Dokumendiregister | Siseministeerium |
Viit | 14-13.1/61-1 |
Registreeritud | 14.06.2021 |
Sünkroonitud | 25.03.2024 |
Liik | Sissetulev kiri |
Funktsioon | 14 Euroopa Liidu toetusmeetmete väljatöötamine, rakendamine ja järelevalve teostamine |
Sari | 14-13.1 Perioodi 2021-2027 EL toetuse planeerimise dokumendid |
Toimik | 14-13.1 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | European Commission |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | European Commission |
Vastutaja | Aivi Kuivonen (kantsleri juhtimisala, varade, planeerimise ja tehnoloogia asekantsleri valdkond, välisvahendite osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
Ministry of Interior, Foreign Financing Department, Ms Tairi PALLAS,
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË - Tel. +32 22991111 Office: LX46 05/183 - Tel. direct line +32 22956005
Directorate E : HOME Affairs Funds
The Director
Brussels HOME.E.1/CG/TS/AV
Dear Ms Tairi PALLAS,
In December 2020, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union
reached a political agreement on the basic act of the Border Management and Visa Policy
Instrument (BMVI) for the programming period 2021-2027.
While waiting for the adoption of the legal base and to facilitate the preparation of
Member States’ programmes for 2021-2027, indicative amounts for the initial
allocations to be implemented by Member States have been established on the basis of
the criteria and the reference years set out in Annex I of the new basic act. The allocation
criteria for the BMVI is based on data for the reference years 2017, 2018 and 2019.
The Commission has taken into consideration in the indicative amounts a preliminary
assessment made by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency on the data submitted
by the Member States in response to the letter sent to each Member State on 21 April
2021 1 . Please note, however, that as this assessment concerning in particular long range
operations outside the outer limit of the territorial sea of the Member States according to
the paragraph 5 of Annex I is not yet final, the indicative amounts are still provisional.
The indicative amount for your Member State is provided in Annex A of this letter and is
shared with you at this stage to serve as a basis for your preparation of the 2021-2027
programmes 2 . The final amounts for the initial allocation to be implemented by your
Member State will be determined and confirmed to your Member State after the formal
adoption and entry into force of the BMVI basic act.
Annex B of this letter provides a comprehensive overview of the data sources used for the
indication of the BMVI initial allocations.
If you have any questions or comments, then please address these to the e-mail address:
1 In your case: Ares (2021) 2918485
2 The indicative amounts for the AMIF and ISF were sent to you by letter in April 2021.
Yours sincerely,
( e-signed )
Contact: [email protected].
Enclosure: Annex A: Indicative initial allocations in accordance with Annex I in
the basic acts for the BMVI.
Annex B: Data sources.
c.c.: Ms Helena PALL ([email protected]);
Ms Anni ALEKSANDROV ([email protected]);
Ms Merili SOOSALU ([email protected])
Annex A – Indicative initial allocations in accordance with Annex I in
the basic act for the BMVI
Border Management and Visa Policy Instrument 2021-2027
Total budget of BMVI (EUR)
Total initial allocation to
Member States (incl. fixed amounts
+ Special Transit Scheme for Lithuania)
Indicative initial allocation to Estonia
Share of total initial allocation to Member
States (incl. fixed amount)
6 382 000 000* 3 057 000 000 31 959 768
Amounts are in EUR, current prices.
Indicative annual allocations 2021-2027
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
3 147 811
4 332 642
5 473 897 5 980 279
4 410 312
4 269 635
4 345 191
Amounts are in EUR, current prices.
* comprises the financial envelope of EUR 5 241 000 000 and the additional amount of
EUR 1 141 000 000 in accordance with the Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2093.
Annex B - Data sources
Border Management and Visa Policy Instrument
Data used
E x
te rn
a l
la n
d b
o rd
er 3
0 %
Land border 70%
Length: as reported by Member States to the Commission in
line with Regulation (EU) No 1053/2013.
SVN-HRV defined by EuroGeographics
EuroBoundaryMap provides a European geographic database
for administrative and statistical regions that will be
maintained at the source level by the National Mapping and
Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs), and by providing harmonised
access conditions for this geographic information within the
framework of EuroGeographics. EBM (1:100000) offers the
combined strength of detailed European administrative units
and linkages to the corresponding LAU and NUTS codes.
Calculation method: The length of border sections was defined
by their geodesic length based on ellipsoid ETRS89
Impact level: as reported by the EBCGA to the Commission
Land workload 30%
Reference figures by the EBCGA based on data provided by
Member States in accordance with Union law.
Data reported by MSs via the “Passenger Flow” indicator under the
Frontex Risk Analysis Network (FRAN) data collection, on
monthly basis.
FRAN definition of indicator “Passenger flow at land” (for data
reported for BMVI): The number of third-country and EU nationals
crossing the external borders of an EU Member State or Schengen
Associated Country on entry from a third country or from a non-
Schengen EU Member State. One person can be counted several
times within the same reference period.
Land refusals
EUROSTAT database: migr_eirfs Third country nationals formally refused permission to enter the
territory of a Member State (see Art. 2.1 (q) and 5.1(a) of the
Council Regulation (EC) no 862/2007). The external border is
defined as in the Schengen Borders Code (Council Regulation (EC)
No 562/2006, more details on Article 2.2). For Member States
which are not in the Schengen area, the external border is the same
as the international border. The grounds for refusal refer to the
Annex V part B of the Schengen Border Code, which is an
administrative document in use in most of the Member States. Each
person is counted only once within the reference period, irrespective
of the number of refusals issued to the same person.
Data used
E x
te rn
a l
m a
ri ti
m e
b o
rd er
s 3 5 %
Sea borders 70%
Length: as reported by Member States to the Commission in
line with Regulation (EU) No 1053/2013.
Island Sea border Length calculation based on Flanders Marine
Institute (2018). Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase: Territorial
Seas (12NM), version 2. Available online at
Calculation method: The length of border sections was defined
by their geodesic length based on ellipsoid ETRS89
Impact level: as reported by the EBCGA to the Commission
Sea workload 30% Sea
Reference figures by the EBCGA based on data provided by
Member States in accordance with Union law.
Data reported by MSs via the “Passenger Flow” indicator under the
Frontex Risk Analysis Network (FRAN) data collection, on
monthly basis. Exception: for some MSs the data for “Passenger
Flow” indicator were not available on monthly basis. For BMVI,
those MSs have provided yearly figures only.
FRAN definition of indicator “Passenger flow at sea” (for data
reported for BMVI): The number of third-country and EU nationals
crossing the external borders of an EU Member State or Schengen
Associated Country on entry from a third country or from a non-
Schengen EU Member State. One person can be counted several
times within the same reference period. Due to on-going works for improving the standardiation of data
collection for passenger flow at the sea borders reported under
FRAN, it was agreed between Frontex and DG HOME that, for the
purpose of BMVI, this indicator should include all categories of
persons entering a MS via an authorised BCP at the external or
Intra-EU sea borders. Includes: passengers, seamen and crew on
ferries, cruises, pleasure boats, cargo boats or other maritime traffic
entering via BCPs.
Sea refusals
EUROSTAT database: migr_eirfs Third country nationals formally refused permission to enter the
territory of a Member State (see Art. 2.1 (q) and 5.1(a) of the
Council Regulation (EC) no 862/2007). The external border is
defined as in the Schengen Borders Code (Council Regulation (EC)
No 562/2006, more details on Article 2.2). For countries which are
not in the Schengen area, the external border is the same as the
international border. The grounds for refusal refer to the Annex V
part B of the Schengen Border Code, which is an administrative
document in use in most of the Member States. Each person is
counted only once within the reference period, irrespective of the
number of refusals issued to the same person.
Data used
A ir
p o
rt s
2 0
Airports workload
Air crossings
EUROSTAT database: avia_par (detailed air passenger transport by
reporting country and routes – main airports in the reporting country
and main partner airport)
Method: all individual files from reporting countries (EU and
Schengen Associated Countries) are downloaded via the bulk
download and then the following transformations are applied: all
individual reporting country data are merged into one database; for
each partner airport the name of the country is added; based on the
reporting country and the country of the partner airport several
routes are calculated.
For the purpose of the BMVI, the following calculated routes are
included: Arrivals from EU non-Schengen to EU non-Schengen,
Arrivals from EU non-Schengen to Schengen, Arrivals from
Schengen to EU non-Schengen, Arrivals from Third Country to EU
non-Schengen, Arrivals from Third Country to Schengen.
Air refusals
30% EUROSTAT database: migr_eirfs
Data used
C o
n su
la r
o ff
ic es
1 5
2017-19 visa statistics published by the Commission in accordance
with Article 46 of the Visa Code, all tables up to 2019 available on
this page:
Number of
offices 50%
Number of consular offices (excluding honorary consulates) of the
Member States in the countries listed in Annex I of Regulation (EU)
2018/1806 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14
November 2018 retrievable via:
Electronically signed on 10/06/2021 10:12 (UTC+02) in accordance with article 11 of Commission Decision C(2020) 4482
From: Tairi Pallas <[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 06:34:05 +0000
To: Aivi Kuivonen <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Initial BMVI allocations per MS for the period 2021-2027- Estonia - Ares(2021)3804412
Ministry of Interior, Foreign Financing Department, Ms Tairi PALLAS,
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË - Tel. +32 22991111 Office: LX46 05/183 - Tel. direct line +32 22956005
Directorate E : HOME Affairs Funds
The Director
Brussels HOME.E.1/CG/TS/AV
Dear Ms Tairi PALLAS,
In December 2020, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union
reached a political agreement on the basic act of the Border Management and Visa Policy
Instrument (BMVI) for the programming period 2021-2027.
While waiting for the adoption of the legal base and to facilitate the preparation of
Member States’ programmes for 2021-2027, indicative amounts for the initial
allocations to be implemented by Member States have been established on the basis of
the criteria and the reference years set out in Annex I of the new basic act. The allocation
criteria for the BMVI is based on data for the reference years 2017, 2018 and 2019.
The Commission has taken into consideration in the indicative amounts a preliminary
assessment made by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency on the data submitted
by the Member States in response to the letter sent to each Member State on 21 April
2021 1 . Please note, however, that as this assessment concerning in particular long range
operations outside the outer limit of the territorial sea of the Member States according to
the paragraph 5 of Annex I is not yet final, the indicative amounts are still provisional.
The indicative amount for your Member State is provided in Annex A of this letter and is
shared with you at this stage to serve as a basis for your preparation of the 2021-2027
programmes 2 . The final amounts for the initial allocation to be implemented by your
Member State will be determined and confirmed to your Member State after the formal
adoption and entry into force of the BMVI basic act.
Annex B of this letter provides a comprehensive overview of the data sources used for the
indication of the BMVI initial allocations.
If you have any questions or comments, then please address these to the e-mail address:
1 In your case: Ares (2021) 2918485
2 The indicative amounts for the AMIF and ISF were sent to you by letter in April 2021.
Yours sincerely,
( e-signed )
Contact: [email protected].
Enclosure: Annex A: Indicative initial allocations in accordance with Annex I in
the basic acts for the BMVI.
Annex B: Data sources.
c.c.: Ms Helena PALL ([email protected]);
Ms Anni ALEKSANDROV ([email protected]);
Ms Merili SOOSALU ([email protected])
Annex A – Indicative initial allocations in accordance with Annex I in
the basic act for the BMVI
Border Management and Visa Policy Instrument 2021-2027
Total budget of BMVI (EUR)
Total initial allocation to
Member States (incl. fixed amounts
+ Special Transit Scheme for Lithuania)
Indicative initial allocation to Estonia
Share of total initial allocation to Member
States (incl. fixed amount)
6 382 000 000* 3 057 000 000 31 959 768
Amounts are in EUR, current prices.
Indicative annual allocations 2021-2027
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
3 147 811
4 332 642
5 473 897 5 980 279
4 410 312
4 269 635
4 345 191
Amounts are in EUR, current prices.
* comprises the financial envelope of EUR 5 241 000 000 and the additional amount of
EUR 1 141 000 000 in accordance with the Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2093.
Annex B - Data sources
Border Management and Visa Policy Instrument
Data used
E x
te rn
a l
la n
d b
o rd
er 3
0 %
Land border 70%
Length: as reported by Member States to the Commission in
line with Regulation (EU) No 1053/2013.
SVN-HRV defined by EuroGeographics
EuroBoundaryMap provides a European geographic database
for administrative and statistical regions that will be
maintained at the source level by the National Mapping and
Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs), and by providing harmonised
access conditions for this geographic information within the
framework of EuroGeographics. EBM (1:100000) offers the
combined strength of detailed European administrative units
and linkages to the corresponding LAU and NUTS codes.
Calculation method: The length of border sections was defined
by their geodesic length based on ellipsoid ETRS89
Impact level: as reported by the EBCGA to the Commission
Land workload 30%
Reference figures by the EBCGA based on data provided by
Member States in accordance with Union law.
Data reported by MSs via the “Passenger Flow” indicator under the
Frontex Risk Analysis Network (FRAN) data collection, on
monthly basis.
FRAN definition of indicator “Passenger flow at land” (for data
reported for BMVI): The number of third-country and EU nationals
crossing the external borders of an EU Member State or Schengen
Associated Country on entry from a third country or from a non-
Schengen EU Member State. One person can be counted several
times within the same reference period.
Land refusals
EUROSTAT database: migr_eirfs Third country nationals formally refused permission to enter the
territory of a Member State (see Art. 2.1 (q) and 5.1(a) of the
Council Regulation (EC) no 862/2007). The external border is
defined as in the Schengen Borders Code (Council Regulation (EC)
No 562/2006, more details on Article 2.2). For Member States
which are not in the Schengen area, the external border is the same
as the international border. The grounds for refusal refer to the
Annex V part B of the Schengen Border Code, which is an
administrative document in use in most of the Member States. Each
person is counted only once within the reference period, irrespective
of the number of refusals issued to the same person.
Data used
E x
te rn
a l
m a
ri ti
m e
b o
rd er
s 3 5 %
Sea borders 70%
Length: as reported by Member States to the Commission in
line with Regulation (EU) No 1053/2013.
Island Sea border Length calculation based on Flanders Marine
Institute (2018). Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase: Territorial
Seas (12NM), version 2. Available online at
Calculation method: The length of border sections was defined
by their geodesic length based on ellipsoid ETRS89
Impact level: as reported by the EBCGA to the Commission
Sea workload 30% Sea
Reference figures by the EBCGA based on data provided by
Member States in accordance with Union law.
Data reported by MSs via the “Passenger Flow” indicator under the
Frontex Risk Analysis Network (FRAN) data collection, on
monthly basis. Exception: for some MSs the data for “Passenger
Flow” indicator were not available on monthly basis. For BMVI,
those MSs have provided yearly figures only.
FRAN definition of indicator “Passenger flow at sea” (for data
reported for BMVI): The number of third-country and EU nationals
crossing the external borders of an EU Member State or Schengen
Associated Country on entry from a third country or from a non-
Schengen EU Member State. One person can be counted several
times within the same reference period. Due to on-going works for improving the standardiation of data
collection for passenger flow at the sea borders reported under
FRAN, it was agreed between Frontex and DG HOME that, for the
purpose of BMVI, this indicator should include all categories of
persons entering a MS via an authorised BCP at the external or
Intra-EU sea borders. Includes: passengers, seamen and crew on
ferries, cruises, pleasure boats, cargo boats or other maritime traffic
entering via BCPs.
Sea refusals
EUROSTAT database: migr_eirfs Third country nationals formally refused permission to enter the
territory of a Member State (see Art. 2.1 (q) and 5.1(a) of the
Council Regulation (EC) no 862/2007). The external border is
defined as in the Schengen Borders Code (Council Regulation (EC)
No 562/2006, more details on Article 2.2). For countries which are
not in the Schengen area, the external border is the same as the
international border. The grounds for refusal refer to the Annex V
part B of the Schengen Border Code, which is an administrative
document in use in most of the Member States. Each person is
counted only once within the reference period, irrespective of the
number of refusals issued to the same person.
Data used
A ir
p o
rt s
2 0
Airports workload
Air crossings
EUROSTAT database: avia_par (detailed air passenger transport by
reporting country and routes – main airports in the reporting country
and main partner airport)
Method: all individual files from reporting countries (EU and
Schengen Associated Countries) are downloaded via the bulk
download and then the following transformations are applied: all
individual reporting country data are merged into one database; for
each partner airport the name of the country is added; based on the
reporting country and the country of the partner airport several
routes are calculated.
For the purpose of the BMVI, the following calculated routes are
included: Arrivals from EU non-Schengen to EU non-Schengen,
Arrivals from EU non-Schengen to Schengen, Arrivals from
Schengen to EU non-Schengen, Arrivals from Third Country to EU
non-Schengen, Arrivals from Third Country to Schengen.
Air refusals
30% EUROSTAT database: migr_eirfs
Data used
C o
n su
la r
o ff
ic es
1 5
2017-19 visa statistics published by the Commission in accordance
with Article 46 of the Visa Code, all tables up to 2019 available on
this page:
Number of
offices 50%
Number of consular offices (excluding honorary consulates) of the
Member States in the countries listed in Annex I of Regulation (EU)
2018/1806 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14
November 2018 retrievable via:
Electronically signed on 10/06/2021 10:12 (UTC+02) in accordance with article 11 of Commission Decision C(2020) 4482