Dokumendiregister | Siseministeerium |
Viit | 14-13.4/32-1 |
Registreeritud | 20.03.2023 |
Sünkroonitud | 25.03.2024 |
Liik | Leping |
Funktsioon | 14 Euroopa Liidu toetusmeetmete väljatöötamine, rakendamine ja järelevalve teostamine |
Sari | 14-13.4 Sisejulgeolekufond 2021–2027 |
Toimik | 14-13.4 |
Juurdepääsupiirang | Avalik |
Juurdepääsupiirang | |
Adressaat | |
Saabumis/saatmisviis | |
Vastutaja | Ülle Leht (kantsleri juhtimisala, varade asekantsleri valdkond, välisvahendite osakond) |
Originaal | Ava uues aknas |
TOETUSLEPING nr 14-13.4/32-1
Siseministeerium, registrikoodiga 70000562, aadressiga Pikk 61, 15065 Tallinn, keda esindab
siseministri 27. detsembri 2022. a käskkirja nr 1-3/103 „Perioodi 2021-2027 Sisejulgeolekufond i, piirihalduse ja viisapoliitika rahastu, Varjupaiga-, Rände- ja Integratsioonifondi erimeetmete ja erakorralise abi taotlemise ning toetuslepingu sõlmimise protseduurireeglid “ punkti 6.2.2. alusel
varade asekantsler Piret Lilleväli (edaspidi ministeerium), ühelt poolt ja
Sisejulgeolekufondi (edaspidi ka fond või ISF) erimeetme projekti ISF/2022/SA/3.3.1/002 THB "Koostöövõime arendamine inimkaubanduse ohvrite tuvastamiseks ja abistamiseks Eestis" (edaspidi projekt) elluviija Justiitsministeerium, registrikoodiga 70000898, aadressiga Suur-
Ameerika 1, 10122 Tallinn, keda esindab seaduse ja põhimääruse alusel kantsler Tõnis Saar
(edaspidi toetuse saaja), teiselt poolt,
keda nimetatakse ka eraldi pool ja koos pooled, sõlmivad toetuslepingu (edaspidi leping) alljärgnevas:
Lepingu sõlmimise aluseks on: 1.1. Perioodi 2021–2027 Euroopa Liidu ühtekuuluvus- ja siseturvalisuspoliitika fondide
rakendamise seadus (edaspidi ÜSS2021_2027); 1.2. Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu määrus (EL) 2021/1060, 24. juuni 2021, millega
kehtestatakse ühissätted Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi, Euroopa Sotsiaalfond+, Ühtekuuluvusfondi, Õiglase Ülemineku Fondi ja Euroopa Merendus-, Kalandus- ja Vesiviljelusfondi kohta ning nende ja Varjupaiga-, Rände- ja Integratsioonifond i,
Sisejulgeolekufondi ning piirihalduse ja viisapoliitika rahastu suhtes kohaldatavad finantsreeglid (edaspidi ÜSM);
1.3. Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu määrus (EL) 2021/1149, 7. juuli 2021, millega luuakse Sisejulgeolekufond;
1.4. Vabariigi Valitsuse 12. mai 2022. a määrus nr 54 „Perioodi 2021–2027 ühtekuuluvus- ja
siseturvalisuspoliitika fondide vahendite andmisest avalikkuse teavitamine“ (edaspidi teavitusmäärus);
1.5. Vabariigi Valitsuse 12. mai 2022. a määrus nr 55 „Perioodi 2021–2027 Euroopa Liidu ühtekuuluvus- ja siseturvalisuspoliitika fondide rakenduskavade vahendite andmise ja kasutamise üldised tingimused“ (edaspidi ühendmäärus);
1.6. Sisejulgeolekufondi rakenduskava aastateks 2021–2027;
1.7. Siseministri 12. detsembri 2022. a käskkirja nr 1-3/96 „Perioodi 2021-2027
Sisejulgeolekufondi, piirihalduse ja viisapoliitika rahastu, Varjupaiga-, Rände- ja Integratsioonifondi rahastamiskavad“ punkti 1 alusel kinnitatud ISFi rahastamiskava;
1.8. Euroopa Komisjoni 26. juuli 2022. a kiri nr Ares(2022)5375829, millega teavitati projekti rahastamisotsusest.
2.1. Lepinguga annab ministeerium toetuse saajale projekti eesmärkide saavutamiseks toetust ISFist ja kaasfinantseeringut vastavalt lepingus sätestatud tingimustele.
2.2. Lepingu juurde kuuluvad lepingu allkirjastamisel lepingu lahutamatu osana järgmised lisad:
2.2.1. Euroopa Komisjoni poolt heaks kiidetud projekt; 2.2.2. Projekti eelarve;
2.2.3. Projekti partnerite poolt allkirjastatud partnerluse kinnitused. 2.3. Kõik viited lepingule sisaldavad ka viiteid selle lisadele.
3.1. Projekti eesmärk on parandada spetsialistide ja vabatahtlike pädevust haavatavate isikute ja võimalike inimkaubanduse ohvrite tuvastamisel.
3.2. Projekt panustab järgmisesse väljundnäitajasse:
Näitaja kood ja
Algtase Sihttase
Selgitav teave
O.3.1 Koolitus- tegevuses osalejate arv
arv 0 350 Osaleja - füüsiline isik, kes saab otseselt kasu. Käesoleva näitaja tähenduses on osaleja isik, kes
tegeleb ametialaselt selle konkreetse eesmärgiga hõlmatud
3.3. Projekt panustab järgmistesse tulemusnäitajatesse:
Näitaja kood ja
Algtase Sihttase
Selgitav teave
R.3.12 Nende osalejate arv, kes
peavad koolitust oma töö jaoks
arv 0 175 Osaleja - füüsiline isik, kes saab otseselt kasu. Selleks, et teha
kindlaks, kas osaleja peab koolitust kasulikuks, tuleb igalt osalejalt
küsida tema arvamust.
R.3.13 Nende osalejate arv, kes teatavad kolm
kuud pärast koolituse läbimist,
et nad kasutavad koolituse käigus omandatud oskusi
ja pädevust
arv 0 105 Osaleja - füüsiline isik, kes saab otseselt kasu. Selleks, et teha kindlaks, kas osaleja kasutab oskusi
ja pädevusi, tuleb igalt osalejalt küsida tema arvamust.
4.1. Abikõlblike kulude kindlaks määramisel lähtutakse ühendmääruse §-dest 15–17 ja 21.
4.2. Otseseid kulusid hüvitatakse tegelike kulude alusel. 4.3. Abikõlblikud on tegevuste elluviimiseks vajalikud otsesed kulud, sh 4.3.1. ühendmääruse §-s 16 toodud personalikulu, sh projekti juhtimisega seotud tööjõukulu,
partnerite hariduseksperdi tööjõukulu, sisutegevuste juhtiveksperdi töötasu, kommunikatsioonispetsialisti töötasu (koolituse info, õppematerjalide, animatsiooni ja filmi
levitamisega seonduvad ülesanded), sisutegevuste juhtivkoordinaatori, haridustehnoloogi ja õppedisaineri töötasu;
4.3.2. koolituste (sh koolitajate koolituste), seminaride, infopäevade kulu (sh ruumi ja tehnika rent,
toitlustus, tõlkekulu, koolitajate töötasu, majutus- ja reisikulud); 4.3.3. koolitusmaterjalide (sh e-õppematerjalide ja õppefilmide), juhendmaterjalide, e-kursuste
koostamine, täiendamine, kujundamine ja trükkimine, turundus (nt sotsiaalmeedia tasuline reklaam), õppefilmi tõlkimine ja subtiitriga varustamine;
4.3.4. koolitusmaterjalide koostajate ja kujundajate ning IT-lahenduste loojate eksperttasud,
videograafide või videoloengute üles võtjate ja monteerijate töötasu; 4.3.5. õppefilmide kujundamise ja litsentsitasu;
4.3.6. avalikustamiskulu (sh vajalike märgistuste kulu); 4.3.7. erisoodustus ja sellelt tasutav maks. 4.4. Mitteabikõlblikud on ühendmääruse §-s 17 sätestatud kulud ning seadmete soetamise ja
rentimise kulud, välja arvatud punktis 4.3.2 nimetatud tehnika rent. 5. PROJEKTI RAHASTAMINE
5.1. Projekti hinnanguline abikõlblik kogukulu on 484 521 eurot.
5.2. Ministeerium annab toetuse saajale projekti elluviimiseks ISFist toetust maksimaalselt 436 068,9 eurot, mis võrdub 90%-ga punktis 5.1 sätestatud hinnangulisest abikõlblikust kogukulust.
5.3. Ministeerium annab toetuse saajale projekti elluviimiseks kaasfinantseeringut maksimaalse lt 48 452,1 eurot, mis võrdub 10%-ga punktis 5.1 sätestatud hinnangulisest abikõlblikust
kogukulust. 5.4. Projekti kulude abikõlblikkuse periood on 01.01.2023 kuni 31.12.2025. Projekti raames
tehtavad kulud peavad olema tekkinud pärast abikõlblikkuse perioodi algust. Kulud ei tohi
tekkida pärast abikõlblikkuse perioodi lõppu. 5.5. Kui projekti elluviimise kulu ületab lepingus sätestatud projekti maksumust, peab toetuse
saaja projekti kulutuste tegemiseks tagama täiendavaks omafinantseeringuks rahaliste vahendite olemasolu projekti eesmärkide elluviimiseks välja arvatud juhul, kui ministeer ium teeb ettepaneku lepingu muutmiseks. Projekt, mille eesmärgid jäävad täitmata, võidakse
tunnistada osaliselt või täielikult abikõlbmatuks ning sellele eraldatud vahendid kohustub toetuse saaja tagasi maksma.
6.1. Ministeerium hüvitab toetuse saajale tehtud kulud ühendmääruse §-des 24 ja 26 sätestatud tingimustel. Toetust makstakse tegelike kulude alusel, kui abikõlblik kulu on tekkinud ja see
on tasutud. 6.2. Lõppmakse saamiseks esitatavad dokumendid esitatakse koos projekti lõpparuandega.
Lõppmakse tehakse pärast tingimuste ja kohustuste täitmist ning ministeeriumi kontrollitud
lõpparuande kinnitamist.
6.3. Toetuse ja kaasfinantseeringu maksesummad kantakse toetuse saaja pangakontole
Panga nimi Swedbank AS
Konto omaniku täpne nimi Rahandusministeerium
Konto number EE221010220027690221
Viitenumber 2800049667
Viitenumbri omanik Justiitsministeerium
Selgitus Sisejulgeolekufondi erimeetme projekt
ISF/2022/SA/3.3.1/002 THB "Koostöövõime arendamine inimkaubanduse ohvrite tuvastamiseks ja
abistamiseks Eestis"
6.4. Maksed tehakse punktiks 7 nimetatud maksetaotluse alusel, kui ministeeriumile on eraldatud
toetuse ja kaasfinantseeringu väljamaksmiseks vajalikud vahendid. Maksete viibimise l
teavitab ministeerium sellest toetuse saajat. 6.5. Kaasfinantseeringu väljamaksed ei ole järgmisest kalendriaastast alates siduvad juhul, kui
riigieelarves vajalikud vahendid osaliselt või täielikult puuduvad. Tulenevalt riigieelarve seaduse §-s 60 sätestatud piirangutest eelarveliste kohustuste võtmisel, kuulub lepingu punktis 5.3 toodud kaasfinantseeringu summa ülevaatamisele iga-aastase riigieelarve
kinnitamise järel.
7. MAKSETAOTLUSE ESITAMINE 7.1. Toetuse saaja esitab ministeeriumile e-toetuste keskkonna kaudu maksetaotluse vähemalt
kord poolaastas, kuid mitte sagedamini kui kord kvartalis projekti elluviimise algusajast arvates.
7.2. Makse aluseks olevate dokumentide menetlusaeg on kuni 80 kalendripäeva dokumentide saamisest arvates.
7.3. Ministeeriumi õigused ja kohustused makse menetlemise peatamisel ja maksest keeldumise l
on sätestatud ühendmääruse §-s 33.
8.1. Toetuse saaja esitab ministeeriumile partneritega kooskõlastatud projekti tegevuste,
tulemuste ja näitajate saavutamise edenemise vahearuande ministeeriumi väljatöötatud vormil e-toetuste keskkonna kaudu üldjuhul iga aasta 15. jaanuariks ja 15. juuniks vastavalt
31. detsembri ja 31. mai seisuga tegevuse elluviimise algusajast arvates. Kui projekti tegevuste alguse ja esimese vahearuande esitamise tähtpäeva vahe on vähem kui neli kuud, esitatakse vahearuanne järgmiseks tähtpäevaks.
8.2. Toetuse saaja esitab ministeeriumile partneritega kooskõlastatud projekti tegevuste, tulemuste ja näitajate saavutamise edenemise lõpparuande e-toetuste keskkonna kaudu
45 päeva jooksul alates tegevuse abikõlblikkuse perioodi lõppkuupäevast. Kui projekti tegevused lõppevad enne abikõlblikkuse perioodi lõppu, tuleb lõpparuanne esitada 45 päeva jooksul tegevuste lõppemisest arvates.
8.3. Juhul, kui vahearuande ja lõpparuande esitamise tähtaja vahe on vähem kui kuus kuud, esitatakse ainult lõpparuanne.
8.4. Projekti vahe- ja lõpparuaruandes (edaspidi projekti aruanne) kajastatakse info vastavalt e- toetuste keskkonna aruande andmeväljades nõutule.
8.5. Kui e-toetuste keskkonna töös esineb tehniline viga, mis takistab projekti aruande tähtaegset
esitamist, loetakse projekti aruande esitamise tähtajaks järgmine tööpäev pärast vea kõrvaldamist.
8.6. Ministeerium kontrollib üldjuhul 15 tööpäeva jooksul aruande laekumisest, kas projekti
aruanne on nõuetekohaselt täidetud ja annab ülevaate tehtud tegevustest. 8.7. Kui projekti aruandes puudusi ei esine, kinnitab ministeerium projekti aruande.
8.8. Projekti aruandes puuduste esinemise korral annab ministeerium toetuse saajale vähemalt kümme tööpäeva puuduste kõrvaldamiseks ning ministeerium kinnitab aruande kümne tööpäeva jooksul pärast puuduste kõrvaldamist.
8.9. Tegevuste puhul, mis sisaldavad koolitusi, mis toimuvad vähem kui 3 kuud enne projekti lõpparuande esitamise kuupäeva, esitab toetuse saaja e-toetuste keskkonnas järelaruande.
Järelaruanne tuleb esitada hiljemalt 1. maiks 2026. 8.10. Ministeeriumil on õigus küsida toetuse saajalt lisainfot projekti tegevuse käigu ja tulemuste
9.1. Pooled: 9.1.1. võtavad kasutusele kõik asjakohased ja vajalikud meetmed, et tagada lepingust tulenevate
kohustuste ja eesmärkide täitmine;
9.1.2. kasutavad raamatupidamissüsteemi, mis võimaldab eristada projektiga seotud tehinguid; 9.1.3. esitavad üksteisele informatsiooni, mis on vajalik lepingu edukaks täitmiseks;
9.1.4. teavitavad üksteist projekti edukat rakendamist takistavatest või takistada võivatest asjaoludest;
9.1.5. tagavad projektiga seotud dokumentatsiooni nõuetekohase säilitamise vastavalt
ÜSS2021_2027 §-le 18 ja ÜSM artikli 82 lõikele 1 viis aastat toetuse saajale tehtud lõppmakse tegemise aasta 31. detsembrist arvates;
9.1.6. võimaldavad auditite ja järelevalve (sh kohapealsete kontrollide) teostamist ning osutavad selleks igakülgset abi, sh võimaldavad volitatud isikul ligipääsu esitatud andmete õigsuse kontrollimiseks kõigile projekti rakendamisega seotud dokumentidele ja informatsioonile,
sealhulgas elektroonilisel kujul olevale teabele, ning viibida toetuse kasutamise administreerimise ja toetuse kasutamisega seotud ruumides ja territooriumil;
9.1.7. järgivad oma tegevuses õigusaktides sätestatud raamatupidamise korraldamise, avaliku teabe edastamise ning isikuandmete kaitse põhimõtteid ning põhjendavad kõiki erandeid ja dokumenteerivad põhjendused.
9.2. Toetuse saaja on kohustatud:
9.2.1. esitama ministeeriumile projekti kirjelduse struktuuritoetuse registrisse sisestamiseks ministeeriumi väljatöötatud vormil 15 tööpäeva jooksul lepingu sõlmimisest. Projekti kirjeldus peab olema allkirjastatud ka projekti partnerite poolt;
9.2.2. rakendama projekti vastavalt lisas toodud projektile; 9.2.3. kasutama toetust ja projekti kaasfinantseeringut eesmärgipäraselt lepingus ning selle lisades
näidatud tegevustega seotud abikõlblike kulude katmiseks; 9.2.4. lähtuma projekti rakendamisel ÜSMi artiklis 9 sätestatud horisontaalsetest eeltingimustest; 9.2.5. järgima kõiki ÜSS2021_2027 ja selle alusel kehtestatud õigusaktides toetuse saajale
sätestatud kohustusi; 9.2.6. täitma lisaks lepingus sätestatud kohustustele ühendmääruse §-des 10 ja 11 toetuse saajale
kehtestatud kohustusi; 9.2.7. esitama ministeeriumile enne esimese maksetaotluse esitamist: väljavõtte oma raamatupidamise sise-eeskirjast, milles on kirjeldatud, kuidas projekti
kulusid ja nende tasumist eristatakse raamatupidamises muudest toetuse saaja kuludest; asutuse riigihangete korra või selle asutuse riigihangete korra, kes toetuse saaja nimel
hankeid korraldab; edasivolitatud õiguste korral esindusõigusliku isiku antud volituse koopia.
Nimetatud dokumente ei pea esitama, kui toetuse saaja on varem ministeeriumile nimetatud
dokumendid esitanud ja neid ei ole enne projekti rakendamist muudetud. Toetuse saaja esitab ministeeriumile sellekohase kirjaliku kinnituse;
9.2.8. esitama ministeeriumile tähtaegselt lepingu punktides 7 ja 8 nõutud maksetaotlused ja aruanded ning vajalikke täiendavaid andmeid Euroopa Komisjonile esitatavate aruannete tarbeks;
9.2.9. esitama ministeeriumile projekti eelarve jagunemise tegevuste ja aastate kaupa ministeeriumi väljatöötatud vormil 15 tööpäeva jooksul lepingu sõlmimisest. Tegevuskava
ja eelarveridade vahelist jaotust tohib muuta kuni kaks korda aastas (taotlus esitada ministeeriumile 15. jaanuariks ja/või 15. juuniks). Tegevuskava ja eelarve muutmist ei ole vaja taotleda järgmistel juhtudel: eelarverida suureneb vähem kui 15% kinnitatud eelarvereale plaanitud summast; eelarvereale planeeritud summa jaotus muutub aastate lõikes; täpsustub tegevuste kulude detailne kirjeldus. 9.2.10. esitama projekti maksete prognoosi iga aasta 15. jaanuariks ja 15. juuniks ministeer iumi
väljatöötatud vormil;
9.2.11. teavitama ministeeriumi, kui toetatava tegevusega samalaadsele tegevusele on taotletud toetust muudest välisabi vahenditest;
9.2.12. teavitama ministeeriumi ürituse (sh koolituse, seminari, konverentsi, infopäeva, õppevisiidi) toimumisest e-toetuste keskkonna kaudu vähemalt 14 päeva enne ürituse toimumist, et võimaldada kohapealse kontrolli tegemist;
9.2.13. kolmandates riikides toimuvatel üritustel (sh koolitustel, seminaridel ja konverentside l) osalemine ning neisse õppevisiidi korraldamine tuleb eelnevat kooskõlastada ministeeriumiga. Vastav põhjendus esitada ministeeriumile e-toetuste keskkonna kaudu
Euroopa Komisjoni poolt kehtestatud vormil vähemalt 45 päeva enne õppevisiid i, koolituse, seminari või konverentsi toimumist;
9.2.14. koguma ja töötlema andmeid seirearuande jaoks, sh koolitatavate andmeid koolituste l osalenud isikute kohta (eesnimi, perekonnanimi, isikukood, e-posti aadress) kooskõlas isikuandmete kaitse seadusega ning tagama osalejate kohta korrektsete andmete olemasolu
e-toetuste keskkonnas iga kvartali lõpu seisuga hiljemalt kvartalile järgneva teise nädala lõpuks. Toetuse saaja infosüsteemis säilitatakse osalemise tõestamiseks allkirjalehte, kus
on isikukood, eesnimi, perekonnanimi ja osaleja allkiri; 9.2.15. viivitamatult teavitama ministeeriumi kirjalikku taasesitamist võimaldavas vormis projekti
elluviimisel esinevatest probleemidest, mis võivad mõjutada tulemuse saavutamist;
9.2.16. andma igakülgse sisulise panuse seiresse, kontrolli, auditisse või hindamisse; 9.2.17. tagama, et fondist toetust saavaid tegevusi ja kulusid ei rahastata muudest allikatest;
9.2.18. viivitamatult kirjalikult, kirjalikku taasesitamist võimaldavas vormis või elektroonilise lt informeerima ministeeriumit kõikidest toetuse saaja ja partnerite andmetes toimunud muudatustest või asjaoludest, mis mõjutavad või võivad mõjutada toetuse saajat oma
kohustuste täitmisel, sh nime, aadressi ja seaduslike või volitatud esindajate muutumises t, vastutavate isikute vahetumisest, varade või õiguste üleandmise otsustest jne ka siis, kui
eelnimetatud muudatused on registreeritud avalikus registris või avalikusta tud massiteabevahendite kaudu;
9.2.19. vastutama ministeeriumi ees (sh kandma rahalist vastutust kogu toetussumma ulatuses)
lepingus sätestatud kohustuste täitmise eest; 9.2.20. tagastama ministeeriumi nõudmisel osaliselt või täielikult toetuse ja kaasfinantseer ingu
kooskõlas ühendmääruse §-dega 34-37. Kui abikõlbmatud kulud jäävad toetuse saaja enda tasuda, siis vastavalt ühendmääruse § 37 lõikele 4, väheneb projekti eelarve finantskorrektsiooni võrra;
9.2.21. tagasi maksma tagasinõutava toetuse ja kaasfinantseeringu 90 kalendripäeva jooksul tagasinõude otsuse kättesaamisest;
9.2.22. teavitama avalikkust ja projektis osalejaid fondist saadud toetusest vastavalt teavitusmäärusele.
9.3. Ministeerium on kohustatud: 9.3.1. sisestama toetuse saaja edastatud teabe alusel projekti info struktuuritoetuste registrisse ja
avama projekti; 9.3.2. maksma toetuse saajale ja partneritele toetust ja kaasfinantseeringut lepingus sätestatud
tingimustel ja korras;
9.3.3. tegema asjakohased ministeeriumile esitamiseks vajalikud aruandevormid kättesaadavaks toetuse saajale;
9.3.4. kontrollima lepingu punktides 7 ja 8 nimetatud maksetaotlusi ja aruannet; 9.3.5. tegema finantskorrektsioone vastavalt ühendmääruse §-dele 34–37.
10.1. Pool vabaneb vastutusest ainult juhul, kui lepingu mittetäitmise või mittenõuetekohase täitmise põhjustab vääramatu jõud.
10.2. Vääramatu jõu all käsitavad pooled mistahes ettenägematut, nendest sõltumatut sündmust,
mille tekkimist, kestvust või lõppemist ei saanud pool mõjutada ja mõistlikkuse põhimõttest lähtudes ei saanud poolelt oodata, et ta lepingu sõlmimise ajal selle asjaoluga arvestaks või
seda väldiks või takistava asjaolu või selle tagajärje ületaks. 10.3. Vääramatu jõu all kannatav pool teavitab sellest viivitamata teist poolt kirjalikult, kirjalikku
taasesitamist võimaldavas vormis või elektrooniliselt 5 tööpäeva jooksul, märkides
vääramatu jõu laadi, tõenäolise kestuse ja arvatava mõju. 10.4. Vääramatu jõud muudab lepingus sätestatud kohustuste tähtaega perioodi võrra, mille
jooksul lepingu täitmine on vääramatu jõu tõttu poole jõupingutustest olenemata võimatu,
kuid mitte kauem kui fondi abikõlblikkuse perioodi lõpptähtajani. Pooled teevad kõik jõupingutused vääramatust jõust tingitud kahjude vähendamiseks.
11.1. Leping jõustub lepingu allakirjutamisest mõlema poole poolt. 11.2. Leping kehtib kuni mõlema poole lepinguliste kohustuste nõuetekohase täitmiseni.
11.3. Toetuse ja kaasfinantseeringu andmise tingimustes tehtavad muudatused tuleb sätestada kirjalikult või elektrooniliselt lepingu lisas ning muudatus jõustub hetkest, mil mõlemad pooled on lisa allkirjastanud, kui lisas ei ole sätestatud teisiti.
11.4. Lepingu muudatuse tegemiseks peab toetuse saaja esitama ministeeriumile taotluse hiljemalt 30 kalendripäeva enne projekti lõpukuupäeva, milles põhjendab, kuidas nimetatud
muudatused aitavad kaasa projekti edukale elluviimisele. Muudatused ei tohi vähendada projekti tulemuslikkust ja selle eesmärkide ning näitajate saavutamise tõenäosust.
11.5. Järgnevad muudatused lepingus ei ole lubatud:
11.5.1. projekti eesmärgi muutmine; 11.5.2. fondi eraldise suurendamine (v.a juhul, kui see toimub toetuse saaja poolt tehtud
põhjendatud ettepanekul mõnes teises projektis vabanenud fondi eraldise arvel ning ministeerium selle heaks kiidab);
11.5.3. projekti perioodi pikendamine rohkem kui rakenduskava abikõlblikkuse perioodi lõpuni
või taotlusvooru kutses märgitud kuupäevani; 11.5.4. kõik muud muudatused, mis seaksid kahtluse alla kriteeriumid ja nende väärtused, mille
alusel projekt fondist finantseerimiseks välja valiti. 12. LEPINGU ENNETÄHTAEGNE LÕPETAMINE
12.1. Lepingu võib ennetähtaegselt lõpetada poolte kokkuleppel.
12.2. Poolel on õigus leping ühepoolselt lõpetada, teatades sellest teisele poolele kirjalikult või elektrooniliselt vähemalt 45 kalendripäeva ette, järgmistel juhtudel:
12.2.1. pool on rikkunud oluliselt lepingus sätestatud kohustusi;
12.2.2. vääramatu jõu tõttu, kui see takistab lepingu täitmist 45 kalendripäeva jooksul. 12.3. Lepingu lõpetamise korral eraldab ministeerium toetust ja kaasfinantseeringut üksnes nende
abikõlblike kulutuste katteks, mille toetuse saaja on tegelikult teinud kuni kuupäevani, mil leping lõpetatakse. Arvesse ei võeta kulusid, mis on seotud kohustustega, mis tuleb täita pärast lepingu lõpetamist. Ennetähtaegselt lõpetatud lepingu alusel makstava toetuse ja
kaasfinantseeringu summa määramisel hindab ministeerium lepingu lõpetamise põhjust, projekti elluviimise faasi, projekti eesmärkide saavutatust ja muid olulisi asjaolusid.
12.4. Kui ministeerium lõpetab lepingu põhjusel, et toetuse saaja esitab tegelikkusega vastuolus olevaid aruandeid, et saada lepinguga ettenähtud toetust, võib ministeerium erandina pärast toetuse saajale märkuste esitamise võimaluse andmist nõuda nende summade osalist või
täielikku tagastamist, mis on ministeeriumi poolt lepingu kohaselt juba makstud.
13.1. Lepinguga seotud teave (v.a punktide 9.2.1. ja 9.2.9. alusel esitatavad dokumendid)
edastatakse ministeeriumile e-toetuste keskkonna kaudu. 13.2. Toetuslepingu muutmise taotlus esitatakse digitaalselt allkirjastatuna
dokumendihaldussüsteemi kaudu. 13.2.1. Ministeeriumi kontaktisik lepingu täitmisega seotud küsimustes:
Kontaktisik Ülle Leht
Telefon 612 5078
E-post [email protected]
13.2.2. Toetuse saaja kontaktisik lepingu täitmisega seotud küsimustes:
Kontaktisik Anu Leps
Telefon 620 8117
E-post [email protected]
Ministeeriumi otsuse või toimingu vaide/vaidluse menetleja on ministeerium, määrates
vaide/vaidluse lahendajaks teenistuja, kes ei ole vaidlusaluses küsimuses otsuseid või toiminguid teinud või nende tegemist nõustanud. Vaide esitamisele ja menetlemisele kohalduvad ÜSS2021_2027 §-s 60 nimetatud erisused haldusmenetluse seaduses sätestatud vaide esitamise
regulatsioonile. Vaidlused riigiasutuste, sh valitsusasutuste vahel lahendatakse Vabariigi Valitsuse seaduses sätestatud korras.
Poolte allkirjad:
Toetuse saaja Ministeerium
(allkirjastatud digitaalselt) (allkirjastatud digitaalselt)
Tõnis Saar Piret Lilleväli
Application form
Information to be filled out by the Commission
Fund Specific Objective Specific Action Reference of the call Internal
Security Fund (ISF)
SO3 Provision of services to victims of
trafficking in human beings – THB
N.B. This application form is composed of a non-exhaustive list of information required by the Commission
services to assess an application. Please note that for the assessment, additional information may be
requested if needed.
Part. 1 - Administrative information
A) General information
Member State(s)
National Specific Action
(Indicate your Member State)
Transnational Specific Action (Indicate the
participating Member States)
Title of the project
Alert helpers! – Building collaborative capacity for identification and assistance of THB victims in Estonia
B) Participants and contacts
Identity of the (lead) Managing Authority
Full legal name of the Managing Authority (in English)
Ministry of Interior of Estonia
Legal representative of the Managing Authority
Title/First Name/Last Name: Tarmo Miilits
Position: Secretary General of the Ministry of Interior
Contact details of the contact point for the specific action within
the Managing Authority
Title/First Name/Last Name: Ms Ülle Leht Position: Adviser
Direct telephone + country code number: +3726125078 E-mail: [email protected]
Contact details of the person responsible for implementing the project if successful: Anu Leps, +3726208117, [email protected]
n.b. The participating Managing Authorities from other Member States should fill in the partnership declaration form
Project Beneficiaries
List all the project beneficiaries
Lead project beneficiary: Ministry of Justice of Estonia
Project partners in Estonia: 1) NGO Mondo 2) The Estonian Academy of Security Science Other beneficiaries of the project: 1) Ministry of Interior of Estonia 2) Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia 3) Police and Border Guard Board 4) Social Insurance Board 5) Labour Inspectorate 6) Northern Prosecution Office 7) Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund 8) The Estonian Association of Youth Workers 9) Estonian Refugee Council 10) The Estonian Hotel and Restaurant Association 11) The Association of Estonian Open Youth Centres (AEYC)
Exchange of information
between the Managing Authority and the
project beneficiaries
Any project selected will have to be implemented in accordance with EU and national rules, and the national management and control system of the Member State concerned. Has the Managing Authority exchanged information with the project beneficiaries about the conditions under the Member State’s Programme to ensure compliance with these rules?
xYes ☐ No Comments (any outstanding issues or issues to be addressed after selection, if applicable) :
Do all partners agree on all the legal and financial obligations in implementing this project?
xYes ☐ No Comments :
Part 2. Presentation of the project
Project description
Provide a short summary of the project (max ½ page) that could be published online and presents clearly and briefly what you will do, why and what you expect to be the concrete
results once the project is finalised Project “Alert helpers! – Building collaborative capacity for identification and assistance of THB victims” in Estonia consists of two stems of activities: 1) activities related to training and networking, 2) activities related to composing e-training and other training materials. The Project is coordinated by the Ministry of Justice of Estonia and is implemented by a total of 14 partners in Estonia and lasts for 36 months from start of 2023 to the end of 2025. The partners include organisations both governmental (e.g. prosecutor’s offices, police, social insurance board) and non-governmental (like NGO Mondo). The aim of the project is to improve the competence of the professionals and volunteers in identifying vulnerable persons and potential victims of human trafficking. Competence will be increased by carrying out 1) multidimensional cross sectoral awareness rising trainings for different stakeholders , who work with people and therefore are able to notify risks of THB, 2) training to trainers to the public authorities and associations of youth work in order to build the competence of professionals working with victims and investigations, 3) creating e-learning course for officials for the self-study purposes. As professional collaboration throughout everyday work needs to be strengthened through sharing experiences and also contact making, then 4) cooperation seminars for sharing experiences within Estonian colleagues with the purpose of establishing stronger networks and information sharing in everyday operational work is planned to take place as second phase for the multidimensional cross sectoral awareness rising trainings; 5) activities (e-learning platform and face to face trainings) and teaching-learning materials
targeted towards educators to increase their capacity to cover THB theme with their students for awareness raising and prevention. All the activities carry the intention to improve victim’s assistance and referral, in the means of personnel, but also target groups. Regards professionals it is essential also to work with attitudes , willingness to work with traumatised persons, with stereotypical behaviour and attitudes towards gender equality and violence, as well as working out solid procedures for assisting victims in state and local level authorities.
Provide a description of the project including (max 3 pages): a) the general objectives of the project;
b) the actors and Member States involved; c) the activities carried out under the project;
d) the challenges addressed, and
e) the expected (quantified) results A. Objective of the project
Main objective of the project is to improve the competence and skills of officials, volunteers and other notifiers in state and local level in order to increase the level of identification of possible victims overall in Estonia. The specific objectives overall are by the two stems of activities:
1) activities related to trainings and networking:
- to raise awareness and competence of local and state level professionals and volunteers in noticing and supporting trafficking, but also leading possible trafficking victims to early assistance; -to improve multidimensional and over sectoral cooperation and networking competencies between national stakeholders; -to improve the knowledge of the personnel of the maintenance, hospitality, counselling and translation services sectors, like hotels and restaurants in preventing THB; - to raise awareness of the potential victims of self-reporting possibilities to Estonian authorities; - to increase the capacity of educators to engage in prevention and raise awareness about THB among their students / youth. 2) activities related to composing e-training and other training materials: - to increase knowledge and capabilities of officials through trainings and sustainable trainings methods; - to work out sustainable training modules, including curricula for first level notifiers, to trainers’ trainings and also for e-learning course; - to empower educators to cover the topic of THB with their students / youth by development of e - training modules and teaching-learning materials - lesson plans, explanatory videos/animations, role plays etc. B. Actors involved The project raises awareness and professionalism in the criminal justice, labour, health, social, child protection, youth work services and education in the local and state level, but as well addresses practitioners from the private and third sector through businesses of maintenance, hospitality,
translation and counselling services and also volunteers who are also working with persons in need and with youngsters. From the main partners of the project we establish a steering committee, which will follow the project schedule, discuss and also decide upon training curricula, make proposals on the selection of trainer’s, give input into updating guidelines and also cooperation seminars, which are important to all of the counterparts. Steering committee meets once in a quarter (12 times per project) and communication is done over e-mails and electronic consultation (a special e-mail list is established). In order of updating existing guidelines of referral and assistance of victims and also working out training materials and e - learning course workgroups will be composed, which are giving advice on the content and will be part of producing and collecting material to the course and guidelines, like also mapping the practices and training materials from other countries, international organisations and networks of EU and worldwide. Table 1. Partners and their responsibilities during the project
Name of the partner Role in the project Result of the trainers training Ministries
Ministry of Justice - overall coordination of the project; - implementing trainings and cooperation seminars, incl. working out trainings’ curricula; - participating actively in the course of actions carried out by partners, like e-course and update of guidelines; leading steering committee;
- - finding lecturers to trainings
from the organisation;
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Estonia
- working out trainings’ curricula, e-learning course; -participating in update of guidelines of referral and assistance; - part of the steering committee; - finding lecturers to trainings from the organisation;
Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia
- updating guidelines of referral and assistance of victims; - working out training’s curricula, e-learning course; - part of the steering committee; -finding lecturers to trainings from the organisation;
State organisations in Estonia Estonian Unemployment Fund
- working out trainings’ curricula, e-learning course; - part of the steering committee; - participation on the seminars and trainings; - e-learning course available for use in intranet services; - finding lecturers to trainings from the organisation;
Up to 10 persons in the organisation to be further trainers in organisation
Labour Inspectorate
- working out trainings’ curricula, e-learning course; - part of the steering committee; - participation on the seminars and trainings; - e-learning course available for use in intranet services; - finding lecturers to trainings from the organisation
Up to 30 persons in the organisation trained and part of them to be further trainers in organisation
Police and Border Guard Board
- working out trainings’ curricula, e-learning course; - part of the steering committee; - participation on the seminars and trainers’ trainings; - e-learning course available for use in intranet services; - finding lecturers to trainings from the organisation
Up to 20 persons in the organisation to be further trainers in organisation
Prosecutors Office (Northern District)
- working out trainings’ curricula, e-learning course; - part of the steering committee; - participation on the seminars and trainings; - e-learning course available for use in intranet services; - finding lecturers to trainings from the organisation;
Up to 5 persons in the organisation to be further trainers in organisation
Social Insurance Board
- working out trainings’ curricula, e-learning course; - part of the steering committee;
Up to 20 persons in the organisation to be further trainers in organisation
- participation on the seminars and trainings; - e-learning course available for use in intranet services; - finding lecturers to trainings from the organisation -assisting victims, also counselling options;
Non-Governmental organisations
The Association of Estonian Open Youth Centres (AEYC)
- part of the steering committee; - participation on the seminars and trainings; - e-learning course available for use in intranet services; - finding lecturers to trainings from the organisation;
Up to 4 persons in the organisation to be further trainers in organisation
The Estonian Association of Youth Workers
- part of the steering committee; - participation on the seminars and trainings; - e-learning course available for use in intranet services; - finding lecturers to trainings from the organisation;
Up to 4 persons in the organisation to be further trainers in organisation
The Estonian Hotel and Restaurant Association
-participating on the seminars and trainings;
Estonian Refugee Council
- part of the steering committee; - participation on the seminars and trainings; - e-learning course available for use in intranet services; - finding lecturers to trainings from the organisation;
NGO Mondo - working out curricula for e- learning and face to face training course with the specification to education workers; - develop training materials (methodology, lesson plans/activities) for educational workers to increase their
capacity to cover THB matters with their students.
Universities The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences
- overall coordination and implementation of the trainer’s trainings and e-learning course; - part of the steering committee.
Anti-trafficking training and seminars aim at providing a modern, victim centred, trauma sensitive and respectful for differences (like gender, etc) approach for practitioners who may be exposed to THB and who gets in touch with possible THB victims in order to identify their case and lead the cases to assistance and investigation if needed. Trainings of professionals working with THB cases are planned also in the Estonian national program of ISF, but trainings planned in this project are supplementary to the planned activities and now focus is given to the new target groups who are considered to be first notifiers on the side of the specialists working with the themes as everyday job. Carrying out annual constant trainings for the prevention and tackling of THB is also one of the priorities in the national strategy preventing violence, incl THB1. C. Activities carried out Project consists of two stems of activities: 1) activities related to training and networking and 2) activities related to composing a self-learning e-training course and other training materials. The Project is coordinated by the Ministry of Justice of Estonia and is implemented by a total of 14 partners in Estonia. The partners included organisations both governmental (e.g. prosecutor’s offices, police) and non-governmental (like Associations of the Youth Work Centres and Youth Workers) , also from private sector (The Estonian Hotel and Restaurant Association). The aim of the project is to improve the skills of officials in state and local level, but also any other kind of facilitators and volunteers in third sector and also personnel of private sector businesses in some sectors in identifying vulnerable persons and potential victims of human trafficking. Trainings and networking with supporting materials build collaboration and professionalism and supports Estonian country-wide and also international cooperation in tackling THB crimes, especially in joint investigation themes, cooperation projects and in carrying out joint prevention activities. First group of activities consists of updating the guidance for referral of victims and also refresh national procedures of referral, but also working out training materials for professionals working with identification and assistance of THB victims in all levels from state to the level of volunteers in the communities. One essential part of the project is establishing e-learning course for the officials and organisations, who are entitled to identify trafficking (like police, border guards, labour inspectors, labour consultants, victims support and child protection specialists, etc) for raising the competence in self-learning way, especially among the colleagues who have not received training on THB issues, but who somehow related to the theme in their everyday work, like assistant police officers and patrol police officers, also labour consultants and other in all of the state organisations who are partnering in this project. One extra course will be worked out for the education specialists in order to raise their awareness of the THB and as well give them teaching methods for the school classes. Materials, which are produced in the project are in Estonian, but we respect exchange of knowledge and in order for that
1 National strategy “Violence Prevention Agreement” is confirmed by the Government in 2021 and chapter nr 7 is
dedicated to THB matters.
we will share the materials with EU colleagues through the e-Platform of the EU NREM Network. All the interested colleagues have the possibility to translate materials using Webgate, Google translate or any other dedicated translation facilities. Second group of activities are training to professionals on local and state level and among caregivers in communities working as volunteers as well as for companies who might have contacts with the THB victims, like the maintenance and hospitality sector (like hotels, restaurants, etc), but also translation and counselling services. They should be alert to exploitation circumstances in forehand. It is crucial to guarantee effective protection of victims’ rights by the officials who are entitled to offer services and start with investigations if the need arises, but as well widening the understanding of the assistance possibilities and as well competences of identification among other assistance providers from municipalities and also from third sector, including volunteers, which prevents further damage to victims and in total reduces the risk of secondary victimisation. In addition, educational workers are empowered to cover THB related activities with their students, which contributes to the prevention of young Estonians becoming victims of trafficking. In this purpose the plan is to carry out four versions of training: 1) firstly, to carry out multidimensional and cross-sectoral training to target groups to notice first signs of trafficking and to give them information about assistance possibilities, further called as ABC training of THB. In addition to first level ABC training, 2) secondly, the plan is to have cooperation seminars after the first trainings in order for experience sharing; 3) thirdly, to train trainers into authorities and also to unions of specialists, who are competent and able to train newcomers and also colleagues, who have less experience with THB cases; 4) fourthly, to train educational workers through e-learning and face to face trainings and increase their capacity to address THB theme with their students. Trained assistance providers and professionals with good competences are key figures in facil itating possible victims to further assistance in due time and in the longer run in reducing THB crimes and secondary victimisation. In the project, one of the main focuses goes to organizing a wide range of multidimensional and cross sectoral stakeholder trainings in different regions with the purpose to improve Estonian national procedures on referral and identification of trafficking victims. In order to support cooperation and networking, several regional cooperation seminars take place, so that colleagues can share the perception of new situations based on the knowledge gained from each other and learn from each other. This information sharing is also helpful for the international cooperation, whether in joint investigation themes, cooperation seminars or other collaborative activities. As all of the aforementioned activities are meant for the persons who are in touch with potential victims of THB for giving assistance to them, now we have experienced, that support services personnel, like counselling and translation, also need ABC training and we consider them joining as participants of the trainings. D. Challenges addressed Estonia has been active in training different officials to identify the risks of trafficking, but the scale has reached mostly victim support, child protection specialists, also investigators from police and border guard and prosecutors’ offices, as well as labour inspectors. Smaller attention has been given to volunteers and local level specialists, trainings to them have been more occasional than regular. The
latest EMOR research2 also shows that public the awareness of the trafficking is around 80%, but if to focus more to the certain aspects of trafficking, then the understandings differ more and awareness decreases. 2% of the population supports entirely that prostitution is needed, because it guarantees income and work to persons engaged into prostitution. 60% of the population still sees, that purchase of sex should be criminalized. In total on the attitude level the risk to become victims of THB is relevantly low, but the skills to act to the real case is much lower. So, considered the results of the research and also changes in the society, then this project brings attention especially to those target groups, who are more hands on to the client work and is dedicated for improving their competences in order to prevent trafficking. It is a wide target group of assistants working with these people and their knowledge of trafficking is low, but at the same time it is crucial to notice threats of THB to protect vulnerable persons with traumas and build up new networks with better knowledge on THB. In the organizations who work with cases on everyday basis the systematic approach and standardisation is needed in order to avoid loss of awareness and reaction due to personnel change. From the practical experiences of Police and Social Insurance Board we are able to address some of extra challenges, which will be encountered in this project, especially in trainings curricula and materials:
1) Number of children and youth who are influenced of sending revealing materials of themselves
and who might be engaged into prostitution through these actions are in danger of being THB
victims and we need to prevent that through accommodating services offered to them and
through trainings to child protection and social work specialists. Also, statistics support th is need
- number of crimes against children with the purpose to exploit them is relatively high over the
recent years and it forms one of the biggest number of crimes related to THB (Penal Code § 175
Human trafficking with respect to minors (Inimkaubandus alaelise suhtes, statistics: 2021:16;
2) Changed target groups in prostitution and self-search for services. Police and social services
have more and more contacts with transgender persons engaged into prostitution and as this
target group is relatively new for us, then we need to raise awareness of their needs and to
adopt our work into using experiences of other countries in order to offer user-friendly services
to this target group. One of the new challenges is the growing number of males engaged into
prostitution. In 2021 there were 19 male clients in NGO Lifeline who works with outreach and
support services to persons engaged into prostitution. We have to engage in training
information of relevance of working with new target groups. In addition, we have to be better
informed and also able to react to the ads, which are on the borderline of normal interest to
find a partner through portals up to engaging persons into prostitution from the same ads.
Outreach work for mapping the ads is ongoing, but we are also eager to find new methods of
working especially for NGOs working in this sector.
E. Expected results The project results are described through the criteria of the application round.
2 Emor research on awareness of the violence against women and also relations to THB:
Output indicators
1. Number of participants in training activities:
There will be 350 participants in different trainings.
2. Number of exchange programmes/workshops/study visits:
There will be together 24 trainings and cooperation seminars, divided as follows:
- 8 ABC trainings for the first level identification and awareness raising in regional settings in Estonia;
- 2 special training sessions to maintenance and hospitality sector (hotels, restaurants etc) sector personnel and other business sector representatives in order to prevent trafficking;
- 4 special face to face trainings for educational workers to introduce the tools developed and provide methodological support to cover the THB related matters;
- 4 cooperation seminars are held for sharing experiences and for obtaining working techniques with vulnerable groups to THB and also with potential and identified victims of THB;
- 6 trainers’ trainings to prepare trainers for the organisations.
3. Number of projects to assist victims of crime: 1
- E-learning course for officials (1), available in Estonian and with subtitles. Electronically on the intranet possibilities of the authorities. E-learning course consists theoretical and practical part and in practical part case studies and study videos are brought in, as well as individual test to the parti cipant for evaluating the rate of the awareness caught from the e-learning course.
- E-learning course (1) for educational workers (including explanatory animations and texts on THB matters).
- Toolkit (1) for educational workers including methodological approach and lesson plans/activities.
- Updated guidelines for referral and assistance supporting victims, in Estonian electronic format.
- Reports and minutes of the steering committee meetings in electronic format.
- Project´s information page in Estonian Ministry of Justice´s homepage, EN, EE.
Result indicators
1. Number of participants of the trainings who consider the training activity useful for their work: 175 participants consider the training activity useful for their work by the feedback of the training done at the end of the training.
2. Number of participants who report three months after the training activity that they are using the skills and competences acquired during that training: 105 participants.
We evaluate that in the short term impact the project activities will help involved persons and organisations to be more competent and the multicomponent program supports them to take stakeholder ownership and also participate with their role in multidimensional cooperation. Practitioners will be better prepared and have necessary knowledge about THB and about identifying victims. If the cases arise, then participants and their organisations have necessary contacts to investigate and identify potential THB cases and victims, whether through special networks of professionals of the field and among mixed collaborative networks.
In the longer perspective training builds better competence and through this victim´ rights are protected and revictimization will be reduced. Multidimensional and cross-sectoral cooperation between relevant national authorities has been improved, wider usage of training materials is established, e -learning courses dedicated to officials are in use in order to build professional awareness and competence, which helps to build collaborative capacity in order to support procedures of victim identification in the country.
In the long run sustainable training competence is established through training the trainers to authorities in touch with THB victims and investigations, also independent use of the e-learning course is a relevant tool for the new colleagues for settling in and also for sustainable awareness raising in the organisations. Long term effect also is to build collaborative capacity of the helpers, in order to carry out careful identification and prevention of secondary victimisation. As we plan to communicate about the project activities in media, then public awareness of THB has risen as well, so that the impact of the project can be followed by the media monitoring.
Only for transnational project
Describe the arrangements agreed by the participating Member States (You are invited to explain the general rationale for the arrangements of the partnership. Depending on
the situation, you could refer to the division of tasks between participating entities, indicative timetable, distribution of the funding between participating entities, organisation of financial
management among the participating entities, linguistic regime and reporting, monitoring, control and audit arrangements)
Project mainly is planned for educating and competence building for Estonian colleagues working on several areas getting in touch with potential victims and vulnerable persons, who might have connections to THB crimes, also on the international and EU level. Division of tasks is described earlier in the project (actors involved, point C in the description of the project). Trainings and also other supportive materials are planned to held in Estonian and to implement in Estonian. Monitoring and reporting of the project will be done by project leader.
Is the EU funding
for the specific action to be
allocated to :
x Option 1: The programme of the lead Member State in its entirety?
☐Option 2: The programme of each partner Member State?
A) Relevance of the project
1 Clarity and
consistency of the project with the
objectives of the call
Explain how this proposal addresses the objectives and expected impact/outcomes as identified in the call for expression of interest
The project addresses several priorities and activities set in the objectives of the call, but as well as in the EU Anti-trafficking Directive 2011/36/EU, also in the Strategy on combating trafficking in human beings for the years of 2021-2025 regards provisions of detection, assistance and support, as well as on prevention and prosecution of the crime. This all can be done if the professionals are able to identify THB as early as possible and when the competence building is a sustainability figure in the organisations responsible for detecting and assisting victims of THB and also dealing with the investigations and prosecution in order to reduce and stop organised criminality and also repeated crimes and which is highly relevant - repeated victimisation. Project plans through its activities to enhance capacity building of operational actors, including to identify potential victims of trafficking, as well as to improve the capacity of officials from investigative and assisting authorities (like police, social insurance board, etc), but as well social partners. Cooperation seminars are done in a multidimensional way and this will facilitate multi agency cooperation for identifying trafficked victims for any kind of exploitation and also for bringing perpetrators to justice. This fits the priorities set for MS in the EU Strategy on combating trafficking in human beings for the years of 2021-2025, but also is agreed on the Directive transposition level for MS as well. Protection of victims and professional service provision who are the most vulnerable is a result of longer and shorter terms in the project. This is accomplished through competence building of the specialists covering also aspects of trauma sensitive, victims’ rights approach and also covering the aspects of sensitive communication and attitudes when working with traumatised victims, in order to avoid stereotypical, stigmatising attitudes towards victims.
2 Targeted nature of the
Explain the degree to which the proposal identifies and seeks to address the shortcomings at national
level in the provision of services to victims of
Proposal of the project addresses numerous activities from the call, like training for staff more generally aiding and support to victims of trafficking in human beings, notably through the production of information material such as handbooks or manuals, which in our case has special relevance given to local level partners, volunteers and also some business sectors who have more touch with potential trafficking victims and also to establishment of sustainable training system (e-learning course + trainers to offices from the co-workers dealing with THB and related matters) for main state agencies responsible for investigation and assistance to victims. Measures aimed at fostering a multi-agency and multidisciplinary approach, including public authorities, social workers, child protection services, education workers and other specialists are done within training
trafficking in human
and cooperation seminars, which constitute the biggest parts in the project. The project also contributes to the capacity of educational workers to cover THB matters with the students for awareness raising and possibly to prevent them falling victims of trafficking.
3 Complementarity of the project with the Member State’s programme and other
EU funding instruments
Describe how the project was conceived in order to be complementary to the
actions implemented under :
● the Member
● and other EU
where relevant
THB inside Estonia itself is considered to be a problem and this is prioritised in the fight against organised crime, cases of trafficking in human beings are rarely noticed and interventions are uncommon, so there is a need to raise awareness. In order to ensure compliance with international requirements, it is necessary to amend both prevention and detection practices and, where necessary, the law. Estonian strategy preventing violence “Violence Prevention Agreement for the years 2021-2021” sets 14 measures to fight against violent crimes and prevention of THB highlights the need to focus on awareness raising of professionals, public and businesses in order better to detect THB cases and assist possible victims and this project supports implementation of these goals well. According to the EU Strategy on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings 2021-2025 the priorities that EU member states should continue focussing in their criminal justice responses and prevention initiatives on all forms of exploitation, also increasing the efforts to improve the capacity of social partners and facilitate multi-agency cooperation for identifying trafficked victims. THB is specifically prohibited by Article 5 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. According to the directive 2011/36/EU article 18 it is necessary, that education and training, to discourage and reduce the demand that fosters all forms of exploitation related to trafficking in human beings takes places in MS and also the same article covers the needs for victims of THB to be able to exercise their rights effectively. Therefore, assistance and support should be available to them before, during and for an appropriate time after criminal proceedings. All the encounters of assistance must provide for resources to support victim assistance, support and protection. It is important to provide a modern, victim centred and trauma sensitive approach for practitioners, who may be exposed to THB in the course of their duties and this is why multidimensional and cooperation training is needed and welcomed. Also, it supports further professional collaboration between partners inside Estonia and internationally as well.
B) Quality and content of the project
1 Design,
organisation and
management of the
project at national
Describe the planned implementation methodology, the organisation of work and strategy for project management and monitoring, including the coordination mechanism between project’s partners (if applicable), as well as for the preparation of the report
Project is carried out on a national level with the principal's public governance and building collaborative capacity, where the state brings together relevant stakeholders in order to refresh its procedures of national referral and assisting victims. The project is carried out in the atmosphere of collaboration and this is why the main partners establish a steering committee, which has the power to discuss relevant aspects of the project, but also monitor the project flow and time plan. Steering committee holds meetings, either web-based or physical 4 times a year, in total 12 times and all of the meetings are reported so that decisions are available also in written formats and available for adding to the reports. Main coordination and also reporting is made by the project leader, who will be hired to the Ministry of Justice. Also, one project assistant with part- time work obligations will be hired to Ministry of Justice. They follow general management, incl carrying out financial management and also use of the technical solutions of the project and they have the responsibilities to implement and also organise ABC trainings and cooperation seminars. They are integrated to the work of coordinating the update of the guidelines of referral and assistance to THB victims on national level. This work is done in close cooperation of the steering committee and state organisations. Coordination and implementation of the training and e-learning materials consist of the biggest shares of the project activities and is done with close cooperation with two partners: 1) Training Centre of Academy of Security Sciences and 2) NGO Mondo. Academy of Security Sciences will be responsible: 1) E-learning course, its implementation from the scratch up to the
facilitation of it to the organisations who will use it later;
2) Coordination and carrying out trainer’s trainings;
NGO Mondo is responsible for working out toolkits and e-learning material
to education workers and carrying out the face-to-face training for
The MoJ will conclude partnership agreements with the partners and will
reimburse their costs after the costs have been incurred and declared with
the supporting documents to the MoJ.
The responsibilities of other partners are also described in the conte nt of the project in point C (actors involved).
The duration of the project is 36 months. The estimated start of the project will be 1. January 2023 and the end of the project will be 31. December
2 Indicative
Indicate and justify the duration of the project and its activities (to be aligned with the budget form)
2025. The project activities are divided into work streams and shared into the duration of the project so that there is sufficient time for preparation and implementation of the activities. Mostly the trainings start 3-4 month after the start of the project and end also the same time amount before the end of the project. The structure of the stems of the project is brought in short as follows and more detailed in Indicative Timetable as Annex 2. WS 0 Project management Activity 1 Project management: risk management, financial management, communication with partners, project documentation, subcontracting etc. WS 1 ABC trainings and cooperation seminars Activities 2-7 Activity 2. ABC multidimensional and cross sectoral training (10) carried out as 1-day training. Activity 3. Cooperation seminars (4) carried out as 2-day training. Activity 4. Face to face trainings to education workers (4) in order to teach them to use toolkits and other teaching materials with the students they are working with. Activity 5. Trainers trainings (6) for officials and also organisations working with youth as 2-day trainings. Activity 6. Trainings to maintenance and hospitality sector (2), carried out as one day training. WS 2 E-learning course and guidance materials Activities 7-9 Activity 7. E-learning course: Preparation works followed by electronic web- based e-learning course, dissemination to the organisations who start to use it, evaluation of the pilot use. Activity 8. Updating of guideline for referral and assistance of trafficking victims: starting with discussing issues with partners followed by forming and dissemination of guidelines. Activity 9. Training materials for educational workers.
3 Information on the
(to be aligned with the budget form)
Justification of the total eligible cost of the project3 (and per Member State in case of transnational project) EUR
Total eligible cost of the project activities EUR: 484 521,00 Eligible cost of the project in detail: WS 0 Project management (project leader, part-time assistant, steering committee meetings, reporting, communication): 150 293 eur WS 1 Activities related to trainings and networking: 266 878 eur including
- ABC trainings (10): 100 760 - Cooperation seminars (4): 96752
3 Indicate the main activities in the budget form Annex 1
4 Risk Management
- Trainers trainings (6): 50040 - Trainings to education workers (4): 10550 - Trainings to hospitality sector personnel (2): 8776
WS 2: Activities related drafting and implementing materials, e-learning courses, guidelines: 67350 eur including
- E-learning course (1): 45 000 - E-learning course and materials for education workers (2): 19 350 - Update of guidelines of referral and assistance of THB victims (1):
Requested co-financing rate Requested EU co-financing rate is 90% (EUR: 436 068,9 for project activities)
Total EU contribution + 6% Technical Assistance
Total EU contribution for project activities in EUR: 436 068,90 6% Technical Assistance EUR: 26 164,13 Total EU contribution (project activities and Technical Assistance) EUR: 462 233,03
Total amount to be committed to the Member State’s amended programme
Total EUR: 510 685,13 Including: EU contribution for project activities EUR: 436 068,9 EU contribution for Technical Assistance EUR: 26 164,13 National co-financing EUR: 48 452,1
Statement from the Managing Authority
Declaration indicating that the project proposal, including the information on the budget, has been prepared in accordance with EU and national eligibility rules and can therefore be included into the Member State's programme. If not yet the case, statement from the Managing Authority that the review process will be done after the selection
Project proposal, including the information on the budget, has been prepared in accordance with EU and national eligibility rules and can therefore be included into the Member State's programme.
Potential risks and measures to mitigate them
Risks Measures to mitigate risks Difficulties on finding an appropriate person for project management
Advertising in most common channels for vacancy as soon as possible and also search among specialists who might be interested of the project
Change of key persons Proper project documentation to hand over to new staff member and also contact persons in the ministry to take the lead if necessary
Partners will fail to deliver the actions, personnel, information and commitments outlined
Ongoing communication and regular planning and screening meetings with partners will mitigate the risk, project personnel keep track of the actions and will give timely notice to the partners to support delivering their actions
Problems in organising trainings, such as communication problems with partners, difficulties in finding appropriate time for all partners, finding speakers etc
All issues are discussed in regular steering committee meetings and communicated to partners at an early stage. Sessions are planned at the begging of the project with accuracy of the week, looking for possible speakers and negotiating with/contract them as soon as possible.
Problems with Subcontractor The entered Contract will mitigate possible problems
Problems with training timetable and meeting places
Timetables need to be adjusted early in advance and coordinated with partners.
Problems with possible lock downs and restrictions related to spread of COVID19
To held meetings in smaller size groups and also to use digital devices if needed to held trainings online replacing physical meetings
Monitoring strategy4
Project leader and part-time assistant will be hired and the obligations of the project leaders are described in their contracts and kept on track through regular meetings with Ministry of Justice. Project personnel will regularly monitor timetable of activities and to follow the agreed timeline in order to report on the status of the promised timeline, also they administrate the use of project funds and do the reporting. If some errors
4 For instance, regular reports to the MA on progress; meetings by project group members or any other mechanisms
to keep track of financial and operational steps taken to implement the project in a timely and correct manner
occur, then the project leader reacts to it in due time and also contacts the other partners in order for them to understand that activities must be realised by the agreed timeline. In order to keep an eye on the project progress, then steering committee will be created. Project personnel will have regular meetings with the steering committee, once in quarter. If there will be outside factors implementing the project realisation (like lock down restrictions because of the corona crisis), then needed modifications are done to timeline and activities, like trainings are considered to be done partially in online formats. The project will be managed as follows:
1) main coordination and also reporting is made by the project leader and assistant, who will be hired to the Ministry of Justice. They follow general management, incl. carrying out financial management and also use of the technical solutions of the project and they have the responsibilities to implement and also organise ABC trainings and cooperation seminars. They are integrated to the work of coordinating the update of the guidelines of referral and assistance to THB victims on national level. This work is done in close cooperation of the steering committee and state organisations;
2) Coordination and implementation of the training and e-learning materials is done in close cooperation with two partners: 1) Training Centre of Academy of Security Sciences and 2) NGO Mondo. Academy of Security Sciences will be responsible for e - learning course, its implementation from the scratch up to the facilitation of it to the organisations who will use it later and they are also responsible for the coordination and carrying out trainer’s trainings. NGO Mondo is responsible for working out toolkits and e- learning material to education workers and carrying out the face-to- face training for educators;
3) Ministry of Social Affairs is responsible to updating the guidelines with other state parties;
4) The responsibilities of other beneficiaries are also described in the content of the project in point C (actors involved).
5 Purpose and scope of the proposed
activities related to the provision of support and specialised services to victims of trafficking in human beings
Explain the degree to which these activities support the implementation of the
EU anti-trafficking directive (2011/36/EU) highlights in several articles (Art 11-17) the need to assist, protect victims, including child victims in all possible ways. It is crucial that Member States take the necessary measures to ensure that a person is provided with assistance and support as soon as the competent authorities have a reasonable-grounds indication of them being possible victims of THB crimes. In order to apply to the ground rules and agreements made on the EU level, we see the utmost relevance for training of all the notifiers of possible victimisation and THB crimes. On one hand for the purposes to protect victims and to assist them in early stages to reduce possible harm done by crimes and on the other hand in order to make criminals responsible for their actions. Article 18 gives essence to prevention and training activities and this is the measure which we use in this project to develop the level of better identification, to confirm the
Directive and address
vulnerable groups
procedures agreed between identifiers and also to raise awareness of the threats of THB crimes in nowadays Estonian society.
6 Compliance with the EU acquis Explain how this project will be covered by the rules applicable to the Member State’s programme that ensure actions are in compliance with the EU acquis including the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and, where applicable, international obligations of the Union and the Member States arising from international obligations from the international instruments to which they are party Articles 4 and 13(1) of the ISF Regulation
Trafficking in human beings is specifically prohibited by Article 5 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. According to the directive 2011/36/EU article 18 it is necessary, that education and training, to discourage and reduce the demand that fosters all forms of exploitation related to trafficking in human beings takes places in MS and also the same article covers the needs for victims of THB to be able to exercise their rights effectively. According to article 18 it is necessary for victims of trafficking in human beings to be able to exercise their rights effectively. All the encounters of assistance and officials likely to come into contact with victims or potential victims of trafficking in human beings should be adequately trained to identify and deal with victims and to be able to provide resources for victim assistance. This principle goes down the line of the Directive and has been highlighted in the preamble as brought out (point 25). The project aims the ISF priorities to promote a multi -agency and multi- disciplinary approach, as well as involve multilingual staff in order the assistance and support to be efficient, but also training and workshops for staff working more generally aiding and support to victims of trafficking in human beings, notably through the production of information material such as handbooks or manuals. The project and the partners are committed to share best practice, co- ordinated cross border services, development of European standards and also establish a professional network in Estonia and also abroad Through the trainings, networking seminars and also guidance materials produced in the project, participants of trainings will have better knowledge about the issue, they are able to recognize the THB victims and know how to respect and restore the human rights and needs of victims of trafficking and they are also able to share their knowledge and experiences among other colleagues in other countries As a result of the project the practitioners from several fields, from volunteers and officials to personnel working in maintenance and hospitality sector are aware about THB and are able to react to it.
7 Involvement of civil
society organisations
Please explain the degree to which civil
society organisations working with victims of
trafficking in human beings, as well as,
where relevant, the National Referral Mechanisms and other relevant actors, are involved in the
There will be numerous civil society organisations involved in the planned trainings of the project, the list is as follows: The Estonian Association of Youth Workers Estonian Refugee Council NGO Mondo The Estonian Hotel and Restaurant Association The Association of Estonian Open Youth Centers (AEYC) There will be two partners which coordinate the work of youth clubs and youth work organisations, they will offer their members of the unions to the trainings and also, they will find among their participants trainers who will be able to carry on trainings in their organisations, so that we are able to offer protection youngsters and children through these trained professionals of working with youth. Estonian Refugee Council and NGO Mondo are considered in two roles, as participants of the training, but as well as trainers, because of their experiences with trainings to several target groups. In addition, NGO Mondo takes leading role in development and implementation of trainings for educational workers due to their thorough experience covering global education matters and in the development of (e) training courses suitable for educators. The Estonian Hotel and Restaurant Association is an NGO who brings together hotels and restaurants and is eager to raise the level of understanding of THB and awareness raising among its members´ personnel in order to reduce risks of THB in the sector they are in. As said previously, this is one of the most vulnerable sectors where signs of labour trafficking have been present in Estonia. Main state organisations (Ministry of Interior of Estonia, Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia, Police and Border Guard Board, Social Insurance Board Labour Inspectorate, Prosecution Office, Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund) are the ones who are responsible for acting on THB cases, solving them, investigating in the power and also bringing victims to early assistance and criminals to justice. They have the power to update state guidelines of identifying the victims and referral of assistance and they are in charge of upgrading state response to trafficking. E-learning courses and having trainers of THB matters in these organisations are with the purpose of building up procedures of National Referral Mechanism.
C) Impact of the project
1 EU Added Value
Describe the concrete benefits and quantified results of the project for the European Union and the Member State concerned
Project activities will help to improve national cooperation through training, seminars and materials are produced for competence raising. As a result of the activities joint investigation teams can be established, which simplifies international investigation of THB cases in the future and operational information sharing with colleagues in Estonia and abroad. The project enables to use training materials and also e-learning course in other MS and in case of the interest they can be translated by other MS language and accommodate to their needs using Webgate or any other translation solutions. Exchange of experiences and practices from Estonian colleagues will be shared and forwarded to other European colleagues on the regular meetings of the national coordinators’ meetings in the EU Network of National Rapporteurs and Equivalent Mechanisms, also through its e-platform and as well in the regular meetings of the Council of Baltic Sea States TTHB Task Force and Council of Europe, also on other stakeholders meetings who address the issues of THB in order to share benefits gained from the project with EU colleagues and to give insights of our best practices and learnt experiences to other national actions
2 Expected impact of
the proposal in the Member State concerned for the target population
Please explain the
expected degree of change in terms of the quantity and quality of
provision of services to victims of trafficking in
human beings
As the main purpose of the project is to raise awareness of professionals and also possible notifiers from third and business sectors, then we consider that treating victims is more professional after the knowledge gained from the trainings. If the trainer’s trainings and also e -learning course materials are in use and implementation, then we predict that more professionals see the signs of THB and this also affects decision making over starting investigations or not. We presume, that the number of victims reaching assistance and regards to whom investigations are started increases, also we see that better noticing should bring to the increase of the self-reported cases to the victim assistance as well to registration of crimes. The improved capacity of educational workers to cover THB related matters with their students will contribute to the prevention of young Estonian becoming the victims of human trafficking.
3 Link with the indicators of the Member State’s programme (Annex VIII
to the ISF Regulation – Annex 2 of the call)
Indicate and quantify, if possible, which indicators in the Member State’s programme this project will contribute to
This project is well linked to national strategy of preventing violence “Violence Prevention Agreement 2021-2025” and its special measure which is dedicated to THB, which addresses relevance to trainings of the specialists, awareness raising and also addresses relevance to train young people and persons working with them. One of the special actions to brought out is: “The prevention, detection, and investigation of crimes related to trafficking in human beings will be ensured in cooperation with the competent authorities, inter alia by increasing cooperation at the local level.”, which highlights cooperation at the local level, which is a key activity through carrying out training in this project. Project is also in correlation with the ISF regulation and considers priorities and activities set as follows:
- Training and workshops for staff working in accommodation or
specialised facilities for victims of trafficking in human beings and
more generally aiding and offering support to victims of trafficking in
human beings, notably through the production of information material
such as handbooks or manuals;
- Measures aimed at fostering a multi-agency and multidisciplinary
approach, including public authorities, social workers, child protection
services, legal guardians, psychologists, medical staff, linguistic and
cultural mediators, etc.;
- Cost of staff providing medical, psychological, social, material,
linguistic, educational, legal, administrative (amongst other) assistance
and support to victims.
4 Dissemination and Communication
Describe any plan to
disseminate and communicate the results
of the project
The project will reach the target groups throughout a variety of ways and the use of different media:
1) Face to face contact of professionals during training and
cooperation seminars spread the knowledge from which also the
victims, the potential victims and wider the entire society will
2) Drafted training materials and E-learning course will be available
in Estonian and added to the web-platform to ease the use of it;
3) All project materials will be published on the Web and sent to
different institutions and professionals working in this field across
the EU so they will function as multipliers.
4) The partner organisation websites will provide easily accessible
information to all professionals and to other interested people
across EU 24/7.
5) Project partners will discuss regularly media coverage and media
activities on steering committee meetings, but all of the partners
will share activities and outputs of the projects in their own
platforms in social media and also on websites.
6) Social media posts (Instagram, FB) are done of the project
activities, press release on the occasion of the start and closure of
the project and if decided by the project partners and leaders,
then also about bigger events and trainings.
All partners will disseminate the results of the project also through its usual communication channels.
5 Sustainability of
the project
Sustainability will be ensured by a range of means. The information on the Web will support the on-going information sharing. The e-learning course will be distributed during and after the end
Describe how you plan for your project to be sustainable
of the project and this is one milestone to the sustainability of the awareness raising among professionals. To bring forward the further project development, the results of the project will be integrated into the daily work routine, because competence building trainings will be later on done by the trainers trained in the project and as they use worked out training curricula and also trained specialists use guidance of referral and assistance of victims, then sharing of knowledge in this field will continue and competence will be higher. The follow-up training and knowledge sharing projects will be planned with the partners as a regular activity financed by national budget or/and from the EU opening grants.
Date Signature Legal Notice: in case the proposal is successful, the EU contribution for the project under the specific action will be included in the Member State’s ISF programme in its initial form or by means of a programme amendment approved by the Commission and implemented in accordance with all the rights and obligations of the ISF Regulation (EU) 2021/1149 and Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 (Common Provisions Regulation). The financial and reporting obligations for any beneficiary of the specific action are the same as those that apply to the Member States’ programmes.
As Managing Authority, I agree to include the successful project in the programme and ensure that the project will be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the ISF Regulation (EU) 2021/1149 and Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 (Common Provisions Regulation).
Legal representative of the (lead) Managing Authority : Mr Tarmo Miilits, Secretary General of the Ministry of Interior