (AI) for smarter mobility.
In this respect, eFTI4EU supports investment in Europe's transport digital infrastructure with beneficial consequences on the environment, thus supporting the twin green and digital transition, and contributing to the ambitious targets for the European Green Deal3 and the Digital Decade4.
It will support the goals of the Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy laying the foundation for how the EU transport system can achieve its digital transformation and become more resilient to future crises.
1.4 Cross-border link
Cross-border link
Is the project related to one of the cross-border links listed in Part III of the Annex to the CEF Regulation read in conjunction with Article 2(h) of the CEF Regulation and Article 3(m) and 3(p) of the TEN-T Guidelines?
2 Digital Europe Programme, Digital Europe Programme | European Commission ( 3 European Green Deal - 4 Digital Decade,
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Grants for works addressing a cross-border section may benefit from a higher funding rate (Article 15(2)(a)(i)) of the CEF Regulation). A joint application is strongly recommended, as a demonstration of the good coordination between the partners. Single applicant proposals can be considered as addressing a cross-border section, but need to demonstrate the commitment of all the countries involved.
Continuity of PCI or core network corridor
Is the project located on a section which ensures the continuity of a project of common interest between the nearest urban nodes, on each side of the border of two Member States or between a Member State and a neighbouring country?
Does the project ensure, via a neighbouring country, continuity of a core network corridor between two Member States?
If YES, explain how the project (or part of it) fulfills these conditions. Indicate which Member States/neighbouring countries are concerned and which activities each of them will be carrying out in the framework of the project. Please indicate which core network corridors are addressed (if applicable).
Insert text
High degree of integration in the planning and implementation
Does your project involve a high degree of integration in the planning and implementation, in accordance with Article 15(2)(e) of the CEF Regulation (for instance through the establishment of a single project company, a joint governance structure, a bilateral legal framework or an implementing act pursuant to Article 47 of the TEN-T Guidelines)?
If YES, describe the main elements of this integration and attach appropriate evidence in annex.
Insert text
Written agreement between the States concerned
Actions involving a cross-border link are eligible only if there is a written agreement between the States concerned.
Agreement of the proposal by the Member States does NOT substitute the written agreement.
Have the Member States/neighbouring countries concluded a written agreement at appropriate level relating to the completion of the cross border link (in accordance with Article 7(1) of the CEF Regulation)?
Put N/A if the answer to the first question above is NO.
If YES, describe the main elements of this agreement and attach a copy of it in annex.
Insert text
Other joint commitments
Such commitments could relate, for example, to a common financial plan or coordinated financial plans, a common timetable for the works, including a coordinated date of opening of service, agreement on coordinated procedures for assessing environmental effects and other similar arrangements.
Have the Member States/neighbouring countries made other joint commitments regarding the project?
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If YES, clarify and give details. Attach copies of the related documents (in particular legally binding agreements, if any).
1.5 Integrated management
Integrated management structure
Is your project a cross-border link project (see section 1.4) which will be carried out by an integrated management structure (including joint ventures, etc), in accordance with Article 15(2)(e) of the CEF Regulation ?
If YES, describe the main elements of this agreement and attach a copy of it in annex.
1.6 Synergies
Describe possible synergies with other CEF sectors (Energy and Digital) or other EU programmes (Resilience and Recovery Facility (RRF), Digital Europe, Horizon Europe, Structural Funds, etc.).
Indicate if the project includes synergetic elements eligible under another CEF sector within the meaning of Article 10(2) of the CEF Regulation (and, if yes, describe the sector and the elements).
Indicate if the project will benefit from funding from another programme (and, if yes, explain which part of the project, which EU programme and provide the project reference of the other programme).
Overall synergies
For the project, significant preceding work has been done in previous projects within most of the beneficiaries both within the previous European and regional projects, both EU and other funding-based.
For the key synergies, the learnings from the European Commission stakeholder, expert group Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF) consultation expertise and documentation will be onboarded and extended. Based on the already mapped alternatives and preferences, the evolution of the eFTI4EU will be extending the already existing knowledge, developments and networks.
From projects, most valuable for the eFTI4EU and most related to the eFTI-Gates are the exchange and search mechanisms for Dangerous Goods (UNECE) and for the electronic road transport consignment note eCMR (UNECE).
For using the search mechanism and data at source principle (of access point and now eFTI Gates), DIGINNO, DIGINNO Proto and DINNOCAp projects in the Nordic-Baltic area have proven the concept via a dedicated pilot prototype, both as IT solution and testing platform between several access points.
Specific synergies within CEF
The FEDeRATED project is an EU Member State driven initiative to contribute to the establishment of a viable federated network of platforms for data sharing in the freight transport and logistics domain at EU level (and beyond). The main objective of the project is to enable a smooth and effective public involvement with logistic chains for the execution of public duties, such as eFTI. The project builds upon the work and recommendation of the Digital Transport and Logistic Forum (DTLF) to create such a viable and valid federative network of platforms as an enabler for Business to Administration (B2A) and Business to Business (B2B) data exchange and sharing. During the project beneficiaries have done
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some pre-eFTI piloting actions that have been used to design the eFTI4EU project also. In 2023, according to its planning, the FEDeRATED Action will ultimately deliver the building blocks (templates/Master Plan) for developing an EU future proof data sharing infrastructure for freight transport and logistics established through testing sites with participation of various supply chain operators.
The Leading Principles of the FEDeRATED project shall be the functional requirements and technical specifications, resulting as a validated Master Plan, including a Toolbox and “How To” guidebook, in 2023. The various aspects laying down the foundations of a federated infrastructure provision shall cover the following functionalities (global features – the FEDeRATED stack), closely related to DTLF Subgroup II recommendations and FEDeRATED Activity 2 work, i.e.
a) Semantics with (open) standards
b) Identity and Authentication - Determining the identity of a person/organization/’thing’ from a recognised provider
c) Access points and control - determine what data a person has access to and to identify the points for integrating organizations with or unlocking IT services (GUI) of the infrastructure
d) Findability - Search systems with metadata - findability of all kinds of data (cargo, qualifications, certificates, electronic documents) for supervisors and enforcers
e) Governance principles
For practical purposes the FEDeRATED Activity has identified the federated network of platforms as “an infrastructure provision containing a set of arrangements and technical applications to enable data in existing IT systems (platforms) of companies and public administrations to become available to authorized users through a publish and subscribe approach”. The feasibility of the infrastructure provision will be concretely identified through a multitude of Living Labs.
eFTI will be integrated into several FEDeRATED Living Labs, which along with the FEDeRATED Leading Principles will be utilized for the planning of the eFTI4EU project and its pilots as of 2023. Thus most of the work done in the project can be used as foundation and building blocks for eFTI implementation and eFTI4EU project. more info:
While FEDeRATED Activity focused on more fundamental data sharing issues, the FENIX project focused on way more scalable piloting of platform federations. Fenix was also initiated by the work and recommendations of the European Commission’s Digital Transport and Logistic Forum (DTLF) to create a viable and valid federative network of platforms as enabler for Business to Administration (B2A) and Business to Business (B2B) data exchange and sharing by transport and logistics operators.
The FENIX objectives were to:
• overcome fragmentation and lack of connectivity around ICT-based systems for logistics decision making
• interconnect the different digital platforms and harmonize the services they offer
• ensure interoperability and common protocols for supporting data sharing services
• facilitate horizontal collaboration within the Logistics Solution Companies and act as a technology neutral open-solution
• enable data sharing in the form of digital corridor information systems serving the European logistics community
A key result of the FENIX project at its closing in 2022 was the well tested FENIX connector, which provides an interface for federation of platforms. These learnings will also be utilized in the eFTI4EU project and its pilots as of 2023.
RISCOMEX and RISCOMEX II (Inland Navigation)
RIS COMEX is a CEF funded multi-Beneficiary project aiming at the definition, specification, implementation, and sustainable operation of Corridor RIS Services following the results of the CoRISMa study. RIS COMEX started in the course of 2016 and is operational since June 2023. The project area covered altogether 13 different European countries.
The EuRIS and the CEERIS portals are the main deliverables of the RISCOMEX CEF project.
EuRIS provides skippers an access to all information required by skippers, vessel owners or logistic operators on the main European waterways. Barge operators can register their vessels and follow their
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route, receive a message when one of your vessels passes a certain point on the network. As the owner of the information, the barge operator is always in charge of who is allowed to see which information.
The EuRIS and CEERIS information platforms will be extended during the CEF RISCOMEX II follow-up project to provide an integration of the movement of the vessel with the movement of the cargo. As such RISCOMEX II will provide the information that is necessary for the implementation of the EU 2020/1056 eFTI regulation.
The participation of INE (Inland Navigation Europe) as an observer of the eFTI4EU project will ensure a periodic alignment role between MS implementing their national eFTI roadmap and the eFTI roadmap for inland navigation at a corridor level.
Synergies with other funding and RRF
Some Member States may use RRF funds to support the overall eFTI implementation.
1.7 Dual-use potential (civilian-defence)
Dual-use potential (civilian-defence) (for Military mobility topics)
Describe the potential of dual-use (civilian-defence).
Not applicable
2.1 Readiness and technical maturity
Readiness and technical maturity
Provide information about the readiness and technical maturity of the project.
For every work package, describe the precise state of preparation (e.g. terms of reference ready, tendered, contract signed, started, etc. If any activities of the project have already started, indicate more precisely their current status of implementation.
Describe how the implementation of the project (and, if applicable, of the global project it is part of) depends on the results of past or on-going feasibility or technical studies. For projects with high technological value (such as infrastructure crossing natural barriers, intelligent traffic management systems, cooperative ITS, or airspace initiatives), provide additional information on the foreseen technology, type of communication, and materials.
Explain if there are any further dependencies that are critical to the start and completion of the project such as connection to grid or other utilities, access to and use of land, etc. Indicate if such authorisations have been obtained already or when they are planned for.
The eFTI regulation and the preparation work on EU level is still ongoing and during the 2023 most of the regulative actions needs to be decided. However, at the same time the main conceptual framework for eFTI is understood and the implementation deadline is getting closer. Thus, it must be stated that all eFTI development actions and works need to follow an agile development cycle, where parallel EU regulation work must be monitored continuously.
The project eFTI4EU is designed so that it will provide maximal support for member states and thus it starts exactly where eFTI development is meant to be in summer 2023 - between the implementing and delegated acts texts and the final interoperable implementation of the technical systems.
It is important to stress again that the foundation of the project will be based on the eFTI Regulation and the related IAs and Das that will serve as starting points for all the project activities.
Namely in 2023 the first DA (on data model) and IA (on the technical specification of the eFTI gate) will be released. Ongoing works are in execution with all the 27 MSs that are regularly aligned on the progresses. This will assure a robust readiness and maturity level although there are still some open questions regarding the technical solutions for interoperability, data exchange, identification- authentication-authorization for example. However, the aim of the project is to produce reference
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architecture, which will tackle all of these issues also and provide that for the MS, so that they can utilize it effectively in their national implementations.
The composition of the consortium support the readiness of the proposal and the technical robustness of the team.
9 Member States as full beneficiary
• Digilogistika Keskus (supporting consultant and IT specialist)
• Bundesamt Logistik und Mobilität (supporting Agency)
• LIIKENNE JA VIESTINTAVIRASTO (supporting Agency acting on behalf of the ministry in charge)
• Schieneninfrastruktur-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft MBH (supporting Agency)
• RAM (supporting Agency)
• Circle (supporting eFTI consultant and IT specialist for pilot implementation)
• IN Continue et Services (supporting consultant and IT specialist for pilot implementation)
• INSTITUTO DA MOBILIDADE E DOS TRANSPORTES, I P (supporting Agency acting on behalf of the ministry in charge)
• Transporti Innovation Association (supporting consultant)
• Normalis Tech (supporting consultant and IT specialist for pilot implementation)
• Klaipeda Port (supporting for pilot implementation for the connection between the port and the hinterland; the pilot won’t be dealing with the maritime side that is covered by the EMSWe Regulation)
• SERVICE PUBLIC DE WALLONIE (ministry in charge)
• Logistics in Wallonia (supporting non-profit community)
4 top level eFTI consulting companies
• PortExpertise and 51Biz Luxembourg, heavily involved in supporting the EC in the eFTI implementation through the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF). Digilogistika Keskus consolidating both the expertise on DTLF consultations and team co-leading and on analysis and suggestions on eFTI Platforms and eFTI Gates requirements.
Circle has been supporting the EC in the eFTI implementation of eFTI trough specific contracts, the latest ongoing contract with Circle and Digilogistika Keskus together supporting the DG
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MOVE will l guarantee the alignment of the eFTI4EU development with the delivery of the Delegated and Implementing Acts
1 Intergovernmental initiative
• The Secretariat of the Northern Dimension Partnership for Transportation and Logistics (NDPTL, represented by the Nordic Investment Bank, is an intergovernmental initiative established by the Ministries of Transport of the participating countries and the EU in October 2009 by the Memorandum of Understanding setting out the modalities of establishing the Northern Dimension Partnership on Transport and Logistics - The currently active members of the NDPTL are Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Sweden and the European Union. Geographically the Northern Dimension focuses on Northern Europe, including Baltic, Northern Atlantic, Arctic and Sub-Arctic areas. The overall goal of the partnership is to improve, in compliance with the ecological needs of the region, transport connections and logistics in the Northern Dimension region. Digitalization of transportation is, together with decarbonization, a currently highlighted NDPTL strategic priority topic. The Secretariat of the Northern Dimension Partnership for Transportation and Logistics (NDPTL), hosted by the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB). NDPTL has allocated its work for the first two years of the project because its agreed work program is set for 2020-2024.
The consortium is complemented by other experienced top consultants subcontracted by Members States such as AlbrechtConsult in Germany (Expert for data exchange, developer of the Dangerous Goods system architecture of the UNECE and DTLF Subgroup 1 Team 3 co-lead) and by Member States participating as observers with whom a regular interaction will be established during the project.
The composition of the consortium also shows that the eFTI4EU project connects leading eFTI MSs and experts together, which gives an extremely good starting point for the project. Most of the project participants have actively participated in the project preparations and eFTI development. Some actors have taken more concrete and pioneering roles and some have been active followers. Aim is to utilize this same division between actors during the project and hence improve the general readiness and maturity level of MSs on eFTI implementation.
WP1 – Will be built on know-how of the eFTI Expert team, that prepared this proposal, that will form the Project Coordination Committee; the relevant work undertaken by the PCC in eFTI matters will be reflected towards the MS requirements while creating the eFTI roadmaps, reference implementation architecture and the subsequent governance model.
The PCC members are:
• Peter Bresseleers, PortExpertise • Alexio Picco, Circle • Marco Gorini, Circle • Ulrika Hurt, Digilogistika Keskus • Heiti Mering, Digilogistika Keskus • Matti Lankinen, Vediafi • Lasse Nykänen, Vediafi • Rudy Hemeleers, 51Biz Luxembourg • Christian Lüpges, AlbrechtConsult
WP2 – Is based on the PCC team piloting experience derived e.g. from the FENIX and FEDeRATED projects, where pre-eFTI piloting is already being made. MSs will enrich this piloting with valuable real system cross-border implementation experience e.g. for Dangerous Goods in Germany and France (see political statements below) or eCMR pilots in the Nordic-Baltic region. This will be complemented through inclusion of counter parting eFTI test platforms, which will be available as a result of MS initiated projects e.g. in Estonia and Germany.
WP3 – Circle has a relevant experience in Communication and Dissemination activities in a vast range of projects across Europe (DocksTheFuture, Pioneers, 5G Loginnov, Moses, E-Bridge, Seanergy, Renew). This assures a very mature knowledge base and a quite large stakeholders database (nearly 3.500 profiled and GDPR compliant addresses in their own mailing lists).
WP4 – The Coordinator (Estonia) will be supported by PortExpertise and specifically by Peter Bresseleers that is an experienced project manager of the eFTI4EU-project. In addition to Peter´s own experience e.g. in the FENIX project the PortExpertise has more than 20 years of experience in maritime/port issues. PortExpertise has international focus on financing, legal matters, market research/audits, insurance and claims, ICT, customs, training, and market communication. It has made research assignments and project management for more than 300 port and terminal projects worldwide with agents in Europe, Middle-East and Asia. It has also been active in Worldbank and EU projects worldwide, as external advisor to EU logistics and - digitalisation projects, and assisting the big five consultancy firms in port related projects.
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Together with the coordinator, and the PCC, he will have full control of the project and its reporting to CINEA.
The eFTI4EU Activities are technically mature, the beneficiaries integrate a consortium ready to develop entirely these activities, the necessary budget has been agreed and self-financing has been secured.
Complementary considerations about readiness / technical maturity which reinforce the maturity of the Project are provided below.
eFTI4EU is not an isolated project, but it is built on the results of different projects and regulatory activities conducted at national and international level.
In technical terms, as already anticipated, the work of DTLF and the outcomes of the FENIX and FEDERATED project are the foundation of the eFTI4EU.
A list of previous projects is provided as annex.
eFTI4EU goes several steps further on the way initiated by these projects in order to effectively deploy reference implementations and potential solutions with high positive impact on the multimodal transport sector. In fact, the lessons learned from those projects allowed the identification of the proposed technological solutions as the most suitable options to be implemented in a short period of time and with a high degree of impact on increasing door-to-door TEN-T efficiency and competitiveness and raising perceived quality by TEN-T operators.
The pilots in eFTI4EU constitute market sided innovation and will bridge the gap between the existing state of the art and the eFTI implementation, validating the technologies in real scenarios in real TEN-T sections. These technologies that have already been thoroughly researched but never tested in real eFTI solution will be analysed and piloted, with the objective of testing them and providing results by beginning 2024. The partners involved in the piloting activities agree that this deadline already incorporates a 15% extra margin of time just in case minor unforeseen tasks arise during the piloting activities. The commitment of the partners to the project and to the dates fixed in these activities is total and they agree that the time plan has been designed following conservative criteria.
Ex ante evaluations and feasibility studies
Provide information on ex-ante evaluations and feasibility studies (if any) and summarise the main results (and attach them as annexes).
In particular, describe the objectives, activities and policy options considered. Describe the main indicators used in the ex-ante evaluation and make reference to the appropriate statistical base. Outline the strategic and technical alternative options considered in the option analysis. Summarise the multi-criteria analysis or any other method used to shortlist the alternatives and what have been the arguments used to exclude cheaper but still relevant solutions. Summarise the shortlisted options or any other method used that led to the final selection.
If the ex-ante evaluation was carried out on a global project going beyond the scope of the project, give an overview and explain how it is linked to the project.
Clarify if TEN-T/CEF or other EU programmes have provided financial support for the ex-ante evaluations.
eFTI4EU is a study conducted through pilots that will be assessed prior to their future implementation after the project has been completed. As such, it does not need to provide a full ex-ante evaluation as the validation of the feasibility of those solutions is one of the tasks to be carried out in the Project.
However, since the start of Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (2015) a substantial list of studies lead to the current regulation on eFTI platforms. We mention a few of them:
● The Digital Transport and Logistics Forum Second Mandate (DTLF II) Subgroup 2: corridor information systems Interim report: defines the challenges as having a too high Total Cost of Ownership due to the wide range of different interfaces deployed in B2B and B2G/G2B data sharing interfaces; this current approach lacks inclusiveness, as SMEs have insufficient knowledge and financial means to invest in current methods of data sharing; the lack of harmonized interfaces leads to a variety of platform solutions focused on particular markets. In short, the current data sharing solutions hinder the creation of an open and neutral data space.
● Digitalisation of transport data is considered a digital Pillar of the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, as per Principal Adviser for Digitalisation – Smart Mobility, European Commission address to the DTLF Plenary meeting of December 2021, stating that ‘ The main objective of the Strategy and its digital pillar is to create an irreversible shift to zero-emission mobility while making the EU’s transport more efficient and resilient, which corresponds to the three pillars of the Strategy (Sustainability, Smart Mobility, Resilience of the Transport System). The Strategy is translated into 82 policy actions, structured around 10 flagship areas relevant flagships for
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
the DTLF are “Making connected and automated multimodal mobility a reality” and “Innovation, data, and artificial intelligence for smarter mobility”
● European Data Strategy - Mobility Data Space and Digital Europe Programme-, is to ‘create the right conditions for people, companies and authorities to share data in a secure, trust creating manner’. This is to be done by 4 key instruments, the Data Act (2022) - ensuring fairness in the allocation of data value among the actors of data economy; Implementing Act High Value Data Sets (2021) (unleashing the socio-economic potential of data as a public good; Digital Market Act (2021) - regulating market power based on data, and Data Governance Act (2020) - ensuring trust in transactions.
● The European data strategy of February 2020 announced the creation of data spaces in 10 strategic fields among which logistics. To this point the creation of eFTI platforms and national nodes is indispensable.
● DG MOVE’s ‘State of play and barriers to the use of electronic transport documents for freight transport: options for EU level policy interventions5 addressed the Member States in a detailed study on ‘the high use of paper documentation in freight transport’, causing a high administrative burden for public and private sector, blocking the full benefit of digital solutions and the elimination of paper copies of carriage contracts, consignment notes, CMR, lading way bill, Dangerous goods formalities, … .the survey also identifies problems in national authorities having nearly 30 times different requirements, transport is often cross-border and only a small number of cross border initiatives exist in digitalisation, .. Furthermore there are numerous legal and regulatory barriers ( lack of appropriate legislative frameworks in the EU MS on acceptance by authorities of electronic Freight Transport Documents (e-fTD), a too large diversification of national regulations on data, acceptance, and use of e-fTD; procedural and organisational barriers ( the fact that authorities still demand paper copies; The suggested policy measures that resulted from the survey are a) acceptance by MS b)Interoperability of solutions/systems (i.e. automatic reuse of data) in business-to administration communication
● a 2017 study by SAMSKIP revealed that Samskip a pPotential cost saving for the supply chain partners of at least EUR 3.2 million per year when - only - digitising the CMR (assuming 350.000 shipments in total @ lowest average of 9.26 euro per shipment)
● the World Economic Forum6 estimates the benefits of a Reduced administrative cost of compliance to $ 12 billion per year, in the air sector alone : Stakeholders would be able to handle all administrative tasks online instead of filling in paper documents. For example in the air sector, the World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates benefits of moving from paper to electronic documents up to $12 billion per year. In addition, transport players could introduce their information only once, and the data could then be made automatically available to all stakeholders that they choose. Furthermore, controls as well as tolling of trucks thanks a remote access to trucks on-board systems while these are moving could reduce unnecessary stop times.
● Currently, only 1%-3% of all cross-border shipments carry electronic freight information documents on average, ranging from 0-1% in road and inland waterways, 5% in rail, up to 40% in air transport. There are substantial inefficiencies in the handling of paper-based freight documents: incorrect completed documentation, human mistakes, poor writing and loss of documents result in poor data quality. This, in turn, leads to losses in terms of efficiency, simplification, transparency and competitiveness. Nominally, the industry spends yearly approximately 387 million hours on processing paper-based documents with an estimated cost of about EUR 7 890 million.7
● Further on we identify the alignment of this project with EU policy and ambitions for digitalisation of transport and logistics:
○ the European Interoperability Framework (EIF), promoted and maintained by the ISA² programme, aims at developing, maintaining and promoting interoperable systems that can act as enablers of smooth electronic data sharing.
○ A decade ago, the White Paper on Transport (COM/2011/0144)[1] acknowledged the need to improve the use of digital technologies in the freight transport sector.
○ The European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility (COM/2016/501)
5 6 7 European Commission. (2018). State of play and barriers to the use of electronic transport documents for freight transport Options for EU level policy interventions : final report - Study, pp. 41, 47. and European Commission. (2018). State of play and barriers to the use of electronic transport documents for freight transport Options for EU level policy interventions : final report - Study, pp. 41, 47.
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○ the Digital Single Market Policy (COM/2015/192)[1] has introduced a detailed digitisation action plan, including the ICT Standardisation Priorities for the Digital Single Market
○ the EU intends to develop several common European data spaces, which will allow a single market for data, as stipulated in the European Strategy for Data
○ Smart and Sustainable Transport Strategy ○ the European Green Deal (EGD): in which digitalisation of the transport and freight
sector is key for the successful implementation of the EGD. Among others, transportation networks should become completely digital in order to benefit from the Green Deal. Moreover, electronic data should flow across supply chains seamlessly, which includes data-sharing between public administrations and businesses, and between firms themselves
This project also addresses the objectives of EU legislative framework for digitalisation of transport and logistics:
● 2017, the Commission introduced two mobility packages and the subsequent EU Member State ministers signed policy statement reiterating the need to invest in accelerating digital transformation of the public sector through the Tallinn Ministerial Resolution on e-Government
● Third Mobility Package is the Electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) Regulation
● INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/EC)[1] aiming to create a European-wide ‘Infrastructure for Spatial Information’. It outlines 34 spatial data themes to be made available by public sector organisations for environmental utilisation, of which transport networks is defined as one of these themes.
● In addition, the intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Directive (2010/40/EU)[2] aims at facilitating the deployment of innovative transport solutions by creating favourable conditions through the adoption of technological, functional and organisational specifications
Ex-ante preliminary identified benefits
The benefits of the eFTI Regulation are to be important to both economic operators and competent authorities. If one accounts for the time-savings, the industry would save up to 75-102 million hours saved yearly, which is the equivalent of EUR 20-27 billion over a period of 22 years (2018-2040). Specifically, the majority of the administrative cost savings would take place in the road transport sector (60%) – an industry composed of 99 percent SMEs, who will be directly impacted.[1] The eFTI Regulation will also have beneficial consequences in terms of sustainability, in addition to economic benefits. The sum of CO² emissions reductions are estimated to amount to a cumulative external cost saving of EUR 74 million. In addition, less congestion and waiting times are estimated so save almost EUR 300 million. On the other hand, the eFTI Regulation will ensure the availability of standardised, high quality data for monitoring and statistical purposes. This, in turn, will lead to more efficient and consistent enforcement of EU freight transport regulations and enable risk-based controls by competent authorities.[3]
Overall, the eFTI Regulation represents a significant step towards strengthening the goals of efficiency of the logistics chain, administrative simplification, and competitiveness of the sector.8
8 European Commission. (2018). Impact Assessment Accompanying the Document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Electronic Freight Transport Information, pp. 42-50.
European Commission. (2018). Impact Assessment Accompanying the Document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Electronic Freight Transport Information, p. 52.
European Commission. (2018). Impact Assessment Accompanying the Document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Electronic Freight Transport Information, p. 49.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Political commitment
Provide information on the political commitments regarding the implementation of the project and, if relevant, on the global project, including cross-border commitments where relevant.
List and briefly describe the (formal and informal) documents demonstrating these commitments (decisions of national and regional authorities, memoranda of understanding, written agreements, national transport master plans or in sectorial strategies, etc).
At EU level, the DTLF and the European Commission emphasise the relevance of corridor information system aspects in a future pan-European architecture together with the advanced interoperable transport and logistics solutions.
Nationally, the project is a direct extension of existing political commitment in all the MSs towards furthering digitalisation in the fields of transport and logistics. The activities are formulated to ensure existing initiatives can be further upheld and developed, specifically in relation to the already mentioned Resilience and Recovery Fund in different MSs.
The political commitment is clearly shown by the nine (9) ministries and agencies directly participating in the proposal or through their own agencies plus three (3) participating as observers.All the committed MSs have secured their own budget for the eFTI4EU implementation and are ready to co-fund this project. Moreover, many MSs are already cooperating between them in order to execute specific agreement that are indirectly supporting the eFTI implementation.
In the following paragraphs two examples are presented.
Guidelines for the use of RID/ADR/ADN (use of electronic data exchange) - The regulations on the carriage of dangerous goods require a transport document to be provided with standardised information on the goods being carried. Up to now, this has usually been done in paper form. The provisions of ADR (Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road), RID (Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail) and ADN (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways) only permit the electronic exchange of data if the procedures used meet the legal requirements with regard to evidential value and availability during carriage at least equivalent to the procedures with written documents.The competent international dangerous goods body, the UNECE RID/ADR/ADN Joint Meeting, has developed a guideline for this purpose which describes the necessary elements of data communication in order to achieve the required equivalence.
On 30 March 2021, as the first country of the UNECE contracting parties, Germany notified the Guidelines had been legally adopted and designated a TP1 entity (similar to an eFTI Gate) in accordance with Appendix A of the guidelines. The notification is available in the Verkehrsblatt in 2021 and thus made it applicable in Germany. France planned the notification after successful field tests of proper authority applications at the end of 2022 or the beginning of 2023.
The electronic dangerous goods transport document as part of eFTI not only serves to make things easier for transport companies, but also in particular to increase the safety of dangerous goods transport. In the event of accidents, data communication makes it possible for authorities and emergency services to reliably obtain information that is important for emergency measures without endangering themselves. Further increases in efficiency can also be expected in the further processing of the data by the authorities. Therefore, eFTI plans to incorporate these benefits and the processes required to apply them to the transport of dangerous goods. This in turn will be properly implemented by eFTI4EU.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Finnish and Estonian ministries - On 15 November 2022, Finland's Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka and Estonia's Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology Kristjan Järvan signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Finnish and Estonian ministries on advancing the digital transformation in the field of logistics.
The Memorandum of Understanding enables cooperation and exchange of information between the ministries in logistics digitalisation. This agreement between the two countries will facilitate cross-border transport and promote the digitalisation of transport and logistics, which directly contributes to the efficient functioning of logistics helping with green transition and sustainability. Cooperation between Finland and Estonia plays an important role in promoting the digitalisation of logistics. In Finland, cross-border cooperation is included in the government resolution on the digitalisation of logistics, published in 2021. Cooperation is expected to increase efficiency in international transport, create new business opportunities and promote the achievement of emission reduction targets. Both countries are also currently preparing for the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)-eFTI call for proposals in line with the MoU targets.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Public consultations
Describe the public consultations carried out and the feedback received (or consultations foreseen and their timing).
Provide information on the plans to involve stakeholders during the implementation.
With regards to the preparation of the Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on electronic freight transport information the Commission actively engaged with stakeholders and conducted comprehensive consultations throughout the impact assessment process. The consultation activities included: an open public consultation (OPC) organised by the Commission, running from 25 October 2017 to 18 January 2018; an SME panel survey organised by the Commission, running from 24 November 2017 to 22 January 2018; a legal survey of private and public stakeholders organised by the consultant responsible for the impact assessment support study, running from 23 October 2017 to 1 January 2018; a targeted survey of private and public stakeholders organised by the consultant responsible for the impact assessment support study, running from 27 October 2017 to 7 January 2018; 50 interviews with stakeholders, including industry representatives and national authorities, conducted by the consultant responsible for the impact assessment support study and its partners between 20 October 2017 and 15 January 2018; stakeholder meetings and workshops at several different events; five case studies examined by the consultant responsible for the impact assessment support study between 6 November 2017 and 15 January 2018.
The result was that a large majority of the stakeholder consulted — i.e. more than 90 % of the 265 SME respondents to the SME panel survey, and 88 of the 100 respondents to the OPC survey, indicated significant or at least some expected benefits from adopting electronic information exchange. Moreover, 90 % of the private companies and associations responding to the OPC indicated the non-acceptance of electronic transport documents/information by Member State authorities as a significant driver of the problem. For the smaller companies, the SME panel survey found that the main reason for not using electronic transport documents was that their clients and business partners do not use transport documents in an electronic format. The next most widely cited reason for this group (following closely behind) was non-acceptance by the authorities.
More importantly, around 90 % of the respondents of the OPC considered ensuring acceptance by Member State authorities, while 88% found a legally binding approach to ensuring such acceptance more effective than a non-binding one. 90% of all OPC respondents also indicated as important the interoperability of B2A and B2B communications. Similarly, 75% of the SME panel respondents indicated ensuring acceptance by authorities as a very important policy objectives, and another 13% as moderately important.
More than 70 % of both the OPC and SME panel respondents would also welcome standardised technical specifications for sharing data between logistics operators and the public administration, with 88 % of OPC respondents considering a legally binding approach more effective.
As part of the service contract MOVE/2020/OP/0015 ‘Support for development of implementations specifications for the EU Regulation 2020/1056 on electronic freight transport information (eFTI)’, project partner Circle performed detailed discussions with EU Member States representatives by means of surveys and virtual workshops in order to identify the possible technical scenarios which resulted in a report called ‘Draft sets of alternative architectural options & comparative assessment’. The document aims at describing several architectural options for the eFTI exchange environment. The document is built on the top of the eFTI regulation and of the Architecture principles for the eFTI reference architecture.
The project preparation and the application coordination team has interviewed several actors around EU from public and private sectors and at the same time the team has participated actively in DTLF work. All these discussions and knowledge has been used for preparation works and the team has tried to gather together the most relevant challenges and open questions that have been pointed out from the stakeholders. Target is that the eFTI4EU project will tackle these issues and provide profound and useful information and practices for EU MS so that they are well prepared to implement their operative eFTI systems.
eFTI4EU will involve as stakeholders several authorities, port and inland terminals, railway undertakings, railway infrastructure managers, road transport companies and IT experts that are not direct beneficiaries of this Project. As many stakeholders interested in this Project as possible will be involved in this group that will have access to the results of the activities, will be able to provide technical input and give information for the impact assessment and cost-benefit analyses on the benefits that launching for real the sFTI4EU initiatives would have on the European digital transport and logistics sector.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
2.2 Status of contracting procedures and authorisations, approvals and permits
Authorisations, approvals and permits
Indicate the general project maturity in terms of authorisations, approvals and permits needed.
Not applicable being eFTI4EU a study.
Authorisations, approvals and permits (including environmental)
For each work package/task, list the authorisations or approvals needed (at governmental, regional, local level, including environmental approvals, right-of-way, state aid notification/decision, etc.) and their status and expected timeline.
Risk factors and mitigating measures (alternative solutions) if the authorisations are not obtained in time should be described in section 3.4.
Task No
Type and Description Status Date of award
Building permits
For each work package/task, provide information on the building permits which must be obtained.
Describe what the permit is for, the authority concerned, the size (land surface) and the kind of works concerned.
Indicate their status timeline.
Risk factors and mitigating measures (alternative solutions) if the permits are not obtained in time should be described in section 3.4.
Task No
Type and Description
Date of award
Contracting procedures
Procurement in general
Indicate the project maturity in terms of procurements needed.
In order to carry out the eFTI4EU project, both public and private beneficiaries will require external procurement of services and/or materials for their solutions. The partners of EFTI4EU will carefully respect legal procurement procedures. All beneficiaries will abide by the rules on procurement contained in the respective Union and specific country legislation on public procurement. Relevant public procurement procedures will be applied to contracts signed during the reporting period of the Project by public partners.
In any case, the best value for money criteria will be followed.
Contracts awarded before submission of the proposal
For each work package/task, explain the contracts already awarded, their typology and status. For public procurers, please specify which procurement method has been selected (e.g. EU-wide or national; open, restricted or negotiated, etc). For private companies, please specify best value for money. Where applicable, indicate the starting dates of the awarded contracts.
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Please note that we do not check or validate the procurement method you chose. The procurement must be in compliance with the provisions set out in the Grant Agreement and compliance may be checked later on (in checks, reviews, audits or investigations).
The German Ministry of Transport has already awarded a 400.000 € contract to AlbrechtConsult. The following text describes the content of this contract.
The Regulation 2020/1056 on electronic freight transport information obliges the control authorities to accept freight information electronically in the event of a control. For this purpose, information on the implementation situation in the authorities concerned must be collected and processed, and the costs of setting up and operating the system must be estimated. In addition, all implementation-relevant working documents discussed within the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum driven by the EU Commission, e.g. on technical specifications for the development of the platforms, are to be analysed and evaluated. For the regulation, Delegated (DA) and Implementing Acts (IA) being developed, which are also to be analysed and evaluated. The first DA on data (others will follow) is to enter into force as early as February 2023. In addition, working group meetings and communication tasks are to be carried out. Therefore, a public procurement has been started already in 2022.
In summary the contract comprises for Germany, the collection and evaluation of information, participation in EU IT-technical working groups, analysis and evaluation of EU working papers and proposals with regard to German implementation conditions, impact assessments, preparation of the situation in Germany with regard to the state of preparation of the authorities, estimation of the costs for the BMDV and the German authorities.
Contracts planned during implementation
For each work package/task, explain the contracts planned, their typologies and status. For public procurers, please specify which procurement method will be selected (open, restricted, negotiated, EU wide or national). For private companies, please specify how you will ensure best value for money. Where applicable, please indicate the start dates of the awarded contracts.
Please note that we do not check or validate the procurement method you chose. The procurement must be in compliance with the provisions set out in the Grant Agreement and compliance may be checked later on (in checks, reviews, audits or investigations).
The partners that require relevant external contracts in the Project have already asked for preliminary budgets from different suppliers in order to estimate the costs executing their activities and be able to produce an adjusted budget. If the Project is selected for EU co-funding, all beneficiaries will abide by the rules on public procurement contained in their respective country and Union legislation.
Any outsourcing will be awarded in accordance with the applicable rules on public tendering of their respective countries and in conformity with European Union Directives on public tendering procedures. eFTI4EU partners will invite competitive tenders from potential subcontractors and award the contract to the bid offering the best value for money; in doing so, they will observe the principles of transparency and equal treatment and will take care to avoid any conflicts of interest. Contracts may be awarded only on the following basis:
• Recourse to the award of contracts must be justified having regard to the nature of the Project and what is necessary for its implementation.
• The Beneficiary will undertake to make the necessary arrangements to ensure that the contractor(s) waive(s) all rights in respect of the Commission.
The Beneficiary will undertake to ensure that the conditions applicable to them concerning conflict of interests, ownership/use of the results, confidentiality, publicity, evaluation, suspension, assignment, checks and audits are also applicable to the contractor(s).
The main costs that will be outsourced are:
• Specific IT and logistic expertise for the definition of the technical and functional specifications of the solutions, for the implementations of the pilots and for the evaluation of the results
• Software development works for some beneficiaries
• Some countries (e.g. Italy) will reserve a portion of the pilot budget to publicly select and engage a set of economic operators / eFTI potential service providers to test the eFTI gate
Travel and subsistence costs have been budgeted considering a limited amount of physical consortium meetings,
Costs of auditing and administrative support(s) have been also budgeted.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
2.3 Financial maturity
Financial maturity
Describe the availability of funds for the project over its lifecycle (budget in balance; use of funds vs sources of funds) demonstrating that the sources of funds cover the project costs. Distinguish between the applicant’s own resources, third party resources, grants and other forms of funding of the project and list for each source the fund providers, recipients and use of funds. Provide a diagram of entities participating in the financing structure, either as a receiving party or as provider of funding or financing, or of other support (e.g. guarantee).
Provide details on revenues and other sources of financing needed to complement the CEF support and the degree of confidence in those financial commitments.
For own resources, indicate whether these are already approved internally and put aside for the project, or what conditions need to be lifted to reach approval. Explain the degree of confidence (and why) that these conditions will be lifted. Give details on the planning/timing for the final investment decision.
For resources contributed by third parties, describe the amounts expected, their nature (external equity, debt or other grants). Indicate when approval is expected and explain the degree of confidence (and why) of getting such approval. Indicate if the approval necessitates a due-diligence process and, if yes, describe its scope.
For debt instruments, explain if you (or your partners or associated companies) provide guarantees of repayment, irrespective of the financial performance of the project. Explain the debt structure (layers and their respective seniority) as necessary.
Explain what the alternatives are, if a specific source of financing turns out to be not available.
83.63 % of the projects budget (eligible costs) is secured by the participating Member States, or their appointed public agencies. These budgets are secured in their respective national budget for the next three years. The remaining 16.37 % is allocated by private partners annual investment budgets.
In terms of funding, all partners have allocated budgets up to 50% of total costs. 50% of the project budget is expected to be covered with CEF funding which was approved internally and put aside for the project.
The co-financing is secured as the commitment of the partners to the Project is total.
All MSs allocated national budgets to cover the full eFTI implementation and the eFTI4EU project is part of the overall implementation.
3.1 Cost effectiveness and financial management
Cost effectiveness (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)
For each work package of the project, explain and justify the level of resources needed for implementing the proposed tasks. These may relate to human resources, financial resources, buying equipment, etc.
Note: It is important to demonstrate the appropriateness of the estimated costs (in terms of both type and level of costs) needed for the implementation of the proposed tasks.
The overall costs for each WP have been calculated considering the estimated eligible costs for the different main categories:
- Personnel costs (based on actual personnel costs practice): 10.210.248 EUR
- Subcontracting (based on market values): 16.897.414 EUR
- Purchase costs (travel and subsistence, equipment and other goods, works and services) in total: 1.244.963 EUR
- The share of the budget between the Work Packages over the years can be seen below (details in Annex I to Part B – Detailed Budget)
Summary per work package
Row Labels
Sum of Total
Sum of EU
WP 1 Horizontal Alignment 865.376 16% 2.012.035 38% 1.958.709 37% 445.184 8% - 0% 5.281.304 2.640.652
WP 2 National and Corridor Pilots 2.074.089 13% 6.353.044 39% 6.229.748 38% 1.687.537 10% - 0% 16.344.418 8.172.209
WP 3 Communication, Dissemination & Capacity Building 264.393 15% 648.278 37% 663.522 38% 193.149 11% - 0% 1.769.342 884.671
WP 4 Project Management 541.932 18% 1.029.816 34% 1.069.641 35% 416.173 14% - 0% 3.057.561 1.528.781
Grand Total 3.745.790 14% 10.043.173 38% 9.921.620 38% 2.742.042 10% - 0% 26.452.625 13.226.313
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
The EU member states are obliged to implement Regulation 2020/1056 on electronic freight transport information from 2024. The regulation obliges competent authorities to accept electronically information in case of control. The member states are responding to this fact with varying degrees of commitment in the project. Basically, they are all analysing their eFTI readiness and joining forces to actively create a harmonised cross-border eFTI exchange environment based on the eFTI Regulation and related delegated and implementing acts and to promote eFTI in their countries. This requires a similar commitment in WP 1, 3 and 4. Some countries also want to go a step further and test the specifications in (WP2). This ranges from small pilots that essentially look at single use cases to wide-ranging pilots that come close to an operational eFTI system. All pilots are to realise cross-border exchange of eFTI data sets. This leads to varying levels of commitment and financial investment.
Therefore, the following table explains the main differences in the budget for each Member State by using 3 different levels of engagement.
Level Description Member State
1 - Advanced MSs with a higher budget, providing a software development level close to full operational system, co-develop also an open- source reference implementation, provide a higher level of integration with existing national systems (e.g., eCMR, Dangerous Goods) and covering most of the eFTI use cases (road, rail, aviation, inland waterways, combined transport, cabotage waste and dangerous goods)
2 – Basic MSs with an intermediate budget to cover a smaller number of eFTI use cases and the cross-border pilots
3 - Observer MSs acting as observer (no budget and no active participation in the Project) will be engaged at least twice a year in specific meetings dedicated to inform them on the progress of the project and to ask for their feedback in order to guarantee a more effective and harmonised eFTI implementation at EU level + Inland Navigation Europe (INE) a platform of national & regional waterway authorities and bodies promoting waterways transport
PortExpertise: PortExpertise will support the coordinating MS (Estonia) and lead the overall project coordination team from daily operational aspect of the project. PortExpertise will facilitate the overall project governance (with “political” alignment with the member states). In practice these concerns mainly WP 4 Project Management, that consist of daily management, controlling, coordination of Coordination Committee Support and Identification of the action required, and support and secretariat activities. All reporting formalities of both the MS and the private partners
Circle: supporting Italy in the horizontal tasks, leading WP3 on communication / dissemination, and working in WP 1 to guarantee the compliance with the eFTI IAs and DAs (being the leading consultant for DG MOVE); Circle will also develop the national eFTI gate pilot.
51Biz Luxembourg
51Biz Luxembourg will adapt the FEDeRATED EU-Gate e-CMR/eFTI access point and OneAPP for Authorities to the eFTI4EU reference architecture (WP1). During the first year, particular attention will be also given to hands-on training sessions (WP3). 51Biz will participate in the setup and implementation and quality assurance of cross-border pilot use cases. 51Biz will participate in the coordination with external stakeholders in the domain of inland navigation (INE, RISCOMEX II project), the DTLF SG1 Data Model and eFTI architecture teams and DTLF SG2/FEDeRATED pilot implementations (WP3).
Digilogistika Keskus (Digital Logistcs Centre of Excellence)
Digilogistika Keskus and its experts and partners come into the project with a strong expertise on eCMR and eFTI architecture and application, research and stakeholder engagement experience. The company is both holding competence in how to set up an access point and consolidates delivering the analysis reports and architecture proposals for the eFTI platforms and eFTI gates (National Access Points).
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
DLK has the respective international expertise via its projects, DIGINNO, DIGINNO-Proto and DINNOCAP as well as NDPTL eCMR.
DLK also consolidates Estonian and regional experts who have been members of DTLF and its partner Ulrika Hurt has long been the co-lead of DTLF eFTI Technical Requirements/Architecture team and consolidator of the DLTF content work on eFTI Architecture, Building Blocks, Scenario and General Business Process. Currently, DLK is in the consultation team for the European Commission on preparing the regulatory proposal content on requirements for eFTI and for the German ministry BMDV on reflection and requirements on eFTI.
DLK also leads and consolidates the experts who consult the Estonian Innovation and Entrepreneurship Agency on consulting the eFTI platforms development as per national grants.
The Project Coordination Committee (PCC), (description in the project management structure section) will be also adding additional eFTI consultants that are already or will be contracted by MSs for specific national support alongside with the abovementioned teams (mainly from also DTLF- experienced. AlbrechtConsult).
Financial management
Describe in detail the arrangements for the financial management of the project and the monitoring, internal and external audit and evaluation processes, put in place to ensure the eligibility of the expenditure.
The overall eligible cost of the Project is a bit more than 28 million euro.
The main categories of costs will be personnel costs and subcontractors (rules of engagement already described in the paragraph on procurement).
Outsourced external costs (services, equipment, travels) accounts for about 1,25 million euro.
The financial management of the eFTI4EU will be primarily the responsibility of the Project Coordinator, who will put in place the following arrangements:
• appointment of an administrative and financial manager: All Project partners have extensive experience in the management of TEN-T/CEF projects and also in the use of the EU CEF /Horizon web portal. Each MS will allocate an administrative and financial contact point to align with the project administrative and financial manager
• drafting, finalizing the Consortium Agreement, including covering i) consortium organization ii) payments procedures: iii) participants admin in web-Portal; iv); dispute settlement rules; vii) liability, indemnification and confidentiality arrangements. Signing of consortium will be mandatory
• special workshops, and online tutorials/guides on projects administration procedures, eligibility of costs, will be organized
• project accounting is used by participants allowing to track the specific costs of each project activity/cost. This is done by using a sub-account for this project, where activity specific costs are accumulated
• inserted in the document), reporting obligations (i.e. timesheets, justification of the best value for money in subcontracting) and how to prepare the periodic reports.
• availability of financial reporting template, assistance and monitoring of project partners financial reporting
3.2 Consortium set-up, governance and organisational structure
Consortium cooperation and division of roles and organisational structure
Describe the organisational structure set up to implement the project.
In particular, explain the distribution of roles and responsibilities between the different partners (Beneficiaries, Affiliated Entities and Associated Partners, if any).
Describe the main contractual arrangements, the governance structure, the lines of communication and decision- making processes. Describe if the governance bodies have already been established; if members have been nominated and the status of approval of the governance rules. List any pending decisions on the organisational structure.
If a special purpose company/vehicle (SPC/SPV) is envisaged, indicate whether a shareholder agreement has already been prepared. If not yet, the case, indicate where you are with the finalisation of the agreement.
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This section describes how the project will be managed, the distribution of roles and responsibilities, the decision-making structures to be applied and the communication flows within the consortium. The management procedures will be based on international recognised methodologies for project management, already successfully proven in several EU TEN-T projects. The eFTI4EU consortium involves experienced partners in the management of large projects. In addition, the proposed management structure ensures effective collaboration among partners and activities for the duration of the project.
The roles and responsibilities of the different partners and boards will be as follows.
The Project Coordinator (Estonian Ministry of Economics and Communications (MKM)) will ensure effective and comprehensive project coordination and management. Tasks include administrative tasks, contract management, financial monitoring, preparation and submission of deliverables, preparation of periodic and final reports, organisation of project meetings and the management of any contingencies. The responsibilities of the Coordinator will cover the technical management of the project in general and chair the Project Board and General Assembly meetings, it will manage the administrative and financial perspectives of the project and lead WP4.
The Project Coordinator will be supported by a Technical Manager (PortExpertise) and (as described above) by an administrative and financial manager.
The Partners’ General Assembly is the body where all partners are represented. It is composed of one duly authorised representative of each of the Parties. The Partners’ General Assembly will be led by the Project Coordinator (supported by the Project Coordinating team) and it will decide on access rights matters and results communication during the project duration. Meetings of the General Assembly will help to communicate important decisions made by the Project Board to all partners.
The Project Coordination Committee (PCC) is composed by the specific beneficiaries DTLF and eFTI consultancy related (PortExpertise, AlbrechtConsult, Digitlogistika Keskus, 51Biz Luxembourg, Circle and some others that will be contracted by MSs.
As explained in the previous paragraph they will mainly act in the horizontal activities guaranteeing an harmonised development of the eFTI gates and an adequate link with the eFTI Regulation and with DTLF. It will be led by the Technical Manager (Peter Bresseleers) and will be the central technical governing body of the Project (by weekly meetings). The Project Coordination Committee will be in permanent contact with the partners and stakeholders participating in field operational tests in order to ensure that the activities to be carried are performed in due time, with no significant delays. With regard to the provision of the deliverables under the specific work packages, the PCC will technically support the partners that committed already for a leading or co-leading role to ensure the technical correctness, the alignment with DTLF and delivery in time. Additionally, after analysing the contributions received from partners participating in each initiative, the Project Coordination Committee will give them feedback on synergies that could be exploited and will ensure that cross-fertilisation from one field operational tests and group of partners to another takes place.
The Project Board will be formed by the Project Coordination Committee plus Workpackage Leaders and the MSs Leaders (appointed by each MS). The responsibilities of the Board (meeting monthly) will be to guarantee the technical execution of the Project, ensuring that the work executed by each party proceeds at all levels and particularly that the necessary technical links between partners are established and maintained.
The Project Coordinating Committee acts also as a support body for the General Assembly and the Project Board and carries out an important role in the communication of the Project and in the quality control as it will carry out the first verification of all the information dossiers to be sent to the EC. The Project Coordinating Team is also the body in charge of producing the first draft of the specific deliverables requested by the EC and compiling the contributions from the Parties before submitting them to the EC.
The key responsibilities of the project Work Packages and underlying tasks are shared between the beneficiaries and/or their subcontractors in accordance with the Project WP structure. The WP 1. will be led by Germany as MS. WP 2. will be led by Finland as MS. WP 3. will be led by Circle . WP4. will be led by Estonia as MS supported by the Technical Manager.
The MS leaders, following the advice and recommendations issued by the Work Package leaders, will provide the general specifications of the work to be done within their specific initiative to all partners participating in it and will ensure the coordination of the engineering, prototyping and field operational testing phases for their specific initiative throughout the project.
The Observers Group formed by the Member States and Associations that signed a specific letter of support and that are not directly engaged in the project but intend to have a close link to it. They will be invited 2 times per year in a specific digital working group in order to share the advancement of the project
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
and to share best and worst practices in the eFTI implementation. The Observer Group can be extended later during the project.
The overall Stakeholders Group will include mainly Economic Operators (railway undertakings, railway infrastructure managers, inland terminals, multimodal transport operators, barge operators, road transport companies, road hauliers, freight forwarders, Competent Authorities) and IT experts that are not direct beneficiaries of this Project but are interested in having access to the results obtained in it. As many stakeholders interested in this Project as possible will be involved in this group that will have access to the results of the activities, will be able to provide technical input and give information for the impact assessment and analysis on the benefits that launching for real the EFTI4EU initiatives would have on the European transports and logistics sectors.
3.3 Project management, quality assurance and control procedures
Project management, quality assurance and control procedures
Describe the methods to ensure good quality, monitoring, planning and control for the implementation of the project.
Explain the main features of the quality assurance plan and quality control system that will be used.
Implementation of quality assurance procedures with particular focus on monitoring review activities built into the studies programme and submitting quality review reports. A quality plan within the Project Quality Handbook will specify the quality procedures, internal and external peer reviews, control, monitoring and reporting activities to be implemented in the project to ensure that satisfactory quality standards are met. Task 4.1. is responsible for project Management, quality assurance and control procedures.
Project Management Tasks (Project Coordination Committee reporting to the Project Coordinator)
● Identification and prioritisation of key elements of the work packages with each WP team to ensure tasks are conveyed/delegated appropriately and clearly.
● Establish a modus operandi for the work packages that conveys a logical breakdown to the team e.g., phases, blocks etc.
● Establish drawing and data registers
● Ensure that design criteria and risk mitigations are clearly understood by each team.
● Ensure that that the design and assessment outputs produced address agreed requirements.
● Ensure that the WPS are carried out utilising relevant and current editions of standards, regulations and guidelines.
● Verifies key elements of the work programme for submission to the Project Board.
● Liaise with EC/ CINEA /Consultants / Contractors / Local Authorities etc. and maintains adequate records e.g., minutes, telecoms etc.
● Ensure all contract amendments are noted and keeps records of authorisations, scope changes agreed etc.
● Ensures that communications systems properly update the Project Coordinator on status and/or particular aspects of the project
● Ensure that peer reviews take place to ensure delivery of project Deliverables.
● Ensure that Standardised Documentation is used across the work packages.
● Ensure that a comprehensive project risk register is maintained across the work packages with regular reviews with the Project Coordinator, work package and MS leaders.
Project Handbook
In order to help each project actor, at the kick‐off meeting each person involved in the project will receive the management and project rules document, informing on the rules to be followed in the project, particularly scheduled dates of meetings, contacts names, document numbering and handling rules. The management document will recall the financial issues of the project rules and content of the internal reports. This will help in the timely generation of reporting and cost claims documents.
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The project document numbering will be also defined, whether it will be an official document (like a Deliverable) or a project’s internal reporting. The formats to be used for the document will be also distributed. In order to perform the above-mentioned tasks, a configuration management tool will assure that all project documents including shared documents are properly tracked. A specific Project Repository will be established; rules will be set by and circulated.
Different broadcasting email lists will be set up to be used for different purposes
Quality management
Next to the risk management, the quality assurance is essential for reaching the overall project targets. The main target is to monitor the achievements of the Project, i.e., the deliverables and milestones, and to establish adequate processes within the project to get the optimum high-quality results. The Project refers to the ISO norm and contains the description of all relevant organisational elements, processes, methods and tools. It aims at effectively steering and controlling the project and complying with contractual regulations.
Deliverable’s handling
Deliverables will be a joint effort between the persons involved in the related Work Package. Their completion will be the responsibility of the Project Coordination Committee who will ask for assistance to the Work Package Leaders. Their content in a draft version has to be approved by all the persons involved in the related Work Package and by the Technical Manager. Moreover, the quality of technical results will be based on the instrument of peer reviews. All deliverables will be evaluated by at least two experts, always including one Partner’s General Assembly member and one expert coming from the Project Board. If needed, the Project Board can allocate a third reviewer. The quality management is organised by the Project Coordination Committee which is also in charge of the tracking and assurance of formal standards.
Conflict settlement mechanism
Consensus as the general principle will also be pursued in the decision-making processes of the project. In general, project-related decisions will be taken at the lowest organisational level possible. Furthermore, it is expected that the instructions of overall coordinating tasks (such as management tasks within specific WP) will be followed by the concerned WPL, or that conflicting views will be solved bilaterally. In the exceptional case that conflicts cannot be solved at Work Package level, the respective Work Package Leader will bring the problem to the Technical Manager that is expected to consult the concerned WP before making any decision and especially ensure that no heavyweight is generated. The goal of the coordinating tasks is always to enhance the overall functioning of the project as a joint undertaking and improve the quality, consistency, and impact of the project results. In case conflicts cannot be solved at the operational level, the Project Coordinator passes them to the Project Board that can be also urgently called via remote conference call. If no acceptable solution can be achieved within it, the case must be brought to the Partner’s General Assembly that will take the final decision. This decision is then binding on all management bodies.
Control Procedures established within the Project Board
Most of the beneficiaries have significant experience in managing complex projects and will apply this discipline to the proposed project.
Standard operating procedures will be used to monitor the effectiveness of internal controls covering financial, operational, compliance and risk management, encompassing policies, processes, tasks, behaviours and other issues that:
• Facilitate effective and efficient operations;
• Help ensure the quality of internal and external reporting; and
• Help ensure compliance with applicable laws (health and safety for example), regulations and internal policies (audit for instance).
The procedures include:
• A clearly defined organisational structure, with defined authority, spending approval and reporting procedures;
• A cost-based budgeting dashboard;
• A comprehensive system of financial reporting and review;
• The submission of monthly reports comparing actual results against budget;
• The capture of all project data into a defined repository.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
• Cyber security protective measures;
• Measures to identify possible fraud;
Official Reporting
The beneficiary will continuously report on the progress of the action (e.g. deliverables, milestones, outputs/outcomes, critical risks, indicators, etc; if any), in the Portal Continuous Reporting tool and in accordance with the timing and conditions it sets out (as agreed with CINEA). Standardised deliverables (e.g. progress reports not linked to payments, reports on cumulative expenditure, special reports, etc; if any) will be submitted using the templates published on the Portal.
The beneficiary will provide reports to request payments, in accordance with the schedule and modalities set out in Grant Agreement:
- an additional prefinancing report for additional prefinancing (if any)
- a periodic report for interim payments (if any) and the final payment
The prefinancing and periodic reports will include a technical and financial part. The technical part will include an overview of the action implementation. It will be prepared using the template available in the Portal Periodic Reporting tool. The financial part of the additional prefinancing report will include a statement on the use of the previous prefinancing payment.
The financial part of the periodic report will include:
- the financial statements (individual and consolidated; for all beneficiaries/affiliated entities)
- the explanation on the use of resources (or detailed cost reporting table, if required)
- the certificates on the financial statements (CFS) (if required)
The financial statements will detail the eligible costs and contributions for each budget category and, for the final payment. All the eligible costs and contributions incurred will be declared, even if they exceed the amounts indicated in the estimated budget.
3.4 Risk management
Risk management methods and procedures
Explain how risk management is part of your project management approach and how you address risk management in general. Mention only methods and major elements (details are to be provided in the risk assessment grid below).
Indicate whether a risk management plan is in place and explain its main features.
Risk management methods and procedures will be further defined in the eFTI4EU Project Handbook. eFTI4EU risk management integrates recognition of risk, risk assessment, developing strategies to manage it, and mitigation of risk using managerial resources. It is therefore linked very closely to eFTI4EU’s quality management and an appropriate eFTI4EU project management, which is monitoring all plans and processes. In eFTI4EU, organisational, technical and financial risks are considered.
The objective of eFTI4EU risk management is to reduce different risks for different, pre-selected domains to an acceptable level. It refers to various types of threats caused by technology, humans, organisations and politics. The eFTI4EU coordinator has identified risks and has drafted a risk table based on risk management (see section 6.9). The eFTI4EU partners have endorsed the risk table and the PCC will start the risk management process according to the Project Handbook when and where needed. The risk process will be closed when a problem has been resolved. The eFTI4EU risk management steps are: Establishing eFTI4EU goals and context (i.e. the risk environment) ⇨ Identifying risks to reach these
goals ⇨ Analysing the identified risks ⇨ Assessing the risks⇨ Treating or managing the risks ⇨
Monitoring and reviewing risks and the whole risk environment regularly ⇨ Continuously communicating with eFTI4EU partners, CINEA, stakeholders and reporting.
Risk assessment grid
Describe critical risks, uncertainties or difficulties related to the implementation of your project, and your measures/strategy for addressing them. Include significant risks, factors of uncertainty and major elements of complexity that may affect the project implementation, whether of political, institutional, financial, organisational, social and/or technical nature.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Indicate for each risk (in the description) the impact and the likelihood that the risk will materialise (high, medium, low), even after taking into account the mitigating measures.
Note: Uncertainties and unexpected events may occur in all organisations, even if very well-run. The risk analysis will help you to predict issues that could delay or hinder project activities. A good risk management strategy is essential for good project management.
Risk No Description Work Package No
Proposed Risk Mitigation Measures
1 Partner/Member State (MS) leaves the eFTI4EU project, political climate changes
Impact = Medium, Chance = Low
all Participation in eFTI4EU is a high-level decision for all applicants. As internal communication and coordination is organised properly and partners are actively involved via WP4, problems can be detected, discussed and resolved within the project at a very early stage.
2 Unforeseen difficulties for the eFTI4EU Partners/MS (political, economic, technical, financial, organisational)
Impact = Medium, Chance = Medium
all The eFTI4EU Coordinator and the PCC are in contact with the Partner/MS on a regular basis to inform each other about problems and progress where needed. In case of major difficulties, the coordinator is therefore informed in due time to inform the related MS and to elaborate on alternative concepts to achieve the eFTI4EU objectives. In the case of new technical challenges Task 4.3 will address those and prepare solution options to decide in the project coordination committee.
3 Milestones are not met
Impact = High, Chance = Medium
all An appropriate project monitoring according to the project Handbook is set up to detect deviations from plans in a timely manner. Critical deviations will be limited, and alternatives will be prepared and put in place. Official and formal risk management procedures will be activated and performed by the coordinator until the risk is under control again. CINEA will be continually informed about risks occurring in order to minimise the impact.
4 Delays with regard to the eFTI time plan of the European Commission, DA or IA not adopted
Impact = High, Chance = Medium
all Delays with regard to the eFTI time plan, in particular with regard to the provision of the planned DA and IA will have a direct impact on specifications or the planning and development of reference implementations and pilots within the MS and last but not least to availability of operational eFTI environment in August 2025. The project coordination committee will consult CINEA and the European Commission to find a proper solution (e.g. project extension, specific degree of implementation, etc.).
5 COVID pandemic extends for a longer period
Impact = Medium, Chance = Low
all Stakeholder engagement and fall-back to digital/virtual way of project management risk management will be put in place.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
6 Not all stakeholders consulted - Not enough focus on the important stakeholders.
Impact -medium, Chance = medium
all For all the business process, make a list of actor types involved in these processes such as enforcing authorities, transport operators, IT developers, prof. organisations, make sure that they or their interest groups are consulted and/or involved. Make a stakeholder analysis. For each concept, topic or projects and for each actor type define their attitude against these concept, topic or projects by making a power/ interest matrix. No effort goes to low power - low interest stakeholders and the high interest - high power stakeholders are actively managed.
7 Dissemination and communication not tailored to the target audience
Impact -medium, Chance = low
WP4 From previous stakeholder analysis target by topic the message to the audience. Define in a stakeholder management plan or communication plan.
8 Availability of resources is limited, not sufficient
Impact -medium, Chance = medium
all The project team has a back-up of most important profiles, The direct/indirect (through subcontracting) involvement of renowned organizations includes back-up procedures as to resources. Covid measures are common practice now.
9 Resistance regarding data sharing and non- disclosure of data formats Impact -high, Chance = medium
WP2 Close stakeholder cooperation to create mutual trust and willingness to share data
10 Conflicts in consortium
Impact -medium, Chance = low
All Experienced project coordination committee member and clearly defined project and organisation management structure; transparent project management & implementation; open discussion with partners to address problem
11 Insufficient alignment between project scope and DTLF an DTLF’s subgroup, eFTI regulation
Impact -medium, Chance = low
WP1 and 2 The consortium includes partners that actively participate in DTLF ever since its foundation (2014), having a profound understanding of existing Databases, IT architecture, applications, it gaps and fits, and participates in discussions related to drafting DTLF III and eFTI II-regulation.
The consortium includes also the leading consultant supporting DGMOVE for the IAs DAs release
12 Insufficient testing and capacity (expertise, infrastructure)
Impact -medium, Chance = medium
WP2 Besides the rich experience of consortium partners there is an testing environment available to allow extensive testing, valorisation. Testing is as much as possible part of training sessions, but also a sufficient number of additional testers are available.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
3.5 Communication and visibility
Communication and visibility
Describe the communication plan and strategy to provide visibility to the EU funding (e.g. billboards, reports, websites, brochures, information leaflets, reports, factsheets, newsletters, press articles, presentations).
Provide the websites being used for this purpose, the Social Media accounts and the communications’ contact person.
Note: Please note that we will no longer pay for project websites which are not hosted on participants’ websites; costs for separate project websites are no longer eligible.
Communication, cross-fertilisation and dissemination represent crucial activities involving the whole consortium. The objective will be to ensure that the aims of SMILE, its ongoing prosecution, and its results as they emerge throughout the lifetime of the project are publicised among all the actors and stakeholders involved in the field under consideration and more widely in the European regions and transport and logistic operators, counting also on the European and global networks in which the partners are involved. The project will be of little value if the dissemination and capacity building activities are not successful and the enhancement of capabilities, positive socio-economic impact and increased business profitability are not tangible outcomes of the project.
Communication will be developed within Work Package 4 of the Project. This activity will provide support to any communication and visibility action carried out in eFTI4EUROPE and will provide proper publicity to inform the public of European Union’s financial support and the progress of the project. Communication and visibility will be materialised through different press statements released in each of the Member States involved in the project during its execution. The project is expected to attract strong interest on behalf of the specialised media, due to the relevance of the topic and the Trans-European Transport Network, as well as institutional significance of many of the members of the consortium in their respective countries.
The ultimate objective of the communication efforts to be carried out is to enable TEN-T business stakeholders, transport and logistic operators, transport policy-makers and EU citizens to understand and decide which technologies and potential solutions generate the best socio-economic value, help to increase TEN-T competitiveness to the largest extent, support the most the integration of TEN-T, core ports, CNCs and RFCs and have the highest potential for rapid deployment across the EU.
The eFTI4EUROPE Communication Plan will outline the communication strategy of the project. This document will define the objectives of the communication strategy, provide the key communication messages to be used by all partners, analyse the main target groups and communication channels, set up the timeframe for the different communication activities to be carried out, describe the communication tools that will be defined and used throughout the duration of the project and designate a communication core group that will be in charge of carrying out the communication activities defined.
All project’s materials will follow the EC rules on Communication and Visibility.
The anticipated communication plan includes two main streams.
Communicating and Disseminating eFTI
• A set of communication /information / training tools (including the MSs web sites)
• A set of national events in which MSs will communicate eFTI to EOs and to a broader public.
• A set of European workshops for very specific detailed issues.
• 3 eFTI conferences (once a year)
eFTI Capacity Building
• A series of workshops / on-site visits in which more advanced countries could transfer their knowledge and expertise to less advanced ones this should include lessons learnt including onboarding trainings (webinars) in collaboration with the European Commission and the member states, associations and other projects
A set of training courses to be delivered monthly for CAs and EOs, also open to MSs not involved in the project (to complement the ones planned in the eFTI second tender), including knowledge sharing.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
3.6 Sustainability and maintenance strategy
Sustainability and maintenance (for Works topics)
Describe the follow-up of the project after the EU funding ends. How will you guarantee the proper maintenance and continued operation of the investments made?
Describe in detail the strategy (periodicity, components, financing, actors) and practical measures that will be put in place.
Not applicable
4.1 Demand analysis
Demand/traffic forecast study
Provide the results of the demand/traffic forecast study (if any). Give an outline of the overall context (including date of completion) and scope of the study, explain the methodology chosen and the assumptions made regarding the demand growth rate and the utilisation rate on completion of the project. Provide the list of indicators and their sources of verification (e.g. institution or organisation collecting statistical information, website, database, etc.). If the study carried out goes beyond the scope of the project, give an overview of the demand analysis of the global project and explain how it is related to the project. Clarify if TEN-T/CEF or other EU programmes have provided financial support for the study.
Not applicable
4.2 Economic and financial analysis
Socio-economic impact analysis
Describe the general socio-economic impact of the project.
Describe whether the project (or the wider global project) has the potential to generate cash revenues, and what are the limitations (legal, regulatory, or commercial, if any), that constrain the revenues generation to the levels you have estimated.
Provide details on the expected revenues and their timeline (e.g. number and diversity of users). Describe if the users are sensitive to prices and if they are captive. Provide indications concerning the degree of certainty of your assumptions and estimations. Explain whether the project will operate in an autonomous manner or whether the expected level of revenues depends on the completion of additional investments or processes.
For Works proposals required to submit a full CBA, describe the main results of the economic analysis of the cost benefit analysis (Economic Rate of Return (ERR) and Economic Net Present Value (ENPV). If the scope of the economic analysis addressed by the CBA is wider than the scope of the project, explain the difference in scope between the CBA and the project and to what extent findings of the CBA are relevant to the project. Please upload the CBA report and the CBA cash flow template filled in.
For Works proposals required to submit a simplified CBA, provide information under this section and submit the simplified CBA calculator filled in. No need for a separate CBA report.
For the CBA report, please use the unitary values referred to in the Handbook on External Costs of Transport.
For more guidance on CBA, see CINEA Guide on economic appraisal for CEF Transport Projects, DG REGIO Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects and DG REGIO CBA Economic Appraisal Vademecum.
The project will not generate cash revenues for the participating authorities. Facilitating the implementation of eFTI-services, is a service offered by the governments. The main goal is not to generate revenues, but to increase the safety and to improve the efficiency of logistics in Europe. This project will have a direct economic impact for the users of logistics services. Improved safety means that
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
there will be less costs associated with incidents and improved efficiency means a reduction of costs related to time loss. The project is also expected to generate economic growth, by creation of additional jobs both in logistics sector and IT-sector, alongside a positive environmental impact.
As per the COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic freight transport information {COM(2018) 279 final} - {SEC(2018) 231 final} - {SWD(2018) 184 final}, a full socio- economic impact analysis was made that covered economic impacts(administrative and compliance costs for businesses and authorities, modal shift and congestions costs, transport costs for operates, internal market impacts and innovation impacts. In addition, the social impacts (employment) and environmental impacts (emissions, and use of natural resources and energy use efficiency) were valuated.
The document distinguishes between 4 policy options (PO1 to PO4), in which the scope of policy intervention is limited in PO1 and PO2 to those transport documents which serve as (international) contracts of carriage. In PO3 and PO4, this scope is enlarged to include any document which, due to its information content, may serve as evidence of compliance of a determined transport operation with the applicable regulatory conditions on the EU Member States' territory.
The main expected potential negative social impact is linked to changes in the employment structure and possible impacts on the related levels of employment. Full implementation of the electronic documentation is expected to make redundant over time a large number of jobs that today are linked to processing of paper documents. However, according to stakeholders' feedback, these employees will be more efficiently redeployed in higher-value tasks. Nevertheless, the exact mechanism for this remains unclear and it will largely differ depending on the organisational structure and internal processes of each company.
This negative impact is expected to be offset to a large extent by the overall sector growth that is expected under all policy options for all transport modes. Greater demand for IT solutions and systems is likely to bring more opportunities for the IT providers, leading to an increase in high-skilled employment. The employment in public administrations is unlikely to change significantly since authorities do not expect to significantly reduce the absolute number of inspections, but rather improve their effectiveness.
One can note the reduction in workload expected will lead to improvements in working conditions via the reduction of workload equal to around 75-102 million hours yearly (equivalent to around 36-49 thousand full time equivalents per year) on average in PO3 and PO4 over the full deployment horizon of electronic transport documents (2018-2040) across the whole sector.
The impact would be the lowest in PO1 (6-9 million hours saved per year; equivalent to around 3-4 thousand full time equivalents per year). Also, it is expected that there will be the possibility to focus on more creative and added-value tasks and reduce the overtime work.
More argument on the positive side, that the concerned studies identify
- reduction in workload for both public and private entities, reduction of administrative burden.
- The European Commission estimates that the reduced administrative burden of using digital forms will save operators up to EUR 27 billion over the next 20 years (source European Commission Staff Working Document: Executive Summary of the Impact Assessment (SWD(2018) 184 final).
- Shipping goods across EU borders and between transport modes is expected to become easier and cheaper. This could translate into faster delivery times and lower prices for consumers. For road and other route transport operators, operational cost savings would amount to about €12 billion over the period 2018-20402.
- A growth in the ITC sector to help businesses and public administration to modify their IT applications
Source: European Commission Staff Working Document: Executive Summary of the Impact Assessment (SWD(2018) 184 final)
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Financial analysis
Describe the financial viability/sustainability of the project over its lifecycle (budget in balance; use of funds vs sources of funds).
For works proposals submitting a CBA, mention the value of the financial indicators after CEF funding (i.e. assuming that CEF support is granted for the amount requested (Financial Rate of Return FRR (C after CEF) and Financial Net Present Value FNPV(C after CEF)). Compare the profitability achieved after CEF funding with national and international benchmarks for the sector.
For projects with negative FNPV and with FRR smaller than the discount rate, explain why or under which conditions (e.g. other grants, reduction of costs) you would still proceed with the project despite its insufficient financial viability and illustrate how the project would be at least financially sustainable (i.e. not likely to default and therefore not putting at risk the commitment from the EU budget) by showing that the cumulated cash flows are always positive. Unprofitable/nonviable projects need to demonstrate their sustainability, for example by benefitting from other sources of support (such as national/local grants or operational subsidies) or revenues that can compensate negative cash flows or by the applicant’s commitment and financial capacity to cover the remaining gap or absorb potential losses or accept deferral of profits.
Describe any financial risks associated with the implementation of the project.
The EFTI is a regulation measure, which is imposed on MS’s Competent authorities to be able to accept information made available electronically whenever economic operators are obliged to make information available as proof of compliance with requirements laid in the Regulation.
Consequently, the objective of the investments made by the Member States in this eFTI4EU project is to accelerate the digitalisation of freight transport and logistics as stipulated by the eFTI regulation REGULATION (EU) 2020/1056 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 15 July 2020 on electronic freight transport information.
As such this project is an enabler to comply with the eFTI requirements and is not to achieve a positive Financial Rate of Return (FRR) and Financial Net Present Value (FNPV) but to accelerate the digitalisation of freight transport and logistics.
All participants, public and private allocated dedicated budgets to this eFTI4EU project for the complete duration of the project. During the project, WP 1 is to assist MS in further detailing each MS’ roadmap, as the technical architecture choices get finalized. These roadmaps will include budget estimates for further eFTI maintenance and implementation in the years after the pilot implementation.
All budgets are found to be in balance by the respective Member States, and private partners.
As such, also no revenues will be generated directly from this Project. For certain, the use of electronic means to exchange regulatory information will reduce administrative costs for economic operators and enhance the efficiency of competent authorities. This results in minimising costs for both competent authorities and economic operators.
The burden and costs on Member States is minimised by this eFTI4EU initiative by offering a common software developed at EU level, available to all MS and private sector. This minimises the risks related to the creation of an additional layer of architecture (including by ensuring proportionality of the proposal) and reduces the risks deriving form single point of failure.
4.3 Social, environmental and other impacts
Impact on congestion, modal split, safety and security, service quality, noise air pollutants
Describe the expected positive and/or negative impacts of the project on time savings, optimisation of existing capacity and service quality. If quantified in the CBA, mention the total monetary value of such impacts (€ Net Present Value (NPV)) and the main assumptions in terms of quantities (e.g. change in number of hours or vehicles) and unit values (e.g. €/hour or €/vehicle/km).
Describe the expected positive and/or negative impacts on modal split.
Describe the expected positive and/or negative impacts on safety and security. If quantified in the CBA, mention the monetary value of such impacts (€ NPV) and the main assumptions in terms of quantities (e.g. change in number of accidents, injuries and fatalities) and unit values (€/accident).
Describe the expected positive and/or negative impacts of the project on noise emissions. If quantified in the CBA, mention the total monetary value of such impacts (€ NPV) and the main assumptions in terms of quantities (e.g. change in number of trains) and unit values (e.g. €/train).
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
With the removal of paper processes and resulting improvement on logistics efficiency, the supply chains are expected to get a positive - double digit percentage - impact on supply chain congestion, modal split, safety and security, service quality as well as noise air pollutants.
The project, once eFTI is fully deployed is also to bring about net positive environmental impacts. In cumulative terms, CO2 emission savings are estimated to amount to more than 1,300 thousand tons over the 2018-2040 period, equivalent to 74 million euros in external cost savings.
Congestion costs are expected to be reduced by nearly 300 million euros over the same period. In addition, no longer printing an average of 1-5 copies of each document per shipment would save about 2-8 billion sheets of paper, or the equivalent of 180-900 thousand trees per year.
Businesses, including SMEs, will opt between the speed of their digital transformation, in this case digitalise their paper-based processes. The assurance that e-documents/information will be accepted will encourage digitalisation. One-off investments are expected to bring savings already within the first year, because of reduced time spent on regulatory compliance reporting activities and improved overall business efficiency. Road transport operators, about 99% of which are SMEs, are expected to benefit of about 60% of all industry administrative costs savings.
The European Roads Policing Network reported already in 2021 that the number of drivers’ hours offences has “never been higher,” showing that of the 197,274 Heavy Good Vehicles (HGV) and 111,545 buses checked overall, 77,386 violations were found. The HGV violation rate was 35,21% higher compared to May 2020. The main violations were tachographs not properly managed, manipulated, drug- driving, serious technical defects, overweight, over-dimensioned, load insecurity, speeding, use of DVD/TV/mobile phones while driving, etc.
When considering the low number of controls versus the effectuated number of transports, law enforcement authorities clearly lack capacity to have a permanent positive impact on road safety.
Initiatives by European Commission to facilitate this structural change in transport policy are ongoing in large numbers covering all transport modes (RIS, DTLF, EUCARIS, ERTMS, ...).
A major contribution into the implementation of this transport policy is expected from the broad digitalisation of the transport sector. The more data becomes available, the more finetuning will be possible within MS authorities and between multi-MS authorities. The use of eFTI will therefore certainly increase the need for applications to facilitate the controlling capacity of law enforcement authorities. Not only in the number of controlled vehicles, but also in the deployment of human resources.
The Modal shift to cleaner transport fails to materialise as per conclusion of Global transport data from 2010 to 2021 collected by the International Transport Forum: The increasing use of road transport over the railway in most countries translates into more carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, hindering global climate efforts. The internalisation of external costs will contribute to making such effects part of the decision-making process of transport users. To this means data needs to be digitised, to which eFTI and this project contributes significantly.
Source: EU COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic freight transport information {COM(2018) 279 final} - {SEC(2018) 231 final} - {SWD(2018) 183 final}
The EU 2020/1056 eFTI regulation introduces a common data model that will harmonize the implementation of the eFTI regulation across EU MS and across modes of transport. The eFTI4EU project will allow individual MS to coordinate their national implementation roadmap with transport mode roadmaps for inland navigation, rail and air that are coordinated by corridor or by mode of transport.
The portfolio of pilot projects of the eFTI4EU project includes the integration of a port community system as an eFTI Gate and/or eFTI Roadmap.
Several members of the PCC have been participating since several years in eFTI expert groups that are transport mode specific.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Environmental and climate impact
Describe the expected positive and/or negative impacts of the project on the climate change targets (such as the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Climate and energy framework).
Describe the expected positive and/or negative impacts of the project on the emission of air pollutants such as Particulate Matter - PM2.5, Nitrogen oxides - NOX, Sulphur Dioxides – SO2, etc. If quantified in the CBA, mention the total monetary value of such impacts (€ NPV) and the main assumptions in terms of quantities (change in tonnes or vehicle*km) and unit values (e.g. €/tonnes or €/vkm).
Specify if the project helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and limit global warming. Explain how it impacts upstream and downstream emissions (e.g. emissions from purchased electricity as well as full life cycle). For works proposals submitting a CBA, also include the total monetary value of such impacts (€ NPV) and the main assumptions in terms of quantities (avoided tonnes of GHG) and unit values (e.g. €/tCO2equivalent).
Describe how climate change has been taken or will be taken into consideration when designing the project and its components.
Describe in detail the measures that are foreseen to monitor, prevent and mitigate a negative impact on the environment, and provide an estimation of the associated costs.
Freight transportation and logistics sector, i.e. the movement of goods, including waste, dangerous
goods, cabotage, is accompanied by a large amount of information which is still exchanged in paper format among businesses, and between businesses and competent authorities. Cargo transports are still characterized by large number of paper-based documents set, which move together with shipment. in worst case the same information is copied several times as the shipment moves along the supply chain. eFTI is promoting fully digital operation mode and works as enabler for private sector in the digitalization transition. For public organisations it means that the same information is available for stakeholders without the dependency on paper documents. In addition, the use of paper documents represents a significant administrative burden for logistics operators and an additional cost for logistics operators and related industries (such as trade and manufacturing), in particular for SMEs. Another aspect of this positive impact is the availability of data, which can be used to digitally track and trace supply chains in a more detailed level and even generating digital twins of transportations. Such a data and information can easily be used to track and analyse carbon footprint of supply chains and even parcels, which enables actors' opportunity to react and mitigate their emissions based on actual data.
In addition to direct reduce the usage of paper, eFTI regulation has indirect impact to supply chain emission mitigation via enhanced situational awareness and transparency. I.e., when data and information are not tied to any specific location, through the eFTI gates stakeholders will have more efficient access to necessary data without physical interaction between authorities and economic operators. Hence unnecessary field inspections (law enforcement) and auditions can be avoided. At the same time, the technical implementation of eFTI regulation removes the well-known bottleneck from private sector process digitalization development, being the acceptance by public organisations of a digital format instead of a paper-based form. Thus it can be stated that eFTI regulation will enable fully digital supply chain processes and hence it has great positive impact on supply chain sustainability.
The European Commission estimates the benefits of eFTI to be around €1.3 billion per year due to the reduction of administrative burdens and foreshadows both economic and environmental benefits due to the large paper savings resulting from the digitization process of transport documents. EC estimates point to economic benefits of up to €27 billion over the next 20 years, thanks to the reduction in administrative burdens made possible by setting up widespread digital logistics, resulting in savings of between 75 and 102 million man-hours per year9. Shipping goods across EU borders and between transport modes is expected to become easier and cheaper as to its administrative costs and faster delivery times. For road and other route transport operators, operational cost savings would amount to about €12 billion over the period 2018-204010.
However, Europe’s Policy on Green digital sector describes that Europe faces two important challenges: the green transition and the digital transition. These might seem like two distinct issues, but really, they are twin challenges: neither can succeed without the other. Indeed, whereas the digital transformation may help in reducing our carbon footprint in our lives, there is also a potential downside. Digital technologies should not consume more energy than they save. At present, digital technologies
9 European Commission Staff Working Document: Executive Summary of the Impact Assessment (SWD(2018) 184 final) Savings are calculated against a scenario in which no policy action is taken at the EU level.
10 Savings are calculated against a scenario in which no policy action is taken at the EU level.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
account for between 8-10% of our energy consumption, and 2-4% of our greenhouse gas emissions – small percentages but big numbers.
All technical solutions in eFTI4EU are to be validated against the EU’s most relevant voluntary and binding measures on this topic. To this respect the European Green Deal Coalition will be involved in peer reviewing of the retained technologies. This coalition (EGDC) was formed by 26 CEOs of ICT companies who signed a Declaration to support the Green and Digital Transformation of the EU on Digital Day 2021. The Declaration builds on the EU Council conclusions of December 2020 on Digitalisation for the benefit of the environment and recognises the ICT sector as a key player in the fight against climate change11.
The outcomes of this project will be used by not only the MS participating, but through communication and dissemination be shared with the other MS. These best practices will assist in the update of existing laws and introduce new measures to achieve EU’s green and digital goals for the next decade. This project is to create awareness among all stakeholders to this aspect. Examples are measures for the MS to ensure data centres are climate neutral, energy-efficient and sustainable.
Climate resilience (for Works topics)
Describe the climate proofing exercise and how it was taken into consideration when designing the project and its components (see Technical guidance on the climate proofing of infrastructure). Summarise the findings of the vulnerability assessment to identify the climate hazards to which the project is more sensitive (because of the its type or location).
If significant risks are identified, explain how the vulnerabilities were embedded in the decision-making process so that they can be addressed and mitigated and what relevant measures were taken to ensure the resilience of the project to climate change.
Not applicable
Decision-making tool, input for policy making or development of best practices (for Studies topics)
Show how the project will have an impact as decision-making tool or input for policy making or development of best practices.
Who will use the output of the project and for how long? Describe the extent to which the output will be relied on for decision-making, possibly in relation to other studies and future projects, and at what level, (e.g. a future CEF Transport action, national project, global project, etc.). Describe the relevance and economic value of those future projects in terms of costs and benefits. Explain the degree to which elements of the project could be used to develop best practices.
The eFTI4EU project addresses the coordination and collaboration in and between the relevant national authorities, other governmental agencies and private stakeholders in the 9 participating Member States, including several observers being MS (IRL, NL, ES) and private organisations (such as Inland Navigation Europe).
But the real impact of eFTI4EU extends to all 27 MS as decision making tool. Indeed, it will not only pave the way for a really harmonised eFTI development across the EU, which is very unlikely to happen without such multi–Member State initiatives such as this project. The eFTI4EU project will define the MSs roadmaps, strategy and long-term governance model for eFTI and facilitate the co-development of the eFTI reference open architecture that will be validated in cross border and national pilots. This will provide a strong foundation of best practices for the full MSs implementation of eFTI implementing acts. The MSs time and cost benefits thus created will be multiplied way beyond the project cost when eFTI interoperability is established between the MS competent authorities in the 27 MSs and with countless Economic Operator eFTI platforms that are to report to it.
The outcomes of this project will be used by not only the MS participating, but through communication and dissemination be shared with the other MS. These best practices will assist in estimating national
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
budgets for eFTI implementations in the coming years, in identifying MS’s IT capacity shortages, in contributing to the digital transformation strategies of national authorities, in contributing to the MS’s strategies on Smart Enforcement in transport and logistics, in providing arguments and insights to the update of existing laws and in introducing new measures to achieve EU’s green and digital goals for the next decade.
The participating private project partners will disseminate the material into their eco-systems. This will
allow their public and private clients to have detailed insights in the upcoming changes impacting their
company or public service department. As such providing feedback will be done towards the near future
regulations of eFTI II (through among others DTLF), by means of dissemination to national ministries of
transport (BE, DE, Luxemburg, Baltic States, ...), making sandbox (testing environments) available for all
stakeholders, providing training courses. More details on this in the communication and dissemination
Task 1.3- eFTI Gate Strategy and Governance will set the common rule set for the best practices.
Interoperability and accessibility
Describe if and how the project contributes to increased interoperability of transport systems and/or modes in the TEN-T network.
Describe if and how the proposal enhances the accessibility for passengers and/or goods to the TEN-T network (e.g. cross-border dimension, effect/contribution to territorial accessibility, including for outermost regions and islands).
The national and cross border corridor pilots are performed in the eFTI4EU test environment according to eFTI specification and adherent reference implementation is created to build interoperability between different MSs. This will result in more fluent transit of goods within and in-between the MSs. Interoperability and accessibility will be under Task 1.2.
Innovation and digitalisation
Describe if and how innovative technologies are being used to reach the project’s objectives.
Describe if and how the digitalisation forms part of the project (or its use).
In case the project is making use of results from EU-supported research projects, please give the reference of the EU research project.
eFTI4EU is a digitalisation project that will use the input taken form the Regulations and the related IAs and DAs (e.g., the specifications of the eFTI architecture) to pilot eFTI gates in a harmonised way across Europe using robust and mature proven technologies.
The overall project structure ensures that each partner organisation is engaged in the development of the technological enablers for the reference implementation and the pilots (see Task 4.3)
Describe the expected positive and/or negative impacts of the project on regional and national competition.
With introduction of paperless logistics over multimodal supply chains the EU region is expected to get a competitive edge over other global regions. The pioneering MSs will have the edge over other MSs and the pioneering actors within MSs will have the edge over other actors. However, a critical mass of stakeholders is required to make these benefits come through. Therefore, it is essential to create EU- level commitment to the eFTI implementation.
The approach of open software architecture is taken to minimize the risk of having transport and logistics SMEs ‘barred’ from technical solutions that go beyond their knowledge and financial means.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Regional and local development and land use
Describe the expected positive and/or negative impacts of the project on regional and/or local development, and land use. Assess the impacts on the neighbouring regions.
Indicate if the project is linked to urban development plans, or if it will contribute to increasing the land value.
There are no major regional effects due to the project.
Outermost regions (if applicable)
Describe which outermost regions are impacted by the project.
Indicate how the regions and project promoters cooperate. If relevant, specify which countries are impacted and explain how the cooperation with them is ensured.
Other considerations
Please describe any other relevant considerations.
Not applicable
5.1 Financial gap
Financial gap
Explain how the EU grant will facilitate or accelerate the project, in comparison to a situation without the EU funding.
Describe the financial gap, which the EU funding is supposed to cover. Specify and justify the amount.
Describe the financial obstacles and how public funding would help to overcome them.
Indicate whether you expect any EU support under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) (with an approximate amount).
To reach the ambitious goal to have eFTI fully in place in 2025, the project is essential to accelerate a common harmonised development that will be much further delayed without it. Considering that eFTI must be implemented in all MS by 2025 and considering that the first of CEF2 Transport call in 2021 (on this topic), did not generate a project, the urgency to finally start acting has only grown bigger for the Member States.
In some cases, the national RFF will support the full implementation of the national eFTI architecture, but the early piloting stage will not be covered. Therefore, once again eFTI4EU is an essential tool to cover the early-stage financial gap.
Without eFTI4EU there is the serious risk of delays in the national implementation of the eFTI Regulation.
Despite the many efforts from EC (DTLF forum, information sessions, Research Funding Programs, CEF Funding, IT building blocks, organisation of Member State workgroups) the uptake by the Member States of eFTI preparations remains far below the expected level. The Council stresses that it is urgent for its Member States to take action towards achieving the eFTI implementation.
EU support is needed for this Project to bridge a financial gap. The eFTI implementation cannot be
approached from an individual country viewpoint but is to build on the joined efforts of as many MS as
possible. The leveraging effect will also help to minimize the current different ‘eFTI’ maturity stages
between the MS. This is the added value that CEF financing and support to this Project offers. The CEF
financing will facilitate and promote the creation of a consortium of Member States that will bring together
work from other private and public entities to address these issues together, joining different stakeholders
to improve the efficiency of reporting operations in Europe and ultimately contribute to a harmonized eFTI
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
implementation. Should the co-funding not be available MS indicated that these initiatives would be
delayed for another 2 years., given the budgetary constraints all MS are confronted with.
No support under the Recovery and Resilience Facility is expected for this Project in any of the involved
5.2 Public and private investment and financial leverage
Public and private investment and financial leverage
Provide information on the capacity of the grant to trigger a bigger investment or to allow other investments.
Will the EU grant help mobilising additional public and private funding? Will different sources of funding or higher amounts become available? Has the financial leverage been optimised in terms of amounts and duration?
eFTI4EU will be a great investment trigger.
National budget will be mobilised to move from the pilot stage to the full eFTI implementation including specific budget of the national Competent Authorities.
Private funding will be mobilised for 2 different strands:
- Economic Operators that will invest in developing and certifying their platforms
- Software service providers that will invest in their products to be ready to provide to the market the new eFTI services
5.3 Stakeholder commitment
Stakeholder commitment
Explain how the EU funding would reinforce the commitment of different partners and stakeholders (public and private).
What would be the effects, in terms of commitment of stakeholders, if the project would not receive the grant?
EU funding of the eFTI4EU project will be a crucial catalyst for eFTI take off initially for the Competent Authorities in the MSs and indirectly also to the Economic Operators who will be the long-term real beneficiaries of this project. Moreover, is an indispensable and accelerating means to enable the rapid roll-out of the eFTI exchange environment and thus to meet the ambitious timetable of the EU Commission for eFTI, as this requires considerable investment costs.
If the grant is not received, severe consequences on the eFTI harmonisation and implementation schedules will be expected. On the contrary, this could be counterproductive about the ambitious timetable of the EU Commission. Many MSs are not aware of the scope of regulation and the necessary cross-border harmonisation and are still waiting for the DA and IA. This will significantly delay the timetable for eFTI readiness.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
6.1 Work plan
Work plan
Provide a brief description of the overall structure of the work plan (list of work packages or graphical presentation (Pert chart or similar)).
Overall Structure of the Work Plan
The project is organised in four (4) Work Packages (WPs) that correspond to the project’s objectives, coordinated by the Project Coordination Committee. Each WP is led by a project partner particularly experienced in the corresponding area, so as to ensure the best practice and work efficiency.
Work Packages Timing and Key Dependencies
The Member State activities will be coordinated within WP1 and supported by other WPs to provide detailed analysis of the requirements and analysis of the required WP contribution. After the initial Studies and project starting phase the project focus will move towards creation of reference implementation related pilots and communication led by WP2 and WP3. Information and results from WP2 and WP3 will provide constant input for WP1 and Member States as authority support actions. This iteration loop between the WPs will be repeated constantly, so that all required project goals and aims will be covered. In parallel WP4 project management will take care of project process, coordination and novelty. Below WPs and subtasks are listed.
WP1: Horizontal Alignment
● Task 1.1 Authorities’ road map (requirements and preparatory works)
● Task 1.2 Interoperability of eFTI exchange environment (planning, reference specification, testing)
● Task 1.3 eFTI Gate Strategy and Governance (Common Rule Set)
● Task 1.4 eFTI Gate Content and Accessibility (e.g. Metadata, Access Management)
● Task 1.5 Legal implementation and Certification-related affairs and rules
WP2: National and Corridor Pilots
● Task 2.1 Pilot collaboration and knowledge sharing
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● Task 2.2 Pilot planning
● Task 2.3 System development, testing and piloting
● Task 2.4 Cross-border testing and pilots
● Task 2.5 Pilot results and analysis
WP3: Communication, Dissemination & Capacity Building
● Task 3.1 Communication / information
● Task 3.2 National events
● Task 3.3 EU workshops
● Task 3.4 eFTI yearly conferences
● Task 3.5 Cross fertilisation events
● Task 3.6 Training Courses
WP4: Project Management
● Task 4.1 Project Management and Controlling
● Task 4.2 Project Coordination Committee Support
● Task 4.3 Identification of actions needed
The Figure below summarises the project structure, illustrating the relationships between WPs and the Project Coordination Committee that, as explained in the previous paragraph will heavily support all the eFTI4EU activities.
All the Deliverables will be in English (pdf format).
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Project WP structure
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
The project follows agile development cycles, where project coordination, strategy, governance, reference model and piloting will be executed partly in parallel. The project scheduling is also synchronised with the EU eFTI roadmap. The Figure Below displays the time dimension of the project and its WPs, which will be implemented in total in 36 months.
Project Gantt chart
June 2023
Early studies Own risk work
April 2023
Dec 2023
Project Kick Off Grant Agreement
Sep 2023
June 2024
Mid term review
Dec 2024
Reference implementation 0.9
Dec 2025
Final review
Mar 2026
Jan 2024
Implementation and project coordination committee start
June 2025 Grant Decision
Reference implementation 0.5
Subcontractor agreements First review
Task 1.1. Authorities’ road map (requirements & preparatory works)
Task 1.2 Interoperability of eFTI exchange environment (planning, reference specification, testing)
Task 1.3 eFTI Gate Strategy & Governance
Task 1.4 eFTI Gate Content and
Accessibility (e.g., Metadata, Access
Task 1.5 Legal implementation and
Certification-related affairs and rules
Task 2.1 Pilot collaboration, knowledge sharing and codeveloping reference architecture
WP 3 Horizontal communication and dissemination activities
WP 4 Project management
Task 2.2 Pilot planning
Task 2.3 System development, testing and piloting
Task 2.4 Cross-border testing &
Task 2.5 Pilot results and analysis
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
6.2 Work packages, activities, resources and timing
Work packages
This section concerns a detailed description of the project activities.
Group your activities into work packages. A work package means a major sub-division of the project. For each work package, enter an objective (expected outcome) and list the activities, milestones and deliverables that belong to it. The grouping should be logical and guided by identifiable outputs.
Projects should normally have a minimum of 2 work packages. WP1 should cover the management and coordination activities (meetings, coordination, project monitoring and evaluation, financial management, progress reports, etc) and all the activities which are cross-cutting and therefore difficult to assign to another specific work package (do not try splitting these activities across different work packages). WP2 and further WPs should be used for the other project activities. You can create as many work packages as needed by copying WP1.
For very simple projects, it is possible to use a single work package for the entire project (WP1 with the project acronym as WP name).
For works proposals, please make sure to use separate work packages for activities that are linked to the following specific budget categories (D.2 Studies, D.3 Synergetic elements, D.4 Works in outermost regions and D.5 Land purchase, if applicable).
Work packages covering financial support to third parties ( only allowed if authorised in the Call document) must describe the conditions for implementing the support (for grants: max amounts per third party; criteria for calculating the exact amounts, types of activity that qualify (closed list), persons/categories of persons to be supported and criteria and procedures for giving support; for prizes: eligibility and award criteria, amount of the prize and payment arrangements).
Enter each activity/milestone/output/outcome/deliverable only once (under one work package).
Ensure consistency with the detailed budget table per WP/calculator (if applicable) (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)
. Describe the objective of the work package and how it contributes/relates to the overall and specific objectives of the project.
State if there are links to other work packages (or conversely that there are no links to any other work package).
Activities (WP description)
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task. Provide quantitative information (dimensions, capacity of infrastructure, etc).
Mention for each task links with tasks planned under other work packages. Flag tasks which are on the critical path.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP), indicating in bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors.
Complete the column on subcontracting. Subcontracts must be awarded using your usual purchasing practices – provided that they ensure best value for money and no conflict of interests. If you are a public procurer (‘contracting authority/entity’ within the meaning of the EU Directives on public procurement), you must also comply with the applicable national law on public procurement.”
The Coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)
Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress.
The milestones must be SMART: specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and time-related and must have clearly identified means of verification. The number of milestones per work package will depend on the complexity of each work package. Each work package should have at least two milestones related to it, ideally, one milestone per activity and per year. If needed, one or more intermediate milestones can be added, particularly for long or very complex and costly work packages. Examples of milestones include publication of a tender, signature of contract, starting of study/works, technical progress as certified by the works/studies subcontractors, etc.
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators. They should be easy and concrete. Examples of means of verification include: publication of the tender notice, signature of a contract by the last party, acceptance/approval of final report/outcome, etc. A deliverable can be also used as a mean of verification for a milestone.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format) and achievement of the technical work. Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items, internal working papers, meeting minutes, etc.
Examples of deliverables for works projects include: constructed rail section, built bridge, deployed charging stations, concluded contract, published manuals, construction of the transmission line [name of the line], commissioning of the transmission line [name of the line], constructed transmission tower, deployed submarine cable, etc. For deliverables which are physical investments, provide in the ‘Description’ field the type of document you will use to prove the completion of the deliverable (e.g. acceptance note, test protocol, certificate of completion, handover certificate, etc).
Examples of deliverables for studies include: a technical design, an engineering design, a completed analysis, an environmental report, data collection, creation of a model and description of scenarios, etc. For such deliverables, provide in the ‘Description’ field: confirmation of completion and/or approval of technical design, copy of environmental report, etc.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the 'Description' field: invitation, agenda, signed presence list,report of the event, presentations.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s), approximate number of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of the work package and must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement
EU classified — RESTREINT-UE/EU-RESTRICTED, CONFIDENTIEL-UE/EU-CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET-UE/EU-SECRET under Decision 2015/444. For items classified under other rules (e.g. national or international organisation), please select the equivalent EU classification level.
Please note that milestones/deliverables should relate to the project work. Periodic reports or final reports linked to payments should NOT be included.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Work Package 1
Work Package 1: Horizontal Work
WP 1 is the common harmonisation work package for the participating Member States to identify, by means of country-specific roadmaps, inter alia, the inventory of existing reusable systems, requirements for national eFTI implementation, resource needs (financial and technical) and requirements for the long-term operation of the eFTI exchange environment;
• analyse the DA and IA introduced by the EU Commission and jointly translate them into harmonised technical specifications, thus providing member states with solid specifications, e.g. for the development/tendering of an eFTI gate;
• develop national and cross-border test strategies to test the eFTI exchange environment;
• develop a strategy for an open-source reference implementation of an eFTI gate on top;
• develop an agreed governance model that describes general rules for eFTI gates and the maintenance of the specifications.
Within the framework of Task 1.1, the participating MS will first identify the existing systems, requirements for national eFTI implementation, resource needs (financial and technical), pilots planned during the project and requirements for the long-term operation of the eFTI exchange environment in order to document these in so-called national roadmaps (D1.2). This should create a solid information basis for eFTI4EU to analyse the starting point for the implementation of the eFTI exchange environment. For this purpose, a work plan (D1.1) will be developed together with the MS, in which the requirements for the roadmaps will be documented. In addition, a corresponding roadmap structure will be developed in the form of a template. Both should help to collect the information in a harmonised way and facilitate an analysis afterwards. The overall MS summary of the individual country-specific roadmaps will be made in a Roadmap Status Report (D1.3). Here, an analysis of the commonalities and differences in the MS is carried out, which represents a benchmark for the harmonisation range that is available for the implementation of the eFTI exchange environment and thus for the provision of interoperability.
Task 1.2 (Interoperability of the eFTI exchange environment for planning, reference specification, testing) will analyse the DA and IA introduced by the EU Commission and jointly translate them into harmonised technical specifications. In addition, initial findings from the national roadmaps will be incorporated in parallel and the use of e.g. EU
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Building Blocks will be discussed, such as eDelivery or similar existing, fully specified solutions. The use of such solutions would indeed be a time saver for the project, as they could be implemented immediately in WP2.
The approach in Task 1.2 is to start with a system overview and interface specification (D1.4). This includes a cross-pilot system architecture and an identification of interfaces to be considered (and harmonised) based on the architecture favoured in DTLF SG1 (Scenario 7). The next step is to analyse how which existing systems can take on the role of an eFTI gate (if necessary, by modification), or where a “new” eFTI gate can be used in general. The resulting system dependencies are described in system specifications (D1.5). These also take into account requirements of the eFTI stakeholders, including detailed application scenarios and usability requirements as well as relevant service level and interoperability key performance indicators (KPI), which will be validated in the WP2 laboratory tests and pilot projects. According to the findings and experience gained from the implementation (WP2), the specifications will be further improved and adapted until the end of the project, so that a tested version of the specifications (D1.6) will be available at the end.
The aim is to provide member states with solid specifications, e.g. for the development/tendering of an eFTI gate. On the other hand, the specifications as a whole will be used to derive a development plan for reference development (D1.7) for the co-development of the reference implementation. The reference development will be jointly developed and tested by the financially involved eFTI4EU partners in WP2 and made available together with the data model and the requirement specifications to all Member States as open-source code that can be modified, licensed, re-licensed or used without restrictions. Based on the above system specifications, national and cross-border test strategies for testing the eFTI exchange environment will be developed, which will be summarised in an eFTI exchange environment test plan (D1.8). Here, too, it would be possible to benefit from ready-made EU building blocks that provide test plans or test opportunities where appropriate.
Task 1.3 eFTI gate strategy and governance (Common Rule Set) aims to develop an agreed governance model (D.1.9) that describes common rules for eFTI gates (e.g. rules for onboarding of eFTI platforms, rights and duties) and the maintenance of specifications. It should enable member states to monitor the technological-sociological system landscape and develop viable plans for the governance of the reference implementation description, which can be made available to the market as open documentation. This includes an identification of possible governance actors, their roles and relationships within the value chain structure.
The project partners will be responsible for jointly developing, testing and piloting the eFTI reference implementation in national and cross-border, transnational supply chain use cases where the exchange of data within a cross-border eFTI exchange environment is required. Task 1.4 is dedicated to the inside of the eFTI reference implementation, i.e. an eFTI Gate service and content specification (D1.10) will functionally describe the relevant eFTI Gate services (e.g. internal/external authentication, eFTI platform- related services, eFTI Gate-to-eFTI Gate services, logging, search mechanism, etc.) and specify the relevant registries (eFTI platform metadata, links, etc.).
Task 1.5 will address the legal implementation of eFTI components, taking into account the certification requirements and rules that will be established for eFTI components. A strategy plan for legal implementation and certification (D1.11) will therefore collect and document national strategies and processes for each MS with regard to the legal implementation of eFTI gates and the implementation of national certification processes for eFTI gates and platforms.
Important note on timing: The EU Commission's ambitious eFTI timetable foresees that by August 2025, public authorities will have operational systems in place for the exchange of eFTI datasets, enabling economic operators to provide their transport information in the form of eFTI datasets and sub-sets. Therefore, many of the tasks need to start very early, before the grant agreement is signed and only slightly staggered, as well as working in parallel in an agile process. To this end, it is planned that the individual tasks in WP1 closely coordinate with each other, but also with the activities for prototypical eFTI Gate development in WP2. This ensures continuous development and improvement of the specifications but also of the prototypical development. A sequential approach would significantly delay the project duration under the circumstances mentioned. The goal of eFTI4EU pilots that are as close as possible to operational use would otherwise not be possible.
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Activities (WP description)
Task No (continuous numbering linked to
Task Name Description Participants Subcontracting (Yes/No and Percentage of the task
that will be subcontracted).
Name Role
T1.1 Task 1.1 Authorities’ Road map (requirements and preparatory works)
Identify, by means of country-specific roadmaps, inter alia, the inventory of existing reusable systems, requirements for national eFTI implementation, resource needs (financial and technical) and requirements for the long-term operation of the eFTI exchange environment
ALL BEN YES (up to 25%)
T1.2 Task 1.2 Interoperability of eFTI exchange environment (planning, reference specification, testing)
Analyse the DA and IA introduced by the EU Commission and jointly translate them into harmonised technical specifications, thus providing member states with solid specifications, e.g. for the development/tendering of an eFTI gate
ALL BEN YES (up to 25%)
T1.3 Task 1.3 eFTI Gate Strategy and Governance (Common Rule Set)
Develop an agreed governance model that describes general rules for eFTI gates and the maintenance of the specifications (based on approved IAs and DAs)
ALL BEN YES (up to 25%)
T1.4 Task 1.4 eFTI Gate Content and Accessibility (e.g. Metadata, Access Management)
Specify relevant eFTI Gate services (e.g., internal/external authentication, eFTI platform-related services, eFTI Gate-to-eFTI Gate services, logging,
ALL BEN YES (up to 25%)
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
search mechanism, etc.) and the relevant registries (eFTI platform metadata, links, etc.
T1.5 WP1.5 Legal implementation and Certification-related affairs and rules
Collect and document national strategies and processes for each MS with regard to the legal implementation of eFTI gates and the implementation of national certification processes for eFTI gates and platforms
ALL BEN YES (up to 25%)
Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)
Milestone No (continuous numbering
not linked to WP)
Milestone Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date (month number)
Means of Verification
MS 1 WP1 Kick-Off 1 BMDV (MKM) Kick-Off Meeting with eFTI4EU partners to initiate the work on WP1 and in particular prepare the work in Task 1.1 and 1.2.
M1 Validation from the Project Board
MS 2 Roadmap Workplan for MS including templates ready
1 BMDV (MKM) Definition of the timeframe and content of national roads maps to be provided by the MS. Appropriate templates are be delivered.
M3 Validation from the Project Board
MS 3 Roadmap Status Report ready
1 BMDV (MKM) Summary on national roads maps: Analysis of commonalities and differences
M17 Validation from the Project Board
MS 4 Progress on technical specifications to comply with eFTI requirements
1 BMDV (MKM) Interim report on technical specifications to comply with eFTI requirements =D1.5
M13 Validation from the Project Board
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
MS 5 End of technical specifications to comply with eFTI requirements
1 BMDV (MKM) Final report on technical specifications to comply with eFTI requirements =D1.6
M32 Validation from the Project Board
Deliverable No (continuous numbering
linked to WP)
Deliverable Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Level
Due Date (Month number)
Description (including format and
D1.1 Roadmap Workplan for MS including templates
Task1.1 BMDV (MKM) [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
M3 Detailed workplan and template to provide a harmonised structure for the national roadmaps
D1.2 National eFTI Roadmaps
Task1.1 BMDV (MKM) [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
M11 National eFTI roadmap for each MS
D1.3 Roadmap Status Report
Task1.1 BMDV (MKM) [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
M17 Summary on national roads maps: Analysis of commonalities and differences
D1.4 eFTI System overview and interface specification
Task1.2 BMDV (MKM) [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
M7 Architectural system overview on the eFTI exchange environment and identification of relevant interfaces
D1.5 eFTI System specifications (preliminary Versions)
Task1.2 BMDV (MKM) [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
M12 Functional description of all (standard) systems involved in the eFTI exchange environment and description of the respective requirements according to provided eFTI DA and IA and relevant control use cases including appropriate technical,
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
service-level and interoperability KPI targets
D1.6 eFTI System specifications (final Versions)
Task1.2 BMDV (MKM) [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
M31 Amended final versions of the eFTI System specifications after implementation and test experiences
D1.7 Reference implementation development plan
Task1.2 BMDV (MKM) [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
M14 Definition of development phases for the co-development of the reference implementation
D1.8 eFTI exchange environment test plan
Task1.2 BALM (MKM) [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
M20 Definition of national and cross-border test cases for the eFTI exchange environment
D1.9 eFTI Gate Strategy and Governance Model
Task1.3 BMDV (MKM) [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
M29 Common rules for eFTI Gates (e.g. rules for onboarding of eFTI platforms, rights and duties) and maintenance
D1.10 eFTI Gate service and content specification
Task1.4 BMDV (MKM) [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
M14 Functional description of relevant eFTI Gate services (e.g. internal/external authentication, eFTI platform related services, eFTI Gate to eFTI Gate services, logging, search mechanism etc) and specification of relevant
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
registries (eFTI Platforms Metadata, links, etc)
D1.11 Legal implementation and certification strategy plan
Task 1.5 BMDV (MKM) [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
M26 Definition of national strategies and processes for each MS with regard to the legal introduction of eFTI Gates and the introduction of national certification processes for eFTI Gates and platforms
Estimated budget — Resources (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)
See detailed budget table per WP/calculator (annex 1 to Part B)
Work Package 2
Work Package 2: National and Corridor Pilots
Duration: M6 – M33 Lead Beneficiary: LIIKENNE JA VIESTINTAVIRASTO (LJV) Co-Leader IN Continue et Services
▪ Objective 1 is to test and pilot in real world conditions the main use cases of eFTI gates against the reference model developed in WP1: ○ Test and pilot eFTI gate to competent authorities data exchange ○ Test and pilot eFTI gate to eFTI platforms data exchange ○ Test and pilot eFTI gate to other eFTI gates data exchange ○ Test and pilot eFTI gate to other liked systems data exchange
▪ Objective 2 is to cover all main transport modes in pilots (maritime, air, rail and road) and with these test objective 1 eFTI Gate use cases
▪ Objective 3 is to cover the whole eFTI architecture from Economic Operators to Competent Authorities in pilots
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
▪ Objective 4 is to pilot above mentioned issues in national and international/corridor context
The broad target of the Project Partners is to reach close working relationship with all engaged Member States to better understand their needs, so that parallel national eFTI development projects can be supported with more accurate definition, co-development and governance model. I.e. the eFTI4EU project will provide guidance and architecture manual for MSs how to establish interoperable and a functioning system for eFTI implementation. This work will be started already in WP1, but Task 2.1 will continue it and link that to the pilots and testing aspects. The WP2 will focus on multi-country, multi-operator, cross-border eFTI use case scenarios and it will provide feedback and information for reference model development. Due to the short time that the project – and the Member States – have for implementation of eFTI, WP 2 will emphasise agile co-development approach between member states. In this incremental development process, the Project Partners target to gain rapid progress and level ground for the eFTI reference implementation. The development process is also linked to the general EU eFTI delegated acts development and potential CEF calls (2023- 2024), where eFTI4EU project could provide 0.5 version of reference model for those MSs, which were not ready to participate 2022-2023 CEF round. Hence, the eFTI4EU will facilitate the eFTI entry for other Member States in the project but also for those which are not direct beneficiaries. The co-development, planning and collaboration will be done with the lead of a few forerunning Partners (Task 2.2), who will help to create the eFTI Gate reference technology and show its potential benefits in national and cross border pilots, with respect to multimodal transportation. The lead partners for co-development are Estonia, Finland and Germany, with support of other participant MSs.
Testing will be started with sample and simulation data under Task 2.3. Aim is to get a functional solution as soon as possible and then further develop and test it in real world pilots (Task 2.4). National and corridor pilots with various eFTI use cases will be made together with economic operators representing different transport modes. For the corridor pilots the TEN-T network is followed and pilots should be designed to verify real commercial transportations along the corridors. In the North, North Sea – Baltic corridor and stakeholders along it will be engaged to pilots and the same will be done in the South on the Scandinavian Mediterranean corridor. The corridor covers road, rail and maritime transportation and all these will be integrated to pilots. As reported in the previous sections, eFTI4EU will cover all the 9 CNCs. The corridor approach will be used to integrate both national and international transportations and to tests the whole message channel from information enquiry of Competent Authority (CA) to the data sharing of Economic Operator (EO) and how to enable information exchange between MS eFTI Gates. Target is to pilot different real world use cases in close collaboration with EOs and potential existing eFTI platforms. If commercial solutions are not available similar test solutions will be used to simulate the data exchange between EO and CA. With these pilots eFTI4 EU project team wants to ensure the DTLF requirement compliance of the developed reference model its capability in real world environment. At the same time pilots will enable opportunity to communicate and collect feedback from EOs and other relevant stakeholders.
The purpose of the pilots is to cover full eFTI architecture and its components. And hence, to provide concrete experience and lessons learned from real world use cases and to adapt those into the reference solution, so that Member States are able to implement their operative eFTI Gates on time. Pilot results and findings will be disseminated both on national and international level among eFTI stakeholders (Task 2.5). Target is to cover several eFTI Gate use cases and test these in different MSs and international corridors, so that in total the eFTI4EU project covers 4 main test use cases for eFTI GATES:
1. Test and pilot eFTI gate to competent authorities data exchange 2. Test and pilot eFTI gate to eFTI platforms data exchange 3. Test and pilot eFTI gate to other eFTI gates data exchange 4. Test and pilot eFTI gate to other liked systems data exchange
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
1) eFTI Gate to CA will focus on pilots how to enable data and information exchange between the system and CAs. It will cover identification, authentication and authorization testing for several CA profiles with respect of their data enquiries. In addition, the pilots between eFTI-Gate and competent authorities holds the pilots and solutions to manage and coordinate the competent authority platforms and the eFTI-Gates coordination.
2) The pilots between eFTI-Gates and eFTI platforms will entail the testing of eFTI-Gates connectivity and data exchange, the metadata registries and search mechanism operations nationally and across borders. Some of the testing entails to test the push of metadata and unique links to the eFTI Gate. Some of the testing is coordinated highlighting border crossing use cases. In general these test highlight the data exchange between the EOs and eFTI Gates
3) Pilots of eFTI-Gate to eFTI-Gate holds the international corridor testing of the entire eFTI exchange environment in exchanging and passing on the query between eFTI Gates and CAs. These pilots will emphasise the interoperability between national systems.
4) Final use case category focuses on the interoperability and connection between eFTI Gates and other linked systems, such as IMSOC and EMSW. Under these pilot the aim is to study and test how these systems together can help CAs and EOs to digitalize their logistics processes and tasks
For all the pilots, the aim in WP 1 with WP 2 support is to jointly develop control and monitoring system with a set of KPIs, which can be used to enable verification and evaluation of the pilot results and output. Co-development and piloting will result into deliverables as set below. The scope of co-development and piloting is defined by the number of use cases and budget of the participating MS. Based on these evaluations the Project Coordination Committee needs in two milestones approve the reference model, which can be further developed and finally presented as a desired reference model of the eFTI4EU project. The consortium has set high ambitious level for the reference model, which could be easily adopted and transferred to the operational eFTI systems of MSs. Each use case is associated with a specific set of requirements and interoperability, technical-level and service-level KPIs, that cover all transport modes and focus on capability and usage of eFTI Gates. However, pilots will cover the whole eFTI message channel from the Economic Operator to eFTI platform and from there to eFTI Gate and further on to Competent Authorities, with respect to metadata, information enquiry and data sharing identification-authentication-authorization aspects and linked systems when alternating between different modes of transport and when crossing internal EU borders. In parallel with pilots, an important part of WP2 is also co-development between MSs. Co-development means actual shared architecture and development actions, which target to the reference model of the project. Aim is to develop simplified system, which will succeed in all above mentioned eFTI Gate use cases and can be approved by MSs, but without operative GUIs and operation models. Iteration is necessary in co-development to ensure that potential improvements are applied to the components of the reference implementation through feedback so that regression testing can be performed to ensure that the basic target KPIs are achieved. It is also necessary to provide feedback to WP1 so that improvements can be incorporated into the specifications or governance processes as appropriate.
Activities (WP description)
Task No (continuous numbering linked to
Task Name Description Participants Subcontracting (Yes/No and Percentage of the task
that will be subcontracted).
Name Role
Task 2.1 Pilot collaboration and knowledge sharing
WP 2 horizontal collaboration between project partners and other WPs in order to harmonize and share actions and knowledge.
YES (up to 75%)
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Task 2.2 Pilot planning Detailed pilot plans for each MS. Plans will cover: general description, roles and responsibilities, schedule and covered functionalities and use cases.
YES (up to 75%)
Task 2.3 System development, testing and piloting
Preparation testing and simulation pilots for reference model.
YES (up to 75%)
Task 2.4 Cross-border testing and pilots Actual reference model testing with full eFTI architecture and engaged stakeholders. Pilots will follow a corridor approach, where real world use cases are used for piloting.
YES (up to 75%)
Task 2.5 Pilot results and analysis integration of national and international pilot results. Pilot analysis and reporting to other WP.
YES (up to 75%)
Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)
Milestone No (continuous numbering
not linked to WP)
Milestone Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date
(month number)
Means of Verification
MS 6 Reference implementation 0.5
WP2 LJV Reference implementation model 0.5 available, tested and documented
M21 Reference model 0.5 documentation is approved by the Project Board
MS 7 Reference implementation 0.9
WP2 LJV Reference implementation model 0.9 available, tested, piloted and documented
M33 Reference model 0.9 documentation is approved by the Project Board
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
MS 8 End of the development and integration of the eFTI components
WP2 LJV Final version on the eFTI components developed and integrated
M31 Final version of the eFTI components approved by the Project Board
MS 9 Demo-Day on end-of-testing and eFTI implementation
WP2 LJV (BALM) Public meeting to show the eFTI developments and integrations carried out by eFTI4EU partners on production environment – This is a preparatory meeting for the WP3 final national event
M26 Minutes of the meeting available online
Deliverable No (continuous numbering
linked to WP)
Deliverable Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Level
Due Date
(month number)
Description (including format and language)
D2.1 eFTI4EU pilot plan
Task 2.2 LJV [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public] M11 Detailed description and workplan for all national and cross-border pilots and pre-testing.
D2.2 Reference implementation 0.5 description and system test summary
Task 2.1, Task 2.3, Task 2.5
LJV (BALM) [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public]
M21 Documented description of reference implementation and test results including recommendations and updated test plan.
D2.3 Reference implementation 0.9 description and pilot result summary
Task 2.1, Task 2.4, Task 2.5
LJV (BALM) [R — Document, report]
[PU — Public] M33 Documented description of reference implementation and pilot and test results including recommendations for MS eFTI implementations.
Estimated budget — Resources (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)
See detailed budget table per WP/calculator (annex 1 to Part B)
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Work Package 3
Work Package 3: Communication, Dissemination & Capacity Building
Duration: M1 – M36 Lead Beneficiary: CIRCLE
The WP3 (Dissemination, Communication and scale-up) will create the project dissemination and communication activities aiming to implement the dissemination of the project goals, reference implementation, test reports, pilot results, achievements, and other outputs and establish also capacity building activities.
Communicating and disseminating eFTI and the project activities and results:
• A set of communication /information / training tools (including an eFTI hub, were the specifications and reference implementations on eFTI will be published; an example could be the OOTS Hub.
• A set of national events in which MSs will communicate eFTI to EOs and to a broader public.
• A set of European workshops for very specific detailed issues.
• 3 eFTI conferences (one per year)
eFTI Capacity Building
• A series of workshops / on site visits in which more advanced countries could transfer their knowledge and expertise to less advanced ones this should include lessons learnt including onboarding trainings (webinars) in collaboration with the European Commission and the member states, associations and other projects
• A set of training courses to be delivered monthly for CAs and EOs, also open to MSs not involved in the project (to complement the ones planned in the eFTI second tender), including knowledge sharing regarding implementation of open-source software and a learning material library and video repository to support member state and regional dissemination.
Activities (WP description)
Task No (continuous numbering linked to
Task Name Description Participants Subcontracting (Yes/No and Percentage of the task
that will be subcontracted).
Name Role
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
T3.1 Communication / information eFTI4EU LinkedIn account
eFTI4EU 3 monthly European newsletter and national newsletters in national language
eFTI4EU brochure
eFTI pilot fact-sheets
eFTI general video
ALL BEN YES up to 20%
T3.2 National events 2 national events per year ALL BEN YES up to 60%
T3.3 EU workshops 2 specific technical online webinars per year on very specific technical issues
T3.4 eFTI yearly conferences 1 yearly event (kick off conference, mid term conference, final conference)
ALL BEN YES up to 50%
T3.5 Cross fertilisation events 1 specific on line webinar per year + 3 on site visits
T3.6 Training Courses Set of training tutorial and training library available in a specific repository
ALL BEN YES up to 30%
Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)
Milestone No (continuous numbering
not linked to WP)
Milestone Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date (month number)
Means of Verification
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
MS 5 Kick off of the digital communication campaigns
4 CIRCLE Starting point of the use of internet and social nets to communicate about the project
3 Post and news published
MS 6 WP 4 Intermediate Assessment
4 CIRCLE Evaluation of the different tools and events and corrective actions
20 Publication of Mid-Term Communication Report
MS 7 WP 4 Final Assessment
4 CIRCLE Evaluation of the different tools and events
35 Publication Final Communication Report
Deliverable No (continuous numbering
linked to WP)
Deliverable Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Level
Due Date (month number)
Description (including format and
D3.1 Detailed Communication Plan
3 Descripton and detailed planning
D3.2 Mid-Term Communication Report
15 Intermediate Report on Communication activities
D3.3 Final Communication Report
30 Final Report on Communication activities
Estimated budget — Resources (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)
See detailed budget table per WP/calculator (annex 1 to Part B)
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Work Package 4
Work Package 4: Project management and coordination
Duration: M1 – M36 Lead Beneficiary: MAJANDUS JA KOMMUNIKATSIOONIMINISTEERIUM (MKM) – Estonian Ministry of Economics and Communication, supported by PortExpertise
It covers the management and coordination activities of EFTI4EU that will be required throughout its duration. Adequate administrative and technical organisation structures, control procedures, quality and risk management, monitoring and auditing processes will be designed and followed as part of this activity. The results of this activity include the elaboration of a Project Management Plan, the Project Status Reports, Financial Statements and delivery of the Final Reports (both financial and technical) for the Project.
The aim of this activity is to cover the management tasks of the Project. These include adequate coordination actions, control procedures, quality management, risk management, monitoring mechanisms and publicity actions.
WP objectives are:
• Efficient management of the project, fulfilment of all administrative and financial requirements in full compliance with contractual requirements
• Communication with the Member States Ministries, CINEA, the EC and between local decision makers & stakeholders (Port Authority and logistic operators)
• Set-up of the kick-off and regular project meetings
• Organizing the different projects meetings at regular intervals
• Quality assurance of activities’ execution
• Technical control of all activities ensuring the quality of work and the timely production of the deliverables.
• Risk Management
The management structure and procedures are described in detail in the specific paragraph.
The WP4 Project Management, will be responsible for the overall project coordination, management and reporting. Additionally, the interface to the European Commission will be taken over by the Project Management.
Task 4.1. is the main task of the secretariat making sure that the project is managed and running according to the requirements of the Grant Agreement, Governance Handbook and the Consortium Agreement between the consortium partners and the EU Commission. This task includes:
• preparation, consolidation, finalisation and submission of the financial reports
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
• monitoring the expenses versus the budget
• review and monitor the project status and milestone monitoring
• consolidation of the project’s annual work programme from all activities
• plan, manage and monitor incoming and outgoing deliveries
• change management: anticipate, evaluate and manage changes in project structure, project participation, budget allocation changes, leadership appointments etc.
• escalation management: resolve escalated issues
• risk management: Create, monitor and update risk management plan + identify and mitigate project risks
• quality management: set up and monitor quality assurance guidelines
• setup, generate and manage procedures, minute taking, templates and tools to support above tasks (including the initial creation of a NAPCORE “brand” with logo, design, colour scheme etc.)
• setup, operation and management of a project management/document/collaboration platform
• provision of a virtual meeting (and webinar) solution to enable planned and ad-hoc virtual meetings of project partners (internally and with external partners)
All applicants will be active in this task to fulfil their obligations relating to their respective financial reporting and general project management tasks.
Task 4.2 will support the Project Coordination Committee operationally and strategically in their tasks in cooperation with the European Commission services. The task therefore takes over the secretariat function. This includes the coordination of the topics to be discussed and the preparation of the meetings.
Tasks 4.3 and 4.4 will generally take over the collection of identified needs and future required actions. This will be done by collecting all gaps and unprocessed requirements from the working groups. These can be new challenges not yet foreseen or ideas for innovations that appear during the course of the project. On this basis, recommendations can be made for future projects or necessary measures in the project. In addition, in the case of serious unforeseen circumstances that have a major impact on the project, this task will develop solution strategies that will be presented to the Project Coordination Committee for decision. In this way, this task essentially contributes to risk management.
Activities (WP description)
Task No (continuous numbering linked to
Task Name Description Participants Subcontracting (Yes/No and Percentage of the task
that will be subcontracted).
Name Role
T4.1 Project Management See specific paragraph ALL BEN
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
T4.2 Technical Management See specific paragraph ALL BEN
T4.3 Quality control See specific paragraph ALL BEN
T4.4 Risk Management See specific paragraph ALL BEN
Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)
Milestone No (continuous numbering
not linked to WP)
Milestone Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date (month number)
Means of Verification
MS 8 Annual status report 2023
4 MKM Finalisation of the first-year reporting
M7 Validation by the MS and submission to CINEA
MS 9 Annual status report 2024
4 MKM Finalisation of the second-year reporting
M19 Validation by the MS and submission to CINEA
Deliverable No (continuous numbering
linked to WP)
Deliverable Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Level
Due Date (month number)
Description (including format and
D4.1 Annual Status Report 2023
1 MKM R PU M7 Progress report on 2023 management activities
D4.2 Annual Status Report 2024
1 MKM R PU M19 Progress report on 2024 management activities
D4.3 Final Report 1 MKM R PU M27+6 Final reporting
Estimated budget — Resources (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)
See detailed budget table per WP/calculator (annex 1 to Part B)
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Fill in the timetable for the project (using either the template available on Portal Reference Documents or a Gantt chart which respects the minimum requirements set out in the template) and attach it to your Application Form (annex X to Part B).
Due to the tight timing planned for eFTI the participating member states and partners agreed to start preparations as early as possible. Therefore eFTI4EU is planned to start in April 2023 latest.
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
WP1 Horizontal Alignment
T1.1 Authorities’ road map (requirements and preparatory works) D D M/D
T1.2 Interoperability of eFTI exchange environment (planning, reference
specification, testing) M D D M D D D
T1.3 eFTI Gate Strategy and Governance (Common Rule Set) M D
T1.4 eFTI Gate Content and Accessibility (e.g. Metadata, Access
Management) M D
T1.5 Legal implementation and Certification-related affairs and rules M D
WP2 National and Corridor Pilots
T2.1 Pilot collaboration and knowledge sharing
T2.2 Pilot planning D
T2.3 System development, testing and piloting M
T2.4 Cross-border testing and pilots M
T2.5 Pilot results and analysis M/D M/D
T3.1 Communication / information D M D M D
T3.2 National events
T3.3 EU workshops
T3.4 eFTI yearly conferences
T3.5 Cross fertilisation events
T3.6 Training Courses
T4.1 Project Management M M M
T4.2 Technical Management D D D
T4.3 Quality control
T4.4 Risk Management
2023 2024 2025 2026
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
7.1 Ethics
Not applicable.
7.2 Security
Not applicable.
Higher funding rate (if applicable) YES/NO
Do you fulfil the conditions set out in the Call document for a higher funding rate?
If YES, explain and provide details. NO
Insert text
Twinned projects (if applicable) YES/NO
Is the project twinned to another project which is funded under another CEF call and part of the same global project?
If YES, give details on the twin-project (name, number, etc).
Note: Twinned projects will be evaluated together and afterwards managed as linked actions (for the purposes of the Grant Agreement).
Insert text
Double funding
Information concerning other EU grants for this project
Please note that there is a strict prohibition of double funding from the EU budget (except under EU Synergies actions).
We confirm that to our best knowledge neither the project as a whole nor any parts of it have benefitted from any other EU grant (including EU funding managed by authorities in EU Member States or other funding bodies, e.g. EU Regional Funds, EU Agricultural Funds, etc). If NO, explain and provide details.
We confirm that to our best knowledge neither the project as a whole nor any parts of it are (nor will be) submitted for any other EU grant (including EU funding managed by authorities in
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
EU Member States or other funding bodies, e.g. EU Regional Funds, EU Agricultural Funds, etc). If NO, explain and provide details.
Financial support to third parties (if applicable)
If your project requires a higher maximum amount per third party than the threshold amount set in the Call document, justify and explain why this is necessary in order to fulfil your project’s objectives.
Not applicable
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Standard Detailed budget table per WP/Calculator (annex 1 to Part B) — uploaded CVs (annex 2 to Part B) — uploaded for private beneficiaries Annual activity reports (annex 3 to Part B) — uploaded for private beneficiaries List of previous projects (annex 4 to Part B) — see next section Special Timetable/Gantt chart — uploaded Other annexes — Letters of support - uploaded
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
List of previous projects
Please provide a list of your previous projects for the last 4 years.
Participant Project Reference No and Title, Funding programme
Period (start and end date)
Role (COO,
Amount (EUR)
Website (if any)
Interreg Baltic Sea Region
(2017- 2020)
MKM Lead partner, others BEN
Total budget
EUR 3,5 million, incl.
ERDF (EUR 2,8 million, partners EUR 0,7 million)
Nordic Council of Ministers
2020 MKM lead partner, others BEN
https://www.diginn proto
Interreg Baltic Sea Region
2021 MKM lead partner, others BEN
EUR 880,000
NDPTL-eCMR project:
NDPTL goes real-time economy
July 2022 until 30 June 2023
EUR 400,000
https://realtimeeco , https://ndptl- project.ready4efti. eu/
EE Analysis of the operational model of the Estonian national access point for electronic road transport consignment notes,'
Public Tender of 239359 as of July 2022 of Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Sept 2021- March 2022
MKM as tenderer, DLK as delivery partner
EUR 100,000
EE Initial analysis of the implementing of e-waybills, reviewing of requirements and planning of the support measure for development and onboarding of e-waybill platforms meeting the
April- June 2021
DLK as
Smartup Studies as key
4 900 EUR
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
upcoming eFTI requirements, contracted by Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
contributor s
EE Analysis of the eFTI Regulation 2020/1056 requirements for eFTI platforms, service providers and data exchange with a focus on requirements on eFTI platform on electronic road transport waybills as of April 2022,
contracted by Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
February -April
SmartUp Studies and AlbrechtCo nsult as key contributor s
7 200 EUR
EE Training and onboarding for eFTI platform developers RRF funding for Estonian Entrepreneurship and Innovation Agency
Since May 2022 - ongoing
DLK as LEAD and SmartUp Studies partner
7 000 EUR
EE ProtoTesting – eCMR indexing prototype testing planning, technical testing and stakeholder engagement, assessment and reporting in DIGINNO- Proto and DINNOCAP projects
August 2020 and October- Decembe r 2021
SmartUp Studies/ DLK as lead
10 000 EUR
CEF-T-2018 FEDeRATED Jan-2019 – March 2024
BEN, COO 2530220 4
TousAntiCovid (TAC) app was part of the global strategy for tackling the COVID-19 epidemic and helping people to emerge from lockdown. The app is part of an overall contact tracing strategy, the goal of which is to break the chain of transmission. It provides a quicker way of notifying contacts, particularly in cases involving individuals who have been infected by people they do not know, such as on public transport or in shops. The use of this app is voluntary.
June 2021-Mar 2022
IN Groupe develops the TousAntiC ovid Verif application for Android and IOS.
651K €
IN Groupe
Carte Famille Nombreuse- CFN.
June 2022-Jan 2023
IN Groupe develops the whole platform.
XX https://www.carte- familles- nombreuses.gouv. fr/home
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Circle Support for Development of Implementations Specifications for the EU Regulation 2020/1056 on Electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) As per tender: eFTI - MOVE/2020/OP/0015
June 2022- Dec 2023
Circle as lead contractor
250 000 EUR max award
Circle, DLK Support for Development of Implementations Specifications for the EU Regulation 2020/1056 on Electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI), MOVE-
Novembe r 2022-
Circle as lead contractor DLK partner
450 000 EUR max
Circle Docks The Future, Grant Agreement number 770064, Horizon 2020
1 Jan 2018-30 Oct 2020
COO 464131 EUR
Circle Synchronet, Grant Agreement number 636354, Horizon 2020
1. May 2015- 31.Oct.2 018
BEN 430312 EUR
Circle 5G-LOGINNOV 1 Sept 2020-31 Aug 2023
BEN 296625 EUR
Circle E-Bridge October 2018- Decembe r 2022
BEN 12.185.0 50 EUR
E-Bridge | TRIMIS (
Docks The Future, Grant
Agreement number
770064, Horizon 2020
30/11/20 20
Steering board
WP lead
PortExpertise National Ministry of
Transport (Belgium) –
Federale Overheidsdienst
Transport en Mobiliteit
- n.a.
assistance to
department on
data sharing
Global Gateway Workshops for Latin America-Caribbean and Asia Pacific (233) > Request for Services SIEA- 2018-12860 Client: European External Action Service (EEAS) is the European Union's diplomatic service
10/2022- 05/2023
Digitalisati on Subject Matter Expert on trade data exchange
- n.a.
PortExpertise Port Community System (PCS) Pakistan Trade Facilitation Project/National
03/2018- 09/2019
Project lead
- Assistance to Pakistan government
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Single Window, data exchange platform: client World bank Group, 2018- 2019
Inland Revenue Board on National Single window Platform on reporting obligations for logistics, trade.
FENIX 2019-2023 Federated Network of Information eXchange in Logistics, location: various EU locations including Brussels. (INEA/CEF/TRAN/M2018/17 93401 – Action No:2018-EU-
04/2019- 03/2023
Activity Lead digital and operational business, Fenix2.0
- https://fenix-
River Information Services project, RISCOMEX and CoRISMa
2014- 2023
CoRISMa : pilot co- lead for Luxembour
RISCOME X: observator y
- https://www.risco
Sharing of data between MS on Inland Waterway transport, traffic, infrastructure, …
Digital Transport and Logistics Forum 2015- ongoing (2023)
Location: Brussels, and other EU member states
Member of both groups Paperless, and corridor freight information systems
- https://transport.e port- themes/digital- transport-and- logistics-forum- dtlf_en
EU DG MOVE/DDG2.D1/2018-FV- 377
Support action for contributing to the establishment of a
European Maritime Single Window environment data set
Project lead
- n.a.
Maiden project:
Implementation of the CISE
(Common Information
Sharing Environment) for the
EU maritime domain
Subject Matter
- n.a. assistance on project organisation, set up of governance structure, consortium agreement between MS’’ authorities
EU Grants: Application form (CEF-T): V2.0 – 01.06.2022
Subject Matter Expert
- Defining harmonised data set for all EU MS on Maritime Single Window
51Biz Luxembourg
January 2019- Decembe r 2023
BEN and Living Lab
300K of 25 M€
FEDeRATED Living Labs
51Biz Luxembourg
January 2018- June
51Biz as national coordinator for Luxembour g
135K of 31 M€
Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
CINEA.B – Sustainable networks and investments Head of Department
Project 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU
This Agreement (‘the Agreement’) is between the following parties:
on the one part,
the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
on the other part,
1. ‘the coordinator’:
KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate), PIC 941609750, established in SUUR-AMEERIKA 1, TALLINN 10122, Estonia,
and the following other beneficiaries, if they sign their ‘accession form’ (see Annex 3 and Article 40):
2. DIGILOGISTIKA KESKUS (DLK), PIC 892290391, established in TEADUSPARGI 6/1, TALLINN 12618, Estonia,
3. 51BIZ LUXEMBOURG SARL (51Biz LUXEMBURG), PIC 951890877, established in MAISON 15, GREVENKNAPP 7433, Luxembourg,
4. CIRCLE SPA (CIRCLE SPA), PIC 946059916, established in VIA G. BATTISTA PERGOLESI 26, MILANO 20124, Italy,
5. BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR DIGITALES UND VERKEHR (BMDV), PIC 996530374, established in Robert-Schuman-Platz 1, Bonn 53175, Germany,
6. BUNDESAMT FUR LOGISTIK UND MOBILITAT (BALM), PIC 884011344, established in WERDERSTRASSE 34, KOLN 50672, Germany,
7. LIIKENNE- JA VIESTINTAVIRASTO (FI Transport&Co), PIC 900306956, established in KUMPULANTIE 9, HELSINKI 00520, Finland,
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
10. Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti (MIT), PIC 996445790, established in Via Nomentana, 2, Roma 00161, Italy,
11. INSTITUTO DA MOBILIDADE E DOS TRANSPORTES, I P (IMT, I. P.), PIC 966290430, established in AVENIDA DAS FORCAS ARMADAS 40, LISBOA 1649 022, Portugal,
12. NORDIC INVESTMENT BANK (Nordic Invest), PIC 894031056, established in FABIANINKATU 34, HELSINKI 00171, Finland,
13. UAB NORMALIS TECH (NORM), PIC 886548088, established in JAUNIMO G. 16, INGALINA 30290, Lithuania,
14. TRANSPORTO INOVACIJU ASOCIACIJA (TIA), PIC 885458875, established in GEDIMINO PR 9, VILNIUS LT01103, Lithuania,
15. IMPRIMERIE NATIONALE (Groupe IN), PIC 911407345, established in 38 AVENUE DE NEW YORK, PARIS 75116, France,
18. SERVICE PUBLIC DE WALLONIE (SPW), PIC 999811884, established in Place de la Wallonie 1, Namur 5100, Belgium,
19. LOGISTICS IN WALLONIA (LIW), PIC 963728466, established in RUE DE L'AEROPORT 52 / 10, GRACE-HOLLOGNE 4460, Belgium,
Unless otherwise specified, references to ‘beneficiary’ or ‘beneficiaries’ include the coordinator and affiliated entities (if any).
If only one beneficiary signs the grant agreement (‘mono-beneficiary grant’), all provisions referring to the ‘coordinator’ or the ‘beneficiaries’ will be considered — mutatis mutandis — as referring to the beneficiary.
The parties referred to above have agreed to enter into the Agreement.
By signing the Agreement and the accession forms, the beneficiaries accept the grant and agree to implement the action under their own responsibility and in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
The Agreement is composed of:
Terms and Conditions (including Data Sheet)
Annex 1 Description of the action1
Annex 2 Estimated budget for the action
Annex 2a Additional information on unit costs and contributions (if applicable)
Annex 3 Accession forms (if applicable)2
Annex 3a Declaration on joint and several liability of affiliated entities (if applicable)3
Annex 4 Model for the financial statements
Annex 5 Specific rules (if applicable)
1 Template published on Portal Reference Documents. 2 Template published on Portal Reference Documents. 3 Template published on Portal Reference Documents.
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
GRANT AGREEMENT.................................................................................................................................................... 1
TERMS AND CONDITIONS...........................................................................................................................................4
DATASHEET...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL..............................................................................................................................................15
ARTICLE 1 — SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT ..................................................................................... 15
ARTICLE 2 — DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER 2 ACTION................................................................................................................................................. 16
ARTICLE 3 — ACTION................................................................................................................................. 16
ARTICLE 4 — DURATION AND STARTING DATE...................................................................................16
CHAPTER 3 GRANT...................................................................................................................................................16
ARTICLE 5 — GRANT...................................................................................................................................16
5.1 Form of grant......................................................................................................................................16
5.2 Maximum grant amount..................................................................................................................... 17
5.3 Funding rate........................................................................................................................................17
5.4 Estimated budget, budget categories and forms of funding.............................................................. 17
5.5 Budget flexibility................................................................................................................................17
ARTICLE 6 — ELIGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE COSTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS......................................18
6.1 General eligibility conditions............................................................................................................. 18
6.2 Specific eligibility conditions for each budget category................................................................... 19
6.3 Ineligible costs and contributions...................................................................................................... 24
6.4 Consequences of non-compliance...................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER 4 GRANT IMPLEMENTATION............................................................................................................ 25
SECTION 1 CONSORTIUM: BENEFICIARIES, AFFILIATED ENTITIES AND OTHER PARTICIPANTS........................................................................................................................................ 25
ARTICLE 7 — BENEFICIARIES................................................................................................................... 25
ARTICLE 8 — AFFILIATED ENTITIES....................................................................................................... 27
ARTICLE 9 — OTHER PARTICIPANTS INVOLVED IN THE ACTION................................................... 28
9.1 Associated partners.............................................................................................................................28
9.2 Third parties giving in-kind contributions to the action.................................................................... 28
9.3 Subcontractors.....................................................................................................................................28
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
9.4 Recipients of financial support to third parties..................................................................................28
ARTICLE 10 — PARTICIPANTS WITH SPECIAL STATUS....................................................................... 29
10.1 Non-EU participants......................................................................................................................... 29
10.2 Participants which are international organisations...........................................................................29
10.3 Pillar-assessed participants............................................................................................................... 30
SECTION 2 RULES FOR CARRYING OUT THE ACTION...........................................................................32
ARTICLE 11 — PROPER IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ACTION............................................................ 32
11.1 Obligation to properly implement the action................................................................................... 32
11.2 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 32
ARTICLE 12 — CONFLICT OF INTERESTS.............................................................................................. 32
12.1 Conflict of interests.......................................................................................................................... 32
12.2 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 32
ARTICLE 13 — CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITY............................................................................ 33
13.1 Sensitive information........................................................................................................................33
13.2 Classified information...................................................................................................................... 33
13.3 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 34
ARTICLE 14 — ETHICS AND VALUES...................................................................................................... 34
14.1 Ethics.................................................................................................................................................34
14.2 Values................................................................................................................................................34
14.3 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 34
ARTICLE 15 — DATA PROTECTION.......................................................................................................... 34
15.1 Data processing by the granting authority....................................................................................... 34
15.2 Data processing by the beneficiaries............................................................................................... 35
15.3 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 35
ARTICLE 16 — INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (IPR) — BACKGROUND AND RESULTS — ACCESS RIGHTS AND RIGHTS OF USE................................................................................ 35
16.1 Background and access rights to background..................................................................................35
16.2 Ownership of results.........................................................................................................................36
16.3 Rights of use of the granting authority on materials, documents and information received for policy, information, communication, dissemination and publicity purposes...................................36
16.4 Specific rules on IPR, results and background................................................................................37
16.5 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 37
ARTICLE 17 — COMMUNICATION, DISSEMINATION AND VISIBILITY............................................ 37
17.1 Communication — Dissemination — Promoting the action........................................................... 37
17.2 Visibility — European flag and funding statement......................................................................... 37
17.3 Quality of information — Disclaimer..............................................................................................38
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
17.4 Specific communication, dissemination and visibility rules............................................................38
17.5 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 38
ARTICLE 18 — SPECIFIC RULES FOR CARRYING OUT THE ACTION............................................... 39
18.1 Specific rules for carrying out the action........................................................................................ 39
18.2 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 39
SECTION 3 GRANT ADMINISTRATION......................................................................................................... 39
ARTICLE 19 — GENERAL INFORMATION OBLIGATIONS....................................................................39
19.1 Information requests......................................................................................................................... 39
19.2 Participant Register data updates..................................................................................................... 39
19.3 Information about events and circumstances which impact the action............................................39
19.4 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 40
ARTICLE 20 — RECORD-KEEPING............................................................................................................ 40
20.1 Keeping records and supporting documents.................................................................................... 40
20.2 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 41
ARTICLE 21 — REPORTING........................................................................................................................ 41
21.1 Continuous reporting........................................................................................................................ 41
21.2 Periodic reporting: Technical reports and financial statements....................................................... 41
21.3 Currency for financial statements and conversion into euros..........................................................42
21.4 Reporting language...........................................................................................................................43
21.5 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 43
22.1 Payments and payment arrangements.............................................................................................. 43
22.2 Recoveries.........................................................................................................................................43
22.3 Amounts due.....................................................................................................................................44
22.4 Enforced recovery.............................................................................................................................48
22.5 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 49
ARTICLE 23 — GUARANTEES....................................................................................................................50
23.1 Prefinancing guarantee..................................................................................................................... 50
23.2 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 50
ARTICLE 24 — CERTIFICATES................................................................................................................... 50
24.1 Operational verification report (OVR).............................................................................................50
24.2 Certificate on the financial statements (CFS).................................................................................. 50
24.3 Certificate on the compliance of usual cost accounting practices (CoMUC).................................. 51
24.4 Systems and process audit (SPA).....................................................................................................51
24.5 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 52
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
ARTICLE 25 — CHECKS, REVIEWS, AUDITS AND INVESTIGATIONS — EXTENSION OF FINDINGS..................................................................................................................................... 52
25.1 Granting authority checks, reviews and audits................................................................................ 52
25.2 European Commission checks, reviews and audits in grants of other granting authorities..............53
25.3 Access to records for assessing simplified forms of funding.......................................................... 53
25.4 OLAF, EPPO and ECA audits and investigations........................................................................... 53
25.5 Consequences of checks, reviews, audits and investigations — Extension of results of reviews, audits or investigations.................................................................................................................... 54
25.6 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 55
ARTICLE 26 — IMPACT EVALUATIONS................................................................................................... 55
26.1 Impact evaluation............................................................................................................................. 55
26.2 Consequences of non-compliance.................................................................................................... 56
CHAPTER 5 CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE.................................................................................. 56
SECTION 1 REJECTIONS AND GRANT REDUCTION.................................................................................56
ARTICLE 27 — REJECTION OF COSTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS...........................................................56
27.1 Conditions......................................................................................................................................... 56
27.2 Procedure.......................................................................................................................................... 56
27.3 Effects............................................................................................................................................... 56
ARTICLE 28 — GRANT REDUCTION........................................................................................................ 56
28.1 Conditions......................................................................................................................................... 56
28.2 Procedure.......................................................................................................................................... 57
28.3 Effects............................................................................................................................................... 57
SECTION 2 SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION............................................................................................57
ARTICLE 29 — PAYMENT DEADLINE SUSPENSION............................................................................. 57
29.1 Conditions......................................................................................................................................... 57
29.2 Procedure.......................................................................................................................................... 58
ARTICLE 30 — PAYMENT SUSPENSION...................................................................................................58
30.1 Conditions......................................................................................................................................... 58
30.2 Procedure.......................................................................................................................................... 58
ARTICLE 31 — GRANT AGREEMENT SUSPENSION..............................................................................59
31.1 Consortium-requested GA suspension............................................................................................. 59
31.2 EU-initiated GA suspension.............................................................................................................60
ARTICLE 32 — GRANT AGREEMENT OR BENEFICIARY TERMINATION......................................... 61
32.1 Consortium-requested GA termination............................................................................................ 61
32.2 Consortium-requested beneficiary termination................................................................................ 62
32.3 EU-initiated GA or beneficiary termination.................................................................................... 63
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
ARTICLE 33 — DAMAGES...........................................................................................................................66
33.1 Liability of the granting authority....................................................................................................66
33.2 Liability of the beneficiaries............................................................................................................ 66
ARTICLE 34 — ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTIONS AND OTHER MEASURES....................................... 67
SECTION 4 FORCE MAJEURE.......................................................................................................................... 67
ARTICLE 35 — FORCE MAJEURE..............................................................................................................67
CHAPTER 6 FINAL PROVISIONS...........................................................................................................................67
ARTICLE 36 — COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES...............................................................67
36.1 Forms and means of communication — Electronic management................................................... 67
36.2 Date of communication.................................................................................................................... 68
36.3 Addresses for communication.......................................................................................................... 68
ARTICLE 37 — INTERPRETATION OF THE AGREEMENT.....................................................................68
ARTICLE 38 — CALCULATION OF PERIODS AND DEADLINES..........................................................68
ARTICLE 39 — AMENDMENTS.................................................................................................................. 69
39.1 Conditions......................................................................................................................................... 69
39.2 Procedure.......................................................................................................................................... 69
ARTICLE 40 — ACCESSION AND ADDITION OF NEW BENEFICIARIES........................................... 69
40.1 Accession of the beneficiaries mentioned in the Preamble............................................................. 70
40.2 Addition of new beneficiaries.......................................................................................................... 70
ARTICLE 41 — TRANSFER OF THE AGREEMENT................................................................................. 70
ARTICLE 42 — ASSIGNMENTS OF CLAIMS FOR PAYMENT AGAINST THE GRANTING AUTHORITY.................................................................................................................................70
ARTICLE 43 — APPLICABLE LAW AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES.............................................. 71
43.1 Applicable law..................................................................................................................................71
43.2 Dispute settlement............................................................................................................................ 71
ARTICLE 44 — ENTRY INTO FORCE.........................................................................................................71
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
1. General data
Project summary:
Project summary
The project eFTI4EU will encourage Member States to join forces, face the upcoming eFTI requirements, and work jointly on common specifications and take advantage of a well harmonized European wide eFTI exchange environment according to the Regulation EU No 2020/1056 on electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI Regulation). EFTI4EU project will support the process of implementation of the eFTI Regulation in digitalizing freight transport and logistics by contributing to the implementation of a seamless paperless information exchange between businesses and authorities and developing systems/IT platforms to be used by the competent authorities to access and process information electronically on a non-discriminatory basis and in accordance with Regulation EU 2020/1056 on electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI). The overall objectives of the Project are fully aligned with the aim of eFTI Regulation EU No 2020/1056, namely: - to encourage the digitalization of freight transport and logistics - to reduce administrative costs, improve enforcement capabilities of competent authorities, and - to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of transport. In detail the project comprises the following: Studies: ● Provision of national and regional eFTI roadmaps ● Participation in the horizontal alignment work package to promote harmonization of eFTI development and interoperability between Member States. This also covers the specification and the common co-development of eFTI reference implementations (eFTI platform and eFTI Gate) ● Communication and dissemination, knowledge sharing activities in the MS to promote eFTI Pilots: ● Development and piloting of an eFTI gate aligned with the jointly specified and developed reference implementation, which could lead to a system that becomes operational in 2025 ● eFTI gate pilots cover the following communication paths: ○ eFTI gate to competent authorities ○ eFTI gate to eFTI platforms ○ eFTI gate to other eFTI gates ○ eFTI gate to other linked systems
– eFTI, interoperability, DTLF, eFTI gates, trusted networks of platforms, National Access Points/ eFTI Gate, building blocks, eFTI Network Corridors from North to South and across,
Project number: 101122891
Project name: electronic Freight Transport Information for Europe
Project acronym: 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU
Type of action: CEF Infrastructure Projects
Granting authority: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
Grant managed through EU Funding & Tenders Portal: Yes (eGrants)
Project starting date: fixed date: 1 April 2023
Project end date: 31 March 2026
Project duration: 36 months
Consortium agreement: Yes
2. Participants
List of participants:
N° Role Short name Legal name Ctry PIC Total
eligible costs (BEN and AE)
Max grant amount
1 COO MoClimate KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM EE 941609750 1 000 000.00 500 000.00
2 BEN DLK DIGILOGISTIKA KESKUS EE 892290391 710 000.00 355 000.00
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N° Role Short name Legal name Ctry PIC Total
eligible costs (BEN and AE)
Max grant amount
51BIZ LUXEMBOURG SARL LU 951890877 590 280.00 295 140.00
4 BEN CIRCLE SPA CIRCLE SPA IT 946059916 710 000.00 355 000.00
4.1 AE CCEU CIRCLE CONNECTING EU S.R.L. IT 889903609 415 000.00 207 500.00
DE 996530374 2 400 000.00 1 200 000.00
6 BEN BALM BUNDESAMT FUR LOGISTIK UND MOBILITAT DE 884011344 3 000 000.00 1 500 000.00
7 BEN FI Transport&Co LIIKENNE- JA VIESTINTAVIRASTO FI 900306956 4 970 000.00 2 485 000.00
AT 887660387 800 000.00 400 000.00
AT 999633695 0.00 0.00
9 BEN PORTEXPERTISE PORTS AND TERMINALS CVBA BE 933959457 971 500.00 485 750.00
10 BEN MIT Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti IT 996445790 15 000.00 7 500.00
IT 937468917 710 000.00 355 000.00
PT 966290430 1 500 000.00 750 000.00
12 BEN (IO)
Nordic Invest NORDIC INVESTMENT BANK FI 894031056 285 000.00 142 500.00
13 BEN NORM UAB NORMALIS TECH LT 886548088 200 000.00 100 000.00
14 BEN TIA TRANSPORTO INOVACIJU ASOCIACIJA LT 885458875 180 000.00 90 000.00
15 BEN Groupe IN IMPRIMERIE NATIONALE FR 911407345 5 495 844.00 2 747 922.00
FR 996384874 1 000 000.00 500 000.00
LT 951975364 1 500 000.00 750 000.00
LT 888880550 0.00 0.00
18 BEN SPW SERVICE PUBLIC DE WALLONIE BE 999811884 1 850 000.00 925 000.00
19 BEN LIW LOGISTICS IN WALLONIA BE 963728466 50 000.00 25 000.00
Total 28 352 624.00 14 176 312.00
3. Grant
Maximum grant amount, total estimated eligible costs and contributions and funding rate:
Total eligible costs (BEN and AE)
Funding rate (%)
Maximum grant amount (Annex 2)
Maximum grant amount (award decision)
28 352 624.00 70, 50, 50 14 176 312.00 14 176 312.00
Grant form: Budget-based
Grant mode: Action grant
Budget categories/activity types:
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CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
- A. Personnel costs - A.1 Employees, A.2 Natural persons under direct contract, A.3 Seconded persons - A.4 SME owners and natural person beneficiaries
- B. Subcontracting costs
- C. Purchase costs - C.1 Travel and subsistence - C.2 Equipment - C.3 Other goods, works and services
- D. Other cost categories - D.1 Financial support to third parties - D.2 Studies - D.3 Synergetic elements - D.4 Works in outermost regions - D.5 Land purchase
- E. Indirect costs
Cost eligibility options:
- Standard supplementary payments
- Average personnel costs (unit cost according to usual cost accounting practices)
- Country restrictions for subcontracting costs
- Travel and subsistence: - Travel: Actual costs - Accommodation: Actual costs - Subsistence: Actual costs
- Equipment: full costs only
- Costs for providing financial support to third parties (actual cost; max amount for each recipient: EUR 60 000.00)
- Indirect cost flat-rate: 0% of the eligible direct costs (categories A-D, except volunteers costs and exempted specific cost categories, if any)
- VAT: No
- Country restrictions for eligible costs
- Other ineligible costs
Budget flexibility: Yes (no flexibility cap)
4. Reporting, payments and recoveries
4.1 Continuous reporting (art 21)
Deliverables: see Funding & Tenders Portal Continuous Reporting tool
4.2 Periodic reporting and payments
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Reporting and payment schedule (art 21, 22):
Reporting Payments
Reporting periods Type Deadline Type Deadline (time to pay)
RP No Month from Month to
Initial prefinancing
30 days from entry into force/
financial guarantee (if required) – whichever is the latest
1 1 36 Periodic report 60 days after end of reporting period
Final payment 90 days from receiving
periodic report
Prefinancing payments and guarantees:
Prefinancing payment Prefinancing guarantee
Type Amount Guarantee amount Division per participant
Prefinancing 1 (initial) 7 088 156.00 n/a 1 - MoClimate n/a
2 - DLK n/a
3 - 51Biz LUXEMBURG n/a
4 - CIRCLE SPA n/a
4.1 - CCEU n/a
5 - BMDV n/a
6 - BALM n/a
7 - FI Transport&Co n/a
8 - SCHIG n/a
8.1 - BMK n/a
10 - MIT n/a
10.1 - RAM SPA n/a
11 - IMT, I. P. n/a
12 - Nordic Invest n/a
13 - NORM n/a
14 - TIA n/a
15 - Groupe IN n/a
15.1 - French Ministry n/a
17 - LT MIN.TRANSP. n/a
18 - SPW n/a
19 - LIW n/a
Reporting and payment modalities (art 21, 22):
Mutual Insurance Mechanism (MIM): No
Restrictions on distribution of initial prefinancing: The prefinancing may be distributed only if the minimum number of
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beneficiaries set out in the call condititions (if any) have acceded to the Agreement and only to beneficiaries that have acceded.
Interim payment ceiling (if any): 90% of the maximum grant amount
No-profit rule: Yes
Late payment interest: ECB + 3.5%
Bank account for payments:
Conversion into euros: Double conversion
Reporting language: Language of the Agreement
4.3 Certificates (art 24):
Certificates on the financial statements (CFS):
Schedule: interim/final payment, if threshold is reached
Standard threshold (beneficiary-level):
- financial statement: requested EU contribution to costs ≥ EUR 325 000.00
4.4 Recoveries (art 22)
First-line liability for recoveries:
Beneficiary termination: Beneficiary concerned
Final payment: Coordinator
After final payment: Beneficiary concerned
Joint and several liability for enforced recoveries (in case of non-payment):
Limited joint and several liability of other beneficiaries — up to the maximum grant amount of the beneficiary
Joint and several liability of affiliated entities — n/a
5. Consequences of non-compliance, applicable law & dispute settlement forum
Suspension and termination:
Additional suspension grounds (art 31)
Additional termination grounds (art 32)
Applicable law (art 43):
Standard applicable law regime: EU law + law of Belgium
Dispute settlement forum (art 43):
Standard dispute settlement forum:
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EU beneficiaries: EU General Court + EU Court of Justice (on appeal)
Non-EU beneficiaries: Courts of Brussels, Belgium (unless an international agreement provides for the enforceability of EU court judgements)
6. Other
Specific rules (Annex 5): Yes
Standard time-limits after project end:
Confidentiality (for X years after final payment): 5
Record-keeping (for X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000)
Reviews (up to X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000)
Audits (up to X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000)
Extension of findings from other grants to this grant (no later than X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000)
Impact evaluation (up to X years after final payment): 5 (or 3 for grants of not more than EUR 60 000)
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This Agreement sets out the rights and obligations and terms and conditions applicable to the grant awarded for the implementation of the action set out in Chapter 2.
For the purpose of this Agreement, the following definitions apply:
Actions — The project which is being funded in the context of this Agreement.
Grant — The grant awarded in the context of this Agreement.
EU grants — Grants awarded by EU institutions, bodies, offices or agencies (including EU executive agencies, EU regulatory agencies, EDA, joint undertakings, etc.).
Participants — Entities participating in the action as beneficiaries, affiliated entities, associated partners, third parties giving in-kind contributions, subcontractors or recipients of financial support to third parties.
Beneficiaries (BEN) — The signatories of this Agreement (either directly or through an accession form).
Affiliated entities (AE) — Entities affiliated to a beneficiary within the meaning of Article 187 of EU Financial Regulation 2018/10464 which participate in the action with similar rights and obligations as the beneficiaries (obligation to implement action tasks and right to charge costs and claim contributions).
Associated partners (AP) — Entities which participate in the action, but without the right to charge costs or claim contributions.
Purchases — Contracts for goods, works or services needed to carry out the action (e.g. equipment, consumables and supplies) but which are not part of the action tasks (see Annex 1).
Subcontracting — Contracts for goods, works or services that are part of the action tasks (see Annex 1).
In-kind contributions — In-kind contributions within the meaning of Article 2(36) of EU Financial
4 For the definition, see Article 187 Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 (‘EU Financial Regulation’) (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1): “affiliated entities [are]: (a) entities that form a sole beneficiary [(i.e. where an entity is formed of several entities that satisfy the criteria for
being awarded a grant, including where the entity is specifically established for the purpose of implementing an action to be financed by a grant)];
(b) entities that satisfy the eligibility criteria and that do not fall within one of the situations referred to in Article 136(1) and 141(1) and that have a link with the beneficiary, in particular a legal or capital link, which is neither limited to the action nor established for the sole purpose of its implementation”.
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Regulation 2018/1046, i.e. non-financial resources made available free of charge by third parties.
Fraud — Fraud within the meaning of Article 3 of EU Directive 2017/13715 and Article 1 of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities’ financial interests, drawn up by the Council Act of 26 July 19956, as well as any other wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
Irregularities — Any type of breach (regulatory or contractual) which could impact the EU financial interests, including irregularities within the meaning of Article 1(2) of EU Regulation 2988/957.
Grave professional misconduct — Any type of unacceptable or improper behaviour in exercising one’s profession, especially by employees, including grave professional misconduct within the meaning of Article 136(1)(c) of EU Financial Regulation 2018/1046.
Applicable EU, international and national law — Any legal acts or other (binding or non-binding) rules and guidance in the area concerned.
Portal — EU Funding & Tenders Portal; electronic portal and exchange system managed by the European Commission and used by itself and other EU institutions, bodies, offices or agencies for the management of their funding programmes (grants, procurements, prizes, etc.).
The grant is awarded for the action 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘action’), as described in Annex 1.
The duration and the starting date of the action are set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 1).
5.1 Form of grant
5 Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2017 on the fight against fraud to the Union’s financial interests by means of criminal law (OJ L 198, 28.7.2017, p. 29).
6 OJ C 316, 27.11.1995, p. 48. 7 Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 of 18 December 1995 on the protection of the European Communities
financial interests (OJ L 312, 23.12.1995, p. 1).
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The grant is an action grant8 which takes the form of a budget-based mixed actual cost grant (i.e. a grant based on actual costs incurred, but which may also include other forms of funding, such as unit costs or contributions, flat-rate costs or contributions, lump sum costs or contributions or financing not linked to costs).
5.2 Maximum grant amount
The maximum grant amount is set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 3) and in the estimated budget (Annex 2).
5.3 Funding rate
The funding rate for costs is 50% of the eligible costs for studies (if any), 70% of the eligible costs for works in outermost regions (if any) and 50% of the eligible costs for the other cost categories.
Contributions are not subject to any funding rate.
5.4 Estimated budget, budget categories and forms of funding
The estimated budget for the action is set out in Annex 2.
It contains the estimated eligible costs and contributions for the action, broken down by participant and budget category.
Annex 2 also shows the types of costs and contributions (forms of funding)9 to be used for each budget category.
If unit costs or contributions are used, the details on the calculation will be explained in Annex 2a.
5.5 Budget flexibility
The budget breakdown may be adjusted — without an amendment (see Article 39) — by transfers (between participants and budget categories), as long as this does not imply any substantive or important change to the description of the action in Annex 1.
- changes to the budget category for volunteers (if used) always require an amendment
- changes to budget categories with lump sums costs or contributions (if used; including financing not linked to costs) always require an amendment
- changes to budget categories with higher funding rates or budget ceilings (if used) always require an amendment
- addition of amounts for subcontracts not provided for in Annex 1 either require an amendment or simplified approval in accordance with Article 6.2
8 For the definition, see Article 180(2)(a) EU Financial Regulation 2018/1046: ‘action grant’ means an EU grant to finance “an action intended to help achieve a Union policy objective”.
9 See Article 125 EU Financial Regulation 2018/1046.
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- other changes require an amendment or simplified approval, if specifically provided for in Article 6.2
- flexibility caps: not applicable.
In order to be eligible, costs and contributions must meet the eligibility conditions set out in this Article.
6.1 General eligibility conditions
The general eligibility conditions are the following:
(a) for actual costs:
(i) they must be actually incurred by the beneficiary
(ii) they must be incurred in the period set out in Article 4 (with the exception of costs relating to the submission of the final periodic report, which may be incurred afterwards; see Article 21)
(iii) they must be declared under one of the budget categories set out in Article 6.2 and Annex 2
(iv) they must be incurred in connection with the action as described in Annex 1 and necessary for its implementation
(v) they must be identifiable and verifiable, in particular recorded in the beneficiary’s accounts in accordance with the accounting standards applicable in the country where the beneficiary is established and with the beneficiary’s usual cost accounting practices
(vi) they must comply with the applicable national law on taxes, labour and social security and
(vii) they must be reasonable, justified and must comply with the principle of sound financial management, in particular regarding economy and efficiency
(b) for unit costs or contributions (if any):
(i) they must be declared under one of the budget categories set out in Article 6.2 and Annex 2
(ii) the units must:
- be actually used or produced by the beneficiary in the period set out in Article 4 (with the exception of units relating to the submission of the final periodic report, which may be used or produced afterwards; see Article 21)
- be necessary for the implementation of the action and
(iii) the number of units must be identifiable and verifiable, in particular supported by records and documentation (see Article 20)
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(c) for flat-rate costs or contributions (if any):
(i) they must be declared under one of the budget categories set out in Article 6.2 and Annex 2
(ii) the costs or contributions to which the flat-rate is applied must:
- be eligible
- relate to the period set out in Article 4 (with the exception of costs or contributions relating to the submission of the final periodic report, which may be incurred afterwards; see Article 21)
(d) for lump sum costs or contributions (if any):
(i) they must be declared under one of the budget categories set out in Article 6.2 and Annex 2
(ii) the work must be properly implemented by the beneficiary in accordance with Annex 1
(iii) the deliverables/outputs must be achieved in the period set out in Article 4 (with the exception of deliverables/outputs relating to the submission of the final periodic report, which may be achieved afterwards; see Article 21)
(e) for unit, flat-rate or lump sum costs or contributions according to usual cost accounting practices (if any):
(i) they must fulfil the general eligibility conditions for the type of cost concerned
(ii) the cost accounting practices must be applied in a consistent manner, based on objective criteria, regardless of the source of funding
(f) for financing not linked to costs (if any): the results must be achieved or the conditions must be fulfilled as described in Annex 1.
In addition, for direct cost categories (e.g. personnel, travel & subsistence, subcontracting and other direct costs) only costs that are directly linked to the action implementation and can therefore be attributed to it directly are eligible. They must not include any indirect costs (i.e. costs that are only indirectly linked to the action, e.g. via cost drivers).
6.2 Specific eligibility conditions for each budget category
For each budget category, the specific eligibility conditions are as follows:
Direct costs
A. Personnel costs
A.1 Costs for employees (or equivalent) are eligible as personnel costs if they fulfil the general eligibility conditions and are related to personnel working for the beneficiary under an employment contract (or equivalent appointing act) and assigned to the action.
They must be limited to salaries, social security contributions, taxes and other costs linked to the
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remuneration, if they arise from national law or the employment contract (or equivalent appointing act) and be calculated on the basis of the costs actually incurred, in accordance with the following method:
{daily rate for the person
multiplied by
number of day-equivalents worked on the action (rounded up or down to the nearest half-day)}.
The daily rate must be calculated as:
{annual personnel costs for the person
divided by
The number of day-equivalents declared for a person must be identifiable and verifiable (see Article 20).
The total number of day-equivalents declared in EU grants, for a person for a year, cannot be higher than 215.
The personnel costs may also include supplementary payments for personnel assigned to the action (including payments on the basis of supplementary contracts regardless of their nature), if:
- it is part of the beneficiary’s usual remuneration practices and is paid in a consistent manner whenever the same kind of work or expertise is required
- the criteria used to calculate the supplementary payments are objective and generally applied by the beneficiary, regardless of the source of funding used.
If the beneficiary uses average personnel costs (unit cost according to usual cost accounting practices), the personnel costs must fulfil the general eligibility conditions for such unit costs and the daily rate must be calculated:
- using the actual personnel costs recorded in the beneficiary’s accounts and excluding any costs which are ineligible or already included in other budget categories; the actual personnel costs may be adjusted on the basis of budgeted or estimated elements, if they are relevant for calculating the personnel costs, reasonable and correspond to objective and verifiable information
- according to usual cost accounting practices which are applied in a consistent manner, based on objective criteria, regardless of the source of funding.
A.2 and A.3 Costs for natural persons working under a direct contract other than an employment contract and costs for seconded persons by a third party against payment are also eligible as personnel costs, if they are assigned to the action, fulfil the general eligibility conditions and:
(a) work under conditions similar to those of an employee (in particular regarding the way the work is organised, the tasks that are performed and the premises where they are performed) and
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(b) the result of the work belongs to the beneficiary (unless agreed otherwise).
They must be calculated on the basis of a rate which corresponds to the costs actually incurred for the direct contract or secondment and must not be significantly different from those for personnel performing similar tasks under an employment contract with the beneficiary.
A.4 The work of SME owners for the action (i.e. owners of beneficiaries that are small and medium- sized enterprises10 not receiving a salary) or natural person beneficiaries (i.e. beneficiaries that are natural persons not receiving a salary) may be declared as personnel costs, if they fulfil the general eligibility conditions and are calculated as unit costs in accordance with the method set out in Annex 2a.
B. Subcontracting costs
Subcontracting costs for the action (including related duties, taxes and charges) are eligible, if they are calculated on the basis of the costs actually incurred, fulfil the general eligibility conditions and are awarded using the beneficiary’s usual purchasing practices — provided these ensure subcontracts with best value for money (or if appropriate the lowest price) and that there is no conflict of interests (see Article 12).
Beneficiaries that are ‘contracting authorities/entities’ within the meaning of the EU Directives on public procurement must also comply with the applicable national law on public procurement.
The beneficiaries must ensure that the subcontracted work is performed in the eligible countries or target countries set out in the call conditions — unless otherwise approved by the granting authority.
The tasks to be subcontracted and the estimated cost for each subcontract must be set out in Annex 1 and the total estimated costs of subcontracting per beneficiary must be set out in Annex 2 (or may be approved ex post in the periodic report, if the use of subcontracting does not entail changes to the Agreement which would call into question the decision awarding the grant or breach the principle of equal treatment of applicants; ‘simplified approval procedure’).
C. Purchase costs
Purchase costs for the action (including related duties, taxes and charges) are eligible if they fulfil the general eligibility conditions and are bought using the beneficiary’s usual purchasing practices — provided these ensure purchases with best value for money (or if appropriate the lowest price) and that there is no conflict of interests (see Article 12).
Beneficiaries that are ‘contracting authorities/entities’ within the meaning of the EU Directives on public procurement must also comply with the applicable national law on public procurement.
10 For the definition, see Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC: micro, small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) are enterprises
- engaged in an economic activity, irrespective of their legal form (including, in particular, self- employed persons and family businesses engaged in craft or other activities, and partnerships or associations regularly engaged in an economic activity) and
- employing fewer than 250 persons (expressed in ‘annual working units’ as defined in Article 5 of the Recommendation) and which have an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million.
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CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
C.1 Travel and subsistence
Purchases for travel, accommodation and subsistence must be calculated as follows:
- travel: on the basis of the costs actually incurred and in line with the beneficiary’s usual practices on travel
- accommodation: on the basis of the costs actually incurred and in line with the beneficiary’s usual practices on travel
- subsistence: on the basis of the costs actually incurred and in line with the beneficiary’s usual practices on travel .
C.2 Equipment
Purchases of equipment, infrastructure or other assets specifically for the action (or developed as part of the action tasks) may be declared as full capitalised costs if they fulfil the cost eligibility conditions applicable to their respective cost categories.
‘Capitalised costs’ means:
- costs incurred in the purchase or for the development of the equipment, infrastructure or other assets and
- which are recorded under a fixed asset account of the beneficiary in compliance with international accounting standards and the beneficiary’s usual cost accounting practices.
If such equipment, infrastructure or other assets are rented or leased, full costs for renting or leasing are eligible, if they do not exceed the depreciation costs of similar equipment, infrastructure or assets and do not include any financing fees.
C.3 Other goods, works and services
Purchases of other goods, works and services must be calculated on the basis of the costs actually incurred.
Such goods, works and services include, for instance, consumables and supplies, promotion, dissemination, protection of results, translations, publications, certificates and financial guarantees, if required under the Agreement.
D. Other cost categories
D.1 Financial support to third parties
Costs for providing financial support to third parties (in the form of grants, prizes or similar forms of support; if any) are eligible, if and as declared eligible in the call conditions, if they fulfil the general eligibility conditions, are calculated on the basis of the costs actually incurred and the support is implemented in accordance with the conditions set out in Annex 1.
These conditions must ensure objective and transparent selection procedures and include at least the following:
(a) for grants (or similar):
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(i) the maximum amount of financial support for each third party (‘recipient’); this amount may not exceed the amount set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 3) or otherwise agreed with the granting authority
(ii) the criteria for calculating the exact amount of the financial support
(iii) the different types of activity that qualify for financial support, on the basis of a closed list
(iv) the persons or categories of persons that will be supported and
(v) the criteria and procedures for giving financial support
(b) for prizes (or similar):
(i) the eligibility and award criteria
(ii) the amount of the prize and
(iii) the payment arrangements.
D.2 Studies
Costs for studies are eligible, if and as declared eligible in the call conditions, if they fulfil the general eligibility conditions, are calculated on the basis of the costs actually incurred and comply with the conditions set out in Points A-C for the underlying types of costs (personnel, subcontracting, purchase).
D.3 Synergetic elements
Costs for synergetic elements related to another sector of the CEF Programme (transport, energy or digital) are eligible, if and as declared eligible in the call conditions, if they fulfil the general eligibility conditions, are calculated on the basis of the costs actually incurred and allow to significantly improve the socio-economic, climate or environmental benefits of the action.
Such costs are eligible only up to 20% of the beneficiaries’ total eligble costs.
D.4 Works in outermost regions
Costs for works in outermost regions are eligible, if and as declared eligible in the call conditions, if they fulfil the general eligibility conditions, are calculated on the basis of the costs actually incurred, comply with the conditions set out in Points A-C for the underlying types of costs (personnel, subcontracting, purchase) and relate to works that are carried out in an outermost region within the meaning of Article 349 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU)).
D.5 Land purchase
Costs for land purchase are eligible, if and as declared eligible in the call conditions, if they fulfil the general eligibility conditions and are calculated on the basis of the costs actually incurred.
Such costs are eligible only up to 10% of the beneficiaries’ total eligible costs.
Indirect costs
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E. Indirect costs
Indirect costs will be reimbursed at the flat-rate of 0% of the eligible direct costs (categories A-D, except volunteers costs and exempted specific cost categories, if any).
Not applicable
6.3 Ineligible costs and contributions
The following costs or contributions are ineligible:
(a) costs or contributions that do not comply with the conditions set out above (Article 6.1 and 6.2), in particular:
(i) costs related to return on capital and dividends paid by a beneficiary
(ii) debt and debt service charges
(iii) provisions for future losses or debts
(iv) interest owed
(v) currency exchange losses
(vi) bank costs charged by the beneficiary’s bank for transfers from the granting authority
(vii) excessive or reckless expenditure
(viii) VAT (always ineligible)
(ix) costs incurred or contributions for activities implemented during grant agreement suspension (see Article 31)
(x) in-kind contributions by third parties
(b) costs or contributions declared under other EU grants (or grants awarded by an EU Member State, non-EU country or other body implementing the EU budget), except for the following cases:
(i) Synergy actions: not applicable
(ii) if the action grant is combined with an operating grant11 running during the same period and the beneficiary can demonstrate that the operating grant does not cover any (direct or indirect) costs of the action grant
(c) costs or contributions for staff of a national (or regional/local) administration, for activities that are part of the administration’s normal activities (i.e. not undertaken only because of the grant)
11 For the definition, see Article 180(2)(b) of EU Financial Regulation 2018/1046: ‘operating grant’ means an EU grant to finance “the functioning of a body which has an objective forming part of and supporting an EU policy”.
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(d) costs or contributions (especially travel and subsistence) for staff or representatives of EU institutions, bodies or agencies
(e) other :
(i) costs or contributions for activities that do not take place in one of the eligible countries or target countries set out in the call conditions — unless approved by the granting authority
(ii) costs or contributions declared specifically ineligible in the call conditions.
6.4 Consequences of non-compliance
If a beneficiary declares costs or contributions that are ineligible, they will be rejected (see Article 27).
This may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
The beneficiaries, as signatories of the Agreement, are fully responsible towards the granting authority for implementing it and for complying with all its obligations.
They must implement the Agreement to their best abilities, in good faith and in accordance with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
They must have the appropriate resources to implement the action and implement the action under their own responsibility and in accordance with Article 11. If they rely on affiliated entities or other participants (see Articles 8 and 9), they retain sole responsibility towards the granting authority and the other beneficiaries.
They are jointly responsible for the technical implementation of the action. If one of the beneficiaries fails to implement their part of the action, the other beneficiaries must ensure that this part is implemented by someone else (without being entitled to an increase of the maximum grant amount and subject to an amendment; see Article 39). The financial responsibility of each beneficiary in case of recoveries is governed by Article 22.
The beneficiaries (and their action) must remain eligible under the EU programme funding the grant for the entire duration of the action. Costs and contributions will be eligible only as long as the beneficiary and the action are eligible.
The internal roles and responsibilities of the beneficiaries are divided as follows:
(a) Each beneficiary must:
(i) keep information stored in the Portal Participant Register up to date (see Article 19)
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(ii) inform the granting authority (and the other beneficiaries) immediately of any events or circumstances likely to affect significantly or delay the implementation of the action (see Article 19)
(iii) submit to the coordinator in good time:
- the prefinancing guarantees (if required; see Article 23)
- the financial statements and certificates on the financial statements (CFS) (if required; see Articles 21 and 24.2 and Data Sheet, Point 4.3)
- the contribution to the deliverables and technical reports (see Article 21)
- any other documents or information required by the granting authority under the Agreement
(iv) submit via the Portal data and information related to the participation of their affiliated entities.
(b) The coordinator must:
(i) monitor that the action is implemented properly (see Article 11)
(ii) act as the intermediary for all communications between the consortium and the granting authority, unless the Agreement or granting authority specifies otherwise, and in particular:
- submit the prefinancing guarantees to the granting authority (if any)
- request and review any documents or information required and verify their quality and completeness before passing them on to the granting authority
- submit the deliverables and reports to the granting authority
- inform the granting authority about the payments made to the other beneficiaries (report on the distribution of payments; if required, see Articles 22 and 32)
(iii) distribute the payments received from the granting authority to the other beneficiaries without unjustified delay (see Article 22).
The coordinator may not delegate or subcontract the above-mentioned tasks to any other beneficiary or third party (including affiliated entities).
However, coordinators which are public bodies may delegate the tasks set out in Point (b)(ii) last indent and (iii) above to entities with ‘authorisation to administer’ which they have created or which are controlled by or affiliated to them. In this case, the coordinator retains sole responsibility for the payments and for compliance with the obligations under the Agreement.
Moreover, coordinators which are ‘sole beneficiaries’12 (or similar, such as European research
12 For the definition, see Article 187(2) EU Financial Regulation 2018/1046: “Where several entities satisfy the criteria
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infrastructure consortia (ERICs)) may delegate the tasks set out in Point (b)(i) to (iii) above to one of their members. The coordinator retains sole responsibility for compliance with the obligations under the Agreement.
The beneficiaries must have internal arrangements regarding their operation and co-ordination, to ensure that the action is implemented properly.
If required by the granting authority (see Data Sheet, Point 1), these arrangements must be set out in a written consortium agreement between the beneficiaries, covering for instance:
- the internal organisation of the consortium
- the management of access to the Portal
- different distribution keys for the payments and financial responsibilities in case of recoveries (if any)
- additional rules on rights and obligations related to background and results (see Article 16)
- settlement of internal disputes
- liability, indemnification and confidentiality arrangements between the beneficiaries.
The internal arrangements must not contain any provision contrary to this Agreement.
The following entities which are linked to a beneficiary will participate in the action as ‘affiliated entities’:
Affiliated entities can charge costs and contributions to the action under the same conditions as the beneficiaries and must implement the action tasks attributed to them in Annex 1 in accordance with Article 11.
for being awarded a grant and together form one entity, that entity may be treated as the sole beneficiary, including where it is specifically established for the purpose of implementing the action financed by the grant.”
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Their costs and contributions will be included in Annex 2 and will be taken into account for the calculation of the grant.
The beneficiaries must ensure that all their obligations under this Agreement also apply to their affiliated entities.
The beneficiaries must ensure that the bodies mentioned in Article 25 (e.g. granting authority, OLAF, Court of Auditors (ECA), etc.) can exercise their rights also towards the affiliated entities.
Breaches by affiliated entities will be handled in the same manner as breaches by beneficiaries. Recovery of undue amounts will be handled through the beneficiaries.
If the granting authority requires joint and several liability of affiliated entities (see Data Sheet, Point 4.4), they must sign the declaration set out in Annex 3a and may be held liable in case of enforced recoveries against their beneficiaries (see Article 22.2 and 22.4).
9.1 Associated partners
Not applicable
9.2 Third parties giving in-kind contributions to the action
Other third parties may give in-kind contributions to the action (i.e. personnel, equipment, other goods, works and services, etc. which are free-of-charge), if necessary for the implementation.
Third parties giving in-kind contributions do not implement any action tasks. They may not charge costs or contributions to the action and the costs for the in-kind contributions are not eligible.
The third parties and their in-kind contributions should be set out in Annex 1.
9.3 Subcontractors
Subcontractors may participate in the action, if necessary for the implementation.
Subcontractors must implement their action tasks in accordance with Article 11. The costs for the subcontracted tasks (invoiced price from the subcontractor) are eligible and may be charged by the beneficiaries, under the conditions set out in Article 6. The costs will be included in Annex 2 as part of the beneficiaries’ costs.
The beneficiaries must ensure that their contractual obligations under Articles 11 (proper implementation), 12 (conflict of interest), 13 (confidentiality and security), 14 (ethics), 17.2 (visibility), 18 (specific rules for carrying out action), 19 (information) and 20 (record-keeping) also apply to the subcontractors.
The beneficiaries must ensure that the bodies mentioned in Article 25 (e.g. granting authority, OLAF, Court of Auditors (ECA), etc.) can exercise their rights also towards the subcontractors.
9.4 Recipients of financial support to third parties
If the action includes providing financial support to third parties (e.g. grants, prizes or similar forms of
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support), the beneficiaries must ensure that their contractual obligations under Articles 12 (conflict of interest), 13 (confidentiality and security), 14 (ethics), 17.2 (visibility), 18 (specific rules for carrying out action), 19 (information) and 20 (record-keeping)also apply to the third parties receiving the support (recipients).
The beneficiaries must also ensure that the bodies mentioned in Article 25 (e.g. granting authority, OLAF, Court of Auditors (ECA), etc.) can exercise their rights also towards the recipients.
10.1 Non-EU participants
Participants which are established in a non-EU country (if any) undertake to comply with their obligations under the Agreement and:
- to respect general principles (including fundamental rights, values and ethical principles, environmental and labour standards, rules on classified information, intellectual property rights, visibility of funding and protection of personal data)
- for the submission of certificates under Article 24: to use qualified external auditors which are independent and comply with comparable standards as those set out in EU Directive 2006/43/EC13
- for the controls under Article 25: to allow for checks, reviews, audits and investigations (including on-the-spot checks, visits and inspections) by the bodies mentioned in that Article (e.g. granting authority, OLAF, Court of Auditors (ECA), etc.).
Special rules on dispute settlement apply (see Data Sheet, Point 5).
10.2 Participants which are international organisations
Participants which are international organisations (IOs; if any) undertake to comply with their obligations under the Agreement and:
- to respect general principles (including fundamental rights, values and ethical principles, environmental and labour standards, rules on classified information, intellectual property rights, visibility of funding and protection of personal data)
- for the submission of certificates under Article 24: to use either independent public officers or external auditors which comply with comparable standards as those set out in EU Directive 2006/43/EC
- for the controls under Article 25: to allow for the checks, reviews, audits and investigations by the bodies mentioned in that Article, taking into account the specific agreements concluded by them and the EU (if any).
For such participants, nothing in the Agreement will be interpreted as a waiver of their privileges or immunities, as accorded by their constituent documents or international law.
13 Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated accounts or similar national regulations (OJ L 157, 9.6.2006, p. 87).
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Special rules on applicable law and dispute settlement apply (see Article 43 and Data Sheet, Point 5).
10.3 Pillar-assessed participants
Pillar-assessed participants (if any) may rely on their own systems, rules and procedures, in so far as they have been positively assessed and do not call into question the decision awarding the grant or breach the principle of equal treatment of applicants or beneficiaries.
‘Pillar-assessment’ means a review by the European Commission on the systems, rules and procedures which participants use for managing EU grants (in particular internal control system, accounting system, external audits, financing of third parties, rules on recovery and exclusion, information on recipients and protection of personal data; see Article 154 EU Financial Regulation 2018/1046).
Participants with a positive pillar assessment may rely on their own systems, rules and procedures, in particular for:
- record-keeping (Article 20): may be done in accordance with internal standards, rules and procedures
- currency conversion for financial statements (Article 21): may be done in accordance with usual accounting practices
- guarantees (Article 23): for public law bodies, prefinancing guarantees are not needed
- certificates (Article 24):
- certificates on the financial statements (CFS): may be provided by their regular internal or external auditors and in accordance with their internal financial regulations and procedures
- certificates on usual accounting practices (CoMUC): are not needed if those practices are covered by an ex-ante assessment
and use the following specific rules, for:
- recoveries (Article 22): in case of financial support to third parties, there will be no recovery if the participant has done everything possible to retrieve the undue amounts from the third party receiving the support (including legal proceedings) and non-recovery is not due to an error or negligence on its part
- checks, reviews, audits and investigations by the EU (Article 25): will be conducted taking into account the rules and procedures specifically agreed between them and the framework agreement (if any)
- impact evaluation (Article 26): will be conducted in accordance with the participant’s internal rules and procedures and the framework agreement (if any)
- grant agreement suspension (Article 31): certain costs incurred during grant suspension are eligible (notably, minimum costs necessary for a possible resumption of the action and costs relating to contracts which were entered into before the pre-information letter was received and which could not reasonably be suspended, reallocated or terminated on legal grounds)
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- grant agreement termination (Article 32): the final grant amount and final payment will be calculated taking into account also costs relating to contracts due for execution only after termination takes effect, if the contract was entered into before the pre-information letter was received and could not reasonably be terminated on legal grounds
- liability for damages (Article 33.2): the granting authority must be compensated for damage it sustains as a result of the implementation of the action or because the action was not implemented in full compliance with the Agreement only if the damage is due to an infringement of the participant’s internal rules and procedures or due to a violation of third parties’ rights by the participant or one of its employees or individual for whom the employees are responsible.
Participants whose pillar assessment covers procurement and granting procedures may also do purchases, subcontracting and financial support to third parties (Article 6.2) in accordance with their internal rules and procedures for purchases, subcontracting and financial support.
Participants whose pillar assessment covers data protection rules may rely on their internal standards, rules and procedures for data protection (Article 15).
The participants may however not rely on provisions which would breach the principle of equal treatment of applicants or beneficiaries or call into question the decision awarding the grant, such as in particular:
- eligibility (Article 6)
- consortium roles and set-up (Articles 7-9)
- security and ethics (Articles 13, 14)
- IPR (including background and results, access rights and rights of use), communication, dissemination and visibility (Articles 16 and 17)
- information obligation (Article 19)
- payment, reporting and amendments (Articles 21, 22 and 39)
- rejections, reductions, suspensions and terminations (Articles 27, 28, 29-32)
If the pillar assessment was subject to remedial measures, reliance on the internal systems, rules and procedures is subject to compliance with those remedial measures.
Participants whose assessment has not yet been updated to cover (the new rules on) data protection may rely on their internal systems, rules and procedures, provided that they ensure that personal data is:
- processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject
- collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes
- adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed
- accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date
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- kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed and
- processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data.
Participants must inform the coordinator without delay of any changes to the systems, rules and procedures that were part of the pillar assessment. The coordinator must immediately inform the granting authority.
Pillar-assessed participants that have also concluded a framework agreement with the EU, may moreover — under the same conditions as those above (i.e. not call into question the decision awarding the grant or breach the principle of equal treatment of applicants or beneficiaries) — rely on the provisions set out in that framework agreement.
11.1 Obligation to properly implement the action
The beneficiaries must implement the action as described in Annex 1 and in compliance with the provisions of the Agreement, the call conditions and all legal obligations under applicable EU, international and national law.
11.2 Consequences of non-compliance
If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the grant may be reduced (see Article 28).
Such breaches may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
12.1 Conflict of interests
The beneficiaries must take all measures to prevent any situation where the impartial and objective implementation of the Agreement could be compromised for reasons involving family, emotional life, political or national affinity, economic interest or any other direct or indirect interest (‘conflict of interests’).
They must formally notify the granting authority without delay of any situation constituting or likely to lead to a conflict of interests and immediately take all the necessary steps to rectify this situation.
The granting authority may verify that the measures taken are appropriate and may require additional measures to be taken by a specified deadline.
12.2 Consequences of non-compliance
If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the grant may be reduced (see Article 28) and the grant or the beneficiary may be terminated (see Article 32).
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Such breaches may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
13.1 Sensitive information
The parties must keep confidential any data, documents or other material (in any form) that is identified as sensitive in writing (‘sensitive information’) — during the implementation of the action and for at least until the time-limit set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 6).
If a beneficiary requests, the granting authority may agree to keep such information confidential for a longer period.
Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, they may use sensitive information only to implement the Agreement.
The beneficiaries may disclose sensitive information to their personnel or other participants involved in the action only if they:
(a) need to know it in order to implement the Agreement and
(b) are bound by an obligation of confidentiality.
The granting authority may disclose sensitive information to its staff and to other EU institutions and bodies.
It may moreover disclose sensitive information to third parties, if:
(a) this is necessary to implement the Agreement or safeguard the EU financial interests and
(b) the recipients of the information are bound by an obligation of confidentiality.
The confidentiality obligations no longer apply if:
(a) the disclosing party agrees to release the other party
(b) the information becomes publicly available, without breaching any confidentiality obligation
(c) the disclosure of the sensitive information is required by EU, international or national law.
Specific confidentiality rules (if any) are set out in Annex 5.
13.2 Classified information
The parties must handle classified information in accordance with the applicable EU, international or national law on classified information (in particular, Decision 2015/44414 and its implementing rules).
Deliverables which contain classified information must be submitted according to special procedures agreed with the granting authority.
14 Commission Decision 2015/444/EC, Euratom of 13 March 2015 on the security rules for protecting EU classified information (OJ L 72, 17.3.2015, p. 53).
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Action tasks involving classified information may be subcontracted only after explicit approval (in writing) from the granting authority.
Classified information may not be disclosed to any third party (including participants involved in the action implementation) without prior explicit written approval from the granting authority.
Specific security rules (if any) are set out in Annex 5.
13.3 Consequences of non-compliance
If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the grant may be reduced (see Article 28).
Such breaches may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
14.1 Ethics
The action must be carried out in line with the highest ethical standards and the applicable EU, international and national law on ethical principles.
Specific ethics rules (if any) are set out in Annex 5.
14.2 Values
The beneficiaries must commit to and ensure the respect of basic EU values (such as respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and human rights, including the rights of minorities).
Specific rules on values (if any) are set out in Annex 5.
14.3 Consequences of non-compliance
If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the grant may be reduced (see Article 28).
Such breaches may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
15.1 Data processing by the granting authority
Any personal data under the Agreement will be processed under the responsibility of the data controller of the granting authority in accordance with and for the purposes set out in the Portal Privacy Statement.
For grants where the granting authority is the European Commission, an EU regulatory or executive agency, joint undertaking or other EU body, the processing will be subject to Regulation 2018/172515.
15 Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies
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15.2 Data processing by the beneficiaries
The beneficiaries must process personal data under the Agreement in compliance with the applicable EU, international and national law on data protection (in particular, Regulation 2016/67916).
They must ensure that personal data is:
- processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subjects
- collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes
- adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed
- accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date
- kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed and
- processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the data.
The beneficiaries may grant their personnel access to personal data only if it is strictly necessary for implementing, managing and monitoring the Agreement. The beneficiaries must ensure that the personnel is under a confidentiality obligation.
The beneficiaries must inform the persons whose data are transferred to the granting authority and provide them with the Portal Privacy Statement.
15.3 Consequences of non-compliance
If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the grant may be reduced (see Article 28).
Such breaches may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
16.1 Background and access rights to background
The beneficiaries must give each other and the other participants access to the background identified as needed for implementing the action, subject to any specific rules in Annex 5.
‘Background’ means any data, know-how or information — whatever its form or nature (tangible or intangible), including any rights such as intellectual property rights — that is:
and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39).
16 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (‘GDPR’) (OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1).
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(a) held by the beneficiaries before they acceded to the Agreement and
(b) needed to implement the action or exploit the results.
If background is subject to rights of a third party, the beneficiary concerned must ensure that it is able to comply with its obligations under the Agreement.
16.2 Ownership of results
The granting authority does not obtain ownership of the results produced under the action.
‘Results’ means any tangible or intangible effect of the action, such as data, know-how or information, whatever its form or nature, whether or not it can be protected, as well as any rights attached to it, including intellectual property rights.
16.3 Rights of use of the granting authority on materials, documents and information received for policy, information, communication, dissemination and publicity purposes
The granting authority has the right to use non-sensitive information relating to the action and materials and documents received from the beneficiaries (notably summaries for publication, deliverables, as well as any other material, such as pictures or audio-visual material, in paper or electronic form) for policy, information, communication, dissemination and publicity purposes — during the action or afterwards.
The right to use the beneficiaries’ materials, documents and information is granted in the form of a royalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable licence, which includes the following rights:
(a) use for its own purposes (in particular, making them available to persons working for the granting authority or any other EU service (including institutions, bodies, offices, agencies, etc.) or EU Member State institution or body; copying or reproducing them in whole or in part, in unlimited numbers; and communication through press information services)
(b) distribution to the public (in particular, publication as hard copies and in electronic or digital format, publication on the internet, as a downloadable or non-downloadable file, broadcasting by any channel, public display or presentation, communicating through press information services, or inclusion in widely accessible databases or indexes)
(c) editing or redrafting (including shortening, summarising, inserting other elements (e.g. meta-data, legends, other graphic, visual, audio or text elements), extracting parts (e.g. audio or video files), dividing into parts, use in a compilation)
(d) translation
(e) storage in paper, electronic or other form
(f) archiving, in line with applicable document-management rules
(g) the right to authorise third parties to act on its behalf or sub-license to third parties the modes of use set out in Points (b), (c), (d) and (f), if needed for the information, communication and publicity activity of the granting authority
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(h) processing, analysing, aggregating the materials, documents and information received and producing derivative works.
The rights of use are granted for the whole duration of the industrial or intellectual property rights concerned.
If materials or documents are subject to moral rights or third party rights (including intellectual property rights or rights of natural persons on their image and voice), the beneficiaries must ensure that they comply with their obligations under this Agreement (in particular, by obtaining the necessary licences and authorisations from the rights holders concerned).
Where applicable, the granting authority will insert the following information:
“© – [year] – [name of the copyright owner]. All rights reserved. Licensed to the [name of granting authority] under conditions.”
16.4 Specific rules on IPR, results and background
Specific rules regarding intellectual property rights, results and background (if any) are set out in Annex 5.
16.5 Consequences of non-compliance
If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the grant may be reduced (see Article 28).
Such a breach may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
17.1 Communication — Dissemination — Promoting the action
Unless otherwise agreed with the granting authority, the beneficiaries must promote the action and its results by providing targeted information to multiple audiences (including the media and the public), in accordance with Annex 1 and in a strategic, coherent and effective manner.
Before engaging in a communication or dissemination activity expected to have a major media impact, the beneficiaries must inform the granting authority.
17.2 Visibility — European flag and funding statement
Unless otherwise agreed with the granting authority, communication activities of the beneficiaries related to the action (including media relations, conferences, seminars, information material, such as brochures, leaflets, posters, presentations, etc., in electronic form, via traditional or social media, etc.), dissemination activities and any infrastructure, equipment, vehicles, supplies or major result funded by the grant must acknowledge EU support and display the European flag (emblem) and funding statement (translated into local languages, where appropriate):
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The emblem must remain distinct and separate and cannot be modified by adding other visual marks, brands or text.
Apart from the emblem, no other visual identity or logo may be used to highlight the EU support.
When displayed in association with other logos (e.g. of beneficiaries or sponsors), the emblem must be displayed at least as prominently and visibly as the other logos.
For the purposes of their obligations under this Article, the beneficiaries may use the emblem without first obtaining approval from the granting authority. This does not, however, give them the right to exclusive use. Moreover, they may not appropriate the emblem or any similar trademark or logo, either by registration or by any other means.
17.3 Quality of information — Disclaimer
Any communication or dissemination activity related to the action must use factually accurate information.
Moreover, it must indicate the following disclaimer (translated into local languages where appropriate):
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or [name of the granting authority]. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”
17.4 Specific communication, dissemination and visibility rules
Specific communication, dissemination and visibility rules (if any) are set out in Annex 5.
17.5 Consequences of non-compliance
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If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the grant may be reduced (see Article 28).
Such breaches may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
18.1 Specific rules for carrying out the action
Specific rules for implementing the action (if any) are set out in Annex 5.
18.2 Consequences of non-compliance
If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the grant may be reduced (see Article 28).
Such a breach may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
19.1 Information requests
The beneficiaries must provide — during the action or afterwards and in accordance with Article 7 — any information requested in order to verify eligibility of the costs or contributions declared, proper implementation of the action and compliance with the other obligations under the Agreement.
The information provided must be accurate, precise and complete and in the format requested, including electronic format.
19.2 Participant Register data updates
The beneficiaries must keep — at all times, during the action or afterwards — their information stored in the Portal Participant Register up to date, in particular, their name, address, legal representatives, legal form and organisation type.
19.3 Information about events and circumstances which impact the action
The beneficiaries must immediately inform the granting authority (and the other beneficiaries) of any of the following:
(a) events which are likely to affect or delay the implementation of the action or affect the EU’s financial interests, in particular:
(i) changes in their legal, financial, technical, organisational or ownership situation (including changes linked to one of the exclusion grounds listed in the declaration of honour signed before grant signature)
(ii) linked action information: not applicable
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(b) circumstances affecting:
(i) the decision to award the grant or
(ii) compliance with requirements under the Agreement.
19.4 Consequences of non-compliance
If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the grant may be reduced (see Article 28).
Such breaches may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
20.1 Keeping records and supporting documents
The beneficiaries must — at least until the time-limit set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 6) — keep records and other supporting documents to prove the proper implementation of the action in line with the accepted standards in the respective field (if any).
In addition, the beneficiaries must — for the same period — keep the following to justify the amounts declared:
(a) for actual costs: adequate records and supporting documents to prove the costs declared (such as contracts, subcontracts, invoices and accounting records); in addition, the beneficiaries’ usual accounting and internal control procedures must enable direct reconciliation between the amounts declared, the amounts recorded in their accounts and the amounts stated in the supporting documents
(b) for flat-rate costs and contributions (if any): adequate records and supporting documents to prove the eligibility of the costs or contributions to which the flat-rate is applied
(c) for the following simplified costs and contributions: the beneficiaries do not need to keep specific records on the actual costs incurred, but must keep:
(i) for unit costs and contributions (if any): adequate records and supporting documents to prove the number of units declared
(ii) for lump sum costs and contributions (if any): adequate records and supporting documents to prove proper implementation of the work as described in Annex 1
(iii) for financing not linked to costs (if any): adequate records and supporting documents to prove the achievement of the results or the fulfilment of the conditions as described in Annex 1
(d) for unit, flat-rate and lump sum costs and contributions according to usual cost accounting practices (if any): the beneficiaries must keep any adequate records and supporting documents to prove that their cost accounting practices have been applied in a consistent manner, based on objective criteria, regardless of the source of funding, and that they comply with the eligibility conditions set out in Articles 6.1 and 6.2.
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Moreover, the following is needed for specific budget categories:
(e) for personnel costs: time worked for the beneficiary under the action must be supported by declarations signed monthly by the person and their supervisor, unless another reliable time-record system is in place; the granting authority may accept alternative evidence supporting the time worked for the action declared, if it considers that it offers an adequate level of assurance
(f) additional record-keeping rules: not applicable
The records and supporting documents must be made available upon request (see Article 19) or in the context of checks, reviews, audits or investigations (see Article 25).
If there are on-going checks, reviews, audits, investigations, litigation or other pursuits of claims under the Agreement (including the extension of findings; see Article 25), the beneficiaries must keep these records and other supporting documentation until the end of these procedures.
The beneficiaries must keep the original documents. Digital and digitalised documents are considered originals if they are authorised by the applicable national law. The granting authority may accept non-original documents if they offer a comparable level of assurance.
20.2 Consequences of non-compliance
If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations under this Article, costs or contributions insufficiently substantiated will be ineligible (see Article 6) and will be rejected (see Article 27), and the grant may be reduced (see Article 28).
Such breaches may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
21.1 Continuous reporting
The beneficiaries must continuously report on the progress of the action (e.g. deliverables, milestones, outputs/outcomes, critical risks, indicators, etc; if any), in the Portal Continuous Reporting tool and in accordance with the timing and conditions it sets out (as agreed with the granting authority).
Standardised deliverables (e.g. progress reports not linked to payments, reports on cumulative expenditure, special reports, etc; if any) must be submitted using the templates published on the Portal.
21.2 Periodic reporting: Technical reports and financial statements
In addition, the beneficiaries must provide reports to request payments, in accordance with the schedule and modalities set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 4.2):
- for additional prefinancings (if any): an additional prefinancing report
- for interim payments (if any) and the final payment: a periodic report.
The prefinancing and periodic reports include a technical and financial part.
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The technical part includes an overview of the action implementation. It must be prepared using the template available in the Portal Periodic Reporting tool.
The financial part of the additional prefinancing report includes a statement on the use of the previous prefinancing payment.
The financial part of the periodic report includes:
- the financial statements (individual and consolidated; for all beneficiaries/affiliated entities)
- the explanation on the use of resources (or detailed cost reporting table, if required)
- the certificates on the financial statements (CFS) (if required; see Article 24.2 and Data Sheet, Point 4.3).
The financial statements must detail the eligible costs and contributions for each budget category and, for the final payment, also the revenues for the action (see Articles 6 and 22).
All eligible costs and contributions incurred should be declared, even if they exceed the amounts indicated in the estimated budget (see Annex 2). Amounts that are not declared in the individual financial statements will not be taken into account by the granting authority.
By signing the financial statements (directly in the Portal Periodic Reporting tool), the beneficiaries confirm that:
- the information provided is complete, reliable and true
- the costs and contributions declared are eligible (see Article 6)
- the costs and contributions can be substantiated by adequate records and supporting documents (see Article 20) that will be produced upon request (see Article 19) or in the context of checks, reviews, audits and investigations (see Article 25)
- for the final periodic report: all the revenues have been declared (if required; see Article 22).
Beneficiaries will have to submit also the financial statements of their affiliated entities (if any). In case of recoveries (see Article 22), beneficiaries will be held responsible also for the financial statements of their affiliated entities.
21.3 Currency for financial statements and conversion into euros
The financial statements must be drafted in euro.
Beneficiaries with general accounts established in a currency other than the euro must convert the costs recorded in their accounts into euro, at the average of the daily exchange rates published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union (ECB website), calculated over the corresponding reporting period.
If no daily euro exchange rate is published in the Official Journal for the currency in question, they must be converted at the average of the monthly accounting exchange rates published on the European Commission website (InforEuro), calculated over the corresponding reporting period.
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Beneficiaries with general accounts in euro must convert costs incurred in another currency into euro according to their usual accounting practices.
21.4 Reporting language
The reporting must be in the language of the Agreement, unless otherwise agreed with the granting authority (see Data Sheet, Point 4.2).
21.5 Consequences of non-compliance
If a report submitted does not comply with this Article, the granting authority may suspend the payment deadline (see Article 29) and apply other measures described in Chapter 5.
If the coordinator breaches its reporting obligations, the granting authority may terminate the grant or the coordinator’s participation (see Article 32) or apply other measures described in Chapter 5.
22.1 Payments and payment arrangements
Payments will be made in accordance with the schedule and modalities set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 4.2).
They will be made in euro to the bank account indicated by the coordinator (see Data Sheet, Point 4.2) and must be distributed without unjustified delay (restrictions may apply to distribution of the initial prefinancing payment; see Data Sheet, Point 4.2).
Payments to this bank account will discharge the granting authority from its payment obligation.
The cost of payment transfers will be borne as follows:
- the granting authority bears the cost of transfers charged by its bank
- the beneficiary bears the cost of transfers charged by its bank
- the party causing a repetition of a transfer bears all costs of the repeated transfer.
Payments by the granting authority will be considered to have been carried out on the date when they are debited to its account.
22.2 Recoveries
Recoveries will be made, if — at beneficiary termination, final payment or afterwards — it turns out that the granting authority has paid too much and needs to recover the amounts undue.
The general liability regime for recoveries (first-line liability) is as follows: At final payment, the coordinator will be fully liable for recoveries, even if it has not been the final recipient of the undue amounts. At beneficiary termination or after final payment, recoveries will be made directly against the beneficiaries concerned.
Beneficiaries will be fully liable for repaying the debts of their affiliated entities.
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In case of enforced recoveries (see Article 22.4):
- the beneficiaries will be jointly and severally liable for repaying debts of another beneficiary under the Agreement (including late-payment interest), if required by the granting authority (see Data Sheet, Point 4.4)
- affiliated entities will be held liable for repaying debts of their beneficiaries under the Agreement (including late-payment interest), if required by the granting authority (see Data Sheet, Point 4.4).
22.3 Amounts due
22.3.1 Prefinancing payments
The aim of the prefinancing is to provide the beneficiaries with a float.
It remains the property of the EU until the final payment.
For initial prefinancings (if any), the amount due, schedule and modalities are set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 4.2).
For additional prefinancings (if any), the amount due, schedule and modalities are also set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 4.2). However, if the statement on the use of the previous prefinancing payment shows that less than 70% was used, the amount set out in the Data Sheet will be reduced by the difference between the 70% threshold and the amount used.
Prefinancing payments (or parts of them) may be offset (without the beneficiaries’ consent) against amounts owed by a beneficiary to the granting authority — up to the amount due to that beneficiary.
For grants where the granting authority is the European Commission or an EU executive agency, offsetting may also be done against amounts owed to other Commission services or executive agencies.
Payments will not be made if the payment deadline or payments are suspended (see Articles 29 and 30).
22.3.2 Amount due at beneficiary termination — Recovery
In case of beneficiary termination, the granting authority will determine the provisional amount due for the beneficiary concerned. Payments (if any) will be made with the next interim or final payment.
The amount due will be calculated in the following step:
Step 1 — Calculation of the total accepted EU contribution
Step 1 — Calculation of the total accepted EU contribution
The granting authority will first calculate the ‘accepted EU contribution’ for the beneficiary for all reporting periods, by calculating the ‘maximum EU contribution to costs’ (applying the funding rate to the accepted costs of the beneficiary), taking into account requests for a lower contribution to costs and CFS threshold cappings (if any; see Article 24.5) and adding the contributions (accepted unit, flat-rate or lump sum contributions and financing not linked to costs, if any).
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After that, the granting authority will take into account grant reductions (if any). The resulting amount is the ‘total accepted EU contribution’ for the beneficiary.
The balance is then calculated by deducting the payments received (if any; see report on the distribution of payments in Article 32), from the total accepted EU contribution:
{total accepted EU contribution for the beneficiary
{prefinancing and interim payments received (if any)}}.
If the balance is positive, the amount will be included in the next interim or final payment to the consortium.
If the balance is negative, it will be recovered in accordance with the following procedure:
The granting authority will send a pre-information letter to the beneficiary concerned:
- formally notifying the intention to recover, the amount due, the amount to be recovered and the reasons why and
- requesting observations within 30 days of receiving notification.
If no observations are submitted (or the granting authority decides to pursue recovery despite the observations it has received), it will confirm the amount to be recovered and ask this amount to be paid to the coordinator (confirmation letter).
The amounts will later on also be taken into account for the next interim or final payment.
22.3.3 Interim payments
Interim payments reimburse the eligible costs and contributions claimed for the implementation of the action during the reporting periods (if any).
Interim payments (if any) will be made in accordance with the schedule and modalities set out the Data Sheet (see Point 4.2).
Payment is subject to the approval of the periodic report. Its approval does not imply recognition of compliance, authenticity, completeness or correctness of its content.
The interim payment will be calculated by the granting authority in the following steps:
Step 1 — Calculation of the total accepted EU contribution
Step 2 — Limit to the interim payment ceiling
Step 1 — Calculation of the total accepted EU contribution
The granting authority will calculate the ‘accepted EU contribution’ for the action for the reporting period, by first calculating the ‘maximum EU contribution to costs’ (applying the funding rate to the accepted costs of each beneficiary), taking into account requests for a lower contribution to costs, and CFS threshold cappings (if any; see Article 24.5) and adding the contributions (accepted unit, flat-rate or lump sum contributions and financing not linked to costs, if any).
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After that, the granting authority will take into account grant reductions from beneficiary termination (if any). The resulting amount is the ‘total accepted EU contribution’.
Step 2 — Limit to the interim payment ceiling
The resulting amount is then capped to ensure that the total amount of prefinancing and interim payments (if any) does not exceed the interim payment ceiling set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 4.2).
Interim payments (or parts of them) may be offset (without the beneficiaries’ consent) against amounts owed by a beneficiary to the granting authority — up to the amount due to that beneficiary.
For grants where the granting authority is the European Commission or an EU executive agency, offsetting may also be done against amounts owed to other Commission services or executive agencies.
Payments will not be made if the payment deadline or payments are suspended (see Articles 29 and 30).
22.3.4 Final payment — Final grant amount — Revenues and Profit — Recovery
The final payment (payment of the balance) reimburses the remaining part of the eligible costs and contributions claimed for the implementation of the action (if any).
The final payment will be made in accordance with the schedule and modalities set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 4.2).
Payment is subject to the approval of the final periodic report. Its approval does not imply recognition of compliance, authenticity, completeness or correctness of its content.
The final grant amount for the action will be calculated in the following steps:
Step 1 — Calculation of the total accepted EU contribution
Step 2 — Limit to the maximum grant amount
Step 3 — Reduction due to the no-profit rule
Step 1 — Calculation of the total accepted EU contribution
The granting authority will first calculate the ‘accepted EU contribution’ for the action for all reporting periods, by calculating the ‘maximum EU contribution to costs’ (applying the funding rate to the total accepted costs of each beneficiary), taking into account requests for a lower contribution to costs, CFS threshold cappings (if any; see Article 24.5) and adding the contributions (accepted unit, flat-rate or lump sum contributions and financing not linked to costs, if any).
After that, the granting authority will take into account grant reductions (if any). The resulting amount is the ‘total accepted EU contribution’.
Step 2 — Limit to the maximum grant amount
If the resulting amount is higher than the maximum grant amount set out in Article 5.2, it will be limited to the latter.
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Step 3 — Reduction due to the no-profit rule
If the no-profit rule is provided for in the Data Sheet (see Point 4.2), the grant must not produce a profit (i.e. surplus of the amount obtained following Step 2 plus the action’s revenues, over the eligible costs and contributions approved by the granting authority).
‘Revenue’ is all income generated by the action, during its duration (see Article 4), for beneficiaries that are profit legal entities.
If there is a profit, it will be deducted in proportion to the final rate of reimbursement of the eligible costs approved by the granting authority (as compared to the amount calculated following Steps 1 and 2 minus the contributions).
The balance (final payment) is then calculated by deducting the total amount of prefinancing and interim payments already made (if any), from the final grant amount:
{final grant amount
{prefinancing and interim payments made (if any)}}.
If the balance is positive, it will be paid to the coordinator.
The final payment (or part of it) may be offset (without the beneficiaries’ consent) against amounts owed by a beneficiary to the granting authority — up to the amount due to that beneficiary.
For grants where the granting authority is the European Commission or an EU executive agency, offsetting may also be done against amounts owed to other Commission services or executive agencies.
Payments will not be made if the payment deadline or payments are suspended (see Articles 29 and 30).
If the balance is negative, it will be recovered in accordance with the following procedure:
The granting authority will send a pre-information letter to the coordinator:
- formally notifying the intention to recover, the final grant amount, the amount to be recovered and the reasons why
- requesting observations within 30 days of receiving notification.
If no observations are submitted (or the granting authority decides to pursue recovery despite the observations it has received), it will confirm the amount to be recovered (confirmation letter), together with a debit note with the terms and date for payment.
If payment is not made by the date specified in the debit note, the granting authority will enforce recovery in accordance with Article 22.4.
22.3.5 Audit implementation after final payment — Revised final grant amount — Recovery
If — after the final payment (in particular, after checks, reviews, audits or investigations; see
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Article 25) — the granting authority rejects costs or contributions (see Article 27) or reduces the grant (see Article 28), it will calculate the revised final grant amount for the beneficiary concerned.
The beneficiary revised final grant amount will be calculated in the following step:
Step 1 — Calculation of the revised total accepted EU contribution
Step 1 — Calculation of the revised total accepted EU contribution
The granting authority will first calculate the ‘revised accepted EU contribution’ for the beneficiary, by calculating the ‘revised accepted costs’ and ‘revised accepted contributions’.
After that, it will take into account grant reductions (if any). The resulting ‘revised total accepted EU contribution’ is the beneficiary revised final grant amount.
If the revised final grant amount is lower than the beneficiary’s final grant amount (i.e. its share in the final grant amount for the action), it will be recovered in accordance with the following procedure:
The beneficiary final grant amount (i.e. share in the final grant amount for the action) is calculated as follows:
{{total accepted EU contribution for the beneficiary
divided by
total accepted EU contribution for the action}
multiplied by
final grant amount for the action}.
The granting authority will send a pre-information letter to the beneficiary concerned:
- formally notifying the intention to recover, the amount to be recovered and the reasons why and
- requesting observations within 30 days of receiving notification.
If no observations are submitted (or the granting authority decides to pursue recovery despite the observations it has received), it will confirm the amount to be recovered (confirmation letter), together with a debit note with the terms and the date for payment.
Recoveries against affiliated entities (if any) will be handled through their beneficiaries.
If payment is not made by the date specified in the debit note, the granting authority will enforce recovery in accordance with Article 22.4.
22.4 Enforced recovery
If payment is not made by the date specified in the debit note, the amount due will be recovered:
(a) by offsetting the amount — without the coordinator or beneficiary’s consent — against any amounts owed to the coordinator or beneficiary by the granting authority.
In exceptional circumstances, to safeguard the EU financial interests, the amount may be offset before the payment date specified in the debit note.
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For grants where the granting authority is the European Commission or an EU executive agency, debts may also be offset against amounts owed by other Commission services or executive agencies.
(b) by drawing on the financial guarantee(s) (if any)
(c) by holding other beneficiaries jointly and severally liable (if any; see Data Sheet, Point 4.4)
(d) by holding affiliated entities jointly and severally liable (if any, see Data Sheet, Point 4.4)
(e) by taking legal action (see Article 43) or, provided that the granting authority is the European Commission or an EU executive agency, by adopting an enforceable decision under Article 299 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) and Article 100(2) of EU Financial Regulation 2018/1046.
The amount to be recovered will be increased by late-payment interest at the rate set out in Article 22.5, from the day following the payment date in the debit note, up to and including the date the full payment is received.
Partial payments will be first credited against expenses, charges and late-payment interest and then against the principal.
Bank charges incurred in the recovery process will be borne by the beneficiary, unless Directive 2015/236617 applies.
For grants where the granting authority is an EU executive agency, enforced recovery by offsetting or enforceable decision will be done by the services of the European Commission (see also Article 43).
22.5 Consequences of non-compliance
22.5.1 If the granting authority does not pay within the payment deadlines (see above), the beneficiaries are entitled to late-payment interest at the rate applied by the European Central Bank (ECB) for its main refinancing operations in euros (‘reference rate’), plus the rate specified in the Data Sheet (Point 4.2). The reference rate is the rate in force on the first day of the month in which the payment deadline expires, as published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union.
If the late-payment interest is lower than or equal to EUR 200, it will be paid to the coordinator only on request submitted within two months of receiving the late payment.
Late-payment interest is not due if all beneficiaries are EU Member States (including regional and local government authorities or other public bodies acting on behalf of a Member State for the purpose of this Agreement).
If payments or the payment deadline are suspended (see Articles 29 and 30), payment will not be considered as late.
17 Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market, amending Directives 2002/65/EC, 2009/110/EC and 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010, and repealing Directive 2007/64/EC (OJ L 337, 23.12.2015, p. 35).
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Late-payment interest covers the period running from the day following the due date for payment (see above), up to and including the date of payment.
Late-payment interest is not considered for the purposes of calculating the final grant amount.
22.5.2 If the coordinator breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the grant may be reduced (see Article 28) and the grant or the coordinator may be terminated (see Article 32).
Such breaches may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
23.1 Prefinancing guarantee
If required by the granting authority (see Data Sheet, Point 4.2), the beneficiaries must provide (one or more) prefinancing guarantee(s) in accordance with the timing and the amounts set out in the Data Sheet.
The coordinator must submit them to the granting authority in due time before the prefinancing they are linked to.
The guarantees must be drawn up using the template published on the Portal and fulfil the following conditions:
(a) be provided by a bank or approved financial institution established in the EU or — if requested by the coordinator and accepted by the granting authority — by a third party or a bank or financial institution established outside the EU offering equivalent security
(b) the guarantor stands as first-call guarantor and does not require the granting authority to first have recourse against the principal debtor (i.e. the beneficiary concerned) and
(c) remain explicitly in force until the final payment and, if the final payment takes the form of a recovery, until five months after the debit note is notified to a beneficiary.
They will be released within the following month.
23.2 Consequences of non-compliance
If the beneficiaries breach their obligation to provide the prefinancing guarantee, the prefinancing will not be paid.
Such breaches may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
24.1 Operational verification report (OVR)
Not applicable
24.2 Certificate on the financial statements (CFS)
If required by the granting authority (see Data Sheet, Point 4.3), the beneficiaries must provide
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certificates on their financial statements (CFS), in accordance with the schedule, threshold and conditions set out in the Data Sheet.
The coordinator must submit them as part of the periodic report (see Article 21).
The certificates must be drawn up using the template published on the Portal, cover the costs declared on the basis of actual costs and costs according to usual cost accounting practices (if any), and fulfil the following conditions:
(a) be provided by a qualified approved external auditor which is independent and complies with Directive 2006/43/EC18 (or for public bodies: by a competent independent public officer)
(b) the verification must be carried out according to the highest professional standards to ensure that the financial statements comply with the provisions under the Agreement and that the costs declared are eligible.
The certificates will not affect the granting authority's right to carry out its own checks, reviews or audits, nor preclude the European Court of Auditors (ECA), the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) or the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) from using their prerogatives for audits and investigations under the Agreement (see Article 25).
If the costs (or a part of them) were already audited by the granting authority, these costs do not need to be covered by the certificate and will not be counted for calculating the threshold (if any).
24.3 Certificate on the compliance of usual cost accounting practices (CoMUC)
Beneficiaries which use unit, flat rate or lump sum costs or contributions according to usual costs accounting practices (if any) may submit to the granting authority, for approval, a certificate on the methodology stating that their usual cost accounting practices comply with the eligibility conditions under the Agreement.
The certificate must be drawn up using the template published on the Portal and fulfil the following conditions:
(a) be provided by a qualified approved external auditor which is independent and complies with Directive 2006/43/EC19 (or for public bodies: by a competent independent public officer)
(b) the verification must be carried out according to the highest professional standards to ensure that the methodology for declaring costs according to usual accounting practices complies with the provisions under the Agreement.
If the certificate is approved, amounts declared in line with this methodology will not be challenged subsequently, unless the beneficiary concealed information for the purpose of the approval.
24.4 Systems and process audit (SPA)
Not applicable
18 Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated accounts or similar national regulations (OJ L 157, 9.6.2006, p. 87).
19 Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated accounts or similar national regulations (OJ L 157, 9.6.2006, p. 87).
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24.5 Consequences of non-compliance
If a beneficiary does not submit a certificate on the financial statements (CFS) or the certificate is rejected, the accepted EU contribution to costs will be capped to reflect the CFS threshold.
If a beneficiary breaches any of its other obligations under this Article, the granting authority may apply the measures described in Chapter 5.
25.1 Granting authority checks, reviews and audits
25.1.1 Internal checks
The granting authority may — during the action or afterwards — check the proper implementation of the action and compliance with the obligations under the Agreement, including assessing costs and contributions, deliverables and reports.
25.1.2 Project reviews
The granting authority may carry out reviews on the proper implementation of the action and compliance with the obligations under the Agreement (general project reviews or specific issues reviews).
Such project reviews may be started during the implementation of the action and until the time-limit set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 6). They will be formally notified to the coordinator or beneficiary concerned and will be considered to start on the date of the notification.
If needed, the granting authority may be assisted by independent, outside experts. If it uses outside experts, the coordinator or beneficiary concerned will be informed and have the right to object on grounds of commercial confidentiality or conflict of interest.
The coordinator or beneficiary concerned must cooperate diligently and provide — within the deadline requested — any information and data in addition to deliverables and reports already submitted (including information on the use of resources). The granting authority may request beneficiaries to provide such information to it directly. Sensitive information and documents will be treated in accordance with Article 13.
The coordinator or beneficiary concerned may be requested to participate in meetings, including with the outside experts.
For on-the-spot visits, the beneficiary concerned must allow access to sites and premises (including to the outside experts) and must ensure that information requested is readily available.
Information provided must be accurate, precise and complete and in the format requested, including electronic format.
On the basis of the review findings, a project review report will be drawn up.
The granting authority will formally notify the project review report to the coordinator or beneficiary concerned, which has 30 days from receiving notification to make observations.
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Project reviews (including project review reports) will be in the language of the Agreement.
25.1.3 Audits
The granting authority may carry out audits on the proper implementation of the action and compliance with the obligations under the Agreement.
Such audits may be started during the implementation of the action and until the time-limit set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 6). They will be formally notified to the beneficiary concerned and will be considered to start on the date of the notification.
The granting authority may use its own audit service, delegate audits to a centralised service or use external audit firms. If it uses an external firm, the beneficiary concerned will be informed and have the right to object on grounds of commercial confidentiality or conflict of interest.
The beneficiary concerned must cooperate diligently and provide — within the deadline requested — any information (including complete accounts, individual salary statements or other personal data) to verify compliance with the Agreement. Sensitive information and documents will be treated in accordance with Article 13.
For on-the-spot visits, the beneficiary concerned must allow access to sites and premises (including for the external audit firm) and must ensure that information requested is readily available.
Information provided must be accurate, precise and complete and in the format requested, including electronic format.
On the basis of the audit findings, a draft audit report will be drawn up.
The auditors will formally notify the draft audit report to the beneficiary concerned, which has 30 days from receiving notification to make observations (contradictory audit procedure).
The final audit report will take into account observations by the beneficiary concerned and will be formally notified to them.
Audits (including audit reports) will be in the language of the Agreement.
25.2 European Commission checks, reviews and audits in grants of other granting authorities
Where the granting authority is not the European Commission, the latter has the same rights of checks, reviews and audits as the granting authority.
25.3 Access to records for assessing simplified forms of funding
The beneficiaries must give the European Commission access to their statutory records for the periodic assessment of simplified forms of funding which are used in EU programmes.
25.4 OLAF, EPPO and ECA audits and investigations
The following bodies may also carry out checks, reviews, audits and investigations — during the action or afterwards:
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- the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) under Regulations No 883/201320 and No 2185/9621
- the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) under Regulation 2017/1939
- the European Court of Auditors (ECA) under Article 287 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) and Article 257 of EU Financial Regulation 2018/1046.
If requested by these bodies, the beneficiary concerned must provide full, accurate and complete information in the format requested (including complete accounts, individual salary statements or other personal data, including in electronic format) and allow access to sites and premises for on-the-spot visits or inspections — as provided for under these Regulations.
To this end, the beneficiary concerned must keep all relevant information relating to the action, at least until the time-limit set out in the Data Sheet (Point 6) and, in any case, until any ongoing checks, reviews, audits, investigations, litigation or other pursuits of claims have been concluded.
25.5 Consequences of checks, reviews, audits and investigations — Extension of results of reviews, audits or investigations
25.5.1 Consequences of checks, reviews, audits and investigations in this grant
Findings in checks, reviews, audits or investigations carried out in the context of this grant may lead to rejections (see Article 27), grant reduction (see Article 28) or other measures described in Chapter 5.
Rejections or grant reductions after the final payment will lead to a revised final grant amount (see Article 22).
Findings in checks, reviews, audits or investigations during the action implementation may lead to a request for amendment (see Article 39), to change the description of the action set out in Annex 1.
Checks, reviews, audits or investigations that find systemic or recurrent errors, irregularities, fraud or breach of obligations in any EU grant may also lead to consequences in other EU grants awarded under similar conditions (‘extension to other grants’).
Moreover, findings arising from an OLAF or EPPO investigation may lead to criminal prosecution under national law.
25.5.2 Extension from other grants
Results of checks, reviews, audits or investigations in other grants may be extended to this grant, if:
(a) the beneficiary concerned is found, in other EU grants awarded under similar conditions, to have committed systemic or recurrent errors, irregularities, fraud or breach of obligations that have a material impact on this grant and
20 Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 September 2013 concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation (Euratom) No 1074/1999 (OJ L 248, 18/09/2013, p. 1).
21 Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 of 11 November 1996 concerning on-the-spot checks and inspections carried out by the Commission in order to protect the European Communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities (OJ L 292, 15/11/1996, p. 2).
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(b) those findings are formally notified to the beneficiary concerned — together with the list of grants affected by the findings — within the time-limit for audits set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 6).
The granting authority will formally notify the beneficiary concerned of the intention to extend the findings and the list of grants affected.
If the extension concerns rejections of costs or contributions: the notification will include:
(a) an invitation to submit observations on the list of grants affected by the findings
(b) the request to submit revised financial statements for all grants affected
(c) the correction rate for extrapolation, established on the basis of the systemic or recurrent errors, to calculate the amounts to be rejected, if the beneficiary concerned:
(i) considers that the submission of revised financial statements is not possible or practicable or
(ii) does not submit revised financial statements.
If the extension concerns grant reductions: the notification will include:
(a) an invitation to submit observations on the list of grants affected by the findings and
(b) the correction rate for extrapolation, established on the basis of the systemic or recurrent errors and the principle of proportionality.
The beneficiary concerned has 60 days from receiving notification to submit observations, revised financial statements or to propose a duly substantiated alternative correction method/rate.
On the basis of this, the granting authority will analyse the impact and decide on the implementation (i.e. start rejection or grant reduction procedures, either on the basis of the revised financial statements or the announced/alternative method/rate or a mix of those; see Articles 27 and 28).
25.6 Consequences of non-compliance
If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations under this Article, costs or contributions insufficiently substantiated will be ineligible (see Article 6) and will be rejected (see Article 27), and the grant may be reduced (see Article 28).
Such breaches may also lead to other measures described in Chapter 5.
26.1 Impact evaluation
The granting authority may carry out impact evaluations of the action, measured against the objectives and indicators of the EU programme funding the grant.
Such evaluations may be started during implementation of the action and until the time-limit set out
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in the Data Sheet (see Point 6). They will be formally notified to the coordinator or beneficiaries and will be considered to start on the date of the notification.
If needed, the granting authority may be assisted by independent outside experts.
The coordinator or beneficiaries must provide any information relevant to evaluate the impact of the action, including information in electronic format.
26.2 Consequences of non-compliance
If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the granting authority may apply the measures described in Chapter 5.
27.1 Conditions
The granting authority will — at beneficiary termination, interim payment, final payment or afterwards — reject any costs or contributions which are ineligible (see Article 6), in particular following checks, reviews, audits or investigations (see Article 25).
The rejection may also be based on the extension of findings from other grants to this grant (see Article 25).
Ineligible costs or contributions will be rejected.
27.2 Procedure
If the rejection does not lead to a recovery, the granting authority will formally notify the coordinator or beneficiary concerned of the rejection, the amounts and the reasons why. The coordinator or beneficiary concerned may — within 30 days of receiving notification — submit observations if it disagrees with the rejection (payment review procedure).
If the rejection leads to a recovery, the granting authority will follow the contradictory procedure with pre-information letter set out in Article 22.
27.3 Effects
If the granting authority rejects costs or contributions, it will deduct them from the costs or contributions declared and then calculate the amount due (and, if needed, make a recovery; see Article 22).
28.1 Conditions
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The granting authority may — at beneficiary termination, final payment or afterwards — reduce the grant for a beneficiary, if:
(a) the beneficiary (or a person having powers of representation, decision-making or control, or person essential for the award/implementation of the grant) has committed:
(i) substantial errors, irregularities or fraud or
(ii) serious breach of obligations under this Agreement or during its award (including improper implementation of the action, non-compliance with the call conditions, submission of false information, failure to provide required information, breach of ethics or security rules (if applicable), etc.), or
(b) the beneficiary (or a person having powers of representation, decision-making or control, or person essential for the award/implementation of the grant) has committed — in other EU grants awarded to it under similar conditions — systemic or recurrent errors, irregularities, fraud or serious breach of obligations that have a material impact on this grant (see Article 25).
The amount of the reduction will be calculated for each beneficiary concerned and proportionate to the seriousness and the duration of the errors, irregularities or fraud or breach of obligations, by applying an individual reduction rate to their accepted EU contribution.
28.2 Procedure
If the grant reduction does not lead to a recovery, the granting authority will formally notify the coordinator or beneficiary concerned of the reduction, the amount to be reduced and the reasons why. The coordinator or beneficiary concerned may — within 30 days of receiving notification — submit observations if it disagrees with the reduction (payment review procedure).
If the grant reduction leads to a recovery, the granting authority will follow the contradictory procedure with pre-information letter set out in Article 22.
28.3 Effects
If the granting authority reduces the grant, it will deduct the reduction and then calculate the amount due (and, if needed, make a recovery; see Article 22).
29.1 Conditions
The granting authority may — at any moment — suspend the payment deadline if a payment cannot be processed because:
(a) the required report (see Article 21) has not been submitted or is not complete or additional information is needed
(b) there are doubts about the amount to be paid (e.g. ongoing audit extension procedure, queries
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about eligibility, need for a grant reduction, etc.) and additional checks, reviews, audits or investigations are necessary, or
(c) there are other issues affecting the EU financial interests.
29.2 Procedure
The granting authority will formally notify the coordinator of the suspension and the reasons why.
The suspension will take effect the day the notification is sent.
If the conditions for suspending the payment deadline are no longer met, the suspension will be lifted — and the remaining time to pay (see Data Sheet, Point 4.2) will resume.
If the suspension exceeds two months, the coordinator may request the granting authority to confirm if the suspension will continue.
If the payment deadline has been suspended due to the non-compliance of the report and the revised report is not submitted (or was submitted but is also rejected), the granting authority may also terminate the grant or the participation of the coordinator (see Article 32).
30.1 Conditions
The granting authority may — at any moment — suspend payments, in whole or in part for one or more beneficiaries, if:
(a) a beneficiary (or a person having powers of representation, decision-making or control, or person essential for the award/implementation of the grant) has committed or is suspected of having committed:
(i) substantial errors, irregularities or fraud or
(ii) serious breach of obligations under this Agreement or during its award (including improper implementation of the action, non-compliance with the call conditions, submission of false information, failure to provide required information, breach of ethics or security rules (if applicable), etc.), or
(b) a beneficiary (or a person having powers of representation, decision-making or control, or person essential for the award/implementation of the grant) has committed — in other EU grants awarded to it under similar conditions — systemic or recurrent errors, irregularities, fraud or serious breach of obligations that have a material impact on this grant.
If payments are suspended for one or more beneficiaries, the granting authority will make partial payment(s) for the part(s) not suspended. If suspension concerns the final payment, the payment (or recovery) of the remaining amount after suspension is lifted will be considered to be the payment that closes the action.
30.2 Procedure
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Before suspending payments, the granting authority will send a pre-information letter to the beneficiary concerned:
- formally notifying the intention to suspend payments and the reasons why and
- requesting observations within 30 days of receiving notification.
If the granting authority does not receive observations or decides to pursue the procedure despite the observations it has received, it will confirm the suspension (confirmation letter). Otherwise, it will formally notify that the procedure is discontinued.
At the end of the suspension procedure, the granting authority will also inform the coordinator.
The suspension will take effect the day after the confirmation notification is sent.
If the conditions for resuming payments are met, the suspension will be lifted. The granting authority will formally notify the beneficiary concerned (and the coordinator) and set the suspension end date.
During the suspension, no prefinancing will be paid to the beneficiaries concerned. For interim payments, the periodic reports for all reporting periods except the last one (see Article 21) must not contain any financial statements from the beneficiary concerned (or its affiliated entities). The coordinator must include them in the next periodic report after the suspension is lifted or — if suspension is not lifted before the end of the action — in the last periodic report.
31.1 Consortium-requested GA suspension
31.1.1 Conditions and procedure
The beneficiaries may request the suspension of the grant or any part of it, if exceptional circumstances — in particular force majeure (see Article 35) — make implementation impossible or excessively difficult.
The coordinator must submit a request for amendment (see Article 39), with:
- the reasons why
- the date the suspension takes effect; this date may be before the date of the submission of the amendment request and
- the expected date of resumption.
The suspension will take effect on the day specified in the amendment.
Once circumstances allow for implementation to resume, the coordinator must immediately request another amendment of the Agreement to set the suspension end date, the resumption date (one day after suspension end date), extend the duration and make other changes necessary to adapt the action to the new situation (see Article 39) — unless the grant has been terminated (see Article 32). The suspension will be lifted with effect from the suspension end date set out in the amendment. This date may be before the date of the submission of the amendment request.
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During the suspension, no prefinancing will be paid. Costs incurred or contributions for activities implemented during grant suspension are not eligible (see Article 6.3).
31.2 EU-initiated GA suspension
31.2.1 Conditions
The granting authority may suspend the grant or any part of it, if:
(a) a beneficiary (or a person having powers of representation, decision-making or control, or person essential for the award/implementation of the grant) has committed or is suspected of having committed:
(i) substantial errors, irregularities or fraud or
(ii) serious breach of obligations under this Agreement or during its award (including improper implementation of the action, non-compliance with the call conditions, submission of false information, failure to provide required information, breach of ethics or security rules (if applicable), etc.), or
(b) a beneficiary (or a person having powers of representation, decision-making or control, or person essential for the award/implementation of the grant) has committed — in other EU grants awarded to it under similar conditions — systemic or recurrent errors, irregularities, fraud or serious breach of obligations that have a material impact on this grant
(c) other:
(i) linked action issues: not applicable
(ii) due to major delays, the objectives of the action risk to no longer be achieved
31.2.2 Procedure
Before suspending the grant, the granting authority will send a pre-information letter to the coordinator:
- formally notifying the intention to suspend the grant and the reasons why and
- requesting observations within 30 days of receiving notification.
If the granting authority does not receive observations or decides to pursue the procedure despite the observations it has received, it will confirm the suspension (confirmation letter). Otherwise, it will formally notify that the procedure is discontinued.
The suspension will take effect the day after the confirmation notification is sent (or on a later date specified in the notification).
Once the conditions for resuming implementation of the action are met, the granting authority will formally notify the coordinator a lifting of suspension letter, in which it will set the suspension end date and invite the coordinator to request an amendment of the Agreement to set the resumption date (one day after suspension end date), extend the duration and make other changes necessary to adapt the action to the new situation (see Article 39) — unless the grant has been terminated (see
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Article 32). The suspension will be lifted with effect from the suspension end date set out in the lifting of suspension letter. This date may be before the date on which the letter is sent.
During the suspension, no prefinancing will be paid. Costs incurred or contributions for activities implemented during suspension are not eligible (see Article 6.3).
The beneficiaries may not claim damages due to suspension by the granting authority (see Article 33).
Grant suspension does not affect the granting authority’s right to terminate the grant or a beneficiary (see Article 32) or reduce the grant (see Article 28).
32.1 Consortium-requested GA termination
32.1.1 Conditions and procedure
The beneficiaries may request the termination of the grant.
The coordinator must submit a request for amendment (see Article 39), with:
- the reasons why
- the date the consortium ends work on the action (‘end of work date’) and
- the date the termination takes effect (‘termination date’); this date must be after the date of the submission of the amendment request.
The termination will take effect on the termination date specified in the amendment.
If no reasons are given or if the granting authority considers the reasons do not justify termination, it may consider the grant terminated improperly.
32.1.2 Effects
The coordinator must — within 60 days from when termination takes effect — submit a periodic report (for the open reporting period until termination).
The granting authority will calculate the final grant amount and final payment on the basis of the report submitted and taking into account the costs incurred and contributions for activities implemented before the end of work date (see Article 22). Costs relating to contracts due for execution only after the end of work are not eligible.
If the granting authority does not receive the report within the deadline, only costs and contributions which are included in an approved periodic report will be taken into account (no costs/contributions if no periodic report was ever approved).
Improper termination may lead to a grant reduction (see Article 28).
After termination, the beneficiaries’ obligations (in particular Articles 13 (confidentiality and security), 16 (IPR), 17 (communication, dissemination and visibility), 21 (reporting), 25 (checks, reviews, audits and investigations), 26 (impact evaluation), 27 (rejections), 28 (grant reduction) and 42 (assignment of claims)) continue to apply.
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32.2 Consortium-requested beneficiary termination
32.2.1 Conditions and procedure
The coordinator may request the termination of the participation of one or more beneficiaries, on request of the beneficiary concerned or on behalf of the other beneficiaries.
The coordinator must submit a request for amendment (see Article 39), with:
- the reasons why
- the opinion of the beneficiary concerned (or proof that this opinion has been requested in writing)
- the date the beneficiary ends work on the action (‘end of work date’)
- the date the termination takes effect (‘termination date’); this date must be after the date of the submission of the amendment request.
If the termination concerns the coordinator and is done without its agreement, the amendment request must be submitted by another beneficiary (acting on behalf of the consortium).
The termination will take effect on the termination date specified in the amendment.
If no information is given or if the granting authority considers that the reasons do not justify termination, it may consider the beneficiary to have been terminated improperly.
32.2.2 Effects
The coordinator must — within 60 days from when termination takes effect — submit:
(i) a report on the distribution of payments to the beneficiary concerned
(ii) a termination report from the beneficiary concerned, for the open reporting period until termination, containing an overview of the progress of the work, the financial statement, the explanation on the use of resources, and, if applicable, the certificate on the financial statement (CFS; see Articles 21 and 24.2 and Data Sheet, Point 4.3)
(iii) a second request for amendment (see Article 39) with other amendments needed (e.g. reallocation of the tasks and the estimated budget of the terminated beneficiary; addition of a new beneficiary to replace the terminated beneficiary; change of coordinator, etc.).
The granting authority will calculate the amount due to the beneficiary on the basis of the report submitted and taking into account the costs incurred and contributions for activities implemented before the end of work date (see Article 22). Costs relating to contracts due for execution only after the end of work are not eligible.
The information in the termination report must also be included in the periodic report for the next reporting period (see Article 21).
If the granting authority does not receive the termination report within the deadline, only costs and contributions which are included in an approved periodic report will be taken into account (no costs/ contributions if no periodic report was ever approved).
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If the granting authority does not receive the report on the distribution of payments within the deadline, it will consider that:
- the coordinator did not distribute any payment to the beneficiary concerned and that
- the beneficiary concerned must not repay any amount to the coordinator.
If the second request for amendment is accepted by the granting authority, the Agreement is amended to introduce the necessary changes (see Article 39).
If the second request for amendment is rejected by the granting authority (because it calls into question the decision awarding the grant or breaches the principle of equal treatment of applicants), the grant may be terminated (see Article 32).
Improper termination may lead to a reduction of the grant (see Article 31) or grant termination (see Article 32).
After termination, the concerned beneficiary’s obligations (in particular Articles 13 (confidentiality and security), 16 (IPR), 17 (communication, dissemination and visibility), 21 (reporting), 25 (checks, reviews, audits and investigations), 26 (impact evaluation), 27 (rejections), 28 (grant reduction) and 42 (assignment of claims)) continue to apply.
32.3 EU-initiated GA or beneficiary termination
32.3.1 Conditions
The granting authority may terminate the grant or the participation of one or more beneficiaries, if:
(a) one or more beneficiaries do not accede to the Agreement (see Article 40)
(b) a change to the action or the legal, financial, technical, organisational or ownership situation of a beneficiary is likely to substantially affect the implementation of the action or calls into question the decision to award the grant (including changes linked to one of the exclusion grounds listed in the declaration of honour)
(c) following termination of one or more beneficiaries, the necessary changes to the Agreement (and their impact on the action) would call into question the decision awarding the grant or breach the principle of equal treatment of applicants
(d) implementation of the action has become impossible or the changes necessary for its continuation would call into question the decision awarding the grant or breach the principle of equal treatment of applicants
(e) a beneficiary (or person with unlimited liability for its debts) is subject to bankruptcy proceedings or similar (including insolvency, winding-up, administration by a liquidator or court, arrangement with creditors, suspension of business activities, etc.)
(f) a beneficiary (or person with unlimited liability for its debts) is in breach of social security or tax obligations
(g) a beneficiary (or person having powers of representation, decision-making or control, or person
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essential for the award/implementation of the grant) has been found guilty of grave professional misconduct
(h) a beneficiary (or person having powers of representation, decision-making or control, or person essential for the award/implementation of the grant) has committed fraud, corruption, or is involved in a criminal organisation, money laundering, terrorism-related crimes (including terrorism financing), child labour or human trafficking
(i) a beneficiary (or person having powers of representation, decision-making or control, or person essential for the award/implementation of the grant) was created under a different jurisdiction with the intent to circumvent fiscal, social or other legal obligations in the country of origin (or created another entity with this purpose)
(j) a beneficiary (or person having powers of representation, decision-making or control, or person essential for the award/implementation of the grant) has committed:
(i) substantial errors, irregularities or fraud or
(ii) serious breach of obligations under this Agreement or during its award (including improper implementation of the action, non-compliance with the call conditions, submission of false information, failure to provide required information, breach of ethics or security rules (if applicable), etc.)
(k) a beneficiary (or person having powers of representation, decision-making or control, or person essential for the award/implementation of the grant) has committed — in other EU grants awarded to it under similar conditions — systemic or recurrent errors, irregularities, fraud or serious breach of obligations that have a material impact on this grant (extension of findings from other grants to this grant; see Article 25)
(l) despite a specific request by the granting authority, a beneficiary does not request — through the coordinator — an amendment to the Agreement to end the participation of one of its affiliated entities or associated partners that is in one of the situations under points (d), (f), (e), (g), (h), (i) or (j) and to reallocate its tasks, or
(m) other:
(i) linked action issues: not applicable
(ii) due to major delays, the objectives of the action can no longer be achieved
32.3.2 Procedure
Before terminating the grant or participation of one or more beneficiaries, the granting authority will send a pre-information letter to the coordinator or beneficiary concerned:
- formally notifying the intention to terminate and the reasons why and
- requesting observations within 30 days of receiving notification.
If the granting authority does not receive observations or decides to pursue the procedure despite the observations it has received, it will confirm the termination and the date it will take effect (confirmation letter). Otherwise, it will formally notify that the procedure is discontinued.
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For beneficiary terminations, the granting authority will — at the end of the procedure — also inform the coordinator.
The termination will take effect the day after the confirmation notification is sent (or on a later date specified in the notification; ‘termination date’).
32.3.3 Effects
(a) for GA termination:
The coordinator must — within 60 days from when termination takes effect — submit a periodic report (for the last open reporting period until termination).
The granting authority will calculate the final grant amount and final payment on the basis of the report submitted and taking into account the costs incurred and contributions for activities implemented before termination takes effect (see Article 22). Costs relating to contracts due for execution only after termination are not eligible.
If the grant is terminated for breach of the obligation to submit reports, the coordinator may not submit any report after termination.
If the granting authority does not receive the report within the deadline, only costs and contributions which are included in an approved periodic report will be taken into account (no costs/contributions if no periodic report was ever approved).
Termination does not affect the granting authority’s right to reduce the grant (see Article 28) or to impose administrative sanctions (see Article 34).
The beneficiaries may not claim damages due to termination by the granting authority (see Article 33).
After termination, the beneficiaries’ obligations (in particular Articles 13 (confidentiality and security), 16 (IPR), 17 (communication, dissemination and visibility), 21 (reporting), 25 (checks, reviews, audits and investigations), 26 (impact evaluation), 27 (rejections), 28 (grant reduction) and 42 (assignment of claims)) continue to apply.
(b) for beneficiary termination:
The coordinator must — within 60 days from when termination takes effect — submit:
(i) a report on the distribution of payments to the beneficiary concerned
(ii) a termination report from the beneficiary concerned, for the open reporting period until termination, containing an overview of the progress of the work, the financial statement, the explanation on the use of resources, and, if applicable, the certificate on the financial statement (CFS; see Articles 21 and 24.2 and Data Sheet, Point 4.3)
(iii) a request for amendment (see Article 39) with any amendments needed (e.g. reallocation of the tasks and the estimated budget of the terminated beneficiary; addition of a new beneficiary to replace the terminated beneficiary; change of coordinator, etc.).
The granting authority will calculate the amount due to the beneficiary on the basis of the
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report submitted and taking into account the costs incurred and contributions for activities implemented before termination takes effect (see Article 22). Costs relating to contracts due for execution only after termination are not eligible.
The information in the termination report must also be included in the periodic report for the next reporting period (see Article 21).
If the granting authority does not receive the termination report within the deadline, only costs and contributions included in an approved periodic report will be taken into account (no costs/ contributions if no periodic report was ever approved).
If the granting authority does not receive the report on the distribution of payments within the deadline, it will consider that:
- the coordinator did not distribute any payment to the beneficiary concerned and that
- the beneficiary concerned must not repay any amount to the coordinator.
If the request for amendment is accepted by the granting authority, the Agreement is amended to introduce the necessary changes (see Article 39).
If the request for amendment is rejected by the granting authority (because it calls into question the decision awarding the grant or breaches the principle of equal treatment of applicants), the grant may be terminated (see Article 32).
After termination, the concerned beneficiary’s obligations (in particular Articles 13 (confidentiality and security), 16 (IPR), 17 (communication, dissemination and visibility), 21 (reporting), 25 (checks, reviews, audits and investigations), 26 (impact evaluation), 27 (rejections), 28 (grant reduction) and 42 (assignment of claims)) continue to apply.
33.1 Liability of the granting authority
The granting authority cannot be held liable for any damage caused to the beneficiaries or to third parties as a consequence of the implementation of the Agreement, including for gross negligence.
The granting authority cannot be held liable for any damage caused by any of the beneficiaries or other participants involved in the action, as a consequence of the implementation of the Agreement.
33.2 Liability of the beneficiaries
The beneficiaries must compensate the granting authority for any damage it sustains as a result of the implementation of the action or because the action was not implemented in full compliance with the Agreement, provided that it was caused by gross negligence or wilful act.
The liability does not extend to indirect or consequential losses or similar damage (such as loss of
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profit, loss of revenue or loss of contracts), provided such damage was not caused by wilful act or by a breach of confidentiality.
Nothing in this Agreement may be construed as preventing the adoption of administrative sanctions (i.e. exclusion from EU award procedures and/or financial penalties) or other public law measures, in addition or as an alternative to the contractual measures provided under this Agreement (see, for instance, Articles 135 to 145 EU Financial Regulation 2018/1046 and Articles 4 and 7 of Regulation 2988/9522).
A party prevented by force majeure from fulfilling its obligations under the Agreement cannot be considered in breach of them.
‘Force majeure’ means any situation or event that:
- prevents either party from fulfilling their obligations under the Agreement,
- was unforeseeable, exceptional situation and beyond the parties’ control,
- was not due to error or negligence on their part (or on the part of other participants involved in the action), and
- proves to be inevitable in spite of exercising all due diligence.
Any situation constituting force majeure must be formally notified to the other party without delay, stating the nature, likely duration and foreseeable effects.
The parties must immediately take all the necessary steps to limit any damage due to force majeure and do their best to resume implementation of the action as soon as possible.
36.1 Forms and means of communication — Electronic management
EU grants are managed fully electronically through the EU Funding & Tenders Portal (‘Portal’).
All communications must be made electronically through the Portal, in accordance with the Portal Terms and Conditions and using the forms and templates provided there (except if explicitly instructed otherwise by the granting authority).
22 Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 of 18 December 1995 on the protection of the European Communities financial interests (OJ L 312, 23.12.1995, p. 1).
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
Communications must be made in writing and clearly identify the grant agreement (project number and acronym).
Communications must be made by persons authorised according to the Portal Terms and Conditions. For naming the authorised persons, each beneficiary must have designated — before the signature of this Agreement — a ‘legal entity appointed representative (LEAR)’. The role and tasks of the LEAR are stipulated in their appointment letter (see Portal Terms and Conditions).
If the electronic exchange system is temporarily unavailable, instructions will be given on the Portal.
36.2 Date of communication
The sending date for communications made through the Portal will be the date and time of sending, as indicated by the time logs.
The receiving date for communications made through the Portal will be the date and time the communication is accessed, as indicated by the time logs. Formal notifications that have not been accessed within 10 days after sending, will be considered to have been accessed (see Portal Terms and Conditions).
If a communication is exceptionally made on paper (by e-mail or postal service), general principles apply (i.e. date of sending/receipt). Formal notifications by registered post with proof of delivery will be considered to have been received either on the delivery date registered by the postal service or the deadline for collection at the post office.
If the electronic exchange system is temporarily unavailable, the sending party cannot be considered in breach of its obligation to send a communication within a specified deadline.
36.3 Addresses for communication
The Portal can be accessed via the Europa website.
The address for paper communications to the granting authority (if exceptionally allowed) is the official mailing address indicated on its website.
For beneficiaries, it is the legal address specified in the Portal Participant Register.
The provisions in the Data Sheet take precedence over the rest of the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement.
Annex 5 takes precedence over the Terms and Conditions; the Terms and Conditions take precedence over the Annexes other than Annex 5.
Annex 2 takes precedence over Annex 1.
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
In accordance with Regulation No 1182/7123, periods expressed in days, months or years are calculated from the moment the triggering event occurs.
The day during which that event occurs is not considered as falling within the period.
‘Days’ means calendar days, not working days.
39.1 Conditions
The Agreement may be amended, unless the amendment entails changes to the Agreement which would call into question the decision awarding the grant or breach the principle of equal treatment of applicants.
Amendments may be requested by any of the parties.
39.2 Procedure
The party requesting an amendment must submit a request for amendment signed directly in the Portal Amendment tool.
The coordinator submits and receives requests for amendment on behalf of the beneficiaries (see Annex 3). If a change of coordinator is requested without its agreement, the submission must be done by another beneficiary (acting on behalf of the other beneficiaries).
The request for amendment must include:
- the reasons why
- the appropriate supporting documents and
- for a change of coordinator without its agreement: the opinion of the coordinator (or proof that this opinion has been requested in writing).
The granting authority may request additional information.
If the party receiving the request agrees, it must sign the amendment in the tool within 45 days of receiving notification (or any additional information the granting authority has requested). If it does not agree, it must formally notify its disagreement within the same deadline. The deadline may be extended, if necessary for the assessment of the request. If no notification is received within the deadline, the request is considered to have been rejected.
An amendment enters into force on the day of the signature of the receiving party.
An amendment takes effect on the date of entry into force or other date specified in the amendment.
23 Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 1182/71 of the Council of 3 June 1971 determining the rules applicable to periods, dates and time-limits (OJ L 124, 8/6/1971, p. 1).
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
40.1 Accession of the beneficiaries mentioned in the Preamble
The beneficiaries which are not coordinator must accede to the grant by signing the accession form (see Annex 3) directly in the Portal Grant Preparation tool, within 30 days after the entry into force of the Agreement (see Article 44).
They will assume the rights and obligations under the Agreement with effect from the date of its entry into force (see Article 44).
If a beneficiary does not accede to the grant within the above deadline, the coordinator must — within 30 days — request an amendment (see Article 39) to terminate the beneficiary and make any changes necessary to ensure proper implementation of the action. This does not affect the granting authority’s right to terminate the grant (see Article 32).
40.2 Addition of new beneficiaries
In justified cases, the beneficiaries may request the addition of a new beneficiary.
For this purpose, the coordinator must submit a request for amendment in accordance with Article 39. It must include an accession form (see Annex 3) signed by the new beneficiary directly in the Portal Amendment tool.
New beneficiaries will assume the rights and obligations under the Agreement with effect from the date of their accession specified in the accession form (see Annex 3).
Additions are also possible in mono-beneficiary grants.
In justified cases, the beneficiary of a mono-beneficiary grant may request the transfer of the grant to a new beneficiary, provided that this would not call into question the decision awarding the grant or breach the principle of equal treatment of applicants.
The beneficiary must submit a request for amendment (see Article 39), with
- the reasons why
- the accession form (see Annex 3) signed by the new beneficiary directly in the Portal Amendment tool and
- additional supporting documents (if required by the granting authority).
The new beneficiary will assume the rights and obligations under the Agreement with effect from the date of accession specified in the accession form (see Annex 3).
The beneficiaries may not assign any of their claims for payment against the granting authority to any third party, except if expressly approved in writing by the granting authority on the basis of a reasoned, written request by the coordinator (on behalf of the beneficiary concerned).
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
If the granting authority has not accepted the assignment or if the terms of it are not observed, the assignment will have no effect on it.
In no circumstances will an assignment release the beneficiaries from their obligations towards the granting authority.
43.1 Applicable law
The Agreement is governed by the applicable EU law, supplemented if necessary by the law of Belgium.
Special rules may apply for beneficiaries which are international organisations (if any; see Data Sheet, Point 5).
43.2 Dispute settlement
If a dispute concerns the interpretation, application or validity of the Agreement, the parties must bring action before the EU General Court — or, on appeal, the EU Court of Justice — under Article 272 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU).
For non-EU beneficiaries (if any), such disputes must be brought before the courts of Brussels, Belgium — unless an international agreement provides for the enforceability of EU court judgements.
For beneficiaries with arbitration as special dispute settlement forum (if any; see Data Sheet, Point 5), the dispute will — in the absence of an amicable settlement — be settled in accordance with the Rules for Arbitration published on the Portal.
If a dispute concerns administrative sanctions, offsetting or an enforceable decision under Article 299 TFEU (see Articles 22 and 34), the beneficiaries must bring action before the General Court — or, on appeal, the Court of Justice — under Article 263 TFEU.
For grants where the granting authority is an EU executive agency (see Preamble), actions against offsetting and enforceable decisions must be brought against the European Commission (not against the granting authority; see also Article 22).
The Agreement will enter into force on the day of signature by the granting authority or the coordinator, depending on which is later.
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
For the coordinator For the granting authority
[--TGSMark#signature-941609750_75_210--] [--TGSMark#signature-service_75_210--]
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Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Description of the action (DoA)
Part A
Part B
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Part A of the Description of the Action (DoA) must be completed directly on the Portal Grant Preparation screens.
Grant Preparation (General Information screen) — Enter the info.
Project number: 101122891
Project name: electronic Freight Transport Information for Europe
Project acronym: 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU
Type of action: CEF-INFRA
Service: CINEA/B/02
Project starting date: fixed date: 1 April 2023
Project duration: 36 months
Project summary ......................................................................................................................................................3
List of participants .................................................................................................................................................. 3
List of work packages .............................................................................................................................................5
Staff effort ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
List of deliverables ................................................................................................................................................14
List of milestones (outputs/outcomes) .................................................................................................................. 21
List of critical risks ............................................................................................................................................... 23
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Project summary
Grant Preparation (General Information screen) — Provide an overall description of your project (including context and overall objectives, planned activities and main achievements, and expected results and impacts (on target groups, change procedures, capacities, innovation etc)). This summary should give readers a clear idea of what your project is about.
Use the project summary from your proposal.
The project eFTI4EU will encourage Member States to join forces, face the upcoming eFTI requirements, and work jointly on common specifications and take advantage of a well harmonized European wide eFTI exchange environment according to the Regulation EU No 2020/1056 on electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI Regulation). EFTI4EU project will support the process of implementation of the eFTI Regulation in digitalizing freight transport and logistics by contributing to the implementation of a seamless paperless information exchange between businesses and authorities and developing systems/IT platforms to be used by the competent authorities to access and process information electronically on a non-discriminatory basis and in accordance with Regulation EU 2020/1056 on electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI). The overall objectives of the Project are fully aligned with the aim of eFTI Regulation EU No 2020/1056, namely: - to encourage the digitalization of freight transport and logistics - to reduce administrative costs, improve enforcement capabilities of competent authorities, and - to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of transport. In detail the project comprises the following: Studies: ● Provision of national and regional eFTI roadmaps ● Participation in the horizontal alignment work package to promote harmonization of eFTI development and interoperability between Member States. This also covers the specification and the common co-development of eFTI reference implementations (eFTI platform and eFTI Gate) ● Communication and dissemination, knowledge sharing activities in the MS to promote eFTI Pilots: ● Development and piloting of an eFTI gate aligned with the jointly specified and developed reference implementation, which could lead to a system that becomes operational in 2025 ● eFTI gate pilots cover the following communication paths: ○ eFTI gate to competent authorities ○ eFTI gate to eFTI platforms ○ eFTI gate to other eFTI gates ○ eFTI gate to other linked systems
Grant Preparation (Beneficiaries screen) — Enter the info.
Number Role Short name Legal name Country PIC
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Grant Preparation (Beneficiaries screen) — Enter the info.
Number Role Short name Legal name Country PIC
DE 996530374
AT 887660387
AT 999633695
10 BEN MIT Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti IT 996445790
IT 937468917
PT 966290430
12 BEN Nordic Invest NORDIC INVESTMENT BANK FI 894031056
FR 996384874
LT 951975364
LT 888880550
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Work packages
Grant Preparation (Work Packages screen) — Enter the info.
Work Package No
Work Package name Lead Beneficiary Effort (Person- Months)
Start Month
End Month
WP1 WP 1: Horizontal Work 5 - BMDV 0.00 1 36 D1.1 – D1.1 Roadmap Workplan for MS including templates D1.2 – D1.2 eFTI System overview and interface specification D1.3 – D1.3 National eFTI Roadmaps D1.4 – D1.4 eFTI System specifications (preliminary Versions) D1.5 – D 1.5 Reference implementation development plan D1.6 – D1.6 eFTI Gate service and content specification D1.7 – D1.7 Roadmap Status Report D1.8 – D1.8 eFTI exchange environment test plan D1.9 – D1.9 Legal implementation and certification strategy plan D1.10 – D1.10 eFTI Gate Strategy and Governance Model D1.11 – D1.11 eFTI System specifications (final Versions)
WP2 WP 2: National and Corridor Pilots 7 - FI Transport&Co 0.00 6 33 D2.1 – D2.1 eFTI4EU pilot plan D2.2 – D2.2 Reference implementation release nr. 05 description and system test summary D2.3 – D2.3 Reference implementation release nr. 09 description and pilot result summary
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Work packages
Grant Preparation (Work Packages screen) — Enter the info.
Work Package No
Work Package name Lead Beneficiary Effort (Person- Months)
Start Month
End Month
WP3 WP 3: Communication, Dissemination & Capacity Building
4 - CIRCLE SPA 0.00 1 36 D3.1 – D3.1 Detailed Communication Plan D3.2 – D3.2 Mid-Term Communication Report D3.3 – D3.3 Final Communication Report
WP4 WP 4: Project management and coordination 1 - MoClimate 0.00 1 36 D4.1 – D4.1 Progress Report D4.2 – D4.2 Progress Report
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Work package WP1 – WP 1: Horizontal Work
Work Package Number WP1 Lead Beneficiary 5. BMDV
Work Package Name WP 1: Horizontal Work
Start Month 1 End Month 36
WP1 is the common harmonization work package for the participating Member States (MS) to identify, by means of country’s specific roadmaps, inter alia, the inventory of requirements for national eFTI implementation, resource needs (financial and technical) and requirements for the long-term operation of the eFTI exchange environment.;
WP1 will: • analyze the Delegated Act (DA) and Implementing Act (IA) proposed by the European Commission (EC) and jointly translate them into harmonized technical specifications, thus providing Member States with solid specifications, e.g. for the development/tendering of an eFTI gate (the technical interfaces that enable the exchange of data between eFTI platforms and user applications of competent authorities), as per Article 3(4) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1056 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2020 on electronic freight transport information; • develop national and cross-border test strategies to test the eFTI exchange environment; • develop a strategy for an open-source reference implementation of an eFTI gate; • develop an agreed governance model that describes general rules for eFTI gates and the maintenance of the specifications.
WP1 consist of the following tasks: Task 1.1 Authorities’ Road map (requirements and preparatory works)
Within the framework of Task 1.1, the participating Member States will first identify the existing systems, requirements for national eFTI implementation, resource needs (financial and technical), pilots planned during the project and requirements for the long-term operation of the eFTI exchange environment to document these in so-called national roadmaps (D1.2). In eFTI4EU, the term roadmap is used as a synonym for a project plan for the introduction of eFTI in the Member States. It is not necessarily a description of the implementation steps for eFTI, but rather an analysis of the strategic, organizational, technical, legal and financial framework conditions in the MS, which serve to develop eFTI gates specifically according to the requirements of the EU and the Member States. This should create a solid information basis for eFTI4EU to analyze the starting point for the implementation of the eFTI exchange environment. For this purpose, a work plan (D1.1) will be developed with support of the participating MS, in which the requirements for the roadmaps will be documented. In addition, a corresponding roadmap structure will be developed in the form of a template. This should help to collect the information in a harmonized way and facilitate an analysis afterwards. The overall MS summary of the individual country-specific roadmaps will be made in a Roadmap Status Report (D1.3). Here, an analysis of the commonalities and differences in the MS will be carried out, which represents a benchmark for the harmonization range that will be available for the implementation of the eFTI exchange environment and thus for the provision of interoperability.
Task 1.2 Interoperability of eFTI exchange environment (planning, reference specification, testing)
Task 1.2 will analyze the DA and IA introduced by the EU Commission and jointly translate them into harmonized technical specifications. In addition, initial findings from the national roadmaps will be incorporated in parallel and the use of e.g., EU Building Blocks will be discussed, such as eDelivery or similar existing, fully specified solutions. The use of such solutions would indeed be a time saver for the project, as they could be implemented immediately in WP2.
The approach in Task 1.2 is to start with a systems overview and interface specification (D1.4). This includes a cross pilot system architecture and an identification of interfaces to be considered (and harmonized) based on the architecture, which will be specified in the first eFTI Implementing (IA). The next step is to evaluate if any of existing national systems can take on the role of an eFTI gate (also making some adaptations, if needed), or if the eFTI gate should be built from scratch (as a new component in the overall architecture). The resulting system dependencies (all IT applications in a specific Member State that needs interface with eFTI gate) will be described in system specifications (D1.5). These also take into account requirements of the eFTI stakeholders, including detailed application scenarios and usability requirements as well as relevant service level and interoperability key performance indicators (KPI), which will be validated in the WP2
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
laboratory tests and pilot projects. According to the findings and experience gained from the implementation (WP2), the specifications of the eFTI exchange environment, including the functional and technical interfaces between the eFTI Gates, the national Authority Access Points (AAP) and the eFTI Platforms will be further improved and adapted until the end of the project, so that a tested version of the specifications (D1.6) will be available at the end of the project.
The aim of this task is to provide member states with solid specifications, e.g., for the development/tendering of an eFTI gate. On the other hand, the specifications as a whole will be used to produce a development plan for the reference implementation (D1.7) (a common basis that will be adapted to the requirements that are specific for each Member State). This plan involves the definition of development steps that must be carried out to reach the targeted eFTI gate development, be it the adaptation of an existing system or the creation of a new one. The eFTI gate reference implementation will be jointly developed (co-developed) and tested by the financially involved eFTI4EU partners in WP2 and made available together with the data model and the requirement specifications to all Member States as open-source code that can be modified, licensed, re-licensed or used without restrictions. Based on the above system specifications, national and cross-border test strategies for testing the eFTI exchange environment will be developed, which will be summarized in an eFTI exchange environment test plan (D1.8). Here, too, it would be possible to benefit from existing test plans or test opportunities already developed for EU building blocks (e.g. eDelivery).
Task 1.3 eFTI Gate Strategy and Governance (Common Rule Set) Task 1.3 aims to develop an agreed governance model (D.1.9) that describes common rules for eFTI gates (e.g., rules for onboarding of eFTI platforms, rights and duties) and the maintenance of specifications. It should enable Member States to monitor the technological-sociological system landscape and develop viable plans for the governance of the reference implementation description, which can be made available to the market as open documentation. This includes an identification of possible governance actors, their roles and relationships within the value chain structure.
The project partners will be responsible for jointly developing, testing and piloting the eFTI gate reference implementation, which needs to meet the rules on harmonized data exchange and interoperability laid down in the first eFTI DA and IA.
The reference implementation here is defined as a generic definition and pilot implementation of a generic solution architecture. It is essential that the data sharing between the eFTI Gates is harmonized, that MS agree on a trust architecture (identities, authentication and authorization), so that MS agree on a common process and service repository and a common search and index mechanism. The reference architecture must comply with the EU implementing regulations, but also be flexible enough so that each MS can keep on using their existing IT systems. National pilots, which use the refence implementation as pattern for their national eFTI gate implementation, need to perform tests following national and cross-border supply chain use cases where the exchange of data within an eFTI exchange environment is required. Therefore, it is essential that the data sharing between the eFTI Gates is (a) harmonized, that MS agree on (b) a trust architecture (identities, authentication and authorization), and (c) agree on a common process and service repository and (d) a common search and index mechanism. The reference implementation as pattern facilitates this by aiming at the same time in complying with the EU implementing regulations and allows sufficient flexibility so that each Member State can use the eFTI gate reference implementation and adapt it to its existing IT eco-system.
Task 1.4 eFTI Gate Content and Accessibility (e.g., Metadata, Access Management) Task 1.4 is dedicated to the inside of the eFTI gate reference implementation, i.e. an eFTI Gate service and content specification (D1.10) will functionally describe the relevant eFTI Gate services (e.g. internal/ external authentication, eFTI platform-related services, eFTI Gate-to-eFTI Gate services, logging, search mechanism, etc.) and specify the relevant registries (eFTI platform metadata, links, etc.).
Task 1.5 Legal implementation and Certification-related affairs and rules
Task 1.5 will address the legal implementation of eFTI components, taking into account the certification requirements and rules that will be established for eFTI components. A strategy plan for legal implementation and certification (D1.11) will therefore collect and document national strategies and processes for each MS regarding the legal implementation of eFTI gates and the implementation of national certification processes for eFTI gates and platforms.
Work package WP2 – WP 2: National and Corridor Pilots
Work Package Number WP2 Lead Beneficiary 7. FI Transport&Co
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Work Package Name WP 2: National and Corridor Pilots
Start Month 6 End Month 33
▪ Objective 1 is to test and pilot in real world conditions the main use cases of eFTI gates against the reference model developed in WP1: ○ Test and pilot eFTI gate to competent authorities' data exchange ○ Test and pilot eFTI gate to eFTI platforms data exchange ○ Test and pilot eFTI gate to other eFTI gates data exchange ○ Test and pilot eFTI gate to other liked systems data exchange ▪ Objective 2 is to cover all main transport modes in pilots (maritime, air, rail and road) and with these study transport mode specific eFTI data exchanges ▪ Objective 3 is to cover the whole eFTI architecture from Economic Operators to Competent Authorities in pilots ▪ Objective 4 is to pilot the above mentioned targeted pilots (i.e., objectives 1-3) in national and where applicable in international/corridor context
WP2 is based on the previous piloting experience derived from the CEF funded projects FENIX (2018-EU-TM-0077- S) and FEDeRATED (2018-EU-TM-0119-S), where pre-eFTI piloting was already made. The purpose of the WP 2 pilots is to cover full eFTI architecture and its components. And hence, to provide concrete experience and lessons learned from real life use cases and to adapt those into the WP2 eFTI Gate reference implementation solution. By doing this co-developed open source eFTI Gate reference implementation, Member States will be able to implement their interoperable operative eFTI Gates on time. Pilot results and findings will be disseminated both on national and international level among eFTI stakeholders. WP2 target is to cover several eFTI Gate use cases and test these in different MSs and international corridors, so that the eFTI4EU project covers main test use cases for eFTI Gates and complies with the set KPIs defined for this.
WP2 consist of the following tasks:
Task 2.1 Pilot collaboration and knowledge sharing
The broad target of the Project Partners is to reach close working relationship with all engaged Member States to better understand their needs, so that parallel national eFTI development projects can be supported with more accurate definition, co-development and governance model. I.e., the eFTI4EU project will provide guidance and architecture manual for MSs how to establish interoperable and a functioning system for eFTI implementation. This work will be started already in WP1, and Task 2.1 will continue this and link it to the pilots and testing aspects. The WP2 will focus on multi-country, multi-operator, cross-border eFTI use case scenarios and it will provide feedback and information for reference model development. Due to the short time that the project and the Member States have for implementation of eFTI, WP 2 will emphasize an agile co-development approach between Member States. In this incremental development process, the Project Partners target to gain rapid progress and level ground for the eFTI gate reference implementation. The development process is also linked to the general EU eFTI delegated acts development and potential CEF calls (2023-2024), where eFTI4EU project could release nr. 05 version (intermediate version) of eFTI gate reference model for those MSs, which were not ready to participate in 2022-2023 CEF funding. The system development start from release number 0 and ready system equals to 1.0. Within this project produced release 0.5 can be seen as a mid-term solution and 0.9 is the solution, which covers all main features, ready to be transferred to the operative system if wanted. Hence, the eFTI4EU will facilitate the eFTI entry for Member States in the project, including those that are not direct beneficiaries.
Task 2.2 Pilot planning The co-development, planning and collaboration will be done with the lead of a few forerunning Partners (Task 2.2), who will help to create the eFTI Gate reference technology and show its potential benefits in national and cross border pilots, with respect to multimodal transportation. The lead partners for co-development are Estonia, Finland and Germany, with support of other participant MSs.
Task 2.3 System development, testing and piloting
Testing will start under Task 2.3 with sample and simulation of data. Task 2.3 aims to get a functional solution as soon as possible and then further develop and test it in real life pilots (Task 2.4), involving economic operators and authorities.
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Task 2.4 Cross-border testing and pilots
National and corridor pilots with various eFTI use cases will be made together with economic operators representing different transport modes. For the corridor pilots, the TEN-T network is followed, and pilots should be designed to verify real commercial transportation along the corridors. In the North, North Sea – Baltic corridor and stakeholders along it will be engaged to pilots and the same will be done in the South on the Scandinavian Mediterranean corridor. The corridor covers road, rail and maritime transportation and all these will be integrated to pilots. EFTI4EU will cover all 9 Core Netwerk Corridors (CNCs). The corridor approach will be used to integrate both national and international transportations and to tests the whole message channel from information enquiry of Competent Authority (CA) to the data sharing of Economic Operator (EO) and how to enable information exchange between MS eFTI Gates. Target is to pilot different real life use cases in close collaboration with EOs and potential existing eFTI platforms. If commercial solutions are not available similar test solutions will be used to simulate the data exchange between EO and CA. With these pilots eFTI4 EU project team wants to ensure the DTLF requirement compliance of the developed eFTI gate reference model its capability in real world environment. At the same time pilots will enable opportunity to communicate and collect feedback from EOs and other relevant stakeholders. The purpose of the pilots is to cover full eFTI architecture and its components. And hence, to provide concrete experience and lessons learned from real world use cases and to adapt those into the reference solution, so that Member States are able to implement their operative eFTI Gates on time.
Target is to cover several eFTI Gate use cases and test these in different MSs and international corridors, so that in total the eFTI4EU project covers 4 main test use cases for eFTI GATES: 1. Test and pilot eFTI gate to competent authorities' data exchange (Pilot Group 1) 2. Test and pilot eFTI gate to eFTI platforms data exchange (Pilot Group 2) 3. Test and pilot eFTI gate to other eFTI gates data exchange (Pilot Group 3) 4. Test and pilot eFTI gate to other systems data exchange (Pilot Group 4)
1) Pilot Group 1 - eFTI Gate to CA will focus on pilots how to enable data and information exchange between the system and CAs. It will cover identification, authentication and authorization testing for several CA profiles with respect to their data enquiries. In addition, the pilots between eFTI-Gate and competent authorities holds the pilots and solutions to manage and coordinate the competent authority platforms and the eFTI-Gates coordination.
2) Pilot Group 2 - The pilots between eFTI-Gates and eFTI platforms will entail the testing of eFTI-Gates connectivity and data exchange, the metadata registries and search mechanism operations nationally and across borders. Some of the testing entails testing the push of metadata and unique links to the eFTI Gate. Some of the testing is coordinated highlighting border crossing use cases. In general, these tests highlight the data exchange between the EOs and eFTI Gates.
3) Pilot Group 3 - Pilots of eFTI-Gate to eFTI-Gate holds the international corridor testing of the entire eFTI exchange environment in exchanging and passing on the query between eFTI Gates and CAs. These pilots will emphasize the interoperability between national systems.
4) Pilot Group 4 - Final use case category focuses on the interoperability and connection between eFTI Gates and other linked systems, such as Information Management System for Official Controls (IMSOC) and European Maritime Single Window (EMSW). Under this pilot the aim is to study and test how these systems together can help CAs and EOs to digitalize their logistics processes and tasks.
For all the pilots, the aim in WP 1 with WP 2 support is to jointly develop a control and monitoring system with a set of KPIs, which can be used to enable verification and evaluation of the pilot results and output. Co-development and piloting will result in deliverables as set below. The scope of co-development and piloting is defined by the number of use cases and budget of the participating MS. Based on these evaluations the Project Coordination Committee needs to approve the eFTI gate reference model (I.e. release 0.5 and release 0.9), which can be further developed and finally presented as a desired eFTI gate reference model of the eFTI4EU project. The eFTI gate reference model, should be easily adopted and transferred to the operational eFTI systems of MSs. Each use case is associated with a specific set of requirements and interoperability, technical-level and service-level KPIs, that cover all transport modes and focus on capability and usage of eFTI Gates. However, pilots will cover the whole eFTI message channel from the Economic Operator to eFTI platform and from there to eFTI Gate and further on to Competent Authorities, with respect to metadata, information enquiry and data sharing identification-authentication-authorization aspects and linked systems when alternating between different modes of transport and when crossing internal EU borders. In parallel with pilots, an important part of WP2 is also a co-development of eFTI gate reference model between MSs. Co-development means actual shared architecture and development actions. WP2’s aim is to develop simplified systems, which will succeed in all above mentioned eFTI Gate use cases and can be approved by MSs, but without operative Generic User Interfaces (GUIs) and operation models.
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Iteration is necessary in co-development to ensure that potential improvements are applied to the components of the reference implementation through feedback so that regression testing can be performed to ensure that the basic target KPIs are achieved. It is also necessary to provide feedback to WP1 so that improvements can be incorporated into the specifications or governance processes as appropriate.
Task 2.5 Pilot results and analysis
Pilot results and findings will be disseminated both on national and international level among eFTI stakeholders (Task 2.5).
Work package WP3 – WP 3: Communication, Dissemination & Capacity Building
Work Package Number WP3 Lead Beneficiary 4. CIRCLE SPA
Work Package Name WP 3: Communication, Dissemination & Capacity Building
Start Month 1 End Month 36
The WP3 will create the project dissemination and communication activities aiming to implement the dissemination of the project goals, eFTI gate reference implementation, test reports, pilot results, achievements, and other outputs and establish also capacity building activities.
WP3 is set in two layers:
1. Communication layer • A set of communication / information / training tools (including an eFTI hub, where the specifications and reference implementations on eFTI will be published on dedicated websites; • A set of national events in which MSs will communicate eFTI to Economic Operators and to a broader public; • A set of European workshops for very specific detailed issues; • 3 eFTI conferences (one per year).
2. eFTI Capacity Building layer • A series of workshops / on-site visits in which more advanced countries could transfer their knowledge and expertise to less advanced ones. This should include lessons learnt including onboarding trainings (webinars) in collaboration with the European Commission and the member states, associations and other projects; • A set of training courses to be delivered (for example monthly for CAs and EOs, also open to MSs not involved in the project), including knowledge sharing regarding implementation of open-source software and a learning material library and video repository to support member state and regional dissemination.
Work package WP4 – WP 4: Project management and coordination
Work Package Number WP4 Lead Beneficiary 1. MoClimate
Work Package Name WP 4: Project management and coordination
Start Month 1 End Month 36
WP 4 covers the management and coordination activities of eFTI4EU project required throughout its duration. Adequate administrative and technical organization structures, control procedures, quality and risk management, monitoring and auditing processes will be designed and followed as part of this activity. The results of this activity include the elaboration of a Project Management Plan, the Periodic reports, Financial Statements and delivery of the Final Reports (both financial and technical) for the Project.
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
The aim of this WP 4 is to cover the management tasks of the Project. These include adequate coordination actions, control procedures, quality management, risk management, monitoring mechanisms and publicity actions. WP4 objectives are: • Efficient management of the project, fulfilment of all administrative and financial requirements in full compliance with contractual requirements • Communication with the Member States Ministries, CINEA, the EC and between local decision makers & stakeholders (Port Authorities and logistic operators) • Set-up of the kick-off and regular project meetings. Organising the different projects meetings at regular intervals • Quality assurance of activities’ execution • Technical control of all activities ensuring the quality of work and the timely production of the deliverables. • Risk Management
In detail, the WP4 Project Management, will be responsible for the overall project coordination, management and reporting. Additionally, the interface to the European Commission will be taken over by the Project Management.
Task 4.1 Project Management and Controlling is the main task of the Project management team being secretariat activities to ensure that the project is managed and running according to the requirements of the Grant Agreement, Governance Handbook and the Consortium Agreement between the consortium partners and the EU Commission. This task includes:
• preparation, consolidation, finalization and submission of the financial reports, monitoring the expenses versus the budget; • review and monitor the project status and milestones; • consolidation of the project’s annual work program from all activities; • plan, manage and monitor incoming and outgoing deliverables of the project; • change management aspects: anticipate, evaluate, and manage changes in project structure, project participation by all partners, budget allocation changes, leadership appointments;. appointments; etc.; • escalation management, being the process of moving open issues of the project to a higher level for timely resolution as per decision levels as set by the organization chart; • risk management: create, monitor and update risk management plan + identify and mitigate project risks; • quality management: set up and monitor quality assurance process regarding the project’s deliverables and reports; • setup, generate and manage procedures, preparation of meeting minutes, templates and tools to support above tasks (including the initial creation of an eFTI4EU “brand” with logo, design, color scheme etc.); • setup, operation and management of a project management/document/collaboration platform; • provision of a virtual meeting (and webinar) solution to enable planned and ad-hoc virtual meetings of project partners (internally and with external partners).
All applicants will be active in this Work Package to fulfil their obligations related to their respective financial reporting and general project management tasks.
Task 4.2 Project Coordination Committee Support. Project Management Office (PMO) will support the Project Coordination Committee operationally and strategically in their tasks in cooperation with the European Commission services. The task therefore takes over the secretariat function. This includes the coordination of the topics to be discussed and the preparation of the meetings.
Task 4.3 Identification of actions needed. PMO will identify needs and future required actions for the progress of the project. This will be done by collecting unprocessed requirements from the working groups. These can be new challenges not yet foreseen or ideas for innovations that appear during the project’s implementation. On this basis, recommendations can be made for future projects or necessary measures in the current project. In addition, in the case of serious unforeseen issues that have a major impact on the project, this task will develop solution strategies that will be presented to the Project Coordination Committee for decision. In this way, this task essentially contributes to risk management.
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Staff effort per participant
Grant Preparation (Work packages - Effort screen) — Enter the info.
Participant WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 Total Person-Months
Total Person-Months 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Grant Preparation (Deliverables screen) — Enter the info.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online) Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement EU classified —RESTREINT-UE/EU-RESTRICTED, CONFIDENTIEL-UE/EU-CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET-UE/EU-SECRET under Decision 2015/444
Deliverable No
Deliverable Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Level Due Date (month)
D1.1 D1.1 Roadmap Workplan for MS including templates
WP1 5 - BMDV R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 3
D1.2 D1.2 eFTI System overview and interface specification
WP1 5 - BMDV R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 7
D1.3 D1.3 National eFTI Roadmaps WP1 5 - BMDV R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 11
D1.4 D1.4 eFTI System specifications (preliminary Versions)
WP1 5 - BMDV R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 12
D1.5 D 1.5 Reference implementation development plan
WP1 5 - BMDV R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 14
D1.6 D1.6 eFTI Gate service and content specification
WP1 5 - BMDV R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 14
D1.7 D1.7 Roadmap Status Report WP1 5 - BMDV R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 17
D1.8 D1.8 eFTI exchange environment test plan WP1 5 - BMDV R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 20
D1.9 D1.9 Legal implementation and certification strategy plan
WP1 5 - BMDV R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 26
D1.10 D1.10 eFTI Gate Strategy and Governance Model
WP1 5 - BMDV R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 29
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Grant Preparation (Deliverables screen) — Enter the info.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online) Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement EU classified —RESTREINT-UE/EU-RESTRICTED, CONFIDENTIEL-UE/EU-CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET-UE/EU-SECRET under Decision 2015/444
Deliverable No
Deliverable Name Work Package No
Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Level Due Date (month)
D1.11 D1.11 eFTI System specifications (final Versions)
WP1 5 - BMDV R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 31
D2.1 D2.1 eFTI4EU pilot plan WP2 7 - FI Transport&Co R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 11
D2.2 D2.2 Reference implementation release nr. 05 description and system test summary
WP2 7 - FI Transport&Co R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 21
D2.3 D2.3 Reference implementation release nr. 09 description and pilot result summary
WP2 7 - FI Transport&Co DEM — Demonstrator, pilot, prototype
SEN - Sensitive 33
D3.1 D3.1 Detailed Communication Plan WP3 1 - CCEU R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 3
D3.2 D3.2 Mid-Term Communication Report WP3 1 - CCEU R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 15
D3.3 D3.3 Final Communication Report WP3 1 - CCEU R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 30
D4.1 D4.1 Progress Report WP4 1 - MoClimate R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 14
D4.2 D4.2 Progress Report WP4 1 - MoClimate R — Document, report SEN - Sensitive 26
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Deliverable D1.1 – D1.1 Roadmap Workplan for MS including templates
Deliverable Number D1.1 Lead Beneficiary 5. BMDV
Deliverable Name D1.1 Roadmap Workplan for MS including templates
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 3 Work Package No WP1
Detailed workplan and template to provide a harmonized structure for the national roadmaps
Deliverable D1.2 – D1.2 eFTI System overview and interface specification
Deliverable Number D1.2 Lead Beneficiary 5. BMDV
Deliverable Name D1.2 eFTI System overview and interface specification
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 7 Work Package No WP1
Architectural system overview on the eFTI exchange environment and identification of relevant interfaces
Deliverable D1.3 – D1.3 National eFTI Roadmaps
Deliverable Number D1.3 Lead Beneficiary 5. BMDV
Deliverable Name D1.3 National eFTI Roadmaps
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 11 Work Package No WP1
National eFTI roadmap for each participating MS
Deliverable D1.4 – D1.4 eFTI System specifications (preliminary Versions)
Deliverable Number D1.4 Lead Beneficiary 5. BMDV
Deliverable Name D1.4 eFTI System specifications (preliminary Versions)
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 12 Work Package No WP1
Functional description of all (standard) systems involved in the eFTI exchange environment and description of the respective requirements according to provided eFTI DA and IA and relevant control use cases including appropriate technical, service-level and interoperability KPI targets Amended final versions of the eFTI System specifications after implementation and test experiences
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Deliverable D1.5 – D 1.5 Reference implementation development plan
Deliverable Number D1.5 Lead Beneficiary 5. BMDV
Deliverable Name D 1.5 Reference implementation development plan
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 14 Work Package No WP1
Definition of development phases for the co-development of the reference implementation
Deliverable D1.6 – D1.6 eFTI Gate service and content specification
Deliverable Number D1.6 Lead Beneficiary 5. BMDV
Deliverable Name D1.6 eFTI Gate service and content specification
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 14 Work Package No WP1
Functional description of relevant eFTI Gate services (e.g., internal/external authentication, eFTI platform related services, eFTI Gate to eFTI Gate services, logging, search mechanism etc.) and specification of relevant registries (eFTI Platforms Metadata, links, etc.)
Deliverable D1.7 – D1.7 Roadmap Status Report
Deliverable Number D1.7 Lead Beneficiary 5. BMDV
Deliverable Name D1.7 Roadmap Status Report
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 17 Work Package No WP1
Summary on national roads maps: Analysis of commonalities and differences
Deliverable D1.8 – D1.8 eFTI exchange environment test plan
Deliverable Number D1.8 Lead Beneficiary 5. BMDV
Deliverable Name D1.8 eFTI exchange environment test plan
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 20 Work Package No WP1
Definition of national and cross-border test cases for the eFTI exchange environment
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Deliverable D1.9 – D1.9 Legal implementation and certification strategy plan
Deliverable Number D1.9 Lead Beneficiary 5. BMDV
Deliverable Name D1.9 Legal implementation and certification strategy plan
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 26 Work Package No WP1
Definition of national strategies and processes for each MS with regard to the legal introduction of eFTI Gates and the introduction of national certification processes for eFTI Gates and platforms
Deliverable D1.10 – D1.10 eFTI Gate Strategy and Governance Model
Deliverable Number D1.10 Lead Beneficiary 5. BMDV
Deliverable Name D1.10 eFTI Gate Strategy and Governance Model
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 29 Work Package No WP1
Common rules for eFTI Gates (e.g., rules for onboarding of eFTI platforms, rights and duties) and maintenance
Deliverable D1.11 – D1.11 eFTI System specifications (final Versions)
Deliverable Number D1.11 Lead Beneficiary 5. BMDV
Deliverable Name D1.11 eFTI System specifications (final Versions)
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 31 Work Package No WP1
Deliverable D2.1 – D2.1 eFTI4EU pilot plan
Deliverable Number D2.1 Lead Beneficiary 7. FI Transport&Co
Deliverable Name D2.1 eFTI4EU pilot plan
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 11 Work Package No WP2
Detailed description and work plan for all national and cross-border pilots and pre-testing.
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Deliverable D2.2 – D2.2 Reference implementation release nr. 05 description and system test summary
Deliverable Number D2.2 Lead Beneficiary 7. FI Transport&Co
Deliverable Name D2.2 Reference implementation release nr. 05 description and system test summary
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 21 Work Package No WP2
Documented description of reference implementation and test results including recommendations and updated test plan.
Deliverable D2.3 – D2.3 Reference implementation release nr. 09 description and pilot result summary
Deliverable Number D2.3 Lead Beneficiary 7. FI Transport&Co
Deliverable Name D2.3 Reference implementation release nr. 09 description and pilot result summary
Type DEM — Demonstrator, pilot, prototype
Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 33 Work Package No WP2
Documented description of reference implementation and pilot and test results including recommendations for MS eFTI implementation.
Deliverable D3.1 – D3.1 Detailed Communication Plan
Deliverable Number D3.1 Lead Beneficiary 1. CCEU
Deliverable Name D3.1 Detailed Communication Plan
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 3 Work Package No WP3
Description and detailed planning
Deliverable D3.2 – D3.2 Mid-Term Communication Report
Deliverable Number D3.2 Lead Beneficiary 1. CCEU
Deliverable Name D3.2 Mid-Term Communication Report
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 15 Work Package No WP3
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Intermediate Report on Communication activities
Deliverable D3.3 – D3.3 Final Communication Report
Deliverable Number D3.3 Lead Beneficiary 1. CCEU
Deliverable Name D3.3 Final Communication Report
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 30 Work Package No WP3
Final Report on Communication activities
Deliverable D4.1 – D4.1 Progress Report
Deliverable Number D4.1 Lead Beneficiary 1. MoClimate
Deliverable Name D4.1 Progress Report
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 14 Work Package No WP4
The report will be prepared using the respective template provided in the portal. It will detail the actual progress of the project, per WP, for the period from M1 until M12. It will also refer to the main implementation issues, milestones, events or factors that affected the progress of the project. Finally, it will also include the planned progress per WP until the end of the project.
Deliverable D4.2 – D4.2 Progress Report
Deliverable Number D4.2 Lead Beneficiary 1. MoClimate
Deliverable Name D4.2 Progress Report
Type R — Document, report Dissemination Level SEN - Sensitive
Due Date (month) 26 Work Package No WP4
The report will be prepared using the respective template provided in the portal. It will detail the actual progress of the project, per WP, for the period from M13 until M24. It will also refer to the main implementation issues, milestones, events or factors that affected the progress of the project. Finally, it will also include the planned progress per WP until the end of the project.
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Grant Preparation (Milestones screen) — Enter the info.
Milestone No
Milestone Name Work Package No Lead Beneficiary Means of Verification Due Date (month)
1 Kick-Off meeting WP1 5-BMDV Kick-Off Meeting minutes with eFTI4EU partners to initiate the work on WP1 and in particular prepare the work in Task 1.1 and 1.2. with validation by the Project Board
2 Roadmap Workplan templates WP1 5-BMDV National Roadmap for each participating MS, including roadmap templates and the timeframe with validation by the Project Board
3 Progress on technical specifications to comply with eFTI requirements
WP1 5-BMDV Interim report on technical specifications needed (at least for an eFTI Gate) to translate eFTI Implementing Act and related technical annexes into workable functional specifications that can be used for public procurement. To comply to eFTI requirements (=D1.5) with validation by the Project Board
4 Roadmap report ready WP1 5-BMDV Roadmap Status Report (Summary on national road maps: Analysis of commonalities and differences) with validation by the Project Board
5 End of technical specifications to comply with eFTI requirements
WP1 5-BMDV Final report on technical specifications to comply with eFTI requirements (=D1.6) with its validation by the Project Board
6 eFTI Gate reference implementation release nr. 05
WP2 7-FI Transport&Co eFTI Gate reference implementation model release nr. 05 and its approval by the Project Board
7 Demo-Day on end-of-testing and eFTI implementation
WP2 7-FI Transport&Co Minutes of the public meeting (also available online) to show the eFTI developments and
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Grant Preparation (Milestones screen) — Enter the info.
Milestone No
Milestone Name Work Package No Lead Beneficiary Means of Verification Due Date (month)
integrations carried out by eFTI4EU partners on production environment
8 End of the development and integration of the eFTI components
WP2 7-FI Transport&Co Final version on the eFTI gate components and its approval by the Project Board
9 eFTI Gate reference implementation release nr. 09
WP2 7-FI Transport&Co eFTI Gate reference model release nr. 09 documentation approved by the Project Board
10 Kick off of the digital communication campaigns
WP3 1-CCEU Project publications on internet and social network
11 WP 3 Intermediate Assessment WP3 1-CCEU Evaluation of the different tools and events and corrective actions Publication of Mid-Term Communication Report
12 WP 3 Final Assessment WP3 1-CCEU Evaluation of the different tools and events. Publication Final Communication Report
13 Project status meeting WP4 1-MoClimate Project status meeting minutes 14
14 Progress status meeting WP4 1-MoClimate Project status meeting minutes 26
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Critical risks & risk management strategy
Grant Preparation (Critical Risks screen) — Enter the info.
Risk number
Description Work Package No(s)
Proposed Mitigation Measures
1 Partner/Member State (MS) leaves the eFTI4EU project, political climate changes Impact = Medium, Chance = Low
WP4, WP1, WP3, WP2
Participation in eFTI4EU is a high-level decision for all participants. As internal communication and coordination is organized properly and partners are actively involved via WP4, problems can be detected, discussed and resolved within the project at a very early stage.
2 Unforeseen difficulties for the eFTI4EU Partners/ MS (political, economic, technical, financial, organisational) Impact = Medium, Chance = Medium
WP4, WP1, WP3, WP2
The eFTI4EU Coordinator and the PCC are in contact with the Partner/MS on a regular basis to inform each other about problems and progress where needed. In case of major difficulties, the coordinator is therefore informed in due time to inform the related MS and to elaborate on alternative concepts to achieve the eFTI4EU objectives. In the case of new technical challenges Task 4.3 will address those and prepare solution options to decide in the project coordination committee.
3 Milestones are not met Impact = High, Chance = Medium
WP4, WP1, WP3, WP2
An appropriate project monitoring according to the project Handbook is set up to detect deviations from plans in a timely manner. Critical deviations will be limited, and alternatives will be prepared and put in place. Official and formal risk management procedures will be activated and performed by the coordinator until the risk is under control again. CINEA will be continually informed about risks occurring to minimise the impact.
4 Delays with regard to the eFTI time plan of the European Commission, DA or IA not adopted Impact = High, Chance = Medium
WP4, WP1, WP3, WP2
Delays regarding the eFTI time plan, in particular about the provision of the planned DA and IA will have a direct impact on specifications or the planning and development of reference implementations and pilots within the MS and last but not least to availability of operational eFTI environment in August 2025. The project coordination committee will consult CINEA and the European Commission to find a proper solution (e.g., project extension, specific degree of implementation, etc.).
5 COVID pandemic extends for a longer period Impact = Medium, Chance = Low
WP4, WP1, WP3, WP2
Stakeholder engagement and fall-back to digital/virtual way of project management risk management will be put in place.
6 Not all stakeholders consulted - Not enough focus on the important stakeholders. Impact -medium, Chance = medium
WP4, WP1, WP3, WP2
For all the business process, make a list of actor types involved in these processes such as enforcing authorities, transport operators, IT developers, prof. organisations, make sure that they or their interest groups are consulted and/or involved. Make a stakeholder analysis.
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Critical risks & risk management strategy
Grant Preparation (Critical Risks screen) — Enter the info.
Risk number
Description Work Package No(s)
Proposed Mitigation Measures
For each concept, topic or projects and for each actor type define their attitude against these concept, topic or projects by making a power/ interest matrix. No effort goes to low power - low interest stakeholders and the high interest - high power stakeholders are actively managed.
7 Dissemination and communication not tailored to the target audience Impact -medium, Chance = low WP4
WP4 From previous stakeholder analysis target by topic the message to the audience. Define in a stakeholder management plan or communication plan.
8 Availability of resources is limited, not sufficient Impact -medium, Chance = medium
WP4, WP1, WP3, WP2
The project team has a back-up of most important profiles, The direct/indirect (through subcontracting) involvement of renowned organizations includes back-up procedures as to resources. Covid measures are common practice now.
9 Resistance regarding data sharing and nondisclosure of data formats Impact -high, Chance = medium
WP2 Close stakeholder cooperation to create mutual trust and willingness to share data
10 Conflicts in consortium Impact -medium, Chance = low
WP4, WP1, WP3, WP2
Experienced project coordination committee member and clearly defined project and organisation management structure; transparent project management & implementation; open discussion with partners to address problem
11 Insufficient alignment between project scope and DTLF and DTLF’s subgroup, eFTI regulation Impact -medium, Chance = low
WP1, WP2 The consortium includes partners that actively participate in DTLF ever since its foundation (2014), having a profound understanding of existing Databases, IT architecture, applications, it gaps and fits, and participates in discussions related to drafting DTLF III and eFTI II- regulation. The consortium includes also the leading consultant supporting DGMOVE for the IAs DAs release
12 Insufficient testing and capacity (expertise, infrastructure) Impact -medium, Chance = medium
WP2 Besides the rich experience of consortium partners there is a testing environment available to allow extensive testing, valorisation. Testing is as much as possible part of training sessions, but also a sufficient number of additional testers are available.
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Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Description of the action (DoA) Part B
Version 1.0
28 September, 2023
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Grant Preparation (General Information screen) — Enter the info.
Project number: 101122891
Project name: electronic Freight Transport Information for Europe
Project acronym: 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU
Type of action: CEF-INFRA
Service: CINEA/B/02
Project starting date: fixed date: 1 April 2023
Project duration: 36 months
TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION (PART B) ........................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 0. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
A. Global project and a wider context .............................................................................................................................. 2
B. General Description of the Project and Location ....................................................................................................... 3
C. Justification for the Project ......................................................................................................................................... 5
D. Overall objectives ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
E. Specific objectives and how they will be met .............................................................................................................. 6
ANNEXES ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Project description, scope and objectives
A. Global Project and wider context
The efficiency of freight transport and logistics is vital for the growth and competitiveness of the Union’s economy, the
functioning of the internal market and the social and economic cohesion of all regions of the Union.
The overall aim of Regulation EU No 2020/1056 on electronic Freight Transport Information (in short “eFTI”) are:
● to encourage the digitalization of freight transport and logistics
● to reduce administrative costs, improve enforcement capabilities of competent authorities,
● and to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of transport.
The movement of goods, including waste and dangerous goods, is accompanied by a large amount of information which is
still exchanged mainly in paper format among businesses, and between businesses and competent authorities. The use of
paper documents represents a significant administrative burden for logistics operators and an additional cost for logistics
operators and related industries (such as trade and manufacturing), in particular for SMEs, and has a negative impact on the
The objective of the Global Project is the full adoption of eFTI Regulation by Member States in all modes of
The global and wider context is to be found in the implementation by Member States of the eFTI Regulation, the competent
authorities will be required to accept information made available electronically, that is whenever economic operators are
obliged to make information available as proof of compliance with requirements laid down in Union legal acts covered by
the Regulation.
Based on the work done so far, in 2023 the Delegated Act (DA) on eFTI Data Set and Subsets, the Implementing Act on
common rules for authorities and the Implementing Act (IA) on requirements for eFTI platforms and service providers will
be published by the European Commission. In 2024, the rules on certification of eFTI platforms and service providers will
be set upon a dedicated Delegated Act. By August 2025 all EU Member States need to have proper aligned systems in place,
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
which allow their competent authorities to accept electronic freight information presented by economic operators via
certified eFTI-platforms, e.g., when a transport is checked.
This project is the first action of the Global Project and will assist the Member States in preparing for the full implementation
of the eFTI regulation. by:
● supporting Member States, Competent Authorities and Economic Operators towards and harmonised eFTI
● translating Delegated Acts and Implementing Acts in a common reference implementation
● supporting the creation of and effective eFTI environment
● delivering robust pilots
The global project follows the timeline of eFTI implementation as set forward by the European Commission (EC), as
depicted below.
B. General Description of the Project and Location
The project eFTI4EU starts between the provision of the eFTI implementing and delegated acts and the final interoperable
implementation of the technical systems. It will encourage Member States to join forces, face the upcoming eFTI
requirements, work jointly on common specifications and take profit of a well harmonised European wide eFTI exchange
environment according to the regulation.
The project will support the process of implementation of the eFTI regulation in digitalizing freight transport and logistics.
It will contribute to the implementation of a seamless paperless information exchange between businesses and authorities.
The project will develop systems/IT platforms to be used by the competent authorities to access and process information
electronically on a non-discriminatory basis and in accordance with Regulation EU 2020/1056 on electronic Freight
Transport Information (eFTI).
Within this project and its WPs eFTI4EU Partners and associated partners will join forces to:
WP1 Horizontal Work:
● collect authorities’ road maps and support the exchange and common understanding of requirements; preparatory works
to implement eFTI
● cooperate with European or corridor-specific initiatives related to specific transport modes or goods. For example, Inland
● analyse and implement B2A (national and cross-border) eFTI processes on functional level and in a harmonised way
● initiate a comprehensive cross-member state co-development of the eFTI exchange environment to ensure interoperability
● think beyond implementation and develop eFTI Gate strategy and governance (e.g., maintenance and service level
● to enable day-to-day operations by addressing topics like legal implementation, certification, and accessibility
WP2 National and Corridor Pilots:
● focus on capability and usage of eFTI Gates
● integrate national and corridor B2A eFTI processes on functional level for all transport modes
● enable pilot planning, collaboration, testing (in particular with regards to interoperability) and knowledge sharing
WP3 Communication, Dissemination & Capacity Building:
● Building capacity and disseminate the result and accelerate the eFTI implementation effort for other member states that
are not joining this project
● involve external stakeholders to promote eFTI (in particular economic operators which should make use of the opportunity
of digitalised transport information)
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
WP4 Project Management and coordination:
● ensure the smooth (administrative) progress of the project and fulfil the planned activities with the possibility to meet
unforeseen challenges
As expected, outcomes and results of the Project, the participants will take profit of:
● pioneering information and knowledge about eFTI
● shared resources, co-creation and co-development for eFTI
● profound information and lessons learnt about eFTI architecture and pilots
● reference architecture to support eFTI implementation
In detail the project (that is a study including pilots) comprises the following:
● Provision of national eFTI roadmaps
● Participation in the horizontal alignment work package to promote harmonisation of eFTI development and
interoperability between Member States. This also covers the specification and the common co-development of eFTI
reference implementations (eFTI platform and eFTI Gate)
● Communication and dissemination, knowledge sharing activities in the MSs to promote eFTI
● Development and piloting of an eFTI gate aligned with the jointly specified and developed reference implementation,
which could lead to a system that becomes operational in 2025
● eFTI gate pilots cover the following communication paths:
○ eFTI gate to competent authorities
○ eFTI gate to eFTI platforms
○ eFTI gate to other eFTI gates
○ eFTI gate to other linked systems
The project will be implemented by the following project partners:
• Nine (9) Member States as full beneficiaries (Estonia, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Lithuania,
Belgium); they are participating with their Ministry in charge of the eFTI implementation and / or with internal Agencies
acting on their behalf and /or in cooperation with selected IT companies for the pilot development. These partners are:
• Three (3) Member States participating as observers (Ireland, Spain and the Netherlands). These partners are:
• Four (4) eFTI Consultant Companies with top level expertise in eFTI:
• Three (3) IT companies providing software development for the pilots in their countries:
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
• Two (2) other beneficiaries for the specific eFTI implementation in Lithuania:
• One (1) international interministerial cooperation partnership (Northern Dimension Partnership for Transportation and
Logistics (NDPTL)) working under the international organisation Nordic Investment Bank (NIB). NDPTL is a
transboundary initiative and network of transport Ministries in northern Europe (in its current format consisting of the nine
partners: Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the European Commission. The key
focus areas of recent NDPTL work include digitalization and green transition in transport. NDPTL has a secretariat, hosted
by the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB). As NDPTL Secretariat does not have legal identity, NIB acts on behalf of NDPTL
based on the NDPTL Secretariat Agreement -concluded between NIB and the participating countries. The role of NDPTL
in the EFTI4EU project includes engaging and involving relevant public bodies from those NDPTL countries, which are not
direct project partners in project activities (Latvia, Poland, Norway & Sweden). In addition, the NDPTL network, consisting
of regular meetings of representatives of Transport/Foreign Affairs Ministries & DGs - the nine partners mentioned above,
will facilitate intergovernmental dialogue on, and
dissemination of, project activities and results.
The scope of the eFTI4EU project includes all 27 Member States, different modes of transports (road, rail, inland navigation,
air and maritime) and administrations that are impacted by the EU 2020/1056 regulation. This will be achieved by a
European eFTI reference architecture and its cross-border pilots. Ultimately, the project will support the vision of generating
digital and vibrant eFTI Core Network Corridors across the EU.
The project will be executed in 9 EU Member States (Estonia, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Portugal, Austria,
Lithuania, Belgium) with cross border pilots that will also be exploited in all the 9 Core Network Corridors.
eFTI4EU Project Partners
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
TEN T Corridors
C. Justification for the Project
Through the eFTI Regulation EU 2020/1056, the EU wants to boost and harmonise the digitalization of logistics and
transport. For companies eFTI provides a good opportunity to move from paper documents to digital data exchange and
hence streamline their own processes. Based on industry comments the savings can be above EUR 10 per digital cargo
document from the process point of view.
While the deadline to implement eFTI is getting closer (operational in August 2025) all authorities in the EU Member States
need to speed up and prepare to meet the upcoming requirements in a rather quick manner - e.g., they need to join together
and agree on rules to manage cross-border eFTI dataset requests, set up their data exchange readiness and instruct
local/international eFTI platforms on the connectivity.
In other words, based upon the regional differences, existing or new platforms and ecosystems have to be integrated or made
interoperable across the EU in such a way that all competent authorities could equally well exchange the required data - a
task that a single Member States (MS) cannot solve alone.
The questions of Member States currently are:
● On which (certified) eFTI Platform can an authority find the appropriate eFTI Data Set in case of a check?
● How can an authority trust and verify transport information that is presented in an electronic format?
● How can an economic operator trust and verify that a public officer has the mandate to request transport
● How to define the rules and set up national query systems to fit all international destinations for queries?
● How (if) should a MS set up an eFTI Gate without “discovering” its rules on its own?
● How to set up a well-functioning eFTI architecture and eFTI Gate?
● How can economic operators be encouraged to accept and use the implementation of eFTI?
● How does the budget and funding calculation timeline for MS look like (individual implementation roadmaps)?
To face this challenge Digital Transport and Logistic Forum Experts join together with various national and regional
authorities they already cooperate with.
The foundation of the project will be based on the eFTI Regulation and the related IAs and Das that will serve as starting
points for all the project activities.
The project follows the vision of eFTI that this task can be efficiently managed by an architecture comprising a federated,
coordinated (harmonised) and trusted eFTI network. Therefore, e.g., existing systems (UNECE eDGTI dangerous goods
system), EU building blocks and proven practices of previous CEF and Horizon projects (e.g., FENIX, FEDeRATED,
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
DIGINNO Proto, etc.) could be reused and, if necessary, adapted to fulfil the eFTI requirements (Delegated Acts - DAs-
and Implementing Acts - IAs).
In order to get an overview of the current state of eFTI development in the Member States, the project supports the creation
of individual roadmaps for all participating Member States, which serve for further cooperation and as a foundation for joint
Following the project vision, a trusted network of eFTI Gates or similar services have to be developed. For that, the project
envisages support in planning, organising and coordinating harmonised rules for platforms and components. The national
ecosystems which manage the data exchange between eFTI Gate and eFTI Platforms can be different and to some extent
the functional and technical national or regional eFTI Gate structure could be different. Yet, they all have to communicate
with each other in cases of authority queries on eFTI datasets. Eventually new mechanisms could be built on jointly evolved
building blocks. Jointly developed and used building blocks will be tested and piloted to ensure interoperability.
Frontrunner MS will do first developments / implementations and perform (cross-border) interoperability pilots and checks.
For the harmonised eFTI data exchange common open-source solutions or modules will be specified and used. This requires
a common understanding of rules and specifications to be followed.
The project will be carried out in compliance with relevant Union and national laws, in particular with Union legal acts on
the environment, climate protection, safety, security, competition, state aid, public procurement, public health and
eFTI4EU project aims at development of all the components of the systems/IT platforms to be used by the competent
authorities to access and process information electronically in accordance with the provisions of the eFTI Regulation and
its implementing and delegated acts, including:
● Pilot testing of exchanges with IT platforms of the economic operators (when adapted to meet the specifications
for eFTI platforms in line with eFTI implementing and delegated acts)
● Knowledge and good practice sharing with other Member States, including technical implementation guides
● Communication measures aimed at awareness raising and training of responsible officials in the competent
authorities concerned
Digital platforms developed under eFTI4EU aim to be accessible for use by all operators on a non-discriminatory basis.
The studies conducted will be an effort to fill the gaps and align specifications across borders, while the pilots serve as
contact points and possible testbeds for the Members States and European Commission, the businesses and platforms that
are to be developed within and aside the project. Both the organisations in Member States of the project implementation and
in the Member States outside this project are welcome to reap the practical benefits of the pilots while they are being
developed and while these are being implemented.
The output of the project and its deliverables are direct tools and input for policy making, development and pooling of best
practices on eFTI and digitalisation of transport and trade data through the application date of eFTI on August 2025,
including the period after reflecting the assessment of the Regulation and the identified needs for amendments or further
specifications for the next stages of decision-making related to the full FTI implementation in segments that might – for
example - need a longer transition period.
D. Overall objective
The Project's overall objectives are in line with the overall aim of the Regulation EU No 2020/1056, commonly known as
"eFTI electronic Freight Transport Information."
These objectives include:
- Promoting the digitalization of freight transport and logistics.
Decreasing administrative expenses and strengthening the enforcement capabilities of competent authorities. - Enhancing
the efficiency and sustainability of transportation.
E. Specific objectives and how they will be met
The specific objectives are:
- to identify, by means of country-specific roadmaps, inter alia, the inventory of existing reusable systems,
requirements for national eFTI implementation, resource needs (financial and technical) and requirements for the
long-term operation of the eFTI exchange environment
- to analyse the DA and IA proposed by the EU Commission and jointly translate them into harmonised technical
specifications, thus providing Member States with solid specifications, e.g., for the development/tendering of an
eFTI gate
- to develop national and cross-border test strategies to test the eFTI exchange environment
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Project: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
- to develop a strategy for an open-source reference implementation of an eFTI gate
- to develop an agreed governance model that describes general rules for eFTI gates and the maintenance of the
- to test and pilot
o eFTI gate to competent authorities' data exchange,
o eFTI gate to eFTI platforms data exchange,
o eFTI gate to other eFTI gates data exchange,
o eFTI gate to other liked systems data exchange.
- to support a wide communication, awareness raising, and cross fertilisation and capacity building activities
supporting a harmonised eFTI development including;
o a set of communication /information / training tools,
o a set of national events in which MSs will communicate eFTI to EOs and to a broader public,
o a set of European workshops for very specific detailed issues,
o 3 yearly eFTI conferences,
o a series of workshops / on-site visits,
o onboarding trainings (webinars) and a set of training courses.
This will be organised in 4 Work Packages (listed below) with specific outcomes as described in the DoA Part A:
➢ WP1 Horizontal Work
➢ WP2 National and Corridor Pilots
➢ WP3 Communication, Dissemination & Capacity Building
➢ WP4 Project Management and coordination
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1. Subcontracting table
Give details on subcontracted action tasks (if any).
Subcontracts must be awarded using your usual purchasing practices – provided that they ensure best value for money and no conflict of interests. If you are a ‘contracting authority/entity’ within the meaning of the EU
Directives on public procurement, you must also comply with the applicable national law on public procurement.
Note: The coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted.
Task number to be
(follow the numbering in the
grant agreement)
Name of task to be subcontracted Description (Describe briefly the part of the task to be subcontracted and indicate the BEN/AE (affiliated entity)
Estimated Costs (EUR)
WP 1 Overall package lead The collection and evaluation of information, participation in EU IT-technical working
groups, analysis and evaluation of EU working papers and proposals regarding German
implementation conditions, impact assessments, preparation of the situation in Germany
about the state of preparation of the authorities, estimation of the costs for the BMDV and the
German authorities.
BEN: 06. DE BLM Bundesamt Logistik und Mobilität
Task 1.1, Task 1.2, Task
1.3, Task 1.4 (WP 1)
Task 1.1 Authorities’ Road map
(requirements and preparatory works)
Task 1.2 Interoperability of eFTI
exchange environment (planning,
reference specification, testing)
Task 1.3 eFTI Gate Strategy and
Governance (Common Rule Set)
Task 1.4 eFTI Gate Content and
Accessibility (e.g., Metadata, Access
Subcontracting costs for development of IT applications related to the pilots in WP 2. The
amount is for development of Functional and Technical design of reference architecture.
02. EE Digilogistika Keskus
03. LU 51biz Luxembourg
04. IT Circle Spa
04.1. IT Circle Connecting EU
06. DE BLM Bundesamt Logistik und Mobilität
08. AT SCHIG Schieneninfrastruktur-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft MBH
09. BE Ports and Terminals (PortExpertise)
12. FI Nordic Investment Bank
14. LT TIA Transport Innovation Association
15. FR Groupe IN Imprimerie Nationale SA
16 LT Valstybes Imone Klaipedos State Enterprise Klaipeda
18. BE SPW Service Public de Wallonie
15.1. FR Ministère de la transition écologique
Task 1.1, task 1.5 (WP 1) Task 1.1 Authorities roadmap
Task 1.5 Legal implementation and
Certification-related affairs and rules
Subcontracting cost for Legal expert on Member States’ legislation
06. DE BLM Bundesamt Logistik und Mobilität
08. AT SCHIG Schieneninfrastruktur-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft MBH
14. LT TIA Transport Innovation Association
15. FR Groupe IN Imprimerie Nationale SA
16 LT Valstybes Imone Klaipedos State Enterprise Klaipeda
18. BE SPW Service Public de Wallonie
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15.1. FR Ministère de la transition écologique
Task 1.1 (WP 1), Task
2.3 (WP 2)
Task 1.1 Authorities roadmap
Task 2.3 System development
Subcontracting cost for Cyber security expert(s)
02. EE Digilogistika Keskus
03. LU 51biz Luxembourg
04. IT Circle Spa
04.1. IT Circle Connecting EU
06. DE BLM Bundesamt Logistik und Mobilität
08. AT SCHIG Schieneninfrastruktur-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft MBH
09. BE Ports and Terminals (PortExpertise)
12. FI Nordic Investment Bank
14. LT TIA Transport Innovation Association
15. FR Groupe IN Imprimerie Nationale SA
16 LT Valstybes Imone Klaipedos State Enterprise Klaipeda
18. BE SPW Service Public de Wallonie
15.1. FR Ministère de la transition écologique
Task 1.4 (WP 1), Task
2.3 (WP2)
Task 1.4 eFTI Gate Content and
Accessibility (e.g., Metadata, Access
Task 2.3 System development, testing
and piloting
Data management services, supplier assistance for use of online tool for metadata
02. EE Digilogistika Keskus
03. LU 51biz Luxembourg
04. IT Circle Spa
04.1. IT Circle Connecting EU
06. DE BLM Bundesamt Logistik und Mobilität
08. AT SCHIG Schieneninfrastruktur-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft MBH
09. BE Ports and Terminals (PortExpertise)
12. FI Nordic Investment Bank
14. LT TIA Transport Innovation Association
15. FR Groupe IN Imprimerie Nationale SA
16 LT Valstybes Imone Klaipedos State Enterprise Klaipeda
18. BE SPW Service Public de Wallonie
15.1. FR Ministère de la transition écologique
Task 2.3, Task 2.4 (WP
Task 2.3 System development, testing
and piloting.
Task 2.4 Cross-border testing and
Specific IT and logistic expertise for the definition of the technical and functional
specifications of the solutions, for the implementations of the pilots and for the evaluation of
the results
02. EE Digilogistika Keskus
03. LU 51biz Luxembourg
04. IT Circle Spa
04.1. IT Circle Connecting EU
06. DE BLM Bundesamt Logistik und Mobilität
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1.0 28.09.2023 Initial version
08. AT SCHIG Schieneninfrastruktur-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft MBH
09. BE Ports and Terminals (PortExpertise)
12. FI Nordic Investment Bank
14. LT TIA Transport Innovation Association
15. FR Groupe IN Imprimerie Nationale SA
16 LT Valstybes Imone Klaipedos State Enterprise Klaipeda
18. BE SPW Service Public de Wallonie
15.1. FR Ministère de la transition écologique
WP 4 Final reporting: Certificate of the
financial statements (CFS)
Costs of auditing and administrative support(s) for the following project partners
02. EE Digilogistika Keskus
03. LU 51biz Luxembourg
04. IT Circle Spa
06. DE BLM Bundesamt Logistik und Mobilität
08. AT SCHIG Schieneninfrastruktur-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft MBH
09. BE Ports and Terminals (PortExpertise)
10. IT MIT Ministero delle infrastrutture e della mobilità sostenibili
15. FR Groupe IN Imprimerie Nationale SA
16 LT Valstybes Imone Klaipedos State Enterprise Klaipeda
18. BE SPW Service Public de Wallonie
15.1. FR Ministère de la transition écologique
Task 4.1 (WP 4) Task 4.1 Project management and
Subcontracting of a Lead technical workgroup
09. BE Ports and Terminals (PortExpertise)
Task 4.1 (WP 4) Task 4.1 Project management and
Subcontracting of assistants project management team (3 - 4 Full time Equivalent)
09. BE Ports and Terminals (PortExpertise)
Task 4.1 (WP 4) Task 4.1 Project management and
Quality control (quality management expert, writing quality guidelines, review work of
deliverables, language checks)
09. BE Ports and Terminals (PortExpertise)
Task 4.1 (WP 4) Task 4.1 Project management and
Graphics, and video’s support to create media to facilitate workshops, capacity building and
other dissemination levels on related to the project
09. BE Ports and Terminals (PortExpertise)
Total 16,759,849
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Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
Estimated eligible costs (per budget category) Estimated EU contribution
Direct costs Indirect costs EU contribution to eligible costs
A. Personnel costs B.
Subcontracting costs
C. Purchase costs D. Other cost categories E. Indirect costs
Total costs Funding rate %
Maximum EU
Requested EU
Total requested
EU contribution
C.1 Travel and subsistence A.1 Employees (or equivalent)
A.2 Natural persons under direct contract
A.3 Seconded persons
A.4 SME owners and natural person beneficiaries
Travel Accommodation Subsistence
C.2 Equipment
C.3 Other goods, works and services
D.1 Financial support to third parties
D.2 Studies D.3 Synergetic elements
D.4 Works in outermost regions
D.5 Land purchases
Forms of funding Actual costs
Unit costs (usual
accounting practices)
Unit costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Flat- rate costs
a1 a2 a3 b c1a c1b c1c c2 c3 d1a d2 d3 d4 d5 e1 f = a+b+c+d V, W, X g2 h m
Reporting period 1
1 - MoClimate 300 000.00 0.00 0.00 650 000.00 50 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 000 000.00 50, 50, 70 500 000.00 500 000.00 500 000.00
2 - DLK 355 000.00 0.00 0.00 284 000.00 35 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 710 000.00 50, 50, 70 355 000.00 355 000.00 355 000.00
3 - 51Biz LUXEMBURG 320 000.00 0.00 0.00 141 280.00 21 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 108 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 590 280.00 50, 50, 70 295 140.00 295 140.00 295 140.00
4 - CIRCLE SPA 648 000.00 0.00 0.00 30 000.00 12 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 710 000.00 50, 50, 70 355 000.00 355 000.00 355 000.00
4.1 - CCEU 383 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 415 000.00 50, 50, 70 207 500.00 207 500.00 207 500.00
5 - BMDV 72 000.00 0.00 0.00 2 292 000.00 36 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 400 000.00 50, 50, 70 1 200 000.00 1 200 000.00 1 200 000.00
6 - BALM 390 000.00 0.00 0.00 2 400 000.00 30 000.00 0.00 0.00 150 000.00 30 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 000 000.00 50, 50, 70 1 500 000.00 1 500 000.00 1 500 000.00
7 - FI Transport&Co 1 170 000.00 0.00 0.00 3 680 000.00 60 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 970 000.00 50, 50, 70 2 485 000.00 2 485 000.00 2 485 000.00
8 - SCHIG 240 000.00 0.00 0.00 480 000.00 40 000.00 0.00 0.00 40 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 800 000.00 50, 50, 70 400 000.00 400 000.00 400 000.00
8.1 - BMK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50, 50, 70 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 - PORTEXPERTISE 560 425.00 0.00 0.00 350 000.00 31 075.00 0.00 0.00 30 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 971 500.00 50, 50, 70 485 750.00 485 750.00 485 750.00
10 - MIT 15 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 000.00 50, 50, 70 7 500.00 7 500.00 7 500.00
10.1 - RAM SPA 355 000.00 0.00 0.00 330 000.00 25 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 710 000.00 50, 50, 70 355 000.00 355 000.00 355 000.00
11 - IMT, I. P. 1 345 000.00 0.00 0.00 130 000.00 25 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 500 000.00 50, 50, 70 750 000.00 750 000.00 750 000.00
12 - Nordic Invest 276 000.00 0.00 0.00 5 000.00 4 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 285 000.00 50, 50, 70 142 500.00 142 500.00 142 500.00
13 - NORM 190 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 000.00 50, 50, 70 100 000.00 100 000.00 100 000.00
14 - TIA 90 000.00 0.00 0.00 81 000.00 9 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 180 000.00 50, 50, 70 90 000.00 90 000.00 90 000.00
15 - Groupe IN 2 599 275.00 0.00 0.00 2 516 569.00 100 000.00 0.00 0.00 130 000.00 150 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 495 844.00 50, 50, 70 2 747 922.00 2 747 922.00 2 747 922.00
15.1 - French Ministry 50 000.00 0.00 0.00 900 000.00 50 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 000 000.00 50, 50, 70 500 000.00 500 000.00 500 000.00
16 - KLAIPEDA PORT 375 000.00 0.00 0.00 1 050 000.00 75 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 500 000.00 50, 50, 70 750 000.00 750 000.00 750 000.00
17 - LT MIN.TRANSP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50, 50, 70 0.00 0.00 0.00
18 - SPW 360 000.00 0.00 0.00 1 440 000.00 50 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 850 000.00 50, 50, 70 925 000.00 925 000.00 925 000.00
19 - LIW 40 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50 000.00 50, 50, 70 25 000.00 25 000.00 25 000.00
Total 10 133 700.00 0.00 0.00 16 759 849.00 685 575.00 0.00 0.00 350 000.00 423 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28 352 624.00 14 176 312.00 14 176 312.00 14 176 312.00
1 e = flat-rate * (a1 + a2 + a3 + b + c1a + c1b + c1c + c2 + c3 + d1a + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5) 2 g = (a1 + a2 + a3) * V% + b * V% + (c1a + c1b + c1c + c2 + c3) * V% + (d1a + d3 + d5) * V% + d2 * W% + d4 * X% + e * V%
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Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
The file is composed of 7 sheets (1- Start, 2 - Work packages, 3 - Participants, 4 - DB table, 5 - DB
table_Summary_WP, 6 - DB table_Summary_Participants, 7 - DB table_Consistency check).
This table complements the budget information you encode directly in the Funding & Tenders Portal. Make sure that
the information provided in the DB table is consistent with the information provided in the Funding & Tenders
You should submit the DB table as part of your proposal and grant preparation:
- for proposal: the table will be an Annex to your Application Form Part B. Complete and upload the table as an
Excel file in the Funding & Tenders Portal Submission System.
- for grant preparation: the table will become part of the Grant Agreement Annex 1 Description of the Action (DoA).
Complete and upload the table as an Excel File in the Funding & Tenders Portal Grant Preparation tool.
Getting started
Please complete the sheets in their order (Start - Work packages- Participants- DB table).
ATTENTION! White cells mean that you are required to enter data. Grey cells are calculated automatically.
1- Start sheet
Use this sheet to insert the generic data (project name and acronym). This information will be automatically copied
into the other sheets.
2 - Work packages sheet
Use this sheet to enter the names of work packages and the corresponding funding rates. The information provided
here needs to be consistent with the information provided in the Funding & Tenders Portal (Submission System for
the application & Grant Preparation Tool for grant preparation).
3 - Participants sheet
Use this sheet to enter the names of the applicants (for the proposal) or beneficiaries (for the grant preparation).
4 - Detailed budget table per WP
Encode the costs per beneficiary, work package and reporting periods:
- For proposal/grant preparation: encode the estimated costs (budget). These amounts should be based on
detailed, reasonable and accurate estimates. Keep sufficient documentation to be able to explain them if requested.
Please ensure to insert only costs that are eligible under the EU grant agreement (see eligibility article on eligible
and ineligible costs of the Model Grant Agreement). All estimated costs must be entered in EUR.
Names of work packages and the participants need to be chosen from the drop down menu. Sub-totals and totals
are calculated automatically (only white cells need to be filled in).
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Work package name Funding Rate
WP 1 Horizontal Work 50%
WP 2 National and Corridor Pilots 50%
WP 3 Communication, Dissemination & Capacity Building50%
WP 4 Project Management and coordination 50%
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Participant name
11. IT Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti
15. LT UAB Normalis TECH
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Work Package Participant Reporting period
Funding rate
(for work package) EU contribution
WP 1 Horizontal
01. EE
M 249.500,00 249.500,00 50% 124.750,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
01. EE
M 615.500,00 615.500,00 50% 307.750,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
01. EE
M 83.000,00 83.000,00 50% 41.500,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
01. EE
M 52.000,00 52.000,00 50% 26.000,00
WP 1 Horizontal
02. EE
KESKUS 285.420,00 285.420,00 50% 142.710,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
02. EE
KESKUS 307.430,00 307.430,00 50% 153.715,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
02. EE
KESKUS 69.580,00 69.580,00 50% 34.790,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
02. EE
KESKUS 47.570,00 47.570,00 50% 23.785,00
WP 1 Horizontal
03. LU 51BIZ
LUXEMBOURG SARL 200.695,00 200.695,00 50% 100.347,50
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
03. LU 51BIZ
LUXEMBOURG SARL 306.945,00 306.945,00 50% 153.472,50
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
03. LU 51BIZ
LUXEMBOURG SARL 47.223,00 47.223,00 50% 23.611,50
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
03. LU 51BIZ
LUXEMBOURG SARL 35.417,00 35.417,00 50% 17.708,50
WP 1 Horizontal
0,00 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
695.000,00 695.000,00 50% 347.500,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
5.000,00 5.000,00 50% 2.500,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
10.000,00 10.000,00 50% 5.000,00
WP 1 Horizontal
05. DE
680.040,00 680.040,00 50% 340.020,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
05. DE
1.458.360,00 1.458.360,00 50% 729.180,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
05. DE
138.000,00 138.000,00 50% 69.000,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
05. DE
123.600,00 123.600,00 50% 61.800,00
WP 1 Horizontal
MOBILITAT 666.000,00 666.000,00 50% 333.000,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
MOBILITAT 2.133.000,00 2.133.000,00 50% 1.066.500,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
MOBILITAT 135.000,00 135.000,00 50% 67.500,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
MOBILITAT 66.000,00 66.000,00 50% 33.000,00
WP 1 Horizontal
VIESTINTAVIRASTO 1.152.790,00 1.152.790,00 50% 576.395,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
VIESTINTAVIRASTO 2.560.260,00 2.560.260,00 50% 1.280.130,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
VIESTINTAVIRASTO 350.160,00 350.160,00 50% 175.080,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
VIESTINTAVIRASTO 906.790,00 906.790,00 50% 453.395,00
WP 1 Horizontal
08. AT
140.000,00 140.000,00 50% 70.000,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
08. AT
568.000,00 568.000,00 50% 284.000,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
08. AT
42.000,00 42.000,00 50% 21.000,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
08. AT
50.000,00 50.000,00 50% 25.000,00
WP 1 Horizontal
09. AT
0,00 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
09. AT
0,00 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
09. AT
0,00 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
09. AT
0,00 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 1 Horizontal
TERMINALS CVBA 37.500,00 37.500,00 50% 18.750,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
TERMINALS CVBA 140.000,00 140.000,00 50% 70.000,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
TERMINALS CVBA 60.000,00 60.000,00 50% 30.000,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
TERMINALS CVBA 734.000,00 734.000,00 50% 367.000,00
WP 1 Horizontal
11. IT Ministero delle
Infrastrutture e dei
Trasporti 5.000,00 5.000,00 50% 2.500,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
11. IT Ministero delle
Infrastrutture e dei
Trasporti 5.000,00 5.000,00 50% 2.500,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
11. IT Ministero delle
Infrastrutture e dei
Trasporti 5.000,00 5.000,00 50% 2.500,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
11. IT Ministero delle
Infrastrutture e dei
Trasporti 0,00 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 1 Horizontal
90.000,00 90.000,00 50% 45.000,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
370.000,00 370.000,00 50% 185.000,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
150.000,00 150.000,00 50% 75.000,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
100.000,00 100.000,00 50% 50.000,00
WP 1 Horizontal
80.000,00 80.000,00 50% 40.000,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
1.190.000,00 1.190.000,00 50% 595.000,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
80.000,00 80.000,00 50% 40.000,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
150.000,00 150.000,00 50% 75.000,00
WP 1 Horizontal
INVESTMENT BANK 225.000 225.000,00 50% 112.500,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
INVESTMENT BANK 0,00 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
INVESTMENT BANK 30.000 30.000,00 50% 15.000,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
INVESTMENT BANK 30.000 30.000,00 50% 15.000,00
WP 1 Horizontal
15. LT UAB Normalis
TECH 99.000,00 99.000,00 50% 49.500,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
15. LT UAB Normalis
TECH 52.000,00 52.000,00 50% 26.000,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
15. LT UAB Normalis
TECH 29.500,00 29.500,00 50% 14.750,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
15. LT UAB Normalis
TECH 19.500,00 19.500,00 50% 9.750,00
WP 1 Horizontal
ASOCIACIJA 48.600,00 48.600,00 50% 24.300,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
ASOCIACIJA 25.200,00 25.200,00 50% 12.600,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
ASOCIACIJA 93.150,00 93.150,00 50% 46.575,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
ASOCIACIJA 13.050,00 13.050,00 50% 6.525,00
WP 1 Horizontal
NATIONALE 747.759,00 747.759,00 50% 373.879,50
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
NATIONALE 4.080.473,00 4.080.473,00 50% 2.040.236,50
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
NATIONALE 218.227,50 218.227,50 50% 109.113,75
WP 4 Project
Management and
NATIONALE 449.384,50 449.384,50 50% 224.692,25
WP 1 Horizontal
170.000,00 170.000,00 50% 85.000,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
700.000,00 700.000,00 50% 350.000,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
72.500,00 72.500,00 50% 36.250,00
Reporting period can be added/deleted as needed
Project number:
Project acronym:
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
WP 4 Project
Management and
57.500,00 57.500,00 50% 28.750,00
WP 1 Horizontal
324.000 324.000,00 50% 162.000,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
977.250 977.250,00 50% 488.625,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
126.000 126.000,00 50% 63.000,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
72.750 72.750,00 50% 36.375,00
WP 1 Horizontal
0 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
0 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
0 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
0 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 1 Horizontal
WALLONIE 290.000 290.000,00 50% 145.000,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
WALLONIE 1.120.000 1.120.000,00 50% 560.000,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
WALLONIE 0 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
WALLONIE 440.000 440.000,00 50% 220.000,00
WP 1 Horizontal
WALLONIA 0 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots
WALLONIA 42.000 42.000,00 50% 21.000,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
WALLONIA 8.000 8.000,00 50% 4.000,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
WALLONIA 0,00 50% 0,00
WP 1 Horizontal
Work 23. IT CIRCLE
CONNECTING EU 80.000 80.000,00 50% 40.000,00
WP 2 National and
Corridor Pilots 23. IT CIRCLE
CONNECTING EU 160.000 160.000,00 50% 80.000,00
WP 3
Dissemination &
Capacity Building
CONNECTING EU 35.000 35.000,00 50% 17.500,00
WP 4 Project
Management and
CONNECTING EU 140.000 140.000,00 50% 70.000,00
Total 28.352.624,00 28.352.624,00 14.176.312,00
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ENCODE VALUE FROM EGRANTS 14.176.312,00 28.352.624,00
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Summary per work package
Row Labels
Sum of Total
Sum of EU
WP 1 Horizontal Work 5.571.304 100% 5.571.304 2.785.652 WP 2 National and Corridor Pilots 17.506.418 100% 17.506.418 8.753.209 WP 3 Communication, Dissemination & Capacity Building 1.812.758 100% 1.812.758 906.379 WP 4 Project Management and coordination 3.462.145 100% 3.462.145 1.731.072 Grand Total 28.352.624 100% 28.352.624 14.176.312,00
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Summary per Participant
Row Labels
Sum of Total
Sum of EU
.. 01. EE KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM2 1.000.000 1.000.000 500.000 02. EE DIGILOGISTIKA KESKUS 710.000 710.000 355.000 03. LU 51BIZ LUXEMBOURG SARL2 590.280 590.280 295.140 04. IT CIRCLE SPA 710.000 710.000 355.000 05. DE BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR DIGITALES UND VERKEHR 2.400.000 2.400.000 1.200.000 06. DE BUNDESAMT FUR LOGISTIK UND MOBILITAT 3.000.000 3.000.000 1.500.000 07. FI LIIKENNE JA VIESTINTAVIRASTO 4.970.000 4.970.000 2.485.000 08. AT SCHIENENINFRASTRUKTUR¬DIENSTLEISTUNGS-GESELLSCHAFT MBH 800.000 800.000 400.000 09. AT BUNDESMINISTERIUM FUER KLIMASCHUTZ, UMWELT, ENERGIE, MOBILITAET, INNOVATION UND TECHNOLOGIE2 - - - 10. BE PORTS AND TERMINALS CVBA2 971.500 971.500 485.750 11. IT Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti2 15.000 15.000 7.500 12. IT RETE AUTOSTRADE MEDITERRANEE PER LA LOGISTICA 710.000 710.000 355.000 13. PT INSTITUTO DA MOBILIDADE E DOS TRANSPORTES, I P 1.500.000 1.500.000 750.000 14. FI NORDIC INVESTMENT BANK 285.000 285.000 142.500 15. LT UAB Normalis TECH2 200.000 200.000 100.000 16. LT TRANSPORTO INOVACIJU ASOCIACIJA2 180.000 180.000 90.000 17. FR IMPRIMERIE NATIONALE 5.495.844 5.495.844 2.747.922 18. FR MINISTERE DE LA TRANSITION ECOLOGIQUE ET DE LA COHESION DES TERRITOIRES 1.000.000 1.000.000 500.000 19. LT VALSTYBES IMONE KLAIPEDOS VALSTYBINIO JURU UOSTO DIREKCIJA 1.500.000 1.500.000 750.000 20. LT LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS SUSISIEKIMO MINISTERIJA - - - 21. BE SERVICE PUBLIC DE WALLONIE 1.850.000 1.850.000 925.000 22. BE LOGISTICS IN WALLONIA 50.000 50.000 25.000 23. IT CIRCLE CONNECTING EU 415.000 415.000 207.500 Grand Total 28.352.624 28.352.624 14.176.312,00
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
5 & 6- DB summary sheets (for work packages and participants)
This sheet summarises the information of the DB table sheet. Do not modify the data here.
7 - DB consistency check sheet
This sheet allows you to perform a quick check on the final data (total costs and EU contribution) that you have
encoded in the DB table sheet and in Funding & Tenders Portal (Submission System for the application and Grant
Preparation Tool for grant preparation). Please encode the values from the Funding & Tenders Portal. In case a
difference is detected, please review your application/grant agreement to align the amounts.
Do NOT delete formulas or change the configuration of the file.
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Project number: SEP-210903819
Project acronym: eFTI4EU
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
Estimated eligible1 costs (per budget category) Estimated EU contribution2
Direct costs Indirect costs EU contribution to eligible costs
A. Personnel costs B.
Subcontracting costs
C. Purchase costs D. Other cost categories E. Indirect
Total costs Funding rate %4
Maximum EU
Requested EU
Maximum grant
C.1 Travel and subsistence A.1 Employees (or equivalent)
A.2 Natural persons under direct contract
A.3 Seconded persons
A.4 SME owners and natural person beneficiaries
B. Subcontracting
Travel Accommodation Subsistence
C.2 Equipment
C.3 Other goods, works and services
D.1 Financial support to third parties
D.2 Studies D.3 Synergetic elements
D.4 Works in outermost regions
D.5 Land purchases
E. Indirect costs
Forms of funding Actual costs
Unit costs (usual
accounting practices)
Unit costs7 Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Flat-rate
a1 a2 a3 b c1a c1b c1c c2 c3 d1a d2 d3 d4 d5 e9 f = a+b+c+d V, W, X g10 h m
1 - MoClimate 300 000.00 0.00 0.00 650 000.00 50 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 000 000.00 50, 50, 70 500 000.00 500 000.00 500 000.00
2 - DLK 355 000.00 0.00 0.00 284 000.00 35 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 710 000.00 50, 50, 70 355 000.00 355 000.00 355 000.00
3 - 51Biz LUXEMBURG 320 000.00 0.00 0.00 141 280.00 21 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 108 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 590 280.00 50, 50, 70 295 140.00 295 140.00 295 140.00
4 - CIRCLE SPA 648 000.00 0.00 0.00 30 000.00 12 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 710 000.00 50, 50, 70 355 000.00 355 000.00 355 000.00
4.1 - CCEU 383 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 415 000.00 50, 50, 70 207 500.00 207 500.00 207 500.00
5 - BMDV 72 000.00 0.00 0.00 2 292 000.00 36 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 400 000.00 50, 50, 70 1 200 000.00 1 200 000.00 1 200 000.00
6 - BALM 390 000.00 0.00 0.00 2 400 000.00 30 000.00 0.00 0.00 150 000.00 30 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 000 000.00 50, 50, 70 1 500 000.00 1 500 000.00 1 500 000.00
7 - FI Transport&Co 1 170 000.00 0.00 0.00 3 680 000.00 60 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 970 000.00 50, 50, 70 2 485 000.00 2 485 000.00 2 485 000.00
8 - SCHIG 240 000.00 0.00 0.00 480 000.00 40 000.00 0.00 0.00 40 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 800 000.00 50, 50, 70 400 000.00 400 000.00 400 000.00
8.1 - BMK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50, 50, 70 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 - PORTEXPERTISE 560 425.00 0.00 0.00 350 000.00 31 075.00 0.00 0.00 30 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 971 500.00 50, 50, 70 485 750.00 485 750.00 485 750.00
10 - MIT 15 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 000.00 50, 50, 70 7 500.00 7 500.00 7 500.00
10.1 - RAM SPA 355 000.00 0.00 0.00 330 000.00 25 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 710 000.00 50, 50, 70 355 000.00 355 000.00 355 000.00
11 - IMT, I. P. 1 345 000.00 0.00 0.00 130 000.00 25 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 500 000.00 50, 50, 70 750 000.00 750 000.00 750 000.00
12 - Nordic Invest 276 000.00 0.00 0.00 5 000.00 4 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 285 000.00 50, 50, 70 142 500.00 142 500.00 142 500.00
13 - NORM 190 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 000.00 50, 50, 70 100 000.00 100 000.00 100 000.00
14 - TIA 90 000.00 0.00 0.00 81 000.00 9 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 180 000.00 50, 50, 70 90 000.00 90 000.00 90 000.00
15 - Groupe IN 2 599 275.00 0.00 0.00 2 516 569.00 100 000.00 0.00 0.00 130 000.00 150 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 495 844.00 50, 50, 70 2 747 922.00 2 747 922.00 2 747 922.00
15.1 - French Ministry 50 000.00 0.00 0.00 900 000.00 50 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 000 000.00 50, 50, 70 500 000.00 500 000.00 500 000.00
16 - KLAIPEDA PORT 375 000.00 0.00 0.00 1 050 000.00 75 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 500 000.00 50, 50, 70 750 000.00 750 000.00 750 000.00
17 - LT MIN.TRANSP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50, 50, 70 0.00 0.00 0.00
18 - SPW 360 000.00 0.00 0.00 1 440 000.00 50 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 850 000.00 50, 50, 70 925 000.00 925 000.00 925 000.00
19 - LIW 40 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50 000.00 50, 50, 70 25 000.00 25 000.00 25 000.00
Σ consortium 10 133 700.00 0.00 0.00 16 759 849.00 685 575.00 0.00 0.00 350 000.00 423 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28 352 624.00 14 176 312.00 14 176 312.00 14 176 312.00
1 See Article 6 for the eligibility conditions. All amounts must be expressed in EUR (see Article 21 for the conversion rules). 2 The consortium remains free to decide on a different internal distribution of the EU funding (via the consortium agreement; see Article 7). 3 Indirect costs already covered by an operating grant (received under any EU funding programme) are ineligible (see Article 6.3). Therefore, a beneficiary/affiliated entity that receives an operating grant during the action duration cannot declare indirect costs for the year(s)/reporting period(s) covered by the operating grant, unless they can
demonstrate that the operating grant does not cover any costs of the action. This requires specific accounting tools. Please immediately contact us via the EU Funding & Tenders Portal for details. 4 See Data Sheet for the funding rate(s).
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Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0
5 This is the theoretical amount of the EU contribution to costs, if the reimbursement rate is applied to all the budgeted costs. This theoretical amount is then capped by the 'maximum grant amount'. 6 The 'maximum grant amount' is the maximum grant amount decided by the EU. It normally corresponds to the requested grant, but may be lower. 7 See Annex 2a 'Additional information on the estimated budget' for the details (units, cost per unit). 8 See Data Sheet for the flat-rate. 9 e = flat-rate * (a1 + a2 + a3 + b + c1a + c1b + c1c + c2 + c3 + d1a + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5)
10 g = (a1 + a2 + a3) * V% + b * V% + (c1a + c1b + c1c + c2 + c3) * V% + (d1a + d3 + d5) * V% + d2 * W% + d4 * X% + e * V%
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Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
SME owners/natural person beneficiaries without salary
See Additional information on unit costs and contributions (Annex 2a and 2b)
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
DIGILOGISTIKA KESKUS (DLK), PIC 892290391, established in TEADUSPARGI 6/1, TALLINN 12618, Estonia,
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-892290391_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
51BIZ LUXEMBOURG SARL (51Biz LUXEMBURG), PIC 951890877, established in MAISON 15, GREVENKNAPP 7433, Luxembourg,
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-951890877_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
CIRCLE SPA (CIRCLE SPA), PIC 946059916, established in VIA G. BATTISTA PERGOLESI 26, MILANO 20124, Italy,
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-946059916_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR DIGITALES UND VERKEHR (BMDV), PIC 996530374, established in Robert-Schuman-Platz 1, Bonn 53175, Germany,
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-996530374_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-884011344_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
LIIKENNE- JA VIESTINTAVIRASTO (FI Transport&Co), PIC 900306956, established in KUMPULANTIE 9, HELSINKI 00520, Finland,
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-900306956_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-887660387_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-933959457_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti (MIT), PIC 996445790, established in Via Nomentana, 2, Roma 00161, Italy,
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-996445790_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-966290430_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
NORDIC INVESTMENT BANK (Nordic Invest), PIC 894031056, established in FABIANINKATU 34, HELSINKI 00171, Finland,
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-894031056_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
UAB NORMALIS TECH (NORM), PIC 886548088, established in JAUNIMO G. 16, INGALINA 30290, Lithuania,
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-886548088_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
TRANSPORTO INOVACIJU ASOCIACIJA (TIA), PIC 885458875, established in GEDIMINO PR 9, VILNIUS LT01103, Lithuania,
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-885458875_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
IMPRIMERIE NATIONALE (Groupe IN), PIC 911407345, established in 38 AVENUE DE NEW YORK, PARIS 75116, France,
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-911407345_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-951975364_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-888880550_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
SERVICE PUBLIC DE WALLONIE (SPW), PIC 999811884, established in Place de la Wallonie 1, Namur 5100, Belgium,
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-999811884_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Grant Agreement number: 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU — CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN
LOGISTICS IN WALLONIA (LIW), PIC 963728466, established in RUE DE L'AEROPORT 52 / 10, GRACE-HOLLOGNE 4460, Belgium,
hereby agrees
to become beneficiary
in Agreement No 101122891 — 22-EU-TG-eFTI4EU (‘the Agreement’)
between KLIIMAMINISTEERIUM (MoClimate) and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) (‘EU executive agency’ or ‘granting authority’), under the powers delegated by the European Commission (‘European Commission’),
and mandates
the coordinator to submit and sign in its name and on its behalf any amendments to the Agreement, in accordance with Article 39.
By signing this accession form, the beneficiary accepts the grant and agrees to implement it in accordance with the Agreement, with all the obligations and terms and conditions it sets out.
For the beneficiary [--TGSMark#signature-963728466_75_210--]
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Indirect costs
B. Subcontracting costs E. Indirect costs 2
Funding rate % 3
Maximum EU contribution 4 Requested EU
A.4 SME owners and
natural person
B. Subcontracting C.2 Equipment C.3 Other goods, works and
D.X Financial support to third
Projects: D.2
Projects: D.3
Projects: D.4
Works in
Projects: D.5 Land
E. Indirect costs
Forms of funding Actual costs Unit costs (usual
accounting practices) Unit costs 5 Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs Actual costs [ Actual costs] [ Actual costs] [ Actual costs] [ Actual costs] Flat-rate costs
a1 a2 a3 b c1a c1b c1c c2 c3 d1a [ d2] [ d3] [ d4] [ d5]
e =
flat-rate * (a1 + a2 + a3 + b
+c1a + c1b + c1c + c2 + c3 + d1a
[ + d2][ + d3][ + d4][ + d5] )
f =
a+b+c+d+e [ U]
[ V, W, X]
[ g = f*U%] [ g = (a1 + a2 + a3)
* V% + b *V% + ( +c1a + c1b +
c1c + c2 + c3) *V% + (d1a + d3
+ d5)*V% + d2*W% + d4*X% +
h m (i) n
XX – [short name beneficiary/affiliated entity]
3 See Data Sheet for the reimbursement rate(s).
4 This is the theoretical amount of EU contribution to costs that the system calculates automatically (by multiplying the reimbursement rates by the costs declared). The amount you request (in the column 'requested EU contribution') may be less.
5 See Annex 2a 'Additional information on the estimated budget' for the details (units, cost per unit).
1 See Article 6 for the eligibility conditions. All amounts must be expressed in EUR (see Article 21 for the conversion rules).
2 If you have also received an EU operating grant during this reporting period, you cannot claim indirect costs - unless you can demonstrate that the operating grant does not cover any costs of the action. This requires specific accounting tools. Please contact us immediately via the Funding & Tenders Portal for details.
The costs and contributions can be substantiated by adequate records and supporting documentation that will be produced upon request or in the context of checks, reviews, audits and investigations (see Articles 19, 20 and 25).
For the last reporting period: that all the revenues have been declared (see Article 22).
i Please declare all eligible costs and contributions, even if they exceed the amounts indicated in the estimated budget (see Annex 2). Only amounts that were declared in your individual financial statements can be taken into account lateron, in order to replace costs/contributions that are found to be ineligible.
EU contribution to eligible costs
C.1 Travel and subsistence
The beneficiary/affiliated entity hereby confirms that:
The information provided is complete, reliable and true.
The costs and contributions declared are eligible (see Article 6).
A. Personnel costs
Direct costs
D. Other cost categories
Eligible 1 costs (per budget category) EU contribution
C. Purchase costs
Total requested EU
contribution Total costs
Travel Accommodation
A.1 Employees (or equivalent)
A.2 Natural persons under direct contract
A.3 Seconded persons
6 See Data Sheet for the flat-rate.
Income generated by the
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Sensitive information with security recommendation
Sensitive information with a security recommendation must comply with the additional
requirements imposed by the granting authority.
Before starting the action tasks concerned, the beneficiaries must have obtained all approvals
or other mandatory documents needed for implementing the task. The documents must be
kept on file and be submitted upon request by the coordinator to the granting authority. If they
are not in English, they must be submitted together with an English summary.
For requirements restricting disclosure or dissemination, the information must be handled in
accordance with the recommendation and may be disclosed or disseminated only after written
approval from the granting authority.
EU classified information
If EU classified information is used or generated by the action, it must be treated in
accordance with the security classification guide (SCG) and security aspect letter (SAL) set
out in Annex 1 and Decision 2015/4441 and its implementing rules — until it is declassified.
Deliverables which contain EU classified information must be submitted according to special
procedures agreed with the granting authority.
Action tasks involving EU classified information may be subcontracted only with prior
explicit written approval from the granting authority and only to entities established in an EU
Member State or in a non-EU country with a security of information agreement with the EU
(or an administrative arrangement with the Commission).
EU classified information may not be disclosed to any third party (including participants
involved in the action implementation) without prior explicit written approval from the
granting authority.
1 Commission Decision 2015/444/EC, Euratom of 13 March 2015 on the security rules for protecting EU
classified information (OJ L 72, 17.3.2015, p. 53).
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
Rights of use of the granting authority on results for information, communication,
dissemination and publicity purposes
The granting authority also has the right to exploit non-sensitive results of the action for
information, communication, dissemination and publicity purposes, using any of the
following modes:
- use for its own purposes (in particular, making them available to persons working for
the granting authority or any other EU service (including institutions, bodies, offices,
agencies, etc.) or EU Member State institution or body; copying or reproducing them
in whole or in part, in unlimited numbers; and communication through press
information services)
- distribution to the public in hard copies, in electronic or digital format, on the
internet including social networks, as a downloadable or non-downloadable file
- editing or redrafting (including shortening, summarising, changing, correcting,
cutting, inserting elements (e.g. meta-data, legends or other graphic, visual, audio or
text elements) extracting parts (e.g. audio or video files), dividing into parts or use in a
- translation (including inserting subtitles/dubbing) in all official languages of EU
- storage in paper, electronic or other form
- archiving in line with applicable document-management rules
- the right to authorise third parties to act on its behalf or sub-license to third parties,
including if there is licensed background, any of the rights or modes of exploitation set
out in this provision
- processing, analysing, aggregating the results and producing derivative works
- disseminating the results in widely accessible databases or indexes (such as through
‘open access’ or ‘open data’ portals or similar repositories, whether free of charge or
The beneficiaries must ensure these rights of use for the whole duration they are protected by
industrial or intellectual property rights.
If results are subject to moral rights or third party rights (including intellectual property rights
or rights of natural persons on their image and voice), the beneficiaries must ensure that they
comply with their obligations under this Agreement (in particular, by obtaining the necessary
licences and authorisations from the rights holders concerned).
Communication and dissemination plan
Where imposed by the call conditions, the beneficiaries must provide a detailed
communication and dissemination plan, setting out the objectives, key messaging, target
audiences, communication channels, social media plan, planned budget and relevant
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
indicators for monitoring and evaluation.Additional communication and dissemination
The beneficiaries must engage in the following additional communication and dissemination
- present the project (including project summary, coordinator contact details, list of
participants, European flag and funding statement and project results) on the
beneficiaries’ websites or social media accounts
- for actions involving equipment, infrastructure or works, display public plaques or
billboards as soon as the work on the action starts and a permanent commemorative
plaque once it is finished, with the European flag and funding statement
- upload the public project results to the CEF Project Results platform, available through
the Funding & Tenders Portal.
Member State information
The beneficiaries must keep the Member States that support the action informed about its
To this effect, the coordinator must provide the reports submitted in accordance with Article
21 to the concerned the Member States representatives (listed on the granting authority’s
website). This can be done either by email or by giving them access to the reports in the
Funding & Tenders Portal.
Implementation in case of restrictions due to security
Where the call conditions restrict participation or control due to security reasons, the
beneficiaries must ensure that none of the entities that participate as affiliated entities,
associated partners, subcontractors or recipients of financial support to third parties are
established in countries which are not eligible countries or target countries set out in the call
conditions (or are controlled by such countries or entities from such countries).
The beneficiaries must moreover ensure that any cooperation with entities established in
countries which are not eligible countries or target countries set out in the call conditions (or
are controlled by such countries or entities from such countries) does not affect the security
interests and avoids potential negative effects over security of supply of inputs critical to the
Specific rules for digital infrastructure projects
When implementing digital infrastructure projects, the beneficiaries must ensure that the
network technologies and equipment (including software and services) funded by the action
comply with the security requirements and assessments as reflected in the applicable EU,
international and national law on cybersecurity and on data protection.
Moreover, where the call conditions impose wholesale access obligations, the beneficiaries
must provide wholesale access to the digital infrastructure funded by the action, under fair and
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
reasonable conditions, in a non-discriminatory manner and in accordance with the call
Specific rules for ATM common projects
When implementing actions for the implementation of common projects established under
Regulation (EU) No 409/2013 2 , the beneficiaries must ensure that their actions comply with
the deployment programme referred to in Article 11 of that Regulation (as published on the
Europa website).
Unless exempted by the granting authority, the beneficiaries must commit to continue to use
and maintain after the end of the action equipment bought and fully reimbursed by the action,
for activities pursuing the action’s objectives. Such equipment must be used for these
purposes — for at least five years after the end of the action (see Data Sheet, Point 1) or until
the end of its economic lifespan (i.e. until it has been fully depreciated) — whichever is
Specific rules for blending operations
When implementing blending operations, the beneficiaries acknowledge and accept that:
- the grant depends on the approved financing from the Implementing Partner and/or
public or private investors for the project
- they must inform the granting authority both about the approval for financing and the
financial close — within 15 days
- both actions will be managed and monitored in parallel and in close coordination with
the Implementing Partner, in particular:
- all information, data and documents (including the due diligence by the
Implementing Partner and the signed agreement) may be exchanged and may
be relied on for the management of the other action (if needed)
- issues in one action may impact the other (e.g. suspension or termination in
one action may lead to suspension also of the other action; termination of the
grant will normally suspend and exit from further financing and vice versa,
- the granting authority may disclose confidential information also to the Implementing
2 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 409/2013 of 3 May 2013 on the definition of common
projects, the establishment of governance and the identification of incentives supporting the implementation
of the European Air Traffic Management Master Plan (OJ L 123, 4.5.2013, p. 1).
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2023)6850115 - 09/10/2023
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Nimi | K.p. | Δ | Viit | Tüüp | Org | Osapooled |
Reaalajamajanduse andmepõhisele aruandlusele ülemineku juhtrühma moodustamine | 18.06.2024 | 2 | 47 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Reaalajamajanduse andmepõhise aruandluse juhtrühmaga liitumine | 24.05.2024 | 3 | 1-9/1466-1 | Väljaminev kiri | mkm | Asjassepuutuvad, Sotsiaalministeerium, H. S., Tööinspektsioon, K. S. |
Leping | 08.03.2024 | 104 | 5-4/674-2 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 29.12.2023 | 174 | 5-4/699-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Kirja edastamine | 27.12.2023 | 176 | 1.15-5/2023/5224-1 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Maksu- ja Tolliamet |
Leping | 18.12.2023 | 185 | 5-4/679-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 18.12.2023 | 185 | 5-4/677-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 18.12.2023 | 185 | 5-4/674-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 18.12.2023 | 185 | 5-4/673-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 18.12.2023 | 185 | 5-4/672-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 18.12.2023 | 185 | 5-4/676-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 18.12.2023 | 185 | 5-4/678-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 14.12.2023 | 189 | 5-4/666-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 11.12.2023 | 192 | 5-4/657-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Aruanne | 18.10.2023 | 246 | 1-12/79 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Maksu- ja Tolliamet |
Kiri | 09.10.2023 | 255 | 1.1-14/2023/4426-1 | Väljaminev kiri | mkm | Tietoevry Estonia AS |
Reaalajamajanduse tööplaani kinnituskiri | 17.07.2023 | 339 | 1-12/54 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Sotsiaalministeerium |
Kinnituskiri | 13.07.2023 | 343 | 1-12/51 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Rahandusministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus |
Kinnituskiri | 13.07.2023 | 343 | 1-12/52 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Tervise Arengu Instituut |
Kinnituskiri | 13.07.2023 | 343 | 1-12/53 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskus |
Kinnituskiri | 13.07.2023 | 343 | 1-12/50 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Maksu- ja Tolliamet |
Kinnituskiri | 12.07.2023 | 344 | 1-12/3631-1 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet |
Kinnituskiri reaalajamajanduse andmepõhise aruandluse 2024 tegevuste jaoks | 11.07.2023 | 345 | 1-12/48 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet |
Reaalajamajanduse 2024. a tööplaani kinnituskiri | 10.07.2023 | 346 | 1-12/3606-1 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Statistikaamet |
Reaalajamajanduse tööplaani kinnituskiri | 10.07.2023 | 346 | 1-12/3607-1 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Kliimaministeerium |
Reaalajamajanduse tööplaani kinnituskiri | 06.07.2023 | 350 | 1.1-14/2023/3561-1 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Kliimaministeerium |
Leping | 26.05.2023 | 391 | 5-4/319-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 19.05.2023 | 398 | 1.9-8/S/23-295-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 12.05.2023 | 405 | 24.7-3/S/23-282-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Käskkiri | 11.05.2023 | 406 | 45 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Käskkiri | 09.05.2023 | 408 | 41 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Käskkiri | 02.05.2023 | 415 | 35 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Projekti „Rahvastikuregistri kontaktandmete ajakohastamise võimaldamine asutuste klientidele ameti teenuste kasutamisel ja iseteeninduse külastamisel (Sotsiaalkindlustusameti näitel)“ juhtrühma moodustamine | 02.05.2023 | 415 | 34 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Leping | 20.04.2023 | 427 | 24.7-3/S/23-229-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Aruanne | 19.04.2023 | 428 | 1-12/27 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Maksu- ja Tolliamet |
Aruanne | 19.04.2023 | 428 | 1-12/26 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet |
Käskkiri | 31.03.2023 | 447 | 24 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Käskkiri | 31.03.2023 | 423 | 58 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Kantsleri 17.02.2022 käskkirja nr 17 „Riigihanke „Analüüside ja uuringute läbiviimise ning prototüüpide ja pilootide loomise raamleping" korraldamine, komisjoni ja vastutava isiku nimetamine" muutmine | 28.03.2023 | 450 | 21 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Teabenõue | 23.03.2023 | 431 | 1.1-14/2023/1241-12 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Eesti Pank |
Vastus | 22.03.2023 | 432 | 1.1-14/2023/1241-11 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Kaitseministeerium |
Vastus | 21.03.2023 | 433 | 1.1-14/2023/1241-9 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Konkurentsiamet |
Vastus | 21.03.2023 | 433 | 1.1-14/2023/1241-10 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Riigikantselei |
Vastus | 20.03.2023 | 434 | 1.1-14/2023/1241-8 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Terviseamet |
Kiri | 17.03.2023 | 461 | 1.12-14/2023/1601-1 | Väljaminev kiri | mkm | Gofore Estonia OÜ, Gofore Estonia OÜ |
Vastus | 16.03.2023 | 438 | 1.1-14/2023/1241-7 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Keskkonnaministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus |
Vastus | 14.03.2023 | 440 | 1.1-14/2023/1241-5 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Tervise Arengu Instituut |
Vastus | 14.03.2023 | 440 | 1.1-14/2023/1241-6 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Rahandusministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus |
Vastuskiri | 07.03.2023 | 447 | 1.1-14/2023/1241-3 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Keskkonnaagentuur |
Vastuskiri | 06.03.2023 | 448 | 1.1-14/2023/1241-2 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskus |
Reaalajamajanduse andmepõhise aruandluse juhtrühmaga liitumine | 02.03.2023 | 452 | 1.1-14/2023/1241-1 | Väljaminev kiri | mkm | Asjassepuutuvad, Tervise Arengu Instituut, J. I., Riigikantselei, D. B., Konkurentsiamet, K. H., Kaitseministeerium, S. K., Eesti Pank, J. K., Terviseamet, L. A., Rahandusministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus, M. M., Keskkonnaagentuur, M. K., Keskkonnaministeeriumi Infotehnoloogiakeskus, A. M., Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskus, A. B. |
Hanke alusdokumendid | 02.03.2023 | 476 | 24.7-2/23-0030/1227 🔒 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Sotsiaalkindlustusamet |
Leping | 25.01.2023 | 512 | 1.9-8/S/23-044-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Kantsleri 17.02.2022 käskkirja nr 17 „Riigihanke „Analüüside ja uuringute läbiviimise ning prototüüpide ja pilootide loomise raamleping" korraldamine, komisjoni ja vastutava isiku nimetamine" muutmine | 11.01.2023 | 526 | 1 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Käskkiri | 11.01.2023 | 526 | 3 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Leping | 04.01.2023 | 533 | 1.9-8/S/23-015-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 28.12.2022 | 540 | 1.9-8/S/22-751-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Käskkiri | 23.12.2022 | 545 | 116 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Käskkiri | 21.12.2022 | 547 | 115 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Leping | 09.12.2022 | 559 | 5-4/710-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 09.12.2022 | 559 | 5-4/707-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 09.12.2022 | 559 | 5-4/706-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 09.12.2022 | 559 | 5-4/708-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 24.11.2022 | 574 | 5-4/677-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 21.11.2022 | 577 | 1.9-8/S/22-673-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 14.11.2022 | 584 | 1.9-8/S/22-658-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 14.11.2022 | 584 | 1.9-8/S/22-662-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 14.11.2022 | 584 | 1.9-8/S/22-659-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Käskkiri | 09.11.2022 | 589 | 104 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Käskkiri | 04.11.2022 | 594 | 101 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Leping | 03.11.2022 | 595 | 5-4/621-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 01.11.2022 | 597 | 1.9-8/S/22-610-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 01.11.2022 | 597 | 1.9-8/S/22-609-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 01.11.2022 | 597 | 1.9-8/S/22-611-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Käskkiri | 19.10.2022 | 610 | 96 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Aruanne | 07.10.2022 | 622 | 1-12/94 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Keskkonnaministeerium |
Reaalajamajanduse tööplaani kinnituskiri | 12.09.2022 | 647 | 1-12/77 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Keskkonnaministeerium |
Kiri | 02.09.2022 | 657 | 1.12-14/2022/1727-4 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Rahandusministeerium |
Leping | 19.08.2022 | 671 | 5-4/455-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 19.08.2022 | 671 | 5-4/456-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 19.08.2022 | 671 | 5-4/454-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 18.08.2022 | 672 | 5-4/452-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 18.08.2022 | 672 | 5-4/453-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 18.08.2022 | 672 | 5-4/451-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 18.08.2022 | 672 | 5-4/450-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Riigihanke "Analüüside ja uuringute läbiviimise ning prototüüpide ja pilootide loomise raamleping" (246831) tulemuste kinnitamine | 03.08.2022 | 687 | 61 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Reaalajamajanduse tööplaani kinnituskiri | 18.07.2022 | 703 | 1-12/66 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Keskkonnaministeerium |
Kinnituskiri | 13.07.2022 | 708 | 1-12/62 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Maksu- ja Tolliamet |
Kinnituskiri | 12.07.2022 | 709 | 1-12/60 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet |
Reaalajamajanduse andmepõhise aruandluse juhtrühma moodustamine | 05.07.2022 | 692 | 168 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Kinnituskiri | 05.07.2022 | 716 | 1-12/55 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Rahandusministeerium |
Käskkirja muutmine | 27.06.2022 | 724 | 52 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Reaalajamajanduse andmepõhise aruandluse juhtrühma moodustamine | 20.06.2022 | 707 | 1.1-14/2022/4001-3 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Rahandusministeerium |
Vastuskiri | 13.06.2022 | 714 | 1.1-14/2022/4001-2 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskus |
Reaalajamajanduse andmepõhise aruandluse juhtrühma moodustamine | 08.06.2022 | 719 | 1.1-14/2022/4001-1 | Väljaminev kiri | mkm | Rahandusministeerium, Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet, Justiitsministeerium, Statistikaamet, Maksu- ja Tolliamet, Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskus, Keskkonnaministeerium, Keskkonnaamet, Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet, Statistikaamet, Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet, Justiitsministeerium, Maksu- ja Tolliamet, Keskkonnaamet, Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskus, Rahandusministeerium, Rahandusministeerium, Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet, Keskkonnaministeerium, Keskkonnaministeerium |
Kiri | 26.05.2022 | 756 | 1.12-14/2022/1727-3 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Rahandusministeerium |
Kantsleri 17.02.2022 käskkirja nr 17 „Riigihanke „Analüüside ja uuringute läbiviimise ning prototüüpide ja pilootide loomise raamleping" korraldamine, komisjoni ja vastutava isiku nimetamine" muutmine | 26.04.2022 | 786 | 35 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Kiri | 19.04.2022 | 793 | 1.12-14/2022/1727-2 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Rahandusministeerium |
Kantsleri 17.02.2022 käskkirja nr 17 „Riigihanke „Analüüside ja uuringute läbiviimise ning prototüüpide ja pilootide loomise raamleping" korraldamine, komisjoni ja vastutava isiku nimetamine" muutmine | 28.03.2022 | 815 | 27 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Kantsleri 17.02.2022 käskkirja nr 17 „Riigihanke „Analüüside ja uuringute läbiviimise ning prototüüpide ja pilootide loomise raamleping" korraldamine, komisjoni ja vastutava isiku nimetamine" muutmine | 11.03.2022 | 832 | 24 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Kiri | 04.03.2022 | 839 | 1.12-14/2022/1727-1 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Rahandusministeerium |
Analüüside ja uuringute läbiviimise ning prototüüpide ja pilootide loomise raamleping | 17.02.2022 | 854 | 17 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Andmepõhise aruandluse ekspert | 02.02.2022 | 869 | 1.9-8/S/22-071-1 🔒 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 08.12.2021 | 925 | 1.1-17/21-468-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 06.12.2021 | 927 | 1.9-8/S/21-458-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 22.11.2021 | 941 | 1.9-8/S/21-445-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Leping | 27.09.2021 | 997 | 1.12-12/21-0459/5647 | Leping | mkm | |
Hankeleping | 10.08.2021 | 1045 | 1.12-14/21-0430/4776-1 | Leping | mkm | |
Riigihanke "E-kviitungi teenuse toimimismudeli analüüs“ (237475) tulemuste kinnitamine | 26.07.2021 | 1060 | 58 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Kinnituskiri | 23.07.2021 | 1063 | 1.1-16/21-0018/4519-1 | Sissetulev kiri | mkm | Keskkonnaministeerium |
Riigihanke "E-kviitungi teenuse toimimismudeli analüüs" korraldamine, komisjoni ja vastutava isiku määramine | 11.06.2021 | 1105 | 49 | Käskkiri | mkm | |
Reaalajamajanduse visioon 2020-2027 | 30.09.2020 | 1359 | 200 | Käskkiri | mkm |